#rock n roll mystery
displaykitkats · 8 days
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So... what if the race to the throne was actually a battle of the bands?
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angelbambisworld · 11 months
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Okay but can we talk about how super duper gosh darn adorable Eric Singer is in the Scooby Doo artstyle???
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drpepper-lovers-blog · 2 months
George Harrison through the Beatles movies
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Ah him in let it be is just heavenly
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slxshh · 2 months
A knock away.
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Serial killer slash x f! Reader (description ☟︎)
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the kind of aesthetic of the story and way it looks when she ran off. The house there is suppose to somewhat be similar to the way slash's house looks.
location- oak falls, small town in Washington.
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𝐒𝐚𝐮𝐥 𝐡𝐮𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐧. Aka, 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡
age- 32. (Age is not timely accurate. Just made him young in this time for the story)
height- 6ft
Birthday - July 23rd.
In this story, Saul Hudson is an ordinary man, living just out of a small town in Washington. Until night, when he goes out. Finds his victims. He's known as slash. He's pretty well known around town, but Saul is not. Constantly on the run, sometimes he doesn't even have to. He disguises himself pretty well, so no one's seen his real face since he only lurks at night. In this story, Guns N' Roses doesn't have a purpose in this really. He lives alone. And has no kids.
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𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲
age- 17
Height- 5'0
Birthday- October 10th.
luna every is a 17 year old girl. She lives in a small, kind of crappy neighborhood with her mother. She's always home alone due to her mother being out, either partying or sleeping with random men. Her mom had a habit of coming home drunk, Her mom also quite young due to having Luna at a young age. She's 35. Luna had a small job but lost it due to her not being able to go in everyday. All the money she had stored in her room, her mom finds and takes. Leaving Luna at home with hardly anything, just a little food and no money. Luna was a pretty sweet and innocent girl. At her age was quite rare. Never had a boyfriend, rarely many friends. And no father figure growing up, just random one night stands her mother brought home. In her room most nights, cuddling with her teddy bear waiting for it to all be a dream. her mom pulling her out of school during her last year, bumming her out since she lost contact with all her friends. Left with only a bike she rides around on, and that same bike the reason she stumbled upon him.
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Lunas home.
This story contains drug use, alcohol, strong language, violence, sexual content, age gap, some gore, bad parenting, running away, and more.
This story will contain different point of views, most Luna, but some slash. But majority of them will be in 3rd person.
I am not trying to make fun of a poor living life. Nothing funny about these kind of conditions and I'm not trying to make an aesthetic out of it either. I apologize to anyone who gets offended by this, but everybody's money does not grow on trees. I know because I didn't have much either. So don't think I'm trying to make this a trend thing. It's simply a story and symbolizes the way she grew up. Thank you.
All actions and things that take place in this book are fictional. Saul is not a killer in real life, I simple only made him like this for the purpose of the story due to him being a huge horror fan. If you don't like it, then click away. My character Luna everly is 17, her birthday planning to be in a couple days. So she will not be a minor while with slash.
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dershellelavender · 1 year
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fitfusionhub18 · 5 months
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Darkness is a Fashion Statement: The Gothic Metal Wardrobe
Visit our Page:- trendingshoppe
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aulel-process · 7 months
He had to learn, in John Barth’s line, that the key to the treasure is the treasure—that to be free is not to get what you want... but to begin to know what you want and to feel strong enough to go after it... For a moment, to say yes is to say everything. - Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock ‘n’ Roll Music by Greil Marcus
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grandwretch · 1 year
honestly i think if steve and tommy were bullies they were the kind of bullies i had in high school where they would just say whatever my t-shirt said in a stupid voice in the hallways and then ultimately leave me alone
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Is Omega's favorite type of music rock and roll? 😂
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alienelvisobsession · 2 years
A screenshot from the movie “Mystery Train” (1989), directed by Jim Jarmusch. In the first of three stories a Japanese couple travels to Memphis to visit all the rock ‘n’ roll sights, including Graceland and Sun Studios. The boy adores Carl Perkins, while the girl has an Elvis scrapbook (see image below).
This movie is a meditation on the American dream, as transient as the mystery train that’s passing through Memphis. Elvis is also a dream that came and went, elusive like his ghost.
Highly recommended.
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peaceloveelvis · 2 years
Is it just a coincidence that my Bible Verse of the Day is pretty much word for word to Welcome To My World?
Knock and the door shall be open
Seek and you will find
Ask and you'll be given
The key to this heart of mine
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recursive360 · 1 year
🏰 “Once Upon a Time...”
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💥🥊💥 “Knock’em Out the Box Rick”
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drpepper-lovers-blog · 2 months
I need help
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slxshh · 2 months
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A knock away
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈
october 1st.
