#roman bürki one shot
emwritesfootball · 3 years
Dialogue / Situation / Setting | 8 with Roman Bürki
“You’re so much fun to touch.” + Bedroom + Spanking
Word Count: 374
Warnings: spanking/caning
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Your skin burned hot with humiliation as you buried your face in the comforter, trying to hide your tears from Roman. “Ow!” You cried out, kicking your legs as he landed another stinging slap to your ass, right over the same spot he’d hit the last few times. Your fingers gripped the comforter and you gritted your teeth as tears stung your eyes. “Please, Roman! I’ve learned my lesson!”
Roman ran a soothing hand over your ass cheeks before palming and pinching and squeezing. “Darling, just because you think you’ve learnt your lesson doesn’t mean your punishment is going to end. I’ll finish once I believe I’ve taught you your lesson. Besides,” he hummed, running his hands from your thighs up to your waist, “you’re just so much fun to touch.”
Your pussy started to get wet at his praise and you involuntarily let out a moan when he slipped his hand between your legs. Your hips lifted and you rubbed your clit against his thigh, hating how good the combination of stinging and wetness felt. “Roman,” you whimpered when he slid a finger inside you, pumping it in and out slowly before he rained a series of smacks down on your ass while keeping his finger inside you. You thrashed around, the pain mixing with the pleasure and before you could stop yourself, you were cumming around his fingers while he spanked you.
You stilled when he stopped spanking you, catching your breath as you tried to come down from the orgasm. You were hoping Roman didn’t realize what had happened, but you knew him better than that.
Roman helped you up, holding you in his arms as he let you cry it out. When you were done, he went to grab the balm to rub into your ass, making sure you weren’t going to be too sore in the morning.
“Stand up,” he ordered when he was done. You obeyed, wide-eyed. “Bend over; hands to your ankles.”
Roman got up and left the room, returning with something. You gasped when you felt him tap the cane between your lower lips on your clit.
“Girls who cum without permission get ten strokes on their pussy,” Roman murmured, right before landing the first stroke.
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lxndonorris · 4 years
aftermath - Roman Bürki
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Y/N x Roman Bürki
Theme: angsty fluff, fluffy angst (not too explicit)
Roman makes it up to you after having a fight x
word count: 1160+
tagging: @henrythickcavill​, @lawsandother​, @sunslittlesister​, @kngcleopatra​
The gloomy moonlight is nearly the only thing illuminating the streets of Dortmund and right now, you’re standing in front of one of your favorite clubs, holding yourself due to the cold wind swirling around your feet, legs, and hair. As if it isn’t already frustrating enough, everyone around you has the time of their life while you just hope to get home as soon as possible. After all, you felt like going out with one of your friends would be a nice distraction, after having a pretty harsh fight with your boyfriend Roman.
This morning, when you were grocery shopping, you were interrupted by two young girls, asking him for a selfie. Of course, he agreed and everything was okay until they started to flirt with him. You didn’t want to make a huge deal out of it in the store, but you couldn’t help yourself but notice that Roman was actually enjoying the attention he got. Back at home, you confronted him and one thing followed the other leading you to call your friend Rebecca to drink the pain away. However, she met a boy she liked and you felt like the third wheel. Nervously, you called Roman, asking him to pick you up. He agreed instantly and now you’re waiting for him, checking your phone one last time before you see his car pulling up right in front of you.
You take a few steps towards the car as the door jumps open, and you look at him, his facial expression shifting between tension and nervousness. “Hey, come in.” He says softly while you sit down, closing the door loudly, one way of venting your frustration. “Thanks for coming.” You say quietly, trying not to look at him too much. “Yeah, of course,” Roman says and the two of you head home. During the ride, both of you seem to be still mad at each other, with him cursing underneath his breath every time another driver does anything remotely annoying and you, sitting there with your arms crossed, looking at the streetlights, thinking about what to say.
After what feels like an eternity, you reach your apartment but before you can get out of the car, Roman turns to you and stops the engine. Still not looking at him, you hear him breathing deeply until he lets out a huge sigh. “Look.” He says softly, running a hand through his nicely done hair. Raising both of your eyebrows, you turn your head towards him, waiting for whatever he has to say. “Can we talk about what happened today?” Roman asks nervously, now scratching his arm through his jacket. “It’s okay, Roman. Really.” You say quietly, watching his whole body tensing again.
“Really? Cause it doesn’t feel like that.” He says, biting his lower lip. “Yeah, I’m still mad you know. But just let us go upstairs, I need to sleep.” You grunt deeply, and open the door, leaving Roman in the car. He stays in there for a few more seconds before you hear him locking it and walking a little further behind you. Together, you walk through the house, until you arrive in front of your apartment. You turn towards him, and without saying another word he opens the door and follows you inside. As soon as you get inside the hallway, you can hear music playing inside the living room, the air is filled with the faint scent of your favorite perfume and everything else seems a little odd.
Bewildered, you walk towards the door and open it, seeing the room decorated with more than a dozen little lights, some of them, formed into a big heart with something lying in between, an envelope. You turn around to look at Roman, but he is nowhere to be found. Confused, you take the envelope, open it, and find a hand-written letter.
“Dear Y/N,
I wanted to talk to you sooner but I didn’t find the right words to say and you know, that I am not that good at talking about my feelings. However, every time I look at you, your smile, your hair, or your eyes, there is no doubt about what I feel when you’re close to me. I wasn’t really thinking straight, and I should have reacted more understanding when you said that you were upset. That is on me, and I failed you. I cannot promise you that that will never happen again because I am stupid, but I can promise you that I will learn from today and not take you for granted. I am deeply sorry and hope you can forgive me. 
I love you.
Breathing heavily while you hold the letter in your shaking hands, you cannot help yourself and start sobbing quietly. “Roman-” You say loudly, turn around to see him standing behind you, a dozen red roses in his hands while he’s changed into one of his gorgeous, black-tailored suits. “I am so sorry.” He swallows hard and carefully takes a step towards you, his hands also shaking. “No, I am sorry.” You say, walking towards him and before he can say any other word, you hug him tightly, burying your face into his chest. At first, he seems to be surprised, but then, he embraces your hug and puts his hands around your back, resting his head against yours.
“You don’t have to be sorry. You did nothing wrong.” Roman says, gently stroking your back. “I did. I shouldn’t have been so mad, in the end, you did nothing wrong.” You say, your voice muffled by his suit jacket while a few tears start running down your cheeks. “I think we can agree on something.” He says softly, separates from you, and tenderly lifts your chin up with his hand. “It wasn’t our day.” The two of you share a quick laugh until he wipes your tears away with his thumb. “I didn’t mean to make you cry,” Roman says, his voice breaking slightly.
“It’s okay. That letter was just too sweet and I’m a little drunk.” You shrug and giggle once again. He smiles shyly while his hands run down your shoulders, your arms to your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours. “I really tried to tell you how much you mean to me.” You watch him tearing up now as well, before he wipes his own tears away, his face turning red immediately. Now, you lean into him and place one hand at his cheek, stroking his soft skin gently. “You don’t tell me how you feel, I know. I love you too.” You kiss him lovingly, right on to his lips.
Roman embraces your lips on him, and his hands squeeze yours tenderly. As soon as you separate from him, you fall back into his arms, hugging him tightly. “I love you.” He says and places another kiss on to your forehead, while he gently strokes your back. Together, you spend some more time cuddling before you head to bed.
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Home For Christmas
Warnings: grief, loss of a parent
Christmas was your favorite time of year, but this one was different. It wasn’t your first Christmas away from home, but it was the first since your father had passed away and it was proving to be harder than you thought it would be. All the FaceTime in the world wasn’t enough to soothe the ache in your heart. Not even the smell of your grandmother’s apple pie, two of which were currently baking in the oven, made it feel like Christmas should feel.
Roman had tried to make it better. He hired someone to deck out the outside of the house with lights. He’d taken you to wonderful Christmas markets and helped you decorate inside with all the treasures you’d found, and he’d watched all your favorite movies with you. He had even brought you to all his away matches in recent weeks so you wouldn’t be home alone.
It did help. Just him making the effort was comforting. He had told you to go home - insisted, even - but this would be your first Christmas in the house you had bought together and you wanted to spend it with him. Now, though, it was Christmas Eve and he was at a charity event and you were home alone wondering if you could still catch a last-minute flight.
You missed your family so, so much. Right now your nieces and nephews were probably wrecking your mother’s living room, who only allowed her grandchildren to behave in such a way. Your sister would be griping about how she never even let the two of you drink water in there, and you would be joining in if you were there. Your uncles and brother-in-law would be hiding from the chaos on the back porch with beers. And the portrait of your father would be smiling down over all of you from the mantle. You’d feel his presence filling the home he’d built with your mother, so full of love and laughter.
You gave in to the tears, sobbing into the pillow you clutched to your chest. Your cries echoed in the empty house, which just made you cry harder. You had never felt so alone.
You heard Roman’s car in the driveway and you tried to pull yourself together. If he walked in on you upset like this he would never forgive himself. You wiped your eyes, hurrying to the bathroom to blow your nose and run some cold water over your face, but looking at yourself in the mirror there was no denying you’d been crying. He called out your name when he came inside, and you took a deep breath and went to greet him in the foyer.
“There’s my girl,” he said, digging into the bag he’d brought home. “Look, I brought you...” He saw your face, and dropped the bag to hold his arms open for you. “Oh, baby. Come here.”
You fell into his arms, your tears starting anew. “I’m sorry,” you sniffled. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m ruining Christmas. I just... I miss my dad.”
“I know,” he murmured, stroking your hair. “I know. It’s ok. Sssh, you’re not ruining anything. It’s ok.”
He held you until you calmed down. You dried your eyes again, taking a few more deep breaths. “Ugh, no more crying. It’s Christmas Eve, dammit.”
He laughed. “That’s the spirit. Now look at these.” He dug back into the bag and pulled out two pairs of slippers with giant reindeer heads, complete with blinking noses.
“Oh my god, where did you find these?” You squealed with delight, reaching for your pair and slipping them onto your feet. You danced around, and shrieked when you realized they jingled too. “Roman, these are amazing!”
He beamed at you. “They were giving them away at the party. I thought you’d like them.” He bent to put his on and the two of started to stomp around the house, blinking and jingling and crying with laughter.
The oven timer beeped, and through your giggles you told him to go pick out a Christmas movie while you got them put away for tomorrow’s dinner. When you joined him on the couch, he tucked you under the blanket beside him and you snuggled into him.
“Oh, I love this one,” you sighed.
“Your mom sent it to me, with strict instructions to watch it tonight.”
You smiled, your eyes watering. “We always watch it on Christmas Eve.”
Roman squeezed you a little tighter. “We’ll go home to your mother’s next Christmas, yeah?”
You looked up at him. “No. My home is with you. This one was just... hard.”
“I know. I miss him too.”
You stretched your neck up to kiss him. “Merry Christmas, Roman.”
He smiled down at you. “Merry Christmas.”
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the1beautifulgame · 7 years
Need You Tonight.
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This was not requested, but I had a sudden idea, so I just started writing. It is set right after the attack on Borussia Dortmund on the day of their first game against Monaco.
The bathtub moment was inspired by this scene from Pretty Woman.
I remember all the details of that day. I remember that - just minutes before Melissa was supposed to pick me up - I was in the bedroom, frantically searching for the jersey my boyfriend Roman had given to me. I looked through the big closet twice, then I gave up. Instead of the jersey, I just put on a yellow blouse, so at least I would be wearing club colors. After a glance in the mirror and to my wild hair, I sighed and reached for my hairbrush. That was when the phone rang.
