#rowan the raider
the-laridian · 1 year
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So Grandma Junko moved into Rowan's raider shack and now she's the grandma he never had
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 months
Raiders Of The Lost Island Consignment Shop - Part 135
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shadowdaddies · 11 months
Hiiiii may please write rowaelin x reader where she gets injured and they get like rlly possessive over her
we know how protective Mr. "you're sleeping in my bed until you're better" is when you're hurt 😏 lmao love this
Protective Instincts
Rowaelin x Reader
Warnings: mention of battle/injury
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Head pounding, you groaned in pain, groggily blinking awake as you took in your surroundings. A warm fire roared from a hearth across the room, situated next to the chairs and couch that made up the seating area - Aelin asleep in one of the chairs, curled in an awkward position with her legs swung over the armrest so that she was facing you.
You registered that you were in a guest room of the Lochans’ castle, where you’d been staying during your meetings with Aedion, Lorcan, and Elide over barrier precautions. Memories flashed in your mind as you fell back weakly against the pillows - you recalled the sudden attack, raiders from the Frozen Wastes who had somehow crossed the mountains in an attempt to overtake Perranth. 
Recalling the injury in your side from one of the raiders, you instinctively reached for the wounded area only to release another loud groan at the pain. In the corner of your vision, Aelin stirred, eyes widening as the two of you made eye contact. “You’re awake,” she cried, voice choking on the words. You smiled softly at her, your own voice scratching as you attempted to speak to her. 
Aelin leapt from her chair as you sputtered out a cough, bringing a glass of water from the nightstand to your lips. Putting the glass back down, she stroked your hair softly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “How are you feeling?” You took a deep breath, still coming back to your senses. “I’m in pain, but-“
You were interrupted by Rowan opening the door, a tray with two plates of food in his hand as he noticed your wakened state, tension visibly dissipating from his shoulders as he did so. “Hi,” you whispered at him with a small smile. Rowan sat down the tray next to your water, rushing over to take your head in his hands, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. He maintained that stoic expression he usually did, but a torrent of emotions swam in his eyes, filled with concern.
Aelin reached up to take your hand in hers. “You were saying?” Refocusing your attention to her, you nodded. “I’m in some pain, but it’s manageable. I’m just trying to remember what happened.” A muscle ticked in Rowan’s jaw. Barely keeping a leash on his anger, he directed the question at you, “you don’t remember how you rushed into battle? How you jumped in front of a blade meant for another soldier?”
A flurry of guilt, grief, and other emotions overcame you as your lip wobbled under Rowan’s intense gaze. Aelin held up a hand, silencing him before he could lecture you further. “You were the kind, brave person that we know and love.” She glanced at Rowan pointedly before continuing, “we’ve been very worried. You were mostly unconscious for nearly a week.” Your eyes widened, jaw slack as you registered her words. A week? You must have been close to death’s door for an injury to take you out for so long. 
You held back tears, looking at Aelin and then Rowan. “I’m sorry, I know that must have been scary for the two of you,” you whispered. Rowan’s eyes softened then, and he crouched down beside where you laid as he took your hand, pressing a kiss to it. “You have nothing to apologize for, love. Here, try to eat some of this food while it’s warm.” 
He turned, picking up the tray as Aelin crawled into bed beside you, taking a plate for herself as Rowan sat on the other side of you, helping you eat the warm soup and bread. A knock on the door sounded before Aedion entered, “I just wanted to check and see how you’re do-“ 
Rowan cut him off with a growl, Aelin flashing her canines as their protective instincts took over. Aedion held up his hands in a placating position, giving you a playful smile as he retreated out of the room. “I’m glad you’re okay. They’ve been like this all week,” he teased with an eye roll as Rowan snarled once more in warning. 
The door clicked shut, the three of you alone once more as Aelin finished her food, snuggling into your side as you put an arm around her and leaned your head on Rowan, eyes drooping once more now that you were sated with food. “Uh huh,” Rowan tsked, helping you sit up. “No falling asleep yet. You’ve been asleep for days, and need a proper bath. I’ll be back for you in a moment.”
You scoffed softly under your breath, turning to Aelin as he left the room. She smirked at you, flicking your nose. “He is right, you know. You do stink.” Leaning in to press a kiss below your ear, Aelin murmured against your neck, “but I’ll help you clean up.”
