#caroline lessing fanfic
reluctantjoe · 1 year
Just a Taste (William Agar & Caroline Lessing)
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Summary: "There was always something whenever these meetings occurred - a tension too sharp. Inappropriate thoughts ran wildly and freely in Caroline’s mind at even hearing William’s determined voice. She wondered if it was ever the same for him." Warnings: 18+ ONLY. Plot with references to mature subjects. Allusions to Dom!William, Sub!Caroline. Mild injuries. Implied masturbation. Allusions to jealousy. Allusions to (somewhat) jealous sex. Allusions to extramarital affair. Teasing. Implied Sub!William, Dom!Caroline. Blood kink. Word Count: 1,347 Where To Read: Ao3 | Tumblr (you're here!) A/N: My first ever pairing fic! This is an alternative ending to 'The Madman's Trial' scene in 'Quacks' where Caroline is cleaning up William's injuries. And although I feel bad for doing so, I just can't help but ship them (Sorry, Robert.) - Caroline is too good for Robert and William is too good for Mina! In an alternate universe (or hypothetical second series), William and Caroline are a couple and living their best lives! Anyway, I hope those who read this enjoy it. As always, if I have missed any Warnings, then please let me know. Any reblogs and/or comments are greatly appreciated! Tag List: @jamiewintons | @pink-booty-butts
Caroline sighed as the excess water from her cloth drained into the bowl. This had become part of her weekly routine at this point. Another blood-stained cloth from another incident was beginning to form against William’s blood-stained lips. Why, oh why did he insist on getting himself into these battles when the results were always the same?
She had to admire his willingness, though. He dared to try, and he was brave to do so, knowing the insane individuals he would meet up with could (and most likely, would) cause him harm. She just wished that they didn’t. Some small part of her wished he would give up - try something new. She was tired of this weekly occurrence, and her heart broke for him when William would look at her with defeated eyes once more - another attempt to cure the mad failed.
“I’m sorry,” William winced, the cut on his lip stinging from the cloth. As much as he tried to hide the thrill of, dare say, even speaking to Caroline, the guilt of her practically becoming his nurse carried deeply. “You should be with Robert, not cleaning up a failed alienist. But you are kind enough to do this, no matter the appearance I show you every week. Thank you, Caroline.”
Despite Caroline’s ashamed thoughts of wanting William to step away from this, even just for a day, she knew that isn’t what he needed to hear right now. He needed reassurance and she was more than happy to provide that - no matter the type or repercussions.
“William, as your friend, it is my duty to care. You are so brave and what you do is extraordinary. Besides, I like taking care of you.” Caroline’s eyes met William’s and locked for a second too long.
There was always something whenever these meetings occurred - a tension too sharp. Inappropriate thoughts ran wildly and freely in Caroline’s mind at even hearing William’s determined voice. She wondered if it was ever the same for him.
Have images such as her’s ever dared to preoccupy his mind? Has he ever touched himself? Touched himself to the thought of her? Did he ever imagine the words that would be spoken into her ear, as he would run his hands down her form? Too scandalous for words, would he care that she was taken by Robert? Or would that set jealousy within - causing him to want to prove how good he could make her feel; the pleasure he could bring by his praise and worship, and the most delicate yet precise touches to the most intimate part of her body?
William’s voice brought Caroline back to reality. “Are you okay?” He asked, concernedly, “You seem to be in deep thought, Caroline. I hope my injuries haven’t disgusted you.”
It was then that she was reminded of the fight he and Harold got into during the fake trial. How helpless the crowd was; how she was. How he was. The shouting and flailing around on the floor. The punches; the gasps. The bead of blood on William’s lip that was slowly appearing by the sheer force of Harold’s outburst…
“Caroline? Caroline, are you quite alright?”
“Yes!” Caroline cleared her throat and straightened up, the continuous bending down starting to ache her lower back. “Yes, William, I am fine. Your injuries haven’t disgusted me at all. Are you turning into a mad man too?”
William chuckled at Caroline’s joke. He appreciated the humour at this embarrassing and painful time, but he also noticed a slight sense of falseness. “You seem to be a little red. Are you feeling well? Would you like me to observe you? It is the last thing I can do, I can assure you.”
Caroline went back to the bowl to soak the cloth once more. “I was just thinking back to the trial. The pure lunacy of the man! You looked so…” She tried to contain herself and her thoughts. She didn’t want to skip too far ahead to what was a frightful time for William, but God, a gorgeous mess for her. “...helpless. When Harold pushed you onto the floor and hit you. The blood…”
“Yes, it wasn’t the best sight, was it? How embarrassing of me to think I could help.”
Caroline finally squeezed the excess water back into the bowl once more, but this time, placed the cloth onto the table. She faced William and walked back to him. While attending to him, Caroline was careful not to clean up everything so quickly. She bent down again and slowly traced her finger across William’s blooded lip.
“Caroline, what are you-”
She tilted William’s chip up with her other hand, making sure his eyes were only fixated on her. On her mesmerised face. On her finger with his blood.
William’s knuckles turned white by the act. He shifted but didn’t dare to look down, as though to dismiss the shiver he felt by this new intimidating position he found himself in. A gulp came next because should he speak, he was scared of the outcome. The thought of the noise he would make sent him deeper into his perplexed yet newly founded submissive state.
“Mm, yes.” Caroline turned her attention to her blooded finger, while still holding William’s chin with her other hand. “What is it I called you earlier, William?” She circled her finger with her thumb, spreading the fluid. “Helpless?”
Caroline faced William again, the most stunned expression greeting her. She finally dropped the hand at his chin and William breathed out deeply.
What just happened? What was Caroline up to? He was stunned. He tried to compose himself. William remembered his blood was still on Caroline. His face shot up, not knowing where to begin.
“Poor thing.” William gulped. “Oh, don’t be so nervous, William. I’m not going to hurt you.” Caroline bent down once more, but this time, made sure to get as close to William’s ear without raising suspicion to the public.
“I have a blood kink,” She breathed into his ear.
