#rope jewelry string
dreiddesigns · 10 months
Kwanzaa Stretch Bead Bracelet
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
OK but picking rocks with Penguin and then he teaches you how to cast them and you make jewelry for each other. You guys are the couple ever
I love the way you think.
This is a follow up to this fic, following this ask.
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Jewellery making nights with Penguin was meant to be fun. An exercise as a couple, strengthening your bond, and spending pure quality time with one another.
But you just can't seem to get it right.
The gold is too runny, falling over the sides of the divots and spilling onto the table where you were working. The action prompted you to hastily reach forward and attempt to scoop up the molton metal with your gloved hands, some skimming past the drawstring of the wrist tie and searing your flesh.
"Ah-!" you choke your soft yelp, recoiling and cradling your wrist in your hand: inadvertently rubbing the metal further into your flesh as you attempt to wipe it off.
Penguin is immediately by your side, spilling sweet nothings in your ear as he rushes you to the medical office. Turning on the tap, he removes your glove and places your wrist beneath the running water. He braces you against his chest from behind while you sniffle and hide your face in the crook of his neck.
"It's okay. It's okay, baby. You did so good, honest," he coos into your ear, peppering your neck with a flurry of soft kisses. Once the swelling calms down, and the metal becomes solid, you both sheepishly approach your captain and tell him what happened.
With a gruff growl, a quick utter of "scan, room, shambles," the metal falls away from your skin without any inhibitions. Giving you a prescription for cream, and a forbodence of never attempting to do this again without Eustass Kid to guide you properly, he dismisses the two of you without further word.
After this, he would instead demonstrate to you how to do gem wrapping with strings and wires. While he would give you a shard of blue sea glass to practice with, he would quietly and secretly work on a piece more personal and with a story to go with it.
Once you present him with the sea glass coil, hanging from a length of string long enough to wear around his neck, you smile that smile that holds him captive.
"It matches your eyes," you whisper lovingly up at your fiance, offering to place it on his neck. He attempts to choke back his deeper emotions and how much he's moved by your gift, removing his hat and allowing you to tie it at the nape of his neck. Once you fiddle enough with the knot to hold it in place, you press your lips just below the tie. He physically stiffens, his breath catching, and goose flesh rising each follicle up to attention.
Turning back to face you, he welcomes you into his embrace with a heated kiss. Lips colliding, moving like a slow and sensual dance, he wants to express his gratitude for such thoughtfulness from you.
"So good," he whispers in a muffled gasp, "Did such a good job. Proud of you." He parts his lips, pressing a deeper kiss against your lips while tugging your hips flush with his own. Wrapping your hands around his waist, he draws his hands up to the nape of your neck.
You barely process him placing his own craft around your neck, too lost in his kiss to pay attention to his hands. Once he clasps it closed, he cups your cheeks and holds you steady while pulling away his lips from yours.
His blue eyes fall half-lidded, gazing at your love-bruised lips before gazing up into your eyes.
"Don't be mad at me," he sucked his lips into his mouth to stifle his smile, "But I made you one too." He nods down at your neck, prompting you to furrow your brows before looking down at the object.
In the centre of Penguin's woven piece, the seared gold that cooled against your skin lay flush amongst the various ropes and ties. Sucking your own lip into your mouth, you pout down at the piece before turning your mock-anger back onto your fiance.
"Hey! I said don't be angry! Oi-!" Penguin laughed, removing himself from your arms and beginning to flee from being on the receiving end of your playful wrath.
"Pen!!" you whine after him, chasing him until he's cornered in his quarters.
Giggling and laughing all the way, he allows you to pin him and invoke your punishment on him for using your embarassment to craft something beautiful. He would happy receive your wrath, so long as you do it with a smile on your lips while his meet your own.
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finnickeys · 2 months
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FASHION OF DISTRICT FOUR — district fashion typically is made up of layered looks during the winter, and much more loose and light things in the summer. all throughout the year, clothing tends to be colorful, reflecting the blues and greens and yellows that the district is covered in. many items are quilted or woven, regardless of season.
you’ll often see jackets, coats, vests, sweaters, lace and linen tops. pants and bottoms, aside those for sea work, tend to be light in color and weight. working pants tend to be dark and thick, to hold up under all the labor and keep sailors warm when out on the sea.
jewelry tends to be on strings and ropes tightly braided and knotted, with charms and glass beads. occasionally, they’re also adorned with metal, carefully made into iconic shapes and images. a lot of the district’s natural resources go into the jewelry such as fish bones and shells.
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my-corneroftheworld · 2 years
Child without love
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Summary: Namor finds a marine biologist with the powers to control water and deep knowledge of the sea and is intrigued.
Word count: 1,2k
Tags: Smut in later chapters (no minors allowed), "water-bender" reader x Namor after the events from Wakanda forever, possessive Namor, mutant reader, talk of climate change, asphyxiation, the deep sea being a bit scary, war, violence, harsh language, Wakanda forever spoilers, the usage of y/n, angst, afab reader
Ps. Thank you for all the support!!! I will try to release the chapters weekly from now on. :) As usual, I accept any constructive criticisms in the comments
Chapter 2
At first, I felt cold then I felt a searing pain in my head. When I opened my eyes I was greeted by strings of fluorescent lights hanging from a cave ceiling. Glow worms? I looked around seeing that I was in a tent-like structure made out of rope nets. As soon as I sat up, trying to regain any kind of information as to how I got here. Then it hit me. That man knocked me out! The nerve! Another pulse of that searing pain came over me. I hissed and brought my hand up to my head as a result. Gosh, it hurts. If I get a life-altering concussion then I am suing. Although I am not sure how you sue a possible undercover mutant agent.
I looked around and suddenly realized that I'm not in my swimsuit. In fact, I am in an intricately embroidered brown dress with green accents which means someone changed me whiles I was unconscious. Panic creeps up in me. What is going on?! Before I can think any further I hear a shy voice call out.
I quickly turn around and I see this light blue-skinned girl with a mask over her mouth. She called out again in what I would assume is her language. She walked closer to me and looked at me with her soft brown eyes and then at the bowl of fruits she was holding. She reached out and called once more.
