#rohr rhambos
themadauthorshatter · 2 years
bestie!! can you do some headcanons about minor red queen characters such as sonya, elane, heron, etc?
I'll try not to strech too far with these and I may or may not include Ptolemus because we see so much of him in the books, but he's not a pov character, so yeah.
Right off the bat, Rohr was a Queenstrial contestant that everyone questioned behind closed doors mainly because of her age.
Sonya met Evangeline through a meeting with Houses Samos and Iral. The girls barely got along, but could at least put up with each other enough to respect their statuses.
Olliver has won against Maven sparingly and lost to Cal more times than he cares to count. He does not take it personally.
Quick homophobia warning here, many members of House Iral were confused and didn't understand Robert's being a consort to the King, though they were sure to keep it all to themselves because he did give their house a good deal of power, being so close to the King.
Samson and Cal get into fights that end in draws. Where Cal fights using strategy, Samson uses mental brutality to either break his opponents or get them to injure themselves to the point he wins.
Ara Iral was quite close with Sonya and gave her some comfort after the Queenstrial.
Lucas was someone MANY of the Samos House members looked down on, but Evangeline and Ptolemus did silently grieve for him.
After the events of the series, Wren has helped Ptolemus and Evangeline through unlearning everything that was taught to them. Needless to say, it was WAY easier said than done.
Bree and Tramy do occasionally have nightmares about the Front, but it's something they've come to talk about with Cal as he's had those experiences.
Cal was the best man in Julian's wedding.
Gisa occasionally gets a phantom ache in her hand because of how long it had been broken.
The electrons, after the war, keep in touch and are close with one another.
Heron was admittedly nervous to have been chosen as Cal's bride because he would have probably won any and all duels in training. Still hurt when Evangeline was chosen, though.
Elane and Evangeline did get married, and Sonya attended.
Davidson did not have long to adjust to being a leader, but he did very well, if he does say so himself, thank you very much.
That's all I've really got, thanks for the ask!!!
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elliemarchetti · 4 years
How do you think the RQ characters will be in the Hunger Games?
You know what, I have nothing better to do, so I'm about to propose my very own version of a Hunger Games AU, where the Queenstrial is a mix between the Hunger Games and the Selection from the homonymous series (if you’ve never read it, do it, you won’ t regret it)
To Choose a Queen
Words: 1082
The village was unbearably crowded, and with the late summer heat it was the last thing one wanted, but it was an important event, which hadn’t occurred in more than twenty years, and participation was mandatory, so people had flocked to the square unwillingly, generating a smell of sweat so strong that Mare had to restrain herself from throwing up. In no time the space became nearly claustrophobic, after all, although the place was small, quite a few people lived in the Stilts, and Mare squeezed Gisa’s hand harder and pressed herself against Kilorn, her mother right behind them.
"I still remember when Queen Coriane won,” she murmured in her oldest daughter ear. The thing that Coriane Jacos had won was the throne and it happened through the Queenstrial, the event that for the following weeks would be broadcast live twenty-four hours a day for those who could afford a private television or in short evening summaries that everyone would be forced to watch, and it was very simple: when a prince came of age, every High House that had a female daughter between the age of twelve and eighteen, and everyone made sure to have one when such a possibility was at stake, had to “provide” her to the royal family, who would then send them in a large open-air arena, which could contain everything from a torrid desert to a frozen wasteland, to fight to the death. The last one still standing would win the throne. It was barbaric and disgusting, but Mare wouldn't have complained if the Silvers of the worst kind decided to sacrifice a few of theirs for the entertainment of the masses nor did it surprise her that those heartless beings decided to sacrifice their daughters for a chance to end up in the royal family. The woman her mother was talking about, from what little Mare had been able to understand from history books and gossips, hadn’t made a great impression at first and it didn't even seem that she had been prepared to participate, for how weak and frightened she looked, but when there was just a handful of opponents left she had used her singer ability on a girl, she didn’t remembered which House she was from, who in her place had exterminated the remaining participants, starting from what had been considered the favorite from the beginning, Elara Merandus, and then slaughtered herself. She had been ingenious and she had come out of that perverse game with her hands practically clean, which had earned her some sort of respect from the Reds as well, who she didn't seem to disdain like the rest of her race, but they were all futile thoughts, which left Mare's mind once the national coat of arms, accompanied by the hymn, appeared on the screen. First a general gave a quick update on the war with the Lakelands and a couple of other, even shorter announces were made by some ministers and then, finally, the king spoke: “Today we honor tradition, but before I announce the Queenstrial participants my royal wife would like to say a few words to them.”
