#rukia kuchiki divided
Headcanon Q’s
When your muse enters a grocery store, what’s the first section they walk to and why?
At first, Rukia would be overwhelmed by the lights and sounds of the store. She’d watch the people walking around, casually putting items into their cart. Walking around, she would be drawn toward the art supply section, looking at the various sketchbooks and markers, grabbing anything rabbit related. Nearby would most likely be a few children’s toys. Rukia would look over that section, grabbing onto a cute rabbit plush that resembled Chappy the closest.   Afterwards, she would probably wander down the aisles, looking over at the various products and people. A family would catch her eye and she would watch them curiously, watching the parents interaction with their child. It would remind Rukia of her younger self and how that version of her would have given anything to have access to a store like this. How many people in Hanging Dog could have used these resources? 
Watching humans interacting and leaving with their groceries, knowing those families would have food and the children she saw well fed - all of this would warm her heart and only strengthen her conviction to protect humans to her full capacity as a shinigami. 
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@rukia-kuchiki-divided replied to your post “WHY DO YOU HURT? Because You Have Made Mistakes...”:
~this is so on point for Renji!
​It was so accurate that it made me hurt ; v ; please give my boi some love
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yu2ki · 2 months
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chilumitos · 6 months
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𓈒 ۫ 🍤 ۫ ꒰ ͜͡ 𖹭 ͜͡ ꒱ 𓈒 ۫ ੭ᰍ
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(cc) Ichigo: Here’s the deal, Renji. If you can convince Rukia to get a job using her ‘art skills’, I’d appreciate it. Also, you didn’t hear this from me.
(cc) Renji: Okay, but why now? This hasn’t been a problem before.
(cc) Ichigo: Have you seen my room?! One of the wall’s covered with Rukia’s drawings! My whole family thinks we’re having a kid soon!
// inspired by this - with @rukia-kuchiki-divided
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katsu-at-the-bottom · 2 years
BURNED OUT - are there any abandoned buildings in your muse’s town? are there any rumors about them? ((~not that Rukia's looking for a hollow around there or anything... lol ~))
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"They say the old movie theater was a hotbed of yakuza activity. With all the noise from the movies, it'd make perfect sense to have a torture room. If they were replaying a classic horror flick or an action movie, you could be sure that someone who crossed the family was getting his teeth yanked out. They might not even be going home ever again."
"Well... All that stopped when one of the men guarding the door for the secret chamber heard a voice in one of the theater rooms. It was odd because that room was closed due to a malfunction with the projector and the sound system. It had been closed for some time, so there was nothing for janitors to clean up. Maintenance wasn't scheduled to come back and repair yet either. The guard didn't want civilians hearing the blood-curdling screams, so he went in the room to get them out of there."
"When he came back out, his face was sickly pale and his eyes were bloodshot. His hands shook and his whole body shivered. In the middle of a torture session, the guard stumbled into the room. His men scolded him and told him to get his ass back to his post. It didn't look like the guard acknowledged what he said, so he earned himself a big slap across the face. That's when the guard snapped, grabbed a nearby monkey wrench and whacked him across the head. He went berserk and beat everyone in the room, including the victim, to a bloody pulp. Then he took one of the guns and started frantically shooting the unconscious bodies until all but one of them were dead."
"People that heard the gunshots fled the theater and police came to arrest the man. From what the officers said, the guy was covered in blood bruises and looked so ghoulish that he hardly looked human anymore. He was a stark raving madman who couldn't say a single comprehensible word and tried to attack everyone around him until he was shot dead by police."
"The last surviving yakuza was interrogated at the hospital for details, but soon succumbed to his injuries."
"So... What do you think drove this guy ballistic?"
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Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach)- Oneshot
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“Did you see him, it’s Kuchiki-taicho!”
The squeals were the only indication you needed. Whenever new reapers came in this is typically how it went. They’d gush over the captains.
Especially him.
At this point you should expect it. Standing at attention, you watch as the captains walk pass. Truthfully you admire their strength. Your ultimate goal was to someday obtain such a position. It was far-fetched, but you couldn’t help it.
