feudalconnection · 9 months
Nomination - Roseheartwhitefox
CONGRATULATIONS, @roseheartwhitefox​!!! Your fanfiction “Big Rigs” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2023 3rd Term Inuyasha Fandom Awards run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best Humor/Parody
Voting will take place between October 5th and October 20th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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fawn-eyed-girl · 2 years
Do Kaashi
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Akaashi Keiji, you say? My favorite Haikyuu!! setter? Why YES, @roseheartwhitefox, it will be my absolute pleasure to do the Character Ask for him!
Favorite thing about them
Besides how freaking beautiful he is? (He's, like, stupid pretty.) I love how he's low-key super-skilled as a setter, but we almost never hear about how good he is (although Ukai and Takeda both note his prowess as a setter during the training camp arc). Because Akaashi Keiji's specialty is truly making the people around him better, especially his boyfriend ace, Bokuto Kōtarō. He knows Bokuto better than anyone, and always knows exactly how to help him. When Yukie suggests they tell Bokuto there's a cute girl in the stands, Akaashi's like NAH, that's not gonna work this time...when Bokuto's in emo mode at nationals, Akaashi spins their location expertly to show Bokuto they ARE center stage, and then points him to Hinata and says, "Your student is here" 😭 and it's exactly the right thing to do. He's thoughtful, methodical, analytical, and yet you get the feeling that everything he does, he does because he cares deeply for his team, and for Bokuto--even if Bokuto is a constant source of stress and anxiety for him 🤣
Least favorite thing about them
Ummm...I don't know! I literally love everything about him. So I will say that we don't get enough time with Akaashi beyond the court. Some of my favorite scenes are with him and Bokuto at school, and the scene during nationals at the hotel...places where we get to see them, outside of volleyball, and see their dynamic in those settings. I want to know everything about them, and I hate that we don't get to see more.
Favorite line
"The more I think about this, the greedier I get, and things go wrong. I just need to be methodical. Yes, methodical."
In which Akaashi fights his feelings about how amazing Bokuto is playing, and tries to focus on the bigger picture (and, yeah, he's failing).
I want more Akaashi and Kenma, because I think they spend a lot of time texting about how much Bokuto and Kuroo drive them crazy. I love fics where we see the four of them together, and Bokuto and Kuroo watch bad movies and eat too much and drink too much and get into all kinds of trouble, and Akaashi and Kenma retreat to one or the other's bedroom and play video games and fall asleep. It's adorable, and I so love them as BFFs.
My favorite romantic trope is the sunshine person and their grumpy/ambivalent/RBF significant other, and my goodness, do Bokuto and Akaashi fit this one perfectly ❤️ No one else challenges Akaashi this much; the two of them truly bring out the best in each other. Akaashi grounds Bokuto, and Bokuto brings out Akaashi's playful side, and lets him have fun and see that volleyball, yes, is analytical, but also is a chance for them to just enjoy playing together. Akaashi takes care of Bokuto, understands his temperament, and knows exactly when and how to bring him back. Plus, when Akaashi is setting to his teammates in the training camp arc, you can SEE how distressed Bokuto is--he wants Akaashi to set for him, to high five him, to compliment him. But Akaashi also doesn't just dish out the love; he gives it as Bokuto deserves it, and that's good for Boku, too, because he knows that when Akaashi compliments him, he's truly earned it.
And when Akaashi gets to play with Bokuto, you can see the joy on his face. He truly loves to set for his ace, and you can just see how this relationship functions, on and off the court, and it's magical.
(Also this gif is them in a nutshell and it makes me so happy. Bokuto wants to please him so badly, and when he gets the compliment he seeks, he's thrilled. "AKAASHI DID YOU SEE? WAS IT AMAZING?" He wants that compliment so badly he's such a bean 😅)
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This one is tough, because it means someone I can't see Akaashi paired with. I am really on board the BokuAka train, although I have read some BokuKuroAka fics, and I do like Kuroo and Akaashi's dynamic. I can get behind it, if written in a particular way (they're both sly, and snarky, and Kuroo's an extrovert, and I think he delights in Akaashi's quiet, well-placed jabs). I think the one that I haven't been convinced of yet is Tsukishima and Akaashi. To me, they are both characters who need sunshine people in their lives, and I want them both to be just smothered in love and affection (Tsukki because he would hate it on the surface, and complain even though he secretly loved it, and Akaashi because he needs it and soaks it up).
Random headcanon
Ahhh, I have so many! Let's see...how about this one (I think you know it)?
Bokuto has been trying to get Akaashi go to to karaoke with him, Kuroo, and Kenma for ages. Akaashi finally agrees to go, and when he does, he refuses to sing. When Bokuto convinces him, Akaashi picks a song, and when he sings, his voice is deep, smooth, and amazing. Kuroo can't stop laughing. Kenma plays his video game and ignores the whole mess, even though he's smiling slightly to himself.
