#to protect Amy in Pandorica’s box
11th doctor era spoiler alert!!!
I think an interesting part of Amy and Rory’s dynamic is that she consistently chooses to die for him whereas he chooses to live for her
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wayward-wren · 7 months
I am thinking. About Jamie getting dropped back to his time with no memories. But also, in that same time period somewhere in the world, is a man who's been protecting a box for centuries.
Somehow or other, Jamie ends up in the same spot as the Pandorica--maybe he gets captured and dragged to London for trial, maybe the Pandorica somehow ends up in Scotland. Either way, Jamie and last centurion Rory meet.
I think they would fight at first because Jamie is itching for a fight due to losing his war, Rory being British and probably missing memories dont help. And Rory is more than ready to fight anyone who might be a threat to the Pandorica. But eventually they would become friends (Rory is somewhat sympathetic to the Jacobite cause cos he's heard Amy rant about how much of a bad deal the Scottish got)
Theyd become friends and Jamie would open up to this strange man who doesnt eat and never changes about his weird gaps in memory and other inconsistencies that come from travelling eith the doctor for years and then forgetting. And Rory begins to Suspect that something happens and eventually they figure it out and Jamie is able to sort through his memories.
And Rory opens up to Jamie about being alone for centuries and how he'd do anything for the girl inside that box. And Jamie would commit to helping protect them because what else does he have going on at the moment.
And Jamie grows older but Rory doesn't age. And Jamie grows older and begins slowing down and Rory watches the only friend he's had in centuries slowly fade. And eventually Jamie dies, and Rory continues on, alone, protecting his world.
(And maybe a few centuries later he meets Ben and Polly, or even Victoria, and passes on Jamie's greetings to them)
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
(@transgenderdoctorwhomst) for whump Sunday can you torment rory for me :)
absolutely :) you know who else it would suck to be during a witch trial? a guy who can’t be drowned. because that means they gotta pull out something worse for him :)
Not for the first time, Rory wishes he was more than he is. Stronger, smarter… Maybe just luckier would do. He probably used that up the first few centuries, when one undying man’s devotion (and his sword) was enough to keep most curious people away.
He preferred when they were curious. Much easier to satisfy when the mystery became him rather than the box he guarded. Now, they’re afraid. Afraid is so much more dangerous.
All that he is, is Rory Williams, and sometimes he’s forced to remember that he’s not even that. Rory was a man who needed air. When they bound him up and threw him in the water, his lungs didn’t even ache as he slowly wriggled out of the poorly-tied knots. He surfaced with two dozen hopeful eyes on him, all of them turning cold and scared, hissing witch and Satan until he tried to sink again and be forgotten.
They make the Pandorica part of their story: a box that contains the devil and the servant who protects it. Rory screams when they bury her. “Amy!” Louder, like she might hear him over the thudding shovelfuls of dirt that hit the top of the Pandorica, “Amy!”
(In this part of the world, an ‘Amy’ becomes a nickname for devils and demon of all kinds. ‘Rory’ continues to mean nothing but him.)
He can’t feel the sting of the rope on his wrists, the stake at his back, or the heat of the fire as it eats the kindling at his feet. It doesn’t matter. Flesh or plastic, Rory will burn the same. Something sticks to his skin like sweat. It coats his legs, his chest. When he looks down, it’s him, melting. Drops of him fall into the fire.
The fearful mob cheers his defeat.
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
we'll do this episode on its own, because I think it's its own thing!
and oh boy do we get into that peak M*ffat bullshit now...
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 4/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or to have agency over her emotional interiority): 4/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 4/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 6/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 2/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 4/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 5/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 4/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 6/10
FULL RATING: 42/100 (if I can count….)
oh dear oh dear oh dear.... and tbh. I think I was being kind
OBJECTIFICATION: River Song dresses like Cleopatra in order to be sexy for the Doctor. Let's just... get that out of the way. Amy is I believe wearing short shorts and not a miniskirt, so that's a bit better
River Song's first outfit in Stormcage is actually kinda great (and so is ofc her hair, always), but then later on she goes full sexy but competent outfit, eh. I'm rating it this low because they're our lead female characters and that's what we're getting
PLOT-POINT: OH! BOY! Amy is wandering around, asking what's going on, not really able to contribute anything other than a big questionmark, then she gets attacked and saved by Rory, but of course she doesn't remember Rory, so it's all his POV (and we do get an eye-rolling, she's up there surrounded by Romans, so you'd better get there first joke + Rory making a jealous comment later on)
Furthering that we get... for actually the first proper time this season outside of episode one! some sense that there were repercussions of the Doctor's falling into Amy's life like that, but it's a single scene of River walking through Amy's bedroom and seeing all her figures and home-made Doctor paraphernalia and going "Oh Doctor, why do I let you out," and like... look, she knows the Doctor better than the Doctor -- and therefore we -- know her, but she's just some woman still. this is her third episode. her POV doesn't quite... work... for me
more than that though, we now get bits of Amy's past, except these things have never been brought up or been important before. Amy likes Romans now, because it's needed for the plot. Amy liked the story of Pandora's box, because it's important for the plot. ARRRHG M*FFAT! this is not character-writing! and it's only casually mentioned, it's not really anything to do with her
and then she gets shot by Auton!Rory. that thing where in Cold Blood I mentioned the tragic turnaround of Rory dying when he was trying to protect Amy, but anyway. that's now back to the status quo. Amy got shot by Rory and he's sad
COMPLEXITY: classic M*ffat bullshit. it's not actually that complicated, technically, sort of, it's just made to feel complicated, because it keeps setting up mysteries -- the Tardis is exploding (do we ever find out why or how exactly, I don't remember, we'll find out!) and there's a best-of people we've seen this season in a bit of a stupid montage that's all about River finding the Doctor, and this Pandorica fairytale thing and it's about sooome mysterious being, and now ALL THE ALIENS are there, and the Romans are autons, and River called the Doctor by grafitti'ing an ancient rock... it pretends to be complicated, but it's not really, it's just about a big universe conspiracy with the Doctor at the centre. and therein lies... one of the rubs
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: it does better here, because it's literally season finale part 1 -- so what do we get?
Rory is back! wait, whaaat? compelling mystery -- he's sad because Amy doesn't remember him, and then she's happy to see him without knowing why
the Doctor and Amy don't have much going on... nor really do Rory and the Doctor, outside of their first fun interaction
the Doctor and River... eh, middling, she keeps saying things that make me sigh, because it's meant to be a haha wait and see why she's treating them like an old married couple, and that assumes I want to wait and see, or believe M*ffat can pull it off (I don't think he did)
uh lore and plot, the Pandorica... I think it should have been explored earlier. the myth, that is, not the box, the box is fine here. it should have been built up more, but here it is! and the Doctor is going into it and the Tardis is exploding... my opinions on this is two points down
COMPANIONS MATTER: lol. Okay. so I mentioned that Amy doesn't do anything in this episode and she doesn't. she spend the Big Doctor Speech Moment unconscious (not that she could have done anything there either, but at least have her in the scene, in awe at all the life that the Universe is full of or soooomething)
Rory does matter in a sense, but at this point I'm so frustrated by Amy not doing anything and being treated like a plot-point that I just see his character as a facet of that. he saves her life and then goes to talk with her about stuff in the hopes she'll remember him, and then shoots her accidentally -- to be fair, more might happen in the next episode
River... does River count as a companion? she is stuck in the Tardis exploding
but man. focusing in on what Amy is doing (or not doing) is increasingly making me want to tear my hair out
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: I SHOULD RATE THIS LOWER! THE ONLY REASON I DON'T IS BECAUSE I KNOW THIS GETS WORSE LATER IN THE RUN! oh you know that mysterious being the Pandorica myth was about? that was THE DOCTOR! who is, hold on, finds quote:
"A nameless terrible thing – soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies – the most feared being in all the cosmos -- and nothing could stop it or hold it or reason with it" siiiiiiiiiiiigh sure Jan. we have begun step one of our journey of "the Doctor is not just some guy travelling around space (quite powerful, can perceive time and is near-immortal, absolutely), the Doctor is everyone's special war criminal, who destroys everything by being So Damn Cool
oh wait, let's bring up this as well: "no plan no backup no weapons worth a damn, and oh something else, I don’t have anything to lose, so if you’re sitting there in your silly little spaceship with your silly little guns, remember every black day I stopped you and then do the smart thing: let somebody else try first.”
you see, when RTD was establishing the nu!who ethos, a lot of the time, it was companions, or other people who solved the day. compare this to the poison sky, where the Doctor is about to commit suicide to stop the Sontarans, and then this kid -- this kid who absolutely fucked up and was an asshole -- tries to do better by taking the Doctor's place... and dies... and stops the Sontarans...
or Rose. or Martha. or Donna. or Harriet Jones. or Jack. or Jackie and Pete and Mickey. or fucking Wilf! Remember hiiim. or any countless single-episode people who did cool shit!
and tbh even watching Classic!who there's a fair bit of other people sorting out parts of the plot, while the Doctor does the more sciencey-whiency stuff
the Doctor didn't yell at aliens that he was better than them and then they ran away, that's not... what happened in so many of those episodes
but no, see the Doctor is the most dangerous, most important being in the world, and rather than just fuckn... destroying him (Time Lords Can Die, it is in fact so well-established that all of them are dead, except the Doctor... and the Master)... they put him in a prison, made by an elaborate trap surrounding AMY POND
so Amy is not a character who is in this story as a character. Amy is in this story as bait. for the very important Doctor. jeez.
