#rockman neo
robotgloveart · 10 months
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Panter Fauclaws from Megaman Zero 2.
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nih-nih · 4 months
Thinking about an AU what if Copy X never exists. And yes it’s hurt no comfort.
So X fears that he is losing his emotions so he asks Ciel to make him a spare body, then he makes her forget about this. He then transfers his core data into the new body and uses his original body to seal the dark elf, along with his happy memories (when he was with Zero and everyone else at the hunter base), emotions…and his feeling for Zero. The new body with his core data now only has the experience of 100 years fighting alone, without happy memories and emotions, he becomes an emotionless dictator like Copy X in the game (minus the Copy X’s ego). The happy memories and emotions in the original body somehow turns into a Cyber Elf and goes on to help Zero and Ciel like in the game. In a sense, X divides himself into two, the ruler of Neo Arcadia and the Cyber Elf. So individually they are not X, they are only X when united.
Then Zero comes and kills ruler X, surprises that “X” is so weak, not as strong as he remembers. It is because this “X” is not whole, he is only half of X. Zero also feels pain that he cannot understand yet.
The Cyber Elf never reveals that he is half of X to Zero and Ciel until the Yygdrasil and Elpizo happens. Zero chases Elpizo there, then he finally knows of the hardship X went through, Elpizo uses it to taunt him, capturing Cyber Elf “X” and making Zero see X’s memory and feeling for him. Then Elpizo destroys X’s original body. After that everything goes like how it is in the game.
Then Cyber Elf “X” sadly says that he is not X, only half of X. But he still pleads Zero to continue to protect the world then disappears. Tbh I’m not sure how Zero would feel. He probably feels anguish and angry at himself for not being able to protect X, bonus he now remembers his feeling for X too. But he still fights on, out of guilt and to keep his promise with X, he does want to help Ciel from the bottom of his heart though.
And then the end, he sacrifices himself, as he is falling apart, he wonders if he has done enough to make amends for his guilt.
Happy Ending should be X, now as a whole, welcoming Zero into his arm as he closes his eyes. After all, X loves Zero the most, there is no way X can blame Zero for anything.
…I wish I can have motivation to write this into a fic T-T
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smbhax · 3 months
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^ 24px Rockman Battle & Fighters (NGPC) icons for Windows taskbar
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The Guardians’s Personalities
In Legends Reborn, the Guardians realize that they are no longer generals or bound by Neo Arcadia anymore. Since I talked about X, now it’s their turn. Besides how they feel and their personalities in this era of peace, they were able to get loose at last.
Harpuia is, not surprisingly, the one who had the hardest time adjusting to his new life as a newly formed body. Especially having to stop calling his father “Master X” because boy was that awkward as fuck considering that he’s his child rather than a soldier. So it’s decided that he’s going to call him Father for now. He misses his hands, but he has adjusted to his wings and how shockingly prehensile and flexible they are.
He tends to be strict, a bit of an organized neat freak, still acts like a leader, having to herd his chaotic younger siblings around, still retains his sense of Justice but has mellowed out, and has picked up hobbies that stimulate his mind Like puzzles, reading books (his favorites are extremely trashy, smutty romance books; it’s his guilty pleasure if you bring this up, he WILL DESTROY YOU), and playing strategy games that require more thought (He, Barrell, X, and surprisingly, Teiso?? play chest). Since learning how to fly with his new arms, he has developed some bird-like habits. He mostly enjoys flying around to see everything, but it makes him feel liberated and not trapped in the grand Gilded cage of Neo Arcadia.
He tends to do more jobs out in the field as a digger or an organizer. But also, due to his sense of justice, he tends to apprehend dangerous criminals. (The Bonnes are surprisingly good at providing him with some valuable information; he and Teiso tend to have a Rivalry/frenemy relationship.)
Leviathan has adjusted very well to her new life, at least. Aside from getting used to being a carbonate most of the time,. Levi absolutely revels in her newly discovered freedom, being more carefree than she used to be. She is loving the new body. It may be soft, but it still has fishy traits, but dammit, she kills it. Aside from the fact that she can't survive desserts for shit, she’ll complain through the entire goddamn trip if they do not prepare a cooling spot for her. She doesn't really miss her previous life as a general, but she holds a level of shame about it. She happily calls X her dad.
