#wallace drabbles
shokogast · 3 months
devil and angel on my shoulder except for me its riz gukgak and dipper pines
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emile-tb · 8 months
Have I mentioned that I made a another Narrator design? :)
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dalandan012 · 10 months
I'm pretty sure lots of other people in the scott pilgrim universe notice how scott and wallace share clothes together..... Like i know its a common thing mentioned by everyone in the fandom, but I'm genuinely interested in seeing how other characters react to it. Stacey Pilgrims is the first one to notice during their college years btw. She goes to the kitchen at 2am to get snacks and wallace is there wearing only scott's shirt and his boxers... "Did you have gay sex with my brother?" "No, but he did throw up on me." He asks stacey where the hangover pills are and just leaves the scene after
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fidothefinch · 1 month
the sun will come out (tomorrow)
Jason was quiet as he climbed into the back seat of the Lexus.
Alfred gave him a thorough but subtle check over before he shut the door for his young charge. Nothing in his school uniform was amiss. His backpack looked lighter than usual, but then, he wouldn’t have as much homework today, due to the field trip. His pallor was acceptable, though his expression was that of a child who had seen too much of the world, much too early.
As he returned to his own seat, Jason’s forehead knocked gently against the glass of the window.
“How was your school trip, Master Jason?”
Jason inhaled shakily. “It was okay.” At Alfred’s silence, he continued, voice fractured, “I’m just ready to go home.”
Alfred hummed. “Of course.” He mentally scrapped his conversation starters as he pulled the car back into traffic. Jason had been buzzing with excitement all week, all month, leading up to the day. One of the theaters on Grand Avenue had arranged a special showing for the school children of Gotham. Alfred had expected no less than several hours’ worth of excited conversation, analyzing the musical motifs, dialogue, and themes of the show.
Despondence radiated from the back seat.
They had reached the outskirts of the city center when Jason’s small voice asked, “Am I a bad person?”
“Of course not!” Alfred was quick to reply. “Whatever would give you that idea?”
“But I’m not. . . plucky.”
“I overhear your conversations with Master Bruce, and I beg to differ.”
“No, really.” Jason scooted forward until his elbows could rest across the shoulders of either seat in the front, no doubt disregarding the parameters for effectively wearing a seat belt. “I don’t think I am. I don’t—I didn’t . . . .” he trailed off, clearly struggling to voice his thoughts.
“Does this have something to do with your field trip?”
Jason’s frame sagged, and he slipped back into his own seat again. “Annie never gave up hope,” he muttered.
Alfred’s heart stuttered at the name. If he and Bruce had realized which musical was showing this year—
“Camille and Ashton kept staring at me, and then on the bus ride back to school they kept whispering, and I was going to let it roll off my back, just like you always said. But then we were discussing it in class after, and Mrs. Mayhew was talking about ‘optimism’ and how it’s a good character trait. A-and,” Jason stuttered, breath hitching. “Ashton asked me if I could relate to Annie because I’m an orphan.”
Alfred sucked in a sharp breath, anger sparking in his chest. Before he could say anything, Jason barreled on.
“And then him and Camille started asking me a bunch of stuff about—about living on the street, and my mom? And I don’t know who, but someone else said—” and Jason’s breath hitched into a sob. “Said I wasn’t even a good orphan unless I was plucky like Annie.”
“Oh, Master Jason,” Alfred breathed. “Your classmates had no right to make demands like that. And they certainly have no right to tell you how you should feel or behave.”
Jason needed several seconds to collect himself, and still his voice was watery. “I know, but aren’t they right? I stole, and-and I did what I had to to survive. But I—there were times—I thought I was going to die. I lost hope, and-and what good can I be if I don’t have hope?”
Alfred waited a moment to reply, collecting his thoughts and wrestling his emotional reaction down. Jason’s quiet hitched breaths and sniffs filled the silence.
“Hope can be found again,” Alfred finally said, choosing his words carefully. “And I have much more respect for those that find hope than those who never faced losing it. Master Jason, you were a child in an impossible situation, and your resilience and capacity for kindness is a testament of your hope.”
A long sniff from the back seat.
“You give me hope,” Alfred admitted. He pictured the change he had witnessed in Bruce, the lightness Jason had brought to the Manor in Dick’s absence. That one of Gotham’s children could be exposed to the worst she had to offer, and yet still yearn to work toward her betterment, changed his outlook for the city.