There’s a powerful aura that seems to emit from simply their presence. Your eyes follow every movement. When they connect with a pair of steel gray hues, your body froze. It’s just a glance, nothing more, but it holds much more than you expected. You break eye contact hurriedly, looking down at your feet, flustered.
“What the hell am I doing..”
Why the hell would you look directly at him?
It felt quite the same as declaring a love confession. You huff, agitated and you keep your eyes planted down for the rest of the time that they are there. Once it’s finally over, you feel as though you can finally breathe easy. The lieutenants begin ushering the reapers to their designated squads and you follow as people begin to divide up.
The rest of the week is preparation and training. You’re grateful that you’re a member of the thirteenth squad. Being as far away from Byakuya was ideal. He’s too much of a distraction. You know it’s wrong to harbor any feelings for him. He’s emotionally detached. His views are of duty and protection of the integrity of the Soul Society. Even though that’s the case, you can’t help it. You’d seen him in battle one time and you haven’t been able to get over how effortlessly extraordinary he is.
“This is aggravating.”
Jushiro chuckles and you straighten, flushing. You hadn’t realized that you’d been talking to yourself. You’ve been doing that a lot.
“Is there a reason you are aggravated (Y/N)-san?”
You scratch your head with a laugh.
“I-I was just rambling, it’s nothing really.”
You hope that’s enough for him to drop the topic. There’s a part of you that wonders why you couldn’t have fallen for someone like him. Even if he had rejected you, he probably would have done it so nicely you would end up apologizing. You laugh internally at your thoughts and Jushiro gives you a curious look.
“Ukitake-taicho, is Rukia-san back yet?”
“Ah, no she hasn’t returned. If I remember correctly she should be coming in a few weeks. The head captain has asked that she stay close to Ichigo for the time being to ensure his powers have fully returned.”
“That sounds so cool! Rukia-san always gets the cool missions.” You mumble.
“Given her relationship with Ichigo, I believe the head captain was just trying to avoid the inevitable. Abarai-san has a bad habit of getting into fights when he’s there. He wanted to avoid damage to the town.” You giggle.
“I suppose you are right.”
It’s funny to watch the way they bicker, you’ll admit that. Renji would never say it, but he respects Ichigo. You would too if you’d survived the things he’d been through.
“Do you think that-”
The fluttering of black and crimson wings startles you.
“Ukitake-taicho, there is hollow activity in the tenth squad.”
The alert makes you clench your teeth. It’s not a shock that hollow activity is increasing. With the recent shift in energy, the head captain has accounted for just about everything.
You both take off without so much as another word. There’s a part of you that expects chaos when you land. But Jushiro is wearing the same comical expression at the sight before you.
“We got them Taicho!!”
“Take that stupid hollows!!
“Leave some for me!” Kenpachi calls.
There was obviously no need for cavalry, because members of squad eleven are handling the distress call.
If anything you feel a bit sorry for the hollows. A few of them appear to be running for their lives. One is grabbed by the leg, and you sweatdrop when Kenpachi grins down at the very large beast.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
It’s sweating profusely. All he does is swing his hand. It’s flying into the air. You know he intends to go after it. At least you think he does. There’s nothing but a glowing light in the distance like a star of its descent into another world.
“Kenny you threw it too far, he’s gone.” Yachiru comments.
“Damn.” He looks unaffected and you just sigh.
“I don’t think our services are needed.” Jushiro sheaths his blade and you do the same.
“We should do a sweep of the squads around to ensure no others have breached.”
You nod.
Jushiro goes left and you go right.
With your eyes fixed ahead, you’re ready for anything. You’re jumping from building to building, but you don’t see a thing. You’re a bit relieved that there isn’t any damage. At least none that the hollows made. Kenpachi is definitely going to leave a mess wherever he goes.
By the time you make it to the sixth squad you realize that the area is clear. You intend to keep going straight up to the first, but the pink petal drifts into your line of vision and you turn your head. Your eyes widen when you spot him. He’s standing next to a tree and the entire atmosphere feels as though it has changed. Your arms drop slowly and your feet touch the ground quietly.
All he’s doing is standing there. You’re possibly fifty feet away at best, but you can’t stop staring.
