#rubber bands rubber balls
Drusselstein Driving Test Waltz vs. Rubber Bands, Rubber Balls
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capriknightart · 5 months
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Interpretation of Instar
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This is barely coherent but BEHOLD! MY SHIPPING/BFF/FRENEMIS/FRENEMIES WITH BENEFITS CHART! TEMPLATE BELOW THE CUT! {Also if they have the gold line it doesn't necessarily mean they truly dislike each other, it just means they won't be banging anytime soon. Pauling and Scout have the Gold line, but they're also purple because I still feel they would be friends despite Pauling being a lesbian}
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yellowistheraddest · 3 months
kill me here and now but luffy should not have defined muscles or abs
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pftones3482 · 2 years
Ok now that the excitement is out of the way.
Phineas and Ferb got a proper, good ending. It had a nice follow up movie. If anything, we could have just had a single mini series revolving around Perry and Stacy, because that was the only plot point in the show that never got wrapped up.
Phineas and Ferb didn't need a series renewal. There are many other shows (looking SPECIFICALLY at The Owl House, btw) that deserved a renewal more. Please keep that in mind as we stay tuned for release dates
And tbh it wouldn't hurt to pressure Dan and Disney on social media and let them know we want more queer and poc rep, as well as expanding on the rep we already HAVE. Explore Isabella's and Baljeet's and Stacy's families more (without the weird stereotypes), make characters canonly queer (I mean this seriously guys, I do not mean perryshmirtz )(trans Doof is ✨right there✨), explore Buford and Isabella living with single parents, anything. I know ultimately it's up to Disney, but if Dan won't even try for it, then the renewal was worthless.
The world has grown in the 8 years since we were left in the backyard. Why should the show remain stagnant and the same as it always was?
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literatureandshit · 2 years
louis helping claudia on their wash days. louis detangling her hair from the ends to the roots. louis making sure claudia has all her hair care stuff whenever they travel. louis trying to give her new hairstyles and failing miserably at first but making them look amazing after trials and errors. louis moisturizing her hair because she always misses the layers underneath the top one. louis pulling hair out of her mouth when she’s done feeding because blood in her hair is so hard to get out. claudia trying to do her hair on her own for once but going to louis with a comb stuck in her hair and tears in her eyes. louis and claudia being father and daughter
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this has been such a shit week. i hope things get better
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🌎✈️Sight-seeing with Limp Bizkit✈️🌍
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beingharsh · 9 months
normal guy
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clownjuiceart · 9 months
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Our community son is growing, Mc-bounce is getting big and strong
Not sure how to showcase his size? I use a spoon ( it’s our medium size spoon) to showcase his potential power
I need to think of how I would measure him? Probably a method measure spheres, I need to look into
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nylarac · 1 year
pls reblog and put your favorite fidget toys in the tags 🧐
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Rubber Bands, Rubber Balls vs. Perry the Platypus
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viriborne · 1 year
They probably neutered Asmo like a bull after his like 50th child born out of wedlock but he just grew his nuts back
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amazingmsme · 4 months
Sooner or later within the next 10 (hopefully more like 5) years, if you see something about an absolutely shit your pants terrifying pg13 animated movie… you’ll know who to thank ☺️
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
if i imagine the doctor getting cuddled enough, it’ll fix me. that’s how that works.
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angrybatgaming · 5 months
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Bully...a game I haven't played in FOREVER. It was on sale for $8, so I got it.
I remember when my mom first got it for me back in middle/high school, in hopes of me at least figuring why I got bullied. :D Never did! Because the protagonist never picks on people for liking animals or for being a bit sensitive. At least from what I can remember.
What I DEFINITELY REMEMBER is the bugs. Like getting stuck in a Christmas tree afyer helping a homeless Santa gain more kids than the actual paid Santas. Or the time I tried to give a prep girl flowers and got stuck in the gifting pose for an awkward 30 minutes before she slapped me with the flowers I offered. I also remember one girl who looked A LOT LIKE ME AND JUST FEELING WEIRD ABOUT SOME OF THE ACCURACIES ABOUT THIS CHARACTER. Ah, memories. Never finished the game. I'll make more of an effort this time.
I don't look forward to the school-related minigames other than the photography ones. If those are even included in this.
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