The woman stood up, showing a beautiful yellow dress, perfectly matched with the jewels and the golden crown. She had a serene smile on her lips, as if she had forgotten the horrors she had been forced to witness, and joined her husband: “Enjoy your last night as normal girls, because tomorrow your life will change forever.”
Mare doubted that the High Houses’ daughters had ever had a normal life, but she didn't said it aloud, too busy looking at the first face that appeared on the screen. They must’ve taken the photos from the Blood Register. They updated them annually, and if even the Reds had to try to look their best during those shots, she couldn't even imagine what the Silvers were doing to look like gods.
“Clove Arven, silencer,” announced the king, and despite the forced applause, her name didn’t ring any bell in her, just like many others later. Clarissa Eagrie looked particularly pretty with her porcelain-skin but Kilorn said that the hottest so far was Camille Gliacon, even if he wasn't convinced she would go very far in the competition. After her, Elayna Greco, a strongarm, was introduced and after her Elane Haven, a shadow that was Gisa’s Silver copy, just with lighter complexion. By now Mare had grown accustomed to the king's almost monotonous voice, and after Sonya Iral she had missed at least a couple of names, if not more, when a banshee was presented. A rapid look and Mare knew she was a walking corpse: she wouldn’t have survived the Blood Bath, the first race to the Cornucopia, the giant golden horn-shaped cone filled with supplies and weapons around which the Queenstrial started, even if she had been allied with more than half of the participants. After her the name of Samantha Nolle, who looked like a real lady, was made, but Tiny Nornus looked like the biggest deal so far. When Tirana Osanos appeared on the screen, the prince smiled. Maybe he already knew her, maybe he wanted her to win. It was sad that he couldn’t choose his wife, but she understood the logic behind the madness.
“Kriss Provos, talkie,��� said the king, and a girl that looked vaguely like a cat appeared on the screen. They were without a doubt all beautiful and dangerous girls, although Rohr Rhambos seemed more like a child, but Mare was getting tired of standing and looking at people who had no meaning for her. For a moment she thought that maybe she should’ve bet: she didn't approve when Kilorn did it during the Feasts and Evangeline Samos seemed pretty lethal but she immediately got the idea out of her head at the thought that she might’ve lose.
“Wren Skonos, skin healer.”
A very dark-skinned girl appeared on the screen. Her eyes were dark gray, bright and expressive, and she seemed kind but strong willed. Even if she would never admit it, Mare was a little sorry she was going to die. She was followed by Ashley Thany, a stoneskin, and Mareena Titanos, an oblivion. When the photo of the latter appeared on the screen, the blood froze in her veins. The face before her, the eyes that were watching her, were hers, and in a matter of seconds, everyone in the Stilts turned toward a nobody that had suddenly become somebody else. 
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katefaith18 · 2 years
Liam Dunbar
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Corey Bryant
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Mason Hewitt
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Theo Raeken
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Brett Talbot
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Nolan Holloway
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Lori Rohr
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Hayden Romero
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***Honorable Mention
Eli Hale
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bananaman-mp3 · 2 years
aight so in light of today being saturday and ill have a lot of homeswprk to do starting tomorrow ill read a little more.
yo mare feels so betrayed by this revelation? like it makes sense that she has a huge vendetta against silvers… but if my judgement isnt completely clouded, just bc he was born in the royal family doesnt mean he shares their values, beliefs, etc. i mean idk we know little to nothing abt him. and it definitely makes sense that shes shocked, obviously her reaction is justified here.
a house patriarch called lord provos uses his telky powers to transform the garden. a shield of lighting appears. a girl called rohr of rhambos (what) appears rises from the center of the arena. shes around fourteen and a strongarm that can pulverize statues and crack the fucking ground. i love the tiny and destructive trope.