She's very sassy, playful, and somewhat of a diva with a mischievous streak. Still holding her passion for all sea life (yes, even the more fucked-up ones), she often happily states facts about them if asked. She hates getting dirty (she gets dramatic as fuck about) and has a preference for the water and the sea, which gives her more power since the world is flooded. She's a bit of a fashion fan, often going clothes shopping or, at times (with Phantom’s help), making clothes to match her taste. She's the gossip gal, spilling the latest tea on someone with her gal pals or her dad. She still holds her sadistic side but only uses it when it's necessary (like protecting her sweet little brother and her loved ones). Despite how she acts most of the time, she’s genuine with her words and is a big sister figure to folks who need help.
As a deep sea digger, she's known to stay in underwater ruins for long periods of time to seek and recover treasure and supplies, which is really damn good. Because of her looks (it's fucking obvious who she got it from) and love of fashion, she has a modeling gig going. Frankly, she's a bit popular, but not supermodel-level, but well known. Also, due to her flirtatious attitude, she tends to charm men and women to get what she wants (to Harpuia’s dismay).
Fefnir: It was weird to adjust to this new life for himself. At first, he complained about how limited this body was in contrast to his stronger one. But over time, it has seen its advantages and then quickly eased up. The carefree life of Terra was really weird to get used to, but he has developed new ways to excite himself. His once hot-blooded temper has significantly lowered now that he can fight for fun! Bro is loving his draconic traits because they make him already cooler. His affinity for fire has allowed him to be resistant to heat (especially on the hottest days or deserts, when he gets even more excited), but he will die in the freezing cold. Straight up calls and pops.
He’s a bold, loud, passionate, and surprisingly laid-back individual. Who still enjoys fighting despite the peaceful era of Terra? His imposing stature tends to scare people away, but the truth is, he’s laid back and holds a surprising amount of emotional intelligence. Surprisingly solid advice. His bluntness may come off as rude, but he really does mean well for others. Always saying what comes out of his mind. He has a lot of knowledge of agriculture thanks to his time as a general. To the point that he has developed a green thumb for plants. He often hears Levi's gossip for the shits and giggles. He’s really content with his current life on Terra.
Out of everyone in the family aside from Volnutt, he’s very much a full-time digger. Most of his job is just him doing high-level digs to fight off dangerous reaverbots or fighting off air pirates. He doesn’t mind doing hard work for people.
Phantom, there’s not much to say about how much he feels about the adjustment period, but the truth is, he’s content with the circumstances surrounding his resurrection. But there was at one point where he had light sensitivity with his new eyes for a time that caused him to wear sunglasses. He’s quiet about the changes compared to his siblings (they probably have to be more direct with him). Shockingly, he’s finally able to express his repressed emotions after so long, but in very subtle ways that only his family can notice. Especially his sillier, softer side, because it turns out that despite his quiet, mature personality, Phantom is young. Especially when it comes to pranks and games, he’s quite the trickster. He’s older than Volnutt but actually younger than his brothers and sister. Like Harpuia, he prefers to call X "Father.”.
In terms of his personality, his quiet, cautious, yet loyal nature is still present . But he’s really social and shy, awkward, and loathes being surrounded by massive crowds. This is why he prefers to stay in the shadows compared to anyone else. But still, he’s fiercely loyal to his family and friends. One aspect of him is that he’s capable of being goofy and mischievous. He enjoys scaring people by suddenly appearing without warning and pulling small little pranks. Also saying the most wild shit that ever came out of his mouth. Often than not, he enjoys being the cause of chaos, just for the hell of it. He’s known to be a fantastic listener, hearing things out and providing some insight. He’s also kind of a famous cryptid; his ninja abilities allow him to disappear into the shadows. Seeing folks make conspiracy theories about him is the funniest sh*t ever.
Currently, it's unknown what he’s up to these days, aside from helping his father around the house or doing patrols. However, he loves working part-time at a local cat cafe. I absolutely loved a cat from that cafe named Butterscotch. But it's hard to be the weirdest cryptid of all terra.
