#robe a la padme
bookhoarding · 2 years
Chemise a la Padmé
Historybounding + Star Wars = chemise a la Padmé. 
Historybounding + Star Wars = chemise a la Padmé.  I had extra lake dress fabric (no I didn’t dye it myself) and wanted something light I could wear to Star Wars Celebration, but also around life. Something that was easy to just throw over something. Looking at the chemise a la Reine diagrams, it seems like adding ribbon channels to a dress was a perfect way to easily make what I had into…
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flastar13 · 2 years
You know I was thinking of a late baroque au french or american revolution type of star wars. It's easy for me to see Padme Amidala in a sumptuous robe a la francaise and Princess Leia in a chemise dress, as well as rebels like revolutionaries taking on the evil emperor or Palpatine manipulating the king/director to become emperor. The Jedi could be a kind of religious order of warriors with divine powers.
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julchenawesome · 1 year
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#zuko is that cartoon character who hads bad luck but you know he's going to survive and will make you love him more...that's him
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I was thinking about the scene when Leia asked Obi Wan if he was her father. Someone said that his answer "I wish i was" implies he loved Padme (something platonic) or he wanted kids, etc.
But what i think in the moment it was he implies "it would be more easy to you if i was, but the truth could hurt you. It would be more easy if i was your father than the man your real father become."
Well, that was what i thought :)
104 notas. Fecha de publicación: 3 de junio de 2022
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Zukka week 2022
Day 6: accidental dating (or dads zukka)
Based on FLWOGB (@oldpotatoe), in one of the ways (I think, more headcanon) my favorite secondary character, Miura, noticing when Zuko and Sokka were flirting and practically acting like a couple.
And yes, also based in OFMD blackbonnet scene (love that coupleeeee❤).
[I love drawing Miura again, she is my favoriteeee!]
[ID: first drawing, showing a green/brown background, to be similar to a forest and a wood where Sokka and Zuko are sitting. Both are talking. Sokka is wearing his well-known water tribe robes, and Zuko a simple red/gold robe that remains a bit of his book 3 outfit, with the exception that Zuko's hair is more longer. Also both are with food or tea respectively. They seem happy together, with sparkle and little hearts around them.
In the second drawing, is Miura, OC from 'Feels like we only go backwards" by oldopotatoe in the middle, looking the interaction. She had a realization, and whispers "Oh Agni, this is happening", meanwhile Sokka and Zuko are smiling and blushing to each other, not noticing the Kyoshi Warrior. This two big obliviousness. END ID]
109 notas. Fecha de publicación: 27 de mayo de 2022
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Zukka week 2022
Day 5: soulmates and chronic pain
In a world where everyone, after their 18th birthday, you start to share something with your soulmate. Something your other half needs to complete you.
Katara had dreams of a wonderful world, with no war, and the view from ocean or the sky. She had that faith in a better world only for these dreams.
(Hakoda and Kya were worried, because if she had dreams, a little bit of gray in her eyes, that mean her soulmate had 18 before she was born.)
(Then Kya died. Hakoda left. Sokka had no time for soulmates)
After the war, Sokka start to had memories from the day he comes to 18th. No, not memories. Nightmares. Pain. It's never gone, the feeling of not being enough, loneliness, being helpless, with no voice to scream.
Sokka knew his soulmate is Zuko.
But, why did Zuko never told him about their bond?
Why did he left him appart?
What is he truly hiding?
(Zuko always had five minutes to contemplate the blue in his eyes...always...)
[ID: background with blue, purple (cold), red and yellow (warm) colours mixed. Sokka and Zuko, divided in the middle, for lightnings/glass crashed. In the left side, in the back with red lines (from the top) is Kya with no clear face, Yue smiling, Hakoda giving his back, and a little view of the southern water tribe ships leaving the south in the middle of the night.
In the other side, warm colours, blue lines (from the top) is Ursa leaving Zuko, Azula laughing maniacally going mad, and Zuko in the Agni Kai where he got the scar, crying.
