trailforks · 4 months
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Whiskey Trail
The Whiskey trail has seen many changes over the years, and in it’s current incarnation exhibits a mixed personality.Whiskey is a Rossland classic and is a very popular trail within the network and certainly the most popular in the Malde Creek area....
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hwy95eh · 10 days
"We all need a place to call our own—somewhere we feel safe to relax and refuel—but a recent convergence of circumstances has made finding a home a serious challenge. In this episode, we focus on housing solutions here in the Basin. We start with a “Tale of Two Towns,” an investigation into creative, multi-faceted projects in Rossland and Fernie. Then we jump through Meadow Creek, Kaslo, Procter, and South Slocan to meet Kootenay entrepreneurs who are using surprisingly innovative solutions to address our housing crisis." - READ / LISTEN MORE
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averycanadianfilm · 2 years
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Rossland, BC
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cedarboughs · 2 years
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Red maples in the morning, Rossland, British Columbia
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muttlyparasitic · 2 years
More Marble Hornets things ~
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Blue haired character is Ginger, belongs to @znukipup
Character with fur is Zahara, my Marble Hornets character.
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nikatyler · 7 months
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Rose Headquarters - unfurnished
Basically all my main sims will live here with their families in a sort of Barbieland kinda save. Rossland. Or Tylerland. Or, why pit two kings against each other, TylerRossland. RossTylerland. Eh. You know, where every day is the best day and I'm not trying to murder them with sunlight nor get the aliens to abduct them. I'll hopefully post the full furnished version soon!
40 x 40
Feel free to do whatever you want with this lot but don’t claim it as your own
Maybe let me know if you use it? I’d love to see it!
Download on the Gallery - my ID is veronika2212.
I also put #nikatyler in the description if that helps.
🎥 You can watch the speedbuild HERE!
Download: Patreon | SimFileShare
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1920sitgirl · 1 year
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The Vancouver Amazons, a 1920s women’s hockey team.
If you go back to 1900 you’ll find an anual tournament hosted by the city of Rossland and discover that New Westminster also began hosting competitions in 1914, but unfortunately as hockey arenas we’re commandeered for the war effort women’s hockey struggled to survive, thus began their fight for recognition.
In 1918 a strong team made up of high school girls hungry for the win schooled the Vancouver ladies hockey team. They called themselves the Amazons, their play was aggressive and they showed no fear, not only were they slick enough to win against VL but were bold enough name themselves the B.C champions. Their claim was controversial and the team would soon be put to the test.
In 1921 came the Alpine cup, A trophy donated by the Alpine Club of Canada for women’s hockey to the Banff Winter Carnival. Although having competitions to play in is now seen as the bare minimum this cup raised the profile of women’s hockey, in a sense women now had a Stanley Cup to play for. The cup was first won by the Calgary Regents and with the bitter feeling of losing still lingering this marked the start of the Vancouver Amazons revenge tour.
At a West Coast women’s championship that took place the same year, the Amazon’s were up against the Victoria Kewpies and American team the Seattle Vamps. This was the first international competition in women’s ice hockey history, the Amazons won every single game and proved they were a force to be reckoned with by not conceding a single goal. Striving forward with the feeling of victory their tour continued, back with a new momentum they were ready to compete again for the Alpine cup in the 1922 tournament. The roster for this tournament included Elizabeth Hinds, who, while competing became the first woman from British Columbia to score a hat trick in a game, Phebe Senkler who captained the amazons, Senkler’s Sister Norah who played defence, Forward’s Kathleen Carson and Nan Griffith and Amelia Voitkevic as goaltender. In the championship game they were once again face to face with their old rivals the Calgary Regents, the game was tied 1-1 and sent to overtime by Amazons player Kathleen Carson, Celebrated for “having a shot like a man’s” Kathleen went on to score again, winning the championship in overtime and securing her team the most coveted title in women’s ice hockey “Lady Champions of Western Canada”
Top photo = Members of the Vancouver Amazons
Middle Photo = A newspaper clipping highlighting the Amazons victory against the Vancouver Ladies
Bottom photo = The Vancouver Amazons with the Alpine cup
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archivist-crow · 10 months
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On this day:
On November 17, 1896, it was a dark and stormy night in Sacramento, California, as hundreds of people watched three lights traveling through the sky, illuminating the dark, oblong shape that they were attached to. The object traveled about 350 yards above the rooftops.
