#rofl i love this show way too much
soullessjack · 11 months
would it be too much to ask for ppl to not put baby jack in the general jack tag cuz I am not ever trying to see that shit if I can help it
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rmorde · 4 days
Trigun Manga Reaction
Now unto Volume 1 - Chapter 5-6. Doubling it today! I'll start cutting posts like this with "Keep Reading" so it won't be so long.
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Awww. So they ARE still working at the cashier in the manga, and they STILL get to bully Vash. Lmao.
Oh... These poor ladies. So, they have to work on TWO jobs to earn their stay on the ship.
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Let me just appreciate this hilarious drawing of Vash. He's so mad at how good Meryl and Milly are at their jobs that he looks constipated. ROFL.
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This conversation is different from '98. Instead of foreshadowing something about Vash, the ominous line points more towards the Bad Lads Gang's arrival.
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Sigh. Another one into the album of Pretzel Vash. Why must Vash be so extra? Why must Nightow always draw him extra. LOOK AT THOSE LEGS!!! Not to mention his crotch in full display.
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There he is! Brilliant Dynamites Neon. IMHO, this double page spread it much more impressive and intimidating in the manga. The build up in '98 was good but I think the neon colors from the lights took away the impact of a reveal like this. The simple contrasts of the black, white, and gray looks better.
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Oh my. This looks gorgeous. Wow.
Is it just me or does Nightow do a lot of double page art in one chapter? Maybe I'm just imagining it.
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Oh yeah. I forgot about this! These poor ladies were sleeping the shelves. Good heavens!
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Oh. This is different from '98. Very very different!
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I was about to say I like the aesthetic of this scene in '98, then these panels happened. Holy shit! I take it back! This is so much better! Felt like a jump scare while reading.
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Then we suddenly have a goofy Vash! The whiplash in the manga is adapted well to '98. Tristamp is firmly on the dark angst train tho.
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A very interesting composition here.
Instead of Brilliant Dynamites being drawn in full detail, only his head, fingers, and collar well. The speed lines expresses the motion of the ship really well WHILE SHOWING AT THE SAME TIME, how Brilliant Dynamites rose from the dark shadows and captured the ship at the palm of his hand. Nice.
Now, on to the next chapter!
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It's a really tiny bit from this panel, but the manga Insurance Ladies always seems to "be ready for action" while their '98 counterparts are more of "think before leaping" with their characterizations.
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This is just as awful as it was in '98. Ok... maybe not. The anime draws this out a lot more - the advantage of the medium in amping up the horror.
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Same case here.
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And here.
Gotta say. '98 was extremely faithful with these panels. No re-arrangement of the sequence or change of lines whatsoever. These panels were just that good especially the next one.
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This is just as cool if not more - again because of the contrast.
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Hmmm. I like how '98 took liberties here and have the kid mouthing off at Vash.
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Again with the whiplashes but on hindsight, this is just fucking painful. Poor Vash.
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The way how it seems like Vash is talking to himself, but really it's just to distract and motivate the kid in to saving everyone on the ship.
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Finally! I totally forgot his name. Kaite!
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LMAO. Here is another whiplash. However, it's for the best. It's a good thing to acknowledge and regret a mistake. However, moving forward to overcome it is very important too - no matter how painful and awful it's going to be.
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I love Vash so much.
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
Hi destiny, I just started reading your posts regularly and I have been loving them 💕 I'm sorry if you already talked about it but I was wondering
When Zendaya posted her story with the pearl ring last year, what did you think about the whole situation ?
To me personally, I saw the picture and thought nothing. Like pretty picture but that's it. And I was checking twitter at the time and no one was saying anything. Then Z deleted, cropped it, posted about focusing on the hat, then Noon.. then the story saying she can't post anything and that's not how she would drop the news. All of this, I thought it was a funny, like ridiculous, but still funny 😂 I dont know why she started to make a big deal out of it because I swear no one was posting about it, it was making any noise on Twitter or any platform.
BUT then Darnell went online and that's when I started to think they were doing too much. The funny story from Z was already a good way to address it, the live and more especially his tone, it made me raise my eyebrows a little bit. I know he would never do anything against Z's wishes so I'm not saying he's at fault, but Z herself and her decision making. She probably asked for him to go live, go on a monologue about it and idk if was the smartest way to deal with that because at the end of the day, he's a third party. He's not supposed to talk about it in that sense (but maybe that's just my personal view about relationships), but Z allowed him to, maybe even encouraged it. So it made me question their dynamic and how effective it is to send him do the "messy work" in a way. Also all of this was happening when Tom was asleep. Darnell sounded lowkey offended about the idea of an engagement. We can only have theories and right now they're doing more than fine, of course, but I wonder if Tom ever actually saw the video of the live and how he felt at the time. I'm not in his head but just from an outsider pov I would be like damn okay We're not engaged (assuming they're not, which we don't even know but still), but do we need to act like this is such a ridiculous idea🙃
To me (again, personal opinion)! the whole situation became too messy with this live and it's an example of needing a publicist before star thing to do shit on your own 😅
My theory is that someone in her family asked about it for some reasons, and instead of searching if rumors were actually going around massively (which was not the case) she panicked, thought something leaked, and (over)reacted immediately. I never saw her damage control being this incredibly over the top, and I've been there for years. I wonder if I'm the only one
and PSA: Im not saying that because I blame Darnell per say, it's not against him I really appreciate him from the little we know about him he's an incredible person and Z ride or die, I'm more specifically talking about her way of dealing with stuff like this. I would've said the same thing if it came from Tom's side. For example, for people who remember that era, when Tom asked Harry and Haz to DM fan pages to take down the vide of Nadia he accidentally posted in his story, I found it silly too. That's not their job. But at least it was done privately, not publicly
Hey, welcome to my blog! 😁👋🏾
Thnx for the sweet comments. 💕
Re: the Pearl Ring 💍 Gate lol 😆
Here's an article about it in case some people are lost lol....
Anyway... I'm like you, cuz when I first saw her IG story post, I wasn't even thinking about a ring or even thinking she was announcing an engagement lol 😂
I just merely thought she was showing off her outfit, that's all. 🤷🏾‍♀️ But yea, overzealous fans went gaga and started making all kinds of allegations. 🙄
While I'm glad she cleared things up and stopped the chatter, at the same time, it DID seem to me like she and Darnell were doing a bit too much rofl 🤣 Especially Darnell with his live talking about the topic lol 😆 Like, what are you all trying to hide lol? 🤭
Anyway, maybe you're right? She may have gotten a lot of text/msgs from family members or friends wondering if she was dropping some news, and she wanted to clear things up. Either that, or she just didn't want people thinking that she's engaged (when she's already secretly engaged and doesn't want the media to know 👀). Can you imagine trying to plan a wedding ceremony with the media on your back? That's a LOT of pressure. 🥴
I don't think it phased Tom any honestly lol 😆 Fans have to remember that Tom and Z are partners, so whatever they do or think, they talk about it. Couples usually talk about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G... And I do mean EVERYTHING lol 😆 Even stuff that you wouldn't even think would be important rofl 🤣 Sometimes, my friend's boyfriend knows stuff that I've told her, and I'm like... 👀
So yea, they're fine. Tom knows how hard it is to navigate a rlshp in the public eye, and he's def on board with keeping his rlshp things sacred... as we saw in how he reacted to the Olivia pics, to the video about Nadia, to how he told the media that he felt that he and Zendaya's privacy was "violated" with those kiss pics in the car, to how he said he didn't want to speak on certain things w/out Zendaya, because this not just his story, it's THEIR story. 😊
So yea, he's fine with whatever needs to happen in order to keep their relationship sacred.
