#ruling: passable but problematic
familyabolisher · 2 years
that stupid fucking fanfiction discourse which posits that the presence of incest (& other "problematic" relationships) in a work of fiction is only ever intended to titillate and like, endorse
Can we do nerd talk? Other than something like "to depict a shitty experience" what else would it represent in a work? if that makes sense
any number of things. preservation of blood purity amongst the ruling class which in turn becomes a mechanism for exploring the logics of fascism, for a start. or like, incest is a pretty classic technique for making literal the violence that is already implicit in normative family structures; patriarchal incest which figures the daughter as sexually subject to her father draws on ideas around the daughter as bourgeois property (cf. Ruth Perry, Incest as the Meaning of the Gothic Novel), sibling incest can be both a refuge from abuse and a perpetuation of it wherein the trauma of abuse can be articulated through the subject's breakdown in ability to coherently differentiate one "type" of relationship from another; &c. &c. those are just some examples off the top of my head lmao.
like, incest is a v expansive metaphor into which you can pack a lot of ideas around familial abuse, socioeconomic relations bolstering said abuse, white supremacy & blood purity. as a metaphor, the idea is to say: "here is something we as an audience understand to be a violence; it is standing in for something else whose violence is more covert or socially passable; in comparing A to B we make this violence visible."
i swear to god i do NOT want to start sticking my feet into this discourse because i have seen the kind of harassment people will get over it, but my point was that people draw v arbitrary lines around what does and does not constitute a literature intellectually meaningful enough for its depictions of violence of this sort to be taken with more consideration than just "this has a direct 1:1 relationship to the real-life sexual ethics of the creator and is thus morally suspect" and fanfiction is firmly outside of those lines, whereas i think we should be able to hold space for a multiplicity of interpretations (good and bad, ethical and unethical, etc) in transformative writing as much as we can in like, the gothic canon, rather than deferring to socially invested intellectual literary value.
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unhingedkinfessions · 8 months
Let's say, hypothetically, l like like someone. And, for the sake of the argument, let's say we're sourcemates. Sourcemates of very high kins. Hypothetically. Now, in the case that our pairing is vehemently outlawed by the powers that be (the fandom at large) (on account of our mutual murder attempts)... would dating be a passable offence? In the eyes of the kin court system? I need a judicial ruling on toxic yaoi kindating.
Asking for a friend by the way. Hypothetically.
slow your roll there man why dont you start by hypothetically talking to the guy about it. you dont need anyone dictating how you organize your little homoerotic murderbuddy relationship thing much less some randos on a kincentric tumblr blog. capiche. lawfully it aint none of my damn business
that being said though in the eyes of the law youre liable to go to kin hell for upwards of ten hundred years due to charges of making me read the phrase "toxic yaoi kindating" and giving a flying fuck what fandom deems problematic or not
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Sierra Burgess is a Loser
This movie could have been so much better, and that hurts more than if it was just bad. 
It opens with Sierra getting ready for the day, which is honestly so common in these types of movies it could be a trope. She has a moment where she compliments herself in the mirror in this bit which I think was well-placed seeing what comes next: we do see a single hint that maybe she’s not as confident as she’s about to seem for the next bit of the movie. We head off to school with her and meet the Plastics-- I know, I know, but that’s what I’m calling them for now, because it has that cliche trio of alpha bitch and two worker bees that is so darn common in teen movies these days. Veronica is shown to target Sierra right from the start, but then we come to Sierra and the movie’s first big “could have been good but wasn’t” aspect comes up.
Sierra is shown as quite confident in the face of Veronica’s bullying. She puts on a face like it doesn’t hurt her. I loved that! I found it so refreshing because so many movies in this genre show unpopular people defining themselves by the popular people. Despite that first interaction and what happens later, this bit of the movie establishes Sierra as not one of those characters. Veronica is an annoyance in her life, but not one that she ever seems actively hurt by. I loved this... right up until we get told by the movie later on that Sierra is not that person. Of course, just like Veronica, she can have her game-face, she can pretend things don’t hurt her... but the movie isn’t nearly as clear about what’s real for Sierra as it should be. They needed to pick a direction, and they didn’t. They could have shown Sierra confident in the face of her bullies but breaking down after, but nothing like this ever happens.
