#robby and daniel are already active
allvalley · 2 years
slowly and surely, i’m coming back to all my ck blogs. i’m mostly on my fantasy multi and my interview with the v.ampire blogs but i’m coming back
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wicked-jade · 5 months
OOOHHHH for the fic ask: I please? And since it's you, also K :D
Thanks for the asks!! 💖💖💖
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Hmm, I can't really think of any examples off the top of my head. I'm fairly shameless and don't have much guilt when it comes to liking what I like, I guess. 😂
Does putting Johnny through the emotional wringer count?
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
You know me well. 😂 One of them is already an active WIP: Or Forever Hold Your Peace. Basically, for the uninitiated: Dutch and Johnny are bitter exes that haven't spoken in years, and are reunited at Jimmy's wedding. That one is pretty angsty, because Johnny is just not in a good place. Like, even by my usual standards. I can't really say much about it without spoiling future chapters, but there are hints scattered throughout it about their history, and what went down the night Dutch got arrested that messed Johnny up so badly.
Let's see, what else... At one point, I also considered a 'Bad Luck' sequel where Daniel has a heart attack during class, right in front of Johnny and the kids. It was going to be based on a series of drabbles I wrote for one of the AV100 prompts. But I have too many unfinished sequels in that series already, so I never bothered starting it.
But the absolute angstiest idea was for a stand-alone LawRusso fic. I never wrote it because it features a much darker version of Daniel than I usually write, and I got cold feet. It was going to be set after they lose the All Valley in S4. They lose their dojos, and both of their lives fall completely apart. Carmen blames Johnny for Miguel running off and breaks up with him when he fails to find him. Daniel goes into a downward spiral, much like S5. Amanda leaves him, and the dealership fails despite the Doyona bailout. Silver wins. But instead of going to Johnny for help, Daniel blames him for everything and takes it all out on him. And Johnny feels so guilty/hates himself so much for fucking up everything with Miguel and Robby, that he figures he deserves it and just lets him. Cue lots of dirty/nasty hate sex, with self-loathing, self-destructive Johnny letting Daniel use him to vent all of his pain and rage (while also having feelings for Daniel that he knows are not reciprocated.)
So yeah, that one was very dark. All hurt, no comfort. Just very, very bleak.
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purplerakath · 28 days
Cobra Kai S2 - Agitators and Instigators
I think I have a name for how S2 somewhat shoots itself in the foot over the course of the season on... basically every plotline.
Except Johnny's arc.
For the record I think this season drops the ball with every character that isn't Tory, Miguel, Johnny, and Hawk. Special shout out to Moon for meaning well though.
So Season 1 had a lot of antagonists starting fights with words, and the protagonist solves a fight with sweet karate violence (except one instance). Kyler and Yasmine do their things, all the time, and are properly labeled 'the bad guy' and the resolution is physical. This is sort of the nature of this show, violence for the right cause = good.
So why is so much of S2 good guys talking shit and then being surprised violence happens?
This is about framing.
So a good example of framing is how Miguel and Robby trade places in Season 1. Miguel is our underdog protagonist all the way up through his break-up with Sam, and he takes a hard pivot to antagonist for the last two episodes. So that his victory at the end of the All-Valley feels wrong.
In turn, and in equal timing we start with Robby clearly as a conniving 'cool motive still murder' antagonist with all he's doing early in the show, but with Daniel showing him compassion he turns a corner toward good guy. Making him the babyface underdog at the All Valley.
Season 2 continues this sort of framing of the Cobra Kais (not Miguel) growing more antagonistic and aggressive. More violent, more destructive, more cruel. Cool. So naturally it should be framing the Miyagi Do students as, lemme check my notes.
"Untrustworthy snakes with no self-awareness who believe they are the victims of everything all the time forever. But they do their things for the right reason so it's cool."
...huh, weird, not where I expected this to go.
Sam accuses Tory of theft (she didn't do) and just- believes Tory is the worst every time they meet. Sam spends almost every time she's confronted with Tory pining for Miguel and certain Tory is the worst person.
Robby, actively being given his second chance by the LaRussos, actively believes all Cobra Kais and Johnny in particular are beyond second chances. Is given proof one of them (Miguel) is not as bad as he initially thought... and lies about that proof immediately because he wants the girl.
Demetri... just- everything. This drum I come back to often because it just bothers me. I don't believe anyone who says Demetri would never hurt Hawk watched 2x09 recently because... literally all of that is hurting Hawk (and more Demetri cowardice and facing no consequences for his actions).
Which brings us to Daniel.
So with the teenagers everyone is meant to be read as a little bit gray, that's how this works. It's a thesis of the show said by Johnny to show how the series moves forward. It sure would be great if the fan favorite other adult in the series had a position other than 'All Cobras are evil until they repent their sinful ways.'
Some of it, admittedly, is Kreese's doing, but Daniel was already on this soap box last season. And the season frames Daniel as 'overtaxed but overall right.' Rather than really painting him as 'obsessed zealot in need of a reality check.'
In general the season's structure (music cues and scene cuts) are meant to show Miyagi Do as the protagonists... but it doesn't write them that way. I feel there's a way to edit the sound design and shot comp to make it clear both sides are wrong.
To set-up for the real endgame being the Johnny and Daniel on the same team message that never happens because every time Johnny tries Daniel does Daniel shit.
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msfbgraves · 3 months
In the Claddah Ring fill, Daniel was angry when Terry suggested that some of their pups (maybe Robby and another) were not going to be Alphas/omega. Yet, Daniel knew at once, from the moment of her birth, that Luna was an omega, as did Terry. Why was Daniel so mad when Terry dared say what he thought his pups would or would not become? Terry clearly thinks about these sort of thing, planner that he is…why doesn’t Daniel? Or, why is Daniel so against that?