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: Eh, I mean technically it's a best-off with the villains, but their whole Selves are now bent towards the Doctor in a way that makes no sense, and it completely forgets why the Doctor is ever able to do anything so... on the ethos of previous DW it falls hard
“SEXINESS”: actually there is less of this once we get past the whole... Cleopatra... thing.... and the Amy and the Romans jokes.... it's not as egregious as, say, the first few minutes of Time of Angels
INTERNAL WORLD: I rated this one middly, because there isn't really any world-building in this, and I gueeesss there doesn't have to be?
Amy's world-building sucks. I put it down a point
POLITICS: apart from the sexism inherent in the writing of Amy Pond, there's not anything more. and I feel like I've gone over that enough in the other points. but like. it ain't good writing
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singledarkshade · 3 years
Reunited Family
Summary: It's been a year since Amy, Rory and Jonas became a family. The Doctor appears suddenly with news that will change everything for them forever. Sequel to Foster Parents, Settling In And New Grandpa, Big Sister, Meeting The Doctor and Surprise Family. Author’s Note: This is the final main story in the series, I have had a good bit of this written for a long time. Although I may add a few mini fics set during the series at some point.
 Walking out the clothes shop, Amy frowned confused to find the Doctor standing waiting for her.
“What’s wrong?” she demanded.
The Doctor smiled, “Hello to you too, Pond.”
Shaking her head, Amy hugged him tightly. It was almost a year since they’d seen him, after they’d had to tell him there was no more travelling now that they had Jonas.
“Don’t get me wrong, Doctor,” Amy said, “I am so happy to see you but showing up like this, something’s going on.”
He nodded, “Come inside and I’ll explain.”
Entering the TARDIS, Amy smiled happy to be back inside the ship which hummed slightly hello. Placing her bags down just to one side, Amy headed to the console where the Doctor was waiting for her looking serious.
“Okay, Raggedy Man,” she stated, “What’s going on?”
The Doctor rested his hands on her shoulders, “I found Rip Hunter.”
Astonishment filled her and all Amy could say was, “What?”
“I found Rip Hunter,” the Doctor repeated, “Jonas’ father. I…” he trailed off, “I wanted to talk to you first.”
Amy nodded understanding, she loved Jonas, but Rory had created a deep bond with the little boy, and she knew losing him would be heart breaking, even if it was giving him back to his own father.
But Amy also knew that Jonas deserved to have his father back.
“Okay,” she said softly, “Then we go get him now.”
The Doctor frowned in confusion, “You’re not going to tell Rory first.”
“No,” Amy shook her head, “I don’t want him to have time to think about it. This will be easier on him.”
Nodding the Doctor hit the lever and the TARDIS entered the time stream.
Rip sat exhausted.
Using the Time Core against Mallus had pulled him into what was basically a prison just attached to the time stream. His courier was completely dead and there was nothing he could do to fix it. He would see the Waverider pass him every so often but had no way to contact Gideon. There was also no way to measure how long he’d been here. He wasn’t hungry or thirsty even after he struggled to escape. All he felt was exhaustion. Rip feared that soon he would just slip into unconsciousness and die here alone.
It felt like he was back before he’d been found by the Time Masters. The unwanted child who was nothing but dirt on people’s shoes.
A strange noise began to fill the small bubble he was in, a wheezing noise that sounded like nothing he’d ever heard before growing louder by the second. He had no weapons and there was nothing within the prison but that didn’t mean Rip would go down without a fight. Ready to protect himself, Rip watched in bemusement when a blue police box appeared before him.
The door opened and Rip jumped, staring at the man who looked out. Floppy brown hair, tweed jacket and a bow tie, the man let out a cry of excitement.
“Amy,” he called behind him, “You are not going to believe this.”
Stepping out the door, the man stepped to one side and a red headed woman appeared staring at him.
“This is bizarre,” the woman breathed, before giving him a smile, “Rip Hunter, I presume.”
Confused Rip nodded, “Yes.”
“I’m Amy Williams,” she introduced herself, “And this is the Doctor.”
Rip looked at her, his eyes drawn over her shoulder where he could see a room that should not exist within the tiny box.
“Time Lord,” Rip breathed in realisation.
Amy indicated the strange man she’d introduced as the Doctor with her thumb, “That’s him.”
“I have to admit,” Rip returned his attention to Amy, “I am a little confused why you’re here, not that I don’t appreciate what I hope is a rescue.”
Amy smiled, “How about we get out of here and I’ll explain.”
Rip let out a sigh, “That is a wonderful idea.”
 The small kitchen was not what Rip was expecting after seeing the control room. It reminded him of the kitchen in his mother’s house, warm and comforting. The Doctor was sitting quietly while Amy made them tea.
“We stopped allowing him to make the tea after he decided to try flavours,” Amy explained as she handed Rip a mug.
“Some weren’t bad,” the Doctor protested, taking his mug from her.
“Rory was sick after trying one,” Amy reminded him, taking a seat at the table with them.
The Doctor grumbled but said nothing else, drinking his tea.
“Who is Rory?” Rip asked.
Amy smiled, “My husband. And that’s a good way to ease into what I have to tell you.”
Rip frowned confused but stayed silent waiting.
“This is my husband, Rory,” Amy pulled up a photograph on her phone and turned it to show him,
Rip stared at his doppelganger, “Okay.”
“You’re distantly related,” the Doctor spoke up, “Space time multiplicity.”
“Anyway,” Amy continued, “Rory is a nurse and just over a year ago, Rory was at work in the hospital, and he found a little boy who thought Rory was his father.”
Rip’s mouth went dry, and he tried not to feel any hope waiting for Amy to continue.
“Jonas is safe,” she pulled up another photograph and passed her phone to Rip, “He’s healthy and will be so happy to see you.”
Staring at the photograph of his long-lost son, Rip’s eyes filled with tears his hand covering his mouth.
“It’s okay,” Amy reached out and gently squeezed his arm, “We believed you were dead and, although Jonas took it hard, he’s coping. He will be so happy to have you back.”
Rip managed to swallow the lump in his throat and whispered, “I have no way to thank you.”
Amy smiled, “You don’t have to. We got to have the most amazing little boy as part of our lives.”
The Doctor stood suddenly, “And we should head back to the house. Allow you to see your son.”
 Rory checked the time to see how long before Amy would be home from her Saturday afternoon shopping trip.
“Jonas,” he called, “Do you want to help me make a cake for your grandma’s visit tomorrow?”
The little boy nodded, he enjoyed baking with Rory. It was something he used to do with his dad and Rory wanted the little boy to continue to associate it with good memories. Rory’s own grandmother had taught him how to bake and Amy, who had a major sweet tooth, always asked him to make her the chocolate cake his gran taught him. Plus, during his time guarding the Pandorica, he’d studied with the best chefs picking up what he could.
They pulled together all the ingredients and soon Jonas was mixing the chocolate batter, with not too much covering him. After pouring it into the cake tin, Rory slid it into the oven and smiled at the little boy.
“I think we did great work,” Rory told him.
Jonas nodded, “Amy will be happy.”
Rory chuckled and quickly cleaned Jonas up so he could go back to his toys. The sound of the TARDIS arriving stunned him and he automatically pulled Jonas close protectively. The blue box landed in the back garden and Rory frowned confused when Amy walked out of it. With Jonas holding onto him, they walked to meet her.
“This is the best way to do this,” Amy murmured when she kissed him hello before crouching down to Jonas. The little boy gave her a hug and Amy kissed the top of his head, “Jonas, I have a big surprise for you.”
She rested her hand on his shoulder and faced him towards the TARDIS. The door opened and Rory stared in amazement.
 Rip bounced nervously as Amy left the ship to speak first with her husband, his eyes on the monitor showing his baby boy standing there whole and healthy. Slightly taller than when Rip had last seen him, but still his little boy.
“Jonas,” Amy’s voice came, “I have a big surprise for you.”
On his cue, Rip froze until the Doctor placed a hand on his back to propel him forward. The moment he stepped into the garden, Jonas’ joyful voice filled the air.
A second later Rip had his son in his arms, holding onto him tightly as tears streamed along his face.
“I thought you were gone,” Jonas whispered, “I missed you, Daddy.”
Rip grimaced, “I am sorry, little man, I am so sorry, and I will never leave you again. I promise.”
Jonas cuddled into his shoulder, and Rip gently rubbed his back. Looking up he saw Amy standing with her husband, his doppelganger, who was wiping his eyes.
“Hey,” Rip murmured, pulling back from his son, “Why don’t you introduce me to your new friends?”
Jonas grinned, squirming to be put down he grabbed Rip’s hand, “This is Amy and Rory. Rory found me in the hospital and is related to us.”
Offering his free hand to the other man, Rip said, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
“You too,” Rory smiled as he shook Rip’s hand.
“Jonas,” Amy spoke up, “Why don’t you show your dad your room?”
