#rosita and marcus are friends now
hoperays-song · 11 months
*The theatre adults hanging out*
Marcus: Ro, if you had to choose between Buster and Gunter or all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Rosita: That depends, how much money are we taking about?
Buster: Rosita!
Marcus, checking: 63 cents?
Rosita, completely straight faced: I'll take the money.
Gunter: ROSITA!!!
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saiyansweetheart45 · 2 months
New Headcanons for the Sing Hunger Games Idea
Marcus is the youngest victor in Panem's history up to that point, being fifteen when he won his Games. He also proposed to his girlfriend Megan before he left for the Games. Her parents wouldn't give their blessing, but immediately did so when Marcus returned to District 2 and proposed to Megan again. She said yes both times.
Marcus was also a volunteer, but unlike most from District 2, he didn't volunteer because he wanted to. He went in place of one of his brothers.
Johnny knows his father's past, but Marcus never talks about it for good reason, despite being a favorite in the Capitol and as a result, having to return to the Capitol each year for the Games.
Ash is from District 4, and up until the Games, she spends most of her time in a boat on the water, playing her guitar.
Darius is also from District 4, often citing how he'll definitely win the Games if he ever competes, since part of the Games are a reality show/beauty contest. When the pair are chosen as this year's Tributes, Ash often thinks Darius will have to rely on his sponsors since he can't fight.
Rosita is from the Capitol and (reluctantly) one of the Gamemakers. While she is thankful that none of her twenty-five children will ever have to enter the arena, she also feels guilty because of how her job will affect (and in some cases, end) the lives of other people's children.
Jimmy and Porsha are also from the Capitol, with Jimmy being one of the most vocal in his support for the Games. He's also 'good friends' with past victor and current mentor, Marcus.
Gunter is one of the only living victors from District 8. After his Games, like other victors, he had to have a talent for his public image, which turned out to be designing and making clothes, along with dancing. Not only is this something he genuinely is passionate about, but he also has years of practice, having worked in one of the many textile factories before he was reaped into his Games. Dancing is also a way to cope with the traumatic memories of what Gunter endured in the arena.
Meena still bakes, with her family owning and operating their own bakery in their District. While it is still a business, Meena often donates food to hungry families in an attempt to help others in her District. Which breaks the hearts of many when she is ultimately reaped into the Games, including Alfonso, the elephant who admires her from afar and volunteers to help protect her in the arena.
That's all for now, but I am still super excited about this story coming to fruition and I hope you all will be too!
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ash-the-porcupine · 1 year
Birthday headcanons please!
Coming right your way, my friend!
-Buster never really had birthdays as a kid. It was tradition for him and his father to buy a couple cookies and eat them together at the park, but that was about it.
-When the group find out, they were each giving him a gift for his birthday. Ash asked why he looked so confused.
-Once they learned, they all went in seventeen directions the compass doesn't even have yet to go find him more gifts XD
-Now Buster celebrates his birthday every year with the whole cast! After the whole gift giving thing, Buster will shove a ton of junk food and candy into everyone's hands and they'll go watch movies together the rest of the night!
-Ash never asks for much for her birthday. Her parents would pitch in and get her one random item when she was a kid. It was the one day they would try not to fight or scream or be mean in any other way.
-When Ash joined the troupe, it was different. It all started when Buster gave her a new (really overly exspensive but) really nice guitar. When the cast learned it was her birthday, they all went and got her things and took her out for ice cream! It's tradition now.
-This being Meena, she loses her mind over the new baking kits and recipe books and headphones and whatever else the cast or her family happens to give her! It's usually either cooking or singing related, and she loves that.
-Ash and Johnny make it a thing to take her to the funnest place they can think of for her birthday and let everyone get into a little bit of trouble and just have lots of fun!
-No one really knows where Gunter goes on his birthday, he's never home and never shows up to rehearsals on it. We can only assume. The casts drops by and leaves birthday gifts in front of his apartment door XD
-Obviously, birthdays are weird as the son of a gang leader. Growing up, Marcus would just pick up something random at the thrift store or something and give it to Johnny spontaneously. That's how he got his skateboard.
-Also obviously, the cast wouldn't let this slide and Buster INSISTS on throwing a huge blowout party for him at the theater. The koala even hand-makes the cards, and they are massively impressive.
-All of her kids make her cards, and pitch in together with their allowance to give her gifts. Norman gets her a gift too.
-The cast comes by with all sorts of delightful things, and Buster makes sure (alongside Gunter) that Rosita doesn't have to lift one finger on her birthday.
-Meena, Ash, and Porsha do the cooking, and everyone else present babysits or entertains Rosita! :D
-Porsha's dad was simple about birthdays. Porsha would ask for anything for her birthday, and it would just be there for her in the morning. It wasn't thrilling, but it was how it worked.
-As the cast isn't made of money, they definitely couldn't do it the way Porsha was used to. So, they each went different ways so each person could buy her a special gift.
-Her birthdays are essentially like Christmas!
-This lynx is COMPLETELY FOREIGN to the idea of a birthday party, and that is why the group holds these massive parties for her. And she gets to show off her dancing as much as she wants to the crowd.
-They spoil her rotten on her birthday with candy, soda, presents, junk food, and ice cream and she absolutely loves them for it.
-No one but Ash and Buster knows his birthday, as he really doesn't want them throwing a party for him, but Ash and Buster make sure that Clay still gets his fair share of presents.
-They also will make him gumbo because he loves that stuff more than gold.
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catrawoods · 1 year
Sing 1-2 Movie adults: I'm not pregnant!! ( Warning: Slight Cuss words )
Marcus: oh hi Norman-
Norman: * punches Marcus's stomach*
Marcus: UGH!-
Norman: * Sighs*
Marcus: WHAT THE HECK???!!!
Norman: you are one of our very best friend but we cannot stand by what you throw away your life like this, you're too young, you're too beautiful..
Marcus with a cracking voice: wHat thE fuCk aRe yoU taLking aBout?..
Rosita: we're talking about the baby that's growing inside of your belly right now
Gunter:... See you! ( walks away )
Marcus:...... I'M NOT PREGNANT!!
Rosita: well not after that punch or we've been * Laughs* my husband was taking Muay Thai classes since high school.
Marcus:... i discover pregnant to the truck as i'm Cisgender...
Norman:....... A....Are you sure?
Clay Calloway: I'm sorry But why the fuck is everybody yelling over here?
Rosita: oh * Gets the pregnancy test form her pocket* my husband found that positive pregnancy test and there-
Clay Calloway: ugh!- * punches Marcus's stomach badly*
Marcus, Feels The Pain: AAAHH- CLAY YOU MOTHER FUC-
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starburstman · 2 years
Sing Headcanons
This one is gonna be kinda long
- so as humans I hc that Rosita and Ash are latina (however Rositas kids don't speak spanish), Meena is black, Johnny is British Pakistani, Nooshy is East Asian, Gunter is European, Buster is aboriginal and Eddies family is also black
- It’s a fact that Elephants tread really lightly so sometimes, Meena will walk in behind someone and they may not notice at first. It’s basically this scene from the office (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x03V4cTXNF4&ab_channel=mbalallo)
- Rosita was a total BAMF. She was basically Maeve Wiley. Total overachiever and total badass in highschool (wouldn’t hesitate to light some dudes car on fire if he was a jerk)
- Eddie and Ash love buzzfeed unsolved so basically, they forced the gang to go to a haunted house/famous haunted site and whilst everyone was close to crying they were acting like they were on the show
Eddie: DON’T TRY IT DEMONS (brings out water gun filled with holy water)
- Meenas mom and Rosita are best friends. THEY ARE LITERALLY MAUREEN AND JEAN FROM SEX EDUCATION (search them up they are the best). Big Daddy (Marcus) was a bit reluctant around them at first but now he goes with them to a book club every week.
- Norman was this nerd and Rosita was weirdly overprotective of him at first and BOOM they developed feelings for eachother
- Nooshy quickly became friends with everyone BUT ASH AND HER GO OFF THE RAILS
Ash: YES
Meena: *crying* I am going to have a heartattack
- Surprisingly, Nooshy is a great cook and helps Meena when she bakes (besties T-T)
- JOHNNY AND NOOSHYS FRIENDSHIP IS SO GOOD BUT ALSO KINDA VIOLENT?? She shoves him, fake punches him, almost choked him once
- Alfonso goes by he/they pronouns, also HE IS A MAN THAT WAS WRITTEN BY A WOMAN. Breaking down Toxic Masculinity one day at a time. Very sweet to Meena but Ash and Johnny would never give him a break
- HUMAN! Alfonso had alot of sisters so naturally he knows how to do hair and paint nails really well :D
- they truly began trusting him and liking him when he calmed Meena down from a panic attack before a show started (because sadly anxiety doesn’t go away after a few performances)
- Buster is quite a picky eater but he uses eucalyptus to get high XD He also genuinely believes he can do PARKOUR, but has ended up with almost broken bones on multiple occasions
- Outside of music, alot of the characters have hobbies. Meena can rollerskate amazing, Johnny writes poetry, Nooshy can cook and did gymnastics as a kid, Rosita is a tinkerer at heart and Porshia did alot of ballet dancing
- Ash loves crafts. She is extremely creative as she knows how to sew and design, and she love to sketch and paint. She has made bracelets for alfonso and Meena, and even stuff for Porsha
- For Meena’s father, I headcanon that he was a pretty awful dad, putting down Meena and her mother and basically stuffing a load of trauma into the girl until her mother and him divorced. In this scenario he contributed to her anxiety surrounding singing and putting herself out there
- The humor of the “teens” (including Porsha and Nooshy) is broken af
“Watch your elbow!”