Those words sent William insane. He tried to say something, anything, but he found his throat closed up and dry; the air nearly knocked out of him by Caroline’s statement.
Caroline returned to her standing position. With only the face that could only be described as enchanted, adorned by William, she decided to take it one step further. With hesitation, she looked around, almost as if to see if the coast was clear. She locked onto William’s eyes once more and slowly put her blooded finger into her mouth. William was in a daze; hypnotised, even, by Caroline’s action. Every movement she made with her finger until his blood was on her dominant tongue was tracked by his eyes.
William was out of it. He thought this was a dream. He thought he would wake up and have to take care of things. But what Caroline did next proved to be the opposite.
With one finger now licked clean of William’s blood, there was only her thumb to go. This new found confidence Caroline had was now desperate to be shown. With less hesitation this time, she quickly glanced around, and returned her gaze to William.
Quickly and quietly, she placed her thumb onto William’s lower lip. “Open up,” She whispered. Without even realising what was happening or what he was doing, William opened his mouth and felt Caroline’s thumb in his mouth. His blood in his mouth. Caroline’s thumb, with his blood, in his mouth. He ought to find it disgusting. But he was entranced. This feeling was foreign, yet he loved it. He couldn’t help but emit a strangled whine from his throat; he prayed Caroline didn’t hear.
After she was sure the rest of William’s blood was gone, Caroline slowly removed her thumb from William’s mouth. “There we go. Thank you for being so good while I cleaned you up, William. I’ll see you tomorrow, yes? Try not to get into too many fights before then. Otherwise I may just have to clean you up again.”
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freesidexjunkie · 9 months
okay but i did just finish the Big Overall Plotting for my solavellan fic and i was so proud that i made some Nice Bones to hang the meat of the story on and then i remembered I have to now make the meat to hang on the bones and im in despair
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hyperactivewhore · 2 months
Perhaps this comes out as klaroline bashing? This is all canon events but lmk if people want this in the anti tag. Anyway, I get it's fanfiction, but I'll never understand why writers make Cami/Hayley straight up bitches - and I hate this word - in klaroline fanfics.
Some people act as if Camille or Hayley actively went out of their way to sabotage Klaus's relationships, which it's just dumb. This man was literally screwing Genevieve, a woman who played a part in Kieran's death and who was nothing but mean to her, yet Cami was still kind and nice to her, and honestly Hayley couldn't have cared less about who Klaus dated (and like, usually writers make Rebekah and Caroline best friends, so it's insane she hates Hayley for the hybrid thing yet absolutely adores Rebekah who was nothing but rude to her).
Camille and Caroline would not hate each other if they met, be for real now. Caroline didn't only show no interest in Klaus, she was aware he slept with the same woman he thought Tyler had been unfaithful with which just proves her more he has close to no respect for her but she also said she never felt herself around him, so why would she ever hate someone who is quite literally the embodiment of kindness because of a man who who always hurt her? Hayley and her had problems of their own, but knowing the personalities of Caroline and Cami they wouldn't hate each other over a guy - Caroline is more likely to slut-shame her if anything, but that's another whole conversation.
Anyway, Cami, Hayley and Caroline have always been too hot for Klaus Mikaelson.
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Live laugh laboratory sketch part 2 electric boogaloo! White woman who lived through 50s AND the 90s’ farmhouse chic? She owns no less than one of those live laugh love signs, even as a white woman that’s now an evil menacing robot. I’ll be honest, I loved this sketch so much, I just HAD to render her, even though I haven’t rendered in a year; she’s just so pretty!!!
I love me a silly evil ‘puter! Drawing a super goofy AM and GLaDOS comic next while I finish up my portal cosplays! If I could draw humans at all, I’d do a little piece of Doug giving this to human Caroline and Cave trying to figure out where the hell the painted panel came from, pissed as hell. 😂
(If anyone wants any edits for a fanfic cover/custom wording to make reaction memes/reddit reaction posts/just to be silly/etc, just shoot me a DM! I’d be happy to! If you want to repost it, please ask first and give credit! Reblogs, comments, and likes, on the other hand, are always appreciated! 🧡)
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misscrawfords · 4 months
I've been listening to Pride and Prejudice again this week in the car - I've got as far as Mrs. Gardiner's letter - and oh, my heart! So many thoughts and feelings. (Pls ask me about P&P, please.) Anyway, one thing I've been reflecting on is how the plot is almost too neat. It's fairytale-like in that there's really no way it could have happened IRL - what are the odds that Elizabeth's best friend marries Darcy's aunt's clergyman and they all happen to be in Kent together? What are the odds that Elizabeth goes to Derbyshire and visits his estate at exactly the time he arrives back? etc. etc. In real life, none of this could have happened. P&P is as tightly plotted and sparse in its extraneous details in the same way that Emma is and Emma is possibly the tightest plotted novel ever written.
But it got me thinking about P&P "variations" as the published fanfic is called and how unlikely so much of it is. People really want to make Austen's characters do things they absolutely never would. There is zero chance that Elizabeth would accept Mr. Collins. There is less than zero chance that Mr. Darcy would compromise her and force her to marry him. (Mr Darcy? The guy who thinks staring uncomfortably at a woman across the room is flirting? As if!) These so-called variations might end up with interesting plots but are fundamentally flawed because the characters who would act in these ways are absolutely not the characters Austen wrote.
So I was wondering where you could successfully have a variation. It would have to be a scenario in which circumstances change but not characters. So here are a few I think could work (and almost certainly have been written):
Bingley meets Jane in London. Despite Darcy and Caroline's best efforts, it's not inconceivable that they might bump into each other. London's big but not that big. It's as plausible as the meeting at Pemberley. I can't imagine Bingley could be persuaded against Jane when she's actually in front of him, looking sad and ill because she missed him so much. But what of his relationship with Darcy? Surely strained at this point. And what of Darcy's relationship with Elizabeth now that they'd be thrown together much more much earlier on and in a way that ensures continuous acquaintance. What happens with Lydia? Unlikely she'd ever go to Brighton. Jane's marriage changes the Bennets' circumstances entirely. Everything is changed here but it's an intriguing AU and not implausible.