Bokuto…does not know what to do 😂 and has a little meltdown because this is a side to Akaashi he did not know existed and he doesn't know how to handle it.
Unpopular opinion
Maybe not unpopular, but I really wish that we had a chance for Kageyama and Akaashi to work together. We know Kageyama is jealous of Tsukki for having that chance, and I think it would have been really cool to see Kageyama learn from someone as methodical as Akaashi. He's called Oikawa's protege so many times, but I see him as a really different kind of setter; he would benefit from Akaashi's rational thought processes and I feel like he could learn a lot. And, maybe he would teach Akaashi that Akaashi could be a little bit more daring with Bokuto in his sets, too...
Song I associate with them
I immediately think of Akaashi when I think of some nice, bluesy guitar, so I'm going with Kenny Wayne Shepherd's "Blue on Black"
Favorite picture of them
Okay, you know which one I'm going to pick 😅 I can't help it! Akaashi thinking about his options if he sets to Bokuto, and what Bokuto he's gonna have to deal with, based on how Boku spikes the ball, is absolutely classic and my favorite moment, hands down, in both the manga and the anime (and the anime did a fantastic job with this moment).
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Rose, thank you so much for giving me the chance to wax poetic about Akaashi! This was a LOT of fun...but you know I could talk about him all day long. I appreciate it! 🥰
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clearwillow · 2 years
A swing and a miss for Miroku. Sorry bud. XD
Miroku was a betting man but maybe he should have taken the slim odds over the sure thing in this instance. For five years he’d watched these two dance around each other like some strange mating ritual, wondering when one or the other would be the first to leap and get to business. It didn’t help answer the question of who had taken the plunge, but from the look in Inuyasha’s eyes he’d certainly plunged something –
“Was it not good?” he whispered, mentally creating a list of all the things that could have gone wrong. Was Kagome not good? Did she not get to finish? Was Inuyasha not good? Did he finish too soon? Were there issues with fitting? Had he scratched her by accident? Did he not know how – “The fuck are you talking about?” Inuyasha whispered back, eyes narrowing. The monk knew he wasn’t pissed, but that confusion could turn to pissed real quick.
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inukag-archive · 3 months
Hi, I’m looking for fics where Kagome and/or Inuyasha deal with depression/anxiety. I like longer stories but one-shots are totally fine too. I would prefer stories from before 2019 so there’s no Yashahime influence. Also please no sessrin in the recs. Thank you so much!
Hi anon, thank you for the ask! Most of the fics we could find that fit your criteria are one shots, but there are a few longer stories sprinkled throughout. In order to provide more reading material, we split the list into stories written in 2019 or earlier and stories that were written after 2019 but contain no references to Yashahime (characters, plot, or otherwise). There shouldn't be any SessRin references in any of the fics either.
This is a difficult subject to search for without having read a story in its entirety, so we strongly encourage anyone who knows of any others to leave more recs in the reblogs/replies!
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[2019 or Earlier]
He Just Wouldn't Stop by @artistefish (G)
Just because she's back doesn't mean there aren't scars. Some wounds take more than time to heal, and some never heal at all. A post-canon look at an unexpected repercussion of Kagome's three year absence.
Guilty Hero by Eggry (T)
The city is recovering after a crippling war against Naraku. But while time moves on, Inu-Yasha doesn't. Plagued with guilt over a terrible deed, alcohol is his only escape from the nightmare of reality. At their wit's end with him, Sango and Miroku are on the verge of giving up until Kagome Higurashi arrives to take him under her wing.
Sleep, My Dear by Stars_Sky_See (T)
Kagome was quickly adjusting to her new life with the help of her now husband. Life had all around been easier since her return and everyone was grateful. However, life wasn’t so merciful, with every two steps forward there was always one step back.
The Ghosts of Suicide Forest by @splendentgoddess (T)
Aokigahara, known by some as Suicide Forest. It is a place of mystery, beauty and death. Roughly 100 people go there annually to commit suicide, but why? The better question, though, is can Kagome find and rescue Yuka before it is too late?
Broken Glass by SleepWalkingChickens (M)
Growing up is hard, especially when things are changing. Kagome is plunged into a new world, complete with new problems. The past is hard to let go of and baggage builds up. Unravel it and you’re met with truth. Can love win over Inuyasha's sins?
It Goes Like This by @witchygirl99 (G)
It goes like this.
“Hey! I haven’t seen you in a while!” Kagome exclaims, smiling at him. Her eyes are dark brown and beautiful, captivating.
Five different answers pop into his head, all of them friendly and inviting for conversation. It’s not what comes out.
Inuyasha isn't the main character of anyone's story. With Kagome, that feeling starts to change.
