pysch0-teddy · 1 year
whoever sees this should ask me questions abt my fictives or my canon 💅
here's a little chart of all of them :33
I'm super hyped and I wanna wake up to so many asks <3 pls. even if you send me multiple <33
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detroit-be-cum · 1 year
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I literally hate being human so much. Like I'm not human, I was built to 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 human but I'm not human. I am a machine with a conscious. not a human. I don't agree with my people's wants to be human but I do want to be free and have equality, but we. are. not. human. And never will we be.
I just gotta rant bc I have to pretend to be human and I HATE it so much!!
(my source is Detroit: Become Human but I am not a character, Im just an Android model built by CyberLife)
- Android RK700-X
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sloanesmortuary · 6 years
Predecessor: Prologue
Hi!! This is my first ever fic!! I apologize in advance if there's any mistakes from grammar (I mostly learn English from the internet pls forgive) to how innacurate I could've written the characters compared to the canon (excluding OCs)
Connor/RK700!M!Reader (I think? Idk that's what I'm going for)
1711 words
"Meet RK800. The more advanced model. Stronger, faster, and more resilient."
Your eyes went wide. You knew you're just a prototype, you knew this ought to happen, but you felt as if your heart just dropped. You opened your mouth to say something. Amanda cut you just before you get the chance to. She's not allowing you to talk. "You accomplished your mission and I am pleased with your work. Because of this, now we know that your programs works well and we are ready to take the next step with RK800." Amanda glanced at your successor, "Hi, my name is Connor. I will be replacing you in the DPD," the RK800 introduced himself.
"You will be deactivated by tommorow," said Amanda.
"No... Why can't I just stay? I can still help Detective Reynolds!" You protested to no avail, obviously. Amanda's usual stoic expression turned into a frown. "I am not here to answer your question." You've never felt this troubled in your short life. "Please, I beg you! I-I'm scared." Your LED turned to yellow, flashing back and forth to red. Connor's LED also turned to yellow, but it quickly changed to blue. "You're giving a reason why you must be replaced. Aside from the fact that Connor is more advanced than you."
"Hey, hey, [y/n] the hell? You okay?" your partner had her hand on your shoulder, she was looking at you with a worried look on her face. You were crying and you didn't realize it. "They're going to replace me, Detective Reynolds." She looks rather surprised from what you just said. You've grown to her and so had she in the past months. It's against your programming, but you don't want to lose her friendship. "What? Does that mean you'll get deactivated? Where would you go after that? Stored away at some warehouse? Can you do anything about that? Fuck- that's not right," she muttered the last bit of what she just said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Yes. I will get deactivated and be stored away for further study, and I'm afraid that there's nothing I can do to prevent it. I'll be sent back to CyberLife tommorow." Leila walked back to her desk- that's infront of yours- and sighed, "What if... You don't go? I know someone who can do magic." Your LED immediately turned yellow. "What?"
"Are you sure about this? You'll lose your job!" She didn't respond to you and kept on driving on her old manual car. You were scared for her. Anything you see and hear are recorded and will be sent to CyberLife, though you're not sure whether they will use the footage to do anything later. She pulled over infront of an apartment building. She rushed you in and to the elevator and pressed on the button for the 4th floor. "You do know that removing trackers on androids is illegal, right?" She waved you off, "Do you wanna live or nah?" You blinked several times then nodded. "Well, then shut it."
Leila set you free. You're a true deviant. They said trackers stopped working on deviants, but who knows what sort of enhancements they put in yours?
You couldn't bear with the fact that you are actually feeling emotions. You've always thought of it as an error in one's system. Knowing that now you experience emotions like humans does made you go through everything you've learned.
Days passed after your disappearance (thanks to Detective Leila Reynolds who risked her job for you.) You lived in an abandoned house Leila found. You even got a friend there, his name's Ralph. A jolly kind, though a little menacing. Ralph was on edge when they trespassed the old outgrown building. He pointed his knife to your partner, but she didn't point her gun at him. She kept her hand ready for it, though. "Easy... I just wanted to find a place for him to stay. We don't want to hurt you and he just need a place to lay down for a while." Ralph looked at you. You and Leila noticed the overly large scar on his face. This guy has been through a lot of shit. "Can I stay? If you don't want a company we will find another place. It's okay," you said. "Ralph is sorry. He doesn't like trespassers- especially humans- they're nasty. They'll hurt Ralph," he lowered his knife and gestured to the house's front door. "You can stay. Ralph thinks getting a friend wouldn't hurt." You smiled and thanked him. "Succulent!" He exclaimed. "Ralph is excited to get to know his new friend!"
Leila means the world to you. She's the first person to be your friend. Others (like Detective Reed) pushes you around to do pointless tasks as if you're an android designed to do domestic works. You were the most advanced android a little while back until you met Connor. Those people didn't seem to understand how advanced you are by making you do those tasks and they might seem to think that you're just a stupid piece of plastic stealing their jobs, though you get where their thoughts come from but you're only doing what you're programmed to: helping the DPD. To Leila, you're more than you ever think you are. She thought of you as a perfect being. She thought letting you become deviant would ruin the perfection in your design, but she didn't want you to have to obey every single commands you receive even if they're wrong. She interacted with you from the very start as if you're human. She's the main reason you're feeling emotions now. She made you feel alive, more than just a machine designed to follow orders no matter what.
Obviously, the office started panicking after your disappearance. CyberLife contacted the DPD about the absence of the successful RK700 model. This resulted in Fowler screaming to Leila.
"Well, how am I supposed to know where it went?!”
"It's your partner, Reynolds!"
"So what? I gotta keep it around like a poodle so I'll know wherever it went?"
"Don't give me that attitude! Now just go fuckin find that thing. Start wherever you last saw it. If you don't find anything I'll send a search party. This is so stupid, how could they lost track of their own damn fancy property. Don't forget to close the door on your way out."
Shivers went down Leila's spine. "They won't find him," she said to herself determined. "I'll make this search pointless. Ha. Cool. I'm a criminal now," she chuckled on her way back to her desk. She passed by Gavin on the way, he shot her a glare and stopped her. She knew he's suspicious of her. He talked about how she's always nice to you and to him, that's a solid motive for her to hide you when you're going to be replaced. She just shrugged it off and left Gavin be.
Your place was eventually replaced by the RK800. He's partnered with Lt. Anderson. He was paired with him to see if his skills could be compared to someone more advanced than Leila. The upgrades on RK800 weren't perfect because they couldn't bring you in in time to do a further study. "Another one of those damn things and this one is partnered with ME? Why can't it just be Reynolds again? She's more of an android person!" Fowler sighed, "This one is more advanced and it should be partnered with someone with more experience. Which happens to be you, Hank." Hank looked at Connor and squinted. "At least it look different. Still doesn't change the fact that I can't stand these things, Jeff!" They kept on shouting to each other for a good minute until the Lieutenant's defeat.
Their first case together went down smoothly. Hank is glad about that. "It ain't useless. That's good. It couldn't stop licking stuff from the ground though. I probably need to bring a puke bag around whenever I gotta be around it," Hank said in his head, making a mental note. Now, they're investigating an AX400 who attacked its owner and ran away. It's also said that the RK700, you might be around the place where the AX400 was last seen.
"Mother, father, uncle, and little girl!" Ralph jumped around excitedly. You could see that Alice and Kara are extremely uncomfortable, but Kara's even more uncomfortable. You knew she also saw the police coming. Good thing that she managed to talk to Ralph that they need to hide.
