#rj: quacks
reluctantjoe · 1 year
Just a Taste (William Agar & Caroline Lessing)
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Summary: "There was always something whenever these meetings occurred - a tension too sharp. Inappropriate thoughts ran wildly and freely in Caroline’s mind at even hearing William’s determined voice. She wondered if it was ever the same for him." Warnings: 18+ ONLY. Plot with references to mature subjects. Allusions to Dom!William, Sub!Caroline. Mild injuries. Implied masturbation. Allusions to jealousy. Allusions to (somewhat) jealous sex. Allusions to extramarital affair. Teasing. Implied Sub!William, Dom!Caroline. Blood kink. Word Count: 1,347 Where To Read: Ao3 | Tumblr (you're here!) A/N: My first ever pairing fic! This is an alternative ending to 'The Madman's Trial' scene in 'Quacks' where Caroline is cleaning up William's injuries. And although I feel bad for doing so, I just can't help but ship them (Sorry, Robert.) - Caroline is too good for Robert and William is too good for Mina! In an alternate universe (or hypothetical second series), William and Caroline are a couple and living their best lives! Anyway, I hope those who read this enjoy it. As always, if I have missed any Warnings, then please let me know. Any reblogs and/or comments are greatly appreciated! Tag List: @jamiewintons | @pink-booty-butts
Caroline sighed as the excess water from her cloth drained into the bowl. This had become part of her weekly routine at this point. Another blood-stained cloth from another incident was beginning to form against William’s blood-stained lips. Why, oh why did he insist on getting himself into these battles when the results were always the same?
She had to admire his willingness, though. He dared to try, and he was brave to do so, knowing the insane individuals he would meet up with could (and most likely, would) cause him harm. She just wished that they didn’t. Some small part of her wished he would give up - try something new. She was tired of this weekly occurrence, and her heart broke for him when William would look at her with defeated eyes once more - another attempt to cure the mad failed.
“I’m sorry,” William winced, the cut on his lip stinging from the cloth. As much as he tried to hide the thrill of, dare say, even speaking to Caroline, the guilt of her practically becoming his nurse carried deeply. “You should be with Robert, not cleaning up a failed alienist. But you are kind enough to do this, no matter the appearance I show you every week. Thank you, Caroline.”
Despite Caroline’s ashamed thoughts of wanting William to step away from this, even just for a day, she knew that isn’t what he needed to hear right now. He needed reassurance and she was more than happy to provide that - no matter the type or repercussions.
“William, as your friend, it is my duty to care. You are so brave and what you do is extraordinary. Besides, I like taking care of you.” Caroline’s eyes met William’s and locked for a second too long.
There was always something whenever these meetings occurred - a tension too sharp. Inappropriate thoughts ran wildly and freely in Caroline’s mind at even hearing William’s determined voice. She wondered if it was ever the same for him.
Have images such as her’s ever dared to preoccupy his mind? Has he ever touched himself? Touched himself to the thought of her? Did he ever imagine the words that would be spoken into her ear, as he would run his hands down her form? Too scandalous for words, would he care that she was taken by Robert? Or would that set jealousy within - causing him to want to prove how good he could make her feel; the pleasure he could bring by his praise and worship, and the most delicate yet precise touches to the most intimate part of her body?
William’s voice brought Caroline back to reality. “Are you okay?” He asked, concernedly, “You seem to be in deep thought, Caroline. I hope my injuries haven’t disgusted you.”
It was then that she was reminded of the fight he and Harold got into during the fake trial. How helpless the crowd was; how she was. How he was. The shouting and flailing around on the floor. The punches; the gasps. The bead of blood on William’s lip that was slowly appearing by the sheer force of Harold’s outburst…
“Caroline? Caroline, are you quite alright?”
“Yes!” Caroline cleared her throat and straightened up, the continuous bending down starting to ache her lower back. “Yes, William, I am fine. Your injuries haven’t disgusted me at all. Are you turning into a mad man too?”
William chuckled at Caroline’s joke. He appreciated the humour at this embarrassing and painful time, but he also noticed a slight sense of falseness. “You seem to be a little red. Are you feeling well? Would you like me to observe you? It is the last thing I can do, I can assure you.”
Caroline went back to the bowl to soak the cloth once more. “I was just thinking back to the trial. The pure lunacy of the man! You looked so…” She tried to contain herself and her thoughts. She didn’t want to skip too far ahead to what was a frightful time for William, but God, a gorgeous mess for her. “...helpless. When Harold pushed you onto the floor and hit you. The blood…”
“Yes, it wasn’t the best sight, was it? How embarrassing of me to think I could help.”
Caroline finally squeezed the excess water back into the bowl once more, but this time, placed the cloth onto the table. She faced William and walked back to him. While attending to him, Caroline was careful not to clean up everything so quickly. She bent down again and slowly traced her finger across William’s blooded lip.
“Caroline, what are you-”
She tilted William’s chip up with her other hand, making sure his eyes were only fixated on her. On her mesmerised face. On her finger with his blood.
William’s knuckles turned white by the act. He shifted but didn’t dare to look down, as though to dismiss the shiver he felt by this new intimidating position he found himself in. A gulp came next because should he speak, he was scared of the outcome. The thought of the noise he would make sent him deeper into his perplexed yet newly founded submissive state.
“Mm, yes.” Caroline turned her attention to her blooded finger, while still holding William’s chin with her other hand. “What is it I called you earlier, William?” She circled her finger with her thumb, spreading the fluid. “Helpless?”
Caroline faced William again, the most stunned expression greeting her. She finally dropped the hand at his chin and William breathed out deeply.
What just happened? What was Caroline up to? He was stunned. He tried to compose himself. William remembered his blood was still on Caroline. His face shot up, not knowing where to begin.
“Poor thing.” William gulped. “Oh, don’t be so nervous, William. I’m not going to hurt you.” Caroline bent down once more, but this time, made sure to get as close to William’s ear without raising suspicion to the public.
“I have a blood kink,” She breathed into his ear.
Those words sent William insane. He tried to say something, anything, but he found his throat closed up and dry; the air nearly knocked out of him by Caroline’s statement.
Caroline returned to her standing position. With only the face that could only be described as enchanted, adorned by William, she decided to take it one step further. With hesitation, she looked around, almost as if to see if the coast was clear. She locked onto William’s eyes once more and slowly put her blooded finger into her mouth. William was in a daze; hypnotised, even, by Caroline’s action. Every movement she made with her finger until his blood was on her dominant tongue was tracked by his eyes.
William was out of it. He thought this was a dream. He thought he would wake up and have to take care of things. But what Caroline did next proved to be the opposite.
With one finger now licked clean of William’s blood, there was only her thumb to go. This new found confidence Caroline had was now desperate to be shown. With less hesitation this time, she quickly glanced around, and returned her gaze to William.
Quickly and quietly, she placed her thumb onto William’s lower lip. “Open up,” She whispered. Without even realising what was happening or what he was doing, William opened his mouth and felt Caroline’s thumb in his mouth. His blood in his mouth. Caroline’s thumb, with his blood, in his mouth. He ought to find it disgusting. But he was entranced. This feeling was foreign, yet he loved it. He couldn’t help but emit a strangled whine from his throat; he prayed Caroline didn’t hear.
After she was sure the rest of William’s blood was gone, Caroline slowly removed her thumb from William’s mouth. “There we go. Thank you for being so good while I cleaned you up, William. I’ll see you tomorrow, yes? Try not to get into too many fights before then. Otherwise I may just have to clean you up again.”
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paramemetual · 6 years
Get It Together (Part 5)
When we last left off, Isaac was crying because of the purest thing he’s ever seen, Max is confused.
“S’up guys!”
“Hey Johnny, we were just uh.... Passing by. Thought we could make up for yesterday.” Stephen said quickly. “We were gonna grab Max next, but he’s here so, we were wondering if you guys wanted to hang in the park.”
“Sure, you in Maxamillion?” Johnny said, stepping off the porch.
“Sounds good to me, I wanted to try some flips on that one wall anyways.” Max replied.
“You want me to text yer pops Mux?” Johnny asked, waving his phone at Max.
“Nah, it’ll be fine, he’s not expecting me home until later anyways.”
“Alright lovebirds, let’s go.” Izzy said, starting to walk.
“What did you just say ?”
“Uhh, she said let’s go. You good Max?” Isaac asked.
“Right as rain, weatherboy.” Max replied, eye narrowed.
“I will scream.”
“I will not.”
As it turns out, the park has a wall that is extremely high. This made two people feel two very different things. Max, was extremely happy, and Johnny was extremely anxious.
“Nerd bones’re fragile Mux!”
“It’s not that high!”
“Ya said that ‘bout the bridge.”
“This is nothing like the bridge!”
“What happened at the bridge?” Ed asked.
“Y’know when max broke his other arm?” Johnny asked, turning to the rest of his friends.
“Johnny-” Max was interrupted.
“He was doin’ flips on the’edge of that low bridge, the one over the creek thas all dried up?”
“Max, you said you fell down the stairs!” Izzy scowled.
“Because I knew this would happen if you actually knew!”
“Max, c’mon!” Isaac said.
“You’re bein’ a little reckless little buddy.” Ollie told him.
“It’s not that big of a deal, I’m not made of glass!” Max growled, adjusting his hat.
“Yer not made’a steel either, Max.” Johnny looked Max in the eye before breaking eye contact and shuffling his feet. “Just don’t wantcha ta get hurt again. Ya scared me, nerd.” Max blinked.
“I guess it would suck to be stuck in a cast again.” He shrugged.
“Glad y’see it my way nerd.” Johnny grinned. “Now, who wantsa toss someone- prob’ly Storm Boy- inta the duck pond?”
“Please no.” Isaac groaned.
“I hate you.” Isaac told them, wringing out the hem of his shirt, and sending Johnny and Max flying into the duck pond with a wave of his hand. The two landed with a splash, and sat up quickly, laughing while the ducks flapped away for the second time, quacking indignantly.
“Will you guys knock it off? It’s September!” Izzy shouted from the playground.
“You’re gonna get hypothermia.” Ollie agreed.
“Oh man, my backpack’s soaked.”Max complained, using Johnny to balance and climb out of the pond. “Race you guys to the top of the jungle jim?”
“You’re on.”
“I’ve said this twice now, but Please No.” Isaac groaned for the second time, running to catch up with the pair already sprinting toward the playground area.
“What Isaac, just because you’re a freshmen you can’t hang out on the jungle jim?” Max called over his shoulder while pulling himself toward the top of the jungle jim while Johnny struggled to keep on the bottom rung with how slippery his feet were being.
Ollie and Izzy joined them, Ollie taking a few upward steps to reach the top, and Izzy jumping. Max turned to see Ed using his paintbrush to make a ladder to the top.
“That’s cheating- I don’t know what you’re doing but I don’t like it specs!” Stephen shouted as he and RJ neared the top where max and Ollie were sitting.
“Hey Johnny, guess I gave you the slip!” Max shouted.
“I’ll fight ya as soon as I get up there, nerd”
“I’m not sure I’ll be up for a fight in fifty years.”
“Girls girls, you’re both pretty.” Isabel yawned.
“Johnny, you’re literally being possessed by a fire spirit.” Isaac interrupted. “Just dry off, I used some wind.”
“Nope, no fair, I’m the only non-medium that’s soaked, and magnets can’t really dry things off.” Max said.
“Deal with it nerd,” Johnny taunted, and allowed himself to heat up. His hair didn’t catch on fire at all this time.
“I’ll have you know it’s cold up here.”
“Not really,” Ed said while Johnny clambered up the side of the jungle jim.
“It is if you’re soaked in pond water.”
“Take m’jacket then ya nerd.” Johnny shrugged, finally reaching the top. “It’s dry.”
Isaac pulled out his phone and pretended to check a text, but really obviously opened up his camera.
“I- uh you don’t have t-to, I mean-”
“Just take it nerdlord.”
Max was wearing Johnny’s jacket. No big deal. They were friends. Friends did that. Max opted to pretend that the reason his face was heating up was because he sprinted to the jungle jim. Nothing to do with Johnny Jhonny or his dumb face.
While Max was having his internal crisis, Johnny was refusing to acknowledge the fact that his jacket was way to big on Max and hung off on shoulder and the sleeves were too long and the only reason his face is as red as his hair is because he was using his powers. Nothing to do with Maxwell Puckett or his stupid face.
“Okay, while we ignore this moment that’s obviously happening, has anyone done Spender’s homework?” Izzy said, “Because I swear he puts at least three trick questions into every assignment.”
“Dude, the answers are always A, B, B, A, and then, F, A, B.” Stephen replied.
“Wait seriously?”
“Yeah, I figured it out in sixth grade.”
“More proof that Spender is a total dork.” Isaac snorted.
“You had an ABBA poster in your locker, Isaac.”
“Ed, every ABBA song is pure gold and you know it.”
“/Debatable/” RJ signed.
“Are you asking to be spraybottled because I can and will-”
“/King Kong Song./” RJ signed before Isaac could finish.
“Shut up it’s one song.”
“You did say every song-” Ollie began, but was interrupted by a shriek that Johnny would deny for years to come despite Isaac’s still filming phone. Which may have been the cause of said shriek.
“Are- Are ya filmin ’- RJ my face ain’t red I-”
“Okay what is going on -”
“Just capturing a friendly moment on camera.” Isaac replied, not at all smug.
“I am going to die right now.”
“For what reason my dear friend?” Ed asked him.
“D-d-delete that’ya weirdo!” Johnny shouted, also ignoring how Max shrunk into his jacket.
“Okay, look see, deleted.” Isaac assured him showing Johnny his phone.
“Well, it’s been fun, but I need to get my homework done!” Izzy dropped to the ground from the jungle jim. “Ed, we gotta split!”
“See ya!” Ed said before joining Isabel on the ground.
“Shoot what time is it?” Max asked.
“Uhh two, why?”
“Late for laundry day, gotta go- see ya guys!” Max shouted, doing a flip from one of the rungs on the jungle jim and grabbing his backpack before sprinting off.
“Show off!” Isaac yelled, before climbing down like a normal person. “I gotta head out too. Bye!”
“Doesn’t Max still have-”
“Don’t ruin it Stephen, let him realize on his own.” Ollie shushed Stephen.
“/Gotta dash losers. Johnny, wake up and ask him out already./” RJ signed, hopping down and sighing audibly as Johnny spluttered for a good five minutes.
“We gotta head too, I’m still on probation with my dads and Ollie’s gotta walk me everywhere because they trust ‘im.” Stephen said, climbing down.
“Bye Johnny!”
“See ya fellas.”
Which left Johnny sitting alone, questioning his own existence, and allowing himself to cool off before he melted the jungle jim.
“Wait a sec’...” Johnny scratched his head. He was forgetting something- “PUCKETT’S STILL GOT MY JACKET.”
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rjhamster · 3 years
It is the weekend RJ Hamster
It is the weekend RJ Hamster
If you can’t see this e-mail properly,Click here to view it online Date:  Friday,  10/15/2021 Forward this e-mail to a friend IT’S THE WEEKEND, PETER Whether this week was a challenge or a breeze – You made it! Congratulations!  To help you celebrate, here is your Friday afternoon weekly overview. ~SanTanValley.com . NEWS WE PUBLISHED THIS PAST WEEK QUICK QUACK TAKES THE HAUNT…
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nightmare realm: HUH WHAT THE FUCK--
[two rocketjumpers, one bonecrusher. let's see what happens.]
BC: hey again. how's it going?
RJ: it's going well? i think.
BC: you think? why'zat?
RJ: well... uhm.
[A certain murderlady passes by, appearing from behind rocketjumper.]
A!RJ: Hello there.
N!RJ: yeahhhh... i might've manifested a lady.
A!RJ: So I'm one of your nightmares now, huh? Pretty sick. Hey, I just wanted to ask you something, Bonecrusher.
BC: ...what?
[A!Rocketjumper attempts to shank bonecrusher.]
[Her blade doesn't do anything, instead harmlessly passing through him.]
A!RJ: I see.
N!RJ: ...primus, this is traumatic to watch.
A!RJ: So, you're his wife, huh? What's it like being married to a runt?
N!RJ: at least he's better than all of my exes. one of them tried to fucking murder me and accused me of attempted suicide! TO THE DJD!
A!RJ: That seems like a you problem, girlie.
A!RJ: Good point, I suppose. So, who was that?
N!RJ: i think that was one of the,,, insecticon drones? i can't remember.
