#roxas (mentioned)
rhythmmortis · 8 months
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regallibellbright · 8 months
I think it’d be really, really funny if the Civilians of Twilight Town keep trying to guess what Roxas, Xion, Lea, and Isa’s deal is, trying to fit them into SOME sort of even remotely traditional family structure and end up with, like, six different competing rumors even before the polite blonde girl who divides her time between “the old abandoned mansion, which they guess she owns?” and “nowhere in the area.”
And then the visiting scientist.
And the other visiting scientist.
And the scientists’ apparent son (other son?), who spends his entire trip talking with Pence about something they’ve clearly been collaborating on for at least a year despite the fact that no one’s ever seen him before.
Xion introduces a boy who looks nothing like her, currently lives with his family (not, she specifies, her family,) and has no relationship with Roxas or Lea whatsoever. Apparently they’re both the children (okay, he says creations, but Even’s an odd one) of one of the scientists. Technically, they say. They look nothing alike. They’re pretty sure he doesn’t live with the scientist, either. He does know Namine (presumed to be the scientists’ mutual daughter) but they say they’re not siblings point blank. Someone crosses Xion and Namine being sisters off a whiteboard, then considers and puts a question mark there.
Roxas’s incredibly obvious identical twin shows up and they claim to be half-brothers. Roxas will skateboard away from all followup questions. On another trip, he’ll bring a third boy who introduces himself as “the other half of (Ven’s) heart” and then immediately refers to Roxas, Xion, and Ven (but not Lea or the other boy, who nonetheless knows him) as his siblings. He claims to have been born at the dawn of time and just after the worlds shattered and also sixteen years ago. (Vanitas knows exactly what he is doing and is THRIVING off the chaos.)
Based off similar hair colors, her apparent dislike of Lea, and sheer desperation, half the town is convinced that Aqua and Isa are siblings and she sided with him during the breakup. There’s no consensus about how Terra fits into this. (Isa’s not correcting them. About any of this. It’s not worth it.)
Seifer gets back from a journey of self-discovery and asks who the newbies are and gets shown eight different, mutually-contradictory conspiracy boards in the form of family tree/relationship charts. Lauriam and Elrena have been the source of multiple schisms among the gossip mill.
By the time Sora shows up again even Hayner, Pence and Olette are having trouble keeping everything straight, and they actually know the whole story.
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chichapalabok · 11 months
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it was tsukasa's turn to choose their halloween costumes!
bonus izumis
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yzafre · 10 months
Roxas: Had the Halloween town kids throw bombs in his face for multiple missions in a row before finally breaking down and smacking them around a bit.
Ventus: The dwarves were rude and refused to talk to him, immediately resorted to chasing them down and whacking them.
Characterization I see frequently: Ah, yes, Roxas is the one always willing to throw hands and Ventus is a smol sunshine boy.
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#kh#kingdom hearts#these are really silly examples but the point stands!#in fact I think it expands when you look at their full screen-time#I am once again begging people to watch a full let's play of Days#don't get me wrong Ventus IS brightness and sunshine#but he also has the energy of a chihuahua ready to fight the world and I will stand by that#where as Roxas will tend to just try to avoid it until he Very Much Can't#now I think Roxas does BITTERNESS better than Ventus or Sora#but bitterness is not temper#in fact bitterness is usually negative emotions left on the backburner until the resentment caves in on itself#I suppose this is up to interpretation but from my reading...#a lot of times Ventus seems to burn out his anger then let it go#whereas Roxas doesn't do anything with the emotions until he/the situation self-destructs catastrophically so it ends up being nastier#but on the day-to-day?#yeah no Ventus is going to be the one reacting first#you can also exchange Sora for Ventus for some of these arguments#though I think he lands somewhere between Ventus and Roxas for short-temperedness#all this is more complicated than this reductive commentary of course#you have to take in how and in what orders the characters were introduced and marketed#the difficulty of getting the handheld games historically and the biases that set in before they were easily accessed#not to mention stock archetypes for fandom joke set-ups that then perpetuate the characterization...#like there's a LOT to how this came to be#but it Gets To Me sometimes#yza talks about a thing
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blue-eli · 1 year
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Ink October day two: Dual
Denoting reference to two.
