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we love you anyway♥
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vasilissadragomir · 2 years
the way lissa told rose she didn’t want rose to be her guardian anymore is SUCH a great example of the way their relationship works at the beginning. lissa genuinely loves rose and thinks she sees her as an equal. but as she learns about the oppression of dhampirs for the benefit of moroi, she begins to realize how complicit she’s been, and in trying to protect herself from the shame she feels at having been ignorant, makes rash decisions that she believes contribute to equalizing the society but in reality only serve to alleviate her own guilt.
lissa even says she knows she’ll have another guardian, and she hears rose say that she’ll have to guard someone else anyway. but at this point, lissa doesn’t care so much about how her decision to fire rose affects dhampir society, rose herself, or even what rose wants—she cares that SHE will not be the one directly oppressing the person she considers her best friend. even when rose is screaming that in a world where she has no agency and no choices, being with lissa is all she wants, lissa can’t give rose the one thing she needs to make her life bearable because of how it makes lissa feel.
it reminds me so much of the end of shadow kiss, when lissa tries to force rose to stay for her and fails to understand rose making a decision for herself that doesn’t have to do with lissa. at that point, and at this point in the show, lissa thinks their relationship has equal power because lissa does not directly oppress rose or limit her agency. but now, confronted with the reality that they are inherently unequal and no amount of care for rose can change that, she lashes out by doing exactly what she believes she doesn’t do: disregarding rose’s needs to protect herself.
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vampireacademyshow · 1 year
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“Should I turn the radio on?”
“We've got it covered.”
Me Against The Music starts playing 🎶
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Save Vampire Academy Petition Here
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savevampireacademy · 2 years
Save Vampire Academy campaign Schedule
Hi guys, and welcome to the #SaveVampireAcademy campaign!
We’re most active on Twitter but we will try to keep you updated here! We’re also on IG, Tiktok, and active in the Facebook group and you can always reach us [email protected]
Here is the schedule for the following week on twitter if you’d like to partake (if you can’t on Twitter, please spread the word & make noise here and sign the petition in our linktree!)
Next twitter storm will be tonight at 10PM GMT+1 (please reach out if you need help figuring out your timezone!),  and it will be #VaAudienceisHere, since Peacock apparently couldn't see us well.
There’s a tweet storm every night of the week, same time.
During the whole time of this campaign please send us your ideas, art, and tiktoks/edits you would be happy for us to share (while of course crediting you) to [email protected]. For press inquiries, please also reach out there on by DM or at [email protected].
On Monday and Tuesday, it's #OrganregistrationforVA day. We will be linking resources to register for organ donations and also platelets & bone marrow. It's super important and can save lives, so might as well use this movement to do some good! We will also share some charities.1213203
Monday 10PM GMT+1, we're having fun and asking to #BringBackVAJail for a one-time only exception to throw Peacock in jail. Tuesday 10PM GMT+1 will also be a tweet storm with #VAtheWords. Share your favourite poems, quotes, share your own writing works while tagging everything.
On Wednesday til Friday, it's #BloodyVA, where we encourage you to go donate your blood. Send us your snack pictures post blood donation! And if you want to be your usual creepy, unhinged self and talk about that one @kieronmoore blood scene, well go for it. This initiative was actually started by someone else, and we’ll do our best to boost it!
All twitter storms will again be at 10PM GMT+1: Wednesday will be #VAPIBOCDAY, where we encourage all of our BIPOC fans and those supporting them to talk about how important the representation the show brought with POC leads and an interracial couple was to them.
Thursday is VA Day, so we're having fun with #VaFandomisTooHot. It's just a fact at this point, so share your best selfies in your merch, or with the VA sign, or with art or just you looking hot and asking for @hulu and @primevideo to pick it up. Just go nuts.
On Friday, it will be #BingBacktheVaGays (talking about @BlundellRhian's and @MiaMBruce's Mermia but also the dads and well we all held out hope for Mason and Eddie didn't we?). Again, time to talk about the importance of representation and what it's meant to us all.
