#rtc high school edition
frankenruth · 1 year
I am a Ride the Cyclone high school edition defender
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ivorypiano · 1 year
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i am rtc high school edition's #3 defender btw. anyways here were my favorite moments
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I think that Karnak lets everyone come back to life at the end for two reasons. One: let’s be real, putting them through all that just to bring them all back is such a Karnak thing to do. And two: THEY DESERVE IT GODDAMNIT
Noel’s favorite band is The Smiths
Mischa likes giving Ricky stickers to put on his cane or wheelchair
Ocean is aroace, but didn’t know she was aroace for a long time. She just thought she was “too mature” and “too focused on her schoolwork” to have crushes
Penny lets Noel borrow her dresses sometimes
Constance is extremely prone to infodumping (Penny could listen to her for hours though)
Ricky likes to “accidentally” run over Ocean’s toes with his wheelchair when she babies him
Mischa and Noel actually aren’t that bad at math; Mischa has a C and Noel has a B. Ocean just views anything below an A as “bad”.
Penny dressed up as Jane Doe for Halloween, and the rest of the choir found this hilarious
Taylor Swift is Ocean’s favorite singer and Penny’s celebrity crush
Constance has had a crush on everyone in the choir at some point (including Noel, but this was before he came out)
Ricky and Noel once tried to write a Monique/Bachelor Man crossover, but because their stories and writing styles were so different, it failed miserably. Now Ricky just draws pictures of Monique and the Bachelor Man kissing instead.
Ocean likes to wake up early, and Constance does not. So when they have sleepovers, Constance will often wake up and Ocean will have breakfast ready for her.
Ricky and Noel like to go on double dates with Constance and Penny
Noel and Ricky are both genderfluid. Noel is AMAB and Ricky is AFAB, and they’re both prone to dysphoria. If they had a nickel for every joke they made about switching bodies, Noel would have enough money to move to France and take the whole rest of the choir with him.
After the Cyclone thing, Mischa spends more evenings at Ricky’s place than his own
Prior to the Cyclone, Noel is extremely protective of Constance because of the way Ocean treats her
Mischa once overheard Noel talking about RuPaul’s Drag Race during choir. He thought it was an actual racing show and started watching it. It wasn’t what he expected, but it is now his favorite show. (This is technically semi-canon; in the high school edition, Mischa mentioned this.)
Penny and Noel are the definition of gay/lesbian solidarity
Penny and Constance like to go on picnic dates
Ocean and Noel are basically siblings. They actually do love each other and know each other better than anyone, but they live for getting on each other’s nerves, and Noel isn’t afraid to call Ocean out on her bullshit.
Ricky, Noel, Ocean: cat people
Mischa, Constance, Penny: dog people
They’re all autistic, I don’t make the rules
For Noel’s birthday, Ocean made him a bracelet that said his name with red and green beads (because Christmas). In return, Noel made Ocean a bracelet with her name and orange, yellow, white, blue, and teal beads (because beach colors; little did he know that those would become the aroace colors). They trade those bracelets every time they see each other.
Constance once made the mistake of having Mischa watch Up with her. He cried.
Ocean was Constance’s queer awakening in eighth grade. The crush lasted for about four months. ‘Twas a very awkward four months.
Mischa had a crush on a guy before meeting Talia, but didn’t realize it was a crush at the time because it was the mid 2000s and queerness wasn’t really talked about as much as it is today. When Ricky mentioned being bisexual, Mischa came to the conclusion that he was too.
Penny has what might be the greenest eyes that any of her friends have ever seen on a human
Constance is really good at styling hair, so Ocean and Penny always go to her when they want to have their hair look nice for a concert or contest
Ricky’s really good at doing people’s makeup
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izzyfizzykitty · 2 months
i love space age bachelor man and i think my favorite thing ever is that one clip of “DOWN BOY!”. im seeing rtc live in march of 2025 and its high school edition and im lowkey kind of excited to see how teens portray their characters..
