#rp: life of a farmhand
A new search for rp friends!
I decided that it's high time I make a blog SPECIFICALLY for writing, since I do so much of it. It seems odd to have my fandom/regular blog or one of my aesthetic or resource blogs have RP searches run through it... and there hasn't been much success for me doing it that way either. I figure, heck, when I get the writing itch and decide to put together a blurb, be it fiction or nonfiction, I can slap it in this bad boy and label it as a sample or something. Aaaand.... I can also post about actual RPs I'm in, post searches.... you know. As you do. So anyways!! I'm Disco, 30, nb, and use they/them. I prefer writing semilit to lit, but am aware that sometimes plot doesn't call for massive amounts of text. I'd rather us move our story along in a way that feels good than get stuck in a loop of mirroring or dialogue just to fill up space. I'm fine with ghosting, so don't worry about that with me. I'll rp pretty much anywhere, but usually it's on discord. I enjoy both fandoms and originals. I'll play any gender/role for the most part, and am open to canons, ocs, you name it. I will only rp with other adults, and depending on the content of the RP, I may restrict to 25+, for my personal comfort. Sorry kiddos- get off my lawn!!!! Generally I write in third person past tense, but I'll experiment with other methods here and there. If you have any questions for me other than the stuff above, feel free to send me a chat! If you wanna vibe check me, chat me and I'll link you to my main account to scroll around- promise I don't bite. :'3 Finally, I'll just kinda slap some of the plots that are currently on my mind and follow it up with the fandoms I'm currently interested in RPing! If you have any group ops that I might be into... lemme see! Let me know if you're interested in discussing- or even just making friends! (plots are next, scroll all the way down for fandoms!)
Plots & Blurbs: monsters. vampires. evil. Light does not always mean good.
A lich desperately tries to remember his past.
A ghost living in a home pc falls in love with the pcs user.
A train hopping crust punk meets a ghost while on the run.
A fallen star is caught and kept.
A faerie and a goblin meet.
Magic or monster schools
Arranged marriages
A princess falsely accused of murder goes on the run.
A prince in disguise has taken on a life of crime. Ah shit we accidentally caused the apocalypse.
Stowaways? On my vessel? Its more likely than u think.
Androids have feelings now and it sucks.
fairy or elf / vampire or other dark creature vampire / human god / mortal demon / angel or other dark/light archetypical pairings dragon / humanoid naval captain / stowaway mob boss / citizen superhero / supervillain serial killer / investigator serial killer / citizen Bounty hunter/outlaw outlaw/sherriff outlaw/outlaw farmhand/outlaw
-An apocalypse/post apocalyptic world where either:- high magic used to exist and power the world & inexplicably ENDED. Hijinx ensue.- there used to be no such thing as magic and now suddenly there is SO GODDAMN MUCH of it. Hijinx ensue.
-A prince or princess flee the castle to make their own mark on the world against their parent's wishes. It turns out that the world is actually a horrifying place, and they probably wouldn't survive if it wasn't for meeting... insert character here.
- There's something dire down in the mines to the east of this old Western town. Folks keep goin' in to investigate, disappearin' for days at a time, then comin' back all different-like with the lights gone from their eyes. What could be happenin' out there, sheriff? (horror/western)
- A high-fantasy world's balance is shattered when the source of magic is destroyed. How will the people of this mystical land navigate a now mundane life, and how can they survive when so many magical devices go defunct and awry? - A no-magic world is suddenly spun into chaos: an apocalyptic event leads to the sudden introduction of magic into a world that had previously never known it. In the post-apocalyptic (and mystically-charged) ashes of a world that once was, how do the survivors compete for resources and control? - A star falls from the sky! They're rare, and it's dangerous to be one. Are you the star, hunted and lost? Or are you someone who finds a star? - A lich (my character) is rumored to live in the castle at the foot of the mountains, only a mile or so from your town. It's said they're a true villain, the worst of the worst... but what is the truth? -Arranged Marriages between physical embodiments of the seasons or planets -A sailor, pirate, or other seafarer keeps noticing the same shape in the waters near their ship. After a terrible storm, the ship wrecks… now, one’s a mermaid, one’s a sailor, and they’re both idiots trying to find their way back home. -Disaster has struck! A grisly assassination attempt leads a bodyguard to quickly usher their liege to safety. Drama ensues! -In a dwindling-magic world, those who cling to the olde magicks and the old way of living struggle against the new capitalist society and its nonmagic technology. In one still-magickal neighborhood where our story takes place, shopkeepers fight against nonmagickal gentrification in an effort to keep their businesses, communities, and traditions alive. - An ancient evil has been kept locked in a gem for thousands of years. This being once nearly brought about the end of the world- and its power, if freed or put in the wrong hands, could cause the same all over again. What a shame that its prison has just been found and sold once again!
Fandoms: Legend of Zelda Super Mario Bros (the whole universe- just all of it lmao) Elder Scrolls Red Dead Redemption Left 4 Dead Game of Thrones Labyrinth Homestuck ATLA/LOK Pokemon Star Wars Danganronpa MCU DC a whole lot more, so feel free to shoot your shot. I'm into video games, card games, board games, both western and eastern animation, movies and shows in general, sci fi, fantasy, etc etc etc. It's worth a try, right?
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saxhamsurvivor · 2 years
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Send “picking up chicks” for a starter where my muse is holding a chicken chick.
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@infideliis​ asked:
“picking up chicks”
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“Don’t move,” Axis says to Ravus, carefully rising with the bird in his arms. “Chikatrices aren’t native to this area, which either means a flock got very, very lost, or one of my neighbours was very, very stupid.”
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beesatthedisco · 4 years
How does this even work...
Okay, so I’ve been on tumblr since before the first time they very slightly changed the shade of blue and I hope that in and of itself is enough to help y’all know... I’m ancient. (I’m 27, and will only rp with ppl 18+, sorry friendos)
Somehow, despite being on tumblr and despite having made about a million accounts for various things in my day, I’ve not made an RP account, and don’t really know how to get started. I guess I’m just gonna put down what I know about myself and what I’m looking for here and hope for the best, but I’d be open to any kind of protips from those of you who have been using tumblr to find rp for much longer.
RIP to your eyes ahead of time, this is a long post. If you want to skip to the part where I share my Original plots, pairings, and fandom cravings, please just scroll to the end and accept my humble apologies. (Highkey I copied this out of my google doc, don’t shoot me.)
I enjoy writing both original plots and fandom stuff. When RPing within a fandom setting, I'm open to playing as canons, as ocs, or any combination of both. I'm open to co-creating settings inspired but not based in fandoms, and open to playing AU or canon settings as well. When originals are involved, I prefer co-creating our worlds together, so we're both invested in the landscape that our characters inhabit. Speaking of characters- I'll play as any gender and in any pairing type- I hope that this is the same for you. I love writing a broad spectrum of characters to keep things interesting for myself and to practice viewing the world through different perspectives. I feel it's difficult to do this when being forced or pigeonholed into writing as a gender you DEMAND of me. However... I can be flexible, and if your ideas are interesting enough, I may just give you what you ask for anyways, haha. I'm perfectly open to playing multiple characters, whether it's a broad interactive cast of mains and background characters, a system of noninteracting or separate sets of doubles, triples, you name it, or whatever other configuration of multiple-character-playing you prefer.
