#secrets of atheria
vampiric-dolly-draws · 3 months
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Zoey here, along with her best friend Joey are both part of a band. Zoey being the main vocalist and Joey typically working behind the scenes. When they aren't doing their band stuff the two are bounty hunters who go around collecting bounty's or simply just help out in any way they can!!
Though as of now...they are working on a curious case in tracking down whomever is causing the sudden bursts of corruption essence that has been affecting the masses...
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secretsofatheria · 3 months
~The Essence Classes~
Hi...Essence changed a little bit so....here is an update on magic Essence and how it works...
In the universe of Atheria, Magic has existed since the beginning of Time itself. It’s unknown as to why but many have speculated It had something involving the Anu. Over the course of time as the many dimensions changed and evolved to what they are today Magic Itself has formed and evolved along with the scholars who studied it across these very worlds.  
The magic itself is formed into “Classes” The current known “Classes” are....
Keep in mind that these are merely categories, as essence has a wide range of uses as well as having plenty of offsets from the original…There are almost no limitations as to how one can use their Essence. 
Basic summary of The Classes:
Shadow: Shadow Magic or “Umbrakinesis”. is a class that can manipulate the darkness and shadows itself. As powerful as it may be, it can take many forms, Examples are Shadow Puppetry, Night Vision and Dark form. Light: This class is Shadow’s counterpart. But unlike Shadow, Light can manipulate the light itself! It can be used as a weapon or as a guide. Examples are Mage light, Light Form, and Purification.
Lightning: Part of the elemental group, Lightning specializes in many electric forces, it’s a very powerful force if used properly. Examples are Plasma Magic, Super Speed and Electricity Manipulation.
Ice: Another part of the elemental group is Ice, it branches off of Water Magic. It's a type of sub magic that allows the user to cast Ice and Snow based abilities. Examples are Snow Magic, Cold Manipulation and Esoteric Ice Manipulation.
Water: Water magic or “Hydromancy”, allows someone to control and manipulate water itself! It’s part of the elemental section of magic. Examples of Water Magic are Water Manipulation, Storm Magic [usually combined with Lightning], and Liquid Magic
Fire: Fire Magic or “Pyromancy” is magic that can control fire and in general heat! Also being part of the elemental group of magic and the direct opposite to Water Magic. Examples of Fire Magic are Heat Magic, Esoteric Fire Generation, and Ash Magic.
Air: Air Magic or “Aeromancy” is part of the Elemental Group of magic that allows someone to control the air around them! Examples of Air Magic are, Wind Magic, Anemokinesis, and Smoke Magic.
Earth: Earth Magic or “Geomancy” is also part of The Elemental Group of magic that allows a person to control the ground and rocks around them! Examples of Earth Magic are Esoteric Earth Generation, Metalic Creation, Gemstone Manipulation, and Stone Magic.
Dream: Dream magic is divided into two sections, Dream Materialization and Nightmare Manipulation. A user of this kind of magic can create dreams, walk through them or manipulate them. The same with nightmares, however a user can not have both. Sleep inducement is also considered to be part of Dream Magic.
Soul: Soul Magic is the manipulation of a being's soul as well as spirits. Soul magic allows someone to either channel, summon or use the power of spirits. As well as manipulate or even heal a person's soul! Examples of Soul magic are Necromancy, Absolute Soul Manipulation, Mediumism and Phantasm Manipulation.
Melodic: Melodic Magic or “Symphokinesis” is a sound based magical class that uses the manipulation of musical sounds and voices. Melodic Essence usually involves musical instruments or even a person's voice. Bards are well known for using Melodic Magic for whatever they desire. Examples of Melodic Magic are, Musical Healing, Music Manipulation and Vibration Emission.
Noise: Noise Magic or “Sonokinesis” is its own form of magic that not many people seem to understand yet. All that is known about it, is that it is capable of manipulating the sound waves in a surrounding area in various ways. Examples of Noise Magic are, Muting, Echolocation and Sound amplification.
Nature: Nature magic or “Ecomancy”, is part of the elemental group where one is able to create elemental spirits or even control varying plants! Some examples of Nature magic are, Plant Manipulation, Beast Magic and Elemental Summons. Poison: Poison Magic is strange and considered to be very dangerous to the user themselves if they don’t know what they’re doing. Poison magic is known to create, spread, or weaken and eliminate poisons. Examples of Poison magic are, Chemical Creation, Esoteric Toxin Manipulation and Poison Manipulation.