Five days later it returned and was witnessed by thousands of people during the half hour it took to cross the city. One man heard a shout from above, "Throw her up higher; she'll hit the steeple." He claims to have seen two men peddling a bicycle-type frame, which was attached to the object. Another man with a telescope saw a lamp that was "an electric arc light of intense power." Later that night the flying object was sighted above San Francisco, where it was observed by thousands. The airship cruised above the famous Cliff House on the Pacific Coast, where it activated a searchlight that cast a beam over 500 feet and frightened the seals off Seal Rock.
Earlier that year a sighting had been reported in Rossland, British Columbia. A report said "a strange aerial body…approached the town, paused momentarily above a nearby mountain peak, made seven wide circles in the sky and then sped away on a straight course.
The thing was described as a “luminous ball of fire that glowed amidst a halo of variegated colours." The object took a quarter of an hour to complete its maneuvers and was watched by many Rossland citizens.
Numerous sightings of airships were reported until May 1897. Sightings took place during both the day and the night and described oblong shapes with multicolored lights and often propellers, fins, and wings as well. The eyes of many thousands of people followed the airship as it crossed the continent from west to east.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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wikimediauncommons · 5 months
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file: Chez Robin Foubister - Rossland BC - bring on that Powder (15376964483).jpg
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trailforks · 2 years
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Whiskey on the Rocks Trail
A short, energetic climb begins the trail and leads to an obvious high point and "armoring-up" up spot. The trail proceeds to fall away into a series of testing rock slabs and bluffs that require good bike handling skills and a touch of courage. Line...
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fatbikerossland · 1 year
We Have questions  you have answers.
Hi folks we have a little questionnaire about the Rossland groomed single track and was wondering if you have time to fill it out 
Thanks for your time!! 
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writingescapades · 11 months
Lyney & Merlin 5
Lyney sat and watched as Sylvester checked in on Ferminet. After the doctor woke up and took off for her outpatients, Sylvester took over nursing duties. His hydro vision came in handy, allowing him to ease patient pain and speed up recovery. They had been together for years, Lyney observed. He saw how quickly Merlin and Sylvester danced around each other’s work, instantly knowing what the other needed without a word being spoken.
“He was lucky you know,” Sylvester’s voice called out to Lyney.
Oh Lyney knew. He knew where the doctor found Ferminet. He knew why Ferminet was found there on the docks. He knew the doctor didn’t ask any questions. He knew just how much luck went into this one moment.
Lyney grinned. “The doctor seems to always be off somewhere”.
“Naturally,” Sylvester scoffed. “She’s the only doctor that’s affordable and discreet”. He looked pointedly at Lyney.
“Tough life”.
“Yes,” Sylvester’s voice drained off and a far away look came into his eyes. “We see more in a week than you probably will in a lifetime, Lyney”.
Lyney widened this smile and dropped his gaze towards Ferminet once more. He didn’t attempt to continue the conversation and Sylvester left him there knowing the sibling would not leave his brother’s side. Yet, the next morning, Lyney had disappeared, but on the doctor’s desk was a single pink rose.
Ferminet recovered in a few days and life returned back to normal for everyone. Lyney and Lynette put on a new show. Ferminet returned to his tinkering and sea swims, and the doctor buried herself in patients. Some nights, the trio would come over to the clinic and would have lunch or dinner with Merlin and Sylvester. Merlin found herself eating more often when surrounded by people. She didn’t speak as much as the others, often content to let conversations lull as everyone sat sleepy with full bellies. She also left earlier than the others in order to start her evening shifts. Yet she knew she laughed the hardest and passed the most snark of the group. The laughter warmed her and energized her throughout the night, making them more bearable.
Sometimes during their gatherings, Merlin noticed Lyney staring at her. She couldn’t forget the look he gave her. It was always the same. Always, when he was most relaxed, would his face turn, seeking hers. His eyes were soft but curious. Some days she would ignore it, other days, when encouraged by her laughing pride, Merlin would stare back questioningly. Lyney would never answer her gaze. Nor would he voice his questions. He usually look away with the beginnings of a smile frozen on his lips, or he would redirect his gaze to something just beyond her.