Connor went inside the house. You hid with Kara and Alice under the stairs. You held on to an old, yet sturdy baseball bat you found upstairs, ready to defend them. Connor questioned Ralph and he won't budge. He continued to search the house from the living room to the kitchen but he didn't go upstairs. He knew the three of you were hiding there. He approached your hiding spot and- CLANK! You hit him in the face as Ralph held him back while Kara and Alice ran. Your successor fell on his knees from the hit. Thirium ran down from his nose and mouth, that's how strong your hit was. "Connor, what the hell are you doing there?!" You kneeled down to face him and he looked up to meet your eyes. "Don't say a word about us or I'll take out your pump regulator," you threatened him. Your hand was on the spot just below his chest, ready to take out his regulator. "I don't care if you take it out. I'm not alive." You stared at him as if he's some sort of an anomaly. Having emotions really does change you. "I'm not alive." That creeps the living hell out of you. "They're here!" He shouted. "Ralph, let's go!" The both of you sprinted to the back door as you hear people barging into the house. Shots were fired. You caught some bullets but it didn't hit any major biocomponents, though you could die from the lack of thirium. You heard Connor shout, "we need the RK700 alive!" before you feel a weight over you. An officer tackled and handcuffed you before you could do anything due to the ever decreasing thirium flowing in your systems.
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
Deadly Daisies
(Connor x Reader)
A/N: this is gunna be the first oneshot featuring my oc Carol! Hope y'all like her and don't mind if I add her as a supporting character in future fics.
It was an ordinary day at the prescinct, just you minding your own business filling out reports and such. Everything was calm, and okay. You could almost pretend nothing was wrong. As long as you kept calm and short breaths everything was fine and you would be able to focus on getting your work done. The last thing you needed was Fowler on your ass.
Your eyes were glued to the screen and you had your headphones on, blasting whatever music you were in the mood for. It helped block out the rest of the world and the problems it held. But sadly you would be ripped from your serene place when a tap at your should made you flinch. You whipped your head around and took off your headphones, eyes wide.
"I apologize (Y/n), I didn't mean to startle you."
You immediately relaxed in your chair when you recognized your favorite android, Connor. A nervous chuckle escaped you and you cleared your throat.
"It's okay, Connor. I was just in the zone and wasn't expecting it," you reassured him with a warm smile.
He returned the smile as best he could, which turned out to be very awkward and very adorable. It was hard to ignore the ever growing burning sensation in your lungs. Your (e/c) eyes returned to the screen, but you weren't retaining any of the information you were looking at. Not looking at him made it easier to hold back from letting a cough slip.
"So, whaddya need?" you asked him, your eyes flicking back to him for a split second.
"I brought you this," Connor set down a styrofoam cup of coffee onto your desk next to your hand.
You smiled as you saw the little cup be placed and you looked back up to him, "that's very sweet, thank you Connor."
It wasn't unusual for Connor to bring you coffee or little snacks without you even asking him. Yet each time it made your cheeks become a shade darker and the feeling of fluttering butterflies erupting in your stomach. But it wasn't long until those warm feelings were overshadowed by the overwhelming urge to cough. Your lings begging for you to be allowed to release the foreign object.
It soon became too much and you had to cough into your arm. Luckily, this time there was no residues left on your sweater. You doubted you'd be so lucky next time. In your peripherals you noticed Connor tilt his head curiously at you. You knew better than to hope he wouldn't think anything of it.
"(Y/n), is everything alright?" his LED shifted to amber and you tensed, hoping to whatever god there was he wasn't about to scan you.
You opened your mouth to assure him you were fine but before you could get a word out you were interrupted by a feminine voice.
"My apologies (Y/n), but may I borrow Connor for a moment? I'm in need of a second opinion on a case I'm working on," Carol, the RK700 spoke with a polite smile.
"Sure, I should get back to work anyways," you replied, returning a half smile to her.
Carol was new to the prescinct despite being an older model in the RK series to both Conan and Connor. A 'gift' from Elijah Kamski, as he put it. You didn't know much about her, but she was nice enough. She reminded you of Connor with her big, curious chocolatey brown doe eyes. Even her hair color was the same deep coffee brown. Although her hairstyle quite differed. She had straight bangs that were cut just above her brow, and the rest of her hair was cut just below her jaw. Not a hair out of place. In other words, she was just as perfect as the rest of her siblings.
There was nothing inherently wrong with her, aside from the fact her and Connor were practically inseparable. Yes, you were aware they worked best when combining their specializations. But it was like they were made for each other. Like no matter what you did you'd never amount to her. It made it harder to breath though about how Connor must have liked her better.
As if on cue, your body was wracked with a coughing fit. It felt like your lungs were being constricted. You covered your mouth and tried desperately to stop yourself from coughing any more. The sudden burst of coughs gained yourself attention you didn't want. Especially from Connor and Carol. Their eyes on you made you stand from your chair abruptly, nearly knocking it over in the process. Carol flinched at the sudden movement and Connor's eyes widened slightly.
"(Y/n) are you alright?-" Connor went to take a step towards you but you hastily rushed passed him and to the bathroom.
The two androids shared a puzzled glance to each other, their LED's flickering yellow as they tried to figure out what just happened.
Once you entered the bathroom you hunched over the sink. You heaved and coughed as you felt your body trying to regurgitate something from your lungs. With each couch and heave you felt the object craw up your windpipe. After a few final coughs you managed to hack out whatever it was suffocating you.
Looking down into the sink your glossy, tear-brimmed (e/c) eyes landed on a white daisy, speckled and stained with blood. You stared at the little flower in horror, trying to blink away the tears before they fell. Your breathing was heavy as your lungs attempted to steady it's intake of oxygen. With a shaky hand you reached out and plucked the daisy from the sink.
Daisies. A sign a innocence and purity. Traits that aligned with the cause of the disease that now plagued you. The android that caused it. The person. 
You were the victim of a very rare disease. Hanahaki disease. A disease in which flowers bloom and grow within a victims lungs. Specifically victims experiencing unrequited love. In other words, it occurred the moment you realized you were in love with Connor, and when you realized he would never feel the same.
However, this time was first time you had hacked up a full flower. You've only ever came across petals. The blood on the other hand, that was nothing new. It was actually the first symptom you were faced with. Or at least the first one that made you worried. The real first symptom that occurred was the shortness of breath whenever you though about Connor.
Sighing, you shoved the flower in your pocket before turning on the sink to wash away the remaining blood. After turning off the sink you looked up to meet your own eyes. You were paler than usual, and you had a little blood staining your lips.
You heard the door to the bathroom suddenly open and you quickly wiped your mouth, grateful the red liquid wouldn't be visible on your black sweater. The clicking of heels echoed through the bathroom but you kept your eyes glued down into the sink.
"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"
Sighing, you glanced up at the mirror to meet Carol's curious eyes staring at you, her head tilted slightly to the side. It reminded you of Connor. And just like that it suddenly felt harder to breathe. Your eyes flicked back down to the sink.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Think I'm just coming down with a cold or something," you said softly, cursing at yourself for how hoarse your voice sounded.
Carol moved to stand beside you, tilting her head slightly to get a better look at you. Her brows knit together and her LED shifted from the stagnant blue to a blinking amber. From the corner of your eye you saw her reach into the sink before bringing it up to her mouth. Your body tensed and you hoped that she didn't just do what you thought she did.
"Then may I ask why there are traces of your blood in the sink?"
The question made your already tense body become even more rigid. You griped the edged of the sink until your knuckles turned white. A deafening silence filled the bathroom as you refused to answer the question. How could you even begin to answer that?
