kimyanninblack · 3 months
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luuber6framtid · 6 months
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frankennon · 2 years
Your Crocodile
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My Crocodile
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Also known as Rumpelstiltskin
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Once upon a time...
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crypticpawpoems · 4 months
Regina's Introduction to Magic
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Regina was hurt. She had nowhere to go. All she could think of Was her revenge on Snow.
She couldn’t stay with her mother For another day. She decided then and there That she would run away.
On her trusty steed, She galloped down the dirt path In hopes to escape Her mother’s wrath.
Then without warning, Like unexpected mines, Something reached out and grabbed Regina, A tangle of mossy vines.
The vines turned her Around to view Her mother, Cora, Who resembled a shrew.
“You cannot leave, Regina. I’ve cast a barrier spell. You cannot leave without the king. He serves our family well.”
Regina saw the magic book in Cora’s hands And struggled against the spell. She knew that the strong undergrowth Had become her prison cell.
“Don’t struggle against the vines, dear. They’ll only grow tighter. I knew from the beginning That you were quite a fighter.”
Cora released her And the vines fell loose. If they were holding Regina any longer, They would have become her noose.
Regina fell upon the ground With a small bruise on her fore. The hatred she felt towards Cora Grew even more.
The next day, They all rode out to the castle. With the king, Regina, Cora, and her father, It was quite the hassle.
Even though Regina Would’ve liked to detain her, She had Snow White Come to her new chamber.
You see, Regina had to keep up This good reputation Or surely, the king Would give her a deadly proclamation.
Snow White and Regina Were simply bonding. Something caught Snow White’s eyes And sent her pondering.
Snow White reached Towards a box And opened it While bouncing her black locks.
She reached in her hand For she was seeking. Out she pulled a necklace With a golden ring.
Then Snow White asked Without hesitation, “Where did you get this? What was the occasion?”
She slipped the necklace Around her neck To keep her curiosity In check.
Regina grasped the back of the chain And pulled with all her might. She started to choke Little Snow White.
“It came from Daniel, Who, thanks to you, is dead! You’re very lucky That you still have your head.
It’s all because You couldn’t keep your promise, Snow!” Snow gasped out, “I didn’t know! I didn’t know!”
But, alas, killing Snow Was all in Regina’s head. Here is what She said instead,
“I don’t remember.” And she left it at that. Snow quietly put The necklace back.
Later, Regina paced in her courtyard. She thought she was a bother. But come to give her advice Was her loyal father.
“I know you want to be rid of Cora. I’m here to help you out. The magic book your mother carries Will surely help without a doubt.”
The book holds the name of the person Who gave it to your mother. Perhaps he can help you. I hear he’s like no other.”
Regina took her father’s advice And that very night She took the book from under Cora’s pillow For she saw it was right.
Back in her chamber, she flipped through the pages In hopes to find a name. She found one inside the front cover And it wasn’t lame.
“R-Rumpelshtilkskin,” pronounced Regina. “That’s Rumpelstiltskin, dearie.” A shadowy figure appeared in the chair. His looks could kill a fairy.
It was Rumpelstiltskin, The Dark One. He answered to his summons. He had magical powers And in deals, he was common.
“Greetings, Regina,” he said. “How do you know my name? Do you know my mother? I’ve been told we look somewhat the same.”
Rumpelstiltskin looked her over. “No, you look nothing like her. I met you when you were a baby. For you, it was a blur.
I know what you want. You know why I’m here. I’m going to help rid you Of your mother, dear.”
“Yes! I want her gone! I don’t care if it’s tragic. I just have one condition. I don’t want to use magic.”
A large, white, wrapped box Appeared in the center of the room. It had a certain Aura of doom.
“You won’t have to use magic. What’s inside will do it for you. There’s all but one simple thing That you’ll have to do.
There’s a portal inside the box, You see, That can transport Cora far away. I’m sure that’ll bring you glee.
If this is a goal That you really love, All you have to do Is give her a little shove.
Can you do it? I know that you can. That’s only if you want things To go according to plan.”
Rumpelstiltskin vanished And early the next day, Cora came to Regina’s chamber A while to stay.
She saw the box In the middle of the room. “Ah. A wedding gift, I presume?”
Cora was standing Right in front of the box Which didn’t appear To have a lock.
A magical force Uncovered it from the rear And inside Was a tall mirror.
Regina was facing towards it And Cora was facing away. She decided to get this over Right away.
Regina lunged forward to push her Into the mirror’s open space But before she could, Cora used magic To freeze her in place.
“Do you think you can rid of me that easily?” Her mother said with a sneer. “Have you forgotten? I’m your mother And you don’t need me far, but near.”