I'm not too terribly concerned about post lengths and am open to writing with people who might be new to the RP scene. I'm pretty flexible about how much I'll write. A good rule of thumb for myself is that I tend to respond with more when I have more to work with. That doesn't always mean that there are more words on your post for me to respond to; instead, I mean that if your post has enough ideas, inspiration, and momentum, I can go buckwild with my posts. My comfort zone seems to be around 4-6 paragraphs per post, but I've been known to write either a lot more in particularly thrilling rps. If I'm writing a huge post- don't feel daunted or expected to match length. I love all sized posts!!! I'm just overly enthusiastic and get carried away sometimes. (This means you can also at any time tell me to chill out on how much I'm writing. ) When it comes to writing style, I only have a few hard expectations of you- I do not engage in roleplay featuring the 'would' style of writing. (For example: "She would pick up the rock and inspect it closely.") I don't exactly know why I dislike this tense so much, but it pulls me right out of the immersion of writing/reading and tends to entirely destroy my interest in the story. I'm sorry. Next, I care at least a little about punctuation and spellchecking. If you're roleplaying online, you have access to ways to make sure that you're not just submitting gibberish. If you need help finding those resources... feel free to ask!
I'm open to the idea of making profiles for our characters, but I'm okay without making them too. I'm also vaguely ambivalent to 'beautifying' our posts, should we do them somewhere that allows that sort of thing. I'm fine with any style of reference images, or with not using them at all. I can't promise I won't send you songs and images and memes that remind me of our story, though! Also- I'm super down for dice systems if we decide to go that route (and prefer dice systems if we include combat of any variety in our story.) I love romance, but it doesn't necessarily have to be the drive of our plot if that's not your style. My favorite genres to write in are science fiction, any variety of fantasy, horror, drama, historical settings, wild western settings, and mysteries.
Last but not least, I tend to like making friends with my writing partners. I prefer writing with people I actually get along with, so for me, the plotting phase is the most important. It helps me get to know your personality a bit more, and you mine, so we both know whether or not it's a good match to write long term! I'll write on most platforms, so let's discuss what makes the most sense for us. Finally, I generally only write with folks 18+, for the safety of everyone involved. Thanks for understanding.
Well, as I said, I've got a big ol list of ideas, if any of this strikes you as 'good writing friend' material, so send me a DM and I'll get back to you asap! Feel free to share your ideas too!!!
Original Ideas
- There's something dire down in the mines to the east of this old Western town. Folks keep goin' in to investigate, disappearin' for days at a time, then comin' back all different-like with the lights gone from their eyes. What could be happenin' out there, sheriff? (horror/western)
- A high-fantasy world's balance is shattered when the source of magic is destroyed. How will the people of this mystical land navigate a now mundane life, and how can they survive when so many magical devices go defunct and awry?
- A no-magic world is suddenly spun into chaos: an apocalyptic event leads to the sudden introduction of magic into a world that had previously never known it. In the post-apocalyptic (and mystically-charged) ashes of a world that once was, how do the survivors compete for resources and control?
- A star falls from the sky! They're rare, and it's dangerous to be one. Are you the star, hunted and lost? Or are you someone who finds a star?
- A lich (my character) is rumored to live in the castle at the foot of the mountains, only a mile or so from your town. It's said they're a true villain, the worst of the worst... but what is the truth?
-Arranged Marriages between physical embodiments of the seasons or planets
- There's something dire down in the mines to the east of this old Western town. Folks keep goin' in to investigate, disappearin' for days at a time, then comin' back all different-like with the lights gone from their eyes. What could be happenin' out there, sheriff? (horror/western)
-A sailor, pirate, or other seafarer keeps noticing the same shape in the waters near their ship. After a terrible storm, the ship wrecks… now, one’s a mermaid, one’s a sailor, and they’re both idiots trying to find their way back home.
-Disaster has struck! A grisly assassination attempt leads a bodyguard to quickly usher their liege to safety. Drama ensues!
-Stowaways, and the people who catch 'em!
- Androids and more androids! Or... androids and non-androids!
-In a dwindling-magic world, those who cling to the olde magicks and the old way of living struggle against the new capitalist society and its nonmagic technology. In one still-magickal neighborhood where our story takes place, shopkeepers fight against nonmagickal gentrification in an effort to keep their businesses, communities, and traditions alive.
- A wandering traveler gets caught in a storm and chances upon an abandoned home, castle, or manor.... oh no!
- A train hopping crust punk encounters the ghost of a fellow train-hopper who fell under the rails and died.
- A living person's computer, gaming device, or phone is inhabited by a flirty ghost!
- There's a friendly but sad ghost living in a living person's new home! (Can you tell I like ghosts?)
Original (and corny) pairing ideas
fairy or elf / vampire or other dark creature
vampire / human
god / mortal
demon / angel or other dark/light archetypical pairings
dragon / humanoid
naval captain / stowaway
mob boss / citizen
superhero / supervillain
serial killer / investigator
serial killer / citizen
Bounty hunter/outlaw
Current Fandom Interests/Cravings
Pokemon - preferably with ocs and in a custom setting ft. all the ‘mons/us playing as humans
Elder Scrolls - pls, i’m craving this almost more than anything, and have been for years
Red Dead Redemption - it is cowboy time now
Legend of Zelda - i have a couple of cute ideas for this!
Avatar/Legend of Korra
Labyrinth - please please please someone play jareth for me, ill give you my firstborn in exchange
Star Wars - currently a little burned out on playing as kylo for everyone, so please don’t ask me to be him dlfkjdslfj
Game of Thrones
Lord of the Rings
Night in the Woods
Brutal Legend - does anyone but me remember this??? Omfg lets rp in this setting PLS
The Dragon Prince
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1, 8, 12 and 52 for the writing thingy!!!
Look at me finally answering these after like a whole month lol
Thanks for the ask!
1. Tell us about your WIP!
Which one lol, I’ve got many of them. Too many. Really. That, coupled with the fact that I am a slow writer because I keep getting distracted and procrastinating (like with answering these asks,,,,) means that pretty much everyone on this site will die of old age before I finish like any of them :’D
Anyway, I guess I’ll give brief summaries of all of the… main ones. This is gonna be a long one, fellas! I guess in the order I came up with them? Or the order I’m pretty sure I came up with them in.
TT: My original story I’ve been low-key working on and reworking since… 2012…? It’s a fantasy story, and it is… way too long probably. Also needs a lot of work. Worldbuilding and character building and plot building… At the moment, I guess I could summarise it as, our world gets wrecked for some reason, and the main characters, these two girls, who got saved into another, fantasy world with like… a bunch of other survivors, leave the Earth-refugee camp and get tangled with like, politics? Of that world? Well, politics and then eventually like, a war type thing… I didn’t say it was good, and I did also say it needs a whole lotta work. I’m pretty happy with some names younger me came up with though! Also it has dragons, so. Yup.
