#rowan asker
1978-combo-organ · 1 year
do my rowan astor asks made you fall to your knees in despair or are they slowly pushing you towards insanity. or is it both i hope it is
both. im sitting in a dimly lit room in an apartment banging my fist on the floor in a very cinematic way. my rowan asker bulletin board is covered in red string and random post it notes
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sollucets · 1 year
ah i guess i should probably announce,, i’m not actively inviting prompts right now! my event is done and i still have a fair few left over and my life is a mess
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pancake-syrup · 2 years
hey phil welcome back from. being nerfed by Tumblr. hows it goin??
good! we gained about 20~ followers and like 3 mutuals!
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Hello! New Intro b/c I deleted the old one on accident oops
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-- Name: Rowan, Lore, Leo -- Gender: Transmasc + Genderflux -- Pronouns: Varies. Ask. -- Age: What are you a cop? (Under 18) -- From: America (sadly) -- Religion: Practicing Eclectic Pagan -- Anxiety fueled insomniac -- Notes: Im a solarpunk leftist! -- Typologies: (MTBI) ISTP [TiSe, NiFe], (Ennegram) 8w7, (Tempermants) CholSang, (hogwarts but fuck pottermore) Slytherin, (Tricenter) 8-3-6, (Socionics) LII-2Ti, Chaotic Neutral, sp/so (instinct variant), (Attitude Psyche) VLEF, (SLOAN/Big 5) 66d1275e9069e86c55cf034f, (Jungian) IT(S), Soldier (soldier, poet, king)
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-- HISTORY -- Cooking/Baking -- Music! -- Reading/books -- Gardening -- Bone Hunting -- Collecting (vinyl, cassettes, bones, shiny things, buttons, shells, coins, stamps, cds, stuffed animals, etc.) -- Rain/Storms -- Nature (Hiking, Walking, playing in mud) -- Oc making! i have a 37 slide google presentation with 2-3 slides per oc! -- Winter and Fall are my favorite seasons!
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-- Israel Supporters -- Trump supporters -- Radfems/transmeds/terfs -- transphobes, queerphobes, homophobes -- anti-therians/anti-kins -- 'men dni'/'women dni' -- transandrophobes -- maps/pedos - heavy nsfw blogs (nothing wrong just make me kinda uncomfy) -- anon haters -- yelling, fighting
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Tag System!
-- screams: posts by me -- sticky note: posts I add to -- stolen treasure: silent reblogs -- calls: tags/mentions -- cries: vents
all dividers are by @steddiecameraroll-graphics
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^ my mixes. i play both at once
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multiicolor · 2 years
🚼 - rowan and emily, from @diiscordandstriife
send 🚼 for me to make the child of our two muses / always accepting !!
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dont rb unless you're the asker.
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
From Fire Emblem Warriors: Rowan is an autistic, gay and trans man who uses he/him pronouns, and his twin sister Lianna is a biromamtic asexual woman who uses she/her pronouns. They are both best friends with Darios, a bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns. They’re all friends with Anna, a girlflux bisexual demiromantic who uses she/her and they/them pronouns
Hi it’s the FE Warriors asker here! I came up with a couple more headcanons, those being Rowan also has ADHD and Darios is ambiamorous. Thank you so much in advance, and I’m sorry for any inconvenience
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rowanxaubri · 2 years
Muse has been turned into a new species, to be specified by the asker. Slaves who receive this anon will be temporarily unbound, but only for the duration of the spell; remember the binding spell is not linked to the collar, so slaves who remove their collars while unbound will still be bound again when they return to their original species.
This is the first time the strange human has developed any sort of powers on the island, and she is giddy to experiment first-hand with what she can do.  Though she’s not touching the horn to see if it does do what some hunters believe they do.  It feels wrong, especially being as big of a Harry Potter fan as she is.
React to this or shoot me a message if you’d like a closed starter for this version of Rowan!
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heeey. ahahahhaha hoiii hellooo heeyyy rowan.
y o u i like you hello. hi hullow hallo waasup.