Illusions: Illusion Magic relies on manipulating the senses or surroundings. It can change the appearance of things or even manipulate the mind into believing in seeing something that simply isn’t. It’s one of the magical classes that are very hard to explain. Examples of Illusion Magic are, Mirror Magic, Glamour Magic and Sensory Distortion Manipulation.
Culinary: Culinary Magic is a kind of magic that focuses on food! It usually is used for the  preparation and conjuration of food. A user can also make food “alive” but usually it’s for entertainment purposes across the dimensions. Examples of Culinary Magic are, Candy Magic, Taste Manipulation and Trofimancy.
Time: Time Magic or Chronomancy is the manipulation of the temporal flow that is across all dimensions. Some say that The God of Time himself created this magic and the concept of time when he first came into being. Examples of Time Magic are, Esoteric Time Manipulation, Reverse Temporal Magic and Clock Magic.
Creation: Creation Magic is a kind of magic that is able to create anything out of various materials or magical energy, in any shape or form even with any kind of materials and magical energy. It was one of the first magical energies to exist in the old world Immensus Mundus. Examples of creation magic are, Life Creation, Imagination Manifestation and Object Creation.
Destruction: Destruction magic is the opposite and counterpart of Creation Magic. It is able to destroy anything from magical energy, materials or even life itself!! It is also one of the longest magical energies that existed alongside Creation Magic in the old world, Immensus Mundus. Examples of Destruction Magic are, Nullification, Dematerialization and Destruction Inducement.
Transmutation: Transmutation or also called Transformation Magic is a magic that allows a being to change their form or the form of others! It can be used to change objects as well. It’s very popular in the Alchemy field. Examples of Transmutation are, Shapeshifting, Soulshifting and Matter Manipulation.
Corruption: Corruption Magic or Corrokinesis, falls under the “Forbidden Arts”. It’s a kind of magic that corrupts or taints everything in its wake or whatever the user wants to corrupt. However the price of Corruption Magic is that the user themselves will fall victim to the magical energy itself. Examples of Corruption Magic are, Corruption Manipulation and Corruption Infusion.
Chaos: Chaos Magic is another kind of magic that falls under the “Forbidden Arts”. It utilizes the chaotic energies of the universe. Making the user who controls this magic extremely dangerous. Examples of Chaos Magic are, Reality Warping, Destabilization and Chaos Embodiment.
Blood: Blood Magic or Hemomancy is also part of the “Forbidden Arts'' group. This type of magic allows the user to control and manipulate Blood as well as cast varying spells with it! However it has its limitations, With blood magic it needs a source and Blood Magic users often seek out endless sources of Blood to be able to use the magic. Such as sacrifices or making pacts with demonic forces to be able to cast with ease, though not always. There have been cases of Blood Essence users being able to use their abilities to heal others with ease. Examples of Blood Magic are, Blood Manipulation, Blood Healing, Blood Reading and Hemo-Binding.
Hexen: Hex Magic is strange as it’s in an odd area when it comes to magic. It can be both positive and negative! Negative Hex Magic is often curses and malicious. While Positive Hex Magic is often enchantments and has a more positive intent. Negative Hex Magic is part of the “Forbidden Arts'' group. While Positive Hex Magic is simply part of its own group. There have been many debates on Hexen Essence which often leave people confused. Examples of Hex Magic are Augmentations, and Blessing Enchantments. [positive and negative for all of these.]
Sigil: Sigil Magic is a type of magic that comes from various symbols or carvings in order to work. Like Hex Magic Sigils can be positive or negative depending on the user's intent much like all magic that exists across Atheria. Examples of Sigil Magic are, Glyphs, Rune Creation and Writing Manifestation.
Mind: Mind Magic also known as “Cerebromancy” is a type of magic that requires a lot of mental fortitude. There has been a lot of debate when it comes to Mind Essence…but it is theorized that it has some connections with “Soul Essence.”  Mind is one of the more powerful aspects of Essence that exist across the realms and very few are able to control it. Examples of Mind Magic are Telekinesis, Foresight, Clairvoyance and Astral Projection.
Infernal: Infernal Magic also known as “Demonic Magic: is a type of essence that is normally connected to the demonic realm known as “The Inferna”. Users of this magic tend to have some sort of connection to this place…whether it be naturally…or if one made a contract with an Infernal...Examples of Infernal Magic are Demonic Empowerment, Familiar Manipulation, and Infernal Summoning. 