A!RJ: Hmm. Hey, where'd Bonecrusher go?
N!RJ: no clue... BONECRUSHER?!
[a bonecrusher appears from N!rocketjumper's cleavage. where the hell else would he be?]
BC: [quack]
N!RJ: [snort]
A!RJ: [W H E E Z E]
BC: hello, wife and ex-wife. i was busy being awake, my apologies.
A!RJ: [slightly less aggressive wheeze] You know what? I can see wh- [wheeze] why you married him now! [soft wheeze]
A!RJ: S... [giggle] shoot.
A!RJ: [soundless wheeze]
[and then they reconciled with the Murderlady and socialized for 7 more hours, or until footmuncher wakes bonecrusher up. whichever comes first.]
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leonardokatatau · 5 years
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Quack...Quack...aquele patinho feio mas gostoso.. . (em Goytacazes -RJ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0eyJ3HpKE7sU9-qblAZwUneMJDjM6FhgkDRyc0/?igshid=wdo1xyphmc63
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yeahwesaidthat · 7 years
TWWS: The Best of D&D
Ladiiiiiiiies and gentlemeeeeeeeeeeen! Welcome to the ultimate showdown: THE BEST OF D&D!
This post contains the best of the best of the D&D/RPG posts over the years of TWWS, all the way from the beginning. At the end of the post, there will be a link to a survey where you can vote for your favourites in each category (other/3.5e, 4e, and 5e) and nominate MVPs for each category. If the person you want to vote MVP has only been referenced as “Player,” just note down what quote they’re responsible for. A week from today (or until enough of you fill out the survey), Round 2 of the competition begins.
Everybody roll for initiative!
Overheard During Other RPGs
During Hackmaster, about a bottle label: SB: “It says ‘Thou shalt not question the DM over inane shit!’”
Overheard During D&D 3.5e
Unarmed damage?: MM: “It’s the difference between a slap and a bitch-slap.”
So wrong it's right: MM (IC): “I like your spunk.” KH (OOC): “So does [gay player].”
Rogue equipment: KB (IC): “I need [boots] that are…soft-sounding.” MM (IC): “We have socks.”
Describing a character: SO: “She is built like a brick shithouse.” DM: “She shits brick houses.” Bubbles: “She makes brick houses shit bricks.”
When the party has two rogues: KH (IC): “I can find it!” KB (IC): “I can find it better.”
RD (IC): “[Wizard], if you do not stop right now, I will arrest you for terminal stupidity, and I can assure you, I will find a law against it!”
A discount on services rendered: SO: “What’s 75% off of ‘I run and do whatever you ask without question’?”
Calling for divine help in very specific situations: MM: “Please state your current medical emergency.” KB: “Head-splosion.” SO: “If you have been stabbed, press one. If you are currently being stabbed, press two.” MM: “If your head’s detonated and you’ve launched into a wall, press three.” RD: “Why did you press three? We never expected anyone to press three!” SO: “We don’t know what to do in this medical emergency! Please dial again!”
IO: “[Wizard] is going to say - ” KB: “Can I tell you why this is a bad idea?” IO: “No.”
Proper procedure when everything goes to hell: RD: “[Cleric] goes outside and makes a magic circle, sits in it, and cries.”
KH (IC): “That stupid fucking son of a flea-ridden bitch cunt wizard - ” MM (IC): “Oh, him.”
How to pray to the god Ao: KB, KH, and MM: “I throw my hands up in the air sometimes sayin’ heeeeey-oh! I worship Aaaaaaa-o!” Bubbles: “[The wizard’s] gaaaaaaaay-o!"
Overheard During D&D 4e
SIDE NOTE: A Quiplash commentary on D&D 4e: A more environment-friendly alternative to toilet paper - 4th ed character sheets
What we think we saw - again?: Player: “If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and weighs the same as a duck, it must be a witch.” KH: “It’s a witch.” RJ: “Build a bridge out of 'er!”
Healing needed: Player: “I have a mess kit, will that help?” WS: “Only if you want to make a mess.”
Captain: “Neverwinter ho!” Dwarf: “Hos? Where?”
SB: “Eventually you end up at the most popular stall in the market.” Player: “Porn?”
About attacking a character that may or may not be good: SB: “Wait, what’s your alignment?” Player: “Lawful Paranoid.”
Taunting the kraken: Player: “Your tentacles are so short even an anime girl wouldn’t take 'em!”
Questioning the legitimacy of an NPC: SB (IC as Priest): “I have a degree in polytheism from the University of Phoenix Online!”
Making sure it’s really dead: SB: "You kick the head and it goes sailing through the open door of the tomb. You hear a voice in the darkness go ’Gooooooooal!’”
Killing the undead: SB: “Congratulations, you choked something to death that doesn’t breathe.”
Mass undead murder: Player: “We made a ghoul-ash. An evil gumbo, really.”
Architecture: Player: “I like big buttresses and I cannot lie.”
Interesting kills: SB: “You decapitated him with a bludgeoning weapon.”
About flying books: Player 1: “The window opens in! How do they fly out?” Player 2: “They’re paperbacks."
Player: “Thank God I decided to engage the dragon in melee.” MW: “You’ll never hear that in any other D&D campaign ever again.”
Player: “Is the food still on the table?” Three Of Us: “DON’T EAT IT!!!”
Overheard During D&D 5e
Annoying Teen: (about his character) “Would he still hate me?” AD: (not about his character) “I think everyone hates you.”
Don’t mess with a dire bear: JI: “There’s one inside who attacks the bear…" (rolls) "...and misses horribly ‘cause he shits his pants.”
JI: “He doesn’t have 100 hit points. He has 95.”
Demonic insight: KH: “I say in Infernal, ‘Peace! We mean you no harm!’” JI: “There’s no word in Infernal for ‘peace.’” Retroactive Edit: Demons actually speak Abyssal. Devils speak Infernal.
Animal form disadvantages: AD: “I’m going to bite [the zombie].” Everyone Else: (mass noise of disgust)
JI: “You feel a pinch in your mind as if she’s flipping through your yellow pages.” AD: “That’s got to be a euphemism for something.” ST: “Oh, yeah, baby, turn my yellow pages.” JB: “Turn to ‘F’ for fun.”
What happens in every religious venue in every D&D campaign ever: JB: “Here is the church, here is the steeple,” KH: “Open the door, and here are the zombies.”
KH: “Did you sneak off to her house in the middle of the night?” ST: “Does that sound like something I would do?” KH, AD, and CD: “Yes.”
JI: “You guys came in here - ” AD: “ - like a wrecking ball - ”
Post-adventure considerations: KH: “[Rogue] wouldn’t know what to do with her life.” AD: “She can bail herself out of jail.”
Switching to melee for a change: CD: “Let’s see if this ‘offense’ thing you do all the time really works.” (rolls a critical hit)
The logistics of being swallowed by a sea monster: ST: “Am I going to take damage if I move further along his digestive tract?”
EC: “If you had leprosy and your ears fell off would you be a deaf leper?”
Identifying mysterious cults: KH: “What’s the Cult of Howling Hatred?” EC: “The Westboro Baptist Church, obviously.”
DR: “Apparently your god has personally intervened due to your badassery.”
A Mass Effect cameo on a dexterity check for dancing: EC: “If you roll a one, you dance like Shepard.”
EC (IC): “So what you’re saying is that it’s very dangerous and we shouldn’t go in. I’ll take point.”
Things to worry about in combat: KH: “You don’t have enough hit points to take it like a man, honey.”
The ends justify the means?: Bubbles: “Did you have fun role-playing an interrogation?” DR: “You guys are fucked up.”
KH: “How do you stun-lock a Terrasque?!?” JB: “Fourth Edition.”
ST: “Do we have to kill them before we eat? I hate murdering on an empty stomach.”
About a revenant and a possible lover: EC: “Well the beast is committing necrophilia and the necro is committing bestiality…” DR: “What happens in Faerun, et cetera.”
Rolling high on a seduction check: DR: “Frankly, I didn’t think you’d go down this road.” KH: “Oh, I went down all right.”
More on the seduction roll: Bubbles: “Try to convince her to come with us. The way she came with you last night.”
About a nonviolent kua-toa: Player: “He’s a paci-fish.”
About dealing with face-hugging enemies: CD: “You swung at yourself and missed?” AD: “I swung at myself and missed.”
ST (IC): “I’ll be staying in the boat unless you have need of my specific skills.” CD (OOC): “Dying first is not a skill.”
About cultists: DM (IC): “They are water people. Maybe they’re just going with the flow.”
About a minotaur who keeps missing: DM: “At least when you put a bull in a china shop he’ll break shit.”
About bottles of brandy: EC: “I have two questions: how many of them are there and how many of them can I carry?”
Ideas so bad they’re good: KH: “We’re gonna blow up the temple with the distillery.” F: “The temple, the lich, half the plot…”
About going forward: KH: “Against our better judgment.” DM: “What better judgment?” KH: “Good point.”
About shooting arrows: KH: “'Nock’ yourself out.”
About using a lot of magic: JS: “We’re blowing a big load here right now.”
JS: “You wanna go up the shaft?” ST and T: “That’s what he said.”
About flirting with an efreet: JI: “Below her waist is a trailing cloud of black smoke, so you’re not getting anything.”
Questioning the guardian imp: Player (IC): “What happens if someone disturbs the sarcophagus before your time is up?” WS (IC): “There’ll be six more weeks of winter.”
MR (IC): “Trying to undercut me on my quest to restore my former glory?” KH (IC): “You have no glory to restore.” Other Players: “Oooooooh!” SW: “Quick, someone cast heal!”
When talking with a spirit: MR (IC): “You can’t just ask someone if they’re dead! That’s incredibly rude! The correct term is ‘mortally challenged’!”
After a petrifying encounter with some basilisks: BC: “I always thought she was stone-hearted.” KT: “I dunno, I thought she rocked.” JS: “I am going to kill all of you.”
What to do with windmills: KH: “If we had a lance, we could go tilting.” MR: “Cavalier idea.”
Quest priorities: Player 1: “No one’s going to pay us to do it right now. It’s not worth the attention.”
JF: “Roll to see if you hit me by accident.” KH: “Oh, I’d hit you on purpose.”
K’s paladin chastising A’s paladin about her sex habits: A (IC): “I thought you were the paladin of joy!” K (IC): “Not that kind of joy!”
About a previous edition of D&D: KH: “[What] the hell couldn’t you do in 3.5?” SW: “Win.”
KH: “Technically you’re underage.” ST: “That’s never stopped me before.” AD: “You or your character?” ST: “Do I have to answer that?”
D: “We’re gonna make the Underdark great again!” ST: “We’re gonna build a wall - a really big wall in the Underdark, and we’re gonna make the gnomes pay for it.” A: “We pay for everything already! Screw you!”
About a character who caught fire: T: “He’s not rolling initiative; he’s rolling on the ground.”
T (IC): “Let’s go before the men’s egos get us killed.”
JB (IC): “My god believes in good opportunities. Not dying is a good opportunity.”
Passing on some bad news: JI (IC): “[Chief] not sick!” AD (IC): “He was when we were done with him.”
To a healer: KH (IC): “I don’t suppose you have a cure for the common cold?” JI (IC): “I’m not a miracle worker.”
Reassuring a woman scorned: AA (IC): “Go tell her - all men dogs.” JI (OOC): “Says the cat.”
To the tune of “Like a G6”: ST and KH: “Roll a d6, roll a d6!”
KH: “Of course it’s always about dirty sex - I’m a bard!” AD: “The hell are you two talking about down there?!”
To a mindflayer, about a stupid character: KH (IC): “I’d offer you his brain to eat, but I don’t think he has one.” JS (IC as mindflayer): “I don’t eat junk food.”
MGW: “It’s Tza…Zsa…his name is Jasper.”
Saying goodbye to the barkeep: MR (IC): “I’ll be back visiting the northern parts soon.” KH (OOC): “And then you can visit her southern parts.”
About a questionable NPC: ST (IC): “I would never dream of hurting you!” KH (IC): “I would.”
About prison visitations: JB (IC): “How often is it that a [gypsy] walks in here voluntarily?”
Failing a romance/persuasion check: AA: “Ooh, she cast Zone of Friend!”
Preparing for a swamp adventure: CD: “I want to buy some insect repellant.” AD: “What, your personality doesn’t drive them away?”
About a magic boat: JB (IC): “I saw it grow!” ST (IC): “Are you sure you didn’t rub it? That sometimes happens with wood.” JB (IC): “You would know.” ST (IC): “You wouldn’t.” JB (IC): “Tell that to my two children.”
About an injured drow: MGW (IC): “Look at that poor girl! She has a black eye! You can’t see it, ‘cause her skin is black, but still!”
Last-minute aliases: RD (IC): “Unfortunately, no, my name is Dick Ballsenshaft.”
To a half-orc and Sir Bearington, regarding weirdness: MGW (IC): “…but for me to assume you’re in a loving relationship with a talking bear is where we draw the line?!”
Wisdom for stealing magic items: KC: “Anything that glows goes.”
About fleeing: RD: “I’m going to run like an Amazon employee during the holidays.”
MGW: “You were doing so well until everybody died.” JF: “D&D in a summary.”
Once more about fleeing: RD: “A smart man knows when to run like a little bitch.” J: “Why do you think that’s the first thing I did?”
Recapping the previous session: A: “There was a shitshow, but we got away with it.” S: “So the usual, then.”
About creature size: MR: “Is an ettin large or huge?” MGW: “I think he’s just large.” A: “He’s probably large but pretends he’s huge.” AS: “Typical guy.”
When a pervy character is disgusted by a perv: RD: “Dear Kettle, I have an issue with your current hue. Signed, the Pot.”
A: “He told us to send a message.” KH: “A sword in the stomach is a message.” SW: “The Lannisters send their regards.”
The pervy paladin: A: “I used Lay On Hands. I healed him.” KH: “Yeah, but where did you lay your hands?” MGW: “Wherever she wanted.”
About our tactics: SW: “We put the 'fun’ in 'dysfunctional.’”
About possible activities: MGW (IC): “I know you’re a tiefling, but we’re all the same color in the dark, right?”
Interesting weapon material: MGW: “You all take a moment of reflective silence.” JB: “Nah, I’m just cleaning my bone.” KH: “Technically that’s a moment of reflective silence.” KC: “Not if you’ve seen the barbarian do it.”
Scrying like bad cell reception: KH: “Switch to AD&D.” JB: “Can you scry me now?”
About the taste of human: SW: “You would know.” A: “Nah, I don’t swallow.” MR: “This conversation is making me uncomfortable.”
Wrestling prep: MR (IC): “I want a good, clean fight.” A (IC): “No we don’t.” JB (IC): “What’s a clean fight?” A (IC): “It means you have to take a bath first.” JB (IC): “What’s a bath?”
MGW: “There’s a bridge that looks like it may have collapsed at some point.” JB: “Is it a-bridged?”
Beautiful references (read in Rorschach’s voice): AA: “I’m not grappled with YOU,” ST, AA, and KH: “YOU’RE grappled with ME!”
About remaining spells: KH: “I have three 1st-level slots and one 2nd-level slot.” CD: “Those are 'keeping people alive’ slots.”
Dealing with extra-limbed gorillas: ST: “Uh-oh! They must have been forewarned!” AD: “What makes you say that?” ST: “Forewarned is four-armed.” AD: -_-
Negotiation skills: AD: “It’s just me trying to bullshit him.” JI: “Why don’t you make a bullshit check?”
Trying to figure out if the staff is necromantic: CD: “We could kill a mouse in front of the staff. We could kill a mouse with the staff. How much is it to buy a mouse?”
JB: “Anyone die while I was gone?” SW: “Not on the outside.”
Wizarding limits: JS: “You may not polymorph your zombies into t-rexes.”
Zombies aren’t too smart: BC (IC): “Bobs, attack the closest gnoll!” Bobs: (run at gnoll party member) KH (OOC): “Et tu, Bob?” JS (OOC): “If this doesn’t belong in your blog, I dunno what does.”
Far too relatable: JS: “Twenty psychic damage.” BC: “I’ve taken more psychic damage from my mother.”
Worst-laid plans: KH (IC): “I have a very bad feeling about this.” MR (IC): “You should.”
Our go-to combat tactic: MR: “Are we going to stupid the guy to death?”
Zing!: MGW (IC): “If you join me, I can make you the greatest dwarf who ever lived.” TP (IC): “I am the greatest dwarf who ever lived.” Whole Table (OOC): “Ooooohhhhh!!!”