He just looks so..
Apparently you said that aloud. His head turns and once again you’re completely frozen. That harsh gaze is fixed on you. You should say something, inform him that you’re only doing a patrol. Words refuse to form and when he steps away from the blossom tree, your heart is going much faster than it has ever gone.
Even in battle.
His steps seem to echo, and you want to swallow, but you can’t. None of your usual body functions are working.
He’s right before you and he stops.
“Were you referring to me.”
He’s talking to you, he must be. But you can’t formulate a sentence, much less respond.
“I asked you a question.”
You flinch and bow fully. It’s an instinct.
Why are you even apologizing, it’s not like you’ve done anything wrong. You just feel like you have.
“I-I was just doing a sweep for hollow activity. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
You’re almost afraid to lift your head.
“You said that I was beautiful.”
The statement made your eyes widen. You feel absolutely embarrassed.
That’s all you can get yourself to say at this point.
“Are you so superior that you refuse to meet my gaze.”
Just the insinuation makes you panic.
You jolt upright.
“O-Of course not Kuchiki-taicho I-”
Your words come to a stop, because you expect his eyes to hold irritation, or at the very least anger for saying what you did. Yet, his expression looks almost…soft..
How could such a stoic person look so effortlessly attractive?
“I was right, you are beautiful..”
The slight change in his eyes alerts you that you’ve once again opened your big mouth and blurted out something that should never leave your lips. Your face heats up immediately as you begin to stutter.
This is mortifying.
He says nothing. He just watches you as if trying to make an assessment. Without so much as another word, he turns.
“Let’s go.”
“G-Go? G-Go where?”
He just glances back at you, and a pleasant shiver rushes up your spine.
“Y-Yes Kuchiki-taicho!”
You prepare to follow and he takes off. You’re so consumed in your rushing thoughts that you don’t take notice of the small smile that briefly crosses his lips. 
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takibikaen · 10 months
My top 5 Bleach women and why I love them: Part 3
If you haven't seen Part 1 and 2 of this, here's the link.
1/5. Rukia Kuchiki ~ Squad 13 captan and Number One
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I don’t think I have to explain this but I’ll touch over what themes I love, some of it’s duality and how it all helps encompass her character as one of Kubo’s best.
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Upbringing and Human Nature ~ Throughout the first arc, we get glimpses into how Rukia was raised and what kind of warrior culture the Soul Society had. Despite her life in the Rukon District and being treated horribly in the Kuchiki Clan, Rukia maintains that Soul Society is better than the human world, that letting an inexperienced Ichigo fight Grand Fisher on his own was considered right by her captain’s standards. However, there’s cracks in these beliefs even from the moment she met Ichigo and began making friends in the human world. It’s especially more painful when she didn’t see Renji for 40 years, and knew she would have to return to Soul Society, that her brief stay with humans was where she felt she belonged, where she didn’t feel empty in the heart.
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Self-Worth and Finding the Heart ~ Saving someone usually means the rescuee wants to be saved right? Not in Rukia’s case, her self-loathing over her execution is visible throughout the SS arc. It’s tragic, she was forced to kill Kaien to stop Aizen’s Hollow experiment from continuing to use his body, that she besmirched the Kuchiki name by giving Ichigo her powers, the guy who looks alike to Kaien. Renji and her split up decades ago due to the divide between them, and compounding all of that corroded her self-esteem to the point of her accepting her execution. However, she finds what connects her to those important people and how they care for her, the heart. Therefore, deciding to stay in Soul Society and reclaiming her self-worth.
Renji declares he won’t leave her in the face of Aizen.
Byakuya Kuchiki protects her to fulfill his promise to Rukia’s sister.
Kaien’s relatives forgive her for being the one to end Kaien’s suffering.