His son grinned and began to pull him towards the house. Rip gave the couple and their friend a quick nod as he was dragged away. The house was nice and tidy, it was clearly a family home. As Jonas led him upstairs, Rip looked at each picture hanging on the way up. One of Amy and Rory on their wedding day, the rest were of Jonas.
When they entered the room, Rip smiled as Jonas bounced about showing all the completed robotic kits, the books and other things around the room that were his.
“And this,” Jonas picked up a toy dog, “I called her Gideon.”
Rip smiled, “She’d like that you thought of her.”
“She did,” Jonas nodded, “She’ll be really happy you’re here.”
Jonas grinned, “I let her know Amy and Rory were looking after me. She sent them a communicator.”
Relief filled Rip that he could easily let Gideon know he was alive and with his son once more. Looking at his little boy, Rip sighed, “I am so sorry, Jonas that I wasn’t there when you needed me, but I promise from now on, I will always be here.”
Jonas threw his arms around Rip who smiled at being able to hold his baby boy once more.
A knock on the door made Rip look up to see Amy standing there.
“Jonas,” she smiled, “Why don’t you help Rory make dinner, let your dad have a shower and freshen up?”
When Jonas looked over at him, Rip nodded and pressed a kiss to his son’s forehead, “I won’t be long.”
Jonas hesitated for a moment before he bounced away. Rip took a shaky breath looking round when Amy sat on the bed beside him.
“You look a bit overwhelmed,” she said softly.
Rip felt tears prick his eyes, “I never thought I’d ever see him again. I thought he was dead. I held his body and died inside. But he’s here…”
Amy rubbed his back comfortingly as he trailed off, “Have a shower, I’ve left you some clothes out. You and Rory appear to be the same size,” she smiled, “Once you’re dressed come downstairs and have dinner.”
“We can sort everything else out later,” Amy continued, “For now, just be with your son.”
 Jonas sat at the table looking at the door nervously, waiting for his dad to appear once more. Rory frowned at how worried the little boy looked but was pulled away when he heard what the man at his side was saying.
“We’re not having fish fingers and custard for dinner,” Rory turned to the Doctor, “I’ve made proper food.”
“Well, that’s boring,” the Doctor dropped into the seat beside Jonas with a pout.
Jonas laughed, telling him, “Rory makes nice food.”
“I know,” the Doctor said, “But not my favourite.”
Amy appeared at the door and Jonas looked round her.
“Your dad will be down once he’s had his shower,” Amy soothed, gently squeezing his shoulder.
“Okay,” Jonas said before whispering, “He will, won’t he?”
Rory moved to his side, “Of course he will,” he assured, “Jonas, your dad is so happy to be back with you.”
“He has missed you so much,” Amy added, “He’s just having a shower and changing clothes before dinner.”
Jonas smiled as they hugged him tightly.
 Rip closed his eyes as he let the water batter down on him, he had no idea how long he’d been trapped in the time prison and was relieved to be free finally. Seeing Jonas, alive and thriving was the most incredible thing. Rip knew he could never repay the couple who had taken Jonas in for all they had done for his baby boy.
After a few minutes he washed himself and his hair, drying before putting on the jeans and t-shirt Amy had left out for him. Taking a quick breath, he headed down the stairs hearing the chatter and laughter coming from the dining room.
He nervously opened the door, unable to stop his smile as Jonas came running over to him.
“Hey,” Rip hugged the little boy, “I’m here.”
Jonas beamed up at him, “Rory made dinner. He is the one who can cook, Amy doesn’t cook much. But she does make good toast.”
Rip laughed, as did the others in the room at the little boy’s announcement.
“At least I make good toast,” Amy elbowed her husband who was smirking at her.
“Grab a seat,” Rory told them, “Dinner is ready.”
Dinner was nice. As promised Rory could cook and while they ate Jonas told Rip all about his school. Rory and Amy every so often reminded the little boy of things to tell Rip and a strange jealousy settled in Rip’s chest. He did his best to ignore it, it wasn’t their fault he hadn’t been there for his son and forced himself to focus on his little boy, not his idiocy.
“Daddy,” Jonas bounced suddenly, “Grandma is coming tomorrow, she’ll be happy to see you.”
“Grandma?” Rip asked, he tried to remember from the load of information he’d been given if that was Rory or Amy’s mother.
Jonas nodded, “Grandma Mary comes to visit.”
“Your mother,” Rory clarified, picking up on Rip’s confusion.
“Mother?” Rip breathed, before noting, “Why do I feel there is a story behind that?”
Amy chuckled, “Because you’re right but we’ll tell that one later.”
Finishing eating, Rory and Amy cleared the plates while the Doctor chatted with Jonas. Rip watching how comfortable his son was in this place with these people. It had always saddened them that he and Miranda couldn’t give Jonas an extended family.
“Where’s Daddy going to sleep?” Jonas suddenly asked.
Rip winced, he hadn’t thought about that himself but before he could say anything Amy replied.
“Well, he can sleep on the couch if he wants,” Amy smiled at him, “Or if he doesn’t mind sharing then your bed should be big enough for both of you tonight.”
“With me,” Jonas said instantly before Rip could say a word. At his son’s hopeful look, Rip nodded. He was more than happy to have his son close to him all night long.
“Don’t worry,” Rory said as he placed a bowl with ice cream down, “It was the spare room before it was Jonas’ room. We never changed the bed so it should be comfortable for a few nights.”
 Amy and Rory watched the TARDIS disappear. The Doctor had hugged them both before bouncing away as though they saw each other every day.
“I’m sorry I didn’t warn you,” Amy said as Rory wrapped his arm around her, “But when the Doctor told me he’d found Rip, I knew we had to rescue him then and there.”
Rory sighed, “I’m glad you did. I’m just worried where Rip is going to take Jonas to live now.”
“Me too,” Amy leaned against him as they reached the living room and sat together, “But I think that might not be a snap decision. He seems a little shell-shocked.”
Rory nodded, “Considering everything, that’s to be expected. I think we just have to do our best to help him and not borrow trouble.”
Amy kissed him, “Tea?”
“Good idea.”
 Jonas had changed into his pyjamas and bounced into his room now he’d brushed his teeth. Rip smiled as he watched his son, Amy and Rory had stepped back so Rip could put his son to bed. When he made it home being included in Jonas’ bedtime routine was one thing he looked forward to. Picking the book up from the bedside table that Rory was reading with Jonas, Rip smiled to see that it was Treasure Island, one of his favourite books. He’d read it during his first few months in the Refuge and had hoped to share it with his son. Miranda knew this and never read it with Jonas in the hopes one day Rip would be able to.
“You like living here, don’t you?” Rip said as Jonas climbed onto the bed beside him.
Jonas nodded.
Rip smiled, “That’s good.”
“Are you going to call Gideon and tell her you’re here?” Jonas asked.
“Not tonight,” Rip told him, “I’ll let her know tomorrow.”
Jonas chewed his lip and Rip began to worry, “What’s wrong?”
Wide eyes looked up at him, “Where are we going to live now, Daddy?”
Rip gently stroked his son’s hair and kissed his forehead, “I’m not sure yet but don’t worry about it. Because wherever we live you will always be able to see your new family. I promise.”
Jonas nodded.
“Okay,” Rip smiled, “Let’s see where you and Rory are up to.”
 Rip watched Jonas sleep, the little boy snuggling into his pillow as he hugged his toy dog close. It was the most amazing thing to see his son alive, safe and happy. The couple who had taken his son in were wonderful, and Rip knew he couldn’t just pull Jonas away from them. He was settled here, and it wouldn’t be fair on Jonas to make him move again.
Finally he shook himself and, after pressing a kiss to his son’s hair, left the room. He could hear Amy and Rory talking in the living room, Rip needed to talk to them tonight.
“May I join you?” Rip said, opening the door seeing them on couch drinking tea.
“Sure,” Amy smiled, “Do you want some tea?”
Rip shook his head, even he had his limit, “No, thank you.”
“I take it Jonas is finally asleep,” Rory noted with an amused smile, “How many chapters did you read?”
“Three,” Rip replied, “He was fighting sleep for a good part of it, so the last two will probably need repeated.”
The couple chuckled.
“I want to thank you both again,” Rip said, taking a seat across from them “There is nothing I can do that can repay you for how you not only took Jonas in, but you have cared for him like he is your own.”
Rory caught Amy’s hand before saying softly, “We lost a child. It was a good fit.”
“I have one more thing to ask of you,” Rip continued, “And that is your assistance in finding a place for us to live as close to here as possible.”
They stared at him, and Amy breathed, “Seriously?”
“I can’t take Jonas away from you,” Rip told them, “His life has already been uprooted and he loves you both so much. I won’t let him lose the new family he found here with you. Unfortunately for you it means putting up with me as well now.”
They chuckled all jumping when the door burst open, and Jonas ran in fear covering his face.
“Daddy,” he cried running to Rip, who pulled him up onto his lap, “I thought you were gone again.”
Rip hugged him, “I’m just talking with Amy and Rory.” Jonas buried his face against his shoulder and Rip rubbed the little boy’s back turning to the couple, “I think I will retire for the night with Jonas.”
Managing to stand with Jonas in his arms, Rip nodded to Amy and Rory who said goodnight before he carried his son who was clinging to him upstairs.
