#rp asks on main <3
Liam was sitting all alone, care to approach him?
[The answer? Yes, please!]
Hey there, mate. What brings you around to this neck of the woods?
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ask-the-copper-9-crew · 2 months
hey everyone, ever heard of ligma?
"I don't want too!"
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"Im not falling for that pathetic joke"
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What’s ligma?
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ooogai · 5 months
Are you okay with all of Mystic's chaos?
Mystic certainly has some intriguing tastes in food if that’s what you mean.
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dazai-mackerel · 4 months
ooc: I just came across your account, It's a roleplay blog right? I want to make sure I'm getting this right! I also have autism so we are twinsies ☺️
yes !! :3 i consider it a rp blog(and u can too ofc :D)- but i am also a fictionkin of dazai so i dont really answer anything ooc? does this make sense? im sure not :P
also- yaaayyyy we’re autism twins ^^
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glacialswordsman-a · 3 months
they had been away from mondstadt for months now , at first it was just to heal , calm their mind , and give their self time to reflect over what had happened . they also wanted to give kaeya space , give him time to calm down and get his thoughts together - because they knew that if they didn't talking would probably get no where . they wanted a chance , a chance to talk and work this out , the last few months had been painful , oddly enough staying away from him had been far more painful than the burn that they had received .
and yet they still find anxiety clouding their mind as they stand in front of his apartment , they want to run but they don't . instead they take a deep breath and reach out to knock against the door before stepping back to wait .
they've gone over what they'll say a thousand times , a thousand different ways . about how they want to talk this out , how they want to fix this - remind kaeya it isn't his fault because they know that he's probably been blaming himself . things that they've written in letters only to end up throwing them away rather than sending them off to mondstadt for him to read .
all of that however is thrown out the window when they finally set their eyes on him again .
their kaeya .
❛❛ starshine ... gods i've missed you . ❜❜ they reach out for a moment , before hesitating -- pulling their arms back towards their self . would he even want them to touch him , to hug him ? this wasn't apart of the plan , to be overwhelmed with emotion . they were suppose to be smart about all of this ...
❛❛ can ... can i hug you ? - i know i should be saying we need to talk , which we do need to talk but ... i just really want to hug you . is that okay ? ❜❜
( i told you. you would be getting an ask )
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These past few months were hollow, save those three distinct feelings, ever since he had lost both his lover and then his brother within the same week.
There had been nary a word from Ajax ever since he had left, save Lumine’s assurances that he was safe in Fontaine. He was relieved to hear that the ginger had retreated to a place where they knew they’d be kept safe and secure, where Lumine would still be able to visit them here and there…yet it also tore Kaeya’s heart apart.
He will always be grateful to Lumine for going between them to check on them, but he knew very well that she was wearing herself ragged. It wasn’t fair to her, nor was it fair to Ajax. This was all Kaeya’s fault, after all, and yet they were the ones paying the price. Diluc, too, was paying the price.
Guilt devoured and swallowed Kaeya whole after all the events transpired, leaving him a man bereft of warmth, familiarity, comfort—of love. That from his brother, and that—or something akin to that—from Ajax. And yet, he made no move to reach for that which he yearned for again.
No, in fact, he kept to himself. Forced himself to put those masks back on, just as he learned to do when Diluc first left Mondstadt after that fateful night. It was a repeat of Kaeya’s mistakes, where he was unable to be honest until the very last second – until the worst possible moment. The only difference is that he wasn’t burned this time, unlike Ajax. Diluc kept his promise to not harm a hair on Kaeya's head again, whereas Kaeya couldn’t even divulge even a sliver of truth until it was too late.
How strange that every time Kaeya loses someone, it storms.
The Cavalry Captain was certain that neither of them wanted to see him again, anyway. Why would they? Ajax never wrote to him, and nor did Diluc (at least not directly). The pain he felt when Adelinde gave him his—once again—estranged brother’s regards was immense, and had left him frigid ever since. The temperature around his immediate self remained low, while his skin felt like that of a corpse.
Absolutely freezing.
The fact that neither of them wrote to him directly told him everything he needed to know: he’s no longer wanted. No longer worthy of their warmth.