The next morning Luna yawned softly as she began to wake up. Rubbing her eyes gently before cuddling with the soft Teddy bear next to her. She stretched her arms and slowly got out of bed, feeling the cool floor beneath her feet. The memories of the previous night lingered in her mind, giving her a small sense of comfort as she prepared to face another day. She shuffled over to the window, gently pulling back the curtain to reveal the world outside. The rain had stopped, but still pretty gloomy out. Luna took a deep breath, letting the fresh scent of rain fill her lungs. She loved the way the world smelled after a storm—clean, renewed, and full of possibility. For a moment, she allowed herself to believe that today could be different, that maybe something good was waiting for her just around the corner. With a renewed sense of determination, Luna headed to the bathroom to freshen up. She splashed cold water on her face, the shock of it waking her up fully. After brushing her teeth and running a brush through her long light brown hair, she'd always loved her hair. It fell just right below her hips. she felt a bit more like herself. and made her way to the kitchen.
The kitchen was still as sparse as ever, she rummaged through the cabinets. But couldn't fin any pancake mix or anything. All the cereal stale. She sighed softly. Another day without groceries. She needed to head to the store, she didn't have much money, maybe only 20 bucks but that was enough for some frozen waffles or something. Luna went into the living room, where Sprinkle was already awake and eager for attention. She set her bear on the table and opened the cage, letting the bunny hop out to explore. "Good morning, Sprinkle," she said softly, stroking his fur as he nuzzled her hand. The simple act of caring for her pet brought her a sense of purpose and joy. As she sat in the living room, Luna thought about the day ahead. It was a Saturday. She decided to make the most of it by spending time with Sprinkle and working on her art.
Around 7:30, Luna heard the familiar creak of the front door opening. Her heart sank as she realized that her mom was home. The brief moments of peace and happiness she had felt that morning were quickly overshadowed by the tense atmosphere that always engulfed the house whenever her mom was around. Luna braced herself for whatever unpredictable mood her mom might be in, hoping with all her might that today would be one of the better days.“Luna," her mom yelled grumpily from the entrance, her voice echoing through the hallway. "Why's the house such a fucking mess?" Her tone was accusatory and sharp, a stark contrast to the fleeting serenity Luna had experienced earlier. Luna could feel the anxiety rising within her, knowing that any small thing could set her mom off when she was hungover or drunk, and turn the day into a nightmare. She took a deep breath, trying to mentally prepare herself for the confrontation that seemed inevitable. Luna winced at her mother's harsh tone but quickly stood up to tidy the living room. "I'm sorry, Mom," she replied quietly, trying to keep her voice steady. She knew it was pointless to argue, so she focused on cleaning up, hoping to avoid any further confrontation. As she picked up scattered papers and straightened the cushions on the couch, she could feel her mother's eyes boring into her back, filled with disapproval. Her mom walked into the kitchen, muttering under her breath about the state of the house. Luna could hear the clattering of dishes and the slamming of cabinet doors, each sound amplifying the tension that already filled the air. Luna moved quickly, trying to make the living room look presentable. She gathered her art supplies and tucked them away neatly, then picked up Sprinkle and gently placed him back in his cage. "I'll play with you later, Sprinkle," she whispered, giving the bunny a soft pat on the head. With the living room now in order, Luna cautiously made her way to the kitchen to see if her mom needed any help. She found her mother standing in front of the open fridge, glaring at the empty shelves. "Where's all the food?" her mom demanded, her voice rising in anger. Luna hesitated, knowing that any answer she gave would likely lead to more frustration. "We ran out," she said softly. "I was planning to go to the store today." Her mom's face twisted with irritation. "You should have gone earlier. What do you expect us to eat now?" she spat. Luna remained silent, not wanting to escalate the situation. She knew her mom's anger wasn't really about the lack of food; it was about everything else—her job, her relationships, her life. And Luna was an easy target.
