biscuitbakerbecca · 2 months
A while ago someone said they wanted to see a royalpains arranged marriage fic. I’ve never written them before but I hope this does the idea justice!
They say your wedding day was supposed to be the best day of your life. Promising yourself to your significant other. To love, care for, support, and be loyal to. For forever.
Jake stared into his reflection. Today was his wedding day. His big day.
His hands shook as he tried to do up his tie. He was nervous. But it was his wedding day. He practically had his vows memorized. He offered his reflection his wowing smile. What had caused girls, and boys, and a few others to grow weak in the knees. Yeah, he was getting married.
Jake stepped out of the bathroom. His father looked so proud with him. It was good to know he was happy. In a way this was a day for his parents too. Jake accepted the help in putting on his jacket, his father buttoning the suit for him.
"Are you ready?"
He smiled at his dad, "Of course."
His father hummed, his brows raised in a pleased manner. "Wonderful."
Jake slipped on his shoes and tied them. He took another look in the mirror, the one in his hotel room was full length. He looked impeccable. Handsome. Perfect.
Exactly as he should on his wedding day.
His father brought him out to the car. Jake sat in the passenger seat, looking out at the passing buildings as they drove. He wondered what his friends would think. Him being married. Jake had been such a wild card, and now he was getting married.
Was it normal to be this nervous? Surely so. But Jake wouldn’t get cold feet. He wasn’t scared of commitment.
Jake looked over. His father was staring at him as they were stopped at a red light. His dad had dressed up extra nice for the wedding. His best man. His mother was waiting at the courthouse for them. His parents were proud of him, happy to give him away on his big day.
"Remember to smile."
Had he stopped? He must have been in his own head over everything. He showed his perfect teeth, his father humming in approval. The light turned green, butterflies filling Jake’s stomach.
A family friend got the door for Jake as they pulled up. He stepped out, his father quickly rounding the car to join him. The keys were passed to the friend, just father and son walking up the courthouse steps.
Guests waited inside. Not many. More would be at the reception. His future in-laws looked so pleased to see him. Jake smiled at them. His hands were shaking. He clasped them behind his back to stop the quake in his fingers.
"You look wonderful, Jacob,” his mother patted his cheek.
"Thank you, Mother," Jake kissed her cheek in response. His in-laws-to-be seemed impressed. He greeted them properly, squeezing his own hand once he was able to. He was nervous. He felt nauseous. But it was just nerves.
It was his wedding day after all.
They were brought into the courtroom. Jake stood in front of the judge, another family friend. His father stood nearby, supporting him without word or touch. His mother sat in a chair next to his future in-laws.
Jake stared down the room to the doors. They opened, his future bride stepping through. Her dress was beautiful. Her bouquet clutched in her hands. White flowed. White dress. White veil covering her face. Her brown hair flowed over her shoulders. Jake couldn’t see her all that well, but she was beautiful. Perfect.
He saw her fingers twitch as she practically glided down the aisle to him. She was nervous too.
They were quite the pair.
His bride stood next to him, the veil still hiding her face. She appeared to have a slight tremble in her shoulders. Jake could relate. He felt clammy. Sick perhaps?
It was just nerves.
The judge spoke, though Jake hardly registered the words. He heard himself saying his vows. Heard his bride saying hers. Did anyone object to their marriage? No, of course not. Jake and his bride were meant to be. Obviously.
Jake pulled his bride’s ring from his pocket. A family heirloom. The stone was nearly too much, but it served a purpose. Jake slid the ring on his bride’s finger. Shaking hand now holding another shaking hand.
His bride gave him his ring. Her head was ducked. Was Jake smiling? He tugged his lips up. Yes. Yes. He was happy.
Jake was instructed to lift the veil. He did. He looked into the eyes of his bride. She was beautiful. It was their wedding day. Her ruby red lips glistening. He was so hap—
He was terrified. He was seventeen. Who the fuck gets married at seventeen?! His bride, Chloe, was crying. She was hardly able to hold herself upright. She was miserable, small whimpers escaping her lips. Her eye makeup was somehow still in tact. She was good at crying and preventing a mess.
They didn’t want to be here. They wanted school. Friends. Homework. Extracurricular activities.
Instead their parents had signed them over, forced them together. Both didn’t have a choice in the matter.
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss."
Jake leaned in and quickly kissed her. Chaste. He didn’t want to invade her space. He had only met her one time before, she deserved the respect.