Consisting of two parts or elements or having two like parts.
Having a double character or nature.
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So like, mini disclaimer before the post. I was not and am not a believer in the "Sonic is going to be forced to choose between his original friends and the shatterspace variants" theory, nor the companion to it "all the variants are just gonna essentially live with their memories inside the og friends' hearts"
However, I do have brainrot over the idea of Nine meeting Tails in his dreams, and some of these ideas require a prerequisite of "in which Nine exists within Tails' heart but does not currently have a body.
Imagine, if you will, a setting post canon in which the variants exist within the hearts of the original and (kingdom hearts style) they would just need a body/vessel of their own to exist again. Tails is sleeping, and after dreams upon dreams of meeting the variants, experiencing their fleeting memories and their hurt (their feelings about everything), he comes across Nine.
Nine... Tails has had a hard time remembering much of his dreams while awake, but when he's dreaming, he remembers that Nine has been perhaps the angriest and most conflicted of all the variants. All of them want to be alive, of course. Tails wouldn't be surprised if *all* of them have been parsing through his own memories in exchange for sharing theirs.
But none have been so volatile as Nine, harder to reason with. The others at least face him more often than not, but Nine has directly done so few times.
But...Tails can't blame him for that, especially not after what he knows. He understands how Nine likely feels (abandoned, lonely, forgotten). Perhaps he wouldn't be so agreeable either if he fought tooth and nail for a better future, and the universe denied him that (nay, punished him to watch but to never have).
But tonight...
Nine is standing under a palm tree, facing the vast ocean past the beaches of Green Hill. Tails takes a few steps down the hill he's on, and soon enough he's standing off to the side (dream logic, he understands)—where he can see Nine from the front, but isn't standing directly in front of him or obstructing his view.
It's at this moment that Tails realizes he's never seen Nine so clearly before. The tips of his ears, to his permafrown, to his 7 mechanical tails, and down to his shoes. He's fought the fox before in his dreams, seen glimpses of him, but this is the first time he's had a chance to really see him.
Nine turns his head away from the sea, and suddenly Tails is beside him, mere feet away.
Tails opens his mouth, a dozen questions and sentence starters flying through his head. What eventually comes out is just a simple, "Nine?"
Nine smiles at that, and yet...Tails can tell almost instantly that it's not because he's happy or excited to see him. No, the smile is almost...accepting, if not a little bit sad.
Then, Nine sighs. "This could have been the other way around, but...it has to be you."
Tails hesitates for a moment before pointing at himself. "...Me? Why?"
"There are so many people connected to you—all of you, if my hypothesis is correct. It often is. You're me, so...you can feel what I felt. You could...feel how I feel."
And maybe it's true that Tails can feel what Mangey, Sails, and Nine are feeling, but all that proves is that one is affected by the presence of others residing within their own consciousness.
Tails shakes his head. "No. You're you, not me."
There's a moment of silence before Nine chuckles, and Tails continues, "I want you to know that you deserve to live as your own person, just as much as I do."
"Every time we've fought—here—I've asked you the same question. Do you remember it?"
Well, of course, Tails finds multiple questions as he tries to think back, but by keeping the terms of Nine's question in mind and employing process of elimination–
Nine turns back to the sea, squeezing both gloved hands into fists at his sides. "I was angry—among other things. I just couldn't understand why I was here. After everything I'd fought for, everything we'd been through together, I couldn't understand why he chose you. And every time I asked, you never gave me an answer."
Nine's right. Tails has never given him an answer to that question.
But to Tails...that question was never his to answer, at least in his opinion. Unless Sonic told him, Tails would never know why he put in for him, Amy, Knuckles, and Rouge over worlds of new friends. All he does know (straight from Sonic's own testimony) is that Sonic would have never made the choice he did had he known it would lead to all this. Sonic had wanted home, Tails, and all his friends back, but he never meant to erase the other worlds. Even as he tries to pretend otherwise, Tails knows Sonic has been beating himself up for the choice he made ever since.