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switchnx · 11 months
If I had a nickel for every time I made crossdressing and transfem art of a blue robot character, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s neat that it happened twice!
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devileaterjaek · 2 years
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Rockman Battle & Fighters
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jennoirwolf · 2 years
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The good doctors Cortex, Robotnik (Eggman) and Wily. Casual wear.
I don't try to make them attractive. I just draw them in an attractive way. Because they're already hot. I just like to accentuate it.
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dailyrockman · 1 year
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1533: Crusher NEO Patreon | Twitter | Ko-fi
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willows-arts · 2 years
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I’ve seen you there, I’ve seen you at the spot where the ships don’t go
Collab with @kirishima-redriot-eijirou / @r4v3h3r0
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naviclenek0 · 1 year
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Comfort plush ♡
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #496:
WWW and Neo WWW Height Comparison Chart [WWW & Neo WWW Comparison Chart]
Notations include:
- Everyone’s names (From left to right: Count Elec, Hino, Madoi, Maha, Dekao, Netto, Tesla, Gauss, Sunayama, Saiko, Narcy Hide and Inukai)
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/zhNSUdLs
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swampgh0stt · 2 years
You Didn’t Even Try
another vent piece where I throw my anguish onto Harpuia, but he’s such a good vessel for it tbh
Harpuia really can’t catch a break, between his beloved taking off for the Revolutionary Army & Copy X putting his sights on him? He’s just exhausted. 
This was originally going to be much longer, but... It served it’s purpose for getting my feelings out. I would rather just drop it as is instead of continuing on when I know I lost traction for it. 
cw: sexual assault 
"Harpuia, I think I’m in love.” 
That was the beginning of the end, as far as he was concerned. From the very moment Master X had uttered those words, he should have known something foul was brewing in the near future. However, his loyalty had blinded him so severely. It was more important to be a loyal servant to the savior of humanity, than dare to question his behaviors-- no matter how predatory they may seem towards himself. He was built for the service of others. Was he not only fulfilling his purpose, regardless of his own feelings? 
Copy X would blather on to him like a trusted advisor, lamenting his woes of unrequited love. The ever faithful Harpuia only wanted to assist; his Master X deserved the world, after all. If he could somehow make things right, why shouldn’t he at least try? And yes, he already knew… He couldn’t make someone return Master X’s feelings, but how could they ever know if he wouldn’t confess to them? 
The green reploid felt a sense of kinship with Neo Arcadia’s leader. For he, too, found himself plagued with feelings for another reploid who worked beneath him: Some bubbly blonde with only a serial number for a name. TK31… It wasn’t fitting, and Harpuia wanted to help him find some sense of identity. He, too, deserved that much. 
But the identity of Copy X’s mysterious beloved remained just that: a mystery. 
He went through great lengths to ensure that no one realized just who his ruby sights were set upon. Life remained relatively normal, aside from the scarce moments Master X would remind his most loyal subject that his heart had been stolen. Harpuia often forgot about it, after some time had passed, and decided that if Master X wouldn’t grace him with anything beyond vague exclamations of love? Well, it… really wasn’t his problem. 
He had been lulled into a false sense of security. 
Then the day came-- “Harpuia.” Copy X’s voice was sickly sweet, accompanied by a wolfish grin on his face. “Come to my room, will you?”
The green reploid blinked in surprise. “Yes, Master X…” He was unsure of the reason why he was summoned, especially in person and not sent for by a pantheon. Harpuia decided it must have been something important, for Neo Arcadia’s leader to come to him in person. 
But once the door shut behind them, Harpuia realized he was trapped inside. 
Copy X crowded into Harpuia’s space, leading him back to the messy bed in the room. He threw his loyal general down, climbing on top before the shock could wear off. “Sh..” His voice was low as he leaned in close, shoving his fingers into Harpuia’s mouth before he could protest. “Don’t ruin it.” 