“Watch your lifespan”
- Ash has 3 sisters, shes the middle child and has a rocky relationship with her parents. Mainly due to lack of attention and their dislike in her new lifestyle
- Meena has serious scary punching skills but only Johnny and Ash know this. Once Lance and this creeper friend of his came to bother Ash. Needless to say, the situation ended in black eyes, bruises and Johnny holding a very furious Meena back.
- Meena is very strong guys, she can lift many people.
- Darius and Meena become besties outside of rehearsals. Their best friend dynamic is basically this photo:
Tumblr media
- Gunter gives best hugs and he can really tone down the ecstatic behaviour if someone is in trouble. He used to be really insecure about everything but he has learnt to accept himself 
- Rosita and Gunter be besties in and outside of rehearsals. Rosita has considered walking Gunter around on a leash multiple times however based on the way he will sprint to every single store on the block. 
- SEXUALITY HEADCANONS:  (Btw these are my headcanons so if you don't agree its fine!) Nooshy and Johnny are bi, Meena is pan (don’t tell me this girl isn’t she has pan panic every single day), Buster and Eddie are dating, Gunter is gay and nonbinary, Porsha and Ash are lesbians (she was still in the closet when she dated Lance)
- Porshia and Ash used to fight all the time at first (because Porsha was still pretty snobbish and Ash hated that) so Ash would always use Meena to gain height over her (I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND) They became friends later on through a theater accident
- People have a hard time scaring Meena, because she can hear them from a mile away but when she does get scared, she lets out a small trumpet
- HUMAN!! Meena is amazing at doing hair (she kinda needs to be)
- Ash refuses to sleep because she will work on her songs for hours, often having to be dragged to her bed by one of her friends and they need to monitor her so she doesn’t go back to work. She hogs the blanket tho
- Ash and Johnny share an apartment and Meena is coming over for sleepovers 24/7
- Porshia struggled for a long time after her dad went to jail. It was really hard on her
- Johnny = constantly bullied by his friends (they still love him)
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you know we’re gonna be legends (johnny centric)
i’m going to be completely honest here, make a disclaimer first and i will not sugarcoat it—johnny will die in this fic. it’s a one-chapter thing, haven’t been able to get it out of my head since forever, and now i’ve finally written it. posting it on tumblr as well as ao3 (archive of our own).
summary:  johnny tries to risk his life to save jimmy crystal in a fire and ends up in peril on the verge of death.
this story contains major character death, rather graphic descriptions of wounds, the works (not too graphic since i’m bad at descriptions). have fun! (apologies in advance for doing this, uh...)
There were screams and that was all that they could hear.
They didn’t know much about how it had started—but their speculation was that the fire props from Johnny’s performance had gotten a bit out of hand, causing the stage to erupt into flames and sending huge crowds of people into a spiral of panic as they rushed for the doors.
The Crystal Theater was burning, burning, burning—tendrils of flame rose into the night as they challenged to swallow them whole and completely. Firefighter trucks and ambulances had already lined up in front of the building, flashing their red and blue lights and roaring their sirens.
“Is everyone all here?” Buster called out frantically as he skidded to a stop on his little feet in front of the burning building, looking around as he counted the members of his theater crew. “Johnny, Meena? Ash? Rosita?”
“We’re here, Mr. Moon!” Meena’s familiar voice broke out from amongst the panicking crowd and Buster turned to the side in relief to see Meena, Johnny, Ash, Rosita, and Gunter hurrying towards him, Johnny holding Ms. Crawly—not too far away at their heels were Johnny’s dad and uncles. Their new addition Porsha was also amongst them, and so was Johnny’s new friend Nooshy. Even Clay Calloway was with them. They all seemed out of breath, terrified, and some of them a tiny bit worse for wear, but they were fine. Unharmed.
Buster let out a sigh of relief. “You’re all safe.”
“We managed to make it out through the back door before everyone started trampling each other.” Ash blurted out, a smudge of char on her face.
“Rosita, your piglets?”
“Everyone’s here.” Rosita said, shaking but the small look of relief reflecting across her dilated pupils. “Norman and I counted them, I sent them back to a safer place.”
“So we’re all here, right?” Everyone nodded at Buster’s words, and he nodded back. “Good, good—we need to go, now, the fire department will take care of this and make sure the fire’s out—”
Johnny silently counted everyone in his head—everybody was there, alright. But there was someone missing. Someone that he hadn’t even considered adding to his count, but still there enough to acknowledge. Then it hit him.
Crystal. Jimmy Crystal.
“Mr. Crystal’s still in there!” Johnny’s words pierced through everyone like a knife, although barely heard amongst the screams and the cries and the earsplitting roaring of the flames.
“Daddy!” Porsha cried out in realization and Rosita grabbed onto her for support as she burst into sudden tears. “M-my daddy’s still in there!”
Johnny then turned to the lot of them. “You guys hurry on and get to the hotel, wherever it’s safe—I’ll be right back.” He then turned around and started towards the burning building.
Marcus grabbed his arm and held onto him with a vice grip. “What do you think you’re doin’?”
“Dad, I have to save him.” Johnny said, his voice growing more desperate by the minute. “I—”
“You listen here, I saw cracks starting to form in the main lobby on the way out just now.” Marcus growled. “That damned building is going to collapse any second soon, and I am not going to stand here acting stupid enough to let you go in there!”
“But dad—”
“He tried to kill Moon, you saw that. He tried to kill Moon and who knows what he might have been plannin’ to do with the other lot of you—to you.” Marcus’s heart thumped wildly inside his chest. “Don’t be an idiot, son.”
“Dad, I know he did the most terrible things—but me knowin’ that he’s still in there and not makin’ any attempts to try and save him would just be stoopin’ down to his level.” Johnny said, all in a rush of words but firm and clear enough to understand.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to live with tha’, dad.”
“I’ll be back in just a quick second, I promise.”
“Johnny, you’re crazy.” Ash spat out, almost angrily, as she made his way up to him. “This is Jimmy Crystal we’re talking about—if anything, he deserves this for everything he’s tried to do to us.”
“Nobody deserves to die, Ash.” Johnny replied, his tone soft but firm before looking back up at his dad. “Dad, I’ll be back as soon as I go, I promise you. Just give me a chance.”
Marcus didn’t reply, and the hold he kept on his son didn’t relax.
“Dad, please.”
“Dad, he’s goin’ to die!”
“... if you’re not back in five minutes, I’m goin’ in there to find you.” Marcus growled as he let go of his grip on Johnny’s shoulder pad of his costume. “Hurry. Be careful.”
A very brief smile—a very quick and small one but a smile nonetheless—broke across his face as he took several steps back to the building, towards the flames. “Thanks for believin’ in me, dad.” And with that, before Marcus could tell him that he changed his mind or say anything else, Johnny darted back towards the building, leaving his friends crying out with distress for him in his wake. Marcus didn’t miss Buster yelling, crying out for his son for him to come back, that it was dangerous.
Marcus then realized that this had been a grave mistake.
Johnny pushed past the broken glass sliding doors and ran straight to the fire while the other continued to run past him towards the direction that he had come from. The smoke from the fire hit him almost immediately, as soon as he took his first step into the theater. It was clouding in his vision, making it hard to see anything ahead of him. His eyes began to water as the smoke began to burn his lungs. Johnny couldn’t help but choke out a few coughs before ducking lower to try and avoid the smoke as much as possible. He hid his own nose and mouth in the corner of his elbow, blinking to get rid of the useless tears.
He stumbled his way over some bigger chunks of debris and wires, supposedly fallen from the ceiling, looking for the white wolf. He clasped his hand over his mouth because his elbow wasn’t doing anything at this point, and his lungs felt like they were on fire.
“Mr. Crystal!” He called out, his voice cracking under pressure. An acrid, almost toxic smell pierced his nose. “Mr. Crystal, where are you?”
He knew he was being stupid by not moving around at a lower height, but he had noticed in seconds that it would just completely hinder his speed and movement. It would be fine as long as he just didn’t breathe in too much spoke. Another life came first.
A loud groan that resonated within the building, echoes like a monster and bouncing off the walls made Johnny nearly freeze to the floor but he forced his rigid body to move. Bits of debris rained down on him like hail and he brought his arm up over his head as he stifled a coughing fit.
Just then, he heard loud cracks above his head and something fell right at his head, cutting against his eye as it dropped—he put both hands over his right eye with a cry as his back slammed back against one of the marble pillars from his stumbling feet. Johnny pulled his shaking hands back and noticed blood on his palm. Luckily, it was only his eyelid. With a pained grunt, he gathered his senses again and set back off deeper into the building to look for Jimmy Crystal.
Flames and fire tendrils licked at the ground underneath him—the building continued to groan loudly, bits of debris and dust raining down on him wherever he went. He really couldn’t see much ahead of him anymore, although it had just been mere minutes since he had entered the theater, his vision blurred and somewhat foggy. Everything was glowing a dangerous, deadly red. Paintings on walls were burning and falling apart, giving off a pungent, acrid odor. Breathing was getting more difficult every second,
Johnny then, out of the corner of his eye, noticed a familiar flash of white—he urged his feet to move and to his relief, found Jimmy Crystal near one of the theater entrances from the lobby, struggling under a piece of debris. Crystal lifted his head to spot Johnny and waved his hand over, coughs wracking his sentence. “Well, don’t just stand there—get me out of here!”
Johnny hurried over and dropped to his knees beside the wolf, apologizing profusely for no actual reason found as he grabbed the chunk of debris and began to lift it up, groaning with effort. The intense heat thundering around him was slowly starting to make him feel sick and nauseous, making his head pound and his stomach churn. His insides felt unnaturally hot as if someone had shoved a burning rock down his throat. The flames licked at his arms and burned his fur and his skin, and Johnny coughed and sputtered.
