#ror thrud x reader
luxthestrange · 5 months
RoR Memes #16
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Shout out for the bi's & pan's out there...we eat good-
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
RoR x Reader Incorrect Quotes but it's Tik Tok Audios:
(Y/n), trying to convince Brunhilde the best way to defeat the gods: My resolution? Völunder Air strikes. Bomb them. Keep bombing them. Bomb them again-
Gen Z Trickster Diety! (Y/n), walking in to talk to Loki: Dawg, why didn't you tell me your cousin had all that ass???
Loki: *slowly swallowing the mead he was drinking and looking at you*.....
Gen Z Trickster Diety! (Y/n): No, bro, hear me out-
Posedion, flirting with human! (Y/n): I think you're, like, the opposite of unattractive. Like, I think you're ugly but REVERSE UGLY, you know what I mean?
Poseidon: Like, I think you're like...a 2/10, PLUS 8, uh, divided by 4-
(Y/n), after Brunhilde asks them to help Buddha with something: Perhaps I can help him in a room in which there are no others?
Everyone nearby: *gasps*
Buddha: 😏
(Y/n): Or you can all watch, I don't give a shit-
Shiva, if he fought (Y/n): You fight pretty well. You sure you're not just trying to catch my attention?~
(Y/n), who is very gay for the valkyries: Everything I do is for the bitches, I have never done anything for the male gaze.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Humans and Gods with Preteen!Reader (12 years old) replying to Apollo’s “Without Ugly, Beauty wouldn’t exist” by either snarky/happily telling him “Thank you for your sacrifice!”
Who’s on the floor choking on their tears, gasping for breath because they’re about to die from laughing too hard/because of her comeback? (Hermes and Leodonis look like Proud Parents)
My sweet darling one, this request made me snort so hard I hurt my throat from laughing. You are a genius!!
-Apollo beamed at his reflection in his mirror, boasting to whoever would listen to him talk about his beautiful face or stunning hair, which was nobody willingly.
-He smirked, growing angry that nobody was paying him any attention in the meeting room you were all having tea and cakes in, relaxing and staying out of the heat, “Without ugly people, beauty wouldn’t exist!”
-Without missing a beat, not looking up as you were playing on your switch, curled up next to Kojiro, “Thank you for your sacrifice.”
-On their phones immediately, “Hello 911, someone was just slaughtered right in front of me.” stunned by your quick clap back but also impressed and fighting off their laughter.
            -Adam, Shiva, Brunnhilde, Hermes, and Goll
-Can’t breathe, has collapsed to the ground, their face red, limbs twitching, death is fast approaching as they are unable to breath in from laughing so hard.
            -Loki, Ares, Raiden, Zeus, Qin Shi Huang, and Buddha
-Stunned stiff, looking over at you with a stunned smile on their face, “Y/N!!” you looked up at them with a grin, “You’re laughing- I’m off the hook!!” he can’t be mad at you, not when you destroyed that cocky asshole so easily.
            -Leonidas, Jack, Hercules, Hades, Poseidon, Thrud, Odin, Kojiro, and Nikola
-Trying hard to hide their smiles but losing the fight, eyes clenched closed as they tried to ignore those who are laughing, trying not to laugh himself.
            -Thor, Beelzebub, and Lu Bu
-“The audacity!!!” absolutely frothing with seething rage, red faced and furious that everyone was laughing or trying not to smile or laugh.
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bones4thecats · 11 months
Hello, may I humbly request for relationship hcs for Brunhilde? Nothing in specific besides maybe some headcanons about her sisters teasing (meeting) with her S/O?
A/N: You may indeed request this! Honestly, it was a lot of fun writing this after my break, @wachisis! Enjoy~~
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💙 This Valkyrie sister was never expected to get into a relationship
💙 She loves your hugs
💙 She may not show it that well or much, but she does love feeling your arms wrap around her when you're both alone
💙 Not a big fan of PDA, she sees it as unnecessary, what's the point in showing off your love when you both know you care for each other?
