#rspca australia
nando161mando · 3 months
The trouble with animal advocacy
Comment, Jun 26th: We need to challenge movements like Effective Altruism and campaigns for “less but better meat”
On 11 June activists from Animal Rising decorated King Charles’s newly unveiled painting to highlight the animal welfare violations at farms approved by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). However, it is apparent that Charles doesn’t particularly align with the RSPCA on this issue, and there are rumors that he will chose not to renew the royal patronage.
Full article:
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gayclubsoap · 7 months
think! psas are so good. "if you drink, then drive, you're a bloody idiot" UGH SO GOOD.
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sidetongue · 5 months
You know who I have an issue with? Her.
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I’m staying in a city that’s a 3 hour drive away (to finish college, my bf just moved to relocate to work so he has our kitties) and I get woken up at 8am (I had only fallen asleep around 4am thanks to a stink bug that thought MY FACE was a great place to climb at 3am) by my boyfriend calling me saying she fell behind the water heater and was literally face down, ass up, and he didn’t know how long she’d been there for.
Part of this is the bf’s fault because I told him he needed to set the kitties up in the bedroom to get them acclimated and what did he do? Not that, and he didn’t close the door to the laundry room so, ya know.
I spent two hours calling management at the apartment only to get no answer, emergency maintenance only to have a guy come out, see the situation and leave after saying “I don’t save cats”, the fire station TRIED to help by redirecting me to the dispatch but then I got sent to voicemail, and when I called 911 the dispatcher essentially told me to fuck off because she said in the RUDEST tone I’ve ever heard, “yea, the police aren’t coming out for that and neither is the fire station so you can just figure it out or get her to come out on her own” completely ignoring the fact that I’d already told her she couldn’t get out on her own and the fire station wouldn’t have to force entry because my bf was there trying to get help! And then she hung up on me so I bawled my eyes out and screamed because I thought my cat, my ESA, my cat soulmate was going to die and I wasn’t even there, and there was nothing I could do to help her 🙃 oh, and bf had also been calling around and being told to fuck off, so 😌🥰 love that for me!
My bf was FINALLY able to get her out but he had a friend helping him and they had to use a gripper tool to move her around because she was so far down that she couldn’t move herself.
Anyways I’m venting about it here because I know you care about animals and I just can’t believe that every single place I went to for help said “not my job” and it’s really upsetting that THAT’S the state of the US. People joke all the time that animals get more care than humans do here but with this situation it really shows they just don’t care either way. Do they have any kinds of services made specifically for helping animals in those kinds of situations in Australia?
Another picture for the road 💕
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I’m sorry for the horrifically delayed reply but WOW what a terrifying ordeal! I would be a hot mess if any of my pets were stuck and I was helpless to get them out. I’m so glad it worked out okay for your kitty. I think in Aus l, depending on which town/city, rspca can help in situations like this - even Afterhours. I hope your little friend has been extra good to make up for the panic she caused!
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Dean Misdale is no longer listed for adoption!
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Dean Misdale [Original Post]
Adult (2 Years) | Spayed Female | Burmese
Dean Misdale would do best in a household without small children.
Available In: Perth, Western Australia (Australia) [RSPCA WA]
Muffin is no longer listed for adoption!
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Muffin [Original Post]
Adult (8 Years) | Spayed Female | Bengal
Muffin would do best in a household without young children.
Muffin is untested with other pets.
Available In: Pearcedale, Victoria (Australia) [RSPCA VIC]
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papabay · 10 months
whoops no those are american organizations. For australia try the vet crisis fund, rspca, animal welfare league, pet guardians australia, or perth vet bill assistance. those were just the first ones i found with googling but the charities do exist and if they hadn't helped me my cat would have never been able to afford surgery he needed - so it's worth asking as many as you can find.