"Don't put things on our pups before they present, it's not fair." In this world, any pup has two genders and the expectations that come with that as soon as they present: that is a lot of gender expectations. And the second gender is a very, very heavy one. Daniel often feels that his entire personality got reduced to "omega" as soon as it was officially confirmed. Like, it's not that the gender dynamics weren't already playing out in his world and how people reacted to him, but as all children could potentially be either kind of parent or citizen, if girls have a slightly higher chance of becoming mothers and caretakers (either as betas or omegas, 60%), and boys a slightly higher chance of becoming breadwinners (as Alpha or beta) - and this is absolutely not to say that all beta women become caretakers! Beta women are very, very active in public life, sometimes with another beta or omega at home, though those with Alphas stay home more when they have small pups... Some beta men stay at home too more, if the mood takes them, it depends, and where Apollonia comes from, beta women and omega women are raised with much the same expectations - still, children have a bit more rounded upbringing, because boy or girl or both doesn't matter much before they present. You have to prepare them for all eventualities. Like, nobody expects Eli to be anything but Alpha, but they expected Amanda to be Alpha, too. Daniel doesn't want his children put in a box because it's constricting to him. Anthony always felt overtaxed with responsibility before. Luna is simply so obviously omega she doesn't even function if you try to make her do competitive sports. Doesn't even try. Roller coasters? What's the point? Anthony would feel he'd have to try because you have to try everything. Luna's just "Yeah, no." Try to get Eli to keep a plant alive, I dare you. He'll reverse engineer a whole new species, but a plant, just, doing nothing? Wrap a gift? Why, if you're gonna unwrap it, I mean it looks nice but he has to do what now with that ribbon??? He just bluescreens. So there's extremes, but most children are not that extreme and their secondary gender comes out stronger when put together with another one. Daniele and his Ma have a different relationship because though he is her darling pup, both their secondary genders don't augment each other so much - she feels very warm towards him but Pop's Alpha gets activated, especially because he doesn't have the experience of growing up with many omegas around. And there's also a personal click - Yasmin is Alpha but the fact that Anthony is omega doesn't really do much to her, whereas Sammy got switched on full Alpha for him where Yasmin had this with Luna and Eli with Mama. Daniel doesn't want all these things even more obviously augmented. Some people were put in omega school because they were thought to be late presenters and turned out beta! Awkward!! Sometimes people who feel Alpha are simply very competitive betas! Sometimes a child wants to be a nurse, turns out Alpha and has to be retrained as an trauma helicopter pilot, or has to become a litigator because Alphas are not allowed to become judges. But at least they weren't steered away from law altogether.
Daniel wants his pups to be well rounded - but that desire fits some of his children more than others. Terry has a good eye for his pup's natures but he has to admit he got it wrong with Amanda too. Difference is he's never felt boxed in by being Alpha. Easy for him to say, as Alphas already are at the top of the food chain and the gender suits him.
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Cobra Kai (TV)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Daniel LaRusso & Johnny Lawrence, Robby Keene & Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz & Johnny Lawrence, Johnny Lawrence & Miyagi-Fang Students, Daniel LaRusso & Miyagi-Fang Students
Characters: Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso, Samantha LaRusso, Miguel Diaz (Cobra Kai), Eli "Hawk! Moskowitz, Chris (Cobra Kai), Demetri Alexopoulos, Bert (Cobra Kai), Nathaniel (Cobra Kai), Robby Keene, Mitch (Cobra Kai)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Season 4 Rewrite, Angst and Humor, Angst and Feels, Guilt, Regret, Developing Friendships, Miyagi-Fang students working to keep their dojo together, Johnny knowing he fucked up and wanting to do better, Both Johnny and Daniel make mistakes but try to work through them, Johnny actively making an effort to get his kid out of Cobra Kai, Hopeful Ending, This is only a half-season rewrite but it changes enough that the latter half would go differently, Johnny listening to Daniel's trauma, Like he would've done if the writers knew what they were doing
Johnny assumes that because they've worked well together in other situations, running a dojo with Daniel will be easy. But over thirty years of rivalry don't go away easily and when they argue during their first lesson it looks close to falling apart before it's barely started.
The students, though, have other ideas - they've already chosen a name and they're apparently not going to put with their Senseis' arguments, and Johnny decides that maybe he really ought to make the damn effort. Now, if only Daniel could do the same...
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the sensei dispute resolution protocol(s)
https://ift.tt/voFB3kZ by AvatarSkywalker78 Johnny assumes that because they've worked well together in other situations, running a dojo with Daniel will be easy. But over thirty years of rivalry don't go away easily and when they argue during their first lesson it looks close to falling apart before it's barely started. The students, though, have other ideas - they've already chosen a name and they're apparently not going to put with their Senseis' arguments, and Johnny decides that maybe he really ought to make the damn effort. Now, if only Daniel could do the same... Words: 8620, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso, Samantha LaRusso, Miguel Diaz (Cobra Kai), Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Chris (Cobra Kai), Demetri Alexopoulos, Bert (Cobra Kai), Nathaniel (Cobra Kai), Robby Keene, Mitch (Cobra Kai) Relationships: Daniel LaRusso & Johnny Lawrence, Robby Keene & Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz & Johnny Lawrence, Johnny Lawrence & Miyagi-Fang Students, Daniel LaRusso & Miyagi-Fang Students Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Season 4 Rewrite, Angst and Humor, Angst and Feels, Guilt, Regret, Developing Friendships, Miyagi-Fang students working to keep their dojo together, Johnny knowing he fucked up and wanting to do better, Both Johnny and Daniel make mistakes but try to work through them, Johnny actively making an effort to get his kid out of Cobra Kai, Hopeful Ending, This is only a half-season rewrite but it changes enough that the latter half would go differently, Johnny listening to Daniel's trauma, Like he would've done if the writers knew what they were doing source https://archiveofourown.org/works/50069074 September 13, 2023 at 07:21PM
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yourlocalnews · 2 years
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messymindofmine · 2 years
I know some other people have said this but that apartment fight was just the most horrifying spectacle. In some ways, it actually reminded me of Gamora and her sister from Guardians of the Galaxy. Their father forced them to fight each other for dominance and the one who lost would suffer the consequences. While what happened between Miguel and Robby is obviously not the same, it does give me those vibes. 
First off, Johnny continuously lies to both Robby and Miguel to get them to become friends despite both of them making it clear that they have no desire to do so. Robby even says that Johnny and Miguel can have their thing and he’s just not interested. Rather than respecting Robby’s wishes, Johnny forces them into a fight to “sort out their issues.” When you take into account how Johnny has treated Robby throughout the show, it actually makes the fight even more sickening. From the start, Johnny has always pinned Robby and Miguel’s rivalry on Robby. Despite Robby being his son, he has never once even bothered to even think about the possibility that Robby is not the one responsible for the whole thing. He never once even considers that Miguel could be the one to blame. He has no problem accusing Robby of starting fights in juvie despite having no way of knowing what actually happened. He saw his son (whom he’d already hurt by failing to show up on a visit that HE scheduled) with a gigantic bruise on his face and immediately accused him of starting a fight. Then when he and Robby speak about the school fight (when Robby yet again is one to reach out to Johnny) and Robby makes an attempt to defend himself, Johnny immediately shuts him down despite having been the one to bring the subject up by saying that he wasn’t there. Then in s5, Johnny really goes above and beyond and drags Robby to Mexico by lying to him about why they were going. He actively puts Robby in danger simply by even taking him to Mexico in the first place and then gets into one bad situation after another. It was Robby who had to jump in to help Johnny fight off they guys trying to steal from him. It was Robby who had to bail Johnny out and get him the money to get the van back. All Johnny did during this time was stand around making stupid comments and annoying people. Then when he gets the phone call from Carmen, he tells her that she shouldn’t be putting herself in danger as Robby sits there and listens. You can see in Robby’s face how much that hurts him. Johnny was more worried about the safety of his girlfriend who is a grown woman and whose son it was that they were looking for to begin with than he was about the safety of the son that he has already hurt and abandoned countless times and was actively putting in danger just by bringing him along on a trip he didn’t even want to go to. Then after all that, when they find Miguel, Johnny rushes to him an sweeps him up in a hug that makes the one he had with Robby at the end of s4 pale in comparison. 