💙 Brunhilde also has an obsession with being around you 24/7, especially during Ragnarok
💙 She knows you can handle yourself, but going against a god is something that not just anyone can do alone
💙 Your amazing girlfriend can, and will, threaten anyone who tries harming you, or touching you, or, just in general be creepy
💙 That's why Zeus now strays away from you
💙 Protective.
💙 Brunhilde does not like anyone trying to harm you or touch you without your consent
💙 So when Zeus, the all-mighty god of perverseness, tried to touch you, she nearly snapped his arm in half
💙 Hermes saw, and Hermes spread the word everywhere
💙 When Brunhilde's sisters met you, they were all so unique, it was scary.
💜 When this sister first met you, she was quite indifferent
💜 Brunhilde looked away for a few minutes and you saw Hrist's personality switch, she glared at you and said these exact words;
" You hurt my sister. I'll fucking kill you. "
💜 But after a while, she grew to accept you, occasionally teasing you on your relationship
💗 She thought you were scared of her at first, but because of Brunhilde telling you stories on her, Thrud's appearance didn't make you faulter
💗 Thrud does enjoy being around you, after all, nobody's with a Valkyrie for nothing
❤️‍🩹 Randgriz is very loyal to her sister, Brunhilde, so while she may not have seen it at first, she understood and respected her sister's choice in S/Os
❤️‍🩹 When she grew accustomed to you, she had a bunch of things to teach you about her sisters and role as a Valkyrie
❤️‍🩹 You're her favorite S/O-in-law
❤️‍🔥 This sister was very observant of you, and at first, she didn't trust you in the slightest
❤️‍🔥 But when she, slowly, grew attached to you, she teased you and Brunhilde to oblivion
📚 She wasn't fond nor did she hate you
📚 It took a while, but when she got to know you and your relationship with her oldest sister better, Reginleif did show slight amounts of care for you bring with her sister
💛 She was one of the only sisters to actually great you, and mean the greeting, with gentleness
💛 Göndul accepted you quickly and loved to show you some of her theories on why Brunhilde chose you, effectively making you both flustered, you more than Brunhilde
😸 She never expected you to handle her abrasive nature
😸 But when Alvtir saw how calm you were with anger, because of her sister's outbursts
😸 LOVES teasing you both whenever she can
😾 Hlökk did not like you at first, believing you'd be just as 'bossy' as her oldest sister
😾 When she saw how you gifted her stuffed animals to add in her room and helped her with her hair, she grew onto you, and you grew onto her
😾 She loves to tease you guys while you do her hair, feeling you freeze makes her laugh
💞 Göll knew you before the rest of the girls, so she was the closest with you
💞 She feared you at first, but she did grow close to you fairly quickly
💞 Whenever she cries or starts panicking, you hold her so that your girlfriend doesn't blow a blood vessel
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seii-fantasy · 1 year
Ror characters x Nezuko! Reader
Just to say im alive😭
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Y/n , a young woman who has been turned into a demon and her apparence turned into a child of six years old .
She was sleeping on a comfy pillow , the gods and human with the valkyries thought it will be better to leave the small girl sleeping alone ; after a couple of hours Brunehilde came back to check on Y/n but the small h/c girl has disappeared
Brunehilde kept calling for Y/n , searching for her but it was useless. She had disappeared .
Then Brunehilde has yelled the h/c name in the whole pantheon . Her scream was heard in the Valhalla , the Gods has recognized the name who was screamed by the Oldest Valkyrie .
"(Name) has vanished ?" Adam thought . His fatherly instinct kicked in , in a matter of seconds , he appeared infront of Brunehilde "Where is Y/n?" Adam asked in a stoic tone. Then Alvitr appeared "Y/N HAS DISAPPEARED!???" She yelled "CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT IT ! I WANT TO HAVE MY PEACEFUL NAP!" Hlökk yelled back.