Anon you are so incredibly amazing and generous to be lending your time and research. I will definitely look into these and forward them onto my family also! Yesterday I tried calling different vet clinics and asking about prices, payment plans and vet loans, and was unlucky but maybe there is still hope! My cat also will likely require dental treatment so if any of these charities and organizations can help financially I will be incredibly grateful (and I'm so happy to hear that for you and your cat!) Thankyou again for letting me know about these options! ^^
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hi! I have a cat that lives next door, and he looks… old. which is fine lol, the problem is that his owners leave him outside all day. every day. he’s never not outside. it’s gotten to a point he disappears sometimes for a couple days, then shows up again; I think it’s bc another family has picked him up or found him bc he had a collar on a couple weeks ago, but now doesn’t (which he’s been collar-less this entire time also). even during extreme weather days; in Australia this year in January alone we’ve already had a 40°C day, and he was outside taking shelter under their car for shade. and in my suburb specifically, we had one of our worst storms in a while, and he was also outside for it. additionally we also managed to get up close to him and pet him today, and he’s VERY skinny, losing fit in patches and around his tail, those patches are red (I have photos if you’d like them…?) and scabs all over his head/ear/chin area and just generally is Very beat up
uh what I’m getting at is there anything I can, or should do to help him? We’ve never spoken to our neighbour since they moved in, and somehow I’m not sure they’d like us knocking on their door and asking about their cat like this, but it’s clear he needs medical attention and intervention in some kind of way but I’m not sure how to help him
Pics would very much be appreciated, but from your description alone i just can tell the cat's not in the best shape. This sounds like a Grade A case of either animal neglect or abuse to me. I don't live in Australia so i don't know what the law states pertaining to animal abuse, but i can direct you to pages like RSPCA's and API which have report functions. RSPCA also has a page outlining types of abuse that they handle and, whoop, this cat fits the bill. I would retrieve the collar, if you can, which will help in the reporting process to get the cat and its owners properly identified. Secondly, find out if the cat is microchipped, and check if the collar has GPS tracking. This makes the cat easier to find again if you can't keep it with you for whatever reason. If you don't have the collar though, just give them as much detail as you can about the cat. Again, on the RSPCA page i linked, it will list everything they need to know. I wish you good luck, the cat a speedy rescue and rehoming, and...nothing good on the so-called "owners".
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t-jfh · 5 months
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Animals injured in the Black Summer fires overwhelmed the ability of zoos to care for them.
(Photo supplied: Zoos Victoria)
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The spotted tree frog is endangered in Victoria.
(Photo supplied: Zoos Victoria)
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A koala is released back into the wild after rehabilitation.
(Photo supplied: Zoos Victoria)
Climate change is forcing massive changes to how Australia protects endangered animals and plants from extinction
An increase in bushfires, extreme heat and flooding thanks to climate change means Australia has to rethink its approach to saving threatened species from extinction, and how it manages landscapes.
By environment reporter Peter de Kruijff / ABC Science
ABC News - 13 March 2024
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Stacy Whitehorse quit her job as a train driver to rescue injured and orphaned animals.
(Photo: ABC Wimmera - Angus Mackintosh)
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This tawny frogmouth owl was rescued by Stacy Whitehorse.
(Photo: ABC Wimmera - Angus Mackintosh)
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Wildlife Victoria has seen a range of bird species fall victim to cruelty, including this young kookaburra recovering from gunshot wounds.
(Photo supplied: Wildlife Victoria)
Australian animals under record threat from climate, cars, illegal pet-keeping
Native species are being harmed in record numbers according to Victoria's wildlife rescue service.
Clipped wings, degloved paws and bullet wounds point to widespread abuse and illegal pet-keeping.
What's next? More extreme weather events and cars on the road paint a dire picture for animals' survival in years to come.
By Angus Mackintosh / ABC Wimmera
ABC News - 28 January 2024
COMMUNITY WARNING - GRAPHIC CONTENT: The following ABC News article, ‘More wild animal cruelty cases reported as researcher warns of link to other violent crimes’, contains graphic descriptions of human cruelty and abuse crimes towards animals that some viewers may find distressing.
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This x-ray shows a homemade arrow embedded in a wild duck.
(Photo supplied: Australia Zoo)
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This Pacific duck was one of two shot by homemade arrows that the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital treated.
(Photo supplied: Australia Zoo)
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Brushtail possum Bonnie had to have her eye removed due to an air rifle wound.
(Photo supplied: Australia Zoo)
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Rachel Woodrow, pictured with her dog, says society needs to do more to protect wild animals.(Photo supplied: RSPCA)
More wild animal cruelty cases reported as researcher warns of link to other violent crimes
Veterinarians and animal advocates warn they are seeing more animal cruelty cases, after a series of distressing incidents in Queensland, including wild ducks being shot with homemade arrows.
A wildlife hospital vet says she is seeing more animal cruelty cases.
The RSPCA is calling for members of the public to report sightings of injured wild animals.
