chopstickisland · 4 months
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Most tubular computer entertainment program, coming eventually! It has vampires and wizards and monkeys and such.
There are gay people too! How quaint!
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evanghost · 1 year
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Before the main story there was them. Cynthia, Lauren, Kurt.
RPG maker MV character generator
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How much of the game is finished? Can you give us a thorough answer?
I could write thousands of words writing up a thorough answer for you, but I think it will be more fun to see where I'm at. Give me a bit more time, I have something cooking.
But I can give you a bullet point list for now. Check under the read more.
TL;DR it's less then 10% done, but most of the base functionality had to be revamped. Most of that is finished. I like to go back and forth, and I'm currently focusing on the art direction.
I've learned a lot about game dev that I couldn't wrap my head around when I started. I redid the project in a new file so I could optimize, organize, and cut the fat. The time that took set me back a bit, but it was worth it. A lot of bugs and crashing that plagued the game are no longer an issue.
Base functionality so far:
✔Mouse Functionality (New)
✔Date Time and Weather
✔Dialogue Events Base
✔Map Menu
✔Basic Scene Transfer Events
-Main Menu (Everything technically works, but there are no graphical changes in the Stats and Confidant submenus yet)
   ✔Stat Tracking
-Graphical Displays/Animations
-Confidants (Started but not complete)
   -Confidant Point Tracking
   -Confidant Rank Tracking
   -Graphical Displays
✔Gift Giving
-Gift Preference Tracking
Battle is something that came prepackaged with RPGMMV, but it's still on the list because it takes work to make it fun for players instead of a chore.
In terms of writing, every confidant has at least a broad outline written up. Ryuji and Akechi are the most fleshed out stories thus far. I'll probably use one of their confidants for functionality testing.
I go back an forth between drawing, eventing, and writing. Before I continue with base functionality, I feel like I'm in a nice spot to get the art direction finished, which is what I've been posting about as of late.
It's definitely less then 10% done if I were to put a number on it. I'm hoping soon I'll be able to make a big jump in progress after the art direction is solid.
Thank you for this ask, anon. Sincerely. It got me to make a list of all the art assets I need so far, which I've been meaning to do for a while. It always feels like it's endless when it's just floating around in my head, haha.
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sunshinemoonrx · 1 year
Starhound: May Devlog
Much simpler than last month's: My goal for this one was to make the second dungeon, and you'll never guess what I did!
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I came up with some stuff I'm super proud of for this one; child's play for people familiar with RPGMMV I'm sure, but really expanding my creativity for what you can do even within the framework of "I really like old Dragon Quest and I want to make a Very RPG RPG".
Specifically, there are three minibosses in this, and there's a random chance for one of them to appear in random encounters in the area of the map they 'inhabit'; but if you defeat one, it'll leave the pool of enemies that can appear. Then, at the end of the section, there's a fight in which any or all of the three you haven't beaten yet will show up to take you on at once. "Programming" in that kind of flexible progression into MV takes more lateral thinking than you'd expect!
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Those are, you might notice, pretty high fantasy visuals for this section of a game that's supposedly a sci-fi about space travellers. Well, many unworldly things lurk beneath the planet's surface.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll refine this one in playtesting, but for now I also filled out the town area some more, which is a fun excuse to mess around in the character generator and make some incidental NPC designs that appeal to me.
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...and I also went ahead and got started on the third "dungeon". Big quotation marks there, because while it occupies the same narrative space/importance as the others, unlike their proper areas it's really just one encounter. More on that next time, as my first goal for the coming month is to make sure meeting her--
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--is as memorable as it should be. In particular, by this point in the game you should be properly familiar with the rhythm of transforming in and out of your hero suit and using your finishing moves, so I want to set her fight up to play around and counter that stuff in an engaging way.
But that probably won't take anything like the whole month, so I'll also be taking some time to go back through and polish what I've got so far, and since I'll (in theory) have the first three sections complete, make a test build I can throw at various friends and get some outside input before I'm too far down the road.
At that point...well, I don't know if it's right to say I'll be about halfway done with the game, because while this is the third part and after it there's two more regular dungeons and then a final section, I know that final section will be decently long but I don't know how long exactly, yet.
So that's the plan for June!
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charlie-boyfriend · 1 year
2 talking sprites 1 cg window skin done
plus rpgmmv comes w SO MANY plugins??? Im looking around. Some real useful ones in here toos wtf..
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keudjd · 1 year
sobs my eyes out knowing damn well ill never get 8:11 even when its on sale bcz my computers too small to have both the game and rpgmmv and i never got past the rpgmmv tut so my ass is not modding in felix and atlas
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uwubercharge · 1 year
I’ve learned how to make “Crushers that kill you INSTANTLY” in RPGMMV. this Spelunky fangame fever dream is coming along nicely
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ghosthospitalgame · 3 years
Halloween Update
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Hey, all!
Happy Halloween! We may not have much in the way of  the full game or a demo update, but we do have significant news  regarding the progress of development.