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shokogast · 10 months
i find it really funny and also painfully relatable of ruth for getting irritated with the actors or screwing up their lines because it Can Absolutely Fuck You Over and maybe i feel more passionate about that considering i was technically in the same boat as ruth (assuming she likely ended up turning into "The Booth Person" for the school for understanding the board; this happened to me and it was. certainly something <3) and while things outside of high school theater do Get Better (and like usually you'd have an SM/ASM calling cues for you) i do find that from my own experience you do kinda have to end up memorizing bits of the script for specific cues, especially when running more high-restraint shows like my college's production of RTC? had over 400-600 fucking cues. the slightest slip up can make or break a show. and going by that name it makes her want to act all the more painful knowing that most likely she wouldn't be given that opportunity since her position already has been relegated to tech. i've been that guy / a "booth boy" where id even be asked to do shit for stuff outside the theater program but not even for my intended job. did ruth have to sit up in the booth and do something like "sound work"/help with powerpoint presentations in the auditorium. did she have to deal with every single last-minute edit suggestion that would only be mentioned at the end of rehearsal and leaving little time to achieve it? does ruth actually like lighting design or is she just resigned to this role? personally i am going to think that she likes it. and if not at the start, she has grown to like it/the thrill of seeing the way a show looks as a finished piece and when every cue is followed through in the way its intended to be
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aceoflanterns · 1 year
guys if i think about the high school edition of rtc for too long i’m gonna eat drywall
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
RTC headcanons: Ocean Edition!
Small TW for an ED, but other than that everything else is fine ;)
Ocean was born prematurely, and her parents were less surprised she was born early bc they didn’t want her to conform to society’s rules
Ocean’s favorite colors are green and white, her parents decorated her room in a well, ocean themed style with sea green and white paintings and colorful coral like paper weights and decor
Ocean doesn’t have a bed, her parents made her a hammock. After she was three they disassembled her bed and placed a hammock there telling her she’ll “feel the positive vibes” better
When Ocean was seven, she sang the national anthem “O Canada” at a hockey game, and a curly haired girl with thick glasses complimented on her singing. From that day, little Connie Blackwood and Ocean Rosenberg became “best friends”
Ocean never liked her appearance in the mirror. She was told she was perfect but felt like it was a lie. For the first year of high school, she had a very bad eating disorder that Constance helped her overcome
Ocean as a kid was always confused by the boy with curly hair who never talked, always was reading and using his hands. When her teachers explained Ricky couldn’t speak, she decided to talk to him, only for her to be confused by his weird hand language. Eventually she learned ASL, not for the benefit of communicating, but for the fact that she could brag about it
Ocean’s first interaction with Noel was a mess. They were both coloring their art, Ocean’s had her on top of the world, Noel’s was of his mom. They both grabbed the red crayon at the same time and had a fit over it, screaming and fighting and eventually snapping the crayon in half. From that day forward, Ocean and Noel were the worst of frenemies
Ocean caught Mischa stealing those three boxes of wine. Instead of telling anyone, she made a deal with him. Since she could tell he was already slightly inebriated, she asked him to join the choir in exchange for taking the wine. Mischa agreed hastily, and only realized what he did after Ocean smugly reminded him
Ocean was made head of the choir at eleven, something she was justly proud of, but at the time people would just come and go, no one would stick around that long except for her and Constance. So she blackmailed Noel and convinced Ricky’s parents to let him join, always telling herself it was “for the greater good”
Ocean always tells people she’s straight, but what she hides is the fact that she’s actually a lesbian in straight-passing clothing, not wanting to come out of the closet due to intense internalized homophobia
Ocean’s last regret when she was falling through the air was she’d never apologize to everyone she hurt. Her parents, because she was so distant with them, the choir, because she forced them into this, and Constance, for being a cruel friend. She covers up that shame by being overly confident and snarky, but deep down she feels awful about it
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shows-i-like · 2 years
I saw people say if they were to make edits to RTC this is what they would do so i'm gonna do it.
