fuuka101 · 3 months
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The Stick Figure of the windy winter breeze! Cure Wistera!
Last Is Purple, but for now, the ROYGB are complete!
So basically ever since the new witch short and how Blue is most likely the greenery, I decided to make his based off of Healin’ Good PreCure and Mahotsukai PreCure, it turned out good honestly.
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takashiredux · 4 months
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ROYGB Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan, May 3, 2024
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rigatoniiiiiiii · 2 years
what flowers do you think would fit ROYGB + Mango? i hc Purple as a flower nerd and they would probably assign flowers to their friends lol...
I spent an hour or so going over all the flowers in my book, i think i picked out the most accurate answers :) admittedly i did forget to do it from purple’s perspective, but oh well.
Flower headcanons:
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Second: Sunflower (Helianthus). Meaning: devotion, loyalty, strength, power, homage, inspiration
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Red: Columbine (aquilegia). Meaning: strength, endurance, aspiration, courage, foolishness, love
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Yellow: common vervain (verbena officinalis). Meaning: intelligence, inspiration, enchantment, abilities, love of learning
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Blue: Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris). Meaning: healing, courage, restful, thriftiness, and also a herb for cooking
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Green: Elderberry (sambucus). Meaning: compassion, kindness, creativity, transformation, endings, death, regeneration
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Mango: Marigold (Tagetes). Meaning: pain, grief, despair, healing, affection, (also the flower of greiving in Dia De Los Muertos, plus marigolds are in the daisy family and daisies commonly represent children and innocence, + mango’s son Gold.)
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roseverdict · 2 years
How Can AvM Be Canon Within AvM? (Analysis/Headcanon)
Alright, so it's been, what, two, two and a half weeks since The King came out and downright imploded the fandom? There's so much going on during every second and every little detail counts. There've been revelations of Mango and Purple's narrative foiling, of what Mango's backstory means for the ages of the rest of the cast, and of what this means for the Beckerverse at large.
However, one odd little loose end continues to nag at a lot of us, it seems.
How is it possible for the original AvM video to exist within the continuity of the AvM "Shorts"?
I've seen a lot of speculation about whether in-universe Alan just has his screen recorder on all the time or not, and what this means for the apparent father figure to the very sticks in the video. Are the videos like vlogs in-universe? Do the sticks know they're being watched by millions of strangers?
I'd like to think I've figured it out. See, a post like this almost could have been made months ago, back when Green first saw Mango's explanation of the plan to Purple…except we didn't have one key factor then that we do now.
And that key factor…
…is Herobrine.
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Lemme explain.
See, a lot of pieces of the puzzle fall into place once you work out Herobrine's whole deal. For context, in the original AvM video, he possesses Red and forces them to battle the rest of the Color Gang for seemingly no reason. When he next appears in Monster School, he's…
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…a teacher?
Now, I'm not going to talk too much about the ins and outs of Monster School- that's not a canon I'm familiar with. What I am familiar with, though, is the previous Animation Vs. videos. Why on earth would a Minecraft cryptid who, by all appearances, should have a grudge against ROYGB…not have a grudge?
I mean, you've seen him in action.
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If Red wasn't an unexpected-but-welcome visitor, we would have known. Instead, we got Herobrine making Red come to class. Almost like saying "Get in here- you might actually learn something."
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And while he's pretty insistent that Red sticks around for class, as visibly Not A Mob as Red is, he's also a pretty chill teacher, all things considered.
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At least, until his students are endangered.
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Now, how does this characterization of Herobrine mesh with that from the original AvM, when the characterization for everybody else is so rock-solid that we're able to associate Minecraft proficiencies with stick figures who are visually indistinguishable save by color?
Simple: it doesn't.
Now, I'm not saying we've got two Herobrines running around, I'm saying that the Herobrine we meet in Monster School is, as it were, Beckerverse Herobrine's natural state.
The original AvM was an acting gig.
I'd even go so far as to suggest that almost all the "Animation Vs" videos that aren't AvM "Shorts" were planned out in-universe, and there's a simple way to tell which ones would have been planned and which ones weren't.
Does it happen on Alan's desktop (or an expansion of it)? It was most likely planned.
This goes for Vs. Youtube, Vs. Mario, Vs. Arcade Games, and Vs. Minecraft. An argument could even be made for AvM S1E1- The Rediscovery.
It does not go for Vs. League of Legends.
(Don't worry, I'll be coming back to Herobrine later. I'm not through with him yet.)
Now, Vs. League of Legends, while originally teased at the end of Vs. Minecraft, does not actually pick up from where Vs. Minecraft left off. It takes place sometime after season 1 of the AvM shorts, and it takes place within League itself.
