It's funny that a lot of my plotting involves me figuring out new ways to distract Time and Alex from the main plot. Because, let's be honest, if I didn't keep those two busy with all their side quests, RRFF would already be over in half the amount of words, lol.
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otter-pop-supreme · 8 months
How I Imagine the Voices in My Head
How I imagine the voice of the mcs in RRFF (=
Memory - vocal range between MARINA and Mitski(how I already hced Mems voice - think between Family Jewels and Door)
Illusion - between carolesdaughter and Mitski(developed after spending time w memory (= - think between My Mother Wants Me Dead and Washing Machine Heart) -- a little Feel Better by Penelope Scott and MONEY MAKES YOU STUPID by Black Dresses cause he's a little unhinged and his voice has to be too <3
Guardian(despite the fact that he already has a canon voice hush) - between Noah Kahan and Jack Staubers Mircopop - think between Northern Attitude and Cupid
Alex(again shhh)Alex(again shhh) - I'm So Sick by Flyleaf to The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
Time - between Saint Bernard by Lincoln and Pearl Diver by Mitski(Honestly I couldn't rlly find much in the songs ik, but just think REALY fucking British, I'm pretty sure over 50% of the fandom agrees he just randomly has a British accent. None of his fam is British, just him-)
Galaxy - between the songs A Deer Mistaking Candle for Headlights by Crywank and Chaotic Gender Neutral by Murder Person for Hire
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I love making callbacks to canon episodes in RRFF. Like this deleted sentence right here, which refers to Alex's greatest power: enperplexedergy. (sarcasm)
Alex looked reluctant. “But why can’t Galaxy be the one taking care of the Steve Haven while I be the one giving enperplexedergy to the machine?”
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Another RRFF deleted scene:
Galaxy suddenly flinched, scanning the air.
Illusion groaned. "What now?"
"Something tells me I should check on Alex," Galaxy said. "She’s feeling sad and I have to tell her that she’s amazing and doing her best."
"You can sense when your friend is in distress?!" Illusion said, sounding more baffled with each word. "Oh my god, if my emotional connection with Galaxy turned out not to be a flaw but something I inherited from him, I'm going to be so mad."
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
This question is a little weird, but it's plagued my mind for some reason: what would the current rrff crew do if someone randomly bit them?
Wow, this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a very long time, and I'm so sorry for taking this long to finally get to it, anon. I thought it over and, well, here are your answers!
Time: he would use future vision to know when to dodge. Bite evaded, lol.
Memory: when he gets bitten, he’d just look at that person for a long second, refusing to blink because he has no idea what to do in this situation, before finally saying, “...can I help you?”
Illusion: he would immediately scream and try to get away as soon as possible.
Elemental: he would be annoyed because saliva. He doesn’t like that Time successfully evaded while he didn’t. He’d try to get away from the person to cope with his wounded pride. But later, curiosity gets the better of him and he returns to that person to ask, "is this some language that’s only expressed through biting?"
Galaxy: he would scream, "NO. DON’T EAT ME. TRUST ME, I TASTE HORRIBLE." Bonus: assuming Illusion is still programmed to always help Galaxy, Illusion also screams, "YES, HE’S RIGHT. I know your world is obsessed with the galaxy aesthetic, to the point that you guys make galaxy cakes, but you were probably lied to about how tasty the galaxy is!"
Sabre: "No! How many times do I have to go over this?! Just because I dress like a chicken doesn’t mean that I taste like chicken!" (shoutout to Purple Steve)
Void: he would throw a fit, and then destroy that person.
Alex: honestly, being the powerful goddess she is, she wouldn't even feel the bite. She knows that someone is near, but she’s assuming that they just wanted to hug her, and she decided, "maybe this person just really needs the hug. I’ll let them have it." And when other people start freaking out, she looks to her side and goes like, "omg, they’re biting me?! What does that mean?!"
Guardian: he’d get so worried. "Are my wings broken? Did I get an infection? Will it spread to the Steves when I go back to the Spirit World?" So he’d try to leave as soon as possible to assess the damage, and then walk around and ask, "has anyone else been bitten and need medical attention?"
Red Leader: "...can you do that again, but on that guy this time?" [points at Illusion] "And more furiously?"
Green Steve: he would NOPE on out of there.
Overseer: he would make a sheep-like cry. He may have a flashback to the times he was a sheep and had to worry about so wolves wanting to eat him.