An animal pathologist says people who abuse animals can pose a risk to the wider community as there is an association with other forms of violent crimes.
By Ollie Wykeham, Janel Shorthouse, and Braedan Jason / ABC Sunshine Coast
ABC News - 27 September 2023
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acti-veg · 1 year
Someone recently posited that dismissing "harvesting grain kills mice tho" with statistics about how much grain is fed to livestock is too detached and akin to "repeating propaganda" because that's not true everywhere.
They used Australia as an example of a place that "doesn't do COFA" and has a huge problem with the astronomical numbers of rodents dying in grain harvest. They claim that over there there are way more animal lives lost to grain harvesting than slaughter and that grain consumption is as optional as meat consumption, but vegans "dismissing" those concerns are doing nothing to help. They also said something about some vegans thinking intentional slaughter is objectively worse than incidental death due to monoculture, but that "utilitarians are held to a stricter moral standard" and that the sheer number of deaths should make it worse.
I don't even know where to begin learning the details of the food systems in Australia. I know the statistics and some details globally and in my home country but I feel out of my depth with this conversation. Do you have any guidance you could share?
Well the first thing to recognise is that Australia absolutely does do intensive feeding operations, that’s a frankly bizarre claim. There is no way they could feed the number of animals they farm and kill without it. Here is a farming consultancy talking about it and advocating it, here is the department of agriculture acknowledging pigs, sheep and cattle in feedlots, here is meat and livestock Australia discussing it, here is RSPCA Australia discussing it.
It took me about five minutes to find all of these, so they can’t have done much honest research on this topic. The same thing is true of the ‘huge problems of astronomical numbers of animal lives lost to grain. Australia is currently experiencing an ‘epidemic’ of mice due to sustainable unseasonable weather and rainfall, every reference I could find on this topic was talking about how we can get rid of them - there doesn’t seem to be any such concern about mice being lost to grain harvesting.
In fact, the only source I could find talking about this (making the exact same points you’ve included here) was written by the Center For Consumer Freedom, a notorious animal agriculture lobbying group. It’s literal propaganda. The sole reference in that piece is a ‘study’ they link to, which is actually just an opinion piece in The Conversation. The only actual source there is a paper that actually supports the opposite conclusion.
“While the number of mice found in fields substantially decreased after harvest, their numbers substantially increased in the border regions. When it came to disappearances, a category that included both mouse deaths and migration out of the study area, there was no significant difference between the three habitats. The study concluded that changes in the number of field animals were “the consequences of movement and not of high[er] mortality in crops��.
So the factual basis of this argument is obviously deeply questionable, but you can still make the argument ‘ok we don’t know details but it’s highly likely some animals do die to provide plants for human consumption.’ This is undoubtedly true. However, it’s not just true of grain, it’s true of all the plants, it’s true of medicine, building materials, electronics - everything. If we stopped eating grain they’d be calling us hypocrites for not boycotting sprouts.
Furthermore, who is dismissing these problems? I don’t know any vegan who doesn’t want to improve plant agriculture, arguing for agriculture without animal inputs is a fundamental part of what veganism is about. Acknowledging the reality that whatever we eat will cause harm is not hypocrisy, nor is trying to reduce that harm by boycotting industries who directly and purposely exploit and kill billions of animals for profit.
Veganism is, as we all know, about doing whatever is possible and practicable to avoid animal exploitation. We have to eat something. Incidental vs purposeful deaths absolutely do matter, animals die as a result of grain harvesting, but they’re not exploited for grain. Those things are ethically very different, even if both are wrong. We can harvest crops without harming animals, that is what veganic farming is, there is no way to produce animal products without exploiting animals.
As for ‘utilitarians are held to a stricter moral standard,’ since when? If we feed more humans from harvesting grain than we kill in producing it, that’d be fine for most utilitarians. Interestingly, it’d also create the moral imperative to feed that grain to humans directly rather than farmed animals, since those farmed animals will suffer to produce less food and produce less good than would have been produced had that grain been fed to humans directly.
However, that data just does not exist. It is a hugely speculative assumption that more animals are killed to produce grain than to produce meat, there isn’t anything even resembling reliable statistics on that front. It is also an argument only relevant to utilitarians which… is fine for them, but for anyone is not a utilitarian the response is just… okay, so what? I’m not a utilitarian.