Non song changes
. Ricky will only be played by a disabled actor and treated correctly
. Ricky will also use a wheel chair
. Bring back the cut lines
. lots of props (I love costume changes and props)
Uranium suite
. Can it show Ocean's pov on the ride in the back
. During the first part of uranium suite it shows photos of uranium
. Most of the formations will somewhat reflect where their bodies were after the coster crashed
. use the turn table on the "round and round" part
. The singing will be normal but dance wise (once they're dead) some will be off count
What the world needs
. I saw someone else say this but they reflect what Ocean is saying
. it looks like high school musical
Like Noel and Mischa have those like varsity jackets, Jane and Constance have pompoms, and Ricky has a mascot head
. they can also have mega phones and flags that say "go Ocean" on it (this happens during the verses when she's talking about Mischa,Constance,and Ricky
. but we can keep the faces of Ocean for the chorus
. As Ocean starts to talk more about them they start to show discomfort (but Constance and Jane)
Noel's lament
. Ocean Jane and Constance costume change (think NXDE by (g)-idle)
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. Misha wears a trenchcoat with the collar up maybe a fake sticker on a lipstick mark on his neck
. Please lots a lot of props (like the McCarter version)
. Can we get a knife prop when pulling it out and putting it back there can be a thing attached to Noel's leg to hold the knife (this that one Yzma meme)
. the loud-ish BAM BAM during the instrumental part the others can stomp during that part (it looks nice in my head)
. Can we keep the child line (just tone it down)
. When the slower part of the song hits the rest are dancing but like in slow motion to the back part of the stage (by slower part I mean the rolling on the floor part)
. during the second half of the slower part (aka where Noel starts to sing again) they cast can be lined up in the back and the lights can be bright enough that it shows their silhouettes and they're in the poses they've been doing throughout the number it changes after every time they sing
. For the "my child" line Ricky can very quickly put on a robe and priest hat for the scene then go back to normal
. use some ideas from the cell block tango chorography
. fog...
This song is awesome
. I don't really have many changes for this song
. I think it's good how the original is
. I'm a sucker for the code name theory so yeah 🤪
. In the back the projections of Talia slightly switches her and Noel but as the song progresses the more it starts to switch
. Please blackrose and spacedolls dances in the back
. As the switching happens maybe Ocean can be the only one to really show that she notices it (I feel like she's the only one who seems like the person to notice)
. During the hip hop section each of them start to leave the stage at different sections leading to the next note
. rainbow lights at the hip hop part
. You know the thing that Mischa and Talia do at the end yeah. Replace it with Nole but like the rest of the stage is blacked out so your focus is on them. It kinda shows the progress of the song
. At the end so it makes sense the background projections of "Talia" would just by the basic field one it's Mischa's and Noel's part at the end
Space age bachelor man
. Ricky can use ASL
. He can do spinning things in his wheelchair
. Can it show projections of what Zolar looks like
. can Mischa "play" the guitar during the instrumental part then the rest of the choreography with Noel is the same
. The rest is fine
. Towards the end when they're doing the "zero gravity" part they're all in a line and Ricky does a duet with each of them
. can we keep the cat fight scene (seen in the 2015 production)
The ballad of Jane Doe
. I like the first part that can stay
. But right before the music changes all of them are in the rollercoaster formation then during the "WHY LORD" part then she starts to fly out of the formation
. I saw someone make a concept for this but can the girls have hats with like a piece of transparent fabric covering their eyes
. fog...
. I saw the Ohio production do this but please lights on the "WHY LORD" parts
. I saw the McCarter production do this but add the scream at the "ahh ahh" part if you know what I mean
. at the "and she's asking WHY LORD" do what the McCarter production did and have them sound like they're somewhat screaming
. at the end Jane can fade into the background and the dings at the end can have each of the choir members come forward so when they say "Jane Doe" it's just the choir without Jane
Sugar cloud
. Nothing needs to change about sugar cloud, sugar cloud is perfect
It's just a ride
. I like it as a whole
. But I want to add towards the end before they get back into the rollercoaster formation they see what their lives would be like if they didn't die on screen (I need angst)
. After the curtains close it shows Ocean's pov on the cyclone again (I also like the time loop theory BTW)
Uh yeah 🤪
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https://broadwaylicensing.com/shows/high-school-edition/ride-the-cyclone-hs/ rtc hs edition :3
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Testimony about Vista RTC in Utah
Hi, my name is Paloma, and I am a survivor of Vista RTC located in Magna Utah. I am writing this now as a 23 year old, married with a child, and expecting another one next month. The life I lead today is uncomplicated, but that was not always the case. I was a “troubled teen” and had started drugs- my parents sent me to wilderness and Vista RTC as a way for me to get help. Only help is not what I got. The moment I was forcibly put on a plane by a company called “Crisis Interventions”, my life was changed forever. Here I am all these years later , just so fucked up over what happened to me. There’s so much that went on I can’t even begin to tell it all today but I will outline some of the abuse I endured.