Elizabeth and the Gardiners go to the Lakes. I mean... it's only authorial dabbling that means they don't in the first place. The Pemberley sequence never happens. Big repercussions for the development of Darcy's character, Elizabeth's feelings and Lydia's reputation. How do you get them all back together? Uncertain. Another more minor but potentially interesting change in this area would be the Gardiners always intending to go to Derbyshire. The journey is brought up at Rosings. Darcy pre-proposal invites Elizabeth and her relations to Pemberley. It gives him an opportunity to be nicer earlier but how does Elizabeth receive it? What happens at the proposal consequently? What happens to the offered invitation post-refusal? Becomes even more awkward in Derbyshire.
Georgiana accompanies Darcy and the Bingleys to Netherfield. Not the AU I'd be most interested in because I think Wickham would nope out of there the second he knows Georgiana is in town because there's no way Darcy wouldn't act if his sister's wellbeing was on the line, so that whole plot would be knocked on the head. However, the possibility of a friendship being struck up between Elizabeth and Georgiana at Netherfield while Jane is ill is a cute one. (Though I think without an interest in Darcy himself, Elizabeth would take time to warm up to Georgiana - lbr the Bennet who would instantly become her big sister is Jane.)
Lydia never lets slip about Darcy being at her wedding. Not a very interesting AU because Elizabeth would find out somehow and Bingley and Darcy would return to Netherfield anyway and she's in love with him even without knowing about Lydia so....
Can you think of any more AU possibilities like this that don't involve the characters acting OOC to set up the premise?
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defeateddetectives · 2 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
thank youuu @coquelicoq for the tag! yes this is an entire month late because of who i am as a person :'D
3 ships you like: actually gonna give some real estate to the ones i have NOT been rotating nonstop on this space like a rotisserie chicken lately to mix things up!
1) hiyakawa/mikado (the night beyond the tricornered window) - a plug for my tiny, spooky, hilarious and obscure af manga series that blindsided me with its pathos (and because i want everyone to read it and then create some very niche fan-content for me specifically! :D wait who said that!) emotionally oblivious loser 4 emotionally oblivious loser!!! except they're emotionally oblivious in fun, complementary ways! their whole journey is absolutely bonkers and unexpectedly heartfelt, and yes, exorcism should be this hot always!
2) natsume/tanuma (natsume yuujinchou) - i know that no one will believe me when i say that this is still THE natsume yuujinchou ship to me at the end of the day! something something if i loved it less i might be able to talk about it more! but lonely kids finding one another and making each other's lives SO MUCH BETTER solely for existing in each other's orbit and being such a paragon of healthy, functional communication and trust and growing connection that still floors me to this day (and with such courage and eloquence that most adults still cannot manage...i say...sideeyeing two v specific adults)!!! theirs was the thread that pulled me into the series to begin with (i literally just watched all the tanuma eps on first pass) and i'm still so grateful for them and everything about them
3) jack rackham/anne bonny (black sails) - platonic/queerplatonic/romantic/whichever combo or other nebulous way you slice it! THE soulmates of all time that haunt me on the regular and really said to the audience: watch us take your expectations and definitions and parameters of love, joyfully smash it to smithereens, and create something so tremendously unrecognizable and beautiful. truly partners till they put us in the fucking ground!!!
first ship ever: the first fanfic i stumbled upon in my life featured taichi and yamato from digimon adventure. i still remember this because it was interspersed with an edit of yamato in a dress and posted on ye olde personal webpages and shown to me by a school friend, both of us looking like the :o face incarnate. we were Babies. it was a Time. i don't even think i knew what a ship was at the time but hashtag formative things!
last song you heard: it's been a grimes & janelle monae - venus fly kinda day
favourite childhood book: soft spot for whitechurch by chris lynch forever. i think i read it maybe in high school? it rewired my brain and is probably a huge part of why i am the way i am/write the way i do subconsciously.
currently reading: does vi bullying me into danmei count? in which case, global examination....at snail's pace. in this house we love and appreciate a good arson!
currently watching: recently started rewatching the original a:tla for the first time since it finished airing after trying and failing miserably with the live action :( only a few episodes in but augh its still so good and some things hit even harder with foreknowledge. there will never really be another character arc like zuko's ever again.
currently consuming: a smoothie! i've discovered i am a fan of almond butter when dunked in a blender with berries, yogurt and milk. 11/10 would recommend!
currently craving: earlier today i was daydreaming of bbq so let's go with that
super low pressure tagging @endless-season @half-infinite @argyros @fadedclxssic @caroline-hill @kastellaran @doubleboyfriend @constastan @spookirou and as always, everyone is welcome to steal
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tophsazulas · 5 months
001: Forwood! ❤️❤️
when I started shipping it if I did: The Masquerade ep
my thoughts: my babies! out of the fandom but will forever love them
What makes me happy about them: Their chemistry, development, the way they fought for one another, how they bonded over their supernatural abilities, Tyler breaking every bone in his body to break the sirebond for Care.