Harpuia had done his best to block out the assault. For a reploid who felt so deeply, everything was suddenly very numb. When it was over, he sat in stunned silence, letting shock overtake him. He had trusted Master X so much… Surely, this was a mistake. But then, his mind raced through everything Copy X had ever said to him-- everything about his unrequited feelings. The numbness was replaced with something new and horrific: Shame. 
His master had never been honest about his feelings, because he didn’t want to hear the rejection. So, just like with everything else, he took what he wanted. 
Slowly, Harpuia found it in himself to piece together his armor and clothe himself once more. His hands were shaking despite his best efforts to calm himself. This was only a one time deal… and it would never happen again, he told himself. No one ever needed to find out. By tomorrow, he would have forgotten it ever happened and could move on with his life. 
The green reploid paused, his gaze shifting over to the smug look painted across Copy X’s face. He was truly unrepentant about what had transpired between them. “I just want you to know: That was the best night of my life. And I would do it again.” 
Harpuia felt something within him break with that. He nodded slowly, words failing to form anything coherent. Thus, he opted for silence. 
Copy X wasn’t too fond of that reaction. He slid off the bed, crowding his general. “It’s okay!” He promised. “This-- is what I’ve always wanted. I wouldn’t have changed a thing.” 
How quickly things spun out of control after that. Harpuia felt like his feet were rooted to the floor when the door to Copy X’s room opened. Tretista Kelverian-- the Chief of the Eight Gentle Judges-- had joined them with some serious business for Master X. His harsh gaze fell upon Harpuia with nothing but judgment, guessing what had transpired with such ease. There was really no hiding the shame. The Chief Judge’s body tensed, his head held high in utter disgust. “General Harpuia! Is this the best use of your time!? How dare you sully Master X’s room like this!” 
The verbal assault echoed in the room around him, making Harpuia feel so small. To get assaulted was horrible enough… To find himself viciously yelled at, afterward? This was a whole new level of pain that he couldn’t suppress. Tears began to form, spilling over without resistance. 
Copy X eyed him curiously, but made no sincere effort to silence his Chief Judge. The faintest hint of a smirk pulled back on his lips as he drank in the mortified expression on Harpuia’s face. “Sage…” He masked his amusement immediately, feigning concern as he spoke to his general. “Hey.” With all the false sincerity he could muster, Copy X took one of Harpuia’s hands in his own. “It’s alright.”
It was too much for the green reploid. He ripped his hand away and rushed out of the room without another word. 
“Sage, I can’t stay here anymore.” 
Harpuia swore he couldn’t handle anymore bad news. It felt like the sky was falling. He stopped short, trying to process what TK31 had just told him. “We… can find somewhere else to meet,” the general offered, even though he suspected that wasn’t what his lover meant. 
TK31 frowned and folded his arms over his chest. “No.” The reply was curt, leaving no room for interpretation. “I want to join the Resistance-”
How quickly Harpuia closed the gap between them, slapping a hand over TK31’s mouth. A hardened emerald gaze glanced around them, inspecting every dark corner in silence. Though they might meet in some back alley of the residential district, that didn’t guarantee complete safety from Neo Arcadia’s advanced security. The last thing Harpuia needed was a Maverick accusation thrown his way. He knew he couldn’t handle it, if his beloved was ripped away from him. 
But despite what he might feel, the general already knew that was the case. Though TK31 wasn’t getting rounded up with other falsely accused reploids for retirement, he was still going somewhere that Harpuia couldn’t follow. 
Despite its title, Neo Arcadia was a far cry from paradise. Even for the human residents, Harpuia knew this place could be Hellish. He did what he could to make it just a little more bearable for the residents-- giving them fair weather, trying to revive what was local flora before the destruction of the Elf Wars. He succeeded in small strides which paled in the wake of such tyrannical rule-- especially in regards to the reploids that struggled just to exist. Harpuia put his focus on the humans, as they were less capable of defending themselves, but… when he looked at TK31, there was some regret. 
He didn’t hate the Resistance, nor did he think destroying them was the Right decision. But he would respond appropriately when they threatened all he had worked to preserve. 