"Is this for me?" I ask while motioning the food to me. She pushes the bowl to me once more. I hesitantly grab a yellow fruit and examine it. It may be poisonous but what can do I? I don't know where I am or if I can find my way home and I'm so hungry. I take a bite. It was tangy and sweet. I kinda liked it. She put the bowl next to me and said something then motioned towards the exit and began walking. I watched her until she stopped and looked at me.
"You want me to follow you?" I asked motioning toward the exit. She said something and waited so I followed her. The cave was gorgeous and surrounded by little vibrant pools of water. She walked me to a little cabin. Once there she opened the curtain entrance to the cabin and waited. Assuming she wanted me to go inside, I went in and she left.
The first thing I noticed was the murals on the walls. It was beautifully painted and upon further inspection, I realized it looked Mayan-inspired though I can't say I'm an expert. Come to think of it, his earrings and jewelry remind me a lot of the ones on these figures in the murals. I noticed a small table filled with more fruits, a bed, and baskets as well as a big ceramic vase. I looked at each of the murals and saw how they portrayed different stories. I was so invested that I nearly stepped foot in a bowl of paint. When I looked up at the mural in front of me, I saw a Mayan warrior fighting a big panther. It seems to be the latest in the collection.
"Do you like it?"
I knew that voice. I turned and saw him. He had more clothes than last time, wearing what seemed to be a shawl. "I do," I answered. "Though I wonder. Did you really kidnap me so that you can show off your room?" He chuckled a little. "No...no I have more important matters to discuss than paintings. Please sit." He motioned to the chair closest to me. I sat down.
"I have watched you for quite some time now." He hands me a glass, I accept it and hesitantly drink. Taste like some kind of tea. " I know of your frustrations with your line of work, constantly being pushed aside for a "quick buck" as you put it." He looked up at me and continued.
"I also know that the only thing that seems to calm you is the sea, the currents' pull is something you greatly appreciate. I believe this is our common interest." He takes a sip of his tea and I find my eyes lingering on his lips. "I fear the leaders of the surface are hoping to take my home's resources and my ally may not be willing to take the necessary actions to protect it. That's where you come in. If we can develop your powers more, it could be the asset we need to keep the leaders of your world from further plundering and polluting our seas."
Wait what does he mean by "leaders of the surface"? Are we not in a cave somewhere? I feel my heartbeat rising. We're underwater. How deep? As if on cue I realize that the nausea and discomfort I've been feeling were not from the hit but from under water pressure. "Who are you? And what is this place?" I ask. He leans back on this chair and takes a deep breath before answering.
"I go by many names. My people call me Auh Ku'kulkan but my enemies call me Namor... As for where we are" He stands up and walks to my side of the table till he's right next to me and staring me down. I kept eye contact. I wish I could say it was because of fear to look away but something was telling me that that was not the only reason. His eyes were drawing me in and I felt a need to follow. "We are in an underwater cave closest to my home, Talokan." He turns away and looks towards the murals. "We have stayed hidden for centuries. Away from those who seek to exploit us and what we have. But recent events have forced us to consider revealing ourselves." He begins to walk back to his seat. "Of course now that you know this I cannot let you leave regardless of your personal wishes." with that he sat down.
"What happens if I refuse to help you?" I asked.
"You will remain here till you die. If you try to escape you will be killed." He said bluntly and took a bite of one of the fruits by the table. My shoulders sank. Is this all real? A fish man and an underwater civilization at the brink of war with the world above and he's asking for me to choose between living as his soldier or imprisonment? This is too much to take in. Seeing my internal struggle he takes my hand in his. "I am not asking of anything that you will regret but I understand that you may need time to process the idea. I will give you a day." He calls out in another language and the blue-skinned woman comes in. They converse and then he turns to me and says.
"This is Zyanya. She will be your caretaker and show you where you will stay." He then motions for me to go which I do. Zyanya brings me back to the tent but this time it's covered in big tapestries so you can no longer see the worms from inside. I move towards the bed and begin to take off my jewelry. Reality starts to set in. How am I going to leave? Will I ever be able to see my friends again? I begin to tear up until finally, I break down and cry like I've never done before. I feel Zyanyas hand rubbing my back. Am I ever going to be free from this?
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As a bisexual with a raging hand fetish, when men, women, and everyone in between or outside of wear rings, it is something glorious.
But as much as I would adore every character wearing rings, I just don't personally believe they all do. Could they all pull it off? Abso-fucking-lutely.
But here's my opinions that no one asked for but people are getting regardless. Starting off strong with the Shaw Pack. (I'll do the listeners in part two)
David - I'm sorry but the only ring he wears and is going to wear is his engagement/wedding ring. No matter how much Angel wishes he would wear others.
Asher: no rings, but his nails are always manicured. He loves getting designs done. (Besides wedding ring ofc)
Milo - thumb rings. That's all I have to say. He wears a promise ring on his thumb since he doesn't want people to think he's married since he and Sweetheart agreed that marriage wasn't for them.
Christian - he likes wearing rings on his middle fingers and pinkies.
Arden - nah.
Amanda - she gives off bracelet vibes.
DAMN SQUAD (+ Cam) -
Gavin - he's got the rings that have chains to connect it to the bracelet. He knows he has nice hands and likes to accentuate it in whatever ways possible.
Lasko - he had a fidget ring on his thumb of his non dominant hand so whenever he is talking someone he can spin that bitch like a record player
Damien - I wanna say yes, but he wouldn't. The metal would take longer to cool off and it would just be a pain. He doesn't know when he's going to have high emotions that raise his temp.
Huxley - no. The rings would get dirty if he was digging in the dirt and he doesn't want to dirty them because that "like, not very cool to do ya know dude?"
Caelum - Freelancer once tied a piece of string around his finger and he shows it off everywhere he goes because it's his favorite piece of jewelry.
Cam - yes. He wears fidget rings but they only exist to gift to his more anxious charges so he can help them. It's easier to keep them on hand for when needed. (Haha get it?)
Sovereign-related storylines (+ Hush) -
Elliot - yes. I can't really explain why but he gives like twisted metal delicate ring vibes. He definitely has pinkie rings, if not others.
Blake - as much as I want to say yes because I adore him... No. he doesn't. 😭 He feels it would get in the way of him tracing the designs on his listeners skin. Plus if he's touching them, he doesn't want anything between him and them, rings included.