"Girls , please stop it" Hrist tried to calm the twins . To which Alvitr and Hlokk continue to argued , Hrist's eye turned golden "BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT ! Y/N HAS DISAPPEARED AND THE ONLY THING U TWO COULD DO IS ARGUING !?" Hrist yelled , Adam kept eating his apple while Brunehilde facepalmed herself
●°○ A couple of minutes later●°•
Every pantheon knew that Y/n , the small demon who can always made every deities melt up with their cuteness has vanished
In the Hindu Pantheon , a bunch of deities who were searching the h/c demon girl
"Y/n ! Sweetheart !" Parvati worried , kept calling in the whole Svarga "Y/n ? Come out please!" Kali whispered "Y/n ! We have some ( favorite food) for you!" Durga called but theres wasn't any signs of you
"Oi Y/n , get your cute face here!" Shiva yelled , "Y/n , y/n!" Rudra called but they couldn't heard a small hum that voice could belong to Y/n
While the Hindu pantheon was inspeting Svarga , in the Norse Pantheon
"Huh? My precious little y/n has disappeared!?" Loki beamed , "No she went to the Shinto Pantheon and had tea time with Tsukuyomi ! Dumb idiot ! Of course she has disappeared !" Huggin snapped at the God of Deceit . Thor who's usually stoic , his behaviour isn't similar as everyday , "Look. Everywhere" Thor mumbled "Yea , hope we can find her soon' Muggin spoke . The birds were still on their Master's Shoulders , who was searching in every corner where in the Valhalla is Y/n . Well Y/n was nowhere to be found in every pantheon , every deities and human searched desespairaidely the h/c girl.
●°• After many days and night●°•
Y/n was found , she was sleeping on Thrud , who was protecting her with her strong arms . While Eve was sleeping on Thrud's shoulder
They were in Thrud room , "HEY THERE SHE IS !" Raiden beamed happily "Shhhh!" Shiva shushed the sumo who cannot keep his joy for himself , Parvati fainted on the sight of Y/n sleeping with Thrud and Eve saying , it was pure cuteness . While the others deities , humans and valkyries were finally satisfied that the small h/c girl who can melt everyone's heart within seconds was found
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sigyns-drafts · 10 months
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Norse mythology
Sol & Mani
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Brunhilde (including all Valkyries)
Shiva + his wives
Lu bu
Adam & Eve
Kojiro Sasaki
Jack the ripper
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Maman Brigitte
Ao kuang
Baron samedi
Chang e
Cu chualinn
Da ji
Erlang shen
Guan yu
He bo
Hou yi
Iz chel
King Arthur
Morgan le fay
Nu wa
Sun wukong
The Morrigan
Yu Huang
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Ror!Thor x Fem!Sif reader(A kiss under the evening sun)
Ror!Hermes x NB! Human reader (Enchanting music of the night)
In whistling spirits can be growth (Hades x Persephone)
With an Honorary status, beware the rubble (Odin, Loki, Sigyn, Angrboda)
The unlikely jackal-headed companion (Ror!Anubis x fem!reader)
Bonding by the Nile (Smite!Sobek & Neith)
With parental aid, my cycle's dread will fade (Hel!Reader with Loki and Sigyn)
Slumber in the Divine Boardroom (Gn!Reader x ror!Hades x Buddha x Loki x Poseidon)
Secret crushes and seashells (Ror poseidon x oc)
You remind me so much of him (ror buddha x fem!reader)
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luxthestrange · 1 year
RoR Incorrect quotes#165 Big Tall wife
Raiden & Y/n: We enjoy our tall wife✨
Thrud*Talking to her sisters*
Raiden & Y/n*Both of you go to her and demand "Uppies" hugging her in the process of lifting you both easily in her strong arms*WE ENJOY OUR VERY BIG WIFE!!!~*Both kissing each of her cheeks*SO MUCH✨✨!!!~
Raiden & Y/n*Both patting and caressing her hair as Thrud's face burst pink from the affection and kisses you give her*We love our big tall wife guys, We don't know what to tell you-
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Que bendicion...es thrud
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luxthestrange · 1 year
RoR Incorrect quotes#122 Flowers
Shiva's Wives: You know, Raiden & Thrud give Y/n flowers every day, I wish you'd do that too again
Shiva: Okay
Later, the same day
Shiva*gives Y/n flowers*
Y/n: ???