Yet there were always roses on her desk. Merlin knew Lyney sent them. Anyone else would find it embarrassing to send peach and pink roses repeatedly, but not Lyney. So Merlin kept collecting them in a vase. When they withered, she collected the fallen petals, stood on the rooftop of her apartment building and slowly let them go, watching as they danced freely in the setting sun, Lyney’s sun, as she began to call it.
Then Merlin returned Lyney’s favour once more. Again, the siblings stopped appearing at the clinic. Merlin wasn’t surprised by their absence, but she was surprised to find herself feeling their loss. As the week dragged on, Merlin found her old lifestyle resuming. She and Sylvester had nothing new to tell each other and quietly dropped the meet ups in favour of helping the patients. By the end of the second week, Merlin found herself passing by the twin’s theatre to no avail.
Then, she started hearing rumours from her patients. Lyney and Lynette took at most a week off to prepare for their shows, yet here they were at the end of two weeks and no show, not even a potential date. Even Rossland stopped visiting the clinic.
“Do you think they fell sick, doc?” one patient asked.
“You’ll help them right, doc?” Lucy once asked the doctor when Merlin went to check in on her. The girl had a difficult time adjusting to the new program. Merlin came to help Dr. Leela figure out a new plan when Lucy brought up the topic of the twins.
If any of them were sick, Merlin wondered, why they didn’t approach her? She would help them, didn’t they know that? She didn’t know where they lived, didn’t even know how to contact them. The realization made her ashamed of her behaviour, taking the sibling’s company for granted, never returning the favour. She knew nothing more about them despite all the time they spent together. So then, she realized, what right had she to intrude on their lives?
Still, she found herself seeking any glimpse of the siblings. One evening, Merlin found that she wandered back to the dead end ally Lynette took to her months ago. The temperature dropped and whatever magic the alley once contained was buried by the snow. Merlin was always grateful that she found herself back in the ally that day. If she went any other way, she would not have bumped into Lynette. Quiet Lynette. Calm Lynette. Prepared Lynette. Such words would not have described the woman now. Lynette was bundled up and running hard when she crashed into Merlin. Merlin knew something was wrong when Lynette failed to avoid her. She had noticed how agile the twins were. Lynette would not have collided into such an obvious obstruction as an aloof pedestrian. Merlin crouched down to help Lynette up and simply said, “Let me help”.
Lynette had heard many words in her life. Most lies or laced with venom. She was trained to be wary of words, especially those that were brief. But staring at the doctor, at Merlin, with her hand outstretched, Lynette got the feeling that she was about to make an everlasting friend. Possibly her first, real, friend. Here wasn’t a sibling to watch out for, but a person to rely upon. Lynette grasped Merlin’s hand hard, got up, and led her to where she was most vulnerable.
Merlin stepped through the hotel and into a dark room. The room was sparse with a small bed and no windows. Lying on the bed was a shivering mass that Merlin understood to be Lyney. Merlin tried to call out to Lyney in a soft voice, alerting him that she was here and here to help, but the mass did not reply or even stop shivering. Lynette appeared and slowly lifted the blanket up to expose Lyney’s back. Then she gasped and dropped the blanket. Merlin immediately lifted the blanket up and took a good look. Lyney’s back was soaked with blood.
The blood was mostly dark near his side and Merlin gently lifted his shirt to get a better look. Three long gashes trailed from his side down into his back, as if some animal attacked him. The wound was warm and still bleeding.
“It wasn’t that bad before. We put antiseptic on it, but,” Lynette trailed off.
Merlin nodded and turned to Lynette. “Get me some hot water and clean wipes”.
Three hours later Merlin sighed and stretched her shoulders. She had carefully cleaned Lyney’s wounds again and restitched them. They had been stitched earlier, but the work was shoddily done, the work of an amateur or worse. Then she helped Lynette clean the bed sheets. While she put the bed sheets for wash, Lynette changed Lyney’s clothes. Lyney slept through the entire procedure, but he had stopped shivering.
“He’s not out of the clear yet,” Merlin warned. “He could get an infection still”.
Her words were kind, but her eyes were sharp and Lynette saw a trace of disappointment in them. She agreed to let Merlin spend the night and return until Lyney was on the mend.