Avior - Yes. Very much yes. Yes bark bark grrr woof bark awoo
Vega - considering he doesn't really care for human materialism, I don't see him wearing rings. Unfortunately. Fingers crossed that Warden convinces him to.
Brachium - yet another I wish was true but he hasn't ever been to the mortal realm in person so he's never had the opportunity to try rings. I think he would look nice in them though. 👉👈
Hush - he seems to be having an interest in humanity, so I can see him exploring it. He figured out rope knots so he obviously been researching. So yeah, I could see him playing with rings.
Unempowered (+ Morgan for organization) -
Aaron - No he doesn't. I can't explain why but he doesn't give me that vibe.
Ollie - yes. But for one reason. Erik said Ollie is most like himself and Erik wears rings. (Does that make me simp for his hands? Perhaps. but that doesn't matter nor is it something I will ever put where he will see it.)
Guy - I'm going to say yes. He consistently takes them off and tries to use them as currency to Honey so he can have the hoodie. He takes them off before going to work since he works with his hands (ehhhn)
Ivan - sometimes. It's not a habitual wearing, but rather needs a reason.
Geordi - he used to. Then they felt like they weighed his hands down too much. He talks with his hands a lot, he's very expressive.
Morgan - No. Another that doesn't give me that vibe.
Vampires -
Vincent - Yes. He was the reason I made this post because I wanted to talk about how fucking amazing he would look in rings. 🤤🤤🤤
Sam - He doesn't seem much of a ring person for some reason. He would look good in one, especially when driving.
William - Yes. He likes to buy one at each turn of a half century. He has favorite ones he wears all the time. They have big jewels and are older than most vampires in his clan.
Adam - he only lost his head, not his hands. He was wearing spooooky rings when he died. (Plus he liked the way Lovely shuddered ever so slightly when the cold metal of his rings dug into their skin just before he bit them. ... God I'm a simp)
Quinn - yes. Just... Yes. He also had those full finger rings. The ones that have claw at the end, you know what I mean. He wears those to draw blood from his victims needlessly. It only serves to bring them pain. (I'm going to hell for this thirst)
Alexis - yes. It makes her feel superior to have pretty things.
James - he only really wants to wear his wedding ring. He only wears other rings to make people believe all his rings are decoration and people don't go looking for his partner.
Marcus - no. I don't know why but no
Anton - also no. He could look nice in them though I think.
Brian - his wedding ring. That's it.
Xavier - before he died, he wore rings when he wasn't playing. He didn't mind the cold material.
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box-life-hermit · 8 months
A lovely person on tiktok with the username @/ goodboygutz has made a series of videos talking about various "animal coded things" that people do, and as a therian, I love this shit
So allow me to make a list of more animal coded things! There may be overlap between animals
He may have done some of these animals, or he may not have, but I just wanted to contribute <3
If anyone else wants to add things that are [insert animal] coded, go ahead!
Animals in this post: Shark, Dolphin, Crocodile/ Alligator, Bear, Kangaroo, & Spider.
Ik a spider is an insect but shhh
🦈Shark-coded things:
Getting oral fixations / a need to chew on things
This one feels kinda obvious, but you like to swim
This is very specific, but when you go swimming, you like to swim under water and then shoot up above the surface of the water (this can also be whale-coded and dolphin coded)
You're always busy and on the go
Wearing jewelry that has shark teeth on it seems like something a shark would do if it became human
Seeing how long you can hold your breath under water
Liking to wear sleeveless shirts seems kinda shark coded to me idk
Having bad vision is shark-coded to me like have you seen greenland sharks?
If you like to just make the chomping sound just to hear your teeth clink together
If you're really flexible, that's shark coded- bending like u got no bones & shit
Shark coded behaviors are like the himbo version of dolphin behavior but anyone can be a shark
Wearing those hoodies that zip up at the hood feels very shark-coded to me
The jumping out of water thing mentioned in shark coded things
You're a stoner
Being into ballet / figure skating
If you like to eat seaweed
When you go swimming you like to go diving for things (if you've ever dropped something purposely in the bottom of the pool just to go and dive for it)
Again if, when you go swimming, you like to see all the different tricks you can do (making bubbles under water, doing flips under water, different ways to jump into the water)
If your laugh kind of sounds like "ha-a-a-a-a-a-ah" iykwim
When you get excited or happy, you just start squealing
If you like collecting seashells
Idk why, but being good at math or science seems dolphin coded to me
🐊 Crocodile/ Alligator-coded:
When you're in a body of water, if you like to just sit there and float in the water instead of actually swimming / you know how to float on your back
Wearing jean jackets seems very crocodile coded to me
Liking denim / jean material in general tbh- alligator skin clothes just feels too obvious but ig that too
Having long nails, bonus points if they're uneven
When you go to a restaurant afterward, you ask for toothpicks. Alternatively, you like cleanings at the dentist. Fr just those birds cleaning out ur silly little gator mouth
Your color metal jewelry of choice is black metal, OR wearing jewelry with that like string/ rope material
Wearing pants that have a lot of pockets / genuinely liking camo print? Alligator/ crocodile coded
You can go a really long time without blinking
Adding this for the shits and gigs: you are a Crocs wearer.
🐻 Bear-coded:
You like crocheted things
Youre a honey over sugar person (seems obvious)
Wearing any kind of ugs but especially ugs boots
You drink hot tea- bonus points if you put honey in it
Having a hammock in ur room is bear coded but its also ferret coded
People think you're intimidating at first but you're really nice
In the winter you curl up under your bed with a bunch of stuffed animals and warm blankets
Not being a morning person is bear coded imo
Liking smores but specifically liking MAKING smores
This seems kinda obvious too but if you like to go camping
When you "nap," it's over 3hrs / you are a deep sleeper. Bonus points if you snore that is suuuper bear coded.
When you're mad, your go-to thing is to just grunt or yell
If your bed has a lot of blankets on it- bonus points if theyre soft / fuzzy throw blankets
Wearing oversized hoodies / wearing those hoodie blanket things (oodies?)
