#rooting for you op
lesbiangiratina · 6 months
Genuinely why do people seem to feel so threatened by the concept of aromanticism
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ariadne-mouse · 6 months
Scavengers Reign weird little creatures appreciation, episode 12 edition, including:
babyfaced psychic buttnewt (yes, even him. just this time, for this moment. this frame. so cute while sleeping),
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two old friends: the baby flying moustache (3D edition) and little tripod buddy again (very shy but willing to make friends),
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the triangle-faced leggyboyband, the dragonflybird,
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chemblrish · 7 months
I lovelovelove seeing high schoolers study chemistry with their notes and textbooks and all, it's just so cute. Not in a patronizing way! In a "I was there too once and I've come such a long way" way and in a "there's still so much ahead of you to learn and figure out and I hope you can enjoy the process" way and in a "chemistry is beautiful, I'm glad you see it too" way
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curiousorigins · 11 months
Scary Story Question.
(Please tag or comment where the creepy thing happens and if that matches your regional building standard. Basements, Attics, or Both. Their commonness and whether or not creepy thing happens there. I guess if neither is common in your area, whether it's the crawl space under your house or porch.)
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"we don't win that much, okay?!" feel so seen right now
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runawaymarbles · 1 year
Is tumblr during the succession finale what it felt like to people who hadn't seen spn on 11/5?
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woozicutie · 6 months
5 mins into punk hazard and sanusos already confirmed
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crimeronan · 1 year
my favorite notes on the onion post are the ones where people are like "op i would never eat raw onion or garlic but i do [x much weirder thing]" i think the crowning achievement so far is the person who said they hate garlic but eat it for the health benefits so they soak it in yogurt so they can eat it really fast and not taste it.
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gojoest · 9 months
Pls share some Shanks thoughts? 🎤
I just started watching OPLA and it reignited my love for him. He’s soooooooo…..
I would like him to spit in my mouth.
“i would like him to spit in my mouth” — SO WOULD I o|<
and shanks strikes me as the type to be into spit play tbh but like not the porn invented nasty and degrading kind of spitting but rather as an act of intimacy and bonding. and he does it very tenderly — in between kisses as he slides in and out of you in a slow but steady rhythm and you have to pull away to take a breath but your lips are still close enough, almost touching, and he licks your lower lip, sucks on it a little, and your mouth hangs open and he pulls away again only to place the palm of his hand on your cheek and his thumb — on your chin, gently pushing it down, almost like he’s asking for permission to do it, to give you a little bit more of himself >.<
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 9 months
I got curious and according to google
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Yeah I also just googled it! Apparently old Frisian had it as enoch which is so fun. Like you can really see why Frisian is closest related to English with stuff like that.
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
bro this post... i disagree with so many things in it
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b0bs0ndugnutt · 2 years
That’s a wrap on Vol 7!
This show has gotten a lot more nuanced. I think this volume probably needed more breathing room to do it given the world-and-character building speedrun it had to do, but glad they didnt “both sides” military dictatorship (those red white and blue Atlas uniforms were not subtle and I’m glad they didnt pull punches). You dont see that often in western media.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
omg and the argument ''they are a cis white gay ship'' and thinking mlvn as a straight ship is 'progressive' bc it has a woman in it....... literally how to set back lgbt rights and media back decades. also st is literally already majority white. and also straight. mlvn is literally the embodiment of heteronormativeness + heterosexuality, both el and mike are white and cis.
and you knw what makes me angry? it's not even just abt byler being canon or not. bc mlvns literally try to tear apart will fans for suggesting that will might get a love interest. like how many times i have seen arguments that said will doesnt need a love interest at all. it is not even just abt byler atp it is literally something called... homophobia. lol. not to mention they also become pressed whenever fans even ship things like byclair for fun? or just even invent a made up oc as will's boyfriend?
its always like this because they actually do not want to get representation be featured or just want the gays to accept the bare minimum. to the point i just had to stop engaging with popular fandoms or media bc of this. that's what made me seek specific queer content related shows in the first place bc the mainstream media aint shit.....
literally literally...we can never win and you wouldn't know by reading their abhorrent takes but a lot of the twitter mlvns are queer themselves which just kills me why don't you see what you're doing
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protaetia · 1 year
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(Were there any turns or changes you were hoping for us to make, but we didn't influence the characters enough to do so?) -🐟 Anon
(Well, there's certainly some big turns coming up in the Lord Eclipse arc that I hope we're taking involving two unseen characters and the turns we'll seemingly be taking with Pulsar and Marianas. There's also a turn that'll come up after the month-long timeskip to Christmas after chapter 65 involving a certain human trash can that will definitely hurt you all if it's allowed to continue.)
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paintedvanilla · 2 years
one thing you can always count on is men in your creative writing class not knowing how to write
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