#round 4a
sleepyhead-poll · 2 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Every concert and every episode of the show he takes a nap and all the Wiggles and all the kids watching have to wake him up They made a whole album about him being sleepy
From Jeff's official description on the Wigglepedia Wiggle Wiki, "Jeff cannot help falling asleep, and when he dreams he dreams of being asleep." Jeff has such a tendency to fall asleep at inopportune moments that the Wiggles have an entire song called, "Wake Up, Jeff!" (which is also the title of a Wiggles album and a video special). His Wiggle color is purple, which is the best color, and he also plays the accordion!
Iconic Australian children's show character. Every kid in Aus remembers Jeff falling asleep and all the other Wiggles calling "Wake up Jeff!"
As a certified peanutshead. Jeff deserves this. His whole thing is that he's a sleepyhead.
Snoopy the Dog:
He sleeps a lot on his dog house I feel like it's definitely a definitive character trait
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fairytale-poll · 4 months
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*Includes the original 1950 animated film, the 2002 sequel Cinderella II: Dreams Come True, and the 2007 sequel Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.
Propaganda Under the Cut:
Disney's Cinderella:
she is very iconic, she is super kind and has a beautiful dress
Submitting specifically because Cinderella III: A Twist in Time has lived rent-free in my head ever since I was a small child.
This Cinderella is most young (western) peoples introduction to this very story. Cinderella is so hopeful and by getting one small magical adventure, her whole life changes for the better. She is skilled and inspires such loyalty with her kindness that it’s hard to dislike her for any reason she gives. I’ve always been jealous of her ball hairdo too.
Walt Disney put all he had into this movie. And his favorite animation was the dress transformation scene. There’s a reason she is often front and center on the Princess group promotions.
she is the original. to me. probably the first exposure to cinderella for a solid chunk of people alive & on tumblr today. she is just a perfect encapsulation of everything that cinderella is, even if she's become warped in the public consciousness. also i'm pretty sure she's the reason why the glass slippers are so predominant in more recent retellings bc she is simply so iconic. 100/10 no notes 💜
She's maybe not the OG OG but she was one of the first animated Disney princesses and strangely enough it doesn't stop her from having an amazing personality. She's literally a slave but keeps being a nice person, forgiving and always doing her best. And the sequels absolutely didn't ruin her character. She's a sweet girl who tries to fit in but who's loyal to the person she is and who tries to change things always in a cute and sweet way to show people it's not that hard. She literally forgave Anastasia and tried to help her after all she did to her (the scene where the step-sisters destroy her dress still is terrifying to me)... she's awesome and deserves more recognition honestly...
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) No she is not the same as the original Cinderella of 1950. This girl’s biggest chance was unfairly snatched away from her. When the Prince was brainwashed she was enough to get him to double take. She was so Right that their connection over powered magic. And she had to be rescued from a ship. And was almost crushed within a pumpkin! And finally had to expose another imposter, who turned out to be just another victim of Lady Trameine. This Cinderella fought harder for her love because she knew what True Love was like and she still was able to forgive those who asked for it.
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) Listen yes it's the same Cinderella from 1950 but she has an arc in this one! It's Disney's greatest film!!
Listen I love them both but the animated Cinderella definitly shine in every single movie she has. And she has 3.
Vote for Cinderella because she deserves it and is still underrated in the Disney Princesses Franchise when she survived so much (ab*se... Lady Tremaine still terrifies me and she doesn't even have magical powers except when she steals the magic wand in Cinderella 3) Also one vote for Cinderella is one jump outside the window Henri is ready to do. Yes it's real.
Disney animated the original fairytale but definitely made it more magical and less creepy (like the birds making the step sisters blind? It gave me nightmares for ages). If I think: which one will I want to rediscover multiple times? Disney's Cinderella. Plus Cinderella 3 is a masterpiece.
Mofurun as "Mofurella"
listen. they do an episode where they're all sucked into Cinderella and they make the trans teddy bear Cinderella. Incredible story writing, 10/10, no notes.