“Thanks, Alfred.”
Later, there would be phone calls to make, poetry to slip under Jason’s door, hot chocolate to make. Right now, Alfred let his composure slip just a moment, and found Jason’s red-rimmed eyes in the rear-view mirror.
“Of course, Jason.”
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sunncutter · 1 month
dead reckoning
✧ dead reckoning: finding yourself bothered by somebody's death more than you would have expected, even if they were only an abstract presence in your life.
The mountain path was gorgeous in the late autumn, crisp air dense with the sicksweet scent of leaves fallen to the earth. They crunched beneath her horse's hooves, painting the trail behind her with a waving, patterned blanket of golds, yellows, of red. 
She had not thought that she would have found herself in Bern again so soon after the end of it all, after the battle with the dragon, after putting down Nergal. There had been such immense relief, the tight joy that squeezed at all of their hearts – as though they could not have believed their good fortune, to make it through to see the other side. 
It was still so surreal to her, the dizzying course that her life had taken, shuttling her forth to experiences and lands so foreign that she had almost forgotten what had set her on her path to begin with. 
Dismounting stirred the leaves at her feet, snapping the twigs that lay just underneath with a crackle that raked across the silence of the little hamlet she had come across. 
No. Come across not by happenstance, but sought out. 
It was...empty. She had known that it would be, but there was a part of her that wanted to see for herself, to set her own eyes upon the waste that had been laid upon her behalf. If either of these facts confirmed – that it had been done, and that it had been done for her – was supposed to calm her heart, then it failed. 
Lyn's fingers trembled, curling into fists the farther her footsteps took her into Taliver territory. There was a part of her, the vicious, snarling beast in her heart that so few had the stalworthy spirit to face and acknowledge, that flickered images of their final moments before her eyes, the shock rimming their eyes in white and the screams trembling upward in the air, heard by none but each other and their mighty intruder. 
The crunch beneath her foot came more delicate to her ears, brought her up short as she drew her step back, knelt down to brush aside the carnage of leaves to find a small, crumpled doll, the length of its tiny blade snapped beneath her step. 
Lyn traced her fingertips thoughtfully over the shape of the thing, uncertain of the tug of her heartstrings – had they children? Had they families, children borne of the women stolen for generations of their brutality? Had Wallace - ? 
Brow furrowed as she lifted the little toy up, the prick of rattan against her fingers, and she felt the lick of flames course through her breast anew. 
No. This was no Taliver child's toy. This was the craftsmanship of Sacae – it may or may not have been Lorca, but it was kin to her all the same. 
When her footsteps drew her to what seemed to be the center of their hamlet, she knelt – no town and no camp, somehow, but clearly an area theirs and lived in; however disgusting she found the notion, this was their home. It took her a moment of steady breathing to quiet her mind, enough to set her hands to practiced tasks – digging incense and bundles of pine and sage from her pack, the wineskin, small carved figurines, and arranging them before her. She considered each with a heavy sincerity, not speaking the words of rite as she had when she had buried the bodies of her people, but with an intensity that tightened her throat as she lit the incense, the pine and the sage, and scattered them to ash before her. 
Gently, Lyn doled out portions of the wine into small puddles amongst the ash, taking a careful, thoughtful swig from the skin herself before setting it down, her heartbeat pounding a baleful drum melody in her gut as she, with finality she laid the souls of her people to rest. 
Her hands shook as she retrieved the vial from where it had rested, secured and heavy in her satchel, radiating such intent that she had been afraid it might have eaten through the glass, through the cloth and leather of her pack, even the flesh of her horse's haunches. 
She wasn't sure what had been in it, could scarcely recall when she had asked Canas for it and had not thought to listen when he had begun to detail every ounce of darkness that he had allowed to seep into it – did not know if it was magical, or if it was merely the corrosive forces of Mother Earth herself, or if it was some unholy marriage of the two. 
It was, he had assured her, as vile as he could fathom to make it. 
Her eyes flicked over the liquid inside, creeping up and down the sides of the vial with the motion of her hand before she broke the seal, the acrid stink burning her nose as the air rushed in and met with the waiting malintent of the poison's surface. 
A quick breath – in, out – and she raised her arm parallel to the earth. 
"I come to you in challenge, as leader of the Lorca, the people who you have so wronged," she announced to the open air, her breath curling in mist at the chill in the air. "I come to you with my blade and my heart bared, and I will not leave until I have satisfaction." 