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kfanopinions · 2 years
Jaehyun as a Boyfriend (Astrology Based)
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i will be looking into jaehyun’s moon, venus, and mars placements. there will be a below the cut section so if you are not over 18 do not interact
taurus moon || aquarius venus || libra mars
routine-based lifestyle would even want his future household to run on routine.
again all i see is the dad from the sound of music with that damn whistle to call the kids rofl
financial security is important to him
financial security + materialistic tendencies = his happiness okay, so if anyone thought jaehyun looks/reeks expense it's probably because he does. the more lavish things he has the more secure he feels which means the happier he'll be. this also includes vintage things as well ^^ (thought i'd throw that in for fun)
eloquent and smart
"i did it my way!" so, he has a tendency to be "my way or the high way" type
"i want you to want me. i need you to need me" wants to be adored/admired CONSTANTLY
chef jaehyun! no joke has a placement that can signify he'd be a decent cook lol
romantic gestures emphasis on gestures
wants to be in a relationship but doesn't want to be tied down. really likes his freedom. he also has with his 12th house a "loner" type of personality
gift giving could be part of his love language and a means of showing his affection
"she wants me to spoil her with loyalty" AIN'T THAT THE FLIPPIN TRUTH! so, devotion and loyalty are super important to a taurus moon. now i want to say that jaehyun isn't the type to cheat. there are other placements (12th house) that say "once i'm in love I'M IN LOVE" but the thing is...he has to be 100% irrevocably in love.
so he wants to be in a relationship, he wants loyalty and devotion, but it's only going to happen with "the one"
also, if he was brought up in a traditional household he is less likely to cheat
flowers, gifts, kisses...oh my... too much romance is a struggle for him. he's not really the mushy gushy type despite popular belief
on the contrary, i do want to say this. if his partner is detached, he will do ANYTHING to get their attention and that can include being loving/affectionate/romantic. but when that partner stops acting detached this personality will disappear as quick as it appeared
detached in love
intuition, feelings...empathy...what are those? take this with a grain of salt. i'm not saying jaehyun doesn't understand people's feelings, but empathy can be a struggle for him, as well as intuitive clues.
an example: jaehyun's partner: "i just feel so sad today..." jaehyun: "oh, okay."
instead of asking his partner, what is making them sad or why they are said, he may take it as 'oh they're sad.' and that's it. this can also add to the "detached" in love style. to this, his partner should just say point blank why they are sad/hurt/happy or whatever other emotion. cuz if not, he's not going to inquire anything
read between the lines he can have a hard time expressing what he wants in love/relationships
secrets may keep hobbies/interests a secret. he may also be into weird hobbies/have weird interests lol
argumentative this is his libra mars and 7th house placement coming in strong. literally, he may fight a lot with his partner (sometimes cuz he just wanted to start a fight) o.O
below the cut
do not interact if you are not over 18
sexual and energetic
balance in the bedroom
keep it interesting multiple positions/locations perhaps
role-playing can be a turn-on
"i didn't start this! you did!" okay with his mars in the 7th house, he could actually want to argue with his partner a lot, or there will be plenty of fights. now for some (not all so take this with a grain of salt) the sex after an intense argument can be AMAZING sooooo this could be something to keep in mind
atmosphere and mood are essential
charmer in bed
maybe interested in phone sex/cyber sex
maybe interested in affairs okay, this one take with a grain of salt. so jaehyun has this part even within he 12th house, that has a vibe of "love has to come at a price" or "you can't be happy unless there is sacrifice." so he could be interested in someone who is already taken and doesn't care and will pursue that person because in his mind he could see things as "love hurts"
detachment this can be a turn-on for him. the more detached his partner is the more he'll want to chase after them and be that charmer. the moment things are too easy he may lose interest
imagination not saying he's probably thinking about sex a lot, but he could actually think about sex with his partner or in general more so than actually doing the deed lol
kinky but not to the extreme
"i can't get no...satisfaction" he may become cold/distant/mean if he is sexually frustrated
juicy tidbits soooo there could be a slightly higher chance he is a teensy bit above average but that's all i'm gonna say *wink wink*
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maygirlsposts · 7 months
4,14,24,37,39 and 40 for Piper and Leo!
@scarareg Thank you so much for your ask!
leo x piper is kinda my self-indulgent secret ship heh, it's nice to talk about it sometimes hgjfkl;
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
I think they would love watching stupid movies (romcoms or unnecessarily sentimental and cheesy) together not bc they like them but so that they could make fun of the lines/scenes together like best friends do (bc ofc they are best friends first, lovers later). leo mimicking them in his stupid way, and piper giggling and rofling about like a buffalo the way she can't before others. they are the kinda couple who would enjoy everything they watch together.
but their ultimate fav, repeat to 10000x movie list till they have memorized every line is HTTYD, cuz yeah, leo-hiccup, toothless-festus, and ig piper is a lot like astrid? AND DRAgons!!! so yeah their go-to, top-of-head movie when they are lazy to try something new
(the only thing they never watch is tristan mclean movies lmao)
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
Neither, but on hectic days when they are super tired, both of them catch the sleep bug and fall asleep.
if Leo is first to wake up to find the movie is over, he'd pick up piper and carry her to their bed, taking care she doesn't wake up (watching her sleep is secretly his fav thing, yk cuz of piper's cute way of sleeping: "inhaling through the nose, exhaling with a little puff through the mouth" and "her hair looked like it had become a nest for a friendly hamster")
on the other hand, if piper is first to wake, she'd prob simply arrange some pillows for their necks and go back to sleep, snuggling into him bc no chance she is getting cold lol
which brings me to the next choice!
24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)?
ggfhjk i love this question specifically for this ship cuz Piper is 100% the little spoon!
iirc (forgive me my knowledge of HoO is getting rusty! seriously, it's time for a full reread T_T) both piper and leo are the same height, right? maybe as adults, leo gets a late growth spurt of a couple of inches over her (which is annoying cuz leo is finally taller but secretly she likes it, cuz perfect for a side snuggle)
even otherwise, piper is always, subconsciously snuggling into his side cuz he is so hot warm. even if he hasn't used his fire, there is always some residual warmth in him all the time, which she has got used to searching out for. say, if leo gets up in the middle of the night to drink some water/got a brand new design idea in his head he just has to jot down NOW,,, by the time he returns to bed, piper is completely rolled up in his side of the bed, searching for him in her sleep (he loves this habit of hers! it also probs makes him feel better about his fire too)
iirc, his mom's warehouse caught fire in the middle of winter, right?? ig he'd slowly come to like winters better, bc of piper snuggling more into him during winters agfhjk
and iirc, he likes to sleep with a hug pillow, right? his old hug pillow has been replaced by piper!
39. Do they get along with the other's family? If not, how do they deal with the other's family?
on leo's side, hephaestus will be very suspicious of the daughter of aphrodite (cuz of his own experience with her) but talking to piper, he will be slightly mollified abt her… yet, his advice for Leo always will be to trust his machines more than the human specimen of his girlfriend (ofc leo won't take it seriously)
//toa spoilers/// now josephine and hemithea are his foster mothers i am sure piper would get along with them super well as well <3
on piper's side, leo has already met Tristan in Lost Hero and knows him as piper's friend, so he'd be pretty much chill with what pipes does and who she dates,, he might try to give Leo The Talk as his duty as her father, but Piper would kick her dad out before that ever happens (Leo just being the awkward bean like during the whole helicopter ride in TLH lol)
oth, leo would be mildly (understated) scared of Aphrodite. if they ever meet her (by chance) he'd keep fidgeting and tapping 'i love you' on his jeans till piper clasps his hand and taps back 'it's okay' but i think aphrodite won't be as scary as leo imagines in his head; she'd probs find him amusing and intrigued that her daughter actually prefers leo over jason.
40. Who is the skilled shopper for holidays? Who always waits 'til the last minute to get all of their gifts? (Which one gets stressed out easily)?
piper! she won't--but she would use her charmspeak to bargain for the best prices in those overly expensive, money grabbing malls, something that leo always finds terrifyingly awesome lmao,, piper gets excited for holiday shopping and stuff whereas leo tags along obediently (and use his magic toolbelt to stove away the shopping bags lol)
leo always forgets all of the important days because of his adhd (extreme even by demigod standards) and piper, having known him for long, understands this and never gets mad or anything but he'd always feel guilty about this and makes up for it in a completely random surprise gift he handdesigns for her. Of course, piper loves his stupid (affectionately) and most times, completely non-functional (cuz Leo himself doesn't know what they do loool but they are always weirdly complicated) gifts so much! like say a music box that goes moo! but bake out fresh cookies lmao
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kanmom51 · 2 years
JM Wlive 10 Feb 2023
cr./ to the creators of the media used by me in this post.