Zuko and Sokka, both with scared expressions, but Sokka is the one who can show more. Zuko is crying from his eye with the scar. Sokka had his hand buried in his loose, disheveled hair, desperately. Zuko had his hair almost loose, part of his chest with scars.
Sokka express where Zuko can't. Zuko just deal with the pain. END ID]
116 notas. Fecha de publicación: 26 de mayo de 2022
Daemon: * slays Vaemond's head for insulting his wife*
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117 notas. Fecha de publicación: 11 de octubre de 2022
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Based on @sifu-jasmine-dragon incorrect quote
296 notas. Fecha de publicación: 30 de marzo de 2022
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mrs-perfectly-fine · 3 years
Clone Wars Characters As Nick Miller Quotes:
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Anakin Skywalker: I know this isn’t going to end well, but the middle part is going to be awesome.
Obi Wan Kenobi: It smells like leather and Teddy Roosevelt and wistfulness.
Ashoka Tano: If I had a dollar for everyone I couldn’t hang out with because they hated Schmidt Anakin, I’d be rich.
Captain Rex: Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.
Padme Amidala: Pink robes are my catnip.
Commander Cody: I like getting older. I feel like I am finally aging into my personality.
ARC Trooper Fives: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol. You treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.
Commander Fox: (“Would you consider us adorable?”) No, we’re adult men. We’re cute.
Commander Wolffe (and Plo Koon): Of course I make decisions. How do you think I’m wearing clothes right now?
(Plo Koon: “I lay those out for you, Wolffe.”)
Clone Troooer Heavy: If we needed to talk about feelings, they would be called ‘talkings’.
Hunter: I only wanna make a drink a coal miner would want. Straight forward. Honest. Something that says, ‘I work in a hole.’
ARC Trooper Echo: All right. *sighs* Trust the process.
Wrecker: I hate doors!
Tech: I moved to LA to get closer to whales so I could record them.
Crosshair: Nick Miller Trooper Crosshair, turning lemonade into lemons since 1981.
Trace Martez: Is calling a girl ‘Shorty’ still cool?
Rafa Martez: A bank is just a paper bag but with fancier walls.
Yoda: Nothing is ever truly broken.
Qui-Gon Jinn: I am not a successful adult. I don’t eat vegetables and/or take care of myself.
General Grievous: I’m very quick on my… uh…. (“Did you just forget the word fest”) Feet, yeah.
Mace Windu: Light is always more beautiful when it has to fight to be noticed, like sunlight fighting through the clouds after a rainstorm.
Count Dooku: I have decided to give up on women good and put all of that energy into tomatoes bad.
Palpatine: You’re allowed to be happy, but it’s really annoying the way you’re doing it.
Darth Maul: *sarcastic* No part of this conversation is making me wanna boil over with rage.
Cad Bane: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? No, a summer’s day is not a bitch!
R2-D2: I can’t believe I’m the sober one. That’s actually never happened before in my life.
Hondo Ohnaka: You’re a terrible person. It’s hilarious
Bo-Katan Kryze: I’ve never been an inspiration before… I don’t like this much responsibility.
Asajj Ventress: Life sucks. Then it gets better. Then it sucks again.
Bail Organa: Twenty pages. And they’re all good……. Some of them are good……. Five pages are good……. I really like the title.
Shaak Ti: I fell in love with Jess clones the minute she they walked through the door.
C-3P0: I can’t work under pressure like this, you know that I get nervous.
Satine Kryze: Stop being so mean polite to me or I swear to God I’m gonna fall in love with you.
Luminara Unduli: I once saw a zebra named Gavin give birth at the zoo and I cried hysterically.
Clone Trooper 99: Beauty is not always as perfect as we imagine it to be, but it can be damn close if we learn to accept the scary parts or the ugly parts.
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zelenacat · 3 years
When We Were Young- An Obitine Story- Chapter 18
Satine did not tell Korkie about her fight with his father, she did however, ask him to question his siblings on whether or not they wanted to meet their father. Tyra felt like she would hate to run into him at the temple if he’d met her, and Tristan felt that it would add more uproar to his life. Mara didn’t think he’d be proud of her, and seemed to understand that he’d fought with her mother. Korkie outright said he felt like forming a relationship with his father would be a betrayal to his mother. When Satine assured him it wouldn’t be, Korkie still didn’t budge.