[Post 2019 w/ No Yashahime References]
Pictures of Happiness by @memilylove (M)
The loss of his high school sweetheart changed more than Inuyasha realized. With the encouragement of friends, he finally gives himself another shot at getting help. The path is not easy, but he soon finds that perhaps there is a point to all this. Is it really possible to be happy again and to find that you love another?
Other Reasons to Stay Awake by @ajoy3fanfics (NR)
Kagome suffers from PTSD after she returns to her side of the well
Shattered by My-Crazy-Awesome-Sox (T)
Oneshot: Leading a double life has got to be stressful. What happens when it all starts falling apart for Kagome? Everything has been pent up for too long, and now it's all crashing down around her. For anyone who's ever had a breakdown...
A Horse With No Name by @roseheartwhitefox (T)
The story of what happened to Inuyasha after Kagome disappeared when the well closed for 3 years, heavily referencing the episode "The Old Sugarman Place" from "BoJack Horseman". I feel as if after everything that happened and Kagome disappeared, Inuyasha would need time to grieve the loss. This is that story. Deals with themes of depression, loneliness, and loss. 
Stay by @akitokihojo (G)
He nodded again, pulling away to gently press his forehead to hers for a moment. "I get it." Inuyasha breathed before leaning back to look her in the eyes. "But, one of these days you'll understand that no matter what happens, I won't take a damn thing back. You'll see that I don't want it back. I feel like my heart's safer with you, anyway."
Kagome's Unwitting Depression by @cstormsinukagblog (M)
Kagome sees something that she isn't meant to see, and it kind of breaks her. Can she and Inuyasha repair the damage before she gives up hope?
Breaking the Habit: Rewrite by @kstewdeux (M)
After being separated for six years, Inuyasha and Kagome are reunited on her side of the well. TW: SI, Mental Illness.
The Voice Inside My Head by @fawn-eyed-girl (E)
When Kagome returns to the Feudal era a week after a particular nasty fight with Inuyasha, he realizes something’s not right. Is it too late for Inuyasha and Kagome—have the years of fighting broken them apart for good? Or will they be able to find a way forward, together?
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs! Check our Masterlist of previous lists to see which topics we've covered.  After reviewing our submission guidelines, send us an ask (here).
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inu-mothership · 6 months
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday: Holiday Edition! Week 4: Gift Giving
Hi everyone! We here at @inu-mothership are back with another week of holiday-related fic recs! This week's theme is "Gift Giving," and we are so glad to be able to share this list with all of you 💝
This week, below the cut, we have a baker's dozen list of recs, all with the theme of gifts and gift giving. Fics are listed, as always, in alphabetical order, with ship, rating, and status (complete or ongoing) listed in the parentheses. We hope you enjoy and find some new favorites 🌟
4 Carats (SessKag; M; complete) by @sereia1313
Most misunderstandings come from a lack of communication, and this Christmas is no exception.
Chasing Cars (InuKag; T; complete) by @lavendertwilight89
Inuyasha meets Kagome in his freshman communications class and immediately tries to close him off only to be surprised when she doesn't quit. He ends up in a group with her and his other friends and ends up falling for her. When they draw names for secret santa at the end of the year, guess who he ends up with? Will he confess his feelings or continue down a path of loneliness?
Christmas Plushy (InuKag; T; complete) by @windkissedsakura
A Christmas at an idyllic cottage for our favorite couple. A small puppy plushy that surprises a former grumpy hanyou with its significance. 
Everything But the Pear Tree (InuKag; E; complete) by @fandomobsessions016
After going through a rough break-up, Kagome decides she's going to pull herself out of her slump by diving head first into holiday preparations. With her friend Sango and the help of her new neighbor, Inuyasha, Kagome is reminded why the holidays are so special to her.
From the Heart - and the Wrapping Company (InuKogKag; NR; complete) by@clearwillow/BrigidtheFae (Ao3)
Christmas isn't going according to anyone's plans, except Koga's. Between the heat in the apartment making it feel like it's July and the endless boxes Inuyasha and Kagome keep finding, there has to be a good reason for the devious look in their boyfriend's eyes.
If You Dare (InuKag; Rated E; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl
Inuyasha hates Christmas, and looks forward to spending it alone.
Kagome loves Christmas, and is devastated that she has to spend it alone.
She decides to leave a notebook in the stacks at a bookstore, in hopes of making a special connection. When Inuyasha finds it, does he dare take her challenge? And will she dare to accept his?
The Kissing Plant (InuKag; T; complete) by @heynikkiyousofine
Inuyasha finds this so called kissing plant and decides to use it to show Kagome how he feels.
Lucky (InuKag; G; complete) by @lavaffair/coccinelleroses (Ao3)
Inuyasha is on a last-minute mission to find Kagome a Christmas present on Christmas Eve! Luckily, he has the perfect little helper by his side to make sure Kagome gets everything she deserves this Christmas.
A Moment, Together (InuKag; G; complete) by @yukinon-writes
A moment between Kagome and Inuyasha the night before Christmas!
