#roi collects data
roitaminnah · 11 months
I assume my general age range for when they get together doesn't match the general fandom consensus but I want to see how far off I am. also I love data >:3c
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
hi there! (ok FIRST AND FOREMOST i need to tell you that i am obsessed with your writing. you are by far my favorite jamie tartt writer, you characterize him perfectly and nail his speech mannerisms! not an easy feat! so thank u for writing what you do and for sharing it with us!!!! <333333 ok now that i've gotten that off my chest) if you're taking requests right now i'd love to see your take on a (slowburn?) enemies to lovers fic with jamie!!
I don’t know why I take simple little prompts and turn them into angsty monstrosities. This one makes up for the lack of plot in my other fics, and I’d like to apologize in advance😬
Oh also I am the queen of commas, in case you didn’t know 😇😇
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flipped the script
It cannot be considered murder if you’re provoked. It would be considered doing the world a favor. 
And by god, you are going to fucking murder Jamie Tartt.
He does absolutely fucking nothing but make your life fucking miserable and you’re fucking losing it.
The only thing you’d agree on is when it started. It was 4am and he was yelling at someone called Roy and you had to be awake in two hours for a fucking conference, and you’d only just fallen asleep at 1am.
So you marched out of your house to the sidewalk where your prick neighbor was arguing with his prick coach and told him to shut the fuck up or I’m calling the police.
He opened his mouth to retort, changed his mind, then made a snide comment about your choice of outfit while you glared at him. His prick coach had the decency to apologize and smack Jamie on the head, so you said, “You’re fine, Roy, I’ll see you at work next week,” and Roy said, “Ah shit, you have that fucking conference, yeah?” and you said yeah then flipped off Jamie as you walked away.
You really hadn’t had many interactions with Jamie before, but you knew him before you started your job as an administrative assistant for AFC Richmond since you were, after all, living right next to each other.
Your last job had paid incredibly well; you were basically the go-to girl for your last company for two and half years. You compiled all relevant information from the day and presented to your boss so he would be caught up on the company’s inner workings. You were observant when it came to valuable (or toxic) employees, and had gained a reputation for being an invaluable asset.
But your old boss was retiring and you were ready for something new, so you began looking around. You found a job at AFC Richmond, assisting a Mr. Higgins and just generally making sure his job ran smoothly so the club could run smoothly. 
It was mostly paperwork, but you enjoyed it. You collected data from all different departments and then ran it by Higgins and Ms. Welton. You weren’t above coffee runs; it was nice to get out sometimes and Ms. Welton would put your coffee on her bill. You got to take your lunch breaks with them and talk and laugh, and be appreciated, which is something you didn’t often get.
The nature of your job demands a certain level of… professionalism, shall we say, which can be misconstrued as coldness. You’re not. You’re just young and trying to be taken seriously, which is why it’s nice to be known both in a personal and professional capacity by Higgins and Ms. Welton. Higgins has even invited you over for family dinner and you’d invited his family over to yours. His boys had absolutely lost their minds at the amount of nerf guns you had stashed in each room, courtesy of your brother who often liked to drop by unannounced when he knew you were home and get you in the back of the head. Sometimes you regretted giving him a key, but not enough to take it back.
All that to say, it was a relatively seamless transition to AFC Richmond. You and Jamie would exchange a neighborly nod if you saw each other, but that was absolutely it. 
The next incident is, uh, kind of your fault.
Remember the brother-and-nerf-guns thing?
Your brother had sneaked over on a Sunday (parked around the corner so his car wouldn’t be seen on your security cameras) and you were chasing each other around the house. Your sister-in-law had warned you he was coming over (he asked her to drive him), so you were prepared and hiding in the bushes. He was nonchalantly walking on the sidewalk, hands in his hoodie, when you popped out and got him right in the chest then booked it into your house, which led to a solid fifteen minutes of running and yelling, with the occasional, “Ow, you jerk!” that siblings are always saying but never really mean.
The incident occurs when you’re once again in your front yard running from your brother. You look back to assess how far away he is when smack, you run into someone and feel their beverage go flying.
It’s Jamie, and his bright pink drink is now all over his clean white hoodie.
You both stop and glare at each other. 
You had stopped feigning civility after the 4am thing, so the glare is standard procedure.
Jamie says, “What the fuck?” as your brother comes careening to an abrupt halt.
You’re still glaring. “Why are asking me ‘what the fuck?’ You’re the one walking around here with that fucking awful drink that’s probably going to kill your internal organs. I mean seriously, it cannot be safe to consume something that bright.”
“Says the girl who’s addicted to diet soda.”
“Says the girl who’s fucking pissed that her sidewalk is stained fucking bright pink. How the fuck am I supposed to clean this?”
Jamie’s face is red now, and yours is too.
“A), it’s a fucking public sidewalk and b), what about my fucking sweatshirt? This cost more than your shitty car!” he shoots back, and that’s the moment a line is crossed.
“We live in the same goddamn neighborhood,” you hiss, “so shut the fuck up with your stupid elitist footballer bullshit.”
“Oi, at least I’m not a fucking stuck-up, self-righteous big-shot with no friends!”
You’re not sure what would have happened next because your brother grabs you by the arm and hauls you back inside, waving apologetically to Jamie. All the fight goes out of you as soon as the door shuts.
“What the ever-loving hell was that?” he asks. He never did like using the word “fuck.”
What the ever-loving hell was that? Well, it’s actually quite simple. In the seven months you’ve been at Richmond, you haven’t really made any friends.
Yes, you have Ms. Welton and Higgins, but that’s not the same as having people the same age as you to go out with and watch movies and drink and dance and just be stupid and unwind with. 
You’re not even necessarily looking for friends at Nelson Road, just friends somewhere. The problem is, you’re not even sure how to go about it. You’ve spent the last decade of your life (yes, decade) working your ass off to get where you are now. Fourteen year-old knew what she wanted and was determined to get it. You had hustled through school, made connections, grew your resume, and saved every fucking penny until you landed a job that you were definitely under qualified for, but you had nailed the interview. You weren’t sure why your boss decided to take a chance on you, until he told you later he saw the same spark his daughter had in your eyes.
His daughter, who had become a multi-millionaire on her own by the time she was twenty-seven.
So, because someone saw the grit in your eyes of all places, you had a chance to make a fuck ton of money and have a fuck ton of benefits.
You made more connections, including a realtor who set you up with your current home at a price that was insane to normal people, but a steal to the rich. You were signing papers before it was even officially on the market.
It had been labelled as a “fixer-upper,” but that meant a little bit of scuffed paint and slightly outdated utilities. 
And it was yours.
It all came at a price though, didn’t it?
That price was not seeing your family often, sleeping poorly, and no real friends.
That’s why your brother makes it a point to come around. He knows that your lack of contact does not equate a lack of love.
Not everyone saw it that way. You’d lost all your friends at this point, labeled a bitch and a workaholic. So, you though, why the hell not just lean into it. You could be a bitch and a workaholic if it got things done. It was easier to harden the shell around your heart than let people in again.