Now after all this, when both boys have made it clear they are not interested in being friends, Johnny is still too wrapped up in thinking about what he wants that he just keeps on ignoring that. So instead of dealing with it like a responsible parent/mentor, he twist a drunk and upset Daniel’s words and makes the boys physically fight things out. Aside from the fact that making two kids physically fight each other is abusive in general, as some others have pointed out, this fight was never meant to benefit Robby to begin with. By making Miguel and Robby fight each other, Johnny was quite literally offering Robby up on a silver platter to Miguel. Think back to Miguel’s words to Sam at the first avt, Miguel told Sam to just wait and watch what he does to Robby. So Miguel’s desire to hurt Robby didn’t just start after the school fight. No, it started right from the moment he met Robby at that party. He attacked Robby before he’d even said two words to him and then made it very clear that he wanted to hurt him badly during the avt. Which is exactly what he did. The way we are shown the school fight in the flashbacks makes it seem as though it is entirely from Miguel’s perspective. Which means that it neglects to show how it was Miguel who attacked Robby first and then kept on attacking him until Robby had no choice to fight back. It neglects to show how Miguel literally had Robby face down on the ground in pain as he twisted his arm behind his back. So from the start, the only person this fight could have ever benefitted is Miguel. For the first time, Miguel actually got to hurt Robby as much as he wanted to and he got to do it with Johnny’s permission. 
Johnny could have stopped the fight the second Miguel kicked Robby in the face and made him bleed. Instead he just stood there and let it happen. Funnily enough, it wasn’t until Robby started getting a bit more aggressive that Johnny made so much as a remark to get them to stop. Even then, as Miguel kept beating the absolute crap out of Robby and Robby was limp in Miguel’s grip as Miguel held him up against the railing, Johnny didn’t stop it. He could have easily rushed in and pulled Miguel off at any point instead he just stood there yelling and waving his arms. He didn’t even step in until after Miguel and Robby talked and Robby took all the blame for the fight while Miguel stood there and pretended to be some saintly hero who was being oh so generous by accepting Robby’s apology while not offering a single word of apology himself. Then of course Johnny revealed that news and you can see in Robby’s face the moment he just shuts down completely. After having just been beaten almost to a pulp by his father’s student during a fight his father arranged, he understands now that the only way to gain a place in Johnny’s life is to do whatever Johnny wants him to do and make nice with Miguel. It is in that moment that Robby finds himself well and truly trapped in the role that we see him playing for the rest of this season. Johnny has made it clear that Robby’s life means very little to him compared to the life Johnny has with the Diazes and the only way for Robby to gain acceptance is to essentially kneel at their feet and be their emotional (or even physical if need be) punching bag. Johnny has treated Robby horrifically throughout the show but in this season he has gone above and beyond and has escalated to actually abusing Robby. I’ve said before that while Johnny may well “love” Robby in the way that parents naturally love their children, he very clearly doesn’t love or even really like Robby as a person at all and that is not in any way Robby’s fault at all. No, it is 100% Johnny’s fault yet it’s Robby who keeps paying the price
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pilvimarja · 3 years
Johnny and Daniel? 😃
I already did Daniel for another ask, but here's Johnny!
favorite thing about them: I love how passionate he is. He doesn't half-ass anything and this includes his love for karate, being an 80s fossil and obsessing over a pretty Italian twink. Dude really commits! I also think he's actually a really good teacher. His methods are questionable, yes, but I think he's great at boosting his students' confidence and this includes Daniel.
least favorite thing about them: his (lack of) relationship with Robby. I can sympathize with him struggling with his addiction and being in an emotionally fragile state when Robby was born and not being ready to be a parent, but he's had 16 years to grow and try to be a father to his child and it doesn't look like he's made much of an effort.
favorite line: "I wasn't taught the difference between mercy and honor and I paid for it. If I'm extra hard on you, it's only because you have the potential to be better than I ever was."
brOTP: Johnny & Bobby. I feel like Bobby has always been the voice of reason Johnny needs, but also someone in whose company Johnny has been able to be vulnerable and open about all the things Kreese's lessons of toxic masculinity have done their best to suffocate.
OTP: Lawrusso! I think Johnny has spent all of his life thinking about Daniel and he's absolutely thrilled to have him back in his life, as a rival and as a friend and future husband.
nOTP: I mostly see Johnny shipped with Daniel or the OG Cobras or Pawnshop Guy and I vibe with all of those even if I don't actively ship them. Maybe Kreese/Johnny? That would be a squick for me, but again, I don't care what other people ship.
random headcanon: this is inspired by all the pictures I've seen of Billy with a guitar, but I love the idea of Johnny being really good at playing the guitar. He used to play it for Ali when he wanted to be romantic and he plays it for Daniel after a few beers, but his fingers are kind of stiff now because he's been in so many fist fights over the years and he has permanent damage in his knuckles. But Daniel loves it and I think the night Johnny plays for him is also the night they share their first kiss.
unpopular opinion: I don't think I have any about Johnny.
song i associate with them: Sweep The Leg by No More Kings!
favorite picture of them:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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phoomwhoosh · 2 years
ALRIGHT. So, I have some thoughts about season 5 of Cobra Kai. This will be under a cut because I am not a heathen.
So, I have watched season 5 twice: once all of the way through and then a second time just for Daniel’s arc. And not because I am only a fan of Daniel. I do love a lot of these guys. Daniel’s arc, though, man...
Anyway, I guess I’ll start with some of my favorite bits/characters:
LOVED Tory this season. Her scenes with Devon really were nice. Frankly, her whole arc and such was fantastic. I HATED that she was forced to break her damned hand, holy shit! I actually had to look away because it was so horrific. I do like how she caught onto Kreese’s bullshit and straight-up went, “Fuck this.” I also like how she mentioned Daniel getting hurt because of their antics and her genuine shock when Kreese was like, “That bitch got what he deserved.”
Sam’s sequence in the nightmarish pod. I like how well it showed her internal struggles and all of the labels she’s been forced to live with. I liked Sam a lot this season.
I actually liked Mike. I totally love that he turned his life around and we got to hear his story. Also, him apologizing to Daniel? Gold. I loved that. I also loved how he interacted with Chozen and Johnny. Him stealing the party limo was just...yeah, that was definitely great.