And this is a huge problem in light of how the movie progresses. Veronica gives a guy Sierra’s number, they text all night, they start to like each other, they call... I can only just buy this in light of the person Sierra was shown to be, even despite that first little bit of the movie, but only because we didn’t see the conversation and I told myself, “Okay, Sierra must have not realized he thought he was texting someone in particular right away.” Then she figures out it’s Veronica he’s texting, and things go a little wonky.
Sierra enlists Veronica to help her, and I think this is the strongest aspect of the movie. Actually, this middle bit with Veronica is almost worth the pain of the bad bits. I won’t talk about the arc in detail, but I will just say that there’s nothing that’s done wrong. There are places it could have gone for tell don’t show, and it didn’t. Veronica and Sierra start to have a wonderful friendship while tricking this guy and it’s adorable. They both make each other better. The only character development in the whole movie rests in these bits. If it weren’t for the romantic window dressing of the situation that pretends to be the movie’s focus, this could’ve been an awesome movie just based around how a situation like this brought these two girls together.
There’s a lot of little things in this bit that are so good to me, mostly between the girls. Veronica’s home life was given the exact treatment I think it needed, and just un-cliche enough that it felt fresh (she’s not the first popular girl from a broken home but the trend does tend towards rich popular kids, especially since Mean Girls), and her mother is shown as living vicariously through her daughters’ youth in a way that really criticizes “beauty before brains” mindset as coming from parents raising their kids wrong. I dunno, I just really think this middle bit is the strongest part of the movie. 
Eventually, Sierra starts calling Veronica “Ronnie”, it’s very sweet. They take lots of selfies, confess things to each other... this is the kind of content I really come to girly movies for, not the romance, not really.
And then we come to another problematic aspect of the movie: the kiss scene. I’ll be honest, I fast-forwarded through this bit because it was just so painful to watch. I haven’t mentioned this yet, but the catfishing came to a level where Veronica was faking a date with Sierra in the wings giving her lines, there’s a few good moments for their friendship where Veronica says that Jamie would like her Sierra and that Sierra’s presence in her life has made her finally consider her own future properly and says that Sierra should be a singer... and eventually Jamie leans in for a kiss. Instead of dealing with the catfishing problem-- we all knew that wasn’t going to happen-- the lines of consent are crossed and Ronnie asks Jamie to close his eyes, and Sierra kisses him. He tries to open them, and she shoves her hand on his face and tells him to keep them closed-- this was very uncomfortable and violent imo. Girl on guy consent-crossing is not any better than the opposite. I should have seen it coming with the catfish theme and the way things were progressing but I was not ready for such a violation from our “hero”. This is the first bit where I felt I was losing my suspension of disbelief regarding her being the “hero” of this story. Yes, even after all the catfishing, I was still with it. The circumstances were strange, but I could see this happening... you know how a lie gets bigger and bigger as you maintain it, that’s how I felt Sierra had progressed into this catfishing, and that was somewhat forgivable. I was on board for redemption for the bad things she was doing, but here I thought, “No. No way.”
Then we come to this party, Sierra gets drunk blah blah, Ronnie is told not to hang out with her blah blah... there’s this bit where Ronnie’s college boyfriend who she’s been studying to impress shows up. I definetly make a squeaking noise of excitement when he said, “I saw your post” and she just lit up and said “The Hamlet one?” Despite the fact her studying was driven out of impressing him, honestly I think that line sounded a whole lot like she was proud of herself for making that progress, that this is something she’s started to enjoy. Her character development is A+ here. Anyways, the guy takes advantage of her naiivity to sleep with her and dumps her over DM the next day, and Ronnie goes to Sierra for comfort (awww!)...