This is phrased as if veganism is dependent on utilitarianism as part of its ethical principles, which they may have gotten from someone like Singer but it’s a misunderstanding to suggest that is what vegsnism is, and arrogant to insist we should all hold ourselves to the same ‘strict standard’ as utilitarians, whatever the hell that means.
In conclusion, it’s a confused piece of pseudo-philosophy, likely sourced from corporate propaganda, which is based on assumptions, the misrepresentation of data and some odd assumptions about the ethical basis for veganism. You don’t need to learn anything about the food systems of Australia to debunk this argument, since evidently the person making it didn’t bother to learn about it themselves.
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nicola-martinez · 25 days
My profile
Dr. Nicola Martinez is a distinguished Veterinary Dermatology Specialist, having earned her Fellowship from the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) in Small Animal Internal Medicine in 2018. Her expertise is complemented by a decade of experience in small pet medicine such as cats and dogs, gained through positions at renowned institutions like the RSPCA Veterinary Hospital in the UK. * Address: Sydney University Village - 90 Carillon Ave, Newtown NSW 2042, Australia * Phone number: (04) 9877 2591 * Email: [email protected] * Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/mYvgs9AFqHMfWayNA My website: https://anipetshop.com/nicola-martinez/
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brookston · 1 month
Holidays 8.19
August Revolution Day (Vietnam)
Coco Chanel Day
Daguerreotype Day
Daughters of the American Revolution Foundation Day
Dahi Hangi (Maharashtra, India)
Disney PhotoPass Day
819 Day (Japan)
Festival of Random Access Memory
Haikyuu Day (Japan)
Hanawa Bayashi (Japan)
Have a Boke Day
Ibumin Earoeni Day (Day of the Tribes; Nauru)
International Bow Day
International Giant Dork Day
International Orangutan Day
International Sheet Music Day
International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day
International VPN Day
Janamasthami (Parts of India)
Little Mix Day
Manuel Luis Quezón Day (Philippines)
Millet Day (French Republic)
National Aviation Day
National Day of Lesbian Pride (Brazil)
National Flight of the Monarch (Canada)
National Old Man Young Woman Day
National Patient Advocacy Day
National Photography Day
National Sandcastle and Sculpture Day
National Tuberculosis Day (Philippines)
Penguin Awareness Day
Revolution Commemoration Day (Vietnam)
Russian Telnyashka Day (Russia)
Sharknado Day
Shree Krishna Janmasthami (Bangladesh, Nepal)
Snuffleupagus Day
Soap Box Derby Day
Tesla AI Day
World Humanitarian Day (UN)
World Orangutan Day
World Photo Day
Zella Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Cow Day
International Hot and Spicy Food Day [also 1.16]
Life Savers Day
National Potato Day [also 10.27]
National Soft Ice Cream Day
Root Beer Float Day
Savior of the Apple Feast Day
Independence & Related Days
Afghanistan (from UK, a.k.a. Jeshen, commemorates the Treaty of Rawalpindi, 1919)
Lytera (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
3rd Monday in August
Cupcake Day (Australia) [3rd Monday]
Discovery Day (Yukon Territories, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Hartjesdagen (Little Hearts Day; Amsterdam/Haarlem, Netherlands) [Original holiday 3rd Monday]
Manic Monday [3rd Monday of Each Month]
Meatball Monday [3rd Monday of Each Month]
Meditation Monday [Every Monday]
Monday Musings [Every Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
RSPCA Cupcake Day (UK) [3rd Monday]
Stay Home With Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 19 (3rd Full Week of August)
Aviation Week (thru 8.25)
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Week [3rd Week]
Weird Contest Week begins (Ocean City, NJ) [3rd Monday thru Friday]
Festivals Beginning August 19, 2024
Beaver County Fair and Cow Chip Celebration (Beaver, Oklahoma) [thru 8.24]
Cumberland County Fair (Millville, New Jersey) [thru 8.24]
Democratic National Convention (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 8.22]
Stamford Summer Restaurant Weeks (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 9.2]
Feast Days
Apple Feast of the Saviour (Slavic Pagan)
Apples Feast (Russian/Georgian Orthodox Church)
Bernardo Tolomei (Christian; Saint)
Bertulf of Bobbio (Christian; Saint)
Boohoo (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Brian Mulrooney Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Buhe (Ethiopian Orthodox Church)
