#roulacase finral x y/n
amaya-writes · 8 months
rewatched black clover then saw your event and now i'm thinking how would Finral, Gauche and Leo introduce their fiance to their siblings. for the sake of this req let's say their siblings had no idea they were getting engaged (for Leo maybe his sis knew but brother didn't? idk i cant imagine neither of them knowing)
Ringtober Masterlist
Notes: sorry for the delay!
Warnings: n/a just fluff
Characters involved: Finral Roulacase, Gauche Adlai, Leopold Vermillion
Fem reader, you/yours
Finral Roulacase
His brother needs a minute.
Literally just points at Finral then you and goes you actually managed to convice her to fall for you?
Might make fun of Finral a bit but Finral can tell he's secretly happy for him.
Langris is more interested in the ring than you, he is glad to say that his brother has good taste in jewellery.
They end up discussing family matters after that and what's going to happen with certain pre established marriage agreements.
Overall Langris doesn't really care much, sure he's happy his brother found someone but it's kind of a 'meh' moment for him.
He isn't interested in getting to know you either, in his head you're like the Black Bulls—someone his brother likes but he doesn't particularly care for.
Don't expect to see much of him around either, although he does expect a wedding invite even if he might snark on about not attending.
He does in fact attend.
Gauche Adlai
His sister is so excited it's honestly adorable.
You've already met in the past since Gauche had to introduce the two most important girls in his life to each other, but she gets very excited at the prospect of having you as her future sister.
Gauche has to roam around with tissues because he keeps getting nosebleeds at the idea of the three of you living together like a happy lil family.
Once she finds our you're going to be her future sister in law his sister constantly asks about you when Gauche visits. He almost can't visit her without you because she sometimes seems sad and then Gauche feels very bad.
This one time the two of you got into a fight and she asked about you and told Gauche something along the lines of you better not take my sister away from me and to this day he does his best to never argue with you.
Overall your relationship is really sweet. Since Gauche is kind of like her father figure anyways you sort of become a maternal figure for her.
Leopold Vermillion
Fuegoleon is so genuinely surprised he doesn't even know how to react.
Their parents called all three children to the house for dinner which was surprising in itself, so when he sees you there he is pretty confused.
You're a close family friend, and ever since you were children it was sort of a given that Leo was yours and you were his. You two were just fated to be together.
But Fuegoleon presumed that his parents would at least give him of all people some forewarning before an engagement.
He ends up finding out that Leo actually proposed out of nowhere, you accepted and told both families a few days ago.
So why was Fuegoleon so late to the party?
His sister finds the entire situation funny and doesn't miss a beat before teasing Fuegoleon for being slow and not seeing the signs. Like how Leo suddenly decided to visit their grandfather (for a ring that was pre decided) the day he proposed.
Fuegoleon is honestly very pleased with the entire ordeal. You were always like a little sister to him anyways, but now that relationship is just solidified.
He does however tease Leo quite a bit about being a man and the responsibilities that come with marriage.
He's kind of surprised that Leo is going to be the first of the three of them to be married. That's Fuegoleon biggest concern rather than the sudden announcement.
Mereoleona definitely teases him about how their little brother has a better love life than him.
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
Lmao this is so self indulgent
Enjoy my Brainrot
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Who’s breath caught in his throat the first time he saw you.
Who’s face blushed a beautiful crimson when Yami introduced you to him.
Who was apprehensive to show you his magic, and was genuinely shocked when you were awestruck by it.
Who slowly started to fall for you more and more as the days progressed.
Who found himself going out of his way to spend time with you, and followed you everywhere, like a lost puppy.
Who is so obvious about his big fat crush on you.
Who is relentlessly teased by Vanessa and Yami, but ultimately has them rooting for him.
Who went to Magna and Luck for advice, and was actually given some pretty good tips.
Who ensures that he compliments you every time he sees you. Whether you are happy or sad, dressed up or fresh out of bed, Fin finds you absolutely beautiful, and wants you to know.
Who was shocked to discover that he no longer felt the desire to be flirtatious towards others, the action not sitting right with him.
Who loves to sit next to you and nonchalantly drape his arm around your shoulder, or “casually” play with your hand.
Who short circuited the first time that he draped his arm around you, and you leaned into his chest to relax.
Who glared daggers at Magna, when the little shit pointed out the blush dusting his cheeks.
Who adores rubbing your shoulders whenever he stands by you. The stress of being a magic knight is one he knows very well, so it brings him joy to offer you any relief that he can.
Who smiles at the way you react to the massage, simply melting into the touch, and staggering backward onto his chest.
Who gaped at you the first time that you took his hand to help calm him down, sweetly murmuring “it’s okay, I’ve got you” as you gently rubbed your thumb over the base of his own.
Who allows himself to be extremely vulnerable aground you, never hesitating to go to you in times of need.
Who will wordlessly knock on your door, and head straight to your bed. Who stares blankly at the wall, finally allowing his tears to flow, all while you run your fingers through his hair and gently hum his favorite song for him.
Who simply cannot take the thought of another person calling you theirs, and going absolutely bananas over it,
Who tucks his tail between his legs as he goes to Yami, begging for advice to cope with this, or ideas to ask you out.
Who arrived to the base the next day with a huge bouquet of fresh flowers, a dry throat, and a racing heartbeat.
Who looked everywhere but at you as he tries to sputter out a confession.
Who thought his head would explode when you cupped both sides of his face excitedly, and pulled him into a long-awaited kiss.
Who has never blushed harder than when he realized that the Bulls were all watching his scatterbrained self try to spit out a confession.
Who’s stress instantly melted away once you took his hand and smiled at him.
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izunx · 1 year
I saw on your master list you wanted some black clover requests and so was thinking how about Finral and Magna (separately) with an s/o who has strong magic but isn't really confident in their abilities and them just encouraging their s/o. Fluff would be great thank you
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S/O with strong powers! ✧.*
. Thank u smmm!! this concept is so cuteee . disclaimer; I'm currently reading the manga and I watched the anime quite a while ago so please don't pay mind if its ooc! . warnings: none
✧.* Finral x gn reader ✧.* Magna x gn reader
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FINRAL Roulacase
It's been too long. Too long since you've last looked happy and confident and it's been having a toll on Finral too. Should he bring it up? Should he just let you do your own thing and find yourself? He couldn't even if he wanted to. And that's why he's lost for words as your both sitting down at the base of the black bulls:
"Y/n- You seem quite down? Is there any problems??" He held his breath.
"Huh?" You looked off into the distance, debating whether your little problem was a big enough deal to talk about. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the man you love.
"Nothing really, it's nothing" You gave him a reassuring smile. But he could easily see through that façade.
He gently took your hand and placed it into his, he had worry weaved into his eyebrow. You couldn't help yourself at that face.
"It's just I just don't know how I possibly made it into this squad," he looked at you and you knew he was intently listening; reassuring you to go on, "I don't think my abilities are enough."
At that, his jaw drapped.
"Are you kidding me y/n?! You're amazing!" He squeezed your hand. If anything, the man was puzzled. Wondering if you were being serious.
"You think so?" You looked down into your lap.
"If anything, I look up to you love" He put his arm around you and whispered into your ear (it kinda hurt his pride saying this next part)
"I honestly think you're one of the strongest, miles better than me for sure and you're up there! You're an inspiration to a lot of the knights I can tell you that" He once more gave you a wide smile and glided his hand up and down your arm in a reassuring manner.
"You're too good for me, Finral" You immediately wrapped your arms around him, smiling into his shoulders. "You say I'm strong but I'm stronger when you're with me"
And you've done it again, got Finral smiling n' blushing like a teenage girl with a crush.
"If you'd like, we can train together" He broke the hug but his arm remained on you.
You smiled at that, you just knew you got lucky finding a gem like Finral. "Yeah, I'd like that"
You both got up, smiling like idiots but on the way out he just had to grumble, "there's no point anyways, you'll destroy me in a second love" and to that, you laughed loudly. No one could make you feel better but him.