The challenge was never meant to be metaphor, and she grit her teeth around the final word, jerking her chin up. 
"For what you have done, you will never know the kind hand of Father Sky, never wrap in the warm embrace of Mother Earth, and your spirits will be condemned to wander in perpetuity," she continued, fighting as her throat tightened, a tremulous vein weaving its way into her voice. "I do not have the offerings of the noble dead for you, only the shame that you have brought – to yourselves, to your families, and to those who carry your blood forward. A thousand curses upon you, those who haunt this land, the Taliver!" 
Briefly, she saw the broad, whiskery smile of her father, his proud leathery face creasing with his kindness for her – she saw flickering before her the vibrancy of her mother's eyes, those eyes that she carried herself, the eyes that she had carried forward from her father... 
Her hand tipped, the offering she had brought to the fallen Taliver sloshing to the side -  
"Lady Lyndis. If you truly wished revenge upon them, you should be happy. Hatred can be strength. On the plains, you needed that strength to survive. But left too long, hatred can twist and consume you." 
And, unbidden, she saw her granduncle's face. Proud, in his way, long and bearing the noble features of the royal family of Caelin – so alike his brother in structure, but their hearts polar opposites. She had not been there, when Lundgren had cursed his brother to a long, slow death, but she felt the burn of indignation as it was happening, the visceral hate that charred her innards. 
When she blinked, the world misted, her hand shaking terribly now, wracked with the sob that she could not voice – whether out of pride, or out of pain, she could not decide. 
But she could not bring herself to do it, to salt this field with the cruelty that had been shown to her – to her people, those closest to her heart, once and again. 
"There is no kindness left in this world for you - !" The rapidity that the strength of her voice deteriorated shocked her, and Lyn ground her jaw tighter, willing the conviction of her rage to carry her forward as it always had, but...  
"You do not deserve this - !" 
She could not decide who she spoke to, then, her voice warping around the words until she brought the vial close to her chest and crumpled forward into weeping, her tears dripping down her face to speckle the ground, to mingle with the wine and the ash that she had scattered there, that evaporated into the air and seeped into the earth. 
Was it they, those who had earned the hatred of the peoples who they had burnt and pillaged, who did not deserve her kindness – or was it she, last borne of those peoples, whose heart still beat in her chest in spite of all those who had challenged her, who had seen the fallen of her loved ones and decided that she would be the final punctuation on Caelin, on the Lorca? 
She who did not deserve to bear the weight of a revenge unattainable? 
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exdeadwife · 2 years
Idk what this is or where to put it so here’s a little drabble thingy. <3
The week before he moved out, Scott changed his shampoo. For the many years of his and Scott’s roommate-hood Scott used the same shampoo. A sweet clean smell that Wallace would turn his nose into on their shared pillows. A very Scott-like smell, it perfectly suited his messy hair and unkept personality. It was sweet and subtle and meant he had just showered. When his hair was damp and he had laid on the bed the smell would linger longer.
Ramona was good for Scott, a necessary change for the good of his friend. And he liked Ramona, he really did. Ramona bought Scott a new shampoo, the scent of cherry blossoms and a feminine touch to Scott’s life. The pillows no longer smelled like his Scott but a new Scott, a more resolved Scott.
Wallace loved his new apartment. He loved living with his boyfriend. Mobile was clean and did his part and paid half the rent. Mobile was a way better roommate than Scott had ever been yet Wallace still missed him.
Mobile had not been around much the first week of living together, giving Wallace the apartment mostly to himself. He missed Scott’s permanent lump on their bed, his constant presence always annoying Wallace before but now he sort of missed it.
He had spent his entire day off stuck in his bed. He didn’t get up to greet Mobile at the door, he lay under his blanket pushing his nose further into his pillow trying to smell Scott on it. His nose was only met with cherry blossoms, with Ramona’s perfume, with mobiles own soap. No scent of what used to be his home.
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soapybastard · 8 months
little drabbles of me and wallace :3
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• i feel like wallace would tolerate me like he does with scott but more Um. romantically
• i would totally wear his sweaters casually and he’d see me wear one of them one day and he’d try not to blush. when i would notice that he saw i was wearing it (without permission) i would be like all apologetic and stuff and he would just tell me that it was really cute of me to do that.