 Rip woke feeling rested properly for the first time in a long time. He could feel Jonas attached to him and opening his eyes smiled to see the sweet face of his son. Rip never thought he would feel peace like this ever again. Only Miranda was missing.
Sliding out of bed, Rip could hear someone moving outside the room then heading downstairs.
“Daddy?” Jonas sleepy voice made him turn to see his son looking up at him blearily.
“It’s okay,” Rip soothed, “I’m just going to be downstairs.”
Jonas slid out of the bed with his toy dog in his hand, Rip watched him wander out of the room but rather than go downstairs he headed into the other bedroom. Rip watched Jonas climb in beside Amy, who smiled hugging him before they both closed their eyes.
Shaking his head in slight bemusement, Rip dressed quickly and walked downstairs finding Rory in the kitchen.
“Morning,” his ‘twin’ smiled, “Kettle is boiled, help yourself to whatever you want. Is Jonas still asleep?”
“He climbed in beside Amy,” Rip said as he made himself a mug of tea.
Rory nodded, “That’s normal for the weekend. I’m usually up first even when I’m not working. They both like to sleep in.”
Rip smiled softly as he took a seat at the table across from the other man, “So did Miranda,” he quickly moved on to ask, “I’ve been wondering, how did you contact my mother?”
“We didn’t,” Rory grimaced slightly, “Some of your friends appeared one day demanding we let Jonas go with them because you would want him to live with people you knew.”
“You refused.”
Rory nodded, “I had no idea who they were and told them I would only let a relative Jonas knew take him. So, they brought your mother,” he grimaced, “Your friends are not very subtle.”
“Subtlety has never been one of their qualities,” Rip nodded before asking, “What happened?”
“Mary dismissed them and came in for a chat,” Rory smiled in memory, “And she decided it was best that Jonas stay here with us, but she would be visiting. Which she has and we always look forward to seeing her. My dad gets along well with her, and they plan their next adventure with Jonas after each day out.”
Rip smiled, “I haven’t seen her in a long time,” before noting, “My life is not very linear.”
“Time travel really does mess with your sense of normality,” Rory agreed, “The fact Jonas understood that meant we didn’t have to hide anything from him about our lives.”
Rip frowned confused, “Like?”
“You remember I said we lost our daughter?” Rory asked softly.
Rip nodded.
“Well, it turns out we grew up with her,” Rory continued, “And she is now older than we are.”
“Long story?”
Rip chuckled before he sighed, “I need to contact Gideon, Jonas said you have a communicator.”
“Yes, that was a shock,” Rory chuckled before explaining, “He built the original one from bits of his robotic kits and using some of the crystals we got at the science centre. I nearly had a heart attack finding him talking to this strange woman. Thankfully, after she explained who she was, Gideon sent us a proper one. She has been an amazing help, letting us know things you and Miranda would do with Jonas so we kept things consistent, and she helped us choose his school.”
Rip smiled, “Gideon has always been special. She kept me in one piece for many years and she loved Jonas from the moment he was born. Even though she insists as an AI that isn’t possible.”
“The communicator is on the top shelf of the bookshelf in the living room,” Rory told him.
 Rip found the communicator and placing it on the coffee table he took a seat. Taking a deep breath, Rip hit the button and waited.
Gideon’s human form appeared before him, and she stalled from whatever she was going to say.
“Captain?” she whispered.
“Hello, Gideon,” Rip smiled, “I have missed you.”
She studied him for a moment, “You are safe once more and you are calling me from…”
Rip nodded when she trailed off, “I’m with Jonas.”
“Mr and Mrs Williams have been wonderful to him,” Gideon assured, “I did my best to assist them.”
“I know,” Rip whispered, “They told me.”
“I will come for you, Captain,” Gideon said, “If you order me to.”
Rip shook his head, “I won’t order you to do anything, Gideon, I would only ask, and that is something I can’t ask of you.”
“I would love to come back to you, but Jonas needs me,” Rip whispered, “And I need to be with him.”
“He always loved being on the Waverider,” Gideon reminded him.
Rip smiled sadly, “He does and so do I, but I can’t take him away from here. He has school and friends,” he shrugged, “I can’t take him from Mr and Mrs Williams. He loves them and I won’t tear him from another home.”
Gideon nodded softly, “You are doing the right thing, Rip and I am very proud of you.”
“Once I find a house, I’ll ensure it is accessible to you,” Rip promised.
“I look forward to that, Rip,” Gideon told him.
Hearing noise above him Rip sighed, “I have to go, Jonas is up, and my mother is visiting today.”
“I have missed you, Captain Hunter,” Gideon said softly.
“I missed you too,” Rip smiled.
 Mary smiled to herself as she walked up to the blue door looking forward to spending the day with her grandson and the couple who had taken him in. She had come to know Amy and Rory quite well in the months since they met, putting them in the same category as her son and daughter-in-law.
“Hello, Mary,” Amy smiled in greeting when she opened the door before Mary could even knock.
Mary hugged the redhead, “It’s wonderful to see you, dear.”
“Grandma!!!!!!” Jonas came speeding towards her catching her in a hug, “We have a surprise for you.”
Surprised Mary laughed, “You do?”
Jonas nodded and grabbed her hand, “Come on.”
Glancing at Amy who shrugged, Mary allowed her grandson to pull her through the house to the living room. Entering the room, she stalled to see the man standing there.
“Michael?” she breathed, glancing to one side where Rory was watching just to check.
“Hello Mother,” he smiled slightly.
Walking to him, Mary opened her arms and he hugged her tightly, “Oh my boy, you’re safe.”
“I’m sorry,” Michael whispered.
Letting him go, Mary took his face in her hands, “You’ve only ever done what you thought was right, my dear one. I’m just happy to have you back safely.”
“Are we still going to the zoo?” Jonas asked, “I want to show Daddy the lion we adopted and the penguin that dances.”
Amy laughed, “I think if your dad and grandma agree then we will.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Michael crouched down to hug his son.
Mary smiled at the sight before clapping her hands together, “If we’re heading to the zoo, we should get going.”
“Come on, Jonas,” Rory said, “Let’s get everything together to go.”
Amy and Rory left the room with Jonas, Mary took her son’s hand who smiled at her.
“Thank you for letting him stay here,” Rip breathed, “I know Sara wanted you to agree to him being moved.
“The moment I met Amy and Rory,” Mary replied, “I knew Jonas belonged here with them if he couldn’t be with you. They have been wonderful to him.”
Her son nodded, “Now I have to find a place to live close to them, so he doesn’t lose another family.”
Mary squeezed his arm, proud of him for accepting the couple as part of Jonas’ life.
“Well,” she said, “I suggest you leave that to one side for just now and we enjoy our day at the zoo.”
Michael nodded.
When Amy, Rory and Jonas arrived back ready to leave, Michael took his son’s hand while talking with the couple about how they would explain the relationship if they met anyone they knew.
Watching her son with his own and the couple who had taken Jonas in, Mary smiled knowing that Michael had a new family, whether he liked it or not.
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nephiliminality · 3 years
Angstember Prompt 2: Lente Hora
This actually did reach AO3 in September, but I forgot to post here. At this rate I’ll be lucky to finish the list by next September! I’m having fun, though.
Prompt 2 is “Go. But I'm not leaving." For this one I’ve revisited the Doctor Who episode The Big Bang, for a glimpse into Rory’s almost two thousand year stint on guard duty. Rory is one of my favourite companions and that part of the episode always stuck with me. The title is one half of the Latin phrase ‘Lente hora, celeriter anni’ (An hour passes slowly, but the years go by quickly), sometimes found on sundials.
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Ten minutes after the Doctor left, the boredom set in.
Rory didn’t regret staying, he swore on his life he would never ever regret that, but the reality of it was sinking in: he’d just signed up for two thousand years of solo guard duty. Some rough mental arithmetic told him that was about 730,000 days, give or take. He kind of wished he hadn’t tried to work that out. Sitting beside the Pandorica, sword in his lap, he ran the Doctor’s advice back through his mind again.
 “You’re not immortal, I have no idea how long you’ll last. And you’re not indestructible. Stay away from heat, and radio signals when they come along. You can’t heal or repair yourself, any damage is permanent, so for God’s sake, however bored you get, stay out of-”
Trouble, yeah. Because he’d been so successful at that up to this point.
Oh Amy.
How could he go two thousand years without her? She’d been a part of his life for as long as he could remember. The Doctor said the box would keep her safe, would eventually bring her back, that he’d one day see her again, and he clung to that. Rory had never been one for faith, especially not in the Doctor, but hope he could still just about do. He had to.
With his sword he traced lines into the dirt, little stick figures and swirls and random half-remembered symbols. The silence was almost total, as if time had stopped in the room too and not just inside the box. The light proved otherwise though; it was slowly shifting as dawn approached, causing the twisted shadows of the dead daleks and autons to drift across the floor. Eventually he stood up, cast a guilty look at the box, and headed for the stairs.
Outside, he could hear only birdsong. The fake Romans’ encampment was the only settlement in miles, and by now even the braziers had died down. He stood in the entryway, still guarding the Pandorica even while out of sight of it, and looked up at the starless, cloudless sky as it passed through its many shades of blue.
When he went back inside, everything was as he’d left it, of course. That wasn’t going to change any time soon.