Your love language is aggressive affection
You like wearing fingerless mittens
You like climbing trees (also feels a little obvious)
When you're really excited/ hyped, you jump up and down. Also, you like trampolines (feels obvious) (can be rabbit coded)
(Will be overlap with bunny coded things)
When you need to get somewhere in a hurry, instead of running, you might start skipping
You need to have pockets on the clothes your wearing (similar to alligator/ crocodile coded)
If someone asked you to hold a cat or puppy/ small animal, you would hold it by cradleing it like a baby
Wearing big boots? Kangaroo behavior imo
Wearing sunglasses? Idk it's kangaroo coded bc I say so 🤷🏽‍♂️
When you go out, you have a million things in your bag - you're the type of person to bring a bunch of things "just in case"
Youre the type of person to furrow your brow when you get confused / focused
Not exactly that you're someone who likes WEARING crocheted things, but that you're someone who does crochet / knit (can also be bird coded)
You were into rainbow-loom as a kid
Sewing/ any type of skill like that seems super spider coded
If your bed has a million random items in it like your phone, a water bottle, airpods, ect.
Having long but even nails seems spider-coded
This seems obvious, but if you're into areal arts with silks
If you're someone who wears a lot of fishnets- fishnet tights, fishnet top, fishnet gloves
When you have a straw wrapper / when you pick off loose strings on your clothes you roll them into a ball
You're someone who likes round-shaped foods; like a rice ball, a cake pop, donut holes, cheese balls, etc.
Wearing lacey clothes feels spider-coded
Follow for more!
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Dream is a highly sought after jewelry maker; just because he's an expensive artisan doesn't make him less of a weirdo; it just means that his partner Hob (who is as much a weirdo as Dream is) is decked out in expensive marks of ownership.
After their first date, Dream (stayed up for 2 days making) made Hob a jewel-encrusted collar; Hob made him put it on in the restaurant while they were on their second date. Hob has even started to dress in ways that showed off all the trinkets Dream hand crafted for him -- short sleeves for all the bangles, skirts/scoop neck dress for all the collars & anklets.
Hob walks around their home, which he moved into after Date 3, in nothing but the ropes of pearls or the diamond-studded harness (and his collar of the day) that Dream gifted him with. Dream loves to see Hob is nothing but a pencil skirt and sheer high collar long sleeve shirt (https://tinyurl.com/Pretty-for-Dream) -- Hob is covered from just below his chin to below his knees (so prim), but Dream can still see all the /above/ the belt) jewelry he designed for Hob - the collar, the nipple rings, the navel ring). Maybe he can hear the ringing of the diamond studded, belled, clit ring.
They don't like to be away from each, so Dream just charges even more for his jewelry -- people who want his work need to pay for the privilege of taking him away from his Hob.
I really like the idea of Hob maybe being some kind of onlyfans content creator who basically makes really really arty nsfw content. He charges a BIG monthly fee for subscriptions but damn, its worth it. He's so beautiful to start with, and in every image or video he's absolutely shimmering with these amazing items of jewellery. There are diamond studs in his labia, intricate clit rings, strings of gorgeous jewels and precious metals hanging around his hips. Of course he's basically advertising Dream’s services as a jeweller (IF you can afford to commission a piece from him).
The golden collar enrusted with pearls and diamonds is very popular with viewers (and indeed Dream himself, he can hardly bear to see Hob not wearing it), and sometimes Hob will do a little storytime for his viewers and how wonderful it is to get fucked while his beloved holds him by the collar and pounds into his pussy, making all those pretty piercings jingle...
For their one month anniversary Dream makes a pair of incredible jeweled panties which he designed, created and studded all over with the most precious jewels. Hob has never been so happy with a gift and he insists on wearing the panties everywhere. There's a convenient little popper which means that the panties can also be crotchless - just imagine how much Dream loves fucking Hob while he wears the gorgeous, expensive gift!
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
once upon a time, we were all going 👀 over ZZ’s hidden necklace and the alleged ring tied to it. then after that — nothing. it went unsolved. now, people have noticed him wearing what seems to be a necklace, but the string of it looks more like a rope.
2020 2023
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while i do understand the speculation of some that this may be his version of “bone necklace” and how it may be holding the ever so elusive bjyx promise ring lol — my personal deduction is that it’s not. yeah, it would be wonderful if it was and i don’t think we will ever know but to me there is a more rational explanation, knowing what type of “jewelry” XZ sports during his personal time. when he’s not wearing gucci or other really esspensive pieces at events, the regular person XZ prefers his jewelry to be more meaningful.
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( photo source showing times it was worn & visible )
Everyone knows his red rope, given to him by his mom for good luck when it was his zodiac birth year, and he’s always been wearing it. he said, “my mom gave it to me, i have to keep wearing it.” Then another more recent one is the beaded bracelet, which from what i can remember is also for protection. something that you can blessed at a temple.
A popular guess is what’s tied to it is a jade. So it’s a jade necklace. What’s the meaning? I found this helpful article to support this speculation. It just makes more sense and more “on brand” for ZZ to wear it because of this reason:
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Whether someone gave it to him or if he picked it up on one of his travels, we don’t know. but a “gentleman like jade” is so him. it’s the kind of person he tries to embody.
Anciently, superior men found the likeness of all excellent qualities in jade. Soft smooth and glossy, it appeared to them like benevolence.
Fine, compact, and strong—like intelligence.
Angular, but not sharp and cutting—like righteousness.
Hanging down (in beads) as if it would fall to the ground like (the humility of) propriety.
When struck, yielding a note, clear and prolonged, yet terminating abruptly—like music.
Its flaws not concealing its beauty, nor its beauty concealing its flaws—like loyalty.
With an internal radiance issuing from it on every side—like good faith.
Bright as a brilliant rainbow—like heaven.
Exquisite and mysterious, appearing in the hills and streams—like the earth.
Standing out conspicuous in the symbols of rank—like virtue.
Esteemed by all under the sky—like the path of truth and duty.
( Confucius ; Book of Rites )
The times we have seen him wear it, his clothes were too loose to make out if there was pendant shaped thing. However, the recent photo shoot appears to give us a better view.
For comparison, p1 is the composition. that rope like string and a jade pendant. his is surely not that big, but you get the point. p2, it may just be a crease of his clothes but it’s a good approximate of a “pendant”.
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blueiscoool · 9 months
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2,500-Year-Old Gold Bracelet Found in Norway
While searching a field in Norway, a metal detectorists uncovered a golden rope-like object. He immediately recognized it as something special — and archaeologists agreed.