So, a mere hour before the Duchess of Mandalore would welcome the head of the Trade Federation. She was texting Senator Amidala.
“None of the kids want to meet him?”
“None.” Satine repeated.
Padme bit her lip, “He’ll be angry.”
“I know.”
The phone end went silent.
“Padme,” Satine stutterted, “I mean, if it wouldn’t be too much, could you ask Anakin to break the news to him?”
“They haven’t been on the greatest of terms,” Padme frowned, “since Obi-Wan found out that we knew before he did they’ve been a little tense.”
“Could you tell him then,” Satine swallowed, “and ask him if he’d like to be there when I give birth.”
Padme sighed.
“Please, Padme,” Satine begged, “he won’t talk to me.”
“Alright,” Padme agreed, “but I don’t know what he’ll say.”
“Thank you, thank you so much, Padme,” Satine gasped, “you’re such an angel.”
“Good luck with the Federation heads, Duchess,” the Senator warned, “they can be stiff.”
“I will, Senator,” Satine smiled, “thank you, thank you a thousand times over.”
The Duchess’ dress weighed more than any dress should. Four ladies had to carry it into her room on a stretcher. It seemed that every blue crystal owned by the Mandalorian royal house was on that dress.
“How-” Satine began.
“Five pounds,” Waldie grinned, “and that’s without your tiara.”
Parna squealed.
“Let’s get you in it, Satine,” Khaami huffed, “it’ll certainly be a piece of work.”
“That it will.” Waldie agreed.
There were at least three layers of petticoats that Satine counted, then came the glorious masterpiece itself. A luscious royal purple silk resplendent as the stars with gems worth more than the Banking Clan owned all together.
“Ooph,” Satine huffed, “heavy.”
Waldie smiled, “Should I send for the royal jeweler?”
Khaami and Parna’s dresses were navy, modeled in the traditional style of ladies to the Duchess. Lord Eldar, Khaami’s husband, had given his wife their family jewels for the occasion. Parna ooed and awed. Parna, as head lady, wore the golden sash of service.
“They Royal Jeweler, Your Grace.” Waldie announced.
The old man bowed low, holding a wooden chest out before him.
“Your jewels, Your Highness.”
Parna gasped as Satine opened the treasure. Satine adorned herself with a diamond choker and pearls around her neck, and silver bangles on her wrists.
“Satine,” Khaami gasped, “I didn’t know you had such majesty.”
The Duchess giggled, “There’s more to come.”
The royal jeweler opened the box that Waldie was holding and pulled out a navy sash.
“The medals? Parna gasped.
“We’re putting on a show,” Satine explained as Khaami pinned on her medals, “and I intend to make the trade representatives quiver in their boots.”
“You certainly will.” Waldie assured.
“And now,” the Royal Jeweler gestured, “for the tiara.”
Satine’s eyes watered as she saw it, remembering her mother.
“The late Duchess wore this on her wedding day,” the Jeweler stated as if Satine had forgotten, “it was a gift for Queen Mara from King Zagreus the Second of Zygerria.”
It was gorgeously intricate. Silver, diamonds, pearls, and even some quartz glowed magnificent in the headpiece. Satine stared at herself in the mirror. She looked like an empress.
“Do excuse me, Your Highness,” the jeweler bowed, “I must prepare your nephew.”
“Thank you,” Satine nodded, practicing moving her head in the crown, “you’ve done me a wonderful service.”
“I can’t believe you invited the whole court,” Khaami grinned, “I haven't seen some of the clan leaders in years.”
“I know,” Parna agreed, “and we get to dress so fancily.”
Satine had forgotten that Parna was a little younger than her, they had become adults together, yet in many ways they were still young.
“I saw them raising the banners earlier,” Khaami cooed, “and I must say, the new crest is marvelous.”
“You know how I love lilies.” Satine smiled.
Parna slipped the Duchess’ comfiest navy flats on her feet.
“Ah,” Satine placed her hands on her stomach, “this is going to be a long night.”