Angelic: Angelic Magic also known as “Divine Magic” is an essence that is Infernal Essence’s opposite. However it is very rare for any mortal to possess such magic, instead Angelic Essence is often seen being used in the hands of the Angelics, This essence also seems to have a special connection to Light Essence as well..It is still a mystery to mortals. Examples of Angelic Magic are Theurgy, Possession Immunity, and Omniscience.
Mythical: Mythical Magic also known as “Fablemancy” is an essence that only exists in a place known as “Elphame”, the realm where all beings from fables exist such as, Faeries, Merfolk, Draconic Beings, etc. This essence is typically only ever used by those who come from this realm…Rarely ever has it been used outside of Elphame. Thus it’s still undergoing studies when it comes to the type of Spells those with Mythical Essence can use. A Popular theory however is that this Essence corresponds with the type of Mythical it is attached to such as “Faerie Magic” as the current example.
Monster: Monster Magic isn’t what one assumes it to be, in fact it is an essence type that allows beings such as The Undead to be able to tap into their natural abilities. Such as A Vampyre being able to use abilities that align with vampyric powers or a WereBeast being able to access their beastly powers if need be. These abilities are only natural to beings who are monsters. It is extremely rare for those who aren’t monsters to be able to use this form of essence. The only way it is possible is if a hybrid has monster blood within them…
“Forbidden Arts'' Description: Essences such as Hexen [negative], Blood, Chaos and Corruption, are given this catagory due to the general power it takes for these essence's. The Essences themselves aren't "bad" per-say, but they were given this catagory due to the fact their effects on a person or places for that matter can be completely catastrophic if they aren't handled properly, reguires a huge price to pay when using said essence, or if a person is using them for ill intent. There have been cases where these essence's have been used for the betterment of others, although that is very few and far between. Most essence user's who use these kinds of magics typically have to go through immense training to be able to handle these essence's without any major consequences.
How Essence is Obtained:
All beings across the realms of Atheria are all born with Essence. It is connected to all souls since even before the universe was recreated into what it is today. Typically Essence remains dormant until something triggers it. Such as a memory, an emotion, or just something that happens out of the blue. Sometimes…Essence can remain dormant for long periods of time, other times it simply won’t surface. 
When it does surface however, a user will start off with an Essence that they’re most in tuned with. An example of this fact is if a user typically has dealt with a lot of loss in their life but can see, hear or feel their loved ones are still around. Typically means they are more aligned with Soul Essence. Or if a person finds themselves at peace or one with nature whether it be with the plants or the wild life that exists, usually means they’re more aligned with Nature Essence. Sometimes it’s the simple fact that a user is born with an Essence that is commonly used in the family, example being a family that is known for their usage of Ice Essence across the different generations. These are only simple examples and at times this always isn’t the case when it comes to the main Essence one uses.
It is often up to the user whether they want to use Essence or not. It is common practice for someone to use the Essence they’re born with or if they want to learn more Essences that exist they can! However it must be done in moderation lest they risk corruption.
If you have questions about any of The Essences and what, can and can not be applied to Essence usage/spells!!
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scarlet-cavern · 5 months
I am curious about the world in which you all live in:
Is the population all animal and animal-folk? Are there towns and cities? If so, how come you decided to live in a cave?
jade: well.. as far as I know, the population couldn't really get more diverse! there's humans, elementals, birds, kobolds and dragons, mantises, cats, jackalopes. you name it, basically. most any species can either be feral, or a 'folk. both live pretty seamlessly together, you'll find.
walk through any village and you'll see over a dozen different species before leaving, I'd reckon. everyone, no matter what they are, has a place in most towns and cities. and many buildings are made with this diversity in mind. accommodations for small, four-legged folk such as myself, or vice versa!
Maddie: and yeah we've got cities. Tlen on its own has two pretty big ones— Landering and Shellat, not to mention the port town Parvanni that's basically the nexus of trade on Tredan. Cooperation is a sign of civility, after all.
phy: as for why we're camping out in an obscure cave north of Landering, lemme give you a brief history lesson.
Old dragon is actually a retronym you know, we used to just be called dragons up until about 33 decades ago. The Hunters' Guild was — still is, kinda — a group dedicated to killing all the "monsters" in Atheria. They really meant any species, sentient or not, that might oppose the rule of humaniforms. So when they had built up enough support and strength, they decided to start killing dragons.