He finally threw the cement debris off with a cry as soon as Jimmy Crystal managed to crawl out from underneath it. “Help me up.” Jimmy demanded and Johnny did so, knowing that his attitude was the least of his problems. He helped Jimmy Crystal up to his feet and began back towards the exit—the loud cracking that thundered around the building was telling him that their time was almost up.
“The exit’s right ahead, c’mon!” Johnny called out over the earsplitting noises, helping Jimmy Crystal along with his limp, trying not to breathe in as much smoke as possible. He knew he had done the right thing, and he was happy that he did—and Johnny knew that once he reached those doors, he’d get to see his dad and his uncles and his friends again, and everything would be fine.
His breaths grew shorter and his coughs got worse with every step he took through the smoke, his lungs feeling as if they were choking him, something heavy lodged in his throat. Blood flowed from above his brow over his eye, and everything ahead of him just seemed like a complete blur.
The sounds of a loud crash just above his head gave him just about enough time to look up and notice big chunk of concrete falling towards them at breakneck speed from the ceiling—Johnny’s eyes widened in terror and he just managed to shove Crystal out of the way.
But it wasn’t enough time for him to get out of the way himself.
The concrete fell right onto Johnny, crushing him, and he heard the terrible sounds of bones snapping and a searing pain shot through his lower body like a fire as he let out a scream. It exploded in his head like a blinding whiteness. The pain was like needles that had been dipped into alcohol had been jammed through his skin, like his legs had been replaced with ice and electricity wired straight into his spine.
Through his blurring vision, he noticed Jimmy Crystal slowly getting back onto his feet, and grasped onto that tiny bit of hope. He tried to get his elbows underneath him but his chin crashed back onto the rubble in vain, and a tortured groan escaped through his throat.
“Mr. Crystal—” He gasped out, clawing helplessly towards the wolf’s feet, bits of rock and cement cutting into the skin of his palms. A whimper burst out from between his lips as he begged. “P-please, help—”
The wolf stood still in his ragged, burnt suit, did nothing; it was almost as if the smoke wasn’t hurting him at all.
And then, Jimmy Crystal burst into a laugh, a maniac one—and the last bit of hope Johnny had been holding onto for dear left just vanished on the spot.
“Oh, kid.” Crystal shook his head as he brought his shoe down onto his outstretched hand, beginning to twist the sole of his shoe and put a lot more pressure onto it than Johnny had expected—the bones of his fingers cracked under the weight and Johnny let out a pained cry, his arm jerking in fruitless attempts to move his hand out from under it. “I can’t do that.”
“It’s just something I have unfinished between me and your little boss, Moon. A complete, utter nobody, I’ll make him regret every scandal he attached to my name.” Jimmy stood up straight and wiped the back of his hand against his snout, dragging a smear of striking red blood across his white fur, matted with ash and soot. He brushed the dust off of his suit. “You wouldn’t understand—it’s just business. Don’t take it personally.”
He finally removed his foot from Johnny’s hand and it instantly moved to flex it and try and rid itself of the pain—instead, burning agony shot up his arm and he had to clench his teeth not to scream. His hand shook uncontrollably.
“Just know that this? This isn’t my doing.” He gave Johnny a casual, rather sickening smile. “Blame Moon—that loser is the one who ruined everything I had.”
“Mr. Moon—” He managed to gasp out, and felt the small move of his chest briefly heaving out for breath send the feeling of a thousand knives stabbing into his body like white, searing torture. “—is m-more of a hero… th-than you’ll ever be.” His shaking hand trembled as it slowly clenched into a weak fist.
“… let’s see if you still think that once you’re dead and gone.” Crystal then turned and leaving Johnny crushed underneath the wired concrete, ran off, limping and stumbling towards the still-open exit.
Johnny had never been more terrified in his life—he whimpered as he tried to move himself out from under the crushing weight to no avail, his nails burying themselves into the rubble and dirt underneath him as he struggled—his back hurt so bad, felt like a beast clawing and tearing at his insides, as if something sharp had impaled his body.
Coughs and wheezes tore through his torso and limbs, sending stabs of agony like a searing, hot knife. He couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t breathe—
He was going to die.
For Marcus, it was the longest five minutes of his entire life.
He kept his eyes fixed on the entrance of the theater, surrounded completely by flames at this point, his heart almost beating out of his chest. Stan was the one barely holding him back from running inside and finding his son.
His son.
“It’s been a whole five minutes and he’s not back.” Marcus blurted out—he barely heard Meena sobbing in the background, some of them brokenly calling out for Johnny, others actually trying to fight to get in there.
“H-he should have been back by now.” Buster said, the panic rising his voice to the edge. “Why isn’t he back—”
“I need to get in there, goddammit—” Nooshy cried out as Ash held her back as much as she could. “He’s going to die in there if he’s not back soon!”
The theater building dangerously groaned and more glass and debris came raining down onto the pavement, sending everyone screaming once again. Everyone had managed to evacuate at this point, all except for Johnny and Jimmy Crystal, who were both nowhere to be found.
“There! There’s Jimmy Crystal!” Someone—a tiger, he presumed—shouted and pointed at someone emerging from the flames, limping along on his two legs. Paramedics rushed to him immediately.
“... where’s Johnny?” The words left Marcus as nothing above a whisper, feeling suddenly numb and dumbfounded. If Johnny had gone in to save Crystal, but Crystal had come back out on his own without him, then—
A deafening crash interrupted his thoughts and everyone looked up to see the bottom of the building crumbling into pieces, massive cracks cascading over the marble walls with lightning speed—the cracks gave in the walls began to break, bringing the entire theater down with them as the flames erupted from the doors and windows, thundering the grounds around them. The smoke rushed towards them like a sandstorm and everyone held onto each other, eyes screwing shut as they turned their heads away from the explosion that echoed terribly like a god’s cry of anguish, the heat beating at their faces.
There was a terrible ringing and for a short second, Marcus couldn’t hear anything—but then it started to clear, little by little, and he caught sounds of sirens, shouts, cries, screams, and sobs. Animals around them were huddled about, staring at the horrendous scene ahead of them. Marcus looked too… and his heart dropped.
What used to be Crystal Theater was now a massive pile of rubble and debris, dust clouding and flames engulfing the mess that stood instead in its place.
“... Johnny. Johnny!” He inhaled sharply and near burst into a coughing fit from the sudden mass of hot air that burned his throat, which he managed to stifle. ”Johnny!”
“Everybody, stand back!” An officer was saying, trying to hold everyone away from the fallen, burning wreckage—but Marcus couldn’t care. He didn’t care about his own safety, or others, for that matter, more than he cared about his only son’s.
His only son, who was buried somewhere in all those ruins—battered, burned, bruised, wounded, or maybe even…
“My son’s in there!” He blurted out, his voice cracking as he forced himself forward, pushing past the crowd. “Get outta the way, my son’s in there!” He could feel the chill in his blood, coldness bringing the synapses of his brain to a stand still. He was almost hurting from the consistent thundering of his heart in his chest and it was becoming almost unbearable—and he knew it wasn’t something that would subside unless he found Johnny.
Thanks for believin’ in me, dad.
Those words that Johnny had said to him with the tiniest smile before disappearing into the theater.
He really had meant it, hadn’t he?
He remembered back to the days when he wanted his own son to grow up to be just like him, just like his uncles—it had been late when he realized how much of a terrible person he actually was, and how even more terrible he must have been in Johnny’s life as a father.
Marcus had tried to do everything to force him to be something that Johnny didn’t want to do, kept him shadowed from what he had the potential to do this whole time…
Albeit, Johnny had fought his way out of that shadow on his own and without Marcus’ help, had come this far to become a shining star.
Marcus should have believed in him sooner.
He watched through a blur as the fire slowly died down from the spray of hoses onto the broken, dust-settled debris, the heat dying down as Marcus approached the rubble, pushing forcefully through the crowd of animals. He noticed the rest of the Moon theater cast following behind him, right on his tail, just as desperate as he was.
The police and paramedics failed to keep them back from the rubble any longer, and the search for Johnny finally began—they all began digging within the debris, piece by piece and wire by wire, huge fragments of walls lifted and disposed of. Marcus’ hands were cut, scraped, abraised, but he couldn’t care any less.
Hours and hours of searching went by, and yet the center of the city still glowed with red and blue flashing lights, and the screams of powerful sirens. The search crew had been looking for Johnny’s body, dead or alive, for too long for comfort. The group continued to search for them, hoarse voices calling for his name, broken and throats swollen.
“Oh god, oh god, I found him, h-he’s here—” Meena’s wail alerted everyone in less than a second—Marcus had never moved so quickly from one place to another.
“Where is he? Where’s Johnny?” He barked out as he pushed past a couple of Johnny’s friends and stopped beside Buster Moon; the sight in front of him tore him to pieces.
There Johnny was, completely motionless with his eyes glazed and glassy, sprawled underneath a huge chunk of concrete of what seemed to be what once was the lobby ceiling, a mess of blood absolutely everywhere. The show makeup and the paint he had had on his face was matted and erased here and there, lines of crimson across the skin and fur in their wake—burns and charred fur covered his cheeks and the arms outstretched at the sides of his head. One of his hands seemed clearly crushed and broken, half-folded fingers bruised and bloody.
He looked dead.
He looked dead and it was terrifying.
Marcus wasted no time in grabbing the huge piece of debris, hooking his fingers onto the bottom of it as he tried his utter best not to spiral into a panic. He grunted as he lifted it—the others soon joined in without a word, the shock of seeing their friend in such a state having struck them to the core.