Where do we start?
Maybe with JM starting his live at 19:01 or 7:01 pm.
If numbers are your thing, well we get them here with the 1 and 9 and by using both 19:01 and 7:01 we can get the 11/8.
Just a little fun. Intentional or not.
So, what did we have in the 1:40 hr. live?
JM came to us with another arts and crafts live. I think that having that distraction, literally doing something with his hands, puts him at ease, which makes it easier for him to navigate the live without a constant need to look into the camera or even the comments.
JM starts off by telling us his album is on it's way, probably to be released in March.
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This out today:
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JM also hinted to look forward to something coming today, and et voila, we had his TikTok dance clip drop.
JM gave us something to not only dream about but also, just maybe, to actually look forward to:
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..."wait a little..."
Just how little, is the question that comes to mind. Lol.
Is it something new, the dating requests? Or is it just a JK and JM new thing not only answering the question but also answering it similarly?
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JM was asked about his fighting with Tae.
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Nothing or no one to fight over. Disappointing to some?
JM was also asked about Jin, whom he referred to as cool, and like JK, he confirmed that Jin is doing ok and at times is in touch with them in their group chat.
JM being the usual sweetheart that he is:
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JM talked a bit about Sachwita and Yoongi, how well he's doing and how he hopes he will appear on the show when his album comes out.
Someone asked JM if he can motivate them:
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We got a lot of JM mentioning JK, telling us stories involving JK, starting with thinking he saw JK's name in the comments.
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JK didn't comment, but I can just imagine him sitting at home watching JM's live:
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going all:
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Same here JK. Same here.
Some of the songs we got during the live:
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And we know how JM looked out for JK during his Euphoria rehearsals and performances.
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And we were lucky to get JM singing Euphoria too.
JM was watching the Euphoria MV
and talked about how well everyone did and how cold it was while filming.
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That that
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So, this was the cute/teasing version JM's talking about?
Ok, so we all know they love Lauv's songs. Past and present. JK was singing Never not going to the loo in his live, lol. While JM had Better than this going in his live.
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Flower works
Both JK and JM had Flower works going during their lives (respecting their hyungs doing their songs during their lives).
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JM mentioned JK once more while talking about multitasking. I tell you, this man has JK on his brain.
JM made a couple of flowers to add to his previous lego flowers and then moved on to create a Valentine's teddy.
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End product - Valentine's bear minus a nose, lol. Funny pick for someone who doesn't think much or care for that day.
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I want to almost end my post with Sam Smith's Unholy.
Cause peeps, all claims that Jikook don't know the actual song (well, it was a claim made about JK, but same same to me), they don't hold water. Unholy clearly on JM's playlist. When it came on I was rofl. Literally.
What did we have there?
We had Unholy on JM's playlist.
We had JM's giggle as it came on, and then knowing that Jungkookie sang it in his live.
We had JM turning it off perhaps, so Jiminie-like, but then also continuing to hum it, lol.
So either he watched the live, either live or after, or he's on sm and saw posts about it or he heard about it from the horse's mouth?
And talking about Jungkookie...kind of felt JM had a hard case of Jungkookie on the brain during this live, the amount of times he mentions him, the way his whole face lights up, and the smile on his face... beautiful.
Finally, just for fun and giggles, but also a warm fuzzy feeling, let's end this post with just under 30 seconds of JK and JM mentioning the other in their lives:
I'm finalising my post after JK's boxing workout Wlive we are all gushing about.
Now I need to go count how many times JM's name was mentioned in that one and we need someone with good editing skills (not me) to go add those to this clip, which at just under 30 seconds doesn't even start to come close to the amount of times these two have mentioned each other in their last lives, all while the other isn't even there in the room with them, even when the other isn't even commenting in their live either (JM).
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augustameretrix · 7 months
here's a little rant about some elements of the incubi + succubi marcille adventures taken as a combo which no one asked for
in the encounter with the incubi the story sets up marcilles deepest fear: death as something she has no control over and which comes for all her loved ones first. the events in the chapter consist in a good ol' nightmare: teeny tiny child marcille tries running from the unrelenting, ugly monster with a doll thats not quite her best friend anymore because she failed a spell. But with the help of her faithful companion laios/the dog she boinks the monster with the newly obtained super powerful and awesome rare arcane spellbook. At the end of the chapter marcille recalls only the aftermath of the nightmare, that is only the good dream: marcille herself still a kid, having a fun adventure looking for a treasure with her dog, her doll and her book. at some point theres a castle. the resolution and aftermath look like a sterotypical fairy tale, a fantasy that is childish and joyful and carefree. we start to see that marcille's own frames of reference for something as foundational as overcoming her deepest fear are pretty much literary, if not romantic (in the broad sense), all stuff shes lifted from the vast amount of fiction shes read.
now, this isnt good analysis etiquette, since this bit is technically not part of the story itself, but it's relevant: in the supplementary gag about the incubi at the end of the volume, the steaming incubi show some more of marcilles' older dreams which consist in a seemingly endless soap opera which just goes on and on and on - so much so even marcille loses interest - and in which mr dashing elf guy with the eyepatch makes his first appearance. again, marcille dreams of romantic drama which no dobut shes paraphrased from her books.
we see marcille consciously applying a romantic and literary scheme to the real world in the bicorn chapter, when she guesses chilchuck's marital situation based off a couple of sentences, random gossip she's heard and books.
finally, her experience with the succubus: this monster goes digging in the subconscious looking for something that attracts you irresistibly. now, its not explicitly stated that this something must be your deepest desire, and looking at chilchuck's and marcille's succubi you would think that's not necessairily the case: they just seem like random sexual and/or romantic fantasies. however, you can easily make the case that laios' succubus touches on something extremely essential to laios' life experience thus far by pointing out he wants to be something other than human. so, if they cant go the horny route, they can go for a form thats still intimate and close to ones heart - which I don't want to call "deepest desire" for reasons, but it's close to it - and if theres sexual connotations to it thats even better. well, I argue that despite being played for laughs, the latter is the case for marcille, too, and depending on how much youre willing to read into it, it sheds a darker light on the scene.
ok, so, the succubus takes the form of - you guessed it - mr dashing elf with the eyepatch from the incubi afterword, who is now blonde, riding on a white horse and surrounded by vfx of roses and sparkles. he dismounts, chides "princess" marcille for "running away from the castle again" and holds out his hand so that he may kiss hers - read, so that the succubus may suck marcilles life energy. this is, once again, marcille's corny books coming to define what kind of fantasies she's into, and chilchuck, recognizing it for what it is, rofls because it is embarrassing and it is cheesy etc. that is all true and its ridiculous, marcille is ridiculous for finding this in any way attractive.
however, theres two interesting details about mr dashing elf guy which feel out of place: the eyepatch and the gorget + cape thing. lets start with the last one: the gorget is the only piece of metal on the guy, the style looks the same as the dullahan bringer of death that comes up in the previous chapter*. as for the cape, it has a floral print on it, but its edges are all torn. like the dullahan. this might just be there to convey the feel of a charming yet adventurous spirit who isnt afraid to get his hands dirty. but he wears gloves over his delicate hands and his boots and white pants are spotless. and then of course we have-
-the eyepatch. it is cool and it covers a scar thats designed to be as cool as possible, it looks like lightning, but its still a pretty ugly scar that takes half of the otherwise beautiful face of mr dashing. but whats of interest is the word thats sewn on the patch: "death". again, it might just be a trashy detail on a pile of trashy archetypes, but given that marcille has a pretty intimate relationship with it, I personally feel safe betting that mr dashing is death itself. a lame bishonen version of it, but still death.
this means in the succubi chapter, the incubi chapter is called back not only via the character of mr dashing elf guy with the eyepatch, but also through the reference to marcille's fears in the context of *checks notes* her sexy fantasies. ooh now that's good. this means that in her subconscious marcille sublimates and exorcises her anxieties about losing her loved ones through a cringey power and sexual fantasy ripped straight off melodramatic romantic novels in which she, as the princess of death, is in the position to command it as she pleases and in which yet death chooses to pursue her specifically because she cant help but escape the castle. and this pursue is gratifying to her, maybe because death is thus excluding to pursue... everyone else. marcille kinda gets off on the thought of having all the power of (life and) death in her hands so that it serves her and her only and never goes after those she cares about, even if she's aware of the element of danger involved in this. and she does so in her usual, dorky, way, even subconsciously: through the lens of her beloved cheesy romances. everyone may make fun of her for it, but how else is a girl gonna cope with the inevitability of losing her loved ones, huh?