Fantasy fanfic: I am very good with names, as you’ll come to notice. Anyway this is a.. Hetalia fantasy fic..? I came up with in, like, 2014. I’m not actively working on this one at the moment, but I would like to maybe write it one day, and my most beloved OC originated in this story, you may have seen me mention her in my tags? I haven’t managed to come up with a name for her, but I call her the Asshole Goddess, because she’s a goddess, and also an ass. So.
Anyway this one’s pretty cliche, and it’s like, an absurdly large cast of Hetalia characters ending up in a fantasy world, where a bunch of other characters, who’d gone missing earlier, have apparently been taken to? Then it’s a journey to find and get them back, friendships are formed and magical things are encountered, but uh oh! They’re mortal here and can die! And many do. You may note I was 14 when I came up with it, so. Well. It is quite edgy. Had some good concepts though!
Kingdom AU: Great with names, as I said. This one is also a Hetalia fic, because that is the fandom I’ve been stuck in forever, though mostly just because I’ve so many fics for it. This is the odd one out in my fics though! This is like, a royalty AU of an rp AU me and my friend made by accident one time? The RP, not this AU, this is all my invention. It’s really just for me and my friend, since it’s based on that strange RP and the main thing in it is like and OC x canon character ship? That’s also why it’s the weird one, I don’t usually have much romance in my fics because I’m not big on ships and just prefer gen stuff, but this one is like primarily romance? Lots of pining. And it’s very soft. And I love this AU with all my heart. It’s also got a whole lotta angst!
Basic plot is the more or less classic, kinda cliche, peasant girl goes to get a job in the royal palace to help her poor family and meets the crown prince, and they become friends, and slowly fall in love.. Except, well, this is weird also in that the end point isn’t them getting married or confessing their love or anything, that’s like...Maybe the midpoint? There’s also politics, kinda worldbuilding? It’s set in like a 1700s type setting, I think, And while it’s not really a fantasy world since no magic, it’s not like, a real world setting. Anyway, yeah, this is near and dear to my heart.
The Home Front Fic: This! This is the one I’ve been trying to work on lately! It’s about life on the Finnish home front during WWII, and yes this is uh, also a Hetalia fic. Sorry. Though to be fair with this one and the previous one everyone’s probably gonna be so OOC and the setting is so different they might as well just be original works lol. Anyway, it’s a human AU, and also had a lot of OCs for that reason because it’d be tough to make a story of this scope with like. Three characters.
Basically! Tino is a 8, soon to be 9-year-old boy living in the Finnish countryside in 1942. His dad’s gone off to war, as well as the farmhand they had at the farm, and his mom and grandma can’t take care of the whole farm by themselves. So when they hear a nearby factory and some other farms in the area are getting extra work force in the form of Soviet prisoners of war, they decide to ask for one, too. They get a worker, his name’s Ivan. It takes some time, since they’re technically enemies, right, but eventually Tino befriends him and slowly he kind of becomes a part of the family… But you know what happened when the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union ended in September 1944? :) Well, I’ll just say that Stalin did say “There are no Soviet prisoners of war, only traitors.”
This one also has angst. But it also has found family! I like it a whole lot, I wish I’d written it already, but I have been having such a hard time starting it. :(
That BNHA Fic: I can call it that because I’ve only got one so far! So this is a My Hero Academia fic, and hmm. I haven’t talked about it too much, but I do like it, even though my focus has been pulled back to the Home Front Fic again. I do wanna write this one!
So this is like a future fic? It’s canon divergent because some stuff happening in the manga rn is not gonna work with the plot, I guess it’ll diverge at least from like… all the New Year’s chapters? I don’t remember what the number is.
Anyway, the main character is Eri, who’s been going to like this boarding school meant for kids with volatile quirks. She wanted to go there herself when some years ago her quirk had gone bonkers, she thinks? Something like that, she doesn’t remember that well anymore, but anyway, she’s going to apply to UA! Just the Gen-Ed, her quirk isn’t any good against robots. She’d love to be a hero, though, she knows so many heroes and she just wants to help people, but her quirk is no good. :( Anyway she’s back in Musutafu for the summer break in her last year of middle school, and she meets Mirio and Aizawa at the train station, and they go around the town meeting everyone! In the entrance exams she meets Kouta, who for some reason doesn’t want to be a hero though he’s got a really good quirk for it, and he’s proud of his parents who were famous heroes! They both get into UA, and she manages to convince him to try to get into the hero course through the Sports Festival, and he does! She doesn’t get that far in the festival though, because even though she’s practiced using her quirk, she’s scared to use it on people when in battle and stuff. Anyway, she’s very upset about it, and when she tells Mirio about how she wants to help people, but can’t, because her quirk sucks, he gets this look on his face and later tells her that he knows someone who could help. They go to meet this scarecrow lookin’ dude, and oh wait, is that All Might?? Why’s he refusing to help her out from Mirio’s request?? And later, what’s this One For All Mirio’s talking about?? And whose kind arms does she keep dreaming of in her sleep??? 
So yeah. That’s the BNHA fic. One more WIP to go!
Space Fic: Back to Hetalia, and this is technically an older fic but I decided to someday actually write it just recently. So it’s my Historical Human AU No. 3. It’s based on a space facts video fact, where it said that in 1963 Kennedy had proposed the USSR and US go to the Moon together, and Khrushchev had been meaning to agree, but then Kennedy died and the plan was abandoned. This story idea was like, but what if they’d gone through with it? And then, because why not, what if they’d included other countries as well? And this WIP was born. It’d be like, the main characters would be representatives of their home countries, sent to take part in the program and they’d all be candidates for going to the Moon, but there’d be only 3 spots on the rocket so like, they’d kind of have to compete for the spots? And the ones that wouldn’t pass would take part in the mission on Earth. So then there'd compete, there’d be personal drama, their personal relationships would be affected by the relationships between their home countries, but overtime friendships would be forged, and they’d all just become… one big ole found family. A space family. A big ole found space family. And the Overview Effect would also play a part. This is kind of on the back burner, this’ll need lots of research and the Home front fic also needs a lot of it, so I’ll try to.. write that first, I guess? We’ll see.
So that’s all my WIPs. There are other fic ideas that I haven’t put much thought into yet so they’re not on the list, but yeah!
8. Do you have any writing buddies or critique partners?
I don’t have any one person who I’ve talked to about all of my stories, but I have discussed my stories with a few people! Both online and irl. I’m also on a couple discord servers that are for writing or where people talk about writing, even though for the most part I’m too shy to talk much on any of them ;u; But the people who’ve been awesome enough to listen to me ramble about my stories have helped me a lot!
12. Which story of yours do you like best? Why?
Aaaa, don’t make me choose between my children! ;__; I love them all,,,
Well, I am very fond of TT, since it’s my own original story and I’ve worked on it the longest… Then again, the Kingdom AU has a lovely aesthetic and those two pining idiots in it… But also, that BNHA fic has some really nice plot and character moments? But also I’ve spent so long researching for the Home front fic and it’s got my boys in it! And the atmosphere in it is so nice, and it has found family,,, But then also… Space??? And even the fantasy fanfic has the Asshole Goddess in it?? And a nice storyline with Liech?? See I can’t choose ;_;
To be fair, the story my dumb brain takes interest in changes every now and then, for example lately I’ve been mostly thinking about TT, the Kingdom AU and the Home front fic, so I guess those would be my favorites at the moment? But a couple weeks ago I was really into the Space Fic, and at the start of the year it was the BNHA fic. So it depends! But I do love them all.