“I actually have an opportunity to-- to make a difference. To be someone, in the Resistance. Would you want me to give all that up?” TK31’s brow knit together, blue eyes staring down his lover. “I can finally… do something.” A small smile cracked across his face. “I even decided on a name for myself.” 
There was an unspoken challenge in his eyes then; wild excitement knowing what was such sensitive information. If he had a heart, it would pound in his chest then. “I want to call myself Elpizo.” 
“Elpizo…” The name was breathed out like a wish. --A wish that he hadn’t said that. Harpuia grimaced, but nodded slowly. He had always encouraged his lover to pick a name for himself, something that he felt connected to. Apparently forbidden information he was accidentally privy to struck a chord within. 
The blonde reploid before him danced on his feet, twirling around in excitement. “Just think of it! I can find myself-- in the Resistance.” He came to a gentle stop in front of his lover, resting his hands on Harpuia’s small waist. 
Since Copy X’s assault, the green reploid had preferred to avoid touch whenever possible. But he would make an exception in this case… 
Harpuia desperately wished he could rely on someone, anyone, the way everyone seemed to rely on him. Foolishly, he had hoped to find some equal standing between himself and… Elpizo. Being around him was some small breath of relief, an act of trust. Harpuia had always been there for him. And, just like so many times before, he would be there for him again. Swallowing down his own bitter emotions, he made room to tackle another problem belonging to someone else. That was just the nature of things. 
He resigned to their reality, because what sort of person would he be if he held his lover back? Even if it hurts like Hell. “I can get you out of Neo Arcadia. But that is as far as I can take you.” Harpuia’s voice sounds strained, even to his own ears. Holding back so much pent up emotion, he was doing everything in his power to maintain some level of composure. 
Elpizo thought he was more aloof than anything else, pulling his hands back. Before he could retreat too far, Harpuia wound his arms around his lover and kicked off the ground. 
In a rush of wind, they raced towards the sky. Elpizo threw his arms around Harpuia, clinging as he buried his face against the other reploid until they came to a stop. Slowly, he opened his eyes, and immediately regretted it. High above the rest of Neo Arcadia, they floated among the artificial clouds of the night sky. With practiced ease, Harpuia maneuvered them in such a way that they were almost dancing together, still intimately close as they spun and wove around. “If this is the last time I get to see you like this… I want it to be worth it.” 
Their time left together was limited, after all. Let him remember this: the stars and the sky as their backdrop, without a care in the world. They only had each other. And for just that moment, he could forget how terrible everything truly was around them.
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smbhax · 3 months
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Rockman Battle & Fighters (NGPC)
Session: https://youtu.be/qbxYh5qbID0
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tenebraevesper · 2 months
Sonic Cyber Revolution Analyzer: The Story, Lore & Characters
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Sonic Cyber Revolution (shortened as SCR) is a Sonic the Hedgehog AU story taking place on an alternate Earth, following the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends and teammates as they deal with various challenges they come across.
Sonic the Hedgehog, an Irregular ARNav, usually spends his days racing across Neos City and living his best life. The Blue Blur is always in the search for the next adventure along with his friends, but when trouble calls, be it in the form of aggressive Irregular ARNavs, secret government projects, dangerous rivals, like Metal Sonic and Mephiles, or Dr. Eggman taking advantage of the advanced AR technology present in this universe to expand the Eggman Empire, there is nothing that will stop Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Silver, Shadow and their friends from taking on the challenge and protecting those they care about.
The Story
The story follows the adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends in Neos City, Starpoint Area, as they get involved in day-to-day hijinks ranging from protecting the city from various dangers (mainly Dr. Eggman), dealing with destructive Irregulars and Hunters, learning about secret government projects, trying to prevent future Neos City from turning into an a fiery apocalyptic wasteland, etc.
While the story is, for the most part, original, it also adapts elements, characters and storylines from various Sonic media. It should be noted that only characters featured in the Sonic video games, Sonic OVA, Sonic X, Sonic Boom, Sonic Movies and Sonic IDW comics appear in this story. Characters featured in media such as AoSTH, Sonic SatAM, Sonic Underground, Sonic the Comic and the Sonic Archie comics (such as the Freedom Fighters) won’t appear in the story.