Ok, maybe taking out all that anger on Jamie isn’t healthy, but hey, he’s the one fighting back so hard. 
Things keep happening. His foot is stuck out just enough to make you stumble as you pass each other in the hallway, your car is parked on the street just enough so he can’t get into his garage, ferocious glares are exchanged. Any conversation you are forced to have is laced with sarcastic, biting remarks that only serve make you close off even more. 
The worst part? You’re both fucking brilliant at hiding it. 
You’d have to be, especially at AFC Richmond under Ted Lasso’s command. If he got wind of this, he’d be all over it trying to fix it and neither of you want that. 
You see, Jamie’s a little bit fucked up too.
You’ve been at AFC Richmond for a year, and you’ve hated Jamie Tartt for eleven months.
Yet somehow, you’re in fucking Paris. 
Not with just Jamie, of course, but the whole team.
Rebecca’s basically given you a paid vacation because there isn’t much for you to do here. It’s great, the city of lights or something, but you can’t enjoy it. 
You’re in your room on the floor, becoming slowly dehydrated from crying.
Everything is all fuzzy and you’re incredibly disoriented, so you think you might be hallucinating when you hear a knock on the door.
It happens again, more insistently, and you think it’s probably Rebecca so you drag yourself up off the floor, wipe your eyes, and open it to find Jamie Tartt standing in front of you, clearly wishing to be anywhere else.
He’s staring at the top of the doorframe as he says, “Coach sent me to see if you want to go out with the lads tonight,” looking down only when you’ve left his statement unanswered for far too long.
His look of annoyance changes as he clocks your puffy eyes and red nose. 
“You alright?” he asks and you don’t even have the heart to say, obviously, don’t I look it? so you just nod and move to shut the door. 
Jamie blocks it with his hand and pushes it back open, then past you into the room.
It’s pristine, all marble and gold; and far too big for you. You would have preferred something smaller, something less empty. Something less cold. 
All you can do is stand there mutely in your t-shirt and sweatpants, watching your worst enemy clatter around in the room’s fridge looking for a water bottle.
He retrieves one and hands it to you, cap unscrewed.
You don’t ask if he’s spit in it, just take a sip and look at him with dead eyes.
“You look like shit,” he observes, breaking the silence. 
It’s not a dig. You’ve heard enough condescension from his lips to know when he’s fighting.
You shrug.
“You gonna say something?” Jamie asks, and that’s enough to get you going.
“You’re the one who’s in my room,” you say and instead of firing back, Jamie grins. 
“We can go to mine if you want, love,” he winks and in a terrible, awful, panic-inducing moment, you are thrown completely off your guard.
How the fuck are you supposed to reconcile this Jamie Tartt with the awful neighbor you hate? And is he- flirting? Surely not.
He registers your face going through a million expressions in an instant and sobers.
“Go sit,” he says, and you comply without thinking. You’re cross-legged on the couch and he thumps down next to you. He’s not close enough that you’re touching, but you can feel the heat radiating off his body. It’s funny, because you feel so cold. You wonder for a moment if your heart has actually turned to stone and that’s why you’re shivering.
You hear someone say, “My ex is here,” and are horrified to realize that you’re the one talking, and not only that, but you’re continuing. 
“He fucking… knew I’d be here. I saw him in the lobby. He acted like it was some great coincidence, but he was never a great liar. And… he’s here with his girlfriend. Fiancée, I guess. Because he’s proposing to her tonight. They’ve known each other less than a year, and he’s proposing to her. I saw him in the lobby looking like this while he’s in a fucking suit and all I can think about is the fact that he broke up with me because I wouldn’t put out because I wasn’t ready. And how he said he wasn’t the marrying type.” You pause.
“I broke my back making time for him. Everyone thinks I’m a workaholic and maybe I am, but I make time for the people I love. I made time for him. It sounds funny to say, especially how I am now, but he’s why I don’t anymore. Make time, I mean. Nobody notices I’m gone anyway. Or when I’m around. Or anything I do unless I’m doing something for them.”
You risk a look at Jamie. He’s studying your face with an intensity you’ve never seen and you look down to find his hand in yours, and you wonder how that happened. Your knuckles are white from gripping it but he’s holding it back and it gives you just enough of a boost to keep going.
“I don’t even want the money for myself. Like, I’m able to buy expensive shit and that’s cool, but the only reason I have a house that big is because my brother and his wife have a shit-ton of kids, and sometimes they need a break. So they can come over to mine and run around and have space and be wild for a week and I don’t care. They won’t let me give them money, so I have to think of creative ways to help them out. I only have nephews- they each have their own trust fund. It’s not that big right now, but it’s growing. It’ll be a lot by the time they’re each eighteen. And my parents… They died when I was fourteen. It was a stupid car accident, this freak thing with the brakes even though they’d just had the car serviced a week before. My brother was twenty one and newly married because he’s an idiot and he was in love. He and his wife let me live with them.”
You shake your head. “No, that’s not right, they didn’t just let me live with them, they took care of me. Bought me clothes and fed me and let me have my own room even though I said I could sleep on the couch. They could barely afford things for themselves, but they made sure I had what I needed. That’s why I threw myself into work and pushed people away. It’s for them, because I know I can never repay them. But I want to, even if they won’t let me.”
You’re done speaking, finally, and your face is bright red. It normally is when speaking to Jamie, but that’s from the sheer anger you usually feel from having to deal with him. This time it’s different. It’s from the embarrassment of being vulnerable in front of someone.
Jamie hasn’t said anything the whole time, just let you hold his hand. Your knees are touching now, and you realize that one of you must have shifted to make that happen.
You take a deep breath and blow it out slowly. “Why are you here, Jamie?” you ask softly. “You hate me. I don’t even know why I told you all that.”
He looks straight into your eyes. “I don’t hate you,” he says simply.
That’s enough to fully shatter the shell around your heart, and you’re shaking with silent sobs again as Jamie pulls you closer, your back against his chest as he wraps his arms around you.
You fall asleep like that, and you’re not sure at which point Jamie left. But when you wake up, you’re in your bed under a blanket. You think maybe you dreamed the whole thing until you see the note on your nightstand in messy handwriting.
I meant what I said.
Neither you nor Jamie comment on it, but something has changed. You don’t hate him anymore. He sits next to you on the plane back and cracks jokes, and you have a weird opportunity to apologize. He tells you he’s sorry too, explains about his dad, and you form a strange bond of repressed anger as a way to deal with hurt. 
Ted is right, forgiveness is the way to go.
Jamie Tartt makes it a point to ask you to go out with the lads every time they do group activities. You meet Rebecca’s friend Keeley, basically the only other girl, and pretty soon she’s invited herself over for girl’s nights. Jamie recognizes Keeley’s car the second time it happens and walks over to say hey. She invites him in, and suddenly he’s a fixture at girl’s night. His movie recommendations are shit, but his skincare products are not.
Since things at AFC Richmond aren’t as hectic as you’re used to, you start to pick up some of your old hobbies. Cooking, for example. You get your hands on a copy of Jamie’s diet plan and start experimenting with ways to make it more interesting. So now he’s at yours for dinner more often than not. 
