lovesick-level-up · 1 year
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Celestia Ludenberg Headcanons
anon requested: Celestia Ludenberg headcanons?
celestia is a stickler for rules, despite her general air. if anyone attempts to cheat her, she will fly into a rage, including outside of gambling.
she runs a very popular instagram account where she posts her outfits and very aesthetic pictures of her trips abroad.
her special interests outside of gambling are european history and castles/palaces. she has visited many of them and has her future palace completely designed down to the last detail. (she's also autistic, because we said so lmao).
her and the despair sisters all got along very well during school. she enjoyed talking fashion with junko, historical torture methods with mukuro and taking them to tea houses with her.
celestia designs and makes many of her own clothes and accessories, and takes commisions at exorbitant prices. her work is worth it, though.
she is the sort of person where if you see her without her high heels or not wearing a skirt, run. because that means she's probably pissed off.
she collects jewelry, tea sets and crystals. she also has an extensive library.
she's a talented artist and painter, but rarely shares this interests with anyone. she has painted her own portrait many times and if you were to visit her house, it would be covered in paintings of herself and her cat.
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sadowife · 17 days
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✚ Heavenly & Starry System Names …
The Starry Heaven,Heaven's Divine Council,The Children of the Stars,The Kingdom of Heaven,The Heavenly Kingdom,The Starry Paradise,The Empyrean,The Star - Filled Beyond,Elysium,The Celestial City,The Ones Beyond the Stars,The Promised Land,The Celestials.
System, Collective,etc can be added to the ends .ᐟ
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✚ Heavenly & Starry Names …
Heavenly / Heavenlie,Heavynne,Evangel,Starish,Divinita,Starette,Staresse,Starry,Altair,Celeste,Engel,Angelyne,Angelkiss,Rosangel,Araceli,Nova,Vega,Celka,Devina / Devita,Stelle,Estella / Estrella,Junia,Lynx,Eridanus,Cassiopeia / Cass,Acrux / Crux.
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✚ Heavenly & Starry Pronouns …
Hea Heaven Heavenly,Star Stars,Div Divine,Celeste Celestial,Para Paradise,Sai Saint,Ange Angel,Shi Shine,Ely Elysium,Holy Holys,Pray Prayer,Che Cherub,Sera Seraph,Cos Cosmic,Stell Stellar,Ast Astral,🕊 🕊s,⛪️ ⛪️s,⭐️ ⭐️s,🌟 🌟s,🌌 🌌s.
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✚ Heavenly & Starry Titles …
Prn of the Stars / Heaven,The Heavenly Star,The Celestial { Being / One },The Star Child,The Saintly Star,The Saint,The Paradisical Star,Prn Who Shines,The Starlike Divine,The Divine { Star },The Starry - Eyed One,Prn With Stars in Prns Eyes,The Star Above All.
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Requested By : Anon.
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carnificaprince · 1 year
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Names&Prounouns Suggestions for 〜 Angels
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꒰NAMES꒱ 〜 Agiel , Aingel , Aingil , Ambrose , Angel , Angele , Angellette , Angelette , Angeless , Angelesse , Angellita , Angelita , Angeline , Angelina , Angelique , Angeletta , Apollyon , Asmodel , Asmodelle , Asmodette , Azazel , Azrael , Beburos , Bliss , Blisselle , Blissette , Blissy , Cael , Cain , Charmeine , Charmette , Cherub , Cherubelle , Cherubim , Cross , Eleleth , Engel , Engelle , Engelette , Evangelette , Evangeline , Evangelos , Forfax , Gabriel , Halo , Haloette , Haloesse , Heavelle , Heaven , Heavenette , Holy , Holyess , Kafziel , Laia , Laila , Lailah , Laurel , Laurelle , Laurette , Lelija , Lieke , Liilia , Lilium , Lily , Malachi , Malak , Malika , Mary , Maryette , Metatron , Mercy , Michael , Mireille , Mitra , Mitrette , Mitrelle , Molitva , Muriel , Ofaniel , Ophaniel , Orifiel , Palme , Parisa , Pariselle , Prayer , Pure , Purelle , Purette , Puriel , Pyriel , Ramiel , Raziel , Reinheit , Rosangel , Samuel , Sariel , Schutzengel , Seraph , Seraphette , Seraphiel , Seraphim , Tamiel , Throne , Thrones , Thronette , Tien , Uriel , Vanina , Verge , Vergelle , Vice , Vicelle , Vices , Vicette , Vierittaa , Virtue , Virtuelle , Virtues , Virtuette , Voluta , Wormwood , Yael , Yomiel
