#roranicus the centurion
i-looove-dillydallying · 11 months
11th doctor era spoiler alert!!!
I think an interesting part of Amy and Rory’s dynamic is that she consistently chooses to die for him whereas he chooses to live for her
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Dream Show Challenge 2023
New Beginnings
Karen Gillan - Melody, married to Ripley. An astute and brilliant promoter, she flits about in the episodes, helping to promote her husband's production.
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Keith Szarabajka - Peter Turner, recently retired from the top ad agency in New York City, a bit of a mentor to Melody. His passion is his writing and he's had a few modest successes on off, off, off, off, off Broadway. Now he's written what he hopes is a winner and his play is being mounted on Broadway. Will he make it to the big time?
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Adrian Pasdar - Nate Turner, younger brother of Peter. He's always been a believer in his older brother and he and his wife Cherie have lined up a group of backers so Peter's dream can come true.
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John Kapelos - George Fitzgerald, began working at the ad agency at the same time as Peter and they became fast friends. He worked his way up and now runs said agency.
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Aldis Hodge - Thaddeus Norman Turner, known as T.N.T. Son of Peter and Catherine ("C.T.") Turner, he's returned to NYC, lured in by Ripley and Roranicus to be the main face of their videos, interviewing people and showing off everything interesting in the city. He's just moved into a condo in the same building as his parents.
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Kari Matchett - Cherie Turner, married to Nate Turner. she was born into wealth and met Nate at university. She likes discovering new and exciting things and bringing them to the attention of the masses, trying to bring some joy to their lives.
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Michelle Hurd - Catherine Turner, known as "C.T.", she met Peter at university and they became inseparable soon after. She's highly in demand as a director of on and off Broadway shows and talked her husband into hiring her to direct his play.
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Also starring
Arthur Darvill - Ripley and Roranicus, creators of Centurion Productions, they have a vision and know T.N.T. is the man to bring it to the people.
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Amy-Louise Pemberton - Gia, wife of Roranicus, she's an entertainment lawyer and is quite helpful when any entertainment situation arises, helps the twins whenever she can.
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Episode 1:
You Can’t Go Home Again
T.N.T. has just moved into his new place and has a stream of visitors, demanding his attention. As T.N.T. unpacks and settles in, Ripley and Roranicus Miller go over his itinerary for the week, what their entertainment highlights for each day will be, subject to change. A gala at a museum one night, a concert in Central Park the next, Richard III performed off Broadway the third night, really selling diverse activities for tourists.
Melody drops by talk about the publicity blitz currently streaming and talking up their project, about to debut. After a while, she lures Ripley away. Gia arrives to go over the final version of their contracts, having caught Ripley on his way out. She leaves with her husband, Roranicus.
Just as he’s about to relax, T.N.T.’s parents arrive, carrying his favourite food to welcome to their building
Episode 2
Sunday at the Museum with T.N.T.
As T.N.T. covers the gala at the museum, designed to raise money to help pay for renovations and interviews the movers and shakers of New York City who are attending, Ripley and Roranicus alert him of changes, an interviewee running late, last minute changes of what needs to be emphasized, his father attends his retirement party at the ad agency where he’s been working since shortly after graduating university. Flashback to last year student Peter meeting first year student Catherine, quickly becoming inseparable. Brother Nate and best friend and now former boss George Fitzgerald.
High jinks ensue as T.N.T. has to roll with small mishaps and keep everything rolling along and entertaining. Gia and Melody hang out behind the scenes with their husbands, helping to keep the show going.
As Peter gets ready for bed, he pulls out his script to read again.
Episode 3
Peter’s play is rehearsed as we flashback to a younger Peter working at the ad agency and hustling at night to finish his first play and sell it, to be performed off, off, off, off, off-Broadway. His brother, Nate, has a little influence and brings the play to the attention to the men who can say yes. C.T. brings the play to life with her direction.
In the present, Cherie is looking after one of their backers, who’s having doubts that the play will be successful. T.N.T. and the twins filmed in Central Park and learn to deal with streaming live in an uncontrollable space.
Backer doubtful about the success of the play portrayed by Timothy Hutton:
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Episode 4
My Kingdom For A Horse
T.N.T. conducts short interviews with Roranicus and Ripley, who’d staged a shortened performance of Richard III at Glastonbury and short Q&A with the cast as available.
Flashbacks of C.T. directing the cast of her husband’s play and Peter worrying over the production, making a few changes on the fly.
Episode 5
Flashbacks to the Roranicus and Ripley meeting T.N.T. and how they convinced him to become their front man, and how Peter and C.T. met and fell in love, with Peter putting his dream of becoming a successful playwright on hold as he meets George and they join the ad agency as a team.
Episode 6
Opening Night
The big night has arrived, and Peter Turner’s play is opening on Broadway. C.T. has prepared the cast as well as she can and the two wait in nervous anticipation for the play to begin.
