#rp: the heathen force that gets you
saxhamsurvivor · 1 year
the heathen force {that gets you}
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send ⛓️ to find my muse bloody, bruised and restrained
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@empatheticscientist said:
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He watched the woman with soil-dark eyes, ignoring the lightheadedness that came with blood loss and the pain in his bound limbs.
He didn't know what her orders were or if she was in charge overall; he just knew that being in a Niflheim lab was never a good thing.
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quickdeaths · 10 months
name — Bryn
pronouns — She/Her.
preferred comms — Discord for sure! I'm on Discord basically all the time and I try to be pretty responsive to things. If you unlock the secret friendship tier, I will also bother you with memes/ship inspo/random conversation/etc. but even if you don't want that, it's got a big window and a search bar so it is infinitely better for plotting than anything else. That said, I do tumblr IMs too, if necessary.
name of muse — quickdeaths.tumblr.com/muses there's a lot of them take your pick
experience in RP — I started out 17-18 years ago on the forums for a D&D webcomic. Eventually I checked out of that scene, bounced around LiveJournal, had a cup of coffee in Gaia Online, and then came to Tumblr around 2012ish. Was pretty off-and-on here until 2015, and I've been part of the furniture here ever since. I've done a few things on Discord and through Google Docs since, but I think for better or worse, I'm just Here Now.
best experiences — Meeting my girlfriend will always be #1! We met here on tumblr and even though she doesn't RP as much anymore, I'm always going to be thankful for the things we wrote, and how RPing together helped us become friends, and then girlfriends. After that, all the things I've done with people that were long-term and plotted, with mutual investment. I've been doing this long enough now that even people who've left or who I fell out with, I still have a lot of fondness for those stories, as well as the long-term stories I'm doing now.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — The number one ultimate pet peeve for me is people dropping threads without personally notifying their partners. Not everyone lurks on dash, and it's easy to miss posts, and when people say things like 'gonna drop some of my drafts,' it's easy to feel like you've been put in a limbo state. Hiatuses are one thing but dropped threads like that just drive me crazy. Super long wait times on replies (I'm talking like, consistently 2-3 months or more) are rough for me too. Lack of communication as well, especially when it comes to choosing a muse(s) to write with.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — Angst > fluff > smut for me. I'm an angsty bitch and I love the drama. I like drilling down into character flaws and weaknesses and forcing them to Go Through It and confront things they don't super want to confront, so I'll probably never get tired of writing angsty stuff. I like fluffy stuff too, but a bit more sparingly just because sometimes I think it can get a little circular. Smut... to be honest, I'm not against writing it if a plot calls for it and it makes sense for characters but I've had a handful of rough experiences in the past with people, and it's an area where I'm not very confident as a writer. You will never see a spicy sideblog from me though, I will simply put it on dash like a shameless heathen.
plot or memes — plots plots plots. Honestly, I would never do memes at all if it weren't The Culture here on tumblr. I never know who to send for, or from, when it comes to multimuses, I worry that the ideas aren't interesting and can't sustain long replies, and they don't usually inspire me. Plotting is great because you can figure out a dynamic, whether there's any preexisting knowledge, maybe a general direction you want things to go, etc. Almost everything I've loved doing has come from plots, but I'll still be offering both forever.
long or short replies — have you seen my blog i should be locked up and the key thrown away. I have lost the ability to write a reply under 5 paragraphs and with Certain People Who Know Who They Are I get up to like 8, 10, 12, occasionally some deeply unhinged 33 paragraph drabbles. I don't even have a good excuse really, it's just what feels comfortable for me to write. It lets me do all the inner world stuff that I use to round out my characters in a scene and contextualize them, while still (hopefully) having enough action and dialogue to respond to.
best time to write — It depends. Late afternoon/early evening is probably best, but later evening is fine too. Sometimes I will start a Particularly Ambitious Reply late late late and get too tired to finish it, and then finish it when I get up in the morning, and that seems to work for me too.
are you like your muse — Not really, I don't think? Although I guess that's for other people to judge. I try to give all my muses traits that I can relate to on some level, or at least one thing that feels connective between us, but I honestly think I'm too boring to be a very good RP character. I think Rio is probably the character I'm most similar to, but even then, I think it's more superficial similarities like hobbies than much else.
Tagged by: @more-than-a-princess Tagging: i will fill this in later, if you are seeing this post then i forgot to fill it in and that means it is a runabout, you can steal it, no one will ever know
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sally-mun · 4 years
Unsurprisingly on my mind due to TKP's blog going through it, I've been meaning to ask (if just to clarify) about if any details from the "Enerjak Reborn" saga ever slip into your universe, even if clearly can't happen due to the characters' relationships. A part of me assumes that the idea you mentioned of Locke becoming the threat he prophesized sounded like the most likely direct replacement for that, but I wonder if any other ideas end up still mimicking it?
First of all, I fucking love your username and as far as I’m concerned you DID decide on a good one.
Anyway, this is an interesting bit of the storyline because it’s in that nebulous place where my partner and I agree that it happened, but we’ve never actually hammered out exactly what happened. For the most part, the bullet points of Finitevus tricking Knuckles into getting hexed and Locke sacrificing himself to release him are agreed to have been in the RP’s backstory, but given the version of Locke that I wrote for the Brotherhood, I’m sure the tone of the situation was very different. I can only imagine what the situation looked like through Locke’s eyes, honestly. In some ways you could argue that Knuckles becoming Enerjak IS the realization of everything Locke worked for, so that begs the question of whether or not he would see that as his premonition coming true. It’s hard to say given that there’s so many other events that have happened leading up to this point that would’ve also gone differently based on the new circumstances, and some that probably didn’t happen all together.
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However, here’s my immediate hunch:
1) The events of S3&K definitely happened in the RP’s backstory, although again I’m sure several events played out in different ways. The great point to this is that, as WE all know, this was the fulfillment of the mural that Locke saw on the wall in Hidden Palace, which unknowingly inspired his recurring dream. Locke, however, would’ve taken the arrival of Eggman and the Death Egg with a lot more confusion. Obviously this is the level of threat his premonition insisted upon, but Knuckles wasn’t the one to ultimately defeat it! Some ground-dwelling heathen actually took care of it!!! So no matter how much the situation would seem to fulfill the slot of the Great Evil, it obviously can’t be because Knuckles did not ascend to become the Savior in order to stop it.
2) It’s probably safe to say this cycle happened a few others times, because let’s face it, Angel Island has seen some shit. I don’t think the others probably ever compared to S3&K arc, though, both in terms of the impact it made on the situation (and Locke’s psyche) and the fact that the enemy just plain looks like the figure in Locke’s dreams.
3) This would probably mean that an already paranoid Locke is getting jumpier and jumpier every time a new threat arises, because by now there’ve been so many BIG bad events that he’s probably constantly worrying, “Is this the Great Evil?? IS THIS THE GREAT EVIL??” and his already frayed nerves are probably completely shot.
4) So imagine, then, when Knuckles -- Locke’s only pride and joy, for whom he sacrificed absolutely everything in his life and has been banking on saving everyone’s lives -- seems to have become the Great Evil himself. It’s not enough that he’s powerful on an otherworldly scale and seems to have gone mad with said power; the bigger shock is that Knuckles does, indeed, seem to be fulfilling the criteria of his premonitions. He’s not just terrorizing the rest of the world (which, let’s be honest, Locke probably doesn’t even care about), he’s also terrorizing echidnas. He left Echidnaopolis in ruins by forcibly removing the entire population, and he’s destroying a lot of lives by changing their bodies against their will. The entire echidna species is terrified of what he has become, and what else he might do. Maybe the fact that the Great Evil was enormous in Locke’s dream wasn’t about literal physical scale, but rather, a representation of the enormity of the threat that’s posed.
5) In a perfect world, I’d really like to imagine that this finally, FINALLY, brings Locke a desperately needed moment of clarity. Locke got to the state he ends up in because he’s so afraid of some ambiguous and unidentifiable threat, so maybe the fact that he now CAN identify the threat could be enough to raise that fog. Maybe seeing Knuckles as the evil they need to be protected from will finally be enough to jolt Locke back to reality, and allow him to see just how bad his decisions have been and how Knuckles’ state is, honestly, a very logical conclusion to the chain of events that came before it. Knuckles becoming the Great Evil was always a possibility all along, but Locke was so convinced of the contrary that he just literally couldn’t see it. Now he can see it. Now he can grasp how, no matter how well-intentioned he was, he absolutely, 100%, undeniably caused his son to become the one thing he’s feared all along.
6) If Locke is able to have that moment, and think completely clearly again for even a brief time, then I have no doubt whatsoever that Locke would make that sacrifice to save him. No attempts to find an alternative, no hemming and hawing, no attempts to get everyone to kill Knuckles like in the comic, NONE of that shit. If Locke, the REAL Locke that’s been lost inside the madness all this time is able to wake up for just a few moments, emerges again and learns that the only way to save his boy from the fate he himself unwittingly doomed him to is for someone to give up their own life, Locke would make that sacrifice in a heartbeat. He said back on the day he activated the chaos bath that he wished he could take Knuckles’ burdens away and put himself in his place. This would be one way to do exactly that, to give Knuckles a shot at a real, normal life again, and to atone for the enormous mistakes he made that caused this tragedy.
I think if the situation arose under those sorts of circumstances, it would just make Locke’s sacrifice all the more meaningful. Allowing him to not only realize that he’s the one that ultimately caused all this, but to fully admit to it AND take responsibility without being harangued into doing so completely changes the tone of what he does. It’s not a situation where Locke sees sacrificing himself as something that has to be done, but something that should be done, to atone for his wrongdoings and save the one person he loves more than anyone or anything else in this world.
I don’t see the Locke of the comics as someone who would die for his child without the slightest hesitation, even after more skillful writers get a hold of him; I don’t see the fact that he does so unrealistic, but I honestly think the only reason he does it is because he can’t think of a way out of it. I mean, for fuck’s sake, shortly before doing so he was campaigning TO HAVE KNUCKLES KILLED. I think canon!Locke loves Knuckles in his own weird way, but I think his love for Knuckles comes second to his love for himself, and it always has. Canon!Locke is just simply too arrogant to think of someone else first, even his own child.
Locke the way I write him, however, was always ready to die so that Knuckles could live. It used to be because he felt Knuckles was too important to their people and needed to live to save them, but when all that baggage is lifted, Locke would still die for him simply because he loves him. He would die for him to make his life better, to free him from the prisons he’s been confined to both physically and mentally, to allow him to fully live. He’d die to save his son because he wants him to finally have the life he deserves -- that he always deserved. If the price of Knuckles being happy, healthy, and free is Locke giving up his life, there’d be no force on Mobius that could’ve kept him away from the Master Emerald to do it.
I don’t know if this is quite the sort of answer you were looking for, but again, this was the first impulse that came into my brain. It feels right to me, and probably would be worth exploring in a story sometime. Maybe someone could commission me for it or something, who knows. In the meantime, I hope this paints the picture as well as I’m seeing in my head.
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ash-etherwood · 3 years
Top 5: writing memories, songs, characters that are not blank rune, runes, food
Linda I love you but are you trying to kill me … that’s so many Top 5’s! But alright, I’ll do my best! (Answers will probably switch between German and English RIP to every non-German-speaker who follows me and wants to read this for some reason I swear I’m normal)
5.) The entire time I spent finishing my first (second?) longer writing project It was the year 2012 and it was a cyberpunk story about my friends’ and my edgy self inserts riding dinosaurs, fighting aliens and being badass. The plot twist in the end was that my character was secretly evil and wanted to kill everyone. (Things to show your therapist) The final boss fight made zero sense and also everything was incredibly weird and stupid. But sometimes I still think about those times when I sat in my grandma’s living room at night, eating chips and listening to Vocaloid covers while thinking this story was the coolest shit ever. Truly simpler times.
4.) Researching something about universities in Texas for OvF on a rainy Saturday afternoon I have no idea why this memory is still sticking with me to this day (I think it was around 2016 or something?), but I remember that it was just a really nice day and I felt really at peace at that moment?
3.) The entire writing process of Bathroom Blues It was such a spontaneous project and I still have no idea how I managed to power though it in just a little under two months! Also it was just incredibly fun seeing you getting excited over new drafts and I loved coming up with new plot points and Halloween costumes for everyone with you. :-D Truly a summer worth remembering.
2.) FINALLY uploading the prologue and intro chapter of WWBL Not really a writing memory, but that moment was … so sexy and magical. Seriously, you have no idea how long I had been waiting to finally start that story, waiting for the Steckbriefe to roll in and see people react to the prologue and generally the idea … I even made one of those countdown graphic thingies for the designated upload date! 8D At that point I had planned that story for about six months and just … yeah, that felt powerful to me.