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"Do you know what's up with y/n?" Luck asked Magna curiously, "she doesn't want to fight me anymore"
"Huh?? Are you sure you aren't going delusional?"
You'd never refuse a fight. Rather you were the one challenging him or Luck to those fights, testing out your abilities day by day. You were one of the stronger magic knights. You knew your worth, but that's only what he thought. Not wanting to worry Magna, you ended up not telling him what you were feeling at all.
"I'll go speak with her, something must be up," And off he ran.
Unbeknown to you, Magna had a fat crush on you. Everyone except you knew this. He would most literally do everything at your command. It was his priority to make sure you're alright.
"Y/N!!" Magna ran into your room, panicked.
"Magna? What's wrong?" You were laying on the bed, clueless as to why you had a scrawny tallish man barge into your room.
"Are you sick?"
"... No? Magna are you alright?"
"I am but are you?" He slowly made his way to you and sat in the chair opposite you as you got up to sit in the bed.
"Why wouldn't I be alright?"
"Don't lie to me y/n, I'm not the brightest but it doesn't take a smartass to know that you would never refuse a fight for no reason."
You gave him one of those smiles. The smile that made his heart skip a beat and his stomach do backflips. You knew he was the one for you the very moment he took his time out of his days to help each other train; you liked him. A lot.
"I can't hide anything from you" You looked down at your lap, not knowing where to start.
"Do you think I'm strong enough to stay here?"
He looked at you for a second, lost.
"Strong enough? Y/n you're even too good to be training with me of all people."
"Absolutely no buts y/n." He grabbed your hand and looked at you with piercing eyes.
"I was born a peasant, I don't have much magic at all but you proved to me that I can work and train to earn myself some strength. And you're one of the knights that work the hardest everyday so don't ever undermine your strength."
His speech could've brought anyone to tears and it most certainly brought you to sobbing.
You hugged him tight, laying your head on his shoulder as he sat there frozen, not knowing what to do.
"God Magna, you're honestly a gem" You looked at him with softness in your eyes, "I like you, Magna." And at that, he lost his shit.
"REALLY?" He didn't know what to say, his hands were strangled in the air. He ultimately decided to put his arms tightly wrapped around you. He inhaled your scent and appreciated you.
"I like you a lot too, y/n" And the rest of the evening was spent with both of you gushing your feelings out, embracing each other.
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maniacparrot · 4 months
Nero : *sees Y/N and Nacht together*
Nero : "They're cute. I would put them on a boat."
Finral : "You mean... you ship them?"
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acacia-may · 4 months
Let Them See (Finral x Vanessa Fic)
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While guests at the Heart Kingdom's royal wedding, Finral (drunkenly) takes a big step in his relationship with Vanessa.
Relationships: Finral Roulacase/Vanessa Enoteca, Charmy & Finral Friendship, and Charmy & Vanessa Friendship. Briefly Mentions Gadjah/Lolopetchka (because it's their wedding) and Langris/Finesse (in one line)
Genre: Romance, Drunken Confessions, Drunken Flirting, Drunken Kissing (there's a lot of drinking here), Secret Relationship, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Slice of Life, & Charmy being snarky (even though I can guarantee she doesn't want to be here)
Rated: T for drinking and descriptive kissing
Word Count: 2516
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day, Black Clover fandom friends! I know I haven't been writing much BC lately, but I've had this story in my drafts forever as part of a massive work I'm not sure will ever get finished (sadly) so I've decided to post this "chapter" as a standalone for Valentine's Day. I hope you enjoy it. Many thanks to @delirious-donna who proofread this way, way back in the day, and a big thank you to anyone who reads this! I really appreciate your support! Cheers! 💕
Link to Work on AO3. Full Text Below the Cut. Thank you for reading!
“Care to dance?”
Vanessa could barely hear the groomsman over the loud music and excited chattering of the wedding reception, but she caught on well enough as he held out his hand to her. Usually, she would have found this kind of attention flattering, but in this particular case, she had been trying to keep a low profile and being continually asked to dance was making it difficult.
She sighed and shot Finral a glance across the table. “Well…actually…”
“It’s fine,” Finral mouthed at her with a wave of his hand.
“You don’t mind?” she asked confusedly. While they hadn’t being seeing each other for very long and hadn’t told anyone about the relationship, Vanessa still wasn’t sure that Finral would be comfortable with her being whisked away by other men while she was technically here with him—even if no one knew that except them. Perhaps, he was thinking that they weren’t entirely exclusive yet or that it would be suspicious if she kept declining when she was asked to dance.  
Whatever his reasoning, Finral shrugged and reassured her “No, go ahead—you should dance if you want.”
With a slight shrug of her shoulders, Vanessa was soon led to the dance floor by the groomsman, and Finral returned to his drink. She glanced over at him periodically as several other men cut in and pulled her away from the man who had originally asked her to dance—offering her their hands and several delicious cocktails which, if she was being honest, she enjoyed much more than their company. By the time her squad mates interjected and whisked her off to dance with them instead, she had lost sight of Finral in the crowd of celebrating wedding guests.
“Have you seen Finral?” she asked Magna, but he merely shrugged with a slight shake of his head.
“At the bar maybe…?” he suggested before Charmy interrupted in between forkfuls of dessert.
“Maybe he’s getting cake—it’s delicious! You should go get some.”
Vanessa excused herself to—as far as her squad mates were concerned—follow Charmy’s advice not to go looking for her pseudo-secret-boyfriend. She rubbed her hand across her forehead at the thought. How drunk was she that she was suddenly thinking of Finral as her boyfriend? Or perhaps it was entirely the opposite, and it was a part of her that was still a little too sober that wanted to label their relationship…
Vanessa pushed the thought away, but her head was already spinning. Just in case it was in fact the uncharacteristic sobriety, she downed the drink in her hand and stopped by her table to pick up the shot of tequila she had left there—at least she hoped that was her table... Stumbling a little, she made her way to the bar where she found Finral leaning on the counter surrounded by empty glasses with various decorative straws and umbrellas.
“There you are,” she said taking a seat next to him. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Finral shrugged before taking another swig of his drink as Vanessa hailed the bartender to order whatever he was having. “Taking full advantage of the open bar, I see…” she teased.
“You seem to be having lots of fun yourself—you’ve danced with practically every guy here…”
“Except you,” she answered before she gave him a playful scolding. “You haven’t asked me to dance all night…”
“Haven’t you danced enough with everybody else?” sighed Finral tilting his glass and watching the red and orange swirls tumbling in the otherwise clear liquid.
“Listen, I only did that because you said it was alright.” Vanessa picked up the drink the bartender had left for her on the counter and took a swig before she tilted her head pointedly at him. “You’re the one who basically snubbed me…”
Finral rolled his eyes before he downed the rest of his drink waving at the bartender for another. “You wouldn’t be able to tell that with the way all those men were falling all over themselves just to talk to you. They’d still be trying to dance with you or getting you drinks if Luck hadn’t threatened to fight them all.”
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous…” A slight smile spread across her lips as she tilted her head and snaked her arm around his back.
“No, I’m not the jealous type,” he answered with a sigh as he picked up his next drink. “But…but that doesn’t mean…” He stopped—his slurring voice trailing as he stared down at his hands. He bit his lip. “Can I ask you something?”
Vanessa’s brow furrowed, but she answered, “Sure.”
Finral sighed but wouldn’t—possibly couldn’t—meet her eyes. “Are you…embarrassed to be with me?”
Vanessa hands seemed to move on their own as she reached out and pressed her palm to his cheek, tilting his face up at her. “What? Of course not. Why would you think that?”  