Without too much effort, all of them together managed to lift the piece of the ceiling off of him and Marcus threw it completely aside with a loud groan. He then immediately dropped down to his knees beside his son onto the earth, soot, and dust underneath him, coloring his community service clothes a charcoal black. A burnt odor filled his nose as both his hands hovered helplessly over Johnny’s battered, motionless body, unknown of what to do.
There had been a jagged piece of steel wire that had completely impaled Johnny’s side near his back—and now was the white jagged end of a broken bone, presumably a rib, cutting through the skin and blood having run in thick scarlet rivers over his side. The wound was sliced in the flesh of his lower stomach, heavily having oozed out blood, some of it already having crusted in his clothes and the ground beneath him. One of his legs seemed twisted into an angle that just wasn’t supposed to be. His clothes were charred and burnt. The blood stained his cheek and his costume, his hands, trailed down from the corner of his lip—red, red, red.
An invisible hand clasped over Marcus’ mouth; an equally ghostly hypodermic of adrenaline pierced his heart, unloading in an instant. He felt his ribs heaving as if bound by ropes, straining to inflate his lungs. His head was a carousel of fears spinning out of control, each one pushing his mind into blackness. He wanted to run; he needed to freeze. Sounds that were near felt far away, like he was no longer in the body that sat almost paralyzed on the bloody earth.
His shaking hand finally moved to rest against, gently, on top of his son’s head, touching what was once soft, glistening fur now a matted, blood-tangled mess. He stroked his hair, thumb briefly brushing over his ear, which was also painted crimson.
“Johnny, get up. I know you’re still there somewhere.”
No response.
“... da…”
Marcus froze—Johnny’s eyes, which had been glazed over earlier, were wearily looking up towards him without any focus. Unshed tears were running down from his eyes across his cheek, which were now threatening to close with each jittered blink.
“Johnny, y-you’re alrigh’—you’re, you’re—” Marcus carefully cradled Johnny’s head in his hands, careful not to accidentally hurt him. “—thank god, I-I was startin’ to think you were—”
“Da, i-it hurts…”
“I know my boy, I know—help is comin’, the paramedics are on their way here right now, just hold on a lil’ longer—”
But it was almost as if Johnny couldn’t hear him; the little focus that had previously been there had started to fade away, the small light in his eyes starting to die.
He was fading away.
“... no, no, wait, Johnny, listen to me—” Marcus looked around at the others surrounding them for help. Nooshy, bursting into a broken, choked sob, hurried away to get to the paramedics who were busily trying to unfold a stretcher. Meena followed her suit. “Johnny, y-ya can’t do this to me, y—” He choked on his words and tears started to blur his vision as he turned his head. “Get here quicker, ya bloody fuckin’ paramedics, what the hell is takin’ you so long—”
“Marcus.” Buster’s gentle voice didn’t do anything to deter him. “Marcus—”
“Johnny, Johnny, don’t do this to me, don’t you—” Marcus swallowed the huge lump in his throat, begging, praying that whatever god was up there kept his son alive. Whatever it takes, whatever it takes. It could be him instead, just please…
Whatever it takes.
His son was dying and there was nothing he could do about it.
So without uttering another word, he gently cradled Johnny in his arms, watching as the life slowly drained out of him little by little. Watching him fade away from the world that had raised him to be the deserved star and hero he had grown up to be, and Marcus couldn’t help but hear that inner voice, screaming at him continuously, incessantly—
—that it should have been him.
“... da, I…”
“I’m here, Johnny boy.”
His chest painfully moved as he struggled to get the words out, straining with his breath every small inhale. Marcus waited, his heart being torn apart knowing the sound of what he knew to be Johnny’s last breaths more agonizing than any torture he'd ever been through.
“... ‘m sorry.”
And before Marcus could tell him that it was alright, that he forgave him, that there was nothing to be sorry for and that he had no fault and if there was anyone to blame it was his own self… the final exhale, the final breath left Johnny’s lips and his head slightly lolled to the side as his eyes completely glazed over, his body growing limp in Marcus’ arms.
A terrible chill ran up his spine and he felt numb, like someone had trapped him in a lake of ice. “... Johnny? Johnny.” Marcus slightly shook the boy in his arms.
“Marcus…” Buster’s voice said meekly from behind him, broken and sounding as if he were about to choke any second.
“Johnny, get up. Get up, Johnny.” He tried shaking his son one more time to no avail. “Johnny, Johnny—”
And then Marcus cradled his son’s dead body in his arms and sobbed, crying like he never had before, crying in a way he would have never dared to have done in front of Johnny for years, screams of bloody murder and anguish and grief and the rage and the sadness that was ripping his heart apart into shreds, tearing at his insides.
One last time, those brown eyes—his mother’s eyes—had opened. And one last time, Johnny spoke.
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oneboxofmatches · 3 years
All You Need to Know About Matchups!
Hi y'all!
This account is solely for matchups for several different fandoms. That means requests for imagines, oneshots, headcanons, etc. will NOT be taken.
Here are some basic things to know about requesting a matchup!
Unless otherwise specified for a certain fandom, a request yields one romantic pairing AND one friendship pairing as well as information on why I think you work well with the individuals I choose. Of course, if you only wish to receive either just the romantic matchup or just the friendship matchup, just let me know!
You can request matchups for several different fandoms at once! For each fandom you request, I will match you up with one romantic partner and one friend unless you request differently.
You can ask to exclude any character(s)!
Where can I request a matchup?
Requests can be made in the MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab.
What do I need to include in my request?
Your gender and/or pronouns
Your sexual orientation and/or preferences
Description of personality
Optional (but definitely helps me out!)
Description of appearance
Personality alignment (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Hogwarts House, etc.)
What you would look for in a partner and/or friend
Any other information you think would be helpful – the more you provide, the more I can work with!
Now with that out of the way, onto the fandoms!
Listed directly below is a shortlist of all the fandoms I take requests for as well as some extra information as needed.
If a title is in italics, it means that while I feel comfortable providing matchups for this show, I have not watched every season. If a character drastically changes after a certain point, I may not be aware. The last season I watched of these shows will be included in parentheses.
All movies/shows based on novels will most likely focus on the on-screen adaptations of characters.
The 100 (6)
Good Omens
The Good Place (3)
Lucifer (4)
On My Block
Parks and Recreation (4)
Prodigal Son (1)
Space Force
Supernatural (14)
The Walking Dead (8)
The Greatest Showman
Harry Potter -- Unless specified in request, will entail 2 sets of matchups as a student (Golden Trio and Marauders eras respectively)
The Hunger Games
Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Unless age is specified, underage characters will NOT be available for romantic matchups
Carrie (2012 Off-Broadway)
Les Misérables
The Phantom of the Opera
Detroit: Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
What’s below the cut?
A masterlist of characters in each fandom that will be considered for each request (unless marked with an asterisk (*), all characters are assumed to be available for both romantic AND friendly matchups while names marked with an asterisk are only available for friendly matchups). Listed alphabetically by first name.
Don’t be afraid to tell me about a typo!
Any questions? Just want to talk? You can also use the  MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab to get ahold of me!
Tumblr media
Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
Harper McIntyre
Jasper Jordan
Johnathan “John” Murphy
Jordan Green
Marcus Kane
Monty Green
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Wells Jaha
Tumblr media
Anathema Device
Newton Pulsifer
Mme. Tracy*
Witchfinder Sgt. Shadwell*
Tumblr media
Chidi Anagonye
Eleanor Shellstrop
Jason Mendoza
Tahani Al-Jamil
Tumblr media
Det. Chloe Decker
Det. Daniel “Dan” Espinoza
Ella Lopez
Dr. Linda Martin*
Lucifer Morningstar
Mazikeen “Maze”
Tumblr media
Cesar Diaz
Jamal Turner
Jasmine Flores
Monsé Finnie
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
Ruben “Ruby” Martinez Jr.