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꒰PRONOUNS꒱ 〜 Angel/Angels , Holy/Holys , Vir/Virs/Virtue/Virtues/Virtueself , Halo/Halos , Vice/Vices , Eye/Eyes , Wing/Wings , Fea/Feas/Feather/Feathers/Featherself , Ring/Rings , Throne/Thrones , Div/Divs/Divine/Divines/Divineself , Bliss/Bliss' , Cherub/Cherubs , Pray/Prays , Prayer/Prayers , Power/Powers/Powerself , Thy/Thou , Arch/Archs , Arch/Archs/Archangel/Archangels/Archangelself , Pure/Pures , Purity/Purities , Principality/Principalities , Glow/Glows , Ring/Rings , Bell/Bells , 1111/1111s , 777/777s , 999/999s ( or any other angel numbers ) , Tide/Tides/Tiding/Tidings/Tidingself , Thee/Thoust , Heaven/Heavens , Trin/Trinities , Glory/Glories , Love/Loves , Wheel/Wheels , Candle/Candles , Wis/Wisdom/Wisdomself , Jus/Justices , Crown/Crowns , Silk/Silks , Cross/Crosses , Staff/Staffs , Tower/Towers , Globe/Globes , Lily/Lilies , Christ/Christs , Vial/Vials , Innocent/Innocence , Innocent/Innocents , Guard/Guards , Guardian/Guardians , Flame/Flames , Mercy/Mercies , Judge/Judges/Judgement/Judgements/Judgeself or Judgementself , Vic/Vics/Victory/Victories/Victoryself
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rwuffles · 4 months
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pt: angelic-themed names. requested by feather anon. end pt.
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evangelos / evangeline / evangelina
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degrees-of-fuck · 8 months
Lettie Infodump so I can talk about her here and it'll make sense
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I realised I haven't properly explained what I ended up deciding my OC Lettie's uh... Deal is. I have an insane number of thoughts about her too. She's kinda my main general OC that I ported over to DoL cuz she's my main gal that I constantly rotate in my head, so this makes sense. But. Yeah. Anyway, attempting to explain miss lettice rosangel for people that follow my for my OCs for whatever goddamn reason. Infodump to provide Context about her for future posts - and a couple doodles below!
cw for more Blood Stuff than the usual DoL fare. Sucks 2 be a sacrificial lamb. and also for long.
OK so Path/ologic has always been one of the Lettie Games of All Time to me, but the way I adapted her into DoL was pretty heavily inspired by The Changeling's route (Though I also OFTEN make jokes about Cult of/the Lamb in relation to her.) Initially, because of her Dainty Woodland Weirdo vibes and stuff about her personality, I was gonna toss her at Eden and have her be a miracle-worker on the side when she's in town, but then she uh. Then she stopped being a PC and now she's just here. Among my other OCs. Doing whatever it is she does. God I really wanna do a comic based on the Pathologic intro with my PCs lol
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anyway. What I actually ended up doing was making her Full Time miracle worker that was raised at the temple, because I found the image of her after being Found, spawned by the elements, getting thrown at it when her behaviour of inflicting indiscriminate psionic torture instead of crying and generally just being an absolutely horrifying creature kind of finally Broke Bailey and his goons a bit, so. Here, temple. Take this fucking thing. Kill it or exorcise maybe, I don't care just keep it away from me. And then she promptly started acting sweet as anything, having gotten old enough to start communicating a bit. (On her gaslight grindset even as an infant...)