He pops his head over the fence one Saturday afternoon, hearing young voices all morning. Your nephews are over and playing football in the backyard while your brother and sister-in-law deep clean their house. You’re sitting under an umbrella with the baby in your arms and a pitcher of water, when you hear Isaiah, the oldest, say, “Whoa! Is that Jamie Tartt?” 
You look up from Daniel’s tiny giggly face to see Jamie hanging over your fence and waving. You roll your eyes and grin back.
“Wanna come over?” you call, and the words are barely our of your mouth before he’s hopped over and starting to steal the ball from your four walking nephews.
They’re at it for a good thirty minutes before he calls time-out and is jogging over to you, all sweaty and grinning. 
“Didn’t know you were good with kids,” he says.
“Could say the same thing about you,” you shoot back.
He grabs water then makes a silly face at Daniel, who giggles and waves his arms. You laugh and kiss the baby on the top of his head, which makes him gurgle. You look up to see Jamie watching you strangely, so you wrinkle your nose at him. “What?” you say, but before he can open his mouth to respond, Jesse is pulling on Jamie’s hand, telling him the time-out is over.
Your next interaction of note happens after your third consecutive Richmond match. You don’t usually go to them, as it’s not required and you didn’t really care. But since you’ve been hanging out with the team, you find yourself taking Rebecca up on her offer to sit in the owner’s box. It’s three days until the next match and you’re looking for Jamie so you can eat lunch together. You find him in the locker room of all places and hand him his bag of food, yet another one of your experiments.
You’re starting to get really good revitalizing Jamie’s meal plan.
His eyes light up when he sees you, and you both miss the looks exchanged between Ted and Beard in their office.
Jamie puts down the lunch and says, “Oi, I got you something.” He reaches into his locker and pulls out a Richmond jersey.
“It’s new, it ain’t one of mine, but now you can wear it to matches.”
You shake it open to see it’s a Jamie Tartt jersey, and this makes you unreasonably happy.
Jamie’s grinning too, and it’s the rare kind of grin where his teeth look sharper and his eyes flash.
You hug it to your chest and say, “I’ll be sure to wear it Saturday,” before you and Jamie head to the café to eat.
Keeley, of course, has comments about the jersey. You pretend not to understand what she’s saying.
It’s girls night again, and you and Jamie are pulling snacks out of his cabinets when your phones ding at the same time. It’s Keeley on your groupchat.
Can’t make it babes, something’s come up.
You make a comment involving the words “Roy Kent,” and riffing on her excuse, which makes Jamie laugh.
“I guess I’ll head back to mine,” you say, but Jamie tilts his head and says, “Or you could just… stay,” so you do.
You’re on his couch again, like the night you stopped hating him: your back agains his chest as you rub your thumb absentmindedly on his tattooed forearm.
You’re midway through the movie and explaining to Jamie the limited plausibility of it happening in real life, when he says a soft, oh shit as you pause to take a breath.
“What?” you say, sitting up. “Is everything alright?”
Jamie rubs a hand across his face. “You’re gonna fucking hate me again.”
You squint. “Not sure that’s possible. You’ve got too much dirt on me.”
Jamie just groans. “Nah, you’ll hate me. But I’m gonna tell you anyway.”
He grabs your hand and looks you straight in your eyes, giving you goosebumps.
“I’m fucking in love with you,” he says, and your brain still functions just enough to crash your lips into his.
You’re on top of him and his fingers are tangled in your hair, but as your fingers ghost his waistband, he stills and grabs your hand.
You freeze too, afraid you’ve crossed a line, but Jamie says, “I’m not fucking you for the first time on my couch. We’re going to do this proper,” and then he’s whisking you off your feet and up the stairs.
You know that fucking someone you work with is a line you said you’d never cross. But he was your neighbor first, and you’re in love, so it doesn’t count. You’re lying on Jamie’s bed gasping for air after god knows how long and all you can say is, “fuck me.”
Jamie smirks. “Thought I just did, babe, but I’ll go again,” and you’re seeing stars for the third time that night.
He’s sucking a line across your collarbone when you say, “Wait!”
Jamie is off of you in a moment, and you feel strangely empty.
“You alright?” he asks, all concern.
“I never said it back,” you explain. Jamie’s still confused.
“I love you too. You said you’re fucking in love with me. I’m in love with you too. Just thought I should make it clear.” 
Jamie’s looking at you all strange again, eyes dark, so you roll him back on top and let him devour you.
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waitineedaname · 8 months
Finally, after months of work, I have completed it: the collection of all* character appearances in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood!
edit: if you want a more detailed spreadsheet on the homunculi in particular, @vuullets has a collection of all homunculi appearances in the manga! you can find it here
Some notes on this spreadsheet:
there are spoilers. obviously. proceed with caution
timestamps indicate when a character first appears in a scene, not every time they appear. if the scene changes to one without that character, and then we return to that character in another scene, that's another timestamp for a new appearance
all timestamps are approximate, give or take a few seconds based on how quickly I could pause the show
only unique flashbacks count as an appearance. if the flashback is to something we've seen in a previous episode, that is not counted as a unique appearance, but if it provides something new that we haven't seen before, it counts!
I didn't include background easter egg appearances, like when you can see Mei in the background at a train station before she's introduced
I didn't actually do all characters. there are a lot of characters, and I am just one person. sorry if you're a big fan of minor members of the military, i just couldn't do it
since Greed is kind of a special case, he deserves a specific explanation: OG Greed and Greedling are not counted as separate characters, they're both just Greed. when Greed is in control of Ling's body, that counts as an appearance for Greed, and it's not an appearance for Ling unless he's in control. if they're both in a scene together (talking in the mindscape, for example, or switching control back and forth) they each get a timestamp for when they first appear/speak in a scene
feel free to use this as a reference! I made this as a useful tool for myself, and because I'm a nerd about data. if you are also a nerd about data, I tallied up some stats, which I'll put under the cut:
only six characters broke 30 episodes. the characters with the most appearances are Edward (60), Alphonse (58), Mustang (45), Hawkeye (42), Scar (40), and Winry (31).
next highest on the list are Alex Armstrong and Mei (tied for 29), King Bradley (28), Hohenheim (26), and Ling (25).