Ingar Karlsen was scanning the plowed field in Inderøy with a metal detector when he stumbled on the metallic artifact, according to a Dec. 15 news release from Trøndelag County Municipality. The item looked like a delicate gold rope and had an oval shape.
Karlsen knew he’d found something unique, the release said. He reported the discovery to archaeologists, who identified the artifact as a very rare type of gold bracelet from the Bronze Age.
In Norway, the Bronze Age lasted from 1800 B.C. to 500 B.C., according to the Large Norwegian Encyclopedia. The exact age of the gold bracelet is unknown but archaeologists said it is more than 2,500 years old.
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Photos show the ancient jewelry before and after being cleaned. Before, the bracelet looked like it could be easily mistaken for a piece of string. Afterward, it appears shiny, with the delicate design clearly visible.
Archaeologists said the entire bracelet is made of gold and was likely buried in a grave. Previous excavations found 22 skeletons from the Bronze Age buried near where the bracelet was found, the release said.
Only two similar bracelets have been found in Norway, archaeologist Harald Bugge Midthjell said in the release. The other golden rope bracelets were found in large burial mounds and interpreted as gifts from allies in Denmark.
Inderøy is in Trøndelag County and about 270 miles north of Oslo.
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dreiddesigns · 11 months
Kwanzaa Black Bead Bracelet
Kwanzaa White Bead Bracelet
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nohoney · 2 years
my mind is still swooning over roommate! Touya (°◡°♡)
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“Aren’tcha having fun Touya?” You giggle from floor as you drop another lettered bead down the string of the bracelet you were making. Laying on your stomach, you’ve got string and an assortment of beads as your entertainment on this Saturday night with your roommate roped into the fun. Normally such an activity doesn’t make you this excited but after lighting up a joint and having a few drinks of canned margarita, it seemed like the most fun thing in the world.
Touya isn’t as enthralled but he’s at least about as crossed as you are as he makes a bracelet in his own hands too.
His eyes glance to you and keeps down a chuckle when he sees one of your feet lift up into the air before dropping back down to the rug and repeating the motion with the other leg. “Hm? What’d ya say?” He asks as he digs through the plastic container for a specific bead piece.
“I asked if you were having fun, dummy.” You tell your roommate and roll your eyes as if to convey annoyance. “Are you that high right now? Get your shit together.”
Touya stretches one leg out and pokes his toe against your rib cage. Naturally you jerk and laugh in response before cursing at him, keeping a careful hold on the bracelet you were building. “Hey, you better watch it! I’m only making you something from these blessed hands of mine.” You hold up the bracelet and shake it in emphasis before bringing it back to your eye level and grabbing the next bead to put on. “You want a gift or not?”
“I could let go of this string and let all this shit fall to the floor and leave you to clean it up. I didn’t wanna do this in the first place,” Touya threatens and dangles his own work as if he was going to drop it, “be nicer to me.”
“Whatever, gimme my drink.” You demand of him. He pokes against your side again and tells you to ask him nicely. “Pleaseee.” Touya hands you your third drink of the night that’s half finished and already room temperature but it’s taken with no complaint. The high has settled in nicely and the alcohol so far hasn’t pushed you to the point of sickness so you’re still enjoying yourself. He takes the can back when you hold it up in the air and places it back onto the coffee table.
You sit up and put the finishing touches on your bracelet, making sure the knots are tied firmly before presenting it towards Touya. “Ta-dah!”
“Alright, do mine for me. I don’t know how to do this stupid crafts shit.”
You help close the bracelet and smile down at it. Your wrist is held out and you watch with rapt interest as Touya puts a pink bracelet on with white beads that spell out ‘princess’ that he did just for you. And vice versa, you put on a black bracelet with the word ‘daddy’ on his wrist. The two of you admire the gifts made for one another before you lean towards your roommate to kiss him.
Touya is all too comfortable accepting the affection and puts his hand at the back of your neck when you pull away. So you stay kissing him just a few seconds longer when he decides to pull away. His eyes are red just like yours and you can smell the margarita on his breath too, he was helping himself to your drink. You give him one last peck and start to pack up the beads and string into the kids jewelry kit you purchased from the store and set it aside to figure out where you’ll put it away later.
“Alright, what do you wanna do now?” Touya asks as he leans back against the couch with the margarita can in hand and taking a drink for himself. You eye the bracelet as it falls down his wrist slightly and the way his hand holds the can. Immediately you know what you want to do next and hold out your hand for the can to be given to you.
You take a decent chug before setting the can aside before plopping yourself next to Touya. He reaches one hand to poke at your cheek and you grab at his wrist. Once again your eyes admire the bracelet you made for him before looking back up at him and asking, “Can I paint your nails?”
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
A Good for Death (Book 1) Chapter Fourteen
Wednesday Addams x Reaper! Reader
Chapter Fourteen: A Good Day for Arguments
Summary: After (Y/N) and Wednesday come face-to-face with the creature, Wednesday is forced to learn the consequences of her actions while also coming to terms with her feelings.
            A crash echoed through the Gates mansion, and (Y/N) and Wednesday stood abruptly from where they examined Laurel Gates’s jewelry box. Something had happened. Wednesday shoved the jewelry box into her satchel before she and (Y/N) ran down the hall and met with Enid at the bottom of the stairs.
            “What the heck was that?!” cried Enid.
            “Tyler’s not here,” said (Y/N), worried. They may not particularly like him, but they didn’t want any harm to come to him.
            “Guys! Get out! It’s here!” Tyler screamed suddenly from the other side of the house.
            A growl sounded through the mansion, and in a nearby corridor, the shadow of the monster stretched across the walls.
            “Back upstairs!” ordered (Y/N). “Go!” They pushed Enid and Wednesday up the stairs and ran up behind them. “It’s still coming,” they cried as the shadow continued to approach the second floor.
            “In the dumbwaiter,” ordered Wednesday.
            Enid crouched and jumped into the dumbwaiter, crowding to the back as Wednesday entered as well. Her eyes widened as the creature neared the top of the stairs and raised a hand to swipe at (Y/N), who was standing in front of the dumbwaiter so it wouldn’t get to their friends. Wednesday reached out and grabbed (Y/N)’s hand, sharply pulling them backwards. They fell into Wednesday in the dumbwaiter, and she slammed it shut before the monster could get any of them. It slammed into the dumbwaiter, shaking it. Enid screamed.
