#foorballer imagine
headphonegrl · 1 year
“Here you go.” It’s late in the morning on a Sunday, and the sun is pouring through the window, casting honey-coloured light all over the living room. Jude’s half-asleep with his cheek squished against the cushion his mum bought him for a housewarming present, and the sudden sound of your voice startles him into full consciousness; all he’s heard for the last hour is the lull of characters speaking on the show he’s watching and that cheesy laugh track played on all nineties sitcoms alike. 
“What?” His words are half verbal and half a content hum through his nose. One of his eyes is closed and the other is squinting, trying to make out where you’re sitting in front of his coffee table with your legs tucked under yourself.  
“Put your arm out.” You shuffle towards him, your fuzzy socks gliding against the wooden floor. Months have passed of you trying to convince him to buy a rug, but still the space remains bare and shiny due to his indecisiveness. 
Jude pokes his arm out from between the blankets he’s had bunched up by his chin. Despite the sky outside being a stretch of clear baby blue, he’s dramatically complained all morning about his risk of getting hypothermia. There’s a mug of tea on the floor next to the foot of the sofa which you had made him earlier, and it sits there lukewarm because he’s afraid that once he moves all the heat will escape in one go. “It’s cold.”
“Here.” You stretch a bracelet over the back of his hand and onto his wrist; tiny blue and green beads placed perfectly in patterns of three, with a little yellow heart that you fiddle with so it sits flat against his skin. Goosebumps appear on his forearm and you try and rub them away with your palms, which are still warm from the little hot water bottle you’ve had sitting in your lap, the one Jude’s grandma had bought you for Christmas.
“You made it?” His voice is still hoarse from rest and he tries to clear his throat with a little cough, and then another when that one fails. Part of him is mad at himself now, he’s had his eyes shut all this time and missed the image of you adorably poking your tongue out in concentration. 
“It’s stupid.” You scrunch your nose up, murmuring something about how you made some over cocktails with your friends one night and bought a kit for yourself because you thought it was fun. A little patch of golden light is illuminating one side of your face and if his phone wasn’t sitting in the other room on his bedside table, Jude would be a very annoying boyfriend and insist on taking a photo. 
“No way.” The idea of you being paired with the word ‘stupid’ seems completely morally wrong, like two things that shouldn't exist in the same universe. It’s a firm belief of his that you should only be associated with all things sweet and kind, like old fifties love songs with trumpets in the back or those little flowers that appear at the beginning of spring after an awful winter.
“You don’t have to wear it.” You twiddle the beads around on the stretchy elastic, before moving your fingertips to trace the lines on his palms; the same thing you do when you’re sitting next to each other at dinner or on the train. “You can take it off later.”
“I’m not taking it off!” Jude snatches his hand away from where you’ve been holding it, and you let out a wheeze of laughter that sends a fuzzy rush of love to his heart. A feeling that he wishes he could catch mid-air and bottle up for when he’s far away and misses you so much that his chest aches like he’s pulled a muscle. 
“Okay.” You smile down at where you’re picking at a loose thread on the blanket, curling it around your finger over and over again. “If you’re sure.”
“Are you kidding?” To him, you must be. It’s already been decided: He’ll wear it to sleep and in the shower. He’ll tuck it under his sleeve so he doesn’t have to take it off during training. It’ll hang on his hook in the changing rooms during a big game like a little good luck charm. If it slides above his wrist, he’ll search frantically under the hem of his sleeves in fear he’s lost it. He’ll wear it even when all the colour rubs off the beads and they’re left white. He’ll keep it until it inevitably snaps and you have to make a new one, exactly the same. “It’s my most prized possession.”
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internet-ink · 2 years
Would you write a fic where LW and reader have been best friends for years, both play for arsenal. They’ve both been in relationships until this year. Reader thinks she’s straight until she realises she’s in love with her best friend
Thank you for the request anon!
I haven’t wrote anything like this before but I hope you enjoy it :)
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This past year had been a difficult one. It started out great - I was with a wonderful guy, I was doing well at Arsenal, and I had my best friends surrounding me.