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kelpywheat · 6 years
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These are all my characters from the storyline of Toy Soldier
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1978-combo-organ · 1 year
gof i love car seat head rest My favourite song is Dreams Fall Hard but The Ending Of Dramamine is also okay
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
⭐🌟HPHM AU Ask🌟⭐
Tell us (or draw us) a little something about an AU for your MC where...
1. ...Your MC is sorted in a different house?
2. ...Your MC is a different gender?
3. ...Your MC was kidnapped by R as a child and locked in the Portrait Vault, and Jacob has to save them?
4. ...Bill is the one who got locked in the Portrait Vault, and Charlie is the sibling going after the Vaults searching for his brother?
5. ...Your MC ends up in a romantic relationship with their best friend? (If they do end up falling in love with their best friend in canon, what if they fell in love with a different good friend?)
6. ...Your MC lives in a different historical era of your choice?
7. ...Your MC is the Chosen One who survived their parents’ murder at Voldemort’s hands instead of Harry Potter?
8. ...Your MC lives in a world inspired by traditional fairy tales?
9. ...Your MC lives in the Star Wars universe?
10. ...Dumbledore is actually active in dealing with the Cursed Vaults?
11. ...Charlie is actually involved in the Quidditch sideplots, as Gryffindor’s Star Seeker?
12. ...Rowan, Orion, Skye, and/or McNully are in different houses than your MC?
13. ...Your MC is the villain, while Rakepick is the hero?
14. ...Penny is trapped in the Portrait Vault instead of Beatrice?
15. ...Ben dies in the Forest instead of Rowan?
16. ...Your MC met Duncan Ashe before he died?
17. ...Your MC enlists Pitts to help them with the Vaults?
18. ...One of MC’s other friends is a werewolf, instead of Chiara?
19. ...One of MC’s other friends is an Animagus, instead of Talbott?
20. ...Your MC (and maybe some of their friends) are in a band?
21. ...Your MC’s life follows the plot of a musical (i.e. The Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Pippin, The Lion King, The Sound of Music, etc.)?
22. ...Your MC is a Greek/Egyptian/whatever else god?
23. ...Your MC is a contestant in some sort of a televised contest (i.e. a singing competition like The Voice or a cooking show like the British Bake-Off)?
24. ...Your MC gets all or part of their memory wiped with a faulty Memory Charm?
25. ...Your MC’s Prefect is central to them breaking the Vaults’ curses?
26. ...Your MC ends up in a romantic relationship with [asker chooses a game character]?
27. ...Duncan is involved in your MC’s quest to find Jacob from the beginning?
28. ...Olivia Green is a teacher or teacher’s assistant while your MC is at school?
29. ...Your MC is involved with R before attending Hogwarts and decides to rebel against them?
30. FREE SPACE! Describe an AU of your choice! 💚
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batz-zzz · 3 years
sunflower and thought bubble for atlas, rowan, and peri!!!
🌻 Sunflower - What things in life make them the happiest?
for rowan,, its seeing the people he loves safe and happy and being able to feel safe an happy in their presence. he hasnt has a stable, peaceful home in a long time, so being able to let his guard down and feel safe with his friends makes him feel really good and soft inside
for atlas its seeing people smile or laugh or cry because of their performance. they loce being able to put on a show so well that it can elicit such raw emotions from their audience :))
for peri! its being able to share interests with his loved ones. he finds it really difficult to connect with people when they dont have shared interests/hobbies and he really loves seeing people light up when they talk about something they enjoy
💭 Thought Bubble - Bonus question! You can tell a random/interesting fact about your OC or the asker can create their own question :)
rowan hates the color grey!
peri can do a headstand!
atlas cannot drive!
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tomtenadia · 3 years
7 & 15 for the first ask game (both for alb)
7. what is you favourite sentence/paragraph? read it to us! (asker can choose what fic)
The scene where they are on the bench and Aelin forces the question to Rowan "what are we?" "am I just a pastime until the next one?" And then when Rowan says "You" after she asks him what he wants. That was a special and important moment.