            “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!” repeated Enid in panic.
            “It’s here,” breathed (Y/N) shakily. “And this time it wants to kill us.” They looked at Wednesday. “How are we gonna get out of here?”
            “Give me your scarf,” said Wednesday.
            (Y/N) didn’t question her and handed it over. Wednesday tied it around the handles of the dumbwaiter’s doors. The creature growl, and Enid whimpered like a kicked puppy from where she pressed herself into the back of the dumbwaiter. The monster clawed through the doors and stared at them menacingly through the scratches. As it glared at them, the rope holding up the dumbwaiter snapped, and the Nevermore students were sent tumbling down in the metal box. Enid screamed in fear, and (Y/N) held onto Wednesday, sending silent prayers to the gods to please keep them safe. Wednesday didn’t push (Y/N) away and instead braced her and (Y/N) against the sides of the dumbwaiter in an effort to alleviate the inevitable pain of landing.
            The box hit the ground in the basement, and the doors broke open, sending (Y/N), Wednesday, and Enid tumbling out. Enid coughed and pushed herself up. Wednesday stood and lifted (Y/N) up with her. Then, she observed their surroundings. (Y/N) pulled on a string for the light. The trio found themselves looking at a long surgical table with bloodstains and powerful surgical saws laying atop it. Behind the table were racks of jars containing the missing body parts of the monster’s victim. (Y/N) shivered as they again felt the phantom crawl of the victims’ deaths, one’s filled with suffering.
            They were shaken from their thoughts as footsteps boomed above and sent dust like a rain down upon them. Wednesday pushed the small basement window open, and Enid scrambled out. (Y/N) pulled themself up after and turned around as the monster descended into the basement for Wednesday.
            “Wednesday! Come on,” said (Y/N) urgently.
            “These are the body parts of the monster’s victims,” said Wednesday as she examined in the jars.
            “Yes, they are, now get out of there!” insisted (Y/N).
            The monster through a shelf of tools behind Wednesday, and that sent her darting to the window. (Y/N) reached down, took her hand, and pulled her out before the creature could grab her.
            “We need to go back in,” said Wednesday as they backed away from the window.
            “What?! Are you crazy?” hissed Enid.
            “Tyler’s in there,” said (Y/N). “We can’t leave him with the creature.”
            They turned and ran towards the house with Wednesday. They weren’t a monster. They wouldn’t leave him injured and in danger. Enid, unwilling to leave them either, followed a moment after. They slowed to a stop as they arrived at the entrance of the house and found Tyler leaning against the wall clutching his bleeding chest.
            “You’re hurt,” said Wednesday, examining his body. “Can you walk?”
            A figure appeared from the woods, and Enid yelped, turning on it. It was Xavier.
            “Where’d you come from?” asked Wednesday.
            He didn’t respond and handed over his scarf to Tyler to press to his wounds. “Here. What happened to him?”
            “The monster,” said Enid quietly.
            “Here,” said (Y/N), pressing one hand to the crawling vines climbing the Gates mansion and the other to Tyler’s shoulder.
            They took a deep breath and let the plants wither as they pushed strength to Tyler. His breathing steadied as his strength returned. He was still bleeding and needed assistance, but he was nearer to full health.
            “I have first aid at my house,” groaned Tyler. “Get me back to my car, and I can get us back.”
            “I can drive,” said Xavier.
            “Let’s go, then. He needs bandages,” said (Y/N).
            At Tyler’s house, Wednesday carefully bandages his wounds as (Y/N) hovered in case they needed to drain one of the houseplants around for Tyler’s health.
            “Thanks, doc,” said Tyler, clearly feeling better since he was flirting with Wednesday.
            “Not to make this about me, but I am having a full-blown panic attack now,” said Enid, staring into space. “We need to get back before Weems realizes we’ve been gone.”
            As they spoke, the door of the living room swung open, and Sheriff Galpin stood staring them. “What the hell happened?” he asked, his eyes widening at his son’s injuries.
            Too late. The damage is done, thought (Y/N).
            “This was you, wasn’t it?” hissed Sheriff Galpin, glaring at Wednesday.
            “It was the monster, not Wednesday,” said (Y/N).
            “I’m okay, Dad,” said Tyler.
            “Sheriff, I understand you’re upset, but I think you need to see something,” said Wednesday. “I found the victims’ missing body parts.”
            “Please, Dad,” said Tyler before the sheriff could argue. “Listen to her.”
            Sheriff Galpin narrowed his eyes and breathed out angrily. “Fine. But the rest are going right back to Nevermore.”
            Wednesday, once again feeling the burden of defeat since the evidence in the basement was gone yet again, walked up the stairs of Nevermore. She stopped as Weems glared down at her, imperious as ever.
            “You directly violated my explicit order and left campus during a lockdown,” said Weems sharply. “Not to mention you put your peers and yourself in danger.”
            Wednesday showed no change in her expression, but she was troubled by putting her friends in danger. (Y/N) had even warned her of the possibility someone would be waiting for them in the Gates mansion. She was determined to see the case through to the end, though. She had to. No matter how much she justified it, however, Wednesday was not happy with her friends being in danger.
            Still, she kept her expression neutral. “Which is grounds for expulsion. I know,” said Wednesday. “And you have every right to exercise that option. I do believe it would be a grave error on your part.”
            Weems chuckled mirthlessly. “I think contrition might be in order right now, Miss Addams. Not hubris.”
            “I’ll never apologize for trying to uncover the truth,” said Wednesday.
            “Not even when it gets someone killed?” said Weems angrily.
            Wednesday was taken aback a moment as the image of her friends, of (Y/N) dead flashed through her mind. But she steeled herself and pulled out the picture of her in a battle against Crackstone. She held it up to Weems.
            “What is this?” asked Weems.
            “It’s a warning from Rowan,” said Wednesday.
            Weems furrowed her brow and took the page. Her eyes scanned the drawing, from Crackstone with his staff to Nevermore burning to the Reaper standing by Wednesday’s side.
            Weems looked at Wednesday, shaken slightly. “Is this why he tried to kill you and (Y/N)?”