Daniel’s former rivals (the core three, at least) coming together to help him? Hell yes!!!!!
Chozen was KILLING it this season and I love him so much. I was so, so worried he had died and was gonna legit cry if he had. Also, I adored how he trained the kids and just…man, he was amazing! And his SHIRTS! Once more, I find myself wanting to steal his wardrobe.
Amanda being Jessica’s cousin? LOVED it more than anything. I saw somebody mention on a post that it makes so much sense that Daniel met Amanda through someone else and it really does. As kind as Daniel is, he very clearly doesn’t have a whole lot of friends.
Jessica telling Amanda more about Terry? That was fantastic. I saw someone else say that it was good for Amanda to hear that from someone that wasn’t Daniel and I agree 1000%. It would’ve been hard for Daniel to explain since it would’ve basically just been him heaping blame on himself for things that weren’t really his fault and it wouldn’t have helped matters at all. Whereas hearing it from Jessica, from the outside perspective of someone who was around while it was going on and who was actively involved at several points, yeah. That was better for Amanda. Really love how they handled Daniel and Amanda this season.
There were more things, I’m sure. XD
And now for what I didn’t like:
The teen drama. It is sooooo old to me. Maybe it’s because I’m 30 now and I’ve reached my limit with this stuff. But for real? At this point, it feels like the teens are dating for no reason other than they have to because the writers are holding them at gunpoint. Don’t get me wrong, SOME of them are cute but others are just…yeah.
I wish Sam hadn’t befriended Moon and Yasmine again. I miss Aisha. I honestly wish that those two had been written-off and Aisha’s potential as a character had been realized in full. (I know she left forever ago but listen...I will miss her every season.)
I wasn’t a fan of how Kenny continued to assault and bully Anthony. Yes, I understand why he hates Anthony. However, during that water park scene, they could’ve made Anthony crack his skull open on the edge of the pool and/or drown! THAT is when THEY should have been kicked-out! That shit is dangerous!
I don’t feel like getting into the Mexico plot line or Johnny only getting Miguel and Robby to make-up for the Redacted (not going into that one either) because I feel like enough people have already talked about all of that. Just know that I too am disappointed in some of the things that happened with Johnny this season.
I’m gonna talk about Terry and Daniel probably in a separate post because, honestly, my most favorite parts of the season were the ones involving them. I apologize in advance for when I find time in my life to go feral over that.
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Originally I was just going to add this as a reblog to my previous post about the parking lot scene in KK2 but it’s almost 2k words so now it’s getting it’s own post. Be forewarned- this is fucking long.
TW for discussion of PTSD, child abuse, neglect, injury, and death, in relation to topics surrounding the show, under the cut-
Obviously, Cobra Kai is a show based around the premise of “what happened to that Lawrence kid after he got kicked in the face?”, which is honestly a pretty cool idea for a show. Johnny’s story is never explained past sitting on the sidewalk with his head in his hands at the tournament, and there are no real context clue’s to figure out what may or may not have happened.
In the show we get to learn early on that Johnny’s life spiraled after the tournament, going from bad to worse to “holy shit how are you still alive”-dropping out/never going to college, working jobs he seems to hate, becoming an alcoholic, presumably many dead end relationships, and not being there for his kid. And yeah, obviously, this would be a hard pill to swallow for anyone watching the show if Johnny had just lost the tournament. If we never got the scene in KK2, he would have just been some kid who lost a tournament- we see at the end of the first movie that(through tears holy shit Billy) that Johnny is the one who gives the trophy to Daniel with his famous line, “You’re alright, LaRusso.” There’s a level of grudging respect in that moment that isn’t lost on anyone who sees that movie- that Johnny, who throughout the movie only sees Daniel as some whimpy kid, gets proven wrong and respects that. If we didn’t have that scene, there’s reason to believe Johnny would have apologized, tried to make amends, Something, even if it was just being less of a dick at school.
But then, we get the parking lot. We get a far off shot, intended to distance you from the scene, framed over Daniel’s shoulder. This makes sense, Daniel is the main character, the protagonist, the underdog hero- why wouldn’t it be framed in his perspective? But the scene is about Johnny. We get the shouting match, the back and forth- “No, you’re the loser man.”- and again it’s fairly obvious how Johnny sees this situation. This is a man who we assume(and is later confirmed) to be a surrogate father figure, who set his friend up for failure, and then basically forced him to do the same by targeting an injured opponent, and forcing him to fight without honor. This same man presumably follows a teenager out to the parking lot, to harass him, to tell him he’s off the team, to tell him he’s a loser, that he’s nothing.
But at that point, Johnny knows the truth, even if subconsciously. At the end of the day Johnny knows that Daniel LaRusso was a worthy opponent, and that regardless of the cheating and manipulation, Daniel could have won anyway, and did win, despite of it.
And then Kreese grabs him, too fast to react to, Johnny too surprised even knowing that Kreese is the bad guy here, not believing that he would ever willingly hurt him- and Johnny isn’t strong enough to fight him off, none of the boys are, so Johnny is forced to suffocate for almost a full 30 seconds(which I double checked for the record- also as a reference, 30 seconds is about the average time it takes for a person voluntarily holding their breath to pass out- this does not account for the oxygen lost during a struggle, and the lack of preparation from both surprise and panic. The only silver lining here is the fact that Kreese was most likely compressing his windpipe, not his jugular, which would have made him pass out in about 5-10 seconds, and would have caused permanent brain damage or death in about 15).
Now, PTSD is a complex thing. I’m not a psychiatrist, and what small amount of information we have is all we have to work off of, but I feel fairly comfortable in saying Johnny mostly likely developed it after the incident. This not an uncommon take in the fandom as far as I’m aware either. But, if we assume this, we also have to assume that after the fact nothing would have been done about this. Not just in the sense that we still don’t really know everything that happened right after the tournament, but that in the early 80s, PTSD wasn’t really a thing yet.
Sure it was absolutely a condition that existed, but Post Traumatic Stress Disorder wasn’t even added to the DSM-III until 1980- and for a long time afterward, was only seen as a condition that affected primarily war vets. Even after an event as traumatic as having a man you considered a father trying to kill you, in public, without remorse, would not have been seen as something to warrant the diagnoses, let alone treatment.
Johnny Lawrence was 17 when Kreese tried to kill him, and this boy would have been offered no resources beyond filing charges with the police. And as we see in KK3, either this didn’t happen either, or someone(presumably Silver) got the charges dropped. So on top of almost being murdered, Johnny had to live with the fact that the man who did that to him was still out there, and to top it off, still ran a dojo at least for a few months after the event. The only relief he could have gotten is after Kreese faked his death.
