illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
This question is a little weird, but it's plagued my mind for some reason: what would the current rrff crew do if someone randomly bit them?
Wow, this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a very long time, and I'm so sorry for taking this long to finally get to it, anon. I thought it over and, well, here are your answers!
Time: he would use future vision to know when to dodge. Bite evaded, lol.
Memory: when he gets bitten, he’d just look at that person for a long second, refusing to blink because he has no idea what to do in this situation, before finally saying, “...can I help you?”
Illusion: he would immediately scream and try to get away as soon as possible.
Elemental: he would be annoyed because saliva. He doesn’t like that Time successfully evaded while he didn’t. He’d try to get away from the person to cope with his wounded pride. But later, curiosity gets the better of him and he returns to that person to ask, "is this some language that’s only expressed through biting?"
Galaxy: he would scream, "NO. DON’T EAT ME. TRUST ME, I TASTE HORRIBLE." Bonus: assuming Illusion is still programmed to always help Galaxy, Illusion also screams, "YES, HE’S RIGHT. I know your world is obsessed with the galaxy aesthetic, to the point that you guys make galaxy cakes, but you were probably lied to about how tasty the galaxy is!"
Sabre: "No! How many times do I have to go over this?! Just because I dress like a chicken doesn’t mean that I taste like chicken!" (shoutout to Purple Steve)
Void: he would throw a fit, and then destroy that person.
Alex: honestly, being the powerful goddess she is, she wouldn't even feel the bite. She knows that someone is near, but she’s assuming that they just wanted to hug her, and she decided, "maybe this person just really needs the hug. I’ll let them have it." And when other people start freaking out, she looks to her side and goes like, "omg, they’re biting me?! What does that mean?!"
Guardian: he’d get so worried. "Are my wings broken? Did I get an infection? Will it spread to the Steves when I go back to the Spirit World?" So he’d try to leave as soon as possible to assess the damage, and then walk around and ask, "has anyone else been bitten and need medical attention?"
Red Leader: "...can you do that again, but on that guy this time?" [points at Illusion] "And more furiously?"
Green Steve: he would NOPE on out of there.
Overseer: he would make a sheep-like cry. He may have a flashback to the times he was a sheep and had to worry about so wolves wanting to eat him.
The Colors: no one can bite them. But they see the others getting bitten and find the whole situation delightful. Origin Beast appreciates the hypothetical random biter.
Narrator: he would never allow someone to bit him. He would just conveniently have a chew toy to give to the person to divert to bite away from him.
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Reaction to Deus Ex Machina (God Steve tells me the truth)
This was nice to watch after being busy with exams for most of the week! Although it was mostly filler, and the transition scene to introduce God Steve felt forced.
(Seriously, having Sabre fail because of Galaxy Suit experiencing an error with moving undermines the seriousness of Sabre’s failure with angering the bedrock enemy. The ending of Season 2 was a big deal, so I don’t like that it’s being equated to Sabre being yeeted to his death by an accident.)
Though falling off a structure and being too panicked to grab onto something is a BIG mood. (I’m clumsy and anxious, so I’d do the same thing.)
The Galaxy Suit design is so adorable. We got a robot frien in the Steve Saga now!
I’m surprised that the episode didn’t end with a huge cliffhanger. If the Lead Scientist is secretly an antagonist, Sabre and Galaxy Suit walking in on the Lead Scientist sabotaging the Rainbow Town would have been a perfect cliffhanger. Maybe there weren’t many body actors available to film this episode?
This episode mainly gave us more about God Steve’s personality, which I think is the best thing of this episode, even though his inclusion felt forced. So here are my thoughts on it:
It’s really unfair that God Steve scolded at Sabre and told him he has one chance left to restore order. Because this episode’s failure was out of Sabre’s control. He couldn’t do anything about the asteroid hitting the ship and the Galaxy Suit having a malfunction. God Steve, you try being a player with no powers and trying not to make a single mistake >:(
The above commentary either suggests there’s a plot hole in God Steve’s reasoning, or God Steve has a complicated relationship with Sabre. God Steve is said to be impatient and finds Sabre’s failures as disappointing, but he also favors Sabre over other beings. Although he likes Sabre, he’s hard on him. But why would he have this view of Sabre?
God Steve’s shown to be pessimistic because he knew for sure that Sabre will not survive for long. Can he see into the future? It’s really fascinating to have a pessimistic creation god who doubts his creations will live a long life. Yet this guy gave the Steve Saga another chance, despite believing he should just end this universe and start over. This feels inconsistent. Maybe if it weren’t for his fondness towards Sabre, God Steve probably would had erased the Steve Saga by now and do something else.
Also that “it’s not cut and dry” gave me FLASHBACKS to Season 2, aaahhh. (As if I didn’t reference the same quote in Chapter 2 of RRFF, lol). I’m unsure if this episode is trying to get viewers curious if God Steve is good or bad, or if this episode just straight up confirmed that God Steve is neutral.
Also...I’m still holding onto the “God Steve is a part of Sabre” theory. I like to imagine that him saying “I favor you, Sabre” was an intentional nod to Sabre’s username.
Also, Sabre “dying” and going to God Steve twice makes me question if the Space Saga is retconning how Sabre went to the Parallel World and met Overseer after Void Steve destroyed him, lol. Or the fact that Sabre can respawn as a player.
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