            Wednesday nodded. “His mother drew it before she died. Said (Y/N) and I were destined to destroyed the school. But I think we’re meant to save it. Now you know what’s at stake. Everything you vowed to protect, no less. I think I deserve another chance.” She broke eye contact. “Please.”
            Weems sharply held the picture back out to Wednesday, who took it back. “One more infraction,” she said slowly, “One more step out of line, and you will be expelled. No ifs. No buts.”
            “(Y/N), Enid, and Xavier are spared as well,” said Wednesday.
            “And no more negotiation,” said Weems. “Good night!” She stalked off, annoyed that Wednesday had convinced her to give her another chance.
            (Y/N) watched as Enid finished packing up her things. They were electing to stay in the dorm so far, but they understood Enid’s frustration. They too were upset at how close they had all gotten to dying tonight when they had warned Wednesday someone might be waiting. However, Wednesday had been trying to do the right thing in the end, so (Y/N) was letting it go for now.
            “Where are you going?” asked Wednesday as she entered.
            “Yoko’s room,” said Enid. “Thornhill said (Y/N) and I could crash there for a few nights. I’m taking advantage of it.”
            “There’s no need,” said Wednesday. “I spoke with Weems. None of you are going to be punished.”
            “Wednesday, it’s not about punishment from Weems,” said (Y/N), looking at her. “It’s about getting attacked.”
            “I apologized. It’s over,” said Wednesday.
            “Tonight was the icing on the birthday cake you didn’t bother to cut,” snapped Enid, turning on Wednesday. “You used us to get you to the Gates mansion, even if it meant putting us all in danger! I hope it was worth it.”
            Wednesday looked to the side, her tell for being guilty. “The evidence in the basement was gone by the time Sheriff Galpin and I arrived back,” she admitted.
            Enid threw her hands up. “So it was for nothing!” She picked up her duffle bag and looked at (Y/N). “I’m out. See you tomorrow.” She looked at Wednesday. “If you can stand to stay here with someone who doesn’t seem to care if we live or die for her obsession.” Enid stomped out of the dorm room, slamming the door behind her.
            Wednesday set down her back next to her desk. “I got one step closer to solving this case. That’s what matters. Enid will see that soon.”
            “Wednesday, she has a point,” said (Y/N) gently.
            Wednesday turned to them and crossed her arms. “Don’t you want to figure out what’s happening with Crackstone? I thought we were both on the same page.”
            “Wednesday, I want this solved as much as you do. But I want it because my friends are at risk if a man like that somehow comes back to life,” said (Y/N). “And for that same reason, I told you that we needed to be careful tonight. I told you to wait since someone could be waiting. And they were! Wednesday, we could have been killed! Tyler nearly was.”
            “But now we know Laurel Gates might be involved,” said Wednesday, stepping forward. “That’s important.”
            “Wednesday, you didn’t even blink about sending us right into danger!” said (Y/N). Wednesday didn’t respond. “We’re your friends! We’re here to help you, but we need to know what we’re signing up for.”
            “I never asked for anyone to be my ‘friend,’ ” said Wednesday sharply. "It's not my fault people insist on bothering me."
            (Y/N) took a step back, their expression betraying their hurt. They had thought Wednesday considered them a friend. They weren’t. They were just another annoyance to her.
            “Fine, then,” said (Y/N). They swallowed their sadness and broken heart. “Then you don’t have to have any friends if you don’t want to.” They turned and climbed up to there area of the dorm.
            Wednesday frowned. “What are you doing?”
            “I’m letting you be alone without any annoyances,” said (Y/N). They stuffed some pajamas and clothes into a bag. They climbed back down.
            “You don’t need to leave,” said Wednesday. “We…” She looked away uncomfortably. “We have work to do.”
            “Friends work together,” said (Y/N). “We’re not that.” They went to the door and opened it. They paused and looked back, opening their mouth to speak. (Y/N) shut it again, swallowing their words and walking away.
            Wednesday was left alone in the dorm. Strangely, she didn’t enjoy the solitude as much as she had in the past. She sat down against the window as the light streamed through it. Feeling something dig into her leg from her jacket, she reached into her pocket. Wednesday pulled out a black envelope with her name written in white.
            (Y/N)’s gift to her.
            Hesitating slightly, Wednesday neatly sliced it open and slid out the paper inside. In neat penmanship, a poem was written across it, from (Y/N) to Wednesday.
Wednesday’s child is full of woe, But she brings it not, no, Dark and dismal, Yes, she is, But as the dusk turning to dawn, She is prelude to light, Power in her own right, So give her a crown of thorns, She will wear it as you do roses, Full of pride and beauty
            Wednesday found herself clutching the poem tightly and loosened her grip. She didn’t want to ruin the paper. She swallowed and tried to push away the feelings threatening her composure. She had…messed up. Wednesday hadn’t protected (Y/N) and paid the price for paying more attention to the case than to their friendship. Yes, figuring out the secrets of the Gates mansion were important, but she…she thought (Y/N) was important too. They had stuck by her and never questioned who she was as a person, never fazed by her attitude or personality.
            (Y/N) cared.
            And Wednesday cared for them, too.
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randomabiling · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Entry #2
July, 1891
“Robert, I don’t know what was so important-”.
His lips were upon hers and the rest of her words were swallowed into the depths of his soul as he covered her mouth so completely she gasped for air. Hands, greedy to feel every inch of her, pressed into the tender places that made her squirm with pleasure. Eyes closed, pops of light burst behind her lids as he pinched and caressed and pulled. Her mind spiraled into a dizzying freefall, all thoughts of seating charts and flower arrangements interrupted. There was no longer thinking, just a frenzy of feelings and impulses as her own hands instinctively responded, manipulating him in the ways he liked, making him groan and pant as he backed her into the wall.
She felt the absence of his hand and heard the small click of the lock, the knob secured against intrusion. It was like the release of a dam, both of them becoming more frantic in their movements, tearing at skirts and clasps and buttons. The loss of clothing made her hot skin prickle with gooseflesh and her shiver only fueled Robert’s need as he pushed her onto their bed and topped her. Finally finding the friction she craved as his body filled every blank space on hers, Cora rocked against him, taking him deep and holding him tightly. Their undulating rhythms quickened, and their release crested at the same time, both of them crashing against each other with each pleasurable and delicious wave.