Another verbal duel with a sea god/character class limitations: KH: “I would say 'what is a god to a nonbeliever,’ but I’m a cleric.”
Activating the mysterious device: BC (IC): “We did it! I wonder what we did?”
Business as usual: KH: “This seems like a bad idea, but go ahead.”
Old adages: MR: “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” (IC) “But then, no enemy has survived contact with us!” (OOC) “Was that quote-worthy?” KH: “Yes.”
KC: “She can ride me. I don’t care.” KH: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) KC: “…I’M A BEAR IN ARMOR.”
Advantageous druidic inanity: KC: “Are you still riding the flying bear?” MR: “It’s flying now?” KC: “Yeah, he flew up to unlock the door.” AS: “…So he’s a flying bear with armor…”
Spell modifications for humourous purposes: MR: “Using a Dex[terity] save for Zone of Truth means they’re literally dodging the question.”
About a wild, crazy, out-of-left-field hypothesis: RD (IC): “I figured if you pulled something that big our of your ass there’d be bleeding involved.” MR (IC): “…That’s between me and my proctologist.” SW (OOC): “Did you take fire damage for that? That’s like Taco Bell levels of burn.”
As is per usual: MR: “We may have once again survived this by the skin of bullshit.”
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redditnosleep · 8 years
The Aftermath
by Sergeant_Darwin
On October 16th, 2009, a boy by the name of Finn Carlton walked into the band room of my high school and closed the door behind him. He pulled a pistol from his coat pocket and fired six shots. Then he tied his belt around a pipe on the ceiling and hanged himself.
Six shots; seven bodies. That’s what the authorities found when they entered the room. Finn’s victims were apparently made to kneel in a straight line before they were executed, and their half-eaten lunches had been spoiled by the carnage. Six rounds. Six heads. One bullet each.
Chloe Cannon—15 years old, loved the color blue, played the French horn. Cute in a mousy sort of way. Murdered.
Xavier Mayweather—15 years old, on the track team, always rode his bike to school. Murdered.
Ronald “RJ” Saldaz—16 years old, had a notebook he sketched in, already bought his tickets to the midnight premiere of the new Harry Potter movie. Murdered.
Zach Trainor—15 years old, 280 pounds, played the tuba. Refused, several times, to join the football team. Murdered.
Marianne Ortega—15 years old, barely spoke English, liked horror films. Murdered.
Christopher Carlton—16 years old, played the French horn, secretly dating Chloe Cannon. Murdered. By his older brother, no less.
I didn’t know any of these students in life. But I know them all too well in death. And I hate each one of them with my whole heart.
This all went down during my junior year. Our school was closed for a few days, but it’s amazing how quickly business as usual returns. A grief assembly, a memorial plaque in the band room, and bam—it’s like everyone’s forgotten. Everyone’s moved on. Everyone except me.
Myself, I never experienced the grief. I didn’t know any of these kids, and while I felt for my peers who were close to them, my life wasn’t really affected by their gruesome ends. Sure, there was the existential shock, the “life is fleeting” realization, but I’d already lost a sibling in a freak accident years before. I was familiar with death. That’s why, in the weeks following the tragedy, I didn’t have any trouble sleeping.
So there I was, a month after the shooting, on a school night, not having any trouble sleeping. I had forgotten to silence my phone, so when I got a text, it buzzed on the wooden nightstand near my bed. Groggily, I rolled over to check it and was instantly jerked awake by what I read:
“Jesus,” I muttered, eyes fixed on the macabre message, a threatening collection of black pixels backed by a heartless electric glow. I found a morbid fascination then, as I do now, in letters—meaningless squiggles, by themselves, which can combine to strike with more terror than the steepest cliff or the most menacing beast. The combination of these particular squiggles drilled a strangely familiar fear into my heart.
I glanced to see what number the message had come from, but that field was blank. It appeared as though the text had not been sent by anything at all. Frantically, I hit reply: “What? Who is this??” I waited for a few minutes, but received no response. Unsettled, I got out of bed and turned on the light. I wanted to do something, I just didn’t know what. Finally, after staring around my room for a moment, I decided I’d splash my face with water.
I went to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. A good, long, hard look. Staring myself down, willing myself to get a grip. Finally, I splashed my face with the icy pour from the tap. I patted dry with the hand towel and went back into my room. My phone’s LED was blinking from the nightstand—I’d received a text message. I shut the door, turned off the lights and took a step toward my bed, wondering somewhat anxiously if the new message was a reply from whoever had sent the previous one. But I’d barely moved before I stopped dead in my tracks.
I wasn’t alone. There, hovering in front of my nightstand, faintly luminescent and barely visible, was a girl—a tiny, mousy-looking girl, a girl who was strangely pretty in a non-obvious way, a girl who would never celebrate her Sweet 16 or stretch her undersized legs to reach the pedals of a car. A girl who was dead.
Chloe Cannon wore a thin blue nightgown that reached her knees. Her feet did not touch my floor. She bobbed slightly, up and down in the air, seemingly staring not at me but at a point in the wall directly behind me. She appeared both solid and not—her skin had a distinct silver pallor yet I could see the light on my phone blinking through her torso. Her face looked vaguely sad. I could not move; I could not speak.
We remained still, together, for what felt an eternity. Finally, I convinced myself that I was imagining things. I took a step toward her. Then another. Another. But not another. I could not bring myself to step closer, because as I neared her, her face began to change. Her left cheekbone began to sag. Her skull began to dent. Her eyeball began to rotate and protrude from its socket. A dark spot began to appear amid her fine, silvery hair. I backed away in horror and the bullet’s fatal blow faded from sight as quickly and seamlessly as it had appeared. In desperate panic, I flicked the light switch up.
She was gone. I heaved a sigh of relief. I had been seeing things. I thought perhaps the shooting had affected me more than I’d let myself believe. Still, my knees wobbled—I could barely even stand. Bracing myself against the wall with my arm, I stared at the blinking notification light on my phone. Eventually, my curiosity over who had sent that morbid message was too much. I flicked off the light—no hovering girl, that was good—and scrambled into bed. Safely under my covers, I grabbed my phone and opened the second text message. This time, I found no morbid fascination in the squiggles before me. These five letters and two punctuation marks, backed by a harsh glow in the comfortless dark, carried only dread.
I didn’t know Finn Carlton. To this day, when people hear what high school I went to, they usually ask me if I was acquainted with the scrawny kid who murdered his brother and five others before stringing himself up in the pipes. They ask it with a sort of reality-show fascination, and it feels like they’re only asking so they can later tell their equally fascinated friends that they knew a guy who knew the guy. And their face always falls a bit when I say no, no I didn’t. I’d never seen him before.
Of course, that’s not entirely true. Finn actually didn’t live too far from me, and we both walked home from school most days. I was a year younger than him, and we truly didn’t know one another in the least. Not a word was ever exchanged between us. Still, I knew who he was. I stared at his backpack some days on my way home—black, with bright green trim. The green was my favorite shade. I have to admit, it was a pretty cool backpack.
I suppose part of the reason I tell people I didn’t know Finn is that it’s simpler than going into detail about how I really didn’t know him but I knew of him and sometimes stared at his backpack when I walked home from school. But there’s another reason, too, and I’m reminded of it every time his victims come to me, when I’m scared and cold and in lonely moments: I’m ashamed.
I checked myself into a loony bin (oh, pardon me, a psychiatric hospital) the year after I graduated. That’s how bad things had gotten. I’d never seen Chloe again, but I’d seen all the others. By this point, Xavier and Zach chilled in my room practically every night. They never hurt me—but if I got too close, their faces would fall out of place and their death wounds emerge.
If I’m being perfectly honest, they didn’t scare me that much. They didn’t seem to bear me ill will—apart from that bizarre message the night I saw Chloe, they seemed content to merely hang about, and their presence had become almost comforting. If they were real, I figured I could handle that. No, what truly frightened me was the idea that they might not be real, that I might in fact be out of my fucking mind. All I wanted was to live a normal life. Xavier, Zach and the others weren’t getting in the way of that, but a mental illness certainly would.
I thought it would be an easy process—“Hey, doc, I’m going nuts, can you lock me up for a while and hit me with some meds?”—but it’s not that simple. As it turns out, there’s a lot involved in admitting oneself into the farm, not the least of which is a series of probing interviews with psychiatric professionals. I know they mean well, but in my experience, chats with these quacks usually do more harm than good. They drag up stuff that your mind hides, and sometimes your mind hides that stuff for a reason. I must have met a dozen people who went in for a five-minute checkup and came out remembering how their uncle used to touch them when they were kids.
For me, it didn’t happen quite that way. I was in my third and final interview, this one with the head of the institution herself, when I finally remembered. It wasn’t gradual. It came all at once. I broke down sobbing, realizing what I’d done, what responsibility I bore. It’s a surreal experience, to forget. Not just to have something slip your mind, like where you put your keys, but to really, truly, forget. I wish I had forgotten forever.
Seeming a bit taken aback by my outburst, the hospital administrator signed a piece of paper and tried to hand it to me, telling me it would account for at least a ninety-day stay. But I barely heard. I wiped the snot from my nose, blinking back tears, and stared behind her in horror, where Chloe Cannon hovered, the strange sad look still etched on her face. It was the first time I had seen her since that night, long ago, in my room. I pointed behind the lady, shrieking.
“She’s there! She’s there!”
Now thoroughly alarmed, the administrator whipped her head around, and then, apparently seeing nobody, pressed a button on her desk. The paper she had been trying to hand over fluttered to the ground. As the men in the white coats came to restrain me, I wrenched my gaze from Chloe and looked at the paper, face up on the concrete floor. And as they dragged me from the room, I saw a message written, in the unmistakable handwriting of a teenage girl, where the administrator had signed:
Chloe’s face, twisted in a cruel smirk, was the last thing I saw before all went black.
October 15th, 2009. Chloe Cannon and her friends had less than 24 hours to live. Of course, they didn’t know that then. Nobody did. It was just a regular day in our regular town.
School had been out for half an hour, and I was on my way home—and who was right in front of me? You guessed it, boys and girls, Finn Carlton. I walked a few dozen paces behind him, my feet crunching the leaves on the sidewalk, my breath barely visible in the brisk autumn air. I stared at the green trim on his black backpack. God, it was a good-looking backpack.
His head hung and his shoulders were slumped. That was odd. I mean, the kid never had great posture, but on this day he looked like his books weighed a hundred pounds. He was sniffling a lot, too. I can’t be sure, but I think he was crying.
I didn’t care much about that, though. Finn Carlton’s problems were none of my concern—at least, that’s what I thought at the time. No, most of my thoughts were on my mother. She didn’t have work that day, and that usually meant she had a damn fine meal waiting for the family at home. And I know you all think your mothers can cook a damn fine meal, but trust me, they wouldn’t even compare.
Anyway, Finn had barely even crossed my mind until he reached in his pocket. He pulled out a ringing cell (a flip phone—2009 was a simpler time) and answered it.
“What do you want?” His voice seemed thick, like a guy trying to sound more masculine than he felt.
At first, my ears barely even registered the first half of the conversation.
“No, I can’t . . . I can’t ask her . . . Because, man, I think you already know . . . Dude, she’s with Chris . . . Yes, my brother Chris, what other fucking Chris would I be talking about?”
My ears perked up a bit. Drama. Just what I needed to take the boredom out of this brutally dull walk. I quickened my stride somewhat, hoping to get a bit closer and catch more of the conversation. I took care to avoid the leaves on the sidewalk, not wanting to draw Finn’s attention to my presence. He continued:
“No, I’m not guessing, I saw them kiss . . . I don’t know, next to the band room . . . Are you fucking high? Of course it was her . . . Yeah, you’re telling me. I feel like shit. I’m losing my fucking mind over here.”
I didn’t know who the girl he mentioned was, but I did know of his brother Chris. He was a year younger than me, and it always struck me as strange that he and Finn were related—while Finn was quiet, scrawny, and a bit morose-seeming, Chris was a handsome, upbeat kid who gave off the impression that he was going places in life.
“Oh yeah, dude, that was the last straw,” Finn continued, his voice shaking with rage. “You have no fucking idea how done I am with this shit.” Then he was silent for a long time. Finally, he spoke again, and his voice sounded different. Lower. Meaner.
“I’m going to kill her . . . Both of them, sure. Why not?”
My blood instantly turned to ice. I stopped dead in my tracks. Did he just say what I think he just said?
Finn laughed, a harsh, excited laugh, then spoke again. “With my dad’s gun, I guess . . . Of course I know where he keeps it.”
My head was reeling. I stood, alone, on the sidewalk, my breath short and my heartbeat quick. I tried to force what I had just heard from my mind. Surely he couldn’t be serious. But God, he sounded like he was. He sounded deadly serious. I don’t think I’ve heard that tone of voice from anyone else in my life.
Finn had continued walking and was almost out of earshot. He stepped further and further away, and I had no interest in hearing any more of his conversation. I felt sick to my stomach. I was only close enough to hear one final sentence before he trailed off:
“I don’t know, man—tomorrow’s as good a day as any.”
It happened the next day, at lunch. I was in the cafeteria, sitting at the usual table with the usual people, when a pop, muffled but clearly audible, rang through the air. A few seconds passed, then another. Another. Another. By the third pop, the cafeteria was silent. By the sixth, pandemonium had ensued. Students trampled over one another in their flight to the west exit, away from that sound. Teachers tried unsuccessfully to give the mob order. Everyone—myself included—was getting the hell out of there.
As I ran with the crowd, my thoughts were with Finn Carlton, who was presently undoing his belt and staring at a pipe on the ceiling of the locked band room. Those pops rang in my head, grisly echoes playing over and over and over, getting louder and louder and louder. This is your fault, is all I can think. This is your fault.
The final knock on my cell door awoke me. Perhaps cell is too harsh a word—it was a nice room. They took good care of me. Still, when I climbed out of bed and saw those beautiful words on my calendar—DAY 90—I dressed with a little pep in my step.
I could have left at any time, of course, but the paperwork would have been so complicated. That, and I couldn’t think of anything better to do on the outside. So I stayed, for three long months, talking to therapists and swallowing pills and sharing my feelings in hilarious group circles with other inmates who were actually crazy. And that’s the thing, the one thing I learned from my time in the funny farm: They were crazy. I wasn’t.
No, Chloe Cannon was real, in life and in death—as real as my fingers flying over my keyboard right now, telling you my story. Her secret boyfriend, Christopher Carlton, he’s real too. So is Xavier Mayweather, and Marianne Ortega, and RJ Saldaz, and every last pound of big Zach Trainor. They’re all real, realer to me than they ever were alive, even though they’re all lying in the frozen December ground with traces of lead still in their heads. They’re all real, and they won’t leave me alone, and why should they?
I’m the reason RJ never got to use those Harry Potter tickets. The newspapers reported tirelessly on the victims after the shooting, and one of the details they really harped on was that RJ was a huge Harry Potter fan and that he’d bought tickets for the upcoming midnight premiere months in advance. I think J.K. Rowling even sent some nice shit to his family. I didn’t catch the movie in theaters, but I got it on Redbox a few months later. I wish I could say I was alone when I watched it, but RJ didn’t miss a single frame.
I’m the reason that the kiss shared between Chloe Cannon and Chris Carlton, the kiss they meant to hide but that was seen by a jealous brother anyway, was their last. I’m the reason Xavier never broke five minutes in the mile, the reason Marianne never learned better English, the reason Zach never lost all the weight he’d meant to. I’m the reason they’re all dead.
I got Chloe’s final message in an email two years ago:
--CHLOE :)
Though I see her every night, she hasn’t spoken to me since. There’s so much she could say, but I think she’s choosing—somehow, some way—to let it remain unsaid. Isn’t it better if I fill in the gaps?
What’s it like to still be alive?
How can you live with yourself?
You could have saved us.
She never says it. None of them ever do. I don’t even know if they can. But as they crowd around my bed every night, all six of them, I can feel it in their stares. They all want to be alive, and they’ll haunt me as long as I draw the breath they crave. I’m not crazy, I’m not hallucinating, I’m not a freak—I’m simply and overwhelmingly consumed by guilt.