52. Who do you write for?
Well, primarily probably for myself. I do often find myself in a situation where I’m looking for fics or books to read but none of them really click, and then I realize I’m looking for my own story. Which I haven’t written. So that’s definitely a big one! Then, to some extent, I also write for the people I’ve rambled about my fics to, so they might maybe someday get to experience the whole thing through something other than just my ramblings :’D But mostly for myself, I think.
Thanks for the ask again and sorry for taking so long!
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naaaaams · 5 years
Random Lev Lore Tidbits
Because I’m bored and I feel a lot of this stuff would never come up in casual RP but maybe it’ll spark some inspiration for a long term RP? ;w; Under a cut for some potentially triggering content at the end.
Levenin is the oldest of three siblings, at age 24. The middle child, Ezra, is 20 while the youngest— the only sister— Jorunn, is age 16 and just beginning to leave home on her own.
Levenin is Ul’dahn by birth, though his heritage can be traced back to both Yanxia (on mom’s side) and Sharlayan (on dad’s side). He speaks Hingan but has never lived in the Far East.
His patron is Thaliak, and was often used an encouragement in his studies as a kid (conveniently, his name day puts him firmly under Thaliak’s patronage as well). Nico often took this as a sign of good fate, since his home state also calls Thaliak its patron deity.
Lev and his siblings all have ear piercings as a cute little thing between the three of them. Funnily enough, they all also have facial beauty marks but that was the genetic lottery winning out.
Nico Refure called Gridania home as a child but in reality, hails from Old Sharlayan, and even spent some time in the colony in Dravania. He doesn’t remember much of the nation at all, since he and his parents left for Eorzea when Nico was young. An event where his Gridanian home was set on fire and his family lost in the blaze is a rather repressed memory, and he wouldn’t be able to tell you Sharlayan was involved in the incident. Lev is vaguely aware that a) his dad isn’t from Eorzea, and b) his grandparents on that side died a long time ago (which is why he’s never met them).
Machi Jia and her family fled Yanxia before the Garlean threat truly arrived to their lands, ending up in Eorzea as poor farmhands to survive. They dreamed one day of being able to buy their own property and have flourishing fields once more in this strange, new land. However, Machi was determined not to be stuck as a farmer and thus sought education in the city-states. The decision strained her relationship with her parents, which continues to this day.
Nico and Machi never formally married, though the former wears a ring as part of the symbolism. Machi still mostly uses the Refure surname in public. Notably, Ezra will use Jia due to his attachment/relationship to his mother being closer than that with his dad.
Ezra, when he was younger, was plagued by anger issues that he often took out on Levenin physically. Of course, with Lev being how he is, he hid this in the interest of not causing a scene and protecting Ezra from punishment (a recurring theme in his life).
Lev’s first long term romantic relationship was with an Elezen woman from the Observatorium by the name of Mireille. Unfortunately, it continued a pattern of abuse the man has had trouble escaping from. Ultimately this relationship ended when she nearly blinded him with a spell. Following this, he became a wanderer doing freelance work wherever he could find it. For the time being, the afflicted eye still has vision but is slowly fading with time.
Levenin, a couple of years prior, attempted suicide by throwing himself into the seas off of Vylbrand. He did die but found himself washed up on shore quite alive, not remembering a single thing that’d gotten him there. He has a theory some other outside force carried him through, that something else wanted him to live. His recurring dreams themed with water and the moon make Lev think perhaps the Twelve had a hand in it, and maybe his patron isn’t who he thinks it is.
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cinderthistle · 5 years
Character Roll
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Maighlyn of the House of Niamh Noonbloom & Crusader of the Vigil Main Character / Both RP Canon & Commander Canon
Following the footsteps of the Knights of Yore. 
A young Sylvari by their standards, Maighlyn, or 'Mai' as she tends to go by, had awakened and found herself in the village of Annwen on the advice of her mentor. 
She was destined for the peaceful life of a farmhand, as peaceful as it could be - Until a merchant from distant Ebonhawke had stopped to sell his wares. On a whim, Maighlyn bought a tome detailing the great histories of the Guild Wars between Kryta, Ascalon, and Orr. She became incensed, drawn and obsessed with the heroic tales of old, of knights and warriors fighting for their country. It infected her dreams, and she read the book twice, thrice over and over. 
The rise of Mordremoth had been enough to scare her back in to her mundane ways - Only until after Its defeat did she read and become in tune with the heroes in her dreams.
When the Wardens came for volunteers, she was the first to stand, and when even greater chances of glory came in the form of the Vigil, Maighlyn swore oath to General Soulkeeper, and marches now besides her brothers in battle. 
 What awaits Maighlyn is a world beyond the jungles of Caledon, and the horrors of war never detailed in the fairy-tales and folklore of combat.
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Morgan Valister of Ascalon Mist Wraith & Fallen Champion ICly Deceased / Mist War (WvW) Character
Remember Ascalon.
Morgan Valister rose to prominence during the Battle for Lion’s Arch and the Mordrem War. Champion, politician, brutal enforcer - All such titles that came across her heart as she sought every path for her ultimate goal; the liberation of Ascalon.
What came instead was a slow understanding of the world she dreamed of. Now rather, a world her children would grow up in. Instead of the furor of halls and protest - She fought as was her way. A vital part of the Second Krytan Civil War, she fought with every ounce of her strength against the final coming of the White Mantle.
While victory was theirs, Morgan’s wounds, infected by bloodstone, lingered within her chest. Some time later - Morgan Valister passed in to the Mists. Only now to fight a new war. An endless one.
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Isva Svirsdottir of Hoelbrak Adherent of Bear & Ranger of the North Challenge Character / Alternate
Bear’s roar is long, and loud. I hear it now.
A young Norn, just stepping off the chilled grasses of the Foothills, Isva seeks to leave behind a past ridden by trouble and tragedy - The loss of her mother, at the hands of her father turned to the Svanir Brotherhood.
Where her life will take her, she does not know. With her bow in hand, she will go wherever she must. Wherever she wants. Tyria is a wide world, and throughout it all, perhaps the Norn will find her destiny - Or her peace.
(No mounts, gliders, waypoints, leveling tomes, Black Lion purchases. Only the world and the people in it.)
