#rosie !
kandavers · 21 hours
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Rosie in a very fashionalble outfit I found on twitter!
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murainhell · 24 hours
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After watching Full Moon, I think this is the crossover, not the one we want, but the one we need.
Auntie Rosie can sort it out. Let's talk about your feelings, you idiots.
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nunalastor · 1 day
Rosie and Alastor are married for Hell's equivalent of tax benefits. They never told anyone they were technically married since it was in no way romantic, but it proved extremely useful against Vox, who got the bright idea to try and get Alastor drunk enough to elope with the help of love potions. Rosie was able to storm in, throw her drugged husband over her shoulder, and spell out that they're married and Vox can't do shit about it. Once Alastor starts getting too many suitors, they can counteract them all through the power of announcing the marriage.
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mewzxxx · 2 days
Можешь нарисовать как Рози и Аластор сидят в постели в парных пижамах
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strobelir · 2 days
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Today I finished my birthday candy, someone give me some chocolates or I'll die!
or not, probably not, anyway, look, I made you an Alastor and Rosie being stalked by a drone!
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cielob03 · 2 days
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Art from April 2024. Nothing better than eating deer together with your cannibal best friend. 🦌🍴😋
Anyone else love our cannibal overlords? 💙 (Just to clarify, they are not eating a child, he's a short man.👀)
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Drag au:
Adam starts to go out in public as Adaline more often and gets complements for her outfit. One day, she walks to cannibal town and is greeted by Rosie and Alastor having tea. Alastor seems to recognize her from somewhere.
Rosie: Oh! A new face! And a very pretty one as well, don't you think so, Alastor?
Alastor: Hmm, yes. I think I've seen her before but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Rosie: Oh darling, do you want some tea? It's peppermint.
Adaline: Oh! Uhm, sure, why not?
Alastor: Have we met before, my dear?
Adaline: Oh, no I don't think so. I just have one of those faces.
Rosie: And what a face! You should be on the cover of magazines. Don't you agree Alastor?
Alastor: Yes, I suppose you have symmetrical features that are pleasing on the eyes.
Adaline: That a long way of agreeing with her?
Rosie: Yes, ain't he a card! So, tell us about yourself.
Adaline internally: Shit!
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allucitorme · 1 day
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I love making Alastor small, like Rosie a mother for little Al
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ver0xinart · 2 days
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I love her so much, shes the best ☺️
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shinyicecube · 2 days
I have an idea of how more people will see you art maybe draw things from different fandoms in your style like hazbin hotel or adventure time or anything that people will like and BOOM YOURE FAMOUS!! {I'm a very much huge fan of yours I love your style!!}
Ooh that's a very cool idea. Thanks for the love!! I appreciate it when people compliments my art style, i worked hard to develop my own style vhdrjsg. 👉👈
Actually, i think i have once tried to draw some Hazbin Hotel content once! Gimme a sec....
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There it is!! :D
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starkraivennemad · 11 hours
The Family
“Hey, Little Bee! Good morning, John.” Sherlock greeted the pair at breakfast. “Aren’t you a pretty one in your colors.”
“Thank you! Look we match!” Rosie giggled with delight as Sherlock opened the box with the familiar booster pillow.
“Yes, you do.” Sherlock agreed, “Careful, don’t fall.”
Much too big for a highchair, it was still a bit awkward for her to manage sitting at an adult table without the blue and purple striped pillow just for her. Colors that matched her romper.
“I won’t.” Rosie assured him as she was sat, and a cup of orange juice placed in front of her. “Is it cold, cold?”
“Yes, Rosie.” John and Sherlock chorused from lessons learned the hard way when the usually calm Rosie was quite otherwise when her orange juice was not at the optimal temperature for her liking.
Sherlock’s hobby to refrigerate human remains with regular food was effectively cured when John moved back to Baker Street with Rosie. It requires no intimidation on anyone’s part. When a surprised John walked in to find a spotless kitchen practically overnight, Mrs. Hudon informed that it was the genius’ own choice to turn 221c into a not-so-secret lab.
They became something of a family. A family with a little girl that reminded the men in her lives how to laugh at the silly things. An eavesdropping intellectual brother who watched over them, a loving father with the occasional nightmare, a gorgeous mad genius who ran the weirdest experiments, with one godmother whose warmth helps to calm the chaos that is their lives, while the other blankets them with kindness and the needed maternal sternness on occasion - for the boys, not just the little girl.
Together they weather the ups and downs as individuals and as a unit all while learning while there are no real do-overs in life, there are second, and sometimes more, chances to get it right. Some days are fire, some nights are ice and sometimes while an apology is imperfect,  intuition tells them when it’s true and not a manipulation as in their past.
Thus, that sunny morning, a nearly four-year-old Rosie, jealously thinking she was being ignored for his  phone, called Sherlock Daddy all on her own. It was abundantly clear that she meant the stunned genius, her other father in her mind, who had not realized he was being addressed and not John until she pulled on his trouser leg to get his attention – empty juice cup in her hand. There was no hiding that John was equally surprised and overjoyed by the occurrence. He further added to Sherlock’s shock and joy when the doctor did not correct her. He further added to Sherlock’s shock and joy when the doctor did not correct her as he reminded Sherlock that Rosie only addressed John as Papa. He simply grinned to see the pleased smile on Sherlock’s turned face and the tinge of pink on his ears and  then turned away as though nothing unusual happened as Sherlock picked up the little girl who from that moment on became their daughter.
So, no one, absolutely no one, was surprised when the dynamic duo, who made a family of the covenant, then took the next step on their heroes’ journey, with and during Pride, by also becoming a family of the blood.
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@calaisreno @MayPrompts2024
#MayPrompts2024 - Prompt: All 31 of them in list order.
Much thanks again to @calisreno for a wonderful month of prompts. Looking forward to next year.
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k-chips · 3 days
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Sneak peaks of Alastor, Husk and Niffty in the Pjo au + sketches for other two characters eheh
I think I’m gonna post them once the RadioApple week is done, so I don’t mix things up
(Yeah turns out there is also a RadioApple week coming up and IEJDSNJS I only have 4 out of 7 prompts ready 😭)
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nunalastor · 2 days
Possessive Rosie who wants Alastor to join her colony despite his refusal to join any team or faction permanently and keeps trying to subtly coerce him into becoming an official member of Cannibal Colony.
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mewzxxx · 2 days
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тгк: mewzxxx
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bluebanana-art · 2 days
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Last week, with the drawing group, we had randomly chosen Velvette and this is my version of the song Respectless! :3 ♥️
To make Velvette I followed a model of a girl because I didn't know how to do a bottom up perspective. For this reason Velvette is a little different from the original design, it is certainly a little too tall. Also I don't know if it's in the right perspective with the other characters, it wasn't an easy drawing but I like the final result! 🥰🌈
Reblog if you want, thx!! :3
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cicadaart · 2 months
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I can’t get him out of my head
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