Then it all went to shit.
In the space of a week I had caught my boyfriend in his bed with another girl and my childhood dog had passed away.
This was ten months ago and now there was another issue arising. My landlord had decided that now would be a great time to evict me. One night I had a few people round and apparently someone had complained about the noise. He said that he had past complaints about the noise from my flat which just wasn’t true but I really couldn’t be bothered to argue with him.
I had nine days to find a new place to live. Originally I had planned to just find another place to rent, however with the days going by and having no luck finding anything I was beginning to worry.
“Y/N! Pass the fucking ball!” Katie shouted, interrupting my thoughts. I snapped out of my day dream and quickly passed the ball to her.
“Sorry.” I replied.
She ran over to me and put her hands on her hips in a sort of ‘you better tell me what’s going on’ way.
With a sigh, my shoulders deflated as my mind went back to all the issues in my life. “I’m just stressing about this whole finding a place to live thing. You’d think in a big city like London there’d be at least somewhere that was available. But no…anything that is available is just ridiculously expensive and out of my budget. Like what am I meant to do? Live on the streets? If my stu-”
“You could stay with me?” A voice from behind me interrupted my rambling, and a smile took over my face as I saw it was Leah.
Leah and I had been close friends since I joined Arsenal three years ago, I mean we were literally inseparable from the first day of training. She was there for me through everything that had happened this year and I was there for her while she was going through her break up with Jordan.
Up until a couple of months ago everything was normal between us but then I started to get butterflies whenever she gave me a hug which then turned into feeling awkward whenever she’d hold my hand - everything that felt normal before now turned me into a complete mess. I had come to the realisation last month that I was in love with her…with Leah.
“Uhh…em. Do you have the room?” I stuttered, mentally kicking myself for acting so awkward around her.
“Yeah, Jordan moved out a couple of months ago so I’ve got a spare room.” She shrugged although I could still see that the mention of her ex-girlfriend’s name hurt her.
I scratched the back of my neck out of awkwardness before replying. “Only if you’re sure.” I said while scrunching my face up.
“Y/N we’ve been best friends for years, of course I’m sure.” She smiled. My heart sunk at the words ‘best friends’. That was all we would ever be and it hurt to think of that.
“Okay well if you insist.” I giggled.
“Is that all you’ve got?” Leah asked after I brought all the boxes with my stuff from my car and into my new house. There was a significantly smaller amount of things with me now than what Leah was used to seeing at my old place.
“Uh yeah, I donated some stuff. Decided to start over.” I laughed. Leah took a box and carried it into my new room, which was across the hall from hers.
“Well this is you. Feel free to decorate obviously…just don’t go knocking down any walls.” She deadpanned making me uncomfortable before she started to laugh at me. Leah was always like this.
With a roll of my eyes, I started to unpack the first of my boxes. As I turned to place my fake bonsai tree on the bedside table I noticed Leah staring at me with a small smile on her face, snapping out of it when she noticed I was looking at her.
“Takeaway pizza for dinner?” She asked.
“Yup. Plain cheese?” I replied. She nodded with a chuckle before turning to leave the room.
I spent the next hour or so unpacking everything and decorating the once plain room. It felt weird knowing that this room once belonged to her ex, I wasn’t entirely sure if they did sleep in the same bed while they were together, but I did know that this room was Jordan’s from the previous times I had come over. It just never once occurred to me that I would be living here with the girl that I had a fat crush on. How was I going to survive this? How would I manage if Leah ever brought home another girl or guy? I didn’t know how to feel.
“Y/N! Pizza’s here!” Leah called up to me from downstairs. I sighed to shake the doubts from my head before walking down to where Leah was waiting in the living room with one big box of pizza.
With a confused look on my face I opened the box, my confusion only growing as I confirmed that there was indeed only one pizza. “Where’s the other one?” I asked.
“Oh, I only ordered one. I thought we could share.” She shrugged as she sat on the couch and patted the cushion next to her, telling me to sit down.