“Well we haven’t told anyone that we’re—you know…”—the volume of his voice dropped—“kind of a thing now…It’s like this big secret…which yeah, has been kind of fun but I don’t know… seeing you with all those men tonight—they’re so much stronger and more charming, more handsome, and all around better than I am…” He paused and shrugged his shoulders. “I just wondered if…maybe you didn’t want people thinking you settled…”
“Finral, that’s not how I feel at all…” Vanessa smiled slightly, sympathetically. “We both agreed it would be best not to tell anyone at first—in case it didn’t work out, remember? It would just make things awkward… Our friends would never let us live it down, and we would’ve had to sit through the Captain’s lecture on the ‘one rule’ for nothing.” Vanessa chuckled lightly and winked at him in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Considering we’re probably the reason he made that ‘no babies on the squad’ rule in the first place, I’m sure he’d have a lot to say…”
Finral’s slight twitch of smile quickly faded. “Do you really think we’re going to break up…?”
“Are we together?” she asked though she was unsure if it was all the alcohol or her curiosity getting the best of her that caused her to be so blunt.
Flushing, Finral swallowed hard. “I…I like to think we are, but—”
“Well in that case,” Vanessa cut him off—unable to hold back the smile that tugged at her lips. “I’d say it’s still pretty early in the relationship to say what could happen.” She sighed with a slight shrug of her shoulders. “We could still end up breaking it off... Not everything lasts forever, right?”
“I like to think some things do...I mean look at Gadjah and Lolopechka—they’re perfect for each other. They’re probably going to grow old together and die holding hands.”
“Lovely sentiment for their wedding,” quipped Vanessa before she took a sip of her own drink.
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way…” Finral sighed. “There’s something really beautiful about it, I think.” His face softened, and he had an almost wistful look in his eyes as he continued, “You can just tell how much they love each other. I’ve never been to a wedding like this before. Most noble marriages are arranged so weddings are pretty stuffy, formal and solemn—with everybody just trying to make the best of a bad situation. Even if the couple really is happy or content together, like Finesse and Langris, you wouldn’t be able to tell because of the way everybody is acting.”
Vanessa took another sip of her drink. She hadn’t been to a lot of noble weddings in the Clover Kingdom, but based on her experiences at Langris and Finesse’s alone, she couldn’t argue with Finral’s logic. “Sounds peachy… The Clover Kingdom aristocrats just have to ruin everything, don’t they?”
Finral’s mouth twitched in the corners before he stared down at his glass and sighed again. “That’s not what I want…I mean sure, I’ve always wanted to get married but not like that…” He paused—that wistful look returning to his face as his eyes widened and seemed to light up at his words. “I want a wedding where everybody says, ‘Wow, look at how much he loves her’ and ‘Can you believe how deliriously happy they are together.’”
“You really are such a hopeless romantic, aren’t you?” Vanessa teased affectionately ruffling his hair. A blush filled Finral’s cheeks, and he shuffled his feet against his barstool.
“What about her?” asked Vanessa running her hand through his hair.
“The bride in your dream wedding—does she love you too?”
Finral’s blush deepened, and he looked away from her. “I hope so…but I understand if she doesn’t…”
“I’m sure she does…” Vanessa reassured him. Disentangling her fingers from his hair, she stroked the side of his cheek with the back of her hand until he met her eyes again. Her voice grew soft, gentle as she continued, “I don’t know how she couldn’t…”   
Surprising both Vanessa and, seemingly, himself, Finral cupped her face in his hands. He suddenly leaned forward in his barstool and kissed her—just barely a brush of their lips, tentative yet sloppy somehow, probably from the tequila she could almost taste on his breath. Her eyes fluttered closed, and maybe it was all the alcohol talking but she couldn’t care less about anyone seeing them.
“Ah!” shrieked a voice followed by the clatter of dishware falling to the floor. Vanessa pulled back. Clearly, she had thought that much too soon as she found Charmy staring at them utterly dumbfounded—her third or fourth piece of wedding cake smashed on the ground. Finral’s face turned a bright rosy shade of red as Charmy exclaimed, “I don’t care how drunk you are—you can’t kiss Vanessa!”
“But…but Charmy…” Finral protested his words blurring together as they tumbled out of his mouth. “You don’t…you don’t understand… I think she’s the one.”
When Vanessa failed to stifle a giggle, Charmy rolled her eyes at her. After a pointed huff in Vanessa’s general direction, she turned her attention back to a very red-faced Finral with a stamp of her foot and crossed arms.
“Oh no you don’t. We’re not doing this again! If you start banging your head against the wall, I swear…”
“Why would I…?” Finral began with a trailing voice and confused tilt of his head. “Oh…” he said at last with a thoughtful nod and an awkward, drunken chuckle. “It’s not like that, Charmy. I promise…” Finral insisted again before staring into Vanessa’s face. “I…I love her…”
As he met her eyes, Vanessa could feel the heat rising in her cheeks—that blush that only came out when she drank too much. Her head was spinning with a rush of something she couldn’t quite place in the woozy haze of alcohol, but before she could say anything, Finral turned back to Charmy and said, “But don’t tell her that because… I don’t want to scare her away…”
Charmy blinked at him. “I’m sure you can handle that on your own…” she quipped causing Vanessa to burst out laughing. She frantically covered her mouth with her hand as Charmy added bitterly, “Though believe me, I want nothing more than to pretend I didn’t hear that…”
“Thank you, Charmy,” said Finral with grateful tears in his eyes, and once again, Vanessa found she couldn’t hold back her intoxicated giggling. He was such an emotional drunk—it was kind of sweet, in a way. Charmy, however, was unamused as she shook her head and turned her attention to her with a huff.
“I can tell the two of you are drunk, but are you really going to let him kiss you like that?” Charmy rolled her eyes, and Vanessa wondered if she had ever looked so exasperated. “Not to mention that other thing…”
Vanessa’s brow furrowed as if she was contemplating this thoughtfully—though her mind was clouded and hazy from too much liquor. “Charmy has a point…” she said at last turning to Finral. Her playful frown quickly shifted into a teasing grin. “I’m not going to let you kiss me like that…”
A somewhat delayed look of genuine confusion passed over Finral’s face before Vanessa leaned forward in her stool and pointed her finger at him. “You call that a kiss?” She laughed as Finral’s blush deepened. “I’ll show you a kiss…”
Without the slightest forethought, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. She could feel him jerk backwards in surprise, but her hands frantically raced across his nape and tangled in his hair pulling him back to her with an almost desperate ardor.
“I hate you both,” muttered Charmy bitterly when they broke apart from each other both breathless and red in the face. “And I’ll never forgive you for making me ruin my cake. I’m going to get another piece…”  She sulked off leaving them once again alone at the bar though this time with Finral looking like he had just been whacked on the back of the head with one of Asta’s anti-magic swords.
“Woah…” he finally stammered at last. “That was…a kiss…”
“Yeah it was,” Vanessa teased with a flirtatious wink and an almost smug, lopsided grin.
“Vanessa…Vanessa…” he breathed before his face suddenly fell. “I’m so sorry…I…I just told Charmy that I love you…”
“That’s okay…it’s just Charmy. She thinks we’re just messing with her. Plus, we’re all used to you saying stupid things when you have too much tequila…” Vanessa laughed again as she playfully tapped his nose. “You’re drunk. I am too, but at least I’m not a lightweight.”
Finral sighed. “Yeah…maybe…but…but I…I really do love you, Vanessa…It’s not just the alcohol…” His voice trailed as he met her eyes and gently pushed a piece of hair out of her face.  “I…I think this is it…I’ve finally got it right…” His face flushed before he frantically added, “Is it…is it too soon to say that?”
“Maybe a little, but…” Vanessa smiled snaking her arms around his neck again. “As long as you don’t start telling random strangers I’m the only one for you and banging your head against a wall, I’m okay with that…”
Finral stifled a laugh. “That’s not funny.”
“If you get to say corny romantic things when you drink, I get to make bad jokes,” she teased pulling him close to her.
A blush filled his cheeks as his warm breath brushed against her skin. “Someone…someone will see…”
“Ah let ‘em,” shrugged Vanessa—her speech beginning to slur. “They’re bound to find out eventually…” She pulled him close enough to feel his racing heartbeat, the rapid rise and fall of his chest as she stopped a tantalizing mere inches away from his face. “Unless…” she breathed before brushing her lips against his. “You wanna go somewhere they can’t see us…”
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mitsuki-komori · 2 years
Black Clover Requests (And Rules)
Hello people. I have come to tell you that I am taking writing requests for on here or AO3. My account name on AO3 is MitsukiKomoriX191. I will only write about Black Clover. For people new who aren’t sure how to do it, just go to my account and press the ‘Request Anything’ button, then type your request.
