It is so hard to write Elemental having insecure and vulnerable moments when you remember that he has the absolute best wardrobe out of the RRFF cast.
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otter-pop-supreme · 8 months
Time: go to your room
Reality: you never send Memory to his room when he's in trouble
Time: that's cause he never LEAVES his room
Time: if he were in trouble I'd make him sit in the living room, go outside, or talk to other steves
Memory, threatened: I CAN HERE YOU-
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Me editing a chapter: Plot hole: Why does Elemental ask for a glass of water in this scene? He's Elemental. He can spawn water whenever he wants.
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Elemental plays Pikmin, but instead of actually playing the game, he just stares at the little guys because they have leaves or flowers stems on their heads
And after he just has the video "1 hour of silence occasionally interrupted by Pikmin" on repeat and he has the giggly smile every time.
And Time Steve is just confused
Yes, this would absolutely happen!
This also happens when he plays Gourdlets. When he does work on the computer, he would leave Gourdlets on idly in the background :)
Honestly, I don't think Time Steve would feel confused. Although he personally doesn't play them (he's the speedrunner type), he understands the appeal of idle/watching games.
Thanks for the ask!
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It was so hard for me to figure out Elemental's official debut in RRFF because he entered the story unconscious and face planted on the floor.
This man deserves to use his powers to form fog for a dramatic entrance, but alas, the story setup physically exhausted him so he could do nothing but sleep his way into the story.
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
Maybe instead of crafting Elemental pumpkin soup Memory could have some from the times Galaxy went to other dimensions and stuff 👀
(In response to this post.)
The soup probably comes in a can. I love the mental image of Memory confiscating soup cans from Galaxy and thinking, "what are these strange objects? Are they like fancy decorations to show pictures when you don’t want to use a picture frame?"
And then one day he accidentally breaks one during archery practice and he goes like, "YOOOOOO, THESE THINGS CONTAIN SOUP?! AND THEY KEEP IT FRESH?! ELEMENTAL, YOU WON’T BELIEVE THIS BUT ���"
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
This question is a little weird, but it's plagued my mind for some reason: what would the current rrff crew do if someone randomly bit them?
Wow, this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a very long time, and I'm so sorry for taking this long to finally get to it, anon. I thought it over and, well, here are your answers!
Time: he would use future vision to know when to dodge. Bite evaded, lol.
Memory: when he gets bitten, he’d just look at that person for a long second, refusing to blink because he has no idea what to do in this situation, before finally saying, “...can I help you?”
Illusion: he would immediately scream and try to get away as soon as possible.
Elemental: he would be annoyed because saliva. He doesn’t like that Time successfully evaded while he didn’t. He’d try to get away from the person to cope with his wounded pride. But later, curiosity gets the better of him and he returns to that person to ask, "is this some language that’s only expressed through biting?"
Galaxy: he would scream, "NO. DON’T EAT ME. TRUST ME, I TASTE HORRIBLE." Bonus: assuming Illusion is still programmed to always help Galaxy, Illusion also screams, "YES, HE’S RIGHT. I know your world is obsessed with the galaxy aesthetic, to the point that you guys make galaxy cakes, but you were probably lied to about how tasty the galaxy is!"
Sabre: "No! How many times do I have to go over this?! Just because I dress like a chicken doesn’t mean that I taste like chicken!" (shoutout to Purple Steve)
Void: he would throw a fit, and then destroy that person.
Alex: honestly, being the powerful goddess she is, she wouldn't even feel the bite. She knows that someone is near, but she’s assuming that they just wanted to hug her, and she decided, "maybe this person just really needs the hug. I’ll let them have it." And when other people start freaking out, she looks to her side and goes like, "omg, they’re biting me?! What does that mean?!"
Guardian: he’d get so worried. "Are my wings broken? Did I get an infection? Will it spread to the Steves when I go back to the Spirit World?" So he’d try to leave as soon as possible to assess the damage, and then walk around and ask, "has anyone else been bitten and need medical attention?"
Red Leader: "...can you do that again, but on that guy this time?" [points at Illusion] "And more furiously?"
