Sitting my ass down and getting Daisy to the end of Act 2 TONIGHT
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Current black tiger supporters (seen in order):
Red Pufferfish, Green Girraffe, Cyan Monkey, Crazy Crab, and the Orange Orangutan. You can’t silence Black Tiger
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juliatv · 3 months
Warning: suggestive, a little bloody
🚬🖤✨ loving bite
he gently took my hand and brought it to his rather soft lips, my cheeks turn a little pink, as if by reflex... then he gently.. licked my finger, his tongue was quite warm and pleasant, everything inside me was boiling from this action that I just couldn’t move, in his deep and hoarse voice he said something that gave me goosebumps a little...
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then he gently brought my finger even closer, caressing my torso under my outerwear, my cheeks were burning and I didn’t know what to do, but.. why I like it... his tongue is warm and gentle that it even relaxed me a little,
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but. .. suddenly for some reason I felt uncomfortable, as if he was clenching his teeth, stop... that’s right, I wanted to pull my finger back.. but then...
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I was struck by a dizzying pain...
and please someone voice this and draw him pleeeeeeeeeease!!!!!! 😭💕
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tiger-puppy · 1 month
Finished my tiger tail!
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Here's a low res video of what the furs like X] (Just edited on Insta, so that's where the gifs are from loll)
It's hard to show, but I made it with lots of proper tiger refs in mind, so the "inner" side of the tail is more white, and the colour is built up from the bottom!!
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Here's some silly photos of me wearing it!!
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And here's what it looked like before I brushed it out :]
The brushing process took just as long as the actual construction itself 😅😭 (In all, I think it took about a week to make :>)
This is the second tail that I've made, and I'm super proud of how it came out!!
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vipermirage · 11 months
❛  why should i believe you now when you've told nothing but lies?  ❜ they said they'd never leave. - from bel ehehehe
🐝  *  ―  𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑻𝒀 𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑶𝑴 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺.: accepting
was this what it was between them now? the constant fights, unhappiness, the anger pulling them apart, bit by bit, little by little. it's nothing but a battle of whose words stung more isn't it? mammon wondered for a moment, what they had said or done to warrant that. and even if bel didn't say anything more, even if the silence grew louder with every second, they knew what he meant.
"that isn't fair." they mumbled, unable to come up with a louder, better argument. "that wasn't fair and you know it very well."
0 notes
harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
Vil: Someone needs to remind MC that they are handling a wild, ferocious animal.
Rook: It doesn't look ferocious to me, Roi du Poison.
Vil: Yes! Because Potato is smooching the damn thing!
MC: *pampering the lion with kisses that Kalim brought to NRC*
MC: Who's the prettiest boy~? It's you~ It's you~!
The lion: Roarrr...
Kalim: *laughs*
Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: Leona, how do you feel?
Leona: Why the fuck are you asking me?
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dino-boyo-agere · 5 months
I feel so cute in this hoodie!!!
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@magicianthing it arrived!!
.゚。.・.*.゚☆❗only interact if your blog is SFW❗☆ ゚.*.・. 。゚.
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Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
It only feels this raw right now
Lost in the labyrinth of my mind
Break up, break free, break through, break down
You would break your back to make me break a smile
(+ uh, oh, I'm falling in love)
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An imagine loosely based on the song Labyrinth of off Midnights by Taylor Swift ▪︎ read more Daemon & Aemond midnights imagines here: masterlist
themes: Aemond loses his eye at an older age (near the end of this) + there is no war (Rhaenyra is Queen), fluff, angst, mutual pining / warnings: language, mention of violence / word count: 5k
You and Aemond dance around each other for a long time, unable to make your feelings known to the other. Until an incident occurs, which makes him realize how important you truly are to him.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
It's a calm morning in King's Landing, and Prince Aemond makes his way throughout the castle, on his way to visit his dear sister Helaena and her children.
Aemond has proven to be a doting brother to her, as well as a caring uncle to Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor. It can even be said that he has seen these children grow, more than their own father, his frequently inebriated brother, Prince Aegon.