Tumblr media
Andrew “Andy” Dwyer
Ann Perkins
April Ludgate
Benjamin “Ben” Wyatt
Christopher “Chris” Traeger
Donna Meagle*
Gerald “Jerry” Gergich*
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein*
Leslie Knope
Ronald “Ron” Swanson*
Tumblr media
Ainsley Whitly
Det. Dani Powell
Edrisa Tanaka
Lt. Gil Arroyo
Det. James “JT” Tarmel
Jessica Whitly
Malcolm Bright
Tumblr media
DI Greg Lestrade
Mrs. Hudson*
James “Jim” Moriarty
Dr. John Watson
Mary Morstan*
Molly Hooper
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Tumblr media
Dr. Adrian Mallory*
Capt. Angela Ali
Brig. Gen. Bradley Gregory*
Dr. Chan Kaifang
Duncan Tabner
Erin Naird
F. Tony Scarapiducci
Kelly King
Maggie Naird*
Gen. Mark Naird*
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Abbie “Bela” Talbot*
Adam Milligan
Alex Jones
Benjamin “Benny” Lafitte
Charlene “Charlie” Bradbury
Claire Novak
Dean Winchester
Sheriff Donna Hanscum
Eileen Leahy
Ellen Harvelle*
Garth Fitzgerald IV
Jack Kline
Jessica “Jess” Moore*
Joanna “Jo” Harvelle
Sheriff Jody Mills*
John Winchester
Kaia Nieves
Kevin Tran
Meg Masters
Michael “Mick” Davies
Patience Turner
Robert “Bobby” Singer*
Rowena MacLeod
Rufus Turner*
Samuel “Sam” Winchester
Tumblr media
Abraham Ford
Beth Greene
Carl Grimes*
Carol Peletier*
Dale Horvath*
Daryl Dixon
Eugene Porter*
King Ezekiel*
Father Gabriel Stokes
Glenn Rhee
Hershel Greene*
Maggie Greene
Morgan Jones*
Negan Smith
Paul “Jesus” Rovia
Rick Grimes
Rosita Espinosa
Sasha Williams
Tara Chambler
Tyreese Williams
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Cher Horowitz
Dionne Davenport
Josh Lucas
Tai Frasier
Travis Birkenstock
Tumblr media
Anne Wheeler
Charity Barnum
Jenny Lind
Lettie Lutz*
Phillip Carlyle
Phineas “P.T.” Barnum
W.D. Wheeler
Tumblr media
Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody*
Albus Dumbledore*
Arthur Weasley*
Cedric Diggory
Cho Chang
Draco Malfoy
Fleur Delacour
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginevra “Ginny” Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Lily Evans
Luna Lovegood
Minerva McGonagall*
Molly Weasley*
Neville Longbottom
Nymphadora Tonks*
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin
Ronald “Ron” Weasley
Rubeus Hagrid*
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Viktor Krum
Tumblr media
Effie Trinket*
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Haymitch Abernathy*
Johanna Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Tumblr media
Anthony “Tony” Stark -- Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner -- Hulk
Carol Danvers -- Captain Marvel
Dr. Christine Palmer*
Clint Barton -- Hawkeye
Drax the Destroyer*
Edward “Ned” Leeds
Harold “Happy” Hogan*
Dr. Henry “Hank” Pym*\
Hope van Dyne -- Wasp
Sgt. James “Bucky” Barnes -- Winter Soldier
Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes -- War Machine
Loki Laufeyson
Dr. Margaret “Peggy” Carter*
Cdr. Maria Hill*
May Parker*
Lord M’Baku
Michelle “MJ” Jones
Natasha Romanoff -- Black Widow
Col. Nicholas “Nick” Fury*
Peter Parker -- Spider-Man
Peter Quill -- Star-Lord
Agt. Phillip “Phil” Coulson*
Pietro Maximoff -- Quicksilver
Samuel “Sam” Wilson -- Falcon
Scott Lang -- Ant-Man
Dr. Stephen Strange
Steven “Steve” Rogers -- Captain America
King T’Challa -- Black Panther
Thor Odinson
Virginia “Pepper” Potts
Wanda Maximoff -- Scarlet Witch
Yelena Belova
Yondu Udonta*
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Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov
Dimitri Sudayev
Gleb Vaganov
Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch*
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna*
Vladimir “Vlad” Popov*
Tumblr media
Adam Maitland
Barbara Maitland
Delia Schlimmer
Lydia Deetz*
Tumblr media
Carrie White
Christine “Chris” Hargensen
Susan “Sue” Snell
Thomas “Tommy” Ross
Tumblr media
Tumblr media
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
Angelica Schuyler
Elizabeth “Eliza” Schuyler
George Washington
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
John Laurens
Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Marquis de Lafayette
Philip Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
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Éponine Thénardier
Insp. Javert
Jean Valjean
Marius Pontmercy
Tumblr media
Carlotta Giudicelli*
Christine Daaé
Erik “The Phantom”
Mme. Giry*
Meg Giry
Raoul de Chagny
Tumblr media
Anna of Cleves
Anne Boleyn
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine Parr
Jane Seymour
Katherine Howard
Tumblr media
Carl Manfred*
Det. Chris Miller*
Elijah Kamski
Lt. Hank Anderson*
Capt. Jeffrey Fowler*
Leo Manfred
Rose Chapman*
Tumblr media
Abigail Roberts
Arthur Morgan
Beau Gray*
Charles Smith
Daniël “Dutch” Van der Linde
Eagle Flies
Hosea Matthews*
Javier Escuella
Johnathan “John” Marston Sr.
Josiah Trelawny
Karen Jones
Kieran Duffy
Leonard “Lenny” Summers
Marion “Bill” Williamson
Mary-Beth Gaskill
Micah Bell
Molly O’Shea
Penelope Braithwaite*
Rev. Orville Swanson*
Sadie Adler
Sean MacGuire
Simon Pearson*
Tilly Jackson
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takeiteasypeasybaby · 4 years
Save Me: Chapter 69 - Back To You
~Hey guys! Chapter 69 is out today :) I can’t believe there are only eight chapters left of Save Me :0 Love y’all and have a good week~
Molly is further along in her pregnancy and is now one month away from giving birth, but with tensions heating up in Alexandria, will this put a strain on her wellbeing? With Molly's happiness on full display, Michonne makes a revelation while she discusses with Ezekiel what they have both lost.
Six months later...
I slowly rolled like a giant marshmallow out of bed and supported my back with my hand as I stood up and stretched.
Negan was getting dressed for the day as I went to stand in front of the mirror and admired my large baby bump.
I smiled as I stroked my stomach over my large t shirt.
Negan chuckled, saying 'look at you!' as he walked up slowly behind me and wrapped his hands over mine.
He kissed my cheek sweetly and said 'I love you' as he nuzzled into my neck.
I giggled as I rested my head against his.
'I have a council meeting so could you do dinner for Lydia after training?' I asked as I kissed him sweetly and walked over to get dressed and picked up my gun.
The holsters were too far down to bend so I didn't need to wear them but I took my gun just in case.
Negan frowned and said 'whatcha doin over there?' as he saw the gun.
I rolled my eyes and said 'alright mr protective, it's just in case'.
He walked over and placed it back down onto our chest of drawers.
'Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I still can't handle myself. If anything happens to our baby...' I said worriedly as Negan held my hand and said sternly 'If anyone tries to harm you or our baby, I will kill them'.
I nodded, saying 'I know, but promise me you'll be safe too', he smiled 'always am'.
He walked me to the meeting and kissed me goodbye as I smiled back at him.
I loved how protective he was being over us, I thought as I stroked my stomach.
He was protective of me before, but this was next level and I was loving it.
Negan and I weren't so much worried about people in Alexandria harming our baby, but with the war getting closer and me being due in a month, we were on red alert.
I thought that out of everyone, Rosita would be the least supportive but she became one of the ones I relied on most nowadays.
It was like this before with us, before Negan, but I never thought we would get to have this again.
She had had a baby in this walker filled world, so she knew what it was like.
She showed me great recipes for pregnant women, natural creams and potions for sore skin and muscles.
We were finally getting our friendship back and it felt wonderful.
Lydia's POV//
After training, I went straight to the laundry place, knowing that Negan was working there.
I felt hesitant because of my attack which still loomed over me in my mind, but I knew nothing could hurt me with Negan there.
I sat down and starting prodding the earth with a stick, looking for worms.
Negan came round with a wheelbarrow of washing and smiled, saying 'hey kiddo'.
I replayed in my mind all of the horrible things those three had said to me months ago and why they did it.
'What's up?' Negan asked as he saw my sad expression.
I raised my eyebrows and said 'just trying to clear my head'.
'Gage and his friends started again today, even after they were punished' I said sadly.
Gage had made sure no one was looking and put a brown bag over this head like a whisperer mask just to torment me.
I wanted to tell Molly, but she already has a lot going on with the baby.
'Again? Jesus' he said sadly.
'You said to kill em with kindness, that's not doing shit now is it?' I replied angrily.
'I did say that, but that was before he attacked you, so now I'm saying screw em. Tell Molly, she'll deal with them for ya. I would, but if I did, I'd be right back in that cell' he said sternly.
I nodded, saying 'they've had their last chance, I just want them gone'.
'Well, then knowing you two badasses, they'll be long gone' he said smiling.
I chuckled, feeling much better about the situation until I got serious again.
'I don't want Molly anywhere she could get hurt' I said seriously.
Negan nodded and said 'me neither kid, that goes for you too. I don't want either of you close to this when it happens, get one of the council to do it'.
'What are you two whispering about?' Molly said jokingly as she came over.
I looked at Negan and he nodded for me to tell her.
Once I explained everything she had a rage filled look on her face. I had to admit, even I was scared.
'Should've brought the gun' she said to Negan in annoyance.
'Molly please don't do this, get someone else to' I pleaded but her mind was made up.
She explained to Michonne but because she disagreed, Molly couldn't kill them.
I wanted them dead, I had fantasised about it for a long time but I couldn't risk Molly getting hurt in all this.
Molly sighed, ordered Gabriel and Aaron to take Gage and the other ones who'd bullied me and banish them from Alexandria.
They kicked and put up a fight but there would be 'no exceptions' as Molly called it as she walked me back home.
'I should've done that sooner Lydia, I'm sorry' she said as she hugged me.
'Thank you for doing it now' I replied happily as I even felt myself breathing a little easier.
I was glad to know that the others were also on my side now.
I pulled away and asked if I could feel Molly's baby bump.
She smiled and said 'yes' as she placed my hand gently.
I felt a kick against my hand and gasped.
'She likes you' Molly said softly, 'is that your big sister?' Molly cooed at the bump.
I smiled.
'How do you know it's a girl?' I asked confusedly.
She looked down and said 'I don't, but I can almost sense it'.
'I'm your sister Lydia' I whispered to the bump as I felt another kick.
I looked up at Molly in excitement as she stroked my hair.
'You'll be the best sister ever' she said softly as I smiled.
Negan came over to us and said 'is it all finished?'.
Molly told him what happened and he smiled, 'no exceptions' as she repeated the same thing.
They both hugged me as Negan and I stroked Molly's stomach.
'Mom says it's a girl' I said to Negan as I listened to the kicking.
Negan chuckled, saying 'did she now?'.
Molly giggled and said 'she did, I have a feeling...then we'll have the two best girls in the world'.