Merlin visited the twin’s home numerous times during the week. Initially, she just stayed for a quarter of an hour. Lyney was healing well and his fever had broke. For the most part, Lyney stayed asleep, but one night, after her rounds, Merlin came into his room and saw Lyney staring up at the ceiling.
“Try to avoid sleeping on your back, your stitches might break,” Merlin warned.
At the sound of her voice, Lyney’s head snapped to the room door where Merlin stood. For a moment, no one spoke. Lyney stared at Merlin with trepidation and vigilance, like an animal cornered. However, Merlin was more concerned about his stitched and quickly came to his bed to urge him to move again to his side. Once his back was to her, the tension in the room vanished as both parties assumed their roles of patient and doctor.
“He woke up this morning,” Lynette murmured at the door. She had informed Lyney of what happened and how the doctor came to be at their flat. Her brother was initially embarrassed and worried over the situation, but later he drifted into his own world. Lynette never bothered him when he drifted. It was a rare moment when Lyney could just forget.
“Any pain, Lyney?” Merlin asked. Lyney did not reply so Lynette did. She confirmed that Lyney was responding well to Merlin’s treatment and that his stitches had not broken. Merlin confirmed Lynette’s words. Lyney had healed magnificently, but with that, Merlin realized that she was once again an outsider intruding into her patient’s lives. She cautioned Lyney to avoid performances for at least three weeks and to visit the clinic regularly for check up and cleaning. With those words, Merlin departed.
That incident changed everything between the doctor and the magician. Now Lyney would appear suddenly by Merlin’s side, often startling her. He would walk her from one outpatient to another, walking slowly to keep his stitches intact. Lyney told Merlin that he got injured from practising a new magic trick, and Merlin accepted his excuse. They talked about anything and everything under the stars on their walks. As Lyney’s health improved, so did his energy and soon he was laughing and waving his hands about, procuring one magic trick and another. He would always end his tricks with a rose, having summoning the courage to give it directly to Merlin.
Lyney started to accompany Merlin when she visited Lucy. The girl’s health was a continuous roller coaster ride, and it was taking its toll on the girl. But once Lyney appeared, the girl’s eyes would light up as her most favourite person would cheer, dance, and dazzle her out of repeated tests and difficult nights. For once Lucy saw an adult with a smile instead of the consolatory smiles and frowns everyone else showed. Even her own mother forgot to smile now. Lyney though, was mostly concerned with the frown on Merlin’s face.
“It’s bad, isn’t it,” he asked quietly one day after they walked from the hospital.
Merlin just sighed, stretched her shoulders and neck and nodded.
“Why,” Lyney asked. He winced when he heard the frustration seep into his voice.
“Sometimes, your best efforts are not enough,” was all that Merlin said. Lyney didn’t push her to explain more, to deny his fears. Before leaving Merlin for the night, he handed her another rose. This was different from the usual pink and peach coloured roses. This rose was yellow. Merlin had taken to learning more about the roses Lyney gave her, and merely chuckled at Lyney’s sweet attempt to confirm their friendship. She took the rose and gave him a hug.
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cedarboughs · 9 months
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A splendid old-growth namesake of my blog, wondrous thuja plicata, the western red cedar, outside Rossland, BC, October 2022.
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kegg-ca · 1 year
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Hey garden gang… KEGG's PLANT SALE is back!
We have hanging flower baskets, Hens & Chicks, as well as some vegetable starts. S come on down (or up) and visit the KEGG garden up in Townsite @ McDougal Park and see what we have to offer at really good prices!
This Saturday (May 20th, 2023).
9am to 12pm (ish).
500 Rossland Blvd (Kimberley, BC).
[CLICK HERE to visit the Facebook Event page]
And we hope to see you there!  🌻
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muttlyparasitic · 28 days
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This is my slenderverse oc Sasheairo, it's an Ark Entity which is why it looks so out of place compared to most slenderverse characters, we dont know much about what the Ark is but I like to think its the oporators/slendermans own personal limbo, those affected by the oporator have their souls and consciousness connected to The Ark for later use to create entities such as Sasheairo.
Sasheairo came to be after Zahara was forced to eat the fetus of her twin sister, who was miscarried during Zaharas birth, her father saved the fetus and preserved it for his own reasons (read The Rossland Incident: 2007 to find out) and during this is when Sasheairo The Ark entity was created.