SO. Her being thrown at the temple, plus her mysterious powers plus the circumstances of her 'birth' cleeaarly mean this is some kind of divine being, but the question of course is, In Which Direction? Upon realising that this even WAS a question, the obvious thing for her to do is to start acting the role of The Heavensent AS HARD AS POSSIBLE - Perfect and Pure and Incorruptible. Because being revealed to be even slightly bad might get her diagnosed with Lying Hellspawn. So. Yeah. Kind of a situation where you are sat up nicely on a pedestal, but don't have the Right to display any kind of moral greyness. Which is hard at times, because Lettie's kind of an asshole and only More inclined to be awful when she's being constantly treated in such a bizarre manner. Honestly even with her best efforts, I think there's murmurings of people thinking she isn't what she seems. The odd nun or monk cornering her out of sight about it and so on forth.
But yeah. Essentially, she exists more as a symbol than as a person with real thoughts or feelings. Performs illusion-based miracles, pretends to have visions and then makes them come true to fuck with people, lots of Charitable Good Deeds for Brownie Points... The OTHER thing her daily life seems to entail (Other than occasionally being molested by members of the church and overhearing people wanting to kidnap her) is being a BLOOD SACRIFICE. Her body sure is covered in weird scars from being bled on altars for religious ceremonies, or to just collect some lambs' blood for later use. And also sometimes being touched a lil inappropriately during That.
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So yeah. Much thoughts on Perfection and Purity basically equating to Emptiness, Fractured Identity Stuff, Religious Trauma, the general horror-show that is the way the people that basically raised her treat her, the effects of the public eye and having to live a life where you're straight up Not Allowed to change or grow at all, because you're already supposedly Perfect. Just a hollow doll (Well not entirely hollow. She has Blood.) to project onto and adore, but also viciously blame whenever literally anything goes wrong. (I mean, is this a lamb or a goat? It's anyone's guess.)
Much Power but Zero Rights.
I have a lot of Other thoughts thematically and such but I find them hard to put into words that make sense so this is all you're getting for now.
Some Extra Facts About Her???
-Chronic Illness Moments! Being constantly a bit drained of blood, side-effects of psychic burnout plus just. Generally being sickly. This paired with the frequency with which she slips and slides around on temple floors on her sheepy hooves, I wanna start keeping count of how many times she almost gives Jordan a heart attack : )
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-With her and Sydney both having kind of a IT'S COMPLICATED parental relationship with Jordan and both of them being how they are, I do NOT think Lettie likes Syd very much. Keeps telling on her when they see her break character a bit. And also is constantly just, there, being a human that she can be compared to. And if she's seen to be less virtuous than some fucking initiate, then it's OVER for her which is kinda terrifying. They rank above most of the nuns and monks at the temple on account of not personally mistreating her, but they sure do make her life harder and she delights in fucking with them.
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-At some point, I made Original, Non DoL Lettie transfem because of thematic Gender stuff. Anyway I think that she came out via mix of "Your human genders don't make sense to be, but I like dresses :)" and gaslighting the temple into thinking she'd ALWAYS been this way. So she uh. Didn't come out. She gave herself bottom surgery via a terrifying blood ritual of her Own. Good for her.
-I think there is So much to explore with the Ivory Wraith. Idk the details yet, but... Yeah.
-Cuts her hair into a bob and shears her leg-wool in the summer. Also has to do smaller shearings/cuttings throughout the year probably. I think she spins it into yarn, bleaches and dyes it and knits with it. : ) Very into fiber arts in general. Sewing and embroidery and quilting are Fun and also no one can tell her idle hands are the devil's workshop if she's constantly doing something with her hands.
-I've still yet to settle on how to draw her fucking horns.
-Shortly after making this post, I decided she can be the PC Kylar fixates on, so I've been thinking of that. My other OC Edin already is kind of a fucking stalker, but. Yeah, it makes perfect sense for her to have multiple stalkers I think. Part of her whole deal is that she CONSTANTLY has EYES on her. Never free. Two stalkers, each with completely conflicting expectations of her is supremely on brand.
-Feeling of Kylar has figured out that she isn't what she presents herself as - but doesn't know who she actually is, instead deciding to view her as what they Want her to be, leading into the hgufkdsdjd, <3 <3 <3 You're So Naughty type shit. ... Don't tell Kylar she doesn't have a womb.
-Kylar maybe has Hopes relating to her ~special powers~ and what they could do for their parents??