“You’ve got this,” Parna huffed, “you’re the Duchess.”
“And the She-wolf of Mandalore.” Khaami added with a grin.
“Yes,” Satine agreed, “I am.”
The Duchess was grateful her dress had a stiff back, it helped spread the weight evenly as she walked. Satine, donning her transparent shawl, met Korkie behind the doors to the grand hallway.
“Wow,” his jaw dropped, “don’t scare them, Lady Aunt.”
“I make no promises.” Satine winked.
Korkie himself was also dressed finely. Wearing his navy military uniform with a purple sash and medals to mark him as heir presumptive. He even had a ceremonial sword.
“I’ll meet you at the bottom of the stairs,” Korkie nodded, disappearing down a side hall, “good luck.”
Satine smiled.
“Her Grace, Satine Kryze, Duchess of Mandalore, Second of Her Name and Lady Krewella, accompanied by Lady Parna Supreis and Lady Khaami Eldar.”
The doors opened wide and Satine descended gracefully, a noble dignity caressing her features. It was so silent the only noise were Satine, Parna, and Khaami’s footfalls, but the Duchess knew it was just awe settling in.
The doors across the hall opened.
“His Grace, Korkyrach Kryze, Duke of Sundari.”
Those who weren’t enthralled by Satine swiveled their heads to Korkie, who kept a steady pace walking down the hall as he was trained to do. When Satine reached the bottom of the stairs, she straightened her shoulders and waited. Then, holding out her hand as Korkie came close, allowed herself to be escorted to her throne. 
As she sat, Satine scanned the crowd, there, at the back, were the Trade Federation representatives. An aide whispered to them and proudly, the representatives came forward, their circle of assistants around them.
“The Honorable Trade Federation Ambassadors lead by Trai Dee.”
Trai Dee, a man dressed in gold robes, bowed low before Satine. All his minions followed.
“Mandalore welcomes the Trade Federation with great reverence,” the Duchess announced, smiling, “we look forward to working to ensure the benefit of both our systems and set an example to the galaxy.”
“The Trade Federation thanks you for your welcome, my Great Lady,” Trai Dee raised his head, “we come with the righteous goal of acting as a beacon of humanly grace in wartime, and are grateful for Your Highness’ sentiments.”
“I appreciate the Trade Federation’s noble quest, and am most grateful for your time,” Satine looked up to face the court, “Mandalorians, shall we treat our guests with all our system has to offer?”
Cheers went up from the crowd, and a low rumble began as the drummers warmed up their tambors. The dance floor cleared, Satine stood, so did Trai Dee.
The Duchess walked down to the Ambassador, “I would be honored if you would join me for the first dance, Your Honor.” 
“It would be my pleasure to accept, Your Grace.” Trai Dee agreed.
They danced La Mandalorra, and old Mandalorian waltz performed only to drum beats. 
“Senator Amidala never told me you were such an exquisite dancer.” smiled Trai Dee.
“Thank you for your compliment,” Satine smiled, “I do hope you will enjoy the way we do things here.”
The Ambassador grinned back, “I happen to like grandeur and courtly rigour, Your Grace.”
Satine laughed, “Then you’ve come to the right place.”
The Duchess twirled, her dress spooling out around her. Then, she faced Trai Dee, who got down on one knee and kissed her hand. Applause arose, and the Ambassador stood as more people joined the dance floor. Khaami, Parna, and Korkie all danced with Ambassador Dee’s aides while Satine and her partner danced the second song.
“If I may,” Satine began, “I hope you will excuse any dealings you had with my former Prime Minister.”
“It’s quite a terrible thing,” agreed Trai Dee, “I am just glad he is in custody.”
“So am I,” Satine tried not to frown thinking of Almec, “Senator Amidala was a huge help to us.”
“The Senator is a gift to us all.” Ambassador Dee nodded.
The second song finished and Satine curtsied.
“Do excuse me, Ambassador, I must see to my ladies.”
Khaami and Parna nodded at their partners and left to join Satine.
“Is anyone here I should know about?” Satine whispered.