One Little Thing (InuKag; T; complete) by @smmahamazing
Inuyasha wants to propose to his long time girlfriend, Kagome, but can't come up with a good way to pop the question. That is, until he gets her as his Secret Santa.
A Secret Santa (NarSess; T; complete) by @roseheartwhitefox
Naraku loved his job working at Walmart.
He loved it because most of the time, people shopping at Walmart were miserable. They were tired, overworked, underpaid, and generally disgruntled human beings. Not much unlike himself. 
It was a glorious job. 
It brought Naraku great pleasure to watch the miserable customers plowing through the store at the hand of life’s struggles. That was the case at the store pretty much all the time, except for one time of year.
Skeins and Schemes (InuKag; G; complete) by @cannibalsforbreakfast/Laeoukka
Inuyasha didn’t understand why she was insisting she needed to go back to her time, because this time last year Kagome had said her school was on “ho-li-day” and that there were no classes. She’d tried to put Inuyasha off with excuses — she had a makeup exam, her school had changed its schedule — but she could tell he didn’t believe her.
Because how could she tell Inuyasha that she needed to go back to her time to make him a Christmas present?
Wrapped in Red (SessKag; M; complete) by @sereia1313
Christmas has always been a special time for Kagome, but after Rin invites Sesshomaru to join in the festivities, the holidays will never be the same.
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kalcia · 2 years
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Nsfw version available here!
Commission for @roseheartwhitefox from @fawn-eyed-girl fanfiction “The Manliest of Men”
- patreon - ko-fi -
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lostinfantasyworlds · 2 years
WIP Challenge
rules: “post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DND campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!”
Thank you so much for tagging me @mustardyellowsunshine !! 🥰 💕
Here are my WIPs:
The First and Last
If It Kills Me
Untitled Royal AU
Sometime Around Midnight
Untitled UTNL New Year's Eve PWP Oneshot
The Girl at the Rock Show
Baby Talk
Untitled Halloween oneshot (Zombie darkfic)
And I am tagging @goshinote @heynikkiyousofine @shinidamachu @akitokihojo @fandomobsessions016 @roseheartwhitefox @neutronstarchild @witchygirl99
(Feel free to ignore if you don’t feel like participating!)
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lemonlushff-iy · 2 years
LOVE YOU TOO @roseheartwhitefox!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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clementinesgulag · 2 years
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((crawls out of my hole with art on a stick))
i was so thrilled to be commissioned by @fawn-eyed-girl to draw some sweet sweet boys for her even sweeter sk8 fic "All The Stars in The Sky"
they make me softe, i hope you have the best day ever!!
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lavendertwilight89 · 3 years
1,9,11,24 for the fanfic ask 🙂
Hi @liz8080!!!
1. Favorite fic you wrote this year
Hmmmm... That's a tough question because I wrote so much? But I'll go with Holding Out for a Hero for my friend (and actual real like neighbor) @bluejay785 just because it was so fun to write a Shrek-AU because it was just so perfect to parallel. I have part 5 written, it just hasn't been beta'd so hopefully it'll be updated soon? I also love working with @kalcia on the art for the chapters and seeing what her favorite parts of the fic she wants to illustrate.
also she is just so talented so like--she wanted to work with me?? ahhhh best feeling ever
9. Longest wip of the year
So... currently it looks like The Great Dog Demon War wins at just over 150k. And it's still not completed LOL
11. Fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
Inuyasha. Obvi. I have only written for this one LOL maybe next year I'll branch out??
24. Favorite fic you read this year
Ooooooooof... Loaded question. I have sooooo many. I didn't read as many I have in previous years but... here's a few from my favs:
Taking Fight by @willowandfog
The Oval Portrait by @ruddcatha
My Heart, My Home by @fawn-eyed-girl
Monster by @akitokihojo
One Word by @anisaanisa
Tales Ever After by @knittingknots
The Way it Was Meant to Be by @writemydaydreams
The Island by @roseheartwhitefox
Testing the Waters by @sapphirestarxx
Daiyoukai Only Dress in Couture by @neutronstarchild
Jar of Hearts by @mamabearcat
Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover by @superpixie42
One Hundred Ways to Say I Love You by @shinidamachu
Maybe So by @witchygirl99
That's just some... not all LOL There's a goooood handful more but these are the ones that stand out the most <3
End of Years Asks
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entangled-threads · 2 years
Inuyasha Secret Santa 2021
@inusecretsanta and @roseheartwhitefox Hello! I’m your secret Santa! I hope you like the fanfic! ^^
Prompt: *insert ship here* saves Christmas
Title: A Christmas Miracle  Pairing: Slight Inuyasha x Kagome - I wasn’t sure what pairing you wanted so I did my best! Warnings: None!