I was not allowed to speak for weeks and weeks at a time. This is a punishment called RO (also known as re orientation) where you are not allowed to speak with any of the other kids. If you get caught talking to the other kids, they will also be put on RO. Being a young teenager and not being able to speak for weeks on end would drive me crazy. It was the worst thing they could do- take away your voice. I fought for a long time , tried to engage in small acts of defiance, but after not being allowed to speak for about 3 months I gave up and submitted. You should see my journals and how fucked up they are. I literally prayed for anyone to come save me but no one did.
if you try and leave they will strip you down, put you in bright pink scrubs and put you on something called “10 foot” it means you have to be 10 feet away from all the other kids at all times, no speaking and no eye contact. If you are caught looking at a 10 foot you will be dropped to RO. You can speak with your fingers only (1 I believe is bathroom , 2 is emergency, and I forgot what 3 is) oh and a staff member has to be within arms length of you at all times, to watch you shit, shower , dress, everything- for weeks , sometimes even months. My mind blanks out about some parts of vista. Another punishment they use is isolation rooms. I never recall being put into isolation but weirdly enough I have letters from staff reminiscing about how when I tried to leave and was put in the isolation rooms. It was in my graduation letter where this was mentioned- as if this would have been a fond memory or something. I remember the staff member made a joke like “all the fun times we had while you were in isolation” but honestly so much happened that I tried to block out I’m honestly not surprised.
the way they abuse you the most is with therapy. They make you have 2 hour groups every day. These are INTENSE groups where they force you to feel sad or ashamed about things you don’t feel sad/ashamed about. They make you recount your sexual traumas even if you aren’t ready. They literally force you to cry about situations you aren’t sad about. If your not “beleiveable” enough , they have the group rip you to shreds and say they “aren’t connecting”. If people “aren’t connecting” then you can’t go up levels which extends your stay. I tried fighting and being my authentic self for a while until I realized I would literally never go home unless I played their game. You literally have to go into group and give an Oscar award winning performance, tears , snot the whole nine- about something you literally don’t even feel that way about. I would be “crying” reliving all these sexual traumas that happened to me that I really felt different emotions about , but be forced to only be sad and cry. I would literally be so focused on whether I was believed or not that I got nothing out of the “therapy” whatsoever , except for more trauma.
They train the group of girls to be like a pack of dogs, constantly berating the newer people and constantly telling other girls they “aren’t connecting” in group. This is called “holding others accountable” and it gives you extra brownie points and is necessary if you ever want to walk out that door. The girls will snitch on you for the most minute things just so they can get moved to the next level. I remember after FINALLY making it to a higher level, being dropped to RO because a girl snitched on me for sharing a spoon with my friend. We were eating a banana (separate ones) and using a spoon to put peanut butter on said banana. I was dropped to RO and not allowed to speak for weeks because of that. I’m guessing that because they were super Mormon that they think sharing utensils is like lesbianism or something- I really don’t know. They had a ton of these rules and everything we did was regulated down to the minutes we could shower.
They made us feel ashamed and terrible about ourselves at all time. I was not allowed to see my parents for months at a time. All out phone called were monitored and if we started asking for help they would hang up. (Like we literally had someone next to us while we got our phone call there to listen and hang up if you said anything negative) you had to stay in character during calls if you ever wanted to go home. -I once wrote a letter starting each line with a different capital letter so that when you read it it would read “AYUDA ME” down the side of the paper (my mom and I speak Spanish) this letter was confiscated and thrown away (all mail is read before it’s sent out)
these little ass girls were getting strip searched and literally made to cough and squat any time they came back from a pass. Literally little ass girls forced to strip for adults - how fucking horrifying. It’s like they were preparing us for prison.