That war lasted 2 decades, and did lead to the deaths of most dragons. A few hatchlings survived that became new dragons, but 31 decades ago the remaining Old dragons gathered together to fight back. The end of the Hunters' war was hardly even a battle, but it was so late. Only a handful of Old dragons exist anymore.
I was born 31 decades ago, in this cave. I spent my first years hiding, remaining unseen. I'm probably one of the youngest Old dragons, but they don't really talk to me much. Besides, if there is a younger Old dragon than me it's probably best that they're kept secret. This cave, however, has always been my home; I've just been lucky enough to get to share it.
jade: if anything, I feel lucky that you trust me enough to let me stay here, love.~ this is better than any burrow I've ever lived in. bigger, too. more stony.
eli: GAY
eli: same tho
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affinitystoryblog · 5 months
33, 35, 37 for Atheria and Ceres
OOOO the goddesses that started it all, lets go!!
33. Who was the first to say ‘I love you’?
what if i told there was no 'i love you'? that their love was so strong and intense and true and real that they didnt need to say anything? they knew. it was unspoken, forbidden, a secret that the both of them were in on since the beginning.
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
well, i kinda just stated that it was something theyd kind of always known so tbh even tho i dont believe in it, itd definitely be love at first sight. their connection is cosmic, the moment their hearts beat in unison and they breathed the same air they knew they were fated.
37. How did they become friends?
okay so this is where i struggle because i have this idea in my head of what ceres and atheria are and how their relationship should/has developed but i am finding it so hard to write a backstory for these two...
so far my idea is that they were born as ancient humans and gained divinity in the act of a forbidden ritual involving the sacred tree and its sap and what not, but i dont rly have much of human life thought out for them??
ive thought of them both being orphaned girls back in this society and they both met in a monastery where they were training to be priestesses...thats my idea lmao idk how i feel about it tho :/ their dynamic may change depending on their backstories tho so i need to figure it outtt
oc relationship ask meme
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thepuppeteerartist · 2 years
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Wow for once I actually drew something that is oc related Me and the twin's protagonist hanging out while talking about their weird advenutres Joey belongs to @vampiric-dolly-draws
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 years
Avengers Dynasty (Book 2) Polaroids of the White Jasmine
by Atheria
Though the path to stopping those responsible for the alien weapons is still on its way, even with many of those responsible stopped, Brooklyn Stark no longer has to do it alone.
Now she has a family, a group of friends, and a team that is slowly being acknowledged as the heroes of Queens.
Brook has to decide what she will do about the feelings in her heart, about what risks and threats she is willing to take on this new school semester.
As the team grows and the stakes grow higher to keep secrets from the Avengers, Waynes, and the Justice League, Brooklyn will have to not only continue to grow as a person, but fulfill her duties to the world and to herself.
Who could be the ones behind all these problems?
Are all Waynes really that bad?
How will her and Damian handle the future ahead?
Can she control her own abilities?
Who will find out their secrets?
All Brooklyn knows for sure is that her growing family is power, and she will fight for it...whatever it takes.
(I do not own the Marvel and DC characters, music, or gifs presented in this fanfic. This book will contain some mature themes of violence, cursing, and perhaps others down the line.)