Calminius (Christian; Saint)
Columbus (Positivist; Saint)
Cumin (Christian; Saint)
Dennis Eichhorn (Artology)
Ezequiél Moreno y Díaz (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Transfiguration (Julian calendar)
Frank McCourt (Writerism)
Full Moon [8th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Black Cherries Moon (Traditional)
Corn Moon (England)
Dispute Moon (Celtic)
Dog Day’s Moon (Colonial)
Fruit Moon (Cherokee)
Grain Corn Moon (Alternate)
Green Corn Moon (Alternate)
Green Moon (North America)
Harvest Moon (China)
Hunger Moon (South Africa)
Lightening Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Native Wild Rice Harvest (Algonkian, Northern Cree, and Ojibwa Native Americans)
Nikini Full Moon Poya Day (Sri Lanka)
Raksha Bandhan (Parts of India, Nepal; Hindu)
Ricing Moon (Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Hunger, Snow, Storm, Wolf
Sturgeon Moon (Amer. Indian, Traditional)
Was Full Moon (Myanmar)
Women’s Moon (Choctaw)
Wyrt Moon (Wicca)
Ganesha Chaturthi of Vinayak Chaturthi (Hindiusm)
Gerbrand van den Eeckhout (Artology)
Gustave Caillebotte (Artology)
Jan Fyt (Artology)
Jean-Eudes de Mézeray (Christian; Saint)
John Dryden (Writerism)
King’s Best Things Day: Merit, Peace & an Army (Celtic Book of Days)
Kiss Someone Day (Pastafarian)
Louis of Toulouse (Christian; Saint)
Maginus (Christian; Saint)
Magnus of Anagni (Christian; Saint)
Magnus of Avignon (Christian; Saint)
Sebaldus (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Suffleupagus (Muppetism)
Noruz (Zoroastrian New Year's Day)
Ogden Nash (Writerism)
The Royal Birds (Muppetism)
Sebaldus (a.k.a. Sebald’s Day; Christian; Saint) [Bavaria]
Vinalia Rustica (Festival to Venus & Ripening Grapes; Ancient Rome)
Watch-the-Pot Wednesday (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [33 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [46 of 71]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [24 of 32]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 38 of 60)
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [36 of 60]
Nearly Asleep (Disney Cartoon; 1955)
The Big Blue (Film; 1988)
Bronco Buster (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Bulldozing the Bull (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
Cape Kidnaveral (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1961)
Conan the Barbarian (Film; 2011)
Day Dreams Come True at Night, by Dick Jurgen (Song; 1939)
Easy Money (Film; 1983)
Enter the Dragon (Film; 1973)
The Fame, by Lady Gaga (Album; 2008)
The 40-Year-Old Virgin (Film; 2005)
Frosty the Snow Man, by Annie North Bedford (Children’s Book’ 1950)
Horse Feathers (Film; 1932)
The Hunting Season (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
I Am a Bunny, by Ole Risom (Children’s Book; 1963)
Islands in the Stream, by Dolly Parton (Song; 1983)
It Started with a Kiss (Film; 1959)
I Was a Male War Bride (Film; 1949)
Kleo (German TV Series; 2022)
Kubo and the Two Strings (Animated Film; 2016)
A Lady Takes a Chance (Film; 1943)
Lullaby Land (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Midnight Special (Music TV Series; 1972)
Mr. Mom (Film; 1983)
The Pied Piper of Guadalupe (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
The Saint Bids Diamonds (a.k.a. Thieves’ Picnic), by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1937) [Saint #19]
Saucy Sausages (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Shark Tank (TV Series; 2009)
Turning the Fables (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
Valiant (Animated Film; 2005)
Vincent (Animated Film; 1988)
Today’s Name Days
Emilia, Johann, Julius, Sebald (Austria)
Ivan, Jordan, Magna (Croatia)
Ludvík (Czech Republic)
Selbadus (Denmark)
Maano, Maanus, Magnus, Mango, Mauno (Estonia)
Mauno, Maunu (Finland)
Jean (France)
Bert, Johann, Julius, Sebald (Germany)
Huba (Hungary)
Giovanni, Magno, Mariano (Italy)
Imanta, Marlene, Melanija (Latvia)
Argaudas, Balys, Boleslovas, Tolvina (Lithuania)
Sigvald, Sigve (Norway)
Bolesław, Emilia, Jan, Julian, Juliusz, Ludwik, Piotr, Sebald (Poland)
Lýdia (Slovakia)
Ezequiel, Juan, Magín (Spain)
Magnus, Måns (Sweden)
Sade, Sadie, Salina, Sally, Sara, Sarah, Sarai, Sari, Sarina, Zarah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 232 of 2024; 134 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 34 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 16 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 15 Av 5784
Islamic: 13 Safar 1446