“The Wrens are here,” Parna stated, “but I don’t think that will be a problem.”
“I saw a jetpack flying in the distance,” Khaami quivered, “but I have scanned the room and can’t see anyone we affiliate with Death Watch.”
Satine scanned the room as well, smiling slightly as she saw Tristan and Korkie, but then returned to her goal. After a minute she was satisfied.
“Accompany to visit Jaru, our Prime Minister,” Satine instructed, “I don’t believe you’ve met her yet.”
“I have.” Khaami grinned.
“Still,” Satine linked her arm through her lady’s, “you are married now.”
The Prime Minister was standing with some trade aide, who all regarded Satine and her ladies politely.
“Your Grace,” Jaru Djarin bowed, “you throw a splendid party.”
“It’s all in honor of our guests,” the Duchess smiled, turning to the aides, “Mandalore is thrilled to have you here.”
“We are happy to be here,” an aide responded, “Your Highness is very kind.”
“Well then,” Satine smiled pleasantly, “I hope to see you enjoying yourselves.”
Next, the Duchess made her way to Korkie, who was conversing with Mandalorian noble children his own age.
Tristan saw her first, and bowed, “Your Grace.”
“Aunt Satine,” Korkie grinned, “to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
The Duchess raised an eyebrow, “This song is coming to a close, Korkyrach, and I wore my good shoes.”
Sabine Wren snorted at that.
“Lady Aunt,” Korkie handed his cup to Tristan and held out his hand, “would you do me the honor of joining me in the next dance.”
“Why, Korkie,” Satine placed a hand to her chest, “I would simply adore that.”
 The Duchess let her nephew lead her onto the dance floor. The musicians began, and Satine twirled.
“I never thought I’d have to speak pleasantly for so long,” Korkie whispered, “I met a couple of the Ambassador’s aides, our conversation was practically a minefield.”
“Minefield?” Satine asked.
“They of course have ties to both sides,” Korkie explained, “but I got the impression they resented your friendship with Auntie Padme.”
“I see,” Satine’s eyes narrowed, “and did they mention the Ambassador’s feelings on the matter?”
The Duchess spinned, returning to get Korkie’s answer.
“I think they feel we are more Republic-leaning,” the Duke of Sundari answered, “but an aide, Jaira Deere, said that the Viceroy would be pleased if Mandalore stayed neutral, and of course, that’s who they represent.”
The Duchess curtsied, the Duke bowed.
“You’ve been very helpful, Korkie,” Satine straightened, “let me introduce you to the Ambassador directly, maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.”
On her nephew’s arm, Satine went in search of Ambassador Dee. She found him talking with Ursa and Alrich Wren of all people.
Alrich saw them first, “Your Highness, Your Grace.” 
Trai Dee turned around with a tense smile on his face, and Satine wondered if this visit was as much informational as it was to strike a deal and make money.
“Your Highness.” he bowed.
“Ambassador,” the Duchess smiled sweetly, “allow me to introduce you to my nephew, the Duke of Sundari.”
Dee bowed, “It’s a pleasure, Your Grace.”
“The pleasure is all ours, Your Honor,” Korkie extended his hand, “Mandalore is grateful for your visit.”
The Ambassador shook Korkie’s hand, “We’re glad to be here.”
The Duchess made some pleasant compliment about Korkie’s schoolwork and then excused herself, promising she’d return soon.
Satine was glad to find Tristan standing relatively alone, watching Sabine dance with a Saxon Lord.
“Lord Wren, may I speak with you?”
Tristan bowed, “Of course, your Grace.”
Satine lowered her voice, “I missed you and Mara’s sixteenth birthday.”
The boy’s eyes saddened, “I thought you forgot.”
“I couldn’t,” the Duchess tried to keep her tone even, “I was there you know.”
“Mara, and I met up for fifteen minutes in a shady part of town,” Tristan grinned at Satine’s expression, “we had coffee and commed Korkie and Tyra.”
The Duchess gave a small smile, “Well, tell your family that they’re invited to breakfast tomorrow with Korkie and my ladies. I’d like to give you your present.”
Tristan perked up, “I would love that.”