the homunculus in the most episodes is Wrath (28), and the one in the least is Lust (11)
as previously mentioned, Alex Armstrong and Mei are in the same number of episodes (29), as are Olivier Armstrong and Marcoh (24), and Buccaneer and Ross (18)
Hughes is in only 10 episodes, the same number as Grumman and Fu
Yoki is in a whopping 23 episodes. what the fuck
the chimera in the most episodes is Zampano (21), closely followed by Darius and Jerso (20), with Heinkel falling behind at 16. The Devil's Nest chimeras are only in 2 episodes, with the exception of Bido, who is in 3
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carpecerevisiam · 10 months
Please reblog for maximum exposure 🙏
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xenopoem · 1 year
Official Report on The Intransitionalist Chronotopologies of Kenji Siratori (TRS 109)
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Official Report on The Intransitionalist Chronotopologies of Kenji Siratori: Appendix 8.2.3 is a xenopoetic data/dada anthology that documents the activities of the artist collective The Ministry of Transrational Research into Anastrophic Manifolds. The anthology results from an experimental approach to impersonal literary composition. Similar to surrealist definitions, but on the scale of a technical document, members of the Ministry—poets, musicians, novelists, painters, curators, artists, scientists, philosophers, and physicians—were asked to offer a microfiction, poem, essay, fictional citation, or computer code, in the form of a footnote or annotation to a glitch-generated novel by iconoclastic Japanese artist Kenji Siratori; however, each participant wrote their contribution without any access to or knowledge about the nature of Siratori’s source text. After collecting the contributions, the “footnotes” were each algorithmically linked to an arbitrary word from Siratori’s novel. The result is a work of xenopoetic emergence: a beautifully absurd, alien document scintillating with strange potency. Bringing together algorithmically and AI-generated electronic literature with analogue collage and traditional modes of literary composition, the Ministry refuses to commit solely to digital, automated, or analogue art and instead seeks technological mutualism and a radically alien future for the arts. Accompanied by a groundbreaking original score by electro-acoustic duo Wormwood, the anthology offers the radical defamiliarization and weird worlds of science fiction, but now the strangeness bites back on the level form. Readers should expect to discover strange portals from which new ways of thinking, feeling, and being emerge. A conceptual and experimental anthology, Official Report on The Intransitionalist Chronotopologies of Kenji Siratori inaugurates collective xenopoetic writing and the conceit that the future of art will consist of impersonal acts of material emergence, not personal expression. Consume with caution.
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AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS Rosaire Appel, Louis Armand, David Barrick, Gary Barwin, Steve Beard, Gregory Betts, Christian Bök, Mike Bonsall, Peter Bouscheljong, Maria Chenut, Shane Jesse Christmas, Roy Christopher, Tabasco “Ralph” Contra, Mike Corrao, R.J. Dent, Paul Di Filippo, Zak Ferguson, Colin Herrick, S.C. Hickman, Maxwell Hyatt, Justin Isis, Andrew Joron, Chris Kelso, Phillip Klingler, Adam Lovasz, Daniel Lukes , Ania Malinowska, Claudia Manley, Ryota Matsumoto, Michael Mc Aloran, Andrew McLuhan, Jeff Noon, Jim Osman, Suarjan Prasai, Tom Prime , David Leo Rice, Virgilio Rivas, David Roden, B.R. Yeager, Andrej Shakowski , Aaron Schneider, Gary J. Shipley, Kenji Siratori , Sean Smith, Kristine Snodgrass, Sean Sokolov, Alan Sondheim, Simon Spiegel, Henry Adam Svec, Jeff VanderMeer, R.G. Vasicek, Andrew C. Wenaus, William Wenaus, Eileen Wennekers, Christina Marie Willatt, Saywrane Alfonso Williams, D. Harlan Wilson, Andrew Wilt
early September release
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atotaltaitaitale · 12 days
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Friday False Advertising… When the store doesn’t sell what the storefront advertises.
From Magasin de Faïenceries Choisy-le-roi, Maison Boulenger (Earthenware factory) to Albert School, a Data & Business School, blending engineering and business education
From a nameplate near the building: The former store of the Choisy-le-Roi earthenware factory (Maison Hippolyte Boulenger) was built around 1900 by Jacottin. It is entirely decorated with painted ceramics, forming a sort of unalterable catalog of their production. On the street side, the facade, inlaid with ceramic elements, resembles that of a theater. Inside, the vestibule, courtyard, customer reception room and first-floor glass roof remain. The compositions are by Arnoux and Guidetti. A-J. Arnoux, who ran the decoration workshop at the Choisy-le-Roi earthenware works, made a name for himself with his research into enamel firing. From 1978 to 1991, this building housed the Musée de l'Affiche et de la Publicité: part of the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs, it was intended to present temporary exhibitions of old and contemporary posters. The collections have now returned to the Pavillon de Marsan.
***During my "flânerie", I often notice the beautiful old storefronts, some are even listed as historical monuments but the ones I prefer are the ones where the storefront and the actual store don’t have anything in common… aka my "False Advertising" series***
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sambot2000xp · 3 months
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ummmmmmmm hi new intro hi tumblr hi
my name is hal like hal 9000 i love Star Trek it is my special interest I love robots I relate to robots I am alterkin robotkin and dogkin
some of my interests include: star trek , sci-fi, metalocalypse, creepypasta,, horror movies, the old web, internet culture in general, architecture, and computers
some things i have a passive interest in are: philosophy (feel free to strike up a debate with me there are topics i am very passionate about), social studies, food, and anarchist theory
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this must be boring so here is. A rainbow here here here
here is my thingy thing thing:
if you are too lazy to click that link i do not blame you basically i am an agender boygirl , i use it/its pronouns mostly. please refer to me with masculine terms if you do not know me or preferably, do not refer to me at all!!!!
oh i also have a strange fascination with wojaks so here is some of my collection:
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here is a list of character i relate to:
data soong (obviously)
hal 9000
roy batty
dirk strider
robot jones
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sorry this post is dry i am usually much more excited but i have been #goingthroughit!!!
here is a photo of a cat on a computer to send you on your way!
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OH WAIT!!!!!!
i must add that i will interact with both fandom posts, agere posts, and idk whatever posts i take interest in.
also i have a nocities site i coded myself it is:
it does not look good on mobile.
anyways bye
goodbye blue monday
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rafiq-mia · 4 months
Why important Facebook ads?
Facebook Ads services are crucial for businesses and marketers for several reasons, primarily due to Facebook's vast reach, sophisticated targeting capabilities, and detailed analytics.
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Here's a deeper look into why these services are so important:
1. Massive Audience Reach
Facebook, along with Instagram (also owned by Meta), has a combined audience of over 3.7 billion monthly active users. This provides businesses access to a global audience, enabling them to reach potential customers across different demographics and geographies.
2. Advanced Targeting Options
Facebook Ads offer highly sophisticated targeting options, including:
Demographics: Age, gender, education, job title, etc.
Location: Country, region, city, or even a specific radius around a location.
Interests and Behaviors: Hobbies, interests, online behaviors, purchase intent, etc.
Custom Audiences: Upload customer lists, website visitors, or app users for precise retargeting.
Lookalike Audiences: Find new users who resemble your existing customers.
These targeting capabilities ensure ads are shown to the most relevant audience, enhancing the chances of conversion.
3. Diverse Ad Formats
Facebook Ads offer a range of ad formats to suit different marketing goals and creative needs:
Image Ads: Simple, visual ads that showcase products or services.
Video Ads: Engage users with video content.
Carousel Ads: Feature multiple images or videos in a single ad.
Collection Ads: Allow users to browse and purchase products directly from the ad.
Lead Ads: Collect contact Facebook Ads can be very cost-effective, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses. The platform allows for flexible budgeting, and advertisers can start with as little as a few dollars a day. With proper targeting and ad optimization, businesses can achieve a high return on investment (ROI).