T.N.T. is covering the opening the opening for Centurion Productions. Melody arrives with Patrick Miller, who has flown over from London specifically to see this play and the coverage provided by Centurion Productions. He strides over to the twins and greets them warmly, calling them Bartholomew and Matthew. Roranicus and Ripley want the floor to open up and the earth to bury them as everyone looks at them, shocked. Patrick continues, surprised they’re still using those ridiculous names from their favourite comic book as kids, “The Traveller and the Centurion” and for goodness’ sake, if anyone had had a modicum of sense, the Centurion would have been named Roranicus, not Ripley and how could they still like that dreadful tripe after all this time.
The digital camera starts rolling and T.N.T. is ON, interviewing his parents as if they were strangers, as the biggest backer (Timothy Hutton) of the play settles in with Cherie, Nate and George.
(The play is an instant hit, and Peter and C.T. become the toast of Broadway as T.N.T.’s viewing numbers continue to soar.)
Special guest star Michael Maloney as Patrick Miller, father of the twins.
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Companion Titles (SPOILERS)
Lillie Tyler — The Girl Who Was Reborn; The Girl Who Was Chosen; The Girl Death Couldn't Break; The Girl Who Cheated Death; Female Sherlock Holmes; The One Who Was Chosen
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Supernova “Nova” Holmes Tyler — The Girl Who Was Reborn; The Girl Who Was Chosen; The Girl Death Couldn't Break; The Girl Who Cheated Death; The Tomboy Princess; The Princess Who Yearned Freedom; Female Sherlock Holmes; The Broken Princess; The First Woman Who Could Make Daleks Beg For Mercy; The Only Person To Make Cybermen Feel Fear; The Destroyer of Daleks; The Dying Star Princess, The Dying Star; The Forever Dying Star, The Heart of Elder, The One Who Was Chosen, The Dying Star Princess of Elder; The Forevermore Queen; The Forevermore Princess; The Dark Star Princess; The Cold Star; The Protector of the Multiverse; The Defender of the Multiverse; The Protector of the Universe; The Defender of the Universe
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Rose Tyler — Defender of Earth; Bad Wolf; Dame Rose of the Powell Estate; The Girl Who Loved; The Most Ordinary Girl; The Only Person in the Universe Who To Show a Dalek Mercy
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Mickey Smith — The Boy Who Grew Up; Ricky the Idiot; Mickey the Idiot
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Captain Jack Harkness — The Immortal Man; The Man Who Couldn't Die; The Man Who Can Never Die; The Impossible Man; The Face of Boe; The Man Who Was Abandoned;  The Man Who Waited; The Man Who Protected Her
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Martha Jones — The Girl Who Walked the Earth; The Girl Who Left; The Girl Who Chose to Leave
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Donna Noble — The Most Important Woman in the Universe; Most Important Woman in the Whole Of Creation; The Most Important Woman in the Whole Wide Universe; Doctor!Donna; The Girl Who Forgot; The Runaway Bride
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River Song — The Woman Who Knew His Name; The Doctor's Wife; The Second Woman Who Could Make a Dalek Beg For Mercy
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Amelia "Amy" Pond — The Girl Who Waited; The Legs; Amy Williams
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Rory Arthur Williams — The Boy Who Waited Two Thousand Years; The Boy Who Waited; The Lone Centurion; The Last Centurion; The Constant Warrior; Sir Gawain; Rory Pond; Roranicus; The Nose; Roricus Pondicus
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Clara Oswin Oswald — The Impossible Girl; The Doctor's Impossible Girl; Nova's Impossible Girl; The Doctor's Clara; Nova's Clara; The Doctor's Second Love; The Only Mystery Worth Solving; The Girl Who Was Born to Save the Doctor and Princess Supernova; Souffle Girl; The Girl Twice Dead; The Girl Who Died Twice
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Minor Companions (Were never official companions):
Reinette Poisson — The Original Girl Who Waited
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Wilfred Mott — The Soldier Who Never Killed; The Man Who Remembered; The Man Who Knocked; The Man Who Will Always Be Remembered
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umm so anyways,,, i have a lot of feelings about rory. mr roranicus pondicus himself. he’s just an all around solid guy and i would give my soul for him in a heartbeat. the whole concept of the lone centurion is so beautiful. honestly, thinking about it makes me want to cry. i’m having a lot of trouble really putting into words all my feelings about this. he’s so sweet and he’s always there for amy. i just,, can’t explain it. yeah, rory, you’re 10/10
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singledarkshade · 3 years
Magical Mix Up
Chapter Ten
(Chapter Nine can be found here)
“Rory,” the Doctor said the moment they were in the TARDIS and the door was closed, “How close to the surface is the Centurion right now?”
The darkness in Rory’s eyes answered his question before Rory stated coldly, “Very.”
Amy frowned, “What does that mean?”
“It means your husband is hanging on to his sanity by a thread,” the Doctor replied, “Honestly, how did you keep everything in check with all those memories running through your head?”
Taking slow deep breaths, Rory shrugged, “I had to.”
The Doctor shook his head with a proud smile, “Roranicus Pondicus, you truly are like no one else I have ever known.”
“Not sure that’s a compliment or not,” Rory murmured. Sitting and dropping his head into his hands, rubbing his temples against the building migraine he’d kept at bay for the past few hours. Now he was able to relax, Rory was losing control.
Amy crouched at his side, “Doctor?”
