#rufioh headcanons
pointless-discourse · 6 months
homestuck characters as related to trans stuff
head canon
closeted repping tgirl who will likely not realize she's trans until after 16
avoids mirrors, unhappy with appearance but tries to avoid looking at it
gets dressed in the dark
once she comes out she's gonna dress like the most hideous anime girl for the first few months
like goes HAM
her fav nerd shirts paired with a weird fucking skirt but eventually it looks really good just because of how much time she spends on it now that she likes how she looks
cool cis guy that will respect the pronouns
will treat people the same regardless of transness
goes down the transfem nonbinary any pronouns route in mid 20s
unfathomably chill
divisive subject. either cool nerdy tgirl or closeted trans guy
tgirl jade puts a lot of effort into dressing for the sake of mirrors
doesn't necessarily look GOOD (ultranerd furry island social recluse) but she looks intresting
however tgirl jade doesn't voicetrain and not only is her voice kinda clocky but also very hoarse from lack of use
closeted transguy/transmasc nonbinary jade is very online and performative feminine stuff until he realizes in his late teens he's trans
does not learn what trans is until late teens, very in sheltered parts of the internet despite being very online
was out online years before he came out irl
third option: chill cis girl who, during
no hate to rose she is one of my top three characters in all of homestuck but she is very terf vibes
she spends a lot of time "debating" with trans people online (harassment) and frequents a lot of terf forums
i think that after a few years of earth c and maybe meteorstuck she grows past it and eventually to her it's not a fight she's proud to be the lead general of but a phase she's really embarassed of, much like her other silly 13 year old traits
i also really like tgirl rose, not for character basis but i think its cool and i (obviously) love trans headcanons
i am very divided between ftm and cis guy.
cis guy karkat is cool, he's very much just some guy who's comfortable in his "girly" hobbies and, while isn't really tied into his physical appearance, isn't dysphoric and is just a little insecure
however: humanstuck karkat will always be trans in my mind, just for the persecution bit, although i would also buy ethnically-middle-eastern adopted into a white american family karkat
he'd be a truscum or just kinda shitty to nonpassing trans people i think, we've seen how many alternian empire boots he licks so conforming to the status quo as a pick-me minority is not above him
again i think he would grow out of it in his later teen years/early 20s (like in the comic) but i don't ever see humanstuck karkat escaping the eternal shame that kind comes with being trans
ily weird unnerving tgirl aradia she is like so that to me. she reminds me of the boymoder NEET memes i see chronically online trans girls on reddit posting
but also i do equally enjoy weird girlboss cis girl aradia
either way she is far too etheral to be bothered with gender stuff
like you could come out to her with sixteen hard to pronounce xenos, pass so badly you unearth masculinity/feminity so prominent it burns to the touch, and she would not give a single fuck. and she would never mess up with pronouns and shit
i see her as a hardcore deep deep in the closet repper tgirl as like a core part of my interpretations and yet i can never imagine her coming out
like i just see her boymoding forever
not really? like i think it would happen eventually i just can't visualize it
hypothetically i could see her being one of those cool goth girls named lilith but it seems very removed from the original starting point
repping tgirl or amab nonbinary or just plain cis
either way still horrifically greasy and that will never change
there is no self reflection that will even vaguely incentivize sollux to maintain his hygeine
cis girl
maybe comes out as ftm in 20s? if trans, i could also see nepeta repping till death
like just a weird cis girl who is like "oh, you're trans? just like in my warrior cats rp discord server!"
again, gives more of a fuck about gender than aradia but it is close
she just cares if you will listen to her talk about her ships and art
nepeta is the type of person where it might take her a while get the new name and stuff right
but she would be your staunch defender
eh? nothing strong here, i don't really have a hc for her
but there is a lot of mtf symbolism in the comic and i do enjoy that
like a socially awkward youngshit who's not out to many people because she can't really bring herself to correct people in public but still has a really passing voice even after first coming out
bad facial dysphoria
do like her as intersex. feels right
no genders, all the genders, new genders, old primal genders, everything
both simultaneously afab and amab but not intersex?
the living embodiment of androgyny
probably has a very long list of neos/xenos but is any pronouns
you cannot misgender her. hes too cool.
transgirl transgirl transgril
literally not even a headcanon at this point vriska is a trans girl and that is that!!!!!!!!
if you disagree im kickng your ass so hard it comes out of your mouth. your days are numbered and that number is 0. (not 8 :( )
option one: cis gymbro chaser.
he sleeps with trans men to steal their t shots
in the streets he'll occasionally say the weird shit but i know he'd be crankin his hog to futa/cuntboy shit by night
option two: trans girl
never comes out because of insecurity but indulges in long hair and the occasional skirt in private and then feels really bad about it
option three: insane roided trans man
t gave him big muscles and big sex drive
option three poiont 5.