“I’m leaving!” Kagome called out to her mother and shut the door behind her with a sharp click. The icy air enveloped her immediately, her breath coming out in foggy puffs as she faced the serene sight of the winter wonderland before her. A soft grin passed her lips, the snow always brought back such fond memories of the times from her childhood. From the time when she instigated a snowball fight with Souta to when her and her brother sat by the fire, each with a cup of their mom’s delicious hot chocolate while they listened to their Grandpa’s stories of fabled lands and creatures. Who knew she would live out one of those stories only told in books? Her boots crunched through the snow as she made her way to the fabled well, snowflakes fluttering down from the heavens. There was no doubt Kagome loved this time of year and she wanted to share that joy back with her friends in the feudal era. 
She had proposed a Christmas celebration one afternoon with her friends, explaining the traditions of gift giving, decorations and the other festivities. Inuyasha was less than impressed, snarking that hunting down Naraku was their most important task. Shippo had been ecstatic while Miroku and Sango agreed that it would be nice to allow one day of their lives to return to normalcy. Since then, Kagome had gone from the past to the present and back to gather supplies from garlands to lights to decorate Kaede’s village. The five friends working on setting up the decorations with the help of the towns folk through the coming days.
Kagome eventually darted inside their famiy’s shrine, approaching the mystic well. Today was the day that she would finally have a chance to celebrate the coming holiday with her friends and see the fruits of their labor. So she hopped up to the lip of the well and leapt in. It was only a moment before her feet touched the well’s damp and musty floor. The sounds of birds singing filled her ears, bright green leaves and crystal blue skies waving down at her from her place in the hole.
“Are you going to get Kagome?” a familiar, high voice of the young fox demon rang out. But it wasn’t the kit’s playful tone... instead it sounded worried and desperate.
“Who else am I gonna get?” the brackish voice of Inuyasha cut through the air, a hint of desperation hidden within his words, fast footsteps approaching the well. Kagome frowned, her gut curling with dread, had something happened while she was away? She took a breath, beginning to climb out of the well. If something had happened, she was determined to help the best she could.
Kagome looked up to see the face of Inuyasha staring back her her, the hanyou reaching out his hand for her to take. 
“Inuyasha” Kagome breathed, taking the other’s hand to be pulled out of the well. There were Miroku, Sango and Shippo. stern looks of resolve on the faces of the monk and demon slayer while Shippo appeared heartbroken.
“What happened?” Kagome peered in concern at her friends, each of them silent until Inuyasha spoke up.
“Naraku. That’s what’s happened” the white hair boy squawked in irritation, arms folding tightly against his chest.
“After you left Naraku’s demons swarmed Kaede’s village. They destroyed everything we worked to set up” the monk approached the subject delicately.
“D-Does that mean we have to cancel Christmas?” Shippo whimpered, watery orbs gazing at Kagome, desperately hoping she would dispel his fears. The school girl opened her mouth to reply when, to her shock, Inuyasha spoke up.
“No, Shippo. Cancelling Christmas would only satisfy Naraku. I… we can’t let that happen. Ya understand?” the hanyou’s tone was almost fatherly, warming Kagome’s heart as she watched the scene unfold. Shippo nodded and Kagome felt a soft grin pull at her lips.
“Alright” Kagome finally spoke up, a new edge of determination in her tone. “This is what we’ll do!”
After receiving instructions from Kagome, Sango rode Kilala into the forest to find the perfect tree while Miroku went to clean up the damage and to set up the preparations with the villagers for the Christmas banquet. Shippo was tasked with decorating the tree while Inuyasha and Kagome walked around the village stringing up white lights. The village once again filled with commotion and cheers as the five friends worked from afternoon until dusk, the finishing touches finally being placed on the tree when twilight fell over the village. The old and young, men and women beaming as families started to gather around the tree. Children laughing and playing while adults admired the beauty of their surroundings and chatted amongst themselves.
“Inuyasha?” a voice made the hanyou turn from where he stood at the tree’s base, spinning to see Kagome. 
“Thank you. For what you said to Shippo earlier” she stopped in front of the white haired male, a smile on her lips. 
“Heh. You know how kids are. Shippo would probably have a fit if there wasn’t any celebration” the hanyou scoffed awkwardly as he crossed his arms and looked away to hide the slight blush on his cheeks.
“You know. Christmas isn’t about the celebration or even the gifts” Kagome peered over her shoulder, past the gathering of villagers. There, in the tree line, smaller demons started to gather. They slowly approached the festivities, intrigue shining in glassy orbs as they slipped within the village gates. They weaved themselves around the townsfolk, eyes glued upon the lights. The villagers themselves seemed to barely notice, children moving to engage with their demonic friends. 
“Kagome?” Inuyasha inquired hesitantly, reaching for Tessaiga but Kagome’s hand rested upon his and stilled his hand. 
“Christmas brings people together, Inuyasha… regardless of our differences. To spend time with your family, friends and people who love you” Kagome blushed, intwining her fingers with Inuyasha’s. 