I actually got out and went straight to IV drugs. I used this experience to fuel my self destruction for a long time. I actually spent about a year in jail altogether right after vista , and let me tell you- jail was HEAVEN compared to Vista. At least they didn’t abuse us with therapy and make us keep some fucking ridiculous character all day.
Anyways that’s all I’m going to write for now as it’s getting late, I will write more later and encourage anyone who has been to Vista to share their experiences. Even writing this I feel like a weight is coming off my shoulders. I still die inside every time I think of being sent here - even all these years later.
Edited to add- We also went by a point system and were graded for each thing me did such as “20 minute snack” “one hour school” “15 minute morning chore” “bed made”. Literally every aspect of our life was graded and we were constantly docked points and given zeros for the most minute things. The thing worth the most points was group therapy (yes we were graded on fucking therapy) so if you didn’t preform well enough or cry hard enough about someone random then you would get a 0. If you didn’t score high enough at the end of the week you would be dropped to RO, then the next week if your points were high enough you could get off RO. This was a big threat and reason a lot of us stayed submissive. RO sucked and meant you weren’t going home for a long time so you had to try and be perfect at all times. If you lost one of these point sheets you were immediately dropped (to RO) for a person with ADD this was a constant problem for me and I was dropped multiple times for it.
I would also like to add that every person that ran was tackled and severely restrained (possible beaten but I’m not sure) you would hear the screams from outside the doors of the girls being caught. Harrowing screams, like they were being killed. To this day I don’t know if they were being hurt or if they were just so fucking upset they were being dragged back.
My roommate got out of Vista and immediately shot herself in the head (and lived) most people from Vista got much much worse and have a hard time taking about it. I did too, and honestly this thread is the most I’ve ever shared.
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frankenruth · 1 year
Ocean sold Girl Guide cookies when she was 10 and Constance was the only one that bought them (she thought the cookies were kinda gross but Ocean had thrown multiple fits over not getting any sales so)
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che-ck-your-self · 7 years
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The Book Quickly Wanders Away from its Title Message, Ironically, Like a Teenager with a Short Attention Span I read with alacrity "Brain Based Parenting: the neuroscience of caregiving for healthy attachment", on which Daniel J. Seigel was the third author, and gave that book 5 stars in an Amazon.com review. So I started out with high expections for Siegel's more recent work, Brainstorm. Really, I did. Unfortunately the weaknesses of the book far outweighed its strengths, for me anyway, as I'll outline below. There are multiple other books on raising and understanding teenagers I'd recommend before this one, as I'll list at the end. Go to Amazon
Brainstorm I love this guy's books and the concepts contained therein. My foster son (now a Mental Health Nurse Practitioner) turned me on to Daniel J. Siegal when he was attending Oregon Health Sciences University. I helped him edit his papers and Master's thesis and have learned a lot from all the exposure to psychotherapy. I will be ever grateful to Michael for that among a host of things! Go to Amazon
Too much self-help, not enough about the brain This is not a book I would typically read. However, my wife gifted it to me last Christmas, as we have has pre-teen son who is on his way to being a teen son. I can’t say that I opened to the first page with a fully open mind, but I was intrigued by how the book was billed as more a text on the science of adolescent neurology than a self-help book. If it were a science book, I could get into that, but there was a lot of self-help themed exercises that were more distracting than helpful to the casual reader. Go to Amazon
Benefits All Ages I'm grateful to Daniel J. Siegel MD. He gifted the world with a wonderful, easy-to-follow look at life experiences, relationship bonds and the effects on the brain. Vice-a-versa: how brain development influences our love relationships. I've read many developmental psychology books for study and pleasure. This is the best I've ever read on the subject of optimizing the brain in order to improve connection with ourselves and our loved ones. I prefer the simpler title, Brainstorm, because the information is universal. Go to Amazon
Awesome, just awesome Awesome, just awesome. This is the RTC, therapeutic boarding school, wilderness therapy field guide manual to the adolescent brain. Siegel is brilliant, engaging and not way over your head when it comes to neuroscience. It is so readable that my HS students read it for therapy and work through the mindset exercises without being confused or thinking that it's middle school drivel. Go to Amazon
If you have a teen, it's a must read or listen ! Great Five Stars Absolutely Read It Five Stars Good, but Tedious Great overview Five Stars Five Stars Five Stars
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frankenruth · 1 year
idc what u say this version goes hard
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frankenruth · 1 year
What do you guys think the high school version of jawbreaker looks like?