It also features Purple.
I won't go into too much detail, but suffice it to say that the bit of character development we get here does seem to translate directly to the Parkour episode of AvM S3- in the previous AvM short with Purple in it, the rainbow squad leaves on less-than-friendly terms with Purple, what with Blue and Green being left to fall to their deaths and Purple being tossed in Minecraft jail, and all. In Vs. League, however, we get a good, old-fashioned stick fight between ROYGB and Purple, and it would be expected for the two sides to part as frustrated acquaintances at best…
…and then they go for another round, this time switching up who the 'villain' is and getting Purple to play with them.
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Then, in Parkour, Purple uses this newfound trust to get them into the parkour trap. (And I could yell (hyperfixation) about Purple here, too, but I'm trying to focus purely on the meta right now so skdjskdjdk)
See, season 1 of AvM originally takes place on Alan's PC, but it does take a detour through the Nether and out through multiple different Minecraft worlds before the sticks finally get back.
Season 2, short as it is, takes place entirely on the desktop. (Or desktop-adjacent, in the case of the Lucky Blocks episode. Even in that trippy Lucky Block Dimension, the sticks can still influence the desktop directly.)
Season 3…well.
Season 3 takes us out of Alan's PC right from the get-go, and while there is a brief return or two before the end, it's still a direct continuation of what's been happening on the other side of the portal.
And what a happening it's been!
We've got the squad being split up multiple times, we've got a looming threat on the verge of deleting Minecraft, and we've even got a brief detour through somebody else's copy of the game.
But how does all this mesh together?
Well, like I said, if my theory is correct, the Animation Vs. videos (minus Vs. LoL) were all staged, at least to some degree. That means that, for all intents and purposes, Herobrine's original possession of Red was planned out beforehand and given the green light.
Maybe some of the other AvM videos were too, maybe they weren't. Unless we see them within the context of new AvM videos themselves, I don't think we'll ever know for sure.
But the videos that follow the sticks off the desktop are almost certainly videos that just don't exist in the Beckerverse. If in-universe Alan has a screen recorder trained on his desktop for funsies, he likely doesn't send his digicameras to follow the sticks around as they leave to do who-knows-what.
So what does this mean for the father figure to our favorite stick figures?
I propose that the Animation Vs. videos that could have been filmed using just Alan's screen recorder were, while videos that involve the sticks leaving to go who-knows-where weren't. The build battles, the first two music-related episodes, the first rollercoaster video, those were all done with at least the knowledge that what they were doing was being recorded. (I personally like to think in-universe Alan runs any "hey remember this? let's make it a video!" ideas past the sticks before uploading, but that's just me.)
Blue and Green leaving for the Nether the first time and ending up on Purple's Macbook, and everything that comes directly of it? That happens "off-camera" and probably isn't uploaded to in-universe Youtube.
The events of S3 as a whole, taking place almost entirely off of Alan's PC, wouldn't have been recorded, either.
Which brings us back to Herobrine. His first appearance, his acting gig, was definitely on Alan's desktop. In this context, it'd be like if you managed to successfully get Bigfoot to shoot a video with you- you shoot the video, you bid Bigfoot farewell, and you never expect to run into him again.
Except Red did.
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When Herobrine sees Red in the halls, his first instinct is not to tell Red to get lost, the way it would be if he'd recognized Red and left ROYGB on bad terms. He squints at Red- and I would bet money that he does recognize them, because how many stick figures would a Minecraft Creepypasta brought to life even know?- and invites Red to class.
That's not something you do with somebody you dislike, especially when kids you care about, your students, are on the line and you've got the means to protect them.
Now, we know from Monster School and The King that Herobrine is perfectly capable of what we saw in the original AvM, but that he's also capable of so much more. The Doylist explanation is just that Alan and the crew came up with more abilities to show off after growing their skills for years on end.
The Watsonian explanation is that, well, in a scripted video, Herobrine didn't need to pull out all the stops. The original AvM was plenty entertaining as it was, and the sticks are durable enough to do things, like, say, brawl with each other in a website without end. If the first AvM was scripted, who's to say they were even really endangered?
(The AvA videos and the actually-short shorts…kinda hurt my brain to think about in this context. So I won't. At least, not yet.)
But they were definitely endangered in The King, and when Herobrine is in danger of getting pulled into the staff, nobody moves…
…except for Red.
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Red was possessed in the seemingly-scripted original AvM video and, if they'd had a bad experience with being possessed for a video, they likely wouldn't have brought attention to themself right at this moment. If they hadn't, they might have beaten themself up over not doing so later, but their first thought in the moment wouldn't be to get closer.