My heart fluttered at the idea of sharing a pizza with her. “Cool. Sounds good.” I smiled, internally groaning at how weird I sounded. Leah returned a small smile before reaching over to take a slice.
Pull yourself together, it’s a pizza for Gods sake.
“You okay?” She asked with her hand covering her mouth to prevent the food from showing. I nodded before taking the seat that she had previously pointed at.
“Sorry, just in my own head.” I giggled as I grabbed a smaller slice than the one Leah had, letting out a small moan at the taste of it. Leah whipped her head to look at me with wide eyes as I blushed at the thought that I had actually done that out loud. “I’m so sorry, but holy shit where do you get this? This tastes better than most pizzas I’ve ate.” I exclaimed.
Leah laughed before shaking her head and wiping her hands with a napkin. “This chippy down the road. Discovered it when I was drunk and I’ve been loyal ever since. I can’t say I’ve ever moaned at the taste though.” She spoke, still laughing her head off. I rolled my eyes before taking another slice.
“Shut uppp.” I groaned. “It just slipped out.” I sighed, still feeling rather embarrassed about the whole situation. “Wait…you kept this delicacy from me this whole time?” I questioned, my mood now going from extreme embarrassment to confusion and slight betrayal.
“Guilty.” She put her hands up like she had been caught red handed before the both of us folded into each other in laughter. During our antics, Leah’s hand made its way onto the top of my thigh, making my breath hitch and my laughter halt. As her laughter stopped too, I looked up to see that she was already staring at me with a nervous look on her face and her eyes half closed, focusing on my lips.
“Leah?” I whispered. The tension in the room grew as the distance between us shrunk until I could feel her warm breath on my lips. My heart rate rapidly increasing as her eyes fully closed and her lips moved closer so that they were millimetres away from my own, my chest finally felt like it exploded as I finally felt the weight of Leah’s lips on mine.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around the back of my neck as her tongue licked my bottom lip, sighing as I opened my mouth wider and felt her consume me. We broke apart as the need for oxygen overcame us.
I panted as Leah looked intensely into my eyes, making me feel more nervous than I had ever felt. “Are you alright?” I finally asked as she had been quiet for quite some time.
She leant forward so that her elbows were resting on her knees and her head was in her hands. Feeling immediately off, I reached forward with her and placed a comforting hand on the back of her shoulder.
In all honesty I thought it would’ve been me that was like this if we ever kissed.
“What was that?” She finally asked, leaning back into the couch and staring at me again. I felt my heart sink as she asked that. She sounded annoyed.
“A kiss.” I deadpanned.
“Obviously.” She rolled her eyes. I let out a breath as I mentally prepared myself for the possible rejection that could come from my next statement.
“I like you.” I replied, now looking anywhere but Leah as I didn’t want to see the current look on her face. “No…I love you. I have for awhile - well, a couple of months anyway.” I continued.
I frowned as I stared into the wall behind Leah. “Yeah. I’m sorry.” I said.
As I was getting up, a hand on my knee prevented me from moving anywhere. I took a deep breath as I looked at Leah, not seeing the disgusted face I though I would, in fact she had a huge grin on her face.
“I love you too.” She stated, making my world feel like it crumbled. She actually liked me back? I sat back down next to her and looked at her with wide eyes.
“Really?” I replied.
She laughed and leant in closer to me. “Of course I do, I thought I made it obvious but maybe not? Ever since that night when you held me while I was drunk crying, not complaining once about the snot that I had gotten on your favourite jumper. I love you, Y/N.”
“I think that’s the most romantic thing someone has ever said to me.” I smiled, noticing the crinkles on her nose as she smiled and the small freckles that dotted her nose.
“Shut up and kiss me.”
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arrrseeenalfc · 3 years
Can you do one where you and Del are having a little argument and he’s starts singing and doing that drake song with the kiki dance to you but instead singing baby do you love me... 😭😭
An old request sorry for being late x
You roll your eyes at him when he finally makes it to your date.
“You’re late.” You cross your arms and he scratches the back of his head.