racist sexist homophobic nonbinary
like drops the most despicable shit in conversation and finsihes it off with "my pronouns are actually they/them), like one of those nazi femboys
does not gaf
cis (? idk) guy who is fine with any pronouns and crossdresses for fun
i guess not technically cis? but still identifies as a man when it comes down to it. like barely guy
cis girl who is a little infantilizing
if you're transfem she will give you makeup tips
but still a little hugboxy
"oh no you totally pass even though you're 8'100 and have a full beard! women come in all shapes and sizes!" (not shitting on the made up trans girl here, passing is fucking hard and it has no bearing on personal worth)
jane is a repping/closeted trans man and you can pry this from my cold dead hands
the mustache? the projection onto only male figures?
also i think its fun with jane's ties to the girls-only fuchsiablood club that he ends up a dude
also st4t janeroxy my beloved
gonna be honest here no strong leanings
i am a firm believer that estrogen would save her but i dont really think of dirk as anywhere on the gender spectrum
maybe just cis dirk? i could buy cis dirk
one one hand i would like the transmasc rep being not restricted to hairless twinks and i would enjoy ftm jake that way
transmasc nonbinary jake is an insane concept to me but i do find myself intrested
a little iffy on the trans headcanons (especially transmasc) because a big part of the concept of jake english is that he's a big strong man who takes on the literary role of an objectified girl character and having him be
ex twinkhon femboy now BDD gigapassoid
literally one of the most gorgeous trans women you will ever meet
creating e substitutes in her laboratory since age 12
again not even those most immersed in trans culture and the ways of clocking would be able to tell thats how good she is
her speaking patterns hail solely from those cutesy minecraft/unboxing youtubers she religiously watched as a small child
however she is fully convinced that she doesn't pass for shit so she believes that every genuine complement and people treating her like a woman is just them being nice
she'll attempt to boymode and go "stealth" in scenarios where she doesn't want to be visibly trans but it fucking backfires because everyone assumes she's ftm
trans man with literally no basis because my dirk-themed friend is also a trans man
4channer transman robotics nerd dirk my beloved
transfem ig? or cis woman
very girl adjacent
idk i dont think about the dancestors much
cis man
MAYBE trans man
i am also cool with that
cis man
MAYBE transfem nonbinary
trans man because very few cis men were tumblr "SJW"s
and he reminds me of of some chronically online trans guys i used to hang around
also hes very fuckign petite and girls and feminend and twinky dinky and im just projecting my dysphoria onto him sorrie kankri fans
cis fujo girl
when she discovered trans men she was like 'YAAAAAS MPREG'
will respect your pronouns and shit but is VERY HORNY
lowkey chaser that will also date cis people
two choices: cool goth transbian or lesbian terf
cool goth transbian is the nice one. first off, she looks a lot like some transfem transition goals ive seen online.
second, cool feminist could also be trans rights and trans people are kinda forced into being political
third, being flat as a board could also be interpreted as her just not having tits (tho she does seem like the type to DIY HRT)
TERF porrim (correct): first, a lot of "feminists" turn out to be bitchy to trans people
second, her activism for groups she's a part of and groups she likes is good, but she really infantilizes kankri, and considering that's the beforan equivalent of hemoracism, if trans people didn't fit her motto she would not hesitate to shit on them
cis girl. maybe she/they
trans girl serkets trans girl serkets
would also buy cis girl that makes you wonder if she's actually a repressed ftm because some of her actions are a littttttttle suspicious
cis man who ends up hanging out with a lot of trans women anyway due to shared intrests in hyperpop and furry stuff
again very respectful, very small chance that he's chaser-y
i honestly do not know and this isnt because i dont really care about his character, it just evades me
transcends gender
could be cis woman, fuck if i know. i'd buy that
all and neither a gender above our human comprehension
trans man that proves tboys are real men because they can be just as creepy and awful as cis men
thinks him being trans means he's immune to all types of discrimination
uses it a pity point/to get out of stuff
maybe tgirl? idk
may just be cis
possibly transmasc nonbinary
tho i lean mostly towards cis woman whos gnc and actually cool with trans peopel (be aware she will still groom them tho)
equal opportunity grooming
technically transfem anyway because her body isn't sexed so shes kinda intersex
but even if she wasnt a cherub she would still be transfem anyway
chronically online transgirl who spends most of her time in internet spaces with cis girls of her same age
warrior cats fan
humanstuck calliope hung around the warrior cats girls since elementary and never left
evil trans man
transmasc for same reasons as calliope
humanstuck caliborn avoided all female socialization because he didn't socialize and instead spent his formative years on 4chan
the nature of the /lgbt/ board probably gave him some shame about being ftm
DAD EGBERT and crocker as well, very similar people
cis man who is a staunch ally
cis ally
she's trying? can't say anything more
will occasionally and unintentionally say some out of pocket shit about trans people she knows when drunk
will mess up the pronouns a lot because very scatterbrained
cis man who lowkey fetishizes trans people
straight but fucks non-passing transmen because he doesn't see them as men
trans women are some exotic fetish
if jade came out he would repair his ways tho
not even a terf because she has beef with feminists
but again if john or jane came out she would badger them at first but her love would win out and she would change her views
personally i see him as a cis man but i think trans man bro strider is cool and also an icon