We're also very excited to announce that we will publish a Kickstarter tomorrow for the #SaveVampireAcademy campaign to try and get a billboard in Time Square/LA. To complete that, we're releasing some merch inspired by the fandom! All proceeds will go to the kickstarter.
If you are an artist and would like to volunteer and offer up your drawings, art, made logos, or suggestions to put on the merch, we would love that. Any remaining proceeds at the end of the campaign will be given to the @TrevorProject.
The Trevor Project works tirelessly to prevent suicide among the LGBTQ+ community and offer assistance services. If you are in need of help, please reach out. You're not alone: https://t.co/4GdvjXldPw
Saturday is #VACASTLOVEDAY, my favourite. Just send them love letters, talk to each of them or one in particular about what they've meant to you, what you love about them, their character, your interactions, do an edit, some art, you DO YOU BOO.
Sunday will be #VATravels Day. Some of us are planning to go to Spain the first week of September and would love, for those that are willing, to do a little meet up there on the weekend! Talk about the places you'd want to go, if you'd like to join the meet up,  and if you're planning your own somewhere else, for example in the US or AUS, please share. It'll also be time to boost requests for online and IRL conventions!
Saturday: #WomenofVA. Talk directly to them to express how it feels to be represented in such varied ways, and what it has meant for you. Sunday will be: #VaTheMusic. We've all discovered so much music through the show and the playlists, so share your favourites, and your personal playlists and songs that might remind you of the characters.
We will be raising money the whole time and will have another zoom the following Monday to see where we stand. Remember to tag @julieplec, @hulu and @primevideo as well as #SaveVampireAcademy always.
You're so loved, and we can do this. Everything for the day will be recapped each morning, so turn notifs on. To schedule your tweets for the storms, use https://tweetdeck.twitter.com
Now let's go be our unhinged, passionate, loving selves and kick some ass. We have faith in this, in you & in the project that has meant so much to so many, far beyond the show itself. Wherever you are, we're sending tight squeezes, and endless love. #VAFam, always.
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we need a backstory for melissa. and a last name
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hxdgins · 2 years
#ROMITRI: every second of it.
this edit was a pain to do, but my best edit yet? maybe? let me know?
ac: youtube cc/spc: mine oc: list in comment!
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strangeswift · 2 years
Who is going to be MJ in my Spidey!Robin fic, you ask? Easy.
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Melissa... Jane. Melissa Jane. :)
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elekinetic · 2 years
what if i said ronance buzzfeed unsolved au
i fuck with it. cant decide whos shane and who is ryan tho. on one hand, robin + ryan anxiety and shane + nancy skepticism. on the other hand, shane + robin goofs and ryan + nancy investigation
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lavenderstobins · 3 months
I’ve been making a list of the different ship names* for the sapphic ships of Stranger Things.
*Band and Melody both get used for Robin, but personally I think it would make more sense for Robin to be Band and Vickie to be Melody.
Here’s what I have so far:
Robin Buckley:
Nancy Wheeler: Ronance / Ronancy / Robance / Robincy / Buckwheeler
Vickie: Rovickie / Rockie / Vibin / Rickie
Chrissy Cunningham: Buckingham / Bandcheer / Cheermelody / Bandqueen
Carol Perkins: Bubblescoops / Carobin / Shitbird
Heather Holloway: Buckleway / Bandguard / Bandflower
Kali Prasad: Eightbird / Robali / Kalobin
Eden Bingham: Robeden / Blackbird / Buckleham
Barb Holland: Robarb / Barbin
Melissa: Rolissa / Robissa / Melobin
Tammy Thompson: Birdsong / Tambin
Samantha Stone: Stonebuck
Mick: Romick / Mickbin
Dottie: Dotbin
More below the cut!