I have a gun that I keep in the corner of my closet, a gun not unlike the one Finn Carlton stole from his dad’s dresser, in a box that you could only find if you’re looking for it. I look for it sometimes. I pull it out sometimes, too. And every once in a while, I put a bullet in it, close the chamber, and hold it to my temple with a trembling, sweaty palm. Every time I do, I feel my six friends, my six tormentors, cheering me on. But I’ve never pulled the trigger. Not yet. I guess the time’s just never seemed right, but perhaps there’s no sense in putting it off any longer. From where I sit now, I can see the box—just the corner, peeking out from the top of my closet. Taunting me. Daring me. When will I give in?
I don’t know, man—tomorrow’s as good a day as any.
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sheilacwall · 5 years
MV Bill – Rapstência – Feat. Kmila CDD (Prod. Nixon)
MV Bill feat Kmila CDD Produção musical,mixagem e masterizaçao: Nixon Ouça em todas as plataformas: https://ONErpm.lnk.to/Rapstencia Direção / Fotografia / Edição: Pedro Moraes Finalização: DaRua Produtora Assistente de direção: Lucas Araujo Produção geral: Jefferson Gonzo (Nino Brown) Imagens aéreas: João Maia Fotógrafo Still: Cadu Andrade Assistente de set: Leonardo Fonseca Figurino: Carol Delgado Caetering: Visão Producer Apoios Projeto Morrinho, Nike e CUFA.
Sou essência, sou história, sou favela Se tá marcado na agenda a gente não cancela Muitos anos nesse chão Mais que profissão Viajei pelo planeta dividindo rimas com o meu irmão, foda! Muito aprendizado pra minha caminhada Os que torceram contra não me representam nada Boto fé em todo mundo Que ora pela gente fortalecendo a irmandade Dignidade que trago no pente Invejosos que ficaram no passado Vermes só rastejam não caminham do meu lado Muita vivência Desde o primeiro disco Eu tava lá, pronta, fime na jogada pro meu time não falhar Não desanimar Marcando nosso nome da cena Orgulho de ser preta, nunca passei como morena Nunca me sinto pequena, diante daquele falador Que apontou, conspirou, me atacou, recuou Não soube lidar com a longevidade do gueto e se enforcou.
REFRÃO Botar em prática a vocação, pra quem tá, entender como que foi construído Transição com atualização pra deixar nosso verso um pouco mais evoluído Foda-se as visualizações, a meta continua adentrar nos corações Rapstência, tem potência, somos cria, só família, com vivência
Mas sempre tem aquele que arrasta, que sofre com o crescimento alheio e se afasta O descontrolado tá afim de controlar Seja diferente, não derrube, ajude a levantar Just another nigga Briga com cachorro morto é covardia, ignorância pra mim Não tá a frente da diplomacia Contra o improvável várias pontes construímos Devedores, faladores no caminho destruímos Portugês e favelês, eu sou formado poliglota Virei cidadão do mundo baseado no RJ Eu também boto fé, sou velha guarda E vi de tudo Vi malandro falador que tinha voz e ficou mudo A promeça de sucesso sucumbiu virou fracasso Também vi bons MC’s ocupando vários espaços Quem se atualiza, não se vitimiza, curte a brisa Honrando a camisa o brabo não avisa Tô vivendo avançando Marcando meu nome na história do Rap que marcou
REFRÃO Botar em prática a vocação, pra quem tá entender como que foi construído Transição com atualização pra deixar nosso verso um pouco mais evoluído Foda-se as visualizações, a meta continua adrentar nos corações Rapstência, tem potência, somos cria, só família, com vivência.
Elenco DJ Tamy DJ Flávia Xexéo DJ Tony Luck Gbcr Bboy Vitin DonCapuccino Tekinho Paulo Gomes Anderson Quack Mano Tales Sandro Gambino Andre problematico Luiza Sistah Criz Grafitt Bgirl Val Bgirl Roberta Bboy Luck Bboy Vitin Bboy Júlio Bboy Dublack Bboy Alion Bboy Karpa Bboy Tharryz
AGRADECIMENTOS ESPECIAIS: Favela Parereira da Silva Espaço CUFA Madureira Digao Tom Camelo source
The post MV Bill – Rapstência – Feat. Kmila CDD (Prod. Nixon) appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/mv-bill-rapstencia-feat-kmila-cdd-prod-nixon/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mv-bill-rapstencia-feat-kmila-cdd-prod-nixon from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/187926117663
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tuseriesdetv · 6 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de marzo 2019
Nos fascina la gran variedad de novedades que nos trae este mes. Verídico. Y estamos seguros de que recordaremos varias de las ficciones que están por venir. No te queremos decir cuáles son para que puedas disfrutar probando y abandonando.
¡Feliz marzo!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de marzo: 
Northern Rescue (1T completa) y The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind en Netflix
The Widow (1T) en Amazon
3 de marzo: 
Good Girls (2T) en NBC
Leaving Neverland en HBO
4 de marzo:
Fleabag (2T) en BBC Three
Jerk (1T) en BBC One 
Leaving Neverland en HBO
5 de marzo: Derry Girls (2T) y Home (1T) en Channel 4
6 de marzo: 
MotherFatherSon (1T) en BBC Two
White Gold (2T) en BBC Two
7 de marzo: 
The Order (1T completa) en Netflix
Station 19 (vuelve) y For the People (2T) en ABC
Superstore (vuelve) y AP Bio (2T) en NBC
8 de marzo: After Life (1T completa), Walk. Ride. Rodeo. y Juanita en Netflix
10 de marzo: 
Now Apocalypse (1T) en Starz
The Case Against Adnan Syed en Amazon
Midsomer Murders (20T) en ITV
Crashing (3T finale) en HBO
11 de marzo: 
American Gods (2T) en Starz
Cheat (1T) en ITV
Timewasters (2T) en ITV2
13 de marzo: 
Triple Frontier en Netflix
Bounty Hunters (2T completa) en Sky One
SEAL Team (vuelve) en CBS
14 de marzo: 
The Good Fight (3T) en CBS All Access
Porters (2T) en Dave
15 de marzo: 
Arrested Development (5bT completa), Turn Up Charlie (1T completa), Love Death + Robots (1T completa) y Dry Martina en Netflix
Shrill (1T completa) en Hulu
17 de marzo: Billions (4T) en Showtime
18 de marzo: 
The Fix (1T) en ABC
9-1-1 (vuelve) en FOX
Life in Pieces (4T) en CBS 
19 de marzo: 
The Village (1T) en NBC
Teachers (series finale) en TV Land
20 de marzo: 
The Act (1T) en Hulu
Step Up: High Water (2T completa) en YouTube Premium
The Perfectionists (1T) en Freeform
22 de marzo: 
Gigantes (2T) en Movistar +
The OA (2T), Coisa Mais Linda (1T completa), Historia de un crimen: Colosio, Delhi Crime Story y The Dirt en Netflix
24 de marzo: Into the Badlands (3bT y última) en AMC
25 de marzo: Knightfall (2T) en History
26 de marzo: Absentia (2T) en AXN España
27 de marzo: 
Jane the Virgin (5T y última) en The CW
Happy! (2T) en Syfy
What We Do in the Shadows (1T) en FX
28 de marzo: Abby's (1T) en NBC
29 de marzo: Osmosis (1T completa), Santa Clarita Diet (3T completa) y Highwaymen en Netflix
31 de marzo: Veep (7T y última) y Barry (2T) en HBO
Estrenos de series
The Widow (Amazon)
Georgia Wells (Kate Beckinsale; Underworld, Pearl Harbor) cortó los lazos con su vida anterior tras la muerte de su marido Will (Matthew Le Nevez; Offspring, The Kettering Incident), hace tres años, en el Congo, pero deberá enfrentarse a ella cuando vea a su marido en las noticias. Viajará a Kinsasa y no se detendrá ante nada para conocer la verdad. Le acompañarán Charles Dance (Game of Thrones, And Then There Were None), Alex Kingston (Doctor Who, A Discovery of Witches), Jacky Ido (The Catch), Ólafur Darri Ólafsson (Ófærð, Lady Dynamite), Louise Brealey (Sherlock, A Discovery of Witches) o Babs Olusanmokun (The Defenders, Sneaky Pete). Creada por Harry y Jack Williams, creadores de The Missing y Liar, y dirigida por Sam Donovan (Utopia, Liar) y Olly Blackburn (StartUp, Victoria). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 1 de marzo
Northern Rescue (Netflix)
Tras morir su esposa Sarah, un padre (William Baldwin; Gossip Girl, Dirty Sexy Money) vuelve con sus tres hijos al pueblo donde nació para liderar el servicio de búsqueda y rescate. Allí les recibe Charlie (Kathleen Robertson; Boss, Murder in the First), la hermana de Sarah. Participan también Spencer Macpherson (Reign, Degrassi), Taylor Thorne (Condor), Nicola Correia-Damude (Shadowhunters, Burden of Truth), Christian Maryn (Anne with an E) y Sebastien Roberts (Mary Kills People). Creada y escrita por David Cormican, productor de Shadowhunters y Between. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 1 de marzo
Jerk (BBC One)
Tim (Tim Renkow) tiene parálisis cerebral, y la gente le juzga erróneamente, porque no se dan cuenta de que dentro de ese cuerpo impedido y frágil se esconde un gilipollas. Sabe que hace sentir incómoda a la gente, y lo hace a propósito, puede decir lo que otros no pueden e irse de rositas, y su madre (Lorraine Bracco; The Sopranos, Goodfellas), su cuidadora Ruth (Sharon Rooney; My Mad Fat Diary, Two Doors Down) y su amigo Idris (Rob Madin) tienen que salvarlo de las desastrosas situaciones que causa. Escrita por Renkow. Cuatro episodios. La temporada completa está disponible online desde el 24 de febrero.
Estreno: 4 de marzo
Home (Channel 4)
Sami (Youssef Kerkour; Nightflyers, Marcella) es un refugiado sirio que entró ilegalmente a Inglaterra rogando asilo y ahora vive con Peter (Rufus Jones; W1A, Flack), Katy (Rebekah Staton; Ordinary Lies, Raised by Wolves) y John (Oaklee Pendergast; Marcella, Camping), su nueva familia, cambiando el concepto de hogar. Comedia creada por Rufus Jones. Seis episodios. Estreno: 5 de marzo
MotherFatherSon (BBC Two)
Caden (Billy Howle; Glue, On Chesil Beach) es hijo de un gran empresario americano (Richard Gere; Chicago, Pretty Woman) y una heredera británica (Helen McCrory; Peaky Blinders, Penny Dreadful), dirige el periódico que su padre tiene en Londres y está preparado para seguir sus pasos y convertirse en uno de los hombres más poderosos del mundo, pero su estilo de vida autodestructivo amenaza el futuro de la familia, de su imperio e incluso del país. Completan el cast Elena Anaya (La piel que habito, Wonder Woman), Ciarán Hinds (The Terror, Game of Thrones), Sarah Lancashire (Happy Valley, Last Tango in Halifax), Sinéad Cusack (Marcella, V for Vendetta), Paul Ready (The Terror, Utopia), Pippa Bennett-Warner (Sick Note, Harlots), Danny Sapani (Penny Dreadful, Harlots), Niamh Algar (Pure), Jessica Gunning (Pride, Fortitude) y Joseph Mawle (Game of Thrones, The Tunnel). Creada por Tom Rob Smith (The Assassination of Gianni Versace, American Crime Story, London Spy) y dirigida por James Kent (The White Queen, 11.22.63). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 6 de marzo
  The Order (Netflix)
Jack Morton (Jake Manley; iZombie, Heroes Reborn) es un universitario que se une a una legendaria sociedad secreta que le presenta un mundo lleno de magia, intriga y monstruos donde descubre secretos familiares y una batalla entre los hombres lobo y las artes oscuras. Completan el reparto Sarah Grey (Power Rangers, Legends of Tomorrow), Matt Frewer (Orphan Black, Timeless), Sam Trammell (True Blood, This Is Us), Max Martini (The Unit, Revenge), Adam DiMarco (The Magicians, When We Rise), Louriza Tronco (Make It Pop, Spiral), Thomas Elms (I Still See You), Aaron Hale (Pure) o Devery Jacobs (Cardinal). Creada por Dennis Heaton (Motive, Ghost Wars) y Shelley Eriksen (Private Eyes, Continuum). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 7 de marzo
After Life (Netflix)
Comedia negra creada, producida, dirigida y protagonizada por Ricky Gervais (The Office, The Invention of Lying) sobre un hombre que, tras la repentina muerte de su esposa, decide olvidar sus pensamientos suicidas y vivir lo suficiente para castigar al mundo diciendo y haciendo todo lo que le apetezca sin preocuparse por él mismo ni por nadie. Participan también Tom Basden (Plebs, Quacks), David Bradley (Game of Thrones, The Strain), Roisin Conaty (Man Down, GameFace), Kerry Godliman (Bad Move, Derek), Ashley Jensen (Ugly Betty, Catastrophe), Paul Kaye (Game of Thrones, Wanderlust), Diane Morgan (Frayed, Him & Her), Tony Way (Game of Thrones, Zapped), Joe Wilkinson (Sex Education, Him & Her) y Penelope Wilton (Downton Abbey, Brief Encounters) y Tim Plester (Game of Thrones, Wolf Hall). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 8 de marzo
Now Apocalypse (Starz)
Comedia con tintes sobrenaturales escrita y dirigida por Gregg Araki (Mysterious Skin, Kaboom) sobre varios jóvenes en busca de amor, sexo y fama en Los Ángeles. El protagonista es Ulysses (Avan Jogia; Victorious, Ghost Wars), que es nuevo en la ciudad y comienza a tener pesadillas que le hablan de una siniestra conspiración, aunque podría ser culpa de fumar tanta hierba. Con él fliparán Kelli Berglund (Lab Rats, Fosse/Verdon), Beau Mirchoff (Awkward, Desperate Housewives), Roxanne Mesquida (Gossip Girl), Tyler Posey (Teen Wolf, Scream), Jacob Artist (Glee, Quantico), Chris Aquilino (Silicon Valley), Desmond Chiam (The Shannara Chronicles), RJ Mitte (Breaking Bad, Switched at Birth), Grace Victoria Cox (Under the Dome, Heathers), Kevin Daniels (Sirens), Avra Friedman (Stop the Bleeding), Evan Hart (House of Lies) y Taylor Hart. Producida por Steven Soderbergh (The Knick, The Girlfriend Experience). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 10 de marzo
Cheat (ITV)
Leah (Katherine Kelly; Happy Valley, The Night Manager) es profesora universitaria y Rose (Molly Windsor, Three Girls), su alumna. Su peligrosa relación comienza al copiar Rose en un examen y acaba en una serie de acontecimientos que amenazan con llevárselas por delante. Completan el reparto Tom Goodman-Hill (Humans, Mr. Selfridge), Lorraine Ashbourne (Unforgotten, Jericho), Peter Firth (Victoria, Spooks) y Adrian Edmondson (War & Peace, Holby City). Escrita por Gaby Hull (The Dark Mile, Benidorm), dirigida por Louise Hooper (Lucky Man, Cold Feet) y producida por los hermanos Williams (The Missing, Liar). Cuatro episodios. Estreno: 11 de marzo
Turn Up Charlie (Netflix)
Creada, producida y protagonizada por Idris Elba (Luther, Thor), trata sobre un DJ soltero y acabado que se convierte a regañadientes en el niñero de la hija de once años (Frankie Hervey) de su amigo famoso (JJ Feild; Turn, The Romanoffs) mientras trata de reflotar su carrera. Participan también Piper Perabo (Covert Affairs, Coyote Ugly), Angela Griffin (Ordinary Lies, Brief Encounters), Guz Khan (Zapped, Curfew), Jocelyn Jee Esein (Upstart Crow, The Sarah Jane Adventures), Jade Anouka (Trauma, Cleaning Up), Cameron King (Hard Sun, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children) y Dustin Demri-Burns (Sick Note, GameFace). Escrita por Laura Neal (Sex Education, My Mad Fat Diary), Femi Oyeniran (The Intent), Victoria Asare-Archer (Hetty Feather) y Georgia Lester (Skins, Hollyoaks). Dirigida por Tristram Shapeero (Community, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) y Matt Lipsey (Sick Note, Little Britain). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 15 de marzo
Shrill (Hulu)
Annie (Aidy Bryant; Saturday Night Live, Horace and Pete) busca formas de cambiar su vida sin cambiar su cuerpo. Tan buena en su trabajo como cualquier otra, quiere trabajar como periodista mientras lidia con un jefe perfeccionista, unos padres enfermos y unos novios pésimos. Completan el cast Lolly Adefope (Loaded, Damned), Julia Sweeney (Saturday Night Live), Luka Jones (People of Earth, Pillow Talk), Ian Owens y John Cameron Mitchell (Mozart in the Jungle, Girls). Basada en las memorias de Lindy West, está escrita por la propia West, Bryant y Alexandra Rushfield (Parks and Recreation, Love). Producida por Elizabeth Banks (Pitch Perfect) y Lorne Michaels (Saturday Night Live, 30 Rock). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 15 de marzo