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If it can be said that the heart is unchanging, then that is strength. - Bleach Vol. 54 poem
A Soldier’s Heart and It’s Duality ~ At the crux of Rukia’s character is her bonds and how she got there through becoming a Shinigami. Kaien was her mentor who taught her to fight and the theme of “The Heart”. To not die alone, to have meaningful connections is where Rukia ensures she makes sure to support her friends through her manner. I think it’s really poignant that the way she tries to sway Ichigo out of his doubts and fears of his inner Hollow…that it doesn’t work because Ichigo hasn’t been in the shinigami life as long as she had. Ichigo’s issues are far more embedded due to how he’s been changed by them….while Kaien’s heart which Rukia metaphorically holds in her, hasn’t changed at all.
Emulating Kaien’s mannerisms because Kaien’s heart carried strength, Rukia’s way contrasts with Orihime’s nature, which ends up helping out Ichigo even for a moment in the Hueco Mundo arc. However, the soldier’s heart is what allows Rukia to continue fighting against Aaroniero the 9th Espada, because she finds strength in it to want to save Orihime, protect her loved ones, and move past the obstacle, because she cares about the reawakened connections she has.
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The top three art pieces are made by @srkbom108 on Twitter. Black and White background art is done by @Mak_ai_ on Twitter. The last two art pieces are by @rakusakugk on Twitter.
Thanks for reading, if you want to see my full-length post of all three 3 parts, then here's the Quora link for it!
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cc-ichigo-kurosaki · 2 days
(cc) Uryu: Kuchiki liked Kurosaki from the very beginning, why do you think she was willing to sacrifice herself for him like she did?
(cc) Renji: Rukia was just dealing with her guilt over Kaien, she’ll get over it soon enough.
(cc) Uryu: I believe it’s much more than that, Abarai.
Do you want to bet on it?
(cc) Renji: Hey, I’ve known Rukia longer than you, so it’s your loss.
(cc) Uryu: These are the stakes. If I win, you have to do my errands at Urahara’s for a month. If you win, I’ll do yours for a month, simple as that.
(cc) Renji: Hah! You’re going down, four eyes!
-totally lost the bet, lmao-
// inspired by this - with @rukia-kuchiki-divided
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linkspooky · 2 years
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Byakuya Kuchiki vs As Nodt 
Happy Bleach Monday! In the anime this week we see the beginning of the fight between Byakuya and As Vodt. Tite Kubo writes his fights as not just about power levels but the personal conflicts faced by the characters who are in the fight. As it’s a personal conflict, if a character wins a fight they have overcome some flaw deep within themselves, and if they lose it’s because they’ve succumbed to that flae. 
With that out of the way we ask, why did Bykuya lose so easily to As Nodt the first time they fought?
1. Reason vs Instinct
As opponents, Byakuya and As Nodt are an interesting compare and contrast. Of all the soul reapers Bykuya is the one most known for setting his feelings aside, and acting with a cool head in any situation. This seems like naturally a quality of his that would make him a perfect fit against As Nodt, someone whose literal weapon is turning ones irrational and uncontrollable fears against each other. 
In fact Byakuya’s entire character revolves around controlling his emotions. It is at the same time, his greatest strength, and his flaw. It’s most exemplified by his Banaki, he fights by turning his sword into thousands of cherry petals at once which he controls at the same time to wield as a weapon. He doesn’t fight for strength or the thrill of battle like Kenpachi, he doesn’t fight by taming his hollow side like Ichigo and turning it into a weapon, Byakuya is all about control. To the point where he even tells Tsukishima when he defeats him that he thought Battles were always fought after years, and years of discipline that he didn’t until just now experience fighting in the heat of the moment. 
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Byakuya is all control. It relates to his character backstory, once a hot headed young man who after years and years of practice became the discplined young man we see today putting his duty to  the Byakuya Household above all else. 
Byakuya’s strength comes from reigning in his stronger emotions and remaining in control at all times. In fact, this becomes the point of conflict between him and Ichigo in the climax of the soul society arc. It’s not that Byakuya wants to hurt Rukia the last remnant of Isane, but rather having chosen once to betray his parents wishes by marrying someone from the poorer distrcits he swore on their graves he would uphold the duty towards his family and noble position from then on afterwards. 
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His fight against Ichigo could even be seen as a battle between emotions and reasons. Byakuya suppresses his own individual emotions and acts in obedience to the law instead. He makes himself subordinate to the law. Ichigo however, is willing to fight the law on his own terms, he puts his individual emotions as more important even if it brings him in conflcit with the world. 