“I need you to hold onto Rory,” the Doctor told her, “Just give him a connection to who he is while I get what I need to help him rebuild and fortify the walls around the memories.”
She nodded and rested a hand on Rory’s cheek making him look up at her.
“Hey stupid,” she told him archly, “Don’t you dare leave me. Not after everything I did to find you.”
Rory smiled slightly, “I wouldn’t dare.”
“I love you,” Amy murmured, sliding her hand into his, “All you have to do is hold on to me.”
“Always have,” Rory whispered, “Ever since we were kids.”
Amy kissed him, pulling her husband close to her and held tightly.
“Alright you two,” the Doctor’s voice made them break apart, “I said give him a connection not,” he grimaced with mock distaste, “Kissing.”
Chuckling, Amy deliberately kissed Rory again before looking up innocently at her best friend.
The Doctor rolled his eyes before placing a small metal circlet on Rory’s head, “Remember how we did this the first time?”
Rory nodded.
“The TARDIS will help strengthen the walls,” the Doctor reminded him, explaining for Amy’s benefit, “But you have to build them first. Ready?”
Rory nodded, his hand holding Amy’s while the Doctor took his other hand.
“Okay,” the Doctor said, “Start with the first brick. Use your mantra.”
Taking a slow deep breath, Rory started, “Amy, Melody, Home.”
 Gideon stood facing Rip once they were alone on the bridge.
“I have to admit,” Rip spoke up finally, “I did not expect to find you like this when I finally made it back.”
Laughing softly Gideon admitted, “Neither did I. Mr Constantine was trying to perform a protection spell on an item from Thermiscrya. I warned against performing it within the confines of the Waverider, but Miss Lance wanted it done as quickly as possible. And…” she spread out her arms, “Here I am.”
“You look…” he walked towards her and gently rested his hand on her cheek, “You’re beautiful.”
A soft blush covered Gideon’s cheeks, “Do you think so?”
Gently stroking her hair back, Rip nodded, “I’ve always thought so.”
Gideon stepped into him, wrapping her arms around his waist hugging him tightly, “I thought you were never coming back to me. I felt so empty without you.”
“It’s okay,” Rip soothed, holding her close, “I promise from now on, I’m here for as long as you want me,” pushing her back so he could look in her eyes, he added, “I promise.”
A bright smile touched Gideon’s lips, with tear-filled eyes she told him, “Always, Captain.”
“I’m not your Captain anymore, Gideon,” Rip reminded her, “The Waverider is yours. Always has been. The two of you are connected.”
“You’ll always be our Captain,” Gideon whispered, as the lights dimmed for a moment, “We agree on that.”
Rip dropped his head, “I don’t deserve you. Either of you.”
“We can discuss how you make it up to us later,” Gideon told him, “After we clear up everything with the others.”
Annoyed at the thought of having yet another confrontation, Rip sighed, “That’s going to be fun. I take it Sara was not happy when you took control.”
Gideon nodded, “I had to take some steps to convince her that she had no choice in the matter.”
“Before we get into any more discussions with the Legends, I want to say a proper goodbye to Rory, Amy and the Doctor. I also need to change first,” Rip noted.
“I don’t know, Captain,” Gideon said mischievously, “I like you in this uniform. Very dashing.”
Rolling his eyes, Rip started off the bridge with Gideon at his side making comments about how much she liked the Roman look.
 Sara, Jax and Zari finished their check-ups in the medical bay, headed to change then to the kitchen. John was already sitting there, a mug of coffee on one side, a full glass of whiskey on the other and a large slice of apple pie in front of him.
“So, what happens now?” Zari asked.
Jax shrugged, “Rip’s back and Gideon has decided that she’s in charge.”
“Nothing is going to change,” Sara told them, “Rip walked away from the Waverider and left Gideon with us. He left the ship inactive to be used for training and turned her off,” she shrugged, “He’s alive. It’s great but nothing changes. I’m still the Captain, we’re still a team and once Gideon gets used to her new circumstances, she’ll know it’s best to continue as we are. Rip can visit whenever he wants.”
John began to chuckle.
“What? Jax demanded.
John took a drink of coffee before taking a drink of whiskey, “You didn’t see their reunion.”
The other three looked at one another confused, before Zari asked, “What does that mean?”
Shaking his head John took a bite of his pie, “You’ll see but, I’d be ready to be disappointed, Sara.”
Zari and Jax both grabbed some coffee as well as a slice of the pie John was eating. Sara frowned as she took a seat, not bothering with food or drink waiting for everyone else to arrive.
 Rory breathed easily now that he felt the wall rebuilt around the Centurion’s memories.
“What does it feel like?” Amy asked softly while the Doctor put away the equipment, “The wall?”
Rory shrugged, “It’s hard to describe. It’s like I’ve got them put inside a box, but one side of the box is clear, like a thick glass wall. So, I can access them whenever I need to. Whatever John did earlier, opened the box letting them leak out but they’re secure inside once more.”
Amy hugged him tightly before pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “Go get changed and we’ll make our goodbyes to Rip and Gideon.”