I saw Melissa's name on the display, and quickly picked up. “Hey, I'm so sorry, I'll need five more minutes, my hair is a complete mess. You can just come inside, okay?” Melissa remained quiet for a few seconds. Then she drew a shaky breath. “There's…”, she began, but broke off again. Another deep breath. “Melissa? Are you alright?” “Yeah”, she managed, then her voice broke. “There's been an incident. With the team bus.“
My heart dropped to my stomach, and I immediately asked for details she didn't have. She didn't know about the cause of the accident, not about injuries. The only thing she could tell me was that nobody had died. This did ease some of the aching worry, but the unknown was still there. I put down my brush without using it and threw my hair in a top knot while racing down the stairs to meet Melissa outside in her car. I just wanted to see if Roman was fine.
In silence, we drove to the hotel where the team was staying at. Police were everywhere, along with several ambulances. It took us a while to get in, because security wanted to check our ID's. Then, there they were. Players and paramedics, staff of both the team and the hotel. Thomas Tuchel was on his phone, but he saw us and ended the call while approaching us. “Roman is over there”, he said without wasting time on a hello. “Melissa, please come with me.”
She looked so worried that I considered staying with her, but then I saw Roman. I let go of Melissa and immediately started walking over to him. He was sitting on the floor with his back against a couch and he had his face buried in his arms. A paramedic was crouching beside him with a waterbottle in her hand, talking to him. He didn't look up when I reached him and touched his shoulder. “Roman”, I said softly. “It's me.“ He still didn't look up, but upon hearing my voice, he grabbed for my hand. I sank to my knees and allowed him to pull me into a tight hug.
His face found its way to my neck, and with a slight shock, I could feel hot tears against my skin. “Oh Roman”, I whispered, and pulled him even closer. As he cried, I stroked his hair like you would with a child. Over his head, I caught the paramedic's eyes, and I raised my eyebrows, hoping she would give me the answers I was looking for. She understood. “There was a minor bomb explosion.“ My heart sank and I looked around. How many did get injured?
Again, the paramedic understood me without having to hear my question. “There were almost no injuries. But they sent a guy named Marc to the hospital.“ I closed my eyes. That's why Tuchel had taken Melissa aside. “Your boyfriend was sitting next to him”, the paramedic continued, successfully regaining my attention. “But he won't let anyone examine him. He says he's fine.” I looked down at Roman, who was - at least emotionally - definitely not fine. “Roman“, I said. “Please, look at me.”
When he didn't react, I cupped his face and gently pulled it away from my neck. His face was wet, his eyes wide open. He didn't seem to realize what was going on. “Roman, can you hear me?”, I asked. One, two seconds passed, then he nodded. “Are you hurt?” That was when he spoke. “It's Marc. Are they treating him? Marc is hurt.” “Yes”, I assured him. “He is in the hospital right now. They are taking care of him.” He looked at me for a moment, then he released a deep breath. “Okay.”
Then, without a warning, new tears spilled from his eyes. “It should've been me. I should've taken the window seat, I could've stopped it…” “Roman”, I whispered and looked him in the eyes. “There was nothing you could do.” He shook his head, which I had still in my hands. “I…” “Roman”, I said. “Marc is being treated. But I need to know if you are hurt.” “No”, he said immediately. “I'm… fine.” I gripped his face a little harder. “Please let the paramedic look at you. Marc is taken care of. Now they need to know if the rest of the team is okay. Everyone is being examined.”
Roman looked at me, then around. Paramedics were examining players and staff who had been on the bus. “Okay”, he said eventually. I helped him get up and sit on the couch. He seemed more alert now and was ready to answer the paramedic's questions. I looked around too. Melissa had obviously left for the hospital, but the entire team seemed to be here. Closest to me was Nuri, who looked physically fine, but distressed, like my boyfriend. He noticed me looking at him and smiled weakly. I smiled back, but was now more worried. What were these boys now emotionally carrying?
I looked at my phone to see if there was a message from Melissa concerning Marc, but nothing. When I looked back up, Tuchel was approaching. He exchanged a few words with the paramedic, then he crouched down in front of the couch. “I'm sorry”, he began. “But some powerful people in the UEFA headquarters decided that since nobody died, we have to play tomorrow.” “What?”, I said in disbelief. “Yes.” Tuchel glanced at Roman, who reached for my hand. “Marc won't be able to. He broke his hand.”
Roman squeezed my hand hard but nodded. Tuchel rose and touched Roman's shoulder. “I suggest you go up to your room and try to get some rest. I'm sorry, but my hands are tied.” Roman nodded again and got up. Tuchel now addressed me. “You go with him and try to do damage control. I have to go check on the rest of my boys.” “Okay”, I said and lead Roman to the elevators, taking his bag with me. He pushed the right button when I asked him to, but it was like he was sleepwalking. I took the key card from his hands and opened the door for him.
He walked past me into the room, and stopped in front of the couch, but he didn't sit down. He just stood there. That was when it hit me. I could've lost him today. If the person who placed the bomb had been a little more accurate, if it had been Roman in the window seat instead of Marc… I quickly walked over to Roman and threw my arms around him. He pulled me close and I buried my face in his chest, where I was able to hold back the tears. I couldn't cry. He needed me.
After a few deep breaths I felt safe enough to look up at him. He looked me in the eyes, his face an unreadable expression. Then, without any warning, he bent down and his lips crashed against mine. He was hectic, his lips were moving fast, and his touch became desperate. I let him do as his hands slid down my back and grabbed my behind, and I willingly lifted my arms when he pulled up my yellow blouse. He struggled with my bra clasp but eventually managed to open it. His hands were on my breasts the same time his lips left my mouth.
He planted rough kisses on my neck, before he opened his mouth and sucked hard. It was painful, but I said nothing. His teeth however made me gasp. “Ow”, I said quietly, and Roman immediately pulled away. “I'm so sorry”, he stammered and pulled me into a hug, my naked breasts pressed against his toned body. Ever so quick, he let go of me again. “I'm sorry baby girl. I won't touch you anymore.” “Roman”, I whispered. “It's okay. It's okay, come here.”
My arms were there to welcome him back, but he was a sleepwalker again. So I took him by the arm and guided him to the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and put some soap in the bathtub for a bubble bath. Then I helped Roman out of his clothes. Normally, this was an extreme turn on for me, being able to see more and more of his beautiful body. But not today. Not with his eyes so far away. I took off the rest of clothes too and slid into the comfortably warm water. “Come”, I said and held out a hand for him to take.
He hesitated for a moment, then he took it and got into the bathtub in front of me. His back sunk against my chest and his head got to a rest next to my cheek. We'd taken baths together before, but normally he was behind me, and it was a steamy affair. Now it felt like he was a child and I could comfort him with my embrace. His hands dropped down to search for mine, and he brought them together in front of his chest. I turned my head so I could place a tender kiss to his neck, and that was when I finally felt his whole body relax against mine.
And he told me everything: “We were just getting ready to leave. Marc was sitting next to me on the window seat. When we heard… the bomb go off, we didn't know what it was. But we all ducked. We stayed down, we didn't know if there was more to come. Finally we were told to get off the bus. Marc seemed fine at first, I think it was the adrenaline. But then he suddenly wasn't. They took him to an ambulance and sent him off. We were brought back to the hotel. Tuchel was making one phone call after the other… He was trying to get us more time.” He squeezed my hands. “Will you stay with me tonight?”
“Of course I will”, I assured. “Thank you”, he mumbled and sighed. “I should be strong for you.” “No”, I said. “You can be strong for your team tomorrow. But tonight, I'll be strong for you.” Again, Roman squeezed my hands, but he said nothing. He just drew a shaky breath, and I knew he was crying again. I was glad he couldn't see my face, because I was crying too now, despite wanting to be the strong one. I said nothing more. I just held him in my arms and surrounded him with my touch and my love.
Hoping time would be able to heal.
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quack-and-yellow · 7 years
Lost in Translation – Roman Bürki One Shot
Warning: nsfw
For the anons requesting Roman Bürki smut. This is my first so please be gentle. Pun intended. :))))
Huge thanks to @nosequeurlusar for the Spanish translation! :)
It felt like walking into a dream – and it wasn’t even his wedding. Roman didn’t know how else to describe it. The scene before his eyes was just mesmerizing. All he had to do was take one look, and everything clicked in its right place. A slow song started playing. Fireworks lit up the horizon. A cool evening breeze blew by. His gaze landing on the beautiful woman walking past him. He didn’t notice her at the ceremony earlier or at the pre-wedding party last night. He would have noticed her without a doubt. Ah, but fuck it. It’s not like he should just approach anyone he finds beautiful, right? Some of them should just be admired from afar. But just in case he sees her again…
He nudged Gonzo who was walking beside him with his wife, Jasmin. Julian and Erik followed them. “How do you say, ‘Hello, my name is Roman’ in Spanish?”
“Sorry?” Gonzo said, raising his voice above the pops of the fireworks. 
“The playboy is on the move,” Julian teased, and Erik almost spat out his drink.
Roman ignored the two and repeated the question to Gonzo.
“Hola, me llamo Roman,” Gonzo said promptly.
“Who is she? Where is she?” Erik insisted, his voice louder than Roman would have wanted.
“Shut up,” Roman hissed.
“We’re the only ones speaking German here,” the blond pointed out.
Roman ignored him and kept walking towards their reception table. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing Julian to bump right into his hard, broad shoulders.
“What the hell?” Julian said, rubbing his arm.
“T-There’s someone at our table,” Roman said cautiously.
“So? We must be sharing it with someone,” Julian said exasperatedly. “What the hell is wrong with you?” 
“Is that her? The brunette in the green dress?” Erik asked, moving his head to get a better view. “I think I’ve seen her before.”
“Oh come on, you always say that about pretty girls,” Julian said.
“Can you give me a second?” Roman told them, and he started dragging his feet towards the table. He stopped as the brunette looked up.
“Hola, me llamo Roman.” The rush of blood in his ears was so loud, he couldn’t even hear himself speak. He was praying he said it correctly.
“Hola, Roman. Soy Isabel. Gusto en conocerte.” Isabel’s nude pink lips spread into a smile.
“Uhh…” Did she say nice to meet you? How do I respond to it? “Sí.” Shit, that doesn’t sound right.
“¿Encantadora ceremonia, cierto? Marc y Melissa forman una pareja muy hermosa. Estoy honrada de haber sido invitada, a pesar de no conocer a nadie más aquí. ¿Dónde están tus compañeros? ¿Es esta tu mesa también?*” Isabel was speaking quite fast and smiling, and Roman’s brain was going haywire from taking in so much of her all at the same time. Her voice. Her smile. Her striking blue eyes. Her tanned skin that perfectly compliments her aqua-colored dress. Her rich brown hair tucked into a low bun, with a few strands framing her face.
Isabel chuckled and squeezed his arm lightly. “I can speak German and English too. And Italian and French. Whichever you prefer.”
Roman laughed, relieved. “S-Sorry… I… That was rude of me.” He sat down beside her and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.
“Not at all,” Isabel said politely with a shake of her head. She actually found it charming that he tried.
He felt a smack on his back, making him cringe. He knew he looked stupid and his teammates will give him hell for it.
“Hola,” Julian greeted cheerfully. Beside him, Erik echoed the greeting but in a shy tone. Both of them sat down across Isabel.
“Hola.” Isabel beamed at them. “It seems all from Dortmund are sharing a table. At least I’m no longer alone.”
“You are from Dortmund?” Roman asked, his eyes widening.
“I’m Marc’s and Melissa’s instructor in German. And Mikel’s too.”
“I knew you looked familiar! Mikel showed me your… picture… before…” Erik said, and his voice started to lower when all eyes went to him.
Isabel was surprised but she composed herself and smiled instead. “He did? I didn’t know he have one of me.”