Ichigo says that Byakuya deciding to punish his own family instead of attempting to save Rukia is cruel, but it’s not carried out of malice towards Rukia. It’s cold, rather than cruel. Byakuya pretends to be... acts indifferent about Rukia’s personal suffering, because he’s suppressing what he really desires in order to serve the law. Byakuya’s ability to suppress his emotions like this is sometime a great strength, sduring the Zommari Rureaux fight he suppressed his emotoins in order to stay calm and win the fight while Rukia was injured, keeping a cool head in a crisis. Against Tsukihima, his ability to be cold and decisive allowed him to overcome the manipulative ability of his fullbring which allowed him to insert themselves in their past. 
Byakuya is coming off of two relatively easy victories, when he faces As Nodt. And he loses to him for essentially the same reasons he lost to Ichigo. 
As a brief aside, I believe the way Byakuya and As Nodt parallel each other relates to the way Ichigo and Zangetsu do. The king and his horse metaphor that Zangetsu uses is about the division of consciousness, specifically Jung’s interpretation of it. He divides consciousness into two, the consicous mind where thought and reason reign supreme, and the subconscious mind or the shadow which is made up of all of the aspects of consciousness and ourselves we are not aware of. 
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WHat’s the difference between the king and his horse? Ichigo and Zangetsu represent two aspects of Ichigo’s mind, Zangetsu looking like Ichigo’s literal reflection. What makes one the ruler then?
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Zangetsu’s answer is instinct. If Zangetsu represents the shadow, then the only way to be in control of your shadow is to be aware of it. Zangetsu threatens if Ichigo doesn’t rule over his instincts, that he’ll take control instead. 
You either rule over your instincts, or you’re ruled by them. If you’re not aware, you’re caught by surprised and kicked off your horse. Which is exactly what happens to Byakuya. 
Byakuya lives by constantly trying to rule his instinctual side and keep them suppressed, and in contrast As Nodt exists in an almost perpetual state of fear even back to his origin. If Byakuya is rational at all times, As Nodt is irrational by comparison, if Byakuya exists in a constant state of calm, As Nodt believes that living itself is to feel fear. 
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Which is in line with his backstory, if Byakuya has years upon years of training and grooming to become the successor of the Kuchiki clan, a young prodigy nurtured into an adult, As Nodt’s backstory is one where he only remembers living in a constant pain, where death was his only relief. However, even death itself brought with it the fear he might go to hell and experience even more pain. 
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As Nodt was reduced to his illness until there was almost nothing left, a shell, and now even with Ywach’s power having resurrected him he still acts as a creature of instinct. There’s barely anything human about him, he mutters constantly, he speaks strangely, he acts irattionally, he’s constantly lashing out from his emotions. When he first approaches Rukia while chanting like a maniac he is also stepping out onto a pool of water, water being the symbol of the subconscious mind. 
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Byakuya is the representative of the conscious mind of logic and reason, while As Nodt is the animal-like untamed subsconscious. As there’s no order or higher consciousness commanding As Nodt’s actions, he acts at all times disordered, out of control, with very little rhyme or reason for why he does the things he does besides following his instinct. 
It seems natural someone who is as good at controlling his emotions as Byakuya would win against him, buy emotions aren’t things that can be completely controlled. 
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Which is what As Nodt draws attention too, that Byakuya believes that through years upon training and discpline he has completely conquered fear, whereas AS Nodt lives constantly feeling that fear so he is at least aware of it while Byakuya has become blind to it. 
This relates back to the Soul Society arc, both Byakuya’s first and final fights deal with his tendency to try to suppress his own emotions completely which makes him blind to his true feelings. In the Soul Society arc his desire to save Rukia was stronger than his desire to fulfill the law, but Byakuya ignored that in order to try to serve the wishes of his dead parents. 
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Once again, Rukia is at the center of Byakuya’s conflict with his own emotions. This time is the opposite, while Byakuya in the Soul Society arc ignored his desire to protect her to enforce the law. This time Byakuya knows full well of his desire to protect her and has long since reconciled with Rukia, only to fall victim to his fear of losing her. 