“Christmas is about being selfless, to bring others joy and laughter. Most importantly, it’s about love. Naraku could have destroyed this celebration in efforts to destroy our happiness. But, he could never destroy Christmas. That’s because the true meaning lies in our hearts and the people we cherish” she continued, laying her head upon Inuyasha’s shoulder.
“That’s right” Miroku and Sango emerged from the crowd, the monk moving to stand besides the hanyou while the demon slayer moved to stand besides Kagome.
 “Lets all enjoy this time together” the monk smiled, turning his gaze up to the tree as Kagome and Sango nodded. There, Shippo floated over the tree as a pink, cartoonish balloon. The little fox demon huffing and puffing from the exertion required to hold up the star. With a grunt, Shippo placed the star upon the tree. The star itself lighting up with a burst of light and triggering the other ornaments to flicker to life as well. The villagers and demons ooed and awed, cheering and clapping erupting from the enormous crowd. Kagome smiled gleefully at the glorious sight as Shippo arrived at Sango’s side, leaping up onto her shoulder.
“It’s beautiful” the hanyou whispered, letting his arm sneak around Kagome’s waist to pull her close. A soft, peaceful grin on boyish features.
“Yeah” Kagome sighed in agreement, letting her chocolate eyes close momentarily as she nuzzled into the hanyou’s shoulder.
“Merry Christmas, Inuyasha”
“Merry Christmas, Kagome” 
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feudalconnection · 1 year
Nomination - Roseheartwhitefox
CONGRATULATIONS, @roseheartwhitefox​!!! Your fanfiction “Barking at the Moon” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2023 2nd Term Inuyasha Fandom Awards run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best Humor/Parody
Voting will take place between June 5th and June 20th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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fawn-eyed-girl · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Oh, my goodness, @ruddcatha, thank you so much for the ask!
Choosing my five favorite fics is like asking me to choose among my children 😅 but I will do my best! I'm also including fandom and ship, too 💜
The Real Me (IY: InuKag)
When @kalcia challenges you to write a fic that's 100k words, and gives you art to serve as inspiration, what else do you do but say, yes! That's how The Real Me began, and even though it's not 100k on Ao3 (yet), the fic is just about complete (I've been struggling with one last piece, and I think it's finally right), and it's one that we poured our hearts and souls into as we created it. This Inu is probably my favorite one I've ever written; he's immensely talented, broken, angry. Kagome heals his soul, puts him back together, piece by piece, and he does the same for her. There's a lot of me in this Inu; I wrote some of his more angsty moments during darker Fawnie periods, and so he is a character who was incredibly cathartic to create.
My Home, Your Heart (IY; InuKag)
I wrote this story for the amazing @hopidoodle, who also loves a good dark fic 🖤 I had been wanting to write a Frankenstein adaptation for Inu; my favorite part of Shelley's novel is when the 'monster' relays the tale of what happened to him after Frankenstein rejects him and he leaves the castle. That was the inspiration for this story. Adaptations are challenging, because you have to think about how to remain true to at least TWO sets of source material, but this one was very easy for me to envision (once I got started, lol). The Higurashis are the family that the 'monster' encounters in the original text; in a way, this was also a fix-it fic for me with regards to the original story (the 'monster' is not as accepted by the family as Inuyasha is) because I was able to give that the character the warmth and acceptance he so desperately needed.
The Walk Home (IY; InuKag)
A couple of things happened to make this fic come together. First, @dreaming-of-soup won my Tumblr story giveaway for The Tell, and she gifted me with a gorgeous piece of art to serve as inspiration for a one-shot. Then, at the same time, I had been rewatching the anime series Toradora, and I couldn't help but think of Ryuuji as inspiration for a version of Inuyasha. Put those two things together, and 50k words later, The Walk Home was born, and Soup was kind enough to collaborate with me, providing some really beautiful art to a number of chapters. This was one of those stories where the words just poured out of me, and I think I wrote it in about three weeks. But with Soup's artwork, how could I not be inspired???
I'll Always Catch You (BNHA; BakuDeku)
Oh, this story. Katsuki and Izuku are such a comfort ship, and this was another one that poured out of me. I was inspired by the BKDKangstmas event run over on Twitter, and I wanted to write a soft, hopelessly in love Katsuki who denies his feelings until something happens to Izuku (one of my favorite tropes for them and I will write it over and over forever). Thinking about the confession scene still makes my heart flutter.