Shouldn't Nine know that—that Sonic didn't mean to hurt him, that Sonic feels regret, that Sonic wasn't intending to choose between one or the other?
"Save it," Nine says, cutting him off. "It doesn't matter anymore. Sonic made his choice, but you still have that chance."
Nine turns back to Tails and holds out a hand.
Tails looks down, then back up at Nine. He hesitates for a second, but ultimately takes Nine's hand.
Tails is an observer, a spectator without form, as memories begin to play out before him in quick succession. Despite the lack of form, somehow his head begins to ache in pain that only grows over the moments.
And then, he begins to notice a pattern in the memories shown to him. Despite the pain, he recognizes the clear shift since a certain blue hedgehog—Sonic, of course—saves Nine from being hit by a train.
Each and every memory, if Sonic wasn't centered or mentioned in it, then his palpable absense was the focal point. Nine fought him, he worked with him, he almost lost him, he thought he lost him, and then he fought him again.
Nine had spent most of his life lonely, though he hadn't realized that until his life was almost over.
A waterfall of emotions hit him then, just before the highlight reel crackles into black.
And then, Tails is standing beside Nine again, head pulsing and heart pounding. He can hardly remember what he's just seen, and that waterfall of emotions seeps through his fingers as he tries to catch them, to study them.
All he knows is that he understands. Somehow, he understands why Nine feels the way he does. Now, more than before, he understands why Nine is hung up on Sonic the way he is.
Perhaps, Tails thinks, he understands how it feels for Nine to be with Sonic (and without him) far more than anyone else.
Tails musters up a look of determination as he stares into Nine's eyes, and he squeezes his hand. "I'll figure it out. No matter how long it takes, I'll make sure you—you, and Sails, and Mangey, and the rest—can walk along the beach. You don't deserve to sit here and watch like this. None of you deserved to have your lives taken."
And Nine... Nine smiles, like he just can't help it. "Don't you see? That's why it has to be you."
There's a feeling, an almost indescribable feeling, that strikes Tails' heart at that.
"I promise," Tails says.
And then, he’s sitting up in his bed, breathing deeply.
As he makes himself get up, get ready, and rush into his lab, there's little he remembers from his dream as always.
But he knows what he has to do.
I'll make sure of it, Nine.
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sysig · 6 months
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It started with a whisper ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Crackship#Xigbar#Of all the crackships that I didn't expect I probably wouldn't have expected these two the most lol#I super wasn't expecting to feel So strongly about them this is like multi-tier Big Feelings in varying directions#One - ZEX - obvious (lol) | Two - Xigbar (hehe II hehehe) - I think I mentioned it like maaaybe once over here but I was Huge into KH#Specifically Org XIII specifically-specifically 358/2 it is the only game in the Kingdom Hearts line that I've beaten and probably ever will#Oh no wait that's not true I did play through all of the DS release of Re:Coded but like......does that count lol I think no#I played the intro of Kingdom Hearts II and shut it off after the bit with Roxas and Sora like - the egg scene how do I non-spoilers this#I own it and I will never beat it I am too sad I want only my Nobodies lol <3#Kingdom Hearts had a big influence on me - that and Magic Knight Rayearth are a big explanation as to Why I'm Like This lol#Cough cough casting away the dark parts of your heart only for it to come back and bite you later and also The Gay™ lol#But AnyWay lol - Xigbar!#He wasn't my favourite-favourite - aside from Main Characters that'd probably go to Marluxia - but I still hold him very fondly!!#Definitely doodled him a good bit he's very handsome ♪#And just - ah ♥ An old fave and a new(er) fave interacting and making each other happy and feel nice and play well I just fsalkfdf#As well as that being Max's body! There's something heightening about all these different aspects that was just overwhelming to me haha <3#If it's not already obvious - yes this was the happy cries lol this is the only explanation I have haha#I feel very strongly about Them and Interactions and Feeling Nice and fjdslafsdf#Anyway! This isn't Just them! Just a lot haha ♪#I have started a playlist lol - so far it's just this song - Everybody Talks - but some of the others from SCII playlist fit well too :)#The rest is just ZEX being cute hehe <3 ZEX not understanding what crying is is very interesting to me :3c No VUX equivalent?#Seems like they don't have the same kinds of chemicals like adrenaline et al so I guess a flushing system isn't as necessary! Interesting :D#ZEX fumbliness leading to him being a bit on the back foot is so cute hehe <3 He wants so loudly and openly but actually accomplishing it-#I also really like how he holds himself - all the tension through him to fight against new muscles and bone everything too alien!#I imagine his hands as being very rigid and all the fingers pulled together straight but that could just be how he describes bones hehe#Alien in there <3 Plenty to read into :3c
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goldensunset · 3 months
remebering who i was when i first started kh is wild. wdym i wasnt obssesed with the seasalts???? wdym i didnt care abt kairi???WDYM I DIDNT EVEN THINK TWICE ABT VANITAS AND THE WAYFINDERS??? HUH????