And sure, Mr Miyagi may have gotten Kreese to let go eventually, but as several people have pointed out in comments and tags, left him and the other boys alone with Kreese still standing there in the parking lot and just... drove off. Kreese has already been established to be a psycho with no problem hurting children, a little bit of glass might not have prevented him from trying again.
So why did I talk about all of that? Because it all contributes to why Daniel LaRusso works as a credible antagonist in season 1 of Cobra Kai.
Think about this- Johnny blames losing everything on Daniel in season 1, but we specifically get a shot in KK1 and later KK2(”You’re alright, LaRusso” and “I did my best” come to mind) where he seems to be at least mostly accepting of the fact that he lost(with what was actually an illegal kick but that’s a rant for another time). So why does he blame him for everything 30 years later?
Because 30 years later, Johnny is forced to go outside, go to work, and pretend like he doesn’t see what feels like every street corner(including right outside his apartment mind you), a literal billboard sized reminder of what happened to him.
The rest of this is mostly speculation but it makes sense in my head so bear with me.
When we get introduced to Robby, it’s made pretty clear that Johnny has not been in his life for a bit. In season 2 we get Johnny’s heart to heart with Miguel, where he divulges that he missed the birth, because he spiraled after his mom’s death. This however doesn’t suggest that he stayed gone, especially knowing that it wasn’t long enough for Robby to not consider seeking out his dad. Because tacked up to the fridge, is a picture of Robby in his soccer uniform as a kid. It’s an early detail you can see in previous episodes, and says a lot about how Robby grew up. To be fair, this could have been given to him by Shannon, and not taken himself, but it’s the sport Robby’s playing that makes me question this. KK1 dedicates an entire scene to Johnny being on the soccer team in high school. Soccer, while maybe not as important to him as karate, is still part of his character. Robby does not know karate in season 1, Johnny obviously didn’t share it with him, but that doesn’t mean Johnny didn’t share anything with him.
So Johnny’s back in his kids life, maybe doing better for himself, maybe cutting back on the drinking. LaRusso Auto is already established to exist at this point but it’s in Encino, a place Johnny has no reason to go to, and probably doesn’t want to. He’s trying again and things are okay. But Robby knows enough about Daniel to know that going to him will piss off his dad. So Johnny had to have talked about him at some point. The billboards here are what’s important- they’re in the first episode, the first scene montage, Johnny draws a dick on one of them as some petty revenge.
The first billboard goes up in the late 2000s to mid 2010s. Johnny sees it, maybe he has Robby with him at the time, maybe he goes home and says something there, but he says something in a way that sticks with even a child as being important. More billboards go up. Dealerships starting popping up more and more. Daniel’s face, and by extension, the memories, the flashbacks, become inescapable. Johnny, for a third time, spirals again. Before he even knows what’s happening, he’s lost his relationship with his son. And it’s all Daniel’s fault. Of course Daniel doesn’t do it deliberately, but the constant reminders are enough to send him back into a tailspin and Johnny blames him for it.
Because it’s Daniel who is a constant reminder of his failures- it’s Daniel who caused him to lose the tournament and almost get killed, Daniel who put up the billboards that trigger his flashbacks, it’s always Daniel Daniel Daniel.
And then Johnny gets it in his head that he wants to be better. He opens a dojo, teaches Miguel and the other kids, wants to try again- and he almost succeeds.
Johnny up to this point has not deliberately antagonized Daniel in any way. Sure he named the dojo Cobra Kai, but Cobra Kai is all he knows. Besides Johnny doesn’t blame karate for his failures, his best memories are Cobra Kai and he’s trying to be better than Kreese. So what’s the harm in this really? His building is in Reseda, there’s no reason for Daniel to ever be there, he doesn’t do it out of spite, it’s because he lives there and rent is cheap. He doesn’t know about KK3, doesn’t know about Daniel’s own trauma. This isn’t an attack. Johnny sincerely just doesn’t know.
Enter Daniel, stage left. Daniel makes no attempt to talk to him- he simply makes demands and accusations, before he starts making active attempts to put him out of business.
Sure, we as the audience know Daniel has good reasons to not want Cobra Kai back. But Johnny doesn’t. All Johnny knows is that the kid he picked on in high school- who won, who got everything Johnny wanted, who grew up to be successful, has a wonderful wife, two kids who love him, a thriving business- is doing everything he can to make his life hell 30 years after the fact.
And this could only have happened because in 1986 John G. Avildsen decided to add in a scene meant for the original movie into the sequel, for absolutely no fucking reason.
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afurioushawk · 3 years
I'm honestly kinda surprised Amanda signed off on Tory going back to school in 4x06 considering this happened one episode after Tory participated in the attack on Hawk. I feel like it would be more in character for Amanda to be like, "Why should I sign off on this? You gang assaulted a kid and forcibly shaved his head. That's not forgivable."
To be clear, I think the decision to get Tory back in school was the correct one, and it was Amanda correcting her own previous mistakes and misuse of her power, so I actually don’t have a problem with Tory being allowed to finish her education. That can only lead to good things in the long-term.
We also don’t know just what sort of specifics that Hawk gave about what happened. Daniel does know that Robby’s the one who did the deed, so we can infer Hawk gave some details but it’s possible Tory didn’t rank high on the list since all she did was watch the ordeal go down and didn’t actively participate herself. Altho I mean, all the kids probably knew she was involved somehow since she did make that threat at the drive-in theater.
But, and I hate to say it, we also have to question whether or not Amanda would’ve cared even if she did know. She already saw some of herself in the girl and was pretty committed to helping her at this point. And I know it sounds crass, but if Daniel wasn’t shown to really give a shit about what happened to Hawk, why would Amanda?
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
I feel like the Kreese reaching out to Amanda on Tory’s behalf was the CK writers realizing after 3x10 that they’d screwed up where they were wanting to go with Kreese. Since the jerk (re: psycho) tried to kill Johnny (for the second or third time) and tried to kill Daniel after manipulating kids to break into a house (to assault Daniel and Johnny’s kids/students). It was like —
“That was cool, right? …Wait does this make Kreese seem too evil… but he loves Johnny and we want make his potential for redemption believable… Hey! I know! Let’s have him go take up for one of the kids he manipulated into committing crimes to show how wonderful he is!! And we’ll have it be Amanda he reaches out to in reference to the alternate take of their scene in 3x05! And then we have Amanda’s story arc for the Season too! We’re freaking geniuses!”