J Cal: 22 Purple; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 6 August 2024
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 7 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Columbus]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 61 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 29 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Holidays 8.19
August Revolution Day (Vietnam)
Coco Chanel Day
Daguerreotype Day
Daughters of the American Revolution Foundation Day
Dahi Hangi (Maharashtra, India)
Disney PhotoPass Day
819 Day (Japan)
Festival of Random Access Memory
Haikyuu Day (Japan)
Hanawa Bayashi (Japan)
Have a Boke Day
Ibumin Earoeni Day (Day of the Tribes; Nauru)
International Bow Day
International Giant Dork Day
International Orangutan Day
International Sheet Music Day
International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day
International VPN Day
Janamasthami (Parts of India)
Little Mix Day
Manuel Luis Quezón Day (Philippines)
Millet Day (French Republic)
National Aviation Day
National Day of Lesbian Pride (Brazil)
National Flight of the Monarch (Canada)
National Old Man Young Woman Day
National Patient Advocacy Day
National Photography Day
National Sandcastle and Sculpture Day
National Tuberculosis Day (Philippines)
Penguin Awareness Day
Revolution Commemoration Day (Vietnam)
Russian Telnyashka Day (Russia)
Sharknado Day
Shree Krishna Janmasthami (Bangladesh, Nepal)
Snuffleupagus Day
Soap Box Derby Day
Tesla AI Day
World Humanitarian Day (UN)
World Orangutan Day
World Photo Day
Zella Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Cow Day
International Hot and Spicy Food Day [also 1.16]
Life Savers Day
National Potato Day [also 10.27]
National Soft Ice Cream Day
Root Beer Float Day
Savior of the Apple Feast Day
Independence & Related Days
Afghanistan (from UK, a.k.a. Jeshen, commemorates the Treaty of Rawalpindi, 1919)
Lytera (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
3rd Monday in August
Cupcake Day (Australia) [3rd Monday]
Discovery Day (Yukon Territories, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Hartjesdagen (Little Hearts Day; Amsterdam/Haarlem, Netherlands) [Original holiday 3rd Monday]
Manic Monday [3rd Monday of Each Month]
Meatball Monday [3rd Monday of Each Month]
Meditation Monday [Every Monday]
Monday Musings [Every Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
RSPCA Cupcake Day (UK) [3rd Monday]
Stay Home With Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 19 (3rd Full Week of August)
Aviation Week (thru 8.25)
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Week [3rd Week]
Weird Contest Week begins (Ocean City, NJ) [3rd Monday thru Friday]
Festivals Beginning August 19, 2024
Beaver County Fair and Cow Chip Celebration (Beaver, Oklahoma) [thru 8.24]
Cumberland County Fair (Millville, New Jersey) [thru 8.24]
Democratic National Convention (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 8.22]
Stamford Summer Restaurant Weeks (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 9.2]
Feast Days
Apple Feast of the Saviour (Slavic Pagan)
Apples Feast (Russian/Georgian Orthodox Church)
Bernardo Tolomei (Christian; Saint)
Bertulf of Bobbio (Christian; Saint)
Boohoo (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Brian Mulrooney Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Buhe (Ethiopian Orthodox Church)
Calminius (Christian; Saint)
Columbus (Positivist; Saint)
Cumin (Christian; Saint)
Dennis Eichhorn (Artology)
Ezequiél Moreno y Díaz (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Transfiguration (Julian calendar)
Frank McCourt (Writerism)
Full Moon [8th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Black Cherries Moon (Traditional)
Corn Moon (England)
Dispute Moon (Celtic)
Dog Day’s Moon (Colonial)
Fruit Moon (Cherokee)
Grain Corn Moon (Alternate)
Green Corn Moon (Alternate)
Green Moon (North America)
Harvest Moon (China)
Hunger Moon (South Africa)
Lightening Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Native Wild Rice Harvest (Algonkian, Northern Cree, and Ojibwa Native Americans)
Nikini Full Moon Poya Day (Sri Lanka)
Raksha Bandhan (Parts of India, Nepal; Hindu)
Ricing Moon (Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Hunger, Snow, Storm, Wolf
Sturgeon Moon (Amer. Indian, Traditional)
Was Full Moon (Myanmar)
Women’s Moon (Choctaw)
Wyrt Moon (Wicca)
Ganesha Chaturthi of Vinayak Chaturthi (Hindiusm)
Gerbrand van den Eeckhout (Artology)
Gustave Caillebotte (Artology)
Jan Fyt (Artology)
Jean-Eudes de Mézeray (Christian; Saint)
John Dryden (Writerism)