Green Steve: he would NOPE on out of there.
Overseer: he would make a sheep-like cry. He may have a flashback to the times he was a sheep and had to worry about so wolves wanting to eat him.
The Colors: no one can bite them. But they see the others getting bitten and find the whole situation delightful. Origin Beast appreciates the hypothetical random biter.
Narrator: he would never allow someone to bit him. He would just conveniently have a chew toy to give to the person to divert to bite away from him.
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
I really want to know Sabres reaction to discovering that Galaxies whole family is the embodiment of a fruitcup.
Also, do we ever get any of their confirmed gender identities, or Galaxy and Elementals sexualities? I need to know so I dont mess it up in case I make a fanfiction.
PS: ur work is literally amazing, take all your time on the haitus!!
Sabre's reaction is no reaction. He knows what Minecraft world he's on. He knows he won’t find cishetallos people in this world.
I don’t think I ever officially stated their genders, but I’ll accept any excuse to gush about my LGBT headcanons X)
(fyi, although I make my headcanons ‘canon’ within the RRFF AU, I’m totally chill if you guys have different headcanons for these characters!)
Galaxy's sexuality is pan! He also uses mspec. I would like to mention that one day, Galaxy appeared at a diner with sunglasses and a trenchcoat and said, "I am the health mspec-tor. I must mspec the quality of your food, so please give me your finest meal. [eats an entire pot of parmesan noodles] You pass. Good job." (He proceeded to walk off into the sunset. The very next day, the diner's staff found their diner blessed with gold.)
Elemental's sexuality is gay.
For gender headcanons, I only have them for Galaxy, Illusion, Alex, and Elemental.
Galaxy is agender.
Illusion is transmasc and nonbinary.
Alex is a trans woman.
Elemental is a cis man. I would like to mention that he's a cis man who gained gender enlightenment by listening to trans people, and that inspired Elemental to personally present as gnc. After learning that the rules of gender are arbitrary, and the rules of what makes a man manly are arbitrary too, Elemental decided to look more fabulous because he wanted to and there was no rule that should stop him from that want.
Feel free to make gender headcanons for the other characters I don’t have gender headcanons for, and again, I’m chill if you have different headcanons for these 4 characters!
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
I have a distinct feeling that Elemental would baby Illusion beyond belief and Illusion would spend half the time being annoyed because ““I’m an ADULT”” and the other half of the time taking advantage of it because what’s the point of a big brother who won’t say no to you if not to do things your other big brother won’t let you do
Illusion: Did I ask for help? I did not. I am fully capable of doing this myself!
Also Illusion: Well, every Steve excels at different things. You saw something and thought it would be practical for you to do this thing on my behalf. And you know what, I'm glad when Steves are being proactive and not being a fool while doing it, so I'll allow it, to show my appreciation for your driven and dedicated efforts.
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
Family bonding via Elemental doing Illusion’s hair. That is all.
Omg, I love that so much!
Here's something to imagine: you know that hidden rainbow hair trend? Where the top layer is natural hair color, but the layer beneath it is rainbow? I imagined Illusion wanting to try that out (his normal silver hair out, and rainbow beneath), and Elemental dyes his hair for him!
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
Your opinion on whether or not Time and Memory would be amazing cryptographers because they grew up with Elemental
Although he is capable of it, Time never speaks cryptically. When you ask him why not, he’ll say:
To quote Albert Einstein, "if you can’t explain it simply." [looks at Elemental with a sly, mocking expression] "You don’t understand it well enough" :)
Memory also has the capability to speak cryptically, but he doesn’t have the heart to commit. He only speaks cryptically to sneakily deny stuff he did or messed up on (which I tried to show in Act 1 back when he didn’t trust Illusion). Maybe once he's in a better spot mentally and emotionally, he’ll speak cryptically more to honor his older cousin, who taught him how to cope, be strong, and do many other things :)
Thank you for the ask!