Shiva's Wives: ???
Shiva: I don't know, I'm confused as well...
Thrud: Do that again and I will end you.*Feeling jealous and grabs You and Raiden over her shoulders glaring at Shiva*
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luxthestrange · 2 years
RoR Memes #4
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It's all of our dreams...DONT LIE-
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Adam and even with a gaint shy daughter.
Like she's very curves well endowed and gorgeous...but she's very shy anxious and suffers from self image issues.
Maybe she'll meet a friend?
-You were a little hesitant, coming to a party with Adam and Eve, who were encouraging you to be a bit more social, even just a bit.
-It was hard for you, as you were so much larger than most others your size, except for Raiden and Thrud, who were good friends of yours.
-You were a stunning beauty, with curves in all the right places, but due to you being so much taller, you always had self esteem issues, as you felt like everyone was always staring at you due to your size.
-That’s why you rarely went out because you hated being stared at.
-Eve and Adam were understanding, but they also knew it was bad for you to constantly keep yourself cooped up inside, which is why they were encouraging you to come to this party with them, as it was just a party where the fighters of Ragnarok were all meeting to eat and have fun with loved ones.
-You always smiled when Adam and Eve would call you their daughter, as you were their adopted daughter, but they never made you feel like the freak you felt like you were, and they swore to you that you would be safe at the party.
-Once there, Thrud came over, greeting you warmly as you looked down, a bit shy now, as several sets of eyes went to you, many were curious about you, wanting to know who you were, as you were absolutely stunning!
-You kept to yourself during the party, enjoying the food and talking to a few people that you knew, but when Hercules approached you, he could tell you were a little nervous.
-However, he was so sweet to you! He was so respectful, minding your personal space, and asked you about the food you were eating, just making small talk.
-He wasn’t looking at you like you were a freak, probably because he was so tall as well, but you did appreciate it as you slowly relaxed, talking to him about the different desserts.
-Adam couldn’t help but smile over at the two of you, seeing you and Hercules talking quietly together, glad that you managed to make a new friend and were more comfortable now.
-You could do it, with their love and support. He knew you could do it. You were his daughter after all.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Child!reader tugging RoR characters, asking to be pick up and telling them their hungry? My nephew does this all the time and I can't resist feeding him his favorite food
What a cute concept~
-Brunnhilde patted your head gently after giving you a juice box, smiling as your eyes lit up before you grinned up at her, “Snack?” she chuckled, ruffling your hair, making you squeal, “Not right now Y/N. Dinner will be soon so you can’t have any snacks until after dinner.” You nodded and sat down, enjoying your juice as she headed out to meet with some others to go over some paperwork. The door on the opposite side of the room opened, revealing one of your favorite people in the whole world!
-Odin- You immediately stand, leaving your empty juice box behind, “Papa Odin!” a rare smile appears on his face as you toddle over, immediately holding your arms up, “Up! Up!” he instantly had you in his arms, letting you hug him as far as your little arms would go before he looked around, finding you alone in the room before his attention was brought back to you, “Papa Odin, snack?” he chuckled warmly, knowing Brunnhilde had told you no, but seeing your pleading eyes, he couldn’t resist as he took you out of the room and to the kitchen, “Just one. Don’t want Brunnhilde to get mad at me.” you thanked him, tearing into your favorite snack while he smiled down at you with a fondness in his eyes.