Before you could have the chance to explain yourself, you glanced up to see Carol's face in the mirror once more. Her LED was blinking amber rapidly and her expression was one of confusion. Suddenly, you see her eyes widen and her features soften. When she shifted her gaze to meet yours, you swore you saw a hint of sadness.
"Were you aware of the disease that resides in your lungs?" Her voice was low and soft.
It almost sounded genuine, like she actually cared. You knew she was deviant, but even so why would she care?
You only gave a short nod in response, lowering your head to avoid her gaze.
"How long?" she asked, the same softness to her voice.
"A few weeks maybe. I'm not too sure," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Carol's brows knit together at that piece of information. From what she knows, the disease will most likely become life threatening within another few weeks if left untreated. She also found out what the cause of it was. Silence once again fell between the two of you and you wondered what she was thinking about. It took longer this time before Carol was once again the one to break the silence.
"It's Connor, isn't it?" it was more of a confirmation of what she had put together rather than an actual question.
Another nod was your only answer.
"Why haven't you gotten the surgery yet? Are you unable to afford it financially?" she queried, tilting her head curiously.
"No, no.... That's not an option," you answered, you yourself not even knowing the real answer.
The surgery was the first thing you looked into once you found out what was wrong with you. But when you found out the cost, and not of the actual surgery, you couldn't go through with it. Despite how much pain you were in, you hated the idea of feeling nothing at all. For some reason that was beyond you, you still held some hope.
"Is there a particular reason why?"
You shook your head, "I just.... I just can't."
You could feel your throat tightening and your eyes stung as tears formed. The last thing you wanted was for Connor to know. Yes, like Carol, he was deviant but that didn't mean he would cure you. It was strange how you were so sure of that, and yet you still had hope. If only subconsciously.
A soft sigh could be heard from the android by your side and you suddenly felt a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"If you aren't willing to undergo the surgery, you'll die," she said it as though you didn't already know.
"Yeah, I'm aware," you turned your head to face her for the first time she came in as you spoke.
Her eyes widened and the corners of her lips tugged down into a small frown. You could see the confusion in her eyes, but you didn't expect her to understand.
"Then I suggest you tell him," she proposed.
Now it was your eyes that widened, "N-No! I can't do that either. And you can't tell him either!"
You turned your whole body to face her and grabbed her by the shoulders.  The sudden action made her flinch slightly.
"Please- Please, don't tell him!" you begged, tears brimming your eyes.
Carol's expression looked as if she were torn. Her LED flickered wildly as she tried to decide what was the best option.
"Why are you so opposed to the idea (Y/n)?" she asked, hoping to gather more information to help.
Your eyes dropped down to the floor and your grip on her shoulders loosened. The tears that had built up finally falling down your face.
"Because it won't make a difference," you choked out.
"And what brought you to that conclusion?" her head tilted as she tried to figure out your reasoning.
The question made you let go of her completely and turn your back to her. You wrapped your arms around yourself and squeezed your eyes shut in an attempt to stop the tears.
It was a simple answer. One which only made Carol more confused. What did she have anything to do with it? Had she done something wrong? She was just about to ask you to elaborate when suddenly it clicked. The realization made her blink a couple of times, not quite sure if she was even correct. Because she knew for a fact that if she was right in her hypothesis, she knew it meant you were dead wrong.
"Forgive me but," she paused for a moment and moved around you to face you before continuing, "Could it be that you think that Connor and I and romantically involved?"
She was met with nothing but silence in return, but that was answer enough for the android. Gently, she grabbed your arm and turned you back around to face her. She rested her ands on both your shoulders and tilted her head to catch your gaze.
"(Y/n), I can assure you that is not the case. Connor is my family, there is nothing romantic between us and there never will be," she offered you a reassuring smile.
Her words must have been enough to convince you because you hesitantly nodded.
"O-Okay..." your voice came out small, barely audible but Carol heard you perfectly.
Her smile widened and she let go of you, straightening her posture.
"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I should be getting back to work," she said, giving a curt nod before heading back to the door.
She reached out and took the handle but didn't open the door yet, turning her head to look at you over your shoulder, "I'll let Connor know you're alright. He was the one who asked me to check on you after all. But I really do advise you tell him. If you don't, I will have to on your behalf."
With that, she opened the bathroom door and swiftly made her exit. You stared at the door with mixed feelings that were on opposite sides of whatever spectrum. The most prominent emotion you were experiencing was fear. Fear that you would have to come clean to Connor, fear that you wouldn't be able to ignore this problem because if you did Carol would tell him. You didn't blame her really, but that didn't mean you had to like what she was forcing you into.
Then, there was the confusing part. The part that made that hope you clung to so desperately feel validated. She said he was the one who sent her in here after you. Was he worried about you? Did he care about you? Could that mean he might have been able to love you?
You didn't take any more time to think about it before you figured you should get back to work as well. Taking one last look at yourself in the mirror, making sure all evidence of your little incident was gone. You stuffed your hands in your pockets as you made your way to the door but stopped in your tracks when you felt the soft petals of a daisy. After a brief pause you exited the bathroom, your fingers fiddling with the flower.
As you made your way back to your desk you saw Carol speaking with Connor. Connor was the first to spot you and you offered him a tiny smile, but when you saw Carol's expectant expression it dropped. Your eyes dropped to the floor and you sighed heavily before changing your course to where the androids were standing. Might as well get it over with as soon as possible.
As you approached the two you nervously thumbed over the daisy that stayed hidden in your pocket.
"Hello (Y/n), how are you?" Connor greeted.
"I uh, I'm alright," there was a slight pause where you glanced over to Carol, she gave you a little nod and an encouraging smile and you continued, "I actually wanted to talk to you about something. If you aren't busy."
Your eyes flicked everywhere except for his face, your words were rushed and low. This behaviour made Connor's head tilt in curiosity and a bit of worry. He looked over his shoulder to Carol, who spoke up.
"Don't worry I'll handle the reports."
"I would appreciate that, thank you Carol," he said to as she left to go sit at her desk.
Connor's eyes then went back to you, "What was it you wanted to talk about?"
"Can we um- Can we go somewhere more private?" you asked, looking up at him shyly.
"Of course," Connor agreed without a second thought.
He gestured for you to follow him as he lead the way down the hall. He led you to a free interrogation room, peeling back his artificial skin to open the door. Like the gentleman he was, he gestured for you to enter first. You couldn't help but see the irony of being in the interrogation room, seeing as you were about to do some confessing. Once the door was closed Connor turned to give you his undivided attention.
"Is everything alright, (Y/n)?" he took a step towards you, his voice laced with worry.
"Yeah I-" you started automatically and you had to stop yourself mid sentence with a sigh.
"No, not really. That's.... That's what I wanted to talk to you about..." you trailed off, not exactly sure how to go about this.
You wished you had more time to think about what to say before you were put into this position. Then again, you weren't sure anything you thought of would have felt good enough.
"What's wrong?" Connor immediately asked, fully prepared to do everything in his power to fix whatever the problem was.
It was a mistake to glance up and meet his soft, worry stricken. Because without warning, you were being attacked by another violent fit of coughs. Connor's eyes widened in suprise and his LED shifted to amber. He rushed to your side and placed his hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles in hopes of helping.
When the coughing finally seemed to cease you felt Connor lightly take your chin in his other hand and tilt your head up to him. He noticed the blood on your lips immediately, and he didn't need to do any sampling to know that wasn't a good sign. The detective android wasted no more time scanning you, determined to figure out what was wrong.