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In both times it’s because of Byakuya’s tendency is to push Rukia away, that leaves him unaware of his own feelings. Byakuya’s particular obsession is control, but the same control is what leaves him unaware of his instincts. As Nodt’s words are almost a mirror to Zangetsu’s in this regard. Fear is just as much of a part of life as bravery, a person cannot exist without their shadow, and they can’t ignore their instincts. The same way that there’s no happiness without pain, and no living without death. 
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Byakuya loses because he ignores that truth  that As Nodt existing in a constant state of fear and pain has been living with his whole life, and while he is not in control of his fear, he is knowledgeable of it. Until Byakuya learns about that aspect of himself that is afraid, until he learns there is no true control, he cannot win. 
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maddmuses · 1 year
about the mun
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favorite time of year: Spring
comfort food: salsa (almost any kind)
favorite dessert: anything chocolate but in small doses
things you collect: Misery... jk I have a few funkos but I wanna get into more detailed figurines more
favorite drink: bepis, coors, bloody mary
favorite musical artist: I guess MGK these days
last song you listened to: It's hell
last movie you watched: I honestly cannot recall
last series you watched: I juggle ones but the last episode I watched was from new Beavis and Butthead
series you’re currently watching: Too many
current obsession: Sleeping
dream place to visit: NYC
a place you’ve been that you want to go back to: Oregon Coast
something you want: my paycheck
currently working on: replies mostly, trying to get homebrew for my DB D&D done
tagged by @symbioteburnout​
Tagging @pick-your-poison-please @gatheringstars @rukia-kuchiki-divided @badassbarmaid @shukuchiisms @rosavulpes @hainekc
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wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
Unprompted ||| Always Accepting
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"Hiee!" Renji let out a small squeal as he felt deceptively strong fingers poke him in his side. Without a doubt, he knew who it was, without even having to turn around.
"Rukiaaaa!" he grabbed her hand, shaking it. "Why must ya always do that!" She knew he was ticklish, especially at his side, yet she always chose to greet him in such a way. So mean, she was!
"Why, it's nice t'see ya too, Rukia." He huffed, taking her hand and now waving it in mockery. "Like this, see? Ya wave yer hand when ya wanna say hi to people. Not jab 'em in the side, so they feel like death," his eyes go wide, smile on his face.
He takes a deep breath in, and exhaling it out, willing himself to calm down. "Anyway. Hi. Hello. Have ya come to see my beautiful face?"
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yu2ki · 7 months
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girls girls girls
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I lead a very busy love life, as you can see.
All characters aged up accordingly, don’t make it weird
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He nearly did kill me. And then he took me to heaven with him.
My Husbands: Touya Todoroki, Zero Kiryu, Sasuke Uchiha, Tomoe, Howl Pendragon, Ren Honjo, Kakashi Hatake, Shinya Kogami, Kaneki Ken, Keigo Takami, Vash the Stampede, Zack Foster, Sebastian Michaelis, Tamaki Suoh, Kraft Lawrence, Takumi Usui, Soul Eater Evans, Rin Okumura, Kyo Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Ayato Sakamaki, Shikamaru Nara, Kiba Inuzuka, Kimimaro Kaguya, Sōshi Miketsukami, Ichigo Kurosaki, Uta, Tuxedo Mask, Abel Nightroad, Satoru Gojo, Haku (Spirited Away), Haku (Naruto), Yuuki Anzai, Tsume, Cloud Strife, Jamie Fraser, Zade Meadows
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But friends don’t look at each other the way we do.