Firstly: Pediatric is rapidly approaching completion, and while you may not see it in the demo, you can see plenty of it on the game twitter which I am trying... VERY hard to update frequently, though it may not happen as much as I like.
Secondly:  As we continue to rebalance characters and enemies and overhaul the  combat, we've decided to overhaul the Despair/Anxiety system! While I  was alright with the current system- the way it is in the demo as it is-  after some feedback and talking with our encounter designer, we've  thought of a more dynamic and engaging way for players to interact with  this mechanic, while still preserving the feeling of anxiety and the  helplessness that comes with it. So, come the next demo update- or the full game, god willing, your menu will look like this!
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That  stress meter will be the new implementation of the Despair system. Put  simply, the more you have, the less you can do, and a lot of stuff makes  it go higher- taking damage, using moves, and certain events. As the  player, your job is to manage that bar so Robin can continue to take  part in the action, keep up her pace, and avoid the Panic Attack state- a  state where Robin isn't likely to take commands, and may skip her turn  entirely! With more detail on it, a word from our Encounter Designer  regarding the system:
All of Robin's unique abilities will essentially have two costs:
1. The amount it increases her Stress by.
2. The overall amount of stress she must be at or below to use the skill.
This means that exceptionally powerful abilities can be  balanced around either their availability or stress cost or even both,  leading to a greater level of decision making for players.
Certain skills, like Deep Breath, regulate stress and lower  it alongside their other effects. A means of showing her character  growth and support network through the game can be to give her and her  allies progressively better coping skills that lower stress by a greater  amount and may even supply other benefits!
To compensate for managing a somewhat complex mechanic like  this Robin is, generally, being balanced to be a strong character. This  is already true in the current demo version and is something I want to  carefully hone in future versions.
Having her be a strong party member is also an incentive for  players to learn and engage with the new Stress mechanic as, currently,  it is generally faster to win battles non-boss battles with just Jay  and SG. Even in cases where using Robin as well is ideal having every  battle require a single, static action that completely purges Stress for  just one battle is not engaging in a way we are seeking.
If Robin's stress meter caps out or goes above a value of  100 she will enter a 'shutdown' state, much like the current status  effect where she cannot take most actions until her stress is properly regulated. She is still in combat  and still can be targeted by skills and attacks.
I (the encounter designer) will be drawing up an in-game  booklet explaining these mechanics in simple, easy to parse terms that  will be given to players by Jay shortly after meeting him. That way,  players can easily reference it if they are ever confused or forget how  part of this mechanic works. I don't want this mechanic to be stressful  for our players! Just for it to represent Robin's own stress.
I still intend for the game to be completable without a huge  amount of trouble for players. This is mostly a way of making Robin's  stress more engaging and parseable for all parties! It also gives us,  the developers, the ability to make more challenging and complex  optional battles for players who want to dig into those!
Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I look  forward to doing my part to help deliver the best version of Ghost  Hospital that we can!
And lastly, not so much of an announcement, but  please remember that if you want to have some custom dialogue or add  your own NPC to the game, have custom icons and art made for you, or  just want to support the project, please consider subscribing to the Patreon! While I may not post there that much, I try to make up for it by posting elsewhere.
Thank you all, and happy Halloween!
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spitblaze · 4 years
Hey, everyone! If you like the art I do, the games I make, or just want some art in exchange for donations, I'm streaming today! Come hang out with me on Twitch at 3:00 pm EST today while I work, and donate to The Bail Project! See you then!
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salem-game · 5 years
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Screenshot Saturday: June 14th
Still continuing to work on maps and it’s turning out very well so far! Today I just wanted to show some murals I did for the ruins at the beginning of the game~
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plueschkatzeart · 6 years
New Project
I started working on a new game a little over a week ago! For now it’s titled “Project Edel”, until I’ve a proper name for the story. It will be a short rpgm horror inspired game! X3 Here are the first two screenshots I can share! (Sooo excited about this!)
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It will focus around two siblings, a witch, a haunted forest, ... - well, basically a lot of fairy tale-ish inspired elements~ I’ll share more soon. :3
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chopstickisland · 4 months
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I'm working on my stupid video game! Huzzah!
I might get a demo out by the end of the year, who knows.
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evanghost · 1 year
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A stand off between a chaos keeper, a dreamer, and a nature spirit
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michellerakar · 6 years
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This year I participated in the Global Game Jam with @nimbusstev 
Download and play our game here!
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lunarsapphire · 2 years
Making tileset for Underworld Inside maps! Come and join us for fun!
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leninthelion · 7 years
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Who is this whale?
And what is she doing there, all pretty, on the rock? (haha)
I don’t want to talk much about this beautiful one from above, but know that she considers herself a goddess of the place where she lives. Maybe figuratively, maybe not.
Lenin will find emblematic figures in his travels through the Realm of Depression, be assured. But in addition, some people have asked me if in this realm, only the symptoms live. Answering this what I can say is that the symptoms are there, but not necessarily just them. On the other hand, the whole realm is the concreteness of these symptoms, so everyone carries a little of their equivalence.
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