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bldrdsh · 13 days
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@poisonpicked said:
“with all due respect, i think it’s stupid to let him stay here. i get wanting to help the kid, but i know jax and he’s nothing but trouble. i wouldn’t be surprised if he robbed us at gunpoint as soon as mason is feeling better” (rowan to jamie)
THERE'S A TOUCH of annoyance in hearing those words. Most of the time he wasn't questioned about decisions like that considering people were either TOO SCARED or simply knew better. Jamie was nothing if not FULLY devoted to ensuring the Minutemen & the settlers they took care of WERE PROTECTED.
So when the mans words reach him, he's amidst scribbling down details of the raid that last came through the settlement. A COMPLAINT lodged and his pen gently raps against the desk as he glares at the medical practitioner.
"Very eloquent thank you."
THE ICE in his tone comes and he doesn't soften much when he continues, THERE'S a frustration that comes. Jamie was nothing if not thorough and while he can understand skepticism, FATHERHOOD in this case was greater than being a raider.
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"I appreciate your very BRAZEN stance on the matter but I assure you I have control over the situation, so perhaps focus instead on tending the wounded considering the fact that there's no shortage of them coming & going throughout the Commonwealth. You let me worry about the potential bad behavior of those I let into the walls of this settlement."
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itlivesproject · 1 year
If the four LIs each were to play video games, which genres would they prefer to their taste?
Amalia loves adventure games, puzzles, RPGs, and visual novels. Something that stimulates her brain. Her most recent obsession is Disco Elysium, but she also loves classic Sierra and LucasArts games. And, of course, Ace Attorney and The Sims. And fighting games, basically anything she can kick Rowan's ass at. Out of the four LIs, she's probably the most enthusiastic about video games!
Lincoln just can't get into most games. He's an old grouch. He can maybe play something casual like Candy Crush or Angry Birds on his phone to pass the time.
Jocelyn is into FPS, hack-and-slash, fighting and action games where you get to kick a lot of ass. Mortal Combat champion Joss!
Abel likes chill games he can play with family and friends, like Animal Crossing. Maybe Minecraft. For single player, he can enjoy a good exploration game or an open world RPG like Skyrim. And, of course, Uncharted and Tomb Raider.
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rikki-roses · 7 months
Fluffy February Day 19: Shadow
Time period: Rishi during Shadows of Revan
Pairing: Setra Rowan and her bff/body guard/hunting buddy/token grandfather Qyzen Fess. Brief mention of early Setra Rowan/Theron Shan.
Bit more hunting and archaeology fluff today. Calling it Space Weed for now because idk if there's an in-canon name for it - Setra uses it medicinally and for Jedi rituals, both in combination with the Force. Also TW I guess for reference to drug use.
This is a zhaboka, since I can't remember if I've posted it before:
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Setra had always been at home in the shadows. Ever since she was a child, studying as a Jedi youngling with her twin sister, she'd felt comfortable enveloping herself in the shadows and the Force so that she could sneak around and study in peace. That skill had come in handy as an adult when Qyzen started to take her hunting with him, allowing her to ambush their prey.
She allowed the shadows to envelope again her as she, Paws, and Qyzen stalked the star'kla along the beach. She held her zhaboka at the ready, her dualsaber left behind with Nadia; it was frowned upon (by both the Jedi Code and Trandoshan hunting customs) to hunt with it, so she relied on her ancestral weapon instead.
They hadn't initially planned on hunting the beast, but this beach was a popular tourist spot (and one that Setra and her crew had already visited off-duty), and the locals at Raider's Cove had placed a generous bounty on it after their own efforts to drive the star'kla away had failed.
A bounty, her crew pointed out, that Setra could use to bribe the pirates into giving her some of the relics they'd dug up so she could conduct actual research on them, and send back to Tython for proper caretaking (after ensuring that they didn't currently belong to anyone living, of course); the Jedi did not have many Rishii artifacts. Setra might even be able to set up a proper exhibit with them. Not to mention that any extra could be used to replace Setra's personal alcohol and Space Weed stores.