There was an obvious pain that lingered in his eye more than ever before, if people were able to catch a glimpse of it. Otherwise, it was as though nothing was different. Or perhaps a better comparison is that it was as though everything was back the way it was since Diluc’s 18th birthday, only a touch worse. His mask of charming aloofness returned tenfold, those disarming smiles much broader, his teeth glinting a little more dangerously past curled lips. He still got his work done, was always exceptional when it came to bartering information from others through will or through force. But there was an edge, every time he tried to pull something out of someone. Every time he turned in his work to Jean.
And along with that edge came debilitating loneliness from the separation of two of the people he held closest to his heart. Whenever he finished his job for the day, he’d immediately return home and isolate himself for the rest of the evening. He never took the chance to leave the city again after the night Adelinde waited for him in his home.
Thus, here he was now, curled within his bed as his room was completely iced over, icicles hanging from his windowsill and ceiling (which he never found it in himself to properly remove), the glass panes frosted, his wooden furniture beginning to crack from the sheer cold. Every night it was like this, and tonight was no different.
Or so he thought.
Hearing the knocks, he blinked his eye open and slowly lifted his head from his fetal position, his gaze glancing towards his bedroom door. The knocking is coming from the entryway. Perhaps it’s Rosaria coming to check on him, or something. Again.
With a slow, heavy sigh through his nose, he was tempted to ignore the knocking outright, yet if it is Rosaria, she’d more than likely harass him after waiting outside too long, and he didn’t want to deal with her potential scolding. Unfurling his body, he sluggishly and reluctantly sat up before standing, the cold following him by leaving icy steps along the path he walked while small snowflakes drifted from his own person.
Rosaria was really the only one Kaeya allowed himself to simply be raw around now, and so when he opened his front door, he didn’t put on a mask and simply had an expression of mild irritation and shame. He hates being looked out after like this, as though he’s a pathetic animal, or as though he's danger to himself. “Rosie, please, wouldn’t this be the third time this week—?”
He paused, as his gaze finally lifted to meet deep, oceanic eyes littered with ripples and stars. His breath left him completely at the sight of Ajax—at the sound of their voice.
What was once on his countenance had been completely wiped away, and instead replaced by shock, incredulity, as well as apprehension.
“… Childe?” he inquired, his voice oh so quiet and fragile. Kaeya’s heart squeezed much too tightly for his liking when the ginger asked to hug him, waiting patiently despite the yearning laced in their tone. Swallowing around the lump in his throat dryly, he’d glance around outside once to make sure there was no one else before motioning for the other to come into his apartment first.
Once inside, he shut the door with a gentle ‘click’, his gaze nervous as it returned towards Ajax. He wants to hug them, terribly so. He wants to feel them, hold them, take in their scent, bury himself into them and never surface again as long as it kept him with them.
But that’s only for people who deserve it. Not Kaeya.
“M—maybe we should go sit down instead. Um. Do you, want anything…? Some tea, or something? O-or a blanket?”
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heavensentofficial · 8 months
Hello Lettie,
I've seen you a couple of times at the Hospital. I have heard that you have taken on the role as Temple Leader in Jordan's absence. I hope you aren't overworking yourself on your duties. If you ever feel unwell, please feel free to stop by the Hospital.
On a slightly less professional note, I have visited the Temple Gardens and they are quite lovely. I wonder if I can try to grow some of the plants from there, and if you have any tips on how to take care of them.
Sincerely, @hanshospitality
Hans, right? Hello! c:
Yes, I am quite a frequent patient of Doctor Harper's... We still haven't gotten to the bottom of what is actually wrong with me, but I'm there enough for your name to ring a bell! Um... If I'm to be completely honest, I have been overwhelmed, even with the efforts to limit physical exertion. Jordan's duties paired with my own is quite a lot. However, I generally already know how to deal with my flareups I think and I keep medical supplies in my room - so unless something is severe or out of the ordinary, I probably won't need to burden the good doctor. I hear you are quite understaffed there, after all...
Although I can't help but wonder... Is this you asking, or did he request you do so? ... I suppose it doesn't matter! In any case, I'm thankful for the concern. I'll try to be sure I take care of myself. It would be problematic if I got especially ill at the same time as Jordan, after all.