— which is very frustrating. To me, 3x10 is the best episode of the series. It still holds up even after the annoyance of 4B. I just hate how they backtracked a lot of what happened character-wise that Season. Though, I did enjoy the Kenny stuff (whether it was with Robby or Anthony). I like Robby seeing what it’s like to be a mentor to someone younger and unintentionally changing them for the worse (paralleling how he felt with both his dad and with Daniel). As for Anthony, the arc gave him some growth (not much), by confirming what most of us suspected — he feels ignored by his family (especially his parents) and he’s desperate to get any attention he can (doing crappy things like bullying Kenny). Even if it’s negative attention.
You’re probably right and it’s so ridiculous imo. A character can be evil/villainous and still love another character. Not a healthy love, but a love that’s still compelling anyway…because we know it’s not healthy, and the narrative doesn’t treat it as healthy, so it’s interesting to see the interplay of Character A’s toxic love and Character B’s hate (it’s even more interesting when Character B does sort of love Character A a little bit too 😭 the inherent tragedy of it all!)
So Kreese didn’t have to be humanized in s4 any more than he already was. He’s a nutcase, loves Johnny but in ways that are actively harmful to Johnny, doesn’t seem to realize (or doesn’t care) that hurting Johnny won’t earn him love (because love can’t be earned, and also because Kreese has One Specific Image of Johnny in his head that he can’t shake).
This is what I mean when I say the CK writers can’t write complexly…they had a fantastic dynamic with Johnny and Kreese, but in s4, they threw that away and tried to make Kreese more of a good guy 💀
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shortcrust · 3 years
Audio transcript of appointment between Lt. Ranger John Lawrence (ID J-JLAW_122.21-C) and Dr. Cai Qiu Yue (ID C-CQIU_824.65-D)
PPDC Mandated Counseling, Session #84 1601 HKT, December 19 2024 
CQY: So, Johnny. How did the sparring session go?
JL: Don’t give me that look.
CQY: What look? This is just my face.
JL: You know about LaRusso.
CQY: I don’t know anything which you haven’t chosen to tell me for certain. But I’m sure you’re aware of how Shatterdome walls like to talk.
JL: [inaudible]
CQY: This is still easier if you speak to me, not to your hands.
JL: I said I can’t believe it. 
CQY: How are you feeling?
JL: Don’t know. 
CQY: Okay. Let’s set some parameters.
JL: You love those.
CQY: Sure do. Should have been in K-Science. [pause] Alright. Wikipedia’s entry on Ranger LaRusso states the following; ‘Daniel LaRusso is an American pilot with the Pan Pacific Defence Corps. LaRusso helmed the Japanese jaeger Perfect Balance alongside Nariyoshi Miyagi until the latter’s death in 2020. His exit from active service removed the last of the Mark 1 jaegers from operation’. Would you say that is accurate?
JL: No.
CQY: How so?
JL: He didn’t ‘exit service’. He pussied out. 
CQY: He experienced an incredibly traumatic event. I would have thought that, of all people, you might have some understanding for how that must have felt.
JL: I didn’t take all the glory then quit when the going got rough.
CQY: No. And I would encourage you to feel sympathy about that, the next time you have dinner with Marshal Brown.
JL: [pause] Point taken.
CQY: Can you describe what happened for me? Today?
JL: He was on the mat with Miguel. He’d already been through most of the trainees and they were - fine, my kids are good, they’re great. But that wasn’t it; it just wasn’t lookin’ right. None of them were doing it wrong but I could just see how LaRusso wasn’t getting into it, was missing all these openings. It pissed me off. 
CQY: Because….
JL: Because he’s a good fighter! He should have been better than that. Like, how the hell am I meant find him a co-pilot if he won’t try.
CQY: Did you?
JL: Try, or find him a co-pilot?
CQY: Take your pick.
JL: Back when me and Bobby were in Cobra, it wasn’t - it was like we anticipated each other’s moves, you know? I could just guess what he was going to do next. With LaRusso it was more like I already knew. Like it was he was already in my head, and he’d read and practiced some kinda instructions written on the inside of my skull. He knew like I did. Like some other part of me.
CQY: And yet you don’t like him.
JL: Absolute shit for brains. [pause] Wait.
CQY: Perhaps not the best insult under the circumstances. Are you apprehensive about the drift?
JL: Not my first rodeo. 
CQY: I imagine Ranger LaRusso feels similarly.
JL: What, you talk to him too?
CQY: You have to know by now that I can’t tell you that.
JL: Yeah, y-
CQY: But no, I don’t. Have your seen your new jaeger?
JL: Hah, ‘new’. She’s a refurb.
CQY: Aren’t we all?
JL: I wish. 
CQY: What do you think?
JL: I think she’s gorgeous. I think she’s one of the most beautiful machines that man has ever made, and I can’t wait to die in her.
CQY: I see.
JL: Isn’t this where you usually tell me to be more optimistic?
CQY: John, the last time we spoke you were a highly specialised gym instructor. Now you’re suiting up to drive a 8,000 tonne robot for the first time in over a decade. There is no ‘usually’ here, and I’m not in the habit of lying to you.
JL: You know they’re not technically robots, right?
CQY: Yes. Don’t think I don’t notice you attempting to distract me, but yes. I do know that. 
JL: They’re letting me name her.
CQY: Oh?
JL: Don’t tell anyone, in case it gets back to LaRusso. Don’t want him to give me some pretentious sh- stuff. But I’m thinking Eagle Fang.
CQY: Eagle… Fang?
JL: Yeah. Like it?
CQY: I think it’s more important that you do. On different note; how is Robby?
JL: Still won’t speak to me. Still not speaking to me from the middle of the continent, though, so I’m taking the win.
CQY: Did you reach out to him like we talked about last week? Have you told him about your change in circumstances?
JL: He’s the one looking at the numbers. He’s a smart kid, he knows. 
CQY: And Cadet Diaz? Have you told him?
JL: Oh, come on. He definitely knows. Have you looked out the fucking window recently?
CQY: John.
JL: Sorry. [pause] Yue, I can either keep the kids safe by putting them as far away from the action as possible, or by teaching them how to fight. Call it playing the odds. Not that mine have never been all that great.
CQY: I understand that you still aren’t open to discussing the situation with Sergeant Diaz -
JL:  [crosstalk] You’re goddamn right I’m not.
CQY: [crosstalk] But I feel obliged to state for the record that what happened is in no way your fault. She was an exceedingly competent pilot who knew the risks she was taking, same as you. 
JL: Yeah sure, I knew the risks. Still ended up putting her in a fucking wheelchair. [pause] Sorry. 
CQY: I’ll let the ’goddamn’ slide. Call it an early Christmas present. [pause] John, I understand that for how closely you have been involved with the training and co-ordinating the jaeger program these last few years, there is a world of difference between teaching and doing. I would just like you to be able to feel whatever it is you need to feel about that.
JL: Well, doc, that was as delightful as ever. Same time next week?
CQY: Holidays.
JL: Oh, right. Hey, think they’ll still be paying us in January?