And so, she, her nexu, and Qyzen waited in the shadows. While the star'kla hadn't taken notice of them, Setra still played it safe and called on the Force to wrap around them, further disguising their approach. They waited and tracked for hours, until the star'kla stopped, hunched over, and started to eat some unfortunate creature.
Qyzen gave her the signal; with a whisper, hand sign, and pat on Paws' rump from Setra, the nexu took off across the sand, getting the attention of the star'kla. Once distracted, Qyzen rushed in with a roar, Setra hot on his heels, bare toes digging into the sand.
It was a short fight; they had struck before the beast fully realized they were attacking. Setra got the kill, climbing up the beast's back and driving one blade of her zhaboka into the base of the star'kla's skull. Jumping back down to the sand, they made quick work dismembering the star'kla for easy transportation back to Raider's Cove.
In the end, they traded for more than just the bounty; various pirates and hunters wanted various parts of the star'kla beyond what Setra and Qyzen had claimed as their personal trophies. Setra had tried to hide their little excursion from Lana and Theron - she hadn't exactly told them that she liked to hunt, since it was unusual for Jedi to do so - only for Jakarro to bust her when the Wookie discovered he hadn't been included in that day's antics.
While Lana had been mildly horrified when Setra showed off the giant tooth she'd claimed, Theron had been impressed, immediately inspecting her zhaboka and asking about her technique. Setra was all too happy to go into detail, immediately launching into an impromptu lesson on her weapon's history and use. Neither one of them noticed Lana smirking as they stood together, or when Lana dragged a nosy Jakarro away "to help her with an important mission".
For once, she didn't miss the shadows when she and Theron went to stargaze on the beach that night.
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scotianostra · 5 months
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On April 13th 1596 Walter Scott of Buccleuch freed notorious reiver William Armstrong of Kinmont in a daring raid on Carlisle Castle.
Perhaps the best known of the Border reivers (outlaw raiders or rustlers), William Armstrong of Kinmont’s first recorded raid was against the Milburns of Tyndale, in August 1583, when Armstrong was probably in his forties. In 1585 he accompanied the Earl of Angus`s campaign against the Earl of Arran and pillaged Stirling. Eight years later he was in Tynedale again with 1,000 men, carrying off over 2,000 beasts and £300 in spoils.
The events of 1596 and the rescue of ‘Kinmont’ Willie Armstrong represent a daring swashbuckling adventure. The fact that Kinmont led one of the most notorious bands of cut-throats ever to roam the Debatable Land seems to be irrelevant and in the tradition of the Border ballads we are to view him as a hero. His notoriety and activities were such that the Warden of the West Marsh’s deputy, Salkeld, captured Kinmont as he returned from a Truce Day at the Dayholm of Kershope. Kinmont was taken to Carlisle.
According to Border Law it should not have happened on a Truce Day and Walter Scott of Buccleuch who became known as The Bold Buccleuch, and was keeper of Liddesdale on whose land the arrest had been made, protested to the Warden, Lord Scrope. When Scrope refused to return Kinmont, Buccleuch became concerned that Scrope was anxious to hang Kinmont on the gallows at Harraby and so assembled a motley bunch of Elliots, Scotts, Armstrongs and Grahams to effect a rescue. Oral tradition has meant that the numbers vary from 40 to 200. The weather was atrocious which made crossing the River Eden very dangerous, but it did mean that the castle watch had taken shelter. Buccleuch left a group to cover the retreat and led the raiding party himself. Popular opinion has it that they must have had support from the inside because they entered the castle quickly. Thus with the aid of a sturdy Reiver, Red Rowan, Kinmont made his escape.
In 1600, Armstrong attacked the village of Scotby with 140 riders, burning and taking prisoners and cattle. In 1602 he rode his last foray, south of Carlisle. He was still alive two years later, and his four sons who had helped to get him out of Carlisle Castle are frequently named in the later Border raids. Legend supposes he died in his bed of old age, sometime between 1608 and 1611.
As is usual with these Border legends we look to the old sources of the story tellers before reading and writing was the norm, the old songs. Francis James Child was an American scholar and collector of Ballads, if you follow my posts you will no doubt have seen me posting “Child Ballads” at times, this story comes from Child Ballad 186. This ballad is more unusual than most of the songs I know from the Child Ballads as it is longer than most at 20 verse so I wont post it, you can look it up on YouTube as Child Ballad 168, but it’s over 9 minutes wrong in full!