Rumpelstiltskin’s image appeared in the mirror And made a motion to push Cora well. Regina saw this And fought fiercely against the spell.
Regina’s face was Filled with rage And the unexpected happened On the next page.
She broke free of the spell And she reached out her hands. An invisible force pushed her mother Into the mirror’s wonderland.
Regina’s face showed shock And she looked at her hands. Did she use magic She did not understand?
“Job well done, dearie. You’ve whisked Cora away. I’m certain I’ll see you Another day.”
In fact, It was the very next day That Regina, yet again, Decided to run away.
Miles from the castle, Though it was still in sight, Regina was on her horse, Low with might.
But then Who should appear But Rumpelstiltskin, Who was quite near.
“Dearie,” said Rumpelstiltskin, “Magic…why do you shun it?” “I’m never using magic again Because I loved it!”
A devilish grin spread Across his face. “Dearie, I think that You’ve found your place.
Come and be my apprentice. I’ll help you reach your full potential. No need to fret. These lessons Will be confidential.”
Regina smiled And without a doubt Soon she would let Her true self out.
Into the woods They did go To a small clearing With Regina’s horse in tow.
Her horse stood before her. It was looking rather swell. “Now we will begin working On the immobilization spell.”
The steed reared back. Regina held out her hand towards the horse. A shining blue aura trapped it, Stopping it in its course.
Her mother had used this spell On her before And she would remember it Forevermore.
“Congratulations, dearie. You’ve passed the simplest test. In the lessons to come, I’ll teach you the rest.”
Regina practiced very hard. Rumpelstiltskin was aware. Sometimes she would practice In Rumpelstiltskin’s lair.
Regina became more skilled As each day passed Although there was no one That she had yet harassed.
One day at lessons, It didn’t seem like the rest. “Today,” said Rumpelstiltskin, “You’ll be put to the ultimate test.”
Before Regina Stood her steed. She wondered if she had All the skills she would need.
“Perform the immobilization spell To make its motion stalled.” Regina performed it perfectly With no effort at all.
“Now, dearie, Comes the tested part. All you have to do Is reach in and take its heart.”
Regina hesitated. This horse was her friend. She didn’t want today To be its life’s end.
Regina reached in and took its heart. She held it glistening in her hand. “Now you must crush it And send the horse to no-man’s land.”
Regina looked deeply Into the horse’s eyes. Killing it would just be Something more she would despise.
“I can’t do it! I can’t even try! I can’t let my only Faithful friend die!”
Rumpelstiltskin took the heart And he actually tried. The horse collapsed on the ground, Gave a final whinny, then died.
There were tears in Regina’s eyes. She had just lost her pal. She cried tears of sorrow And had low morale.
Later that afternoon, They went to Rumpelstiltskin’s lair. No one else But a customer was there.
The customer handed Rumpelstiltskin A white crystal ball. The man said, “Here it is. I don’t care what you use it for at all.”
Rumpelstiltskin said, “Excellent! Over there is your pay. Take the amount you see fit Of gold I have spun from hay.”
The man walked over to the loom And through the gold, he fingered. A few moments more He lingered.
Upon the glass windows, There was some condensation. Regina and Rumpel Started a conversation.
“Dearie, do tell. Why did you Start an apprenticeship with me?” “I hoped that if I learned magic, I could bring back someone who’s dear to me.”
“Using magic to Bring people back from the dead?! That thought is so ridiculous! I just might lose my head!
Magic can do Many things, dearie, But it can’t revive the dead! It’s impossible, you see.
I won’t have a student Whose thoughts are so unrefined. From now on, You’re no apprentice of mine!”
Rumpelstiltskin left her In the room. The man from earlier Was still by the loom.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help But overhear That you’re wanting to bring back A loved one you held near.
I am a hatter. My name is Jefferson And I, too, know what it’s like To lose a loved one.”
“Can you really help me? Apparently, magic will not do. Right now, I really Have no clue.”
“I know a man. Magic is not of his appliance. He uses a force not of this world. This man uses science.”
“Where is this man? I must know. If not, I will regret it so.”
“Like I said, He is not of this world. His world is grey. Color is not hurled.
To bring him here, We’ll need to use my hat. It has traveling properties, To put it at that.”
“But to do that, Wouldn’t you need permission? After all, it’s a Very complex mission.”
“Well, aren’t you The Queen, ma’am?” Regina realized her newfound power. “Yes. Yes, I am.”
Later that night in the castle In Regina’s courtyard, Jefferson stood with the other man. “The journey wasn’t hard.
This man is A good friend of mine. His name is Doctor Victor Frankenstein.”
