#rrff six bright eyes
illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
This question is a little weird, but it's plagued my mind for some reason: what would the current rrff crew do if someone randomly bit them?
Wow, this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a very long time, and I'm so sorry for taking this long to finally get to it, anon. I thought it over and, well, here are your answers!
Time: he would use future vision to know when to dodge. Bite evaded, lol.
Memory: when he gets bitten, he’d just look at that person for a long second, refusing to blink because he has no idea what to do in this situation, before finally saying, “...can I help you?”
Illusion: he would immediately scream and try to get away as soon as possible.
Elemental: he would be annoyed because saliva. He doesn’t like that Time successfully evaded while he didn’t. He’d try to get away from the person to cope with his wounded pride. But later, curiosity gets the better of him and he returns to that person to ask, "is this some language that’s only expressed through biting?"
Galaxy: he would scream, "NO. DON’T EAT ME. TRUST ME, I TASTE HORRIBLE." Bonus: assuming Illusion is still programmed to always help Galaxy, Illusion also screams, "YES, HE’S RIGHT. I know your world is obsessed with the galaxy aesthetic, to the point that you guys make galaxy cakes, but you were probably lied to about how tasty the galaxy is!"
Sabre: "No! How many times do I have to go over this?! Just because I dress like a chicken doesn’t mean that I taste like chicken!" (shoutout to Purple Steve)
Void: he would throw a fit, and then destroy that person.
Alex: honestly, being the powerful goddess she is, she wouldn't even feel the bite. She knows that someone is near, but she’s assuming that they just wanted to hug her, and she decided, "maybe this person just really needs the hug. I’ll let them have it." And when other people start freaking out, she looks to her side and goes like, "omg, they’re biting me?! What does that mean?!"
Guardian: he’d get so worried. "Are my wings broken? Did I get an infection? Will it spread to the Steves when I go back to the Spirit World?" So he’d try to leave as soon as possible to assess the damage, and then walk around and ask, "has anyone else been bitten and need medical attention?"
Red Leader: "...can you do that again, but on that guy this time?" [points at Illusion] "And more furiously?"
Green Steve: he would NOPE on out of there.
Overseer: he would make a sheep-like cry. He may have a flashback to the times he was a sheep and had to worry about so wolves wanting to eat him.
The Colors: no one can bite them. But they see the others getting bitten and find the whole situation delightful. Origin Beast appreciates the hypothetical random biter.
Narrator: he would never allow someone to bit him. He would just conveniently have a chew toy to give to the person to divert to bite away from him.
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Updates on my Steve-related fan content and Blue Straggler
I’ve made changes and progress on my fan projects during the blog’s hiatus, and it’s time for me to give an update on them! I’m going to start with good news, then bad news, and end it with my favorite piece of good news.
Good updates:
RRFF: RRFF will return next month on September 23!!! I have 7 chapters ready to go. Though once I post all those chapters, RRFF will go back to hiatus while I work on writing and editing the next 17 chapters. This is because I’ve decided to scrap Act 3 in favor of rewriting it with better subplots and moments. Fingers crossed that I’ll be able to work on the project regularly even after summer break, so that the next hiatus won’t be super long.
Reverse Rewrite AU: I got most of the prep work done now, and I should be posting content about this story soon! I’m currently working on concept art and visuals for the AU. My goal is to tell the AU’s story through episode synopsis, art, and some written script, so the writing won’t be as detailed or as long as RRFF. I’ve had a lot of fun working on this AU, and I can’t wait to show it! I think I’ll start posting content of this AU after RRFF goes on hiatus again.
Bad updates:
Mite Steve AU: If the lack of Miteposts hadn’t made it clear, the AU is on hiatus.  I’d love to get back to it soon, but currently, I’m not enjoying working on it, and I have no clear idea of when I’ll get back to it. This also applies to the Rainbow Quest version of the Mite Steve AU.
RRFF Extended AU/spinoff sequel: I’ve hinted or stated a few times that I wanted to write a spinoff sequel for RRFF that dives deeper into the lore of the Colors/Six Bright Eyes and my fan OCs. But recently, I’ve been working on new creative projects, and the RRFF extended AU is now a low priority for me, and likely will stay that way. So I decided I will not write RRFF’s spinoff sequel. I might make smaller content (like skits) to show the story I was planning to tell in the spinoff sequel, but that is not a guarantee. I hope you guys understand that! For now, I’m just enjoying my time working on the main story of RRFF, and still being just as excited to share more chapters when they’re ready!
And to end this update, my favorite good update:
The Blue Straggler story: For context, I have discontinued the Blue Straggler AU and started on a new story for Blue Straggler for reasons mentioned in this post. I have been brainstorming new ideas for backstories and character arcs for Blue Straggler. I’ve narrowed my ideas down to two possible directions to take his new story. Now I gotta make a decision on which direction to take. To help me figure out the best direction to take, I’m gonna do some more research. I’m going to research more about storytelling, plotting, chronic conditions, and worldbuilding.