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the-laridian · 1 year
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
Tagged by @the-lastcall @kyber-infinitygems @darkfire1177 and probably a couple other people as well.
Hoo boy, where to begin? Most of my stuff is cowritten with others, so I'll just put the solo works in this poll. If the cross stitch wins, it'll be adding one item.
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Raiders Of The Lost Island Consignment Shop - Part 125
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Quick rundown of each and every one of my ocs. fair warning, there's...a lot.
starting with the protagonists
Alex Miller: vault dweller/fallout 1. librarian, poet/storyteller, singer. gets through the game with a silver tongue and the combat skills of other people.
Alexandria Miller: chosen one/fallout 2. almost identical in appearance to Alex, was raised on the belief that she was his reincarnation (she isn't). still kind, but slightly more prone to combat. fiercely loyal to her village.
Samael Rafferty: lone wanderer/fallout 3. rude and sarcastic but a good person. High INT/END, low CHA. has attracted the attention of multiple divine entities and does not want any of it.
Courier Six/Omen: courier/fallout new vegas. God of warnings, messengers, luck, death, rebirth, the desert, games, travelers.
Nathaniel Sol: fallout 4, mechanic, sweetheart, high agility.
Nora Sol: fallout 4, lawyer, distant but kind, good head for logistics.
Valory Hargrave: fallout 4, Nora's sister, hedonist, intense.
Roadkill: the prisoner/fallout van buren. former leader of the Bluecopper Bandits, neutral leaning evil karma, good with horses.
Viktor Darling: fallout 76; not a vault dweller, part of a scientist group that arrived in west virginia to study the wildlife.
and now everyone else:
Captain Deadlight: glowing one captain of the whaling ship Incessant
Marie: technically a canon character - baby from the Pitt. adopted by sam. psychic abilities allow her to inflict her emotions on nearby people.
Devilpunks/Hellpunks: a group of mostly teenagers inspired by Sam who posit themselves against basically everyone else in the wasteland. Members include: Dagger (their unofficial leader), Muerte (their radio DJ), Gabriel, Saint, Beel, Hare-trigger, Chitin, Hellhound, and Rowan.
Summer Tardigrade Choir: a gen12 synth anachorite (faction by @/calder) with the psychic ability to intuit an object's physical properties and 'memories'. has plants growing out of her and jokingly calls herself a dryad
Melissa Miller: Alex's great-grandmother, a pre-war actress who starred in schlocky sci-fi movies
Martin Miller: Melissa's husband, ran an auto shop
Jacob & Gwen Miller: Alex's parents
Lady Luck/Miss Fortune: Courier's mother, the previous god of the Mojave region, luck goddess (obviously). died when the bombs dropped but echoes of her remain.
Death of a Hero: Courier's 'father', runs the cafe of broken dreams.
Kaga: technically a cut fo2 character. Alexandria's younger brother who was sick of living in her shadow. Also Feargus's father.
Raziel Rafferty: Samael's adopted daughter. Most successful of the Enclave psyker experiments; has technokinesis.
Nihil: god of mass death (ex. you could see her in Nipton). more of a force of nature than a person.
Maul: raider, member of the Pack
Killjoy: the Pack's resident veterinarian/medic/animal wrangler. was a parahunter until a jetpack crash left him severely injured and his squad kinda abandoned him. bitter and cynical, usually hides away in his (heavily fortified) shack.
Transceiver: the first successful Enclave psyker experiment; heavily mutated; his powers basically act as a psychic beacon he can't turn off. leader of the capital wasteland super mutants.
Jeremiah: architect
Moses C Sharpe: gunsmith. made Courier's signature gun, Snakebite
Professor Paradox: purposely leans into the mad scientist aesthetic; Viktor's mentor
Dallian: parahunter
Scion-3: Shaun in my fo4 rewrite. third in a line of artificially created humans made with nate and nora's dna, set to take over the Institute when Scion-2 retires.
Revelation: god of the future and visions. Responsible for the gift of Sight. Associated with dogs, water, and the moon.
God of Capitalism: a rotting, parasitic thing, lashing out and dragging down those consumed by greed in a desperate attempt to save itself. toying with the idea of it taking the form of vaultboy.