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windseized · 5 years
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i’m  feeding  u  this  trash  10  years  late  and  you’re  gonna  appreciate  it  goddamnit.  also  i  don’t  have  photoshop  so  no  cool  graphic  sry
𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞  𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧  𝐚  𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞  …  dorothy  gale  was  known  as  the  resilient  &  inquisitive  farmer  with  a  reputation  for  being  a  natalia  dyer  doppelganger  .   but  now  ,  under  the  stress  of  the  war  on  the  horizon  ,  the  natural  born  hero  human  has  become  widely  known  for  being  rather  wilful  &  restless  .   let’s  see  how  long  the  oz  native  will  last  during  this  war  .   after  all  they’re  only  twenty  years  old  .   +  she/her  &  cis  female  ,  wizard  of  oz  .
hi  i’m  bee  &  i’m  here  to  talk  to  you  about  prairie  gothic
our  story  starts  with  two  sisters,  as  different  as  the  night  and  day.  the  elder,  em,  short  for  emma,  a  plain  name  for  a  plain  girl.  no  frills,  just  the  way  she  liked  it.  and  the  younger,  elizabeth,  beth  for  short.  a  name  sweet  on  the  tongue  and  a  girl  sweet  on  the  eyes.  
when  em  was  working,  beth  was  playing.  when  em  was  getting  married  to  a  respectable  local  farmer,  beth  was  joining  the  travelling  circus.  she  was  prone  to  brief  passions  and  flights  of  fancy,  one  of  whom  had  a  bit  more  of  a  lasting  effect  than  others.
em  had  always  put  up  with  beth’s  wild  ways;  as  solemn  and  cross  as  she  appeared  to  be,  she  still  loved  her  sister.  but  pregnancy  out  of  wedlock  was  not  something  she  condoned  as  an  upright  christian  woman.  
that  was  one  of  the  worst  fights  the  sisters  ever  had.  em  coldly  informed  her  sister  she  was  free  to  ruin  her  life  as  much  as  she  liked,  just  not  to  come  crying  to  her  when  it  all  came  crashing  down.  beth,  three  months  pregnant,  wept  and  furiously  declared  that  she  was  sick  and  tired  of  her  sister’s  judgement;  that  this  was  her  life  and  she’d  do  what  she  liked  with  it.
and  so  the  two  sisters  parted,  and  so  too  did  beth  and  her  unborn  child’s  father.  when  little  dorothy  was  born,  into  a  tiny  house  on  the  kansas  prairie,  she  was  greeted  only  by  her  mother  and  the  town  midwife.
it  was  a  lonely  and  tumultuous  existence,  with  her  mother  finding  odd  jobs  where  she  could  as  a  maid  or  nanny.  beth  made  the  best  of  it  when  she  could,  but  being  a  single  mother  wasn’t  easy,  and  there  were  times  when  her  nerves  (  and  the  kitchen  cupboard  )  wore  bare.
she  could’ve  asked  for  help  from  her  sister,  but  beth  was  proud  through  and  through.  even  when  she  fell  seriously  sick  with  influenza  when  dorothy  was  eight,  she  didn’t  send  a  letter  to  em  until  it  was  too  late.
em  arrived  just  in  time  to  nurse  her  sister  for  a  week,  and  then  she  was  left  with  a  funeral  to  arrange  and  an  eight  year  old  girl  to  raise.
dorothy’s  short  time  with  her  mother  wasn’t  all  hardship  and  heartbreak,  though.  beth  was  flighty,  headstrong,  hopeful;  she  could  make  anything  magic,  turning  the  most  mundane  task  into  an  adventure.  she  filled  dorothy’s  young  mind  with  fancy  and  fairy  stories.
although,  the  one  thing  beth  didn’t  spin  into  a  make  believe  was  dorothy’s  father.  whenever  dorothy  asked  about  her  father,  it  was  always  the  same  old  story:  when  he’d  found  out  beth  was  pregnant,  he’d  up  and  left  them.  aunt  em  told  much  the  same  story,  only  adding  contemptuously  that  she’d  never  liked  him  much  in  the  first  place.  the  only  clue  dorothy  has  to  his  identity  is  a  half-faded  photo  of  her  mother  laughing  with  a  man  atop  a  ramshackle  caravan,  his  face  obscured  in  shadow.
after  beth  died,  aunt  em  took  dorothy  in  and  loved  her  as  if  she  were  her  own  child.  make  no  mistake,  though,  em’s  definition  of  motherly  love  was  vastly  different  than  her  sister’s.  aunt  em  did  not  believe  in  outward  displays  of  affection,  choosing  instead  to  abide  by  the  age  old  adage  spare  the  rod,  spoil  the  child.  she  often  worried  privately  to  uncle  henry  that  the  few  years  dorothy  had  spent  under  the  care  of  beth  may  have  damaged  the  child’s  senses  irretrievably.  
twelve  years  under  aunt  em’s  eagle  eye  hasn’t  cured  dorothy  of  the  imagination  she  inherited  from  her  mother,  but  it  has  instilled  in  her  the  value  of  good  hard  work.  they  have  enough  to  hire  a  handful  of  farmhands,  but  dorothy’s  still  expected  to  help  out  more  often  than  not.  she  tends  the  garden,  milks  the  cows  and  churns  their  milk  into  butter  for  their  bread  with  supper.
most  of  the  time,  dorothy  completes  her  chores  dutifully  and  without  complaint,  if  chattering  excessively  while  doing  so,  but  every  so  often,  she’ll  get  an  idea  in  her  head  that  she  clings  to  with  a  stubbornness  that  rivals  a  mountain’s.  visiting  the  travelling  circus,  for  instance.  or  adopting  toto  –  when  they  discovered  the  scruffy  stray  hiding  out  in  the  barn  with  the  goats,  aunt  em  was  ready  to  drown  the  little  black  dog.  he  was  clearly  the  runt  of  his  litter,  and  would  be  far  too  weak  to  be  of  any  use  around  the  farm.  but  dorothy  furiously  protected  the  pup  until  aunt  em  finally  relented.
she  grows  more  like  her  mother  each  day,  aunt  em  fusses  to  uncle  henry  as  she  watches  dorothy  throw  a  stick  for  toto  to  fetch.  in  looks  and  in  spirit.
dorothy’s  had  the  base  level  of  schooling,  learning  her  letters  and  basic  arithmetic  before  leaving  to  work  on  the  farm.  she  knows  her  aunt  em  would  have  preferred  to  see  her  married  off  and  bearing  children  years  ago,  but  dorothy  is  naturally  independent  and  inquisitive.  she  can’t  help  but  yearn  for  other  worlds,  for  a  future  outside  of  what’s  already  planned  for  her.
appearance:  her  hands  are  calloused  and  her  slim  frame  is  wiry  and  muscled  from  years  of  hard  work,  but  she  still  has  colour  in  her  cheeks  that  the  kansas  plains  haven’t  yet  managed  to  steal.  her  braids  are  constantly  messy  from  the  wind,  and  her  freckled  cheeks  are  more  often  than  not  crinkled  in  laughter.
but  dorothy’s  whole  life  was  turned  upside  down  (  literally  !  )  when  a  twister  ripping  through  the  kansas  plains  wrenched  their  one-room  farmhouse  from  the  ground.  dorothy  was  certain  she  and  toto  would  be  killed,  but  instead,  they  landed  in  a  place  with  more  colour  than  dorothy  had  ever  seen  in  her  life.  oz.