As for the gardens, hearing you say that made me smile c: I haven't been able to be as hands on as I'd like with the efforts to get them in order (Though I rarely am, really.) I've been trying a combination of rewarding people for helping and telling them about the plants, their symbolism in scripture and what we use them for, in an effort to get everyone to feel more, ah... Attached to the garden I guess? If they better understand the work and care more about it, maybe they'll be more inclined to uh... Do it! I sure hope so. I'd be happy to talk more about some of the plants we have here under the cut! We did have to order these online, though. I don't think most of them are available here very easily. I'll throw in some extra information about how I use them too, just for fun. Even if you happen know a lot of it, maybe other people will find it helpful or entertaining?
Firstly, Lavender ^^
Our main concern currently has been trying to get the lavender we already have under control - it gets so wild and woody when it's left to its own devices, but it's really best to trim lavender in late summer. We just uprooted some of the problematic ones (I could probably give you some to propagate if you would like?) and made sure to cover it in a protective fleece from the frost. I think they sell plastic ones? But I can make fleece winter-covers easily.
Lavender really likes sunny spots and fast draining spoil. When you first plant it, it'll be thirsty and want to be watered plenty - but once it's established you really don't want to unless it's been drought-y (Unless it's in a container I suppose?)
They make a great companion for cabbages and tomatoes. They like similar conditions and repel bugs that would want to eat your food without anything having to be harmed c: At the same time, bees and butterflies love it! You can even put the seeds into a bird feeder. ^^
Oftentimes, we use lavender in purification and healing ceremonies. (It's useful enough to keep on my person most of the time when I'm working! Sprigs of it, lavender-oil, anything really.)
Also it's delicious in tea and soothing for your muscles when you put it in a bath - and inhaling the resulting steam often alleviates my headaches. Applying lavender oil or salve to bandages helps wounds close faster, too! ^^ Accidents happen ahaha...
Uhh... Then there's roses, we have quite a few of those. When I first saw mentions of someone called Briar, I must admit, I thought Jordan was upset about tearing their robes on all the briar bushes. They were so wild before...
This time of year is a fantastic time to plant bare-root roses! As for roses you already have though, they'll be just starting to come out of dormancy right around now, so it's a good time to prune them, so they're nice and prepared for the coming year ^^ When you cut roses, try to make sure you're cutting just a little above a bud at an angle, to encourage new growth.
Roses like similar spots to lavender, but they'll want to be watered more often. Moist, but not wet. Try not to water the leaves, naturally... Roses will also appreciate being fertilised regularly.
Roses don't like much competition and it's important to make sure they have plenty of space to get some air, but with that in mind, alliums, geraniums and marigolds will protect your roses from pests. At the temple, we've been using garlic and onions. (Any opportunity to grow more of our own food is welcome. Some level of self sufficiency is sort of part of the whole... Monastic Lifestyle thing...)
If you want roses that will attract pollinators, go for a single or semi-double bloom so that bees can have easy access. This year, we planted Lady of the Lake roses, which are a pale pink/off white sort of colour with a citrusy scent to them (I'm excited to try eating them ^^) Maybe if we grow enough of these, the lady I sometimes see at the lake will give me a sword? (Kidding~)
In scripture, red roses are symbolic of blood and sacrifice and white of purity. (I'm curious about those two-tone red and white roses... I always have liked them a lot. Maybe I can try growing them, one day, even if only in a pot in my room...) Roses in general also have connotations with the afterlife. I also know Jordan has a rose-based concoction they sometimes use for purification ^^
As for myself, I sometimes use rose water for my skin - and similar to lavender, to make wounds heal faster - and also as a wound wash. (Very helpful to have on hand, especially if an initiate gets hurt while doing their duties! Never good.) I also try to stay stocked up on rosehips. The tea's useful to have while recovering from illnesses and for certain kinds of pain. c:
I think Cyclamen are a pretty common sight in churchyards, but I think that's for good reason
For starters, it's always nice to have flowers that are actually in bloom in the winter! I think these might be the main one you've seen as of late, aside from the rosehips? I also planted some around the general area of the cemetery recently, though that was before I was left in charge. I can't say for sure how much the dead care about having flowers near their bodies, but I don't know that they don't... Maybe I could plant some near the lake, too... Around this time of year, when they're in full bloom, watering them correctly is important, since the roots are so susceptible to rot. You sort of want to wait until the leaves look like they're beginning to droop and the earth feels dry. If it's very rainy, I like to give them some shelter.