What makes me sad about them: How the writers cared less about them later on and more about sc/kc. Tyler was always vilified which makes me upset.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Seeing DE in some fics, even if it's just a little. SE girlie always.
things I look for in fanfic: Good writing, Tyler and Caroline ic, and a happy ending.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Caroline with Bonnie or Matt, Tyler with Jeremy or Bonnie
My happily ever after for them: Them leaving mf after season 3 as planned.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Tyler is the big spoon and Care the little spoon. I can see them switching tho :)
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Party planning
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fen-the-magnificat · 4 months
literally EVERY question for &j. every single one
lets get into it!
the community, how much joy there is in the fanworks, and the music
aspec frankie - i still wouldn't personally write it, but i really really like how reggie does it, so i have definitely warmed up to it
romeo tbh. i didn't care that much about him when i first saw the show.
hrrrgh gonna give this one a miss sorry i really dislike any non-canon ships
angst for may. please keep hurting my fave i adore it
happiness. also colour
hurt may, and angst, as well as shenanigans
the pure amount of background details there are in the show - also the design of the show, like the set and the projections and i could talk about it all day its so clever
jumeo, i think. they're just kinda there i like that. also langelique
@thetisming. i will always appreciate him reaching out, i would be very lonely in the fandom otherwise :)
show me the meaning (there's something missing). that shit took me forever, I'm so glad it got the reception that it has, it meant a lot.
reg you are the amperstan, thanking you for tying the lot of us together, and for being so welcoming
we don't really have them (we should fix that)
may, but also frankie
I HAVE SO MANY but right now it's the end of confident where may runs on all happy, sees juliet and frankie kiss, and then like stumbles backward and runs of stage. hurts my feelings, 10/10
the entire show
maycois, or may and frankies character tags
there are so many. look at my ao3 bookmarks.
the darkest minds book series back when i was 11, there were less than 30 works and i read on ff.net
nevermoor bookseries. nevermoor discord i miss you everyday but i have been gone for so long and am scared to return
shadowycupcake or tillywunderwing. i wont bother them with tags but you guys were the first to make me feel welcomed in a fandom, i am forever grateful
i think caroline in the city? the last one was community but i have now watched that so
I've been able to connect with so many people that share my interests, and not be judged for it. i get to make things and people like it. i love being in fandoms rbiberkjsb crying brb
learn to take a step back. you will only burn yourself out if you don't. remember that fanworks (fanfic especially) are for yourself, first and foremost. learn to treat creating like a gift to yourself and not an obligation.
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supremeuppityone · 5 months
Klaroline fanfic update: An Offer He Can't Refuse
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Just posted the next chapter in my Klaroline mafia story, An Offer He Can't Refuse.
Please read and review here.
Here's an excerpt:
Chapter 4: Consider It a Perk
            It didn’t matter that he and his brother were prisoners of the mob. Or, that he performed surgery by (implied) gunpoint. Or, a myriad of other red flags that constantly triggered his fight or flight response. No, all that mattered in that moment was his patient foolishly up and about after enduring major trauma in less than sterile conditions. “What are you doing out of bed,” he growled at Caroline, forgetting the vivacious blonde was clearly some sort of mob boss. “You sustained a GSW to the abdomen and nearly bled out!”            
“I know. I was there too,” Caroline wryly replied. 
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landosgirl97 · 1 year
My Own Personal Sunshine - Jake Seresin and Bradley Bradshaw Fanfiction
A/N: So.. this fanfic is basically a competition between Jake and Bradley and who gets to be with the reader. (Nickname: Sunshine) and you guys get to help me decide.
After the Uranium mission, the whole squad kept in touch, including Penny and Mav. Penny had mentioned to them that there was a new bartender and new entertainment at the Hard Deck that they would have to check out when they came to visit. So when Jake and Bradley got the opportunity to come back as instructors, the whole team that could, came back to celebrate. I was finishing up with soundcheck at the Hard Deck right after we opened when I saw a group of about six people came barreling in the door. “Penny!” I saw one yell. She left her spot behind the bar to hug the tall man, him having to bend down to embrace her. I stepped off the stage and she motioned for me to come forward. “Y/N, come over here, there are some people I want you to meet!” I saw one head turn in my direction quickly. “Y/N? As in Y/N Y/L/N?” I nod my head, turning in her direction. “Natasha Trace? Is that you?!” She scoffs and pulls me in for a hug. “Well, that’s one less person to introduce you to..” Penny laughs. I pull back and look at Penny, “I’m sorry, that was rude of me, who are the rest of these friends of yours?” “Well, this is Payback, Fanboy, Bob, Hangman, and Mav’s nephew, Bradley, or Rooster.” I shook each of their hands and smiled at them. “I’m Y/N, the new bartender. Penny was nice enough to take me under her wing.” I heard the bell at the counter ring and sighed. “Well, that’s me. Make yourselves comfortable and I’ll come get drink orders here soon. That includes you Penny.” I shoot her a pointed look. “Go catch up, it’s Sunday night. I can handle it for a bit.” She nods and follows them as I make my way over to the bar, serving the customers that are waiting.
“So, what do you know about the new girl?” Hangman asked Penny. She scoffs, “Why don’t you ask her yourself?” He shakes his head. “Need to know how to approach. She single? Looking?” Penny just shakes her head and shrugs as Bradley makes his way over. “Hey Pen, good to see you. It’s been a while.” She nods, catching up quickly with Bradley. When I finally made my way over for drink orders, they took it easy on me, all asking for beer, and Penny wanting a basket of fries, knowing she was closing. “When did you guys get that stage in front of the piano?” Bradley asked. Penny chuckles, “When we hired Y/N. She’s a performer and likes to put on small shows here too get some exposure and practice.” Bradley nods slowly, Natasha came over to Penny and side hugged her. “Thanks for getting her all set up here. She looks the best I’ve seen her in a while.” Penny nods and before anyone can ask questions, makes her way to the bar. “Alright Y/N, time to go sing your heart out, and it looks like you’ve got some new people eager to hear you.” She pointed to the front of the stage where the aviators stood, waiting for you to take the stage as your band warmed up. “Thanks Penny, that totally doesn’t help the nerves.” I say, untying my apron and smoothing out my top while making my way to the stage.