Requests are: Open
I check tumblr daily and if I close requests I’ll update this post. I do not write on Thursdays.
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So, I will be writing about:
Angst (It can be as sad and depressing as you want it.)
Fluff (I love sibling fluff and romance fluff the most.)
Yanderes (With a happy ending if that’s even possible)
Basically anything else that isn’t listed below
I will not write about:
Y/N, (Name), Reader. Yeah, no self inserts
Smut. It’s just that even if I tried to write it I would chicken out
I consider OC’s to be the same thing as Y/N
No words that end with ‘philia’
I’m not making any likable characters homophobic or creepy
Characters I will write best about:
Luck Voltia
Magna Swing
Leopold Vermillion
Mimosa Vermillion
Noelle Silva
Finral Roulacase
Langris Vaude
Mereoleona Vermillion
Marie Adlai
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Gauche Adlai
Kirsch Vermillion
Characters I will not write about:
Nacht Faust
Jack the Ripper
William Vengeance
Julius Novachrono
Charmy Pappitson
Relationships I’ll write about (X means romantic, & means not romantic):
Magna x Luck
Leopold & Fuegoleon
Leopold & Mereoleona
Asta x Leopold
Langris x Yuno
Yuno x Leopold Langris & Finral
Yami & Finral
Mimosa & Kirsch
Noelle x Kahono
Noelle & Mereoleona
Mimosa & Leopold
Mimosa & Noelle
Marie & Gauche
Nozel & Noelle
Nebra & Noelle
Solid & Noelle
Yuno x Mimosa
Asta x Noelle
Noelle x Secre
Leopold & Secre
Leopold x Secre (Yeah, I don’t know. There’s just something about them. I think they would have a great relationship if they interacted more.)
Family Fluff
You are not limited to just those characters and ships, those are just the ones I thought of. I’ll add more as I get more requests. Also, it’d be useful if you had something specific in mind for me to write about. If you just write a character’s name or a ship, I’ll still do it, but specifics would definitely be useful. However, I won’t get mad at you if you don’t leave specifics, so there’s no need to think I’ll be annoyed or anything. 
That’s about all I have for now. Have a good day
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
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A/N: Are you telling me we're already almost two weeks into this thing? Well, for the all Black Clover fans, this next piece is a little bit of fun with Finral Roulacase. 😏 If you’d like a spot on the Kinktober taglist then please don’t hesitate to give me a shout. ❤️
Pairing: Finral Roulacase x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, 18+ content, public sex, dirty talk, offensive language (swearing), submissive Finral
Word Count: 1.5k
Kinktober Masterlist
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You dragged him through the streets, carts lining every inch of it as they bustled with people. Looks were thrown your way as they saw the robes that hung from your shoulders. “Finral, come on!” He could barely keep up as you run with him in tow. “There’s so much around here for us to do!”
Finral couldn’t help the smile that filled his face, he hadn’t seen you this happy in a long time. His streak of bad dates and denials had broken when he had finally tried his moves on you and he would never regret it. “Slow down, Y/n. We’ve got all night!”
You ignored him, stopping in front of what looked like a carnival game, the walls of the cart were lined with stuffed animals. Your eyes widened as you turned back around to him. “Finral, please! Come on!” You pointed toward the biggest one there was that hung in the very back. “Win me that one?” You grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him toward you, whispering to him so that no one else could hear you. “If you win it for me, I’ll do a little something for you later.”
His own eyes widened and he smirked as he stepped forward. “Tell me the rules.” He pointed toward himself. “If there’s anyone that can do this, it’s me.”
The person running the booth handed him three baseballs. “Knock down all the milk glasses and win a prize. Knock down all threes sets and you’ll get that big one that she so desires.” The person stepped back and watched as Finral took one of the baseballs in his hand.
Finral looked over at you and smiled, readying himself to throw. You watched as the ball sailed from him hand, hitting the first stack with ease. You jumped excitedly next to him as he grabbed the next one. As it sailed from his hand it did the same, the butterflies in your stomach growing as you watched him pick up the last. Finral held a thumbs up to you. “You’re getting the one that you want, don’t you worry about that.” The ball sailed from his hand, hitting the center of the glasses perfectly.
The booth staff reached behind them and grabbed the one you had eyeballed earlier from the wall, handing it to Finral. You put your hands beside your cheeks and balled them up, screeching a little. He handed you the stuffed animal and put his hand on your lower back, walking with you toward the photo booths. “I think it’s time we get some pictures taken my love.”
You smiled at him, ecstatic to be doing anything at all with him. As you walked you sensed something coming off of him, something that should have been easy for you to read, but your brain was stuck in soft mode.
As you reached the photo booth you quickly climbed in, pulling him in behind you. “Fin,” You placed your things on the floor and pushed him onto the seat of the booth, finally catching on to what he had been radiating. His eyes widened as he watched you coming closer to him. “Have I ever told you just how much I love you?”
Final placed his hands on your hips, his mouth salivating as he watched your body moving over his lap. “Only every day, darling.”
You placed your hands in his hair and slowly ground against his lap. Finral’s head dropped behind him, landing harshly against the back of the booth. Just the feeling of your body rubbing against his had the bulge in his pants growing. “Y/n…” Your name rolled off his tongue lustfully and your finger shot up to cover his lips.
“Shhh,” You chuckled a little before resituating your skirt and grabbing his hand. “We wouldn’t want to get caught in here now would we?”
You guided his hand between your legs, showing him that it was alright to touch you. With as much game as Finral talked when it came to the actual act the man would shut down. As your hand moved his underneath your skirt you heard a small whine leave him. Were you really letting him do this? There was no way that you were going to go through with it. His whine was like music to your ears as you helped him move his fingers. “Don’t be afraid, Finral.” You leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Go ahead, make me feel,” you lowered your voice and spoke into his ear with a devious tone. “Make me feel good.”
His fingers slowly started moving, running over your folds as pleasure began to course through you. You grabbed his shoulders and gripped tightly, his fingers slowly sliding into your core. You moved your hips, grinding against his digits as you tried to quicken his pace. His nervous eyes kept flashing to the small piece of fabric that kept the world on the other side from seeing what was going on inside.
Your hands settled on your breasts, squeezing them for him to see. He hadn’t pictured his day going like this as your perfect breasts came closer and closer to him. The bulge in his pants was growing more and more with every passing second. He could barely contain his excitement as he pulled his hand away. “Please, baby.” He grabbed your hands and pulled you closer, the small sound that left you making his submissive side show a little more even as he tried to fight it.
You ran your hands down his chest and grabbed the waistband of his pants, knowing exactly what he wanted you to do. “Let me show you just how much I love you and appreciate you, my love.”
You pulled his pants and boxers down just enough, his length standing for you as it broke free of its fabric prison. Your hand grasped it, pumping slowly as he dropped his head back again. “Shit-” You held yourself up, lining his tip with your core before lowering yourself onto his length. As your walls engulfed him his fingers dug into your sides. You used his shoulders for leverage as you rolled your hips over him, every stroke of his cock inside your walls nearly causing him to come undone on the spot.
You could feel your orgasm quickly approaching, your hips moving as quickly as you could, chasing your high with great intent. Every small noise that escaped Finral as your soft walls indulged every sensation possible was intoxicating. His voice was desperate as he praised you. “So fucking good, baby girl. Making me feel on top of the world.” A small moan filled the booth as he spoke again. “I’m so fucking close, love.”
You slowed your pace, letting him revel at the moment as you placed your lips to his neck. Small nibbles were something that had always driven him crazy. You peppered his neck with them and watched as more pleasure flowed through his veins. The coil in your own abdomen was tightening, chasing your own release as he got closer and closer to his.