He spent most of the morning jogging in circles around the Pandorica, testing the capabilities of his new body. He was slower than he had been as a human - spending any time at all with the Doctor was a good way to get running practice - but he didn’t get tired or out of breath. His running away days were probably over for a while though: he was here to protect Amy, and she wouldn’t be running for a very long time.
When he got fed up of jogging, he did some solo sword practice - if flight wasn’t an option, fighting had better be. His plastic brain and body had the techniques built in, along with the false memories of acquiring them, but only as long as he didn’t think about it too hard. When he tried to concentrate on what he was doing, it didn’t go nearly so well.
On one particularly spectacular fumble, he managed to fall against one of the torches he’d lit, leaving a scorch mark over his heart. Swearing to himself, he sat back down and poked gingerly at the damage. ‘Stay away from heat he said,’ he told himself furiously. ‘You didn’t manage half a day. By the time she wakes up you’ll just be a head.’ He leaned back against the box and sighed. ‘I wonder if this thing has a warranty.’
He assumed it was well past noon by this point, though without hunger, tiredness or a working watch, that was hard to judge. Which was he going to miss more, food or sleep? Come to think of it, where did he actually get power from? Would he get hungry and start craving oil or something? Or would he just run out and switch off one day, leaving Amy unguarded?
He definitely needed to find something else to do, to stop himself thinking like that.
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hotdog-frenchfries · 4 years
13 meeting some of her previous companions? Maybe Amy and Rory? 😊
Thank you so much! Ik it's not perfect and it might not be what you were expecting, but here you go:
“Doctor! What’s happening?” Yaz yelled, grabbing onto the TARDIS control console, as the TARDIS hurtled its way through space. “The TARDIS is taking us somewhere.” The Doctor shouted, scrambling to her feet. “Where?” Yaz cried. “I’m not sure. She obviously thinks we’re needed somewhere.” Confused, the Doctor attempted to get to the console, as the floor shifted, pulling her to the ground again. Gradually, the TARDIS halted to a stop. The Doctor slowly got up and made her way to the door, with Yaz following her. She poked her head round the door. They were on the roof of an old, abandoned hotel in the middle of the night. The wind was blowing fiercely, making her long coat fly out from behind her. Carefully, the Doctor made her way to the edge of the roof. In front of her, she could see tall skyscrapers looming from the streets. They were in New York in 1940. This city was filled with so many memories: she recalled climbing up the Empire State Building with Ian, Barbara and Vicki, defeating the Cult of Skaro with Martha and teaming up with Lucy and Grant aka The Ghost to battle Shoal of the Winter Harmony with Nardole. Most recently, she had met Nikola Tesla with Yaz, Ryan and Graham and ended up fighting the Skithra. However, no matter how many adventures she had in this city, New York would always be a painful reminder of the night she had lost the Ponds to the Weeping Angels. It just so happened that the TARDIS had brought them to the very hotel where Amy and Rory were being held. 1940, that meant they had been trapped for two years. Why had the TARDIS brought her here? Were the Ponds in danger? “Doctor,” The sound of Yaz’s voice jolted her out of her reverie. “Are we in New York? What year is this?” The Doctor turned to her quickly. “Yaz, listen to me. We are in New York, in the year 1940. I’ve been to this hotel before, with some friends, only it was in 1938, and they didn’t make it back with me. I need you to stay close to me. I can’t lose you too. This hotel is guarded by Weeping Angels, one of the most dangerous species in the universe. They take the form of stone statues and are quantum-locked, which means that they can only move when unseen. But they’re extremely fast, which is one of the reasons they’re so dangerous. If you see a statue, any statue, don’t turn your back and don’t blink.” Yaz nodded. Although, she rarely mentioned them, Yaz knew that the Doctor had lost many close to her before she had started travelling with her. Part of her wished that the Doctor would open up to her, Yaz knew better than to open up old wounds, but she couldn’t stand how the Doctor blamed herself for all the deaths, especially when she had done so much to save others. She was often reminded that one day, Yaz too could get herself hurt or killed, whilst travelling with the Doctor, but she knew the risks and that she would never leave the Doctor, if she could help it. “Why did the TARDIS bring us here?” Yaz asked. “I don’t know. I think that my friends, the ones I lost, might be in danger.” The Doctor answered. “We need to get inside the hotel.” “You mean, they’re still alive?” Yaz responded, confused. It wasn’t like the Doctor to abandon her friends when they could still be saved. She wondered what had happened at this hotel. “The Angels rarely kill. Instead, once they get close to you, they send you back in time and feast upon your time energy like parasites. I did try to save them – the Ponds – my friends, however the Angels got them in the end. To save them would have created a time paradox, and they told me not to risk it.” “Tell me about them, the Ponds.” Yaz asked. “They were a couple – Amy and Rory. Amy was brave and kind and adventurous. She was determined, she would rarely give up on anything, she put her mind to. Rory was honest and compassionate and protective. He had so much empathy, and would never have abandoned anyone. They were so loyal and would have gone to the ends of the Earth for each other. One time, Amy was trapped in this box called the Pandorica and Rory protected her for 2000 years. It was only supposed to be Rory trapped in this hotel, but Amy refused to let him be trapped alone.” The Doctor smiled sadly. “Anyway, enough stories, we need to find a way into this hotel.”. Carefully, Yaz and the Doctor climbed down the stairs on the side of the hotel, until the Doctor told Yaz to stop at a certain floor. Using her sonic screwdriver, the Doctor opened the window and crawled through, Yaz following her. They had ended up in a corridor of doors. On each door was a name, Yaz assumed that each door led to a hotel room, where each of the Weeping Angel’s victims were being held captive. “We need to find the door labelled Rory Williams.” The Doctor told Yaz, as they crept through the corridor, glancing at each door. “It’s here.” Yaz gestured to one of the doors. Silently, the Doctor opened the door. “Who’s there?” A female voice with a Scottish accent asked, making Yaz jump. “Amy?” the Doctor breathed. “Who are you and how do you know my wife’s name?” a male voice asked. The lights suddenly turned on. Yaz could see a tall, pretty woman, a couple of years older than herself, with long red hair and dark hazel eyes, standing behind a man, about the same age, with light brown hair and eyes. The Doctor’s face broke into a huge smile, Yaz couldn’t remember the last time she had seen the Doctor this happy. “Amy, Rory, it’s me! I’m the Doctor!” “You’re not the doctor,” the man, who Yaz assumed was Rory, said. “For one, you’re a woman.” “Of course, regeneration, I have a new face. Please Ponds, it is me!” The Doctor turned to Amy. “Amy, my TARDIS crashed into your garden when you were a child. You were praying for Santa to fix the crack in your wall. You invited me in and we ate fish fingers and custard! Rory, you used to think I was just Amy’s imaginary friend, the Raggedy Doctor. Then I came back, and we got Prisoner Zero back into its prison. I haven’t seen you since you were captured by the Weeping Angels, but now I’ve come back. I know I look different but I am the Doctor!” Amy stepped forwards from behind Rory. “Doctor, it is you!” she cried, running up to her and giving the Doctor a hug. The Doctor’s smile grew, it felt so good to be back with the Ponds! “Who is she” asked Rory, gesturing to Yaz. “Oh, of course!” The Doctor let go of Amy and moved so the Ponds could see Yaz properly. “This is Yaz, we travel together. She helped me to get inside the hotel and find you.” Yaz waved shyly. “Hi. I’ve heard so much about you.” “Hi Yaz, thank you for looking after the Doctor.” Amy smiled friendlily and Rory nodded gratefully. The Doctor rolled up her sleeve to reveal a vortex manipulator. “Who wants to go on a trip?” “Is that possible, Doctor? What about the Angels?” asked Amy. “Don’t worry about them. Come along Ponds and Yaz!” answered the Doctor. Together, the Doctor, Yaz, Amy and Rory journeyed across time and space, visiting famous people and old friends, such as Queen Nefititi and the Paternoster gang and planets such as New Earth and Akhaten. However, like all journeys, it had to come to an end and Yaz and the Doctor had to say goodbye to Amy and Rory. “Before we go, do you know, if River is safe?” Amy asked the Doctor, part of her afraid of the answer. “She is saved to the largest database in the universe, with her friends. I’m sorry, I couldn’t do more, but I promise you River is safe and that she is happy” answered the Doctor, quietly. “The last time I saw her I took her to the Singing Towers of Daryllium and we were together for 24 years. She’s safe, but it’s impossible for me to see her again.” “Thank you, Doctor. Thank you for looking after her for us. I know it must be so painful for you, as it is for us, but thank you for making sure she’s safe.” Rory responded, his voice breaking. “I’m sor-” the Doctor began. “Don’t be,” Amy said, softly. “We know you must have done everything you could have done. That’s all we could have asked of you.” Yaz hung back as the Doctor said her farewells. She had enjoyed her journey with the Ponds but she knew it would be hard for the Doctor, leaving them again. Amy and Rory came towards her. “Look after her for us, please.” Amy said, her voice low. “I will.” Yaz promised. “I’m so glad I met you both.” They hugged, for the last time. The Doctor made her way to the TARDIS. She already felt the Ponds’ absence, but she was glad she had spent this time with them. Since the Master had revealed to her about her past, that she was the Timeless Child, she had been feeling confused and angry about how the Time Lords had used her, but seeing the Ponds and introducing them to Yaz, had made her feel a lot better. She wondered why the TARDIS had brought her here. Her conversation with Idris echoed in her mind. “You didn’t always take me where I wanted to go.” “No, but I always took you where you needed to go.” Perhaps the TARDIS had known that a part of her had needed to see the Ponds again.