-Buddha- His eyes go bright and smiles as he sees you as you quickly run over to him, hugging his legs, “Buddy!” he laughed warmly, picking you up, tossing you into the air once, your delighted squeals filling the air before he grinned, almost mischievously, “Wanna get some snacks?” the stars in your eyes were near blinding as he holds you close, tip toeing out of the room to avoid Brunnhilde catching the two of you and once out of the room, he made a mad dash, listening to your delighted squeals. Brunnhilde found the two of you in the kitchen a half hour later, snack wrappers surrounding the both of you as she folded her arms, a disapproving glare aimed at Buddha as she knows that he is an enabler when it comes to snacks. He just gave a weak grin, trying to act cute while you looked up at her, chocolate all around your mouth, looking like a chipmunk with your cheeks stuffed full.
-Thrud- Your tiny arms instantly were wrapped as far as they would go around Thrud’s calf, “Sissy!!” she smiled, kneeling and pulling you into her arms, “Hello there, Y/N! What are you up to?” you beamed brightly, “Hugs and snacks!” she couldn’t help but smile, giving you the hugs you wanted, before her smile weakened, knowing dinner was soon, “You know Brunnhilde doesn’t want you ruining your appetite for dinner. What if we have a fancy snack after dinner?” your eyes were sparkling as if they were made of diamonds, “Fancy snack?” she nodded, holding you up as she walked out of the room, heading to the dining room for dinner, “Yeah, we can make something super fancy for you! With extra whipped cream!” your hands reach for the sky as you cheer for whipped cream, making her laugh.
-Zeus- Your eyes sparkly, “Grampy Zeus!” he beams brightly as you run for each other, “Y/N!” his hands easily meet your waist and pulls you up into a hug, spinning around which makes you squeal with delight as your arms go around his neck. Zeus looked around, frowning as he saw no snacks, “Did Brunnhilde not give you any snacks?” you shook your head, “Sissy said no snacks until after dinner.” He frowned, putting his hands on his hip before he spoke, “Well that just won’t do! I’ll give you some snacks! Brunnhilde can’t tell me what to do!” a shadow loomed from behind him as Brunnhilde spoke, her hands on her hips, “You sure about that?” Zeus screamed, tossing you into the air in fear but you squealed in delight, finding it fun before Brunnhilde caught you, holding you on her hip, “She needs to have a proper meal before any more snacks!” Zeus pouted, folded his arms across his chest, “You’re no fun!” she glared at him and he squeaked in fear, afraid of her glare before the three of you headed down to the dining room together.
-Ares- He melts, seeing you running over to him, a smile on your face as he instantly sweeps you up, twirling you around as you giggle, “Ares-Ares, want snacks?” he melted again, cooing gently, “Snacks? Of course, if you want snacks, you’ll get snacks!” you cheer and he takes you to the kitchen and showers you with snacks, smiling brightly at your smiling face. A hand on his shoulder pulled him from his bliss and he turned, instantly freezing, seeing a very angry Brunnhilde there, “What do you think you’re doing, giving her that many snacks! She’s not going to eat her dinner now!” he found himself on his knees, getting scolded while you continued to eat snacks, as your appetite was ruined now, there was no point in stopping you now, but Ares was saddled with babysitting you once the sugar rush hit you and he had to chase you around the Norse pantheon for what felt like hours until you finally crashed.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello! So I have a another request if that’s okay, so how about shiva’s daughter dating Raiden and Thrud’s son. How would shiva(and his family) and Raiden would react to this
(I feel like shiva would try to kill Raiden’s son because shiva would be a overprotective dad)
-You were nervous, giving your giant, to you, boyfriend’s hand a small squeeze which he felt, smiling down at you, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, “Don’t be scared, Y/N.”
-You swallowed softly but gave him a firm nod, today was the day you were introducing your boyfriend to your parents, Shiva and Kali.
-You knew your mother, any of your mothers, because you and Ganesha shared all three of his wives as mothers, were going to be okay with him, but your papa on the other hand…
-Let’s say you had every right to be nervous, as he had been violently against you dating anyone, threatening to throw hands with anyone who dared to look in your direction.
-You knew B/N could handle himself, being the son of Raiden, your papa’s greatest rival, but also Thrud, biggest and strongest of the Valkyries, and just like his parents, he inherited their massive height, standing just shy of seven feet tall, and completely jacked, as he loved working out and training with his parents.