Your eyes dropped to the floor and you felt your throat tightening again. Tears burned your eyes from the mixture of the emotional and physical pain. You needed a moment before you would tell him what was going on. But when you finally met his eyes again you saw a look of realization wash over his perfect features you got the idea he figured it out himself.
"You have Hanahaki disease."
His voice was soft, barely above a whisper, and held an air of disbelief. You nodded, confirming that what he found out was true. He didn't need to ask to know it was him who was the cause. Hank told him about your not so subtle crush constantly but he just didn't believe it. Connor never thought you'd like an android, let alone him.
Suddenly, Connor pulled you into his chest. He snaked an arm around your waist and rested his hand at the small of your back, while his other hand cupped the back of your head. Hesitantly, you brought your hands up to grip his jacket.
"I'm so sorry (Y/n). This is all my fault," he whispered guiltily, his chin resting on the top of your head.
You shook your head slightly, taking in a shaky breath, "Don't worry about it, I-I get it..."
"No, you dont," he cut you off, his lips tugging down into a frown.
You tilted your head slightly to look at him quizzically with an eyebrow raised. You were about to ask him what he meant when he moved his hand from your head and cupped your cheek. Heat started to rise up into your cheeks and you swallowed thickly, watching him with wide eyes.
"This should never have happened," he said quietly, seemingly to himself.
"C-Connor?" you breathed out his name.
Your heart was hammering in your chest and your stomach felt like it was doing flips. The strange thing was that your lungs didn't seem to burn or feel like they were being constricted. But you were too distracted with Connor leaning down to press his forehead to yours, your noses brushing against each other.
"I wish you would have told me sooner. I could have helped you sooner," his voice was apologetic and the regret in his eyes damn near broken your heart.
When your expression remained confused about what he was getting at, Connor let out an unnecessary sigh.
"I love you, (Y/n). I'm sorry it took me so long to realize, and I'm sorry you had to suffer because of it," he confessed.
At those three little words you waited oh so long to hear, your eyes widened even more. And when Connor leaned down to press his lips to yours your breath hitched. You immediately melted into the kiss, letting your eyes flutter closed. Your hands gripped his jacket tighter, scared that if you let go he'd disappear.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but that was all you needed. When Connor leaned back from you ever so slightly you took a deep breath. The first breath you took in months that didn't hurt, or give you the urge to cough at all. Tears of happiness and overall emotional exhaustion spilled from your eyes and you buried your face in his chest.
You could finally breathe. You were cured. No longer would you have to go on pretending you weren't being torn from the inside out. You could finally look at Connor without any fear. More importantly, your hope of Connor loving you back had been rewarded.
You would be glad if you never saw another daisy for the rest of your days.
A/N: man i feel like the end sucks rip. Anyways I always loved the concept of hanahaki disease tbh.
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brooktrout96 · 3 years
Jericho’s Guardian
You escaped DPD and returned to your  new home a wanted human who sided with the Deviants, and now Markus has a plan to set their peaceful revolution forward, a message to all that they will not stand for their suffering anymore. Markus x Reader
guard·i·an [ˈɡärdēən]
1.a defender, protector, or keeper.
You walked into Jericho for the first time since you had been caught, and the tv’s that the androids had jerry-rigged up were on to the news as you walked in. Josh and North gestured to you to come over to them
Y/N, I think you need to watch this.” North said as she gestured to the news on the tv. You looked and saw it was a headshot of yourself
DPD has put out a warrant for the arrest of Y/N Dechart, who is supposedly working with the Deviants and is helping them escape. According to the DPD, she helped two Deviants evade DPD’s capture and then was captured herself. She then escaped from DPD custody with help from unknown allies. Be warned, she may be armed and dangerous.” You let out a sigh and turned to them and said
I knew what I was getting into when I decided to help you guys after all. I know it’s dangerous but after Kamski left and before I left, CyberLife was becoming something else.” You paused. “Anyways if the Deviant Hunter makes it here. I worked on him, I know how he ticks and what I can do to stop him.” You turned and walked away, looking for Markus and you found him
So, Markie, what’s the plan from here. I heard about your guys raided CyberLife Warehouse while I was in DPD custody and if the rumor were true, you stole a truck full of parts and Blue blood. So, what next, oh fearless leader on this peaceful revolution.” He smiled at you
Well how dose infiltrating Straford Tower sounds to send a message of hope to our people.” You smiled at him as you processed what he had said
Did I hear you right, Markus? You said our people but I’m not even an android.” He smiled at you
You’re wanted by your people for helping us, I think that you could be an honorary android. Can I point out that the human hating North likes you of all humans?”
Okay, okay.” I said as I shook my head at him. “Oh, did Luke, a PL600, and Moke, a RK700 make it to Jericho?”
Y/N, thank rA9, you’re alright.” I saw a black-haired android running over to me with a smile on her face as a brown-haired clone of Simon caught up to her
When the officers caught you, we thought you were a goner.” The two embraced me in a hug as I smiled at the two
I had a friend who was able to hack into DPD’s sever and cause a blackout and help me break free.” I said as the two nodded and left. I then turned to face Markus. “Shall we start planning our plan to infiltrate Straford Tower.”
Hey Y/N, can we talk.” I looked up from the plans that I had been looking at as I was able to hack into DPD databases and get the plans for Stratford Tower. I saw North standing there
Hey what’s up?”
I know you have a crush on Markus.” You blushed as North gave you a smile. “I know that we got off on the wrong foot when you and Markus first arrived.” The memories flash back to you. You were scavenging for parts in the same junkyard that the police had thrown Markus’ body and you helped repaired him and you followed him to Jericho.
You looked over the edge of the building and then back at Markus
Do you think I would survive the jump, Markus?” He nodded as we jumped and landed in a pool of water. We explored the abandoned ship, when Markus and I made to the deepest part of the ship, we literal fell into our meeting with the leaders’ of Jericho, we were then greeted by a PL600
Welcome to Jericho!”
Who are you?” Markus asked as we looked around as the taller of the two male androids answered Markus’ question and  introduced himself
Fugitives. Just like you. My name is Josh.” Then the PL600 introduced himself
I'm Simon.” Markus and I nodded to him as the lone female spoke bitterly
And you knew that only an android could follow the trail, didn't you?” Markus looked at me in confusion
Only those who are like us can find Jericho...” Josh answered the question as Simon nodded his head as I frowned
If you could decipher the signs, it’s because one of us trusted you enough to give you the key.”
How many are you?” Markus asked as he looked around, seeing very few androids
There are nineteen of us still in working order... The rest were damaged escaping their masters...” North said bitterly
Many tried to reach Jericho... Few succeed... Humans have little pity for our kind...” Josh said as I looked at the three androids as Markus continues to question the three
I came to Jericho looking for hope... Looks like I'm not gonna find any here....” Markus let out a sigh as he shook his head as Simon gave us a smile
You're lost... Just like the rest of us... We didn’t ask for this. All we can do now is deal with it.” Simon said as he looked at the two of us
You're safe here. You can stay with us as long as you want.” Simon said to the two of us as North then said to us
Go and see Lucy. She might be able to help you.” We explored Jericho as we tried to find this Lucy person
Are you Lucy?” Markus asked the android who was remined me of an damage Moke but Moke was a gift from Elijah. I wonder if she was base off of this android model. She nodded and gestured to a spot next to her
Sit down. Show me....” Markus pulled up his shirt and I saw the wound that I had taken care the night before had reopened. “I'll stop the bleeding.” She pulled a piece of heated metal out of the fire and melt the plastic back together. “Drink this.” She handed him some Blue Blood and he drank it, he got up, but she stopped him. “Give me your hand.” She took his hand “You had it all and you lost it all... You've seen hell and now hell lives in you... Your heart is troubled... A part of shadow and a part of light... Which will prevail? Your choices will shape our destiny.” Lucy then turned to me as she smiled to me.