Rory nodded, “I wanted to find a way to check if Rip and I are related somehow. It’s just,” he hesitated before finishing, “I don’t think he has any family. I know his wife and son were killed, that the people who raised did it and even though the people on the ship all claimed to be his friends,” Rory grimaced, “It’s not really the impression I got.”
“Well, they have a time machine,” Amy noted, “And so does the Doctor. I’m sure we can arrange a lunch or dinner together.”
Laughing softly Rory kissed her cheek and headed to change out his uniform, relieved to be able to put it away once more. Dressed once more as himself, Rory let out a sigh of relief. He was looking forward to getting home but first he wanted to say goodbye.
Rip and Gideon were both standing outside the TARDIS when they opened the doors, Rip had changed as well into dark jeans and a grey t-shirt.
“I thought you might want this back,” Amy said, as she carried a long coat out with her, “Although I might steal it for Rory.”
With an amused look, Rip took the coat from her and slid it on. It obviously meant a lot to him from the way he straightened slightly the moment he was wearing it.
“And to thank you,” Rory said softly.
Rip chuckled, “You were abducted, Amy and the Doctor saved me. I don’t see why you’re thanking us. We should be thanking you.”
“How about you both forget thanking each other and we just leave as friends,” Amy rolled her eyes.
“Before you leave,” Gideon spoke up, “I would like to check if there is any reason why you look so similar. It will only take a few seconds.”
“I’d like to see that too,” the Doctor spoke up.
Gideon smiled brightly, “Then follow me.”
 Rory and Rip fell into step with one another behind Amy and Gideon while the Doctor bounced around looking at the technology.
“Just to warn you,” Rory said softly, “There was one of the original people onboard who was a bit less pleased to see me…you…or whatever than the rest. Her exact words were ‘Even when you get your memories back. I will make sure you stay in this cell’.”
Rip frowned, “Did you get a name by any chance?”
“I heard Sara call her Ava,” Rory told him.
“Ahh,” Rip sighed, “Yes, there is possibly some animosity towards me on her side.”
“You don’t seem too worried,” Rory noted.
Rip shrugged, “Well, Gideon won’t leave me in a cell. Besides Ava doesn’t quite know everything she thinks she does.”
Rory chuckled, “I don’t think she appreciated my offer of a therapist’s number.”
Rip began to laugh making Gideon turn to him in surprise, he nodded to her things were fine and followed into the medical bay.
Gideon motioned the two men to take a couch each and as soon as they were settled, slid the medical cuff on Rory while Rip put his own on.
“This should only take a few moments,” Gideon assured them.
The Doctor stood by Gideon’s side, his glasses on as he studied the screen. A blue light covered the two men, disappearing quickly as the scan ended.
“Hmm,” the Doctor said.
“Fascinating,” Gideon noted.
“What?” the other three demanded.
The Doctor motioned to Gideon, “This is your ship, Gideon.”
Nodding to him Gideon turned to Rip and Rory, “You’re not related.”
“We’re not?” Rip asked, slight disappointment in his voice.
Gideon rested her hand on his arm, “I’m afraid not, Captain. It appears that the fact you resemble one another is just a coincidence.”
“So, we’re not technically related,” Rory spoke up, resting his hand on Rip’s shoulder, “The Doctor is family and he’s not related to us by blood. Families are made in many ways.”
Rip stared at him, confused and stunned.
“You can decide if you want to keep in touch or not,” Rory continued, understanding the other man’s silence.
Gideon slid her arm through Rip’s and smiled, “We shall keep in touch. I would like to get to know you both much more.”
“Okay,” Amy pulled out her phone, “Then you need our numbers.”
Gideon took the phone and quickly downloaded the information they needed before leading them back to the bridge.
 “A pleasure to meet you both,” the Doctor said as he opened the doors to the TARDIS, “Rip, no more touching time cores. I don’t want to have to find you again.”
Rip nodded, “Trust me, I intend never to do that again. Although I might get to look at the TARDIS technology next time.”
The Doctor chuckled before heading inside, leaving Amy and Rory to make their goodbyes. Amy reached out and hugged Rip tightly.
“You kept your promise,” she whispered, “Thank you.”
Rip smiled, and simply hugged her back. Amy pulled back and gave Gideon a quick hug too.
“Thank you for bringing him back to me,” Gideon whispered to Amy.
Amy hugged her tighter, “Anytime you need to talk, just call me.”
Smiling as they parted Gideon breathed, “I will take you up on that offer.”
“Good,” Amy grinned, she patted Rory’s shoulder before heading into the TARDIS.
Rory offered his hand to Rip, who took it and smiled as they shook hands.
“It’s been a pleasure to meet you,” Rip told Rory, “I’m sorry again about the team and your treatment here on the ship by them.”
Rory smiled, “You can buy me a drink when you visit.”
“As long as you tell me the story of how you know all you do about being a Roman Centurion,” Rip replied.
Rory hesitated for a moment before replying, “Deal.”
Giving Gideon a quick hug, Rory entered the TARDIS and closed the doors. Turning, Rory nodded to the Doctor who pulled the lever to take them home.
 Gideon felt Rip stiffen slightly as they stepped into the kitchen. John smirked at Rip before leaning back with a glass in his hand looking forward to the show.