1.) Writing the prologue for WWBL When I first started the draft for that prologue I was sitting at the window in my favourite hotel in Winterberg, Sauerland, wore my dark green flannel, had the window wide open breathing in the cool mountain air and allowed myself to listen to my WWBL playlist for the very first time. God, that felt so amazing. I even have a photo of it (which somehow makes it look like I have the biggest football shoulders in the universe) my sister took that night. God I miss Sauerland. )’:
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My apologies to every favourite song of mine that I forgot about, I have a whole playlist of them, but I think these are some of my oldest faves … (Honorable mentions for Don’t Mess With Me and Not That Big by Temposhark, Goodbye by Apparat, Me And The Devil by Soap&Skin, Heart Heart Head by Meg Myers, Pain and Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace, Beautiful Crime by Tamer, Gravity Of Love by Enigma, In Flames by Digital Daggers [thanks Phi u_u] and Murder Cries by Snow Ghosts AHHH FUCK IT I could’ve just made a playlist,,,)
5.) Vater Unser by E Nomine Starting off with some weird shit, won’t we? I’ve been in love with this song since fifth or sixth grade, when I was just starting to develop an actual music taste and although I have many favourite songs by E Nomine, this one has to be my absolute fave. Every time I can relate it to a character it makes me love said character even more. (Also I think about it every time my mom forces me to go to church for Christmas so … yay? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t even be able to remember the Vater Unser if it wasn’t for this song. 8D)
4.) Wires by The Neighbourhood I think this is the newest all-time fave on this list, I found it in … 2015? Thank you, Youtube AMVs. Yeah man, this one is just … on so many playlists it’s not even funny anymore.
3.) Heathens by Twenty One Pilots An edgelord classic but like … it’s on EVERY playlist of mine. Every single one. It’s just so good. The first time I heard it was on the radio tho, when I was having breakfast with Jessie and I forced her to shazam it because it immediately stuck with me,,,
2.) Imaginary by Evanescence My first Evanescence song ever and the first step towards becoming who I am today I think. This song has like … such a big history for me, man. It single-handedly turned me goth in 2008 and I have never really thanked it for that.
1.) Eternal by Evanescence Might be my favourite song of all time. The number of dramatic RP scenes I have written with this in the background … man. Oh, also this song is the reason for one of my oldest internet nicknames, ‘eternala’, which subsequently shortened into Etschuh and then Tschuh, my main nickname until 2017, when I came out as trans and finally found an actual name for myself I was comfortable with!
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I know this was probably supposed to be about fandom characters but I can literally not come up with a single character right now that I love with a special burning passion and that is not my or one of my friends’ OCs so you’re getting OCs now. u_u And boy do I have a lot of those.
5.) Jackson Tracey from atroCITY (mine) This little piece of shit kept me company for a pretty long time and is still very close to my heart for some reason, although I haven’t drawn him or really thought about him in detail for a while now. My favourite thing is how I only realized what a horrible person he was after I stopped regularly working with him but honestly good for me. 8D His storyline and personality is kinda convoluted and tbh I’m not really sure how much of it is canon anyway (atrc was always a little weird about canon rip) but yeah. He’s an obsessive stalker piece of shit who pities himself way too much and he is also a semi-immortal demigod who likes knives. I hate him but he also helped me a lot with some gender and sexuality stuff so thanks I guess.
4.) Mayoko Imai from Century Riders DXPrototype (Maus’ and mine) Mayoko is a magical girl protagonist with a cool cyborg arm prosthetic and her main character trait was that she was basically a reverse weeaboo, a Japanese girl who was obsessed with American media, culture and comic book heroes! I actually love her concept a lot and she also had a pretty cool character arc in her story (which Maus and I wrote together and actually finished btw!), although it could use a lot more … polishing from today’s point of view. But I love her anyway. She always wanted to do the right thing and be a hero and got broken pretty cruelly and her ending is kinda bittersweet I guess? Ahh there’s just so much nuance to it … anyways, CR3 also stuck with me for a very long time and I enjoyed the time with her a lot. :3 (Her name had a cameo in Another Incident btw heehee)
3.) Tessa *insert extremely long chain of unnecessary first names here* von Lean from Nobody Is Perfect and Infernal Temptation (belongs to one of my old school friends) Tessa is just … a hand full. I love to hate her. She is badly written and developed and just OOZES mentally ill teenage girl’s idealized self-insert power fantasy, but she just … man, she was a big part of one of my most drama-filled high school friendships which I love looking back at so much. Tessa has fucked so many of my characters … good for her tbh! There are actually two versions of her, one is just a ‘normal’ teenage girl and one can shapeshift into a cheetah, but both of them are very close to my heart. I should really adopt and redesign her some day.
2.) Judy Khayat from Original vs. Final (mine) Look, I love all my OvF-characters and every single one of them is special to me in their own way, but Judy is just … the most complex of them all I think? Man, she went through so much … she is actually one of my oldest (semi)-active characters (I created her in 2009) and her latest version is from 2016 but I should really, REALLY revise her again tbh. She has a very complicated backstory that I didn’t handle as carefully as I should have, and anger issues and religious conflict and depression and PTSD and then Vance of all people becomes obsessed with her for no reason and decides to traumatize her even more … yeah. God I really love her but I seriously need to work on her. A LOT. I should also finally rename her tbh … let’s just see where she takes me next.
1.) Okami (I don’t even remember if she has a proper last name rn lol) from Split Realm (mine) Yeah, that bitch is just my favourite OC. She’s also very old, probably from around 2009, and initially was a magical girl with fire powers who I played in an RP with my friend Flauch but boy did she grow up! Holy fuck. Okami is a horrible person but I love her so much. She is so violent and full of anger and pain and sadness and treats everyone around her like shit and she is in love and she is a demon but also apparently the personification of the concept of Chaos but she just wants to be a teenager again and run away with the love of her life and ahhh it’s all so hopeless for her … also she turned out gnc af with time passing and pretty much went through a gender/sexuality crisis in real time with me, her creator, which is always fun. :^D I haven’t drawn her in a while tbh. Should really do that.
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I’m just gonna go with the arcs here, okay? Also this entire answer might look completely different if you asked me again tomorrow, you know how indecisive I am with Blank Rune shit ahha,,,
5.) Jera Look. I know I’m boring and stupid. But I just love Tave and Liam having their disgusting little foreshadowing talk, okay? I can read it over and over. I just love my horrible little shit crime boys. Also Rhy and Phillip are there. (’:
4.) Isa This one is here because it was the first arc I witnessed in real time which gives it a very special place in my heart and it also … hit pretty hard at the time. But having read Fehu it’s become even better now! It’s just such a wonderful, tragic romance between two horrible, ruthless boys and I … I’m not immune to Rhy, sadly. :-/ Just like Phillip.
3.) Wunjo We still haven’t seen everything that leads up to Wunjo yet, but we DO know more than we did initially (wow shocker) and it’s just always a fucking blast. Also, it has the first mention of Ash’s real name … the first Rhy POV (which what the fuck!! I always feel like we had one before but we didn’t!! Wild) and it has crazy blood-soaked murder Tave, my beloved. :///3
2.) Eiwaz You guys have heard me fanboy about Eiwaz so many times already. Eiwaz-OT3 (and Kain) my beloved!!! It’s just SUCH an amazing starting point and there are so, so many things that tie back to it and every time we find out about a new one my heart makes a little jump … und es beginnt von Neuem indeed.
1.) Gebo One of the most painful but also the most beautiful arcs yet in my opinion. It’s been hyped up for so long and boy did it deliver. God, my heart still hurts when I think about that last scene. Also all the dialogue … the golden lines we got … and it’s an arc without Rhy! Crazy!! :-D I just love the relationship between Ash, Astrid and Jakob so much. God fuck I want what they have. Just maybe without the murder suicide,,,
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5.) Diese Sonntagsbrötchen wo die Verpackung so plopp macht, wenn man die Folie abzieht Better than normale Brötchen for some reason. Most of the time. See 2.) Look man, I just really love a good breakfast …
4.) Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese topping One of the first things from a certain baking book I tried when I was getting into baking back in 2019. God they are so tasty. I don’t make them often so I don’t get used to them too much and eating them still feels special but ahhhh I love them so much!
3.) Grünkohl mit Kartoffelbrei und Mettendchen One of my favourite things about autumn/winter and one of my biggest comfort foods. God I love this shit so much. I just put … mountains of Grünkohl and Kartoffelbrei on my plate every time and I will just warm it up for four days straight until there’s no more left. It turns me into a fucking caveman. I’m not even big on eating meat but … yeah. Everything is different when there’s Grünkohl.
2.) Normales Brötchen mit Butter und Scheibenkäse aber ich bin beim Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel Oddly specific but that’s just how it is. Sorry. Nichts geht über Brötchen mit Käse.
1.) Chilli-Knoblauch-Nudelauflauf My beloved. My comfort food. I eat it literally every second day. At least one hour in the kitchen every time. Fresh ingredients. My only vegetable intake. And I’ve been doing that for three years. I just love it so much, man. I cook it for everyone who visits me. Chilli-Knoblauch-Auflauf cured my depression.
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wargod-archive · 4 years
Anonymous said: i didn't know you had ships! can you talk about them and dawa? was it developed through rp or another of your ocs?
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HELLO THERE!! Thank you so much for being interested! ❤ In my post before I was talking about ships developed through rps and pertaining to that I believe I only have one currently?? The ship I have with @bloomingdeed​ !! Dawa and Caduceus are both very kind and very devoted to their respective faiths so in those aspects they’re similar. They just care about each other lot and get along well and they’re overall just very cute. The two have their differences as well, but rarely do they get into squabbles. Their relationship is a little tragic too, considering Dawa is an immortal, eternal entity and Cad is of course mortal even if he does live a long time. We’ve talked about various aus and scenarios for them and Fais is just the sweetest!
BUUUUT- if you’re talking about my own OCs I ship Dawa with, I have 2 actually!
Trumeur: He exists primarily within an AU of Dawa’s orginal canon! Basically, in this verse Dawa is a sort of ‘living war talisman’ who brings about war as well as higher probability of winning a battle. They were kidnapped from their monastery in their teenage years after saving the life of a boy named Trumeur, granting him divine powers making him a pseudo deity. Dawa has since then traveled the world with various countries and city states, on and off the battlefield, in political meetings and in strategy rooms. They still love with their whole heart but have become jaded from their life of constant turmoil, and knowing they are the one causing it. The only reason they stay alive is because Trumeur is out there still living for their sake, and living because they are alive. To take away their will would mean he would die as well. The two of them are reunited however and travel the land together as peace begins to fill their homeland once more. There is a high concentration of divine power radiating from their world that has travels past the bounds of their own dimension, seeping into others. 
Trumeur is a trans man. He’s 7’2”, very muscular and covered from head to toe in scars from numerous battles. He chooses not to heal his scars although he is capable of doing so. He believes each scar he has is a sign of strength in some way shape or form. His motifs are insects, usually beetles and scorpions.
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This is him! His personality is very serious, harsh, and passionate. He literally runs on spite and anger, which fuels his power. But any passionate emotion can keep him alive, which includes his deep, intense love for Dawa. Dawa can see the colors of the soul and his is pitch black, as a representation of the many experiences, memories, and emotions of his life.
Etha: A warrior woman who’s in Dawa’s original canon! Etha is a woman who has only known war. A Heathen ( or a divine ghost ) who is in a constant battle, warring in the edge-lands that lead to nowhere. She and her army has been warring against an invisible force, ghosts of the past that haven’t been there for decades. In Dawa’s culture the warriors wear a veil and the longer the veil the more kills you have. Etha has the longest veil of all the soldiers.
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Etha is a stern woman who doesn’t talk much. However after meeting Dawa and befriending them, she becomes very loyal to the deity. They travel together during Dawa’s curation period. Dawa can see the colors of the soul and Etha’s is very pale, even white. Generally speaking the color of one’s soul represents memories, experiences, emotions, and how one processes those things and how they express it outwardly, how those things form their being, personality, and humanity. Etha’s color is very pale which Etha is self conscious about. They’ve kept their emotions locked away for much of her life and Dawa helps her see that it’s okay to be weak sometimes, and feel and that her color is still beautiful and unique like everyone’s.