*which coincidentally ALSO deals with marcille's "dream" which as we know is tied to her fear of death rapidly coming for her friends and family. "it's all coming together" <- something you could say about anything any time after volume 3 of dunmeshi tbh
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marthawrites · 2 months
I feel whiney and stupid making posts like these PLUS I have a hard time actually opening up and talking about things because I feel like people will think it's/I'm dumb haha yay
SO without going into the CrazyVille that is my brain, dropping by here to say: ya girl has been in her feels. Sorry I haven't been around much as of late. Tumblr/fandom has been putting me in a very not-so-fun headspace. I wish there was a way I could turn notes off so I don't have to see them on my posts or other people's posts. Normally I'm very good about not caring about notes, numbers, and interactions, but it's been getting to me a lot and I'm just... yeah. It's not fun. That, along with the constant hate and shit s2 has been getting, it's been putting my thoughts in a weird place. Fandom is my escape so I try to be positive here and not bring in too much negativity. I'm here to SIMP not WALLOW and WHINE and my brain has been A LITTLE BITCH lately. Anyway, yeah, I'll leave it at that for here. If ya wanna rant and vent and bitch with me I am open to it rofl because a good venting sesh can sometimes feel like magic
I don't plan on, like, leaving? But my motivation for writing has taken a huge hit and I'm struggling to even make some steam to get it going again
Along with HotD, I've been watching some other shows - The Bear right now, and have plans to watch The Boys next and maybe Bridgerton - and reading more. I'm finally diving into the Throne of Glass series! Currently on Heir of Fire and I love this story so much already I wanna shake it in my mouth like a dog!!! AHHH!
But yeah. Thanks to my fandom friends for coming around and sticking around ♥ I wanna do some wlw writing with Rhaenyra so if anyone has ideas they wanna share hit me up! Also there might be some Harwin fics in the future because the Daddy Strong thirst is foreverrrr
If you've read this I hope you have the most marvelous day MWAH!
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2023 Year in Review
1. 28,490 notes - Jun 16 2023
You know, it’s kinda funny how much of high fantasy centers around kings and nobility and courtly intrigue considering that the archetypal high fantasy, Lord of the Rings, had the rather explicit moral of “saving the world is up to this backwater hick and his gardener because no politician, least of all inherited nobility, would have the ability to see past their own ambition and throw away a weapon”. Oh sure, Aragorn is a great king and all, but there’s a reason he’s over there running a distraction ring while the hobbits do the real work. Sauron loses because he gets distracted by kings and armies and great battles (i.e. typical high fantasy stuff) letting Frodo and Sam sneak through his back door and blow it all to hell.  
Just saying, maybe old Jirt knew what he was saying when he said that the small folk doing their best and holding to each other was more powerful than a dozen alliances and superweapons and we should respect him for it.
2. 22,425 notes - Jul 6 2023
“LOL. You think your vote matters? ROFL and LOL.” Yes, I am aware my vote carries less and less relative power the more people I’m voting with, but unlike your glorious violent revolution, it actually exists.
3. 20,183 notes - Mar 7 2023
The 4 approaches to “orphaned etymology” problems in fiction
1. Obviously we can’t call it French toast if there’s no France so we’re just gonna replace it with something else.
2. The word abattoir sounds too French so it wouldn’t make sense for it to be here without a France. Even though we use English without there being an England.
3. This is called a Ming vase because when you tap it it makes a “Ming!” sound.
4. I am JRR Tolkien and every single word I write has a fictional etymology attached to it that I am translating into English for your convenience.
4. 17,918 notes - Dec 26 2023
As to whether the Gavle Goat’s consumption should be seen as a good omen or a bad omen, I’d say good. Traditionally the Yule goat is made of straw from the final harvest and as a talisman against hard times, and there are unproven theories that its shape is inspired by Thor’s goats, who are constantly killed, eaten, and reborn to provide endless meat for Thor and whatever guests he entertains.  Therefore, its use by birds as a food store and safe harbor is an affirmation of its original purpose and truly in the Christmas spirit of generosity in lean times. What’s more, the birds eating it seems to be have been the one outcome to unite both goat burners and goat keepers, as they have decided not to scare the birds away from their safe harbor and not to harm the goat, a decision that has been universally lauded. 
As omens go, this one’s all positive: safety, plenty, and unity between previous ideological opponents through a creative third solution built on shared values (birds being fed and sheltered is a good thing). May more birds find their way to the Gavle Goat next year. 
5. 11,031 notes - Apr 24 2023
Okay hearing that people actually do this has made me morbidly curious so... My house was split into Parents and Kids bathrooms...
6. 9,188 notes - Mar 16 2023
The best decision The Mandalorian ever made was centering their show around an archetypal masked, taciturn gunslinger who wanders from town to town never putting down roots, and then revealing that he acts that way because he’s a massively awkward introvert who uses that archetype to avoid having to socialize with people beyond the three interaction scripts he already knows.  10/10, top tier characterization, I love seeing this man outshoot a bar full of people and then get scammed by a random mechanic because he’s too polite to confront her about it. Truly a hero of our times.
7. 5,183 notes - Mar 21 2023
Okay but for a corporately mandated love triangle (Gale was meant to be Katniss’ cousin, publisher asked to make him the childhood friend with a crush), Hunger Games absolutely nails it. It can’t just be solved by polyamory because it represents her choosing between two aspects of herself. Yes Gale sometimes acts like a dumb teenager because he is, but not to an obnoxious level. The one and only time Peeta and Gale get a conversation about it, both of them fully acknowledge that it’s Katniss’ choice so fighting over her is pointless. It’s not a marketing gimmick to generate unnecessary tension, it’s a complicated relationship that informs all three of their characters and is deeply intertwined with the series’ themes of war and trauma.
8. 4,122 notes - Jul 1 2023
I mean I’m not even trans and I can still tell Nimona the movie is basically ND Stevenson going back and saying “okay, let’s do it on purpose this time”.
9. 3,850 notes - Jan 4 2023
What I really like about the dinner mystery is that they could have made it super easy or had Blanc go on about how obvious it is since he needed to solve it quickly, but instead he’s thrilled by it. He points out every subtle clue, all the foreshadowing, the style of it, and he even tells Miles that it was satisfying and the perfect bite-sized mystery. “A dramatic, passionate, and colorful crime for a fashionista!”. He might have solved it easily, because this is his job, but he can still appreciate the artistry in it and enjoy solving it.
It provides a nice counterpoint to the later reveal, where he is genuinely disappointed by how dumb the murders where but still prioritizes the victims. He might love solving the mysteries, but he knows what’s really important. So what could be better than a mystery with no victims?
10. 3,467 notes - Apr 6 2023
Honestly when you hear that someone once held bigoted views in the past but no longer does that shouldn’t be a disappointment, but a victory. Yes! We got ‘em! One less person on the wrong side of history and one more for us! This is exactly what we want, for people to leave their prejudices behind, and we succeeded!
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zalrb · 2 months
Anon-Requested Love Island USA Review - Episode 2 (out of, like, 7 million)
"WHY DID SHE PICK ME?" because you're on a reality show and they need a villain, Rob, or the snake who controls you, use your head.
"I'm with Coye. He's 6'8." LMAO why does she say that like it's his profession?
Coye: Oh, I am NOT worried about these two dudes. All the other men: well you wouldn't be, would you?
"They can bring HERCULES in this motherfucker", Coye, Hercules probably has a personality outside of his height, shut up.