My best guess is she had her first kiss behind the porta-potties (+the swear at the end was changed to gosh darn or something like that)
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sydneyofalltrades · 1 year
RTC headcanons: Noel Edition!
Noel has a middle name, he just hates it being used or mentioned or ever brought into the light. When Constance asked him one day what it was, he whispered, quite mortified, “Lawerence.”
Noel enjoys black tea. Not coffee, no sugar. Just black tea. The others don’t understand why but they do support his odd drink choices
Noel actually doodles like a tattoo artist. He has indeed doodled what he would believe to be Monique’s tattoos and more possibilities for tattoos because he gets bored very fast
After Noel’s suspension from Grade 7, his mom just laughed and let him watch all his favorite movies until the sun came up
Noel loves indie music, he even knows how to play the piano. Because of Mischa’s influence, he got into rap and because of Penny is also a Swiftie
Noel’s deep rooted hatred of Ocean stems from her being incredibly homophobic as a preteen. She would argue that being gay isn’t biological, and only apologized after she learned Noel was gay, but he knows she only did it to uphold her reputation
When Noel realized he had developed a crush on Mischa was when Mischa gave him a bracelet of the gay flag for his birthday. Noel still has the bracelet but doesn’t wear it bc he doesn’t want Mischa to know he had feelings for him
Noel and Constance are still friends, just less close than when they were kids. Sure sometimes Constance will go over to Noel’s place when his mom wasn’t around and they’d make cupcakes for each other and maybe Noel would stand up to Ocean for Connie, but when they were little they were thick as thieves
Noel actually commissioned Ricky for his first drawing of Monique. Ricky did it in four days and didn’t want his friend’s money, but Noel still gave him the 45$ he owed him
Noel and Penny weren’t super close, but they were still good friends. Penny was new to St. Cassian and Noel took her around the school. He asked her if she could come over after school and they spent the rest of the day watching their favorite movies
Noel loves hanging out with Mischa, he’ll clear his schedule, cancel plans, do anything he can just to look at him. But after some time he started being distant, because he was scared he’d lose his close friend if he found out about his crush
Noel is genderfluid! He still goes by he/him pronouns and has a hard time trying to express himself, but he’s proud of who he is
Noel’s mom, Mona Gruber, was always his biggest inspiration. He loved his mama bc she was always working hard to support him and his life choices, even if that meant him having to spend the night at a friend’s place because she couldn’t come back from work
Monique Gibeau, the name of his persona, was named after his mom and his crush. Noel loved that his mother supported him and Mischa supported him, so he named his fictional hooker after the two people he cared for most
Besides Mischa, Noel is actually the closest to Ricky. They were fast friends and would spend most of first grade just writing notes and sending doodles to each other. In high school Noel would often take Ricky out and they’d skip the subjects they didn’t like, just to hang out
Noel was always a flamboyant child, but nothing beats his performance for the Uranium City Pride Parade where he of all people dressed in the brightest colors and did a full dance routine to Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way”
When the rollercoaster fell off track, the first thing Noel thought of was Mischa. About how his phone might break and he won’t text whoever it was he’s been sending messages to all year, about how he was dying just like the rest of them. So he grabbed his hand as they fell, and Mischa squeezed it back
After Penny came back, Noel admitted his feelings for Mischa. Mischa was a little stunned, to say the least, but he told him it was alright. He didn’t reciprocate those feelings until later, but they’re happy in the afterlife together
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