The Fix (ABC)
Thriller legal escrito y producido por la fiscal Marcia Clark, a la que conocemos gracias al juicio de O.J. Simpson. En él, Maya Travis (Robin Tunney; The Mentalist, Prison Break), fiscal del distrito de Los Ángeles, sufrió una gran derrota en el juicio al famoso actor Sevvy Johnson (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje; Lost, Oz) por doble asesinato y, tras perder el control de su carrera, se mudó a Washington para disfrutar de una vida más tranquila. Ocho años después, Johnson es sospechoso de otro asesinato y Maya regresa a L.A. buscando una segunda oportunidad de hacer justicia. Completan el reparto Adam Rayner (Tyrant, Notorious), Merrin Dungey (Big Little Lies, The Resident), Breckin Meyer (Franklin & Bash, Garfield), Marc Blucas (Underground, Necessary Roughness), Mouzam Makkar (Champions, The Exorcist), Alex Saxon (The Fosters, Finding Carter) y Scott Cohen (Necessary Roughness, Gilmore Girls). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 18 de marzo
The Village (NBC)
Nada que ver con la serie de BBC ni con la película de Shyamalan. Es un drama sobre un edificio de apartamentos cuyos vecinos han formado una familia. Protagonizada por Moran Atias (Tyrant, The Resident), Dominic Chianese (The Sopranos, The Good Wife), Warren Christie (Motive, The Resident), Frankie Faison (Banshee, The Wire), Jerod Haynes (Crisis), Daren Kagassof (The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Red Band Society), Michaela McManus (Aquarius, One Tree Hill), Lorraine Toussaint (Orange Is the New Black, Rosewood), Grace Van Dien (Greenhouse Academy), Nadine Nicole (Casual, The Expanse), Hailey Kilgore (Once On This Island), Guy Lockard y Katrina Lenk (The Good Fight, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel). Escrita por Mike Daniels (Sons of Anarchy, The Vampire Diaries). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 19 de marzo
The Act (Hulu)
Fue anunciada como una antología true crime que centraría cada temporada en un caso. La primera trata sobre Dee Dee Blanchard (Patricia Arquette; Medium, Boyhood), una madre que hizo creer al mundo que su hija Gypsy (Joey King; Fargo, The Kissing Booth) padecía múltiples enfermedades. Gypsy trató de escapar de esta tóxica relación junto a Nick (Calum Worthy; Austin & Ally, American Vandal), un chico que conoció por Internet. Cuenta también con Chloë Sevigny (American Horror Story, Big Love) y AnnaSophia Robb (The Carrie Diaries, Mercy Street). Escrita por Nick Antosca (Channel Zero, Hannibal) y Michelle Dean y basada en el artículo de Buzzfeed de Dean. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 20 de marzo
The Perfectionists (Freeform)
Spin-off de Pretty Little Liars protagonizado por Alison (Sasha Pieterse) y Mona (Janel Parrish) en Beacon Heights, una ciudad en la que todo parece perfecto pero los secretos y mentiras de sus habitantes llevan al primer asesinato. El reparto está formado por Sofia Carson (Descendants, Famous in Love), Sydney Park (Instant Mom, The Walking Dead), Eli Brown, Chris Mason (Broadchurch, The Fades), Graeme Thomas King, Hayley Erin (General Hospital, Melissa & Joey), Jacques Colimon (The Society), Kelly Rutherford (Gossip Girl, Melrose Place), Noah Gray-Cabey (Heroes, Code Black), Evan Bittencourt (Chasing Life), Klea Scott (Intelligence, Pretty Little Liars), Garrett Wareing (A Better Place, Boychoir) y Phillip Rhys (Nightflyers, Nip/Tuck). Basada en la novela del mismo nombre, de Sara Shepard (2014) y creada también por I. Marlene King (Pretty Little Liars, Famous in Love). Escrita por Charlie Craig (Pretty Little Liars, The 100). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 20 de marzo
Coisa Mais Linda (Netflix)
A principios de los años 60, durante el nacimiento de la bossa nova, Maria Luiza (Maria Casadevall), una mujer de familia conservadora de São Paulo, abre un club en Río de Janeiro tras desaparecer su marido con todo su dinero y cambia totalmente de vida acompañada de Ligia (Fernanda Vasconcellos), Adelia (Pathy Dejesus) y Thereza (Mel Lisboa). Creada por Heather Roth y Giuliano Cedroni (Outros Tempos). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 22 de marzo
What We Do in the Shadows (FX)
Comedia estilo falso documental sobre tres vampiros que han sido compañeros de piso durante miles de años. Adaptación de la película de 2014 escrita, dirigida y protagonizada por Jamaine Clement (Flight of the Conchords) y Taika Waititi (Thor Ragnarok, Hunt for the Wilderpeople). La serie está escrita por Clement, dirigida por Waititi y protagonizada por Matt Berry (Toast of London), Kayvan Novak (Danger Mouse, Thunderbirds Are Go), Natasia Demetriou (Year Friends) y Harvey Guillen (The Thundermans, The Internship). Diez episodios. Estreno: 27 de marzo
Abby's (NBC)
Abby's es el bar sin licencia que ha montado Abby (Natalie Morales; Parks and Recreation, Santa Clarita Diet) en el patio trasero de su casa, en San Diego, y es difícil ganarse un sitio en él pero conseguirlo significa ser ya como de la familia. Comedia producida por Mike Schur (The Good Place, Parks and Recreation), escrita por Josh Malmuth (New Girl, Superstore) y dirigida por Pamela Fryman (How I Met Your Mother, One Day at a Time). Protagonizan también Nelson Franklin (Veep, Black-ish), Kimia Behpoornia (Station 19), Jessica Chaffin (Zoey 101, Search Party), Leonard Ouzts (Master of None) y Neil Flynn (The Middle, Scrubs). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 28 de marzo
Osmosis (Netflix)
Una nueva tecnología ayuda a la gente a encontrar a su alma gemela recopilando información directamente del cerebro. Pero encontrar el amor verdadero tiene un precio que hay que estar dispuesto a pagar. Varios jóvenes parisinos se ofrecen a probar la versión de prueba poniendo su destino en manos de la inteligencia artificial. Protagonizada por Hugo Becker (Baron Noir, Gossip Girl), Agathe Bonitzer (Belle Dormant), Stephane Pitti (Budapest), Gaël Kamilindi (22 minuty), Suzanne Rault-Balet (Philharmonia), Luna Silva, Manoel Dupont y Yuming Hey. Creada por Audrey Fouché (Les Revenants, Borgia). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 29 de marzo
The Bay (ITV)
La detective Lisa Armstrong (Morven Christie; The A Word, Grantchester) investiga una desaparición en el pueblo costero de Morecambe. Está entrenada para apoyar a los familiares sin involucrarse emocionalmente, pero se da cuenta de que tiene una conexión personal que podría comprometer la investigación. Participan también Jonas Armstrong (Troy, Ripper Street), Tracie Bennett (Scott & Bailey, Coronation Street), Imogen King (Clique), Matthew McNulty (Misfits, The Terror), Lindsey Coulson (Funny Cow, Bulletproof), Chanel Cresswell (This Is England, Murdered for Being Different), Louis Greatorex (Safe, Last Tango in Halifax), Adam Long (Happy Valley, Peterloo), Daniel Ryan (Mount Pleasant, Black Sea) y Taheen Modak. Creada por Daragh Carville (Being Human, The Smoke). Seis episodios. Estreno: Aún sin fecha
0 notes
andrewuttaro · 6 years
New Look Sabres: GM 37 - ANA - Still Kicking
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Two teams come into this game with two straight regulation losses: only one will come out with a W! I did some digging into past blogs and I discovered something weirdly encouraging: the Sabres came into this game after losing two games in a row in regulation. That’s not the encouraging part. The encouraging part is that this is only the second time this season the Sabres have lost two in a row in regulation and the last time was the 6th and 7th games back in October! Yea, there was that five game losing streak right after the big olde ten dubs but the Sabres played good in four of those and collected points in three. Kind of like Friday night in Washington when Buffalo played well but was just not rewarded for it. Last night in a tilt against the Anaheim Ducks the Sabres looked good again, this time in they looked good the kind of way that makes you excited for the postseason: the consistent way. Maintaining a narrow lead for most of the game the Mighty Sabres of Buffalo pounded out a hard fought win in front of a very merry sellout home crowd. Last game I just asked for a nice sendoff before the Christmas break and evidently my letter reached the North Pole because I got what I wished for! I must be a good boy. Of course it’s fair to say it’s the Anaheim Ducks and in spite of where they sit in the Pacific Division their just not that great a team. Yea, that’s fair. But within that shaky framework are a few pieces that won a Stanley Cup more than a decade ago the year the Sabres should’ve been there to meet them. And it’s also Christmastime so maybe just let yourself be happy about a win for goodness sake!
Having gone home for some Yuletide prep with the Fam I watched the first period on MSG TV next to my dad like it was 2011 all over again. Jolly. The Sabres came out immediately throwing the pressure on the Ducks, shots after shots after shots, and the visitors just kind of held on through it. John Gibson was clearly a big part of it. Jack Eichel got a chance, Tage Thompson got a good chance, friggin everyone hopped on the sleigh and got a chance. The Ducks did get to testing Linus Ullmark a little bit as the period went on. Then the Buffalo Sabres gave us their Christmas present to us: a rare gift that, barring another wicked win streak, is a truly meaningful gift to those of us who watch this team a lot: a powerplay goal. Set up in the offensive zone Jack Eichel got the puck to Rasmus Ristolainen who continues to be on a line with the other big Rasmus: Rasmus Dahlin to make Rasmus Squared. Risto got it to Dahlin who you could tell sized up a quick pass back to Eichel but instead skated toward Gibson and just rockets it in five hole. The noise of the home crowd was very audible. Funny thing, I think Dahlin happened to also go five hole on Reinhart who was doing an excellent job screening Gibson. That goal came a tad over three minutes left in the first period and nothing terrible noteworthy happened before the first horn sounded except an almost fight. Jeff Skinner must have been doing some trash talking with Ryan Getzlaf (which makes a ton of sense btw) because Zach Bogosian came rushing over like Getzlaf was about to punch a puppy. No puppies were punched and the second period began similarly with volley after volley of Sabres chances.
Ondrej Kase had a scary breakaway early in the second but didn’t get past Ullmark. There was an almost goal for Jack and Jeff that you could see how pissed the two were that they didn’t finish it. I don’t know about you but as the last minutes of the second period ticked by and the Sabres took a 1-0 lead into the third period there was a nervous energy. Now I’m listening to the radio broadcast en route back to Buffalo and I can’t help but get that feeling something is going to go south. The Sabres were on the penalty kill to start the period and once again the kill was strong under the guidance of Chief Killer Bogo and his newly returned co-conspirator Jake McCabe. Adam Henrique almost sneaked in a wraparound as the PP died but no line was crossed. The Ducks started to pour it on now. Three straight regulation losses is rough and they didn’t want it either. Linus Ullmark really got into the zone facing shots from just about every angle. And then, like getting the gift you’ve been asking for on Christmas morning, Jeff Skinner got the puck and skated in around the outside of the net and roofed it close quarters short side on John Gibson. 2-0 Sabres with 8:48 left in the third period. Insurance if I’ve ever seen an insurance goal. Small but massive note: that’s Jeff Skinner’s 26th goal this season. With that he beats the most goals a single Sabre scored last season at 25 whom Jack Eichel scored in an injury shortened season. Pretty unreal, eh? Seven or so minutes later as the Sabres increasingly push back against the Ducks the visitors pull their goalie and Conor Sheary finds the empty netter. The time ticked down to zero and Linus Ullmark’s second NHL career shutout and eighth win of his first season working part-time in Buffalo. The Buffalo Sabres win 3-0 over the Anaheim Ducks sweeping the season series with quacks for the first time since 2010-2011.
Now as the Sabres navigated that perilous 1-0 lead as the Ducks came at them hard early in the third period there was something far more worrisome afoot in Key Bank Center. The play-by-play call by Rick Jeanneret went more or less silent with a confused sounding Rob Ray trying to do color commentary and play-by-play for a time. Eventually, well known Sabres social media guidepost and pre/postgame host Brian Duff took over the color commentary somewhat awkwardly, but RJ did not return for the duration of the game. While officials for the team said an update on him would be given once more was known a few folks at the game said they saw RJ carried out on a stretcher. WGR 550 reported shortness of breath and heart problems. It was a difficult night trying to think about writing this while worrying about someone who embodies this franchise perhaps more than Gilbert Perrault or Alexander Mogilny. RJ is literally the longest serving NHL play-caller in league history having been with the Sabres since 1971. Think about that, if you’re under 20 then one or both of your parents were probably not born yet when RJ first took the microphone as their guy. He may deserve a banner in the rafters more than Danny Gare. Well, the update the Sabres delivered this morning was very encouraging saying he is resting, doing well and looking forward to being back after the Christmas break; but what he apparently texted to the Athletic’s John Vogl this morning is perhaps the most heartwarming message and weirdly accurate of where the team is at on the ice right now as well:  simply “Still Kicking.” Incredible.
Now we go into a Christmas NHL break and a roster freeze to go with it. The Sabres play again on Thursday in St. Louis where they will meet Ryan O’Reilly in the better situation he was looking for… oh wait. All kidding aside, I want the best for O’Reilly. I have tickets to his return to Buffalo on St. Patrick’s Day because I know fun games when I see them. I will post a Amerks Angle for December after Christmas but before that game so if you just cannot wait for more content then you got something to look forward to: but if you are that person, well why haven’t you commented your words of yuletide encouragement!? Yes: comment, like and do share this blog on social media and amongst family and friends with holly jolly spirit! And just think about where you were with this team at Christmas last year: probably just about tapped out considering the season was pretty well dead already. What if I told you then the Sabres would be third in the Atlantic division nine points up on a playoff spot in spitting distance of the Maple Leafs? You probably wouldn’t believe me but if you did you would sign up for it in a heartbeat. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and very glad tidings to you and your kinfolk! Let’s go Buffalo!
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Conor Sheary joked about his empty netter not counting after the game. If he starts scoring again after Christmas maybe it will count a lot in retrospect.