Seeing him humbled would be fun ngl.
Rob is just sitting there having a full out existential crisis
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and it's HILARIOUS.
When did rizz become synonymous with obnoxiousness?
LMAO all of you - except Rob, I guess- were about to risk it all for Liv, you can't get pissy when your ladies will do the same for the other AI-generated looking men.
Connor's eyes freak me out.
"So tell me now, if it's a no." "Well, it's not a no." Really, Rob because you look like you hate her.
"I really wouldn't choose someone if I didn't think something was there" you would for the plot. It's literally the point of you.
Rob: If I take three deep breaths then I will forget all about Leah.
Btw, I think Kendall looks like an Aaron and I have to remind myself that his name is Kendall, which means, inevitably, there will be a time where I say Aaron and I mean Kendall.
"I thought it was a little mean." I'm sorry that the person who came into the show to stir shit up stirred shit up.
"Yo bro, did you get that [shirt] extra small??" Aaron (actually Aaron) you were READY for Liv to pick you, shut UP.
"Sir, you're 5'5 sit the fuck down." I love how tall men really have no personalities outside of their height. It is amazing.
Why are they acting as if going to the gym is a novelty amongst this group of people? "No way, you're a gym rat too?" OBVIOUSLY???
Kaylor's voice is just ... a lot.
"I didn't expect us to have so much in common." The gym and sushi?
Hakeem gets on my goddamm NERVES. Him and Kendall. Trying way too hard to seem like they're not trying too hard.
"Oh you work out everyday?" "Yeah, I, like, love working out." Another unique connection.
Kaylor: Connor is husband material. I have decided this after one conversation.
"You look like you've never had a carb in your life." "I have carbs ALL the time. I just had *a* cookie." Alright.
The two endangered species blondes are bonding!
Hakeem: Are you naked? *pulls covers to see more clearly* I mean, do you want him to be?
I just feel like one season of Love Island has to have a pair of the ladies or a pair of the guys pairing off and fucking up the whole thing.
"What kind of women do you usually go for?" Hakeem: NON-BLACK WOMEN.
Rob: "I'm going to make avocado toast for both of my girlfriends. This is a good idea, right?" Kendall: .... .... ... ... .... .... .... ............ ...... it's a GOOD idea. L M A O. He wants the drama.
Rob: It's just .... nice, though... Kendall: Oh yeah, sure. Sure.
"I want to be completely honest with both of you going forward."
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But will you be?
Rob: I like animals Liv: Boring. I sometimes like to be the centre of attention. Rob: Ew. You like Ed Sheeran?? Basic. Liv: Who even is this artist you listen to? Lmao.
I swear to god, every time Hakeem speaks I'm forwarding.
Can you bench me? NO YOU CAN'T. Lmao, nice. I've done that. "Oh, you can't pick me up, please" *acts surprised when I am indeed picked up*
STUPID, BLOODY MR. MUSCLES OVER HERE DOING PRESS-UPS WITH MY FUTURE WIFE. a) this is hilarious b) She wasn't your future wife when you thought you had a chance with Liv.
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Obviously, I haven't kissed her ... outside of the challenge. Kordell looks like he needs a juice box and a packed lunch and should be sent off to daycare. Why are you here with these grown people?
"Should I step in?" "STEP IN." "Uh...." "It's not gonna kill you to go step in." "Is that a dick thing to do." "GET YOUR ASS UP." Lmao the men are always the instigators. Messy ass bitches.
I don't know how anyone can trust Connor with those eyes.
It took Rob way too long to talk to Leah.
"We have absolutely nothing in common. It was flirty but it wasn't, like, spark-y" sure, did you have that conversation with Liv, though? Mr. Honesty?
When I give you the signal, meet me at the dock. L M A O. OK, Mr. Honesty.
"It's, like, a little mini date?" You went to the other side of the villa and sat on a bench, please.
I trust Rob. BRAVE.
OK it's done.
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author-a-holmes · 10 months
okay, you've convinced me to try sprinting lol! I always beat myself up for procrastinating on writing until it's too late in the day and then hating that I can't write for an extended period bc when I actually find the focus/motivation to write it's like 11PM. I think I (partly) procrastinate bc I *know* earlier in the evening I'll be too distracted by other stuff (texts, having to make dinner, wanting to watch a show or other stuff etc) to properly write. But if I only do it in bursts...it may work. Is there a specific app or anything you use or is really just set a timer on your phone and go?
That's exciting! I love watching writers try out new things!
I personally use the "Sprinto Bot" on Discord if you have your own server you can add it to, but literally any App or Clock can work for you. Just set the timer for 15, 20, or 25 minutes and just write. And then give yourself a break before doing another one, or call it done for the day if you just want to slide in something, yah know.
(25 minutes working, 5 minute break, is known as the Pomodoro Method, but as I mentioned in the other post I find 25 minutes too long, I start picking up my phone and getting side tracked. On bad days I also find 5 minutes too short a break. So it might take a few tries until you find a specific number combination that works for you)
Ultimately though, it may not work for you at all, but everyone I've talked into trying sprinting has at least found something from it to incorporate into their own specific writing toolset <3
I'm a night owl too, because of earlier in the day distractions, but if I start at 11pm I can usually run a sprint from 11:05-11:25, then have a 10 minute break, and then set another sprint to run between 11:35-11:55. Which nets me 40 minutes of writing a night. And sometimes that's 200 words, sometimes it's 500. On really, really, good nights I can get as many as 900 words in 2 sprints, but I've not been doing that well recently.
Ultimately the number doesn't matter all that much, it's just a way for me to talk myself into doing something. It used to be that I'd go "Urgh, I've only got an hour left? I can't settle into writing and get a good chunk done in that time, I'll leave it until tomorrow" and weeks would go by like that. Literal months Rofl
But if I've got twenty minutes, I can set a timer and do 200 words. It's progress, and I'll take any forward momentum when I'm neck deep in the second act of a manuscript lol!
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crimsonxe · 5 months
RWBY Beyond episode 4 spoilers below the cut:
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OMFG I LOVE these two in this style!!!!!! Ruby's messy hair *.* Yang's just everything, she looks so good (second image is just to show the arm cause again looks so damn good) *.*
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I love her so much your honor, she's so cute when awkward.
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Love these disaster sisters xD And ofc always going to love the mini-Ruby whenever she pops up xD
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That's right give Ruby her props for doing the right thing in Atlas and sending out the message to warn everyone. Think this is exactly what she needs (aside from loads of therapy).
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"Personally I think its about time everyone knew how cool my sister is." -Yang Xiao Long truly a good big sister.
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ROFL, Lindsay had way too much for with this and good for them xD
Tai not being around has now been explained via supposedly being on an assignment/mission.
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Talking about what happened in the Ever After with Ruby drinking the tea and whatnot? Yup and the way Barb does the lines = so good.
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"You're not alone. You can't be alone, not with the world the way that it is. And not with what we and our team have all been through. We're not going back to the version of team RWBY where you put everything on your shoulders. Where we put everything on your shoulders. From now on, we do it together."
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"As it turns out the hardest thing about being a leader is asking for help. I thought I wasn't allowed."
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The only things that could've made this better is a little Blake pop in cause I want to see her in this art style so bad, especially after seeing Ruby's hair. But also cause Arryn irl loves Boba and that totally could've been a thing, like Blake being stuck in a long line for Boba or having a table covered in empty glasses cause she's drunk so much of it or something jokey & meta xD Like how egregious of wasted potential, the writers are just horrible at their job for not doing that sort of bit. (this is not serious and is mocking the dumbass rw/de brigade who can go fuck themselves).