5. Detailed Analytics and Performance Metrics
Facebook provides comprehensive analytics tools to tracinformation directly within Facebook.
Stories Ads: Full-screen ads that appear in between user stories.
This variety allows businesses to choose the best format for their specific campaign objectives, whether it's driving awareness, engagement, or direct sales.
4. Cost-Effective Advertising
k the performance of ad campaigns:
Ad Performance Metrics: Impressions, reach, clicks, and conversions.
Audience Insights: Information about the demographics and behaviors of people interacting with your ads.
Conversion Tracking: Track actions taken on your website or app after interacting with your ad.
A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad creatives, audiences, and placements to find what works best.
These insights help businesses make data-driven decisions, optimize their campaigns, and improve future marketing strategies.
6. Integration with E-commerce and Lead Generation
Facebook Ads integrate seamlessly with e-commerce platforms and CRM systems, making it easy to run campaigns aimed at driving online sales or capturing leads. Features like Facebook Shops, Dynamic Ads, and Lead Generation Forms streamline the process of converting ad interactions into sales or leads.
7. Brand Building and Customer Engagement
Beyond direct sales, Facebook Ads help in building brand awareness and engaging with customers. Through consistent and creative ad campaigns, businesses can reinforce their brand message, build loyalty, and keep their audience engaged with content that resonates.
8. Remarketing Opportunities
Remarketing allows businesses to target users who have previously interacted with their brand, increasing the likelihood of conversion. For example, you can target ads to people who visited your website but didn't complete a purchase, encouraging them to return and complete their transaction.
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dcu-rarepair · 1 year
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Day 4 Gifts
Eight fantastic Gifts have been released for Day Four! Head to the Collection to check them out, and view the Release Schedule to see what’s in store!
We also have a handy Commenting Guide to help our Giftees with showing their Giftors some love. And now, here’s today’s works: 
put my lips to something by anonymous for boyswonder
Omegaverse AU, Sex Pollen Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Dick Grayson/Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde Dick and Kaldur are on a simple mission to investigate some strange occurrence off the coast of Happy Harbor. It should be a simple little mission to retrieve some data, perhaps they could banter a little, maybe Dick could summon the courage to ask Kaldur on another date. They may be biting off more than they can chew.
Falling in Love in a Stolen Corvette by anonymous for SasheneSkywalker
Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Tim Drake/Roy Harper/Jason Todd Dick sees Jason fall to the enemy, Batman is certain his second son is dead. But without a body Arsenal refuses to believe them. Tim knows his best bet at rescuing Jason lies with Roy Harper. Tim convinces Roy to take him on the road trip to chase down an alien ship and rescue the man they both love.
the animosity of dandelions by anonymous for Nightwang
Explicit | Rape/Non-Con Stephanie Brown/Pamela Isley Vigilantism has rules. Rule number one: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Prepare for the worst. Rule number two: If a situation looks too good to be true, it is. Don't trust it. Steph finds herself backed into a corner with no way out, but she's not going down without a fight.
Wait That's Not What Omega Beams are Supposed to do, Is It??? by anonymous for somagni
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply John Constantine/Clark Kent "They weren't expecting me. They actually set up a barrier so that I wouldn't notice them, except..." "'cept, just their rotten luck, it was across the street from you and your mates," John said. "And, when they spotted great old Man of Steel, their 'amateur magician' panicked, and hit you with a - what did he call it?" Superman looked uncomfortable, eyes flickering away. "I, uh... I think he was trying to replicate Darkseid's powers. Specifically, his 'Omega Beams'." "Your amateur magician was a fucking moron," John said, because what kind of idiotic human tried to summon the power of a New God? "Yeah, well, he certainly hit me with an omega beam." Superman's cheeks were pink, pretty and rosey. Kryptonians don't have a secondary gender dynamic, and neither does Clark... Until now.
Ceasefire by anonymous for forestgreen
Vikings AU Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Apollo/Midnighter/Jason Todd Their bond is something forged in fiercer flames.
Tara and Joseph by anonymous for lovesickseraph
Art | General Audience | No Archive Warnings Apply Tara Markov/Joseph Wilson Sweethearts enjoying their date in civvies.
You're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece by anonymous for syrennetim
First Date Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Hal Jordon (Green Lantern)/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Clark sends another text. Clark: It’s a date :) Hal drops the phone. or Hal and Clark finally finish their date from legend of the green flame, someone else might be tagging along this time
And The World Keeps Spinning by anonymous for BearlyWriting
Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Mia Dearden/Jason Todd Everyone keeps assuring her that the Red Hood is as crazy and out of control as any other murdering creep in a costume; that she was lucky to survive. Some of them, like Batman and Nightwing, actually know the guy. And they have a lot of experience. Way more than her. They know what they’re talking about. It’s just… She is lucky she got away. Really lucky. Despite her training, Red Hood had captured her as easily as picking up his dry cleaning. If he’d really wanted to hurt her, it would have been all too easy. The only conclusion is that he let her go. It takes three days to accept that truth. After that… well, the floodgates have been thrown open. Everything that’s happened, all the shit she’s been through in her life… it's scary how easily she can picture going the other way, letting the anger and bitterness and bone-deep injustice lead her down a more violent path of vengeance and righteous fury.
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yuishinxv · 1 year
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✨️The two trios✨️
Some of their profiles below:
trio cops above
Roy Refarez Werner
criminal records: [redacted]
He/Him (27)
186cm (6' 1")
ISTJ (Sp/Sx) // 2w3 (2-6-8)
Rank: Police Inspector class one. [IPTU]
Job desc: First homicide sub-unit chief. On-field investigator. Responsible for sub-unit 01 tasks [collecting and analyzing soft data and evidences]
likes to bake and cook. love sweets, esp soft-desserts with chocolate. Favorite food: steamed chocolate brownies. Graduated from Police Academy as an on field-investigator. [redacted—]
type of coffee: black / espresso
cigarette: Gudang Garam Signature
Adriana Maheswari
[last name redacted]
criminal records: [redacted]
She/Her (30)
175 cm (5' 7")
INTP (Sp/So) // 1w9 (1-3-5)
Rank: Police Commissioner Adjutant. [AKP]
Job Desc: Captain of Homicide Unit 01. Detective supervisor. Responsible for any cases reported to said unit related to major crime.