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lojadasboias · 6 years
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All American Series
2017  30 – The Ingraham Angle 2016  26 – Fuller House  16 – Live! with Kelly  12 – Harry  19 – Kevin Can Wait 2015  12 – Little Charmers  17 – Bella and the Bulldogs  7 – Power Rangers Dino Charge  23 – The Late Late Show with James Corden  29 – Harvey Beaks  9 – Make It Pop  8 – The Late Show with Stephen Colbert  15 – The Bastard Executioner  28 – The Daily Show with Trevor Noah  30 – Code Black  17 – Chicago Med 2014  1 – Every Witch Way  7 – Killer Women  8 – Chicago P.D.  8 – Intelligence  10 – Enlisted  10 – Helix  20 – Sheriff Callie's Wild West  3 – Wallykazam!  17 – Breadwinners  17 – The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  22 – About a Boy  24 – Late Night with Seth Meyers  26 – Mixology  6 – Sirens (2014)  9 – Resurrection  19 – The 100  5 – Zack & Quack  6 – Silicon Valley  15 – Fargo  20 – Signed, Sealed, DELIVERED  22 – Faking It (2014)  27 – Girl Meets World  8 – The Knick  17 – Red Band Society  17 – The Mysteries of Laura  25 – How to Get Away with Murder  30 – Selfie  2 – A to Z  7 – The Flash (2014)  13 – Jane the Virgin  28 – Benched  7 – The Librarians (2014) 2013  11 – Sofia the First  20 – Chasing The Saturdays  21 – The Following  30 – The Americans (2013)  4 – Monday Mornings  14 – Zero Hour (2013)  19 – Cult  26 – Golden Boy  18 – Bates Motel  29 – Lalaloopsy  4 – Hannibal  15 – Henry Hugglemonster  20 – The Goodwin Games  25 – Sanjay and Craig  3 – The Fosters (2013)  11 – Twisted  8 – Disrupt with Karen Finney, Sam & Cat  23 – Devious Maids  24 – Under the Dome  10 – 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show    Orange Is The New Black  28 – Total Divas  3 – Rabbids Invasion  2 – Uncle Grandpa  9 – OK!TV  9 – The Test  13 – Wander Over Yonder  15 – Liv and Maddie  17 – Brooklyn Nine Nine  16 – The Arsenio Hall Show  23 – The Blacklist  23 – The Queen Latifah Show  23 – Mom  23 – Hostages  24 – The Wrong Mans  24 – Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  24 – The Goldbergs  24 – Trophy Wife  25 – Back in the Game  26 – The Crazy Ones  26 – The Michael J. Fox Show  27 – MasterChef Junior  29 – Betrayal  29 – Hello Ladies  29 – Julius Jr.  29 – Masters of Sex  2 – Super Fun Night  3 – The Millers  3 – Sean Saves the World  3 – Welcome to the Family  7 – Peg + Cat  9 – The Tomorrow People  10 – Once Upon a Time in Wonderland  17 – Reign  25 – Dracula  28 – The Pete Holmes Show  2 – Rick and Morty  4 – Kirstie  4 – Mob City 2012  8 – House of Lies  8 – The Firm  10 – Shipping Wars  11 – Are You There, Chelsea?  12 – The Finder  12 – ¡Rob!  15 – Napoleon Dynamite  16 – Alcatraz  19 – Unsupervised  25 – Touch  4 – How to Rock  6 – Smash  7 – The River  1 – Awake  15 – Missing  21 – Bent  21 – Duck Dynasty  23 – Doc McStuffins  4 – Best Friends Forever  8 – The Client List  19 – Kathy  22 – Veep  11 – Common Law  11 – Bunheads  24 – The Newsroom  9 – Perception  4 – Robot and Monster  8 – Here Comes Honey Boo Boo  12 – Animal Practice  13 – Major Crimes  3 – Steve Harvey  3 – Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood  4 – Live! with Kelly and Michael  10 – The Ricki Lake Show  10 – Katie  17 – Revolution  17 – The Mob Doctor  24 – Partners (2012)  25 – The Mindy Project  25 – Ben and Kate  26 – The Neighbors  27 – Elementary  27 – Last Resort (2012)  30 – 666 Park Avenue  10 – Arrow  10 – Chicago Fire  10 – Nashville  16 – Emily Owens, M.D.  16 – Underemployed 2011  1 – Dan Vs.  1 – House of Anubis  4 – Live to Dance  7 – Young Justice  7 – Your OWN Show: Oprah's Search for the Next TV Star  9 – Bob's Burgers  9 – The Cape  9 – Episodes  9 – Shameless  11 – Let's Stay Together  11 – Lights Out  11 – Onion SportsDome  12 – Off the Map  13 – Police Women of Cincinnati  17 – Aircrash Confidential  17 – Being Human  17 – Harry's Law  17 – Heavy  17 – Skins  17 – Supah Ninjas  19 – Restaurant: Impossible  19 – Retired at 35  20 – Fairly Legal  20 – Perfect Couples  23 – Kourtney and Kim Take New York  23 – Mongo Wrestling Alliance  24 – Bubble Guppies  26 – Face Off  28 – Working Class  2 – Eagleheart  7 – The Chicago Code  8 – Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy  8 – Traffic Light  9 – Mr. Sunshine  12 – Must Love Cats  14 – Jake and the Never Land Pirates  14 – Mad Love  15 – Our America with Lisa Ling  16 – Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior  22 – The Real Housewives of Miami  23 – Shedding for the Wedding  25 – Camelot  6 – After Lately  6 – America's Next Great Restaurant  6 – Breakout Kings  6 – Taking on Tyson  14 – Love & Hip Hop  29 – Body of Proof  1 – CHAOS  3 – The Borgias  3 – The Killing  4 – The Problem Solverz  6 – Breaking In  6 – Workaholics  7 – Gigolos  10 – Khloé & Lamar  11 – Drew Carey's Improv-A-Ganza  12 – Sports Show with Norm Macdonald  13 – Happy Endings  14 – The Paul Reiser Show  17 – Audrina  17 – Game of Thrones  26 – Repo Games  3 – The Looney Tunes Show  6 – A.N.T. Farm  9 – The Amazing World of Gumball  13 – Femme Fatales  24 – Soul Quest Overdrive  30 – Platinum Hit  30 – Single Ladies  1 – Franklin & Bash  2 – Love Bites  5 – Teen Wolf  6 – Switched at Birth  12 – The Glee Project  12 – The Protector  13 – Kickin' It  13 – Sidekick  13 – Almost Naked Animals  14 – Jon Benjamin Has a Van  14 – The Nine Lives of Chloe King  15 – Happily Divorced  16 – Voltron Force  19 – Falling Skies  21 – Combat Hospital  23 – Exp ion Impossible  23 – Suits  23 – Wilfred  25 – Friends with Benefits  28 – I Kid with Brad Garrett  29 – Love in the Wild  29 – Necessary Roughness  29 – State of Georgia  1 – Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures  11 – Alphas  13 – Roseanne's Nuts  15 – PrankStars  17 – Big Rich Texas  18 – Secret Mountain Fort Awesome  19 – Awkward.  19 – It's Worth What?  19 – Web Therapy  21 – National Terrorism Strike Force: San Diego: Sport Utility Vehicle  23 – Pocoyo  31 – Against the Wall  2 – Take the Money and Run  5 – Friends with Benefits  7 – Hillbilly Handfishin'  8 – Tia & Tamera  9 – Scaredy Squirrel  29 – PoliticsNation with Al Sharpton  12 – Anderson Cooper  12 – The Bill Cunningham Show  12 – The Jeremy Kyle Show  14 – H8R  17 – Danger Rangers  19 – 2 Broke Girls  19 – Night Calls  19 – Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness  20 – New Girl  20 – Unforgettable  22 – Charlie's Angels (2011)  22 – Person of Interest  26 – Terra Nova  28 – Suburgatory  30 – Jessie  2 – Homeland  5 – American Horror Story  10 – American Guns  10 – Pajanimals  11 – Last Man Standing  18 – Man Up!  23 – Once Upon a Time  28 – Grimm  30 – Allen Gregory  21 – Live! with Kelly  21 – You Deserve It  25 – Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse  30 – Baseball Wives  30 – I Hate My Teenage Daughter  30 – The Exes  6 – Storage Wars: Texas 2010  3 – Frank the Entertainer in a Basement Affair  3 – Worst Cooks in America  4 – 18 to Life  4 – The Generations Project  5 – Howe & Howe Tech  5 – Wild Recon  6 – Apocalypse Man  8 – John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show  11 – Blue Mountain State  11 – Fantasia for Real  13 – Solving History with Olly Steeds  14 – Carnie Wilson: Unstapled  16 – Pit Boss  17 – Human Target  18 – American Pickers  18 – My Life as Liz  21 – The Deep End  22 – Caprica  22 – Spartacus: Blood and Sand  25 – La La Land  26 – The Michael Vick Project  28 – Life Unexpected  1 – Kell on Earth  9 – Past Life  12 – Famous Crime Scene  13 – Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil  14 – How to Make It in America  19 – Funny or Die Presents  19 – The Ricky Gervais Show  21 – The Family Crews  25 – Police Women of Maricopa County  28 – The Marriage Ref  1 – Little Parents, Big Charlie  2 – Parenthood (2010)  3 – 1000 Ways to Lie  5 – Who Do You Think You Are?  9 – Food Wars  10 – High Society  11 – Jerseylicious  11 – Sons of Tucson  14 – Fatal Attractions  14 – Hoarding: Buried Alive  14 – Minute to Win It  14 – Pretty Wild  15 – The Price of Beauty  16 – Justified  17 – Addicted  17 – Ugly Americans  21 – Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution  21 – Kirstie Alley's Big Life  24 – Fly Girls  24 – Is It Possible?  27 – The OCD Project  27 – Victorious  2 – Miami Medical  3 – Winners Bracket  4 – Good Luck Charlie  5 – Adventure Time  5 – Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated  11 – Basketball Wives  11 – Brandy & Ray J: A Family Business  11 – Treme  11 – What Chilli Wants  12 – TNA Reaction  18 – Masterclass  19 – Baggage  19 – Romantically Challenged  20 – Ancient Aliens  22 – Sliced  23 – Ben 10: Ultimate Alien  23 – Generator Rex  28 – Happy Town  6 – MMA Live  16 – Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  19 – The Good Guys  27 – 100 Questions  27 – Mall Cops: Mall of America  27 – Police Women of Memphis  27 – Svetlana  1 – Downtown Girls  2 – Are We There Yet?  6 – The Hard Times of RJ Berger  6 – Top Shot  7 – Neighbors from Hell  8 – Pretty Little Liars  9 – Work of Art: The Next Great Artist  9 – You're Cut Off!  10 – Bethenny Ever After  10 – Late Night Liars  13 – Cupcake Wars  13 – Unnatural History (TV series)  15 – Double Exposure  15 – It's Effin' Science  15 – Warren the Ape  16 – Bert the Conqueror  16 – Hot in Cleveland  20 – The Real L Word  21 – Inedible To Incredible  22 – Memphis Beat  27 – Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  28 – Huge  29 – Louie  9 – Haven  10 – Worst Case Scenarios  11 – The Glades  12 – Kid in a Candy Store  12 – Rizzoli & Isles  13 – Covert Affairs  15 – Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files  16 – DC Cupcakes  16 – Lucha Libre USA  16 – Man, Woman, Wild  18 – Strange Sex  20 – If You Really Knew Me  21 – 24 Hour Restaurant Battle  26 – Fish Warrior  27 – Growing Up Twisted  28 – Plain Jane  29 – On the Road with Austin & Santino  1 – Rubicon  7 – Power of 10  9 – Too Fat for 15  15 – The Great Food Truck Race  16 – The Big C  17 – Melissa & Joey  22 – Aarti Party  30 – Quints by Surprise  5 – Mel B: It's a Scary World  6 – Regular Show  6 – MAD  8 – Hellcats  8 – Terriers  9 – Nikita  10 – Fashion Police  12 – World of Jenks  14 – Sextuplets Take New York  15 – Outlaw  15 – Top Chef: Just Desserts  17 – Sym-Bionic Titan  19 – Boardwalk Empire  20 – Chase  20 – The Event  20 – Hoppus on Music  20 – Lone Star  20 – Mike & Molly  21 – Detroit 1-8-7  21 – Raising Hope  21 – Running Wilde  22 – Better with You  22 – The Defenders  22 – Pair of Kings  22 – Undercovers  22 – The Whole Truth  23 – My Generation  23 – Outsourced  23 – $h#! My Dad Says  24 – Fish Hooks  24 – Blue Bloods  26 – Sister Wives  28 – No Ordinary Family  29 – Law & Order: LA  2 – Planet Sheen  2 – T.U.F.F. Puppy  3 – Animal Mechanicals  5 – MegaStructures  8 – Gigantic  10 – Family Game Night  10 – My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic  10 – Pound Puppies  10 – The Twisted Whiskers Show  11 – Pictureka!  12 – Nick Swardson's Pretend Time  14 – The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills  15 – The Adventures of Chuck and Friends  15 – School Pride  16 – Tower Prep  18 – The Talk  20 – That's Tough  22 – Taylor Swift: Journey to Fearless  25 – Robotomy  26 – Auction Kings  28 – Police Women of Dallas  29 – R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour  31 – The Walking Dead  4 – Oddities  5 – The Benson Interruption  5 – Hubworld  7 – Married to Rock  7 – Shake It Up  8 – Conan  9 – Auction Hunters  14 – Sarah Palin's Alaska  16 – Glory Daze  19 – Homemade Millionaire  21 – Brew Masters  22 – Skating with the Stars  26 – G.I. Joe: Renegades  28 – Bridalplasty  29 – Transformers: Prime  1 – Storage Wars  6 – Next Great Baker  20 – Million Dollar Money Drop  29 – My Strange Addiction 2000s   2009  3 – Game Show in My Head  3 – Underdog to Wonderdog  4 – Confessions of a Teen Idol  4 – Superstars of Dance  5 – Daddy's Girls  5 – DietTribe  5 – True Beauty  7 – 13: Fear Is Real  7 – Meet the Browns  8 – Greg Behrendt's Wake Up Call  8 – Parking Wars  9 – Howie Do It  11 – Tool Academy  15 – The Beast  15 – Celebrity Rehab Presents Sober House  18 – United States of Tara  19 – Will Work for Food  21 – Lie to Me  26 – Olivia  26 – Trust Me  27 – Toddlers & Tiaras  2 – For the Love of Ray J  2 – RuPaul's Drag Race  4 – Billy the Exterminator  6 – Jockeys  8 – The CollegeHumor Show  8 – The Girls of Hedsor Hall  8 – Nitro Circus  8 – Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory  8 – Sonny With a Chance  10 – How the Earth Was Made  10 – T.I.'s Road to Redemption  12 – Animal Armageddon  13 – Aaron Stone  13 – Dollhouse  15 – Eastbound & Down  17 – Dogg After Dark  24 – Dark Days in Monkey City  2 – College Life  2 – Harlem Heights  2 – Late Night with Jimmy Fallon  8 – Candy Girls  9 – Animal Cops: Phoenix  9 – Castle  10 – WCG Ultimate Gamer  11 – The Chopping Block  15 – Kings  18 – Better Off Ted  19 – Dhani Tackles the Globe  19 – Taking the Stage  20 – Party Down  21 – Ring of Honor Wrestling  23 – Roommates  23 – Table for 12  26 – In the Motherhood  30 – AMTV  31 – Cupid  6 – Surviving Suburbia  7 – Deadliest Warrior  8 – The Unusuals  9 – Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire  9 – Southland  9 – Parks and Recreation  9 – Harper's Island  13 – Doing DaVinci  15 – PitchMen  16 – WWE Superstars  19 – Cake Boss  19 – The Rising Son  19 – Sit Down, Shut Up  26 – Daisy of Love  2 – Jonas L.A.  6 – Hitched or Ditched  7 – The Fashion Show  12 – The Real Housewives of New Jersey  15 – TNA Epics  19 – Glee  26 – The Little Couple  26 – Mental  27 – The Goode Family  29 – Obsessed  31 – DJ & the Fro  31 – Jesse James Is a Dead Man  1 – The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien  4 – Tosh.0  7 – Kendra  8 – Nurse Jackie  10 – Top Chef Masters  11 – 16 and Pregnant  13 – 20Q  15 – It's On with Alexa Chung  15 – Zeke and Luther  16 – Hawthorne  17 – The Othersiders  20 – BrainRush  20 – Destroy Build Destroy  21 – Make It or Break It  22 – The Best Thing I Ever Ate  23 – Bite Me with Dr. Mike  23 – NYC Prep  24 – The Philanthropist  28 – Hung  1 – Monsters Inside Me  3 – Lingerie  6 – The Great Debate  6 – Sportsnation  7 – 10 Things I Hate About You  7 – That's Impossible  7 – Warehouse 13  12 – Drop Dead Diva  14 – Miami Social  15 – Dark Blue  15 – Michael & Michael Have Issues  16 – Watch What Happens L!ve with Andy Cohen  19 – Pawn Stars  20 – Dating in the Dark  20 – The T.O. Show  21 – Ruby & The Rockits  2 – Megan Wants a Millionaire  3 – Ultimate Cake Off  5 – Giuliana and Bill  6 – Police Women of Broward County  9 – Shark Tank  16 – 2 Months 2 Million  16 – Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami  16 – My Antonio  17 – Glenn Martin, DDS  17 – Hoarders  19 – Dude, What Would Happen  20 – Models of the Runway  23 – What Would Brian Boitano Make?  24 – The Fresh Beat Band  28 – Hot Wheels Battle Force 5  1 – Surviving Disaster  8 – Melrose Place  10 – The Vampire Diaries  13 – Kung Fu Dino Posse  13 – Monsters Resurrected  14 – The Jay Leno Show  16 – MysteryQuest  17 – Archer  17 – Community  18 – The Troop  20 – Bored to Death  21 – Accidentally on Purpose  22 – The Good Wife  22 – The Forgotten  22 – NCIS: Los Angeles  23 – The Beautiful Life: TBL  23 – Cougar Town  23 – Mercy  23 – Eastwick  23 – Modern Family  24 – FlashForward  25 – Brothers  27 – The Cleveland Show  27 – Popzilla  27 – Titan Maximum  28 – Trauma  30 – Hank  30 – The Middle  2 – Stargate Universe  3 – Life on Top  3 – SuperFetch  4 – Dallas Divas & Daughters  4 – Three Rivers  5 – The Mo'Nique Show  5 – Jungle Junction  5 – Sherri  6 – Ghost Lab  7 – Secret Girlfriend  9 – I'm Alive  14 – Eddie Griffin: Going For Broke  22 – The Jeff Dunham Show  22 – Ultimate Parkour Challenge  23 – White Collar  27 – Monica: Still Standing  29 – The League  30 – Pit Bulls & Parolees  3 – V  6 – Ancients Behaving Badly  6 – Fanboy & Chum Chum  9 – Lopez Tonight  16 – Chef Academy  22 – The Haunted  23 – Find My Family  27 – I'm in the Band  28 – Big Time Rush  2 – Launch My Line  3 – BBQ Pitmasters  6 – Holly's World  7 – Men of a Certain Age  8 – Teen Mom  9 – Campus PD  12 – American Ninja Warrior  13 – The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty  14 – The Sing-Off  19 – CHRISJayify  21 – Little Chocolatiers  29 – One Big Happy Family  29 – Private Chefs of Beverly Hills 2008  8 – How Much Is Enough?  