-He gave your hand a squeeze and you inhaled deeply before opening the door, “I’m home papa, mamas!” several voices called out and your mother came out first, “Welcome home- oh! Hello B/N, how nice of you to visit!”
-It was not the first time B/N was meeting your mother, but it was the first time meeting your co-mothers and your father, and if he was nervous, he wasn’t showing it.
-Durga and Parvati came out and were surprised to see this towering young man but were quick to approach, greeting him warmly.
-Shiva heard all the chatter, including an unknown male’s voice and walked out, seeing you holding his hand and instantly he glared, “What’s this?”
-Kali sent him a small glare, disapproving of his tone, “This is B/N, Y/N’s boyfriend.” Instantly he had you in his arms, “NOPE! I told you no dating until after you’re married!!”
-B/N thought it was a bit funny, seeing the three wives wrestling you out of Shiva’s arms, as you all had a feeling he was going to react in such a way.
-Once you were free and safely behind the three mothers, Shiva turned to B/N, a glare in his eyes, but B/N did his best, “It’s nice to meet you, Lord Shiva. My dad speaks very highly of you!”
-Shiva’s eyes narrowed, slowly realizing that B/N looked rather familiar, “Who are your parents?”
-B/N grinned warmly, “Thrud and Raid-” instantly your father was trying, in vain, to shove him out the front door, “NOT HAPPENING!!!”
-Cue round two of your mothers fighting against Shiva while you joined them, telling him not to kick your boyfriend out of the house.
-B/N was doing his best to be respectful, trying to plead his case, but luck was on his side, “Oi Shiva, what are you doing to my boy?!”
-The situation went south as Raiden showed up, wanting to drink with Shiva, not realizing that you were introducing him to your parents.
-Shiva glared darkly, “That boy of yours claims to be dating my little princess!”
-The two men locked up, glaring at each other, trying to show each other up, having a bit of fun, something Durga was able to see, that it wasn’t a serious fight, “Your little princess has handed my boy’s ass to him multiple times! She can handle herself! They look cute together!!”
-A cloud of dust surrounded the two as they got into a brawl, having fun but arguing at the same time. Durga looked up at B/N, “Has she really beaten you?”
-You beamed brightly as he chuckled, “She has, I had made mention about wanting a challenge and she stepped up and proceeded to wipe the floor with me.”
-Kali and Parvati patted your hair, praising you before Kali spoke, patting the each of you on the back, “You two get out of here, Shiva will warm up eventually to you, B/N.” he wasn’t worried b but agreed and you too headed out, sneaking away to go on a date together.
-He grinned down at you, “Well that could have gone better.” You smiled up at him, hugging his arm to you, “He’ll get over it and get used to you. He might challenge you to a fight thought.”
-He chuckled warmly, “If he’s anything like you then, I know it will be a fun fight!”
-Laughter filled the air before discussing where to go for lunch.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Raiden and Thrud as naked human god killer cat decided to be with the two in their warmth and to feel comfortable without clothes, nothing sexual just three of them just relaxing together
-You had never known things like pleasure, as you couldn’t reproduce, or even simulate it, as you had no reason to.
-Your human form, while it looked feminine in features with breasts, you had no nipples, and your lower half looked similar to a Barbie doll, after you learned to take a complete human form, just with black hands and feet, similar in color of the void that you are.
-However, you found other things that brought you joy, whipped cream and scaring others when you were a cat by talking were near the very top, but cuddling has quickly made it’s way to the top of your favorite things.
-You only cuddled with certain people, usually in your cat form, as you liked being brushed or laying on someone’s chest, but in your human form, you only like to cuddle with Raiden and Thrud.
-They are very lovey-dovey with each other, completely in love and both are very comfortable with each other, when you saw them bathing together in a hot spring, you joined them, enticed by the warmth, as all you’ve known for most of your life is the coldness of the void you are.