Aemond shakes his head in disappointment, as the thought of his brother crosses his mind. Surely, he doesn't expect to find him in Helaena and the children's chambers.
He walks through the half-open doors, and hears an unfamiliar voice reading to the children. Your voice. He sees you sitting on the floor, the toddlers in varying positions in front of you, your dainty hands holding a heavy book that you surprisingly looked comfortable propping up.
You get to a passage about a dragon, and promptly make a Roarrr! sound to the children, as if you were acting out a performance. Aemond can't hold back the amused snort that he lets out.
You raise your head, and hurriedly stand, curtsying to the prince, "Prince Aemond, your sister did say you might be visiting this morning." You feel flushed, embarrassed that he most likely heard you.
"Hmm," he takes you in fully, mildly pleased with what he sees, "and where is my sister?"
"She's gone on a stroll with the Lady Alicent, my prince."
"And who might you be? Just last week it was Alyanna who was attending to the children."
"My name is y/n, I am her newly instated handmaiden, my prince. Mistress Alyanna asked to take leave, sadly, I think due to unfair treatment from Prince Aegon."
Aemond nearly rolls his eyes in exasperation, and reminds himself to have a word with his brother about this later.
"I can leave you with the children, if you wish to have time alone with them?"
Normally he would order his sister's appointed handmaiden to wait outside, as he prefers not to have someone hovering over him. But he looks at you intently, hearing nervousness in your voice, and decides, "No, stay, please. Continue."
"E-mon!" the children squeal, noticing their uncle's presence.
You feel warm inside as you watch him lower himself to the floor and hug the children. They seem very comfortable with him, which only says a lot about how he treats them.
"Good morning, sweetlings," he sits among them, Jaehaerys plopping himself on his lap.
You're unsure if you should sit with them. Would it be proper?
"Y/n, please sit," he orders, "the children wish to hear the rest of the story."
"Of course, my prince." You sit, careful with your skirts.
As you take the book in your hands, the prince adds, smirking, "And so do I."
Oh, gods. You swallow, nerves settling in your stomach.
Slowly, you pick up where you left off, although the prince notices that your tone has changed. Rather flat, more careful.
He decides to have a bit of fun with you, testing to see how you would fare, "If you don't mind, my lady, continuing in the same inflection as you had before? The raw emotion in your voice was truly something to hear."
You groaned in protest, and your hand flies to your mouth when you realize how rude that might have seemed.
"I apologize, my prince, of course I'll... uhh... read in the same- "
His hand rests on yours before you can finish your sentence, and you swear you can hear your heart pulsating. Oh for gods sake, he's just the Prince, not some bloody deity.
"It's no matter, go on," he says smoothly, applying the slightest pressure on your hand, before pulling away.
He could pass for a deity, though, due to his striking beauty and the way he holds himself. It almost... eerie. In the best way.
"Okay," collecting your thoughts, you recount the story, doing your best to focus on the children, who watch you in awe.
You could not shake off the fact that their handsome uncle was watching you as well, the pressure of it nearly weighing you down. His intent gaze effectively raising goosebumps on your exposed skin.
Moments later, much to your relief, you reach the final page and you're able to say, "... and The End. That's it, my darlings."
"Hmm." There is a pleasant upturn to the prince's lips, and you find yourself admiring its prominent shape. Looking down quickly, you try to avert your eyes so he doesn't notice your staring.
Though you find yourself saying, "Amused, are we, my prince?"
His smirk widens. Maybe you did have some fire in you.
"I am," he tilts his head, "you should be flattered, my lady, as it takes quite a lot to amuse me."
"I should be flattered that you find amusement at my expense?" You raise an eyebrow. You briefly wonder where you're finding the gall to speak to the prince in such a way, but you can't explain it. It's as if he's eliciting it out of you.
"Why?" he counters, "wouldn't you want to amuse your prince?"
"I suppose," you close the book, and put it aside, taking the wooden toy Maelor was handing to you, "I would. Given that he amuses me, just the same."