Nancy Wheeler
Vickie: Clarinews / Vancy
Chrissy: Cheerwheeler / Wheelingham / Guncheer / Pompompistol / Sleuthcheer
Carol Perkins: Perkwheel / Bubblegun / Carancy
Heather Holloway: Hollowheeler / Gunflower
Kali Prasad: Eightwheeler
Eden Bingham: Nanceden
Barb Holland: Barbcy / Bancy / Barncy
Tammy Thompson: Gunsong / Tancy
Samantha Stone: Stonewheel / Samancy
Chrissy Cunningham
Vickie: Marcheer / Cheermelody / Chrickie / Chickie
Carol Perkins: Bubblecheer / Perkingham
Heather Holloway: Cheerflower / Cunningway / Cheerguard
Kali Prasad: Eightcheer / Eightqueen / Punkcheer
Eden Bingham: Chrisseden / Binningham / Gothcheer
Barb Holland: Hollandham / Barbissy
Tammy Thompson: Cheersong
Samantha Stone: Cunningstone
Carol Perkins: Carickie / Claribubble / Bubblemelody
Heather Holloway: Clariflower / Flowermelody
Kali Prasad: Kalick
Eden Bingham: Vickieden
Samantha Stone: Samvick / Vickantha
Carol Perkins
Heather Holloway: Hollowins / Perkway / Bubbleguard
Kali Prasad: Eightbubble
Barb Holland: Perkland / Gingersnaps
Vicki Carmichael: Carperkins
Tina: Tinarol
Nicole: Nicarol
Heather Holloway
Kali Prasad: Eightguard
Barb Holland: Hollandway
Tammy Thompson: Swimsong
Samantha Stone: Hollowstone
Kali Prasad
Eden Bingham: Kaleden / Edenali
Barb Holland: Prasland / Barbkali
Mick: Kalick / Mickali
Dottie: Kalottie
Samantha Stone: Eightstone
Max Mayfield
El Hopper: Elmax
Suzie Bingham: Mayham
El Hopper
Suzie Bingham: Binghop / Hopham / Elzie
Jennifer Hayes: Hayhop
Angela: Angeleven
Joyce Byers
Karen Wheeler: Joyren / Koyce / Milf Byler
Mrs Harrington: Byrington / Harringbyers
Honourable Mentions
Eden Bingham/Samantha Stone: Bingstone / Stoneham
Erica Sinclair/Tabitha Bingham: Tabithica / Bingclair
Claudia Henderson/Susan Hargrove: Susandia / Hendergrove
Karen Wheeler/Mrs Harrington: Wheelington / Harringwheel
Poly Ships
Robin/Nancy/Chrissy: Chronance
Robin/Nancy/Eden: Ronanceden
Robin/Nancy/Vickie: Rovickance / Ronancie / Rovickancy
Robin/Carol/Heather: Keg Girls
Robin/Nancy/Chrissy/Vickie: Sapphic Senate
This is all of the ships I’ve personally seen talked about, so if I’ve missed any ships or ships names please let me know!
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dailyvampireacademy · 2 years
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Sisi Stringer and Daniela Nieves as Rose and Lissa from the teaser videos.
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dhampirwomen · 2 years
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vampire academy + text posts, "kissed by shadows" edition
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from Dani’s post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci56qRiOitU/
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vaficfest · 2 years
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Vampire Academy prompt 06:
Lissa pines for Rose and desperately tries to hide her feelings.
But that proves to be really difficult when you’re psychically connected to your crush.
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vampireacademyshow · 2 years
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“Only a true best friend can protect you.”
for Hathomir Week, Rose and Lissa in all their forms.
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livelovemusic0996 · 7 years
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Lissa Dragomir and Rose Hathaway ______________ " Lissa and I had been friends ever since kindergarten, when our teacher had paired us up together for writing lessons. Forcing five-year-olds to spell Vasilisa Dragomir and Rosemarie Hathaway was beyond cruel, and we’d—or rather, I’d—responded appropriately. I’d chucked my book at out teacher and called her a fascist bastard. I hadn’t known what those words meant, but I’d known how to hit a moving target. Lissa and I had been inseparable ever since." ___________ "Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies."
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imsodishy · 2 years
genuinely thought for a second, since we found out Vicky had a boyfriend, that these two were gonna have a little moment. But no, of course not 😑
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