Words: 9392, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Avengers Dynasty Series
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel (Comics), DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Avengers Team, Batfamily Members, Damian Wayne, Jon Lane Kent, Yelena Belova, Michelle Jones, Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Ned Leeds, Original Female Character(s), X-Men (Team), Fantastic Four (Team), Joker (DCU), Shuri (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Harley Keener, Various MCU Characters, Teen Titans (DCU), Justice League (DCU), Raven (DCU), Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Cassie Lang, Alfred Pennyworth
Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Damian Wayne/Original Female Character(s), Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Jon Lane Kent/ Yelena Belova, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Light Angst, Crossover, a little bit of hurt/comfort, Violence, Blood and Injury, slight deviations from canon but its mostly accurate, Feels, Found Family, Action/Adventure, Teen Romance, Slow Burn, Team as Family, Assassins, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), Crime Fighting, a serious attempt at making fanfic cliches better, lots of family cuteness, more adoptions, Attempt at Humor, Family enemies, Wayne vs Stark, Damian Wayne is better at feelings, Parent Tony Stark, Idiots in Love, Jon Kent is the sweetest, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Goliath my beloved, again too much research was done for this fanfic but its worth it, REALLY LONG CHAPTERS, Domestic Avengers
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/33665731
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rez99gabriel-blog · 5 years
She-ra Season 2 therory
This is my @GabrielMcCarty's She-ra Season 2 theory Based on Noelle Stevenson's Emoji post. Potential spoilers warning! The whispering woods have been frozen which calls for a new princess of tech so Perfuma and Mermista go out to find one when they encounter Entrapta who is studying the strange rainbow effect of the powered runestones and their effects on powering the princesses. Glimmer,Bow,and Netossa go out on a mission to find out what Catra is up to. Catra follows SwiftWind and Adora to to where shes training with the runstone of her sword with LightHope. LH gets corrupted by the virus developed by the hoard delivered by imp and Adora and friends must find a way to heal her before Atheria is plunged into destruction. The hoard sends a message to Scorpia, kyle,Lonnie and their lizard friend who come bow hosting a tabletop rpg where everything is mixed up and they must defeat many monsters or it is game over. new alliances are formed strengthened by the full support of Mermista and frostas kingdom. However Shera's sword is infected once again by the dormant virus they ridded from LightHope And shera goes on a rampage which allows her to be trapped. And causes the SweetBee to come out of hiding with the help of Seahawk who set off to hold out against Scorpias forces. Shadow Weaver concocts a plan to use Shera and be freed but MadamRaz frees She-ra form the virus and reverses the chaos by controlling time and bringing light to Etheria before it is destroyed. This causes Adora to run away again for fear of losing her friends and meets a new mentor ?) where she gains new clothes(armor), knowledge, and the ability to transform the sword into things like a pot. Adora learns many secrets about Mara, Etheria, and her own home From another galaxy at castle Greyskull where she finds out she was kidnapped from her real mother by the hoard. Imp and other members of the hoard try to attack bright moon again but are stopped by Spinnerella and others awakened powers. Catra and her super pal trio learn about the true leader of the hoard that has been in slumber all this time and is now awake and watching. Hoard Prime.
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 10 months
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Hm, most people will remember her but...I decided to draw her design as she appears in S.O.A...
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secretsofatheria · 9 months
I decided to make a small book about the magic in Atheria? something i can actively update whenever something changes, rather than just make it into tumblr posts.
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 3 years
Avengers Dynasty (Book 2) Polaroids of the White Jasmine
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WTaCIy
by Atheria
Though the path to stopping those responsible for the alien weapons is still on its way, even with many of those responsible stopped, Brooklyn Stark no longer has to do it alone.
Now she has a family, a group of friends, and a team that is slowly being acknowledged as the heroes of Queens.
Brook has to decide what she will do about the feelings in her heart, about what risks and threats she is willing to take on this new school semester.
As the team grows and the stakes grow higher to keep secrets from the Avengers, Waynes, and the Justice League, Brooklyn will have to not only continue to grow as a person, but fulfill her duties to the world and to herself.
Who could be the ones behind all these problems?
Are all Waynes really that bad?
How will her and Damian handle the future ahead?
Can she control her own abilities?
Who will find out their secrets?
All Brooklyn knows for sure is that her growing family is power, and she will fight for it...whatever it takes.
(I do not own the Marvel and DC characters, music, or gifs presented in this fanfic. This book will contain some mature themes of violence, cursing, and perhaps others down the line.)