Into geek stuff like comics and movies. Graduated Bachelor of Criminal Law from UI, Depok. Master of Criminology from [redacted], Brighton. [redacted—]
type of coffee: black with sugar / americano / plain café latté
cigarette: Marlboro Menthol
Agus Satya Mahendra
criminal records: [none]
He/Him (28)
177 cm (5' 8")
ESTP (Sp/So) // 7w6 (7-3-9)
Rank: Police Inspector class one. [IPTU]
Job desc: Second homicide sub-unit chief. On-field investigator. Responsible for sub-unit 02 tasks [collecting data from witness(es) and evidences from crime scene]
Status: Married. Graduated from Police Academy the same year as Roy. Transferred from [redacted] unit, Narcotics Department.
type of coffee: black with sugar / iced americano / café latté
cigarette: Sampoerna A-Mild
[some officer records might redacted or inaccessible due to classified category]
trio artists below
Renata (Rei) Fariza Werner
criminal records: [redacted]
She/Her (27)
170cm (5' 6")
ISTJ (Sp/Sx) // 8w9 (8-6-2)
Job desc: Working in creative industries as entrepreneur (wood-crafting.) Sometimes taking gigs as jewelry designer. [redacted]
Graduated from Arts and Design faculties of ITB. [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
type of coffee: black / espresso
cigarette: Gudang Garam Signature
criminal records: [none]
She/They (27)
170cm (5' 6")
[types: no entry yet]
Job desc: Contemporary Artist. Entrepreneur.
Graduated from Arts and Design Faculties of ITB. Prefer to be referred as "Teteh" (in sundanese means honorifics for older woman.) Despises english pronounces and preferred to be addressed as "Dia" (gender-neutral third person pronounce in Indonesia) Currently on studies for professional degree of arts.
type of coffee: black / latté
cigarette: [no entry]
criminal records: [none]
She/Her (26
158cm (5' 1")
INTP (Sp/So) // 4w5 (4-5-8)
Job desc: Professional Model Photographer.
Graduated from Arts and Design faculties of ITB.
type of coffee: [prefer soft drinks]
cigarette: [non-smoker]
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accountsend · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Sales Leads: Maximizing ROI
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In the fast-paced universe of B2B sales, unlocking the potential of B2B Database Leads has become more than a strategic choice – it's a necessity. At the epicenter of this transformative journey lies the mastery of B2B Lead Generation and Sales Prospecting, twin forces that possess the ability to reshape business narratives, forge a robust Sales Funnel, and elevate Business Development to soaring heights. Yet, within the vast expanse of lead acquisition possibilities, one crucial question persists: How can you ensure that your investment in Sales Leads materializes into a considerable Return on Investment (ROI)? This comprehensive guide unveils seven pivotal waypoints that collectively form the backbone of an impactful lead buying strategy, empowering you with insights and tactics to navigate this realm with confidence and foresight.
1. Understand Your Target Market
The quest for successful B2B Lead Generation begins with delving deep into the contours of your target market. Beyond the confines of demographic data, embrace a panoramic understanding of their behavioral traits, preferences, and pain points. These insights morph into a compass, directing you towards a curated list of leads that resonates with your audience's aspirations. Every layer of insight unearthed about your prospects enhances the precision and relevance of your leads, transforming your Sales Prospecting into a personalized dance of effectiveness.
2. Choose a Reputable B2B Data Provider
Amid the plethora of lead acquisition avenues, not all B2B data providers radiate the same level of excellence. This phase underscores the importance of meticulous research and discernment. Peer beneath the surface to unearth providers celebrated for their precision in delivering contact data. Real-world case studies and authentic customer testimonials emerge as your guiding beacons, enabling you to assess the authenticity and dependability of potential providers. For it is on the bedrock of dependable data that the edifice of your Sales Leads strategy stands tall.
3. Opt for Verified Leads
Amid the allure of quantity, the true magic unravels when you opt for Verified Leads. These are the jewels that have been meticulously validated and authenticated, standing as a testament to accuracy and relevance. Choosing verified leads is akin to investing in treasures rather than trinkets; each lead carries the potential for a transformative conversion. The thorough curation process empowers your Sales Outreach endeavors with the promise of higher success rates.
4. Ensure CRM Integration
Envision your lead acquisition journey as a grand tapestry, with CRM integration acting as the thread weaving every element seamlessly. The integration of your newly acquired Sales Leads into your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system orchestrates a harmonious flow of data. This integration sets the stage for the efficient management and nurturing of leads, where Sales Prospecting converges with the nurturing process, giving rise to the symphony of conversion.
5. Prioritize Lead Scoring
Lead Scoring emerges as your compass, guiding you through the labyrinth of prospects. By evaluating potential customers based on their perceived value to your organization, you allocate your resources judiciously. Elevating leads with higher scores is akin to focusing your spotlight on the stars of the show. This strategic choreography streamlines your Sales Prospecting endeavors, ensuring that your efforts are channeled where the potential for substantial returns is at its zenith.
6. Evaluate Industry Trends
In the vibrant landscape of B2B Sales, staying attuned to industry trends and emerging markets is the hallmark of a visionary. The interplay between these trends and your lead acquisition strategy is pivotal. A comprehensive Sales Leads database emerges as your arsenal, spanning across diverse industries and markets. This inclusive approach ensures that your B2B Sales strategy remains versatile and adaptable, poised to navigate shifting tides.
7. Measure and Optimize
The culmination of your lead acquisition journey is not an endpoint but the beginning of a continuous refinement process. Measurement becomes your guiding star, illuminating your path in the intricate realm of lead acquisition. Metrics such as conversion rates, cost per lead, and overall ROI emerge as your guiding lights. These metrics transform into wellsprings of insight, steering your iterative optimization efforts. Through this process, your lead buying strategy evolves into a finely tuned instrument of success.
In the domain of B2B Sales, the acquisition of Sales Leads isn't a transaction but an investment in the very core of your business's evolution. "The Ultimate Guide to Buying Sales Leads: Maximizing ROI" is your compass, guiding you toward not merely a profitable investment, but an empowering transformation. Energize your Sales Funnel, breathe life into Business Development strategies, and redefine the art of Sales Prospecting armed with insights that possess the potential to reshape your trajectory. Armed with knowledge, you embark on a journey of growth and empowerment.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Weather Observers Day
National Weather Observers Day is on May 4. With their observations and weather reports, many people assist the National Weather Service to achieve its purpose of preserving life and property. SKYWARN, Cooperative (Co-Op) Observers, CoCoRaHS (Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network), and the general public are all part of this network.
History of National Weather Observers Day
Alan Brue, who studied psychology at the State University of New York, invented the day on May 4, 1989. This day was developed for weather amateurs and professionals to honor their passion for the weather. Every year on May 4, this day is commemorated for those who enjoy viewing different weather phenomena.
With their sightings and weather reports, many individuals and groups assist the National Weather Service in fulfilling its objective of protecting people and property.
As a volunteer, you can be a part of the CoCoRaHS Observers Team, which is available to anyone ready to work on measuring and mapping precipitation. In this program, you will receive all of the necessary equipment and training on how to measure and map precipitation and how to prepare reports.
It’s simple to set up; get a rain gauge, hang it outside during the rainy season, check the rain in the gauge, and report your findings on the National Weather Service’s website.
The major goal of this day is to emphasize the importance of professionals who work in weather services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to warn people about approaching storms and other weather changes. A thousand weather observations are made every day by weather spotters and weather stations all around the world.
These observations give crucial information that warns the public about impending storms from all three locations; land, sea, and air. They also aid in a better understanding of weather events and the analysis of historical data.
National Weather Observers Day timeline
650 B.C. Weather Prediction Using Cloud Patterns
The Babylonians use astrology and cloud patterns for weather prediction.