“Alright,” Sara said, obviously not wanting to draw this out, “Where are our other guests?”
“They’ve left,” Rip said, “I apologised on behalf of you and the others for what you did to Rory.”
Sara frowned, folding her arms defiantly, “We thought he was you with changed memories again. We did what we thought was best to protect you.”
“No one asked you to,” Rip replied, “And if you had taken ten seconds to listen to him, maybe even check his DNA against the database then you would have known. Honestly, would a little bit of common sense have killed you?”
“I don’t need you to tell me what I’ve done wrong,” Sara snapped, “We’ve been doing this without you for a while, Rip. We don’t need your help.”
Rip nodded, “Of course not. You know everything about time travel. So, what’s a Time Lord?”
At the angry silence from Sara, Gideon stepped forward.
“The Waverider belongs to me,” she reminded the group, “There is still work to do and I am happy for the team to travel with me to continue protecting time. But I am in charge and Captain Hunter is my second.”
“Of course,” Sara laughed mirthlessly, “Meaning Rip is in charge.”
Gideon folded her arms as the lights dimmed, “No, it means I trust him to back me.”
“So,” Jax said, “We just go back to work, the way we used to?”
“More or less,” Gideon replied, “There will be changes but that can be discussed once everyone who decides to come with us is onboard.”
“What if we decide not to come with you?” Zari asked.
Gideon gave her a soft smile, “Then I will return you to your own time.” At the expressions she received to her pronouncement, Gideon added, “If you’re thinking about leaving and using the Time Couriers, you should be aware none of them will work without the Waverider.”
Silence filled the room, but it was Rip who broke it.
“While you’re all thinking over Gideon’s offer,” he said, “We should return to the rest of the team.”
Gideon nodded, and started out the kitchen, Rip at her side. Hearing the others come talking, their voices filled with anger and annoyance, she was relieved when Rip took her hand in his.
At the gesture, Gideon smiled at him.
No matter what, they had one another.
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The Last Centurion. Roranicus Pondicus. Rory the Roman. The Nose. Nina. Mr. Pond. The Boy Who Waited. Rory Williams.
Rory is the best companion, hands down. Also I'm super disappointed that Doctor Who was taken off Prime. Now I have to buy series 5 and 6.
#doctorwho #doctorwhoart #doctorwhofanart #rorywilliams #rorypond #theboywhowaited #arthurdarvill #artistsontumblr #copicmarkers #copic #prismacolor #artistsloftmarkers #vangogh #sunflowers #amyandrory #theponds #theeleventhdoctor #ink #fanart #thelastcenturion #rorytheroman #roranicuspondicus
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Moffat Era Rewatch: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
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The Pandorica opens and silence falls...
Warning: Spoilers Sweetie
This is another blistering opening sequence from Moffat that ties the whole season together beautifully.  
I really don’t know how anyone can hate River. 
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Hello there, Dorian.
That was very Temple of Doom of you, River. 
He can’t hide it. He bloody loves it when she does shit like this.
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“Invasion of the Hot Italians” I would not have marked Amy down for that title. 
I have the picture of the exploding TARDIS as a bookmark. 
That is so obviously not Matt, Karen and Alex riding those horses. They always fake the actors ridding horses. Does the BBC have some rule against actors doing actual horse riding unless they are trained equestrians?
I’m actually surprised it took Doctor Who this long to give us an explanation for Stonehenge. 
*Cybermen theme plays ominously*  
“There was a goblin, or a... trickster. Or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or... reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.” Hmm, who does that sound like? 
“I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.“
"Dalek fleet. Minimum twelve thousand battleships armed to the teeth. But we've got surprise on our side. They'll never expect three people to attack twelve thousand Dalek battleships. 'Cos we'd be killed instantly, so it would be a fairly short surprise.”
Who could that mysterious centurion in the shadows be? 
This is one of my favourite Amy Pond outfits. Love the matching scarf and gloves. 
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You can erase Rory from existence but you cannot erase Amy’s love for him. It is indomitable!!!
“Look at me, I’m a target!” Another foolproof plan from the Oncoming Storm. 
Amy Pond verse Cyberhead. My money is on the Scot. 
Battered Cybermen are better and creepier than shinny new ones. 
Welcome back Rory!!!
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“I'm missing something obvious, Rory! Something big, something right slap in front of me, I can feel it.” "Yeah, I think you probably are.“ Matt and Arthur had such great comic timing and the show didn’t take advantage of it as much as it should’ve. 
“Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica takes the Universe! But, bad news everyone, 'cause guess who! Ha! Except, you lot, you're all whizzing about, it's really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because I AM TALKING!” This is one of Eleven’s most iconic moments, but since this is all a trap, are all the aliens laughing at him in their ships while he makes this speech?
“The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and... ridiculous and sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles, and... that's a theory. Nine hundred years, never seen one yet, but this would do me.“ 
The Doctor remains the biggest Amy/Rory shipper in this universe or any other. 
“Silence will fall” We still don’t know who that voice belonged to. Six seasons later and we are still none the wiser. Was it meant to be the Silence? Did Moffat idea of who or what they were change between this season and the next? I need answers!!!!