Eventually, we come to the third-act misunderstanding that everyone saw coming where the situation comes to a head. Well, I say everyone saw coming: everyone saw there would be a third-act misunderstanding, but the direction it takes manages to be both out of nowhere and unsurprising at the same time. The homecoming game (I assume) happens, Sierra is there with marching band, Veronica is here to be a cheerleader, and Jamie is there as the opposing team’s quarterback. Jamie obviously kisses Veronica when he sees her, she pushes him away but only after Sierra who was watching unbeknownst to them pushes Jamie away...
... and Sierra, who has shown very little cruel tendencies up to this point (besides the whole consent issue), decides to humiliate Veronica in front of everyone by hacking into her social media and showing the whole school Veronica got broken up with over DM. Nevermind the fact this would not be the social murder the movie portrays it as-- just humiliating for Veronica but I don’t think anyone else would have noticed... in the fallout, the fact that Veronica and Sierra have been playing with him is revealed to Jamie, and Veronica has this bit where she says to Sierra “you think I’m mean but you should look in a mirror” which seems to come from an earlier form of the script or something because it’s basically a rewording of Mean Girls’ “You Cady are a mean girl” and no movie attempting that theme will ever be as striking as the masterwork so they should stop trying. Besides the rip-offiness of it, it just doesn’t fit. The only mean thing Sierra has really done is the catfishing and the bad touch kiss, and she’s never really shown to hate Veronica for being mean and at this point they’ve been legitimate friends for half the movie. Where did Sierra’s cruelty come from?? Why is it getting this response? This scene just doesn’t fit the movie at all. It was like I’d switched channels into Mean Girls 2 or something, but I hadn’t. 
And then she gets home and snaps at her parents for being beautiful in a move that has no previous indication throughout the movie she feels this way. This movie needs to know the difference between showing and telling, because in the climax, it tells us one thing about the characters even though it’s shown us another for 50 minutes or so. 
And then comes my next complaint: Sierra writes her song (which was good, don’t get me wrong, if its use was terrible) and everyone suddenly goes “oh poor sierra she deserves forgiveness and a happy ending because her life is just so hard because she’s so ugly” (seriously, the song is about how she’s not conventionally beautiful and how hard that is for her and everyone just forgives her for playing with their lives), and gets off scott free. It wasn’t even a proper apology! Jamie takes her to the prom because Veronica explains on her behalf, and roll credits. 
There are a few other miscellaneous complaints-- we have a gay black best friend (yeah, couldn’t just chose one stereotypical minority type of best friend for their one-dimensional support character!), for some reason Stanford is implied to not be interested in a white legacy girl who has near perfect SAT scores and parents with money to pay her tuition (like, I know maybe she wouldn’t get a scholarship with her amount of community involvement but seriously her dad is famous and a Stanford graduate, she just needs the minimal submission requirement and she’d fucking get in!) And I was also not impressed by the whole “why does everyone think I’m a lesbian” joke. Like... it just... wasn’t funny... and they hit it three or four times. She never does anything lesbian-y and I was sitting here like, “Are you saying lesbians are unattractive girls?”???  A few other details here and there in dialogue and the like were weaker too.
I did laugh so hard I spilled a glass of water over when she signed her name is “Shit Pizza” though. So there’s that. 
There were so many individual aspects of this movie that I just loved, but as a whole it just didn’t work together. In my opinion, the whole movie needed refocusing to go from passable to actually good. Instead of the third-act misunderstanding going the way it did, I think the movie could have been saved by shifting the focus. Use the catfishing as a tool to connect the two girls and write a friendship plot. Let Sierra face the consequences of playing around with Jamie and have him not be interested in her because she hurt him, and let the real prize be the friendship she made along the way. And remove the whole “Sierra betrays Ronnie” bit because it came out of nowhere, have it be a more realistic confrontation between them for the kiss that doesn’t involve such an uncharacteristic behaviour, remove the Mean Girls shit, and then end on Ronnie and Sierra going stag together to homecoming. Or maybe turn it into a romance between them, because god knows we need more LGBTQA+ romances in film. Doing something that like that and doing another pass of the script for making sure what they show matches up with what they tell could have saved this movie.