1835 Modern Era of Weather Forecasting
The invention of the telegraph ushers in modern-day weather forecasting.
1859 Weather Forecasting is Introduced
Fitz Roy develops charts to report weather phenomena he describes as “forecasting weather,” thereby inventing the term ‘weather forecast.’
1989 National Weather Observers Day is Created
Alan Brue creates National Weather Observers Day on May 4.
National Weather Observers Day FAQs
What do weather observers do?
A weather observer collects, records, and maps weather conditions, both good and bad. Observers need to be willing to gather weather information in the rain, blinding heat, and other extreme conditions.
What equipment do weather observers use?
Observational data is collected using buoys, radiosondes, doppler radar, and weather satellites, among others. The data is fed into the N.W.S. forecast models that use present and past weather information to develop forecast guidance for meteorologists.
How is weather data used?
Climate and weather data are utilized in different ways. Decision-makers in towns and cities use this information to plan for extreme weather conditions, water management, and even energy needs.
National Weather Observers Day Activities
Sign up for a weather spotter’s course
Play a prediction game
Make your very own barometer
If you have a passion for observing weather phenomena, you should take a course for Weather Spotters. These courses teach everything from identifying clouds to tracking shifting weather and so on.
Play a prediction game with friends and family where you all try to predict the weather for the next week and see who is right. The winner can get a gift, and everyone gets to sharpen their weather-watching skills.
Making a barometer is an excellent way to spend Weather Observers Day. It can be put together quite easily using a few materials around the home. Look up tutorial videos and get to work!
5 Important Facts About The Weather
Amateur league
Judge of the skies
Blinding speed
Doing the numbers
There is a group for amateur weather enthusiasts called the Association of American Weather Observers.
Storm spotters came to the fore during WWII, alerting fighting forces of incoming lightning.
Honorable William Rehnquist, the U.S. Supreme Court’s former Chief Justice, was a weatherman.
Raindrops can reach a maximum speed of 18-mph.
The first-ever mathematical weather forecast lasted six hours and took about six weeks to calculate.
Why We Love National Weather Observers Day
Weather predictions save lives and property
We get to learn a lot
Appreciation for weather people
The National Weather Service’s vision is to use the weather observations and reports to protect life and property. Without these timely bits of information, storms and other weather phenomena would wreak even more havoc.
Weather observation gives us valuable insight into the peculiarities of different weather phenomena. We get to explore and gain more understanding, enjoying nature in all its magnificence.
National Weather Observers Day is dedicated to all the players that contribute to the amazing work done by the National Weather Service. On this day, we get to show our appreciation for their work that often goes unnoticed.
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net-craft · 6 months
Is Custom App Development the Key to Supercharging Your Business?
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In today’s competitive business landscape, standing out from the crowd is crucial. Here in Arizona, a hub for innovation, many companies are turning to mobile apps to achieve this goal. But with a vast ocean of app options available, is custom app development the key to truly supercharging your business?
This article, brought to you by Net-Craft.com, a leader in best custom mobile app development in Arizona, dives into the advantages and considerations of custom app development to help you decide if it’s the right path for your business.
The Allure of Off-the-Shelf Apps: A Double-Edged Sword
Off-the-shelf apps, readily available on app stores, offer a seemingly quick and affordable solution. However, there are limitations to consider:
Generic Functionality: These apps cater to a broad audience, lacking the specific features and functionalities that could optimize your business processes.
Branding Limitations: Off-the-shelf apps don’t readily integrate with your brand identity, potentially diluting your brand message.
Customization Challenges: Limited customization options hinder the app’s ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and workflows.
The Power of Custom App Development: A Tailored Solution for Success
Custom app development empowers you to build an app specifically designed to address your unique business needs. Here’s how it can supercharge your Arizona business:
Enhanced Customer Engagement: A custom app allows you to create a personalized and engaging user experience that fosters stronger customer relationships.
Streamlined Operations: By automating tasks and integrating functionalities, your app can significantly improve efficiency and productivity across your organization.
Competitive Advantage: A custom app with unique features sets you apart from competitors, attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.
Scalability for Growth: Custom apps can be designed with scalability in mind, allowing you to adapt and expand your app alongside your business growth.
Improved Data Collection & Insights: Gather valuable data on user behavior within your app, providing actionable insights to fuel informed decision-making.
Affordable App Development Agency in Arizona: Finding the Right Fit
While custom app development offers undeniable benefits, cost concerns are a common hurdle. However, here at Net-Craft.com, a leading provider of affordable app development services in Arizona, we believe cost shouldn’t be a barrier to innovation.
Here’s what sets us apart as your Arizona custom app development partner:
Transparent Pricing: We offer clear and upfront pricing structures, allowing you to plan your budget effectively.
Agile Development Methodology: Our Agile approach minimizes waste and ensures you get the most value out of your investment.
Focus on ROI: We work closely with you to define success metrics and ensure your custom app delivers a strong return on investment (ROI).
Making the Right Choice: A Journey of Discovery
Before embarking on custom app development, it’s crucial to assess your current business needs and long-term goals. Here are some questions to consider:
What specific problems are you trying to solve with an app?
Who is your target audience, and how will the app benefit them?
What features are essential, and what are “nice-to-haves”?
Do you have a dedicated budget for app development and ongoing maintenance?
Partnering with Net-Craft.com for Arizona’s Best App Development Services
At Net-Craft.com, we understand that custom app development is a collaborative journey. We’ll work closely with you to:
Define Your App Vision: We help you articulate your app concept and translate it into a clear roadmap for development.
User Research & Design: We prioritize user research to design an app that is not only functional but also resonates with your target audience.
Agile Development & Testing: Our Agile methodology ensures continuous feedback and iterative development, leading to a high-quality app launch.
Post-Launch Support: We offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your app remains secure, optimized, and delivers long-term value.
Supercharge Your Business with Custom App Development
By choosing custom app development, you’re investing in a powerful tool that can transform your business operations, enhance customer engagement, and drive growth.
Contact Net-Craft.com today for a free consultation. Let’s discuss your needs and explore how our team of experienced developers in Arizona can craft a custom mobile app that becomes the engine of your business success.
Together, we can turn your vision into a reality and unlock the full potential of custom app development for your Arizona business.
Beyond Arizona: A National Reach for Innovation
While Net-Craft.com is proud to be a leader in Arizona’s app development landscape, our expertise extends beyond state borders. We leverage a global network of talented developers, allowing us to assemble the perfect team to tackle your project, regardless of location. This ensures you receive the best possible talent and the most innovative solutions, empowering you to compete on a national and even international scale.
Content Source Is Custom App Development the Key to Supercharging Your Business
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ayansujon · 7 months
Wordpress landing page with elementor pro, divi theme
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Why sales landing page so important?
WordPress Sales landing pages are crucial because they serve as the gateway to converting visitors into customers:
✅ Focused Message: A sales landing page allows you to craft a targeted message tailored specifically to your product or service. This focused message helps in communicating the value proposition clearly to potential customers, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
✅ Call to Action (CTA): Landing pages are designed with a clear call to action, guiding visitors towards the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting more information. A well-designed CTA can significantly improve conversion rates.