Their One True Wish (Sk8; renga)
Like BakuDeku and InuKag, Reki and Langa have become another special ship for me. I basically have Sk8 on play most days when I am working from home; the first time I watched the angst arc of the anime, I sobbed on my elliptical. This is a series where the main character has to learn that it's okay to not be the best, that he has something very special to offer his friends, and he is loved not because of who he could be, but because of who he is 😭🥰
Their One True Wish is the first story I wrote for the Sk8 fandom, and it was for my friend and fellow Sk8 fan @roseheartwhitefox (although she is more of a matchablossom girl 💓💚). I needed some Christmas fluff to counteract the angst I was writing over in I'll Always Catch You, and Reki and Langa plotting to make Christmas special for each other was a perfect way to do just that. And Miya and Langa's mother playing Santa's helpers in this story gives me infinite joy 😂
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clearwillow · 2 years
As much as he wanted to believe it was Inuyasha coming down the stairs in a huff, he knew it was his sister’s tiny feet that were making such a racket.
“Souta! Will you tell Inuyasha that I’m not a child that has to be ordered around, because he’s under the impression that I am!”
If he had a guardian angel, that ass had gone MIA because it should have been there to stop him from what he said next. “I mean, if what I heard upstairs was any indication, you both were acting like you’re my age again, so…”
Inuyasha appeared seconds behind Kagome, arms crossed with his hands hidden in his sleeves. “I ain’t acting like nothing, kid. Your sister is the one with the attitude problem –”
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inukag-archive · 10 months
I like fanfics where Inuyasha and Kagome are caught in inclement weather, seeing them all cozy together. I was wondering if you had a list of fanfics where our favorite couple is caught in bad weather?
Hello Anon -
You have unknowingly asked for a Mod Favorite list because our Fic Finders had so much fun putting this list together for you. This list is a mixed bag for setting and rating, and while predominantly one-shots does include a few multi-chapter stories that feature inclement weather. Happy reading!
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Snow Route by @superpixie42 (M)
Inuyasha thought he had the best idea for a surprise for Kagome. They would spend the longest New Moon night of the year (aka the worst night of the year) together in the market village inn, therefore turning a terrible night into a wonderful night. Except nothing ever goes to plan does it?
The Breath of Death by @roseheartwhitefox (E)
He should have seen the warning signs. The sudden chill in the air. The slow but steady increase of the wind as it shook the trees and blew the snow, completely obscuring his vision, burning even his tough hanyou skin with cold. The rapid pacing of the clouds through the sky. The fact that there were no animals out in the forest, despite it being the middle of the day. He had lived through it once before, and should have seen it coming.
A blanket scenario story featuring Inuyasha/Kagome. Takes place during the final act. Rated for explicit content. 
Summer's Snow by @heynikkiyousofine (T)
A freak snow storm in summer and only one bed? What's Kagome to do.
Snow Bound by @petri808 (M)
College roommates Sango and Kagome along with Sango's boyfriend Miroku and his roommate Inuyasha head to a cabin in the mountains for a vacation. Chapter 3-5 contain sexual content.
The Last Stop by BanksDelivers (T)
In a world where demons are ostracized by society, Inuyasha has only his pride and the clothes on his back to his name. When Kagome offers him a place to stay during the approaching storm, will he take a helping hand?
Or, that story where Inuyasha is a stubborn idiot and Kagome has to rescue him.
The Bus Stops Here by @neutronstarchild, @fawn-eyed-girl (T)
At 6:04pm, while he was waiting to take the bus home, she would appear. He lived for those moments, waiting at the bus stop together, trying to build up the courage to talk to her. When the day finally came, she was late. And it was raining. And it was all he could do to keep her from catching a cold. But finally, they were traveling in the same direction, together.
His Hands by @quickening (K)
Thunderstorms are inconvenient most times, but the rare opportunity to closely study a grouchy hanyou is too good to pass up ... especially when said hanyou insists on sleeping on you. Fair's fair, right?
Rain by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
Inuyasha and Kagome get caught in the rain after they had taken on root-head. Inuyasha finally wants to talk.
Chasing The Vortex by @neutronstarship @ruddcatha @mickisketch @fawn-eyed-girl (E)
Inuyasha knew what happiness was. It was him alone with a tornado, because tornadoes were predictable, and simple. And being alone meant no more getting hurt. Then Inuyasha’s Ph.D. advisor dropped the ultimatum on him: to host a plucky photographer from Chicago to help get their weather institute funded, or else.
Kagome Higurashi, for her part, couldn't wait. She’d always wanted to chase tornadoes, and wanted to see how close she could get to one, to get that perfect shot. And lord knew the chaser needed the help! And for that week stuck together in tornado alley, it’s not just the debris that’s flying.
Fortune Favors The Bold by @mamabearcatfanfics (M)
"Dai-kichi! The person you await comes from a distant place. Be bold! It would be good for you to send them a message." Kagome smiled as she traced her fingers over the printed fortune, picturing a dog eared boy with white flowing hair and amber eyes. Inuyasha definitely fit the description of ‘comes from a distant place’ – you couldn’t get more distant than five hundred years into the past. But what sort of message would she want to send him?
Shiori no Yoru by ColhanTheDeviant (T)
Kagome falls victim to hypothermia, can Inuyasha save her? My first blanket scenario!