9 – Ghost Hunters International  10 – Make Me a Supermodel  11 – My Big Redneck Wedding  13 – Scott Baio Is 46...and Pregnant  13 – Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles  14 – Bone Detectives  14 – Gourmet's Diary of a Foodie  20 – Breaking Bad  21 – Life After People  23 – The Moment of Truth  25 – Gone Country  28 – In Treatment  29 – The Millionaire Matchmaker  30 – UFO Hunters  31 – Eli Stone  4 – The Mr. Men Show  4 – Welcome to The Captain  7 – America's Best Dance Crew  7 – Lipstick Jungle  7 – Ni Hao, Kai-Lan  7 – Survivor: Micronesia  8 – Escape to Chimp Eden  18 – Power Rangers Jungle Fury  2 – Unhitched  4 – After the Attack  4 – New Amsterdam  4 – The Real Housewives of New York City  6 – Crime 360  9 – Ax Men  10 – Canterbury's Law  12 – Lewis Black's Root of All Evil  18 – Iron Ring  22 – Hollywood 411  29 – Dance on Sunset  31 – Bingo America  1 – Delocated  3 – Rock the Cradle  3 – Step It Up and Dance  12 – Groomer Has It  13 – ¡Viva Hollywood!  14 – Can You Duet  14 – Ego trip's Miss Rap Supreme  14 – One Way Out  14 – The Paper  15 – NOFX: Backstage Passport  16 – Under One Roof  18 – Ben 10: Alien Force  21 – Verminators  22 – A Shot at Love II with Tila Tequila  22 – Out of the Wild  26 – The Mighty B!  27 – Celebracadabra  2 – Speed Racer: The Next Generation  14 – 1000 Ways to Die  26 – Denise Richards: It's Complicated  26 – Living Lohan  1 – In Plain Sight  5 – The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack  7 – Housecat Housecall  8 – I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant  8 – Paula's Best Dishes  10 – Untamed & Uncut  16 – The Middleman  17 – Rock and Roll Acid Test  29 – Factory  1 – The Secret Life of the American Teenager  6 – I Love Money  11 – The N's Student Body  13 – Brooke Knows Best  15 – From G's to Gents  16 – Hurl!  16 – The Gong Show with Dave Attell  17 – Reality Bites Back  21 – Catch 21  21 – Food Detectives  29 – Jurassic Fight Club  2 – Ask Aida  3 – Big Daddy's House  4 – I Want to Work for Diddy  16 – The Dish  18 – MTV's Busted  21 – The Cho Show  21 – Destroyed in Seconds  21 – Tabatha's Salon Takeover  25 – America's Toughest Jobs  1 – Raising the Bar  3 – Sons of Anarchy  6 – Body Language  6 – We Mean Business  6 – Wolverine and the X-Men  7 – Hole in the Wall  7 – True Blood  7 – Weird, True & Freaky  9 – Fringe  9 – Privileged  9 – The Rachel Zoe Project  10 – Do Not Disturb  11 – MTV's Top Pop Group  20 – The Suite Life on Deck  21 – Spaceballs: The Animated Series  22 – 90210  22 – Worst Week  23 – Opportunity Knocks  23 – The Mentalist  24 – Gary Unmarried  24 – Knight Rider  27 – Gogoriki  28 – The Life & Times of Tim  28 – World's Toughest Fixes  29 – 17 Kids and Counting  3 – Star Wars: The Clone Wars  3 – The Ex List  4 – The Secret Saturdays  5 – Easy Money  5 – In Harm's Way  5 – Valentine  7 – The Real Housewives of Atlanta  8 – The Tony Rock Project  9 – Eleventh Hour  9 – Kath & Kim  9 – Life on Mars  9 – Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Thursday  10 – The Starter Wife (TV series)  11 – Dogs 101  11 – Zane's Sex Chronicles  13 – My Own Worst Enemy  14 – Iditarod: Toughest Race on Earth  15 – Chocolate News  17 – Crash  17 – Crusoe  17 – Ghost Adventures  18 – Giada at Home  18 – Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling  20 – Real Chance of Love  20 – Rita Rocks  20 – Scream Queens  21 – Rookies  22 – Stylista  30 – Lost Tapes  6 – 50 Cent: The Money and the Power  7 – Whale Wars  8 – True Jackson, VP  15 – Think Like a Cat  18 – Brothers to Brutha  28 – Little Britain USA  29 – The Penguins of Madagascar  2 – Party Monsters Cabo  3 – Man v. Food  6 – Cats 101  7 – Adventure Time  7 – Leverage  8 – Children's Hospital  9 – A Double Shot at Love  16 – Momma's Boys  28 – Silent Library  29 – Bromance  29 – The City 2007  1 – Engaged and Underage  1 – High Maintenance 90210  1 – Poker After Dark  2 – Dirt  3 – The Knights of Prosperity  3 – In Case of Emergency  4 – Afro Samurai  6 – Wild World of Spike  7 – Grease: You're the One That I Want!  7 – I'm From Rolling Stone  7 – Just Jordan  8 – I Love New York  8 – Lincoln Heights  8 – The (White) Rapper Show  10 – Armed & Famous  12 – Cory in the House  15 – Kids by the Dozen  17 – Maui Fever  17 – The Naked Trucker and T-Bones Show  19 – Ms. Adventure  21 – The Dresden Files  22 – Boulevard of Broken Dreams  22 – E-Vet Interns  23 – Disney's Really Short Report  24 – Dinner: Impossible  28 – Ultimate Factories  30 – Bam's Unholy Union  30 – Wrestling Society X  31 – Top Design  1 – Juvies  1 – The Sarah Silverman Program  2 – The Erotic Traveler  3 – The Naked Brothers Band  5 – Rules of Engagement  11 – Saul of the Mole Men  20 – 100 Winners  20 – The Agency  23 – quiznation  26 – Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern  26 – The Black Donnellys  26 – Power Rangers Operation Overdrive  27 – Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?  2 – Cities of the Underworld  2 – Doctor*Ology  3 – El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera  4 – Dice: Undisputed  5 – The Land Before Time  6 – The Search for the Next Pussycat Doll  7 – The Wedding Bells  10 – Blood+  12 – The Riches  13 – American Heiress  13 – Bullrun  14 – Halfway Home  14 – Saints & Sinners  15 – Raines  15 –   Road  16 – Wayside  20 – The Whitest Kids U' Know  22 – This American Life  23 – Acceptable.TV  27 – The Great American Dream Vote  1 – Sons of Hollywood  1 – The Tudors  2 – Rogue Nature  2 – The Sauce  2 – Taquita + Kaui  3 – Hilary Duff: This Is Now  5 – Adventures in Hollyhood  5 – Human Giant  7 – Short Circuits  9 – Culture Shock  10 – Jon & Kate Plus 8  10 – Scarred  11 – Shear Genius  12 – Notes from the Underbelly  13 – Painkiller Jane  15 – 24/7  15 – Charm School  15 – Drive  16 – Divine Canine  18 – Head Case  24 – Rad Girls  7 – ESPN First Take  12 – My Friends Tigger & Pooh  13 – The Drinky Crow Show  13 – Fat Guy Stuck in Internet  13 – Superjail!  18 – National Bingo Night  19 – Reality Racing  25 – Storm Hawks  28 – Sunset Tan  29 – The Universe  30 – Hidden Palms  30 – The Next Best Thing  30 – Traveler  31 – Pirate Master  31 – The Starter Wife (Miniseries) – The Academy  1 – Demons  2 – Equitrekking  3 – Army Wives  6 – Destination Truth  6 – Passport to Latin America  6 – Tyler Perry's House of Payne  6 – The X Effect  10 – John from Cincinnati  13 – Lil' Bush  16 – Confessions of a Matchmaker  16 – Giada in Paradise  17 – Cape Wrath  17 – Flight of the Conchords  17 – Ice Road Truckers  18 – The 5ive  18 – Age of Love  18 – Heartland  24 – Friday: The Animated Series  26 – Shaq's Big Challenge  28 – Burn Notice  28 – Hey Paula  29 – The Best Years  2 – Camouflage  8 – American Body Shop  9 – Greek  9 – Take the Cake  10 – Baldwin Hills  11 – Code Monkeys  12 – General Hospital: Night Shift  13 – A Model Life  15 – Rock of Love with Bret Michaels  15 – Scott Baio Is 45...and Single  15 – Side Order of Life  16 – Chelsea Lately  17 – The Bill Engvall Show  17 – Room 401  18 – America's Next Producer  19 – Mad Men  20 – Human Weapon  22 – The Kill Point  22 – Private Sessions  23 – Saving Grace  24 – Damages  25 – Diagnosis X  26 – I Hate My 30's  29 – The Two Coreys  31 – Flipping Out  31 – Murder  4 – Grand Slam  5 – Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane  6 – Mission Man Band  6 – The Pickup Artist  7 – LA Ink  10 – Flash Gordon  13 – Californication  13 – Newport Harbor: The Real Orange County  13 – Slacker Cats  17 – Phineas and Ferb  20 – Yo Gabba Gabba!  22 – Anchorwoman  27 – Life of Ryan  30 – Celebrity Rap Superstar  31 – Back at the Barnyard  3 – Super Why!  3 – WordWorld  4 – Jail  4 – Put Up Your Dukes  6 – Tim Gunn's Guide to Style  8 – iCarly  9 – Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil  10 – Tell Me You Love Me  10 – The Steve Wilkos Show  14 – Nashville  14 – Out of Jimmy's Head  17 – K-Ville  19 – Gossip Girl  19 – MANswers  19 – Back to You  19 – Kid Nation  19 – Kitchen Nightmares  23 – CW Now  23 – Online Nation  24 – Journeyman  24 – The Big Bang Theory  24 – Chuck  25 – Reaper  25 – Cane  26 – Bionic Woman  26 – Life  26 – Private Practice  26 – Dirty Sexy Money  27 – Big Shots  28 – Moonlight  29 – Back at the Barnyard  1 – Aliens in America  1 – Celebrity Exposé  1 – Control Room Presents  1 – Dr. Steve-O  2 – Cavemen  2 – Carpoolers  2 – Sunday Best  3 – Pushing Daisies  5 – About a Girl  7 – America's Most Smartest Model  7 – Life Is Wild  9 – A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila  11 – Street Customs  12 – Say Yes to the Dress  12 – Women's Murder Club  12 – Wizards of Waverly Place  13 – The Future Is Wild  13 – The Search for the Next Elvira  14 – Keeping Up with the Kardashians  15 – Samantha Who?  15 – The Salt-N-Pepa Show  16 – E:60  17 – Storm Chasers  18 – Viva Laughlin  19 – The Next Great American Band  22 – Kaya  24 – Phenomenon  31 – MonsterQuest  1 – Gangland  2 – Chowder  2 – Co-Ed Confidential  2 – Orangutan Island  4 – Xavier: Renegade Angel  7 – Trapped  9 – CMT Invitation Only  9 – Talking Metal on Fuse  10 – Trick My Trucker  11 – Fearless Planet  20 – Frank TV  30 – Shockwave  7 – The A-list  9 – Snoop Dogg's Father Hood  16 – Psychic Kids  26 – Transformers: Animated  27 – Some Assembly Required  28 – Fight Quest 2006  1 – Flavor of Love  1 – High Stakes Poker  1 – In Justice  2 – Rollergirls  4 – South Beach  4 – There & Back  5 – Four Kings  6 – The Book of Daniel  6 – Dallas SWAT  6 – Hotel Erotica Cabo  7 – MuscleCar  8 – Campus Ladies  9 – There & Back  11 – Ham on the Street  12 – Crumbs  13 – Web Junk 20  15 – Full Force Nature  17 – King of Vegas  17 – Love Monkey  18 – Skating with Celebrities  22 – Number 1 Single  23 – Courting Alex  27 – The Emperor's New School  3 – Trick My Truck  7 – Get This Party Started  25 – Kappa Mikey  1 – Free Ride  2 – The Shop  3 – Conviction  4 – Little People, Big World  4 – Wonder Pets  6 – Pros vs. Joes  6 – Top Chef  7 – 8th & Ocean  7 – Sons & Daughters  7 – The Unit  8 – Black. White.  12 – Big Love  12 – Cheerleader Nation  13 – The New Adventures of Old Christine  15 – The Loop  15 – American Idol Extra  16 – American Inventor  17 – Modern Men  21 – The Real Housewives of Orange County  22 – The Evidence  22 – Heist  22 – Unan1mous  24 – Hannah Montana  27 – The Daily 10  28 – Teachers  28 – Thief  29 – The Bedford Diaries  31 – Survival of the Richest  2 – So NoTORIous  3 – Call to Greatness  3 – Yo Momma  4 – Bonds on Bonds  4 – King of Cars  4 – Pepper Dennis  6 – PlayMania  7 – Can't Get a Date  9 – Just for Kicks  10 – Shalom in the Home  15 – Eureka Seven  16 – What About Brian  17 – I've Got a Secret  18 – Mega Movers  18 – Pants-Off Dance-Off  19 – Future Weapons  21 – The Chelsea Handler Show  5 – Mickey Mouse Clubhouse  7 – Disorderly Conduct: Video on Patrol  21 – Supergroup  23 – Mega Disasters  29 – Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman  29 – Solitary  31 – The Hills  2 – Beyond the Break  5 – World Series of Blackjack  6 – The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency  7 – Dog Bites Man  8 – Windfall  9 – Where My Dogs At?  11 – Lucky Louie  12 – Saved  13 – ECW on Sci Fi  16 – Million Dollar Listing  17 – Spider Riders  18 – Treasure Hunters  21 – America's Got Talent  21 – Tyler Perry's House of Payne  22 – Country Fried Home Videos  26 – Kyle XY  28 – Blade: The Series  29 – American Eats  6 – Raising the Roofs  7 – Dog Bites Man  7 – Psych  7 – The Ultimate Coyote Ugly Search  9 – Brotherhood  10 – Caught in the Moment  12 – Keyshia Cole: The Way It Is  12 – WWE Madison Square Garden Classics  13 – Most Evil  14 – Squirrel Boy  16 – Angela's Eyes  17 – Driving Force  17 – Final Fu  18 – Eureka  19 – Miami Ink  19 – Work Out  27 – Who Wants to Be a Superhero?  28 – The Replacements  31 – One Ocean View  1 – Tabloid Wars  6 – Metalocalypse  6 – Three Moons Over Milford  7 – Gene Simmons Family Jewels  11 – CMT Cross Country  17 – Ace of Cakes  21 – Vanished  26 – Yin Yang Yo!  28 – Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!  30 – Justice  31 – The Fantasy Show  2 – Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes  2 – Saturday Night Football  4 – Curious George  4 – World Blackjack Tour  5 – Standoff  5 – Desire  5 – Fashion House  7 – Happy Hour  7 – 'Til Death  7 – Whacked Out Sports
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thevapingduckie · 7 years
Vaping Duckie’s Rantings and Ravings, Issue #1
BILL S-5 IN CANADA What will Bill S-5 do?