But it was. They did.
And we all know what happened next.
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We know that plot points from the original AvM are still true in-universe, scripted though the video may be.
Herobrine's abilities...
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...the power of the Minecraft icon...
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...that's all stuff that comes back later on.
Which brings us to the Mango man himself and the moment that's breaking all of our brains.
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In-universe, if the only videos that exist are the ones that take place solely on or around one guy's desktop, who's to say stick figures in the interspace believe that anything that happens in them could be real? They don't go on that guy's PC. As evidenced by the Minecraft booth from Mango's backstory, they need a whole Star Trek holodeck-on-steroids setup to even get into Minecraft without using Minecraft mechanics directly, and this likely goes for other games as well.
Mango, however, was desperate enough to turn to Minecraft myths for his revenge plan. He's already considering things outside the box- who's to say he can't get the Minecraft icon from wherever the ROYGB sticks are?
So when he puts up his posters declaring that he wants to find the sticks who most people probably consider to be actors, who else would respond than the one stick we on the outside have seen before, the one stick who knows that the videos may be scripted but the abilities are certainly real?
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When Purple sees Mango's Minecraft basement, they're looking around in awe, sure, but given that the use of Minecraft mechanics seems to be restricted outside of Minecraft, to the point that Mango needed to make a shady alleyway deal to get his hands on a command block…well, I'd be surprised too.
But they recognize the Nether portal for what it is, and they don't hesitate to follow Mango through.
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There's probably a lot to be said regarding Purple's motivations at this point- given the assumption that Vs. LoL happened off-camera, for Purple to then turn around and lure the sticks into the parkour trap for Mango…there's something more going on there, there's gotta be. Something that might have been expanded on in a musical number, perhaps?
however this post took several hours of thinking to do and the better part of a day to make legible for tumblr, and i wound up passing out at one point, so i think i'm done for now wodjskdkd. i'd like to think i've at least clarified which videos would be available in-universe and why.
now if anybody needs me, i'm gonna go rewatch s3 and cry again :',D
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luizastarry · 1 year
btw before anyone asks i consider roygb+p to be in their early 20s okay bye thank you :)/lh
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celestialaviva · 2 years
🗺️ how do you imagine the world works? (As in how do things come alive and what differences are their to our world)
I don't have many original ideas as to how their world works. But I do love the idea that there are two different worlds (and cultures?) for the animations. The desktops (where roygb live) and the outernet (where Purple and King came from). ((This idea is from Sammy!))
I also love the idea that creations can come to life due to a creator's creative intent. I know it might not make sense when we think about Second and the Hangman coming to life unintentionally. I just don’t have the proper words to explain it sdhfkasjd
I just simply think of it like- “Imagine it comes to life... I hope not.”/”I wonder what will happen if it comes to life.” but the creator doesn’t mean for them to actually come to life, they’re only imagining with no purpose.
Now in Purple and King’s case, I like to imagine they live like humans do but obviously in a digital world with digital rules. But they probably don’t know human customs well other than what already exists online. (if that makes sense? adhfakfj)
I can’t word this well Im sorry
😭 favorite angst scenario?
Im an absolute sucker for sickfics with a very very stubborn sick person trying their best to deal with being sick on their own whether or not a caretaker is present. Also someone feeling a lot of regret and shame for past actions and trying their hardest to make it up to the people they’ve wronged. I have.. a couple more but I guess I’ll leave it at my top two akdfk
For AvA, I think a good target for these are King and Dark. They try. But they very much fail. They’d go about these situations very differently from each other though, Im sure.
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starisinsane · 2 years
LANGUAGE HCsssss!!!!!!!!
Ooh! Ooh! New headcanon!!!11!!!!!1!!!1!!
Dark is fluent in Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, Chosen can speak most Arabic languages/dialects, Yellow really likes learning new languages and is fluent in just about anything you can find, Blue likes obscure languages like Silbo Gomero and Xhosa, Green...well..."I'm fluent in music!" -Green, 2023. Red can understand animals well, but they can't directly communicate with the animals. Second knows Russian, Mandarin Chinese, and a few others, he has the ability to pick up on a language decently quickly, so if it is spoken around him for a few months he will learn it. Purple knows Korean, Kannada (Indian language), and Spanish, Mango knows French (in theory) and German, Orchid knows Korean, Regular Blue knows Spanish (Purple taught themself Kannada), Gold knows French, Spanish, Italian, Bulgarian, and Romanian (lol I definitely didn't have to put Bulgarian and Romanian in there because I speak both and could easily make a comic in those languages), and Victim...Well, they can learn a new language just by hearing/reading it once, so they basically know all the languages by default.