Mofurdella is even plot relevant, that episode is how they get the Rainbow Carriage for their group attack anyway MOFURDELLA FIRST CINDERELLA PRECURE EPISODE TO GET ONE MOFURILLION VOTES
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yu-gi-poll · 5 months
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Diabound Kernel is used by Yami Bakura. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: DARK
Level: 5
Effect (according to the anime): "Once per turn, you can equip this card to a monster OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. The equipped monster loses ATK equal to this card's ATK."
ATK: / DEF: 1800 / 1200
The more it fights, the stronger it gets! While the anime effect is definitely crazier, it's cool to see the card game try and emulate this with the 600 attack gain upon attack declaration.
Blue-Eyes White Dragon is used by Sugoroku Mutou ("Solomon Mutou" in the dub) and Seto Kaiba. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: LIGHT
Level: 8
Description (according to the anime): "This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale."
ATK: / DEF: 3000 / 2500
It's big, it's strong, it's a freaking dragon for Ra's sake. With a sleek, elegant design and easily recognizable silhouette, this dragon is sure to blast you of your feet. Easily one of the most iconic monsters in the whole series, I mean say Yu-gi-oh to someone who only barely knows the series and what monster are they gonna think of? None other than the Blue Eyes White Dragon of course. And don't even get me started on the fusion possibilities. I mean, Blue Eyes *Ultimate* Dragon? Say no more. And the Blue Eyes is resilient, too. After all, I'm sure we've all heard the classic saying, "If at first you don't succeed, blast them with your Blue Eyes again". This is because the Blue Eyes is persistent. Even in the face of resistance, in the face of seeming defeat, it will bare its fangs and strike again. So vote Blue Eyes White Dragon, the superior duel monster.
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pokemonalphabet · 8 months
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Hubristic Assholes Tourney Round 1 Part 4a
Light Yagami (Death Note) vs Icarus (Greek Mythology)
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Propaganda Below Cut (Beware Spoilers)
Thinks he can rule the world single-handedly through fear and a magic notebook. It Does Not End Well.
He kills people for years thinking he's serving justice but really he just ends up serving himself and his ego. Gets so sure of himself that he thinks he's untouchable and that no one could possibly outsmart him (spoiler alert: someone does). Literally thinks he's a god. Spoiler: Gets killed by an actual god because said god just couldn’t be bothered to wait around for him to die anymore.
He decides he should be the God of the New World and that justifies killing whoever he likes for the 'greater good'. This eventually leads to his downfall; Light my baby my skrunkly my most awfulest man ever. If you've been on the internet for more than five minutes you probably already know why he's here but like. He is mister hubris. He is nothing but hubris. He kills people and its okay! Because he's god :) Haven't you heard :) God doesn't have to follow laws. Or rules. Or be a decent human being. And if you say he's wrong then well. You're evil! The way he thinks is so fucked up i want to put him in a jar.
mr thinks he knows everything & is better than everyone gets a magic notebook that lets him kill people from any distance as long as he knows their face and name. decides that means he's god now and kills criminals and people he decides are criminals (including people who were given verdicts of "not guilty"). when someone goes on tv and says he's evil his first instinct is to kill that person instead of, like, taking five seconds to go "is this bait?" (it was bait). he ends the series pathetic and bleeding out because it turns out god isn't immune to bullets.
The OG
Most of you know the drill. He and his dad Daedalus get locked up for suspected conspiring against the king of Crete, but Daedalus, clever bastard that he is, builds wings for them to fly away on. Daedalus warns Icarus not to fly too high or the sun will melt his wings, and not too low or his wings will get wet from the sea mist. But Icarus gets basically caught up in an adrenaline high, and enraptured by the beauty and light of the Sun, tries to fly even higher. His wings melt and he, unfortunately, falls to his death. C'mon he's literally The Guy
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🎩 Raddest Hat Battle👒
Detective Rama from Guild Wars 2 Vs Pearl from Splatoon 2
Round 1 Side 4A
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jojopolls · 1 year
Stand-Off, Round Four (Side A)
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This is not a vote for which Stand you think would win in a fight, nor is it a vote for their user, it is solely for which Stand you like the most!