His parents would expect a child within a year. He didn’t even know her. He didn’t know her last name, and it didn’t matter. It was his last name now. They would return to school on Monday. Their friends would know. And they would lie, say they wanted it. Because that was what they had been told to do.
Jake took Chloe’s arm, the two of them walking back out to the car. They sat in the backseat, opposite sides. Jake finally broke, hot tears rolling down his face. Chloe curled up into a ball, not looking his way as she cried. No one bothered to care about what they wanted. They would have to pull it together before the reception, the family friends would hate to see them sad.
They say your wedding day was supposed to be the best day of your life.
Jake viewed it as a death sentence.
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girlfrommars12 · 8 months
Increasingly weird there’s no one posting about the tv show royal pains?
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raurquiz · 2 years
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#happybirthday @tchalamet #timothéechalamet #actor #dune #callmebyyourname #beautifulboy #ladybird #royalpains #homeland #interstellar #lovethecoopers #hotsummernights #arainydayinnewyork #theking #littlewomen #thefrenchdispatch #dontlookup #bonesandall    #entergalactic #wonka @hbomaxla @netflixlat https://www.instagram.com/p/CmrkQWdu8NI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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You Already Know, Babe
Request: Heyy would I be able to pretty please ask for a Roy one-shot based of So High School? Mainly the lyric: "Truth, Dare, Spin Bottles. You know how to ball, I know Aristotle" (bc I have TTPD brainrot) Like I'd love to picture Roy with a total academic girl who loves classic literature and ancient greece and philosophy pls ???
Roy Kent x Reader
3.3k words
Warnings: Language, Roy being insecure, the guys making Roy feel bad (not on purpose)
A/N: Ahhh I also have TTPD brainrot so I loooooove this! I made the reader a uni professor. Also been wanting to do a Bantr fic for Roy for a while, so I incorporated that in too!
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Roy scowled and sipped his beer. “Fuck no.”
Leaning forward in the booth they sat in, Keeley gave him her best puppy-dog eyes, the ones that stopped working the moment he got over her. “Come on, Roy. I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t think it’d be good for you.”
“What’s the worst that can happen?” Jamie chimed in.
“‘Fuck no’ used to be a complete sentence,” Roy growled.
Before he could stop the striker, Jamie grabbed Roy’s mobile off the table, holding it just out of the gaffer’s reach. “Just… one… moment…” he huffed as Keeley did her best to hold Roy back. “Alright, we need a username.”
Roy rolled his eyes but stopped fighting against Keeley’s grip. “How about ‘This is fucking stupid’?”
“I think that’s against their policy,” Jamie hummed, eyes still on the phone.
Keeley thought for a moment. “RoyallySarcastic? Y’know, ROYally?”
Jamie’s eyes lit up. “Oh, I got it!” He typed away before proudly showing the screen to Roy and Keeley. “RoyalPain,” he announced.
With a giggle, Keeley took the phone from Jamie and handed to Roy, who looked ready to kill his friends. “There we are Roy-o,” she said. “Welcome to Bantr.”
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Roy sat at the small table, fidgeting with the shiny fork on the table and staring intently at the condensation on the glass of water in front of him. Why the fuck was he so nervous? He was Roy fucking Kent, he reminded himself sternly. He’d been on plenty of dates. Sure, this was his first Bantr date, but that shouldn’t really matter. He’d been on a couple of blind dates in the past; this shouldn’t be much different.
But it sure felt different when you walked in, all wide eyes and nervous smiles. You approached him hesitantly, cocking your head as you got closer. Your gaze flickered to the tattered copy of A Wrinkle in Time on the table next to him before settling on his face.
“RoyalPain?” you squeaked out, raising your eyebrows expectantly.
Before he could stop himself, he grinned and blurted out, “I Kant believe it’s you.” Immediately, he groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Nope, fuck, that was stupid. I’m sor-”
Your laughter eased his embarrassment as you sat across from him. “Don’t you dare apologize,” you countered. “That was cute.” You offered your name with a small smile.
“Roy,” he said simply, searching your face for any sign that you recognized him.
Instead, you nodded and leaned forward. “And what do you do, Roy?”
What did he do? He tried to remember the last time someone asked him that. “I work for a football team,” he said slowly. “A.F.C. Richmond.”
You nodded, interest all over your pretty face. “And what do you do at Richmond?”
He blinked a few times and cleared his throat. “Do you… you don’t know who I am?” Fuck, he felt like an absolute asshole saying the words out loud.
“Sure I do,” you chuckled. “I just figured that Roy Kent doesn’t often get the chance to introduce himself. Thought I’d give you the opportunity.”