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illusion-reality-steve · 10 months
Galaxy fam + plague steve, which owl house covens would they be in
Hello anon. I haven’t seen the Owl House so I’m unfamiliar with its magic system. I briefly looked at a wiki to answer this question, so apologies for any inaccuracies. Anyways:
Memory: Illusion Coven (RRFF!Memory: Plant Coven)
Illusion: Illusion Coven
Time: Oracle Coven
Elemental: Oracle Coven
Galaxy: The Chef’s Coven
Void: Emperor's Coven
Plague: Abomination Coven
I based my answers off their personality and goals more than their powers in canon. I tried my best.
Thank you!
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“Btw, when will Elemental get his eyeliner back?” - RRFF Chapter 52’s outline, 2023
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Tumblr media
[ID: a digital drawing of Elemental Steve and Reality Steve sitting on a dark purple obsidian platform. The background is a gradient that starts dark purple at the bottom and light yellow at the top. Elemental Steve and Reality Steve are sitting cross-legged, with Elemental resting a hand on Reality’s shoulder. Both are looking up, with Reality giving a closed crooked smile and Elemental giving an open-mouthed smile. Above them is the text “1000th post!” with a circular bright yellow glow and a few rays of light behind it. End ID.]
This marks the 1000th post of this blog. What a milestone!
I’ve started this blog years ago as a place to keep all my Steve Saga related art and to react to episodes, even though I was usually late to watching them. Long time followers know that this blog has had a lot of ups and downs. Long periods of inactivity. Inconsistent posting schedule. Low quality posts in between the more higher effort stuff.
But so far this year, I think I’ve been consistent with posting. I really hope to keep this pace up for the rest of the year!
Anyways, I wanted to celebrate the 1000th post by saying thank you to everyone who has followed to see this random person on the Internet talk so much about fictional characters who share the same secondary name and Minecraft skin pattern. It means a lot to me that you enjoy my posts and memes, as well as my art and whatever I contribute to the asks I’ve been sent!
Thank you again!
As a reminder, I’m also running a week-long Steve AU Ask-a-thon to celebrate the 1000th post milestone. If you’re interested, stay tuned because the event is going to start later today!
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Update: RRFF/Galaxy Family masterpost is up!
Hello everyone! The RRFF/Galaxy Family masterpost is done! I hope this makes finding information related to RRFF and the Galaxy Family easier!
This masterpost was more challenging to organize than the AU masterpost. Thanks to poll feedback and some trial-and-error, I hopefully came up with a catalogue that’s easy to follow. That said, I’m still open to feedback. If you have any suggestions for the organization, I’d love to hear it.
Additionally, I have updated the AU masterpost to include some missing AUs, as well as Steve AUs created by others that I’ve reblogged.
I’ll be making a pinned post soon that’ll serve as an introductory post and include links to both masterposts, which will make it easier to access the masterposts at anytime!
With the second masterpost completed, here are my next plans:
Moving forward, all update posts will be posted on Saturdays instead of a weekday. Update posts will probably be about significant changes to the masterposts or posting schedule, or to announce an upcoming event or important project on the blog.
Speaking of upcoming events, I plan get back to answering all the AU and Galaxy Family asks in my inbox now that the masterposts are done! I plan to do a “response” marathon for the previous AU ask-a-thon, and an ask-a-thon that tries to answer all the Galaxy Family asks in my inbox. When another ask-a-thon is ready, I’ll tell you when it happens on a Saturday update post so that everyone gets a heads up.
Thanks for reading!
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For today's post, I want to appreciate how differently Galaxy Steve and Elemental Steve talk.
Remember that one time balloons were mentioned in the Steve Saga? When Rainbow asked what a balloon was, Galaxy told him to imagine, "sand, but it goes up instead of down." He describes a foreign thing by asking his audience to imagine a familiar thing, but with a twist.
If Rainbow asked Elemental to explain what a balloon was, Elemental would probably say, "How do I explain it...It's basically a bunch of gas molecules bound together by this material that is like - how do I describe it - fabric, but also not like fabric. The gas molecules are trapped, but at the same time, it's still dispersing, since it is still a gas. Some balloons fly up. So the gas is free to move around in the sky, but at the same time it's still limited in movement. It's complicated, I know."
These two characters are so different in how they explain things, and I just wanted to appreciate that for today.
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