King’s Best Things Day: Merit, Peace & an Army (Celtic Book of Days)
Kiss Someone Day (Pastafarian)
Louis of Toulouse (Christian; Saint)
Maginus (Christian; Saint)
Magnus of Anagni (Christian; Saint)
Magnus of Avignon (Christian; Saint)
Sebaldus (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Suffleupagus (Muppetism)
Noruz (Zoroastrian New Year's Day)
Ogden Nash (Writerism)
The Royal Birds (Muppetism)
Sebaldus (a.k.a. Sebald’s Day; Christian; Saint) [Bavaria]
Vinalia Rustica (Festival to Venus & Ripening Grapes; Ancient Rome)
Watch-the-Pot Wednesday (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [33 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [46 of 71]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [24 of 32]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 38 of 60)
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [36 of 60]
Nearly Asleep (Disney Cartoon; 1955)
The Big Blue (Film; 1988)
Bronco Buster (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Bulldozing the Bull (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
Cape Kidnaveral (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1961)
Conan the Barbarian (Film; 2011)
Day Dreams Come True at Night, by Dick Jurgen (Song; 1939)
Easy Money (Film; 1983)
Enter the Dragon (Film; 1973)
The Fame, by Lady Gaga (Album; 2008)
The 40-Year-Old Virgin (Film; 2005)
Frosty the Snow Man, by Annie North Bedford (Children’s Book’ 1950)
Horse Feathers (Film; 1932)
The Hunting Season (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
I Am a Bunny, by Ole Risom (Children’s Book; 1963)
Islands in the Stream, by Dolly Parton (Song; 1983)
It Started with a Kiss (Film; 1959)
I Was a Male War Bride (Film; 1949)
Kleo (German TV Series; 2022)
Kubo and the Two Strings (Animated Film; 2016)
A Lady Takes a Chance (Film; 1943)
Lullaby Land (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Midnight Special (Music TV Series; 1972)
Mr. Mom (Film; 1983)
The Pied Piper of Guadalupe (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
The Saint Bids Diamonds (a.k.a. Thieves’ Picnic), by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1937) [Saint #19]
Saucy Sausages (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Shark Tank (TV Series; 2009)
Turning the Fables (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
Valiant (Animated Film; 2005)
Vincent (Animated Film; 1988)
Today’s Name Days
Emilia, Johann, Julius, Sebald (Austria)
Ivan, Jordan, Magna (Croatia)
Ludvík (Czech Republic)
Selbadus (Denmark)
Maano, Maanus, Magnus, Mango, Mauno (Estonia)
Mauno, Maunu (Finland)
Jean (France)
Bert, Johann, Julius, Sebald (Germany)
Huba (Hungary)
Giovanni, Magno, Mariano (Italy)
Imanta, Marlene, Melanija (Latvia)
Argaudas, Balys, Boleslovas, Tolvina (Lithuania)
Sigvald, Sigve (Norway)
Bolesław, Emilia, Jan, Julian, Juliusz, Ludwik, Piotr, Sebald (Poland)
Lýdia (Slovakia)
Ezequiel, Juan, Magín (Spain)
Magnus, Måns (Sweden)
Sade, Sadie, Salina, Sally, Sara, Sarah, Sarai, Sari, Sarina, Zarah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 232 of 2024; 134 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 34 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 16 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 15 Av 5784
Islamic: 13 Safar 1446
J Cal: 22 Purple; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 6 August 2024
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 7 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Columbus]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 61 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 29 of 31)
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art-sciencedesigns · 2 months
Celebrate! Today Is Cupcake Day (Australia)
This is our daily reminder to joyfully pay it forward.Cupcake Day is an annual event celebrated in Australia with a delectable sense of fun and a dollop of whimsy, but it’s not just about indulging our sweet tooth. This delightful day is orchestrated by the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) as a fundraising initiative. The concept is simple yet brilliant: bake, share,…
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chloe-d-stories · 4 months
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Epsom Derby Day at Surrey Hills International Barn Labelled 'Great Success'
Internationally renowned equestrian competitors Chloe and Richard Dunbar (pictured) opened their stunning facilities this afternoon to celebrate the Epsom Derby. Sports correspondent Erica Liberty was there.