When It Rains by @dawnrider (E)
Modern AU: Kagome gets caught in the rain leaving work. Cursing her luck, she tries to wait it out. Her luck takes a strange turn when she runs into her crush from college. None other than Yash Inukai. And he's very pleased to see her...
Hold On by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
Inuyasha and Kagome get caught in a storm. Can he help her stay warm?
Stranded by @keizfanfiction (E)
Kagome's car dies in an empty parking lot, she's freezing her ass off, and Sango isn't picking up her phone. Help comes from the most unlikely of sources, and after some heated arguing, childish name calling, and some pretty fantastic sex, Kagome is--what--hey waiT JUST A MINUTE NOW--
The Blizzard by ananova (M)
Facing a snow youkai, Kagome and Inuyasha are separated from the others. Inuyasha is injured, and they are lost in a snow storm. How will they survive?
Mine by jaygirl987 (E)
She was so beautiful and pure. And his.
Base Instincts by ImaniJoain (E)
When Inuyasha is lost to his youkai half, Kagome must find a way to convince him to return to himself.
Many Glowing Moons by Woodrosia (M)
Oneshot. Kagome is a promising young priestess training to become the Shikon Miko. On the fateful moonless night of her biggest challenge, she comes across a mysterious, handsome stranger in a cave. An incredibly passionate tryst follows.
Night Giggles by SamuriFish (K+)
On a summer rainy day Inuyasha and Kagome get stuck in a cave. Somethings bound to happen. inukag oneshot!
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs!
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inu-mothership · 1 year
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Greetings from the Mothership! On this Spotlight Saturday, we’ll be honoring a most beloved member of the Higurashi family. Accepting, fun loving, loyal, supportive, they are everything we know the Higurashis to be and more.
Without further ado:
Souta Ship Fics:
193: “You come to my room and woke me up at 4am, to cuddle?” (G; Sota/Kohaku; complete) by Queen_Preferences (Ao3)
Five AM (G; Moe/Sota; complete) by @unlockthelore: At five o'clock, Moe finds her husband checking their daughter's backpack.
Sōta’s Brave Confession of Love II (G; Shiori/Sota; complete) by hakomorebi (Ao3)/ @serial-doubters-club: Souta has confessed his feelings to many girls before, but this one is different.
Souta Gen Fics:
A Day in Reiwa (G; complete) by @unlockthelore: The Reiwa Era isn't the one Towa was born into, but for the people she loves, she'll call it home.
Fighting Spirit (G; Complete) by GossamerTwine (Ao3): Towa wants to cut her hair short before her first day of middle school, but Papa Sota worries that a “boyish” hairstyle might further alienate her from her peers. Towa decides to take matters (and the kitchen scissors) into her own hands. How will Papa Sota react when he sees her new DIY cut?
Hero of the Day (G; InuKag; complete) by Numisma (Ao3): Inuyasha is no storyteller, no teacher, and no hero, but he can still perform these tasks, especially when it comes to the most important person in his life... and her little brother.
Inuvember 2020: Chapter 2: Of Races and Snowmen (G; complete) by Evillusions (Ao3)/ @soliska: Day 14 - Souta It'd been three weeks since Kagome's been home…
Kuchisake Onna (T; InuKag; complete) by LordRika (Ao3): Something lurks in the shadows at night, targeting individuals who are alone and defenseless. Unknown to Kagome and InuYasha who are out looking for her missing brother, will they find him in time? Or will they be too late?
Letters from the Past (G; InuKag; complete) by MadHatterLilith (Ao3): Years after Kagome had left her family behind to live with Inuyasha in the past, a box is found near the Bone Eater's Well full of letters to her family.
A Light in the Dark (G; Inukag; complete) by @roseheartwhitefox: Inuyasha discovers that Souta is afraid of the dark, and tries to help him overcome it. In the process, he discovers a little bit about himself, as he and Souta discuss some of life's biggest questions. Takes place during The Final Act.
One Plate Too Many (G; complete) by @elkonigin: No one else knew how hard it was to take out four plates for dinner, and then realize that he had one too many.
Raindrops and Tears (G; complete) by JediMasterDarjaak (Ao3): Walking home from school in the winter, Towa wonders on what could have been and what led her to where she is in the 21st century.
Seeing Him Again (T; InuKag; complete) by One More Thing (FFN): One-shot Canon w/Alternate Ending As Kagome adjusts to her modern life without Inuyasha, she is confronted by a cruel twist of fate when she finally finds his reincarnation.
Some Family is Found (G; complete) by AshMish111 (Ao3)/ @mrfeenysmustache: A collection of vignettes about the Higurashi family, from Single Dad Souta, schoolyard fights, blended family of three then four, and learning to let go and let fate take control.
Tanabata Wish (G; InuKag; complete) by Numisma (Ao3): So simple and pure are the wishes of a young boy.
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