Rusty: ex-forged raider who joins sanctuary with her dog Tetanus
Joy & Daisy: Alexandria's twin daughters
Canis, aka Caine: Daisy's son, Alexandria's grandson; head of the Arroyo wolf scouts, who ride repaired motorcycles.
Deer Crossing: con artist operating in the PNW with his border collie Lady
Crossbuck: gunslinger bounty hunter, childhood friend of Deer Crossing
Beau: Deer's kinda-sorta-maybe boyfriend who he definitely shouldn't be interacting with (Beau is the son of a wine baron)
Mars: god of war of the Legion, dies when they collapse. not the actual Mars from Rome, not really
Andraw Lovelock: technically not a fallout oc; ranger from Wasteland
Hellion (Perihelion/Aphelion): also not a fallout oc. character for Fallen Earth, a game i have not successfully played because my laptop hates it. determined to use her functional immortality to learn and experience as much as possible
Other potential couriers I haven't fleshed out: Augustus (Legion), Acetone (NCR), Lance (House)
Moose: super mutant in the PNW, manages a trading post out of a junkyard
L.K: member of a group descended from girl scouts with similar practices (modified for the wasteland, of course)
Topaz: flower child from a hippie commune type place
Sal: fur trapper/trader
Deadnettle and Henbit: ghoul wives who run a radio station in virginia, they're from the same group as Viktor (Reverent scientists)
Theodore Bones: god of whimsy and chaos. he's the guy who's posing all the mannequins and teddy bears
Cherry: Roadkill's girlfriend, lesbian cowboy explosives expert from Ontario
Purgatory: explosives dealer. has a bomb-sniffing dog who helps her recover mines
Karma: tattoo artist in Rivet City
Romeo: head of the guards in the Gomorrah after the change in management
Niko Avery: Viktor's husband, a surgeon
Jonas & Marten: other member's of Roadkill's gang. Grew up together in Reno.
Maisy Brewitt: prewar seamstress, self-assured and friendly, from the fan project fallout caldera
Daisy Belle: android, distant and protective, Maisy's partner; also from fallout caldera
Minerva aka Minnie: an intelligent deathclaw living in Arroyo
Horses: Biscuit & Strudel (Courier's), Marrow (Roadkill), Cider (Nate), Scotch (Val), Brandy (Nora), Belle (Preston), Bourbon (Nora & Val's childhood horse), Harbinger (Sam)
Other animals: Fishbone the Raycat (Sam), Maraca the Nightstalker (Courier), Spoodle the Rat (Alex), Vision the Borzoi (Viktor), Domino the Raycat (Easy Pete)
Final total: 83 (ish. i mighta miscounted)
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 1 year
Star Wars OC: Kikto
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@king-of-the-raves wanted to know more about my Ewok Jedi OC, so here we go!
(just to start off, this character exists in my personal Star Wars AU that combines elements of the Legends EU, the Disney Canon, various other bits of otherwise noncanon Star Wars media, and my own headcanons. other connected points of this Au can be seen here, here and here.)
Following the establishment of the New Republic, Endor signed on as a member system of the new galactic government. Despite this new participation in the galactic community, Endor remained a fairly low-tech world, the only significant establishment being a permanent spaceport established on the ruins of the stronghold of the Sanyassan Marauder king Terak. Regardless, many adventurous Ewoks gradually began to leave their homeworld and branch out into the wider galaxy. Kikto is one such fuzzball.
Born shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Kikto grew up in Bright Tree Village as a fairly typical Wokling, though he and his immediate family were fortunate enough to avoid getting directly caught up in the conflicts with the Sanyassans and the Empire. Growing up a cheerful and happy young Ewok, Kikto was curious and earnest to a fault, though his youthful naiveté would gradually grow into an exceedingly kind and optimistic Jedi. His Force-sensitivity began to manifest in the form of a strong affinity for the life of the forest, forming instinctual bonds with animals and promoting spontaneous growth in plant life. Sadly, this affinity tended to cause more trouble than help, leading to the youngster getting involved in various embarrassing mishaps that made him something of a misfit among his peers. Kikto's parents sent him to the village shaman Logray to help him control his mystic-like abilities, though the aged Ewok quickly deduced that his young charge would require a more specialized education. Aware that Luke Skywalker was in the process of setting up a new Jedi academy, Chief Kneesaa made arrangements for Kikto to accompany her to Coruscant where she could introduce him to the Jedi Master. Aware of his awkward home life, and eager to see what the galaxy was like beyond the trees, Kikto eagerly accepted Luke's offer to train at the Jedi Paraxeum.