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
my final predictions (and desires) for TBB season 2 finale
whelp. it’s finally time. wish I could say I’m handling this well, but I very much am not haha. feels like yesterday we were watching Spoils/Ruins of War (and it definitely blows my mind remembering they premiered back in January), and here we are, finally at The Summit/Plan 99. AKA the only episodes not screened to anyone outside of the production team 😰
I’m gonna be real, so far this season has gone in directions that I could’ve only dreamed of. it doesn’t feel real tbh. I say in the most affectionate and complimentary way possible that this season feels straight out of a fanfic (there’s even been plot points and elements from my own fic series that have already happened ROFL). everything feels like it’s going in a certain direction.
and I think we’re in for a pleasant surprise.
up until this point, we’ve seen TBB go through multiple struggles, all the way back to Aftermath, when the boys had to endure Order 66. they went on the run from the Empire. they lost Crosshair. they had no source of income (until meeting Cid). they lost Kamino (and almost died in the process). Omega was put in extreme danger on many different occasions. Echo left the team. and they never found a place to call home outside of the Marauder.
Pabu was a turning point for them. they literally had everything they ever wanted placed gently into their laps. it’s almost too perfect.
there’s only one problem.
the family is incomplete.
Crosshair was the first to go. then Echo. and even though the rest seem to want to stay together on Pabu, would they really? Tech has a love interest now. Wrecker has more things to do on Pabu than ever before. even Omega has a new friend outside of her brothers now. and Hunter... well he can finally chill for more than two seconds, heaven knows that poor man must have shoulders tighter than a rusted screw 😝
the point is, they’re beginning to separate. and let me be very clear that I think this is a good thing. it’s good for families, no matter how close they are, to do their own things outside of everyone else. my own family is as close as can be, and it’s been hard for us to separate at times (it’s actually something we’ve only implemented into our lives in the past few years). but it’s healthy and something I encourage all families to do.
but that’s not the point here. because even though Echo choosing to leave was something the others approved of, clearly it’s had repercussions.
and I would argue that we’ve been seeing those repercussions since the very beginning.
anyone remember back in TCW when Clone Force 99 was introduced as having a 100% success rating? it was even restated again in Aftermath, when Wrecker makes another notch on the wall of their barracks.
now, how has their track record been since leaving the Empire? I think it was made pretty clear at the beginning of season 2, and again in Entombed, that their missions have been less than successful. and yes, it could be accredited to the fact that they don’t have the same provisions that the Republic gave them. but I think it goes deeper than that.
what’s the (1) thing they lost that they haven’t gotten back yet? the (1) thing they had during TCW that was lost the moment they left the Empire.
let’s go back to the end of season 1 real quick. did anyone else literally jump out of their seat and cheer like someone at a sports game when the five boys were fighting off those droids? you know, the only time since Aftermath that the full TBB theme started playing? yeah. that scene was done in direct juxtaposition to the fight against the same exact droids shown in Aftermath. it was done to show us what we’ve known since first seeing them in TCW.
they work best together. 
they need each other.
I shouldn’t even have to speak on Crosshair’s behalf here. we’ve seen his journey, we know he’s finally realized he made a mistake. and he’s even resigned himself to a life of torture in an effort to keep his family safe (oh my poor heart 😭💔). some people think he’s going to sacrifice himself to save everyone in the end, but someone already wrote up a post about that (which I 100% agree with) that should dispel any of those thoughts.
so therein lies my top prediction for the end of this season. they’ve gotten the message from Crosshair. they know there are other Clones on Mount Tantiss. so the main goal for the end of this season is going to be them going to Tantiss and rescuing the Clones imprisoned there, including Crosshair. I would even argue that TBB’s personal main goal will be rescuing Crosshair above all else.
now several things are going to happen in the process of this. since the Empire is looking for Omega to use against Nala Se, her getting captured has to happen at some point. several people think this is going to happen near the very end, during Plan 99. but I have a different thought.
due to several screenshots from The Summit being posted on official social media, we have a slight idea of certain events. and this shot here is what interests me the most.
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this looks like they’re trying to escape. Tech and Echo are in the back looking at something (maybe trying to get something working?), while Wrecker and Hunter are at the door looking at Omega, who is in front and has her bow out. notice that although Wrecker and Hunter are holding weapons, they don’t have them pointed out like Omega does. it looks like they’re trying to tell Omega to come back with them.
I’m going to propose that this is where she gets taken. Omega has placed herself in this vulnerable position in an effort to protect her brothers. up until now, they’ve been the ones protecting her. she’s felt like a burden to them (as she admitted to Echo). and we’ve been shown (and told) that she’s now gotten to a level of skill that can at least put her in a more equal place with her brothers.
so I think she’s going to take after her dad big brother and pull a self-sacrifice here so that the boys can get away. she’ll be taken to Tantiss, and the boys will have to rescue her, along with Crosshair and the other Clones.
this is what Plan 99 will be.
in other words, Plan 99 is going to be about getting the band back together.
and due to some implications from Michelle Ang herself, I believe whatever happens on Tantiss is going to be what gets TBB to join Echo in rescuing other Clones going forward.
now, I’ve been very open about how much I do not want TBB to have anything to do with the Rebellion. I’ve been wanting them to have a Pabu type life since the very beginning. but much like the rest of the characters, my eyes have been opened to the truth of the matter. the Clones need help. and I’m ok with that.
there’s no denying my personal feelings about the Clones as characters. for many years, they’ve arguably been my favorite aspect of SW, period. only Darth Vader himself beats them out in terms of how much I love them LOL. so to have this very specific plot point of “the Clones need help” versus the Rebellion’s “the Empire needs to be taken down” is what makes the difference for me. I don’t want them to fight the Empire. but I will be a-ok if they decide to join Rex and Echo in helping to save other Clones.
also! this sets up a good story for the rest of the series! they even have a super safe and private island paradise to bring rescued Clones to if they need to! 👀
so yeah, tl;dr the season finale is going to be about TBB planning to rescue Crosshair and the other Clones from Mount Tantiss, Omega getting captured in the process, and the entire group realizing they can do more and decide to help rescue more Clones going forward. also, Pabu becomes a safe haven for them to return to whenever they need it, as well as a place to bring Clone refugees to. that’s all the stuff I’m positive is going to happen anyway.
there’s one other thing that I think is going to happen, but it’s honestly more so a desire than a certainty. I’ve talked about it before and even made several posts about it. but I really, really, REALLY believe the Clone X project is secretly the beginnings of the Death Trooper program. and I think TBB are going to be the templates for it. again, this is more so a desire than anything else! and I’m more certain about the Clone X aspect of it at least. but... wouldn’t it be cool if TBB were what the Death Troopers were based off of?? tell me I’m not the only one who thinks so 🤩😂
alright, ok, last thing I’m gonna say before ending this ridiculously long post.
I only have (1) thing that I absolutely do NOT want to happen. and it should be pretty obvious.
I get it y’all. we’ve been traumatized by literally every other SW related thing out there. but also, I think this show could (and should) be the one instance where everyone makes it out alive. that’s literally the whole point of what they’re heading towards. that’s what we’ve already seen with Howzer and Gregor and even TBB themselves (so far).
I think we need to take the Kiners words literally.
“Everything is gonna be ok” 💙
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
Do you think it's okay that Tom now says he always wants to be in Spider-Man? The way he says he owes everything to Spider-Man, as if he had no career before or outside of this project, is so strange - what do you think of that? It seems to me that there is too much hatred on the Internet - both from fans and from critics towards Tom, even his team and loved ones are not even trying to convince him that he is important and talented outside of Spider-Man.
I mean, obviously Tom loves the Spiderman role very much. There's even an old video of his circulating around with him talking about how he would love to play Spiderman one day when he gets older lol 😆
So I'm happy that he loves to play the character.🥰
But you're right, it seems a very far cry different vibe from him saying in the past that if he's still playing Spiderman in his 30s, then there's a problem rofl 🤣 Sooo idk what happened lol 👀
Maybe Sony and Disney/Marvel showed him some negotiation contracts with a LOT of zeros on it lol 🤣🤭
I don't think it's realistic that Tom will ALWAYS play Spiderman though.... But hey, Michael Keaton just reprised his role as Batman in the Flash movie last year, and he's gotta be close to his 70s by now lol, so I guess anything is possible! 🤣
It seems to me that there is too much hatred on the Internet - both from fans and from critics towards Tom, even his team and loved ones are not even trying to convince him that he is important and talented outside of Spider-Man.
Ummm....I think that's a stretch. 🥴
Obviously, the Spiderman role has afforded Tom with a lot of money, fame, and just time to take off and do whatever he wants without the pressure of needing to book another role to stay afloat.