Note: The sole exception to this rule is Eclipse the Darkling due to his connection to the Black Arms, meaning that he will play an important role in Shadow the Hedgehog's character arc.
The setting itself is also inspired by the world of the MegaMan Battle Network (Rockman.EXE) and MegaMan X (Rockman X) series.
It should be noted that the Sonic characters in SCR are different from their main canon counterparts. In the SCR universe, Sonic the Hedgehog is actually a video game franchise that has somewhat faded out of the public mind, although it still has its fans (with the main cast being part of it), and due to the unique nature of Sonic and his friends (as described below), they exist as separate entities from their video game counterparts.
The Lore
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With SCR being an AU story, the most notable thing is that Sonic and his friends have different origins than those featured in the main canon. In SCR, they are sentient digital beings known as Augmented Reality Navigators (ARNavs), and their concept is based on the NetNavis from MegaMan Battle Network.
They have the ability to interact with both the augmented reality and the real world. They also have human partners, who fulfill a similar role to the Operators from MegaMan Battle Network.
However, while most ARNavs exist to assist their human partners during their daily activities, there are also ARNavs who pose a danger to society. They are known as Irregular ARNavs (Irregulars) and their concept is mainly based on the Mavericks from MegaMan X/Zero/ZX.
Unlike regular ARNavs, Irregulars have the ability to absorb BioEnergy, which is essentially a human’s life force, and become empowered by it. They are capable of influencing and interacting with any non-AR Field environment to a much greater degree and have both biological (e.g. having the need to eat and sleep) and digital traits. This allows Irregulars to stay outside AR Fields without having their energy drained. They are considered a threat to humans, due to their aggressive and unpredictable nature.
They are targeted by Irregular Hunters, a group of combat-oriented ARNavs specifically created to track down, detain and eliminate Irregulars. The Irregular Hunters are based on the Maverick Hunters from MegaMan X.
All of the Sonic characters are Irregulars, but of the non-aggressive kind. They are capable of absorbing BioEnergy, which results in them in them developing an ability called Chaos Surge, which not only enhances the Irregular’s natural abilities (e.g. Sonic’s super speed going into overdrive), but also gives their human partners similar powers so they can assist in combat.
The Characters
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The main protagonists of SCR is Team Neos, whose main goal is to protect Neos City from The Eggman Empire. Team Neos consists of the following members:
Sonic the Hedgehog & Lucas Kinomoto (16), who act as the de facto leaders of the group.
Miles “Tails” Prower & Warren Taylor (16), who are the team’s engineers, providing them with various necessary gadgets for their missions. Warren and Lucas are also childhood friends, while Sonic has adopted Tails as his little brother.
Knuckles the Echidna & Lily Crystle (16), who have the most combat experience, with Knuckles being self-trained while Lily is experienced in kickboxing. Unlike his main counterpart, Knuckles isn’t the Guardian of Angel Island and the Master Emerald, but he considers himself Lily’s Guardian.
Amy Rose & Minami Kusakabe (15), with both being quite intuitive, although this intuition can cause them to often find trouble. Amy is also skilled in fortunetelling, while Minami has an interest in the occult.
Silver the Hedgehog & Makoto Ryle (15), who are united in their desire to protect the future. Similarly to his main counterpart, Silver is a time-traveler, having arrived in the past to prevent an apocalyptic event, but is unable to return to his timeline. Makoto and Minami are also childhood friends.
Shadow the Hedgehog & Touka Kageura (16), who have a rather mysterious past that keeps haunting them, despite their best efforts to move on from it. They also consider each other siblings, having grown up together. Shadow and Touka tend to act as the Lancer to Sonic and Lucas’ Leader.
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On the opposing side, we have The Eggman Empire, a totalitarian regime ruled by Dr. Eggman, whose main goal is to establish complete control over Neos City, planning to spread his rule from Starpoint Area until he has conquered all of Earth. The Eggman Empire consists of the following members:
Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik, the main antagonist of SCR. He is an evil, mean, self-proclaimed genius scientist who dreams of conquering Earth with his Badnik Army.