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(Hi! I cannot change the blog details btw but “Witchitery” is an OC for roleplay. My name is Henna. )
So I just found this picture and what it says has frightened me. Does Loki “possess some demonic qualities” do you think? My Catholic background, though there are many years between that and now, creeps up on me if the word “demon” comes up anywhere. Am I speaking with a demon when I speak to Loki? As I write that it feels silly but… Eek.
Hi Henna,
For starters, I want to make it clear that I have no intention of throwing anyone who works with demons under the bus. It’s a valid practice that’s existed for longer than the modern pagan movement, and practitioners aren’t necessarily “evil” or bad people.
With that out of the way, fears about being deceived by Satan and being eternally damned for deconverting are common among ex-Christians. Getting over those lingering fears is often a long process, and as someone who’s been there, I sympathize.
It may help to remember that the term “daemon” predates Christianity, and even today, pagans and occultists often use it in senses closer to its classical usage than the one you’re familiar with from Catholicism. Not everyone who uses the word “daemon” is talking about evil beings or beings with connection to the Christian hell. Without knowing the context of where this graphic came from, I can’t say for sure what sense the person who made it was going for. Regardless, researching the word’s history and other meanings may lessen your distress when you encounter the concept.
It may also help to remember that Norse mythology doesn’t contain anything similar to the Christian hell (outside of one mention in a very Christianized passage.) Nor does it contain the equivalent of Christian demons. Jotnar embody the untamed forces of nature, not evil. Norse myth doesn’t even really suggest that objective good and evil exist in the same way Christian myth does. Consider that most of the gods descend from jotnar, and that the earth is formed from one.
On a different note, it’s a stretch to definitively call Loki an “elemental” or a god of fire. It sounds like the person who made that graphic may be conflating Loki with the fire god Logi. This is a common mistake, originating with Jacob Grimm’s now-disproven linguistic theory. While there’s arguably a little pre-19th-century evidence for Loki having a connection to fire as well, such as the Snaptun stone and a possible pre-Christian origin of medieval folklore about the Ash Lad, but those are contested. See this post for more info.
So basically, this graphic has some concepts that aren’t part of Heathenry, and some terminology Heathens generally wouldn’t use to describe those concepts. Either this is from someone who isn’t pagan and made it for like, an RP or something, or it’s from a pagan who isn’t at all Heathenry-adjacent and has chosen to disregard the lore in favor of their own cosmology. While I cannot rule out the possibility that there actually is someone out there who genuinely believes that Loki is some kind of Lord of the Christian Hell, this is not a belief held by the vast majority of people (even the ones that are vehemently anti-Loki.)
Going from your own personal experience may be more effective in easing your fears than outside assurance, though. Ask yourself: has Loki hurt you or helped you? Has he encouraged you to be a worse person or a better person? And would he really be doing those things if he was an evil being trying to harm you? Whenever my own doubts resurface, I always return to the fact that Loki has overwhelmingly been a positive force in my life.
- Mod E
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adilynia-kiden · 6 years
About the Mun
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Like to be Called: Adi, Addie works for me.
Gender: Female
Things you should know about me: 
1.      I don’t do drama. Now, most people go on and say that and then end up at the center of some proverbial maelstrom. Not me. I actively avoid it and go out of my way to make sure I don’t cause any for others. I’ve no time or energy for the petty nonsense I see on tumblr in general. I don’t do call out posts (unless you’re adorable, and then I might) and I am the first person who will come talk to you if there is a problem or I suspect there might be. I’m also 38, and my time with vapid drama is totally and 100% over.
2.      I try and be extremely communicative with the people I write with. I admit, there are times when RP/RL gets overwhelming and I need time to regroup, but I’m not the sort to up and disappear for months on end without a word.
3.      I invest my time to RP/write because it’s something I love to do. But, I am also a mom (shout out to my eldest nerdling @aesthetically-kaelyn ) and wife, and while my schedule isn’t totally hectic, my family comes first.
4.      I’m not scary and you shouldn’t be intimidated by reaching out/wanting to RP…AT ALL. I’m a complete and total dork who will gush about your muses (because I read EVERYTHING) and fangirl to the highest degree. I am 10000% invested in peoples stories and creative worlds because it influences and inspires my own on so many levels. Please, don’t be shy or think ‘Oh wow, they are so good I could never keep up.’ I struggle, just like everyone else, with anxiety and self-doubt when it comes to my writing. I relish and welcome the chance to write with new people/personalities of all sorts!
Things you should know about my characters:
1.      Adilynia is my main character, and while yes her story with the Trinity is involved, there are plenty of opportunities to meet/engage yourself with the little ball of sunshine on almost every level.
2.      I am more than capable of bouncing between characters/alts without much time needed to regroup. So, if one isn’t your cup of tea… the others weirdos in my head might be.
3.      I keep my list of muses small(ish) so I can make sure they are well rounded and flow without seeming to be forced into some story. So, both they and the Mun are open to so much more.
4. I love WoW dragon lore, and as a result have a small contingent of them scattered through my stories, especially with Addie.
First Language: English
Second Language: Sarcasm?
RP Blog(s): Active:  @adilynia - Silver Hand Knight and Neutral Envoy.
@silverfall-patriarch – Adilynia’s father, Commander of the Praetorium and Director of Defense for Sanctuary City ( @sanctuary-city-wra). Silver Hand Knight and Armorsmith.  “The Ursine Rider”
@ironbound-praetorium  - Home of the Praetorium members themselves. Usually reserved for Raelin Dawnsorrow (Addie’s best friend) Captain, Knight and Heathen. “The Ironfist”
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Other notable figures included on this blog are:
1.      Lady Brilaria Suncrest, Confessor, Healer, Doctor “The Hellcat”
2.      Lord Gavinyl Everdawn, Runesinger and Transportation Director
3.      Baron Evindal Cinderfury Magister, Pyromancer, Communications Head
4.      Major Setra Featherstorm, Argent Knight, Logistics and Strategy
5.      Squire Tanner Michaels, Silver Hand Squire
@merethyl – Former Silvermoon Executioner, Soldier and Azerothian Hero. Once a great warrior, a devestating injury caused her life to upend and force her to find a new path and face the consequences of her less than ideal past. Artist, tinkerer and quirky dork.
@georgianathackery – Everyone’s favorite smart-mouthed and flirty bartender. Granted, she’s been a bit on hold for a few months, but the dimpled darling is ALWAYS available for whiskey slinging, a bawdy tune or ten… and all the flirting you can handle.
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@sadirahe  A Silvermoon sanctioned Shadow who currently serves under House Dawnheart ( @halindon ) and has a charming obsession with poisons and the sea.
New/Under development: Nothing as of yet, but new characters pop up so randomly, that I never know when the muse will decide to show up!
Sometimes Contains OOC Posts, Mostly IC | Does not Contain OOC Posts (very rare)
Single Muse Blogs | Multimuse Blog | Aesthetic Blog
OOC Blog: Don’t have one!
Contains OOC Posts and Art | Does not Contain OOC Posts (VERY few, if any)
Age Range:
Under 13 | 14 - 17 | 18 - 22 | 23 - 25 | 26 - 29 | 30 - 40 | 40-50 | 60-70+ |
Am I ok with NSFW? Yes | No | To a point and not on every toon
My favorite most common thing to RP is:
Angst | Fluff | Action | Slice of Life | Plots | Events | Other (Memes and asks) Just bring it ALL.
OC Friendly: Yes | No
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Tagged by: @nymmith-wildseeker ((Thank you!!) Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this one!
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sabotajuu-a · 5 years
TAGGED BY   :     nobody because my grubby little fingers stole it from @nomither so ty bb <3 TAGGING   :     everybody with at least one working kidney RULES   :     answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.   REPOST, don’t reblog. Who’s ready for me to go into detail when nobody fucking asked me to???
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                    I won’t lie, I actually abhor the term OTP because it feels like it’s closing off any potential shipping plots with other muses and characters.   To answer this question, I’ll be highlighting my favored dynamics, because I’m a lawless heathen and I spit on your rules.
                    Let’s get killers over with first.   Trapper and Jake has been a long-standing ship of mine, and it’s for obvious reasons.   They likely have a long-standing feud of Trapper and Saboteur, and I do love hate-ships.   Another favorite dynamic of mine is Doctor and Jake, just because of the machinery Jake can fuck with outside of game mechanics.   He may despise Lery’s and all that comes with it, but I do enjoy the thought of him weaponizing some of that medical and electrical equipment against Carter, and it’s entirely Guud_Night’s fault that I even got into Doctor and that one fucking suit of his.   Jake... loves a man in uniform, and a man in a suit, and Carter just so happens to check both marks.   We don’t talk about the secret cursed ship, thanks.   I already told you about my semi-secret guilty pleasure, so hush.
                    As for survivors, and get ready because this is a complete shocker     (   he lied   ),     but I ship Jake with literally any man that is outlandish, loud, confident, cocky, and / or doesn’t seem to know the meaning of silence or personal space.   So you’re looking at Ace, David, and Ash for those particular choices.   Jeff is in the middle ground.   So why those particular three?   Jake absolutely abhors them on first meeting.   Their personality types do not mesh well with his own, though he warms up to Ace the quickest, and Ash... let’s just say he still considers introducing that man’s jaw to the floor even after he warms up to Ash.   David would probably be that middle-ground because he isn’t as bad as Ash, but he’s not easy to get along with like Ace either.
                    Literally anything, so long as it’s not the obvious incest, pedophilia, non-con brigade.   I’m also not willing to write ships with Dwight, Meg, Claudette, or Nea because Jake sees them as family, whether or not there is a pre-established dynamic or not.   This is non-negotiable since it is my personal headcanon.   With that aside, I’m down for pretty much anything so long as my writing partner is comfortable with the content.   I only state that specifically, despite it being an obvious requirement to ship, because I am someone who enjoys exploring some DARK SHIT, but can understand most of that content isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.   Like full on gore and things like that.   I just want people to have some damn fun, y’know?
                    I don’t quite have many age gap issues, aside from Jake being with anyone under 23.   It’s a personal comfort, and Jake would much prefer people around his own age or older.   As for older, I guess the age cap would be... 60s?   I really don’t have much of an issue with older characters because it’s two legal, consenting adults entering a relationship, so... whatever.   Older people need love too.
                    LMAO fuck no.   I’m always down to clown with suffering because that’s what you’re going to get from me.   Suffering and random soft shit.   I literally love seeing everyone’s characterizations of their muse, and I want to explore all of them.   Though I will, at times, have ship exclusives, but the requirements for that to happen are strenuous and I don’t like to limit myself to shipping with 1 person when i can ship with 9283429 people.
                    Honestly, intercourse itself.   Or, depending on the content, when things dabble into the gorier aspects.   Like I said, I’m fine with writing some fucked up shit, so I’ll likely start putting that SFW to NSFW threshold pretty low to avoid complications with other people.   I hope that’s blunt enough.
                    Out of the fandom, you are free to drop kick your way into my DMs and hit me with that good shit, because wow I love to explore every aspect of potential shipping dynamics.
                    As for Dead by Daylight, I personally want to explore ships with Frank, Joey, Quentin, Tapp, Adam, and Jeff.   I know I mentioned Jeff in that one question above, but I’m going to state him here too since I did say he was more of a middle-man option.   I’m still a little ??? on the dynamic itself.
                    I mean... how else are you going to ship with me?   I don’t like people forcing their ships onto me, and I’d prefer screaming at you about our goblins rather than it being entirely one-sided.   I promise you that 99% of the time, just outright kicking me in the head and yelling     I WANT OUR BOYS TO KISS     will get me to agree and discuss the ship further.
                    I honestly do love shipping, but I don’t need to ship to enjoy writing a character.   It’s definitely something that can easily be explored, but it isn’t mandatory.   I get that Jake isn’t the easiest person to ship with anyway considering he literally hates everyone except, like, four people, and is a feral little creature.   But sincerely, I do like to ship whenever the fuck I feel like it.
                    Hell yeah.   I remember the days singleship was the in, and I honestly felt so restrained.   Give me all of your boys and let me love them all, thanks.
                    I wouldn’t say I’m either.   I basically just ship as chemistry blossoms and discussions are made, so long as the other person is down to clown.   So for this question, I’m a big ol’ middle finger that’s been spray painted by the funky little jester that jingles miserably beneath the dirt.
                       OH, GEE SCOOB WHERE DO I START?   JAKE PARK AND GROWING UP WITH A DECENT FATHER.   JAKE PARK AND HAPPINESS.   JAKE PARK AND SELF-HELP.   JAKE PARK AND LITERALLY ANY POSITIVE OPTION THAT I’VE CONVENIENTLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT WHEN WRITING HIS CHARACTER.   If you’re looking for a serious answer, you’re looking in the wrong place.   I don’t have a favorite ship, so eat rocks.