I took the step up to the small stage and gave my band a smile as I took a deep breath and stood in front of the microphone stand. “Hello, ladies, gentlemen, and aviators,” I say, smirking at Nat, her smiling at me. “So let’s start off our night with something we all know and you all request this one often, Sweet Caroline.” I made my way back closer to the band to count off and get started. When the intro rang out, I turned to the crowd, who were surprisingly enthusiastic for a Sunday night. When the chorus came around, the entire crowd sang along, but the loudest were the aviators in the front row, enthusiastically shouting, “BUM BUM BUM” every time I held the mic to them. I got a pretty big laugh out of it at the end of the song when they were cheering and I could hear Nat over everyone. At some point during my set, I watched Rooster walk to the bar and talk to Penny, get a drink and make his way back to the stage. I surveyed the crowd, feeling a pair of eyes glued to me, but not seeing anything at that time. I finished my last song when one of the patrons spoke up. “When are we getting originals? We know you’re writing!” I laugh and grab the mic, laying a hand over my heart. “I’m honored that you asked. I AM writing and have one almost done. Do you guys wanna hear it when it’s done?” The entire crowd stood and cheered, causing me to blush and laugh. “Okay, okay. When it’s done, I’ll see if Penny is okay with hosting a special event to launch the song. That’s the best I can do you guys!” Penny spoke up and winked at me, “I will! Just let me know when.” “Well, that settles it then. Thanks again ladies and gentlemen. Have a good rest of your evening!” I stepped off of the stage and Nat greeted me with a hug and a smile. “Sunshine, I didn’t know you could sing like that! That was incredible!” I just shook my head and thanked her. Rooster came up next to us and handed me a glass. “I asked Penny, she said this is your drink of choice.” I thanked him, blushing. “I usually don’t drink when I’m on the clock but I’ll make an exception,” I said, winking at him and sipping on my drink. I could still feel someone watching me from a distance, but I figured it was Penny since I was with her- Mav’s- nephew. I made my way back to the bar shortly after and Rooster and Nat sat at barstools so we could catch up. Penny let me off early so I could go play pool and hang out with Nat which I appreciated.
We stood around the pool table nursing our beers while we asked questions to each other. “So, what made you decide to move back here? Last I knew you were at Pendleton.” The question I had been dreading. “Oh you know, change of scenery. Nothing too crazy.” “Wait, Camp Pendleton.. so you’re a military brat?” Hangman asked. I was gonna clear my throat to reply but he spoke up before I could. “Daddy’s money wasn’t good enough, so you came here to scam some other military boy that would impress daddy into marrying you while you drive around in your Mercedes and flash your designer handbags and shoes at everyone while you try to make a name for yourself?” I scoff and down the rest of my beer. “Hangman, that was uncalled for. You don’t even know her.” Rooster said. I looked at Nat, “I think I’m going to go. It was good seeing you again.” I gave her a piece of paper and was about to make my way out when I felt a little hand tug on my pants. “Mama! Mama! Can I go see Miss Penny? She told me to ask if I can have some ice cweam!” My stomach dropped as everyone’s heads fell to the little girl a my side. I bent over, picking her up and placing her on my hip. “Hi, baby girl. Yes, you can. But we are going to leave soon, so one scoop. I’ll watch you while you walk back to Miss Penny.” She nodded her pigtailed head and kissed my cheek. I watched her every second until I watched her until her hand intertwine with Penny’s. I turned back to Nat who I knew was about to ask me, “You have a daughter? Where is her dad?” I sigh, “Yes, that’s her, her name is Sophia but she goes by Soph. He’s not in the picture. My parents watch her while I’m here and it’s not ideal because she’s up so late but my day job doesn’t allow for much else.” I shrug and gather my things, telling her and Rooster goodbye. I gathered up Soph and made my way out the front door, to my little blue four door Malibu I’d had for ten years. I got Soph in her booster seat and turned to shut her door when I noticed that my tire was flat. I shut the door and fell to the ground. I started to cry, frustrated by what Hangman had said, them finding out about Soph sooner that I intended, and my stupid flat tire. I don’t know how long I sat there with Sophia in the car asleep but there were soon a few shadows standing over me. “Hey, Y/N, honey, get up. Let us help you.” It was Penny, Rooster, Nat, and to my dismay, Hangman. I wiped my tears quickly and stood. “I-I don’t have a replacement or I would’ve changed it already and I don’t have the cash to have it towed…” I hung my head in shame, upset to ask for help. I never asked for it even when I needed it. He always made me feel like it made me weak.
Rooster and Penny looked at each other and Rooster spoke. “I’ll give you and Sophia a ride home. Don’t you worry about that.” “And I’ll call Mav. He can tow the car with my truck and he’ll take it out to the hanger and give it a tune up for you.” I just nodded, knowing better than to fight. “Roos, you’re supposed to be my ride..” Hangman said. “Dude, there’s enough seats. Get over it.” He rolled his eyes. I got Sophia out of the car and held her while Rooster got her booster seat installed in his Bronco. I sat her in and he got her buckled in. “How do you know how to do that so well?” I asked. “I have nieces and nephews. Why don’t you crawl in the back with her and I’ll get you a milkshake on the way home. It’s the least I can do.” I just nodded and gave him a hug, thanking him before getting in the car. I sat next to Sophia, brushing her hair out of her face and giving her a kiss on the forehead.
The next day, Nat texted you inviting you to something called “dog fight football” that the squad was having on the beach. It was a beautiful day and a great day to get Sophia out, so you agreed. You met them at the beach behind the Hard Deck and set out towels for you and Sophia. Nat made her way over with Hangman beside her. He looked.. smaller than before, almost like a scolded puppy. “Hey, Y/N, Bagman here has something he wants to say to you. I’ll leave you to it. If it goes badly though,” she turns to him, “I will hurt you.” She turned to walk away, joining the rest of the group of aviators. “Listen, I owe you an apology. What I said at the bar last night.. that was uncalled for. I’m not usually like that, I promise. I’m sorry. Can we start over?” I looked up at him, using my hand to shield my eyes from the sun. “Then why were you like that? What did I do to deserve that?” “Nothing. I’m sorry.. I just-“ he stops, licking his lips before continuing, “I’ve never met a girl that me speechless at first glance.” My jaw almost dropped at the admission. I cleared my throat, looking over his shoulder, seeing Rooster making his way to me. “Yeah, we can start over, Hangman. Thank you for apologizing.” I smile at him, watching as Soph made her way to Rooster. “Woosta! Woosta! Up!” He picked her up and she giggled, laying her head on his chest and I sat there shocked. “Sh- she never does that. She doesn’t like strangers.. especially men. Wh- wow.” I saw Hangman look between us, and walk away toward Nat, but I wasn’t paying much attention at first talking to Rooster. “Game time!” We heard Mav yell and Rooster made his way over to the game. I gave him a smile as he handed Soph over, peering further down the beach looking at Hangman and Nat. They were standing almost chest to chest laughing at something as se placed a hand on his arm to shove hi lightly. My stomach lightly turned at the thought of the two together. Shaking my head as we made our way down the beach to watch the game.