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zemagltd · 10 months
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Everyday Poetry - "When we focus so hard on the tiny details, we leave ourselves open to miss the bigger picture. Details matter and so does an eagles point of view." Rosangel Perez
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jahdiel-death · 5 months
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✧˖ ° Eternus✧˖
Iris Set
+9 bonus colors in fatpacks and fullpack! Compatible with: - Legacy+Perky - Reborn+Juicy Boobs+Rolls+Waifu
Located @ Access
✧˖ ° ERSCH✧˖ °
Berrybae Accessories (Collab w/ Petrichor)
Cookie, Earrings, Necklace, Bindi, & Halo
Located @ Food Court
✧˖ ° Belacce ✧˖ ° 
Rosangel Skin
Compatible with Velour Body Skins
Located @ Mainstore
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mysticbewitched · 1 year
babe can you give me unique names for angels I have my angel human. Body guards I just want a name to them
Angel bodyguards? That's badass.
Name ideas for your angels:
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lovesick-level-up · 1 year
Celestia Ludenberg headcanons?
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very well, anon. this was fun to do, she's always fun to think about. we hope you like them.
~ rosangel 🌻🦢⚜️
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sakuravulpes · 5 months
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✎ ( sponsor ღ Planet29 ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ { wistaria } // Aegyosal Maker ~ Evo X ★⸝⸝ { wistaria } // Idol Lashes #1 ~ Evo X
ღ By Wistaria, Aegyosal Maker is a gorgeous detail for the perfect look. It's BOM for EvoX only, including 2 options and 2 glitters. All layers are tintable. And I'm also wearing their new Idol lashes, this set is fantastic! Compatible with Lelutka EvoX only comes with 6 tintable lash options. Lash lenght can be adjusted and tinted in the Lelutka hud. You can see a closer look in the comments and blog.
✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Mewsery ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ #Mewsery Sweet Lamb Headband{#FATPACK} @ᴋᴀᴡᴀɪɪ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ ★⸝⸝ #MEWSERY Keke Set{#FATPACK} @ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ
ღ By my new lovely sponsor Mewsery I'm wearing Keke Set, this beautiful dress look gorgeous, I love the puffy sleeves! You can wear the dress with or without sleeves, they're separated. And it's rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, Juicy Rolls, Mounds, Kupra and Peach.
I'm also wearing Mewsery's newest creation, Sweet Lamb. It's a beautiful headband with a super amazing hud, you can hide or show the bows and horns so you'll have a lot of different style and you can mix and match the horns, bows, inner ears and headband.
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Belacce ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ [BELACCE] Rosangel Skin Fatpack
ღ Rosangel is one of the newest Belacce creations, and it's so perfect, it makes me look like a real doll. it's compatible with Velour tones and available in Blush, Snow, Sienna, Rose Kiss, Porcelain, Icy, Frost and Chantily. It comes with brows and no brows versions and also shapes for head and eyebrows. You can see a closer look in the comments and blog.
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ ✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
Ahri ღ
✎ ( outfit & hair ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ INORI - Lace Stockings ★⸝⸝ VCO ~ JANA Hair ★⸝⸝ Tentacio uta pipe
✎ ( extras ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ {S0NG} Myya Eyes ★⸝⸝ asap. untie untie lipgloss [fatpack] ★⸝⸝ GOREGLAM 'Milk' Eyeshadow EVO X HD (add) ★⸝⸝ {Sakura} Decora Nails - Blossom (unpacked) ★⸝⸝ LeLUTKA Prim Head 3.1 ★⸝⸝ eBODY - REBORN
✎ ( backdrop & pose ) ՞₊˚๑ · · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ Osaka Nights Backdrop - The Bearded Guy ★⸝⸝ Sweet Art. Tammy Static 1
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lesbian-i-ching · 1 year
Happy birthday!
Thank you so much, Rosangel💖💖💖💖
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famouszoom · 2 years
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dueuominibaffuti · 3 years
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Never gets old.
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another funky angel!
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themilktealogy · 4 years
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My arcana MC! Her name is Rosangel. Her trivia:
fave food: angel food cake
fave drink: rose tea
fave flower: pink rose (she has certain fondness to things that shares her name)
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snoodle-and-ploodle · 3 years
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