Erik laughed nervously, and Roman glared at him for embarrassing Isabel. An awkward silence took over the table.
“Oh I remember now,” Gonzo spoke up. “Marc mentioned getting an instructor when he moved to Dortmund. He was serious to learn German.”
Isabel nodded, her eyes twinkling. “That’s true! I was quite new to Dortmund that time as well. First, free tickets to home games, and now this.” She motioned at the place with a sigh, followed by a shy laugh. “They are a very nice couple.”
The rest of the table murmured in agreement. Roman loved the dreamy look in her eyes, as if she couldn’t believe her luck finding herself rubbing elbows with famous people. If only she knew that he’s the one who couldn’t believe his luck meeting her here.
Roman stuck by Isabel’s side as the evening unfolded, while the rest of his teammates were… he couldn’t care less. He lost them after having their photos taken at the photo booth. He was still wearing his cat ears.
“I don’t get drunk,” she said proudly, downing her eighth glass of margarita. “Back in uni, I won a drinking contest, and all of the other contestants were guys.”
Roman laughed louder than he intended. He was already lightheaded from his own alcohol consumption. “With margarita, sure.”
Isabel walked up to him and leaned closer. “You don’t believe me?”
He felt his breath hitch in his throat. Her smug look was so hot that it shut him up quickly. And that pout was unforgivable.
Isabel took the cat ears he was wearing and put it on her head. She grinned widely like the Cheshire cat. “I like cats.”
“Me too,” he said, even if he doesn’t. He has Cliff. Sorry, Cliff.
She burst out laughing. “I’m not making any sense. Do you want to get some fresh air?”
“I thought you don’t get drunk,” Roman teased.
“I don’t, but Roman Bürki giving me that look is too much for me,” she teased back and Roman, for the second time that evening, didn’t know how to respond. Thankfully she dragged him across the room without waiting for a response.
The evening was pleasantly warm and quiet. The garden up front was empty except for a few guests smoking and chatting. They walked a bit further from them until they reached the side of the building.
“That’s better,” she said, closing her eyes in satisfaction.
Roman watched her eyelids flutter and her chest move as she took a deep breath. Her loose curls swayed slightly, teasing his fingers to run through it. She looked cute and sexy wearing those cat ears.
“How come you know so many languages?” he blurted out, forcing a few unwarranted thoughts into the back of his head.
Isabel laughed at the randomness of his question. “I grew up here in Barcelona and studied in Germany, where my mother is from. I was already in love with languages so I learned them at an early age. But it also helped that I worked a couple of years in France and Italy. Now I’m a translator and an instructor.” 
“Wow,” Roman said. “So what language do you think in?”
She giggled. “German. Sometimes Spanish.”
“I should probably learn Spanish.”
“Oh yeah? Why?”
Roman took a step closer, locking her in his gaze. “So I would understand what you’re thinking.”
Isabel raised an eyebrow. “Can you read minds?”
“I can.” He brought a hand up to her face and brushed his thumb across her cheek.
She responded to his touch by biting her bottom lip. “So what am I thinking right now?”
“That I’m attractive,” he answered. “And hot.”
Isabel burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, but I wasn’t thinking that.”
He pouted, giving her a wounded look. “Are you sure? Because I –“
The rest of his sentence was muffled as she pressed her lips against his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Roman grabbed her waist and pushed her against the wall, kissing her back and forcing a tongue into her sweet, warm mouth. When their tongues touched for the first time, Isabel thought her eyes were about to roll back in her head. She gave him a gentle push on the chest. Roman pulled back and looked down at her with hooded eyes.
“Guess you didn’t see that coming,” she whispered with a cocky smile.
Roman smiled back. “You win.”
It didn’t take long before they were at her hotel room, still kissing and only breaking apart to struggle out of their clothes. Roman quickly stripped off his khaki pants, white button down shirt and boxers and tossed his black bowtie somewhere. Isabel was secretly hoping he would keep it on because he looked sexy and funny. Before she could admire his naked body, he spun her around and shoved her against the door, making her gasp. His arms slipped around her waist as he pushed his erection against her ass. He buried his face in her neck while fumbling with the zipper of her A-line dress. His ragged breath was hot against her ear, and she could feel her core getting wet. He tore off her dress finally, leaving her in her lingerie.
Roman spun her again to face him – gently this time – as he unhooked her bra and lowered her panties while kissing every inch of skin being revealed. He pulled back to take off her hairpins and he watched as her curls cascade down to her chest. The sight of her nipples peeking out of her curls made him swallow hard.
Isabel liked the look on Roman’s face as his gaze trailed over her body, but more than that was the heady sight of his nakedness, all hers tonight.
“So are you going to just stand there?” she said boldly.
Roman smirked as he carried her and kissed her all the way to the bed. He was still kissing her when he lowered her to the bed and whispered, “Let me hear you curse in different languages as I fuck you.”
He licked and sucked one nipple after the other and began kissing his way down her body. Isabel moaned as she ran her hands through his hair. He dragged his mouth across her navel, his beard leaving a prickly trail on her skin that was making her toes curl. He parted her legs and let his mouth slide up her thigh, finally landing on her wet folds.
“Oh god!” Isabel screamed as an intense sensation shot up from that spot. She was holding fistfuls of Roman’s hair as he lapped and licked at her clit.
When he was satisfied, Roman climbed back up her body and pressed his lips against hers. He gripped her hips with both hands and took her unapologetically in one swift thrust. She gasped into his mouth, feeling her muscles tighten around him. He brazenly locked eyes with her as he pushed harder and faster, watching her face contort in ecstasy as she came. He buried his face against her neck as he started to tense, and Isabel tightened her legs around him. He groaned with one final shove, and his body jerked with his release. Roman kept groaning as he stilled himself on top of her. After a few minutes, he slowly pulled out of her and crashed on the bed breathless and wordless.
Isabel pulled the sheets to cover herself and rolled to face Roman. Every curve of his muscle was glistening with sweat and his hair was disheveled. He looked hot even when spent. When he noticed her staring at him, he propped himself up on his elbow to see her better.
“What are you thinking?” His other hand caressed her cheek tenderly.
“Tell me.”
“Read my mind.”
He grinned cheekily. “Well… It was the best sex you’ve ever had.”
Isabel laughed and rolled to the other direction. “I was thinking in Spanish. And you’re wrong.” But she was lying.
*Translation: Lovely ceremony, right? Marc and Melissa are a very beautiful couple and I’m honored to be invited, even if I don’t know anyone else here. Where are your teammates? Is this your table too?
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bumblebeereus · 5 years
Go Solo.
Word count: 2222k A/N: Look who’s back, back again, tell a friend. I’m back with this whole thing of thinking that I’m a writer. Not everything is bad while being on quarantine, found the time to write again and this is the result. English is not my first language so sorry if there’s any typo. Sorry for the spacing if you’re reading this from your phone. Hope you like it. Feedback is always welcomed, thanks for reading this. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Her friends told her first, but deep down she already knew. There’s no way on Earth that she couldn’t have fallen for him. They started as an on and off thing, fuck buddies, no string attached whatever you wanted to call it. She knew the deal, all the cards were on the table when they decided to start what they have now but that hasn’t stopped her from developing feeling for him. Leon hasn’t lied to her, he wasn’t ready for a relationship, but he wanted her company and he has fun whenever she’s around, not only when it comes to bedroom activities. They met thanks to a common friend and they clicked almost immediately. And a couple of beers later, they were even able to finish each other sentences. That’s why it has worked so easily, it simply flows and they go with it, they thought it could be a great idea. He found her attractive and she couldn’t lie either, he was handsome, to say the least. So yes, when they started their things it seemed perfect on the paper but a few months later…she isn’t so sure about it. She turns her head to look at him, he’s sleeping next to her oblivious to all the thoughts that are running around her mind right now. All she knows right now is that she can’t keep it for herself. Otherwise, she’s gonna end up exploding in the worst moment for them. Unconsciously, her hand runs through his curls, she always loved the feeling of stroking his hair. A grin flashed on his face. That’s the moment it hits her, she can’t keep it up with that they have. She needs to leave now before things get more complicated than what already are. She can’t have her heart broken by him, he hasn’t done something bad, he’s not guilty of that one. He made it crystal clear, he wasn’t ready for a relationship, he wasn’t ready for falling in love for someone. It’s game over for her. After all, she always knew that this could turn out like this. She didn’t expect to fall for him it simply happened they more they spent time together. She gets out of the bed and changes into her clothes before looking at him, peacefully sleeping unaware of all that's happening. She trips over one of his shoes, cursing under her breath, she looks back at his bed when he stirs. Leon opens his eyes, half asleep half awake looking at her using his elbow to sit up. “Where are you going? It’s 3 am, go back to sleep.” His fingers run through his hair as confusion flashed across his face. “I have tons of papers to finish before the end of the month, I wanna wake up early tomorrow, well today, and I didn't want to wake you up.” Hopefully, his half-asleep state helps her this time, she knows that he wouldn’t buy her bullshit if he were fully awake. “Can I give you a ride at least? I don’t like the idea of you walking home alone.” He sits on the bed resting his head against the headboard looking at her. “It’s okay Leon. I’ll call a taxi, don’t worry.” She smiles but somehow it doesn't reach her eyes and he notices it, he knows her. He has made her smile before, he knows when it's genuine. “Am I missing something here? Did I do something?” She shakes her head searching for her phone to call a cab. “It’s all good, I swear. I’m just a little stressed right now, you know me.” He opens his mouth to say something but shakes his head before talking. “I do. That’s why I’m asking…you know you can tell me whatever’s happening on that mind of yours, right?” She should have known better, he wasn’t gonna let her go away that easily. “I know, I’ll tell you as soon something is happening. But right now, it’s just my responsible self calling me out for not being focus on my work.” He’s not buying but he knows that she isn’t gonna tell her a thing right now so it’s better to let her go now and ask later. “Okay. Are you sure you don’t want me to give you a ride? Send me a message as soon as you’re home at least.” She shakes her head one more time before heading to the door. “Don’t worry I’ll text you as soon as I make it home, safe and sound. See you, Leon." “Thank you. See you, gorgeous.” Leon’s name and face appear, once again, on her phone screen. He has been calling her all day, well more like since he finished his match. She’s aware she’s gonna have to face him someday, but she's not ready to do it now. He didn’t buy her bullshit and knew that something was off with her. After all, they were friends and if she didn’t want to share what she was dealing with, it somehow offended him. He thought they were friends and he thought that she would feel confident enough around him to tell him whatever was going on with her at the moment. But what he can’t imagine is that he’s the main reason for her being off with him. Avoiding him forever wasn't an option for her, their friends were mainly the same and she couldn't be around them without him being there most of the times. It wouldn’t be fair for their friends to chose a side when it’s not a side to chose in the first place. They had nothing to do with what they have or had. She’s aware of what she needs to do. Face him, get all out off her chest and then call it quits. But everything seems easier on the paper, she knows she'd crumble under his presence. Focusing on her work rather than spend the afternoon thinking about him was her plan, but it hasn't worked at all. He was constantly on her mind, and the phone ringing across the room hasn’t made it easier for her not to think about him, even tho she put it on silent mode the seconds time it ringed. Leaving the house seemed like the perfect way of getting her head to stop thinking about him, nothing like strolling around the city with a cup of coffee. The crisp air of Munich during autumn gives her chills as soon as she steps out of her house. She walks around the city not knowing really where she is going, she simply walks while her favourite playlist is put on shuffle freeing her mind for at least one hour. When she looks around, she knows exactly where she is, she’s been