While training on Yavin 4, Kikto quickly excelled in his Jedi training, getting better control over his natural talents and eagerly learning everything he could about the Force. In particular, he was drawn to studying Force abilities of a more clerical nature, as they were notably similar to the magics that the Ewoks had familiarized themselves with over the generations. Kikto was eventually apprenticed to the Lepi Jedi Lop Yasaburō, who encouraged him to nurture his affinity for nature. Ironically, despite his low-tech preferences and fascination with the arcane, Kikto grew to be close friends with his mechanically-inclined fellow trainee Rowan Freemaker, the pair forming an odd yet endearing balancing act. However, Kikto was also disturbed by the prevalence of various gangs of raiders and pirates preying on the weak, and he longed for the strength needed to protect people from those that would exploit them.
This drive would turn into an adventure following a resurgence of the Sanyassan Marauders, who traveled to Endor to pick up where the late Terak left off. Knowing that these Sanyassans were far more dangerous than their centurt-stranded comrades, Kikto returned home with Lop and fought to protect his people from being conquered and enslaved. Though the fight was taxing, with his older brother tragically falling in combat, Kikto persevered and defeated the Marauders. Before returning to Yavin, Kikto took the head of his brother's hunting spear and incorporated it into one of his lightsabers, a permanent memento of his home and tree.
Kikto was knighted shortly before the signing of the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty in 19 ABY, and he set out to continue his studies and see new worlds. In particular, he cross trained with the Ithorian Nature Priests to truly master his skills with Plant Surge/Consitor Sato. This would prove extremely beneficial when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, a conflict that saw Kikto participate in numerous grueling campaigns. Given the Vong's vehement loathing of technology, it was truly ironic when the Ewok Jedi Knight turned the roots and vines around him into weapons just as potent as the blade of his lightsaber. After the war, Kikto continued to serve as a distinguished member of the NJO, taking the Chiss Zamoz as a Padawan in a new era of peace.
Other notes:
-Growing up, Kikto greatly admired Wicket and considered him his personal hero. It was to the point where he functionally fanboyed when he met Wicket for the first time prior to leaving for Coruscant. As an adult, Kikto would come to know his hero on a more personal level, with the two eventually becoming good friends.
-Kikto has a slight overbite that led to him being teased as "Bucky" growing up. While he has a good sense of humor, that is one nickname he never will be fond of.
-Kikto has two lightsabers. The first is a blue-bladed dual-phase shoto, designed to both accommodate and compensate for his small stature and limited reach. The second is an even smaller shoto with a green blade, the pommel made up of the spearhead of his late brother. He is a practitioner of the Three Rings of Defense, Shii-Cho, Soresu, and Jar Kai styles.
-In addition to his skills at Beast Control and Plant Surge, he is also an accomplished Jedi Healer, putting his powers to use to both mend injuries and soothe psychological wounds.
-He once pranked Corran Horn by tying a bag of whisties to Whistler's leg before setting off a firecracker. Everyone else thought it was hilarious.
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souls-sys-help · 2 months
npt surrounding Lilac from Monsterous books (Seraph)
info about the character;
Lilac (real name: Jesse): Raider and resident killer of the Nebraska camp. Closed off, very quiet and hard to read. Keeps his emotions (and everything else) to himself, but he is very loyal to those he cares about—namely Ghost and Rig. A plant lover who oversees the crop-growing at the camp. He also enjoys whittling. Was previously in a casual arrangement with Rusty, another raider at the camp. Maybe, secretly a softie—he would never admit that he loves Ghost’s laying hens. He has a machete. Japanese American.
Appearance: Very dark hair always worn in a high ponytail and vivid green eyes. Missing a tooth. Has a few piercings—navel, tongue and prince albert. Below average height and compact, toned build.