My Wifeys: Nana Osaki, Tsunade Senju, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Holo, Ino Yamanaka, Touka Kirishima, Hinata Hyuga, Sakura Haruno, Temari, Tenten, Rukia Kuchiki, Saeko Busujima, Clare (47), Teresa Of The Faint Smile, Haruhi Fujioka, San (Princess Mononoke), Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Selina Kyle, Ivy Valentine, Tira, Talim, Sophitia & Cassandra Alexandra, Taki, Setsuka, Seong Mi-na, Anko Mitarashi, Astharoshe Asran, Tifa Lockhart, Nagi Kirishima
Ships & Pairings
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Touya x Keigo • Zero x Yuki • Tsunade x Jiraiya • Nana x Ren • Maka x Soul • Ashitaka x San • Howl x Sophie • Tsukasa x Anzai • Akane x Kagomi • Tenten x Neji • Hinata x Naruto • Sasuke x Sakura • Sebastian x Grell • Holo x Lawrence • Tamaki x Haruhi • Sailor Moon x Tuxedo Mask • Haruka x Michiru • Kaneki x Touka • Tohru x Kyo • Abel x Esther • Yato & Hiyori • Asuma x Kurenai • Inuyasha x Kagome • Sebastian x Grell • Kiki x Tombo • Minato x Kushina • Vanitas x Noe • Vanitas x Jeanne • Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy • Catwoman x Batman • Sly x Carmelita • and plenty more
Other Fav Characters
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Link to other post coming soon
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Happy Birthday Rukia 2021 [with Renji] @rukia-kuchiki-divided​​
cc-bleach-blazing-souls “Yo, Rukia! Happy Birthday, let’s go eat at your favourite rice dumpling place, my treat!” Renji greeted her with a grin, willing to grab and carry her over his shoulder to take her there if she refused his offer.
rukia-kuchiki-divided answered:
Rukia Birthday Ask - Unprompted | Always Accepting
Rukia looked up from her latest drawing - a true masterpiece depicting all of her friends as Chappy characters! She was quite proud of it and had been concentrating on refining the details, her brow furrowed until she heard Renji's voice. She tapped her pencil against her cheek thoughtfully.
"Hm~ I suppose I can take a break and grace you with my presence." Throwing her usual smirk at Renji, she stood up and stretched slightly. "After all, you did remember my birthday."
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“Well even an artist like yourself can do with a break once in a while,” Renji replied with a grin, having seen what Rukia was working on. Unlike Ichigo, he wasn’t dumb enough to be too honest about it.
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“Yeah, and that means I’m expecting you to remember my birthday later,” he added with a chuckle. Renji soon took Rukia to said rice dumpling place, taking two to go so they can walk around town while enjoying it. “You know, Ichigo mentioned that you could earn some money using your drawings for children’s picture books or something. What do you think of that?”
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ao3feed-ichiruki · 1 year
The Legacy of Moon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/P0FIAbY
by Apostle_of_Dawn
The story is divided into three phases and ten arcs. The initial part of the story is all about the early interaction of Sesshomaru with the Soul Reapers, Hollows, and the Soul Society. It all started when Sesshomaru's Tensaiga was stolen by someone in order to lure him to the present in the Hueco Mundo where he met Tia Halibel who was looking for her missing friends Mila Rose and Sung-Sun. This phase will show the development of the main pairing along with some side pairings and conclude with the introduction of Infernal Demons and the fulfillment of the destiny of the Feudal Era.
Afterward, the story will move into the middle phase where Dracula, Zobek, Angels, and some more characters from the Bleach universe will make their debut. There will be serious changes in the Soul Society and with the arrival of the Quincies, things will conclude in the '1000 Year Blood War Arc'.
In the final phase, every mystery and truth will come out in the light and there will be a direct intervention of powerful forces of the world such as Gods, Satan, etc. in the lives of all of the main characters of the story which will be concluded by the 9th Arc, leaving 10th Arc for an encore.
Words: 1570, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, Bleach (Anime & Manga), Castlevania Lords of Shadow と 宿命の魔鏡 | Castlevania: Lords of Shadow & Mirror of Fate, God of War (Video Games), Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Video Games), Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Christian Tradition Lore & Folklore, Warriors Orochi
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Selene (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Gabriel Belmont | Dracula, Trevor Belmont | Alucard, Tia Harribel, Orkos (God of War), Naraku (InuYasha), Aizen Sousuke, Orochi (Warriors Orochi), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Tia Harribel/Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha, Kuchiki Rukia/Kurosaki Ichigo, Ulquiorra Cifer/Inoue Orihime, Shihouin Yoruichi/Urahara Kisuke, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Mythology References
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/P0FIAbY
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