cis bisexual man who is cool with trans people
cis woman who is in a fucked up evil messy situationship with a transgirl
will trans rights
either a. elder trans woman
or b. cis woman (a little nonbinary) who is accepting
does not know the terminology
"oh so you want to live as a woman now? alright, i suppose. i had a friend like that back in college"
evil elder trans woman who has an illegal diy hrt empire
will sell out the trans community if it benefits her
i dont know it s scary
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irradiatedpathogen · 3 months
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rufioh and damara, redesigns and hcs ::::3
rufioh: enby transmasc+bi🇵🇭🇪🇦
damara: transwoman+mystery sexuality >;;;;D🇯🇵🇭🇲
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whabenas · 6 months
dancestors voice headcanons be upon ye
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serfuzzypushover · 11 months
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school started for me FINALLY now look at these losers
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bombheart · 1 year
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Eheh, it seems to me (or maybe headcanon) that nitrams emit heat, not really strong, but room temperature. And they are adapted to cold, but they can feel it weakly.
And the trolls would warm themselves by hugging them:33
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modharvest · 1 year
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I decided to give them their own post
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vikkirosko · 1 year
I wanted to request headcanons for the alpha trolls with a female jiangshi reader.
When reader died, she wasn't brought back with the help of the god tier, but was resurrected as a jiangshi (a chinese zombie/vampire).
Her body is stiff and it's hard for her to move her joints, so she stretches herself to be less stiff and able to move more freely.
Sometimes, her mind get lost while she's speaking or when people speak to her so she often change the subject of conversation or say something completely missing the point.
She paper talisman on her forehead can sometimes make people scarred of her (because her face is partially hidden).
Hi Qiqi...
Headcanons Jiangshi
♋ Kankri Vantas x fem!Reader 💬
Kankri wasn't too bothered by the fact that you became jiangshi instead of godtier. He didn't really understand what exactly it was, but you didn't look much like a zombie in those performances that were usually in the movies that he saw once. You were practically alive, but every time he saw a paper amulet on your forehead, he remembered that you weren't alive after all
You were one of those who never interrupted him. He could talk about a variety of topics and you seemed to be listening to him, periodically answering something, but at some point you could just start talking about a completely different topic, forgetting what you were talking about all this time. There was no such thing before, which quickly made it clear to him that your condition was the reason for it. He understood that you couldn't control it or fix it somehow, so he wasn't angry with you. He saw that you sincerely tried not to lose concentration in your conversation, but you didn't always succeed
He saw how some people looked at you anxiously because of the amulet on your forehead, but every time they regretted it, because Kankri began his monologue about how they should be ashamed of what they behaved like towards you. Usually you didn't pay attention to it, but Kankri couldn't stay away, outraged by such behavior of others
Kankri knew that you often forgot about everything, and secretly he was afraid that you would forget about him. He treasured you and the last thing he wanted to lose was you, one of the few who truly treasured him. That's why every time you gently called his name and took his hand, he felt relieved knowing that you still remember him
♈ Damara Megido x fem!Reader 🚬
Damara was well aware of Eastern culture, so when she saw the amulet on your forehead, she immediately realized that you had become a jiangshi. She wasn't sure exactly why it happened, but the fact that you were still alive in a sense gave her confidence. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing that you stayed between life and death, but she couldn't change that. Damara wasn't even sure that it could be changed
She didn't feel annoyed because you forgot something or started talking about a completely different topic. She understood that over time your memory would only get worse, so she gave you a notebook where you wrote everything down. You didn't want to lose the memories of the people you cherished, including Damara, so you tried to reread your notebook as often as possible so as not to forget anything
She wouldn't let anyone who tried to hurt you do that. She was rude to them even though you usually didn't pay attention to it. In a sense, you understood why others began to treat you like that. You were basically a living dead man. Your body often seemed to stiffen and your mind often clouded, but Damara continued to stay by your side and help you despite what others said
Damara helped you not to forget about everything in the world. She talked to you a lot, so even without your notebook, you forgot less. She understood that someday you might not remember her, so she tried to create as many memories as possible that would take the place of the old ones
♉ Rufioh Nitram x fem!Reader 🧡
Rufioh was very surprised when he saw what you became instead of rebirth. He saw that your condition had changed, but it wasn't godtier, so he didn't understand what had happened. It was only thanks to Damara that he found out that you had become a jiangshi. He wasn't sure if it was good, but it was definitely better than if you just died. It was this thought that calmed him
Quite often he noticed that you were trying to warm up. The reason for this was that your body often stiffened and according to you, if you stopped doing this, your body would become like a wooden doll. Sometimes Rufioh would keep you company so that you wouldn't warm up alone. He tried to spend as much time with you as possible so that you would remain the same as before