You stare at each other, your heart in your throat, arrested by his sinister, bright, blue eyes.
Until Jaehaera gets up, and puts her arms around her uncle's neck, demanding attention with one loud, "E-mooon!"
"My love," he laughs, and you find yourself wishing this wouldn't be the last you'll hear of the sound.
My new station might not be so bad, after all.
Aemond attends to Jaehaera, while you play with her brothers, until a smiling Helaena walks in the room.
"Aemond," she greets pleasantly, "you've met y/n."
You both stand, and Aemond places a kiss on his sister's cheek, "Hmm, I have," he looks back at you, before adding in a lower voice, but one he made sure you still could hear, "if I had half a mind, dear sister, I would have her attend to me, instead."
You can't help but smile at that, and Helaena does too, looking between you and her brother, then she muses, eyes glazing, "Lovely blue stone casting its glow, uniting tormented loving bones."
"Uhm," confusion shows on your face.
"Don't fret," Aemond says to you, "she does that often. My dear sister." He lovingly wraps an arm around her, before excusing himself to go attend to the council.
"It was a pleasure, lady y/n." He nods to you.
"The pleasure is all mine, my prince," you curtsy, one final time, before he leaves the room.
As Aemond walks to the council, he feels much lighter, and one thing's for certain. He's going to have to a word with his brother that you were not to be messed with, in any way.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You walk through the streets of the Red Keep, Prince Aemond a steady presence by your side. Normally, you'd have Princess Helaena's sworn knights accompany you while you carry out the tasks she set out, but ever since a few months ago, Aemond has taken it upon himself to watch over you as well.
The two knights still follow, as per their duty, some distance behind the two of you, so you're not sure why Aemond continues to take useful time out of his agenda, just to walk with you.
But you didn't mind, all the same. You found yourself feeling at home in his company.
Since that day when Aemond walked in on your enthusiastic storytelling, which you still feel flustered just thinking about, he has visited Helaena and the children's quarters more often.
And by extension, by the grace of whatever gods exist, this means that he's around you a lot.
You've been able to see him as more than just a handsome prince to fawn over, more than a royal to pledge fealty to.
You've been able to see Aemond, who he truly is, as much as he has allowed you. And, he's been getting to know you as well, but you unknowingly brush his efforts off as him showing mere courtesy to the caretaker of his niece and nephews.
That is, until Helaena one day said, absentmindedly, "I'm happy Aemond visits nearly every day now."
"Princess? Hasn't he always done this anyway?"
"Hmm, well, yes, he did so, around once or twice a week if his council duties allow him the time."
You nodded, knowing that Prince Aemond held a valuable position in Queen Rhaenyra's great council.
She continues, "But now... he finds the time every day, even just for a few minutes, to stop by. I'm pleased about this little change."
You smiled, sharing in Helaena's delight.
Then she added, "I might have to thank you for that."
"M-me, princess?"
"Mhmm," she just smiled giddily, before turning away to work on her embroidery.
The memory replays in your head, as Aemond walks beside you, so close your hands brush each other once in a while.
If he notices, then he must not mind. You don't, either.
Today, you are tasked with picking up silks for the Princess' new dress. You and your company walk through the market, the people parting when they notice the Prince heading their way, knights in tow.
You don't notice the man coming from around the corner, carrying a huge straw basket on his shoulders, which nearly swings against your head.
But Aemond was quick to act, taking your hand and pulling you out of the way, close to him.
The man mumbles his apologies, to which you say, "It's alright, I'm okay."
But you look up at Aemond who seems to be glaring at the man, his voice cold when he speaks, "Watch yourself next time."
"Of course, my prince. Sorry, my prince." He scurries away in a rush, clearly fearing the prince's wrath.
As you walk on, you find that the prince has held on to your hand, even rubbing his thumb on it soothingly from time to time, and you don't protest.
You briefly think of how the two of you must look, hand in hand. Almost like lovers.
You turn away, your thoughts making you feel bashful. Aemond gradually halts, and with gentle fingers on your chin, turns your head to face him.