“I’m glad.”
Tristan bowed and Satine meandered through the ballroom until she returned to Korkie and the Ambassador.
“Your nephew is quite inquisitive,” Ambassador Dee’s eyes sparkled, “it’s refreshing to see one so young care about politics.”
“I feel that way as well,” Satine wrapped an arm around Korkie, “my nephew makes for a good Duke.”
When it came time for dinner, a bell rang and two grand doors opened into the dining hall. Pride filled Satine’s features, her decorators had done a marvelous job.
As usual, Korkie pulled out his aunt’s chair and pushed her in as the rest of the guests were sitting down. Parna, Khaami, and Korkie were all sprinkled at the head of the table near the Ambassador and his aides, along with the heads of Clean Saxon, Wren, and Bralor.
Near the end of the table sat Count Vizsla, looking unusually uncomfortable. Duchess Satine, when she wasn’t conversing with the Ambassador or eavesdropping on conversations, spent her time watching him. When the meal concluded, she noticed that Count Vizsla, instead of returning to the ballroom, took a wrong turn at an intersection.
“Follow Count Vizsla,” Satine instructed Korkie, “and take Parna with you.”
The rest of the evening was spent back in the ballroom. No one was dancing now, but instead couches had been moved into the room and the musicians were playing quietly as cocktails were served.
“Do tell us, Your Highness,” spoke up a make aide, “how neutrality has managed to keep your system stable.”
“It’s been quite a journey,” Satine responded, “but war is intolerable to civilization, it wreaks havoc in unseemly ways that destroys all the good society works for.”
“And yet you take support from the Republic.” a female aide countered.
Satine raised an eyebrow, “We’d be willing to take support from the Separatists if they were kind enough to not block our trading lines.”
“Jaira,” Ambassador Dee interjected, “we will not let the war interfere with politics where it is not needed.”
Slowly, the guests approached Satine and thanked her for such a splendid party, and ever the esteemed hostess, the Duchess replied that she was happy to provide her service.
Parna and Korkie returned about an hour later, Parna pulled her lady aside. 
“He confessed that his son made contact with him and spilled all of Death Watch’s plans to spoil the event, he’s in custody now.”
Satine smiled as if this were happy news and thanked Parna with a knowing look.
When it came down to only a few people left, Satine asked her guests if they wished to retire.
“My ladies will direct you to your rooms,” the Duchess gestured, “please know that your comfort is our first concern.”
Ambassador Dee bowed, “Thank you, Your Grace, sleep well.”
As the musicians packed up, Satine found Korkie and Tristan struggling to keep their eyes open.
“Get rest, boys,” the Duchess instructed, “we have big days ahead.”
Confession time, Satine took the elevator to her rooms. Korkie came up with her.
“We can’t have you falling asleep on the job, Lady Mother.” he teased quietly.
As Parna and Khaami were still attending to their guests Korkie sat his mother down and took off her shoes.
“You don’t need to do this, Korkie.” Satine smiled sweetly.
“I take of my siblings,” the Duke grinned, “I’m the oldest.”
That made Satine’s heart melt, and she felt safe enough to ask about whether or not Korkie would meet his father.
The Duke paused, “I’d still rather not, but maybe one day.”
The Duchess nodded and held out her arm to help her son up.
“Get some rest,” she advised, “Tristan and his family will have breakfast with us.”
Korkie winked, “Fun.”
“Go on now.” Satine shooed.
It took a half an hour to remove all of Satine’s jewels and place them in the appropriate boxes. It then took a further two trips for Khaami to return them all to the Royal Jewel Room while Parna undid Satine’s heavy gown.
“I can’t believe you’re still wearing corsets in your second trimester.” the lady admitted.
“I’ve done it before with twins,” Satine stated, “and we have Hera now, if you’re worried.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Parna agreed, handing Satine her nightshift, “I think things will be much easier now.”
When Khaami and Parna woke Satine up the next morning, the Duchess felt drained. She had a headache and her back and shoulders hurt from carrying the weight of last night’s dress.
“We have to spread our vile mixture on your sheets, remember,” Khaami whispered, “to stop the rumors?”