Frankenstein was dressed In a white lab coat. From his appearance, It seemed that he liked to gloat.
Regina asked, “Can you really bring people Back from the dead?” “Yes. My abilities are something That you should not dread.
Now, where is the body? You must show it to me. I must determine if it Can be raised easily.”
Regina led them To her vault. Whatever happens Would not be her fault.
Daniel’s body was encased In a glass casket, Which is definitely better Than a woven basket.
“I’ve kept Daniel here And I’ve cared for him well. I’ve kept him with A preservation spell.”
Frankenstein opened the lid And slit Daniel’s hand. Fresh blood fell On the Doc’s finger, it did land.
“Simply astounding!” said Frankenstein. “You’ve done much effort in his stead. His condition is that Of the recently dead.
To raise him, however, I’ll need a powerful sacrifice. A magical heart of this world Would surely suffice.”
“I know where we can get one,” said Regina. “We’ll need to go to my old home. It is there that an abundance of hearts Do roam.”
They traveled to Regina’s old home And entered the hearth. Not far beyond the fireplace Was Cora’s turf.
“Be silent. Do you hear the beating?” It was quiet, then loud Like one thousand goats bleating.
They all looked towards The fireplace wall. Regina said, “Her vault is right through there. It’s not far at all.”
Regina used magic To open the wall. The wall had a slow And quiet fall.
Down the stairs into the vault There were thousands of beating hearts. Each one was held in a box. It was hard to tell them apart.
Frankenstein went over to a box And held up his hand. The box, in reply, came out of the wall Like it could understand.
He reached in the box and held the heart. “Extraordinary!” he said. “This should be a powerful enough component In raising the dead.”
Then, they all went to a field A little distance out. This is so they would not be Discovered or found if they were to shout.
The night was young And black clouds started to form. In a few minutes, There would be a horrific storm.
Frankenstein set up a tent With all of his equipment inside. He draped a sheet over the open end For his process was a secret that must hide.
Regina and Jefferson stood outside the tent. They could see Frankenstein’s silhouette. He got his equipment running. Regina hoped she would not be upset.
Electricity started to build Up in the air. Regina didn’t want this night To end in despair.
Frankenstein took the heart And held it up high. As he shoved it into Daniel’s body, A bolt of lightning came down from the sky.
The body jolted on the table. The wind was raging wildly. Nature wasn’t taking its toll On the experiment mildly.
The storm stopped And the wind died down. Frankenstein came out of the tent slowly Wearing a frown.
The little light that was left Came to a dim. The news Frankenstein gave Would surely be grim.
“I’m afraid to report That the experiment was a failure.” Regina was distraught And in tears, for sure.
Frankenstein returned to his land After the tragic incident. Regina had nothing left. In magic, she became persistent.
Many days passed. The kingdom became dark. Regina decided to visit Rumpelstiltskin In the field where she first made her mark.
She was sure Rumpelstiltskin would be there. That much, she did know. He seemed to follow her around Wherever she did go.
Regina arrived at the field All dressed in black. “My, my, dearie! You’ve taken on a new appearance. You look as sharp as a tack!
If you’ve come for an apprenticeship again, I cannot be of help. I’ve found a new apprentice here Who is stronger than a miniscule whelp.”
To the left of Rumpelstiltskin Stood a beautiful girl. Her blonde hair was held back All in curls.
And as if Rewinding the clock, She was where Regina had been at the start of training, Levitating rocks.
“This young girl Actually has dedication, Which is one of willpower’ s Strongest sensations.”
Regina walked over to the girl, And without hesitation, She took the girl’s heart and crushed it. “How’s that for dedication?”
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stormy-writer · 5 months
Rumplestiltskin Drabble - The Armory
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WC: 327
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A dark room, dust everywhere. Shields hung on the walls, and weapons sat in racks. The only available light being the small window in the wall, sun rays bouncing off the glistening metal. But that's only in the mornings when the sun is rising and it peeks through the bars. At night, not even the moon can light the shadowed room.
As the castle settles, the large, heavy door creaks open, then shuts swiftly again. Quiet footsteps walk through the room, a torch in the hand of whoever was so daring as to be here at night. And yet, the stranger sets it down, leaving it against the stone floor to dimly light his path. He looks around, peering at the objects scattered around the armory. But he has no interest in the swords and shields battered from wars and fights, nor does he find the plated armor or shining chainmail to be what he's looking for. He keeps walking, searching.
Then he spots it, in the very back. Hidden behind rows of racks and layers of shields. A set of armor, much unlike the others. It was dark, a weathered grey with a tint of a magical murk, casting an impossible shadow over its entirety. Yet it somehow glimmered. Not in the firelight, but in a purple hue, unusual to be found within the walls of the armory. A sinister grin spread across his features as he let out a giddy chuckle.