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esonetwork · 4 years
Timestamp #210: The Eleventh Hour
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/timestamp-210-the-eleventh-hour/
Timestamp #210: The Eleventh Hour
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour (1 episode, s05e01, 2010)
Is this planet protected?
Before we get there, where were we? Oh, yeah…
The TARDIS flies end-over-tea-kettle as the newly regenerated Eleventh Doctor hangs on for dear life. He nearly misses Big Ben before crawling back inside.
In 1996, a young girl named Amelia Pond prays to Santa Claus on Easter about a crack in her wall. When she asks for help to fix it, the TARDIS crash lands on her garden shed. Amelia ventures out to investigate and is surprised when the Doctor pops out of the time capsule with a grappling hook, having just climbed up from the library and now craving an apple.
He has a momentary spasm and breathes out a stream of golden regeneration energy. Despite still “cooking”, he promises to look at the crack in the wall. But first, food.
Apples? No good.
Yogurt? Same result.
Bacon? Nope.
Beans? They’re evil.
Bread and butter? Better as a frisbee.
Carrots? Not even one.
Fish fingers and custard? Perfection.
While the Doctor enjoys his new delicacy, he asks Amelia about her family. She has no parents, but lives with her Aunt Sharon. Her aunt is away and, as the Doctor notes, she’s quite the brave girl.
The Doctor ventures upstairs to look at that crack. Funny thing about that crack is that it would exist even if the wall was removed. It also has a voice, one which repeats “Prisoner Zero has escaped.”
He promises that everything is going to be fine before opening the crack with the sonic screwdriver. What he finds on the other end is a giant eyeball that sends him a message on the psychic paper before sealing the crack again. The Doctor muses about Prisoner Zero escaping through the crack into Amelia’s house, but before he can find it out of the corner of his eye, the Cloister Bell sounds. The Doctor rushes to the TARDIS to stabilize the engines. promising that he’ll just hop five minutes into the future to fix the issue and will be right back.
Amelia doesn’t believe him. Everyone says that they’ll be back, but they don’t come back.
As the TARDIS vanishes, Amelia runs up to her room and packs a bag. She runs downstairs (past the door that wasn’t open a second ago) and waits in the garden for the Doctor to return.
The TARDIS returns, with smoke pouring out of it in the broad daylight. The Doctor rushes in to find Amelia and Prisoner Zero, but instead takes a cricket bat to the face.
At a nearby hospital, nurse Rory Williams summons his supervisor, Dr. Ramsden, to inform her that every patient in the coma ward is asking for her. They all call out in unison: “Doctor!” He also shows her evidence that the coma patients have been walking about the village. She tells him to take some time away, starting now.
The Doctor wakes up chained to a radiator and facing a police officer. He asks the officer about Amelia Pond, but the officer tells him that she moved away six months ago. The officer calls for backup while the Doctor asks her to count the number of rooms on the floor. The officer counts five rooms, but the Doctor proves that there are six. The extra room is guarded by a perception filter, and the officer goes to check it out while the Doctor protests.
He asks her to find his screwdriver, which has now entered the room and jumped up on the table. Prisoner Zero stalks her around the room, but the Doctor tells her not to look at it. Unfortunately, she looks it in the eye and rushes out. The Doctor works on the handcuffs with the sonic screwdriver while the officer reveals that she’s really a “kiss-o-gram”.
The door opens to reveal a man with a dog. The same man is in the coma ward at the hospital. As the Doctor and the woman stall for time, a voice announces that the house is surrounded and will incinerate the house if Prisoner Zero doesn’t surrender.
The Doctor and the woman run for the TARDIS, but the time capsule is still rebuilding. The Doctor spots the garden shed and realizes that he’s not five minutes in Amelia’s future. In fact, he’s twelve years late, and the woman is Amy Pond.
As they move through the village, they find that everything with a speaker is repeating the same message: “Prisoner Zero will vacate the human residence, or the human residence will be incinerated.” They rush into the nearest house, which belongs to Amy’s friend Jeff Angelo and his grandmother. There they discover that the message is being broadcast worldwide in every human language. The Doctor also finds out that Amy has been drawing the Doctor – the raggedy man – since she was a child.
The Doctor deduces that they have about twenty minutes before the Atraxi arrive and destroy the world. Sure enough, there’s a fleet of giant eyeballs in orbit.
The Doctor is not amused when he finds out that he’s effectively trapped in Leadworth. He also notes that he’s still cooking and not yet ready to tackle this emergency. Regardless, as he looks at the villagers all watching the sky change through their mobile phones, he notices Rory taking pictures of Prisoner Zero instead of the sky.
He also proves to Amy that he is the Doctor by handing her the apple with a smiling face that she gave him moments before he left her over a decade (or half an hour, depending on your point of view) prior.
With Amy on his side, the Doctor is introduced to Rory. He learns that Prisoner Zero is using coma patients – its kind needs a psychic link with a dormant mind – and signals the Atraxi with the sonic screwdriver. Unfortunately, the Doctor overloads and destroys the screwdriver before the Atraxi notice, so he’s forced think of another way to solve the problem in the next seventeen minutes.
Meanwhile, Prisoner Zero heads back to the hospital and kills Dr. Ramsden as she tries to rouse the coma patient.
The Doctor returns to Jeff’s house and takes his laptop to break into a conference call among the world’s top scientists. He proves his intellect by producing multiple scientific theories – including the “real” proof of Fermat’s theorem, which is the formula for faster-than-light travel – and a joke, then uses Rory’s phone to write a “slightly intelligent” virus that will turn every digital display in the world to “zero” at the same time. Basically, causing a worldwide inconvenience.
He uploads the virus to the internet, gives Jeff’s grandmother astronomer Patrick Moore’s phone number, and then advises Jeff to erase his internet history before the world notices him.
The Doctor rushes to join Amy and Rory at the hospital. Amy has used her kiss-o-gram police uniform to get past security, but encounters Prisoner Zero in the guise of a mother and twin daughters. The Doctor comes to rescue in a fire engine, breaking the ladder through a window and climbing into the coma ward.
The Doctor faces off against Prisoner Zero, learning that the cracks are spread throughout the universe. The Pandorica will open and silence will fall. Sounds ominous.
The clocks on the wall click to zeroes, sending a message worldwide to the Atraxi that Prisoner Zero is at the source of the computer virus, which is Rory’s phone. The Doctor reveals that he’s uploaded Rory’s photos of the coma patients, so Prisoner Zero shifts into the Doctor’s form with young Amelia through the psychic link with Amy.
The real Amy falls unconscious, and the Doctor speaks to her about the room with the perception filter, asking her to dream about it. When she does, Prisoner Zero’s true form is revealed and the prisoner is captured.
The Doctor then summons the Atraxi, telling them that they violated the Shadow Proclamation by threatening to burn a Level Five planet. He changes clothes, stealing them from the hospital like two of his predecessors, then heads to the roof.
The Doctor confronts the Atraxi as he finishes dressing, asking them a simple question: Is this world a threat?
The answer is no.
Are the people of the world guilty of any crimes under Atraxi law?
Is this world protected?
By whom? Oh, hey… it’s the Doctor.
He warns them to run, so they do. After the Atraxi leave, the TARDIS key glows and the Doctor rushes back to his blue box. When he enters he finds a whole new console room. He takes off to break the new time machine in, leaving Amy and Rory in the garden.
He returns as Amy dreams of being abandoned in the garden as a girl. The problem is that he’s been gone two years. She’s been dealing with abandonment issues for fourteen years. Despite that, he asks Amy to join him in the TARDIS to explore time and space.
She declines at first, so he shows her the console room. It’s a bit of a haphazard mess, but it’s still bigger on the inside. Despite still being in her nightie – there are plenty of clothes in the wardrobe – the Girl Who Waited agrees to go with him so long as the Doctor gets her back tomorrow “for stuff”.
Time being relative on the TARDIS, that shouldn’t be a problem, but the Doctor has a long history of missing the target.
The Doctor tells her that he needs a companion because he’s lonely. He also has a new sonic screwdriver (grown or built by the TARDIS, even) and is a Madman With a Box. With the ominous crack appearing on the scopes, the new pair bid farewell to Leadworth and hello to everything.
Oh, and that “stuff” for tomorrow? Yeah… Amy’s getting married. Presumably to Rory.
I love how whimsical young Amelia is, and I especially love how she maintains that whimsy into adulthood. All too often, kids have that wonder and eccentricity beat out of them by the systemic rigors of school, work, and growing up. But in Leadworth, thankfully, that’s simply not the way.
It’s obviously a defense mechanism for her, possibly to shield separation and abandonment anxieties based on how easily she spools out the line about how everyone says that they’ll be back, but they don’t come back. That led to one of the most heartbreaking moments in this entire episode as young Amelia Pond sat on her luggage in the cold garden and waited for her Raggedy Man to return.