With a groan, Satine nodded.
“Come on,” Parna goaded, “your dress will be lighter today.”
Her dress was lighter that day. She wore her dress embroidered with the Mandalorian star system. The corset that had been added wasn’t as stiff, but Satine wore heels and a sash to distract from the fact that she had gained some weight. Then, while Parna did up her hair with lilies, Khaami spread Satine’s fake blood on her bedsheets.
“I’ll dip some on your nightdress too,” the lady added, “it’ll make it more convincing.”
Before heading downstairs, Satine fished out two plain-looking keycards.
“What are the presents?” Khaami asked.
“Palace entry cards,” Satine blushed, “so they can come see me and have access to the kitchens.”
Parna snorted. The main breakfast was served in the dining hall, but Satine went to a private room where Korkie was happily chatting with the Wrens.
“Duchess,” Ursa grinned, a gleam in her eye, “you were resplendent of our sun last night.”
“Thank you,” Satine blinked, “but tell me, how is the food this morning?”
“Delicious!” Sabine clapped.
Alrich shot her a look. Tristan snorted.
“Uh, I mean, delicious, Your Grace.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Satine smiled, sitting down, “it’s been a while since I’ve seen your family, Ursa, how are you all?” “Well, thank you,” Ursa nodded, “though Sabine had a question about Pre Vizsla.”
Satine raised an eyebrow.
Sabine shrunk, “Word travels fast.”
Was Sabine friendly with the Death Watch? She’d have to ask Tristan. Korkie then took up the conversation to ask about Tristan’s schoolwork, which the Duchess found greatly interesting.
“Top of the class this semester,” she smiled, “really?”
“Yes,” Tristan blushed, “and I intend to study genetic engineering.”
“How interesting.” Satine looked to Khaami, a smile on her face.
At the end of the meal, while Ursa and Sabine excused themselves, Khaami, Parna and Alrich were clearing the plates, Satine turned to her sons.
“Korkie, give us a moment, will you?”
Standing, the Duke of Sundari winked at his brother and left.
“Tristan,” the Duchess held out the cards, “this gives you access to anywhere in the palace, one is for Mara, but I’d like you both to come and go as you please.”
Tristan was flabbergasted.
“You will be able to access the kitchen, yes,” Satine smiled, “and anything in the med lab.”
Tristan took the card, hand shaking, “Thank you, Lady Mother.”
“Happy sixteenth birthday, Tristan Kryze,” Satine kissed her second son’s head, “to you and your twin sister.”
Tristan wrapped his arms around his mother.
“May I come in now?”
Satine laughed, “Of course, Korkie.”
“I’ll ask Mara to come this weekend,” Tristan said, excited, “does this mean we get wine cellar permission?”
Korkie snorted, “I’m not even allowed down there.”
Satine leveled him a look, “And you shouldn’t be.”
Tristan turned to Korkie, “Don’t worry, bro, you’ve got me now.”
A small knock bounced off the door. It was Ursa Wren.
“The meeting room is prepared, Your Grace.”
“Thank you,” Satine stood, “for all your help.”
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In case you haven't blocked the tags, this is a SPOILET ALERT for The Rise of Skywalker. General impressions before the keep reading tab, spoiler stuff after. This has been sitting in my drafts folder since I saw the movie, I just haven’t been able to get to a computer to upload it.
Overall, I feel like this movie really cemented that like, this trilogy had no idea where it was going and what story it wanted to tell. They had to awkwardly ham fist in stuff to make the story work, and it felt so disjointed. Clearly JJ and Rian had very different visions for the trilogy, and it's extremely unfortunate that the resulting films feel like a pissing match between two big egos. That being said, I feel like it was the truest to the spirit of the original saga without being a remake like TFA. I didn’t hate it.
More specific feelings about the film, in no particular order:
I can't believe they killed Ben. The Last Skywalker. And like...there was no emotional weight behind his death???
There really wasn't any emotional depth anywhere in the film. Things moved too quickly, and the characters felt so different from the last movie that it was hard to reconnect to them.