He began to notice that you periodically began to forget things. You could talk about something, but at some point you would fall silent and then start talking about something completely different. Your memory gradually got worse and Damara's according, the longer you stay in this state, the more you will forget. That's why Rufioh decided to start helping you train your memory. Every day you talked together about who you were, who he was, and a few other things that you didn't want to forget
Rufioh didn't know if it was possible to change your condition somehow, returning you to a full life or not, but he tried to spend as much time with you as possible. He hoped that you would be able to return to your normal state again, but if it was still impossible, then at least you could spend as much time together as possible while your memories were still with you
♊ Mituna Captor x fem!Reader 🛹
Mituna did not immediately understand what exactly happened to you. He saw that you didn't reach godtier and at first he thought you were dead. But pretty quickly he realized that you were practically alive. He didn't understand why the amulet on your forehead was needed, but since you said it was necessary, it means it was. Pretty quickly, he noticed that your behavior had changed slightly, but, unlike others, it did not frighten him and did not bother him
He often noticed that you began to warm up and he began to do it with you. He saw that after these small physical exercises you moved more freely, as if your muscles were stiff before. He was happy to study with you, laughing and making you laugh so that you wouldn't be so sad and thoughtful
He occasionally noticed that you might have forgotten what you were talking about, but he didn't get upset about it. He continued the conversation on a new topic, without worrying that you did not finish the conversation on the previous topic. He understood that it wasn't your fault, so he didn't take offense at you and continued your conversation with a smile
Mituna didn't know how much you could change after you became jiangshi, but for him you were still the same person for whom he had such strong feelings. No matter how much you changed for him, you remained the same as before
♌ Meulin Leijon x fem!Reader 🦁
Meulin was very worried when she saw that you didn't switch to godtier. She was worried that something might go wrong, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that you got up and only after that she saw a paper amulet on your forehead. You both didn't fully understand the reason for this, but you didn't know exactly why it happened and whether it was possible to fix it somehow, but you decided to deal with problems as they appeared
One of the problems that you had was that your body became very numb and stiff. You couldn't move properly, which is why you started doing warm-ups so you could feel better. Meulin supported you and encouraged you while you were warming up
When you forgot something, Meulin reminded you of this or that thing. Sometimes, because of your forgetfulness, you forgot what exactly she was trying to tell you, but pretty quickly you began to understand each other again and she helped you remember something. When during conversations you started talking about completely different topics, Meulin continued your conversation on a new topic, knowing that then you will be able to return to what you did not finish talking about earlier
Meulin continued to love you despite the fact that you became jiangshi. She didn't think it changed you much and should have ended your relationship. You stayed by her side when she lost her hearing, and she wasn't going to leave you now when you literally existed on the verge of life and death
♍ Porrim Maryam x fem!Reader 💚
Porrim has always treated you with care and attention. That's why when she found out that when you were supposed to reach godtier something went wrong, she got very worried and headed to you. She was afraid that you had not been resurrected, but your condition turned out to be completely different from what she expected. It was like you were between life and death. In another situation, she would have called such a state a zombie, but you didn't look like a risen dead man. Outwardly, the only thing that betrayed your condition was a paper amulet on your face
Porrim has been watching you closely to find out what has changed in you. One of the first changes in you was forgetfulness. At first it wasn't noticeable, but then she started noticing that you might have forgotten some word, and then you began to forget what you were talking about with someone just a couple of moments ago. Every time this happened, she reminded you that you had forgotten, to which you smiled absentmindedly and thanked her every time. The only thing that bothered Porrim was that your memory would get even worse
She found out pretty quickly that there was another problem. This problem was that your body often began to go numb, as if to stiffen. To avoid this, you began to do warm-ups often. After that, you could move more freely. Porrim didn't rush you when you started your warm-up and sometimes worked out with you
Porrim didn't know if there was a way to return you to your initial state or help you reach godtier, but so far she didn't know if there were ways to do it. That is why she was in no hurry to change anything. While there were no drastic changes, she decided to take her time and perhaps a way to fix everything would appear later
♎ Latula Pyrope x fem!Reader 🛹
Latula was sure that you would be able to reach godtier without any problems. That's why when she found out that something had gone wrong, she was very worried. She hurried to you, but when she saw you, she didn't immediately understand what exactly was wrong. You were alive, but there was a strange paper amulet on your forehead that she had never seen before. Your speech was a little slow, but she finally realized that something was wrong when you tried to remember her name for a couple of minutes