"Something the matter?" he asks coyly.
Oh he knows what he's doing.
His hand still grips yours firmly, while the other holds your face.
"Nothing, my prince."
He smiles, satisfied, and you continue on.
"I thought I told you to only call me by name," he says, "No need for the formality."
"It just doesn't feel right, prince Aemond."
"Why not?"
"Because you're the prince, and I'm just, well, me."
He doesn't say anything, simply walking on, until he says, almost to himself, "I believe you're more extraordinary than you allow yourself to think."
You look at him, appreciating his words, believing them. You realize just how much you've grown to trust Aemond.
At this point, you reach your destination, so say, "We're here... Aemond."
He smiles at you brightly, the sight of it so overwhelming, "Hmm."
Hmm, indeed.
You hand the tailor the scroll on which Princess Helaena listed what she needs, and he abruptly gets to work, retrieving materials from all around the stall.
You look around, Aemond doing the same on the other side of the room. Then you come across a tray of jewels, stones of different hues and sizes. The one thing that caught your eye was a deep blue sapphire, so beautiful it made the other stones look plain in comparison.
You pick it up, weighing it in your hand, smiling to yourself.
"See anything you like?" Aemond comes up behind you.
"Oh, yes, well. This is beautiful, isn't it? It reminds me of a pendant my mother once possessed. It also contained a sapphire, which I must say is my favourite stone. Blue is my favourite colour, you know?" You study the sapphire, bringing it up to look at it closely.
"Yes, I know, you've told me." Aemond smiles, his heart feeling tender as he listens to you musing out loud.
You speak up again, raising the sapphire to his face, "And look, it even matches your eyes. Equally beautiful."
His face lights up, "You flatter me, my love."
My love.
You're interrupted by the knight, entering the stall, addressing the prince, "My prince, might I remind you of the materials for your new royal cloak, as ordered by your Lady mother."
"Ah yes," Aemond says, face falling, "go see to it."
The knight nods, and goes off to speak to the tailor.
"Something wrong? Not elated at having a new cloak?" you ask playfully, thinking it to be just a light matter.
"Hmm? No, I suppose it's just... where I will have to don it for."
You become confused as to why his disposition has fallen, so you continue to ask, "A ceremony? Some tedious banquet?"
Aemond had told you once about how little he cared for the feasts and banquets, empty processions with no true objective.
His voice grows solemn, and he looks at you directly, as if to make a confession, "I am to have a courtship ceremony. My mother wishes to have me wed very soon."
You turn away, placing the sapphire back down, and desperately try to distract yourself with something else. You suddenly feel foolish for even imagining the two of you as lovers earlier. For ever reading too much into the prince's kindness.
Of course he will be married. And even if... even if... he actually desired you, he wouldn't choose you. You were a lady, yes, but your House was one of the smaller ones in Westeros. A small and humble, dormant stronghold in the Westlands.
Noone of any significance, at least, when compared to a Targaryen prince.
"Say something, my lady," he implores you.
You try to steady your voice, and it comes out cold, "That's good news, my prince. I wish you would find a fruitful union."
"Do you?" he matches your tone, almost mockingly.
"Of course."
Aemond suddenly feels irate at your coldness, but mostly, he hates that he may have caused it. It wasn't his fault, after all, was it? He's merely fulfilling his duty to his House, to his family. Who are you to make him suddenly feel wretched about the whole ordeal?
But he does. He feels empty, at the sight of you now, at how your smile has faded.
Aemond speaks again, his tone biting, "Thank you for your well wishes, my lady. I do want for myself a beautiful, noble wife."
"Sure, my prince."
"Fuck's sake, y/n, call me Aemond." he spits out, exasperated.
"My prince, we have acquired everything. We can leave now if you wish." The knight is back, with the goods held under his arm.
Aemond looks at you expectantly, and you're not sure what for. You say nothing, your mind still reeling at his impending betrothal.
"Very well." Aemond walks out first.
When you make your way back to the castle, Aemond walks faster, some distance ahead of you the whole time.