“So this is a pageant.” *inhales* MARE.
yeah they have to pair up the most powerful daughter with the prince so that their kids are unstoppable or something. its fucking incredible when you remember that these people (apparently) dont even fight in the front lines. like its just to flex on their kingdoms, right?
next is heron of welle, the governor of the stilts i suppose? shes a greeny, fixing the mess the prev girl left and making some tall-ass trees grow, so much they touch the lightning net and burn. the next girl, a nymph from house osanos puts down the fire with her sick waterbending. etc, etc, etc, according to mare. one she remarks abt is a twelve year old that makes things go boom boom. oblivion is her power name. we keep ading powers and sick names to the list holy shit. weve got animos, animal control.
now its time for another one. evangeline of samos, the house that mare was serving earlier -with the ptolemus dude- whos starkly not-like-other-silver-girls here. she doesnt wear silk dresses or gilded armor! she wears leather with studded iron! yeah fine show us your power licherally everyone loves you, show us why.
“magnetron” obviously she gets the coolest sounding name. mare is called down to serve some house that look like yellow birds according to her. they claim she already has won. even if she didnt do anything yet.
shes a metalbender yaaaay! she uses her studs as bullets. then she bends some metal pipes towards herself and uses it as a shield against the lightning sparks. she makes the boxes where all the silvers are move around.
one of the silvers in the box mare is serving knocks her down.
the big reveal… she falls to the lightning net and doesnt burn… she feels alive!
she falls with her uniform charred but herself untouched. everyone sees her. evangeline is scared. so scared she attacks mare, but our girl defends herself and makes a four feet hole in the opposite wall.
she makes a run for the hatch in the ground where the silver girls came from as the sentinels follow her ordered by the king, down the chamber and into a hallway. cameras turn to watch her. shes desperate to go outside and find a market to blend into a crowd and have a chance to escape.
she slides between to sentinels and finds a window to the outside but this time her sparks dont work. luckily, cal finds her and heists her up before the sentinels show up. the smoke makes her dizy, and im guessing shes fainting
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elliemarchetti · 5 years
Red Queen Soulmate AU (Mare and Maven)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Other Red Queen fics:
A Wonderful Mistake (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7)
Holiday Inconveniences (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
The Scam (part 2)
A Red Lover (part 2)
A Rebel’s Song (part 2)
The Epilogue
A Different POV
Words: 1234
With a sense of emptiness in her stomach, Mare returned to the platform with the other servants. Whatever happiness she had experienced before, it was now completely gone. She couldn’t look back at him, standing there, in royal clothes, covered with cockades and medals with that stance she hated so much.  Like Walsh, he also wore the badge with the flaming crown, but his was made of black jet, diamonds and rubies.  The jewel stood out sparkling against the intense black background of the uniform. The dull clothes he wore the previous day to blend in with the poor villagers were now only a distant memory and now he seemed in all aspects a future king, Silver to the core. Not to mention his brother... Mare was deeply disturbed by the whole situation: she had thought that this opportunity could improve her life but had done nothing but make it more difficult as he just couldn't understand what the names on her wrists meant. Would she hate the king or his successor? Or maybe it would have been his brother... But what could this boy do to her? Also, did that mean she would love one of the two brothers? The coincidences were too many to be defined as such but if that were the case, it meant that she could never get married, as nobody would ever let her marry one of those boys. Of course she could’ve had lovers, with whom she should’ve been more than attentive, but that wasn't what made her dizzy: the boy who had found her a job, who had saved her and her family, who she had hoped so much to be her soulmate was one of them, even worse the prince,  the one for whom that spiral of monsters had gathered, and at the same time he could’ve been both.