While I'm not sure he owes his ENTIRE career to playing Spiderman 🤔, he's obviously very grateful for the role, and feels indebted to those who helped out become a reality for him. Despite the annoyance that I'm sure an increase in fame has caused Tom, I'm sure for him, in his mind, the benefits have outweighed the cons, and plus, he for to meet the love of his life, his wifey gf Zendaya, on the set of that film. 😁🥰 Of COURSE it's going to be very special for him. 😊
The people close to Tom are very supportive of him and whatever he wants to do in life and in his career! 😊
He already said that he had some other "burgeoning projects" he's excited about in the bag, so where fans are getting the impression that he's only going to be playing Spiderman for the rest of his life is confusing to me. 🥴
But you're right, that this is a very different msg than the ones he's had prior. Maybe he was just trying to make Sony sweat a little bit and give an "I couldn't care less" vibe before lol 😆 Maybe it worked haha 😆
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fourthwonton · 1 year
Fourthwonton freaks out over the Our Skyy x Bad buddy episode 1 (real)
Squealed at the very first sec of the preview(I don’t rewatch my top shows so it's quite helpful)(and I got the feels)
The preview really reminded me exactly why I fell in love with this world
Ugh great (rolls eyes) Wai’s back yaayyyyy
Drake is really good at playing himbo
Wait… are Wai and Korn continuing the feud’s legacy?
Really a great start… the whole show began when Wai was cornered so it’s fitting that the special episodes start with the feud too
The staredown lol rofl…. The BGMI can’t
Right off the gate with the expectation subversion I can’t with P’Aof
The students really need group projects to hold them off from fighting
Why is Korn praying like Pat and Pran have died? Or is this P’Aof poking fun at all the romeo and romeo clown theories?
Prom really is accurate with the tea huh
Lol WaiKorn trying their best to get them all off the right track
Going off the track but damn Ohm’s eyes really shine at 5:06
They’re back at it lol just riling each other up
Never knew bickering could be foreplay but here we are
Lmao the stark difference between on screen and behind the scenes(hah get it)
I could swim in nanon’s eyes(swoons)
Aaa dimples is back
Neck cradle seemed like a chokehold lol well, Pran does have Pat in his chokehold
I’m so glad that the curtain drop has been redeemed
I freaking lost it when the intro started to play
I love the parallel so much! In ep 1, when pat punches Pran and he gets a bruise for which he gave him a balm. Now, it’s Pran who punched Pat and he’s the one icing the bruise. Ok guess I began rambling
The “I told you to punch me on one cheek and you punched me on the other” never gets old
Also pa knocking the door when they’re getting up to something is always funny
And she has got not even a shred of remorse for that XD
A brother always has to be annoying to his sister. HIA PAAAAAAAN is so hilarious
I love the found family dynamic of theirs. They’re getting dinner together! Ahh it reminds me of ep 9
Feeding shrimp to your loved one is always a win
Love Pa teasing them
And Ex-macho man Pat calling himself Nong is so funny
The moment Ink advised them to find a neutral party to help them decide was when I felt sorry for Ajarn Pichai
We really need more than crumbs!
Give me more InkPa!!!!!!!!
Is he doing a counting-out game to decide? What’s next, a game of rock paper scissors or an arm-wrestling battle between Pran and Pat?
I choked on my coffee when Pat said that Korn will play a dwarf
Ooh they have to get a sponsorship (evil Gru laugh)
Ooh Pat is sneaky
“Phuen khab? Phuen” and “Khab, Phuen”, very un-subtle title drop right here
Pran still has his high-school photo for his id
And we’re back with the crowded elevator(love everything about it)
I forgot that Pat’s sense of smell is as good as a golden retriver’s
Another rendition of just friend!
I don’t understand if Pran is trying to encourage Pat or scare him more
Also did he just say dog Pat?
I love their faculty pride
I knew something was going to go wrong when Korn mentioned downloading the porn
I snorted out loud at this scene
Damn Pran was really dying holding his laughter
Loved the lesson on perspectives.
I love the parallel to when Pat helped Pran visualize the bus stop
Aah Secret’s back
Nanon looks angelic at 13:09 part 2
Pat really be there convincing Pran for a honeymoon
Wait, Tian wrote a book?
The fistbump’s back aaaaaa
Pat really is a hopeless romantic. So sappy!
The fairy lights OwO
They really said me gustas tu
Pran really looks at Pat like he’s his world T_T
Fierce eyes became puppy dog eyes
Why do they have so many close kisses ughh
NONG NAO SLEEP MASKS!!!!!!! Soon available at GMMTV Shop pre-order yours now
Architecture students may plan an attack on me, but only elevators can bring me down
Poor Pran promoting skincare alone T_T get back here Pat!
Damn! Another eavesdropping misunderstanding? Please subvert this trope P’Aof T_T
Really subverted it in a moment thank lord Aof
Pran’s gone into plotting mode huh, I already feel sorry for Pat
He really saved Pran as Dimples such a sap
Why the fuck was Wai in there? XD they really traumatized each other
Really ran off to Chiang Mai to serve Pat a good bowl of lukewarm revenge
Really loving Pran’s fit again
Getting onto the wrong bus is so like Pat
No wait
I take it back
Making Pat get onto the wrong bus is so like Pran
Ohh Champ’s here!
Not the best thing to say in such a light-hearted tone, Yod. Pran’s already nervous about this
Pran really grabbed a walking cane off a fence XD
This is really the most crossover to ever crossover
Love the piano when Chief Phu turns
Did the sturdy looking Chief just faint?
Did Pran just shoo away Tian?XD
OMG Nanon’s just killing it with his eyes
The preview’s giving me life
Did the boys just strike up a fight between Phupha and Tian? And took it upon themselves to make them make up?
The top-notch face down is so funny
The way I cried all this time damn I missed this world
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namor-shuri · 1 year
Love your edits and overall page 💘 What other ships do you enjoy outside of Nashuri/Namuri, if you care to share?
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Hey 🧡 Thank you for the love, I have fun making them! Lowkey bummed my posts aren’t posting to tags anymore but alas. With the recent "what ships piss you off + what ships do you love" trend going around Twitter, I was just thinking about mine the other day and realized most of them have some sort of angst to them 😅 Outside of NAMOR X SHURI, here are some of my other fave ships over the years [in no particular order] Let’s get into it *cracks knuckles*
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A. SAM X BUCKY: "Can you move your seat up?" "No."
I have to say that this ^ line reeled me in but what sealed my fate was the offscreen friendship between Antony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. Those damn compilation vids on yt killed me; they are too funny together. I genuinely feel like they aren't even acting when they work together. You can see their friendship shine through, and I think that's why Marvel realized they needed to do something with this goldmine. In regards of the characters Sam and Bucky tho, I enjoy both a romantic or platonic love between them. There's a strong connection there either way full of support, transparency, shared pain etc and these two losers have my heart. Also, I will never get over that scene in Endgame when Steve speaks with Sam and before accepting the shield, Sam looks over at Bucky and Bucky nods in support *ugly cries*
Show: The Falcon & The Winter Soldier
B. FLEABAG X PRIEST: "I love you." "It will pass."
This ship is definitely one of those ships that devastated me 🥴 Their awkward and yet endearing connection was everything. Fleabag’s dry humor and wit just jelled so well with the Priest in such an unassuming and comforting way. She truly found her match, which made the whole thing that much more tragic. The parts where he broke the fourth wall with the audience and questioned who she was talking to took me out lmao. I was heartbroken with how the show ended but in the midst of everything, it felt fitting. I don’t think they should have done it any different. I also find it funny that we never learn Fleabag or the Priest’s actual names.