                    LITERALLY JUST HIT ME WITH IT.   Hit me as hard as you probably smash your Dead Hard key in a stressful situation, only for it to not go off, so you rotate furiously on the ground until the killer picks you up.   Just fucking message me and water my crops with your ship, because there is a 99% chance that I either ship it already myself, or that we can work things out.   If I can make a viable crossover relationship between a League of Legends champion and a SMITE God with a friend, or an Evil Within 2 character and a TF2 merc with a friend, we can make this work too, probably.
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gatorslaters · 2 years
Mutuals only unless otherwise specified on a post. 18+ writers only, please. I don’t feel comfortable RPing with minors. I require basic rp etiquette from my writing partners. No godmodding, powerplays, etc. I will not interact with those who vaguepost or have burn books.
I expect my mutuals to be LGBTQIA+ friendly and respect my identity. The MK System and I both have Jewish backgrounds, so I will also not allow any antisemitic BS. They, obviously, also have DID, so please be respectful. I do not have DID but I am committed to learning and portraying them as respectfullyas possible. Do not call them "personalities" or insinuate some of them aren't real or that they're insane unless you're in character trying to piss them off and be the bad guy.
Please note sometimes threads may get dropped. This isn’t always intentional. Sometimes Tumblr swallows a reply, or my ADHD gets in the way. If after a week, I have not replied to a thread, feel free to message me and remind me about it. I may have simply been busy. However, sometimes my adhd or the muse no longer cares for a thread and will refuse to engage with it. That doesn’t mean I want to stop writing with you though! Feel free to send a new starter! Any answered asks are free game to be turned into threads if you are interested in continuing them (I'd probably actually be super stoked if you do!).
AU’s and crossovers are welcome if I’m familiar with the fandom. Depending on the premise, I may be willing to become familiar with it. Feel free to ask. OCs are welcome to interact if they are well-written and not just here to ship. Multi-muse blogs are welcome to interact.
I do love to ship but chemistry is important to me. If we’re mutuals, you can send a shippy starter and we can see if it vibes, but I give no promises of any shipping. Flirting does not equal shipping and I welcome it, though I can't promise the sentiment will always be returned. If you attempt to force a ship, the thread will be dropped and we may not start another one.
Writing Style
I do paragraph style writing and that is how I prefer my mutuals reply. My replies may vary in length. Do not feel you need to match the length. Usually I cut my posts, use icons, and use italics and bold for fun emphasis, but circumstances may cause one of more of those things to not be available to me, such as being on mobile. In such scenarios, I will use regular text and use the tag edit later so I can edit the posts when the features are available to me again.
Let me know if you need anything tagged for trigger warnings. While my other tags have fun icons, this one will not for easier blocking. An example of such a tag would be tw // body horror, cw // nsfw, etc. I will do my best to remember to tag things you’ve asked for. I will often tag content and trigger warnings in a post if I feel they’re needed even if no one has asked, but please be patient with me if I miss one.
For me, I cannot do bugs under people’s skin. Do not put those in our interactions and please tag them. Bugs in general are fine, but things, especially bugs being under the skin is a hard no. You can tag this as trypophobia.
The Writer
Hello! I’m Pastry! she/her and he/him pronouns. I am a Lokean (for the Norse Loki, not the MCU one) and practicing Heathen. I have ADHD and a full-time job to focus on, so I’ll usually be on after 7pm EST so as not to get distracted if I do replies on weekdays. I am an anxious bean so I get a little nervous about people messaging me but I hope we can still have fun writing together! I also have a Loki RP blog @godoutcast
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RULES: share four songs/pieces of music that represent your muse.
(repost. don’t reblog.)
 Twenty One Pilots - Heathens
We don't deal with outsiders very well They say newcomers have a certain smell Yeah, I trust issues, not to mention They say they can smell your intentions You're lovin' on the freakshow sitting next to you You'll have some weird people sitting next to you You'll think "how did I get here, sitting next to you?" But after all I've said, please don't forget: (Watch it!)
All my friends are heathens, take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don't make any sudden moves You don't know the half of the abuse
Fever Ray- If I had a heart
This will never end cause I want more More give me more give me more If I had a heart I could love you (...) Dangling feet from window frame Will they ever ever reach the floor Crushed and filled with all I found Underneath and inside just to come around More give me more give me more
Power of Trinity - Chodź ze mną
Ciągle brzmi nienawiść jak fałszywy ton. (The hate still rings like a false tone.) Wciśnij inny klawisz, a naprawisz błąd. (Press another button to fix the wrong.) Dyrygentem zostań i batutą rządź - o! (Be the conductor and rule with a wand -oh!) Nagle zjawi się ktoś, kto (Suddenly will apprear someone who) ma taki dar jak Ty (Has same gift like you) Podobne spojrzenie i oka błysk. (Alike gaze and spark in the eye.) Pogadanki zostaw, do czynu przejdź i nie (Leave the small talk, come to act and don’t-) Nie zamykaj drzwi, nie. (No, don’t close the door!) Nie pal mostów, bo lont (Don’t burn the brigdes or I will) Odetnę z pogardą i rzucę w kąt. (cut the fuse off and toss it away.) Chodź ze mną, (Come with me!) zanim zobaczę, usłyszę piękno, (Before I’ll see, I’ll hear the beauty.) Nigdy nie powiem Ci dość. (I’ll never tell you “enough”.) Nigdy nie powiem Ci dość. (I’ll never tell you “enough”.) Chodź ze mną, (Come with me!) Oni tak szybko nie pobiegną, (They can’t run so fast.) Zrobimy trochę na złość, (We’ll do a bit out of spite.) Zrobimy trochę na złość. (We’ll do a bit out of spite.)
Muse - Uprising
Paranoia is in bloom, The PR transmissions will resume They'll try to push drugs That keep us all dumbed down And hope that we will never see the truth around (So come on!) (...) Rise up and take the power back, It's time the fat cats had a heart attack, You know that their time's coming to an end They will not force us They will stop degrading us They will not control us We will be victorious
Tagged by: @fahej-rp
Tagging: @sxmbra-xnline @aoiryuujinshimada @dontcallmejoel @apmeka + steal at will! :D
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My Brother, My Boyfriend, and Me
Based off of this post.
Suggested talking points: Screaming Love Censor, Ol’ D-Port, Alton Browns Weakness.
“Hello, and welcome to My Brother, My Boyfriend, and Me, a comedy advice show for the modern era. I’m your oldest sister, Lu-”
“Nuh-uh! Lup, w-”
“Um, excuse me? We’re not fucking animals, let me finish speaking. As I was saying, I’m your oldest sister, Lup Tacco.”
“And I’m your TWIN BROTHER, Taako Tacco. This is an audio medium Lup, they can’t see that we’re actually twins! They don’t get the goof!”
“Technically, she is older-”
“Fuck off, Barold, this is a twins thing.”
“Um, no actually. It’s 2 v 1, sooo-”
“Our bickering is some premo comedy. Gonna win the Emmy for this! Can we just get on with the show?”
“Barry didn’t introduce himself.”
“Oh! Yeah, uh, I’m your boyfriend - no, that’s weird - I’m her boyfriend, Barry Bluejeans.” “And I’m his gir-”
“Just so the lovebirds know, if you start getting mushy, I’ll yell at the top of my lungs until you stop. And that’s gonna be bad audio.”
“Yeah, that’d be some bad shit.”
“All of our advice is gonna be shit, though! Do we need a disclaimer? ‘Don’t do anything these dipshits say!’”
“Don’t speak for all of us, my advice is gonna be choice.”
“Koko, you once told me denim lingerie was a good idea.”
“I thought it was pretty go-”
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - do you get it yet? I’m in hell!”
“I was defending your advice!”
“As much as I love being right? I’m willing to take the ego blow if it means not hearing about my sisters sex life!”
“Okay, you know what? Let’s just move on - do y’all wanna yahoo answer?”
“You bet! Let’s get this show on the road.”
“This one was sent in by our dear friend, Captain Davenport. Thank you Captain, thi-”
“We’re not at work, do we have to call him Captain? Couldn’t we call him like, I don’t know… Ol’ D-port?”
“No. No - uh, he’s the captain of yahoo answers. This was asked by…”
“Asked by whomst, Barold?”
“ ‘Sorry, something has gone wrong,’ uh… let’s call them Ol’ D-Port. Ol’ D-port asks, ‘How do I make Alton Brown love me and marry me?’ Additional details: ‘Hi. I am a HUGE AB fan’-”
“No fucking kidding!”
“-’And I’ve had a crush on him for some time. After I learned he was divorced, I started to wonder: what if I married him? I don’t want to sound crazy. Contact info or advice is appreciated. Update: Stop making jokes!! And he ISN’T mean, Cutthroat Kitchen is an act! I want to marry Good Eats era Alton.”
“Hey, Barr? Are you sure that this question wasn’t asked by my brother? Because-”
“Of course it isn’t me! I’m not a heathen, I love Cutthroat Kitchen.”
“Hey - guys? How DO you make Alton Brown love you and marry you, though?”
“It’s the make that’s really stumping me. Do they want to kidnap him and force his love?”
“We can’t tell people how to kidnap Alton Brown, we - we can’t!”
“Uh, funny, because I think we’re absolutely doing that.”
“Mr. Brown, if you’re listening, I love your work and I’m not party to my girlfriend’s machinations.”
“Hey, Taak? You’ve been quite, something to add?”
“I’m trying to figure out Alton Brown’s weaknesses”
“His- his weaknesses? “
“Yea. He’s got wisdom up the wazoo, so you can’t charm him.”
“He’s got some pretty sick offensive spells to, doesn’t he? Force alone won’t work either.”
“Hey guys! I’ve got an idea!”
“Have at it, Bluejeans.”
“How about you ask him out to dinner and have a tender romance instead of kidnapping celebrity chef Alton Brown!”
“Boo, that’s no fun!”
“Ol’ D-port did say they didn’t wanna seem crazy-”
“Say, LuLup, let’s do a little RP sesh and see if this idea isn’t crazy too. I’ll pretend to be Alton-”
“Excuse me?”
“I just don’t think this is gonna be a good bit, so I’m not enabling it.”
“Wow, great improv! Way to say ‘yes, and’. Okay, fine Barry. You’ll do this with me, right?”
“Uh, sure.”
“Okay. I’m Alton, you’re Ol’ D-port. Ask me out on a date.”
“Hello, Mr. Brown, I-”
“Please, call me Alton.”
“Hey, bro? Do you want some constructive criticism?”
“Your AB fucking sucks. Continue with the bit.”
“Alton, you uh - you look like some good eats, if you catch my drift.”
“Oh, it’s always nice to meet a fan.”
“Uhm, well, yeah I guess. I - do you - do you wanna netflix and chill?”
“I’m 54 years old! I don’t know what netflix and chill means!”
“This is a shitty bit, just like I thought. But it’s sort of cute seeing Barry try to flirt again.”
“To be fair, I uh, I was never reallly good at it. I threw love spaghetti at the wall and hoped it stuck.”
“It worked on me, my dove-”
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summoners-path · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO     //      answer  the  following  for  your  muse(s)  so  people  know  how  shipping  works  on  your  blog.   REPOST.   don’t reblog.
1.   WHAT’S  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  MUSE? : definitely braska/chuami. when i made this blog, i had no intention of shipping this guy whatsoever. and then this girl came around and it just... happened. it was so natural and unexpected that i’ve never gotten over it. and i don’t want to, tbh! it changed me as a writer and as a human being, i think. and now, i’m getting to relive the fun with a twist in my viii verse and it’s just so, so rewarding. i love everything about it. 10/10.
2.   WHAT  ARE  YOU  WILLING  TO  RP  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  SHIPPING? : anything that feels natural. that’s really my lone requirement. all of the ships i like, i like because they just feel like they happen. as an author, i’m willing to rp some heavier topics, and less-than-healthy scenarios; but i don’t think this muse is the type to really go for anything of the sort. so, it’s likely going to be more fun, lighter things here...
3.   HOW  LARGE  DOES  THE  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE? : if the muse is comfortable with it, then so am i, i guess. the largest age gap i’ve played with is in my viii verse. and they’re both fine with it, so it doesn’t bother me at all. honestly, it’s hard to give a solid answer, but anything underage is off-limits for me... unless both characters are, of course! (i.e. high-school sweethearts, etc.)