He walked, almost pranced, towards the object of his fascination. His scaly green fingers tapped together in anticipation as he neared the suit of spiked armor, and his sharp black nails clicked against each other with each tap. As he placed a clawed hand against the cold, dark metal, he could feel the energy radiating from it. It was almost as if it was vibrating, so subtly. Again, the man- no, the thing giggled. Oh, how Rumplestiltskin loved collecting his dues from a deal.
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Short little Once Upon A Time Rumplestiltskin drabble. I'm obsessed with this rat bastard.
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saviourmachine23 · 2 years
Giddy Rumplestiltskin is so goofy. He's like a super weird little game-show host.
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salamifuposey · 10 months
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and the second Artfight attack is of Rumpel from SarawiStudio (link sends to Twitter!) from Artfight! super super fun experiment, was def a wee bit tough but still enjoyable <3 they also have a insta https://instagram.com/sarawistudio/ go check it out!! really underrated artist!!
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rump3lstiltskinzz · 11 months
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Mmm evil businessman/politician sona supremacy 🤤🤤❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Ready to Rumpel
The early stages of development involve a lot of cooperation – processes that will become distinct are still linked, proteins share jobs. In adult organisms, just as young ones, this redundancy between roles allows for flexibility – if one molecule is damaged, another picks up the slack. In this developing fruit fly (Drosophila) brain, supportive glial cells (highlighted in pink) surround the branches of early nerve cells blue), helping to circulate nutritious chemicals around the central nervous system. Three glial genes are switched on, which in turn make the proteins Rumpel (green) Bumpel and Kumpel, that help to transport these important chemicals. Researchers find redundancy between them – deliberately removing combinations of the trio often calls on the remaining proteins to step up. But removing all three reveals a surprising link – disruption to the fly’s egg-forming oogenesis, suggesting a similar link between the brain and fertility may exist in our own development.
Written by John Ankers
Image from work by Kerem Yildirim and colleagues, published on the cover of Biology Open
Institute for Neuro- and Behavioral Biology, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Biology Open, January 2022
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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pdouwes · 1 month
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Willemijn Verkaik as Elsa in Disneys DIE EISKÖNIGIN das Musical (Hamburg, 2023)
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toki-toro · 2 months
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Wips wips from months ago
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comical-icicle · 3 months
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Here they are!!!
Bard and Rumpel together because I had to have these two meet. Whether they’d get along or not, idk, but I think they’d try to prove who’s better almost immediately. (It’s a fifty/fifty for the villains to make friends or enemies with one another change my mind).
But since their islands are now kind of tied to one another, I’m more surprised that I don’t see them together much. Or I’m just looking in the wrong place, who knows! Either way, this exists now and I love it!
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cryptidvoidwritings · 5 months
instagram story: Jan 4, 2024
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Just had to get this grin. Robert Carlyle is so handsome.
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Ooh his angry face is back.
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It just hurts to admit that.
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Who do you think?
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Angry mixes with heart eyes.
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Bitch you KNEW SHE WAS.
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Thank you.
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I don't know if anyone's still alive here, but way back when I still cared about OUAT, I had a little AU cooking where Rumplestiltskin adopted Zelena.
Do I have your attention? Good. So remember when Cora swindled Rumpel into changing her payment in the contract from HER first-born to THEIR first-born? What if he DIDN'T though?
Cora's first-born is not Regina.
So he's standing there absoltely baffled when a ginger toddler appears in his castle. He checks what's up. Is this thing working? Why yes, his magic mumbo-jumbo responds. That's your payment, Cora's first-born. Take it or leave it. So he takes her in.
Zelena proves to be a promising witch anyway, so it's cool, but still stings.
What this accomplishes for Zelena as a character is that her whole thing with Rumpel is no longer projecting her daddy issues onto him, it's her BEEFING with her actual DAD.
Because surprise, surprise, you stupid reptile! You are still the most important person in her life, thus, for the curse to work she has to take YOU out.
I mean he tries to prevent that, he really does. But her mother did sell her to Rumpel even if she had actively tried to prevent that. Her actual father is probably dead in a ditch. Her previous adoptive father hates her. And her sister is a literal princess being raised by both of her parents. Even if it isn't Regina's fault she seemingly had it better from the start (it's very hard to write this with a straight face, but as far as Zelena's concerned, that's the truth), in Zelena's heart, her sister can't compete with the man who raised her.
So Rumpelstiltskin does what Rumpelstiltskin does best and drops her like a hot potato. And on the next day Rumpel starts coaching Regina.