✅ Reduced Distractions: Unlike other pages on your website, a landing page typically has minimal distractions. By removing navigation links and other elements that could divert attention, you keep visitors focused on the offer at hand, increasing the chances of conversion.
✅ Data Collection: Landing pages are an effective way to collect valuable data about your audience. By using forms or other data capture methods, you can gather information such as email addresses, demographics, or preferences, which can be used for future marketing efforts.
✅ Tracking and Analytics: Landing pages allow you to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns more accurately. By integrating analytics tools, you can measure metrics such as traffic, conversion rates, and ROI, providing valuable insights into the success of your marketing efforts.
Overall, sales landing pages play a critical role in the conversion process, providing a focused and persuasive experience that encourages visitors to take action.
If you're looking for a wonderful WordPress Landing Page with Divi. just drop a message.
Direct Email: [email protected]
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submissiondigital · 7 months
The Crucial Role of Digital Marketing in 2024: A Strategic Guide for Success
The Crucial Role of Digital Marketing in 2024: A Strategic Guide for Success
In the dynamic business landscape of 2024, the significance of digital marketing continues to grow, offering businesses an essential tool for success without resorting to spammy tactics. In this article, we will explore why a well-crafted digital marketing strategy is imperative and how businesses can leverage its power for sustained success.
1. Global Reach and Accessibility
Digital marketing enables businesses to transcend geographical boundaries and connect with a global audience. As the world becomes increasingly connected, the internet serves as a gateway for businesses to showcase their products and services to a vast and diverse consumer base. In 2024, a thoughtfully designed digital marketing strategy ensures that your brand is accessible to potential customers worldwide, providing unparalleled reach compared to traditional marketing methods.
2. Personalized Customer Experiences
Consumer expectations have evolved, and personalization is now a key factor in attracting and retaining customers. Digital marketing allows businesses to collect and analyze data to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and demographics. Armed with this information, marketers can create personalized and targeted campaigns, enhancing the overall customer experience. In 2024, businesses that prioritize genuine personalization are more likely to build lasting relationships and foster customer loyalty.
3. Data-Driven Decision Making
In the digital realm, data is a valuable asset. Digital marketing allows for the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data, providing insights into the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. By leveraging analytics tools, businesses can make informed decisions, optimize strategies in real-time, and allocate resources efficiently. In 2024, staying competitive requires a commitment to data-driven decision-making, ensuring that marketing efforts are aligned with evolving consumer trends and market dynamics.
4. Emergence of New Technologies
The year 2024 brings continued technological evolution, including artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and voice search. Digital marketing adapts to these advancements, offering new avenues for engagement and interaction with consumers. Marketers must stay informed about emerging trends and incorporate innovative technologies into their strategies to stay ahead of the competition, avoiding spammy practices.
5. Cost-Effective and Measurable Results
Compared to traditional marketing channels, digital marketing offers a cost-effective way to promote products and services without resorting to spam. Platforms like social media, search engines, and email marketing enable businesses to reach a large audience without the hefty price tag associated with traditional advertising. Additionally, digital marketing allows for precise tracking and measurement of campaign performance, providing valuable insights into the return on investment (ROI).
the importance of digital marketing in 2024 cannot be overstated. As businesses navigate a dynamic and competitive landscape, a well-executed digital marketing strategy is essential for reaching and engaging with the target audience. From global reach to personalized experiences, data-driven decision-making, and adapting to emerging technologies, businesses that prioritize ethical digital marketing practices will not only survive but thrive in the digital era. More Information click Here
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aeoexpert · 8 months
Navigating the Digital Labyrinth: A Journey Through Data-Driven Marketing
In today's dynamic digital landscape, intuition and guesswork no longer suffice for marketing success. Businesses must wield a powerful weapon: data. Data-driven marketing has emerged as the guiding light, illuminating the path towards targeted campaigns, optimized strategies, and measurable results.
Imagine a vast and intricate labyrinth, representing the ever-evolving consumer landscape. Data becomes the map, revealing pathways to connect with your target audience and navigate towards successful campaigns. By analyzing data, marketers can decipher customer preferences, uncover hidden trends, and predict future behavior. This invaluable knowledge empowers them to craft personalized interactions, deliver relevant content, and ultimately, forge deeper connections with their customers.
But what exactly is data-driven marketing? It's a holistic approach that integrates data collection, analysis, and insights into every stage of the marketing funnel. This comprehensive strategy covers numerous aspects, including:
Market research: Analyzing customer demographics, interests, and online behavior through surveys, social media interactions, and website analytics.
Keyword research: Identifying relevant search terms used by target audiences to optimize content and digital ads.
Campaign performance tracking: Measuring the effectiveness of marketing efforts across various channels, such as email marketing, social media campaigns, and website traffic.
Attribution modeling: Understanding which touchpoints contribute most to conversions, allowing for efficient budget allocation and campaign refinement.
Content personalization: Delivering customized content based on individual preferences and past interactions, fostering audience engagement.
The benefits of embracing data-driven marketing are multifaceted:
Increased ROI: Data-driven campaigns are inherently more efficient, allowing for targeted spending and optimized resource allocation. By focusing on qualified leads and high-converting channels, businesses can maximize their return on investment.
Enhanced customer engagement: Deep customer insights enable the creation of personalized content, tailored advertising, and relevant omnichannel experiences. This personalized approach fosters deeper relationships and increases customer engagement.
Improved decision-making: Data-driven insights provide clear evidence to support marketing decisions, replacing guesswork with actionable strategies. This data-backed approach leads to more informed campaigns and increased campaign effectiveness.
Predictive capabilities: Analyzing patterns and trends allows marketers to anticipate future customer behavior and proactively address their needs. This proactive approach gives businesses a competitive edge and fosters innovation.
However, navigating the data-driven marketing landscape isn't without its challenges:
Data overload: The sheer volume of data available can be overwhelming, requiring robust data management and analysis tools.
Privacy concerns: Ethical data collection and responsible use of user information are crucial to maintain consumer trust and comply with regulations.
Technical expertise: Analyzing complex data sets and translating insights into actionable strategies often requires specialized skills and resources.
To successfully overcome these challenges, businesses need to:
Invest in the right tools and technology: Robust data management platforms and analytical tools are essential for efficient data collection, analysis, and visualization.
Prioritize data privacy: Implement clear data collection practices, obtain informed consent, and adhere to data privacy regulations.
Build a data-driven culture: Encourage collaboration between marketing, IT, and analytics teams to utilize data effectively and foster a culture-wide data-driven mindset.
Ultimately, data-driven marketing is not just a trend; it's a transformation. By embracing data as a compass, businesses can navigate the modern marketing labyrinth, build meaningful customer relationships, and achieve sustainable success. Now we know, that data is not the destination, but the map that guides your journey towards a brighter and more impactful marketing future.
Follow me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/comm/mynetwork/discovery-see-all?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=totaldizajn
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