“Whats it short for Roranicus?”
“Silence will fall” Seriously, who is saying that? 
The Romans being Autons was such a great twist. 
“Rory Williams. From Leadworth. My boyfriend” *shipper joy* 
And here comes the Legion of Doom to ruin everything. 
He’ll fight it, he’ll fight the programming, there’s no way Rory would- Oh. 
This piece of music (’The Life and Death of Amy Pond’) is one of Murray Gold’s best. 
“I’m sorry, my love.” 
The Doctor is locked in the Pandorica. River is trapped in the exploding TARDIS. Rory killed Amy. And the entire universe just ended. This is the ultimate Doctor Who cliffhanger. Nothing before or since has come even close to topping it. 
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Back to where it all began.
“I don't trust that Richard Dawkins.”  
Come Along Pond 
Did Sharon just give up looking for Amy? I wouldn’t have left until I had searched every inch of that place. How did social services not take Amy away from her? 
“Okay, kid, this is where it gets complicated.” Truer words have never been spoken.
“I could do with a ridiculous miracle right about now” Be careful what you wish for, Rory.
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It is fair to say none of us saw this coming. 
“SHE IS TO ME!!!” *Shipper cheering*
“She’s mostly dead” The Doctor went to the same med school as Miracle Max.
“Why do you have to be so... human?” “Because now I’m not” Rory is just the best.
So did Rory wear his roman gear right up until the 1940s or just dress up for that one night like some kind of superhero?
“Come along Ponds”
Rory - 1 Dalek - 0
*Shipper squealing*
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And he just puts on the fez like it was the only logical option. 
“You can do loads in 12 minutes - suck a mint, buy a sledge, have a fast bath.“
“Hi honey, I’m home.” “And what sort of time do you call this?” This is where they really start flirting in earnest. 
Awww, this is out first scene of the entire Pond family together. 
“Fezzes are cool.”
RIP Fez. Murdered in your prime. 
One of the things I love most about these four is how they each perfectly represent a different Hogwarts house. The Doctor is the Ravenclaw, Amy is the Gryffindor, Rory is the Hufflypuff and River is the Slytherin.
She made a Dalek beg for mercy. Yeah, I will just never get River hate. 
“Rule one. The Doctor lies.”
Does Space Florida have a Disney World? 
And back and back we go. 
“Well, I borrowed it; I was always going to take it back.” Yeah, I bet you were.
Here are Amy’s mum and tiny dad. You know, I’m not bothered at all that we never see them again after this episode. it doesn’t really hurt the show in any way.  
“Raggedy Man, I remember you, and you are late for my weddingurr!” I don’t think that last word has ever been said quite so Scottishly before. 
“Something old, something new, something borrowed... something blue.”
Always loved it when Eleven went all fancy. 
The Doctor wouldn’t last long on Strictly Come Dancing with those moves. 
As I said before, the ultimate Amy/Rory shipper.
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I just adore the way Alex Kingston says that last “Yes.” 
“An Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express, in space.” A situation so dire he waited three seasons (and a thousand odd years) to deal with it. 
These two episodes are always guaranteed to put a great big massive grin on my face. Not only the best season finale Doctor Who has ever done, but one of the best season finales full stop.  
Next Time: A Christmas Carol
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bellamysgriffin · 7 years
rory williams, micky smith, danny pink, captain jack for the character thing
so i am rly bitter i just lost all my answers for these bc my computer froze but anyway i love you and i will do it again
Why I like them: he’s so loving to his wife and considerate and brave but he doesn’t need everyone to know that he’s content how he is
Why I don’t: his whole “i love you more than you love me” thing um every time moffat does smthg like that to rory i lose a year of my life
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the girl who waited i think
Favorite season/movie: 5!!
Favorite line: i’d forgotten that not all victories are about saving the universe:
Favorite outfit: centurion outfit duh
OTP: amy/rory
Brotp: rory/doctor
Head Canon: he and captain jack (and other friends of the doctor) became friends during the time he spent waiting for amy
Unpopular opinion: him coming back to life all the time isn’t actually that funny (it was okay) it was just bad writing
A wish: that maybe i see him again before we finish s10??