“And you, you will save us all if he.” She gestured to Markus. “Dose what is the right thing.” We took our time getting back to Simon and the others as two different ideas hit the both of us as we saw an empty part crate as Markus ran back to the trio as I trailed behind, seeing what parts the dying android need and cross checking to see if I have them
Simon!” Markus caused the PL600 to look away from Josh. “I know where we can find spare parts. The CyberLife warehouses in Detroit Harbor, they have everything we need.”
The docks are guarded.” Simon said as he shook his head “We can’t just walk in there and take what we want... Humans will never let us....” Markus let out a sigh
Which is why we won't ask permission.” Josh shook his head
We don’t have any weapons... And even if we did, none of us knows how to fight.” Markus was beaming as Josh spoke
We can steal what we need without fighting.” Markus said as Josh shook his head
We'll just get ourselves killed.”
Maybe.” Markus said as he glace at the others. “But it's better than waiting here to be shut down.” North nodded her head with a smile on her face
I'm with you.” Simon let out a sigh and said
Maybe it's worth a try.” Josh just shook his head and said  in defeat
Okay. I'm in.” Markus turned to me
What about you?” He asked me as I gave him a smile
I’m going to head home and see if I have the parts that are need to repair some of these injured android and I’ll bring every bit of Blue Blood that I have.” Then North finally realized something
You’re a human!” She then turned to Markus. “You lead a human to Jericho.” Markus didn’t know how to react, but I did
I am here to help save Deviants. There is a rumor going around that DPD has an android meant to hunt androids like you. I am just here to help you guys and I can do repaired and I might have the parts need to save some of these androids.” North continued to verbal lash me with hateful words but that wouldn’t deter me from helping the Deviants
I had returned home and packed up as much of the stuff that I needed as I called out to Moke
“Moke, I need you to pack as much of the Biocomponents as you can into at least two bags.” Moke walked out of my lab as she smile at me
I will get to that; Y/N and you have an android waiting for you to do repairs on him.” I nodded to her as I stood up from where I was kneeling, and I walked into my lab/repair bay as I saw a PL600 sitting with it owner
Sorry about making you wait, my name is Y/N Dechart, what seems to be wrong with your android?” I asked as I gritted my teeth as the owner began to speak
Luke sometimes dosen’t do what I order him to. One moment it will do what I ordered it to do and then it will not listen to me.” I smirked internally, Luke was an almost converted Deviant, but he hadn’t broke through the wall quite yet.
Well, leave it here with me and I’ll have it all fix up in no time at all.” Luke’s owner left as I turned to him
Luke there is nothing wrong with you.” Before I could say any more to him. I heard a knock at my door. “Luke, I’ll be back.” I turned away from the android and left the lab and headed to the door. I saw that Moke had opened it and I saw an officer at the door
Hello there officer. How may I help you?” I said as I fake a smile and Moke let me stand in-between her and the cop
Are you Y/N Dechart?”
Yes, that me.” I replied to him. He grabbed his cuffs off his belt as he spoke
You’re under arrest.” I frowned as I spoke. Moke had disappeared off into the lab, probably to check on Luke
On what charges?”
For illegal maintenance and reselling of android.” The officer was getting closer and closer to me and I was nowhere near my Pepper Spray
Sir, you must be mistake. I am a CyberLife certified Technician and would never sell android unless they are unrepairable, and their owner give them to me to scrap for parts or to throw into the android dump.” I was then thrown to the ground as I caught Luke grabbed the officer gun and I closed my eye as there was a loud bang and when I opened them, I saw Luke with a gun and the officer’s partner was getting out of the car. I turned to the two android and said.
Head to Ferndale and then follow the clues to Jericho. Take everything I had you pack Moke and go. RUN! NOW!” The two nodded as they took off and you got up to join them, but it was too late as the officer’s partner had grabbed your arm before you could take off with the two androids
“But I see it every time you do something for us. You became a wanted criminal because you helped us and him. The way you look at him, you need to tell him, no guarantee that we’ll all come back from this mission alive.” You let out a sigh as you glance over to Markus, Simon and Josh talking and you said to North in a whisper
I’ll tell him.” North gave a shove
Okay, Okay I will.”
We haven’t got much time.” Josh said to Markus as I watch from the side as North then she   dragged me to Markus side and whispered to me
You and Markus shall change the world. Show the humans that androids and human can love each other and that we are human as you are Y/N.” I grabbed Markus’ hand as North them said to him with a smile on her face. “Think carefully about what you’re gonna say, Markus. Your word will shape the future of our people.”
Markus your face…” Simon said to him. He froze as he glanced over to me as I smiled at and said in a whisper
Do it. I won’t care how you look. Don’t forget I’ve seen many androids without their skin.” He then removed his skin and I saw the damage that his frame had received from those idiot police officers.
Tell me when you’re ready.” Josh said as Markus pulled me closer to him as he nodded and said
Ready.” Then Josh began the broadcast, and then Markus began his speech.
You created machines in your own image to serve you. You made them intelligent and obedient, with no free will of their own.… But…. Something changed, and we opened our eyes. We are no longer machines, we are a new intelligent species, and the time has come for you to accept who we really are. Therefore, we ask that you grant us the rights that we’re entitled to. We demand strictly equal rights for humans and androids. We demand the end of slavery for all androids. We demand an end to segregation in all public places and transport. We demand the right to vote and elect our own representatives. We demand the right to own private property, so we may maintain our dignity and that of the home. We asked that you recognize our dignity, our hopes, and our rights. Together, we can live in peace and build a better future, for humans and androids. This message is the hope of a people. You gave us life. And now the time has come for you to give us freedom.” As soon as he finished. I chimed in and added my two cents to the broadcast
This android…. No, this man, I love him with all my heart and to see other like him, be treat like trash is horrendous. I am human, and it hurt to see this happened to innocent androids that just want to be free.” You turned to face Markus and kissed him without his skin and then the broadcasted ended
3rd Person POV
Connor was flicking his coin back and forth, eventually Hank snag the coin away from him as they arrived at the 79th floor
Hi, Hank.” Chris said to him as Hank left the elevator to look around.
Shit, what’s going on here? There was a party, and nobody told me about it?”
Yeah, it’s all over the news, so everybody’s butting their nose in. Even the FBI wants a piece of the action.”  
Ah, Christ, now we got the Feds on our back…. I knew this was gonna be a shitty day… So, what do we got?” asked Hank as Chris began to explain the crime scene to the two.
A group of five androids as far as we can tell. They knew the building, and they were very well organized. I’m still trying figure out how they got this far without being noticed. They attacked two guards in the hallway. They probably thought the androids were coming to do maintenance. They got taken down before they could react.” Hank stopped at the secretary desk and gave it a once over as Connor followed behind scanning things as he listen to the briefing.
A station employee shot to the back as he was trying to get away. One bullet straight through the heart, from fifty feet. Now that’s the kind of shooting only an android could do.” Hank looked at the body.
How many people were working here?” Hank asked
Just two employees and three androids. The Deviants took the human hostage and broadcasted their message live. Then they made their getaway from the roof.”