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denimbex1986 · 18 days
'If you're the type of person to double tap edits of Josh O'Connor's glistening thighs in Challengers, or the kind of fan still favoriting clips of Andrew Scott's Hot Priest "kneel" command, you may have recently been led down another digital path: Celebrity-centric audio erotica.
A relatively new phenomenon pioneered by audio erotica apps like Dipsea and Quinn, actors have taken on the role of smut narrator, much to their fans' delight...Most recently, the Hot Priest himself recorded a three-episode story for Quinn portraying a queen's guard with unresolved feelings for a fiery rebel...
Caroline Spiegel, Quinn's founder, hopes the platform can use celebrities and horniness for celebrities to remove some of the shame around talking about sex. "Women and queer people have been trained that talking about their sexuality, talking about sex, talking about masturbation, is not good. Whether it's from a place of purity culture or homophobia or misogyny or slut shaming, it's in [the] way them having a happy relationship with sex," she explained to Mashable. "What's cool about [Quinn Originals] is it's really easy to talk about because you're not talking about sex, you're talking about Andrew Scott, you're not talking about masturbation, you're talking about Jesse Williams and Grey's Anatomy."
The comments on Quinn's social posts reflect those language habits, with fans flooding its pages with requests and comparisons to their other celeb or fictional faves. Following the release of Scott's first episode, Spiegel posted a TikTok video, captioned, "Pitch me on your Quinn celeb casting ​​👀🎧." Spiegel explained to Mashable that this is part of a strategy to find celebrities, and even influencers, who already have built-in "thirst fandoms."
Tyler McCall, the author behind Scott's "The Queen's Guard," explained the levels of fiction and fandom involved in writing a Quinn Original...
When commissioned for Scott's story, McCall said she perceived the writing process cinematically, almost like writing a movie script. And she pulled in a lot of pop culture inspiration, like Game of Thrones and the sixth installment of a '90s PC game called "King's Quest." "I was thinking a lot about Star Wars. There's always a 'Reylo' at the scene of the crime," she said...
Quinn aims to offer a less stigmatized way to explore sexuality for women. Spiegel sees fanfic — which Gesselman's observations backs up — and celebrity crushes as female experiences. "The female erotic mentality is very much around who the person is, and what's their backstory and what's happening. Female eroticism is sort of like a detective. You're trying to figure out: Who is this person? What's happening? Are they safe? Where are they? What's going on? Celebrity culture, the fanfic culture, reflects that," explained Spiegel. Quinn taps into those desires.
There's a sense of safety for listeners provided by discussing sexuality through celebrity. Not only is the fan listener familiar with Scott's voice and has a pre-existing relationship with his work, but the celebrity is consenting to the erotic content and Quinn co-signs it. It's not like the fan-for-fan erotic fanfiction that's produced and consumed on the depths of the internet. Instead, there are multiple faces for Quinn's content, both Spiegel on its TikTok and the celebrity partners.
"Quinn's whole thing is erotic content and historically it has been this very overly graphic, off-putting uncomfortable genre. Our bet is that it doesn't have to be that way, it can actually be something that's talked about over coffee with friends. That's a really mainstream, normalized, happy, healthy part of life," said Spiegel...
With the continued growth of celebrity obsession, technology is changing the availability of celeb fantasy materials to fans. In January, deepfake pornographic images of Taylor Swift went viral on X, spurring a debate about the ethics of AI tech, celebrity idolatry, and the government's role in stopping this harmful content...The rise of AI technology brings a celebrity's — and all of our — right to their likeness into sharper focus.
But if a celebrity can get ahead of this technology (and sometimes even their own fanbase), then maybe they can exert some control — or at least that's what Spiegel proposes. It may explain a celeb's unexpected collaboration with less explicit, non-visual platforms like Quinn. While the site's marketplace of creator-uploaded audios speak directly to the person masturbating, almost like phone sex McCall explains, celebrity-narrated Quinn Originals ask listeners to become a character themselves, distancing users from celebs even further.
"This is a way for celebrities who have this sort of thirst culture around them to say, 'Hey, this is gonna be on my terms. I want to feel empowered doing this,'" said Spiegel. "'I'm acting in this real, elevated piece of art that's also sexual.' Being sexual doesn't have to feel degrading. It's actually a very empowering, cool thing to deal with sexuality. What I think does feel degrading is this AI porn that people make against your consent, or putting words in your mouth, or asking you inappropriate questions."
Additionally, it's not just that the celebrity is consenting to a Quinn Original, but consent itself is a major theme of all Quinn audios. Spiegel aims to bridge the gap of a topic that she sees as underrepresented in erotica. "[Consent] is a really hot thing that feels in line with the story," she said...'
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kmze · 22 days
Hey I'm so in love with steroline and whenever I see hate regarding them it shatters my heart knowing they really don't deserve that when there are so many problematic ship out there in this fandom... How u handle their hate when nowadays they are slowing fading away?how can we make them popular again like the old days 😭
Oh well anon the best advice I can give about not letting hate get to you is that you have to just not care because it makes no difference what other people think. People hating on Steroline is not going to make me love them any less, I've probably read every anti argument there is against them and none of it has ever swayed me because all that matters in the end is how I feel about them. You shouldn't look at is "least problematic" ship because that puts you at a stance of feeling you need to defend and protect it to win the invisible internet fight of the day and that will always make you more emotional when you see hate about them. You are putting yourself into a defensive mode when all you need to say is "I love Stefan and Caroline together I thought they had a great love story and no ones opinion is going to change that."