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art too, thank you
Names: Jesse Aspen Jess Nyx Maple Rowan Lexie Jade Will Red Briar River Lilly Lila Lavender Pronouns: Wood/Woods Whittle/Whittles Camp/Camps Nebraska/Nebraskas Plant/Plants Grow/Grows Raider/Raiders Raid/Raids Softie/Softies Loyal/Loyals Titles: He who raids He who kills The green thumb He who is apathetic The softie He who is loyal He who is short (XD)
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interitusfm · 3 months
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welcome to interitus, ROWAN OHLY. emma d'arcy is now taken. you've got twenty - four hours to return to camp, or risk getting left behind.
✦  —  ❛❛  //  (  EMMA D'ARCY.  non-binary.  they/them.  )  i  can't  believe  ROWAN OHLY  has  made  it  this  long  ?! at  only  thirty-three ,  they've  clearly  survived  so  much.  ROW,  is  now  a  raider  for  THE COMPLEX,  and  their  fellow  survivors  describe  them  to  be  OBSERVANT,  yet  so  INSENSITIVE  at  the  same  time.  they're  always  seen  walking  around  with  a  MACHETE  +  bandages, a butterfly knife, a beat up journal with drawings, a lighter and some protein bars.  //  starlight.  23.  she/they.  timezone.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On April 13th 1596 Walter Scott of Buccleuch freed notorious reiver William Armstrong of Kinmont in a daring raid on Carlisle Castle.
Perhaps the best known of the Border reivers (outlaw raiders or rustlers), William Armstrong of Kinmont’s first recorded raid was against the Milburns of Tyndale, in August 1583, when Armstrong was probably in his forties. In 1585 he accompanied the Earl of Angus`s campaign against the Earl of Arran and pillaged Stirling. Eight years later he was in Tynedale again with 1,000 men, carrying off over 2,000 beasts and £300 in spoils.
The events of 1596 and the rescue of ‘Kinmont’ Willie Armstrong represent a daring swashbuckling adventure. The fact that Kinmont led one of the most notorious bands of cut-throats ever to roam the Debatable Land seems to be irrelevant and in the tradition of the Border ballads we are to view him as a hero. His notoriety and activities were such that the Warden of the West Marsh’s deputy, Salkeld, captured Kinmont as he returned from a Truce Day at the Dayholm of Kershope. Kinmont was taken to Carlisle.
According to Border Law it should not have happened on a Truce Day and Walter Scott of Buccleuch who became known as The Bold Buccleuch, and was keeper of Liddesdale on whose land the arrest had been made, protested to the Warden, Lord Scrope. When Scrope refused to return Kinmont, Buccleuch became concerned that Scrope was anxious to hang Kinmont on the gallows at Harraby and so assembled a motley bunch of Elliots, Scotts, Armstrongs and Grahams to effect a rescue. Oral tradition has meant that the numbers vary from 40 to 200. The weather was atrocious which made crossing the River Eden very dangerous, but it did mean that the castle watch had taken shelter. Buccleuch left a group to cover the retreat and led the raiding party himself. Popular opinion has it that they must have had support from the inside because they entered the castle quickly. Thus with the aid of a sturdy Reiver, Red Rowan, Kinmont made his escape.
In 1600, Armstrong attacked the village of Scotby with 140 riders, burning and taking prisoners and cattle. In 1602 he rode his last foray, south of Carlisle. He was still alive two years later, and his four sons who had helped to get him out of Carlisle Castle are frequently named in the later Border raids. Legend supposes he died in his bed of old age, sometime between 1608 and 1611.
As is usual with these Border legends we look to the old sources of the story tellers before reading and writing was the norm, the old songs. Francis James Child was an American scholar and collector of Ballads, if you follow my posts you will no doubt have seen me posting “Child Ballads” at times, this story comes from Child Ballad 186. This ballad is more unusual than most of the songs I know from the Child Ballads as it is longer than most at 20 verse so I wont post it, you can look it up on YouTube as Child Ballad 168, but it’s over 9 minutes wrong in full!
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the-laridian · 1 year
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(Fallout 76) Forgot to post Rowan in his clean cut Responders uniform now. Nope, not a raider, nosirree!
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Raiders Of The Lost Island Consignment Shop - Part 128
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