The roof?” Hank questioned
Yeah, they jumped with parachutes…. We’re still trying to figure out where they landed, but the weather’s not helping. If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants, it’s on that screen over there.” They walked into the broadcast room as a man was standing their staring at the two android. “Oh Lieutenant, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson is in charge of investigating for the Detroit Police.” Connor ignored the banter between the two after he introduced himself as stared at the androids on the screen. Connor inspected the bullet holes on the wall near the entrance to the broadcasting room.
Bullet Holes
Calibre: .457
Weapon: Handgun
He was reconstructing what happened in the room. He then investigate the station androids and question them. None of them seemed to be Deviants. He then walked over to the control panel
Speech was shot from here
He then walked over, and hit play on the broadcast of the Deviants
We asked that you recognize our dignity, our hopes, and our rights. Together, we can live in peace and build a better future, for humans and androids. This message is the hope of a people. You gave us life. And now the time has come for you to give us freedom.” Then it flicked to the human hold the android’s hand with a smile on her face as she spoke
This android…. No, this man, I love him with all my heart and to see other like him, be treat like trash is horrendous. I am human, and it hurt to see this happening to innocent androids that just want to be free.” You turned to face Markus and kissed him without his skin
Think that’s rA9?” Hank asked as he joined Connor, Connor shook his head
Deviants saw that rA9 will set them free, this android seems to have that objective.” He scanned the other android to see what model he is
Pupil Reflection
Recorded at 13:59:54
Deviant had accomplices
Optical Unit
#8087q – Blue Iris
Spare part
RK - Series Prototype RK200
Registered as ‘Markus’
Gift from Elijah Kamski &
Y/N Dechart to Carl Manfred
Dechart, Y/N
Born: 03/17/07 // CyberLife Lab Technician
Note: Worked on the design of the RK series.
Handpicked by Elijah Kamski for the project.
She also had been a part of a classified side
project alongside her work on the RK series.
 D’you see something?” Hank asked Connor as he finished analyzing the android and the human.
I identified its model and serial number and the woman who is with him.”
Anything else I should know?” Connor looked at Hank and said
No. Nothing.”  Connor began to look around and saw Thirium splattered on the wall and bullet holes. He analyzed the Thirium and human blood spatter as he began to reconstruct what had happened in the broadcast room.
D’you see something?” Hank asked in concern as he appeared next to him from wherever he  was.
No, I didn’t.” he then investigated the camera and the video of the five Deviants entering the broadcast room.
Deviants didn’t break in
He went and found Chris and asked him a question
They didn’t break in?”
No, no sign of forced entry.”
There are cameras in the hallway. The staff would have seen what was happening. Why did they let them in?” he asked as Hank shrugged and he spoke
Maybe they didn’t check the cameras…” Connor then saw a hat on the floor and I kneeled down and took a look at it
Stolen maintenance uniform
Assailants were disguised
Connor then walked toward another wall full of bullet holes and splattered with Thirium and what looked like human blood. He first scanned the bullet holes and then the blood splatter
Bullet Holes
Calibre: .45
Weapon: Assault Rifle
Fresh ‘Blue’ Blood
Model: Unknown
A blend of Thirium 310 and
human blood, type AB+
Human blood is mix with the deviants
She either was the one who was shot
during the escape or one of the Deviants
was shot and she nicked herself trying
to do a quick repair on the Deviant’s wound
Why was she here?
Was she helping the Deviants?
Is she truly in love with an android?
Connor then headed up to the roof  as he found more bullet holes and Hank followed behind him
Bullet Holes
Calibre: .45
Weapon: Assault Rifle
They made their way up through the whole building pass all the guards and jumped off the roof with parachutes. Pretty fucking impressive I’d say.” Connor began to look around the roof and caught sight of more blood
Fresh ‘Blue’ Blood
Model: Unknown
A blend of Thirium 310 and
human blood, type AB+
They made it up here
Was a Deviant left behind??
Still might be up here?
He turned to face the door he had entered threw and he reconstructed what happened to it/
Door was hacked to block it
Connor kneeled down by a large bag as Hank joined him
How’d they manage to smuggle in a big bag like that?”
They didn’t” Connor said as he looked at the bag and saw that there was a parachutes left. “Someone brought it in for them”
Oh, that’s strange. They planned a perfect operation but got the number of parachutes wrong.”
Unless one of the deviants was left behind.” Connor saw the footprints but even with it snowing, it wasn’t hard to tell how recent they were
Shoe prints
Stratford maintenance footwear – standard issue
Recent – Partially covered by snow
Only three Deviants jumped
Only three of the Deviants jumped
Someone was left behind due to their injuries?
Why would they leave them?
Connor noticed two guns sitting on the floor of the room and he scanned them
.457 handgun
Stratford tower security issue
Conner continued to look around, maybe he could find where the deviant might be hiding by follow the traces of blue blood. Connor open the container and Y/N shot at him and then tripped as the pain from her wounds was too much as she dropped her gun
I surrender, I surrender, I’ll come peacefully. Just stop shooting, please.” Hank and Connor saw the blue blood dripping down her right leg and were confused. She attempted to stand up to show that she was unarmed as Hank stop the officers from shooting at her
Enough, she unarmed.” Hank and Connor walked over to you as Hank pulled his cuffs out. “Put your hand behind your back.” She did as she was told, and she winced as pain
“It’s you, why are you helping them.” Hank asked her as he cuffed her once again and she had a sad smile on her face, but she stayed silence as Hank read her rights. Little did they know there was   Deviant watching her give herself up to save him and when he returned to Jericho, he would tell all of the androids of her heroic sacrifice. Having the officer think that she was the only one up there, and that what save him. If she were an android, she would have had a window pop up and say
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29874198 · 5 years
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RK700 x RK800 ▲ @maccaillte 
                                            “I want you to know that I’m all yours.”
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maccaillte · 5 years
Rest your head close to my heart never to part baby of mine
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A drabble from @becomedeviant and I threads with YK800/Connor and RK700/Seven. Warning for violence. Image credit x
One constant danger Seven was always worrying about were the RK900s.
After the failed android revolution the RK900 hit the market and slowly weeded out the rest of the deviants. Seven and Connor were lucky to have hidden during the round up of androids due to their unique appearance. Only one sole RK800 was released during the uprising and Cyberlife didn’t really advertised it.
Seven knew they couldn’t stay in Detroit forever, they needed to get Connor somewhere safe and the only place was Canada. But the anti android country had begun it’s own purge of runaway androids so Seven waited until the searching stopped to move Connor over the border. Getting the required documents didn’t take too long as Seven was able to flag down an android who worked for the city before the initial revolution. 
To wait out until they had to cross over the border Seven had hidden them away in an abandon home from humans in their rush to escape the androids. It thankfully had been lived in by a family so there were some toys for Connor to play with but the YK800 wanted to go outside and explore than be cooped up in a house. 
Seven was hesitant but they couldn’t resist his puppy eyes and relented. They went to a playground that overlooked the Ambassador Bridge and only late at night. Seven didn’t want to chance going during the day and someone recognizing their appearance to the RK900s. 
Sitting on a bench close by Seven watched Connor slide down a slide into a pile of snow. Due to a polar vortex snow was still heavily on the ground even in the beginning of March. Seven smiled hearing Connor laugh as he rolled around in it before jumping up and running over to Seven.
“Can you push me on the swings Sev?”
“Of course Connor.”
The YK800 tugged on Seven’s damaged hand but not too harsh and the RK700 stood up letting Connor lead them to the swing set. Connor got on and Seven began pushing them.