Her friends said that you have apparently become a jiangshi. Neither you nor Latula fully knew what it meant, but she didn't think it was something terrible. You were alive and that was the main thing, and the fact that there were small changes in you did not look like something critical. Your forgetfulness didn't look like such a terrible problem, sometimes when you forgot what was being discussed and started talking about a completely different topic, Latula kept the conversation on a new topic, even if she started a conversation on the previous topic
Quite often, your muscles were stiff, so you were doing warm-ups. When Latula found out about it, she decided to help you. She understood that you wouldn't be able to skateboard in this condition, but you could do warm-ups together, after which she could skate and you sat nearby and just watched or dozed
Latula didn't know if you would change even more or not, but she still liked you. She knew that some people began to fear you because of the amulet on your forehead, but not her. She knew better than anyone else that such trifles were not a reason to stop communicating with someone, and even more so to break off such a long relationship as those that were between you
♏ Aranea Serket x fem!Reader 💙
Aranea realized that something went wrong when she saw a strange paper amulet on your forehead. You didn't know what the amulet meant either, but you knew for sure that you couldn't take it off. It was like an unbreakable truth that someone put in your head. Aranea started looking for information about what kind of amulet it was in the books and found out that you became jiangshi. She spent several hours trying to find out as much information as possible in the hope of finding out how to help you, but it wasn't as easy as she would have liked
One of the clearly noticeable problems that appeared after you became jiangshi was absent-mindedness. At first you forgot something for a few moments, but gradually you began to forget more. You could forget what you were talking about just a minute or two ago, after which you would start talking about something completely different. Every time Aranea reminded you of what you were talking about earlier, wanting to continue the conversation that you forgot about
Another problem was that your body was numb and stiff. Because of this, you had difficulty moving. To ease your condition, you started doing a warm-up every time you felt that your muscles were starting to stiffen. Aranea gave you advice that she read, but she rarely kept you company in your physical activity, preferring to spend this time reading books
Aranea continued to look for a way to return you to a full life, realizing that over time your condition could get worse, so she did not stop searching, and until she found a way that could help you, she tried to help you not forget what is still left in your memory
♐ Horuss Zahhak x fem!Reader 🐴
Horrus was sure that you would be able to reach godtier without any problems, but his expectation turned out to be wrong. You didn't reach godtier like the others, but something else happened to you, something strange. You've become a jiangshi. You both didn't know exactly how it happened and what could be done about it, so you decided to leave it as it is for now. He wasn't sure that this condition could be corrected, so he made sure that you didn't get worse
When he found out that your muscles started to get very stiff and stiff, he offered to help you. He understood a lot of things and was able to help you make a plan of warm-ups that would allow you to stretch your muscles well. Sometimes he would join you and you would warm up together. He liked spending time with you and then seeing your soft smile when you thanked him
You've become quite absent-minded. Horrus often noticed that you could forget what the conversation was about or what you were going to do just a couple of minutes ago. He helped you by reminding you of this or that thing that you forgot and even made a memo for you of the most basic things that you could forget. You began to carry this memo with you in order to read it in case of something and remember what you especially needed
You and Horrus continued to stay together even though you were jiangshi. You still didn't fully understand whether it was possible to change it, but you were still the same person he fell in love with and nothing could change it. Even if you completely forget everything, he will stay by your side and remind you of everything in the world
♑ Kurloz Makara x fem!Reader 💀
Kurloz wasn't completely sure what happened to you when he saw you. You were going to meet after you both reach godtier, but something went wrong with you. You looked almost the same as in your last meeting, but there was a strange paper amulet on your face because of which some looked at you with concern and fear, but Kurloz was more worried that you were not completely alive
One of the main problems that you had was your forgetfulness. You began to forget what you could have been talking about with someone just a moment ago and started talking about something else. But it was much worse that you began to forget the sign language thanks to which you understood what Kurloz was saying. He helped you learn sign language again and you began to write down some signs so as not to forget at least the basics and understand exactly what he wanted to say
Another problem was that your muscles often began to stiffen. Because of this, it was difficult for you to even walk. You and Kurloz came up with a warm-up plan together and practiced together. He worked out with you so that you wouldn't be so lonely, because doing sports together was more fun than being alone
Kurloz knew perfectly well that some were whispering behind your backs. You both looked a little strange, and for some frightening, but it didn't bother him. You continued to be together and nothing could spoil your relationship, neither his inability to speak, nor the fact that you became jiangshi
♒ Cronus Ampora x fem!Reader 💜