4.   ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING? : yes. i have to have some sort of relationship with a partner ooc. we have to talk and be able to have fun with our characters off-dash, even if a lot of our ideas never make it to print. that’s just a part of what makes it fun for me!
5.   HOW  FAR  DO  STEAMY  MOMENTS  HAVE  TO  GO  BEFORE  THEY’RE  CONSIDERED  NSFW? : i guess anything that involves touching skin you wouldn’t normally touch on an average-clothed person. i feel like that’s pretty fair. but, i don’t get put off by others not cutting religiously. i don’t write a lot of nsfw myself, though, so if i do, i’ll likely be safe over sorry.
6.   WHO  ARE  OTHER  MUSES  YOU  SHIP  YOUR  MUSE  WITH? : um, i ship braska/elani, braska/chuami and auron/braska at the moment. they’re all three very different, which i like. in terms of non-romantic ships, braska+meri is so important to me. and braska+lulu is as well!
7.   DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : i would because, honestly, i probably won’t get that you’re interested otherwise and, most importantly, neither will he. he’s a bit dense when it comes to that sort of thing. so mun and muse really might... need you to spell it out. 
8.   HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP? : not often. like others, i go hard or go home. if i’m going to get invested, i want to be all in, so i don’t get just shipping whims. if i ship something, i’ve likely thought about it extensively, so be ready... !
9.   ARE  YOU  SHIP  OBSESSED  OR  SHIP  MORE - OR - LESS? : definitely not obsessed. like i said before, i had no intent on shipping at all on this blog when i started it years ago. i wanted to play braska as a character that really never got over the loss of his wife. and he didn’t, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t learn how to move on. and i think that’s part of what makes the few things i do here so rich and real, yknow? it’s also why i couldn’t just ship him willy-nilly, though. it has to not only feel but fit right.
10.   ARE  YOU  MULTISHIP? : technically, i suppose, though i do have priorities in terms of verses and what carries over more often than not.
11.   WHAT  IS  ( ARE )  YOUR  FAVORITE  SHIP  (S)  IN  YOUR  CURRENT  FANDOM? : HEH. well, my favorite canon-ship is auron/braska just because there’s so much you can do with it. it’s great if it’s romantic and, i think, even better when it’s not. it’s versatile and that’s fun. it’s also fun just to see how different auron’s affect how i write my braska. that’s been really cool to observe over my time here.
overall, though, my favorite ship for him is still with chuami, for all the reasons i gave in my very first answer!
12.   FINALLY,  HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU?: if there’s chemistry, it’ll happen. i like just letting things play out, so just be a good writing partner and show that you’re interested; talk to me about it if you’d like! now, i won’t force something to just because you asked, but i’ll certainly keep it in mind as we write!
tagged by: @lunuanaki, you heathen. <3 tagging: anyone who might want to do it! so, that means you!
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archivesdiveronarpg · 7 years
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Congratulations, ASH! You’ve been accepted for the role of TYBALT. Admin Bree: I don’t even know where to start with this application, Ash, except to say that I couldn’t stop smiling while I read it. It’s a bit weird, I know, considering Tiberius is not exactly the kind of character that makes people happy, but your portrayal of him was so accurate that I knew I’d found the right person to bring him back to the dash. Your plot ideas were wonderful, your interview was priceless, and your para sample was raw in a way that fit him perfectly. This was, in a word, incredible. Welcome to DiVerona! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours. 
                                                                                 WELCOME TO THE MOB.
Alias | Ash.
Age | Twenty - three.
Preferred Pronouns | She / Her
Activity Level | On a scale of 1-10, i’ll definitely have somewhere between an 8 or 9 in activity. I’m currently looking for a job, so until i have one, i can be here just about everyday.
Timezone | EST.
Current/Past RP Accounts | http://macnaired.tumblr.com/  ( the link i’ve included is to one of my current characters in a harry potter/marauders rpg. his muse is incredibly similar as far as what i’m envisioning for Tybalt’s character when it comes to the violence, and the temper and the chaotic behaviors )
Character | TYBALT – tiberius alessio capulet
(fun fact: The name Alessio is of Italian origin, and it means “defender,” a fitting name for the Captain of the Capulets, but holding a touch of irony, in that defender has such a positive connotation, associated with nobility and honor. A defender protects what is important to them, and Tiberius does, but he’s the most vicious extremist defender you could find.)
What drew you to this character? | WELL, first and foremost i’ve been creeping this rp for a minute now because it’s absolutely stunning, the bios are so thought out, the spin on the characters that so many of us know and love is so well executed, and i honestly just adore the whole mafia meets Shakespeare theme going on. It’s absolutely brilliant, and i’ve been so intimidated because of the flawlessness but i was like NO imma do this. not to mention Tybalt is such a BAE. and i will stop there before i start GUSHING.
BUT – scanning through the bios i was taken right back to my high school literature class just looking at Tybalt’s bio. I was drawn to him instantly because he was actually one of my favorite Romeo and Juliet characters. He was hatred given form and a name, sharply contrasting to Benvolio and Romeo. He was young and scrappy and pushed the plot forward with his need to fight everyone and everything. He was the active driving force in the Montague-Capulet rivalry (because let’s be honest Capulet and Montague were way too old and crusty to try and kill each other).  And i know you’re probably like – whaaaaat? But i’ve always been drawn to the more antagonistic characters no matter what the series. I adore the hot-blooded heathens, the wild cards, the perpetual pot-stirrers. I rooted for the Disney villains, okay? Not because i agree with any single thing they do, but i find their stories by far more intriguing. I love figuring out what it is that drives the villain – How did they become the way they are? Do they eventually get what they used all their villainy to pursue? I firmly believe that no one is born so evil, so for me, I was drawn to the potential for Tybalt’s arc as he slips from slighted Capulet prince to the potential king of the mob. I’m here for his unabashed and fiery personality, and his unquenched thirst for blood and power.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | Where do you see this character developing, and what kind of actions would you have them take to get there? 3 future plot ideas would be preferable.
I can see different aspects of Tybalt developing as the story goes on. I want to see his ascent to the top of the food chain, I want to see him get the power, the glory. But I’d also like to see him struggle, have him realize that not only does responsibility come with this caliber of power, but great cost as well. I want to see him battle not only everyone in his path, but battle himself and his demons too. His values (or lack thereof) and loyalties need to be tested, because we know what he wants, but how far is he going to be willing to go to get it?
HOISTED BY HIS OWN PETARD // We all know the Shakespearean ending for Tybalt. He is very much hoisted by his own petard, stabbed by Romeo for stabbing Mercutio. One thing I’d love to explore is one of Tybalt’s likely enemies catching up to him, and giving him a taste of his own medicine. I’ve seen that some characters have become hostages of the opposing family, so LORD that would be crazy if that happened to him. I could even see something to the effect of him perhaps getting demoted to soldier status, his captain’s badge being ripped away and now having to work in the ranks of all his subordinates, take orders from someone else.
Tybalt thinks of himself very much in a godly light, that he is unbeatable, he is impenetrable and as of right now, due to the reign of terror he’s created in Verona, the bodies he’s left in his wake, he pretty much is. He is the dreaded. People don’t want to be on the receiving end of his wrath. For that, i’d love to see him finally fail. I want his underhanded tactics, foul play and dirty deeds to catch up with him. OR to make it hurt more, perhaps all that he’s worked for, his one goal, slips right out of his fingers just as he gets it, or right when he’s about to have it all.
WHATS A KING, TO A GOD // If people think Tybalt is bad now, he’ll be something else entirely if his plans were to come into fruition. Tybalt is the antagonist, we know that much. But he is no shallow villain, no mindless ruffian, just committing murder and causing destruction because he can (though, he does have the tendency to do so). There is a method to the madness. Every shot fired, every slice of his blade through the air, is a power play, an exertion of his dominance. While it would be likely very easy to get Juliana out of his way, realistically, Rafaella poses the real challenge. But I think an interesting way to take his plot, of course, would be for Tybalt to obtain everything he’s ever wanted. To convince his cousins of what he’s known all along - that he is the most fitting for the job. I would like to see him get a taste of what that kind of power is like, no matter how short or long the term. But one important thing in his bio that i picked up on is ‘complacency is cowardice.’ and because Tybalt is never satisfied, I want to see what his next big thing would have to be. He becomes the Boss …what then? I’d like to think that someone like Tybalt, once he has the power, he won’t know how to act, he won’t truly know what’s best for the Capulets. He’s a warmonger, the most likely to be a tyrant, and will decisively pick options with which their enemies will be eliminated completely, conquer territories, burn bridges and cut ties, as opposed to playing the game, taking on allies and getting close to foes. So a Tybalt regime - yes pLEASE.
CRACK IN THE ARMOR // Tybalt’s main goal is to be ‘king,’ be the ‘general.’ He wants to take what he believes is his rightful place as the Boss of the Capulet family, that means cutting down every and all obstacles in his way. He’s heartless, merciless, unapproachable and irascible , so naturally this would make for a surplus of enemies and not that many allies. I’d actually like to explore and see someone break past the stone walls Tybalt has built up around himself, pierce his iron armor. He’s distrustful of everyone, and likely won’t be able to comprehend positive attitudes towards him. He’s built up so much resentment and so much anger that it’s all he truly knows. But i want to explore some emotional depth with him, for someone to tell him it’s okay that he feels so much, perhaps even for someone to show him that he’s capable of much more than anger and snark. A confidant, perhaps even someone he might call a friend one day.
LOYALTY TESTED // As the title says, i’d like to see Tybalt’s loyalty tested. He’s not a loyal person outright, because he will turn on any ally, double cross any foe, only trusting himself, but family is the only thing he holds dear. I want to see Tybalt struggle with whether loyalty or power is more important. I want his limits (while there’s seemingly none) to be pushed. How far is he willing to go to get his cousins out of his way to the proverbial throne? I want the Capulet cousin conflict (ayeee alliteration!). But i want to see the sort of cool, boiling under the surface rivalry that is obviously there (and yanno - some cute fambam moments to cut the tension too, can’t always be conflict, even though Tybalt would say otherwise lol). There is love, there is love and devotion and protection from all sides, but for Tybalt there is also greed and there is envy - and they’re not considered deadly sins for nothing.
MY TOY SOLDIERS // This last one is a totally short term plot, but i would just love to see Tybalt in his role as that ruthless leader, in his element. I want to see the man working with his army of Capulet soldiers, gearing them up to defend the family name, knowing that they’re all incompetent underlings that can’t hold a candle to what he can do, but training them anyways out of obligation. Maybe even seeing the potential in a fellow soldier, offering mentorship at a price of allegiance, gaining himself a little lackey. I feel like Tybalt would love something like that, relish in the idea of pushing someone around.
The following THREE questions must be answered in-character, and in para form (quotations, actions written out if applicable, etc). There is no minimum or maximum limit for your response - simply answer as you would were you playing the character.
He sits, slouched lowly upon the leather of the sofa, dark eyes piercing into the boy who practically shakes with pad and pen. Pathetic. A knife, poised in his right hand, digs and then slices through the crispness of the green apple in his left. Tiberius’ gaze does not move once, doesn’t even blink as he raises the knife, the precise sliver of apple draping on the metal blade before he’s sliding it in his mouth. His lips pull into a sneer then as he chews, waving the blade around in an impatiently vague gesture, “So are we going to get on with this, or not? I’m the one doing you a favor - humoring this bullshit.”
“Y-yes. Right. Of course,” the interviewer rushed out, shaking his head, and adjusting the spectacles on his nose, “Um. What is your favorite place in Verona?”
“Your mother’s house,” replied Tiberius, not even a beat missed as his lips twisted wickedly. Full of cheek, he could be when he felt like it. So easily one could almost forget the brute that he’s rumored of being when he spoke like this, with petty words and boyish grins. A chuckle fell from his lips then, another bit of apple sliced off and popped into his mouth, “Ah – “ Tiberius’s gaze lifted towards the ceiling as he thought. “Pass.”
“I-I’m sorry?”
“I said ‘Pass’. Or did I stutter?” It wasn’t because he didn’t have a favorite place, because he did. Tiberius could actually say that he held a place in his hollowed heart for the Cathedral of Verona. Surprisingly enough, it had nothing to do with the fact that it was the Capulet Headquarters, the hiding place for all their deals and deeds. If anything, that was a bonus, but the true reasoning had to do with the aura of the church as a whole. There was purity in its very foundation, a sanctity within the walls, and it only held fond memories as he recalled his days spent within the pews, dressed in his Sunday best and marveling at the stained glass, attempting to recall the Latin words to the songs everyone was singing. There was something about the smell of incense and the ringing of the toll bells that brought him some strange semblance of peace in the chaos that was his life, his existence.