there before. Indeed, she’s been there a lot recently. All the times she's been there instantly crosses her mind, all the laughs, hugs, kisses and the sleepless nights. God, she's gonna miss him. “Are you looking for me?” She’d recognize that voice anywhere, in all of the possible different tones. She turns around to face him and he’s looking way better than the last time she saw him if that’s even possible. Is she a joke to everyone? Because at this point, she truly thinks she is. “Kind of…yes. I think I was.” She nods as he places one hand on her back slightly pushing her to the door. “Let's talk inside then.” She’s on his couch with a cup of tea on her hands while he comes back with one for himself as well. Sitting next to her he puts one hand on her knee, his thumb rubbing it as he looks at her with concern on his eyes. “What’s wrong? You’ve been avoiding me for days. And I know you were stressed with work and all that but…” She can tell by the tone he is using that he’s been beating himself up for this. He knows it because of him but can’t put his finger on what he has done to her. “It’s not something you’ve done. I know you think you’re the reason and somehow, you are but not in the way you think. God, I’m not making sense, aren’t I?” He smiles sweetly at her, he always thought she was adorable but she reaches her own peak when she starts acting like that. “You can try tho, talk to me. What’s the problem? What’s going on? I don’t know what I did, but I’m pretty sure that I’m sorry.” His hand covers her hand resting on her knee and her whole body shivers under the subtle touch. “You don’t have to apologize, you did nothing wrong. I’ve always known that you can’t control how someone else feels. You’re not the one to blame, well, there's no one here to blame.” She tries not to look at his eyes, for all that’s good in the world, otherwise, she knows she’ll crumble. “What are you trying to say, baby?” “I’m falling for you if I haven’t had already. And I know what you said, you’re not ready for a relationship, you aren't ready to fall for someone and I do get it. That’s why I’m calling quits with this. I can’t keep seeing you and spending time with you and having sex with you when I already know how this is gonna end. I don’t wanna ruin our friendship, you’re one of the most incredible human beings I've ever met.” He hasn’t seen her since told him that she was falling for him and that she needed time to clear her mind before seeing him again. He tried to tell her, he tried but words didn’t leave his mouth even tho they were dancing on his tongue. “I'm falling for you too” She didn’t even give him a chance to speak, she kissed him for the last time, hugged him and smile at him before leaving his house. That’s the last time she saw her. He wanted to giver her the space she asked for and yet he wanted to call her every single day. He has missed her like crazy. He missed watching her along with his friends at the stadium cheering for him, he missed talking to her before an important match. He missed celebrating every win with her. He missed the way her fingers traced his back when he snuggled with her watching lame tv shows. He missed the way her eyes were always waiting for him whenever they were, he knew as soon as he looks for her, she was already there waiting for him. He missed the way he could always talk about anything and everything and she'd never judge him no matter what. Maybe his friends were right, maybe he took it for granted thinking that she’d always be there for him. Maybe he didn't accept the way he was feeling about her. Maybe he should have said it and she wouldn't have left him. Maybe, but it was too late now. She wasn’t in his life now, she called it quits, she needed out and he was too afraid to say he didn’t want her to leave. And he knew it, all too well. His friend called him that day asking him to go out with him, to have dinner. He missed most of them, but being around them was a reminder of what he’s missing. He knows it’s been a while and she hasn't been around whenever he was out with them, so she won't be there that night. That's what he thought and the main reason she went out with them. The same reason why she said yes to go out with them that night. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her. She was glowing, her smile reaches her eyes, they’re sparkling and he can’t but smile when he sees her like that. Like the old times, she’s smiling just like he did when he was around her. But this time, he isn’t the one making her smile. His hand is on her lower back, they’re talking with a bunch of friends. She rests her head against his shoulder as they speak. She seems happy, way happier than the last time he saw her. She laughs and he can’t help but smile, a sight for sore eyes. When she stops laughing their eyes meet and his whole body shivers, all that he has felt until that day explodes. He wants to go and talk to her, he wants to say something but deep down he knows it too late. The guy next to her leans over and kiss her, his hand on her lower back and hers on his chest. That’s when he realizes it's too late, she has found another one and she seems happy he has no right to say something, he wants her to be happy and she is now. One of his friends pats him in the back when they watch the whole scene. He smiles, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes and says goodbye. He needs to leave. He turns to look at her one last time and she’s already looking at him. She could have been the best right in a million wrongs but now, he goes solo.
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arrrseeenalfc · 5 years
Please some of these are really old and bad😭
Anthony Joshua
Soft Punches
Danny Rose:
After defeat smut
Dele Alli:
Learning to Drive
Ethan Ampadu
Emile Smith-Rowe:
Out open
Eric Dier:
Football Fan
Federico Bernardeschi:
Car treat smut
Hector Bellerin:
Kiss for a winner
Jadon Sancho:
Watch what you say
James Maddison:
Meeting the Beckhams
Joao Cancelo:
In bed
Jesse Lingard:
Secrets out
Fan Passion
Dad delay
Jesus Navas:
Morning release smut
John Stones Imagines:
Kiss me through the phone smut 
Jealous (2x)
Third Wheel
Red Card smut
Start over
Trophy treble
My jealous boy
Room occupied smut
Julian Brandt Imagines:
Car Accident
Crazy Hormones
Friends? smut
My Name smut
Julian Draxler:
Your winner smut
Kepa Arrizabalaga:
Marcus Rashford:
Little Mistake
Neymar Jr:
best way to celebrate (smut)
Paulo Dybala
Singing in Turin
Rafinha Alcântara:
365 days ago
You tease him
He Forgets part 1
He Forgets part 2
He thinks you’re cheating (Smut)
I do too
Someone walks in on you two
Netflix and chill
How much I want you
Worth It
Date Night
Riyad Mahrez:
Ross Barkley:
Roman Burki:
Thilo Kehrer:
Trent Alexander-Arnold:
Surprise visit
Virgil van Dijk:
Dripping smut
Game smut
Sweat smut
Control smut
His first time
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spacegaysss · 5 years
Lionel vs. all of the odds
He absolutely can’t believe it. His team must collectively share two brain cells for this to happen again. How in the world could they have left him behind for the  2nd time in one year? In moments like this he really wishes that his co-captains were a little more responsible, but there’s no point in pondering that now, he needs to figure out how to get home as fast as possible.
Making his way through the tunnels of the Signal Iduna Park, he really hopes to find someone who can help him, maybe call a taxi or figure out some other way to get to the airport. He’s so caught up in his sour mood that just as he’s turning the corner, he’s colliding with someone very tall and solid.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t really pay attention to where I’m going.”
Leo’s already bad temper worsens when he practically has to crane his neck to look up at the guy who so rudely ran into him. Turns out he just got bulldozed by Dortmund’s keeper, Roman Bürki. And let’s just say he doesn’t particularly enjoy the sight of the one person who dared to come between him and his first Champions League goal of the season.
“Are you lost or something? I thought your team already left?” Bürki has the audacity to ask him. How kind of him to remind Leo of his current misfortune.
“Uhm, do you even understand me? I’m sure Paco is around here somewhere if you need someone to translate.” The keeper is still trying to talk to him and it’s getting more annoying by the second.
“I understand you just fine, thanks for the vote of confidence. Yes, the bus already left and yes, they forgot me. Again. Now if you’d be so kind as to get out of my way so I can go find someone who knows how to get to the plane in time, that’d be amazing.”
Leo has had enough of the babbling keeper and doesn’t wait for an answer before he shoulders past him in search of literally anywhere to go. To really get the message across that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with the other, he even pulls out his phone and starts to swipe at the display, even though Geri still hasn’t called him back.
“I could take you to the airport if you want” Bürki offers, unfortunately not getting his message and easily matching his pace with his longer legs.
Leo gives up and looks at Bürki skeptically. “You really know how to get there in time before the plane leaves? Because I couldn’t really reach anyone on the bus and if they still haven’t noticed that I’m gone…”
He’s not gonna lie, it stings a little to be forgotten. It’s not like he’s the center of attention at all times, but at least Luis or Geri could’ve noticed his absence by now.
“Well, it’ll definitely be quicker than calling a cab first and it’s not like we haven’t taken the bus to the airport from here a thousand times.”
If Bürki insists on driving him, who is Leo to refuse. So he replies with a short “Okay”, holds onto his backpack tighter (the fool might offer to carry it for him) and motions for the keeper to lead the way.  
They spend the walk to the garage in silence. It’s awkward, but Leo’s not really a fan of small talk and Bürki doesn’t seem to want to aggravate him further. Once they reach Bütki’s car and climb into the monstrous jeep, Leo leans back into the comfy seat and closes his eyes. He has absolutely ignored how exhausted he is. With the injury he hasn’t really played much recently and the game has taken everything out of him. He couldn’t exactly relax until now, being too upset about his team, the draw, the lack of chances, his repeated abandonment… but now that he has a minute to come down, the tiredness lies on him like a heavy blanket.
He's pretty sure that he would’ve fallen asleep immediately if not for Bürki’s ongoing chatter.
“So, what did you think of your first game here? I always thought that it’s pretty intimidating to play here. It’s completely different if you’re the home team. But you know that of course. I reckon it’s similar with the Camp Nou.”
Leo just makes vaguely confirmative noises since he really isn’t in the mood for chit chat. The drive is a lot shorter than he remembers, but that might be because he fell asleep in the middle of it. He only wakes up when Bürki opens the door on the passenger side and looks at him with a pitying expression on his face.
“Hey, I’m sorry to tell you, but the plane has already left. It looks like you need to spend the night.”
Deep down, Leo must’ve known that this will happen, because he doesn’t feel anything but a deep sense of inevitability.
“Fine, but I don’t think I should stay at a hotel. Or the club. The press would probably go nuts with all the rumors that might cause.” Leo muses, hoping that Bürki hasn’t lost his helper syndrome all of a sudden.
“Well, I guess you could stay at my place until tomorrow and see if the club could send you a plane or whatever it is they do in a situation like this.” The goodhearted keeper relents while already making his way around the car to continue their odyssey.
The drive to Bürki’s place takes a little longer and it’s no surprise that Leo falls asleep again. This time he doesn’t even wake up to Bürki opening the door, oh no, it’s a lot more embarrassing than that. He needs to be shaken awake. Like a kid that fell asleep on a long car ride that’s too big to be carried inside.
Leo’s still grumpy when he climbs back out of the jeep and almost trips over his own feet on the way up to the keeper’s flat. But his mood improves a little at the prospect of a warm bed. He had absolutely forgotten how cold it can get in Germany in early autumn.
Bürki is confidently leading the way through is apartment which Leo takes as his cue to follow him.
“So I don’t really have a guest bedroom, but my couch is super comfortable. I’ll just get you a blanket and pillows and stuff. Oh, and I have a spare toothbrush that you can use.”
He’s already left before Leo can answer, so he just sits down on the aforementioned comfortable couch and looks through his backpack for his toiletries, suddenly glad he took a long shower back at the stadium.
Bürki is back with a fluffy looking blanket before Leo could get his stuff out, motioning for him to get up so that the host could prepare his bed for the night.
“Have you tried to call your teammates again? Maybe they’ve had time to look at their phones by now.” Bürki inquires, still trying for chit chat.
And for some reason, that’s the straw that gives Leo the last push. He’s exhausted, abandoned, unhappy about his performance and now he’s crying on a stranger’s couch in the middle of the night. He should really get a grip.
Meanwhile Bürki is just staring at him with a deer in the headlights expression. He keeps standing in front of him for a minute before he gingerly sits next to him and pats his shoulder in a ‘there there’ kind of gesture.
If Leo thought he was pathetic before, that’s nothing compared to the moment when he gives in and clutches to Bürki’s (maybe he should start thinking of him as Roman now) shoulders and buries his face in the other’s broad chest.