CQY: I’ve been stealing the cutlery from the canteen for years. If I pawn it I can probably keep us going for ano- [alarm siren begins sounding, recording ends abruptly]
[ Clearance D - Do not distribute or remove from PPDC site ]
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asphodel-storm · 3 years
So. If Cobra Kai were DC.
First off, the man who is the source of most problems, John Kreese:
Kreese’s mentor was an agent of the League of Shadows/Assassins planted within the military. Kreese was invited to take his place after his death. He trained with Ra’s al Ghul after the war and then left to found Cobra Kai as a covert recruitment operation for the League (not every Cobra alum became an assassin, only the ones Kreese saw that potential in). Johnny was on the path to recruitment and it was the loss against Daniel and resulting fallout that changed that. Kreese has been on League business every time he’s been ‘dead’. 
Mr. Miyagi:
Mr. Miyagi was a Green Lantern. The ring chose him a while after he received his medal of honor and he was protecting the universe secretly during the Karate Kid movies. When Daniel overcomes his fear in TKK 3, Miyagi retires and the ring chooses Daniel.
Daniel LaRusso:
Daniel was a Green Lantern for years (a secret from everyone except Amanda and Miyagi), but the lantern’s power never replaced karate for him because karate is part of the balance that allows him to use the ring in the first place. The ring started to reject him during the period where his resentment of Johnny was overpowering his will (season 1-ish). It chose him again when he got a handle on that, but by then he had already turned his attention to teaching and empowering young people. He gave it up and it chose his daughter after she overcame her own fear at the end of season 3.
Samantha LaRusso
Samantha LaRusso was chosen by a Green Lantern ring after overcoming her fear and facing Tory at the end of season 3. She enters season 4 as a newly minted super hero. 
Tory Nichols 
Tory witnesses Sam as a Green Lantern early on. She has a lot of anger inside of her and seeing her rival - the girl who in her opinion was handed everything in life - chosen by cosmic power pushes her over the edge. Kreese encourages and feeds this anger, of course, though he does it with the intention of making Tory a better assassin. When a Red Lantern power ring chooses her that’s honestly a bonus. 
Johnny Lawrence 
Johnny was nearly recruited to the League of Assassins as a teenager - he would have been shipped off to official league training after highschool if he hadn’t lost to Daniel (and, likely, if Kreese hadn’t impulsively burned that bridge before remembering the larger plan). Instead, he was approached by the representative of an anonymous east coast billionaire after high school and paid to use his connection to the ‘late’ John Kreese  - and pre-assassin training - to infiltrate and sabotage some activities the League of Shadows had going in the Valley. He never learned the full extent of what the League was or his or Kreese’s connections to it during this time (like, he probably could have if he’d tried, but he’s Johnny). He was inconsistent at best in his vigilantism after that, putting on a mask and patrolling more when he needed an outlet than based on the needs of the community. He was briefly the ‘Batman of the Valley’ when Batman first franchised out into Batman Inc. He’d given that up for years by the time he met Miguel, but dusts off his cape when he learns of new League operations in the Valley in season 4 (likely being run by Terry Silver). 
His ‘cape’ is actually a red leather bodysuit. He definitely calls himself something like DeathFist or DeathFang or whatever in the long tradition of people in red bodysuits being called stuff like that (DeadShot, DeathStroke, etc.). 
Miguel Diaz
Miguel will hit the streets patrolling with his mentor, but the transition to vigilantism also hits him at a time when he’s realized he probably shouldn’t have Johnny on such a pedestal so he’ll also use the opportunity to strike out alone or with friends. The transition also comes at a time when Miguel has noticed certain changes about himself he can’t explain - like how he destroyed Demetri’s tv with lasers that shot out of his eyes when he got a bit too competitive about Mario Cart.
Yeah, the bad man Carmen moved them to escape was not connected to organized crime. He wasn’t Terry Silver. He was General freaking Zod. Why does General Zod live in Ecuador? He’s building up forces there. Anyways, Miguel is half Kryptonian and just awakening to his powers since his body has been healing from the school fight. The injury was a kind of catalyst and as he heals he’s also becoming invulnerable. So much for his rivalry with Robby, right? Nope, that’s still on. 
Robby Keene
Kreese thinks a mistake he made with Johnny was not bringing him into the fold sooner and getting him excited about the prospect of the League of Shadows. He knows very well that Robby will march out of Cobra Kai forever if he mentions anything about assassins before he’s ‘ready’, but he does start letting him know about the secret society of warriors and introduce him to some alumni who are with the league now. Maybe show off some missions where they actually intervened for good. Essentially, he makes him feel like he could be part of something - something that feels like family - which is bigger than himself (which is already an established part of his schtick). 
As part of this pre-assassin buttering up, Kreese procures something special for Robby - gloves laced with kryptonite. He told him it would only level the playing field between him and Miguel, but it is enough to weaken Miguel enough to be killed. The plan is for Robby to go in thinking ‘Miguel is pretty much indestructible even with these gloves’ so he goes all out and kills him and then while he’s dealing with the trauma of having killed him Kreese can pull him fully into the League. While the plan won’t work, the path to it will see Robby getting a lot more weapons/assassin-specific training than Johnny did.
He will eventually take over Johnny’s suit and code name.
Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz
Kreese’s plan for Robby is a more elaborate and thought out version of his original plan for Hawk. Hawk was never really a top priority for Kreese, but he spiraled so nicely that it seemed he could be plucked off into assassin-dom early. He saw Tory and Robby as better prospects than Hawk for long term use in the valley in part because he expected to have Hawk shipped off to train under Lady Shiva by now. He just had to rip the murder bandaid, and the plan was to push him until he killed Demetri. 
Because Hawk was on the fast track, and because he was so good at convincing himself he didn’t care what he’d done to Demetri’s arm, Kreese actually already let him in on the true nature of Cobra Kai. He didn’t know for long before leaving and its not like he had any strategically vital info, but he knows enough to make him a loose end. Kreese sends the Cobras (minus Robby, but possibly including a Tory who isn’t quite used to her new power yet) after him. Hawk is murdered. And isn’t that a waste? 
Kreese set it up, but when the likes of Tory and Robby almost leave over it he pins it on Kyler ‘going overboard’ and says it’s fine, they can save him. Hawk gets thrown in a Lazarus Pit and rises confused and angry. Under the grips of Pit Madness he temporarily forgets a lot (like leaving Cobra Kai and reconciling with Demetri and Miguel, but also things like his parents. Kid is a very angry blank slate.) and since most people think he’s dead its pretty easy to send him to the League. He’ll turn up again a few months later, when the League sends a squad to secure their interests in the valley. He breaks off when he can’t quite kill Demetri in a fight, but he doesn’t remember why and roams around the valley causing trouble or helping out as he sees fit until Demetri can get through to him (Demetri’s eternal struggle). 