Cyclamen like partial shade. We have them mostly near the outskirts of the garden, where the canopy from the forest will sort of protect them from the elements. They're happiest in well-draining, rich, acidic soil, so giving the soil a little snack is sure to be appreciated. c:
They pair well with most woodland plants, really! Snowdrops, primroses and ferns come to mind. Ours are hanging out with primroses. (Lonely plants are kind of sad...)
Like I mentioned with the cemetery thing, cyclamen are super commonly used as memorial flowers! We use them a lot as altar decorations for funerals and certain holy days. They're also used in certain types of incense! (Not all of it. Just some!) They look like they have little bowing heads, so I think they bring kind of a sense of piety to mind for some people? I think they are adorable.
I think there's a way to prepare them that helps with sinus issues, but I don't really bother to. In the past, people ate them to ease menstrual pains and some other stuff, but even if they work, they do also cause a spot of convulsing, vomiting and dying, so... Whether it's worth it, you be the judge! You're the medical practitioner. I just like reading and experimenting. ^^;
It was roughly around this point when I remembered that I'm meant to be responding to somebody's message (and that most of this was completely unasked for ahaha... Oh well...) I think I got a little overexcited at the chance to talk about a thing I'm interested in, my apologies.
Thank you again for reaching out to me ^^ Even if I don't feel great for a bit, I'm likely to be fine ultimately.
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octomae · 5 months
i should do one of those relationship charts for my splatoon agents, i want to talk about them so badly. the problem is that im bad at talking to ppl in general about literally anything
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@magicmonstersandmischief asked:
© - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere (Kriss, probably guiding Diamond through a crowded area)
(Manhandling symbols | Accepting!)
This wasn't the ideal way for Diamond to be guided, at least from a logistics standpoint, but he trusted Kriss. And there was something to be said for the closer physical contact. He settled a companionable arm around the demon's shoulders, smiling faintly as he listened to the babble of the crowded market around them. "So, are you going to actually tell me where we're going at some point, or am I expected to start guessing?"
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@swede PENNED: ❝ a less trusting person might think this all sounds very suspicious. ❞
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" AH -- so you admit that you trust me? " he quips with a small smirk. He places a hand to his chest in a dramatic manner, slightly bowing his head. " I swear that I have nothing suspicious planned -- a delightful surprise is all that awaits you. " Erik raises his head, his amber gaze settling warmly upon Christine as he offers his arm. " Shall we? "
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macveigh · 2 years
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@blamedhee​​ asked: [ DANCE ] : our muses dance together in close quarters. [  sexual tension prompts. ] 
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The jukebox in the bar was playing old classics from the 50′s, 60′s, and 70′s’ mostly the ones that either nobody else has ever even heard of, or the big chart-toppers, nothing in between. Nobody was dancing, if anything, a lot of the younger drinkers looked annoyed. Morgan couldn’t relate, most of the songs she heard she recognized and knew the lyrics to by heart. She imagined herself as a little girl again, dancing to the music softly playing from the turntable in her grandfather’s living room back on Delacroix. During the hot summers when her and Michael would spend the night over at the grandparent’s house, their grandfather on their mother’s side would put on his old records and then ask either Morgan or their grandmother to dance. He might have been pushing seventy-five last time she saw him, but he was always twenty-eight in the heart. She thought of him often whenever Buddy Holly, Hank Williams, or Ricky Nelson played on the radio. 
She thought of him now, and smiled to herself. 
Pushing herself up from her wooden chair with a loud SCREECH, she got up and half twirled towards the center of the room, not bothering to care about who stopped and stared at her like she had lost her mind. The cotton sundress that she wore twirled around her knees with her. Smiling at Grayson, she began to publicly embarrass herself by dancing alone, rhythmically swaying her hips and her head to the music’s almost melancholic tune while the song carried her, controlled the way she moved. The more she danced, the more attention she started to garner, mostly from the men, a few times from the girls who looked on disdainfully. 
It’s when Morgan made a suggestive come hither gesture to Gray that people really started to get agitated. “Come here...come here!” Morgan giggled, dancing towards him with her hands outstretched, “You owe me a dance, mister.” 