Finral placed his forehead on your shoulder, leaning into you. You placed your hand on the back of his neck, running your fingers through his long hair. “I’m-I’m so close Fin.”
Finral couldn’t even get his words out, the bliss too much for him as he finally felt himself let go. With a loud moan and a cry of your name, Finral emptied himself out inside your walls, painting them white with strings of his seed. The pure sound of him coming to his high gave you that push that you needed, your walls convulsing around him. You leaned your head against his, breathing heavily as you tried to come back down to earth. He sat up straight and made you look at him. “I guess we should probably get out of here. People are going to get suspicious if we stay in here too much longer.”
You nodded to him, standing up to resituate your skirt before grabbing your things from the ground. Finral zipped his pants and pushed back the curtain of the photo booth, grabbing the photo strip that was there before anyone could see it. As you got close to the curtain you caught the eye of another couple standing just outside of it, waiting for their turn. Finral took a deep breath and shoved the photo strip into his pocket. “We’re all set with it, have fun.”
Your eyes widened as he started to walk away, grabbing the back of his shirt as you caught up with him. “Do you think they know what happened in there?”
Finral peeked back over his shoulder before taking your prize to carry it for you. The couple that had just been there was now walking away from the booth. A small smile formed on his face. “Yea, they definitely know what happened in there.”
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Taglist: @monic00l @strangeinternetwasteland @rowley-with-ackerman @kyu-pine @barrysimpparker @saudade-mayari @mykuronekome @nikiniki743 @thorinsraven @gonuclear @vs-redemption @tomarisela @strawberrydynamight @taliyahvermillion @stormydaysxx @yousturelys @z-thechaotic @inu1gf
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©2021 bakubabes-hatake, please do not repost/modify without my permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission
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kmelodys-blog · 2 years
𝐇𝐞'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (Black clover)
(I apologize in advance for the mistakes, it's just that English is not my language)
Black Bulls:
• You love visiting children from the church in Haige Village.
• He is always ready to protect and cover your back.
• You are ready to eat potatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
• When you started dating, he bragged to you Magna, Finral and Gauche.
• He often competes with Charmy who will eat more, after which you scold him (his stomach begins to ache, and he complains to you).
• Always asks you to marry him.  But, you refuse, because you think it's too early.
• Asta is a little dumb, so you and Nero ask Asta to turn on her brains at least on assignments.
• When Asta starts showing off to everyone, his muscles.  He gets hit over the head by you and Noelle.
• You enjoy outdoor activities.  For example: a hike or outdoor picnic.
• Once when you were on a mission (at the beach).  Noelle accidentally launched a water balloon at Asta.  After that moment, you, Magna and Luck, could not calm down (constantly laughing).
• You have a company to hang out with (Asta, Y/n, Noelle, Magna and Luck. Sometimes Finral will join you).
Luck Voltia:
• You train together.
• He loves to see you happy, so sometimes he succumbs to you (or does not fight at full strength).
• He is constantly showing off in front of Magna, so he asks Y /n and to calm Lakka down.
• Owner, so don't be surprised if he kisses or hugs you in public.
• If he finds out that someone offended you, write lost.
• Often gives you gifts or snacks.
• On any mission will protect you at any cost.
• Luck has already buzzed all over Magne's ears, what a beautiful, sweet and intelligent girl you are.
• He told you a lot about his childhood and about his mother.
• You are trying to teach him to show other emotions besides joy.  After all, he smiles in any situation.
• Only next to you can you remain yourself.
• You were always sad to hear his stories about the past.
• He can scare you at any time or sneak up on you from behind.
  Magna Swing:
• Pretends to be a tough guy in front of you so that you think he's cool.
• With you, he can walk with his hair down and without glasses.
• His favorite phrase is 《This is not manly》.
• This guy is really just fire.
• When he and Luck have a fight again, you slap them on the head.
• And when Lakk mocks him, you either yell at both, or you calm Magna so that he doesn't kill Lakk.
• When you are affectionate towards him, he begins to blush and deny the fact that he likes it (although he likes it).
• Thinks you are the best girl that can be.
• He admires Captain Yami, so he tries to be like him in everything.
• Often compliments you.
• Although he looks like a bully, he is just a bunny.
  Final Roulacase:
• You always support him and are proud of him.
• You don't think he's just a transport of bulls.  You say that he is an important part of the black bulls (after these words he almost burst into tears).
• He always believed that his younger brother was much better than him.  Although, you think the opposite is true.
• You spend time together often, even on weekends.
• He loves to frame girls, which then gets offended by the girl from you on the head.
• When you have a fight, he is the first to apologize.  misses you.
• Together we held a festival of stars.
• He doesn't care your age, he will always love you.
• Always compliments you, sometimes even gives you a ride.
• Go on assignments together.  You go with him so that he does not fall in love with anyone, and he so that you do not suffer and do not make mistakes.
• He likes to see you surprised, so he experiments with his appearance to impress you.
Gordon Agrippa:
• Gordon is especially silent.  But, with you, he is ready to chat for hours.
• He is afraid to use his magic in your presence.
• He loves to please you, so he often gives you dolls that he makes himself.
• Maybe he doesn't show his emotions to everyone.  But, he tells you what he feels inside.
• He sometimes asks you to paint on his face.
• You even once asked him to wear something light, but he lacked determination.
• You know his entire family.
• I used to call you his good friend, and now he calls you his girlfriend.
• As I said, his hobby is making dolls, so you go to the capital on weekends to buy materials for them.
• Gordon knows how to smile, but so everyone is afraid of him, so you learn to smile.
• He likes stroking him on the head.
• Lately, you have noticed that Gordon has begun to communicate better with Goshu.
Gauche Adlai:
• At first, you did not really get along, constantly swearing and so on.
• But one day Gordon came up to you and said that Gosh likes not only Marie, but you too.
• Guess who reunited you?  Right!  His little sister Marie.
• At first he denied that he liked you and he said that it was all for Marie.  But, in the end, his heart melted.
• He is very caring and constantly tells you something like: - Put on warm clothes, you will get sick.  It's not that I'm worried about you, it's just that Marie won't have anyone to play with.
• On weekends, you go to visit Marie, you have become good friends with her.
• In your presence, his desire to kill Asta diminishes.
Yami Sukehiro:
• In your presence, he behaves calmly, which even Astu does not throw (Asta is very grateful to you for this).
• Calls you small or young.
• Sometimes he likes to annoy or tease you a little.
• All the bulls were happy for you when he announced that you were his girlfriend.
• If anyone other than bulls (especially a guy) comes even a step up to you, Yami will start to intimidate him or even rip his head off.
• Instills in you a love of cruelty.
• Doesn't send you on dangerous missions.
• If he is entrusted with any task, he will automatically take you with him.
• Can give you his blade, so to speak play (thinks that you are still a small child).
Henry Legolad:
• Henry always asks you to stop communicating with him, because  he can steal your mana.
• You often read books to him before bed.
• He is rather fragile (due to his illness), so he often sleeps, and you lie down next to him and hug him.
• He allows you to collect his hair however you want.  He even likes it.
• You somehow don't care about his illness, because you like spending time with him.
• At night, when everyone is asleep, you come to his room and you chat.
• He has said more than once that you should find someone else to be happy.  But, Y / n says that only Henry makes you happy.
• Always ready to help you, wherever you are
  Zora Ideale:
• At first he mocked you ... Well ... You thought so, but then he began to behave more restrained towards you.
• I told you a lot about my childhood and father.
• Sometimes he can call you a fool or stupid.
• Maybe he looks strong, angry and cruel.  But, love is simply not enough for him.
• You spend quite a lot of time together.
• When you kiss or hug him, he doesn't show that he likes it.
• Only you saw Zora with her hair down and without bondana.
• Likes to make fun of you.  But he knows when to stop.