Obviously, they all know English, but their accents will vary. My headcanon is that King's family has British accents. (I mean Britain has a monarchy and King is King so uhhhh) So, King and Gold would have British accents. Purple switches between American English and British English, ROYGB all use American English, but Second sometimes slips into a British or Australian accent for no reason at all. Regular Blue has an Australian accent, Orchid uh *runs out of variations on English* *does canada have its own accent* *lemme google that real quick**okay no* Orchid just uses American English. Dark has a slight Scottish accent, because it'll make his existence even more of a joke whenever he says something evil and I just imagine that in a Scottish accent, Chosen switches between American English and Britsh English. Victim...uh...every word they say is in a different accent so I have no idea how to define that, thank you very much.
Uh, and that just about wraps it all up for now! :D (Keep in mind, these headcanons are only my opinion, and are not meant to insult anyone! ^^)
oh also Reuben speaks Pig and Enchantment Table.
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nobleglass · 3 years
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3-Day Auction for this One Of A Kind Hand-Pulled Rainbow Cane Set! 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ This listing includes one of our top shelf Rainbow Cane Bongs in a Size Medium (approx 14” Tall), with a matching Rainbow Cane Bowl (ALL-glass-on-glass ground joint fittings, and diffused downstem), and It comes with a matching hand-pulled Rainbow Cane Corked Glass Nug Jar! BIDDING STARTS NOW AND ENDS ON Sunday at 4:20 PM PST / 7:20 PM EST ⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️🌈⛅️ =======> 🌈⛅️ Make sure to add the countdown alert that I post in the stories so that you can get a reminder 30 minutes before the auction closes 🌈⛅️<========= Please read all of the rules before placing a bid: 🌈⛅️ THE RULES -⁣ ▪️Starting bid: $125 ▪️Minimum bid increment: $5⁣ ▪️Buy it now: $420 ▪️Bid under “bid here” comment⁣ ▪️Tag the person you outbid⁣ ▪️Snipes: new bids within the last 5 minutes before the end time, and each bid after, will extend the auction time by 5 minutes. ⁣ ▪️Think before you bid! If we catch you deleting bids you will be banned from our auctions. DO NOT BID IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO PAY. Please be PayPal or credit/debit card ready within 24 hours of winning and make sure that your address is updated! 🌈⛅️ Winner pays $15 to ship it within the continental US, $35 for Canada shipping ( we are only able to ship US and a Canada right now) Must be 21+ to bid, and have a shipping address in a legal state / country. 🌈⛅️ Good Luck! 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ 🌈⛅️ #NobleGlass #rainbowglass #rainbowglasscane #glasscane #NobleGlassGallery #Noblebong #glassauction #glassforsale #spring #handmadeglass #eugeneglass #glassofig #eugeneoregon #rainbowbong #glassrainbow #roygb #top shelf#headyglass #softglass #bong #glassauction #potofgold #sculptedglass #matchingglass #glassforgirls #glassforladies #bongset #highendglass (at Noble Glass) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNKxvKfnvgF/?igshid=x3mvqyorc5yt
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toon-melody · 2 years
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He is so fucked up I adore him.
Experimental ROYGB belongs to @themisscuy & @juguiuw !
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inkedintothepaper · 4 years
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0RANG3, or Orange! She’s grumpy most of the time. Scientists cut off part of one of her horns. She doesn’t sleep much.
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occatorcreator · 3 years
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Here’s my oc “Scribbles” - the villain of my Color Drained AU!
He’s the thief that stole the RoYGB gang’s color. Why he did that? Well… that I’ll keep a secret for awhile longer 😉
Read more for my ideas I have for Scribbles
Name: ??? (What are you a cop? He’s just Scribbles!)
Pronouns: he/they/it
Height: congrats Green, you are taller than this gremlin!
Age: same age bracket as Chosen One and Dark Lord, but he sure don’t act like it
Fun facts
If I could animate, how I picture Scribbles is through very limited animation - practically no inbetweens. Think Mr. Game n Watch from Smash Brothers franchise. This video has a great breakdown how that animation works in a 3D environment.
When idling, I imagine his line art oscillating and wobbling too. Sometimes their body squashes and stretches due to inconsistency compared to the nice models and smooth frames of the other stick figures
The reason for being oddly animated? Well his creator is hardly one I call an “animator”. Heck his creator couldn’t draw a stick figure!
Scribbles uses the bad animation to his advantage. It’s harder to hit a target if they’re floaty and have less frames to clock! His poses and Anticipation is also a touch wonky - making Scribble’s movements more unpredictable and surreal.