Negan smiled, saying 'how'd we get so damn lucky?' as he kissed Molly's forehead, then mine, then the baby bump.
'Alright, what do my girls want for dinner? Spaghetti?' he said with a raised eyebrow at Molly.
She rolled her eyes and chuckled saying 'fine, you can have your  favourite'.
Negan said 'yes!' as he fist bumped the air and continued 'last one to the house has to wash up!' as he raced me.
Molly walked slowly behind as she shouted, 'I'm pregnant, you asshole!'.
Negan and I giggled as he ran back and lifted Molly in his arms to carry her to the door.
'Jesus Christ!' he yelled as he carried her breathlessly.
Molly chuckled as he continued, 'you are-' as she shot him a stern look making him change his words, 'you are light as a feather darlin'.
In that happy moment, I had forgotten about my past, my mother.
All I knew now were my true parents, the ones who loved me and protected me and now that I would have a sister, I would protect my family to the end.
Michonne's POV//
After the exile of Gage, Marcus and Tom, I needed to leave the compound to clear my head.
I knew that Ezekiel was on his way back to Alexandria after spending time with Carol at Oceanside, but I didn't plan to meet him unexpectedly on the bridge we'd since repaired all those years after Rick.
I still went to that bridge to feel close to him, like he was with me.
That was where we found his gun so a part of me thought that one day, he would reappear here too.
I looked up to see Ezekiel standing there on the edge of the bridge.
He looked like he was about to jump so I ran to him and begged him to come back down.
After Carol and Henry, his kingdom as well, I knew why he was up there.
'I'm not going anywhere' I said quietly as I reached for his hand, he grabbed it eventually and hugged me tightly.
'It's okay, It's okay' I said softly as we hugged, he pulled away and kissed me suddenly.
I furrowed my brows in confusion but kept my eyes closed.
'I'm sorry' he said startled by the whole thing as he collapsed to his knees and cried.
'I had a Kingdom, a reign and what did I do with it? I failed. Benjamin, Shiva, Henry and then the Kingdom and Carol' he said sadly.
'I don't even know how to talk to her anymore' he continued as he looked down.
'I didn't know what I was gonna do when I came out here' he said looking out onto the water below us.
I sighed and looked down.
'I've been here before, not here. But where you are, a long time ago when I was on my own. I was in a dark place, eventually I just gave up' I said sadly.
'What did that feel like?' he asked.
'It feels like a mask, till it doesn't' I said smiling.
'My old mask saved my life, but I haven't been there for so long' he said now looking at me.
I nodded and said tearfully 'somehow, it's harder the second time around, especially when you get used to having someone there, that partner in crime'.
'And yet I smile' he said softly in an air of hope.
Somehow seeing Molly with her family brought back all the pain of losing Rick, I just wanted to see his face one last time, to say goodbye, but I never got to.
It's like I can feel him still with me but I can't touch him.
It always happens that way, we always go back to our first loves, Molly with Negan and me with Rick.
I know that somehow, someway, I will see him again...
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andrea-odown · 7 years
Lessons in Love - Chapter 6
A Sing (2016)-fanfic. Sequel to my story “Keep on Singing”.
Read it on FF.Net and AO3.
Description: After their kiss on stage there’s still so much to figure out for Johnny and Cia. None of them has been in a relationship before, after all.
Chapter 6: Cia
Having to be at the office that early to finish the documents for accounting really was hard, and in the morning, she really wished she would have gotten it all done the day before, but that couldn't be helped and so she got up, slowly and reluctantly, feeling like a zombie on her way to the office - and probably she looked like one, too - but she made it. Somehow.
Spending half the night tossing and turning and thinking didn't help, though. Thinking about the talk Johnny and she had, the kiss they shared - yes, the kiss! - and then how Johnny was so endeavor to keep a little distance between them, how different the kisses after this one kiss were, how Johnny made sure to keep them short and gentle, and how she still liked it, but was so hoping for more. But Johnny obviously wasn't willing to go there again - or maybe even a little further - and she understood, yes, she did. It'll be his first time, and of course, he is nervous. She knows she has been. And pushing him into doing something he isn't ready for yet is the last thing she wants to do. But what if he is ready for it and just doesn't know how to express it?
That's the moment when she always wants to bang her head against a wall because she's lost.
Well, at least she got a lot of work done before Ms. Crawly arrived. And then it only took her double the time to get her work done when Ms. Crawly decided to help her - usually, it's more than that - and they got all the work done in time.
And when all the stress was over, she was glad she could go home.
For a moment, she thought of asking Johnny to drive her home. Okay, for more than a moment.
But then she decided against it.
Things have been a bit weird between them after running into Marcus and their talk and the kiss - yes, the kiss! - and then the rest of their talk, but she just thinks that Johnny might want to keep a little distance now. At least the impression he gave her when he made sure to keep their kisses short afterwards.
Besides, he has rehearsals today and she doesn't want to disturb him.
Okay, maybe the main reason is that things are a little weird between them now. Just maybe, though.
She yawns when she unlocks the door of her apartment. Really, she can't wait to catch up on some sleep.
She slumps down on her couch and falls asleep almost immediately.
When she opens her eyes again, she's still tired and when she checks the clock, she realizes only half an hour has passed.
She rolls on her other side, trying to go back to sleep, but somehow, her brain seems to have recovered enough so that she can think again. Wonderful!
She rolls on her back and tries if she can fall asleep in that position.
She can't.
She lets out a groan and grabs her phone.
When Ash answers the door that evening, Cia frowns when after a short greeting, the porcupine looks around her and checks the street.
"Uhm, are you okay?" Cia asks.
"Yeah, yeah, sure," Ash replies, still checking the street.
"Ash?" Cia asks again.
The porcupine jumps a little. "Sorry! Please, come in!"
And with that she steps aside and lets her inside.
Ash leads her to the living room and when they've settled down on the couch, Cia has to ask.
"What was that back there?" she asks with a nod towards the front door.
"Me being paranoid," Ash replies with a little laugh, and Cia raises a brow.
"Sorry," Ash says, "it's just I thought Rosita might want to do one of her interventions again and used you as bait."
"Ooooookay." Cia twists her mouth at that.
"Not that I mean that in a bad way or-or ascribe that you would Rosita let you use as bait, although…"
"Ash," Cia interrupts that. "I think Rosita has finally calmed down. Or so Johnny told me. Or is she still bothering you?"
"Now that you mention it, no, she's not." Ash sighs. "Is it really that hard to understand that Lance and I willingly decided to give us another chance?"
"Not to me, but I haven't been around when you two broke up," Cia replies. "I just saw him bothering you and stepped in."
"And threw him out of the theater. Literally." Ash chuckles at that. "Still makes me crack up. And I do think your reaction was some sort of a reality check Lance needed. Because the next time I saw him he explained things to me and apologized. I guess I would have never talked to him again. And I had no intention on getting back together, really, I had not. It just happened. We were spending some time together and then a little more and more and we were talking a lot, and I don't know, at some point we kissed, and it felt right. And I know what made him do the things he did. And now that we keep work and relationship separated, I think it's going to work. It has worked so far, so I'm confident. Our relationship is different now, we've both grown up somehow, and I don't know, it just works this time."
"And that's fine, Ash," Cia says. "You don't need to justify yourself. Not to me, at least."
Ash sighs. "I know. It's just, I don't think anyone gets it."
"We don't have to," Cia replies. "As your friends, we just have to accept it. I know Johnny does. And I do, too."
"And Rosita?"
"Rosita is just being overprotective. She'll get used to it."
"I hope so!"
"Maybe tell her what you told me?"
"I don't get a chance to do that! Whenever I try she starts giving me one of her speeches!"
"Then insist on it. Or do you want to me to literally throw her out of the theater? For reality check-reasons?"
"No, no, I'm sure I can handle this one by myself!" Ash calls out. "Besides, she'd never forgive you."
"And if I make Norman catch her?"
Ash nods her head a little. "That might work, but still no."
Cia shrugs. "You know where to find me when you change your mind."
"Sure thing!"
A few moments in silence pass, but Cia only realizes that when Ash speaks.
"Soooooo, do you want to talk about something in particular or are we just having a girls' night out or rather in? Lance has a gig tonight, so we have all night."
"Well, uhm…" Suddenly, Cia isn't so sure if talking to Ash is actually a good idea. Yes, she considers Ash a friend, but not a close friend, not yet, and yes, Ash knows Johnny for so much longer than she does and Johnny sees Ash as one of his best friends, but still, is that enough to justify talking to her about that?
On the other hand, what other options does she have?
"Cia?" Ash asks.
"Well, it's about Johnny," Cia begins. "And me, of course. Things have been a little … weird."
"Okay," Ash says. "Go on."
Is it just her or has there really been a little smile on Ash's lips for a second?
"We've been dating for a while now, but … uhm … we haven't done anything more than kissing yet, and now I'm not sure. Isn't he interested in going any further or is he just insecure because …" She breaks off. She probably shouldn't give away that piece of information, no matter how good friends Ash and Johnny are.
"Because he hasn't done it before?" Ash suggests.
"Yes," Cia says, somehow relieved that Ash already knows. "I-I just don't know what to do. How do I know when he's ready? Or if he'll ever be ready?"
To her surprise, Ash bursts into laughter.
Cia blinks a few times at that.
"S … sorry!" Ash says between laughs. "It's just that … Gi-give me a second please."
"Okay," Cia says, twisting her mouth.
When Ash has finally calmed down, it takes her a few moments to catch her breath.
"I'm sorry, Cia," she says. "I didn't mean to laugh. And I am not making fun of you, I swear! It's just that Johnny and I had lunch together today, and he was asking almost the same questions."
"He was?" Cia asks.