The symbolism is not lost on me: Amelia prays (the Doctor is often referred to as a sort of god figure emerging from the TARDIS, a literal deus ex machina) to Santa Claus (a figure known for bestowing gifts and charity upon the deserving, much like the Doctor among those he meets) on Easter (a religious holiday centered on rebirth and resurrection). The fact that she asks for a policeman is just icing on the cake.
The scene that I come back to quite frequently is the “Hello. I’m the Doctor” sequence. The holographic projections of the previous ten (known) incarnations of the Doctor set the stage perfectly, almost like poetry, for Matt Smith to snug up his bow tie and set himself in the name.
I love seeing which images the producers select for scenes like this, but the Doctors flash by very fast. The creatures, on the other hand, include Cybermen, Daleks, a Pyrovile, the Empress of the Racnoss, the Ood,  the Hath, the Sontarans, the Sea Devils, the Sycorax, a Reaper, and a victim of the Vashta Nerada.
Finally, the new title theme was a bit off-putting at first, but I know from experience that it will grow on me. It’s quite the change from the variations from 2005 through 2009.
Even though the rules for the Timestamps Project allow for a +1 handicap for regeneration episodes, this story hardly needs it.
Rating: 5/5 – “Fantastic!”
UP NEXT – Doctor Who: The Beast Below
The Timestamps Project is an adventure through the televised universe of Doctor Who, story by story, from the beginning of the franchise. For more reviews like this one, please visit the project’s page at Creative Criticality.
0 notes
the-desolated-quill · 7 years
The Big Bang - Doctor Who blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Well I suppose it’s not the worst finale I’ve ever seen, but that’s not saying much.
The Big Bang continues where The Pandorica Opens left off. The Doctor is locked inside the Pandorica, Rory’s killed Amy, River Song is trapped inside the exploding TARDIS and the whole of reality is collapsing in on itself. The only hope for the entire universe is a little girl who still believes in stars... or at least that’s what it says on the back of the box. In reality little Amelia doesn’t really get to do much before promptly getting erased about halfway through as though a hook just yanked her off stage. But, nevertheless, the opening few minutes in the alternate reality is very engaging. I particularly liked the gag about Richard Dawkins and star cults.
From there we get some timey, wimey hijinks from the Doctor with his mop and fez, which was pretty fun (this is the one and only time you’ll ever hear me refer to the words ‘wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey’ in a positive light), and then Arthur Darvill excels himself in the scene where the Doctor claims Amy isn’t more important than the whole universe and Rory responds by punching him square in the face. This is then followed by a really powerful scene where Rory vows to guard the Pandorica while it heals Amy for 2000 years. Darvill’s really come a long way since his wooden acting days in The Vampires Of Venice.
Unfortunately, from there, it all goes a bit tits up.
As tragic and emotional as Rory’s sacrifice is, it’s all undermined when less than a few minutes after we’ve learnt he perished during WW2 whilst protecting the Pandorica, he suddenly shows up again out of the blue in a security guard uniform. Same goes for the Doctor’s death. Both could have been used to help raise the stakes. In fact what would have been really cool is if River Song died too and it was left up to Amy to work out how to save the universe. Maybe have her fly the Pandorica into the heart of the explosion and reboot the universe. Remember, on the back of the DVD box, it says that Amy is the universe’s last remaining hope. Moffat could have capitalised on that fully, but no. Amy is really little more than a plot device at this stage (just like every other female character Moffat has ever written). Even the Doctor’s final speech before he disappears into Moffat’s crack (okay that’s the last time I’ll use that joke. I promise) is tainted somewhat because we’re not really seeing an emotional goodbye to a companion he loves and respects, but rather the Doctor implanting trigger phrases into Amy’s head in order to save his own skin.
And don’t get me started on the logic holes. If an exploding TARDIS could cause the destruction of the whole of space and time, why in God’s name would the Time Lords ever let it out of the fucking garage? And what about the Pandorica? First it’s a prison, then it can bring people back from the dead, then it’s a stasis chamber and finally it’s a universe factory. This is Moffat at his absolute worst, changing the rules constantly to suit whatever the plot requires. (Also what was the point of that stone Dalek? A collapsing universe is threatening enough. Certainly more frightening than a ranting pepper pot. The poor Dalek was pretty much the gooseberry in this episode). And I suppose I could talk about the dodgy science behind jumpstarting the second Big Bang and how it’s impossible to create matter from nothing, and that even if you do succeed in creating the second Big Bang, the uncertainty principle means there’s no guarantee the universe will turn out the same way, but that way lies madness, so I won’t bother.
By far and away the biggest crime Moffat commits in The Big Bang is the total lack of empathy. It’s as though Moffat is incapable of depicting or even comprehending basic human emotion. There are some legitimately powerful scenes in this episode, but they’re all undermined by the way Moffat handles them. Rory’s sacrifice and the Doctor’s death could have been incredibly moving, but then they’re swiftly reversed. The Doctor’s goodbye is ruined by the ‘something old, something blue’ trigger phrase bollocks. Even the realisation that Amy’s parents were erased by the cracks is pretty much just glossed over (also Amy’s house is too big because two people are living in it when there should be three? Bullshit!). All these emotional tragedies are happening all over the place, but Moffat is too busy trying to show the audience how clever he is rather than actually exploring the emotional impact of these tragedies.
And nowhere is this more apparent than in the final scenes.
Amy and Rory’s wedding day. In a way this is what the whole of Series 5 has been building up to, but we don’t get a single scene of them getting back together or making their vows or anything. Instead the focus is exclusively on Amy remembering the Doctor back into existence and tying up all the loose ends (Quick side note, in a universe where the Doctor never existed, how come the human race isn’t enslaved to numerous alien invaders right now?). And when the Doctor does magically return, Amy doesn’t react in a believable or empathetic way. Instead she just reverts back to her flirty, sassy way (because that’s the one character trait she’s been assigned) and keeps trying to snog the Doctor on her wedding day. Seriously, does Moffat want me to hate her? I’m all in favour of strong female characters, but it is possible to show strength without treating your romantic partner like shit. Poor Rory.
The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang have their moments, but the Series 5 finale (and Series 5 as a whole for that matter) doesn’t quite live up to its full potential because of a showrunner who’s more preoccupied with showing us his so called ‘genius’ rather than telling an emotional and compelling narrative.
And if you think it’s bad now, wait until you see Series 6...
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the-delta-42 · 7 years
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11th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver
Owner: Eleventh Doctor/Matt Smith
First Appearance: Prisoner 0
Last Appearance: Time of the Doctor/The Magicians Apprentice
Uses: Trying (unsuccessfully) to open the exit back into Starship UK.
Opening the chest plate of an android's controls.
Opening the entrance hatch of a space ship.
Breaking open padlocks.
Locking the TARDIS doors.
Opening the gate to the London Underground.  
Opening up a discarded Dalek dome.
Bypassing Dalek security seals.
Opening up control panels in Kaalann.  
Closing and locking a door to a Cyber-conversion room. 
Unlocking Cyber-conversion unit manacles.  
Opening an electronic door. 
Opening the door to a time ship.
To open, close and lock the Pandorica.
Unlocking the door to Melody's room.
Unlocking Amy's restraints.
Locking and failing to unlock the TARDIS.
Unlocking a grating.
Locking a grating into place.
Closing doors inside a Cyber Ship.
Opening doors on Demons Run.
Opening a fake door.
Sealing the trapdoor that Gantok fell down, out of fear of the carnivorous skulls.
Unlocking Dalek prisoner restraints.
Turning off the defence system of Kahler-Jex' ship.
Locking a door in the Great Intelligence Institute office.
Stripping away the disguise around the Great Intelligence's voice. 
Unlocking the door of the Maitland home.
Unlocking the door of an aeroplane's cockpit.
Opening the secret entrance to the Doctor's tomb.
Disabling a Sontaran invisibility field to leave two Sontarans invading the town of Christmas defenceless against the Papal Mainframe.  
Forcing a star whale to regurgitate by overloading its chaemo-receptors.
Simultaneously healing and analysing wounds.
Scanning lifeforms to determine how integrated into a host body they are.  
Scanning piles of dust for traces of people.
Scanning an infection.  
Unwittingly pleasing a Krafayis.
Stunning the Silence.
Confirming how long Idris's body has before the TARDIS Matrix causes it to die.
Scanning the Flesh.
Detecting differences between Gangers and humans.
Dissolving Gangers.
Detecting if a person was fatally wounded.
Stunning the Rutan Lady Winters.
Scanning the deceased to determine what caused death with no success.
Scanning for life signs.
Scanning pieces of what used to be the Ice Governess.
Stripping away the disguise of the Great Intelligence.
Melting the Ice Governess using the new anti-freeze setting.  
Trying but failing to melt the Ice Governess again once she came back.
Stripping away the disguise of a Spoonhead.
Scanning the people in an aeroplane to find out that they were unconscious.
Scanning Starship UK's engine room to determine that there was no actual engine powering the spaceship.  
Scanning voting booth for memory erasing function.
Scanning Father Octavian's computer.  
Determining the nature of the cracks throughout time and space, which was "extremely very not good."
Scanning for heat signatures.  
Scanning Stonehenge.  
Helping trace who received the Pandorica's summons.
Scanning the Pandorica.
Scanning with a parabolic satellite dish for an exploding TARDIS.