The Colors: no one can bite them. But they see the others getting bitten and find the whole situation delightful. Origin Beast appreciates the hypothetical random biter.
Narrator: he would never allow someone to bit him. He would just conveniently have a chew toy to give to the person to divert to bite away from him.
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
I really want to know Sabres reaction to discovering that Galaxies whole family is the embodiment of a fruitcup.
Also, do we ever get any of their confirmed gender identities, or Galaxy and Elementals sexualities? I need to know so I dont mess it up in case I make a fanfiction.
PS: ur work is literally amazing, take all your time on the haitus!!
Sabre's reaction is no reaction. He knows what Minecraft world he's on. He knows he won’t find cishetallos people in this world.
I don’t think I ever officially stated their genders, but I’ll accept any excuse to gush about my LGBT headcanons X)
(fyi, although I make my headcanons ‘canon’ within the RRFF AU, I’m totally chill if you guys have different headcanons for these characters!)
Galaxy's sexuality is pan! He also uses mspec. I would like to mention that one day, Galaxy appeared at a diner with sunglasses and a trenchcoat and said, "I am the health mspec-tor. I must mspec the quality of your food, so please give me your finest meal. [eats an entire pot of parmesan noodles] You pass. Good job." (He proceeded to walk off into the sunset. The very next day, the diner's staff found their diner blessed with gold.)
Elemental's sexuality is gay.
For gender headcanons, I only have them for Galaxy, Illusion, Alex, and Elemental.
Galaxy is agender.
Illusion is transmasc and nonbinary.
Alex is a trans woman.
Elemental is a cis man. I would like to mention that he's a cis man who gained gender enlightenment by listening to trans people, and that inspired Elemental to personally present as gnc. After learning that the rules of gender are arbitrary, and the rules of what makes a man manly are arbitrary too, Elemental decided to look more fabulous because he wanted to and there was no rule that should stop him from that want.
Feel free to make gender headcanons for the other characters I don’t have gender headcanons for, and again, I’m chill if you have different headcanons for these 4 characters!
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
1. Can Illusion shapeshift into different genders/forms of himself? (Ex. Being with shorter hair, no glasses, taller) and if so, has it ever messed up?
2. What is Illusions gender identity? Ive always seen him as genderfluid (a pun on how he can shapeshift) but it would be cool to see what he identifies as officially.
3. What connections do Alex and Illusion have? (before the memory wipe, in rrff canon or not)
4. If Illusion felt like he wasnt cis, would he consider going to Alex? Considering shes a girl and might know how to handle it.
Apologies for all the questions, I only just figured out this blog was a thing.
Thank you so much for all the questions and finding my blog! :D
No, Illusion doesn't shapeshift into different genders/forms of himself. However, he does use his powers to enhance his current gender presentation. That's his way of adding more gender into his gender. I imagine that one day, the illusion/shapeshifting messed up and made Illusion's voice different in a way he didn't like, and he had to ask Memory to help fix it. Memory is super supportive and did his best to help.
My personal headcanon for Illusion is that he's nonbinary and transmasc, so that's his gender within the RRFF AU :) I love your genderfluid headcanon too though!
Honestly, since Illusion was created after Galaxy left Alex, Alex never got to know Illusion before he took over. I imagine you were hoping for something new that wasn't mentioned in RRFF yet. Sadly, what you get from Steve Saga and RRFF is all you get with Alex and Illusion's connection pre-memory wipe. Thank you for the ask though!
Hahaha, amazing that you ask that, because I actually headcanon Alex to be transfemme! So yes, Illusion would absolutely go to Alex for advice. It doesn’t matter that Alex and Illusion are enemies for most of the canon storyline. Alex and Illusion would totally schedule time to stop fighting and talk about being trans, and everyone else would respect that schedule and take it as a day off and give Illusion time to learn from Alex.
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
i need some good illusion steve and alex angst (they have had like two interactions together but they r so peaceful mother and chaotic son duo /pos)
I don't have any major plans for Illusion and Alex's dynamic in Act 3, but I’m so glad you enjoyed what RRFF has offered of these two!
I imagine Alex has complicated feelings about Illusion's angst. She knows that his frustration is valid, but she also feels conflicted knowing that most of his angst comes from his troubled relationship with her best friend, Galaxy Steve. She has seen relationships broken beyond repair, but she has also seen pained relationships heal once stressors and misunderstandings are dealt with. So...yeah!