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
hi!! i love your writing sm, it's been so helpful with my anxiety at night lately, so thank you sm for sharing your talent with us!! ❤️ i was wondering if i could request a hc-type thing with magna, zora, and finral and a reader who gets cold very easily? i don't have anything too specific in mind really, just that premise,—but you're totally free to ignore this if you don't want to do it/have too much on your plate! tysm in advance either way though!!☺️
Hello Sweetie! Thank you for this request, it hits home hard for me, I get cold rly easily too! I hope you wrap yourself in thicker layers or more blankets when it gets too cold! <3 Sending you a great and tight hug for your anxiety at night bby ♡
Magna | Zora | Finral x F! reader
Magna Swing
He is like your personal heater system. One call for him and he's here warming you up. Just the temperature you like. You rarely even feel cold with your man around.
When he leaves for missions he prepares loads of blankets for you. In different thickness and different material. He's just a cutie like that.
You have wool, cotton, silk and the list goes on. Then you have thin blankets to duvets. He says it's because there's different type of cold and then different blanket so you can always be warm.
He knows when you're cold. He holds your hand and puts extra heat on his hand just to warm yours. He's even hold you around the waist if the weather was being a little extreme.
At home, this boy does not wear any top on. He'll pull you close and you can feel yourself getting warmed up instantly; from your nose all the way to your toes.
Snuggle days with Magna on a rainy / snowy weather? it's 11/10.
Zora Ideale
This boy is actually pretty nonchalant in a relationship so in the beginning he wouldn't know that you're cold until you started sneezing or trembling a little.
He'll just look at you and then put his robe around you. "Cold? You can tell me next time."
Subsequently you'll be more outspoken towards him and tell him that you're feeling cold, he'll then put his robe around you. This man hardly wears much clothes himself so that's all he has to offer to you.
He'll then realises that you actually get cold too easily so before you go out, he'll just throw a robe around you whether you like it or not. "You'll be cold later" and he'll grab your hand and leave. Man does not leave room for argument because when it comes to this, he's mostly right.
At home, he loves lying on your lap, but whenever you complain you're cold, he'll just let out a "tch" and get up to pull you into his embrace instead.
Although he's not as "hot" as Magna (literally, in temperature wise), but he's also pretty warm. Lying in his bare chest would usually warm you up.
Finral Roulacase
Is the sweetheart. He always take off his robe for you the moment he senses that you're cold. He already knows that you get cold easily before you both got into a relationship.
Once, he even took off his shirt for you, leaving only his inner wear on. He caught a cold instead afterwards. But being the gentleman he is, he'll just brush it off and tell you that it's okay.
After getting scolded by Yami for being a dumbass because of that incident, whenever his robe doesn't suffice, he'll just use his magic to bring something warm for you from home or just teleport you both away to somewhere warm.
Always brings around a jacket for you whenever you both go out and gives it to you when you feel cold. Also prepares heating pads for you in your pockets and bags.
To top it off, this boy always brings a thermo-flask in his bag when he goes out with you and prepares hot water so you could drink some when you feel cold.
At home, he brings socks and blankets for you when you are huddled in bed. Of course he brings tea on a tray for his beloved. Told you, he's 10/10 gentleman.
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vernasce-blogs · 2 years
Am I blind or is there a lack of Black Clover fanfic on ao3? tumblr too..
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nakunakunomi · 2 years
congrats on all the followrs! can i request hcs about finral reacting to reader(gn or fem is fine) being stood up and reader being bummed about it? thank
Hiya! I am rewatching BC at the moment and I felt suddenly inspired to work on these BC requests! Hope you enjoy this! <3 It turned out to be a bit of a mini scenario more than actual HC? So the paragraphs are there, but I decided not to add bulletpoints, if that make sense!
2nd person. Gn Reader
Finral and Reader who got stood up - HC
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Finral had noticed you sitting all alone at the table in one of his favorite restaurants. The way you were dressed up, the way you had only ordered something to drink and especially the way you looked over at the clock at regular intervals, made it not so hard to deduce that you were waiting for someone, probably a date. 
He couldn’t help but frown at the idea of even being late for a date. Judging by the hour, the person you were waiting for was really late. He himself was finishing his last drink after yet another unsuccesful mixer. 
He wasn’t sure why you were stood up either. In any and all senses of the word, you looked good. Sad, sure, but he was sure that with a smile on your face you’d be even better looking. You were calm, polite, not losing control over your emotions, and above all… extremely patient. 
He was about to leave over half an hour later, and it was becoming clear that your date was a no-show. He paid the bill, and contemplated just leaving the restaurant without saying anything, but he felt a pang of guilt, even though he did not know you. He knew the pain of being stood up very well though, and that was why he ended up walking to your table, taking the seat that was opposite of you and sat down. 
You looked up, wondering who this stranger was. You had been lost in thoughts, thinking about just how long you could stay seated before there was nothing left of your pride or dignity. It was the second chance you had given to this man. You had been stood up twice. Your self-loathing reached an all time high. Just how stupid could you be? 
“I am sorry for interrupting, possibly, but I couldn’t help but wonder if you were sitting all by yourself here on purpose or..” 
You grimaced. Sure, he could have good intentions, but that came across as yet another blow. Of course you were not spending the night here alone, all dressed up and sipping from yet another drink, stomach rumbling because you didn’t dare to order food just in case your date did show up. 
“No. It’s not on purpose. I am waiting for someone who’s probably not gonna show up again. For the second time”, you replied through gritted teeth, preparing for him to laugh, but instead he looked at you with a frown. 
“You got stood up twice? You gave them a second chance and they just stomped all over that? How disrespectful.” 
He seemed truly upset, and you couldn’t help but feel relieved as you shrugged. “It’s okay, I am used to it, one day someone will show up.” 
“Do you still have time?” 
“Excuse me?” You were taken aback by the question. 
“Do you still have time? For a date?” 
You were completely dumbfounded now. 
“I do, but well,” you gestured vaguely, “no date.” 
Finral smiled, introducing himself, before leaning over the table to touch your arm gently. The touch sent a pleasant jolt through your body pretty fast. You couldn’t help but smile a little as you told him your name. 
“Well y/n, let me be your date for the night then.” 
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pochipop · 2 years
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#. synopsis! — how they show support and love to their artist partner .
#. characters! — magna, luck, finral .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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# MAGNA !! ♡
— At first, he admittedly just doesn't get it. He's not mean about it, of course, and he supports anything you want to do in your free time that makes you happy (within limits, obviously. . .) but he can't say he really understands.
— Magna has always preferred more physical hobbies, and these days, those include joyriding on Crazy Cyclone, sparring with Luck, and creating general havoc just for the hell of it.
— So, the fact that you have what he views as such a leisurely hobby is somewhat unusual to him. But he wants to engage with your activities the way you engage with his, and after a few weeks, he puts forth the effort to really do so.
— It's not much in the beginning. He pays you some compliments here and there, which are incredibly sweet, but that's pretty much the bulk of it. Until he comes back from a mission with Yami and Finral and seeks you out for some recharge time.
— When Magna half walks, half stumbles into your room, he's more worn out than anything else. No severe injuries, nothing to worry about, just some general fatigue and a body begging for rest. Which he does at your demand, in your room, on your bed, all while you sit on the floor surrounded by tubes of paint.
— It's then that Magna truly gets it. He watches as you mix colors, brushstrokes blending and smoothing the paint out over the canvas with just a skilled flick of your wrist. It's like he's watching you perform magic all of your own.
— From then on, he likes to watch you paint when you'll allow it. Sometimes, you do request some privacy, especially when your social meter is running a little low, and he respects that! But he's always excited when you allow him the pleasure of watching you create art.
— To him, it feels like he's seeing a side of you that only comes out through colors that you layer with a brush. It feels like an honor to witness it.
— Magna is the type to shed literal tears if you paint him something and offer it to him as a gift. He would display it so proudly in his room, front and center, so much so that it would be impossible to miss it, even if you were just glancing inside.
— His compliments get heavier the more invested he becomes. He might even ask you to teach him how to paint something simple one day, even if he knows it won't turn out the best. It's the experience with you that counts!