Did we really have to bring back Finn's nice guy incel pining over Rey? Was that Really Fucking Necessary?
"Your parents were nobody. Because they chose to be," has to be the most godawful awkward attempt to retcon TLJ. Like yikes just say you didn't know and move on.
That being said, I thought Rey being a descendant of Palpatine was a good choice, and I only wish the entire trilogy had been building to this reveal. It felt WAY better than "you're nobody", and makes sense; Palpatine has ALWAYS been important in the Skywalker story, and it's a great way to bring the story full circle. It could have happened better, admittedly, but I’m on board with it.
So I do understand how limited they were with this, but it was weird that Leia completely disappeared after her death, especially considering her bond with Rey. Like I get it, but I would have at LEAST liked to have heard her voice among the Jedi calling to Rey (even if it was just to say her name). ALSO WEIRD THAT BEN DISAPPEARED COMPLETELY BUT LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT.
We all wanted Leia to be a jedi but not...not like that. It felt like an afterthought squeezed in the please the fans.
Evil Sith Planet With Creepy Room Of Chanting Robes And GLAYDOS Palpatine was aesthetically very pleasing. A+
Poe's character was a lot better in this film. I hated his characterization in TLJ, so to see him return to TFA Poe was nice.
Seriously tho why did Ben have to pull a Padme and die so pointlessly? He didn't even have a chance to reconcile with his family? Why don't we see him as a force ghost at the end? Darth Fucking Most Evil Man In The Galaxy Vader got a funeral and Ben gets nothing??? They did my boy dirty.
However him hugging Rey's lifeless body? Mmmph. Fantastic.
I hated that Rose was relegated to a background role. Like seriously this trilogy has been Fuckboy Finn: A New Piece of Ass, The Ass Strikes Back, and Return of the Ass and I am not here for it. Rose could have done all the things Finn's new gf did smh. I didn't LOVE her in TLJ but she deserved better.
The absolute and complete irony that they reinforce this stormtrooper redemption arc by having more redeemed stormtroopers but still gleefully kill them with no regrets or any recognition that there are people under those masks continues to kill me.
Love that Supreme Leader Kylo Ren clearly made affirmative action a priority for the First Order because damn was there way more diversity than we're used to seeing in a Nazi allegory.
Ben's redemption happened a little too fast for me, especially in the context of TLJ. Like we saw him choose and actively commit to the dark side, and not 10 minutes after reaffirming his choice, is hucking his lightsaber in the ocean after having a conversation with force ghost hallucination Han Solo.
Weren't the Knights of Ren supposed to be jedi drop outs (note: I have not consumed any media outside of the movies)? I thought it was weird they didn't have lightsaber themed weapons à la Snoke's personal guard. Also these guys were Ben's Possé from Jedi School and he has approximately zero regrets about turning on them. Like these were your friends Ben, they followed you to the dark side, do you want to try and redeem-no, no you're just going to slaughter them okay. I guess.
I don't care how good of a pilot or strong with the force Rey is, ain't no way a bitch from the desert sailing her way across stormy waters the actual sea-seasoned people say is too dangerous that easily (although couldn't have been that bad, since the other two make it across like 10 minutes later).
Seriously tho why did Ben have to die fuck you JJ how could you do this to my boi
Rey claiming the name Skywalker was a choice. Not one I would have made, personally, but I guess when you kill the last living Skywalker you need SOMEBODY to take that mantel so your movie title makes sense.
It just really felt like they were trying to fan service but by trying to please everyone nobody ended up happy. Why didn't JJ Abrams take my personal feelings into account? #blocked
Ben deserved to live happily ever after with Rey and I think it's dumb their powerful force diad or whatever wasn't strong enough to keep them both alive.
I didn't hate it, but it could have been so much better. Disney has sucked the soul out of this franchise and it's heartbreaking to see.
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stitchyarts · 6 years
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Padme’s green robe a la 1958! Devore velvet wasn’t really in fashion in the 50′s, so it’s probably a vintage 1920′s piece from her mother’s closet. Just five more looks to go! (More Star Wars modern fashion project)
Yes! there will be prints of the project
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