i reckon most people first getting into kh are mostly drawn to like sora and riku etc so like perfectly understandable LOL. they are the main ones after all. and when you first get into something it takes a while to work out a coherent literary analysis aka your opinions will be bad or incomplete at first and you won’t appreciate everything else in full. but the good fans are the ones who stay a while and really marinate in it until suddenly a year or so later their brains have been microwaved by some poor shmuck with two seconds of screentime. hashtag i’m obsessed with almost every kh character/character group from the main beloved ones to the one off chibis!!!
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thetrashthatsmilesback · 11 months
I have an idea that is in a similar vein to the theory that Sora was the Lich in KH3, but differs slightly - I think Sora can take on the darkness (or feed on the light possibly? I think its one of two) of others' hearts. This theory mostly hinges on how Sora takes on the pain of Ven, Roxas, and Xion. For some reason I can't find the screenshot, but I am in class so my searching skills aren't fully devoted at the moment. I'll run through cutscenes eventually, but basically I'm thinking of the scene where Sora says he is taking on the burden/pain of those in his heart.
Throughout the series, Sora has had a unique ability to hold others in his heart, it's the basis of the "Sora is the Lich" theory from kh3. This leads me to wonder about the actual mechanics of him taking on not only hearts, but specifically hearts in pain on the verge of death.
Sora isn't the only one in the series with hyperempathy, notably both Baldr and Xehanort both experience the ability that Sora has of feeling other's pain across unbelievable stretches. Both of these fell to darkness due to the extreme feelings they were experiencing- to take on another's pain is to eventually overwhelm yourself and fall. It's possible that Sora has yet to have this occur due to the nature of the hearts within him - namely Ventus and Kairi, the hearts of pure light.
When playing kh3, you do not have to use rage form until the forced moment at Kairi's death. Prior to that moment, it is entirely optional, almost as if Sora is able to hold himself back from falling into it. While his rage over Kairi's death would make sense after everything he had just done to save everyone, it's also notable that the only instance of forced rage form is after Ventus is gone from Sora's heart.
Many have commented on how sora's darkness has grown through the games, and I'm the past I've wondered if the growing darkness also aligning with how close we are to Ventus waking up are connected, and I'm beginning to believe firmly that they are. I think that Sora is able to draw on the dominant power of the hearts around him in order to maintain balance of light and dark within his heart. As Ven grew closer to waking up, his heart of pure light was strengthening and healing- and in tandem sora's darkness grew. He took on the hearts of Roxas and Xion, both of which would hold some darkness, which makes me wonder if their hearts were helping contribute darkness to keep sora's in balance while holding Ventus's.
If someone with the hyperempathy only takes on the darkness of others' hearts, then they are more susceptible to being overcome by darkness, but if Sora has been slowly taking on both dark and Ventus's light, then it could explain why he has kept from overloading with darkness thus far despite all his trauma. "My friends are my power," what if they really are - what if Sora can literally draw light or darkness from those around him. Sorry if this was rambling or incoherent, I haven't slept.