And you want nothing more than to return to your quarters, busy yourself with taking care of the children, and completely forget about their soon-to-be-wed uncle.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You're in your private quarters, which are adjacent to Princess Helaena's, in case she might need to call on you.
You feel downtrodden, and you barely left the room today, asking leave from the Princess, stating that you felt rather ill. Helaena, kind and generous as ever, was quick to agree and even ordered the Maester to bring you some medicinal tea.
It has been days since your ill-fated visit to the Red Keep. This morning, Prince Aemond's courtship ceremony took place, and you had woken up with a sense of dread.
It must have finished already, I wonder who it was he chose. She must be beautiful, indeed, a highborn lady from an important House. A valuable ally to House Targaryen.
You try to focus on reading your texts, but your mind keeps drifting back to the Prince and whoever his chosen consort might be.
You worry about how it will feel, seeing him constantly when he visits the Princess and her children. Knowing all the while that you can never have him.
Why am I fooling myself? I never could have had him, and it had been that way since the beginning.
A knock echoes. Three, sure, raps on the wood, making you jump, not expecting anyone at such a late hour.
"Princess Helaena?" you ask, although you're fairly certain it isn't her, as she has already gone to bed much earlier. And, she usually calls out as well.
Nothing. The knock repeats, sounding more urgent.
You walk to the door, and you've only just opened it an inch, when it's pushed open wide. All at once, you're enveloped in Aemond's arms, his distinct scent intoxicating your senses, so close. So close.
Before anything can be said, he presses his lips to yours.
Everything else disappears. Suddenly, he isn't to be married, you didn't have an argument days ago, you no longer feel despondent, the pressure you feel about your lesser birthright is gone.
He is just Aemond, and you're just you. Lips dancing with each other, heartbeat pounding in your ears. Your hands reach up to each other's face, carressing blindly, like a fight on who will cover more ground.
It feels so good, so right, that a tear threatens to roll down your face.
He breaks away, only because he's out of breath, your face held like treasure in his hands, his forehead pressed to yours.
His eyes are shut, and lips are parted. His brows are furrowed, reflecting his frustration, impatience, his longing.
Then he opens his eyes, that endlessly arresting blue.
"I'm afraid... that I... have fallen in love with you."
"Aemond." The tear that you were fighting back, finally rolls down, and he catches it, looking at you in wonder.
"I would wed you if I could. If only I could," his voice breaks, all his emotion pouring out.
"I know." You feel numb, like you're floating on air. Both exalted and overjoyed, as well as broken by the impossibility of what you want.
"I fucking hate this," he seethes, feeling out of control, the one thing he's ever wanted, he can't truly have.
Then he spins on his heel, letting you go, hastily leaving out the door.
You had no idea that it would also be the last you would see of the prince, for a long while.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
News of the battle of the Stepstones spread like wildfire. The Targaryen and Velaryon armies were victorious in defeating the infamous Triarchy.
Apparently, it had been Daemon and Aemond Targaryen who served as primary catalysts for victory, their prowess in battle and their dragons tipping the scale over to their cause.
There were plenty of casualties, as is the outcome of war, but unfortunately, you had received word that Prince Aemond also suffered a grave injury.
The messenger did not specify on his condition, and simply heeded Princess Helaena that she may visit her battle-worn brother.
You and Helaena rush through the hallways, arm in arm, and you try your best to comfort her, but you feel dread yourself. Aemond dwells in your thoughts, taking over everything else. Is he alright? You're sure that you won't know peace until you find out.
You reach his quarters, the knight opening the door and announcing Princess Helaena's arrival.
The room is engulfed in shadow, and you catch a glimpse of him, facing away from you, sitting in front of his hearth.
You didn't understand. What was he afflicted with?
"Aemond..." Helaena starts to approach him, hands clasped nervously in front of her.
"Just you, sister. Your handmaiden is not needed."
Helaena turns to you, eyes widening, unsure of what to say. Sweet Helaena did not have it in her to just send you away, when she knew you were also concerned for her brother's wellbeing.