When they’d both stilled, Robert collapsed beside her, his head resting on her sweaty shoulder, is finger tracing patterns above her breast. The tip touched the string of pearls still roped around her neck. She could feel one of the beads cradled in the hollow between her collar bones and that was the one he played with, pushing it back and forth lazily. The jewelry had been a gift from him after Mary’s birth and had quickly become one of her favorite pieces. 
“I should have thought on this more, when I bought it.” Robert leaned upward on his elbow, his face hovering over hers and his eyes directed onto the pearls.
“Hmm?” Cora felt drowsy suddenly, the carnal exertion adding to the almost constant fatigue she felt as the mother of an infant. 
“It covers my favorite spot!” Robert’s pout made her chuckle, and slowly his head dipped lower and he suckled the spot the pearl had occupied. The attention, the lingering kisses that grew more passionate, set her flesh tingling once again. 
“The suprasternal notch.” Cora’s voice cracked as his hand slid up the length of her body, as it cradled the slope of her breast. 
“Whatever it is, it’s glorious.It’s mine.” Robert’s mouth covered hers and her hips lifted in response, the pearls forgotten as they sailed towards release for a second time. 
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sugolara · 1 year
𝘿𝙞𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚, 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨
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ft. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Izuku grunted as he stabbed a rotter in its eyes, the knife that F/n found got caught but he managed to remove it and went to the next rotter that was coming towards him. He groaned in disgust when the rotter's blood sprayed his face. He then proceeded to get rid of the others.
Behind Izuku, F/n stared at the rotter's corpse that was laying on the floor. Blood gurgled out of its mouth as the tongue was sticking out, its lower jaw had been cut off. She saw maggots crawling in its throat and teeth.
Once Izuku managed to clear the way to a clothing store, he held the door open for F/n and quickly closed the door the moment he entered. He tied the door handle with ropes he found in an alley. 
As he did so, F/n cleared the store, killing three employees and one civilian. When Izuku made sure the ropes were tight enough he walked to F/n who got rid of the last rotter, “I wished you would have waited for me to help you.”
F/n shrugged and wiped her bloody black knife on her jeans, “They didn’t have enough fight, I managed.”
"Still," Izuku moved in front of her and scanned her for any injuries, "Just because they're weak doesn't mean you can get ahead of yourself. We barely managed to escape a group of dead."
“They’re weak. I bet we could’ve taken them out like nothing.” F/n said and walked away. 
He then sighed and mumbled, "You sound like someone I know." 
With that he headed to the mens section and decided to look for clothes and shoes while they waited for the horde to pass by. He grabbed some clothes and was lucky enough to find a similar pair of red shoes in his size. 
He turned around to look for F/n but he quickly turned away as his cheeks dusted in pink, “Why are you changing here!?”
F/n stared at him as she pulled a clean shirt on, “Because the fitting room has no doors. What’s the use of using it if there's no door?”
Izuku shook his head, his blush creeping away, "Fine, you have a point there."
Dropping his yellow bag and rifle on the floor he removed his jacket along with his shirt and quickly grabbed a clean green shirt to put on. He hesitated to remove his jeans and looked back at F/n who leaned on a jewelry counter looking at the earrings and rings inside the case. 
Thankful for her back facing him, he quickly changed out of his jeans and grabbed another. He then grabbed a new pair of socks with his new shoes but as he finished he jumped as he heard glass shatter. 
Thinking it might be the horde he grabbed his knife and turned to where the glass shattered though he sighed when he saw F/n’s hand scanning the ring section. He moved towards her and questionably stared at her.
F/n smiled and picked out a certain ring then held it in the air, "Pretty, huh?"
Izuku raised his eyebrow, "You broke the case for a ring?" 
"Yeah," She handed it to Izuku, "Diopside."
As he examined the ring it was a bit bulky and the gemstone circled the ring. F/n was right, it is pretty, "How do you know what gemstone it is?"
"I've always found gemstones pretty, especially green ones." F/n reached her hand back into the ring case, "The diopside reminds me of your eyes; kind and gentle.”
Izuku smiled at her compliment and handed her the ring back but F/n shook her head, "Keep it. If anything happens to me, I want you to remember me." 
The fact that she said that with a smile made Izuku's lips frown. He decided to not press on and placed the ring in his jacket pocket. He'd find a string later on and wear it as a necklace; the ring was small.
His eyes peered back at F/n as she held another ring, "Kind of gothic don't you think?" 
F/n shook her head as she held the skull ring in the air, "You call it gothic but I call it badass." 
Izuku sighed and shook his head but smiled. He noticed that F/n had warmed up to him. She was no longer distant and instead smiled more, acknowledging him even. Seeing her smile made Izuku feel something and he hoped to feel it more.
Peering through the glass doors, the horde no longer seemed to be around, "C'mon, let's go find ammo and more supplies before night falls."
F/n nodded and they both walked to the clothings entrance and unwrapped the rope. They then checked to see if no dead was around and once they cleared the area they headed down the town's street. 
It didn’t take long before they found a small grocery store with a few rotters lurking in the parking lot. They steadily took each one out and made their way to the front. The building windows had faint special deals written in marker. Shopping carts were placed near the store and on the side were chopped wood. 
“Ready?” F/n said as she held her knife and her other hand placed on the door handle. 
“Mhm.” Izuku nodded and held his knife as well waiting for F/n’s signal. 
Seeing him nod, F/n pulled the door but groaned when it didn’t budge, “They locked it.”
“There has to be another door.” Izuku said as he eyed the building. His attention was then caught by F/n when he heard glass shatter. He stared at her as she easily walked through the now broken glass door, “We could’ve found another way!” 
“If anything we’ll find another way out.” She said and moved towards the isles with a basket in her hand. Izuku quickly followed after her, “We need to secure this place before looking.”
F/n shook her head, “This place is quiet, too quiet. I don’t know about you but I don’t see any blood or dirt tracks on the floor. There’s also enough food for months, nothing has been touched. Someone secured this place really well.”
His steps faltered as Izuku watched F/n continuing. When she was out of his sight he let out a sigh, again she was right. Izuku dreaded the fact that because she was able to defend herself she would eventually leave him and go on her own. 
He hoped that this wasn’t the case and repeatedly told himself that she would never do that. It's just how she was raised. To protect and defend. 
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