Cronus often spent time with you and shared what he learned about humans. It was thanks to this knowledge that he realized that you had become a jiangshi when he saw a paper amulet on your forehead. He had seen such characters in films, but did not expect that such a thing was possible in the real world. However, you became a jiangshi and now you had to figure out how to deal with it
Because you were jiangshi now, your memory has deteriorated. You began to forget a lot, to the point that you could forget what you were talking about just a couple of minutes ago and start talking about a completely new topic. It seemed strange, but Cronus quickly got used to it and began to remind you what you were talking about or continued to talk about another topic so that you wouldn't feel awkward
Another problem was that your muscles began to stiffen and stiffen. He helped you cope, helping you to warm up and not lose count, because sometimes you even forgot how many bends you did right during the warm-up. After such a warm-up, you felt better and could calmly go about your daily business again
Cronus didn't know much about jiangshi other than what he learned from the movies, but it wasn't like you. You were still the same person he fell in love with and with whom he had such a great time. He wasn't afraid even if you suddenly wanted to get his life energy or anything else that jiangshi needed. He loved you anyway
♓ Meenah Peixes x fem!Reader 🦈
Meenah found out that something went wrong with you only after a while. When she came to you, she didn't immediately understand what exactly happened to you. You looked pretty much the same as usual, except there was a paper amulet on your face that she had never seen before. When she tried to remove this amulet, you recoiled, not letting her do it. You didn't know exactly why, but you knew that if this amulet was removed, then your life would be over, literally
Despite the fact that outwardly you have changed little, changes have still occurred. One of them was that your muscles often began to stiffen, which is why you could not move normally. Meenah watched several times how it was difficult for you to even walk, so you started doing a warm-up, which helped you feel a little better again. Every time Meenah waited for you to finish so that you could get back to fulfilling her plans for the day
Another problem was that you became forgetful. You could forget what you were talking about just a moment ago and start talking about a completely different topic. Meenah was annoyed by this, but you tried to forget as little as possible. You wrote down important things in a notebook so as not to forget them and Meenah reminded you of what you were talking about so that you could continue your conversation
Meenah was angry at those around her who looked at you askance. She knew that some people were worried about the amulet on your face, but these little things stopped bothering her. She treated you pretty much the same as before. The fact that you became jiangshi did not change her feelings for you and she was ready to stand up for you as before if someone said something unpleasant about you
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(776) Rufioh is intersex, transfem, and queer and is moirails with lesbian trans woman Damara
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roxycaptor · 4 months
HS music HC's part 2: beforus time
extremely gratified by the positive response to My Personal Ideas about what the alpha trolls would listen to which motivated me to consider the rest of the cast as well. posting the dancestors first because i fear i may forget them otherwise.
Damara: visual kei, j-rock, and riot grrl. doesn't listen to country much but has a healthy appreciation for the "woman kills her abusive husband" subgenre. Rufioh: ska and pop-y love songs. also just likes anything he can sing along to. Mituna: hyperpop and educational rap. likes the noise from those algorithm sorting videos. Kankri: if you ask him he'll just go on a rant about how the music industry is Problematique and never actually answer the question but he secretly listens to musical soundtracks and like. carpetgarden and Sir Chloe and other repressed longing bands. Meulin: classic emo and pop punk, also listened to a lot of nightcore edits. usually let kurloz pick the music when they were hanging out, but didn't listen to his stuff on her own time. Porrim: goth queen. Lebanon Hanover, Xmal Deutschland, Siouxie. outside of goth probably enjoys Marina Diamandus and Hozier. Latula: game soundtracks, riot grrl, queer punk. G.L.O.S.S. and Bikini Kill. Aranea: Scissor Sisters, Autoheart, The Taxpayers. anything that would have been on a yuno gasai playlist in 2015. most of her friends think shes a classical music person and she doesn't go out of her way to correct them. Horuss: midwest emo and extremely grating meme edits youd find on youtube during a rabbit hole at 3am. Kurloz: juggalo stuff & brutal death metal. Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Urgehal. anything where the growling is barely distinguishable from the lyrics. Cronus: showtunes, early rock and roll. The Beach Boys, The Beatles (mostly their earlier work), Elvis. Meenah: 90s rap and screamo.
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sayakxmi · 2 years
I've certainly seen at least a few people headcanon that the dreambubbles have affected the dancestors behavior in some way, but I haven't seen any attempts at actually explaining how it could have possibly worked, so I've figured out I'd share my own theory.
Quick but necessary disclaimer first, though: none of this is canon. I'd say I'm being quite charitable here even calling it a theory, when in reality it's more like an AU. So by no means assume it's a hard rule or a definite explanation of what's going on. Personally, I see it as a bit of a cheat code that leaves me a lot of free room to write the dancestors closer to how I would've wanted them to be written, hence I'm sharing in case somebody wants to do a similar thing without truly contradicting the information we have in the source material. 