"You have come this far to show your respect for my son and the kingdom, therefore I too respect you" thundered King Tiberias, breaking Mare's thoughts as if they were made of glass, to then raise his arms upwards and turn to the various stalls full of people. Although she tried to do everything to keep her gaze fixed on the king, she couldn't help but glance at Cal, who was smiling, but not as radiant as the night before.
"I respect your right to reign," he said to the Silvers and completely ignoring the Reds, as if they had none. "The future king, my son's son, will be blood of your Silver blood as it’ll be of mine. Who is claiming his right?"
"I claim the Queenstrial!" the silver-haired patriarch barked in response, soon imitated by the respective heads of the other houses. Tiberias smiled and nodded: "Let it begin, then."
 His father turned to house Provos and the rest of the court followed his gaze until they reached the members of the family in golden black-striped clothes. The patriarch, who resembled a wasp in those weird clothes, stepped forward and shook his hand, suddenly making the platform where the servants were standing tremble. If only Thomas hadn't gone to war, if only someone had found him a job... Maven tried to drive the thought away, in vain. It had been better this way, just like his mother had said. Or maybe it was just something Elara was trying to silently and painfully, like any other of her teachings, suggest to him. In an attempt to distract himself, he tried to concentrate on the girl who had just come out of the darkness: Rhor Rhambos, no more than fourteen, was smiling at her family. Tiny, compared to the statues that surrounded her, she had incredibly large hands, which isn’t uncommon among those with her ability, capable of creating a vortex of destruction, if used well. She was kind of a earthquake with the appearance of a human being but she was too young to win and also she was nowhere near the most talented, although Maven wouldn’t have dismissed her as his possible wife if it hadn’t been for the attention she devoted to Cal, making him feel completely invisible, a feeling that he was already forced to experience every time he was in the presence of his father and that, if possible, he wished to avoid. The next competitor was Heron of House Welle, daughter of a governor, although of a relatively poor region. She was tall with a long face and was a greenwarden.  As a possible match she had her pro and her cons therefore Maven hadn’t yet spoken about her to his mother, who for once had no preference, although she agreed with him in wanting to get rid of the Samos. He had certainly excluded the Osanos competitor, a nymph. He didn’t like the idea that she could nullify his power and tried to stay away from her as much as possible. The farce went on for what seemed like an eternity, every girl forced to move in an increasingly devastated arena. Appearance and age varied greatly from one another, but none attracted Maven's attention except for a little girl, about twelve years old, who belonged to Cal's grandmother's family, and an animos  that drew a thousand doves down from the sky who plunged down to the shield of lightning, exploding in small clouds of feathers, blood and lethal electricity, from which he would keep his distance too. The designated winner, Evangeline Samos, made her entrance announced by her father and Cal looked down, observing his hands. It was evident that he didn't want to marry her as much as she, deep down, didn't want to marry him. If he hadn't known her, Maven would’ve said she would’ve been a valid queen, so different from her opponents, wearing a leather suit covered with iron studs, extremely functional for her ability, unlike the others, who had sported almost all silk clothes and some a golden armor. But her character, proud and self-centered, usually led her into error, which she repeated also on that day: with a deafening roar, some metal pipes pierced the ground of the arena and emerged from who knows where, rising into the air and surrounding her, forming a kind of gray and silver metal crown. He almost seemed to hear her laugh, but the deafening screech overpowered any other sound. Sparks rained down on her from the lightning shield but the girl protected herself without the slightest effort with a scrap of metal, after which she let it crash to the ground with a frightening bang. When she looked up at the overlying platforms, her mouth was wide open and she displayed her sharp teeth with a hungry gaze: she lived for those attentions, she had been created to sit on the throne and be observed and she couldn’t stop, not when she got this far. It began slowly, with a slight imbalance, until an entire platform tilted forward, with dishes that fell to the ground shattering and glasses that tumbled towards the railing and then beyond, crashing against the lightning shield. A Red fell and Maven looked away in disgust. It would’ve crashed into the lightning shield and for him it was like reliving Thomas's death, seeing him fall into the burning building, devoured by the fire he couldn’t control. It was better that way, his mother's voice repeated, although the queen hadn't moved her lips.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
I've been thinking about this a lot, and I just need to get it out:
As we all know Tiberias Calore VI is a pretty crappy parent, one blinded by grief and lost in the past. He favored one child over the other, which is just cruel to do, and is an alcoholic, so there's probably a lot ofpossible emotional detachment, as he'd rather turn to a bottle than another person.