15.describe (one of) your wip(s) in the weirdest/most contrived way possible! (asker can choose what wip
A lady on fire meets a bird and ruffles his feathers after his bird cage catches fire. the lady burns the birds who even if it's made of ice slowly melts and they become friends. In the end the birds stops being cranky and takes the fire lady on an adventure.... (weird enough?) :)
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the-laridian · 3 years
3 and 7 for all 3 OCs if you will??
3. Find an insult in your WIP, and decide how another character would respond if it were said to them. (If you don’t have any insults, come up with one!)
"Enclavist flitter!" - if you've read A Gun for Barns, you'll understand this. Willow would get the Enclave part; whether he knows that that's a bad thing is unclear, since he's on good terms with MODUS and hasn't had anyone tell him explicitly why the Enclave are not nice people. Rowan wouldn't get it at all, but he'd assume it's some weird Halcyon slang he just doesn't understand yet.
7. For any OC, come up with a multiple-choice question about them. Then, let the asker guess the answer, and reveal the truth.
(I'll let anyone take a crack at the answers)
Willow is: a) 19 b) 20 c) 21 d) 22
Rowan's favorite show before he went on board the Hope was: a) SciSquad Season Seven (Return of the Absentee Thoughtlords) b) Revenge of the Fists of the Eight Drunken Monkeys c) Broken Mirror d) The Sanctuary of Time
Gunnar's favorite historical period: a) Europe between 5th and 15th centuries AD b) Roman Republic/Roman Empire c) Southwestern US, Spanish Colonial period d) his own (the prewar period, before the bombs dropped)
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fireheartfaery · 4 years
As the year comes to a close (thank the gods) I have one group of people to thank for getting me through it: And that's fanfic authors! You guys have saved me every single day this year and I can never thank you enough for it❤️
I started this list in July sometime and it has been steadily growing since then, and I'm sure it will continue to, but I cannot close out this hell-year without thanking these blogs in particular because wow I would not have survived without y'all's works!
@stardustroses Bruna! I discovered your Headcanons first and I fell head over heels in love. I haven't read your gen 2 yet but I promise I will. Thank you for giving us that sweet sweet manorian content we are being so (rudely) denied! And thank you for all the warnette and dramione. Most importantly, thank you for your original WIP. I cannot tell you how much I love your beautiful characters and I hope with all my heart that one day I can hold your book in my hand and know that I read its contents all that time ago and loved it even then.
@ladywitchling Ams! You know I love your writing. You write raw and real and it makes me so sad but heals me so well. Thank you for becoming a friend. Your presence has been a light in the darkness of this year. I will possess your heart is one of the greatest pieces of writing I have ever had the pleasure to read and I cannot tell you how blown away I was! Also Zillah is everything. EVERYTHING
@noodlecatposts Jess! (I hope it's okay to call you that) Firstly I hope you're really really proud of yourself for all you've written and done this year because holy crab cakes you took on a lot of projects. I think I found you because of Noisy Neighbours but I think I only got a few chapters in before I had to call it quits because I cannot handle angst until I know I'm going to get fluff resolution and that did not come for a hot minute👀(I will catch up on NN that's a promise to myself) but obviously I stalked your account because I love your writing style and I found so many beautiful fics! Also I just need to tell you that this one particular ask (and your response to it) will pop into my head randomly and I will die laughing! It was around 20 chapters into NN and the asker said something along the lines of "In another 20 chapters will see rowaelin doing [cannot remember]" and your response was roughly "Oh God I don't think I can write 20 more chapters" and now I think NN is on 60 chapters? That interaction just makes me laugh all the time, and especially when I see a new chapter is up. When you started Kingsflame I knew it'd be my favourite by far. That fic has a special place in my heart and I think about it on the regular.
@sassyhobbits your One Night Standards fic is b r i l l i a n t. I haven't finished it yet but please know that Princess Aelin and Prince Rowan own all the parts of my heart and I loved their characterizations so much! That scene where they go out into the city all disguised and then they have greasy burgers at the diner is so soft and I think about it constantly! Also the one where they had to stage that picnic and the little girl came up to Aelin? Freaking adorable. I adore how badass and wonderful Lysandra is as well! THANK YOU!