Despite his protests, Morgan lead him to the center of the room with her. She placed his hands in the correct spots (one hand on her waist, the other holding her own hand like how past generations used to dance) and began to lead the dance in time with the music. Her face flushed with color, but despite her playful shyness and the reactions from the onlookers, she continued to smile up at Grayson as they danced. 
“Don’t worry about them,” she shook her head and whispered between them, “Just...focus on me. On the music.” 
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fiercelywinged · 2 years
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Fluffy sleepy prompts | Accepting @lepuslunare / @spezialistin asked: “Don’t think I don’t notice you yawning. I think it’s time for some rest.” (lepuslunare)
“I’m fine,” he said with a small wave of his. “Just been doing some graveyard shifts lately.” One of his sidekicks needed the time off and he was nice enough to take over their shifts. Then throw in the few side jobs the Commission had him doing on top of his regular shifts at his own agency...And yeah Keigo could probably use a break. Not that he would actually admit to that. As much as he may complain and say how he wishes he was in the lower ranks, he did take his job seriously as the number two.
"Won't object to a coffee break but that should be enough to keep me going."
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Thoughts on people drawing your oc’s with theirs?
Moral and correct and based actually do it and then ramble about your OCs
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bartythebabygorljr · 5 months
I’m Barty Crouch JR [this is an RP blog]
tag me in any stuff u want me to react to rahhh
I got this weird muggle website bc idk I was bored lmaooooo
it’s kinda cool but the MLP stuff looks like my nightmares came to life, ate one another and threw up again 😇
he/they ❤️‍🔥
student at Hogwarts rahhhh ⛓️
my dad suckssss but unlike ur mother last night he doesn’t swallow 😉
prolly mentally ill but nah 🔥
ultra black monster is my best friend 😈
My friends r cool and also on here bc everyone finds it impossible to say not to me bc im the coolest:
@evanmp3 - Evan - my darling Rosieeeee❤️ MY BOYFRIEND IM SO IN LOVE WITH
@reg-can-swim - Reggie - says I ‘forced him on here’ 🙄🙄🙄 [I love tjat little depressed victorian boy]
@panda-is-pan - Dora💖 - cool ass witch and objectively one of the best people ever
@cas0meadows - Dorcas <333, she scares me but I love her
@prongsieb0y James. Ugh. Yawn. BORING. Hot. Not saying I like him but if it was a party and he asked to kiss me I’d probably fold like a deckchair 🧍
@remus-john-mo0ny-lupin - Remus. HOTTEST MARSAJFER BU FSR U GUYS
@siriuslyhotterthanyou - Sirius 😍😍😍 lowkey enemies 2 lovers - bitchkiller 4 life
@the-one-and-only-lily-evans - Lilyyyyy - I think she’s really cool :D
@mar-lean-into-me - MARLSSSS - chaotic platonic loml
@peterpeterthepumpkineater - Pete - chill chess boy
@maryhadalittlemaggic - MARY ! She seems rlly cool
@emmy-vance333 - Emmelineee - Mary’s best friend and seems chill :3
@alice-f0rtesc - Alice - I’ve heard rumours she’s actually a supernatural being made of never melting ice cream :3
(OOC: feel free to drop asks in my inbox and ill answer them in character :D also if u wanna join w a character we don’t have yet then DM me <3)
(OOC again: main blog is @thedvilsinthedetails my personality is…the exact same as on here LMAO)
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rockinrpmemes · 4 months
Some things NEW RP blogs need to understand about tumblr rpc etiquette:
It's good to see the RPC slowly reseeding itself after tumblr went all "scorched earth" on the writing community a few years ago. However, with a new crop RP'ers, comes a few issues that need to be addressed...Again.
If you are underage and approach a RP blog that clearly states: "NO ONE UNDER 18/21" Move on. We will not follow back, in fact, many of us surviving RP'ers since the 2015 RPC exodus are well over 30 now, and we will not be caught in some sick trap because a child thinks it's not a big deal to RP mature content with us. Go find someone your own age, and don't ruin our lives (literally, it's illegal and gross) because you have no impulse control.