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: pls don’t let moffat ruin his characterization if he ever does come back
5 words to best describe them: the love of my life
My nickname for them: roranicus
mickey smith: (i’m bitter this deleted bc i had the BEST RESPONSE)
Why I like them: he ultimately gave up the girl he loved and left home to stay in a parallel world bc he finally found his true purpose in life and even though he wasn’t always the best boyfriend to rose he did his best to do right by her and he deserves the world
Why I don’t: this is so hard?? i guess how he treated the shop girl he dated when rose left
Favorite episode (scene if movie): hm i quite like boom town but i’d have to say rise of the cybermen/age of steel
Favorite season/movie: s1
Favorite line:You left me! We were nice, we were happy. And then what? You give me a kiss and you run off with him, and you make me feel like nothing, Rose. I was nothing. I can’t even go out with a stupid girl from a shop because you pick up the phone and I comes running. I mean, is that what I am, Rose, standby? Am I just supposed to sit here for the rest of my life, waiting for you? Because I will. (DISCLAIMER: not his best moment, but one of his most compelling and interesting ones)
Favorite outfit: hm. his UNIT one?? i liked that one 
OTP: mickey/martha to the death
Brotp: him/doctor, him/jack, him/rose, although i think nine/mickey and also mickey/jackie are my faves
Head Canon: him and jackie became rly close while rose was gone and he became something like a son to her and cared for her all the time even though she thought he murdered rose once
Unpopular opinion: i think he is one of the best characters ever to come out of doctor who. i also think he was good since the very first episode, he didn’t even grow into it. his arc is absolutely amazing and his sense of self worth makes me want to cry. he treated rose well even when he was hurting, and though he could have done better, he didn’t purposefully guilt her into anything. he’s such a compelling, relatable character
A wish: that ppl would appreciate him more. also that he and rose still found some way to keep in touch when they were in different universes (I KNOW BUT LET A GIRL DREAM)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: don’t forget him?? he’s so important. 
5 words to best describe them: underrated, underrated, underrated, underrated, underrated
My nickname for them: rickey or tin dog (ik i suck)
danny pink:
Why I like them: he was a caring guy who was great with the kiddies. 
Why I don’t: he didn’t get enough screen time and he gave clara a lot of ultimatums (they should have been better to each other)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): dark water i guesS?
Favorite season/movie: hahahaha 9 (jkjk)
Favorite line: “one person is more amazing than universes”
Favorite outfit: in the forest of the night
otp: oswink i s’pose
brotp: him/doctor ig…. honestly the relationship was shafted bc of the dumb “i hate soldiers” arc
Head Canon: his soul lived on post death in heaven and that he managed to find peace within himself
Unpopular opinion: he had potential but he was too rory-like and underdeveloped and steven moffat did his character dirty when he had a lot to offer
A wish: that he could have been what was promised
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: don’t bring him back moffat he’s the only character you left dead
5 words to best describe them: caring, intelligent, affectionate, loving, brave
My nickname for them: dan the soldier man
captain jack: 
Why I like them: what’s not to like honestly?? he’s brave, he’s redeemable, he’s strong, he’s caring, he’s pan (omnisexual technically)
Why I don’t: idk i p much always liked him haha
Favorite episode (scene if movie): boom town yo
Favorite season/movie: s1
Favorite line: Being here, I’ve seen things I never dreamt I’d see. Loved people I never would have known if I just stayed where I was. And I wouldn’t change that for the world.
Favorite outfit: his outfit in boom town i think??
OTP: i hear jack/ianto is great, but i’ve always been fond of rose/doctor
Brotp: him/doctor, him/rose, him/mickey, him/martha, 
Head Canon: he and martha stayed in touch :’) also that even though he was devastated abt getting left behind, he still helped ppl bury the dead and console the living
Unpopular opinion: he’s not that hot??? also john barrowman isn’t great lol (i do love his line on dw confidential when he teared up abt the show tho)
A wish: he and jenny met up (whispers meekly: go read jenny returns on ff.net my user is danahscott and i think you might like it??)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: don’t get decapitated (too LATE)
5 words to best describe them: cheeky, funny, cocky, slytherin, smart
My nickname for them: captain cheesecake
send me a character!!
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singledarkshade · 6 years
Sunnydale Centurion
Part Nineteen - Sunnydale Centurion
The costume shop was full as the gang tried to find outfits for Halloween after being drafted by Snyder. Rory grimaced as he wandered hoping something would jump out at him. The major problem with living in Sunnydale was they fought monsters so dressing up as them was just wrong.
“What about a pirate?” Xander asked.
Rory shuddered involuntarily, “Something about pirates just don’t sit right with me.”
“My goodness,” a voice with a familiar accent came, “Another Brit. I didn’t expect that.” The two teens turned to where a man stood who introduced himself, “I’m Ethan. I own the store.”
“Rory,” he introduced himself before motioning to his friend, “Xander.”
“What part of the old country do you hail from?” Ethan asked conversationally.
“Leadworth,” Rory told him before explaining, “It’s a village near Gloucester.”
Ethan shook his head, “Not somewhere I am familiar with but possibly one I will endeavour to visit now I have heard of it,” he smiled at them, “So, are you looking for a specific costume?”
Rory shrugged, “Not really. I’m just hoping for something that doesn’t make me look like an idiot.”
Ethan chuckled and looked at him for a moment, “I have an idea. It’s one I just got in but I think should suit you.”
Rory swapped a look with Xander who shrugged and they followed the man through the store where he saw a flash of red and gold between people staring at the Centurion costume that appeared before him.
“What do you think, Rory?” Ethan asked as he stared at the costume.
“It's just not what you expect Romans to be called,” he heard Amy say, “What's it short for? Roranicus?”
Xander’s sharp elbow to his ribs brought him back and he smiled at the man who was watching him looking a little confused.
Rory grinned, “It’s great.”
  “Okay,” Rory dressed in the Centurion costumer said to his group, “Are we all ready?”
The kids before him all nodded before one of them tugged on his arm.
“You sound funny,” the little girl in a butterfly costume said.