It's not every day as a sports correspondent that you get to pay a visit to one of the most locally well-known equestrian facilities. Much less that that facility happens to be right on your own doorstep, on one of the biggest and busiest days in the horse racing calendar.
While it's been a good few years since international show jumping riders Chloe and Richard Dunbar dabbled in the world of horse racing, they now focus on giving those same race horses a life after the track.
"We were going in fairly blind when we had a few racehorses that were still running" admits Chloe, chuckling sheepishly. "I know I quickly realised that we just didn't have the time, facilities or the staff to give those horses the training they deserved to be at their best potential, especially since we only had three racehorses - compared to over twenty horses competing in other disciplines" (dressage, show jumping and three-day-eventing).
"Now, we're in a much better position to be able to help with these horses' re-training and finding new purpose after their time on the racetrack is done. We've even brought on a group of them ourselves, and they've all done really well!"
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pictured: Richard with his off the track Thoroughbred, Star Spangled Man, enjoying a cuddle for our cameras
Two of these off-the-track Thoroughbreds (or OTTBs, as they're known in the horse world) currently located at the Dunbar's facility are very well-known locally and internationally, and feature regularly on the farm's social media.
Star Spangled Man (known affectionately as 'Spangles' around the barn) was foaled in 2018 and had a very short, unsuccessful racing career in Australia.
"I've watched footage of his old races" Richard tells me, giving the big bay stallion in question a scratch behind his ears, "you could tell his heart wasn't in it. He hated chasing the other horses around the track so he would keep his gallop really collected and stay at the back - almost like he was protesting!"
Is there still any of that attitude that remains?
Richard laughs when I ask him that. "Oh definitely! Catch him on a playful day and you won't get any sense out of him whatsoever! He loves to buck and play and just generally act like a bit of an idiot. If he's having a good day though, and he keeps his jumps over the things he's supposed to be jumping over, instead of just using them to show off!"
So, what's next?
"Well, we just got back from Ocala (USA), so they're having a bit of a rest at the moment" says Chloe. "Like us, they're enjoying the lovely summer weather and the sunshine!"
It's anything BUT rest for Chloe and Richard though, as their Epsom Derby Day charity cookout and party has attracted over 500 people - including horse-lovers and racing buffs from every generation. Entry to the day was a pound coin donation, with proceeds going to a number of charities dedicated to horse welfare - including World Horse Welfare, the RSPCA, as well as Life After Racing; a charity whose main goal is to ensure that racehorses have careers and loving homes after their lives at the track are over.
Well over 2000 pounds was raised between donations, buying food and drinks, and the raffle tickets sold on the day.
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petnews2day · 4 months
NOW OPEN! RSPCA unveils new $23m animal care campus
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/cPCPm
NOW OPEN! RSPCA unveils new $23m animal care campus
Share Tweet Share Share Email RSPCA South Australia is celebrating the grand opening of its new animal care campus today, located on the north-west corner of the South and Majors Roads intersection. This state-of-the-art facility brings together all RSPCA staff, volunteers, and animals onto a single site for the first time, aiming to advance animal […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/cPCPm #PetCharitiesNews
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shadowmallow · 9 months
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About a year ago, I found this lorikeet on my door step being attacked by mickey birds. It was just after a storm, it had an injured wing, and couldn't fly.
I called the RSPCA and they told me to pick it up with a towel, place it in a dark box with a towel at the base (so it wouldn't slip in transit). An animal ambulance came that afternoon and took the bird.
It's that time of year again in Australia, with storms and heatwaves. Animals get displaced and injured in storms. Dehydrated and heatstroke in heatwaves. Wildlife rescues and vets in Australia will care for native animals for free. I don't have a car or any means of getting an animal to a vet or anything myself, there are numbers to call depending on the state and location, they will send someone out to assist.
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qudachuk · 1 year
The RSPCA says it removed dogs amid investigation into alleged illegal breeding operationsFollow our Australia news live blog for the latest updatesGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastNearly 30 dogs and puppies are...
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