But they didn’t, so it hurts to know that they almost made a good story but fell just short of doing anything truly noteworthy. Overall, the content was basically passable, but there were some problematic points that I think didn’t belong and the ending fell flat. 
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writing-with-olive · 4 years
Hey, I wanted to know what is generally preferred or seen as "better"? Previously one of my readers said that I used my characters' names too much in my writing and that it was repetitive. But I was doing that to make a clear distinction between who was doing what bc I was writing two characters with the same gender and pronouns so always saying "he" could possibly be confusing. I switched to using "the black-haired boy", "the redhead" etc. instead. But I want to be careful w that bc (continued)
If you describe a character as "the Japanese boy" or something I feel like it's kind of just reducing them to their race/ethnicity? But sometimes it can be hard to make other distinctions besides different hair color or race if the characters are for example both male, both students, same age, etc. I only stick to different hair colors, though. But then recently, I saw a post with someone complaining that it's annoying and saying "Why not just use the characters' actual names?" (continued)
Also. Recently I have seen discourse about how calling girls and women "females" is problematic but does the same go for men? It's not my intent but sometimes I might say something like "the redhaired male" if the character is not a young boy but not far into adulthood either. Bc writing "the redhaired young adult man" just sounds awkward to me personally. But it's really not my intent to offend anyone's gender if I use "male", I noticed I will sometimes overuse male at times though (continued)
Anyway I'm sorry for all the background but basically I just wanted to know which is better when writing scenes with two characters with the same gender, should I just use their names or is it better to describe them, and if I do describe them can I say "male" or would that be considered insulting? I don't want my writing to be annoying or repetitive but I also want it to be clear so you know who's talking but also don't want to say or do anything that could be misinterpreted as insulting. (End)
Hi Anon! Thanks for the ask!
Short/Summarized Answer:
Stick to names/pronouns as much as possible
Change sentence structure to allow for names and pronouns without seeming too repetitive/confusing
Don’t refer to characters as their race - it can reduce them down to that
Instead, use professions, positions, relations to mc, achievements as points of reference
Use of the words “male” and “female” are generally okay as adjectives but not as nouns.
Long Answer:
I think as a general rule of thumb, I would stick to names and pronouns as much as possible. That way you can sidestep most of the problem of reducing people down to single traits.
So. How to make this not confusing when using pronouns, and not repetitive when using names?
1. Sentence structure is going to be your best friend. Using sentence structure, you can dictate which things are going to be referenced directly (and thus get pronouns) and which things are going to be implied by the references (and thus do not need pronouns).
For example...
“The priestess walked through the group of travelers. The oldest among them, a man, glanced at her. She didn’t meet his gaze.”
...or another example...
“The two warriors were training as part of the Elite Guard - a group of the finest male warriors in the realm, all paid to protect the Emperor at all costs. Cass ducked under Lucien’s blade. Too slow. The following punch sent him sprawling.”
The first example might have been cheating a little - the priestess was the only one who we knew used she/her pronouns. The second example, however, isn’t that different. The point of the scene was about two men dueling, but rather than try to grapple with two identical sets of pronouns, the trick I used was to use he/him for Cass, and the implied it/its for Lucien’s sword. Lucien’s presence is implied by the fact that it’s his sword being swung. By changing it up like that, each moving part to the scene had its own pronoun. The other detail that makes this work is the sentece “too slow.” This implies that Cass’s actions had consequences. That clears up any doubt about who’s sent sprawling.