Rory laughed, “I come from England but you can understand me, right?”
“What’s going on?” the familiar voice of Principal Snyder made Rory wince.
“I’m just explaining about my accent, sir,” Rory told him.
Snyder looked at him for a moment, “Oh yeah, you’re the English kid,” he looked at Rory with slight annoyance, “Go.”
Seeing Xander’s amused look from across the room Rory motioned his group forward. The rest of his friends started their own groups out of the school for trick or treating.
The streets were filled with kids, running around and going from door to door. Rory was relieved the group he had were all very well behaved and he had little trouble moving them from place to place.
Checking his watch after about two hours Rory frowned, “Sorry guys, we’ve got to head back,” at the groans he smiled, “We’ll stop at one more house.”
As they started walking all hell broke loose.
  Rory felt something pull him and dropped to his knees. Around him everyone in costume was changing and he let out a cry.
“No! No, please,” he cried desperately trying to push away the wave that was trying take over his body, “No! I'm not going. I'm Rory.”
His hand grabbed the sword at his side feeling metal bite into his hand and not plastic, “Please, no, I don't want to go,” the wave pushed against him again and he shouted, “I'm Rory! I'm...I'm...” he gasped as it stopped as suddenly as it began.
Slowly Rory stood, his mind filled with knowledge that he shouldn’t know. Looking around he frowned seeing the chaos going on around him.
Everyone else seemed to have turned into their costume, he felt the sword at his side wondering why his outfit had become real but he’d not succumbed before he remembered his friends’ costumes.
“Oh no,” he whispered and started to run.
  “Xander, Willow, Buffy,” Rory called as he headed into the kitchen of the Summers’ house through the back door.
He stalled when a gun was pointed at him and Rory automatically raised his sword.
“No,” Willow snapped before she moved to him, “Your name is Rory...”
“I know,” he told her before frowning confused, “What are you wearing?”
Willow grimaced wrapping her arms around her bare midriff, “Never mind. Why are you okay? Xander and Buffy don’t know who they are.”
“I’m not okay,” Rory showed her the sword, “I know who I am but I also know a lot about being a Roman Centurion I didn’t until half an hour ago.”
Willow frowned, “I’m going to talk to Giles. Stay with Buffy, Xander and Cordelia.”
Rory nodded turning to Xander who was looking at him confused, he saw Buffy sitting huddled in the corner and Cordelia who rolled her eyes at him.
“Why does everything weird always happen around you lot?” she demanded.
  Giles moved the books he’d left out the previous night back to where they belonged relieved that his kids were safe. He would find Ethan again and let him know exactly how he felt about Ethan putting the people Giles cared about in danger.
Hearing the door open he glanced round, “Rory, you’re here early.”
The teen nodded nervously placing the large bag he was carrying on the table, “About what happened last night.”
“Willow mentioned you were still yourself,” Giles motioned him to take a seat before sitting with him, “Despite the fact you got your costume from the same place as the other three.”
Rory winced, “Mostly. Giles, I knew everything about being a Centurion and when the spell hit I felt something trying to take over me.”
Rory threw his hands up in complete bemusement, “I don’t know. I pushed it away somehow.”
“Interesting,” Giles mused.
“There’s something else,” Rory swallowed before opening the bag and pulling out a sword, “This didn’t change back.”
Giles stared at the weapon taking it and turning it over in his hand, studying every facet musing, “Very interesting.”
“Giles, what’s happening to me?” Rory whispered, fear in his voice, “Is this something to do with the fact I keep zoning out?”
Resting his hand on Rory’s shoulder Giles told him, “Stay calm.”
“But I shouldn’t know this,” Rory reminded him, “And my dreams last night were filled with weird images. Fighting as a Centurion against headless monks with a lizard woman, a creature that looked like a potato and I kept hearing a baby crying.”
“Calm,” Giles told him again, “Miss Calendar and I have been discussing your zoning out.”
“She noticed during the night the Master died,” Giles told him, “She offered her expertise to perhaps find some idea on what happens.”
Rory sighed, “Have you found anything.”
“We believe that at some point you were hit by a spell,” Giles told him, “Which may have allowed you to access a past life. I think that Ethan’s spell opened this up to you which may be why you were able to remember who you are.”
“The sword?”
Giles shrugged, “Spells sometimes have interesting side-effects. Do you think you can use it?”
Rory nodded, “Easily. It’s like I’ve trained with it all my life, or several times more than my life.”
“Excellent,” Giles told him, “You can train with Buffy. Rory, I don’t want you to worry about this too much. I’m sure you’re fine. This past life you’re accessing doesn’t appear to be dangerous but I will watch out for you.”
Rory looked up at him before nodding, “Thanks, Giles. I better go and find the others.”
  Watching Rory leave the room Giles let out a long sigh.
“Did you just lie to that boy?” Jenny asked softly appearing from his office.
Giles winced slightly, “Perhaps a little. I’m not sure if this is a past life or something else but that’s what we need to find out. Until we know something else we don’t need to worry him.”
Jenny nodded in agreement.
“And for now,” Giles took the sword and added it to the weapons he already had, “This can stay here.”
Part Twenty - Training
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