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ujellys · 8 months
still a massive hater for the fandom misinterpretation that roxas is constantly miserable and aggressive and rude and hates everyone and everything. he reacts understandably upset in the situations he’s put in a few times and suddenly he’s a suicidal angry dude
i also hate the weird idea fandom has that he hates or somewhat loathes sora? i guess it’s because he always reacted angrily when sora was repeatedly brought up in the kh2 intro but it’s fair because he had no clue what was going on and no one was giving him answers. did we forget the ddd scene and the kh3 scenes. he clearly respects and admires sora and understands why sora has the role he does. theres definitely some hurt he feels because of it but never straight up hate
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storm-driver · 2 years
gonna become a square enix executive so i can get exclusive access to kh4 stuff, and when the marketing team starts splicing together the worst trailer in the world to show you guys, ill whisper "psst don't watch that it'll be full of so many spoilers" and ill make my own trailer of all the shit i got to see instead without revealing the most important and plot-heavy stuff
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regallibellbright · 10 months
I am of the firm opinion that, until EXPLICITLY proven otherwise by canon, Kingdom Hearts Court Magician Donald Duck spent most of his childhood and adolescence traveling across the worlds on adventures with his Uncle Scrooge, and that's where he learned magic.
This is also where he discovered a lot of magical items, not to mention all the ones SCROOGE found, so honestly Donald doesn't even bother to keep track of all the treasures in the Duck Family's possession, no one does really, not even SCROOGE knows, he'll go digging one up because he needs one for a specific purpose/adventure and in the process he'll unearth like five similar ones he just plain forgot about.
Obviously Scrooge continued adventuring while Donald was off being a Musketeer, including at least one use of Zettaflare that is forever engraved in Goofy and Mickey's memories but for Donald was just in his bottom quarter of all-time adventure rankings, and obviously Scrooge continued finding fantastical treasures that he may or may not know the significance of. There's at least one magical sword that's currently being used at the Bistro as a knife because it never loses its edge.
What I'm saying is Scrooge McDuck is a Keyblade wielder and you cannot convince me otherwise. A weapon that can also open any chest is INVALUABLE to an adventurer like him, are you kidding? When he retired from adventuring in favor of being a full-time entrepreneur he just chucked it in the bin with everything else. Probably he managed to find one of the Foretellers' old Keyblades lying around or something. It'd just figure. No one told HIM he was needed for a war between light and darkness for the fate of all the worlds! Donald never tells him where he's been these days!
While I laid out this proposition to a friend on Discord, she agreed and added that Webby should get a Keyblade too.
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This is the current wielder of Ira's Keyblade. Scrooge had it lying around for a decade in some attic somewhere, Webby thought the unicorn was cool, and Scrooge figured, hey! Every child should have a good set of lockpicks for treasure chests and a means of self-defense, and it's not as though he's using it for anything important!
When Donald finds this out, he will be disappointed, but not surprised.