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# LUCK !! ♡
— He doesn't really have the type of patience that's required of someone to just sit down and watch someone paint. That would likely end up pretty disastrously, actually, what with his destructive habits and all. . .
— Still, Luck likes to see the finished products! He likes that you're sharing something special to you with him, especially when you tell him that he's the first/only person besides you to have seen a particular piece!
— His compliments aren't particularly nuanced or deep, usually just comments on your usage of specific colors or imagery, but you take them with a smile each time because you know he means it when he says them. He's always genuine, no matter the repetition.
— He has a habit of pointing out bright colors in your artwork, even when they're stifled amongst neutrals or darks. Luck really likes it when you paint with neons, which is a pretty rare occurrence since they can take a while to build up, and they're difficult to work into average pieces, but he secretly wishes you'd use them it more often. They're his favorite!
— Luck definitely has a very unique way of wording his praise. He's not particularly well-versed in art lingo or terms, since that's far from his area of expertise, so when he pays you compliments, they tend to be a little odd (in a charming way!)
— "I really like this one! The colors are really. . . BAM! It's exciting and fun! Makes me want to rush into a battle!"
— It's pretty clear that Luck doesn't get it. He's a warrior at heart, always ready to jump into a fight, and when he's not doing that, he's off somewhere causing mischief. So, it comes as no surprise that he's not exactly the artist type. But he supports you as best he can nonetheless, even when he's doing it right.
— Luck would take extra steps to not be loud or destructive near your room when he knows you're painting! He would also offer to try and make his sparring matches with Magna more dynamic so that you could have a cool point of reference for a painting.
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# FINRAL !! ♡
— Fake it till you make it. Finral pretends to know a lot about art and painting in the beginning, just to make you happy. Unfortunately for him, he's not a very good pretender. You always knew when he was pulling something from nowhere but would never comment on it. You were just thankful he cared enough to make that large of an effort to show interest.
— In doing so, he tries too hard at first, using terms he doesn't really know the meaning of just to sound informed. You also find him skimming books related to art history and related subjects every now and again. It warms your heart, to say the very least.
— As Finral settles into the relationship, you see different sides of him. He becomes more genuine as you slowly chip away at his walls. And eventually, he comes clean about being all but fully clueless about art. You pretend to be shocked in the wake of his flustered confession.
— It doesn't really matter to you if he knows a lot about art. More than anything, you're just glad he has even a passive interest in your hobby, and you're thankful that he'd go to such lengths just to show you support.
— He enjoys watching you paint and would likely be the type to offer up a chunk of his skin as a canvas for you. Finral would be honored to have you paint his forearm, maybe his thigh or back. . . It feels intensely intimate to him. He also likes the way the brushes feel against his skin.
— He thinks of your art as an extension of you, so he treats it with the utmost respect. If you paint him something as a present, Finral will absolutely stare at it for long periods of time uninterrupted. If Magna catches him doing it, he won't hear the end of it for weeks.
— Is very earnest about the compliments he gives and loves to hear you talk about painting ideas for the future. Gets super invested in whatever you do, loves it all and will be vocal about it with a blush on his cheeks.
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
Hi ducky may I place an order? I'd like a medium iced tea with light ice with caramel drizzle and cookie crumbles please :D
name on the order is finral <3
Hehe Finral 😍
I will need one tall order of this man and this man alone holy fuck
♫ -ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ⍴ᥱrᥴ᥆ᥣᥲ𝗍᥆r- ☕️
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The nighttime was something that you had always found serene and comforting. Being a Black Bull meant that you could always fend for yourself if danger managed to find you. That doesn’t mean that you were always let off the hook, but you mainly stayed safe no matter where you went.
You were on high alert, having just fended off some petty thieves who tried to stick you up. Your senses were heightened, and you were honestly too on edge.
The sudden sound of your name being called and pattering footsteps caused you to summon your grimoire.
“S-Stay back! I don’t want to have to use my magic!”
“Woah! (N/N), it’s just me.”
You blinked to regain your composure, your eyes focusing onto the person with you.
“F-Finral?” You sputtered.
“Sorry to spook you.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “Are you alright?”
You exhaled in relief, body slumping to its usual relaxed posture. “Yeah.” You felt the tension leave your body as Finral placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, rubbing slowly. “Thanks, Fin.”
The brunette smiled warmly, “Anytime.”
“So” you began, continuing your slow walk, “What brings you to this part of town?”
Well shit. You had caught him. He had to think of a lie, and fast.
“Well you know me, I’m Yami’s 5* errand boy.” Finral replied with an awkward chuckle.
Truth be told, the spatial magic user knew that you would be walking at this time of night. Every ounce of chivalry in his body told him that he should not be letting the person he loves walk alone during night time, it was too dangerous, even if you were a magic knight.
“But what’s got you out here so late? It’s not safe.”
You giggled leaning into his side, “I’m not a helpless person in distress. I’m a Bull, just like you.” You smiled warmly at him, failing to notice his growing awkwardness, “But I appreciate your concern for me. It’s sweet. Thank you, Finnie.”
Finral swore he could’ve melted on the spot at the nickname. His gentle grip on your shoulder fell lax for a split second as he tried to regain his composure.
A sudden bright light illuminated the sky, causing the two of you to look up. A shooting star crossed your lines of sight. “Make a wish, Fin!” You chirped, squeezing your eyes shut.
“What did you wish for?” You turned to him, eyes sparkling in under the silvery moonlight.
Oh how your eyes would be the death of him.
His hand came off your shoulder to hold a finger to his lips. “You know I can’t tell you. If I did, my wish wouldn’t come true, and it’s one that I greatly want to.”
Finral couldn’t help but smile at the subtle pout that fell over your features. “Come on, you. Let’s get you home safe. The others are probably waiting for us.”
You beamed at him, bounding up to his side.
“Here,” he chimed, holding out his outstretched fingers. “take my hand.”
Without hesitating, you interwound his fingers with yours, swinging your arms as you walked. The brunette chuckled sweetly at your adorable behavior.
As if to try and ruin the moment, the sky opened up and it began to pour. The two of you yelped as you sped up your pace. Soon you were running through the rain, laughing your asses off.
By the time the two of you returned, you were both cold from the rain, and warm from giggling the entire way home. Your hands were still intertwined when you walked through the doors, causing Magna to comment immediately.
“Oooh, look at them holding hands.” The flame magic user cooed.
You beamed at your teammate, squeezing Finral’s hand, “Yep! Fin walked home with me just to make sure I was okay. Isn’t he the greatest?”
The spatial magic user thought he would melt straight into the floor on the spot. Between your praises, Magna’s teasing, and the teasing eyebrows of his teammates, Finral couldn’t take much more flush on his face.
“Okay, okay. L-Let’s get you into the bath and into some warm clothes.” The brunette sputtered.
Vanessa couldn’t help but chuckle when she saw the brunette hug you goodnight. The gentle pink dust on his cheeks had proven her suspicions correct.
After Finral had disappeared down the hallway, the witch called out to you. “(Y/N).”
You turned to look at her.
“He totally has the hots for you, sweetie.”
You furrowed your brows, attempting to stutter out a response. “N-No! He just walked me home. I-I-It’s not a big deal. Any of the guys here would do the same! Right? Magna? Luck? Gord-“
“(N/N).” Magna interrupted, “Fin has spatial magic… Why didn’t he just portal the two of you home?”
Your breath caught in your throat.
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yunospotpotatoes · 2 years
cute dates
Pairing: Finral Roulacase x reader, Langris Vaude x reader
Summary: How the spatial magic brothers takes you out on a date
Warning: None just fluff
A/n: I know a lot of people don’t like Langris but he just grows on you towards the end of the seasons and in the manga
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            ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇   ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇   ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Finral like the romantic he is always brings different flowers whenever you meet for a dates. As he takes your hand in his he never fail to compliment you. "Everyday I find the most beautiful flowers but they always to seem to wilt under the radiance of your beauty." Placing a gentle kiss to the top of your knuckle with the soft pink brushing against his cheeks. Making him handsome under the sun that shined against his honey coated eyes. "Shall we look around the market I found this cute little pastry shop that you will love." 