• i’d lowkey force him to watch spongebob with me
• i feel like he would love trashy reality tv like 90 day fiancé and i love that too so we would just watch that type of stuff and just yell at the tv at how the people on tv suck. it’s a hate watching situation and we both love it
• also i would introduce him to drag race. like i feel like he knows it but he’s never seen the actual show. we would watch season 6 first (my fav season…) and just watch the rest!! we’d also binge unhhh and just have a fun gay time
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romancingbarret · 2 months
Rating: General Audiences Relationship: Barret/Cloud Characters: Cloud Strife, Barret Wallace Additional Tags: Mid-Canon, Memory Loss, Crushes, Oh No He's Hot, Double Drabble Wordcount: 200
There was someone’s hand. On his arm, on his waist.
After his near-plunge at the Corel mines, Cloud thinks he remembers Barret's touch.
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loafyall · 1 year
Daigo- you guys wanna see the new rock I found?
Alan- Daigo-, for the sake of Arceus,don't .
Daigo- Oh come on alan!
Alan- you probably picked it up from the side of the road!
Manon- you guys act like Couples.
Mikuri- they are couples.
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
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Basically Hinode Drabbles lol
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shokogast · 4 months
happy pride month to the photo album i made dedicated to riz gukgak fanart to keep me going through spring semester. it's all thanks to you big guy
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Tom was buzzing. He hadn’t felt this close to a lead in months. And, somehow, Nick was being completely indifferent about the whole thing. His partner was simply reading something on his screen, not even bothering to touch the pasty his own sister had put on the desk.
‘What - what are you doing?’ Tomasz asked, utter disbelief behind his voice. ‘We could have a chance here to do something. To catch -’
‘No,’ Nicolaus said simply, causing Tom to sink into his chair. It was as if someone had deflated him; a feeling which was only exacerbated by Nick finally raising his icy blue eyes from the screen and looking to Tomasz. ‘We don’t. It was all lies.’
‘How do you know?’
An almost wry smile tugged at Nick’s lips before he looked back to the screen. ‘Mr. Andrews is in here every other week, stating he can help with some big case or another.’
‘But… But what if this time it isn’t all “Boy Who Cried Wolf”?’
Nick arched an eyebrow. ‘Don’t you mean what if it is that? What if this time the story checks out?’
‘Exactly,’ said Tom, leaning forwards on the desk, eager to hear how exactly Nick was going to explain this away.
Nick nodded thoughtfully before breaking off a piece of his pasty. Still, he didn’t eat it, merely put it on a different piece of the napkin. ‘It’s for exactly that reason that I’ve got someone looking into it. Just not us. Now, pass me that file.’ And then, he looked back to his screen.
With a sigh, Tomasz reached for the file in question. He huffed as he slid it off the desk - not caring that he seemed like some kind of petulant child in doing so - and handed it to his partner, really hoping that they might just actually get a break in this case sooner rather than later.
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nightwngz · 1 month
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— 𝓐 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 ✮!! eng.
fratboy!wally west x fem!reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀… drabble, porn with plot. smut. dirty talk, multiple orgasms, oral sex, fingering.
𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲. . . as I said in my other posts, English is not my first language. I have tried to make corrections with the translator, but as you all know, it is prone to making mistakes, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if anything sounds weird.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. . . A friend of mine gave me the idea for this, so I said, 'Okay, this sounds good,' and decided to write it. I hope you like it.
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Since you started university, you’ve always been part of the crowd. You never cared about being popular or standing out in class; you just wanted to get by like everyone else. You made an effort to fit in without drawing attention, avoiding conflict and focusing on passing with just enough.
Being part of the university meant interacting with certain people, even those you weren't particularly interested in but had to tolerate. Like the popular guys from a fraternity whose name you couldn’t quite remember, led by Richard Grayson and Wallace West—better known to their friends as Dick and Wally—or those slightly higher on the social ladder than you.
Dick Grayson was friendly, and his appearance clearly explained why he was so popular. He was also sweet and kind, so much so that if one of your friends asked you directly, you'd probably admit to having a crush on him. Wally, on the other hand, was a different story. Although he was funny and somewhat charming, and also popular because he was Dick's best friend, he didn't appeal to you as much. In fact, there were times when he would shamelessly try to flirt with you, but you would just respond with a gesture before completely ignoring him.