Metal Sonic & Ferra Ahearn (16), who act as Eggman’s Enforcers and are Sonic and Lucas’ rivals. Unlike his main counterpart, Metal Sonic wasn’t created by Dr. Eggman and is more loyal to Ferra, who supports Metal’s goal of defeating Sonic.
Mephiles the Dark & Toshiro Miwa (15), who also act as Eggman’s Enforcers, albeit they’re more of a wild card, preferring to do their own thing. Unlike Eggman, they want to destroy Earth. They are Shadow and Touka’s rivals, their own past being closely intertwined with theirs.
Orbot and Cubot, two robotic assistants of Eggman. Orbot is the snarky one, Cubot is more dim-witted.
Dr. Starline, a shadowy platypus scientist and self-proclaimed Eggman fanboy who deeply admires his idol, acting as his apprentice. Starline tends to be at odds with Ferra, due to the latter’s disdain for Eggman and insistence on Starline leaving the Eggman Empire for his own good.
Aside from the ones listed above, there is also a wide cast of recurring characters from the main Sonic franchise who appear in the Sonic Cyber Revolution (the human partners are also listed for simplicity’s sake):
Rouge the Bat, an infamous “treasure hunter” who is usually at odds with Knuckles and Lily, attempting to steal the valuable gemstones from the Crystle Mansion. While she is usually out for herself, she also acts as an ally to Team Neos, especially after forming Team Dark alongside Shadow, Omega and Touka.
E-123 Omega, an E-100 series robot created by Dr. Eggman and left forgotten at an old abandoned Egg Base. Due to this treatment, Omega holds a grudge against Eggman, having made it his goal to destroy him and his creations. He is, along with Shadow, Rouge and Touka, a member of Team Dark.
The Babylon Rogues are a team of famous hoverboard racers and infamous treasure hunters/thieves. The group consists of Jet the Hawk and Chase Young (16), Wave the Swallow & Rika Nakano (15), and Storm the Albatross & Arven Pryce (17). They consider themselves Sonic, Lucas, Tails, Warren, Knuckles and Lily’s rivals. Chase and Lucas also have a history together.
Blaze the Cat & Sana Jai (14), who hail from the Surya Empire. Sana is the imperial princess, while Blaze holds the title of the Fire Guardian, protecting the Surya Empire with her pyrokinetic powers from pirate invasions. They become friends with Sonic and Lucas after a diplomatic visit to Neos City.
Marine the Raccoon, is Blaze and Sana’s best friend, as well as the Captain of the SS Marine. She has great nautical skills and water powers. She also has a tendency to get herself into trouble to due to her brash nature.
Team Chaotix are a team of detectives who run the Chaotix Detective Agency located in Neos City. The team consists of Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon and Charmy Bee. They are allies of Team Neos, having met them during an assignment given by Knuckles and Lily. They’re also close friends with the two.
Surge the Tenrec & Kitsunami “Kit” the Fennec are two artificial Irregulars created by Dr. Starline for the purpose of assisting him in his combat against Team Neos. Surge and Kit consider themselves Sonic and Tails’ rivals.
Big the Cat and Froggy are a duo who tends to hang out at Starlight Lake, which is Big’s favorite fishing spot. They have a tendency to just roam around, preferring a peaceful lifestyle, but will help Team Neos when necessary.
Cream the Rabbit and Cheese the Chao live together with Vanilla the Rabbit, Cream's mother, and Chocola the Chao in Neos City and are close friends with Team Neos, supporting them in their adventures.
Rough the Skunk and Tumble the Skunk are two skunk brothers who act more as bullies and vandals than actual villains and are considered as a nuisance by Team Neos due to the trouble they cause.
Important original characters that don’t hail from the Sonic franchise, but play a major role in the story are:
Prof. Hiroshi Sakamoto was the head scientist and geneticist of the Codex Research Facility 10 years before the start of the story. He is the father of the late Tomoe Sakamoto, whose death has driven him into madness. He is also the creator of Shadow the Hedgehog, Touka Kageura, Mephiles the Dark and Toshiro Miwa. He currently works for Dr. Eggman at a hidden location, researching an infinite energy source. His character was inspired by Prof. Gerald Robotnik.