-Thrud welcomed you warmly and even helped you by washing your hair, it was an odd sensation, but you didn’t hate it and Raiden was the one who helped you pin your hair up so you could soak more easily.
-You looked over at Thrud who smiled, and you spoke, “I saw you hugging each other for a long time earlier and you were both smiling, what were you doing?”
-Thrud wasn’t at all bothered, “We were cuddling, think of it as a long hug, would you like to try, Y/N?” you nodded and she lifted you easily into her lap and wrapped her arms around you, hugging you close.
-The feeling was soft and warm, you liked it, “This is what I do when I’m in my feline form, right?” Raiden nodded, coming over and you crawled into his lap, trying him instead, finding him just as warm, “I see, this is quite enjoyable. I see why you were doing it.”
-They nodded in agreement and Raiden grinned, “You’re welcome to join us if you want to, you’re nice to cuddle with.” He meant it in a non-sexual way and all three of you knew this, as they knew you were interested in anything like that, even if you were able to do so.
-The yukata Raiden provided you once you all got out was quite enjoyable, it was light and breathable and wasn’t at all restricting, you were quite adorable running around in it, acting like a child.
-Thrud leaned her head down to rest on top of Raiden’s and he grinned leaning back into her embrace, the two of them feeling so at peace.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I have a angst RoR request if you're up for it! So since Thrúd is also the daughter of Thor and Sif in some variations in Norse mythology, can I request a Thor x Siff reader where both of them are watching Shiva and Raiden's match in Thor's waiting room. Just like in canon, Raiden looses the match which means not only him but Thrúd also goes to Nifhel. Thor and reader then have to watch their daughter be wiped out of existence. Reader is in tears and watching the screen in front of her while Thor is silent but reader knows that he's both devastated and angry about losing his precious daughter.
So yeah, sorry my request is so depressing😢
-When you found out that your daughter had found the man whom captured her heart, you were overjoyed. Raiden seemed a little rough around the edges, but you could tell he had a good heart.
-Just like your husband, Thor, whom was a little less than pleased, not wanting his daughter to love anyone, not wanting to lose her to another man.
-Thrud was definitely a daddy’s girl growing up, even after she surpassed him in height and bulk, and Thor adored her to pieces, he had been wrapped around her finger since the day she was born.
-Unlike Thor’s own match against Lu Bu, whom you could tell left a lasting impression on your husband, as he had finally found someone to challenge him, a friend is how Thor explained the human to you afterwards, Raiden and Shiva’s match was much more involved, more intense.
-Thor was interested in Raiden, who was willing to do anything to win, even at the expense of his own body, pushing it beyond its limits and even more.
-You froze, your eyes widening as Shiva beat Raiden, but beforehand Raiden told Thrud to separate from him, so she isn’t destroyed as well.
-You could see your daughter hugging Raiden from behind, not willing to part from him and your hands came to your mouth, watching your baby disappear.
-Thor was silent, stunned stiff, seeing his daughter vanish, just like Lu Bu.
-While he shed no tears, Thor’s heart ached, the pain inside him was unlike anything he had ever felt before, hugging you close as you sobbed into his chest.
-His grip was tight, almost to the point of bruising, you could feel the trembling in his fingertips, telling you that he was upset, grieving over your lost child.
-You both knew the risk in this tournament, you knew that the Valkyries, Thrud included, also knew the risk they were taking in this battle of souls, and despite giving everything, they still lost.
-You would give anything to hold your daughter one last time, and you knew that Thor felt the same way, even if he said nothing, as you knew how much he loved her.
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
RoR x Reader Incorrect Quotes But It's Tik Tok Audios (Pt.2):
(Y/n), upon seeing Thor: Is this say yes to the dress OR SAY YES TO THE SLUT!? IS THIS SAY YES TO THE SLUT-
Brunhilde: (Y/n), you have to stop trying to interfere in the battles and help the humans!
Gen Z! Valkyrie! (Y/n): Miss me with that gay shit!
Buddha, when Yandere! Loki casually makes (Y/n) fall for him in that one-shot I wrote: Damn...Someone took my bitch.