I mean all ships and shows start to fade away after the shows end and this show has been over for seven years so people simply move on. I'm also not sure SC was ever super popular since it was a crackship that ended up turning canon and it's two rival ships were very popular. But we had a good fandom and especially when S6 was airing we had tons of great discussions here and so many wonderful gif makers and fanfic writers and of course the Top TV Couple award that we WON when everyone thought we were a small fandom. Sadly since the show is over that will never come back but I guess I find joy in remembering that it happened.
Plus at the end of the day look at all the stuff that Steroline got some stuff that no other ship on this show got. Tons of kisses and hugs, two REAL proposals, humanity-off dual arc, multiple love confessions, domestic scenes, references to them being in love on both spin-offs, a tribute and a SONG on one of those spin-offs, promises to love each other forever and A WEDDING with beautiful vows and cinematic music. That's why I always think it's funny when people say "why does anyone ship Steroline" like yeah why would I want to ship something that got all that amazing stuff along with a perfectly foreshadowed slow burn over 8 seasons lol as if that's somehow a bad thing.
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pplatonic · 2 years
Tumblr media
my name is platonic or nexus i go by he/him :)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
. <- this dot is here so i can edit the userboxes easier :3
We're a system that collectively identifies as a multigender a-spec abrosexual. Me specifically as in the one that uses this blog i am a loveless heartless non-sam aplatonic bigender boygirl.
check out my sick neocities site
my main fandoms are Vocaloid, Serial Experiments Lain, Blue Exorcist, Soul Eater, and ones I'm less active in are Haruhi Suzumiya, MHA, and Touhou. Vocaloid is the biggest out of all of those, and I'm a synth v producer. I have Haiyi, Saki+AI, Yamine Renri, and Yuma. I also have all of the lite/free banks (including Mai) but like those are the babies that I paid for and would give my hand in marriage if they asked me even though I'm aro. I also sometimes use Neutrino, SEVEN is my fave.
i'm alterhuman and otherkin! All of my kins are endelic.
Rosy maple mothkin
Pink heronkin
@inspectorlyfra kin (u cant cancel me for this bc nym gave me explicit permission) (this one is a /j)
my fictionkin list looks like:
Platonic the Phantom Thief (Evillious Chronicles)
Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
Clarisse McClellan (Fahrenheit 451)
Abigail Williams (The Crucible)
Millenium-chan (Living Millenium by Iyowa)
Susuwatari (Spirited Away)
...and kinsidering Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche (Evillious Chronicles)!
日本語を勉強していますよ! 間違い出やすいからおかしな日本語になってたら、教えてもらいたいです。「時々」と「凸凹」ってはあたしのお気に入り言葉だよ!日本語のボカロ曲を英語に時々訳します。
Ich lerne auch Deutsch! Ich übersetze nicht vom Deutsch ins Englisch aber ich will für meinen Beruf in Deutschland wohnen. Mein lieblingswort auf Deutsch ist hundertprozentig "gequatscht."
Tags guide:
#plat art - All visual creative stuff #plat music - Original songs, including remixes #plat cover - All of my vocalsynth covers #plat writes - fanfic links #plat rambles - Random talky post tags
you hit kept reading and scrolled to the bottom so you get my super not really secret sideblogs list:
@non-sam-aplatonicism - Sideblog for aplatonic stuffs @ganbaruwayo - JPN to ENG translations @mogaihaze - Deluna's mogai coining blog @alexithymia-culture-is-what - Culture is blog for alexithymic folks @lumen-sancta - Kin-centric sideblog @gray-gray-gray-gray - Mental-health centric sideblog, used to just be my secret vent blog, but now I post my psychosis related nerd rambles @delunas-amazing-blog - Deluna's sideblog. @ghost-coral-girl - Haiyi's sideblog. @the-carol-of-caroline - Caroline's sideblog. @team-chimera-phoenix - The TCP group's sideblog.
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
The characterization of Klaus in his fanfics is just insane.
First of all, this is gonna be bashing to 96% of Klaus’s fanfics lmao. I still love reading them tho.
But straight to the point, why are people writing him as if he would ever allow someone, anyone, to disrespect him the way authors make their ocs do??? No, Klaus wouldn't be giggling and shit if you call him "puppy" or "Santa Klaus", he's literally gonna murder you in the spot and even worse lmao.
I've read so much stories where the protagonist is constantly insulting Klaus and bickering with him (it's funny tho) and he just... allows it. Yes, Klaus, the man who's literally shown to tear off heads whenever someone as much breathes in the wrong way, and yet he allows this teen (because in 99% of fanfics the protagonist is a girl not over nineteen, at least physically) to talk shit about him.
Like I absolutely love those kind of stories, they're good and I'll continue reading them, but the Klaus they write is 100% ooc. And I understand why, because as someone who used to write fanfics of him, his character is just so difficult to write but it doesn't seem like they even try to.
Moving to another famous trope in his fanfics: soulmate stories. I find it very ooc that he would actually accept he has a soulmate: he wouldn't believe it, he's literally the most paranoid character of tvdu, Klaus would 100% believe it's just a plot made to control him and he would probably kill his soulmate, only to regret it forever. Or those "I've been seeing her/having dreams about her for a thousand of years, she's without a doubt the person I'm meant to love forever", what?? 😭
If Klaus ever saw this person in real life, there are just two possibilities I can think of:
A) he would be extremely paranoid and would kill this person on the spot
B) he would be extremely paranoid, but decides to not kill x person for some barely explained reason and would get to know her/him and perhaps fall in love.
I'm aware Klaus can and has been soft in canon: with his family (in occasions, more in New Orleans modern era), with Hayley, Marcel, and Cami. I mean, Klaus loved Cami so much he actually begged her to not leave him, to fully turn into a vampire because he was terrified of losing her, and a decade after her death he was still in love with her (something a certain part of the fandom fails to see lmao).