Roy couldn’t help but smile. Yeah, it was kind of dorky, but fuck, he liked it. Just like he liked hearing about your job as a uni professor, or the article you recently wrote about Arthurian legend, or the book you’d read recently. And he really liked the way you looked at him like he was the most fascinating thing in the world, more interesting than the well-renowned experts and authors you got to spend time with, asking him about his work and his life and his opinions. He smiled all through dinner, laughing at jokes even when they went over his head and making a mental list of books he now wanted to read.
He was still grinning as he walked you to your car after dinner, wondering when he’d last enjoyed himself so much on a date. As you fished your keys out of your purse, he found himself desperately hoping for another date with you. And another. And another.
“Could we do this again sometime?” he asked gently once your keys were in your hand.
Fuck, he loved the way your eyes lit up at his question. “Absolutely,” you breathed.
With a dizzy little nod, Roy cupped your face and tugged you close, ghosting his lips over yours. You gently laid your hands on his hips to press against him, deepening the kiss. You swore you could feel him smiling against your mouth as his thumb stroked your cheek. Some little part of you wanted to pull this man into your car, into your apartment, into your bed. But from the happy little hum that vibrated from his chest to yours, you knew you had plenty of dates ahead of you, plenty of time for all that, plenty of Roy Kent ahead of you.
After three weeks of dates and laughter and late-night phone calls and kisses that escalated to other things, Roy invited you to a match. He seemed weirdly nervous for a retired football legend whose dating history could fill any of the giant books that filled the shelves in your office, but you found his nerves nothing short of charming. So, you threw on some comfy jeans and a sweatshirt and climbed into Roy’s giant black car to go with him to Nelson Road, where he showed you his office before giving you your ticket and sending you off to your seat with a chaste kiss.
Roy was fighting the stupidest smile as he prepared for the match, the same stupid smile he’d been fighting since your first date. He was excited for you to see him and the Greyhounds in action, to be able to show off for you a little and, he didn’t fucking know, make you proud or some shit.
“Was that your girlfriend, Roy?” Sam raised his eyebrows as he and Jan stood in the doorway.
He cleared his throat. “No,” he said slowly. “But we’ve been dating for a few weeks.” He paused for a moment, hoping he didn’t look too dopey as he spoke. “She’s a professor. Fucking brilliant. Like, she teaches, and she’s been published and speaks at conferences.”
Jan spoke up. “Most men would not be able to handle dating a woman so much more educated than they are. Good for you, Coach. It’s nice that you are not intimidated by her clearly superior intellect.”
A knot appeared in Roy’s stomach, but he simply cleared his throat and gave a curt nod. “Yeah, well.” He blinked, not sure what the fuck he was supposed to say to that. “Best finish getting ready, hmm?”
Jan’s words continued to flutter around Roy’s mind like an annoying butterfly as he made his way out to the pitch. He liked that you were smart. Hell, he liked that you were smarter than him. He could listen to you talk for hours about literature and history and philosophy, especially when your eyes lit up and your voice got faster, the way he noticed it did when you were especially passionate about something. It was impressive, not to mention sexy as all hell. But there had definitely been moments over the last few weeks where he had to Google what you were talking about while you weren’t looking, or where he laughed at a joke he didn’t really understand. It came with the territory, he told himself. It was to be expected, dating someone like you.
And there you were, sitting in the seat Roy had selected for you, the one that gave you the perfect view of the dugout- per your request. You waved excitedly when you caught Roy’s eye, wearing that giant smile that made his heart skip a beat. He offered back a small wave, knowing full well that all the guys could see his furious blush.
“That your girl?” Colin asked, following Roy’s dreamy gaze.
Roy shrugged, turning his attention back to his team. “Uh, I guess?” he mumbled, taking the clipboard Nate handed him.
Sam spoke up. “Roy said she’s a uni professor.”
Respect covered the faces of the men that were clearly more interested in Roy’s love life than their impending match. They all started chattering over each other, ignoring Roy’s eyerolls and Beard and Nate’s amused expressions.
Richard waggled his eyebrows. “Does she offer special office hours for you, Coach?”
Roy wrinkled his nose at the Frenchman. “What the fuck is that supposed to-”
“Did you have to buy a new dictionary to keep up with her?” Zoreaux teased.
Isaac spoke up, clapping a hand on Roy’s shoulder. “Most guys would probably run for the hills if they had to keep up with a woman’s brainpower,” he started. “But Roy’s not intimidated. I mean, sure, we all know he’s no Einstein, but he’s got other great qualities. Like…”
Roy raised a cool eyebrow at the captain, more curious than offended at this point.