Göll, with Hercules: I just wanted to say, I got you a boyfriend.
Human Champion! Male! (Y/n), whose fighting inner gay demons: I don't want a boyfriend- I'M NOT GAY.
Göll: Yes you are.
Diety! (Y/n) who has a crush on Thrud but sees her bonded with Raiden: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! KILL 'IM NOW!
(Y/n), as Sasaki is hanging off of a cliff: SASAKI, YOU'RE TOO HEAVY.
(Y/n): *loosens their grip*
(Y/n), after the Ares hangs Jack by his cape on a super tall building: STOP PUTTING HIM UP THERE! ONE OF THESE DAYS HE'S JUST GONNA SAY: "FUCK IT" AND COME ON DOWN AND BUST HIS HEAD OPEN!
Ares: GOOD!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
RoR x Demon Slayer Crossover Masterlist
Zenitsu Reader
Zenitsu Reader Part 2
Shinobu Reader
Nezuko Reader
Tamayo Reader
Rengoku Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Tanjiro Reader Part 2: Coward
Tanjiro Reader Part 3
Tanjiro Reader Part 4
Tanjiro Reader Part 5- Final Battle
Tanjiro Reader Part 6- A Wedding!
Tanjiro Reader Part 7- A Family
Mitsuri Reader
Mitsuri Reader Part 2
Tanjiro Reader (Hades/Hercules x reader)
Shinobu Reader: Wisteria Poison
Shinobu Reader: Wisteria Poison Alternate
Reincarnated Mitsuri
Shinobu Reader: Hidden Blades
Tanjiro Reader x Platonic Yandere Family Figures
Tanjiro Reader x Raiden HCs
Chen Gong x Mitsuri Reader
Gyomei Reader
F Tengen Reader
Hantengu Reader
Muichiro Reader x Ares
Daki Reader
Haganezuka Reader
Haganezuka Reader part 2
Gyomei Reader
Protective Headbutts (Ares x Tanjiro Reader)
Kanao Reader
Demon Slayer Sasaki Kojiro
Demon Slayer Sasaki Kojiro- Forest Breathing
Ubuyashiki Kagaya Reader
Fem Giyuu Reader
Inosuke Reader
To be a Demon Slayer
Akaza Reader
Female Ubuyashiki Reader
Buddha x Tanjiro Reader
Obanai Reader
Nezuko X RoR- Sunrise
Papa Hercules and Daughter Mitsuri
Papa Hercules and Daughter Mitsuri Part 2
Lion Hearted Proposals
Muichiro Reader- Wandering Off
Teenage Tengen Reader
Genya Reader
Kokushibo Reader
Fem Giyuu Reader
Leonidas x Mitsuri Reader
Hades and Persephone x Mitsuri Daughter Reader
Kanao Reader x RoR
Yoriichi Reader x RoR
Sanemi Reader 
Sanemi Reader Part 2
Thor’s Darling Daughter! (Mitsuri Reader)
Yushiro Reader
Doma Reader
Doma Reader Part 2
Kanae Reader
Raiden and Thrud’s Daughter
Rui Reader
Fem Giyuu Reader x Raiden- First Meetings
Mitsuri Love Goddess Reader
Fem Tengen Reader- Muscle Mice
Teen Mitsuri Reader
Muichiro Reader- Bluntness
Muichiro Reader- Wandering
Teen Obanai Reader
Susanoo x Fem Yoriichi Reader
RoR x Teen Giyuu Reader
Obanai Reader- Past Tales
Thor x Mitsuri Daughter Reader- 1st Meetings
Gyomei Reader- Tales of the Past
Teen Mitsuri Reader- Comfort
Muichiro Reader- Past Trauma
Yoriichi Reader- Past
Inosuke Reader HCs
Giyuu Reader- Past
Rengoku Reader- Little Guest
Tanjiro Reader- A Little Birdy Told Me
Nezuko Reader- Copy Cat
Tanjiro Reader- Training
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