But he couldn’t let anyone know that. Sentiment was weakness.
“You can’t–” The captain was quick to cut him off, a clear and present challenge in his voice, “I can’t what? Hm?” Tiberius was sitting up then, leaning over to peer into the boy’s face more closely, all rules of personal space ignored for the sake of intimidation. His head ticked to the right, eyes widening dangerously. “Last I checked, this is my house, capiche? Which means - if I want to pass on this question, I’ll pass it. You wanna know why?” His right hand was twisting the knife with every word, rotating it over and over, plunging it deeper into the flesh of the fruit before he was swiftly ripping it out to point the blade in the other’s face, a silent demonstration, an unspoken threat posed, hanging in the air between them now. “Because I can end this interview.” End you. “And I know you don’t want me to do that.” The boy had the decency to look frightened.
“Next question,” Tiberius demanded coolly, leaning back once more.
“…What is your typical day like?”
“Wanna stick around and find out?” That wolfish grin of his came out to play then. The slow, roguish curve of his lips held a blaring warning, a firm promise, that sticking around to witness a day in the life of Tiberius Capulet was not a sound decision to make. Glory and gore was all it possessed. It was a decision one made if they wanted to lose their life by way of a stray bullet from his gun. It was a decision one made if they wanted to be up to their elbows in enemy blood. It was a decision one made if they reveled in the burn of fine liquor as it slid down their throat at ten in the morning. Because Tiberius did. But it was clear the other wasn’t interested. “Your loss. Wouldn’t be able to handle it anyways.”
“What’d Juliana say, hm?” Tiberius twisted the interview around, eyes curious as he deflected the question from him, before his voice took on a higher octave, mimicking his cousin, childishly, “Well first I wake up, and I drink a few mimosas. Then I go shopping with daddy’s credit card, and to finish off my day, I get a manicure and sigh about my life because it’s – so. hard.” The man was feigning pitiful sobs then, before rolling his eyes, his words holding spite, but his eyes shining with a certain fondness.
He was met with silence. Tiberius supposed that was fair.
“Well. You didn’t say what you actually…do,” the other pointed out, tentatively, slowly learning that asking probing questions could be likened to poking a tiger with a stick.
“I don’t answer questions is what I ‘do’ - how about that,” he snapped back, already growing irritable with this ‘interview.’
Silence fills the room again and all Tiberius can hear is the scratching of the boy’s pen against paper. His nose wrinkles in disdain. He hates that sound, he’s decided.
“What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues, then?”
Tiberius paused, expression hardening, jaw clenching before his eyes darted up to the boy. A nerve had been struck. Not by the question itself but by the mere mentioning of the name Montague in his presence. It made his blood boil beneath his skin, made his trigger finger itch. “I don’t know why it’s still going on.” Truly, it was a fact that baffled Tiberius, and quite frankly it frustrated him, that much was clear. This was a war between families that has been able to withstand generations, and he didn’t understand why one didn’t just take the other out.  If he was boss, that’s what he would have done long ago. Now, they were resigned to a ‘ceasefire. A stalemate – and Tiberius Capulet didn’t play chess. He saw no point in giving the enemy rest in a time of peace. To him, this was the time to strike, when the defences were down. That’s how cities were conquered. The Montague family tree would be nothing but memory if he had anything to say about it, burnt to a crisp from the very roots, wiped from history completely. He’d have sent the Montagues and their allies running for the hills, driving them out of Verona forever. He’d have all of their heads, collect them like trophies to put over his fireplace. The Capulets would have had full reign.
But they don’t. Not yet anyways. “They’re a minor roadblock, The Montagues. But they’ll be paved over. Believe that.”
In-Character Para Sample: We do require one in-character para sample. Again, write as much or as little as you need to get your interpretation across.
( A/N: i took the liberty of making my para sample from the last #diveronatask prompt about detailing the character’s most depraved state, a time when they really felt part of the mob + showcasing the kinds of things tybalt had to do to rise in the ranks. so tw: blood, tw: murder, tw: vomit )
“Your body, your responsibility.”
It was the only thing young Tiberius Capulet could hear. Those stone cold words of his uncle, ringing in his ears louder than any toll bell now as he dragged the rolled up black tarpe down the alleyway, hands slipping, shaking. Whether it was from anticipation or anxiousness, to this day the boy would never know.
Kicking open the back door to the macelleria, Tiberius was hit with the aroma first. The savory salt of cured meats. He certainly would have come here for some thinly sliced prosciutto on a typical day, it was the best in the entire city. But God, after this? The seventeen year old probably would never be able to eat sausage, maybe not even a meatball, much less look at them the same way again. Perhaps the vegetarians were onto something…  
“You want another assignment, Tiberius, you got it, he said. You’ll enjoy it, he said.”
But Tiberius had a feeling he wasn’t going to enjoy this at all.
Giuseppe Picari was 215 pounds of rat. He was an informant, a sneak, leaking precious information to sources that sought to take the Capulets down. The kill had been fun, for lack of a word more appropriate. Easy. Drawn out and agonizing – a death deserving of a traitor. It brought the Capulet soldier nothing but utter glee to deliver it, dish out his signature brand of cutthroat justice. The lights leaving his eyes could only be compared to the way the sun gave way to the horizon. He delighted in those final breaths, sucked from panicked lungs to fan across his cheeks. Tiberius was the decider. He was Death, personified. The last thing anyone would see before he cast them to Hell with the Capulets regards.
But the hand of his god had graced his shoulder, eyes telling him that he trusted him. They believed that he, and no one else, could carry out such a task for him next. Tiberius would never let down his uncle, he couldn’t. He’s killed for him, destroyed for him and his kingdom, for their family. The boy was already resigned to the idea that Cosimo Capulet was the man he was going to Hell for.
“Take care of it,” his uncle had ordered, leaving not an ounce of room for protest.
“How,” he remembered himself naively asking in response.
“Clever boy,” the older man ran a hand through Tiberius’ dark locks, fingers gripping at the back of his neck, firmly, “You’ll figure it out.”
But that was the thing about Tiberius – he made messes. He was never made to clean them up.
He fired up the bandsaw then, watching as the blade readied itself, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. It was thin, vibrating with a buzz that eerily filled the entire emptied shop. He found a smock then, bright blue and rubbery in material. He shed his jacket and slipped the garment over his head, tying it behind his back before he was rolling the tarpe back out. And there Picari was – lifeless, the angriest red marks at his neck the only evidence of his fight for life as wire sliced into his flesh. Tiberius stared at his work for a long moment before his eyes flitted over to the clock – 3:17. It was three in the morning and with the early meat shipment, he needed to make this quick.
He decided to start with the ‘DNA limbs’. Hands and feet – for prints and nails. Head – for teeth and hair. The rest didn’t matter much, Tiberius reasoned. You couldn’t ID a man by what his innards looked like. And with that, the boy was raising the man’s leg to the small belt, easing his ankle towards the blade. As flesh connected with metal, Tiberius will never admit he closed his eyes that first time, even flinched, feeling the backsplash against his arms, seeing the crimson of blood as it splattered onto him. He’s shot men down, maimed and cut them down by his knife – but never before had he felt so dirty, sawing a man in chunks like pork to be packaged and sold.
His pride tasted like bile as he swallowed it back down his throat.
Clean. The cut was clean, right through flesh and bone with precision. A slice any butcher would have been proud of. The severed foot fell to the ground before Tiberius’ widened eyes.
Not now. You can’t do this now, Uncle needs you. Needs you.
His frozen form went back into action not out of want, but out of necessity. The boy gritted his teeth and continued the process for the other foot, for both hands…and lastly the head. He dropped them all into gym bags, filling them the rest of the way with bricks. He intended to drive right up to the divide, Castelvecchio Bridge, and toss them right off, let them sink to the shadowy depths of the river to be forgotten forever.
He watched as that final bag, carrying Picari’s head, began to drift into the dark waters. And when Tiberius couldn’t see it any longer, he felt like he was finally alone, not being watched by anyone anymore. Himself, the silence of the night, and the reality of his foul deed was all that remained.
It was then that his hands gripped helplessly to the side of the bridge, stomach contracting with such a violence he hardly had the time to pitch forward, the contents of his stomach coming up and splashing into the water below. The boy heaved again, his tongue tasting like acid as he wiped his mouth roughly with the back of his hand. Eyes watering slightly, throat feeling raw, Tiberius vowed to himself that he would forget this part. That he would remember the boy who took on a man’s job and executed his task with nothing but undaunted confidence, recount the story of the boy who looked in the face of death and tore it apart with his claws in the way that only the Tiger of Verona knew how.
The boy knew one thing after that night, though – that it became easier the second time around. And the third. And the fourth.
EXTRAS:  If you have anything else you’d like to include (further headcanons, an inspo tag, a mock blog, etc), feel free to share it here!
HERE is my inspo tag for Tybalt on my blog.
CHAOTIC EVIL – A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable.
Chaotic evil characters trust no one, and see everyone and everything as either obstacles to be overcome, or pawns to be manipulated. a chaotic evil character feels that the only way individuals get ahead is by causing others to fall behind.
Chaotic evil characters are motivated by the desire for personal gain and pleasure. They see absolutely nothing wrong with taking whatever they want by whatever means possible. Laws and governments are the tools of weaklings unable to fend for themselves. The strong have the right to take what they want, and the weak are there to be exploited.
A chaotic evil character never feels compelled to keep his word. He will attack and kill an unarmed foe (those are the best kind). He will kill an innocent. He will use torture to extract information and for pleasure. He will kill for pleasure. A chaotic evil character will use poison. He will not help those in need. He prefers to work alone, as he values his freedom. He does not respond well to higher authority, is distrustful of organizations, and will disregard the law in pursuing his self-interest. He will betray a family member, comrade, or friend whenever it is convenient to do so. Chaotic evil characters do not respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor, because they believe such concepts limit their ability to gain power over others.
Extroverted, unemotional and task-oriented
Key Strengths: Takes the lead, hard worker, strong-willed, practical, passionate, a good repossession worker, an excellent strongman/woman of the team (drill sergeant at the most extreme), determined, goal-oriented and thrives under criticism.
Key Weaknesses: Hot-tempered, rude, rebellious, can be cruel, stubborn, harsh, bossy, expects complete devotion, insensitive,often condescending, can become psychotic in overbearing situations, workaholic, without compassion or conscience, can be a warmonger, vindictive, a shallow cynic of people’s character, most likely a bad winner/loser, and may nastily misinterpret jokes.
BLOOD KNIGHT //  “Fighting is everything to the Blood Knight. He lives for it. It’s not so much about winning or losing, morality, the motives of his allies, or even the glory, that drives this guy so much as it is the opportunity for a good fight.” If there’s anyone who gets a thrill out of a fight, it’s Tybalt. Violence might not be the answer, but it will be his answer. Much like the war god, Ares himself, Tybalt is everything untamed and destructive, and the streets of Verona are his battlefield. He forged a reputation that had people running for the hills when they knew the Capulets were looking for them. It came to a point when the boy hoped and prayed that deals would fall through, that money would come up short just so he could take a bat to someone’s skull, or a knife to their throat or a bullet to their brain. Tiberius was a thug, a brute running on nothing but adrenaline and fury, and he made sure no one made the fatal mistake of forgetting that. But his love for the fight wasn’t something newly discovered, he was born with his blood boiling, with a war-ready spirit, it’s what made Tiberius a star pupil when he learned martial arts. Like many kids, he started with karate. As he grew up, he moved into more varied techniques, welding his body, quite literally, into the weapon he knew he was. (his favorite styles are muay thai and kali, the latter of which is a weapons based combat technique). He’s always strapped, whether a gun at his waist, a knife tucked in his boot, but he’s never caught without something to defend himself. Though, he’s incredibly resourceful, and can likely find something to cause harm, regardless.
COMBAT PRAGMATIST // “The Combat Pragmatist is a character who is defined by his or her willingness to do anything in a fight to win. He is an unsympathetic character (usually the main antagonist) who shows through his ruthlessness that he honors nothing — not his opponents, not the sport and its customs, not the tournament’s sacred history — but winning.” An expert marksman, a smug fighter, very much used to his victories, Tybalt doesn’t take loss well, so he ensures his wins by any means necessary. He’s underhanded and unscrupulous, never one to believe in a truly fair fight. He is an opportunist, a shrewd fighter and fought as dirtily as they came. He knows how to spot weakness and had no qualms with exploiting it. To him, there are winners and there are losers, and he’s a winner - but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t enjoy his win every step, every swing and every shot along the way.