(  for  the  sake  of  this  rp,  dorothy  hasn’t  landed  on  the  wicked  witch  of  the  east  in  case  someone  else  wants  to  play  her  skdlf  )
dorothy  has  never  seen  this  place  in  her  life  —  in  fact,  she’s  still  not  sure  she  isn’t  dreaming  —  but  there’s  something  all  too  familiar  about  it  …
and  anyways  yeah  !  i’d  love  some  plots  for  her  so  hmu  !
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labellerose-acheron · 3 years
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BDRPwrimo Day Thirty -- BDRP Character Wishlist
Clementine’s Characters You Are Required to Get or She’s Kicking You Out of the RP 
A list of 10+ characters you’d like to see in the RP (for you to play or someone else!)
Kiongozi Kimani [skeleton]
obviously i’ve mentioned this a bunch of times, but i would just to love to have Kion around! my son!! he’s a lot like simba (though tbh way more chill) and i think having that dymanic could be really fun. maybe it’s a little contentious because kion resents leaving kenya or simba trying to parent him. or it is strained because kion is still mad about that time simba didn’t talk to his fam for like 3 years. there is a lot to unpack!
Aladdin Abboud [skeleton]
okay, so i put out a plot call for this but i have a SUPER great idea for a jasmine/aladdin duo. there is lot open to tweak about it and i don’t wanna give too much away but i WILL say it involves time travel and demons. hmu.
Inside Out Gang [skeleton]
any of them!! we already have a few people interested, we really only need one or two more for a full set and i’m always obsessed with coming in with a full team. imagine the found family vibes! maybe some of them haven’t seen each other in a while! they’re kind of famous! lots of angst to go around. plus some people haven’t chosen who they are really settled on yet, so there is wiggle room for who people want! 
Copper Russell [skeleton]
i love vixey. i love tod. i love the fox and the hound more than life. i played copp at one point and i loved him!! he’d be a great small town cop to come into town. or just your average like farmhand or a less flashy job. i think he could be really fun and his backstory is wide open.
Henri Cogsworth [skeleton]
i have always wanted a cogsworth around! i love the batb gang (lumiere is great too.) it would be so fun for him to be an uncle figure to belle. either having known her father (maurice is a clockmaker/inventor so if he does anything with clocks, boom.) OR i actually have a plot where belle is gonna meet her mom’s side of the fam so that could be fun!
Gaston LeGume [skeleton]
i just think he’s neat. seriously. he’s always been so fun when we’ve had versions of him in the RP. and i love coming up with wacky bgs for him/belle (though ofc not required!) -- from out right enemies to weird childhood friends and gaston just irritates her lol. i think he could have a lot of good shit going on, the deer has so much potential and with characters like the order and clayton around it’s just a good time for him. 
Ryan Macintosh [skeleton]
speaking of the order! bring my nephew! i want to have so many nephews!! he could be so much fun as we move into our next phase of order stuff, don’t miss out! time is running down. ~~
Nanette “Nana” Darling [skeleton]
i am literally obsessed with the darlings. i really love them so much, they all have such an interesting dynamic, but you know what they are missing? the Mom Friend (TM) who fusses over everyone and is just sweet as pie! there is even a potential to make her mixed race, why not? ?
Woody Pride/Buzz Lightyear [skeleton/skeleton]
i put this as a duo, because much like mike and sully, i feel like they are iconique and should come in together. i could potentially be convinced to pick up woody lol. it would be ,, really easy to do. also buzz lightyear was once in the rp as john boyega and i just think someone should do that again bc it was literally amazing. big brained.
Peter Pan [skeleton]
i guess i’m a peter pan bitch now i hate it. BUT -- as i have said a million times, i LOVE the fae/unseelie. he would be so fun as another prince, but he could also be super fun as a human who made a deal with a queen and lived to regret it or something. i think there is plenty of potential there. 
speed round: more villains. more batb characters. ALADDIN/MIDDLE EASTERN characters. more lion king characters. more order people. more anti-magick people (on any scale.) okay bye love y’all <3
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empyrealarc · 6 years
Communication wheel!
Send ‘Communication wheel’ for some fictional ‘in-game’ dialogue lines. || ACCEPTING.
The Game? Some kind of co-op Guardians Based RPG, for sure.Guardians of the RP-Galaxy~ @whattheflark
Ana: What’s that one movie I’m thinking about? The one you showed me about the poor farmhand leaving home with an aged religious zealot and two professional thieves? It looked like samurai, but it smelled white?
Quill: Religious Zeal- You talking about Star Wars?
Ana: YES! STAR WARS! I was rather fond of the scene where the Power Cosmic helped the farm-boy destroy the planet destroyer!
Quill: I’m being shot at right now, can this wait until later?
Quill: I used to eat pieces of krutack like you for breakfast.
Ana: You eat pieces of krutack? Don’t you think you’re taking this a bit too seriously, Quill?
Quill: Shut up and throw down!
Ana: Fine… Have you any fives?
Quill: Ha! Go fish, you idiot.
MEANWHILE, the amassed forces of the Kree Empire are circling their location, guns out, looking to breach and summarily kill the both of them.
Ana: Shouldn’t we-?
Quill: And give you an excuse to call this a draw? Not on your life. Got any fours?
Ana: Quill- Peter, it’s alright. It’s FINE, I- I always knew this is where it was going to end.
Quill: Flark th- FUCK THAT! I didn’t ask you to do this, Ana! DON’T do this!
Ana: *Blaster in hand, jabbing the ‘escape pod’ button and turning to face the hordes of cancerous dopplegangers approaching.* You never ask, Peter. That’s your mortal flaw.
Quill: NOOOO- *Jettisoned. In time to watch dark green splatter across the viewscreen*
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takusanno · 4 years
RP CANON: Leo - ‘human’ life
I’m revising my old backstory hc for Leo somewhat, as I’ve introduced lore in which Celestial Spirits were not humans turned spirits as such, more an ancient race of advanced beings who ascended to spirit form (post here). Actually most of the old backstory idea still stands, there’s just a bit added to the start and edited at the end but anyway, this is the short new version.
Leo the lion spirit, having been cycled through various key holders for hundreds and hundreds of years and at times gone for decades without being summoned, grew tired of his spirit life. His people had always been on the search for more. More knowledge, more magic, more experience, more to life. And he missed the spark of that. Missed the spark of truly living, he could scarcely remember it.
His people had ascended, and so he thought that perhaps he could descend once more. He’d heard some of them had done it before. And so eventually he did it too, about 800 years ago. He reincarnated himself into a ‘human’ form but with unexpected results. He woke up as a child in a farming village, with the feeling that he was looking for something and with no memories of who he was, except for the name Leo.
He was taken in by one of the local families and was raised by them, growing up and helping his ‘father’ tend one of the farms that supplied the Kingdom of the time. He worked hard and wanted to do his best for his family, to repay them for taking care of him but he also sought more from life. He found himself wanting to be like the great Knights he heard about in stories, someone strong who could protect his family and bring honor to them by serving the crown. Not being of noble birth however, made his dream all but impossible, but still he worked hard and strived to be all a knight should be, gallant, kind and brave.