Conveniently, no matter how hard you tried to stay away from Wally, he always found a way to cross your path. Like the day you were sitting with Timothy Drake in the cafeteria when Dick Grayson came over to say hello to his brother. Wally seized the opportunity, walked up, grabbed Dick by the shoulders, and wasted no time flirting with you.
— Don't worry, babe. If you don't understand anatomy, I can give you a lesson or two.
You don't know what part of you thought it was a good idea to have Wally help you study. But you didn't realize how bad it was until the books fell off the bed where you were supposed to be studying and his face literally ended up between your legs.
You had never been with someone with such fast skills, so to speak. It was like being with The Flash himself. His tongue moved quickly over your wet pussy, causing your eyes to roll back in pleasure.
His tongue glided over your lips, tracing them from top to bottom, while his greenish gaze was fixed on yours. With one hand he helped you to spread your legs wider and with the other he filled your tight hole completely with two of his fingers. Then, growing restless, he moved to your clit, where he began to give you sweet, teasing licks. His mouth moved so quickly between your clit and your lips that it seemed he was caressing both at the same time.
And when you arched your back, with moans so intense that Wally was sure they could be heard in the hallway, he knew you would climax any moment, for the third time that night, with minimal effort on his part. It hadn’t even taken him more than five minutes.
Sweat trickled down your forehead as you reached your climax, and a wave of pleasure swept through your entire body. As you gasped, you watched as Wally pulled away from between your legs, a mischievous smile on his face. He looked beautiful, his mouth smeared with your fluids, and maybe that's why you didn't ask him to clean up.
— Damn, babe, that was so good. After what comes next, you'll be so dazed that the only name you'll remember from these books will be "Wally”.
You looked at him with wide eyes, confused by what he meant by 'after what comes next.' Hadn’t it ended? You wondered if you could handle more, given that you had already had more than you could bear.
— Oh, what? Did you think that was it? Unfortunately for you, we're not done yet. And I have enough stamina to fuck you for hours.
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twiixr4kidz · 10 months
hey can i get some wallace wells x reader x scott pilgrim >_< tysm in advance!! :D
OH MY GOD YES??? i fucking LOVE scott and wallace together.......... here's a little drabble, hope that's ok!!!! <3
every since you moved in with scott and wallace, you've become apart of both of their daily routines. you wake up buried in between them, wallace hogging the blanket and scott attached to your waist. you'll be half asleep when you feel wallace begin to stir. he gets up and stretches, heads over to the bathroom to watch his face, and then goes to the kitchen to start breakfast. it's probably an omelette and bacon, but the scent of something sweet is wafting from to kitchen.
it's only 20 minutes later when wallace calls over to the two of you, but it feels like it's been hours. scott's drooling on your shoulder, still sound asleep when wallace walks over. you sit up and he places a plate of bacon and pancakes and on omelette on your lap.
"morning hun, how'd you sleep?" he asks, sitting down next to you. you smile softly and he reaches over and tucks a small bit of hair behind your ear. scott rolls over and wallace shakes his head.
"i have to leave but make sure prince charming gets his breakfast, kay?" wallace leaves a soft kiss on your forehead before heading to the bathroom to get changed. the apartment is cold but on mornings like these, you feel so warm, so thankful for your boys.
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girlkisser13 · 3 months
wallace "wally" west masterlist
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* indicates smut
dating wally west would include
nsfw headcanons *
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c0ffee-gh0ul · 8 months
could you maybe do how Wallace would be with a ftm!reader as his boyfriend? like he completely knows that reader is trans while dating them. thank you sm :3
(it could be just a drabble, headcanons, or a combination of the two. thank you again!)
eeeeee yes!!!! as a wallace lover and a trans ftm person, this was a really exciting one for me!!!
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Wallace is super educated on trans history, trans rights, and anything in between just to be supportive of you!
He will definitely mouth off to anyone who misgenders or deadnames you.
When you’re feeling dysphoric, he gives you so many compliments!
“Honey, you’re the most handsome person I’ve ever laid eyes on, don’t you know that? Not to mention the manliest man. The most perfect man I could ever hope and dream for.”
If you decide to get any surgeries, he is the best nurse you’ll ever have. He does everything in his power to make sure his sweetheart is comfortable and well cared for!
If stealing his clothes is gender-affirming for you, that’s all he needs. He doesn’t care how much you steal from him.
Your happiness in your body is all that matters to him!
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