HAIR TRIGGER TEMPER // “A character with a hair-trigger temper flies into a rage at the slightest provocation. They react explosively to the slightest annoyance. Characters with a hair-trigger temper can be set off by anything. This makes them far less predictable — and far more dangerous.“ Tybalt is a man capable of extreme violence and blinding rage when provoked. His temper is practically legendary in the streets of Verona, and can be triggered in split seconds, oftentimes by minor things. He can go from cool, calm and collected right into angry and borderline psychotic in his actions like the flip of a coin. He’s impulsive. He’s reactive, uninhibited by second guessing and overthinking, fully prepared to throw himself into any and everything, disregarding the risks and possible repercussions of his actions - which of course gets him into a lot of trouble. In school, he was always the kid in a fight, waking up each day prepared to get into it with somebody, always stirring the pot, looking to get a rise out of others, returning home with bloody fists and a bloody face for his cousins or his aunt to clean up because his impulses couldn’t stop him. It’s what led to his expulsion from his Catholic school and the eventual decision to have him placed into military school. They hoped to diminish his fire – but if anything, it amplified.
THE RESENTER // “There’s one thing any Resenter can certainly agree on: Whoever it is that chooses The Chosen One has clearly chosen the wrong one. The grapes are just out of reach, and that makes them all the more sour.” Tybalt is a resenter if there ever was one. From his birth, he’s convinced fate has had it all wrong. He was born to Lady Capulet’s brother, and while she was a beloved aunt and Capulet was a beloved and revered uncle to Tybalt, the fact still remained that he wasn’t their son, meaning that as far as the ‘throne’ was concerned, he would never be the next in line. Juliana, her father’s chosen one, doesn’t even seem to want the position as the Boss, which irks Tybalt to his very core despite how much he loves his cousin. How could someone with the power right at their fingertips be so ungrateful? Tybalt knows if he’s given the chance, he could do far better, take the Capulet name to new and feared heights if he was just allowed.
EVEN EVIL HAS LOVED ONES // “Being evil doesn’t always mean hatred and negativity 24/7. Even evil characters (and real people) can find someone to love.” While Tybalt is absolutely capable of monstrous things, he is capable of love too. It’s a harsh love, but it exists. And he holds it for his family – Cosimo, his aunt, and his cousins, Rafaella and Juliana. His love for them manifests itself in his undying loyalty to them. From he was young, he lived with his cousin, and looks at his aunt and uncle like a second set of parents, being that both of his birth parents are now dead. He idolized them as the Olympian gods they were. He wanted to be everything they were, wanted to take on every single thing they stood for because he was a Capulet too. He looks at Rafaella and Juliana like sisters, and he is their brother – older, more experienced, and meant to protect them. He will fight for them. He will die for them if he has to.
Honorable Mention Tropes: Murder Is the Best Solution, Berserk Button, The Casanova, The Unfettered
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flashter · 8 years
What are your opinions/ships for Wally??? Like OTP and BrOTP wise
I feel like I’ve talked about my ships and OTP’s before, so I’ll go into more detail now. I’ll also go into more detail about his friendships which I never do. There is a lot below this read more and I’m sorrynotsorry about it. 
This is my all time top ship ever in anything. I’m not sure if it’s because I rp as Wally or I just see them being really good together.
Dick/Wally are whole-hearted dedicated individuals who would love the shit out of each other. They both bring the best out of each other while being able to support each at their worst and being able to handle that with grace. This probably comes from their years as friends and teammates. They both know that the other is loyal and exceptionally talented and could see the potential of the other. However, they have their flaws (stubbornness, competitive nature, etc.), which makes them more like a real couple. Overall, their relationship would be a very healthy, loving, and supportive one.
Further, Dick and Wally need each other to remain true to themselves as people. There are plenty of platonic canon moments in the comics where they call each other out for this. Quite frankly, it makes sense because with their similar experiences as being heroes from a young age and having mentors. I think I unlike some of the other Teen Titans and Titans, Dick and Wally are more pressured into roles to take over for their mentors for legacy reasons. “There always needs to be a Batman, he’s a symbol,” and “There always needs to be a Flash to protect Central and keep the League honest”. It came with the territory of being the sidekicks. So, the two get caught up in this loop and when they do they have each other. For Wally, Dick has to remind him he’s not Barry–whom Wally idiolizes/idolized–and that he’s competent and capable of handling things on his own. That Wally can be Wally West and a successful Flash. Where for Dick, Wally has to remind him that he isn’t Bruce and doesn’t have to be to accomplish whatever he’s trying to accomplish as either Nightwing or Dick Grayson. He also reminds Dick that feelings are nice and that he cannot function like Bruce, so he has to do things his own way. Further, Wally would support Dick being Nightwing or Batman or whoever he chooses to be and that he doesn’t have to take up the Batman mantle if he doesn’t want to. There are other people to do it and there can be a Gotham with heroes that doesn’t include a Batman. While the similarities of their situations are fundamentally the same, the nuances are different. This makes for a really good dynamic.
Aside: For any of you who have watched Yuri on Ice!, Dick/Wally remind me a lot of Victuuri. I know some of you might think me a heathen to compare my non-canon ship to a canon one, but it has a lot of good parallels and like I said, that’s how I see Dick and Wally being as a couple in my mind. The other reason I compare the two ships or see birdflash as Victuuri is because of the world YOI is set in. Literally no one cares Victor and Yuri are gay and everyone cares for them and loves them, in my head I see this for Dick and Wally. No one cares they are gay and everyone in their lives and in the world is like “that’s so sweet, they belong together”. But this is more of a social commentary and less of a headcanon-y one. Still I think the representation of YOI with canon gay characters who represent different cultures and are fully developed characters without their “gayness” being the main attribute. I think this is an important thing to mention, as I see both Dick and Wally being in love but never having being gay as a defining characteristic of themselves or their relationship. It’s just a matter of who they love (which is honestly how the real world should work…but I digress).
Last thing about this ship and why I ship it: the friends to lovers trope is a) my life and b) cute af. @theacro-bat​
I feel bad I don’t know their official ship name, but oh well. I don’t only ship these two because their canon, but I ship them for how genuine their relationship is. Linda gets Wally to grow up a lot and to being such an ass; Wally gets her to be more fun and spontaneous. Most of all, they love each other to pieces and would (and probably have) died for each other. They are my favorite DC power couple, and I don’t think they’ve ever broken up (I might be wrong about that, I don’t consume ALL the comics). They have a lot of depth and character development within and because of their relationship that benefits them both.
I don’t have too much else to say here because you can read the comics or about them. I don’t need to justify a canon couple, they’re canon.
The biggest difference between Dick/Wally and Linda/Wally is the making him grow up part. I don’t think Dick would push it that much and just accepts and/or excuses that part of him. Dick would probably figure that something else would happen to force him into growing as a person and he doesn’t necessarily feel the need to do it. Linda, on the other hand, whips Wally’s butt into shape and pretty much tells him he has to grow up to handle his problems (she does this constructively of course). But like I said, that’s the biggest difference.
Wally and pretty much anyone and everyone. Although, I’ve written some about each closer friendship he’s had.
I know you’re done reading about these two, so I’ll make this brief. Copy and paste the above but instead of being romantically involved they are platonic. I will say this about their friendship, they are both touchy with each other, not sexually but support-wise. They hug, do the head-to-shoulder, and shoulder touching. They’re cool. @theacro-bat​
Aside from being redheads, Wally loves Roy to death and will probably never give up on him. Roy could scream at him and Wally would still come back. They may not be best friends like Dick and Wally are, but that doesn’t undermine their closeness. Wally remains close to Roy to the point that Lian refers to him as an uncle, so that says something about their relationship.
Okay this one is more complicated, but sort of my favorite. I know I don’t rp a TT Wally, but that doesn’t change how much I love them. From teenagers to adults, the two went from being a couple to being best friends. They are the most platonic lovers you will ever see and meet. Because of their history, they know a lot about each other but continue to grow that relationship into a better bond that often surpasses the definitions of romantic and platonic. Wally will always be there to support and listen to Jinx. It’s highly probable if not a true fact that these two would live together because they both hate being on their own and they can “tolerate”–in Jinx’s words–each other’s company. Wally doesn’t mind her behavior and she doesn’t mind his eating and running around all the time. Their relationship is really beneficial for the both of them. They put up with each other in a way that only best friends can and they can be in the same room without the need to talk. Jinx also sort of fills Wally’s need to be a caretaker and den-mother. I genuinely believe they love each other.
If you want to compare this to a canon companionship, I cite Dick and Donna. @lucklessprincess​
Shayera/Wally: Unlike his other close friendships and relationships, these two are sort of the most “brotp” of the bunch. Shayera and Wally would hang out to get into trouble and send memes back and forth to each other. (Shayera is officially meme queen in his phone.) Despite Shay being a highly skilled warrior, she’s still a person with a sense of humor which Wally can compliment nicely by either acting as the thing she is making fun of, or being her comedic partner. In this way they are a lot like siblings with Shayera as the older sister. Wally and Shay are probably the closest fun friendship in the Justice League. Even though their friendship is mostly humorous and joking in tone, they care for each other immensely (like siblings). Shayera cares a lot more for Wally then she’ll admit and Wally thinks she’s worth everything even though he’ll never say it. That’s why she is the one who pulled Wally out of the Speedforce and he’s the one who believed in her/forgave her after the Thanagarian invasion. @masic-bxtch​
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iseriaarisphodel · 8 years
[1/30/2017 1:30:39 PM] Juvinya: -head in palms- pls tell me of this Hashiki [1/30/2017 1:37:31 PM] Ramus: Hashiki is ( surprise ) a kitsune that did some not so nice things, i.e. terrorize villages and stuff, and eventually people got sick of that and they found a youkai specialist to deal with them. At the time, Hashiki was too powerful for them to defeat outright, but they figured out a way to split her into her Yin and Yang elements. Long story short, they made Hashiki keep herself in check because the Yang half of her is good and wants to protect people from the Yin half. And yes, the Yin half is technically a worse person than Hashiki in an unbroken state was, but with her powers divided equally between them, one can never really beat the other. [1/30/2017 1:37:55 PM] Juvinya: ooo [1/30/2017 1:38:59 PM] Juvinya: so technically... 2 hashikis, even tho they were originally one spirit [1/30/2017 1:39:59 PM] Ramus: Yang is a soft marshmallow that is usually pretty gentle (if still kinda tricksy because that's just how foxes are), and Yin is a spicy sin dumpster that's half-given up on being evil because it never works anyway. [1/30/2017 1:40:07 PM] Ramus: Yeah! [1/30/2017 1:40:19 PM] Juvinya: Spicy Sin Dumpster [1/30/2017 1:40:38 PM] Ramus: an amazing description I know [1/30/2017 1:40:58 PM] Juvinya: it's amazing, just take a guess at who lulu would probably approach if she sensed the both of them the same distance away from her [1/30/2017 1:41:00 PM] Ramus: She likes to tease people and she is very flirty [1/30/2017 1:41:36 PM] Ramus: uM, well, given what you said about Ramus... Probably Yin, huh? [1/30/2017 1:41:49 PM] Juvinya: y eah [1/30/2017 1:42:57 PM] Juvinya: she'd probably like Die in a couple seconds possibly oblivious to any flirting, tho it depends [1/30/2017 1:44:06 PM] Ramus: Lulu is cute though, and Yin would love to corrupt an innocent little spirit by kissing them on the mouth and-- [1/30/2017 1:44:11 PM] Juvinya: fkjndgnb [1/30/2017 1:44:54 PM] Ramus: Yin has no shame. She is a sin dumpster [1/30/2017 1:45:07 PM] Juvinya: I kinda love that kinda shit n gl..... [1/30/2017 1:45:38 PM] Juvinya: though at the same time Yin could Literally corrupt Lulu if she weren't careful [1/30/2017 1:46:11 PM] Juvinya: but yeah she'd totally wander over to the sin dumpster nfsdjka [1/30/2017 1:47:10 PM] Ramus: See, she would be completely okay with that actually, as long as she can still be a gay heathen with them;;; (Yang would probably try to stop something like that though) [1/30/2017 1:47:49 PM] Juvinya: I mean I figured Yin would probably be okay with it but Lulu a bit less so fnjsdknb [1/30/2017 1:48:42 PM] Ramus: Although... if you ever wanted an excuse to RP corrupted Lulu, you now have one-- [1/30/2017 1:48:48 PM] Juvinya: bhjkb [1/30/2017 1:51:02 PM] Juvinya: Corrupted Lulu was something I came up with relatively recently and I do like her but I also like regular Lulu that just tries to constantly help people- [1/30/2017 1:51:22 PM] Ramus: But yeah, if you want soft fluffy kisses, you probably want Yang, if you want trashy sin, you want Yin. It's easy to remember bc Sin and Yin rhyme-- [1/30/2017 1:51:35 PM] Juvinya: vghjcvgkh [1/30/2017 1:51:57 PM] Juvinya: Why Not Both(tm) [1/30/2017 1:53:19 PM | Edited 1:54:39 PM] Ramus: While Yin and Yang don't particularly like each other, if they both like you, you could maybe convince them to get along and have both kiss you simultaneously-- [1/30/2017 1:53:25 PM] Juvinya: bnfhsldb [1/30/2017 1:54:05 PM] Ramus: Also, it's not to say Yang couldn't take part in sin, but she has no experience with that sort of thing and would be a huge blushy baby [1/30/2017 1:55:05 PM] Juvinya: Lulu forces her 2 girlfriends to get along because despite disliking each other, they want to hold her hands-