The fanfics where he cheats with Hayley/Cami/Caroline/ Genevieve/Aurora or he just cheats while he's in a relationship also are ooc imo. If he's in a commited relationship and he loves the person he's with, I don't see him as the cheater type, especially because he wasn't sleeping around in the program.
But either way, show me the fanfics with true depiction. Show me fanfics where he's so screwed up that he continually pushes the person he loves away, where he constantly hurts them with/without intention as he did to his siblings, where he constantly uses his s/o for his own personal gain or similar. Where he's actually his true self, the man he was in tvd before having Hope and even after having Hope, because she actually did not change him that much.
I think I only found three fics like that: one in ao3 called I Would Hurt A Fly, where the oc was a witch or something like it and he used her as a personal sex toy/blood bag but there were slight hints of his love but sadly was deleted.
Or the ones written by @viavolterra and @saintsir4n, the way they write Klaus is the closest I've ever seen to his canon self and it's genuinely good writing. Patisserie is also a really good written fanfic that writes the characters well, but it's a poly Mikaelson fic (which it's even better, the more the best)
Either way, a violent man isn't gonna change with the power of love and family. The Originals tried doing that with Hope and they failed, because Klaus was the same man he was at the start, just slightly less mean to his family.
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carolinemathildes · 6 months
i was tagged.
thank you @luckynumber4 for tagging me in the 'get to know me' game.
name: I will say that my name is not Caroline Mathilde (though I get why someone might think that).
pronouns: she/her
star sign: scorpio
# of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any): I have an older sister and fun fact! we don't talk lol.
# of pets & their names: I sadly don't have any. my parents have three cats but I can't have pets where I live.
fandoms: Stranger Things, Queen/BoRhap, Ted Lasso, Gran Turismo, Saltburn.
favorite color: green
favorite song: California Dreamin' by the Mamas and the Papas.
favorite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!): Agatha Christie, I've read all the Poirot books and I'm always working my way through the rest.
favorite fic type: ooh gosh I don't know. as long as it has a happy ending, it can be smut, fluff, angst.
favorite holiday: I kind of hate all days lol but I like the August Civic Holiday because at least my office gives me an extra day off for it so I get a four-day weekend.
do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?: I don't. I used to be okay with that. I'm getting less okay with it as I get older and spend every day alone.
hobbies: writing, reading, going to the cinema, cross-stitch, watching baseball and football (soccer) and occasionally tennis.
fun facts about you: I walked the Camino Frances in 2015, 800km from France across Spain. while on the Camino, I saw 3 films starring Matthias Schoenaerts (so he has a very special place in my heart).
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pazodetrasalba · 10 months
Sparkling Unicorn Princess
Dear Caroline:
A couple of days ago I finished HPMOR, which I have decided to include as a 'Carolingian' book even if you have never written a review of it or a post about it in your tumblr (there are some that quote it, paraphrase it or hint at rereadings by you). This brings to mind other books I expect you to have read but can find no explicit reference to, like The Precipice, Superintelligence, Doing Good Better or The Scout Mindset.
The book has grown on me. I found the first chapters a tad boring, and had the overall feeling that the whole book was a self-professed nerd trap, with an intentionally flattering depiction of its protagonists as ubersmart kids whom their parents and schools have very little to teach them, and who should step aside and let the younglings achieve World Optimization, and with a Yudkowskian agenda of getting you interested in his pet peeves for saving the world. But even with all that taken into account, it was rather a nice and instructive read. I can appreciate Yudkowsky's popularity as a writer after this.
I am pretty convinced that you have patterned yourself on his Hermione to no small degree, too, and I can appreciate the paralellisms, even if right now you are more of a fallen Hermione. But there's hope, at least in me, that you've be reborn from your ashes like the Phoenix.
I made a short review of Eliezer's book. I'll be including it in the lines below as a conclusion to this post:
This is a VERY long book, so I'd like to start with a short appraisal, and then comment some relevant aspects.
Overall, this is a very interesting read, modulo you being interested in: 1) the Harry Potter world (and fanfics!) 2) Rationalism - detecting human thought biases, rational decision-making, optimization, AI dangers
Okay, let's begin with size: the book is humongous. I read a digital version, so a rough estimate of its over 600k words is War and Peace (shorter, actually) or the Bible. It is divided into 123 (relatively) small chapters.
You can find detailed summaries of the plot elsewhere -or in other reviews- but very succinctly: this is an alternative Harry Potter universe in which Harry was raised up in an academic family and learnt the basics of science and rationality by the age of 11. The story more or less parallels that of the first volume of the Harry Potter series (The Philosopher's Stone), as Harry's first year of school and his dealings with the figures that mostly appear in that book, but with a completely different twist.
In many ways, it is quite a didactic book, as I suspect the author's main intention in writing it was creating a 'light' introduction to Rationalism and its key ideas, and particularly focused for young, intellectually achieving and/or outstanding nerds, as a way of attracting them to the cause. It is a 'nerd trap' in the best sense of the term, and has proved enormously successful in this regard. The main protagonists are 11-12 year-olds who are vastly more intelligent and rational than all the adults, and who therefore manage to save and improve the world much better than their elders ever could.
I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable it is to read, although I am probably biased because I am a nerd myself (not a young one, though) and am interested in a lot of the 'didactic' stuff it furthers. I was not much interested in the original Harry Potter saga (watched the movies, haven't read any of the books). It stands pretty well on its own, I feel, but there are many references and intertextualities that really need slots of knowledge of the inspiration material to be understood and appreciated well (conversely, as I said, you can get that from the movies, and particularly the first one). I had never imagined a priori that I would be reading a fanfiction (and even less a +2000 page one), but this book deserves it, and is in that regard as unusual and weird (again, in a good way) as its author.
To conclude: this is an instructive and enjoyable read, which I recommend if you share any of the interests mentioned at the beginning (any of the two will suffice). Bear in mind its huge size, and that it will take you months to read it. The first chapters (the author mentions it himself in a note) can be pretty slow-going. The book, it is important also to say, can be downloaded for free or read online -in fact, I don't think it is easy to actually buy a print copy.
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