He doesn’t call himself Red Hood, but you get the gist. Hawk is already a code name. 
Demetri [Insert Surname]
Got Eli back only to lose him for good. He thought. Until Not-Red Hood shows up and causes problems. But the slippery assassin keeps getting away before he can really talk to him! Miguel is steadily developing Super Powers and wants to help, but things are also heating up over in the Main Conflict and Demetri is left chasing Hawk alone a lot of the time. 
Maybe it’s that determination that causes his latent metagene to activate. 
Demetri only ever thought super speed was the second best superpower, but he rethinks that after he has it. In hindsight, his smart ass does fit the speedster profile and Eli definitely can’t get away now! 
His lightning when he runs is blue.
And yep, that’s all for now. I’ll never write a fic for this ‘verse it’s just fun to think about. More so about how after the San Fernando branch of the League of Shadows is destroyed the kids can all make up and form a cool super team. Also, if I were to write fic, it would be Demeli. As I'm sure anyone I've interacted with in this fandom knows.
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soficrson · 3 years
Oii, eu surgindo aqui só pra ver se alguém quer me dar a chance de trazer de volta alguns dos meus chars antigos, eu tentei achar os plots que eu gostava, mas muitos não consegui, então também tentei resumir meus favoritos aqui... eu jogo pelo tumblr, sou cadelinha de f/f e chars/plots mais maduros
Tumblr media
☆ ◜aisha booth. 36 anos, publicitária — fc: olivia wilde.
(f/f) a ideia pra essa char é ela ser publicitária ou editora da ex mulher, da qual ela se divorciou faz pouco tempo. além de dividirem a carreira, elas têm um filho de uns 4 anos juntas. a ex mulher dela é escritora, tá lançando um novo livro, fazendo viagens por causa disso e então a aisha mexe os pauzinhos e faz a editora reservar um único quarto com cama de casal propositalmente, mas se faz de louca depois. adoraria desenvolver essa parte e também a possibilidade da ex dela descobrir a verdade em algum momento, algo nessa pegada. 
☆ ◜diana wilson.  44 anos, diretora de uma galeria de arte — fc: monet mazur.
(f/f) eu imagino um plot com chars mais maduras, porém com angst. diana é intensa, bem resolvida, um amor, mas parece que atraí o caos de certa forma. quem sabe ela se apaixonou por uma funcionária?? ou até mesmo uma mulher casada com um dos investidores mais importantes?? ou com o homem mais imbecil com quem ela trabalha?? idk
☆ ◜beatriz johnson. 25 anos, jornalista — fc: alycia debnam-carey.
(f/f ou f/m) “my friends keep setting me up on shitty blind dates in the same restaurant and i keep getting you as my waiter/waitress every time”
☆ ◜david bennett. 48 anos, empresário — fc: daniel sunjata.
(f/m) baby number who? au where our muses already have multiple kids and have tried their best to use birth control and condoms but whoops here comes another one aka time to call tlc for your own reality cause damn.
☆ ◜johnathan hensley. 28 anos, desenvolvedor de softwares — fc: logan lerman.
(f/m) "you left 3 yrs ago in the middle of the night with not even a goodbye letter and now you’re on my door step w a kid that looks exactly like me"
☆ ◜camille o’neill. 30 anos, produtora de eventos — fc: margot robbie.
(f/f) "i really want a f/f plot where they’re best friends that are both married to v wealthy/successful guys, probably like doctors or lawyers that are never around. so the girls get to spend all their time together and it’s not long before they realize how much they both don’t love their husbands and how much they do love each other. thus begins their sneaking around together and going to parties with their husbands just to both run off to a private room together, the nights neither of their husbands come home and they get to pretend like they’re living a normal life together."
☆ ◜scarlett sharp. 26 anos, cantora — fc: sofia carson.
(f/f) "i’ve been watching videos of past victoria’s secret fashion shows and now i’m craving a plot with a model and one of the performers. like …. he’s part of a band or a solo artist and she’s a model walking the show during his performance ( maybe even like that one time adam levine was performing and walked his girlfriend down the runway n kissed her on the cheek at the end bc that was cute af) and they just get along very well during rehearsals and next thing you know they’re fucking backstage and he even stays to watch her during the other segment she’s walking and after the show they end up getting dinner together. and they just become this really supportive couple ( she goes to almost every concert of his and he goes to her fashion shows ) and they’re just so in love and its so perfect but also very angsty bc ?? .. the ups and downs of having a long distance relationship at times and all the publicity and stuff … pls. i need it more than the air i breathe."
plot i. (f/f) "give me a ‘divorced couple who still sees each other often for kid drop offs and school activities’ and going on without each other has been a process and weird and there’s still two am drunk texts being all ‘i miss you’ but they never address it in person and just pretend that it didn’t happen. and the angst and seeing new people, sometimes being jealous and a little bit vindictive fully aware of how awful that is. break my heart fam."
plot ii. (f/f) “gimme a bicurious younger girl who gets an internship at a really important fashion magazine and meets this super hot woman who’s older than her and very smart and sexy and professional and she develops this huge crush on her and blushes everytime they have to speak and “hm, uh, i, uh, you look very good ma'am, i mean, the shirt. it looks very good. love the, uh, buttons” also, bonus points if the hot older woman has been aware of said crush for a really long time and likes to pop up a few buttons of her blouse every once in a while because she likes the way it can make her blush.”
plot iii. (f/f) “idk why but it’s hella cute to me to think about a plot of a pop star and her backup guitarist/tour manager/opening act/some sort of somebody that would be on tour. cute flirtation during rehearsals. tour bus antics. late night kisses on the balcony of a hotel room under the moonlight. paparazzi catching the loving gazes. rumors starting to swirl. just yes.”
plot iv. (f/f) “the police chief’s worrisome daughter that is always coming to check on him at the station falling for the headstrong detective who always gives the chief hell”
plot v. (f/f) “ok so i really wanna play older fcs so gimme the newly divorced couple who still run w the same ~crowd~ so they have to see each other a lot? and they deal with new bfs/gfs, thinking they might still love each other, trying to Fake it Til they Make It, drunken texts @ 2am, maybe they have kids together and have 2 deal with that, maybe they?? kiss again im just Shook someone please”
plot vi. (f/f) “just want a fuck you’re my student but you’re so hot and i can’t focus in class cause you’re so distracting so i’m gonna ask you to stay behind to talk about your “grades” but in reality imma run my hand along your thigh and fuck you on my desk”
plot vii. (f/f) “ok but fuck, unhappily married corporate dude having an affair with his hot young assistant is one of my favourite trashy tropey plots someone gimme”
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