I didn't necessarily mean at the same time/in the same threads, we could have separate ones for both too fndjs [1/30/2017 1:56:41 PM] Ramus: There's also. another thing too. it would be hard to convince them to do this, but they could temporarily fuse back together into their original self and then you can kiss that one too-- [1/30/2017 1:56:49 PM] Juvinya: ghjfi [1/30/2017 1:57:08 PM] Juvinya: so many options [1/30/2017 1:57:33 PM] Ramus: The Options girlfriend [1/30/2017 1:58:11 PM] Juvinya: 4 different dating sim routes Yin Yang Yin & Yang True end - Fushion [1/30/2017 1:58:11 PM] Juvinya: nfjkdsnb [1/30/2017 1:58:25 PM] Ramus: Hajsjsdj [1/30/2017 1:58:33 PM] Ramus: Pretty much [1/30/2017 1:59:12 PM] Ramus: Okay, so you know Ramus and Hashiki now, do you want to hear about Aven? [1/30/2017 2:00:16 PM] Juvinya: sure! [1/30/2017 2:00:36 PM] Juvinya: I might switch between my computer and tablet bc I need to make something to eat hh [1/30/2017 2:05:16 PM] Ramus: Okay... so like. Imagine a transman dragon prince. They don't have any dysphoria regarding their body, so they never saw a reason to change it but they prefer he/him pronouns so that they can one day be the king. They are, for lack of a better way to describe it, a tsundere mess. They act very princely until you maybe say that they're pretty/handsome/whatever and then they turn into a blushy loser. [1/30/2017 2:08:11 PM] Juvinya: I love him already [1/30/2017 2:10:36 PM] Ramus: He has a pretty fiery personality  (imagine that) usually, and are passionate about things they care about such as their swordsmanship, their country, and any lovers they might have-- [1/30/2017 2:11:10 PM] Juvinya: 👀 [1/30/2017 2:11:37 PM] Juvinya: I want to kiss all of ur ocs [1/30/2017 2:12:09 PM] Ramus: thAT'S gAY but... I want them to kiss Lulu so [1/30/2017 2:12:30 PM] Juvinya: 👀 👀 👀 good shit [1/30/2017 2:13:45 PM] Ramus: Ramus is definitely the hardest one to imagine doing that but maybe one day [1/30/2017 2:14:27 PM] Juvinya: wipes away a tear Maybe Someday [1/30/2017 2:14:49 PM] Ramus: Jajddj [1/30/2017 2:15:44 PM] Juvinya: if you asked me who I wanted lulu to kiss most I wouldn't be able to tell you I they're all extremely appealing to me njfksdn [1/30/2017 2:16:03 PM] Ramus: om g... [1/30/2017 2:16:10 PM] Ramus: I can't believe [1/30/2017 2:16:49 PM] Juvinya: I TOLD YOU I' M KINDA SHIPPY TRASH.... [1/30/2017 2:17:03 PM] Ramus: I KNOW BUT [1/30/2017 2:28:19 PM] Ramus: But yeah... Hashiki is probably the easiest to ship with, bc let's be real, one of them will jump anyone's bones if they're cute. [1/30/2017 2:32:24 PM] Juvinya: sorry I went into the kitchen and then my brother just ended up talking to me the entire time I was cooking nhfdsjknh [1/30/2017 2:32:34 PM] Ramus: ghskksjf [1/30/2017 2:34:43 PM] Juvinya: the dragon prince is super tempting too tho- [1/30/2017 2:35:42 PM] Ramus: Ah yes, a gay blushy idiot [1/30/2017 2:36:48 PM] Juvinya: yes but you also implied 'passionate lover' and- [1/30/2017 2:38:30 PM] Ramus: yes, that too-- [1/30/2017 2:39:31 PM] Juvinya: nfjkds too many choices [1/30/2017 2:39:44 PM] Ramus: why not all--
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averymysticalsarah · 5 years
OCs One Shot--”All I Need To Be Free”
((This one shot deals with two characters, Diane and Sarah, right before Sarah heads over to the Sanctum to become a student. Think of it as an origin story. In this one shot, Diane is still alive, but old and frail. It takes place after the events of ‘Doctor Strange’. And I recommend listening to Sia’s “Suitcase” while you read this. Enjoy))
Getting old was not a fun game, but it was a game that Diane was fine with playing. After all, she had a nice house, a butler and a maid here and there to help her out, and a granddaughter about to enter into college who visited regularly. She may have been getting old, but she was at least comfortable with her life. By this time, she had gotten use to not using magic on a regular basis. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. At this point in her life, simple levitation spells were all she could do.
After sending the day staff home for the night, she was getting ready to sit down by the fire with a book, a plate of snicker-doodles and a hot cup of tea. Not one second after she sat down, a knock on the front door sounded.
“Egads!” she complained out loud, getting up to answer it. “I only have a few years left to enjoy myself in peace and quiet! Can’t you heathens leave an old woman alone?!”
She really didn’t care if they heard her. In her opinion, anyone who interuppted the simple pleasures of life deserved a good yelling at. She earned that right. But when she opened the door, she didn’t find a delivery man, a salesman, or even one of those religious missionaries (Mormons were fine, it was the Jehovah's Witnesses that really bugged her).
Instead, she found her 18 year old granddaughter standing on the steps. All of a sudden, her annoyance was gone and replaced with concern as Sarah grinned up at her grandmother.
“Hey...” she waved innocently. “...Can we talk?”
Diane sighed, her shoulders relaxed as she ushered the girl in.
“Of course, child,” she said softly. “Come on inside. You’re lucky you got here in time--there’s a storm coming.”
A rumble of thunder sounded outside, confirming Diane’s statement. She closed the door after Sarah came in.
“Judging by the late hour,” she said, leading her into the parlor. “And the fact that you didn’t take a cab here, I can only assume that you had another argument with your father and walked here. What was it this time?”
Sarah didn’t say anything, except put her hands in her jean pockets, giving her grandmother a look that said “Does it matter?”
“You’re right,” she said, answering the silent question. “Well, no matter. Soon you’ll be in college and away from that horrible man. Now, what do you say we discuss more of this once we get some hot chocolate in you?”
Diane was about to make her way into the kitchen to warm up the kettle again, but Sarah stopped her.
“I can’t stay, Grandma,” she said softly.
Diane stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around. It wasn’t so much the words Sarah said, it was how she said it...And it wasn’t good.
“...I know what you’re up to, young lady,” she chastised, walking back to her as she hobbled with her cane. “You’re about to do something that I’m not going to like. So why don’t we skip the song and dance around the subject and you tell me what it is you’re going to do?”
Sarah sighed. She never could get anything past her grandmother. This was going to be hard to tell her. Harder than the time she said she wanted to quit piano lessons...
Here goes nothing.
“Grandma,” she sat down on the armchair. “...I’m not going to college...I think I found something else I want to do with my life.”
Diane raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“And that would be?” she dared her grandchild for an answer.
Another sigh came out of Sarah. Her grandmother really wasn’t going to like this. Instead of explaining right away, she took out her phone and pulled up a video for Diane to watch. Putting on her glasses, Diane watched and her heart dropped.
The video was footage of a man who looked an awful lot like her grandfather doing mystical arts in Hong Kong against some sort of inter-dimensional attack. It had been all over the news, but Diane was sure that Sarah wouldn’t notice it. She wasn’t that type of girl to even get interested in current events. Diane wasn’t sure if Agamotto was the one in the video. Last she heard, his spirit was tied to an infinity stone. How could this have happened? It couldn’t be Agamotto! He wasn’t that stupid to get the mystical arts caught on a news station for the world to see. It had to be some other fool.
Before the video was even finished, Diane thrusted the phone back to her granddaugter and gave her a firm “No. Absolutely not”
Without another word, Diane headed to the kitchen hoping that this would be the end of the conversation. She wouldn’t lose another member of her family. It wasn’t time. It wasn’t right. Sarah was forced to miss that opportunity in her life. Who knows what would happen if she started practicing the mystical arts again?
Sarah, of course, didn’t know Diane’s reasoning for this. She had no memory of the mystical arts ever being in her life. All she knew was that her grandmother told her “No”.
“Grandma, listen--” she started, following her into the kitchen.
“You can stay the night tonight,” Diane tried to change the subject, getting out the ingredients to make hot chocolate. “But in the morning, we’re going straight to the campus and having you tour the art history department. You should have done that in the first place when you got accepted.”
“Grandma, I don’t want to study art history.”
“Then music. Study music. You always were talented at the piano.”
“And if you don’t like that, then you can go into the math department. And if that doesn’t work out--”
“Grandma, I have to do this.”
“No you don’t!”
Diane slammed the box of hot chocolate mix in emphasis and in time with the thunder outside. It wasn’t in anger, though. It was desperation. Almost eleven years ago, the family and Loki all decided that in order for Sarah to heal, there would be no more magic in her life. Too many risks prevented that. Jerry’s threat to expose them to the world, Sarah’s magic being too volatile from the accident that it almost took her and killed her. Even now it was still unstable. She would never be able to advance into the intermediate lessons without horrible headaches. Beth gave her life for her daughter to live. Diane would be damned before letting Sarah risk everything on a whim.
Sarah wasn’t phased.
“Grandma,” she spoke calmly. “...Yes I do...I have to do this...I don’t know how. I don’t know why, but I do. All I have is a feeling...And it’s strong and I can’t explain it, and if I don’t at least try this, I will regret it for the rest of my life...Please...” She took her grandmother’s hands and held them. “Don’t let me regret not doing this.”
The old woman was too proud to cry. She had not shed one single tear since Beth gave her life to save Sarah’s. Since Loki went away. Since Agamotto went to Kamar-Taj to keep an eye on the infinity stone. So it took all of her energy to keep her most vulnerable emotions inside of her. But her hands shook. Damn this girls stubbornness...And in a way she was right. She would regret it if she didn’t try. Diane didn’t want to be the one to stand in her way...Beth wouldn’t do it either...
Sighing in defeat, Diane place her hands on the kitchen countertop, her head down...
“...Do you know where to go?” she asked. “...I don’t imagine these people have a campus...”
Oh how she wanted to tell Sarah everything, but it wasn’t time. She wasn’t sure if she should...She wanted to see if this was something Sarah really wanted to do. And she would never forget the relief she saw in the girls eyes when she saw that.
“I’ve heard rumors of a place in Greenwich Village,” she explained. “...I’m heading over there now.”
Nodding, Diane knew that there was no changing the girls mind this time. She headed straight for her purse.
“...I suppose I can give you some money for a cab there,” she explained, digging through it. “I know you always forget your wallet when you storm out of that house.”
“Actually,” Sarah stopped her right there. “...I think I’m going to walk. I could use the exercise and the time to think.”
The old woman looked at her granddaughter flabbergasted. That was such an answer that Beth herself would have, but she never expected her granddaughter to have one...
Maybe it was Beth answering through her somehow.
“You’re going to walk all the way to Greenwich Village in the rain?” she asked, skeptical. “No money? Nothing but the clothes on your back?”
“Why not?” Sarah shrugged. “I’m starting new, aren’t I?”
“You’ll catch a cold out there!”
“Grandma...” There was a smile on Sarah’s face that Diane had never seen...Not since before the accident. “I’ll be OK...I’ve got all I need to be free.”
Sarah left the house not long after this conversation filled with freedom and hope for a new chapter in her life, and left her grandmother Diane with anxiety and worry.
But hope that she would be all right.
((If you would like to RP based on this one shot, let me know! We’ll work something out!))
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