His chance arrived when the Kingdom fell into war and more soldiers were needed, the Kingdom drew from every source they had and that included farmhands and any able-bodied young man. Leo immediately signed himself up and went through the training, doing his best and excelling at every point. People soon forgot he was ‘just a farmhand’ and he was given higher rankings among the soldiers and more important tasks/missions. Eventually he was named Captain of the Royal Guard and lived in the Castle, in control of the protection of the Royal family.
To cut a long story short; he did his best to protect the royalty when the castle was invaded, especially the princess, but he was betrayed and ‘died’ in battle. He instinctively reverted to his ascended form and returned to the Celestial World, finding many of his memories returning, but he still felt shaped by his human ‘life.’
He decided not to try reincarnation again and continued to act as a Celestial Spirit, taking time to redefine himself too. As it has now been a very long time since then, his memories of that time have mostly faded, but they still impact his personality, behaviour, and mannerisms now, particular in his ideals of being a knight.
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rhysgoodwin · 7 years
Rhys Goodwin - LFC
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What I am looking for:  Long-term, short-term, pre-established relationships, friendships, romance, hateships.  I’m not terribly picky! Fandom: World of Warcraft  Sole Faction or Cross-Faction: Open to cross faction! Faction I Play: Alliance Server: Wyrmrest Accord Venues I Actively Roleplay In: In-game, Tumblr, Discord (Ask for my info if you want it!) Favorite Type of RP: Anything!  Story-driven plots (whether my own or playing a part in someone else’s), slice of life, cutesy, angst, light, dark, etc.  Like I said, anything! Triggers: None Things I Will Not RP: I would like to request everyone I RP with to be 18+ - I’m also not going to have him killed off or horribly maimed! RP Strong Points:  Good with mirror-style RP, many paragraphs or short and concise works for me!  I’m a firm believer in giving my RP partner something they can work with in my responses to keep the flow going instead of just quick answers that may leave them lost and stretching for a response.  I type fast, I can keep my posts rolling out fairly quickly with in-game RP.  I also like to think I’m quite good with OoC communication. RP Weak Points: Time, first and foremost.  I can be very slow with RP outside of the game.  I work long and difficult hours, I won’t always be online due to being tired.  I have other characters and I’m mainly horde, so I’m more often on them but trying to find footing in Alliance as wel!
Name:  Rhys Garrick Goodwin Nickname:   No nicknames, usually just Rhys Race:  Human FC (If Applicable; Picture Optional):  Dacre Montgomery/Taron Egerton Can Currently Be Found In:  Stormwind, Westfall, *NEW* Boralus and the surrounding areas as well! Would They Be Known: If your character is familiar with the Stormwind orphanage, he spent his entire life there until released on his 18th birthday.  If you’re familiar with the farms around Westfall, he works as a farmhand at some of the smaller ones.  More recently has taken up as a crew member with Succulent Tart. Personality:  Quiet, but not terribly shy.  Doesn’t talk much because he does not want to say anything stupid, definitely struggles some with social interactions because of his lack of confidence!  However, he’s quick to smile and laugh or lend a helping hand when needed.  Polite, but doesn’t have the best of manners (not done on purpose).  Seems a bit lost and confused at times - literally and metaphorically. Education:  Very minimal, equivalent of high school, but scored very low in most subjects. Language(s):  Common, sign language, choppy Orcish Height:  6′0″ Body Type:  Athletic, used to hard labor Eye Color:  Light blue Hair Color:  Dirty blond Age:  20 Notable Scars, Marks, etc: Usually has a bit of a farmer’s tan, has cigarette burn scars on his chest. Tattoos/Piercings:  None yet! First Appearances: He keeps his eyes downcast a lot of the time when by himself as to not draw attention.  He has a very charming smile, which many would say is his best feature.  He seems friendly and approachable enough, certainly handsome but he doesn’t seem to realize it. What To Expect: A very minor stutter, a very simple man in general.  He’s young and while his time at the orphanage was a bit rough, for the most part he’s relatively unshaped! Where I RP:  In-game, I guess around Stormwind but I haven’t RPed him much in game yet!  Tumblr/Discord may be best for now.
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sogurikur · 7 years
POTA - Prayers.
Yet another RP log from our PotA campaign, in which Ceryl prays to his newfound deity and gets some answers. Mostly narrative on my part!
Things had a way of repeating themselves, didn't they? In essence, isn't that what all of this came down to?
Those questions were at the front of Ceryl's mind as he found himself alone for the second time that week, exhausted and spent, having just escaped a life-threatening crisis, and left with questions plaguing him that he just didn't have answers to. As before, he knew he should sleep -- in the morning, they would dive right back into the abyss, and the chance for rest would be gone -- yet his fatigue had competition from his anxiety over the matter of the altar. His body felt sluggish as he laid out his pack, but his mind raced this way and that, trying to find solutions that weren't there.
In that moment though, as Ceryl extended an arm to smooth out his bedroll, his eyes fell upon the piece of tusk affixed to a cord around his wrist. At that, he finally stopped. And for the second time that week, he also found himself taking to his knees in the still and the dim light, reaching out to whoever was listening.
"I was luckier than most kids, you know. I didn't want for much. I was never hungry... But it was hard -- everyone had to work hard for that. It wasn't easy getting through the ice, especially in the winter -- we didn't have the big ships the guilds did. And it wasn't easy to fish when most had already been caught up in Ten-Towns. But we managed."
The genasi paused, turning the bit of bone over in his fingers, before he continued.
"I don't know what to do... Neither option is wrong. If we leave the altar, then it might be abused again with no one able to stop it -- or it might not. But even if we destroy it, even if the seeds are enough to keep Goldenfields going, people are still going to starve... It'll be the poorest first, the ones who already have to beg for bread as it is. Then it'll be the people like my family." And then, bitterly: "What's the point in saving the world if a quarter of them are going to die anyway?"
There was another pause, before Ceryl sighed. "I can't do this. I can't make a decision like that on my own."
He couldn't help but feel foolish doing this -- it made him feel like a dumb teenager all over again, going to his parents for life advice. And that touched on another, more selfish feeling that had been an undercurrent in his mind the whole evening. He missed his family. It wasn't like he hadn't been away from them before, for months at a time -- but something about this altar crisis, and Teresiel's elderly hand taking hold of his, had been a painful reminder. The past weeks since he'd seen them felt like an eternity. 
The longer Ceryl sits alone in the room with his thoughts in the mild air and the Vale’s safe walls, the more the feeling grows: a familiar one as he thinks of home and his family. Warmth. A hearth. A crackling fire after the snow's storm. Someone is listening.
A thread of thought is tugged like that old wizened hand taking hold of his. Memories of family have been with you, even when much was missing, they were always there. Through all your troubles, they made things better. No matter how dire things got.
The seeds come to mind, and Teresiel's words. Older magic. Things that endure. Trust in things that are older than an elf's arrogance. People have been enduring long before now, and will endure long after. Trust the old ways. Trust the Gods.
Relief of several different sorts washed over the genasi in waves, as whoever reached out to him and brushed his mind with the answers he sought.