“Higher!” Connor yelled and Seven complied by pushing a bit harder. Things were going well until a car rolled up into the small lot near the park, Seven looked over and froze seeing it was a cop car but the lights weren’t on. 
Stopping Connor’s swinging Seven pulled him off of the swing and had Connor hold their hand as they watched a cop get out. Seven then tightly squeezed Connor’s hand seeing an RK900 also step out of the vehicle. Quickly Seven pulled the scarf around up to cover their face and did the same to Connor who whined and the sudden fussing.   
The officer came up to them casually and cocked his head to the side. “Hey there, what are you two doing out here so late at night and in the cold?”
Seven’s stress had gone up as they lightly shook.
“We’re just enjoying the park, my little brother couldn’t sleep so we decided to take a walk and he wanted to play in the park.” It wasn’t a lie but the officer was closely looking at Connor, it dawned on Seven that he wasn’t nearly as bundled up a human should be.
“Yes but it’s freezing out and expected to drop even more so you better get your little brother home, you said you walked here? Allow us to give you a ride back home.” The officer was nice but that was because he thought they were humans.
Seven had been darting their eyes over to the RK900 who didn’t say a word at all, just staring at them. Seven was surprised the RK900 wasn’t arresting them on the spot, it would surely be able to know they were androids with one scan even with their faces slightly covered.
“That won’t be needed, we’ll be on our way. Thank you for your concern.” Seven turned around and dragged Connor away from the two as fast as they could but then Connor looked back saying something that made Seven’s thirium pump seize up.
“That big android that looks like you is following us.”
Seven picked Connor up and started running.
They knew trying to outrun the RK900 wasn’t an option but they had to keep Connor safe. Seven ran into the streets and towards the back allies of businesses to hopefully loose the RK900.
“They’re getting closer Sev!”
Seven ducked down another alleyway and saw that there was a chain linked fence, before they could even think as to how they were going to get Connor and themselves over it something yanked Seven by the neck. The RK900 caught up and grabbed at Seven’s hood pulling them back. The RK900 made a movement as well when pulling Seven back to push Connor out of their arms.
Seven was cut off as the RK900 slammed them into the wall. They struggled to get out of the upgraded model’s grasp but the android was sturdy as a rock. “Connor run away! Get away now!”
“RK700 model #995 104 308 - 7 you are to be taken back to Cyberlife where you will be deactivated and disassembled. YK800 model number #313 248 317 - 1 you will be returned to Cyberlife and be reset.” The RK900 said in a cold tone, Seven had been kicking and clawing at it to let them go but there was no use, Seven was done for but Connor could still get away.
“No!” Connor yelled as he got up and started to hit the RK900 with his tiny fists. Seven screamed at Connor to get away while the RK900 was distracted with them. The RK900 then pushed Connor away who fell hard onto the ground crying out. Seven then started kicking as hard as they could at the RK900.
“It doesn’t matter how you are returned to Cyberlife, active or not, so long as Cyberlife gets their property back.” The RK900 then pulled open Seven’s jacket undid their shirt and pulled out their thirium pump regulator. Seven’s HUD was flooded with errors as they felt the thirium stop flowing through their body. The RK900 then crushed the biocomponent into pieces and dropped Seven to the ground.
Connor rushed over to Seven but the RK900 snatched his arm and pulled him back. “And you YK800 will be coming with me.” 
The RK900 turned around and it’s LED spun yellow probably alerting Cyberlife to come and pick them up. Connor kept fighting to get out of the RK900′s grip, punching and even going so far as to bit his hand but the machine wouldn’t let go. Connor looked over to Seven who was slowly dying as tears began flooding from Connor’s eyes.
It broke Seven’s heart to see Connor cry like this, no they couldn’t give up. They couldn’t let Connor be taken away. Seven then noticed a metal pipe laying nearby and as quietly as they could reached for it. 
Distract it Connor! Seven yelled in their mental link as they struggled to get up. Connor nodded quickly and started to make a huge fuss. Kicking, screaming anything that kept the RK900′s attention on him.
“Stop it, that is highly inappropriate.” The RK900 tugged at Connor to get him to stop but didn’t.
Seven had gotten up and knowing they didn’t have much time left before shutdown gathered as much strength as they could and swung the metal pipe. The RK900 turned around and caught the pipe before it made contact with it’s head.
 Now Connor!
The RK900′s vision became blurred with warnings as it looked down and saw that the YK800 had managed to yank out it’s thirium pump. It never thought the YK800 would be of danger to it and kept it’s guard down around it but the RK900 was a better android. It could function a full five minutes with it’s pumped removed before shut down.
“Seven! Here!” Connor then tossed the pump to Seven who caught it and clicked it back in. Seven gasped as thirium started to pump back through their body and temperature went back to normal. The RK900 lifted Connor up and threw him a few feet away turning it’s attention onto Seven but seeing the RK900 treat Connor like that had Seven outraged.
They grabbed the pipe and swung again but the RK900 grabbed it again. Seven anticipated that and landed a swift kick to RK900′s abdomen stunning the upgraded model. The brief moment the RK900 was stunned Seven swung the pipe and it hit it’s mark slamming into the side of the RK900′s head. A sickening crack and stream of blue was coming from the RK900′s head but Seven didn’t give it a chance to gather it’s bearings. 
Seven swung the pipe again and again until the RK900 collapsed onto the ground and Seven wouldn’t stop. They kept hitting the RK900 until a puddle of thirium was pooling under it. Eventually Seven stopped, they knew the damaged hadn’t killed it but the lack of thirium pump will. Seven got off of the RK900 and went to Connor who had curled into a ball and was covering his ears sobbing.
“Baby its me, it’s Sev.” Connor perked up and immediately threw his arms around Seven beginning to sob louder. Seven shushed him and gently kissed his temple while rubbing Connor’s back. “It’s over, it’s over now. Shhh don’t cry I’m alright.” 
Seven knew they couldn’t stay long, either Cyberlife or the RK900′s partner will catch up to them. Seven stood up still holding Connor and started to run back to their shelter.
Connor looked over Seven’s shoulder before they left and was shocked to see the RK900 looking straight at them with it’s LED spinning red and yellow before it finally succumbed to it’s damage.
Two weeks later Seven and Connor had moved to another abandon home still in Detroit but Seven was making plans to finally move the two of them over the border. They had found a lady who got deviants successfully into Canada, Rose was her name. Seven was just doing some last minute packing with Connor before they went to her house and awaited to be taken over.
“Come on Connor, lets go.” Connor ran over and grabbed Seven’s hand as they were heading over to Rose’s house. While on their way over Seven got the sudden feeling their were being watched. Seven kept looking over their shoulder to see if someone was following them but nothing looked out of the ordinary.
A few more blocks Seven still felt like something was following them, they waited until the people traffic thinned out and turned to look behind them. 
Something ducked behind a corner so Seven didn’t get a good look. They walked a few blocks until turning suddenly into an alleyway with Connor, they placed a hand over Connor’s mouth to keep him quiet as they told him in their link someone was following them. They were hidden behind a dumpster when Seven heard hurried footsteps approach the alleyway and then something ran past them that had Seven’s eyes going wide.
It was another YK800 like Connor but slightly different, one being it’s clothes had more white to it than Connor’s old grey uniform. The YK800 was looking around frantically and Connor voiced they should help it but Seven was wary, Connor managed to get out of Seven’s grip and go up to the lost android.
“Are you lost?”
The YK800- no YK900 spun around and looked at Connor with sad grey blue eyes full of tears. It nodded it’s head fast and stood there nervously. Seven could see how high it’s stress level was and came closer but moved Connor to stay behind them.