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altruistbloger · 3 days
Unleashing Adventure: The Best Cat Skiing in BC for Thrill Seekers
If you're a winter sports lover searching for the ultimate thrill, cat skiing in British Columbia (BC) is a must-try experience. With its untouched powder, breathtaking landscapes, and heart-pumping descents, BC offers some of the best cat skiing in the world. Whether you're an experienced skier or just looking for a new adventure, cat skiing promises an unforgettable ride.
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What Is Cat Skiing?
Before we dive into the best cat skiing BC, let’s explain what it is. Unlike traditional skiing at a resort, cat skiing takes you off the beaten path into backcountry areas. Instead of chairlifts, you’re transported to the top of a remote mountain by a snowcat, a large, tracked vehicle that can navigate snowy terrain. This means you’ll ski or snowboard in pristine, untouched snow – away from the crowds.
Why BC Is a Cat Skiing Paradise
British Columbia is renowned for its deep powder snow, making it the perfect location for cat skiing. Its vast wilderness areas, towering mountain ranges, and world-class skiing conditions have attracted adventure enthusiasts from across the globe. The province’s diverse terrain ensures something for everyone – from wide-open bowls to steep tree runs.
Here’s a quick look at why BC should be at the top of your cat skiing destination list:
Incredible Snow Conditions: BC gets heavy snowfall each winter, providing deep powder for the best possible experience.
Variety of Terrain: Whether you like wide slopes or tight tree skiing, BC has it all.
Remote Wilderness: You’ll be skiing in areas untouched by crowds, offering a unique backcountry experience.
Best Cat Skiing Spots in BC
There are several top-tier cat skiing operators in BC, each offering a different experience based on skill level, preferences, and budget. Let’s look at some of the best places to go cat skiing in BC:
1. Big Red Cats – Rossland
Known for being one of the largest cat skiing operations in BC, Big Red Cats offers over 20,000 acres of skiable terrain. Located near Rossland, this spot provides a mix of open bowls and challenging tree runs, making it great for intermediate to advanced skiers.
2. Fernie Wilderness Adventures – Fernie
If you're looking for a more intimate experience, Fernie Wilderness Adventures is a great option. With small group sizes, you’ll get plenty of personal attention. The varied terrain here includes both deep powder bowls and thrilling tree runs.
3. Monashee Powder Snowcats – Monashee Mountains
For a true backcountry adventure, Monashee Powder Snowcats offers endless powder, challenging terrain, and incredible views. The Monashee Mountains are known for their steep, deep, and fluffy snow, making this one of the best cat skiing locations in BC for experienced skiers.
4. Powder Mountain – Whistler
Located near the famous Whistler-Blackcomb resort, Powder Mountain offers the best of both worlds: accessible cat skiing with amazing powder. You can combine your trip with resort skiing while also enjoying the untouched snow of the backcountry.
5. White Grizzly Adventures – Meadow Creek
If you’re an advanced skier looking for a challenge, White Grizzly Adventures offers some of the steepest cat skiing in BC. Their terrain is rugged and perfect for those seeking an adrenaline-pumping experience. With only 12 guests per trip, it’s also a more exclusive adventure.
Tips for an Epic Cat Skiing Adventure
Before you hit the slopes, here are some tips to make the most out of your cat skiing trip in BC:
Be Prepared: Cat skiing often takes place in remote areas with unpredictable weather. Pack proper gear, including avalanche safety equipment and layers to keep you warm and dry.
Know Your Skill Level: Some cat skiing spots cater to beginners, while others are best for advanced skiers. Make sure you pick a destination that matches your abilities.
Embrace the Adventure: Cat skiing is about more than just skiing – it’s about the entire adventure. Take in the stunning views, enjoy the untouched snow, and savor the remote wilderness.
For those seeking the ultimate winter adventure, cat skiing in BC offers a unique and thrilling experience. From deep powder and stunning landscapes to challenging terrain, there’s no better way to explore BC’s backcountry. Whether you're an expert skier or just eager for a new adventure, the best cat skiing in BC awaits! So, gear up, hop on the snowcat, and get ready for an unforgettable ride.
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