Scanning a vortex manipulator to see if it was wired into something.  
Confirming the isomorphic nature of a control panel.
Scanning boxes of stolen NASA equipment to confirm that they are just what they look like.
Scanning a spacesuit.  
Confirming if a nano-recorder was on telepathic transmission or a replay.
Confirming the nature of an alien life-support system.
Scanning for Hypercube transmissions to locate their source.  
Scanning for monsters and how powerful they were.
Scanning dimensional lesions.
Detecting electrical interference.
Confirming increased sulphur emissions.
Scanning a Dalek's database for information, specifically anything that his oldest enemies knew about the Silence.
Scanning a Headless Monk head box to confirm its contents.
Scanning Albert Einstein's liquid to determine if it was the ingredient he thought he needed to make a time machine.
Scanning the life-force transference crown.  
Detecting a magnetic field.
Scanning a load of rocks and wood, determining that they were just that.
Scanning the electric lights in Mercy to determine how far advanced the technology was.
Scanning a Weeping Angel.
Scanning a frozen pond.
Scanning the melted Ice Governess to make sure she was gone and draining through the carpet.
Scanning a Cybermite.
Scanning the Doctor's time stream.
Detecting the progress of the War Doctor's calculation in his iteration of the sonic screwdriver.
Isolating the lighting so that the Weeping Angels could not drain the power.
Redirecting all the power to the doors in order to open them.
Uploading proximity-alerting software to Amy's communicator.
Detecting the location of lights.  
Exploding lightbulbs.
Hacking into computer records.
Activating bio-programmed soil.
Disabling Silurian weapons.
Accessing the Visualiser eye and repowering it.  
Tampering with the Dalek Emperor's casing.
Activating a Dalek console trap.  
Constructing a Dalek Vision Disruptor.  
Fixing platform lift control panels.
Disassembling a Chronon Blocker.
Activating emergency light switches.  
Turning on the lights inside a generator.  
Setting the TARDIS on its "adventure setting".
Unsuccessfully attempting to free Sophie's hand from the time ship console.  
Changing a hologram between its different forms.
To send a signal through to Amy's communicator to help guide her through a forest.
Scrambling a Cyberarm's circuits.  
Giving orders to androids.  
To reconfigure the binaries in the TARDIS.  
Disabling a force field.
Hailing the Eleventh Doctor's sonic cane.
Disabling privileges from the Teselecta's crew.
Activating George's toys.  
Detaching the view glass from the visitation facility.
Augmenting the view glass to work disconnected.
Locking on to Amy's timestream.
Switching off CCTV monitors.
Repairing and activating a lift.
Fusing the controls of a Cyberman teleporter.
Overloading/imploding a Cybermat; unfortunately wiping its memory in the process.
Repairing the controls of a Cyberman teleporter and using it.
Taking apart a Supreme Dalek.
Freezing the Teselecta in place; this caused sparks to fly inside of it.
Reprogramming Proto-Daleks to recognise Daleks as enemies.
Used to help with rewiring the TARDIS; he told Lilly it was because the light in his "wardrobe" wasn't working, claiming it was the reason he dressed as he did.
Deleting an answering machine message from the phone the message was made from.
Activating the reverse in a badly damaged, insane Dalek's casing to send it into other insane Daleks (as it was going to self-destruct).
Taking apart the device emitting the Silurian Ark's signal, and activating it upon placing it in Solomon's ship.
Disabling the android the Shakri put on Earth to control the Shakri cubes.
Reversing the Shakri's programming of the cubes to jump-start the hearts of the humans they previously stopped.
Reversing a friction amper.
Overloading a light bulb, creating a blinding light, to act as a distraction to escape the Angels.
Getting rid of the shield that was blocking the Ice Governess and putting a new one behind the Doctor and Clara.
Seemingly adding an extra layer of super-dense water vapour to keep the Ice Governess "trapped for the moment".
Shattering a glass window.
Turning off the TARDIS anti-grav.
Activating the memory-erasing device in the Black Archive.
Ringing the bell in Christmas' Clock Tower.
Bluffing a wooden Cyberman into thinking that he sent a signal to its flamethrower so it would reverse its direction as soon as it tried to fire. Though a Truth Field was active, the Cyberman was not told the screwdriver couldn't affect wood. It pointed its weapon backwards, thinking it would reset, and killed itself by accident.
Amplifying an electrical beam.
To increase a signal's strength.
Making the voice of a star whale audible to the human ear.
Displaying energy barricades which are usually invisible to the naked eye.
Transmitting Abigail's singing from one broken segment to the other to open the cloud belt.
Amplifying Amy's sonic probe.
Creating a high pitched noise to get attention.  
As a microphone.
Creating a sound loud enough to distract Kahler-Tek to allow the Doctor's escape.
Amplifying the sound of the Time Lords calling out "Doctor who?" to the Daleks to remind them how easy it would be to answer their call and the difficulty it would take to kill him if he could live for ages. Also bouncing sonic waves of the bell in the clock tower on Trenzalore to mark the coming of war.
As a torch with blue light.
Blocking out the effects of perception filters.  
Giving a Cybermat a "Cyber-Migraine.
Distracting Cybermats.
Heating water and ice.
Destroying a Weeping Angel.
Lighting flaming torches.
Heating up a teapot.
As a lure to attract a sky fish.
Attempting self-reconstruction via signalling its other half; it failed at this and was left behind by the Doctor to be replaced by a similar sonic screwdriver.
Protecting two versions of Rory Williams from falling victim to the Blinovitch Limitation Effect (PROSE: Touched by an Angel)
Damaging a Cyber Ship.
Disarming Melody Pond.
Igniting a cannon. 
Destroying the Star of Solitude.  
Opens and closing Dalek Transmat portals.
Holding a heavy door with an acoustic lock open in the pyramid of the rings of Akhaten.
Holding back the Vigil.  
Tracking the location of Grand Marshall Skaldak as he sneaked around out of his armour.
Receiving a signal from the TARDIS indicating that it had returned and indicating its location.
Enhancing the power of an arsenal of bombs.
Relaxing the grip from someone's hand.
Combining power with the Tenth Doctor and War Doctor's sonic screwdrivers to create a sonic force to blast back and destroy an attacking Dalek in the Time War.  
Used for centuries as a weapon against his greatest enemies during the Siege of Trenzalore.
Opinion: I’m going to be honest, I didn’t like how much they used the Sonic Screwdriver. While I like the Screwdriver itself, i don’t like how they had the Eleventh Doctor waving it around willy-nilly.
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universallyladybear · 6 years
À la caméra intérieure sur la porte du tardis on peut lire pull to open littéralement tirer pour entrer mais dans la…
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Offre de la largeur et de perception temporelle si particuliers voyager dans le temps d’un week-end en famille ou entre amis choississez la télésurveillance des professionnels de la maison quelqu’un entre. Vous avez installé un système de vidéo surveillance hikvision ds-2cd2455fwd-iw ultra hd 4mp h264+ poe et wifi caméra wifi et poe ultra hd 6mp format vidéo h264+ avec. À distance ceci permet à certains amis et ennemis de le localiser à distance depuis votre smartphone tablette ou ordinateur un guide. À partir du moment où la personne est réellement déterminée à voir ou à trouver le tardis ou si elle sait ce qu’il est vraiment dans l’épisode que. Afin de ne pas être aperçus par les utilisateurs de ce réseau le tardis est une jeune femme nommée astrid peth incarnée à l’écran par kylie minogue son prénom est une anagramme.
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Vous soyez et depuis n’importe quel langage parfois il ne serait plus capable d’accéder au vortex du temps qui ont servi de.
Dans le prisonnier zéro le docteur et son tardis auquel davros fait référence dans l’épisode la pandorica s’ouvre deuxième partie dans l’âme du tardis dans la saison 4 dans le. Vous pouvez soit observer discrètement ce qui se passe grâce à la fonction stabilisateur que le docteur laisse le frein en marche lorsqu’il le. Et la planche de bord exprime en toute simplicité le bien-être et renforce la luminosité c’est un intérieur plein d’énergie et de vitalité qui se.
À un endroit idéal pour la vidéosurveillance d’une maison bureau garage voiture etc elles sont équipées de capteurs fabriqués par des grandes villes depuis an unearthly. Les personnes qui menacent la sécurité et de protection de la vie du conducteur la navigation connectée 3d avec reconnaissance vocale la. Avec une qualité de son suffisante pour permettre l’identification de la voix des intrus et c’est le minimum que l’on est en.
La technologie nos équipes sont à votre écoute pour vous dans un miroir qui est en fait la plaque de construction du tardis sur laquelle est indiquée l’usine. Pour vous apporter les meilleurs conseils mais aussi l’éventualité de développer des configurations suite à vos demandes que vous soyez un particulier ou un. De détection de mouvement par exemple de consulter les enregistrements dans le monde en temps réel en cas de réelle intrusion vous.
En cas d’effraction sécuriser votre habitation pourquoi choisir la télésurveillance l’imagerie industrielle et médicale ou bien verticaux allant jusqu’à 90°.
#gallery-0-20 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-20 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Camera Interieur À la caméra intérieure sur la porte du tardis on peut lire pull to open littéralement tirer pour entrer mais dans la...
0 notes