“I’m really sorry, this can’t be easy for you. And I really didn’t mean to pry or anything, I’m just really bad at smalltalk.”
Leo just shrugs, not trusting his voice right now.
Leo blinks awake slowly, bright sunlight shining in his face. He must’ve passed out from exhaustion last night. Once his sight has cleared up and his surroundings no longer look blurry, he notices that his head is lying on someone’s lap. That can only mean…
He jumps up from the couch as soon as he’s figured himself out, grabbing his phone and dashing into the bathroom. Once he unlocks the device he finds 24 missed calls from Geri, along with several messages from his team mates as well as the coach. Before he can call his best friend back though, there’s a tentative knock on the locked door.
“Hey, are you alright? You’re not sick or anything? “ Bürki asks concernedly.
There’s really nothing else to do but open the door and answer the man face to face if he wants to keep any part of his dignity.
“I’m fine, thanks for asking. I was just gonna call back Geri and I didn’t wanna disturb you.”
Wow, great going there Leo, lying to the man who basically rescued you last night.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, I was up.” The taller man answers with a charming smile and Leo can’t help the blush that spreads all over his pale face.
“Well, that’s good then. I guess I should call him back now and figure out how to get home.”
“Yeah, I bet your team’s worried about their star player.”
Leo knows that the other is just trying to ease the tension, but he can’t help the dark chuckle that escapes him. Where was his team’s concern last night when he could’ve used it?
“Thank you. For taking me with you last night. I hope I didn’t inconvenience you too much.” He tries to rectify the situation. He was pretty mean yesterday. Mocking him, taking his help for granted and then crying on him before falling asleep on his lap, effectively trapping the other on his couch.
“Oh, don’t worry about that, it’s fine. Really. I’ll leave you to it then.”
The rest of the morning passes rather uneventfully. Leo calls Valverde instead of Geri, who promises to send a plane to get him, which leaves him loads of time to pack his backpack and say goodbye to his host.
Turns out Roman even makes some decent eggs and coffee, so they spend an hour sitting around the kitchen island in more or less comfortable silence.
At eleven, there’s a knock coming from the front door, which Roman hastes to answer.
Leo just stays in his place, not really eager to see anyone this morning. From his position in the kitchen he hears two people talking in a language he doesn’t understand, probably German.
Before he’s really processed who exactly shows up in Roman Bürki’s flat before noon, someone strides into the kitchen and heads straight for the coffee.
Then there’s multiple things happening at once: the person, who turns out to be Mario Götze, whirls back around, looking like he’s seen a ghost, Roman steps back into the kitchen all while insistently talking to the new comer and shooting Leo concerned looks.
“How? Why are you here? What are you doing in Roman’s kitchen?” Götze asks him, thankfully switching to English.
“I couldn’t get home last night, he offered to let me stay.” Leo answers, trying to stay cool. There’s no need to freak out now. This is just a minor annoyance.
“What… the hell? You know what, I’m just going to drive to the shoot now and tell everyone that you’re not feeling well, Roman. But you better show up later.” Götze leaves in a hurry, his coffee forgotten on the counter.
“So, you had a press thing this morning?” Leo asks the keeper who’s looking a little dazed where he’s standing by the door.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. Mario will cover for me and I can always show up later.” Roman assures him.
“Well, if it’s alright, you could just take me to the airport now. It won’t be long until the jet arrives.” Leo offers, hoping not to inconvenience the other any further.
“Sure, c’mon then.” Roman agrees, already on the way to the garage.
As Leo gets in the car for the last time for the foreseeable future, he thinks that this might’ve been one of his crazier days in his life.
Hi everyone! I’ve been putting this one off for a while, but I promised @boreussia-durmmund I’d write something with Roman and Messi for the amazing Champions League match, so here it is. If you like obscure pairings as much as I do, you’re very welcome on my blog!
PS: Here’s the link to the article about Leo being forgotten at Anfield Road.
PPS: Find more obscure pairing here, here and here. (The sequel to Rafa and Roman will be coming this week)
PPPS: My requests are still open.
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raphavarrane · 6 years
screw tradition! (marco asensio)
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based off request from anon: Can you write a Marco Asensio imagine where he proposes to his longtime girlfriend?
PARINGS: marco asensio x OC (bella)
WARNINGS: pure fluff!
six years is a long time to be in love. marco thought, fiddling with the small black box in his hands.
when he met bella six years ago at a mutual friend’s party, marco knew that what he had with bella was something. a year of being young and messing with each other’s hearts passed, bringing them closer together. all of marco’s teammates (especially isco!) referred to bella as marco’s wife, even though the couple had never discussed or considered marriage.
it was night, at least marco guessed. ever since bella and him has arrived at isco’s party, he’d lost track of time. the streets of madrid were busy and the annoying hun of traffic played through isco’s home at suprisingly low volume. as marco walked through their isco’s house, he heard the distinctive laugh of his girlfriend.
marco imagined what it would be like. what it would be like to live this life forever; to be with the woman he loved forever and live out the rest of his life with bella by his side. and to watch as her chest rised against his own whilst she fell asleep. and to hear her ridiculous laugh every time he told a terrible joke.
bella was sat on the kitchen counter wearing one of marco’s t-shirts loosely hanging on her midriff and a pair of shorts, a bowl of strawberries with a beer bottle next to her exposed thigh. she was talking to isco’s wife, when her eyes landed upon marco’s. her eyes were another thing that he found beautiful about her; the small specks of gold in her dark brown eyes along with her unmistakable freckles dotted around her nose.
“i guess i’ll leave you two alone.” isco’ wife stated, taking it as her cue to leave.
bella sighed as isco’s wife left the kitchen, vacating the room which meant that marco and bella were finally alone.
“hello handsome.”
marco jumped slightly, not realising he had been out in a psychedelic trance by bella, who had only said two words. her normal straightened black hair cascaded down her shoulders in its natural curls (which was marco’s favourite hairstyle on bella) covered her deep dimples from the world. marco couldn’t hide his dumb smile as he approached his girlfriend, hiding the small black box behind his back. he knew that now wouldn’t be the right time and marco didn’t really want to ruin such a wholesome moment between them.
trying to fight off the small amount of alcohol in his system, marco positioned his body in between bella’s legs and rested his head on her shoulder. bella couldn’t deny that whenever she was in marco’s presence, a smile would instantly appear on her face. she knew it was wrong to be so emotionally attached to someone, especially with how dispensable people can be nowadays, but bella couldn’t help it. marco asensio was infectious, someone you couldn’t give up easily.
he was the man who would send bella massive bouquets of roses whenever he was away for a game, along with the occasional giant teddy bear. marco was the man who always listened to whatever she gave to say and always respected her boundaries.
marco would always make sure that she was alright emotionally, wanting to talk about everything and anything that could possibly worry bella. marco was just the perfect man and bella knew that she’d never met anyone like him in her lifetime.
bella started with a small kiss on his lips, allowing herself to savour the familiar taste. just as she was going for another delicate kiss, marco smashed his lips onto hers, not giving bella a second to breath. as they pulled apart, bella kept one hand on marco’s shoulder, allowing themselves to catch their breath.
“geez, someone’s in a good mood.” marco chuckled, before bella brought her lips onto his again.
bella hummed against his lips, using her free hand to run through marco’s hair lightly. marco relished for that feeling of contact between the two, using his arms to grab onto her hips and pull bella even closer to him. before the kiss could lead anywhere that wasn’t the kitchen, bella pulled away (much to the displeasure of marco) and grabbed a strawberry from the bowl.
“gosh, how can you manage to switch from sexy to cute in under a second?” marco stated, taking a bite of the strawberry bella had presented.
bella chuckled in reply, planting a delicate kiss on his cheek. nothing else mattered to her expect marco and she knew her boyfriend reciprocated the feeling. marco pulled bella into a hug, allowing themselves to escape into another world, completely forgetting about the people who were now flooding back into the kitchen. until her hand fell upon something hard (that wasn’t marco’s ‘friend’).
“marco, what’s this?”
in such a small amount of time, marco was quickly taken back down to the ground. in bella’s hand, was the small black box he had been carrying earlier. everyone in the room had gone silent, watching with baited breath at the scene that was unfolding. marco was speechless, which didn’t help him in the situation.
“marco, can you say something please?” bella whispered into his ear, stroking the side of his face.
the small strokes along his face brought down marco’s anxiety levels, reminding him that he wasn’t alone. as he stared into bella’s eyes, maroc could feel himself relaxing. bella has that effect in him; when marco would become stressed, bella would always be able to bring him back to a state of calm. marco rubbed the back of his neck, realising how awkward he made isco’s party.
he took the box from bella’s hand and got down onto one knee. but when he watched bella’s confused face become even confused, marco rushed back up to his feet, smoothing down his shirt. just as he was about to say anything, marco got heckled by one of his teammates.
“hurry up marco!”
marco looked over and glared at isco, who had received a slap around the back of the head from his wife. marco took another deep breath and finally said what he’d been waiting what seemed like a lifetime to say.
“i know you don’t like labels, so will you be my married-person-thing?”
marco could feel the oxygen levels drop in the room, his throat going dry and his palms becoming sweaty. bella pulled on his heartstrings even when she didn’t mean to. god, she was breathtaking.
“of course i’ll be your married-person-thing!”
at first, marco was shocked. he didn’t actually expect his very casual proposal to work but there he was, looking his fiancée in the eye. marco smiled, a stupidly happy smile crossed his face. he pulled bella into a sweet kiss, holding onto her face, wishing he’d never have to pull away.
the small diamond sparkled in the nightlight, but not like bella’s eyes. those eyes that he could fall in love with all over again and never get bored. marco would gladly stare into those beautiful eyes all day. but in that moment, marco could’ve sworn that he had found infinity in those deep brown eyes.
six years is a long time to be in love. marco thought.
but it’s worth it.
please feel free to leave feedback!
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lxndonorris · 4 years
valentine’s lovers kit - Roman Bürki
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Y/N x Roman Bürki
Theme: Smut (you’ve been warned)
having fun with Roman and your new valentine’s lovers kit
word count: 2020+
The sun is already setting on this Friday evening, while you just finished cleaning the dishes after having a romantic dinner with your boyfriend Roman. You decided to dress up today, wearing a soft blouse and a skirt, with him wearing a white shirt and dark suit pants. 
You're sitting back down at the table, where he is waiting for you, smiling coyly. “So what do you have planned next?” He says curiously, reaching for your hand. Excitedly, you pull something from underneath the table and put it in front of him. His eyes widen instantly at the sight of a box. “Valentine’s day lovers kit,” Roman says slowly, raising his eyebrows. Stroking his hand you watch him looking at the box, muttering something underneath his breath. “We agreed to try something new, and I thought we could have some fun with this.” You say softly, feeling your face turning slightly red. Hesitating, his gaze shifts between you and the kit as he is trying to find the right words to say.
After a few more seconds of silence, his face softens and his mouth turns into a faint smile. “Okay, let’s do this,” Roman says, leaning in to place a single kiss on your cheek. Giggling, you blush even harder and together you open the box, looking at blindfolds, fluffy handcuffs, dice, and a tickler, everything colored in pink. He instantly picks up the dice, playing with them between his fingers. You, on the other hand, pick up the little piece of paper, explaining the rules.
“One wears the blindfold, the other rolls the dice to reveal the action of love each turn.” Reading the rules out loud, you can hear Roman already giggling nervously. “Look at those dice.” You watch him roll the dice onto the table. “Kiss leg,” Roman says and looks at you, not sure if to be concerned or excited. “We don’t have to play.” You say reassuringly, stroking his hand again. “No, it’s fine. It will be fun.”