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RF Bachelorette Tournament - Side A Round 4 (semifinals)
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Character 4a
Wears a trenchcoat and a fedora
Glowing golden eyes
Missing the covering of half their neck
Propaganda: Stripper detective (If you saw the sign for [their] detective services you would know why I say this)
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boatmediatourney · 3 months
🌊Sad Soggy Boat Men Tournament🌊
Round 4A (semifinals), match 1
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Propaganda and image sources under the cut (warning for possible spoilers):
propaganda for Odysseus:
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image from Wikipedia
propaganda for Aeneas:
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image from here
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sleepyhead-poll · 2 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga:
spacy weirdo who can't stay awake during homeroom. her brain is so crazy. pure moon logic. she's the best.
She wakes up and is so sleepy she can't identify kitchen utensils
A sock is his nap place of choice
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fairytale-poll · 4 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Queen Cinderella Charming:
She's kind, she's funny, she learns to use a sword, and she's related to Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Red Riding Hood. She helps the protagonists any chance she gets and even hosts their mother and step-father's wedding. She never gives up and  never lets her fear stop her. Absolute queen (literally)
While she isn't hugely relevant in the story itself, she is always down to help out the protagonists where she can. When they need one of her slippers, she sneaks it into their bag without them noticing. She calls them family. She loves her daughter too, and is a badass mom.
When the main characters need her glass slipper for a spell, she snuggled it into their bag, and she has a daughter named Hope
I think she’s a minor character in the first book, but she’d really nice and stuff!
Because I LOVE HER!! also she has a daughter called Hope who got kidnapped by rumplestiltskin at one point but that is besides the point. She is a strong independent woman and we love those she was NOT about to sit around doing nothing and i love her for that
Vote Land of Stories Cinderella because she's the best!!!
hi uhm you are all legally obligated to vote for the land of stories cinderalla btw . please
Everyone vote for Queen Cinderella Charming!!! She deserves this!!!!!
indy Baxter:
She's an Everafter and won't age unless she wants to. She married a human man, and when he got old she aged for him even though she couldn't go back to youth <3 love wins
If you love twisted fairy tales you should read The Sisters Grimm!
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yu-gi-poll · 5 months
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Kuriboh is used by Yugi Mutou/Yami Yugi. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: DARK
Level: 1
Effect Type: QUICK
Effect (according to the anime): "During your opponent's turn, at damage calculation: You can discard this card; you take no battle damage from that battle (this is a Quick Effect)."
ATK / DEF: 300 / 200
Turn 18 of the duel between Kaiba and Yugi in the Duelist Kingdom arc - INFINITE KURIBOH WALL.
There's one part in Duelist Kingdom (when the rules didn't matter) where the Kuribohs multiply and there's an endless amount of them.
He's cute.
Have you seen this adorable fluff ball?! He's adorable and will take a hit for you because he loves you.
It's just a small, fluffy guy. One that Yugi and Atem used destroy many an opponent, an example of how even a monster that seems useless can be used to topple an opponent. But mostly I'm submitting him because he's a small, fluffy guy. Very iconic, even if it's not the strongest monster.
In my opinion, he's the mascot of DM. Of the whole series, really. That's why there's on in each series. But you cannot go wrong with the OG!!
Witch of the Black Forest is used by Rebecca Hopkins ("Rebecca Hawkins" in the dub), Step Johnny ("Johnny Steps" in the dub), and Yugi Mutou. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: DARK
Level: 4
Effect Type: TRIGGER
Effect (according to the anime): "When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: Add 1 monster with 1500 or less DEF from your Deck to your hand."
ATK: / DEF: 1100 / 1200
[None Submitted]
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pokemonalphabet · 8 months
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