And I am more than certain that he did not like being King, and would rather give the throne to someone else.
What kept him from doing so?
I would imagine it would be the last piece of Coriane he had: Cal.
I imagine Cal was anchor through the years, even if Cal didn't fully know it; as he was aware, but didn't know how much he mattered to his father.
Imagine one day, before the series, Tibe is remembering Coriane and is drinking slightly more than usual.
Maven tells Cal, who is annoyed at facing their father while he's possibly intoxicated, but goes anyway because he knows it has to be important.
He finds his father glaring at a report as he holds his head up with one hand and holds a bottle of wine or whiskey in the other.
Tibe looks up and gestures for Cal to come in and sit down, which he does.
Neither speak, save for Tibe taking swigs of alcohol, until Cal asks how things are looking.
They are not good.
"With the front lines needing emergency provisions, rumors of the Scarlet Guard rising up, and Lord Rhambos offering his daughter Rohr for Queenstrial, I would rather go back to the front and take care if it all myself than write to solve these problems."
Cal bites the inside of his cheek at that remark, but then furrows his brow.
"Isn't Rohr going to be 14 soon?"
"She is. Why?"
Cal shakes his head. "No reason. It just seems a little too young for someone to compete in Queenstrial."
Tibe fights a head shake and leans back in his chair. "Believe me, there have been younger." He chuckles before continuing, "I think the youngest Queenstrial competitor was a nine year old Animos. My grandfather couldn't even look at her."
Cal chuckles with him. "There should really be an age limit for Queenstrial, so no one under a certain age can compete."
Tibe's smile drops a little as he reaches for the bottle. "Could you imagine how the High Houses would react? Especially Merandus?"
Cal stops smiling instantly. "But Elar-... Mother already won her Queenstrial. She shouldn't have anything to object to."
"Believe me, there is still plenty for her to object to."
Cal remains silent as Tibe continues to read and respond to reports, thinking about what else Elara could possibly protest to.
His thoughts are broken when his father asks:
"Have you spoken to Julian lately?"
"Why do you ask?"
Tibe takes a swig of his drink and shakes his head dismissively. "I was just wondering." He looks away at a painting on the wall, staying quiet for a little while.
Cal is also silent, at least knowing everything's decent, at least.
"I think he hates me, Cori."
Both Cal and Tibe have a moment of 'Wait, WHAT!?'
Cal's eyes widen and Tibe quickly turns to him, trying to come up with some sort of lie; he may be drunk, but he's not drunk enough to miss the fact he called his son by his dead wife's nickname.
"Father?" Cal asks, concerned now more than ever.
Tibe turns his attention back to his reports, telling Cal he's fine and Cal can go back to training.
Cal goes to argue and actually make sure his father is okay, but Tibe dismisses him, saying he's got a lot of work to do.
Cal leaves him alone, only putting on a smile and saying he'll see his father at dinner before he leaves.
Once he's gone, Tibe goes for a swig of alcohol out of practical instinct, even though he knows he possibly screwed up big time.
Come dinner though, he and Cal have basically brushed it off, even though it's just an act they're putting on for each other.
Cal does talk to his uncle about it, but Julian can only comment that his brother-in-law must really be that blinded by his grief to mistake his son for his dead wife.
Upon seeing Cal's expression, he apologizes that he has to see that happen and admits to Cal that despite his faults, his father still loves and sees him as his son, which Cal knows, though he thanks Julian for those words, all the same.
Well, if this wasn't emotionally devastating, I don't know what is😅
Hope you guys enjoyed this!!!
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