The rest of the date goes amazingly as he fed you cake adoring how much you seemed to enjoy it as well as his many adventures he had with the black bulls. Always brushing his fingers against your cheek whenever you had the cutest expression on your face never failing to lean against his touch feeling the warmth of his skin against yours. 
Hand in hand you two would always end your dates at the fountain in the center of the city. Most of the time you would visit during the day but being so caught in funny banter and exciting story travel wasted the day away turning it to dark. With shine of the moonlight lit up the fountain admiring the glistening water. Not noticing as Finral pulling out two coin he placed one in your hand to make a wish. 
As you both closed you eyes to make a wish he would take little peeks at your concentrated face as you were making your wish smiling to himself wondering how lucky he was to be your fiancé. Looking upon the fountain once again he wished with all his heart ‘I hope I can be a better man worthy of her love’ both tossing your coins watching as they floated to the bottom of the pool laid right next to each other 
Taking your hands once more he suggested a short dinner before dropping you back home. Linking your fingers into his agreeing to the idea as you looked back once again at the fountain whispering in your heart ‘I hope to keep loving this man till the end of time’
Langris has a more rough approach whenever you meet up for dates he tends to grip your hand too hard to which you would react by flinch away. He would instantly feel bad for being too rough apologizing over and over again. 
He would end up taking your hand he bruised placing little kisses on the areas that hurt, turning away trying to hide his blushing face as he gave you a explanation that his mother told him once that a kiss would make the pain go away. Taking his hand in yours gently gripping his as you flashed him a smile and thanking him which he found irresistibly cute. "N-no need to thank me now come on didn't you want to check out few stores." 
Leading him to the first store they came across which turned out to be a dress shop you picked out a few articles of clothing. Rushing past him into the dressing room as he waited outside. Coming out a few times he didn't seem to find any interest in any of the outfits you picked until you came out with the last outfit. The (f/c) dress hugging your figure so well it felt like time stopped for him right there and then standing right in front of him was an angel that came down from heaven.
"Y-y-you look so beautiful" He felt like a love sick puppy all over again just like the first time his parents introduced you as his fiancée. Cupping both of your hands between his as he pulled you closer to drink up your figure he knew instantly what the outfit was missing. He quickly asked the store clerk to ring up the dress in his name and send the rest of your clothes to his residents. 
Not understanding what was happening you tried to ask but he simply refused as he led you both outside. Basking in the warm sunlight he turned you towards him as he was a painter ready to paint his next inspiration. 
"Twirl for me" the confusion set on your face "Excuse me?" asking him. "Please Y/n just once please twirl for me" complying to his demand you twirled a few times in the sunlight as each stream of sunlight wrapped around your body captivating your appearance along with dress like a ballerina dancing in the spotlight. Spinning one more time you faced him with a little curtesy as you were about to stand up you felt something placed on your head. You looked to see a snow white sunhat it matched your dress perfectly. Smiling up at him doing one last twirl with the final masterpiece to your outfit. “Thank you so much my love its perfect” placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. Grabbing his hand in yours to walk further into the plaza not paying attention to his burning gaze.
He never felt as blessed in this very moment just to be a man holding hands with the most gorgeous women in front of him. The one thought that kept repeating in his head was ‘I'm gonna marry this her’ accompanied with cute dopey look on his face.
The rest of the day ended up with him trying to show off his beautiful fiancée to anybody who would listen with you always having to pull him away from embarrassment from the overbearing praise.
              ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇   ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇   ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
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bookish-autumn · 2 years
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At the bar counter with Finral 🍹
Finral: Excuse me, Miss. I don't want to interrupt you but I need to tell you something.
y/n: What is it?
Finral: I think God took the colour out of the ocean and put it in your eyes.
y/n: Awwwww, don't make me blush. 🤭☺️ You know that I'm already in love with you, right? 🥰
Finral: But I can't hear it often enough. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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honeypirate · 3 years
From that night you avoided Finral as much as you could. Distance was exactly what you needed and he didn’t seem to care so it just spurred you on even more.
You ended up spending more time with Luck, sparring and going places together. You feel bad for essentially replacing Finral in an instant but you couldn’t be around him without your throat constricting with the tears you wouldn’t allow to fall.
When Finral would come into the room you’d turn to Luck and start a conversation or invite him to go train. His cheery attitude was just what you needed to keep your thoughts off feelings.
Finrals chest aches every time he saw you avoid him but he chalked it up to his curse. He was destined to be with Lady finesse and no one else is in his heart. He only had feelings for you because of the curse and nothing else. It was all because of the curse. Every time he’d have a nice thought about you he’d have to slap his forehead, get it out of his head and replace it with six new thoughts about lady finesse.
It was harder to do when he saw how defeated your eyes would look when you’d make eye contact. Why such a sad look? He wanted to hug you and make it all better. He slams his face into the table and you gasp before you shake your head and turn to Luck “wanna go outside with me?” You ask and he nods excitedly.
After your latest spar you end it laughing and lying in the grass with Luck, you were exhausted and sweaty but you preferred that over the exhaustion your feelings brought you. “You’re so strong Luck” you say with a laugh and he laughs too, grabbing your hand in the grass “thank you! I love sparring with you!”
Finral felt bile burn the back of his throat as he watched you hold hands with Luck. He slammed his forehead against the windowsill and screwed his eyes shut, burning with unshed tears. Why did it hurt so much? When he’s supposed to be showing Lsdy finesse his love. It hurts so much. Like his chest is ice.
He couldn’t help but watch out his window as the pain spread throughout his veins.
You sat up and gave his hand a squeeze, turning towards him. You look over his face to make sure he wasn’t hurt when you sent an magic monster at him and luckily he was just a little dusty. You pull his head down and kiss his forehead “I’m glad I didn’t hurt you” you say and he chuckles softly with blushing cheeks.
Finral felt his heart crack. He wanted to be Luck. He wanted to be with you. He remembers when you did that for him once and the way his heart soared. He beats his head into the window some more, lady finesse lady finesse lady finesse running through his mind like a mantra trying to get you out of his thoughts.
During dinner you take Luck’s hand under the table and give it a squeeze looking over at him and smiling when you see his blushing cheeks. You bump your shoulder into his and he laughs, giving your hand a squeeze before he resumes eating, his thumb brushing against the back of your hand.
Finral left dinner early and you couldnt help but worry, your eyes watched him as he left the room, a from on your lips. Your heart felt fine when you were actively ignoring it and it’s feelings for Finral, but when you were around him it was like all the air was sucked from your lungs. Maybe it was all because of a curse.
He turned around at the door and made eye contact with you, your heart squeezing and eyes burning with unshed tears, then he’s gone. You couldn’t do this anymore, the pain of being around him was less than the pain of never talking to him, maybe you should apologize for being so distant. Maybe you should tell him what’s going on. Communication had to be better than none at all because you’re suffering.
Luck walks you to your room that evening, which is easy because it’s across the hall from his, and after he asks if you’re okay, all of your feelings for Finral came out. Feeling so comfortable and trusting with Luck you confide in him everything you’ve been keeping bottled up.
when you stop at your door he pulls you into a gentle hug.
“Thank you, for sharing your feelings with me. For what it’s worth Finral is an idiot. Maybe you should talk to him though” he says softly and you hug him a little bit tighter, whispering a thank you into his chest.
he takes a deep breath before he chuckles lightly, pulling back and kissing your cheek “it’ll get easier and I’ll be there for you whenever you need me!” He says before you say goodnight and both head into your rooms.
Finral was frozen down the hall, all he caught was the cheek kiss. It could have been anything and Finral wasn’t one to jump to the worst conclusion but thinking about you with Luck made his skin crawl. He slammed his face into the wall but he wasn’t thinking about lady finesse
He was thinking about how he screwed up royally, that the curse wasn’t a devil curse. He wasn’t cursed to flirt with every girl. He was cursed to be stupid. To be the biggest idiot and think that his feelings for you were anything other than honest. And now he’s too late.
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