To start with, we can kind of scratch the idea that the dreambubbles prevent you from changing right off the bat, as we see at least three different characters go through some character development in spite of being dead and stuck there (Meenah, Aranea, Vriska). You could probably make it work if you really, really wanted that, but it doesn't seem all that plausible. 
So, if the issue isn't that you cannot change, perhaps the issue is that you change too much.
Let's start from the beginning - how do the dreambubbles work? Well, they allow for the ghosts to continue existing, as well as for the dreamers to wake up in there and interact with them or each other. How does the awakening happen, whether for the dead or the sleeping?
Through a memory.
Examples I can think of are:
1 - dead - doomed!Dave, playing a game, still in his triangular shades, until Aradia starts trolling him and eventually he realizes this is not actually real, so both his surroundings as well as appearance change to match what he remembers, until he reaches the realization that he is, in fact, dead, and blood appears on his body, too.
2 - sleeping - Terezi goes through a memory of her conversation with Vriska after she'd blinded her, and it takes her a moment to realize something is wrong, as well as that the person she was talking with wasn't even Vriska, but Aranea instead; it's more or less then, that her surroundings change.
In other words, one of the main pillars of the dreambubbles are memories.
But the thing is, memories are quite subjective and heavily influenced by the way we perceive things. So, if we assume that the perception of an event can affect the surroundings as well as your appearance and state (eg. dead!Eridan who still has his eyes, as he apparently hasn't realized he's dead), wouldn't it be possible for the perception of a person to affect their behavior?
The way I imagine it working is essentially a positive feedback loop. Regardless of whether it was true or not, from your perspective the person you interact with was a self-absorbed asshole who looked down on everybody, and tried to sound smart and objective when in reality they were just insulting everybody and to make themselves look better in comparison. 
It's possible you weren't the only person who thought that way or thought something similar (and there were already thousands of yous) and in the same manner the surroundings were adjusting to your thoughts, the person in front of you was also changing slightly to fit better the subconscious description you've had for them in your mind.
What if the person was a bit of a shameless flirt? Maybe they weren't all that serious about it, but you've always got the impression that all they've ever wanted to do is get into other people's pants. Or they were really passionate about horses, to the point where you've seriously thought it was all they cared about, hell, maybe they should've just been hatched as a fucking horse! Or they really loved to talk about shipping, as if nothing else was more important. Or in reverse, you've always seen that person as level-headed and respectable, in spite of them being actually pretty head-strong and at times just genuinely shitty. Or you've seen somebody as cool and assertive, when in reality they were extremely insecure and conflict-averse.
The more you see these people that way, the more their personalities shift to fit these descriptions, and the more they shift, the more confirmation you get about them being like you've always thought them to be, which ends up making these perceptions even stronger, and makes them behave even stronger in that specific way, which once again validates your perception of them, and… And it just keeps happening. 
Personally, I don't consider this to be a completely unavoidable process, especially when you're aware of this happening. But the real question is, is there actually a point? The dancestors have spent an eternity in the dreambubbles, surrounded by thousands of other versions of themselves, affected by all these various versions of each other. It's got to get tiring at some point to just remain so vigilant in differentiating your own thought patterns from what is something you wouldn't have actually thought in your right might. It's just… too much effort. Who even cares what becomes of you? Your world is gone, everybody around you is dead and just as tired of it all. Why bother?
Or in case you still want to retain the clarity of your mind, but without all that conscious effort, the only other option is to get as far from people as possible. The less ghosts around you, the less perceptions to affect you. That could explain how Meenah is… pretty normal, after staying away from everybody in the memory of her hive for however long she was there.
To sum it up, the dreambubbles are essentially the place where believing in something makes it less and less fake until it becomes real.
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femcelvriska · 2 months
Stone butch Summoner and pillow princess Marquise
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homestuck-o-phobic · 7 months
Daily Headcanon #48: Rufioh Nitram is Bisexual and Demiromantic.