"Yes," Ash confirms. "And now that I think of it, I probably shouldn't have told you, but you two are just too cute! So in love and so confused!"
She gives Cia a warm smile which the snow leopard returns shyly.
"So what do you suggest?" Cia asks.
"Well, you can always ask when you aren't sure, in fact, you should," Ash replies. "And I think it's important to tell Johnny that he can always change his mind, that you can stop at any point. I think if he knows that he always has a way out if needed will give him a little more confidence."
Cia has to admit, she never thought she'd have to tell Johnny that. It was so clear to her that she'll always respect his wishes that she didn't even think she has to tell him so. Yet again, it's Johnny's first relationship - hers too - and it'll be his first time - if they ever get there - so it makes sense.
"Okay, I'll do that," she says. "Thanks, Ash!"
"You're welcome!"
This time, Cia can return Ash's smile just as warmly.
But suddenly, Ash slaps her hand against her forehead.
"Oh boy, I'm a terrible host! I didn't even offer you something to drink!" She jumps to her feet. "So what do you want, Cia? Tea? Coffee? Soda?"
Cia thinks for a second. "Do you have beer?"
Ash's mouth twists into a smirk. "Sure do!"
0 notes
hoperays-song · 2 years
The Adults Groupchat is going great...
Marcus: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Gunter: >:O language
Eddie: Yeah watch your fucking language
Norman: 'The fuck word'.
Rosita: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time.
Eddie: Oh my god she censored it
Marcus: Say fuck, Rosita.
Eddie: Do it, Rosita. Say fuck.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
How many kids again?
Marcus meeting Rosita for the first time: How many kids do you have?
Rosita, adopting anyone who looks like they need a hug: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing Story Board Thoughts!!!
Ok, ok, ok, my friend @stinkyhyena9000 just sent me this and it’s so adorable I love it so much!! 
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And I have a few thoughts!
One: MARCUS IS SO POLITE I LOVE IT!!!! This isn’t a huge surprise considering the fact that Johnny has manners essentially coming out of his ears, but it’s still so cute that that’s clearly where he got it from.
Two: More slang! We have expanded the use of British slang to now include “love” and I love it. Also Marcus is known for being punctual!! As in, he’s always on time!! That would be a super cute trait to see Johnny have like his dad as well.
Three: MARCUS’S REACTION TO GETTING A PHONE CALL FROM HIS SON IS SO CUTE!!! He’s so happy to hear from him and wants to immediately hear about whatever he’s up to. And instantly tells everyone within earshot that he got a call from him! Marcus is #1 dad of the years right there, love that. And the instant shift in his tone when he realises something is wrong is so realistic!
Four: The fact the show had already been physically scrapped is so much more realistic. Like, with that public of a firing? I wouldn’t be surprised if they had to break in too.
Five: Just Darius on that box. Just.. Darius. That is somehow the most extra thing he would have done all movie.
Seven: The dancers sneaking in through the side door is still perfection because they had to have snuck out to be there. Still sad we don’t see that phone call tho.
Eight: Rosita’s smile at hearing new ideas for her role... it’s heart-melting, I swear.
Nine: Ok, so I’ve talked a bit about how Marcus is always hugging Johnny right? Like, he doesn’t do it with Stan and Barry so it’s clearly like a father-son thing for him. And the fact that the moment he sees Nooshy, Marcus instantly hugs her is the most damning evidence in my opinion of this man just going “Ah yes, another kid. Always wanted one of those!” Like Nooshy was adopting in two frames, no hesitation at all. Hugs=adoption in Sing and no one can convince me otherwise at this point.
Ten: Ryan (my sweet baby, my precious, favourite child) bringing the staffs in!!! Like so, they weren’t in the trash with the rest of the props? Does that mean Klaus had them? Did Ryan legit steal those from Klaus?? I love this boy more and more I swear.  He just went “oh well, probably gonna get fired anyway, might as well help Johnny” and I love that for him.
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hoperays-song · 9 months
Characters That Have Never/Hardly Interacted In Canon That I Think Would Be Friends
I love how we see friendships in the series like the gang, Rosita, Buster, and Gunter, Johnny and Meena, and the Moon theatre trio. But I wish we saw more so... tada!! Here's a list of characters who I think would be friends with little to no explanation!
Rosita and Marcus: I headcanon that Rosita was Johnny's foster mom while Marcus was in jail so the two got to know each other that way. And now they are just best friends who stress over Johnny and come up with crazy inventions together. Like the engineer Rosita and the mechanic Marcus would have so much in common it would be awesome.
Stan and Gunter: The energetic person of their respective friend groups, I just know these two would constantly be causing chaos and enabling their nieces and nephew to cause utter havoc.
Nooshy and Ash: Ok ok ok, hear me out here. Hip Hop dancer friend to the grungy Rock singer. That dynamic would be adorable and awesome. Also, they seem to be around the same age and I feel like their personalities would mesh together really well. Plus, they were friends in that one promo thing for the Mario movie (I think? idk) and now they are besties in my mind.
Marcus and Clay: I feel like these two said nothing to each other for like the first eight meetings, then promptly trauma-dumped about their late partners to each other, and then never spoke of it again. Now they just keep in contact about Buster's stupid ideas and their kids (Johnny and Ash respectively).
Eddie and Barry: They'd be video game buddies!!! Eddies loves video games and I headcanon that Barry does too so you just know they team up online and like completely sweep tournaments. Also, they are both the logical ones of their current friend groups so I feel like they could bond over that.
Ryan and Mizuki: I feel like these two would just be a really good personality mesh for two very energetic and extroverted friends. Also, as a former principal dancer and now troupe leader, Ryan has a lot of networking and social media experience so I feel like they could bond over that since Mizuki seems to be in charge of that for the New Moon Theatre Troupe.
Rosita, Marcus, and Aamanee: One, I'm giving Meena's mom a name. Her name is now Aamanee, ok, cool, moving on. Two, I just want the three parents of the theatre trio to hang out. Like Ash is Rosita's adopted daughter at this point and all three parents are bound to be stressed about what Buster is dragging their kids into now.
Ryan and Suki: Mainly, again, this is purely from my headcanon that Suki took Ryan's mom's dance class as a kid and literally has known him since he was born, so the two are pretty good friends. Suki would be the tired older cousin that Ryan, a ball of extroverted energy, drags to events to "have fun".
Nana and Clay: I think these two definitely know each other from when they were younger and ran into each other at a ton of celebrity events so now they are friends who gossip and drink tea together. That's it. That's all they do on like a weekly basis. It's funny and adorable.
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hoperays-song · 9 months
Required Information Sheet For The Human AU: Marcus
General Information:
Last Name: Taylor
First Name: Marcus
Middle Name: Christian
Nickname(s): Markie and Mark
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Gender Identity: Cisgender
Sexuality: Demisexual
Birthdate: November 12, 1973
Ethnicity: British
Dietary Style: Vegetarian
Known Languages: English, Hindi, and ASL.
Appearance Information 
Hair Color Hex Code: #AC4F02
Curl Texture: 4b
Eye Color Hex Code: #3B3B3B
Skin Tone Hex Code: #321F0C
Beauty Mark(s): Scattered body scars and tattoos
Glasses/Contacts: Reading glasses that are worn occasionally
Height: 6’4.5”
Weight: 234lbs
Build Type: Rectangle
Clothing Aesthetic: No real word for it but jeans, tank tops, and coveralls. Mechanic?
Education Information:
Past Education: London School of Economics
Skills Education: Automotive Mechanic Apprenticeship at Tower End Mechanic Shop
Degree(s)/Certification(s): Masters in Business Management, Bachelors in Engineering, Certified Automotive Mechanic, and Licensed EMT
Career Information:
Past Employment: Automotive Mechanic
Current Job: Automotive Mechanic and Garage Owner
Company: Taylor Family Garage
Extracurriculars: Parole Work (Meals On Wheels)
Parentage Information:
Biological Parent 1: Ann Grace Taylor
Relation: Biological Mother
Relationship: Nonexistent (Disowned)
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Career: Stay At Home Mom
Birthdate: September 11, 1950
Biological Parent 2: Christian Arthur Taylor
Relation: Biological Father
Relationship: Nonexistent (Disowned)
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Career: Insurance Company CFO
Birthdate: April 10, 1945
Sibling Information:
Sibling 1: Lucien Charles Taylor
Relation: Biological Brother
Relationship: Nonexistent (Disowned)
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Education: University of Cambridge
Birthdate: June 30, 1970
Sibling 2: Bethany Grace Taylor
Relation: Biological Sister
Relationship: Nonexistent (Disowned)
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Education: University of Bristol
Birthdate: July 20, 1976
Romantic Relationship Information:
Partner's Name: Jia Saanvi Taylor ‘nee Sutar (Deceased)
Partner's Status: Wife 
Relationship: Close 
Partner's Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Partner's Career: Primary School Music Teacher and Pianist
Partner's Birthdate: February 13, 1975
Child(ren) Information:
Child 1's Name: Johnathan “Johnny” Demarcus Taylor
Child's Relation: Biological Son
Relationship: Close
Child's Pronouns: He/They/His/Theirs
Child's Birthdate: January 29, 2004
Child's Career: Contracted Professional Actor and Singer
Child 2's Name: Nooshy Victor Peart-Taylor
Child's Relation: Adoptive Child
Relationship: Close
Child's Pronouns: She/They/Hers/Theirs
Child's Birthdate: November 3, 2001
Child's Career: Contracted Professional Choreographer Consultant
Assorted Information:
Best Friend(s): Stan Philips (since age 36), Barry Frost (since age 36), and Rosita Peréz-Harrison (since age 47)
Favorite Color(s): Dark Purple and Grey
Favorite Animal(s): Mountain Gorillas and Crows
Favorite Food(s): Glamorgan Sausages, Alu Diye Cholar Dal, and Vegetable Korma
Favorite Sweet(s): Blackcurrant Jaffa Cakes, Murukku, and Paruppu Payasam
Favorite Drink(s): Plain Black Coffee, Masala Soda, and Red Gatorade
Favorite TV Show(s): Top Gear, Chasing Classic Cars, and Wheeler Dealers
Favorite Movie(s): Now You See Me, Baby Driver, and The Glass Onion
Favorite Song(s): Big A Little A by Crass, Oh Bondage! Up Yours! by X-Ray Spex, and Mighty and Superior by Conflict
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hoperays-song · 1 year
The Gang In My Continuation Fic Explained
Most of these are based on how I read into the characters in both movies so clearly they are personal interpretation, you don’t have to agree with them. I hope you enjoy tho!