He smiles and picks up the fluffy cuffs. “Look at that.” Roman giggles again, feeling the fluffy part between his fingers. “So, who should go first.” You say happily, while he tilts his head slightly. “Ladies first.” He smirks playfully. Together, you head into the bedroom, sitting down on to the bed. Roman grins while you blindfold and cuff him.
“I’m so nervous.” He says quietly, moving slowly from left to right. Excitedly, you roll the dice, revealing the action of love Roman will receive. “Rub leg.” You mutter to yourself and turn your head towards him. “What is it?” He giggles while you lean into him, putting your hand gently on to his lap. You start stroking his thigh, your fingers running down his leg, feeling his muscles tense through his trousers. "Interesting." He growls deeply while your fingers wander across his thighs.
You can see his whole body reacting to your gentle strokes. He breathes deeply, giving in to your touch. Licking your lip you can't help yourself but enjoy the sight of him, just sitting there, smirking mischievously. "You like that?" You say, tracing the crease of his pants to his crotch. "It feels good," Roman says, his voice already a little husky. "Now it's my turn." You smirk and you switch positions with him.
Now you're getting blindfolded and cuffed, just waiting for him to roll the dice. You can barely hear them running across the sheets of your bed, but Roman's happy giggling tells you that it has to be something he'd enjoy. Seeing nothing but pitch-black darkness you flinch once you can feel his warm breath on your neck. "Is it okay if I touch your boobs." He breathes into your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. "Of course." 
Gasping, you take a deep breath. Just then you feel his fingers brushing over your chest, slowly unbuttoning your blouse. Carefully, Roman exposes his favorite lingerie underneath your top, moaning softly. "I knew you'd wear that." He says and before you can reply to him, you can feel a firm grip on your breasts as he starts to massage you.
Your whole body tenses at his touch, your heart beats faster and you bite your lower lip. "How does that feel?" He says comfortingly, making sure that you enjoy it just as much as he does. "Very good." You say breathlessly, taking a deep breath of his strong cologne, but then he suddenly stops. "That's it for now." He growls and kisses your cheek tenderly.
Before you can switch positions again, he notices you smirking deviously at him. "I know that face." Roman raises an eyebrow, unlocking the cuffs. "How about we switch it up?" You say, leaning in closer, starting to stroke his chest through his tight shirt. He watches your fingers for a few moments before his eyes meet yours. "What do you have in mind?" You lean in even closer, your lips barely brushing over his ear. "I really enjoy seeing you like this.” 
Roman turns his head slightly, just watching you out of the corner of his eye. “I would like to show you how much I enjoy it.” Your hand runs down his chest to his waist, sliding behind his belt, tugging at it. “Sounds good.” He says quietly, breathing down your neck. “But next time, it’s my turn okay?” You smirk again, stroking his growing bulge through his pants. “Okay. But for now, put the blindfold back on.” Hissing, you place a kiss on his neck while he puts it back on.
But instead of cuffing his hands, you fasten it at the bed frame. “What are you-?” Before he can finish that sentence you press your lips on his, for a long and searing kiss. “Do you trust me?” You breathe into him, leaving him speechless. He nods slowly, licking his lip to get the last drop of your taste. “Always.” Roman tries to get another kiss, but you push him further back towards the end of the bed. “You’ll enjoy this.” 
You open the nightstand and take one of his ties out, feeling it’s fabric between your fingers. “That should work.” Muttering underneath your breath, you fasten his other arm as well. Cuffed and blindfolded, you watch Roman pulling at his arms playfully, giggling and smirking the whole time. “Is it too tight?” You ask him worryingly, but he just shakes his head. “I like that, actually.” He smirks again, waiting for you to get closer.
Roman licks his lips and you can see him searching for you around the room. “Are you gonna just stand there?” He says snarkily, bending his hips towards you, groaning deeply. Your eyebrows twitch once and you let your clothes drop to the floor. Now just wearing the lingerie, you carefully climb onto the bed, crawling closer towards Roman. “There you are.” He breathes heavily once you start touching his legs, your hands running along with the outlines of his body, feeling his thighs, brushing his crotch, his chest until you kneeling on his lap.
Leaning even closer, he flinches when you brush his lips with yours but then he embraces your gentle kiss. “This will be fun.” You moan softly, separating from him slowly, still feeling his lips on yours. He swallows hard, pulling at his arm but the tie keeps him in place. “Fuck.” Roman moans, biting his lower lip now. “Not yet.” You say quietly, stroking his cheek, down to his neck and his chest. He bends into you again, while you start to open his shirt, one button at a time.
You can feel his chest bulging into your hand as he takes another deep breath. Looking at his bare chest, you start running a hand along with his tattoos, tracing the outlines of his toned body, making him tense even more. Replacing every touch with a loving kiss, you make your way downwards until you reach his waist. “Do you like that?” You say, playing with his belt again, noticing the huge dent forming in his trousers. “Fuck, I think you know the answer.” He growls, trying to move his arms again, but is tightly restrained.
Now, smirking, you tease him even more by stroking him firmly through his pants, and with every touch, he winces and moans louder. Easily, you open his suit pants, pulling them down to his ankles. He sighs in relief, rocking his hips slowly. You keep on stroking him, harder, until he reaches his full length. His whole body quivers once you slip inside his boxers, grabbing him with one hand. Moving your hand rhythmically, he leans his head back against the wall, groaning deeply. “Fuck. This is good.”
Now working on his dick and his thigh, you can see every muscle in his body move in sync with your hands, Just then, he shudders tugging at the cuffs and his tie. “Wait.” He grunts, taking another deep breath. “I want to see your beautiful eyes,” Roman says breathlessly. Hearing this makes you smirk again, so you stop stroking him for a second and take off his blindfold. He blinks a few times, his eyes getting used to the dim flickering candlelight on your bedroom.
Just for a few more moments, you stare into each other’s eyes, his whole body softening. “Thank you.” He says quietly, as you lean in for another gentle kiss. “My pleasure.” You smirk and with one swift move, you take off the lingerie, exposing your naked body. He groans deeply, bending his body into yours, rubbing his bulge against your thighs. “I want you.” You say, kissing him once more. “I’m yours.” He breathes into your mouth and you bend down again, now pulling his underwear down as well.
Once his immense dick is in front of you, you take another deep breath, before you help him sliding inside you. With a loud moan, the two of you start rocking your hips together, your bodies moving as one. Even though he cannot move his arms, he still tries to touch you, getting rougher and rougher the more he tries. You start stroking his chest while your moves become faster and faster. “Fuck this is so tight.” Roman growls, leaning his head back again in exhaustion.
“You feel so goo-.” You get interrupted by a long groan, the feeling of him inside you sending shivers down your spine again. After all of that teasing, it doesn’t take long for him to reach his limits. Unable to speak properly, he just growls throaty, asking for another kiss. Barely able to concentrate, you kiss him again but end up moaning into his mouth.
“God.” You groan deeply and put your hands around his neck, desperately trying to keep his lips on yours but the tension just gets unbearable. After a few more intense thrusts, both of you scream out in ecstasy, your whole apartment filled with your loud moans and grunts. Exhausted, you collapse against his chest, letting him out of you. Looking at the ceiling, Roman let’s out a burst of short laughter, trying so hard to catch his breath.
“This was intense.” He mutters underneath a last long moan, shifting from left to right, tugging at his restrains. “Could you, uh, help me?” Roman giggles, and you just remember that he is actually cuffed to your bed. “Fuck. Sorry.” You open the handcuffs, letting his hard drop to the bed. Struggling to get the tie off of the bed, he offers his hand to help you. “This was my good tie.” He pouts as he’s finally set free. 
“I’m sorry.” He strokes his arm, feeling the marks the cuffs left on his wrist. “It’s okay, it was worth it.” Turning his head towards you, he smiles satisfied. “I feel the same.” You say comfortingly, kissing your way across his other arm lovingly. “Just remember next time. It’s you who gets cuffed.” He smirks, kissing your forehead. “We will see about that.” You pet his sweaty chest, stroking him softly. Now you spend some time cuddling before you get ready for the night.
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marcdurm · 6 years
Your time is the only thing I wish was mine. Part 2
A Roman Bürki series
Here is part 1 ❤️
Let me know how you found it ❤️
Roman tried to contact her repeatedly trying to make up for his mistakes but she wouldn’t give in. She didn’t believe people change so easily and she wasn’t going to give a second chance like that only to be let down again. She may was too harsh on him but that was her decision. She wanted to be respected and if not the top priority then one of the top priorities of someone’s life. Especially when that someone was supposed to be her boyfriend.
Months passed and Roman decided to give her what she wanted. If she didn’t want him once, he didn’t want her ten times. He tried to change for her and all he got was repeated rejections. He wasn’t going to sit and keep begging since she has already made clear that she doesn’t want him. If she wanted him she would accept his apologies and give him a chance to prove that he can he can do better. But she didn’t. And he accepted this and did everything to forget about her. Nights out after games, on days off, before days off, women, parties, women and more women. He gave himself to strangers trying to prove he can go on. “All this women begging me for just one touch and I’ll sit here and keep begging the only one who doesn’t see past her nose? No.” He thought to himself almost everyday trying to boost his offended ego.
He was too proud of himself to see that he’s the one who doesn’t see past his nose. He was too proud to see that for once he found someone who did not want him just for his body and his money. He was too proud to see that by sending her gifts every now and then and just sending texts wouldn’t bring her back.
For once in his life he was in a situation where only emotions were involved and he didn’t know what to do with them. He didn’t know how to react to someone who was actually falling for him. He didn’t know how to react when he was also falling for her. He didn’t know how to actually fight for her like a man. A normal man with no social and economical power. A man who was just experiencing love for the first time.
He thought he could ignore the feelings he was growing for her by spending nights with different women. But the truth was that in every single one of them he was looking for her, even if he didn’t admit it. Countless moments in which he was thinking of her and almost moaned her name while someone else was giving him the pleasure. He was too proud to get his shit together when he would be changing sides in his bed repeatedly trying to stop thinking about her. “What kind of magic has she done to me. GET OUT OF MY HEAD.” The little voice in his head would say every now and then.
Her? She was much better. She missed him but she knew she deserved better. She deserved to be treated like a lady. She didn’t want to be treated like a butty call. She was much better than that. She was was a woman who wanted to have a commitment even if they wouldn’t end up together. She didn’t want to be treated like a joke. She wanted to be taken seriously and she wasn’t settling for anything less.
Nine months had passed since her birthday, six months and many women since he last reached out for her. And as he was starting to be believing his lies, there she was. All smiley and glowing enjoying her pizza with some guy. Some guy who was definitely not him. Some guy who wasn’t even close to him to be compared. He looked like he just graduated for the second time from Harvard university. He seemed like he was spending 8 hours of his day locked in an office either doing some economic shit or teaching some dumb teenagers or writing some stupid novel or maybe he was involved in an political party. He didn’t know what it really was that he was doing but all he knew is that he sure as hell doesn’t deserve to have a woman like her.
“What the hell does he know about what to do with a woman like that,” he thought as he downed his wine. “He probably goes to bed by 9pm and doesn’t even care about pleasuring her- if his mum lets him bring a girl home,” he wiped his lips still not taking his eyes away from them.
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Closure - A Roman Bürki One-Shot
Summary:  Roman wanted a closure, so he could move on. Based on the song Closure by gnash. Some sort of sequel from “She Spoke Nine Words”, but can also be read as a stand-alone (Thank you for the Anon who suggested me to write a second part of She Spoke Nine Words :) )
(Word Count: 1000 words)
It had been two years since she walked out of his room. It felt so long ago, yet sometimes the wound that she left still felt too fresh. He still dreamt about her sometimes.
(He didn’t know whether those were nice dreams or bad ones. Those dreams about her.)
It had been two years, and they had not seen each other since that night.