Tomoe Sakamoto (15) is Hiroshi Sakamoto’s deceased daughter and Touka’s “older twin sister”. She died 11 years before the start of the main story from a terminal disease, but some of her memories and will have been transferred to Touka. Her character was inspired by Maria Robotnik.
Dr. Kisaki Kageura is Touka and Shadow’s guardian, having adopted the former. She used to work at the Codex Research Facility as Touka’s personal doctor and currently works as a pediatrician at St. Nicholas Children’s Hospital in Neos City.
Kotone Midorikawa is a news reporter alongside her frog ARNav partner Kero. The two are always looking out for the latest scoop and are very tenacious about their work.
Dr. Telos Tamago is an android created by Dr. Eggman to act as the CEO of the Tamago Corporation, a company specializing in innovations in the field of robotics. It had been established around five years before the main story takes place, having gained a respectable reputation. In truth, it is actually a cover for the Eggman Empire. In the public eye, the Tamago Corporation and the Eggman Empire are separate entities. The only ones who are even vaguely aware of the connection between the two is Team Neos.
Commander Loki is a wolf ARNav and Irregular Hunter. He is the commander of the Alpha Unit, keeping Neos City safe from Irregulars. Due to the nature of his job, he tends to clash with Team Neos and especially Sonic, being annoyed by their “vigilantism”.
The Advance Reconnaissance & Mission Support, usually abbreviated as ARMS, is a military and security organization of Starpoint Area, run by Commander Roy Williams as its commander-in-chief. ARMS is a specialized branch that deals with threats like the Irregulars and the Eggman Empire by using their own unit of Irregulars and trained soldiers. They have also collaborated with the Codex Research Facility in the creation of Project Shadow, their main goal being to use Shadow and Touka as military bio-weapons and forcefully recruited the two in the present day (along with Rouge and Omega, leading to the formation of Team Dark). The organization ARMS was inspired by G.U.N.
Saiba is an unknown entity present in the Cyberspace, who had significant role in the creation of Touka Kageura and Toshiro Miwa, as well as supplying Prof. Sakamoto with the data necessary Project Shadow (which resulted in the creation of Shadow the Hedgehog) and Project Shadow: Resurrection (which resulted in the creation of Mephiles the Dark). Little is known about Saiba, but it is speculated that they are aware of the true origins of the Irregulars.
More characters will be added as the story progresses.
This was an overview of the story, with the following updates going more into detail about the story of Sonic Cyber Revolution, including personal notes about the characters, lore, powers, etc. as well as the differences between it and the main canon.
#The Metal Irregular Arc
#Sonic Cyber Revolution Analyzer (Masterlist)
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jazzpostsstuff · 1 year
Chapter: AXL Development Documents, Initial Story Concept
When I first designed Axl's design for a Halloween art that spawned this project (you can see it below), I thought of making it cover all four games that existed for ROCKMAN ZERO series.
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The idea was to have Axl awaken prior to the start of Z1, occasionally appearing in the background and not interacting much with anyone while hiding his identity behind the hood of a ragged cloak (which wasn't a gift from Guardians of X for proving his loyalty and was just some random old rag badly stitched together). He would join Neo Arcadia off-screen during the timeskip between the first and second games. Once I figured out that it wasn't really working and that I couldn't really think of much stuff Axl could do in Z1, I scrapped the idea, turning Chapter: AXL into a trilogy that begins from Z2 and it was certainly for the best. Sorry, folks, but I guess I couldn't insert Axl into Z1 to make it better *chuckles*.
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There was also an idea by one of my friends and a former developer of the project. His suggestion was to add an almost game-long quest where Zero would've searched for parts of Axl's body, seeing what his old memories were prior to his death, and once everything has been gathered, Ciel would reconstruct and revive Axl. The idea itself was cool, but it didn't mesh well with what I had invisioned for chapter covering Z2 and I thought that it was taking too much focus away from Zero's main quest (and my goal was to not influence Zero's story to the point of severely altering it, I wanted to keep his story close to the original, even if some changes would still be implemented).
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