“Coaching,” Colin finally finished for Isaac. “He’s a great manager.”
Jamie pipped up now. “And she seems to really like looking at you, Grandad.” He nodded to the stands where, sure enough, you were still gazing at Roy, affection all over your face. “She’s cute,” he mused.
Roy cleared his throat, trying to focus attention to the match at hand and not your pretty smiles. Or the words of his players that had etched a deep frown onto his bearded face. “Alright, Greyhounds!” he hollered. “Let’s fucking focus, lads! We’ve got a fucking match to win!”
And they did win, much to Roy’s pleasure. Winning always felt good, but he had to admit that winning in front of a pretty girl felt fucking great. And it was even better when he found you waiting in his office, gazing at him as if you had hearts in your eyes.
“That was brilliant!” you gushed, wrapping your arms around his middle while his rested on your shoulders and tugged you close. You pressed a tiny kiss to his lips. “Thank you so much for inviting me, Roy.”
He smiled down at you and pecked your nose. “Think you’ll come again sometime?” he teased.
Your eager nodding melted his heart. “Absolutely,” you promised. “Maybe next time I’ll even wear a kit. Since I think I’m officially a Richmond fan now.”
“That kit better have a six on it,” Roy growled, smacking another kiss to your cheek. He gave you a small squeeze before releasing you. He reached down to grab your hand. “I’ve got to go talk to the press for a bit, he explained, leading you over to his desk. “D’you mind waiting here? We can grab dinner once I’m done,” he promised. “Here, you can even watch the presser on my computer.”
“Sounds perfect.” You touched his cheek and pulled him close for one more kiss. “Now get going, I want to see you be brilliant in front of all those reporters.”
Roy was still blushing when he got in front of the cameras. The press conference was a blur of questions and comments. He’d probably have to apologize to Keeley later, because he was sure he was dreamy and distracted the entire time. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so lovesick over a woman, and he especially couldn’t remember the last time he enjoyed it so much.
When he returned to his office, he was surprised to see Jamie sitting on the edge of his desk, chatting pleasantly with you. You both lit up at the sight of him, with Jamie choosing to speak first as Roy offered a small grin to you.
“Your girl was just telling me about this seminar she’s speaking at next weekend,” he announced. “Some talk on the Lord of the Rings books and their impact on modern cinema.” He nodded to you. “It actually sounds really cool.” He slid off the desk with ease, offering you a wink. “Not sure what someone as smart as you is doing with Grandad here,” he joked.
He was kidding around. Roy knew that. Jamie loved to tease everyone, especially him. He was well-aware of the way Jamie admired him, as his childhood hero, as his coach, and, fuck it, fine, as his friend. Maybe it was all the joking from earlier, but Roy felt his face fall at Jamie’s teasing. He couldn’t help it; it was one thing for the guys to joke to his face, another to make a comment in front of you. He wouldn’t admit it even to himself, but some part of him was terrified you’d realize how brilliant you were, and how dull he was, and call the whole thing off.
Roy was so busy stewing in his childish embarrassment, he missed the way your eyebrows scrunched at Jamie, your mouth in a straight line. When you spoke, your voice was flat, maybe even a little angry, as you responded to the striker.
“I think,” you said slowly, “I’m going to dinner with him.” With that, you took Roy’s hand, hoping the adoration in your eyes would be enough to wipe that frown off his handsome features. “Ready, Roy?”
Roy nodded, but barely said a word as the two of you walked through the Dog Track, got into his car, and drove to the restaurant he’d been excitedly telling you about the day before. However, that excitement was nowhere to be seen as the two of you settled in and ordered some dinner. You cocked your head at him, wondering how someone who’d just coached such a great game could look so sullen- especially while on a date with someone he was supposed to really like.
“That match was incredible,” you offered, leaning forward with a smile. “Seriously, Roy. How do you do that? Being able to see the game unfold and know what plays to call, what players to have on the pitch. And all the preparation you have to do in advance. It’s like a really intense game of chess, with all those moving pieces, not knowing what the other side is going to do next.” You reached out and laid your hand on top of his. “Your team is so lucky to have you.”
His gaze avoided yours as he cleared his throat. “Dunno how much of it is me,” he chuckled hollowly. “I inherited a great team and have a really talented coaching staff.” He shrugged. “Sometimes I feel like I just… stand there and take up space.”