Great, now she's green.
Also, Zelena knows why her dad needs that stupid portal, in my mind she's grown up on stories of her older brother, lost and alone in a cruel magicless (gasp!) dimension, and how they need to find and save him. And in all her teenage overcompensating glory, Zelena decides to look for Baelfire herself. Then Rumpel will see how great of a daughter she is, and that she totally won't have to commit patricide, and she, her dad, big brother and magic will all live happily ever after.
Zelena goes to the different worlds she does have access to, which leads her to Oz, because why is it that they can hop between these worlds and not to the one Baelfire is in? Maybe if she goes to Oz this time, from there she'll find a path to another world, and from that one to another, and if she keeps hopping between different dimensions, she'll come across the right one. After all, the wizard of the Emerald City is from there. He got there somehow, if she could just figure out how, then she's golden.
But then the whole thing with Glinda happens, and it is not pretty. Zelena's had eighteen or so years of direct exposure to magic and Rumpel's rancid vibes, she should have grown up absolutely vicious in this AU. I want her to drag Glinda and read her for filth. Like, what do you mean "Dorothy must have powerful magic to have defeated an evil witch?" When a house falls down on you, you die, it's basic physics! This is a child that is lost, she is not interested in your sorceress secret society, she wants to go back to Kansas, lady! So you always wanted to get rid of the Wizard, huh? Well, why didn't you?
(Glinda in this show to this day makes me so irrationally mad. What on Earth was that storyline?)
The obvious parallels between how she was treated by Glinda and has been treated by Rumpel give Zelena a reality check and upon returning to Rumpel's castle, no closer to finding Baelfire than she had been before leaving, Zelena has an explosive argument with her adoptive dad. Zelena takes out the RECEIPTS that have been piling up throughout her teenagehood. The argument ends with her yelling that Baelfire is so hard to reach now, because he just wanted to get away from Rumpel that badly.
Zelena’s officially disowned, but still alive, so that's cool.
Zelena takes permanent residence in Oz and stews in her misery. The only thing that can make her feel better is making her dad’s life harder. She probably meddles in his relationship with Belle a lot. Maybe she even gathers the courage to try and connect with Regina.
Speaking of vulnerable young women who lost their safety net and are at the mercy of powerful geriatric men.
Hades enters!
Now, you’ve lasted this long, but I’m gonna ask you for some more patience.
Hades in this AU is just a Little closer to the source material.
And by that I mean he asks a woman’s father for her hand and then kidnaps her.
You cannot tell me Rumpel wouldn’t have agreed immediately. Zelena can be and has been enough of a nuisance and an outright obstacle to his plans that he’d want her OUT of the picture no matter what means he has to take.
Now she’s trapped in the Underworld, tricked into eating the pomegranate seeds, biting her tongue lest her dear husband has the bright idea to spike her wine with Lethe water. His family is SO WEIRD, her sister-in-law offers to adopt her because of a loophole that would let her see sunlight for half a year, but her brother-in-law WILL try to seduce or rape her if they’re ever left alone together and her father-in-law keeps moaning in her and her husband’s basement. “Sure, honey, I will help you overthrow your creep of a brother. Of course, you’ll take the throne. Who else? Your bajillion nieces and nephews that have been eyeing the position for millennia? Pfft, you’re so funny, darling.”
Speaking of family. Sitting side by side, they judge her birth mother and her adoptive brother she’d never got to meet. Both leave her unmoored and emotional, but in completely different ways. Maybe she gets closure with them, maybe she doesn’t. Time goes by, and Zelena dreads there won’t be any familiar faces left to see at the trial.
Finally, she sees her father there. And her husband thinks she’s excited to punish him, but, in reality, Zelena knows Rumpelstiltskin. He will not be staying dead for long. This is her chance to escape. Then she can kill him again.
In conclusion, Zelena obliterating Hades with a lightning bolt is less of a sacrifice and more of a divorce in this AU. I want her to be a mirror to Regina after the gang rescues her in a way that Zelena is a great sister, but she’s still evil. I know that’s basically canon by the end of the series, but imagine the opportunities of this dynamic if it had only 15% of its canonical emotional baggage. The absolute chaos of it. Wait, does that make her Henry’s aunt times two?
Do you see the vision now?
Did the vision come to me when I was re-watching St Trinian's and heard the snootiest, brattiest, most British "Daddy" in all cinema history? Yes, it did.
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aoikasaa · 7 months
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with Rumpel, we're midway through the reveal of the main cast ! another character i wish i drew more...i love the lil highlights (?) on the ends of his hair :"))
check out the other cast reveals here!
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