As much as possible, set up sentences so that each moving part has its own pronoun
Use smaller details to clear up possible doubt or confusion
2. Simplify things. Basically what I mean is if you can remove a name from a sentence, and it still makes sense, do it. This will help things from sounding too repetitive later. (Pronouns usually don’t stick out enough to sound too repetitive) Also experiment by rewriting/adding/deleting sentences so that you can convey the details you need without needing to use names or pronouns as much.
For example...
“Analucia spotted Mirabell walking alone in the courtyard. Deciding that her book of etiquitte was far too dull, and the day was too nice to miss, Analucia went outside and joined Mirabell. Mirabell and Analucia walked in silence for a full minute before Mirabell asked, “are you in too much trouble?” Analucia decided that Mirabell was in too good a mood to have it be spoiled. 
“No.” Analucia lied cheerfully.”
Can be changed to...
“Analucia spotted Mirabell walking alone in the courtyard. Deciding that her book of etiquitte was far too dull, and the day was far too nice to miss, she went outside and joined her friend. The two walked in silence for a full minute before Mirabell asked, “are you in too much trouble?” Analucia decided that the girl next to her was in too good a mood to have it be spoiled.
“No.” she lied cheerfully.
This went from an somewhat atrocious example to something more passable, but it can be better. Some sentences are prone to sounding more repetitive. Mixing things up, whether it’s the style of the sentence (dialogue, thoughts, narrative, etc), or the gramatical structure of it, can lead to a massive improvement.
For example, the above scene can be made even better by allowing for more drastic change...
“Deciding that her book of etiquitte was far too dull, and the day was far to nice, Analucia went outside to the courtyard and joined her friend. The two walked in silence for a full minute before Mirabell asked, “are you in too much trouble?”
She’s finally in a good mood. I won’t spoil it.. “No.” was Analucia’s cheerful lie.
The details from the first sentece could be redestributed elsewhere, and by chopping it off, the scene was instantly made less repetitive. Also, by making Analucia’s decision to lie part of her internal thought process, we could further elliminate more uses of the two girls’ names.
Elliminate unnecesary names - this will make necesary uses of names seem less repetitive
Chop off unnecesary sentences - especially if they use character’s names
Remember that pronouns usually don’t sound too repetitive - at least, not to the same extent as names
Change up sentence structure so they don’t requre as much repetition of names/pronouns
Unfortunately, names and pronouns don’t always do the trick. What if names are too repetitive, and pronouns too confusing, and you’ve played around with sentence structure and nothing’s working? This is where you call in your backup: alternate titles and descriptions
So. How to do this so things are clear and not offensive?
1. Generally speaking, the term “female” is something you’re going to want to stay away from as a noun, but depending on usage, it’s fine as an adjective. To be on the safe side, I would say that a similar thing goes for male. 
I (someone who usually presents and fits the societal role of a woman) have never been offended by descriptors such as “a group of female writers.” That being said, the phrase “the female” can be problematic. 
If you’re going to use the word male/female, stick well away from using it as a noun.
(I actually don’t know if male is problematic, but what I’ve decribed above is my personal rule, as I’d rather stay on the safe side than risk being offensive)
2. Professions, titles, achievable awards/positions/etc, and how they relate to your MC are all usually fair game. For example, if you’ve got two students, maybe one of them was chosen as Prom Queen. You could refer to her as that. Or, if your MC has just met another character, then that character might be referred to as “the stranger.” This also helps to avoid reducing characters to a race/ethnicity, and as an added benifit, it can also help keep more story-relevant details in readers’ minds.
Referring to characters as something that they a) have control over, and b) is relevant to the story will always be better - if it’s not relevant, then it’s just taking up space.
On a similar note, doing the opposite - that is, when you refer to characters using things like their race, or other things that they can similarly not control, can lead you to problematic territory for the same reasons that you specified - it can reduce them down to that thing. This is especially true if you refer to your characters of color using their race, but do not do the same thing with your white characters.