"Aemond," you call out to him, not able to see his expression.
"Leave us," he orders, clearly directed at you, and you're left with no choice but to follow. The knight ushers you out of the room, and when the door slams, you feel hollow inside.
He had pushed you away. Why?
You pace in front of the doors, as you wait for Helaena to come out.
A long while later, when she does, you take her hands immediately, "My princess, is Aemond alright?"
She turns her head, "Y/n, I cannot say."
"What do you mean?"
"He will... be fine. But that's all I can say, forgive me. I promised him." She pulls her hands away, and walks back to her quarters, expecting you to follow.
If there were no guards posted outside, you would barge inside and demand answers from him. Your heart ached for Aemond, and whatever pain he may be feeling. You wish desperately that he would let you be of any help, and you would do anything.
But the doors remain closed, with the guards looking at you pointedly, so you use what little strength you have left, and follow Helaena.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Aemond has barely left his quarters since the injury, tormenting himself with self-doubt and feeding his rage.
For a prince who studied the sword nearly all his life, for a fighter who pore over countless battle strategies and combat methods, he was still overpowered.
And, by the fucking Crab Feeder, of all people.
The wretch paid his debt with his life. Aemond made sure to give him a torturous death, even with blood spilling out of where his left eye used to be, looking every bit of a madman as he felt in that moment.
Each time he glances his reflection, his bright red scar commands his attention, like a reminder of his weakness. His faults in battle.
Perhaps my visage has finally reflected the monster within.
Amidst his incessantly negative, obsessive thinking, you also manage to plague his mind, every now and then.
He remembers that night, before he was called off into battle, when he made his confession to you.
Was it all for naught? I am to be married, after all, mother already having picked the top prospects for me. Perhaps, I should just commit to my duties, and cease all this fanciful dreaming. Of her. Of... love.
But one thing that he also can't deny, was that it was your image that flashed by his eyes, like one last glance offered by his heart, when the knife struck him in the face, and he fell to his knees. Fearing it was the end, for just a moment, it was you whom he thought of.
How can you even look at him now, with the same admiration? Aemond's loss also bred a darkness inside him, simmering beneath the surface, and he fears he's no longer the same man you wanted.
But... but he's almost certain, that if he lets you go, it just may torment him all of his life. Haunted by what could have been.
No.You're inside of me now. The only man I want to be is the man whom you love. I need to know if you still see me, for who I am, after all this.
He slips out of his quarters, while the castle sleeps, with only you in his mind.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Someone knocks at your door, in a familiar pattern. You don't need to call out to know who it is.
With bare feet, you walk soundlessly towards the door, stopping just before it.
A moment passes, nothing.
"Aemond," you say, "I know it's you."
You walk closer, and rest your head on the wood, your hand coming up as if to reach through. You think you can feel him, on the other side.
"Y/n," he finally speaks, his voice sounding hoarse.
"Aemond," the both of you stand there, yearning lovers separated by a mere divide, neither one making a move.
"Don't... don't open the door."
"I won't," your heart breaks at how he sounds. Almost scared.
"I don't want you to see me like this."
As much as you long to see him in that instant, and how you know it doesn't matter how he appears, you grant his wish, letting him have this, "Okay."
"Would you like to sit?" you ask.
"Yes, we can... sit with our backs to the door, and just... talk."
"Oh," is all he responds.
"Only if you want, of course." you say hurriedly.
"Well," he whispers. Then you hear shuffling from the other side, and a low thud that may be from his back hitting the wood.
You follow suit, and just sit, letting the comforting silence wash over.
"I'm sorry," he says.
"What for, Aemond?"
He responds dryly, "For this shit. I know it's not ideal."
"Oh my love," you whisper, and Aemond leans back, relishing the way you addressed him, "I'm happy to have you, however you'd let me."
For the first time since the battle, Aemond Targaryen actually smiles.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
For many nights, across the coming weeks, that is how you and Aemond would enjoy each other's company. He would come to your door, the hallways partially under the blanket of moonlight, and the two of you would simply converse. About your days. About stories. About his niece and nephews, whom he haven't yet visited since his injury.