"I'll go now," Luna offered, hoping to defuse the tension. she scurried to her room to grab her teddy and the 20 dollar bill quickly before her mom saw, and headed for the door, her heart heavy with the weight of her mother's disappointment. As she stepped outside, the cool air hit her face, and she took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. The streets were quiet, the remnants of the morning rain still glistening on the pavement. Luna walked to the side of the house where her bike was, the brown basket in the front where she always put honey, which was her teddy bear. The old light pastel but slightly chipped bike, she hopped on it, peddling out the dirt driveway and to the road in front of her house. Beginning to bike to the nearest grocery store that was about 15 minutes away. Once she got there, She picked up a basket and started browsing the aisles, carefully selecting items that would last them the week. As she placed a box of frozen waffles and a few cans of vegetables into her basket, she thought about how different life could be if her mom was more stable, more loving. She only had so little of stuff, trying to pick out somewhat of a variety but it was hard with only so little money. Once she finished, she walked down the isle. She was in a light purple T-shirt that matched her lavender rimmed glasses, the T-shirt fell to her hips and black shorts fell to her lower thighs. While walking down the isle she saw a man holding a case of beer. He had dark curly hair, wearing all black. Black leather jacket, black shirt, black jeans, black boots, and sunglasses. She couldn't help but be curious and quiet fascinated the way he was dressed. She thought it was cool. Watching as the man turned, her soft brown eyes meeting his dark firm ones. He seemed mysterious. She just smiled sweetly, being friendly. She walked to the cashier lane. Gently putting the basket on the checkout counter. Making small talk with the cashier. She noticed the man she just saw was behind her. "30.17 is your total." The woman cashier had said to her. Lunas gaze softened. Looking back at the cashier. This was embarrassing for her. "oh.." she said softly. Trying to find the right word to say, "i- I uh don't- I don't have enough for that" she said gently. The cashier shrugged. "Well- um- i-is there any way to- to-" she stuttered out. Always stumbling and stuttering when she felt anxious. She couldn't find the right thing to say. She looked back at the people behind her in line. "It's fine- just I'll get them another time." She said gently.
Slash watched intently as the young girl in front of him struggled with the groceries, clearly not having enough money to pay for them. His dark brown eyes studied her closely, taking in her sweet appearance and gentle nature. He observed her as she eventually gave up, saying she would come back for the groceries another time. Now, his curiosity was piqued; there was something about her sweet words and generous nature that intrigued him deeply.
Clearing his throat, he decided to offer his assistance. "Need help?" he asked, his deep voice resonating as he looked down at the young girl in front of him. She glanced up shyly, her eyes reflecting both gratitude and hesitation. "No-no, it's fine," she said gently, smiling shyly and modestly. Slash was not one to be easily deterred. "No, I insist. I can't have you going home without any groceries," he said with a gentle grin, his demeanor both kind and resolute. Turning to the cashier, he instructed firmly, "Just put her groceries with my beer." "Thank you sir, I really appreciate it" she said sweetly. Softly and generously smiling at him. "Don't mention it," Slash replied, his tone warm but firm. As he paid for the groceries, Luna felt a sense of relief wash over her. She thanked him once more before gathering her bags and heading out of the store, feeling lighter and more hopeful than she had in a long time.
Outside, the cool air greeted her, and she took a moment to collect her thoughts. The encounter with the man had been unexpected, yet comforting. She loaded her groceries into the basket of her bike and began the ride back home, her mind wandering to the mysterious man who had shown her such kindness. The journey back seemed shorter than usual, as if the weight of her worries had lessened. When she arrived home, she was greeted by the sight of Sprinkle eagerly awaiting her return. Luna quickly put away the groceries, making a mental note of how each item would be used throughout the week. The simple act of stocking the kitchen brought her a sense of accomplishment and control over her situation. Her mother, however, was still in a foul mood. As Luna entered the living room, she could hear her mother's voice from the kitchen, still muttering complaints. Luna took a deep breath, deciding to stay out of her mother's way for the rest of the day. She picked up Sprinkle and headed to her room, craving the solace it offered.
In her room, Luna set Sprinkle down on her bed and pulled out her sketchbook. Drawing had always been her escape, a way to channel her emotions and find a sense of peace. She found herself sketching the mysterious man from the store, his dark attire and kind eyes etched into her memory. As her pencil moved across the paper, she felt a sense of calm wash over her. Hours passed, and the tension in the house remained, but Luna managed to stay absorbed in her artwork. The sun began to set, casting a warm glow through her window. She looked at her finished drawing, feeling a sense of satisfaction. It wasn't just a portrait; it was a reminder that kindness could come from unexpected places, and that there were good people in the world, even if they were few and far between. As the evening wore on, Luna prepared a simple dinner with the groceries she had bought. She set a plate for her mother, hoping it might ease some of the tension. Her mother ate in silence, the atmosphere still heavy but slightly less oppressive. Luna picked at her food, her thoughts drifting back to the day's events and the man who had made a difference.
After dinner, Luna retreated to her room once more, feeling a mix of exhaustion and quiet hope. She lay in bed, Sprinkle nestled beside her, and allowed herself to dream of better days. The kindness she had experienced that day gave her a glimmer of hope that perhaps, just perhaps, things could change. As sleep overtook her, Luna held onto that hope, believing that tomorrow might bring new opportunities and unexpected kindness, just like today had. And with that thought, she drifted into a peaceful slumber, ready to face whatever challenges the new day might bring.
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jessica-leatherman · 2 months
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