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abandoned-mars · 1 year
happy 4/20 here are some thoughts on my humanstuck au
kankri (marcus) + mituna (tatum) live together. damara (ana) has been crashing there for a few weeks/months after she found out her bf had been cheating on her
when marcus moved in with tatum he only had one stool and one couch that he would sprawl all over and tate told him to buy his own furniture. so he did, he bought an old love seat from the thrift store and would not let tatum get close to it. a couple days into ana crashing there, marcus told her that tatum will make her do that. the guys helped her get some of her old furniture from her exes and now all of their stuff is mix matched
latula (presley) + roxy (macy) live together and they have a chalkboard wall in their apartment
john (ivan), dave (dominic), + karkat (donnie) also live together
dominic had always been halfway interested in photography but never had the means to fully pursue it. so when ivan starts studying film and bringing home cameras, dominic started talking to him about it and looking over his notes and getting really into the science behind photography yk
this is like. a halfway college au. marcus studies law, tatum studies computer programming, porrim (elle) studies fashion marketing, meulin (laurie) studies art, macy studies bioengineering, and ivan studies film
marcus and donnie are half brothers, their dad married laurie’s mom when she + marcus were in highschool
pretty much everyone is 20-23ish, the oldest being kurloz (jesse) at 25 and the youngest is donnie at 20
jesse and laurie are dating + have been for 3~ years, which would’ve been right after laurie graduated (jesse is a bit of a creep in this but tbh in canon he ain’t much better)
i have a lot. a lot of ideas as far as backstories/how everyone met and im not really sure which one i want to stick with but here are some of those
marcus, tatum, and elle grew up together. marcus and tatum were really good friends (bcus of their dads) throughout elementary/early middle school, but then tatum started hanging out with the people that marcus had told him to stay away from. they drifted apart quickly and by high school tatum had become one of those. popular asshole stoner funny guys. and although he had tried to stop his new friends from making comments and jokes towards marcus, he ultimately realized he didn’t care too much. marcus and elle had stayed friends, but she too had made better friends that she had more in common with. honestly not quite sure what id do with ana in this idea, i bounced either having her move to town when she was like in 4/5th grade her and marcus become friends then, or having her be like elle or macy’s frjend first, or have everyone meet her later. idrk. basically this is just the “tatum/marcus friends to enemies to roommates tension” au (it is heavily inspired by this fic). as far as the other characters, i think tate would’ve met jesse in highschool and gone crazy w him, also met presley in highschool? maybe that whole situation could happen then? idrk. don’t love this idea there’s too much lore id have to detail
ana and marcus were friends all throughout middle school, but grew apart when she moved in highschool. at her new school she met tatum, presley, + macy and became quick friends. after graduation, tatum had moved in with jesse for a bit but got kicked out, and crashed at ana’s very tiny very shitty apartment for a couple days. by the end of day 2, they were already drunkenly formulating a plan of moving in together which became a real plan + they ended up renting a three bed one bath apartment ! they live together for like 2/3 years until ana moved out to live with her boyfriend at his very nice house (yes this is rufioh, his name is richie). tatum posts an ad for a new roommate, and eventually marcus responds. he moves in, and a few days later ana comes to visit and the two reconnect. anyway, after a bit of ‘tate/marcus roommate tension’, ana finds out abt her bf cheating, and crashes at their apartment. she relaxes the atmosphere greatly. i like this one in theory but i feel like it needs more marcus/tatum tension other than just. oh he’s messy and he’s bossy and they don’t like living together yada yada yk
okay so this one i haven’t really. written down the plots? of the backstory i just started writing a story and wanted to change the relationships so it’s kinda random. actually it’s just kind of a mix of the other ones. anyway, the whole marcus + tatum friends to enemies to roommates thing is still happening, but ana went to a different school. there she became besties with macy, and later presley when she moved there in 8/9th grade. macy + presley live together across town, and ana used to live near them w her boyfriend until they broke up and she wanted a change of scenery. not quite sure of how or when ana + presley met tatum and the rest but yea they all became good friends and ana started crashing there + ofc presley + tatum got together.
idk i have a lot more but also like not really .. i just need to get an actual story down
anyway. as far as romantic relationship goes the only ones i am for sure doing are presley + tatum, laurie + jesse, and eventually ana + marcus . also jumping between dominic + donnie or dominic + ivan but also like they’re more of background characters
tatum, presley, jesse, and laurie 100% go to raves together
elle is intersex and does drag
presley and macy are roommates + coworkers + besties (it sounds like it would be hell after a while but they make it work)
tatum, marcus, + anas apartment does allow animals, tate has two cats named j.peg + kitkat
presley + macy’s apartment only allows two pets but they secretly have four cats, vodka mewtini, geegee, citrine, + tulip (all of them besides tulip are macy’s, tatum gave presley tulip as a gift)
lauren + jesse aren’t supposed to have pets but jesse does keep a snake
ivan, dominic, + donnie’s aren’t allowed to have animals but dominic has been trying to test that theory with some of the crows that come to his window
elle can have pets, she has a big german shepard type guard dog named fangs and a soft calico named felicity
one of ana’s top teeth is chipped from a soccer accident
presley is from new jersey
tbh this has been the only thing i’ve been thinking about for like. months so i also have a bit of art of what i hc that they look like, so i might post some of that. it’s not very good but i also made them all in the sims like multiple times LMAO . i also have some stories that are mainly about ana + marcus but according to chatgpt they are not good so. maybe eventually … idk i just hope all of this makes sense to anyone else but me
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Can you tell how much I hate this man?
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muse-of-nothing · 2 years
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some aro headcanons cause canon is dead to me
(elaborated: Aradia is aroace, Rufioh is aro-demiace & Porrim is aro-bi)
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