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
Au idea: Alex raises Illusion in RRFF instead of Time/Galaxy. And instead of Illusion controlling her in the Illusion Town arc, she helps him because she understands hes in pain.
(seriously tempted to mske that a oneshot fanfic)
That sounds like a cool AU! I wonder how Illusion would feel about Alex being stressed about the infection and the people she couldn’t save, if there is the family love between them. omg, the mental image of Illusion comforting Alex hits me right in the heart.
And feel free to make that oneshot fic if you really want! : )
Thank you so much for sharing!
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Remorseful Recollections of the Forgotten Family - Chapter 49: Good Surprises and Bad Surprises
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"The Memory Dimension is gone." At that moment, the entire world halted. "N-no!" Illusion barely kept his voice stable. "You just didn't look hard enough!!"
Places to read my Steve Saga AU fic!:
Wattpad: (x)
Fanfiction.net: (x)
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Remorseful Recollections of the Forgotten Family - Chapter 48: No Ease of Mind
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"ELEMENTAL!" Time shoved Sabre aside, sending the player soaring across the town and slamming into the wall. What?! Illusion stood stunned while Time – and later Alex and Galaxy — claimed their spots near the chamber, and Sabre recovered and ran towards the group. The four friends surrounded the chamber, blocking it from Illusion's view. Usually, he would feel indignant about that, but he instead felt grateful because, oh my God, this is actually happening.
Places to read my Steve Saga AU fic!:
Wattpad: (x)
Fanfiction.net: (x)
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I never intended to make “falls on his face all the time” a personality trait for RRFF!Red Leader. But I honestly love that about him. What a silly, grumpy, and clumsy man.
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Does Illusion put his hair in a towel hat after he showers and if so do the other Galaxy Kids lose their minds trying to figure out how he does it
I never imagined Illusion Steve doing the towel hat thing. Instead, I imagine him vigorously rubbing it dry over his shoulder. I know that would damage his hair. But Illusion doesn’t have time to think about his hair. He just wants all the water perfectly gone.
The other kiddos will beg him to chill, but they don’t know how to help him, because the art of the towel hat is unknown to them.
Wait...maybe Alex will teach him the towel hat one day...Yeah, let’s go with that! Illusion was originally an aggressive dryer that his family worried about, until Alex taught him the towel hat and now the family is trying to figure out how it works.
Thank you for the ask, anon!
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Remorseful Recollections of the Forgotten Family - Chapter 40: Planting the Seed of Change
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The flower glitched into a white variant with six different colored anthers inside.
Memory snatched the flower – back to blue again – and inspected it curiously before it suddenly fizzled out of existence, startling him. Flowers only disappear when a person remembers their lost memories...
Time and Alex stood back up. Alex sighed in relief and gave Memory an apologetic look. "Something tells me that we should head back to the Illusion Town."
Content warning: platonic love confession, discussion about love, and LOTS of yelling/scolding
Places to read my Steve Saga AU fic!:
Wattpad: (x)
Fanfiction.net: (x)
DeviantArt: Table of Contents; Chapter 40
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Re: the nightmare in the illusion arc, for both variants, if taken through the lens of him being evil again it would be interesting if the revived evil nightmare was the embodiment of nightmare's bad deeds, for the one where he's brought back good perhaps it could be interesting if the red steve was also brought back
(Follow up of this post, where the two au variants were discussed.)
For the “comes back evil” variant: That is a cool idea. Galaxy would probably say, “if I had a nickel for everytime my friend was chased by an embodiment of evil past deeds, I’d have two nickels. It’s still not enough to buy a sandwich though.” Illusion would also probably struggle to use the illusion to pacify this version of Nightmare. If there’s nothing good beneath the surface, then the illusion can't filter out all of Nigthmare's evil. (I'm using RRFF's explanation of Illusion's powers here. I don't know the full extent of Illusion's powers in canon.)
For the “comes back good” variant: Oooh, what if Illusion creates an illusion of that Red Steve to mess with Nightmare? Or what if the Red Steve comes back to help Alex and Sabre with the Spirit World situation?
Thank you for the ask!
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...Am I allowed to brag that RRFF Chapter 36 predicted Steve Legend’s clickbait thumbnail for Episode 42?
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