- Comes across as intimidating a lot mainly due to his appearance.
- Is actually a really nice guy, just typically really stressed out worrying about his kid (now kids), brothers, and their finances. He’s a bit silly in nature and protective, he loves taking care of others in any way he can.
- Has relaxed a lot after Sing 1 due to their debt being paid off (thanks Nana) and is mainly just focused on making sure his kids are happy and safe.
- Very much family oriented and spends pretty much every single moment of his day with his family. He doesn’t really feel the need to expand his social circle past this radius either, he just wants to be with his family.
- Decently overprotective of Johnny due to his mum dying when he was young (and him being his last piece of her) as well as Johnny’s struggles with both his health and social life as a child. He constantly is worried about his son and if he’s ok and happy, sometimes being overbearing without meaning to. He just wants his son to have a good life.
- He will primarily show affection in form of Acts of Service and Quality Time, but uses a lot of Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch (hugs, hair ruffling, forehead kisses) with his kids.
- Was disowned formally when he was 24 but had always had a horrible relationship with his birth family. He changed his name to Marcus when that happened.
- Out of the gang, he’s the mediator. He’s the bridge between Stan’s chaos and impulsivity and Barry’s bluntness and cool nature. He typically ends up settling their arguments and only propsed the idea of the gang out of necessity.
- Came out as Demisexual after doing research to support Johnny (who identifies as a Demiboy).
- Had a punk phase growing up which is wear his jacket (that’s now Johnny’s) originates.
- ADHD and struggles a lot with abandonment issues as well as rejection sensitive dysphoria. He is now in therapy though.
- Within the troupe, he’s closet to Rosita and Norman, mainly due to them taking care of Johnny while he was in jail as his son’s foster parents but also because of their more calm nature.
- The best way to describe him is: stressed, worried, and slightly overprotective dad.
- Basically looks like a (very slightly) chiller version of a party loving college student.
- He’s always full of energy and down for whatever, even if it’s a bad idea. Very much a daredevil and adrenaline junkie, he’s never really been one for rules and is a trailblazer of his own path in life.
- A bit more obviously fun-loving compared to how he was in Sing 1 now, due to his debts being paid off (thanks again Nana) and his family’s relationships being on the mend.
- Spends a lot of times with his brothers and family, as well as being  the social butterfly of the group and actually having a fair number of friends outside of it he hangs out with.
- Like Marcus, he is also a bit overprotective of Johnny (though definitely less than his older brother). However, he does also enjoy teasing Johnny constantly.
- Primarily shows affection to everyone through Quality Time and Gift Giving, even though the gifts are typically junk food that Marcus has banned from the garage for Johnny’s health apparently (Johnny and Barry appreciate these gifts).
- Was never close with his birth family and cut off contact when he was 20 to go to college with Barry, who had been his neighbor growing up and who he had considered his baby brother.
- Out of the gang, he’s the energy. He always wants to do something and is pretty impulsive. He was onboard with the robberies from the start and did bicker with Barry about wether or not they were nessicary for a while.
- Deliberately unlabeled about his sexuality and a huge supporter to his family when they came out.
- Still dresses like a university student with a lot of jerseys and a thrifted letterman as his style hasn’t changed since uni.
- ADHD and struggles with sudden changes in routine and rejection sensitive dysphoria. He is also in therapy now.
- When he met the theatre adults for the first time, he became fast friends with Gunter due to their similar personalities, but he is also decently friendly with Buster as well.
- The best way to describe him is: fun-loving, teasing, and energetic uncle.
- Comes off as rude a lot due to how quiet he is and very few facial expressions in public.
- While he is very blunt in both nature and speech, Barry is very passionate about things, just isn’t one to use a lot of things to express that. He is also highly intelligent and is on track to get his doctorate degree.
- He has started to focus more on getting his degree compared to Sing 1, now that he has time since he isn’t constantly working due to debt (Nana is a godssend).
- Prefers to spend any time he’s not with his family alone, is the exact opposite of Stan in this case. However, this rule is a way to see if Barry considers a person family as he does not really see people as friends. They’re either family or strangers.
- He is somewhere in-between Marcus and Stan’s levels of overprotectiveness of Johnny. He is the closest to Johnny out of him and Stan and has been the boy’s confidant since he was little, so he typically knows more about the situations that the other two. He does also join Stan in teasing Johnny though.
- Primarily shows affection through Quality time, particulary in the form of body doubling. The only exception to this rule is Johnny (who he does have a soft spot for) and will occasionally use Words of Affirmation or Physical Touch (mainly short hugs).
- Was raised in a group house in foster care and never really connected with anyone there. Has no contact with anyone from his birth family either.
- Out of the gang, he’s the voice of reason. he protested the robberies in the first place and was the one to insist on them learning medical training first. He’s the direct contrast to Stan.
- Has been out as bisexual since grade school and was bullied for it for awhile before Stan stepped in. Was the first to put together that Johnny was gay and supported him.
- Was the quiet kid throughout school and still dresses in a lot of his old hoodies (the others now belong to Johnny as they are the closest in size).
- Autism and can go mute at times. He struggles a lot with social cues and social norms, typically needing Stan to interpret, and overstimulation as well. He is also in therapy.
- Unsuprisingly to his family, he isn’t really close to any adult member of the troupe. He’s always struggled with connecting with people. However, he is fond of Rosita due to how much she helped Johnny while they were in jail and will occasionally play games online with Eddie.
- The best way to describe him is: blunt, straight-forward, and protective uncle.
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hoperays-song · 10 months
More Spider-Man AU Stuff
Johnny became Spider-Man or Skate-Spider on a school field trip when he was young, but went for a long while without taking up the title. He only did eventually because he realised he could help people in a way he couldn't before and save them like he couldn't save his mum. She died while he was young due to an illness but he still blamed himself and saw being Spider-Man as a coping mechanism at first.
The singing competition was essentially the same but without the gang plotline and the characters being much younger. They all became friends afterwards like the do out of AU but have spent 3-ish years together at this point. Buster also adopted Ash then as well.
Jimmy runs a newspaper as well as a ton of other entertainment things and they do all hate Spider-Man.
Instead of Spider-Man losing a police captain or his uncle, he has to be the one to sever his ties with his uncles and dad. In this AU he never knew about the gang and caught them in a robbery. Johnny tried to talk them out of it, even revealing his identity, but couldn't and in the end arrested them. Aka a much more angsty disownment arc.
Nooshy was adopted by Marcus around two years before the start of this AU when he found them camping out behind the garage. She lives in her own apartment now but acts as Johnny's “person in the chair” after helping him come up with the Skate-Spider persona in the first place.
Rosita is still Johnny's foster mum and finds out he's Spider-Man when he returns from patrol too hurt to hide said fact. She immediately started covering for him and helping him improve his gadgets as a way to make sure he's safe.
Several newspapers are running rewards for who can tell them who Spider-Man is and the troupe are all competing together. Johnny is actually pretty scared they might find out who he is because they've gotten close before.
In the timeline, the singing competition in Sing 1 is replaced by just a regular show as it focuses more of Johnny being Skate-Spider and his relationships. The Redshore trip does still happen according to the timeline with the same plot points however, just with Spider-Man stuff thrown in.
Johnny has a different skateboard that he carries on patrol so his dad doesn't recognize it and he takes all the pins of his jacket before patrol as well (also his jacket has pins in this AU). When not skating on patrol, the skateboard is hung around his shoulders with a strand of webbing.
Ryan is actually introduced a bit before the Redshore trip as an English student who Johnny saves as Spider-Man. During the Redshore trip however, it's revealed that Ryan, as well as being a dancer, is in school an is doing a paper on modern heroism and wants to talk with Skate-Spider about what that's like as a hero vs as a civilian. Johnny is constantly scared he's going to figure his identity out.
Clay figures out Spider-Man’s identity after like 12 seconds but keep his identity a secret. He says this is due to him having a stage persona when he was younger so he recognized the two's similarities (Johnny and Skate-Spider).
Ryan does figure out Johnny's identity after a while and drops it in while they are hanging out after practice, promising to keep it a secret.
The troupe as a whole finds out Skate-Spider's identity during the big show down with the big bad and promptly freak out that their friend is likely hurt.
The disownment reconciliation scene wouldn't be at a theatre performance in this. It happens during a fight with a villain when part of the jail is destroyed, causing Johnny to panic about his family's safety. He runs into his dad and the two talk it out then.
Calatonia will be New Calatonia instead but Redshore stays the same.
“No, you raised me to do the right thing. Why can’t you see that’s what I’m doing?”
“And you're willing to do that even if it means turning your back on your family? By betraying us?”
“If that’s what it takes, then yes.”
“Johnathan, don’t you dare-“
“I'm sorry dad.”
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