“I know, I know. But I’m here now.” He winces at your cold glare.
“Whatever. You should’ve been here on time. Not make me wait for ages whilst you, I don’t know, hanged with your friends.” You start walking away from him.
“Babe, don’t be like that. Come on, I’m here now so let’s enjoy the time together.” He tries to reach for your hand.
“Del, I swear…” you sigh loudly and continue to walk away.
He drags his hand over his face and smirks. You hear him run towards you, coming by your side and jogging next to you.
“Baby! Do you love me? Are you riding?……cos I want ya, and I need ya…..” he starts belting, grinning as he recalls the viral dance and throwing finger hearts at you.
You widen your eyes in shock, trying to shush him as you notice people staring.
“Del, stop?! So embarrassing.” You mutter, grabbing his hand and pulling him somewhere empty.
“What was that?” You shake you head, fighting the smile creeping into your lips.
“Babyy, I’m sorry, I really am. I’m sorry I’m late but please let me make it up to you.” He pleads, making a heart with his hands.
You roll your eyes and bite the side of your lip.
“Fine. Just don’t do that again.” He nods and wraps his arm around your shoulder.
“Your wish is my command.”
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durm-ff · 7 years
Firsts (a Toni Kroos one shot)
okay sooo this is not my best work but i really struggled with the requested plot and player rip. i hope it still does justice to anon’s expectations!! enjoy x
“So tell me. Why is this position important to you?”
Sitting in my (hopefully) future boss’s office was a bit terrifying. Everywhere I looked, pictures with my favourite writers looked back at me, along with certificates of excellence, awards, and what not.
I knew this would be waiting for me. After all, I am applying to one of Spain’s most prestigious publishers. But the innocent faith of a newcomer that was within me, suddenly vanished. It felt like I did something wrong at elementary school and was sent to the principal’s office. To the big guys.
I wasn’t a big guy. In fact, I was applying to a junior position, which is almost as low as the receptionist’s, but it was nevertheless an important step for me, and, to be fair, a junior position here beats higher positions elsewhere.
After taking a big breath, I finally looked at my boss. “I don’t want to sound nostalgic, or even cliché, but sadly, ever since I knew that I wanted to work with or around books, I have paid attention to Alfaguara, and its predecessor Santillana. I like to write myself, but even more than that, I like to see raw pieces of work and guide them towards the finish line. Seeing copies of unpublished works and feeling a sense of talent intrigues me. That is why I would like to help the process and work here. Even if I’m starting out with a junior position. It is important to know the ins and outs, to start at the bottom to make a good chief editor some day.”
I rambled on too long, that was clear. But I always found myself short of time, or rather, short of precision, so talking more to make my point was my brand.
The editor looked at me like she was looking at a child, but impressed nevertheless. “Your goal is to be chief editor someday?” She raised an eyebrow.
“My goal is to make pieces of finished art from raw material and guide authors. In which position that is, only time can tell.” I mentally pet my shoulder. Even if it sounded ridiculous, this is how I felt, and I think this also sealed the deal.
“Considering that this was my last question” – she took a brief pause and eyed me thoroughly – “I am confident to say that you’ll be starting soon.”
She put down her glasses and shakes my hand. I happily responded to the gesture and looked to the left, where a picture of Márquez shaking my (now) boss’s hand was looking back at me. This is where it all starts.
The window looking out on the street showed me Toni already waiting for me. I didn’t ask him to come here but I knew he would come anyway. A plus fact was that it was our anniversary. The first one.
He was looking around kind of anxiously, reminding me that I looked just like that an hour ago, but now everything changed. I got my dream job.
With a grin on myself I walked down the stairs and pushed open the glass door. Toni’s eyes lit up as he saw me trying to hide my grin. “And? Aaand?” – he opened his arms. “Your girl’s got a job!” – I pulled up my shoulders and gave into Toni’s hug which was coming at me full speed.