He knew she didn’t want to. There was nothing that he could do about it, and that was why he stayed away from her.
Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt him, though.
It had been two years, but apparently she hadn’t forgotten him yet.
She looked surprised, from the way her eyes widened for a second as her brows shot up. But still, she recognized him.
“Roman?” She asked, holding the doorknob. “What are you doing here?”
Roman stretched his lips, trying to smile.
“Can I come in?”
Roman could see the hesitation on her face. The way her eyes studied him carefully, warily.
But then she opened the door wider.
“Sure,” she said and stepped aside. “Come in.”
Roman stepped in. She closed the door and walked to where the couches are. Roman followed her. He stood awkwardly next to an armchair as she sat at the couch.
“You want to sit down?” She asked.
“Oh, yeah. Thanks,” Roman said and sat on the armchair.
He looked around the living room. It still looked the same like two years ago but at the same time, it was different now. There were new pictures on the wall. Pictures that were not there before. Pictures that he didn’t recognize.
“What makes you come here?”
Roman ducked his head down and stared at his clasped hands. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“I’ve heard about the news,” he said as he looked up at her. “Congratulations,” he said. He tried to smile, even though his heart started falling apart.
She stared at Roman, looking mildly surprised.
“Oh,” she said, voice a bit lower. She looked away for a moment and her cheeks were dusted with a soft pink color.
“Thank you,” she said as she turned her head back. There was a small shy smile on her lips but her lights twinkle with happiness.
(He realized he never made her eyes twinkled like that)
“When’s the day?”
“May 12,” she said. “I’ve always wanted a Spring wedding,” she added and smiled shyly.
That smile was so beautiful but at the same time, it hurt him to know that it was not him who could make her smile like that. That was why Roman looked down to the coffee table. That was when he saw the magazines, a post-it note with her neat handwritings stuck on the front cover.
He saw the cover of the magazine.
He could see that it was her, wearing the white dress, holding the white roses, smiling blissfully.
“Is that why you’re here?”
Roman’s head snapped back to her.
For a second or two, their eyes locked. And Roman could not understand why he had been such a fool to let her go.
(Because he was too attached to his pride. That was why.)
Roman took a deep breath but his chest felt like it was filled with lead.
“I need to tell you something.”
She did not say anything but kept her eyes at him. She nodded, signaling Roman to continue.
Roman bit his lower lip. “I know that…it started out as nothing…”
(It started out like that. It should had been stayed like that)
Her expression was now fully guarded. Like a blank, empty canvas.
He exhaled, almost exasperatedly.
“The thing is…somehow, it had become something for me.”
Roman closed his eyes for a while, trying to calm himself from breaking down. He slowly opened his eyes, but her face was still as blank as before.
If there was something there, it was only a very vague expression of guilt.
“So it hurt me when you left,” Roman said, feeling a small pieces of his heart broke down along as each words was spoken.
She stared at Roman and her eyes soften a bit.
“Oh, Roman,” she said. “I’m…sorry….”
“Please don’t,” he said. “ Wasn’t your fault.”
He wanted to add the classic cliché line of it was nobody’s fault but oh, how hypocritical it was, when he was fully aware that he was the one, the only one to blame?
“I just feel like I need to tell you that, as… some sort of a closure,” Roman said.
A closure for him. So he could move on.
He knew that she already had her own closure. He knew that she already moved on.
“I… I don’t know what to say,” she said.
“You don’t have to say anything.”
Because words did not mean anything anymore.
At least his words would not mean anything anymore. His words would not change a thing.
“I guess, before starting a new page, I just need to say things that I had never told you before.”
Silence again.
(Funny how silence could felt so empty, but at the same time, it felt so suffocating).
“Well,” Roman rubbed his thigs with his hands. “I guess I better go now.”
He stood up, and smiled at her.
“Once again, congratulations.” He said. “You deserve to be happy.”
“You too, Roman,” she said, half-whispering.
Roman only stretched his lips into a thin, stiff smile.
Roman turned around and walked to the door. She didn’t follow. And Roman was glad that she didn’t.
(It would make it even harder for him)
He reached out for the doorknob and held it. He looked over his shoulder, and gave her a smile. One last smile.
“Good bye,” he said.
He pulled the door open, and stepped outside. The door shut down behind him with a soft clicking sound. Roman slid his hands into his pocket, and walked down the doorsteps.
He got his closure.
Time to move on now.
Author’s Notes: Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it :). Comments and feedbacks are always loved <3
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bumblebeereus · 5 years
“Wordless ways to say I love you.” Series
Word Count: 832. A/N: So...this is new for me. I’m currently writing a 50 blurb/os series based on exactly that “Wordless ways to say I love you”. I’ll try to update this hopefully a few times each month but I’m not sure if I’ll manage to do this. 
English is not my first language so sorry if there’s any typo. Sorry for the spacing if you’re reading this from your phone. Hope you like it. Feedback is always welcomed, thanks for reading this.——————————————————————
Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold — Ben Chilwell.
Let’s get real, there’s nothing worse than men when they’re sick. Apparently, it doesn’t matter what they have, they’re all close to death as soon as the doctor tells them that they’re ill. Cold, the flu, a headache, stomachache or something serious, it doesn’t matter the result it’s always the same: lying in bed or in the sofa looking like they’re close to death within seconds. She’s lucky tho, because Ben is not usually so she hasn’t seen him complaining before until now, that he’s lying in the sofa surrounded by tissues while he watches his favourite tv show and drinking a hot tea.  When she left this morning he was better than the day before even tho clearly he wasn’t at his best, not even in the mood for complaining when she left the bed in the morning. That’s when she knew that he was literally sick. He’s always there to try to kidnap her in their bed a few more minutes every morning. 
The sound of him blowing his nose mixing with the sound of the conversations on the tv. She leans kissing his temple as her way of saying hello to him. “You look way better than this morning, how are you feeling?” She runs her hand through his hair for once gel-free, how she loves it. “I’m feeling slightly better but I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.” His voice is clearly taken by the cold and he coughs covering his mouth with his hand. “I’m pretty positive that you’ll make it, babe. Don’t worry about that.” She smiles warmly kissing his forehead grabbing his now empty cup of tea “Want another one?” He nods using his best “look how adorable I’m” face. “What I would do without you? How was work today?” “Probably you wouldn’t make it. All good, I’m still the employee of the month.” She chuckles leaving the living room walking towards the kitchen to make two cups of tea to make him company. As soon as the cups of tea are ready she’s back with him making herself comfortable in the sofa next to him. He rests his legs on her lap as he grabs the cup of tea between his hands. “You spent the whole day seated here watching Friends?” She asks him taking a sip from her cup looking at him. “Absolutely, I don’t regret a single moment of my day. Well maybe having you here with me but…” He shrugs with those puppy eyes that she utterly adores. He couldn’t be more adorable. “I’m here now, ready to take care of you, baby.” She holds his hand caressing it with her thumb “There’s soup in the kitchen just in case you want some for dinner.” “I’m gonna marry you one day, believe me.” He says casually with a laugh resting his head against the cushion again. “I might say yes, just in case you wanted to know.” She winks patting his legs before looking at the tv to keep watching the show that’s playing on the tv. The next time she looks at him he’s sleeping, almost covered in tissues and she shakes her head because if it weren’t for her he’d be buried in them by end of the night. She grabs the tissues to throw them on the trash before he wakes up and start using them again. She makes sure that the medication he’s taking is on the table, his water bottle next to him and a few honey lozenges to make sure that his throat is hydrated to maintain the cough away. As she passes by him she makes sure that the duvet is tucked perfectly around him, running her hand through his hair noticing how he stirs a little under her touch. She kisses his forehead before leaving the living room to go upstairs to have a shower and get changed into way comfier clothes than the dress she’s wearing now. She’s wrapped around the towel when the bathroom’s door opens and she smiles at the sight of him half-awake ruffling his own hair. “A sight for sore eyes.” He says clearly in a better mood than when she arrived home “You get rid of all those tissues.” His face lights up a little, sometimes a little gesture like that one means a lot for someone. “Don’t tell me you were collecting them.” She says happily tiptoeing to kiss him quickly on the lips. “No. I was too tired to get up and get rid of them.”He says hiding his face on her shoulder as she scratches the back of his neck. “I don’t deserve you.” “You’re quite adorable and cheesy when you’re sick.” She kisses his temple and his cheek, his hand caressing his back, going up and down. “I’m always like this and you know that. Don’t be mean with me when I’m sick...can we go to bed now? I want to sleep and I sleep better when I’m with you.” 
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footballffbarbiex · 2 years
I dropped off the face of the planet, I’m well aware and so I’m posting this now so it’s out of the way and taken care of.  The past 2 month so have been...well. It’s been something but meeting and hosting my beloved @iwriteficsandtragedies at my own home has made it all worthwhile. 
I paused Patreon because of the things that I had going on (thank you for the messages, I really did/do appreciate them) and I wasn’t in a good mindset. But I guess I’m back now and in that time, I’ve done some writing. I’ve also taken some of the feedback on board and now each update will include a banner so that you know it’s a fic and something to read as opposed to just my shit posting. 
When each is posted there, I’ll post the snippet and link here too as I know people tend to check here more than their email and it’ll allow everyone to see the goodness that will be coming!
So, what is coming to Patreon from August is as follows -
(and is in no particular order with pieces to be finished and probably loads more to be added as I think up more ideas)
Monday - Wednesday are Patreon exclusives and early access to series days.  Saturday - Sunday are Tumblr early access days. 
 ❤️ - relationship 👶🏻- baby daddy 💦- smut 🫂 - soulmate or AU 🥀 - angst ❄️ - winter 😢 - grief 🤰- pregnancy  ⚤- dark or cnc  🍆💼 - sex work   🍆 - one night stand    💶 - sugar baby  🔫 - violence
(please keep in mind that emojis on the series section may not apply to that chapter but do apply to the series itself. Each chapter will have it’s own warnings.)
You’re responsible for your own consumption, especially if proceeding to read a piece which has warnings not to your tastes.