Show: Fleabag
These two are one of my first ships when I was young so the nostalgia hits hard with them. As an adult looking back tho, Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship pissed me off the majority of the show rofl. His back and forth with Kikyo was SO unnecessary. They were so aggravating at times that at one point it was a toss up between Inuyasha and Koga for me. Koga was looking like the better man for Kagome. He meant business and knew where his priorities were. But in the midst of it all, Inuyasha and Kagome’s bond just did something for me. I remember younger me freaking out every time Inuyasha lost his shit and went full demon mode when Kagome was in any eminent danger. I was like “that’s love right there” lmao smh. Also the fact that they kissed like one time [twice??] during the entire show was so *screams into void*
Show: Inuyasha
D. LO'AK X TSIREYA: "Outcast - that's all they see!" "I see you."
Shout out to my fellow Avatar fans out there ✌🏾 I remember when the first movie came out, I freaked out and wanted a banshee SO BAD bruh lol. With the second installment and it’s new batch of dope characters, there’s so much to talk about [especially with these two]. They are basically a mirror of Jake × Neytiri, but in a different font? I love how attentive Tsireya is with Lo’ak and how much she looks out for him and his siblings. She was the first person to truly embrace and see him for him. Their love lanquage is clearly physical contact and it's too adorable. I look forward to seeing how their dynamic/ relationship evolves over future films to come. My blue babes 💙
Movie: Avatar - The Way of Water
E. STEVEN / MARC X LAYLA: "I don't need protection. What I need is honesty."
First of all, this show was sick on so many levels! You’re telling me we got to have a Guatemalan-American actor and Egyptian-Palestinian actress play mcu characters in a show revolving around Egyptian gods and legends sprinkling in themes of mental health and family?? To say I can’t wait for the second season is an understatement, but I digress. I loved Oscar and May together on screen. It was funny seeing Steven and Marc go back and forth over their dynamic with Layla and then Layla grappling with the multifaceted differences of the man [men?] she loved. I enjoyed all of the action sequences but I hope we get to see more of their complicated relationship explored in the future. It’s just so fascinating to me. I will never get over Steven kissing Layla for the first time and Marc absolutely losing it lmao.
Show: Moon Knight
F. AMY X DANNY: "Why is it so hard for us to be happy?"
Now before y’all hop on my dick for posting about this show [in the midst of recent controversy w/ David Choe, which f*ck that guy btw🖕🏾] I watched this BEFORE Choe’s shit came to light. I can’t tell you what to do. You have to personally make that judgment call of whether or not you want to support/watch the show yourself. Anywho *fixes clothes* This show is insane. It's hilarious, tragic, relatable, the whole nines. There’s so much to it but these two specifically take the cake for me. Amy and Danny's relationship take a minute to come into fruition but by the time I got to the end, I was hooked. I also just need Ali and Steven to do another project together because their a quirky pair, but their a pair I didn't know I needed until now. It was beautiful to see how despite all of their strife, Amy and Danny truly saw one another’s souls. They were reflections of one another. That entire tripping sequence in the desert the last ep was funny af but beyond deep.
Show: Beef
G. DRUIG X MAKKARI: "My beautiful, beautiful Makkari. Did you miss me?"
I'm going to be real with y’all, Druig and Makkari were the one good thing that came out of Eternals for me [aside from Kingo and Phastos' roles]. I don’t know what it was but I couldn't get into the movie for some reason and what threw me was the fact that I thought I would. They only had like 2 seconds on screen but they were the only thing I could think of walking out that theater. I swear I couldn't get over their charming dynamic. That scene where Makarri thought Druig was killed and starts going ape shit on Ikarus was peak cinema. No one harms her man! It was also such a dope moment to learn later on that the actress who plays Makarri, Lauren Ridloff, is deaf in real life. I bow down to that Queen. These two characters are just *chefs kiss* and I really hope Marvel doesn't mess up a good thing and we get to see their relationship blossom over time in a beautiful way. This Druig ^ line KILLED me. Me and who when?
Movie: Eternals
H. ZUKO X KATARA: "You rise with the moon. I rise with the sun."
Yes Aang x Katara are cute but Zutara? ZUTARA?? *violently bangs credit card on table* It was full of angst, grief, healing, sexual tension, the list goes on. They could relate to one another’s pain with losing a parent and so on. Zuko helping her find and confront her mother’s killer was everything too. Of course she had every right to be pissed at him and the fire nation but it was nice seeing Zuko work to gain Katara’s trust over time. He caused so much pain and damage to the avatar crew so for him to come back and try and rectify things was monumental. This is also one of those shows growing up that had me in a chokehold. I couldn’t decide what element I wanted to bend because all benders were so badass to me [my girl Toph was the mvp tho. Hands down the coolest].
Show: Avatar - The Last Airbender
I. RAGNAR X LAGERTHA: "We shall meet again and fight, and drink, and love one another."
Where are my fellow Viking fans? ⚔️ This show was INCREDIBLE and their love story specifically was so layered and complicated. Lagertha was the epitome of loyal but I love that outside of her dynamic with Ragnar, she was just such a dope character overall. She really held her own and took no shit from anyone, man or woman. Her hands were rated E for everyone. Their love had its huge ups and downs but you could tell after everything, there was still a deep affection there. They would do anything for one another and that was apparent every step of the way. Even after Ragnar’s death, Lagertha still kept the love she held for him in her heart. His dynamic with each character on the show was intriguing but nothing beats their powerful connection. She was one of the few people who got to see all of the real and raw sides of him and that was beautiful. The show was never the same once Ragnar’s character died [which I still don’t understand this monumental writing decision??] but it was amazing nonetheless.
Show: Vikings
J. LOUIS X LESTAT: "I wanted to forget him, and yet it seemed I thought of him always."
I didn’t watch the first iteration of this novel so I was completely new going into the show. I heard about it way after it came out but it did not disappoint. It lived up to the hype 100%. Louis, Lestat and Claudia were such a disastrous trio but I loved the little family they created [before things went south rofl]. Louis and Lestat’s story was intriguing and I was engaged from start to finish. I swear that moment when the reporter Daniel put two and two together that Louis gave Lestat an out, I yelled at my screen lol. Their love was intense to say the least and although certain moments were hard to watch, these two were electric. With that, it was so suspenseful watching Louis and Claudia ban together towards the end and scheme against Lestat to gain their freedom. The whole thing was just so *sighs* *refrains from writing a novel*
Show: Interview with the Vampire
K. BRAEDEN X DEREK: "I’m protecting my investment."
I know a lot of people shipped him and Stiles together [I mostly enjoyed their entertaining dynamic in a platonic way] but Derek and Braeden did something for me. They fought bad guys while being domestic together and younger me ate that shit up lol. Also seeing a black woman be in a type of role and show like this was also 1000/10. More black women in fantastical roles please 🙏🏾 I feel like this was the first healthy romantic relationship Derek was in too and it just had good vibes all around. He truly learned to trust a lover again. The beginning of their relationship was also hot af and that initial “anything you can do, I can do better” cat and mouse back and forth was *chefs kiss* That scene where she was teaching him how to use a gun >>>>> The reboot of Teen Wolf was not my cup of tea + I was bummed we didn’t get to see future Draeden [or their future kids??] but alas. We always have S3-S5 to look back on.
Show: Teen Wolf
L. WOO X JUN-HO: "What if you think of it as dancing the waltz?"
They are for sure one of my favorite ships. Woo and Jun-Ho need to be protected at all costs 🫶🏾 I don’t even know where to start with these two or this show. If you haven’t watched it yet, please go watch it. It’s on my top kdrama list for sure. Being close to people in my life with Autism, it was heartwarming to see how Jun-ho treated Woo. He treated her like a human being. He was loving, empathetic, patient, kind. All of the ways you should be with others in general, no matter how different or similar they are to you. It was fascinating seeing how the show tackled the subject of relationships that involve differing mental conditions and capabilities. The show was such a slow burn with them that when they had their first kiss I LOST it. I was giggling, screaming and kicking my feet in real time lmao. I’m conflicted bc I want to see a S2 but I also want it to stay the way it is. I don’t know how they would continue everyone’s story but if they resume it, I will be SAT.
Show: Extraordinary Attorney Woo
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I'm realizing a big trope I cling to is "Enemies to lovers". I don’t know what it is about it but it just eats each and every time. It has a certain je ne sais quoi 🤌🏾✨There are a BUNCH of other ships l love but I'll cap it here before this post becomes a whole novel.
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