When he pulled away he got out a paper bag of his pocket and looked hesitant. “Okay, I-, I didn’t want to give this until dinner, you know, the good old cliché anniversary dinner, but considering this is a big moment and you deserve to have it as soon as possible, here you go.” – he handed me the paper bag and I took it with curiosity.
I got the paper off of the book shaped gift, careful that I didn’t rip anything else. I didn’t normally get books from Toni because he knew that I read most of what he could think of and I was very picky in general. So when I saw what was inside, I turned to him in awe and just couldn’t think of how he got it.
A first edition Little Prince. In French.
“How-, how did you get it?” He put his hands in his back pocket and shrugged. “I got a little help from a friend.” “I just can’t believe it.” – I was still amazed as I looked up at him. “You’re amazing.” I kissed him.
“Well, first anniversaries deserve something special, right?”
“They do.” – I concluded and thanked myself that I got him Johan Cruijff’s jersey from his first club. I guess today was a day for firsts.
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danishprince · 6 years
titus andronicus characters as @dril tweets
titus andronicus: i have in my hand a list of hollywood bigwigs who have eaten human flesh, and i will reveal one name each day until im provided with respect
tamora: Interests & Hobbies: horny Books & Magazines: sex book's
aaron: i will tell you this right now: I'm from hell. Im highly fucked up. Ive been known to say rude things and watch the carnage unfold brutally
marcus: Hm lets see. Do I "Shut the fuck uop", or continue exposing the truths of life to the chagrin of the 99% of people on earth who are villains
lucius: (getting really into the dunk tank carnival game) Ill show you some pain mother fucker. Ill show you some pain mother fucker
saturninus: thats right bitch. i single handedly rescued the constitution of the united states...AND I DID IT WITH OUT USING POLITICS !!
bassianus: oh so when a pro foorball player makes a fake GF everoyne sucks his dick but when nice boys like me do it the cops demolish her with batons,
chiron and demetrius: i am legally required b y the state of wyoming to tell all of you that i was caught fucking urinal cakes. i am a urinal cake fucker
martius and quintus: every day this happens: my followers inject me with a mix of chemicals, and they kill me as they would a sick dog. Every day they do this
young lucius: me: nobody has to get owned today. please, please put down the keyboard and step back 9 year old child: Fuck oyu
aemilius: im prety random *files tax return with a green pen*
mutius: shut the fuck up and kick my ass
the clown: clown college is bnot a real place. it is a location imagined by trolls so they can claim that i'm from there or that i should go there
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arrrseeenalfc · 5 years
Please some of these are really old and bad😭
Anthony Joshua
Soft Punches
Danny Rose:
After defeat smut
Dele Alli:
Learning to Drive
Ethan Ampadu
Emile Smith-Rowe:
Out open
Eric Dier:
Football Fan
Federico Bernardeschi:
Car treat smut
Hector Bellerin:
Kiss for a winner
Jadon Sancho:
Watch what you say
James Maddison:
Meeting the Beckhams
Joao Cancelo:
In bed
Jesse Lingard:
Secrets out
Fan Passion
Dad delay
Jesus Navas:
Morning release smut
John Stones Imagines:
Kiss me through the phone smut 
Jealous (2x)
Third Wheel
Red Card smut
Start over
Trophy treble
My jealous boy
Room occupied smut
Julian Brandt Imagines:
Car Accident
Crazy Hormones
Friends? smut
My Name smut
Julian Draxler:
Your winner smut
Kepa Arrizabalaga:
Marcus Rashford:
Little Mistake
Neymar Jr:
best way to celebrate (smut)
Paulo Dybala
Singing in Turin
Rafinha Alcântara:
365 days ago
You tease him
He Forgets part 1
He Forgets part 2
He thinks you’re cheating (Smut)
I do too
Someone walks in on you two
Netflix and chill
How much I want you
Worth It
Date Night
Riyad Mahrez:
Ross Barkley:
Roman Burki:
Thilo Kehrer:
Trent Alexander-Arnold:
Surprise visit
Virgil van Dijk:
Dripping smut
Game smut
Sweat smut
Control smut
His first time
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