Now it was your turn to frown. This wasn’t the Roy Kent you met, the Roy Kent that teased you and smirked and made cocky comments just to make you laugh. Something had happened, something between the beginning of the match and the end, to make him so morose. Maybe something had happened in the match that you’d missed; you weren’t much of a sports fan before meeting Roy, you really only knew the basics, so it was possible what you thought was an incredible match was really something of a failure for him.
Maybe distracting him would help.
“I was telling Jamie Tartt about the conference I’m speaking at,” you tried again. “It’s this fantasy and pop culture thing. Kind of dorky,” you admitted. “But I’m really excited about my talk on Tolkien and his influence on modern cinema. My colleague was saying he really liked this one parallel I drew between Frodo and- well, I don’t want to spoil it.” You squeezed his hand. “You should come. I’ve seen you at work, now I want to show you what I do.” You shrugged. “Could even bring Jamie if you want.”
Roy nodded absently, not quite looking you in the eye. “Yeah, just make sure to get me a translator so I can understand what you’re saying.” His voice sounded like he was attempting to make a joke, but it fell flat. “Academics to neanderthal or some shit.”
That was enough of that, you decided. With a sigh, you leaned back, cocking your head at the gaffer and shooting him your sternest glare, the one you saved for students who didn’t know how to act like adults in your classroom. “Alright, Roy. What’s going on? You’re acting like you don’t want to be here, and, frankly, I don’t want to hang out with someone who doesn’t value my time.”
“I…” Roy let out a low growl and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re smart,” he finally blurted out. “Like, really, really fucking smart. You teach, and you’re published, and you speak in front of academic types who hang onto every word you say.” He released his nose and shook his head at you, embarrassment swimming in those brown eyes. “And I… played football. I coach football. That’s fucking it. I can’t stand the idea of you being embarrassed by the fact that I can’t keep up with you. That you’re going to turn around and realize I’m not smart enough for you.”
Your stomach twisted in knots as you took in the sight of him, looking devastated, like he was waiting for you to tell him he was right, he was a neanderthal, and that you didn’t think he was smart enough for you. If it wasn’t so sad, the picture of Roy looking so forlorn would be almost endearing.
“That,” you finally murmured, “might be the stupidest thing you’ve said since we met, Roy.” He nodded, a grimace covering his face as you went on. “Not smart enough for me?” you scoffed. “Roy, I think you’re brilliant.” You sighed and shook your head. “I mean, look at you today. I could never do what you do, managing an entire football team. And I’ve seen clips of you when you played, you were brilliant then too. Not just a skilled player, but a smart one. And from what you’ve said, you have great relationships with your players, with your niece and sister, hell even with your ex-girlfriend. That takes an emotional intelligence most people don’t have.”
“I mean-”
You shushed the gruff man. “’m not finished. And what’s this about you not being able to keep up with me? You read almost as much as I do, Roy. When you don’t know something, you immediately learn everything you can about it. You absolutely tore through ‘Le Morte d'Arthur’ after our first date so you could ask me about my King Arthur article.” A smile finally broke through your face. “So, unless this is some roundabout way of trying to say you don’t want to see me anymore, please stop insulting the man I’m dating and accept that there’s different kinds of intelligence. And I like your intelligence quite a bit.”
For a moment, you thought you may have completely overwhelmed Roy. He blinked at you with an unreadable expression before letting out a breathy chuckle. With raised eyebrows and something that looked close to a smile, he finally opened his mouth.
“I’ve just… never had such an intelligent girlfriend before,” he said slowly. “I’ve dated smart women. Driven women. But no one like you. It’s… a little scary, how brilliant you are.” That something close to a smile became a real grin as he intertwined his fingers with yours. “And really fucking sexy,” he added quickly.
Your heart skipped a beat with every word out of his mouth. “You’ve never had a nerdy girlfriend before, hmm?” you teased.
His expression was bashful, but absolutely pleased. “No,” he chuckled. “I haven’t.”
A smirk crossed your face as you batted your eyes at him. “Do you want a nerdy girlfriend?”
Those brown eyes were so soft, so full of affection as he nodded gently. “Yeah,” he breathed, raising those thick eyebrows at you. “I really fucking do.”
“That,” you hummed with a silly grin, “might be the smartest thing you’ve said all day, Roy.”