Sometimes, you would just sit, with nothing needed to be said. Just content with the mere presence of the other.
One night, Lady Alicent heads to her daughter Helaena's quarters, wishing to leave something for her grandchildren. When she hears a voice down the hallway, one which she clearly recognizes to be her son's.
Alicent has been preoccupied with Aemond since the battle, worrying that he has been of low spirits, almost never leaving his quarters. Never allowing anyone inside, and letting them glance at his face, apart from herself, the maester, and his siblings.
He didn't want to see pity reflected in people's eyes, he had said blankly.
It pained her deeply to see her son so wounded, so lifeless. Aemond has always been a quiet boy, preferring to observe rather than to partake. Although, he is every bit a dragon as his name suggests, his fire revealing itself in his determination, in his relentless, tactical pursuit of his objectives.
And now, as he has suffered a damning blow, he remains quiet in a different way. One laced with self-loathing and dissatisfaction.
Which is why Alicent almost cannot believe her eyes, when she spies her son, casually sitting back against a door, speaking to whoever is on the other side.
And she is even more astounded when she hears it clearly. Her son, Aemond, lets out a laugh. Genuine, and light-hearted, the rare sound like music to her ears. She struggles to remember when she heard him laugh in such a way, even before the battle.
Alicent determines whose quarters her son sits by, right down the hallway from Helaena's. She had heard of you in passing, from Helaena, who had hinted at her handmaiden catching Aemond's eye. She did not think much of it at the time, and assumed it was merely a passing fancy. Her second son has never devoted much attention to such things, after all, unlike Aegon. Which is why she arranged for his courtship ceremony, in hopes that it might help him select a suitable consort, but his mind was somewhere else that morning. And now, she knows it that was on you.
She wonders what kind of a woman you might be, if you've been able to affect Aemond in such a way.
She turns around, and heads back to her quarters, so as not to disturb the both of you. A plan forms in her mind, and tomorrow, she would relay the news to her Aemond.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
The next night, you hear him knock, and you prepare to sit by the doors yet again. But then Aemond calls out, "May I come in, my love?"
You swallow, both excitement and nervousness settling in your bones, "Yes, come in, Aemond."
He enters slowly, and your eyes can finally feast on the sight of him again. You look at him thoroughly, walking around him, ignoring the confused expression on his face.
"My love?"
"That's what you were afraid for me to see? Your eye?"
He swallows thickly, "Uh, well, the wound has healed much since the battle, and the maester has just crafted this eyepatch for me today," he says, pointing to his face. "It was horribly worse before, when I first visited you, and-"
You cut him off gently, "Oh, Aemond. I wouldn't have cared. My heart breaks for you, yes, and I wish you didn't have to suffer this injury but..." you move closer, reaching up to caress his sculpted cheekbone, "if anything, this only adds to your beauty."
"What?" he breathes out, smiling.
"Hasn't it been said that battle scars can add character?" you smile.
He blinks at you, like he doesn't believe what he's hearing, then just turns away, walking over to your bed, and uncermoniously plopping himself down on it.
"Aemond?" you worry that you might have spoken out of turn, and walk over to him.
"You... you're amazing."
You laugh dryly, "Thank you?"
"I thought you would pity me, feel sorry for me. I thought you might be afraid."
You take a deep breath, and sit next to him. "I could never be afraid of you."
He nods, understanding now, and says, "I would like you to see something. Well, two things, actually."
With deft hands, he lifts his eyepatch, revealing the sapphire glowing beneath. With bated breath, he waits for you to speak.
"A sapphire," you breathe out in wonder. It truly was beautiful, and in some way, befitting of Aemond.
"There were several options, but when I was presented with this, I knew. It reminded me of you."
"Aemond," you whisper affectionately, "you're beautiful."
He smiles, "Hmm, and another thing." He then reaches out of his pocket and pulls out a chain, or rather a metallic necklace.
"Turn around."
