#romany music
illiaccrest · 3 months
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Aventurine's backstory got me curious to learn more about the Romani people so I did some light research and found out that Flamenco dancing is Romani in origin, which is really neat and really obvious once you know tbh!
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Orange, Mavis (Song Thrush), Danny/Dick
@wisteriavines cw: stitches
“You know, we do have people paid to do this,” Dick commented idly as he pushed the needle through Phantom’s skin.
“People who are far better at it than me,” Dick added.
“You do fine.”
“They’ve got this great stuff to numb your skin—”
“’Wing,” Phantom said. Dick could tell from Phantom’s tone he was a hairs trigger away from actually snapping.
Dick sighed.
He wanted to push the mater. He always wanted to push the mater. To ask why did no one else seem to know that sometimes the wounds Phantom got carried over to this other side. To ask who even knew about this other side. To ask why Phantom trusted him above everyone else.
But he wouldn’t. Phantom and him were too much alike. They both kept too much buried under quips and grins and a devil may care attitude. Dick refused to be the one that broke Phantom’s carefully constructed damn keeping the real emotions back. It would happen and Dick worried sooner rather than later, but Dick refused to be the one who caused the break.
He would be there to help after though, just like he was always there to help patch Phantom up like this.
Dick sighed and pressed a fleeting kiss to the skin above the wound and went back to stitching it up. In out, in out… the rhythm of the needle brought an old song to mind, one his mother used to sing. He thought he half remembered the words…
“Luna și cu stealilii Să-ți păzească viselii Să-ți mângâie geanilii Geanilii sprânceanilii…”
Yes, he’d be there when the damn broke.
prompt set 3, feel free to continue this is you'd like to song link
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fidjiefidjie · 3 months
Bon Soir 🩷 🆕️🎸 💙
David Gilmour, Romany Gilmour 🎶 Between two Points
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hexsreality · 5 days
Tagged by: @danversiism (thank you! ❤️)
Tagging: @chaoticjoke , @magnetic-regent-magneto , @arc-77 , @breaksmen , @biitchcakes , @cregcn , @razorfst , @maidmyth , and you!
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viinas · 1 year
throne built of stolen sins devoured by a dying man's wish
I love romani so much I wrote a song about him. The stunning art in the video by none other than @pan-gya !
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songs-of-the-east · 1 year
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chicago-geniza · 6 months
You know how people joke that movie settings are non-diegetically marked as "exotic" and "Eastern" by a couple of bars played on the Arabic scale. Well there is SO much of that in interwar Polish music because Orientalism never goes out of style. They're called like "Romanian Dream" or "Eastern Dance" or whatever
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hoplessartist · 7 months
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dancing boy
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weisserose-comic · 6 months
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✨Meet The Characters - Weisse Rose✨
Santiago "Jesus" Del Castillo
Now, Wasima's best friend in the whole world - we finally have Santiago, last, not least, and Jesus member of the Weisse Rose <3
He is of Romani descent, Spanish and called Jesus because, well, his friends said he looks like Jesus and it stuck (it's the ~gorgeous~ hair)
As always, character sheet info here and more notes on my dearest Santi down below!
Also it's the Spanish 'Jesus' pronunciation, not English 'Jesus' pronunciation
Age: 30
Height: 1.78 (5'8)
Astrological Sign: Capricorn (oh the walking contradiction)
Languages: Spanish, Catalán, Arabic, English, French, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese
Heavenly Virtue: Chill and Welcoming - very hard to get him mad and he's very accepting of everyone; if you're a living being, you have a place in his heart
Hellish Sin: Responsibility and Commitment Issues - he's afraid of having too much responsibilities and being tied down; thinks he is only a stop for people to grow and then leave him, so he doesn't want big commitments
Current Occupation: Hairdresser - doesn't like working forever at one place and takes a lot of odd jobs as well
As tall as Marty? A little taller?
Handsome, silky long brunette hair, dark hazel/brown eyes, beard, tan skin, kind smile (the eyes turned green in the final design)
Very easy going, very chill, very nice
Love thy brother and be loved in return sort of guy
Real name is Santiago but he looks like Jesus, so everyone calls him Jesus (Spanish pronunciation)
Bassist - likes to play hard, quite differently from his personality
Wasima's best friend in the world
Kinda very Catholic family
Helped Wasima when they met at school for being outcasts
Got Wasima into the underground and LGBTQ+ scene
Always played in metal bands, but so happy to jam with her whenever she wanted him to
Loves deeply and believes in loving everyone, but thinks love will never really find him
Used to being mistreated and hated because of his Romani background
His parents tried to "cut ties" with their Romani descent so their children wouldn't suffer as much prejudice as they did
Didn't really work, but they did try
Feels more inclined to get in touch with his nomadic roots rather than conforming to a society that doesn't like him
B r e a k s when treated like an equal/with respect
Doesn't like violence, but will feel weirdly loved when Diana fistfights some nazis who are threatening him for being a 'gypsy'
The whole band breaking the club down in a fight and Santi there, crying in a corner because people love him that much
Owns a Tarot Deck and is very good at Fortune Telling, thank you very much
Can dance Flamenco like NO TOMORROW (and it's pretty good at Flamenco guitar playing too)
He's Dante from Devil May Cry
I wanted a fancy name for my dearest Santiago, a.k.a Jesus. A LOT of religious jokes with this one, just wait and see. Also, I wanted him to be of Romani descent, because of some people in my family who were - but it got lost down the bloodline as they didn't have the chance to teach what they knew. I know a couple of things my grandma and my aunt tell me, but I don't know ALL the culture - I know that it varies from country to country and, once Santiago is Spanish, it probably differs a LOT from my family/country.
We absolutely adore Gypsy Kings and Flamenco, though, so I had to give him that. I won't take it away. I don't care if people say it's cliché, he is a Gypsy Kings and Flamenco lover, I won't have any less from this GORGEOUS man. Thank you.
Same goes for Tarot and Fortune Telling, my own tarot deck sends regards
And a little thing to add: the third drawing below, the one he's shirtless and looking quite surprised, is just Santi being told he looks handsome and hot - not used to hearing himself being described like that and thinking no one would ever think he is handsome and hot. It warms my heart.
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yakasha · 2 years
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Tatar Gypsy musicians in Crimea, Ukraine
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cameron-carpet-lola · 23 days
Taraf De Haïdouks - Balalau From Bucharest - Acoustic Session by "Bruxel...
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Note: This song has been adopted as the Romani national anthem. It is set to a traditional melody, hence why it appears in this poll. In addition to the Romani culture tag, I also gave it the Serbian culture tag because the lyricist, Žarko Jovanović, was Serbian Romani. However, Romani people in multiple countries have adopted this song.
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weepingwillow2000 · 1 month
Spoilers for Umbrella Academy season 4
okay so I’ve been watching the Umbrella Academy with my mom and we got to like, we get to the ‘Ben losing it and killing everyone near that barn or whatever’ part. And like,
What was the song choice about?
G*psys, Tramps, and Thieves by Cher?
it’s 2024 people please.
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flordejamaica · 1 month
O futuro é ancestral
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