Words: 9392, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Avengers Dynasty Series
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel (Comics), DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Avengers Team, Batfamily Members, Damian Wayne, Jon Lane Kent, Yelena Belova, Michelle Jones, Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Ned Leeds, Original Female Character(s), X-Men (Team), Fantastic Four (Team), Joker (DCU), Shuri (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Harley Keener, Various MCU Characters, Teen Titans (DCU), Justice League (DCU), Raven (DCU), Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Cassie Lang, Alfred Pennyworth
Relationships: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Damian Wayne/Original Female Character(s), Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Jon Lane Kent/ Yelena Belova, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Light Angst, Crossover, a little bit of hurt/comfort, Violence, Blood and Injury, slight deviations from canon but its mostly accurate, Feels, Found Family, Action/Adventure, Teen Romance, Slow Burn, Team as Family, Assassins, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), Crime Fighting, a serious attempt at making fanfic cliches better, lots of family cuteness, more adoptions, Attempt at Humor, Family enemies, Wayne vs Stark, Damian Wayne is better at feelings, Parent Tony Stark, Idiots in Love, Jon Kent is the sweetest, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Goliath my beloved, again too much research was done for this fanfic but its worth it, REALLY LONG CHAPTERS, Domestic Avengers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WTaCIy
0 notes
sphereofcompassion · 5 years
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This is my @GabrielMcCarty's She-ra Season 2 theory Based on Noelle Stevenson's Emoji post. Potential Spoilers WARNING! The whispering woods have been frozen which calls for a new princess of tech so Perfuma and Mermista go out to find one when they encounter Entrapta who is studying the strange rainbow effect of the powered runestones and their effects on powering the princesses. Glimmer,Bow,and Netossa go out on a mission to find out what Catra is up to. Catra follows SwiftWind and Adora to to where shes training with the runstone of her sword with LightHope. LH gets corrupted by the virus developed by the hoard delivered by imp and Adora and friends must find a way to heal her before Atheria is plunged into destruction. The hoard sends a message to Scorpia, kyle,Lonnie and their lizard friend who come bow hosting a tabletop rpg where everything is mixed up and they must defeat many monsters or it is game over. new alliances are formed strengthened by the full support of Mermista and frostas kingdom. However Shera's sword is infected once again by the dormant virus they ridded from LightHope And shera goes on a rampage which allows her to be trapped. And causes the SweetBee to come out of hiding with the help of Seahawk who set off to hold out against Scorpias forces. Shadow Weaver concocts a plan to use Shera and be freed but MadamRaz frees She-ra form the virus and reverses the chaos by controlling time and bringing light to Etheria before it is destroyed. This causes Adora to run away again for fear of losing her friends and meets a new mentor ?) where she gains new clothes(armor), knowledge, and the ability to transform the sword into things like a pot. Adora learns many secrets about Mara, Etheria, and her own home From another galaxy at castle Greyskull where she finds out she was kidnapped from her real mother by the hoard. Imp and other members of the hoard try to attack bright moon again but are stopped by Spinnerella and others awakened powers. Catra and her super pal trio learn about the true leader of the hoard that has been in slumber all this time and is now awake and watching. Hoard Prime. #shera #sheraprincessofpower #fantheory https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwpw5Z9l67q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ft3r4cd6tyns
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 11 months
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Hm been a while since i posted oc universe related things...but This is Fritz, and he works for a laboratory known as "Apex", he is stationed over at one of their branches over in Nekropolis. He is...an odd man to say the least...most people always get an offputting vibe whenever they're around this man...
He currently is doing studies about mortality...perhaps he believes that if all beings can achive immortality, perhaps the world would thrive. Well..in his eyes anyway, he's a determined man who is willing to do whatever it takes to rid the world of all its ailment's. Even if it means he'd have to get his hands dirty.
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secretsofatheria · 2 years
~𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔰~
These entities known to most as "Gods" were one of the first beings to be created when the new world started taking form after Mother Atheria...a Powerful Anu, reshaped the universe in order to stop her sister Sephora from completely destroying the old world. With the cost of having to make a new one with the power of Creation Essence...from this essence alone and the power of the stars, and other various aspects of the universe is how they are formed. These Gods are living aspects of different parts of nature and living embodiments of magic, Although they are all formless they chose their forms they wish to present themselves as. Despite their power it is not without cost, They maybe immortal but by no means are they invincible.
Now, Some of The Gods had their own roles when it came to certain aspects of the universe, Some Gods tampered with species and creating entirely new people that now wander across the realms, Some has their hands with the fate of other worlds and their people to the point they've made a mark on history, and others had their own personal agendas whether it has good or bad intentions. However something these entities all have in common is protecting and overseeing the balance of Nature and other aspects of the Universe, such as Magic for example. Needless to say these entities are powerful. So much so that they were worshiped by all sorts of beings across the different dimensional planes of existence. Each known to these mortals by either the same name, title and what they're capable of. Though some of these people have given the Gods different names depending where they are from. Because of this The Gods used to show themselves to the people and interacted with them. Alas...After "The Great War" that nearly destroyed the entire balance of the universe and dimensions as a whole. The Gods decided to keep their distance from the people.
The Gods still act as Overseers to all things in the universe, but they no longer answer the cries and pleas of the people. They only observe from the distance, They only intervene if it is absolutely necessary. Present day the people although in some cultures still worship some of these gods, even having religions formed after them...Some if not most of the beings speculate if the Gods were even real at all or just stories passed down from their ancestors...
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~Welcome to The Circus~
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Miku but if she were in my oc universe. She's a faerie with Melodic Essence.
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Made an outfit sheet for my sona.
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