Make it illegal for vape shops to truthfully tell customers that vaping is less harmful than combustible cigarettes Allow Health Canada to regulate products in the future as it chooses — and this has already begun. The agency has announced that all vaping products that contain nicotine must have child-resistant caps, including tanks [see below] Eliminate many popular flavors by preventing manufacturers from honestly describing them. It bans flavor descriptions that indicate candy, dessert, and soft drink flavors, for example — and Health Canada will be free to amend the list at any time Probably lead to American tobacco companies moving in and taking over the bulk of the vaping market in Canada. Cigarette companies have the money, regulatory knowledge, and distribution power to overwhelm a small market (or a large one, for that matter!) Violate constitutional rights. Bill S-5 has been criticized by legal experts like the Canadian Constitution Foundation for violating constitutional rights of Canadian citizens
The bill’s purposes are stated clearly:
To protect young persons and non-users of tobacco products from inducements to use vaping products; To protect the health of young persons and non-users of tobacco products from exposure to and dependence on nicotine that could result from the use of vaping products; To protect the health of young persons by restricting access to vaping products; To prevent the public from being deceived or misled with respect to the health hazards of using vaping products; and To enhance public awareness of those hazards.
This is supposed to protect Kids, a lot like what Congress is trying to do in the US.
It's currently in the second reading in the house of commons in Canada.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has singled out the Juul Pod system as particularly dangerous, More so than ACTUAL SMOKING.  He is saying that ONE Juul pod has as much Nicotine as a FULL PACK OF CIGARETTES. That's insane. The amount of nicotine that is in the pod depends SOLELY on the amount of nicotine the person using said device uses. For me personally, It's between 1 and 4mg depending on my mood.  Before this, Sen. Schumer went after batteries, stating “Despite the explosions, no recalls have been issued.” What the Senator failed to realize or find through simple research was that the majority of "Vape Explosions" are a result of "User Error", such as having loose batteries in one's pockets with loose change or keys or improper charging. We in the vaping community have someone who stays on top of battery safety and always has up to date specs and warnings for any battery used for vaping. Check out Battery Mooch for more about batteries.
Johnson's Creek E-Liquid Company has gone out of business, and this is very sad news for the Vaping Industry as a whole. Johnson's Creek was the first E-Liquid producer established in the states, and between Direct to Consumer sales, Wholesale Bulk E-Liquid, and Distro to brick-and-mortar shops, at one point they were the second largest E-Liquid manufacturer in the world.
Well, The CEO stated earlier in the year they had major concerns aurrounding the Deeming Regulations being proposed by the Food and Drug Administration, sating that it could and likely WOULD put them out of business. The Regs state that each application, which cost $1 million, The company would have to pay $200 million if it submitted an application for every flavour that they made. The Village of Hartland agreed to step in and help by urging the FDA to rethink the regulations, but ultimately to no Avail.
Hartland Village Administrator David Cox said that while he believes that the prospect of the costly looming regulations did play a role in the company’s demise, a business deal gone wrong with tobacco and cigarette papers distributor Republic Tobacco, is what sealed their fate.
the CEO posted to twitter on Oct. 9 "Very sad to announce we are going out of business effective tomorrow", and sin a statement on their website they added: Johnson Creek will no longer be in business. I’m so very sorry that we’ve failed you.” Heidi Braun, CEO, Johnson Creek
You didn't fail us, Heidi.
So the Altria group is being forced to run Advertisements against Smoking. For those who don't know, the Altria group is the company that owns brands such as Phillip Morris, RJ Reynolds and Lorillard. This is the group that gives us Newport and Marlboro, basically.
In the court case which was initiated almost 20 years ago, the big tobacco companies were accused of releasing misleading adverts and implicated for the false health claims they made about cigarettes in the past. The TV segments will be between 30 and 45 seconds long and will feature mostly on  ABC, CBS and NBC for five days a week. The adverts will run for a total of 52 weeks, and will display court-mandated text accompanied by a voice narration.
“Altria, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, Lorillard, and Philip Morris USA intentionally designed cigarettes to make them more addictive,” will say one of the adverts, whilst another one will read : “More people die every year from smoking than from murder, AIDS, suicide, drugs, car crashes, and alcohol, combined.”
I'm not sure how effective these ads will be as Television is no longer the number one source of entertainment in the world, but I'm glad to see SOME action has been taken to make these companies own up to their mistakes.
now on to something a little less dour.
DUCKIE!! WHATCHU VAPIN' ON? Recently, I've been vaping on the Smok Alien 220 mod, and switching between both the Smok TFV8 Cloud Beast and a generic mini Velocity RDA I got from My friend Mitch.  I was vaping on the iPV5, but it's having some form of issue due to juice leaking into it. I AM a notorious over-dripper.
I also from time to time like to use my JAXBOX in single 18650 mode with my Cloud Champ RDA on it. It's fun for a little nostalgia.
Well.. That's a long answer. Let's see, I left off with Zamplebox unboxings and reviews. Well, I ran out of things to review and had an issue with Zamplebox where my box was over a month late, then I got the wrong box, then got my box AFTER getting the box for the next month, which was ALSO late. After that, I ended my membership. I then ran out of things to review, and then we were evicted from our house, and had to move. I briefly worked at STR8 VAPES in Ennis, and loved the hell out of that, and then we moved to a completely different town. My other job, being a rapper and producer(go figger, right?) started to take off and I focused on that, but now I'm back here with you guys. Insofar as Juice goes, I've been making my own, and I'm going to show you guys that.  
Well, obviously, I plan on vlogging, and writing these little editorial rants. I'm still going to review stuff(I'm in the process of researching the first review back) and I'll show you guys stuff insofar as Juice and such goes. It's gonna be fun!
I firmly plan on youtubing again, and making sure that you guys will have access to it here on Tumblr. @Sweetmal25 told me that I should. I believe her. I don’t have a choice, She's my wife.
To conclude this, Let's find a way to help our Canadian brethren and fellow Vapers. I know we have an uphill battle here in the US to contend with, but we can't stand by and let our fellow Vaper lose their vaping. It's not something I'm willing to stand for. I'm gonna look into some stuff and find any sort of campaigns to help, and when I do they'll be posted here on my tumblr. Also, Pour one out for Johnson Creek. they will be missed. One of the first bottles of E-liquid I ever had was from them. It was a cookie flavour of some kind, if I remember right, and it was delicious.
Our Elected Officials have no idea what they're talking about insofar as vaping goes, and are trying to ban vaping in an effort to "Protect the Children". While a noble cause, this is a very thin veil that we can all see through, and know where it’s really coming from.
I AM BACK, and plan on a lot more content and DIFFERENT content than before while maintaining the older stuff.
@Sweetmal25 is my favourite person, and I'm not just saying that because ring.
I'll see you all in the next video and my next Ranting and Raving.
TVD/The Vaping Duckie
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ontapsportsapp · 7 years
US, John Calipari overwhelmed by Canada's RJ Barrett in semifinals of FIBA U19 World Cup - Sporting News
Sporting News
US, John Calipari overwhelmed by Canada's RJ Barrett in semifinals of FIBA U19 World Cup Sporting News July 8, 2017 5:05pm EDT July 8, 2017 5:05pm EDT The Americans were beaten by a team filled with players who play on the AAU circuit, who compete at U.S. high schools, and who relied largely on the brilliance of a single individual player. Austin Wiley, Team USA fall to Canada in FIBA U19 World Cup semifinalsAL.com No gold medal for John Calipari's United States U19 after loss to CanadaThe Courier-Journal RJ Barrett stars as Canada shocks Team USA in FIBA U19 semisYahoo Sports Lexington Herald Leader -WKYT -Addicted to Quack -UConn Huskies all 110 news articles »
Read more at http://ift.tt/2tBAbL0 Support us through http://ift.tt/S7ofg3
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bighousela · 7 years
Buster's Mal Heart
The story of a man split in two.
Official website:
http://bustersmalheart.com Follow on twitter:
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https://www.facebook.com/BustersMalHeart Follow on facebook:https://www.facebook.com/BustersMalHeart BUSTER'S MAL HEART (2017) Official Trailer | Rami MalekWell Go USA Entertainment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxKOMAfZjgM Starring:Jonah.........................................................RAMI MALEK The Last Free Man......................................DJ QUALLS Marty....................................................KATE LYN SHEIL Roxy..........................................SUKHA BELLE POTTER Deputy Winston.........................................TOBY HUSS Pauline..........................................................LIN SHAYE Oscar..........................................................MARK KELLY Ranger Meg...........................................BRUCE BUNDY Adelita...............................................TERESA YENQUE Dale......................................................JARED LARSON Mrs. Bowry...........................SANDRA ELLIS LAFFERTY Mr. Bowry........................................NICHOLAS PRYOR Ryan...............................................................RJ BURNS Bill Western.......................................GABRIEL CLARK Morning Shift Concierge.................LILY GLADSTONE Detective...............................................CHRIS TORMA Local Newscaster..............................SHI NE NIELSON Ophthalmologist..............................RICKY HARTUNG Mormon Bishop.............................TOM CORDINGLEY Quack Scientist........................DR. FRANKLIN RUEHL Radio DJ Voice 1.................................NICK KNUDSEN Radio DJ Voice 2..............................GREG BEHRENDT “Cat”...................................................................PICKLE Phone Sex Operator.............................KATE BERLANT Rude Guest........................................DIANA DAMRON Subdued Preacher....................CHRISTOPHER KRIESA Evangelical Preacher..........................MICHAEL CLINE Network Newscaster.....................KIMBERLY ARLAND Kathy Rose...................................JENNY LEONHARDT Maria Cueyatl..............................RUTH ZALDUONDO Psychic Commercial Voice..........JENNIFER LAFLEUR Public Access Psychic......................SANDRA SEACAT Psychic Caller...................................ROSS PARTRIDGE Ranger Joe........................................WALTER DALTON Written and Directed by SARAH ADINA SMITH Produced by JONAKO DONLEY Produced by TRAVIS STEVENSExecutive Producer MYNETTE LOUIE Executive Producers JULIE PARKER BENELLO,    DAN COGAN, GERALYN DREYFOUS,    WENDY ETTINGER Executive Producer SAMUEL T. BAUERCo-Executive Producers ERIKA KELTON   REGINA K. SCULLY, LESLEY  ANN SKILLEN SYNOPSISIn this bold thriller peppered with dark humor and interlocking mystery, an eccentric mountain man is on the run from the authorities, surviving the winter by breaking into empty vacation homes in a remote community. Regularly calling into radio talk shows — where he has acquired the nickname “Buster” — to rant about the impending Inversion at the turn of the millennium, he is haunted by visions of being lost at sea, and memories of his former life as a family man.Buster (Rami Malek, MR. ROBOT) was once Jonah, a hard-working husband and father whose job as the night-shift concierge at a hotel took its toll on his psyche and, consequently, his marriage to the sensitive Marty (Kate Lyn Sheil) — until a chance encounter with a conspiracy-obsessed drifter (DJ Qualls) changed the course of their lives forever. As the solitary present-day Buster drifts from house to house, eluding the local sheriff at every turn, we gradually piece together the events that fractured his life and left him alone on top of a snowy mountain, or perhaps in a small rowboat in the middle of a vast ocean — or both, in this visceral mind bender that will provoke discussion long after it turns your world upside-down.
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxKOMAfZjgM)
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yeahwesaidthat · 7 years
The Best of D&D, Round Two
Ladiiiiiiiies and gentlemeeeeeeen! The votes for Round One are IN, and the finalists are posted below! Once again, there will be a survey to narrow down the potentials, and then it’s on to Round Three!
My only fear is that y’all will get bored of even the best quotes by then. Hopefully not...
Once again, the survey is at the end of the post!
Overheard During D&D Other RPGs/3.5e
Describing a character: SO: “She is built like a brick shithouse.” DM: “She shits brick houses.” Bubbles: “She makes brick houses shit bricks.”
Rogue equipment: KB (IC): “I need [boots] that are…soft-sounding.” MM (IC): “We have socks.”
Proper procedure when everything goes to hell: RD: “[Cleric] goes outside and makes a magic circle, sits in it, and cries.”
During Hackmaster, about a bottle label: SB: “It says ‘Thou shalt not question the DM over inane shit!’”
KH (IC): “That stupid fucking son of a flea-ridden bitch cunt wizard - ” MM (IC): “Oh, him.”
IO: “[Wizard] is going to say - ” KB: “Can I tell you why this is a bad idea?” IO: “No.”
Calling for divine help in very specific situations: MM: “Please state your current medical emergency.” KB: “Head-splosion.” SO: “If you have been stabbed, press one. If you are currently being stabbed, press two.” MM: “If your head’s detonated and you’ve launched into a wall, press three.” RD: “Why did you press three? We never expected anyone to press three!” SO: “We don’t know what to do in this medical emergency! Please dial again!”
Overheard During D&D 4e
Taunting the kraken: Player: “Your tentacles are so short even an anime girl wouldn’t take 'em!”
What we think we saw - again?: Player: “If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and weighs the same as a duck, it must be a witch.” KH: “It’s a witch.” RJ: “Build a bridge out of ‘er!”
Mass undead murder: Player: “We made a ghoul-ash. An evil gumbo, really.”
SB: “Eventually you end up at the most popular stall in the market.” Player: “Porn?” 
Questioning the legitimacy of an NPC: SB (IC as Priest): “I have a degree in polytheism from the University of Phoenix Online!”
Healing needed: Player: “I have a mess kit, will that help?” WS: “Only if you want to make a mess.”
Killing the undead: SB: “Congratulations, you choked something to death that doesn’t breathe.”
Player: “Thank God I decided to engage the dragon in melee.” MW: “You’ll never hear that in any other D&D campaign ever again.”
Captain: “Neverwinter ho!” Dwarf: “Hos? Where?”
Interesting kills: SB: “You decapitated him with a bludgeoning weapon.”
Overheard During D&D 5e
Spell modifications for humourous purposes: MR: “Using a Dex[terity] save for Zone of Truth means they’re literally dodging the question.”
Demonic insight: KH: “I say in Infernal, ‘Peace! We mean you no harm!’” JI: “There’s no word in Infernal for ‘peace.’” Retroactive Edit: Demons actually speak Abyssal. Devils speak Infernal.
About a previous edition of D&D: KH: “[What] the hell couldn’t you do in 3.5?” SW: “Win.”
What to do with windmills: KH: “If we had a lance, we could go tilting.” MR: “Cavalier idea.”
After a petrifying encounter with some basilisks: BC: “I always thought she was stone-hearted.” KT: “I dunno, I thought she rocked.” JS: “I am going to kill all of you.”
Switching to melee for a change: CD: “Let’s see if this ‘offense’ thing you do all the time really works.” (rolls a critical hit)
Identifying mysterious cults: KH: “What’s the Cult of Howling Hatred?” EC: “The Westboro Baptist Church, obviously.”
EC (IC): “So what you’re saying is that it’s very dangerous and we shouldn’t go in. I’ll take point.”
Scrying like bad cell reception: KH: “Switch to AD&D.” JB: “Can you scry me now?”
MGW: “You were doing so well until everybody died.” JF: “D&D in a summary.”
Wisdom for stealing magic items: KC: “Anything that glows goes.”
To a half-orc and Sir Bearington, regarding weirdness: MGW (IC): “…but for me to assume you’re in a loving relationship with a talking bear is where we draw the line?!” 
More on the seduction roll: Bubbles: “Try to convince her to come with us. The way she came with you last night.”
Annoying Teen: (about his character) “Would he still hate me?” AD: (not about his character) “I think everyone hates you.”
Old adages: MR: “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” (IC) “But then, no enemy has survived contact with us!” (OOC) “Was that quote-worthy?” KH: “Yes.” 
About cultists: DM (IC): “They are water people. Maybe they’re just going with the flow.”
About going forward: KH: “Against our better judgment.” DM: “What better judgment?” KH: “Good point.”
About flirting with an efreet: JI: “Below her waist is a trailing cloud of black smoke, so you’re not getting anything.”
Worst-laid plans: KH (IC): “I have a very bad feeling about this.” MR (IC): “You should.”
Zombies aren’t too smart: BC (IC): “Bobs, attack the closest gnoll!” Bobs: (run at gnoll party member) KH (OOC): “Et tu, Bob?” JS (OOC): “If this doesn’t belong in your blog, I dunno what does.”
Other RPGs/3.5e MVP Nominations So Far
SB, SO, MM, KH, Bubbles, RD, IO
4e MVP Nominations So Far
SB (x3), “If it looks like a duck...”, WS, RJ
5e MVP Nominations So Far
JI, KH (x2), MGW (x2), MR (x3), JB (x4), KC, EC, Bubbles, ST, AD, RD, MGW
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