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bananonbinary · 2 months
goddd ive said before but jeremiah royalpains is one of the best written autistic characters of all time, i love him so so so much. there is NO way the actor (and writers for that matter) didnt talk to real autistic people to get that shit down. his touch aversion, his facial expressions...in his very first appearance he's transparently honest in a job interview and the fact that he doesnt understand why that's a problem is so painfully visceral to me i felt it in my soul. he raises his hand to ask questions. he offers fun facts in lieu of conversation. i would die for him.
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scribblesshipping · 5 months
Scribbles Shipping F/O list:
M a i n F/O’s :
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Yakko Warner (Animaniacs) tag:#simpship
Flim (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) tag: #Applejuiceshipping <3
Queen Vania (Ninjago) tag: #RoyalPain shipping <3
Secondary F/O’s :
Colton Rivera (Gotham Academy, DC Comics) Tag: #Colton <3
Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Sans (Undertale)
Reuben and Gantu (Lilo and Stitch)
Mark Beaks (Ducktales)
Crushes and previous F/O’s:
Jay Walker, crush (Ninjago)
Queen Chrysalis, abusive F/O? (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Party Favor , crush (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Rep , crush (80’s My Little Pony)
Mr. Bossman , crush? (Smiling friends)
Plundar , crush? (Ninjago)
Tintin , previous f/o, maybe crush? (Tintin)
Jack Spicer , previous f/o (Xiaolin Showdown)
Platonic F/O List !!!
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bobtaildigger · 9 months
#IBeGeniusenStuff - #RoyalPains S8
The final season of Hank Med wraps up beautifully.
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colorado · 11 months
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her name is actual royal but I just shorten it to roy cause she was actually originally my character on feralfront many years ago named royalpain
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lohstandfound · 1 year
I am back in my BMC brainrot, thank you for your incredible content and takes!
RoyalPains and feels about Jake hitting me like a freight train is not what I expected to get me back in but hey, why not
Oh my god thank you! You're welcome! I have not stopped thinking about these characters since, like, 2017
I spend too much time analysing their relationships and all that. I'm glad I could help lol
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zipalipa · 3 years
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bradeverettyoung · 4 years
@kylehowrad photographed in Los Angeles by @Bradley206 for #DreamLoudOfficial Video posted for Kyle’s Bday on 04.13.20 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Photographed By @Bradley206 #BradEverettYoung DreamLoudOfficial.com / #DreamLoud / #Sony #SonyImages @Sony @SonyImages / Photo taken w/ the @SonyAlpha #SonyAlpha #SonyA3000 / #KyleHoward #Kyle #Howard #OrangeCounty #GrossPointe #IntoTheDark #RoyalPains #MinorityReport #YourFamilyOrMine #MyBoys #CSI #GhostWhisperer #8SimpleRules #OppositeSex #ChrisEvans / Additional video edits done using @filmmapp / #ScreenTest #ScreenTests #Warhol #AndyWarhol / #HappyToBeYear https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9Yix2gVVb/?igshid=119it09xcqi3j
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Like or respond to plot with Alex @mynameisalexiswear or Violet @quietcinnamonroll
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pinklilfairy · 5 years
I really want to
As Christine or Chloe.
Any ship. I like all of them (except for Pinkberry)
Please DM me if you are interested! ♡
Bonus points if you have Discord
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raurquiz · 8 months
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#Happybirthday #RichardPoe #actor #GulEvek #thenextgeneration #deepspacenine #voyager #burnaftereading #thepeacemaker #transamerica #itcouldbeworst #gotham #royalpains #lawandordersvu #braindead #searchparty #younger #talesofthecity #ds930 #startrek57 @TrekCore @StarTrek
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sinfullysinatra · 6 years
If you guys want to see some great autism representation watch Royal Pains(it is on Netflix). Dr. Jeremiah Sacani is the best portrayal of autism I've ever seen. He's never explicitly stated to be autistic but it is heavily implied. The way they show his meltdowns, sensory issues, occasional difficulty speaking when distressed, head banging, literal mindedness, ect is so good. His relationships with those around him, especially Divya are so tender and realistic. I also love how they show his vulnerability, how easy it is for him to be taken advantage of by others(as an autistic person this is something I've experienced before and is a very real risk). He's shown as empathetic, kind, caring, brilliant, and human. Well done Royal Pains.
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thatfunnytransguy · 6 years
I found my new celebrity bae and now idk what to do. I was sitting minding my own business watching royal pains like always. When all of a sudden, they bring out this damn gorgeous actress that I have never see nor even heard of. So I proceed to search imdb for about five minutes looking for this woman. And right when I start to get frustrated from having to scroll so much with no luck.... There she is. Motha fuckin Savannah Wise 😍😍😍
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