Yes, you heard me right. I’ve been learning how to world-build because of a huge change I made for this project. Hear about it under the cut:
I’ve decided to take Blue Straggler out of the Steve/Space Saga universe! 
I am going to remove all references to the Space Saga, Steve Saga, and other Steve-related series in the revamp. I’m going to give Blue Straggler an original setting for his story to take place in.
The setting, story, and lore will have absolutely no connection to the Steve Saga. No Steves (Blue Straggler’s species has been changed to a different fantasy creature), no Sabre, no Lucas, no Galaxy family. Different lore, power system, characters, and genre. The only thing I’m salvaging from the Blue Straggler AU is Blue Straggler himself.
I got a vague idea for the new setting of the story, but I need to do research to make it more concrete. Because of my decision to take the story out of the Steve Saga universe, it’s going to take a long time until I’m finally ready to reveal the story. Given this is going to be my first attempt at creating an original world as a serious, committed artist, I want to take the time to learn the ropes of original fiction and thoroughly plan out Blue Straggler’s story, characterization, and lore. Right now, I’m not ready to start giving teasers.
If you are curious about the revamped story, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being interested in and patient with the project!
Thank you for listening to my updates!
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This was entirely a coincidence because I didn’t plan this for the RRFF extended AU, but you can shorten “Six Bright Eyes” into “SBrE”
And “SBrE” is one letter short from spelling “Sabre”
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*silently nudges my drawing of [Six Bright Eyes] and my messy ramble about them towards you*
Please look at/read my latest nonsense with the RRFF Extended AU. I had a long day and had to wait an agonizing amount of time to finally post this stuff, so it would mean a lot if you check it out :D
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RRFF? Back on hiatus
The AU? Expanded
The lore of Those who See with Six Bright Eyes? What the actual heck
RRFF’s potential spinoff sequel? Teased
Hotel? Trivago
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Reaction to Genesis Steve
Genesis Steve’s introduction
Tumblr media
[ID: The “Cooler Daniel” meme, which shows two photos side-by-side in a high school yearbook. The photo on the left is labelled “Daniel” and has Elemental Steve’s face edited over it. The photo on the right is labelled “The cooler Daniel” and has Genesis’ face edited over it. End ID.]
Colle: The Beast either wanted to slap me or hug me.
Colle: Idk. We shouldn’t assume that it’s evil just because it is alone
Colle, you sound like someone who would be a Slenderman fan and call him Slendy, and I don’t know if that’s wholesome or cursed.
Joking aside, I think it’s cute that Colle is just pure of heart and still tries to see a good side in everyone even after the hostile interaction with the ocelots
Also, Colle was literally me when I first brainstormed RRFF.
Someone: Why would Memory need a hug?
Me: Idk. Maybe he’s lonely, who knows
Colle panicking about being in a tree sounded like a knock-off Disney Prince singing in the woods, lol
Dang, Colle is getting so good at these fetch quests. He speedran through 3 fetch quests in one episode. Hard working boi.
Also, can we have an F in the Chat for Genesis Steve? He created the Desert Steves and gifted them an artifact, and the Desert Steves just ended up being so careless about the artifact he gave them X’D
And they never even thought about using the arrow against the Last Inferno, riiip
lmao, Genesis Steve was so hyped up in this episode. And he had the most awkward introduction ever
I was lowkey hoping that Genesis would be a female.
So are creators a species separate from Steves?
If Genesis created Forest, Ocean, and Desert Steves, and Genesis isn’t a Steve, then how does that explain Origin Steve?
I’m really curious!
Genesis: My creator created [Red Steve]. You types are the exact creation of he.
So is the Original Creator Origin Steve?! Well, Origin Steve does seem capable of creating non-Steves, like the First Curse
Because Genesis is really nice, I doubt he’s the First Enemy.
Unless in a future episode, Genesis and Obsidian or Diamond bump into each other and Obsidian and Diamond go like “HOL’ UP.”
Original Creator created the First Enemy, which ended up being a regret
Genesis created the Last Inferno, which ended up being a regret
SL, what’s with you and this reoccurring theme of regretting your first creation??
Are you trying to say something about parenting and being the oldest child?
Are you secretly calling out every single creative person on this planet and telling them that their first OCs suck? </joking>
Kinda ironic that the Last Inferno is the first creation of Genesis though.
I wonder if this can foreshadow Void Steve’s backstory as the first Hero and why he never truly died? idk, I didn’t watch Rainbow Quest
Wait, Colle is a nickname because it’s short for Collector?
All this time, I thought he was named Colle because it’s a fancy way to say Cole or Coal, asdfjklasdfasdf
So I guess Colle’s full name is Collector Red Steve.
I’m getting really invested into the lore.
In the Steve Saga, I got super invested into the lore of Galaxy Family. In the RRFF Extended AU, I’m currently working on the lore of the Six Bright Eyes family.
And now Steve Legends is giving me the Creator Family. Give me a powerful family full of drama >:)
Hmm, are Genesis’ friends the other color Steves?
I love how Genesis Steve immediately befriended the guy who interrupted his fishing session
Oh and....I don’t trust Genesis’ judgement of the Judge
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