It began with relief that he had been heard and answered at all, removing any lingering doubts he'd had that his answer in Summit Hall was something he'd dreamed -- his exhaustion making him hear what he wanted to hear. There could be no doubt this time, and he closed his eyes to allow that warmth to soothe him and guide his thoughts. It should have felt foreign to him -- he'd never prayed, never been a godly man, this whole thing should have felt strange and baffling -- but, somehow, it didn't. The entity was right, the thoughts of his family were never far, and something about this exchange felt like... like his mother smoothing his hair when he'd run crying to her with skinned knees as a child. Relief. In the quiet of the room, Ceryl exhaled enormously.
And the magnitude of his relief at the answer itself couldn't be measured. People have been enduring long before now, and will endure long after. Trust the Gods.  Where before, Ceryl had been kneeling, now he sat back on his heels and slouched -- his hands falling to rest upon his knees, the piece of tusk cradled in an open palm.
"It will be all right, then?" he asked, into the dark. "If we destroy this thing, there's still a chance for all those people?" It was not disbelief or distrust in his voice, nor did he seek some concrete promise that everything would be perfect. It was hard not to feel hopeless in the face of crises and beings so much bigger than himself, however, and a confirmation that there was hope at all would rid him of many further concerns. 
There’s no real guided answer to the question, only the continuing warmth. It changes though: a crackling, cosy fire begins to feel like the heat of late summer sunshine on his back. Familiar thoughts of days aboard boats surrounded by gently washing waves aren’t far from the thoughts offered to his mind. The whispering is a field of wheat, waist high, swaying in the breeze and ripe for harvest. The laughter of boatmen and farmhands are indistinguishable. None of it is lush and overflowing, but it is alive. It is enough. Some day Ceryl might stand among a field at harvest time and know the scent of turned earth well, and the tickle of chaff floating on the breeze.
Almost as though it’s here now, a tickle where the scrimshaw piece sits close. There’s something there now, fresh beside his own carvings, etched into the surface. Something important to this valley. Delicate wheat, carved finer than any mortal hand might do, almost flowing in a breeze amongst the patterns Ceryl left on his holy symbol long ago.
His eyes still closed, Ceryl allowed his thoughts to be guided along. It wasn't hard to remember what Goldenfields had looked like -- the barren fields stretching endlessly in every direction around the abbey. So the genasi's relief was only doubled at what he was being 'shown' now, at the warmth and the promise of life. In the darkness of the room, he exhaled deeply, committing those images to memory, so he could revisit them if his doubts returned. It is enough. That was the most he could ask for. That was all the reassurance he needed.
... mostly. The greatest of his concerns assuaged, it allowed a smaller one to rise from where it had been lurking in a far corner of his mind. Would his family be all right? Through these horrible journeys through Tyar Besil, there had been an uncomfortable certainty that he would need to make some... greater sacrifice to end the crisis. That this would not be a mission he would return from. That did not bother him, surprisingly -- he would do whatever it took to end this and keep everyone safe. He only worried that his family would manage in his absence, that they would understand and not be too hurt.
Then there was the tickle from the piece of tusk in his palm -- and he opened his eyes again, and did not speak those particular concerns aloud. It felt jarring now, to find himself sitting in the dark when the sunlight and the warmth had felt so real only a moment before. But he raised the holy symbol close, and the sight of the delicate wheat interwoven with his early clumsy carvings made his chest tighten and his eyes sting. A tangible sign that this had all been real.
One final question remained. It felt rude to ask. It felt rude not to ask. "Who are you?" he said aloud, wanting to put some identity to this presence, that he might give them the proper respect.
Images begin to fade in Ceryl’s mind, but that comforting thought of family lingers. A mother smoothing down a child’s hair, cooling a fevered brow, guiding them by the hand: all things that Ceryl has known and another child will know again.
The fine pattern on the scrimshaw reminds him, the wheat grows, the harvest comes, the wheat grows again. And just like a Mother, a name is not important to the children she bears. The earth will grow again, and they’ll be there when it does.
As the presence of his newfound guardian began to recede, Ceryl fought down the urge to hold on to the connection, feeling childish -- a toddler trying to cling to his mother's fingers, not wanting to let go and stand on his own. Still, they were gone -- and the genasi felt far more at ease than he had in days, now that his concerns had been answered. His prayers had been answered -- something he never would have imagined, ever, not in his life.
It would be interesting to tell Garrett of it later, he thought, if they had a chance to speak again.
It took a few long moments for Ceryl's mind to fully return to the present, where he still knelt upon the mossy stone. It had surely only been a handful of minutes, not even long enough for his knees to become sore -- yet while the deity's warmth still remained, the room around him suddenly felt that much darker and emptier for it. And while the fatigue of the day was weighing down Ceryl's body, the longer he looked at the bedroll he'd laid out, the less he wanted to actually sleep there, alone in the silent dark. He sat there a few moments more, running a thumb over the new patterns on his piece of scrimshaw and weighing his few options. Then, at last, he began to gather up his things -- he knew what he needed to do, though it made him feel just as childish as before.
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justtideguard · 7 years
Business on the rise
Good people of the Alliance, do you look beyond your humble beginnings for more? Past the means of a simple dock worker, or farmhand but with the aspirations for something better for one’s self, and their families. Harboson Company is looking for you! You who not only aspire for more, but inspire others to long for it as well through means of business and commerce. With our current expansion growing quickly, we look out into the world for those with a sound mind for business in all matter of things; Looking for work in trade? Currently Harboson Company is looking for more hands to our places of business, on-the-job training available and with promising returns of coin, land, and more possibly await you. Well versed in other forms of business? From accountants, to lawyers- assistants and managers, we can facilitate. Curious about learning these professions even? We will provide. To those that look for a better life, or something simply to keep food in their stomachs there is a place here. Looking to own your own business one day? Expansion is on the rise, and with that the potential for more is an ever-present possibility. With enough work, dedication, and fortitude- your dreams can become a reality. From shopkeep, to shop owner, Harboson Company promotes from within to those who work hard, and show they are willing to go for what they want. Here at Harboson Company, we wish to offer to the good people the means to make themselves better, for their present, and futures. Gone are the days of just trying to survive, now is the time to thrive. Those interested in employment, or further inquiry please seek out one, Elstine Harboson, Scassira Harboson, or a Tideguard within the ‘Vital Spice’, medical supply, Canal street located off of the Trade District, Stormwind.
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((OOC bits; Hello there everyone! To those reading, Harboson Company is furthering our Business and Commerce RP side of things and hoping to bring more not only to the individual, but to the community as a whole. From establishing trade with other guilds, to running shops, creating trade-routes, inter-guild creation, negotiation, and political RP, we’re hoping to bring out the people not interested in only combat, but the lesser done aspects as well. Here, you can be involved in both should you choose as we have two divisions of the guild currently; being involved in one is not mutually exclusive so from pen strokes to sword swings, we just want to create more for characters that are interested in this sort of thing. Should you be interested as a potential business partner, or employee within the guild by all means please do feel free to poke us any time and I’m sure we can spark something up, or just to ask questions. In-game character is; (Quiinn) a.k.a- Tideguard. ))
@harboson-c   @scassira-harboson
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