Scribbles is incapable of frowning. 😀
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sammy8d257 · 3 years
What's the Mad King AU? I can't find anything tagged with that aside from the gift
Oh hooo hooooo
Anon I am rubbing my hands together like a mischievous raccoon
Long story short,
The Mad King AU is one in which Purple unwillingly attracts the attention of an eldritch abomination living in the Void of the End. Like most people who encounter incomprehensible entities, his sanity starts to take a nosedive which leads to a lot of interesting things that diverge from the canon timeline. In this universe, they overthrow King MT on their own and establish a new kingdom in the End, the Void’s close proximity and influence via the crown Purple wears chipping away at their sanity. ROYGB have no idea of this, since they never looked back after escaping from the Nether and MT, until Red and Green one day decide to look for Purple and find him halfway off the deep end.
(Purple uses he/they pronouns! Also thank you to my buddy on Discord for helping me write this summary! They’re also a big Lovecraft/Eldritch horror fan and have been helping me flesh out this AU!)
Some background! The Mad King AU originally was just a concept I created for an AvA Sticktober prompt about Purple snapping and overthrowing King (link -> https://sammy8d257.tumblr.com/post/666060853596061696/ava-sticktober-day-25-ruler-what-happens-when-a )
And then somewhere along I decided to incorporate my love of Cosmic Horror into the story, and one thing lead to another-
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And now this AU has turned into a full-blown story with a beginning, middle, and a surprisingly hopeful ending. It's still in its very rough stages, with most ideas being screamed about in DMs with the occasional art or mini fics being made. Some of which I can post if people are interested! But basically, the Mad King AU is my attempt to incorporate my love of Cosmic Horror into an AU with a bunch of stick figures alskdjlgss
Because I just think people trying to understand Vast and Unknowable things that are incomprehensible to the human mind, is a really interesting concept 83c
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frog-man-blog · 3 years
What kind of realation do you think purple and King orange/MT have?
Personally, I think MT is just using Purple.
I mean it’s kinda obvious he is, mans literally betrayed him for some Minecraft block, what a fucking nerd.
However I feel like they did have some type of relationship since I do believe they have met prior before the ROYGB gang rolled up and the entire portal fiasco happened.
What that relation ship is, I don’t know. However, seeing Purple without the crown, when he clearly is still in a monarch, led me to believe Mango didn’t take it lightly when the villagers booted him. And we all know what Mango did to the piglens so…
Also I’m not talking about HC, I’m talking about canon and theories for this.
Personally Mango is NOT a good person and him and Purples relationship really show that it’s very toxic.
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luizastarry · 1 year
random au concept Mango researches Alan Becker's videos for more info on ROYGB and sees AvA1. then he starts looking more into Victim and maybe somehow manages to contact them? idk. something something Mango wants Victim to help him get his kid back and they don't actually know how to do that but don't want to be forgotten and left behind again. without a chance for a life, for a finished story, please, please don't rip my continuation away. i don't even know
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themisscuy · 2 years
This Experiment ROYGB kinda reminds me of the ending of this visual novel, RB Axolotl. Don't suppose the sticks' minds are all in the same "vessel" once their body parts are fused?
Oh, I didn't know the visual novel :0 but I just looked it up and it seems interesting! ^^
And about answering the question, hehe, no. At least not really.
Second thinks his friends are safe and sound now that they're literally parts of him because now they can't get away and get hurt by anything, but his friends are actually...you know. None of them could survive the operation :")
And oh, I want to take advantage of this and clarify ^^ I've talked with Jugui, and we decided that the official name for this AU is Bonded AU!
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thevalleyoftriumph · 2 years
i saw you interacting with a few of my posts and, for the sake of your comfort, i wanted to ask if you are comfortable with me using he/him for ROYGB (i use they/them for Purple)? i use these pronouns when talking about canon or my own interpretations of the characters. i know it's just in case if i want to follow you, but i wanted to make sure i won't make you uncomfortable. feel free to block me, i won't mind!/gen
OH yeah no of course, i dont necessarily mind absolutely not! esp not w personal characterizationz, i totally get it, and i appreciate you asking!!!
i tried explaining thiz but i dont think i did a good job so im gonna like. try to get my thought process across lol
i dont mind like, at all if ppl do it for canon or their own interpz! im just so used to using mostly they/them for them all that sometimez my brain goez "wait what huh??" so i put that on my "ask first" just so i can like. expect it yknow? like i 100% do not mind what other ppl do for their own interpretationz and characterizationz, id be sooo hypocritical if i did lol, and i should prob edit it on my carrd to clarify thiz lmao.
but yeah idm at all, you dont make me uncomfy! i do appreciate you asking tho ^v^ <3
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