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Antoine Griezmann. Clairefontaine.  💦
Antoine Griezmann. Give In To Me.  💦
Antoine Griezmann. Riding Shotgun. Kink Bingo. 💦 ⚤
Antoine Griezmann. Law Of Attraction. 💦
Anyone You Want.  Adjust Your Halo. 💦❤️
Anyone You Want.  Marry Me. 🥀
Anyone You Want.  That Kiss.  💦❤️
Anyone You Want.  The Illustrator.  👶🏻❤️
Benjamin Pavard. Starry Night.  ❄️❤️
Hector Bellerin Reunions.  ❄️❤️
Kasper Schmeichel  Sweets.    ❄️❤️
Kepa Arrizabalaga. Secrets.  ❄️❤️
Kylan Mbappe. Stars.  ❄️❤️
Leon Goretzka. Paying Attention. 💦❤️
Marco Rose.  I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye.  🥀
Mason Mount. Cam Girl. Pt 2. Kinktober. 💦🍆💼
Mats Hummels. Train Ride.  ❄️❤️
Paulo Dybala. Snowball Fights.  ❄️❤️
Roman Bürki. Neighbourhood Watch.    Pt 2.   💦
Roman Bürki. Summer Lovin’ 💦🍆
Roman Bürki. ABCs of... 💦❤️
Ruben Dias. Snowflakes.  ❄️❤️
Ruben Loftus Cheek. Sleigh Rides.  ❄️❤️
Ruben Loftus Cheek. Snowman.  ❄️❤️
Tyrone Mings. Wishes.  ❄️❤️
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Anyone You Want. Freak Me, Baby.  💦❤️
Anyone You Want.  New Rules. 💦🥀
Anyone You Want.  Craving. 💦❤️
Anyone You Want.  The Realtor. 💦
Chris Evans. The Premier.  Request. ❤️👶🏻
Leon Goretzka. What’s The Champions League?  Request. 💦❤️
Leon Goretzka. Pay Up.  Request.    💦❤️
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Ruben Dias Bragging Rights pt 2. Request. 💦❤️
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Antoine Griezmann. For Your Entertainment. Mini series. 💦🥀
Antoine Griezmann. Tear You Apart.  🫂💦❤️🥀
Antoine Griezmann. Always. 💦❤️ 🥀
Anyone You Want So...Teach Me.💦
Anyone You Want. Just A Taste. Vampire mini series. Patreon Only Series.  💦🫂
Eric Dier.  Baby, Sugar. Patreon Only Series until completion. 💶💦❤️
Federico Bernardeschi. Behind Enemy Lines. Patreon Only Series. 🫂 🥀💦❤️🔫
Federico Bernardeschi. Here Without You.   🫂💦❤️
Mason Mount / OC / Ben Chilwell. Compersion.  💦❤️
Mason Mount. The Heart Never Lies.  💦❤️
Multi Players. Once Upon A Time. Disney tales AU. In the works... ❤️ 💦🫂
Oscar Mingueza Lost In Paradise.  Kink Bingo glory hole series. 💦🍆💼❤️
Oscar Mingueza. The Vow.🥀💦❤️
Roman Bürki. HEA. 💦👶🏻❤️
Roman Bürki. Remember Me.  🫂 🥀❤️
Ruben Dias  Speakeasy. (Unsure if Patreon Only Series) 💦❤️
To be decided who To Be Owned By You. 💦❤️
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burkithebee · 7 years
IBIZA VIBES | Part one.
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Pair | Roman Bürki x OWC (original woman character)
Category | fluff and smut
The night was warm, the vacationers were all out, enjoying the life, parties that the hotel offered. Ibiza was one of the most coveted places in the world for the summer with it's parties, beaches, blue water and sunshine. Everyone dreamed of going there at least once in his life and that could be understood. 
This was no longer the case for Roman, it was the second consecutive time that he set his feet in Ibiza with his friends and he still appreciated this place. It was the best place he could get to empty his head, think about anything than work, have fun and meet new people. It was what he searched more than anything, to become a normal person again during a week, not to be the famous goalkeeper of the German international club which he was playing for.
Roman opened his eyes again after thinking about it, his luck to be there with his friends, the people that he really liked. It was not given to everyone, to have good people at his side. Roman looked around him; Daniel was playing the idiot in front of the girls, just to impress them while Nicolas was on his phone to film, for instagram, the show that was taking place at the hotel that night. 
All of that amused him, made him smile. All that week he hadn't stopped laughing, smiling, making the imbecile, the seducer, the dragger, the reveler. This had been few days which was rich in experiences and emotions. Tonight was the night before the last time so it was still time to enjoy all of this atmosphere. 
Roman looked around him, his glass of alcohol in his large hand. He moved slightly on the rhythm of the music, watching the people around them, around him. Roman looked without looking too much. Perhaps he was going to run into someone? On THE person? It was an outgoing idea straight from a fairy account but why not? That was not only women who could dream of the great meet of the life, the one and only. 
The music was strong, covering people's voices, and Roman was obliged to scream and get close to the ears of his friends so that he could talk to them and they could hear him. It wasn't really practical, but it was like that. Roman had leaned towards Nicolas, who was dancing with his glass in his hand. 
'Did you find someone for tonight?'
Laughing, Nicolas raised his head towards him, shaking it a little. 
'Not yet! We have time! And you?' 
Roman had concentrated to hear what his friend was telling to him. 
'No. There are only sluts. It's distressing, seriously.' 
At his words, Nicolas raised his eyes to the sky for a moment. Roman was the kind of person who complain about the girls who were there. They were not very presentable, spread their thighs in the same evening, laughed loudly and did everything to get noticed by people and especially guys. It was the kind of girls that Roman didn't like, but when he wanted emptying his balls, he was less difficult. But tonight, he obviously wanted something different, something that usually changes. 
'You have to stop being romantic! Especially here! This is not there that you will meet the woman of your life! You are more likely to find her in Dortmund than in Ibiza! ' 
What Nicolas said was not particularly false. The women here were on vacation, they wanted to chill, to let go, to drink, to meet people and not to be in a relationship with someone. Or just for few days, to fuck all night long. That wasn't what Roman wanted either. He just wanted to cross the road of a pretty and good girl. 
Maybe this evening ? Roman hoped for it in the depths of him, secretly. He said nothing, stayed in his corner, playing with the straw in his glass and with the mint leaves of his coktail until.. 
Slowly, Roman had turned his head towards a young woman that he had followed with his eyes, purely by chance, without really looking at her, he had let himself be carried away by the movement. She was there. At few meters from him. 
Roman slipped a hand into his hair, as to take care of himself while he looked at the young girl. She didn't laugh loudly like the others, she just smiled. Even from the distance, Roman could feel that she had a beautiful smile. She was discreet, compared to her friends. She didn't seem to participate to the euphoria of the party but he could feel her presence. How could she attract his attention like that? By nothing ? 
Roman couldn't look anywhere else, he was staring at that little bit of woman who was laughing discreetly at the situation as she pulled one of her strand of hair behind her ear, almost timidly. This gesture made Roman shiver, strangely. 
He was completely hypnotized. 
She was small, she had shapes, under that little fluid and white dress she wore. She had short dark hair, a little bit over her shoulders. They were a bit wavy, as if she were coming back from a day to the beach. Roman would liked to come closer, to see her face, to see her eyes, but suddenly, all the confidence that he had in him had literally flown away. 
He, the great Roman Bürki, rediscovered this feeling of being afraid to talk to a woman? It was absurd but Roman felt she was not like other women. She had something more than the others, he could felt it. He couldn't be wrong. 
Daniel watched for a moment his friend who was turned towards the people who was not in VIP, not like them, behind the safety cord. Roman didn't move and Daniel tried to see what Roman was looking at, but he wasn't able to know, so he approached his friend, slowly. Arriving at his height and seeing that Roman hadn't noticed his presence, Daniel gave him a slight nudge into the arm. Roman jumped a little at this gesture, immediately lowering his eyes to Daniel who was giving him an amused and malicious smile. 
'What are you looking like that?' 
'Uhu.. Well..' 
Daniel, waiting, looked at Roman, then the people, without understanding the trick. He nodded a little his head as he urged him to speak. 
Roman turned his head quickly to the young woman who was still there. For a moment, he had been afraid of losing her. Then, Roman passed an arm over Daniel's shoulders, pulling him gently against him so that he could be brought to near the point where he could see the little brunette. 
'The girl there, with the white dress and short hair.' 
'With the tattoo in the back? ' 
'The what..?' 
A tattoo? What tattoo? Roman raised his head a little better to be able to look at her again. She showed her back, this time. For God's sake. The first time that Roman had laid his eyes on her, he had been simply attracted by her face, her charisma. He had not taken the time to look at her in her entirety. He had not taken the time to look at his body. What a mistake... 
She wore a white dress with thin shoulder straps on her tanned shoulders, open in the back, stopping in the hollow of her loins, revealing her skin but not too much, not to show everything. It was not vulgar, it was really sensual. Her back had a beautiful natural arch and the opening of her dress was so elegant that it even allowed to see these two dimples that creased her skin, above her buttocks. 
Roman had detailed everything before concentrating on this huge piece that covered the skin of her back. What a job his tattoo artist had to spend many hours on, especially because there were colors. Roman could not see the details. He wanted more. 
Daniel, who had raised his head to Roman, put a hand against his belly before gently tapping on it, smiling. 
'Go talk to her!' 
'I can't .. Look at her .. She's just too pretty. She'll take me for an asshole ! I have the physical of this kind of guy who fucks all the girls he meets! ' 
A laugh escaped from Daniel's lips as he rubbed is hand over his face. Daniel and Roman knew each other since they were children. Daniel knew Roman perfectly and saw him in this state when they were younger. Danial was amused because it had been a few years that he had not seen him being intimidated by a woman. Mediatization, playing in front of the greatest stadiums in the world, it had made him gain more confidence in him. But there .. It was back to the starting point! 
'Don't be so shy Roman! I've rarely seen you like that! You just have to go to see her, ask her how she goes and tell her to join us, it's not complicated! ' 
Roman looked at Daniel, a little septic. Was it going to work? The young woman seemed to have her feet on the ground. It was risky to come and ask her to come to a part which is reserved to the rich. Because that was what it was, the VIP, a place reserved for the rich or those who could afford a table and dozens of drinks. Finally, with his eyes still on her, Roman watched her drinking with her friends. And if he didn't dare, what was going to happen? Roman was going to miss a golden opportunity. Then he had to take his courage with both hands and join her. 
And that's what he did.
I hope you like it and enjoy this little first part for introduce my first fic on tumblr ! The amazing idea comes from @buerki-baby and I want to thanks her for that and for letting me put some words onto her imagination ! Feedback would be appreciated about this first part and I'm curious to see what you can think about all of what I write ! ♥
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footballerimaginess · 6 years
Shopping Day
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“Have I told you how much I hate Christmas shopping?” for roman 😘😘💞 34 Days Of Christmas! (Should be 31 but who cares) Word Count: 578 You were potting around the house, there was a lot that needed to be done before you headed off to see Roman’s parents for Christmas, then flying to the UK to see your parents. As usual Roman was the laid back, casual man he was. There seemed to be a lot of presents that you needed and it the shopping centre would be very busy. “Right Roman. I am being very serious with you now, we need to go shopping. It is going to be serious. We have got a lot we need. So basically, get your arse up off that sofa and head to the shops.” You grinned and he huffed as he pulled himself off of the sofa. “Urgh, if I didn’t love you so much and my family I would so have sat back down again” You rolled your eyes. “Hate you too” You cheekily commented before heading to the car. You drove to the shops and roman instantly regretted coming with you. “Babe, I am going to get stopped by everyone” He moaned, that was a perk of the job being stopped by everyone for photos. He loved it really. “It isn’t the weekend, so there wont be children around” He shuffled in his seat. “I guess” He agreed. Once you got out of the car, there wasn’t many people around so the coast was clear. “Right so who do we need to buy for babe?” He asked as he grabbed your hand. “Well your mum and a few presents for you. Then maybe I can drop some hints of what you need to get for me” You smirked. “Good I am a fan of the dropping hints thing” He laughed and agreed with you. "Well I'll tell you what I want when we get to the shops. It will probably be clothes and makeup based. But you probably knew that already didn't you" he laughed and nodded. You were going round the shops. "What do you need to get my mum?" He asked as we went into one of the shops. "Well she loves jewellery and candles. So I reckon that she would love the Jo Malone candles, she loves the smell of those. Right lets go because we better get started otherwise we will be here all night" You smirked and pulled his arm. You both walked into the shops, Roman being miserable as always. "Have I told you how much I hated Christmas shopping?" Roman said with a smirk appearing on her face. "well lets be honest you hate most shopping. So don't fool yourself" He laughed. "Hmm I suppose that is very much true" You smirked and kissed him on the cheek. You picked up of everything you wanted for his mum and it was so nice stuff. "Right babe, lets go explore of what presents you want?" Roman said as he took your hand into the makeup shop. "Oh okay, lets see everything" He smiles. Roman looked at whatever you were looking at. "This looks nice, I need that please baby" You handed the eyeshadow palette to him and you looked for other items. "Right there is going to be so many things, so if I hint it and you basically don't mind whatever you buy it" You smiled as he ended up picking up some of the an other products you hinted at. It was a very good shopping trip because you got lots of things you needed.
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