#kingdom hearts#eye contact#scopophobia#just gonna be on the safe side because that is a good Webby Stare right there.#Ducktales 2017#ducktales#webby vanderquack#scrooge mcduck#donald duck#I know this will never happen for a variety of reasons starting with the fact that it would require a Disney character#who has not previously been relevant to BECOME relevant to the metaplot AND introduce a new one at that. Not likely.#plus then you get into the fact that 2017 Scrooge is a different continuity and design than 1987 Ducktales Scrooge or subsequent appearance#not to mention the voice actor differences (They could've gotten Tennant in 3 but didn't and Enn Reitel isn't trying to be him OR Young)#so using Webby (which they won't) would mean a character who should for design continuity be using her 1987 look and characterization#to go along with Scrooge and the boys but for 'why would Disney ever do this EXCEPT Brand Synergy' should obviously be 2017#and like any kind of mixing and matching of the designs and voices would be odd even if Webby hasn't been established in KH#so there's no need to try and imitate Russi Taylor's very distinctive Duck Voice but at the same time it would just be ODD#like. Never gonna happen. Especially not to have a FORETELLER'S Keyblade particularly now that they're back in play.#but I think it would be funny as hell and so it is canon in my heart.#besides between the Xion-Roxas-Sora Can Dual Wield Even In 3 thing and whatever's going on with Keyblade Inheritance in 3#with regards to Terra and Aqua's Keyblades and heirs (and whoever you argue Terranort's using they are also there at the Graveyard)#(like whether it's Terra's-that's-Sora's or Terra's or Xehanort's we've got LW there we've got Sora we've got Xehanort)#the only conclusions I can draw are either that Keyblades naturally duplicate themselves with a few plot-specific exceptions#or that Keyblades are susceptible to at least two different forms of item duplication glitch one of which involves time travel#meaning it is entirely possible for Scrooge and Webby to have Ira's Keyblade and Ira to ALSO have Ira's Keyblade#because time travel was probably involved if nothing else and time travel can allow for Keyblade Duplication Glitches#(no seriously try to explain how Roxas Xion and Sora all use a Keyblade at once in 3 WITHOUT at least one instance of duplication.)#(and this is assuming some convoluted 'Roxas inherited Ven's and Xion inherited Sora's and Roxas bequeathed her Sora's' in Days)#(so that there is technically no duping in Days but then with Sora and Ven ALSO running around in 3... like.)#(I'm pretty sure Saix is getting beat up with 4-5 copies of a single Keyblade that has been repeatedly duplication glitched is my point.)
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idkhow2usetmblr · 1 month
[I have the feeling I'm missing someone, but I'm not sure...]
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rock-a-noodle · 8 months
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....shall we go get sea salt ice cream?
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jowikangaroo · 9 months
my favorite KH headcanon is Namińe wielding Oathkeeper
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rhythmmortis · 10 months
i am so curious. whos your favorite of organization 13 (the original but the "real" is fine too if u have any particular favorites) . i feel like roxas and xion are obvious answers because if you hate either of them you're just sucks. but other than them
xion is 100% my favourite org member hands down, both her role in the original and the 'real', but if not her then larxene literally showed up for one game, served cunt, was a bitch, and died. and then came back. and i love her so fucking much for it. when she dies in 3 she literally just admits that she didnt give a shit about xehanort shes just there for the drama and i love her so much for it, she also has cool ass knives which i gotta respect her for
she's also just like. an ACTUAL antagonistic original kh female character!! kairi, aqua, xion, namine, olette, and the other original kh girls are all protagonists or at least on the side of light which is cool but it leads to a lot of similarities in characterisation and not much variance. but larxene. she fucking kicked a child then threatened another with her knives. UNAPOLOGETICALLY. then comes back in kh3 in the frozen world and actually makes a good point about having to autonomy of choice. but in general she sucks and i love her for it!! i was recently thinking about either a com roleswap between her and marluxia/a personality swap with them (theyre already relatively similar being co-conspirators and all but slightly stoic and mysterious/ominous larxene and marluxia being more of a taunting bitch about someone sora forgot about and constantly withholding that information just out of reach (which would be a good parallel to his own experience with strelitzia and his whole past) is a dynamic i would love)
her voice acting is also very enjoyable AND my favourite spell is thunder so i gotta give her that. one thing i will say is that i was kinda sad that her remix of the 13th struggle in the kh3 data bosses is the most similar to the original and she doesnt get anything too unique. especially given the fact that saix has ELECTRIC guitars and not her, i really think it wouldve gone hard. my one wish for her in the future (since it looks like ux characters will be relevant) is that they dont just completely erase her personality and let her keep some of that edge, i dont want her to be washed down to another demure, generic supporting female character.
i can also say that my very very least favourite org member is xaldin because i have a strong personal grudge against david dayan fisher (xaldin's eng va) that i cannot say without revealing some very personal information. when i say personal grudge i dont mean theres like an obscure fact about him that i wont ever actually experience or be affected by that i dont like, i mean this is a very real/personal thing that i do not like him for. in person (its not that serious but i love being a hater. and i will never forgive him)
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