You do as he says, awaiting the feeling of his gift on your skin.
Afterward, you look down, studying it, an interlocking silver sequence with a central pendant. And on the pendant...
"It's a sapphire, made out of the same exact stone as my eye. This way, my love, you will always have a part of me with you."
"Oh, Aemond," you continue to stare at your new necklace, the sapphire being the thing that warms your heart the most, "It's beautiful, thank you."
You can't help but reach for his face, and bring his lips to yours. He returns it eagerly, and he pulls you in closer by the waist.
"Oh, and another thing..." he pulls away, smirking.
"Another?" You're fairly certain he's surprised you enough tonight.
He smiles at you widely, his eyes sparkling at the thought of what he's about to divulge.
"What is it?" you press on, keen to know what it is that's uplifting him so.
"My mother, Lady Alicent, has agreed for us to be wed."
Aemond Taglist: @dazecrea @ladystardvsts @afro-hispwriter @poohkie90 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @lilostif16 @deeeeexx @nephitis @minicikasworld @livimulati @the-orions-belt @stillinracooncity @lawlerek @missusnora @wickedbutlovely @umavvitch @claudie-080102 @abcdefghi-lmnopqrstuvwxyz @puredicks @crazylokonugget @lj127 @icarusignite @darylandbethfanforever9 @highexpectationsgurl @whitejuliana1204 @caught-in-the-afterglow @witchmoon @meilikki @carlottalhn @ravenclwna @xcinnamonmalfoyx @ietss @writer-lee5 @solacestyles @noneedtosearch @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @vensidia @xinyourdreamsx @mikariell95
I didn't plan for this to be that long, holy hell.
Everyone, I am so gone, after seeing that finale, all I can think about is Aemond. I need professional help.
Only if Aemond is the professional.
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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GO OFF, KING!!!!!!!!!
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michaels-two-dads · 2 months
NEVER LET THEM SILENCE YOUR ROARRR🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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ccastellans · 3 months
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im so normal about him 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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th3j4germe1ster · 3 months
[this song is so fucking good lois/ref]
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all4road · 4 months
Waking up the beast-hear her roarrr!
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cloudycleric · 9 months
my embarrassing thing is that in a screen acting class i took we had the option to do the technically second scene but first scene of the kids in st1 so i have it memorized
so here it is
mike: somethings coming... something hungry for blood. a shadow grows, swallowing you whole.. it is almost here
dustin: is it the demogorgon? oh were screwed if its the demogorgon
lucas: it's not the demogorgon!!
mike: an army of troglodytes storm the chamber!!
lucas: see it's not the demogorgon told yah
mike: but wait.. you hear something else... boom boom BOOM THE DEMOGORGON
everyone: NOOO
will: i i i i DONT KNOW
will: id have to roll a 13 or higher
lucas: dont be a pussy. FIREBALL HIM
mike: he steps closer &
will: FIREBALL!!!!
lucas: where is it
will: idk
dustin: is it a 13
will: IDK
karen: MIKE
mike: mom were in the middle of a campaign!!
karen: you mean the end???!? 15 after!!!
mike: but mom please just ten more minutes
karen: no it's a school night, & holly's already in bed. you can finish it next weekend
mike: but that will ruin the flow!! how was i supposed to know it would take 10 hours??
karen: youve been down there for TEN HOURS?
mike: dad please
ted (asshole): i think you should listen to your mother DAGUM PIECE OF JUNK (i remember this line quite clearly because the kid who said this in my acting class did the most redneck accent for it)
will: does 7 count??
lucas: did mike see it
will: (shakes head)
lucas: then it doesn't count
dustin: hey does anyone want the extra pizza
lucas/will: no
dustin: eyes the pizza mm
okay & scene there it is everyone
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otakusparkle · 29 days
Become a strong, mad, ferocious like a lion! Your shameful desire to subjugated seems to be playing an out-of-tune rhapsody. Starting today, a new hunter, "Goatman," will be visiting the manor! I want you all to make lots of memories with Jeffrey!
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