@charincharge your Cruel Summer fic was!!! Mind blowing. I loved everything about it and when it ended all I wanted to do was dive back into the world and read about rowaelin having theme park adventures. Thank you thank you thank you for creating that beautiful AU!
@simping4bookboisngrls Cass! The minute you interacted with my crackships post I knew I'd adore you forever!! Your Everybody Talks fic lives rent free in my mind and I love love love every relationship (platonic and romantic) you've created! Also getting to interact with you has been one of the best things about my year so thank you for brightening my dash! (and my life)
Special Mentions:
@tacmc @snelbz Your "Swipe Left" one (two?) shot fic was SOOOOOO freaking cute!!! Everything about it! I love the collaborations you guys do.
@ourlovelybones your manorian fic hello princeling, hello witchling yea I love it and it's so cute and you providing us with the manorian content we deserve? QUEEN! thank you
@highqueenofelfhame I think I've read your writing in pieces here and there and I loved it all but my fave thing is "Sleight of Hand"! That fic gave me so much happy thank you
@rhysanoodle finding you quinlar one shot after reading the blue-balls that was CC was like finding water in the flipping desert!! You are a life saver thank you
@westofmoon your "12 17 days of Rowaelin" was *all the heart eyes* and I think I had like 6 strokes from the cuteness alone!
@darklesmylove your perspective fics where you write about things that could have happened are wonderful!! Specifically "intentions" and "the stars pale" I just loved them so much! I always need me some rowaelin
@starseternalnighttriumphant your kinktober obliterated me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED ALL OF IT SO MUCH. Thank you for spoiling us. Also your daddy!Rowan AU is g e n i u s
@dawninlatin Queen of Peace is one of my fave manorian AUs of all time and I love that they're just blushing idiots who don't know what going on and need to be pushed together in order to realize they're perfect for each other!! Also Manon rebelling against her grandmother is the greatest thing to ever happen. And Asterin continues to be iconic in any universe
@empress-ofbloodshed THANK YOU FOR THE ROWCAN! I didn't expect it to be such a big part of my year but it has made all the difference in the world! Your roommates AU is the cutest ever
@rhysand-vs-fenrys YOUR CAZRIEL???? Unreal. Unbelievable. Show stopping. You made my cazriel binge that much better and I love you for it!
@nalgenewhore thank you for the rowcan content!! Between you and @empress-ofbloodshed my 2020 has brought only the best crackship! Also I love Kohana!!!! Like I would die for him
@sacksvilles I will never ever be over the perfection that is Nezriel and I want to live in the universe where they're canon instead of nessian!! Thank you for creating the nezriel monster that is me. Also your fic "Illyrian Oral Lessons" is perfection and nothing less!
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
[Ask for blog owner] Alright, so everyone here needs therapy I gather. Any ideas on how to suggest that organically? Also, can we acknowledge the cheating? Like, your U!Virgil's is bad, but cheating is cheating.
Well first of reminder that Janus does go to therapy, so does Remy (it's just not working well so maybe if you have a clue why it isn't working you can mention that), Rowan is probs emotionally smart enough to go to one if she needs to and Patty has already gone too one.
My best idea is to like point out the good sides(heh)? Which obviously will depend on the dude. Like how I dunno they might be able look at themself in the mirror again if they go to therapy, their loved ones won't leave them, they won't be a burden etc. Or even start with that and then be like "Ah yes you can fix this by therapy". If there's some specific reason the person isn't going maybe try to find a way to fix that or change their mind. Or even like say what will probs happen if they don't go to therapy like I dunno dragging their new bestie down further into their mental problems by not acklowedning their own mental problems. I dunno I'm not an experienced asker. Sorry if this isn't a good answer. I'm just the receiver here fdhjkfdhk
Also yes please acknowledge the cheating. I don't generally make it so the characters are 100% morally good just because they're the 'good guys' so it isn't really meant to just be like not cheating just bc Viv is bad (Jan is probably telling himself Viv is so bad so of course Remy needs an escape from it, probably deserves some real love so it's okay. It's okay. Lo will probs not like it if he hears about this dfhkjdfhk)
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