Please, always reblog aesthetic pics, art, etc. from SOURCE, not the RP blog you're following. It's great if you like the photo or drawing we posted for our muse/s too, and want it as aesthetic for your muse/s, but understand you are clogging up the our Activity Feed. We don't see it as a compliment, rather, we see it as someone that is using our blog as a "resource" to siphon from, and nothing else. You will learn, as you RP more, even if you use some kind of thread tracker app, we ALL rely on Activity to see what exactly is going on with our threads and headcanons. Reblogging art, gifs, photosets, and text posts directly from us is a breach of RPC etiquette.
Same for memes...if you reblog a meme from us, and not the OP or another meme blog in the reblog roll, this looks like you're only following the RP blog as a resource, and not as a potential partner. Some RP'ers on here practice "meme/reblog karma" which means, if you take a meme, send a meme. But generally, 99% of the RPC frown deeply on RP'ers that reblog memes from them instead of source. Use the search bar and look up: "RP MEMES", many will pop up, often from Meme blogs like this one.
Some RP'ers do NOT feel comfortable with duplicates of our muses following them. Please read their guidelines or ask the mun privately if you are unsure. I don't know how it is elsewhere, but in the tumblr RPC, we have often seen duplicates of our muses stealing from us, so it raises a red flag across the board. Be it headcanons, plot arcs, ship-mates, etc. True, we can't steal partners/ship-mates. They can go write with whomever they please. But understand, if a duplicate starts to reblog ALL our stuff for their blog, and copy our plot lines and hound our main partners in order to replace us, it's very suspect, and you deserve the hard block you get. Where it gets confusing, is that some of us have no problem writing with duplicates, because we impliment "multi verse/ multi ship" law. Again, if you are unsure, READ THE BLOG'S GUIDELINES OR ASK the MUN.
If you send a meme or IC ask to RP blog to break the ice, be sure you actually know who and what their muse is. IE: If someone has a very canonly sweet and gentle muse, and you send them a confrontational, "down-to-fight" meme from your muse, I don't care if your muse is a textbook asshole. Use better judgement, because I can bet 9/10 times, the mun won't answer, because they will be baffled on how to reply. Same in reverse; if your muse is an innocent sweetheart, and you approach a chainsaw wielding murder demon from hell, while playing the cutiepie card, you will not get a good response. Know the type of muse you are approaching! We are not responsible for your muse's experience. We will answer In Character, or not at all. Don't complain about it later.
Never join in on a thread or verse that you are not invited to join. Again, I don't know where anyone allows this intrusive behavior, but if you see 2 or 3 people deeply embroiled in their own threading, you sticking your head into their thread and reblogging it to your blog "to keep" as a fanfiction or to "join in," is beyond rude and invasive. THREADS ARE NOT FANFICTION. You can "like" a thread, or do dash commentary, even message the authors on your compliments, but you never ever put yourself or your muse/s in their world without plotting or asking first.
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frsmkunt · 6 months
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚∞→ hello !
BACKUP - @frumkunt
—> i'm Lia & i’m 18 , my pronouns are she/her & i’m asian. I am a bisexual with preference in males. my account is nsfw , meaning minors are prohibited. i am a virgin and a sub <3
About me:
—> main kinks: bondage , overstimulation , edging , orgasm denial , kidnapping , humiliation , praise , degradation , dumbification , knifeplay , petplay , somnophlia , drugging , sibcon , free use , public sex & many other hard & soft kinks.
—> limits: anything anal (penetration mostly), piss, body wastes, etc.
—> dni: minors , ageless blogs , general dni criteria.
—> i am really bad at rp and stuff but i am learning and getting better. please hang on with me. i am very new to this app and it'll take time till i get a hang of it all.
—> i have strict parents and i live with them so it's very difficult for me to stay online here 24 hours. i am still very inexperienced about things and tumblr is the safe place where i can learn more about my kinks and boundaries.
—> i don't send pictures in DMs. if i feel like it i will upload them on my blog so stop asking for pictures.
—> I had a reddit account that was banned so if you see my pictures there know that they are mine.
—> i only use Tumblr and no other social media so please stop asking me. no, i don't do sessions or discord and whatever.
—> you can DM me anything. send me your sick thoughts or pictures I don't mind.
All things mentioned on this blog are for fantasy purposes only. I don't condone this behaviour in real life. All these acts are between two consenting adults.
thanks for reading ←∞˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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