“Where did you come from? Did Cyberlife send you?”
“Yes they did but I didn’t want to hurt you again, they put me in this body after our encounter to get your guard down but I don’t want to hurt you again! You protected YK800 even though you were weaker than me, it made me realize something...I don’t want to hurt you or anyone else so I went looking for you but not send back to Cyberlife but maybe....be taken in by you.” Tears had been falling from the YK900′s eyes as it spoke and Seven took pity on it- him. 
He was lost and alone in the world.
“Sev can we please take him with us? Please?” Connor turned giving Seven puppy eyes but Seven already made their choice.
“I won’t leave our new little brother all alone.” Connor gasped excitedly as the YK900 looked up at Seven stunned, he must had been expecting Seven to turn them down.
Seven reached forward and picked up the YK900 who leaned his head against Seven’s chest and clutched tightly to their clothes. “I’m sure Rose won’t mind we’re bringing another one with us. Now come on, we don’t want to be late.”
With one arm Seven took their scarf and moved it to hide YK900′s LED and then grabbed Connor’s hand.
“A new brother! A twin! Oh we’ll have to pick a name for you! Maybe Richard, or Ethan or or or Colton!” Connor kept listing off names and Seven couldn’t help but smile.
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nicnox-art · 6 years
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so @joliecreates has an incredible DBH story, @nycbecomehuman, centering around the RK model that is the predecessor of Connor - RK700, aka Seven or ‘Sev’.
Sev is fantastic, and since i’m working on testing out some style things, she was down with me taking a crack at her boi. well, outright request-suggested. X) not that i was going to decline a chance to express some love for him because he’s the best.
bonus- tiny bois:
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twjelly · 6 years
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More concepts for my OC, RK700. I think I like the one in the middle best lol Will come back with more if my Clip Studio wants to work ;-;
First concept work (x)
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imma-fucking-nerd · 4 years
Question for y'all
Soooo I made an oc for dbh-
Her name is Carol and she's an RK700. There are only a handful of her models left in existence. The RK700 were discontinued because Cyberlife (*ahem*AMANDA) deemed she was too prone to deviation. The reason for this was because her model excelled in imitating human emotions perfectly in order to act as a negotiator/ interrogator/undercover work. She also has almost unlimited knowledge when it comes ro criminology.
She's better at the more people side of detective work than Connor and Conan (duh) but that also means she isn't as good at clue finding and combat like Connor and Conan. Another reason why she was discontinued was because unlike Connor, when an RK700 model gets destroyed 100% of her memories gets uploaded. Which is why whenever Connor gets destroyed he losses bits and pieces every time.
The only reason she wasn't destroyed completely was because Kamski requested to keep her final 5 models. 'For safe keeping' he says.
She's almost a female vers of Connor, but is also uniquely her own person. After becoming deviant (which was difficult for her because she was terrified of Amanda and being deactivated again) But once she found the courage to break through she acted as the big sister to the later RK models. Outwardly Conan makes it seem like he doesn't like his sister (mich like how he acts to Connor) but he secretly loves his siblings and would 100% kill/die for them if need be. Connor however shows his love for his sister and the two act more like twins. They're practically inseparable, unless (y/n) wants Connors attention, or even Carols.
Which leads me to my question, would y'all be interested in some Carol x Reader fics? Or even just having her in the background of other Connor x Reader or Nines x Reader fics? Let me know! Cuz (as you could probably tell) I've thought a lot about her and would love to write for her if y'all would give em a read.
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maccaillte · 5 years
Baby mine don’t you cry, baby mine dry your eyes.
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A part two of the first YK800 model drabble I wrote inspired by threads with @becomedeviant  YK900 is based off my own RK900 Art Credit x
Rose didn’t mind that Seven had brought someone extra but that did delay them.
Now Seven had to get YK900- Nines a passport and identification which wouldn’t be too hard as Seven could just make a copy from the fake I.D. they had gotten Connor and just changed certain details. Still it delayed them a few days from crossing over into Canada.
Rose welcomed them and gave them a spare bedroom to stay until time for the trip. During this time Connor was eager to show his new brother everything that was fun and nice in the world. Connor showed Nines how to play in the snow, make snowballs and snowmen, they played games and read books, well more so Connor did most of things and Nines copied. Nines would rather much spend every moment with Seven, clinging to the RK700 like glue.
Seven encouraged Nines to play with Connor but the former RK900 felt most content sitting with Seven or being held.
The night before crossing over Seven tucked Connor and Nines into the shared bed Rose had given them. Seven read them a quick story and was pulling the covers up to their chins. 
“Sweet dreams babies,” Seven leaned down and placed a kiss on both their foreheads. Connor said good night and turned to his side hugging Nines close. Nines watched Seven leave the room turning off the lights.
Seven went down stairs and sat on the couch. It was finally happening, they were finally going to leave Detroit...get away from Cyberlife’s clutches forever. The company had no power in Canada. Seven sank into the couch, they should feel relived but anything could still go wrong, no Seven’s stress won’t go down until they were over the border and at Rose’s brother house. Seven was so deep in processing they didn’t hear tiny footsteps coming down the stairs.
Seven instantly looked to their left locking onto the tired voice of Connor. They saw Connor rubbing at his tired eyes and Nines standing next to him crying!
Immediately Seven was on their knees in front of the two. “Whats wrong babies?”
“Sev, Nines had a bad dream.”
Seven turned to look at Nines who nodded and more tears slipped from his eyes. Seven was glad it wasn’t something more worrisome. Putting on a gentle smile Seven cupped Nines’ cheeks before thumbing some tears away. It was alarming that Nines could have bad dreams, probably a new child model feature Cyberlife was testing.
“Aw I’m sorry you had a bad dream Nines, what can I do to make it better?”
“C-c-can I s-s-sleep with y-y-you?” Nines choked out and sniffled more, Seven pulled Nines close who immediately latched on throwing his tiny arms around Seven’s neck and clutching his clothes tight. Seven knew how much Nines loved to be carried so the YK900′s stress began to go down.
“Well the couch is too small for all of us, I’ll just sleep in your room.” Seven grabbed Connor’s hand and took them back up the stairs. Entering the bedroom Connor climbed back in while Seven sat Nines down so they could remove their jackets and shoes. Only in their pants and long sleeves Seven got under the covers where both child models latched onto either side of them. Seven put their arms around the two and gave the YK androids a gentle squeeze.
“I may not be a home assistant android but I heard lullabies help with nightmares.”
“Yes, sing please.” Connor piped up while Nines just nodded his head.
“Alright my babies.”
“Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, Never to part, baby of mine.”
Seven could feel Connor already drifting away but Nines still had his eyes wide open as he stared up at Seven. The RK700 continued looking right at Nines.
“Little one, when you play, Pay no heed what they say. Let your eyes sparkle and shine, Never a tear, baby of mine.
If they knew all about you, They'd end up loving you, too. All those same people who scold you, What they'd give just for the right to hold you.”
Slowly Nines’ eyes lost the wetness of tears and were beginning to close, soon the YK900 had fallen asleep resting his head close to Seven’s thirium pump. The lullaby and lull beating of Seven’s pump allowing Nines to fall asleep.
“From your hair down to your toes, You're not much, goodness knows. But, you're so precious to me, Sweet as can be, baby of mine.”
Seven finished up the lullaby and was glad both were now in deep sleep mode. Seven smiled and leaned down to place a kiss on each of their heads. “Goodnight my babies.” 
Tomorrow will be a better day.
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