3. This is kind of similar to point #2 of this section, but I did want to address this somewhat seperately.
You asked...
It's not my intent but sometimes I might say something like "the redhaired male" if the character is not a young boy but not far into adulthood either. Bc writing "the redhaired young adult man" just sounds awkward to me personally
In a case like this, I can definitely see why you’d find the phrase “the redhaired young adult man” awkward; it’s a lot of description all at once!
Generally, I would establish most of what characters look like seperately to their reference. So in this example, you could establish the character’s general age beforehand, and then refer to them as something simpler - that way you could get out of both the awkwardness and the potential problems of using the word “male.” (which again, I’m not entirely sure if it’s problematic, but I personally avoid it to be safe)
But what if none of that works? What if they’re similar enough that I can’t differenciate them clearly except for their names?
This is going to be the moment where you’re going to have to take a good look at your characters. Do they actually need to be two seperate characters? Can they be combined into a single character? If both of them seem to be around each other for a large part of the book - to the point where this is a major problem, the answer is very likely to be yes.
If not - if they need to both be their own seperate character - then this might be a wakeup call to go into their character’s personalities, traits, and backstories, and add enough variation that they can exist as their own individual character, who’s distinguishable from the others.
I know this was both late, and bit all over the place, but I hope it helps!
Happy Writing!
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lenismachines-blog · 5 years
Buying a Liquid Filling Machine
The popular liquid filling machine in a factory is definite to rely upon a wide range of factors. It not only has to match the type of liquid and bottle, Blog Here but should also complement the present price range and future progress. Right here are some things to help establish the correct liquid filling machine:
A major consideration with the filling machine relates to the kind of products which are being bottled. Liquids may be sticky, thick and semi-fluid in consistency, so it is essential to use a machine that matches. As an illustration, the thick liquid is finest paired with the piston filler and the thin liquid goes well with the gravity filler. There are some liquids that can passable use the same machine, nevertheless it generally advantages to always keep on with the precise type of equipment to complement the product.
There are plenty of liquids that may change consistency or thickness as the native temperature starts to alter. Other liquids can feature particulates, corresponding to liquid soaps and salad dressings. Any liquid with a singular attribute can have an impact on the popular type of filler. For the thick liquids like spaghetti sauce with items of mushrooms or vegetables included it's certain to benefit from a piston machine because it has the vast pathway. Utilizing the flawed machine can soon result in blockages, which implies the problematic and slow filling process.
The kind of container or bottle is an additional consideration in selecting the popular piece of machinery. As an example, the clear bottle is commonly paired with the overflow filler to achieve the constant fill levels. This offers the most attractive look when positioned on the shop cabinets. Also, the size of the bottle will have an impact on the kind of filler nozzle to make use of.
The level of automation varies with the different filling machines. The machine is built to be totally automated, semi-computerized or a tabletop. The fastest fill choice is the automated machines which can be considerably quicker than the alternate options and require minimal operator interaction as soon as the work is underway. The semi-automatic has a much slower manufacturing rate as a result of it is necessary to manually change on the filling course of and clear the crammed bottles as required. The popular liquid filling machine should have the flexibility to meet the manufacturing calls for for the dimensions of a selected business.
While viscosity degree will always play a part in the filling precept used for any given packaging undertaking, it isn't as necessary with regards to selecting the automation level. Overflow fillers, gravity fillers, pump filling machines Lenis Machines Inc. and piston fillers are all obtainable in different levels of automation. The starting automation level for a packager will most frequently be based on the manufacturing necessities and the accessible area to carry out the packaging.
At first, beginning manufacturing ranges will play a large part in choosing the right level of automation for a filling machine. If a company is barely trying to provide an area or regional area, tabletop or uniframe packaging programs will be the ideal solution. Tabletop filling machines permit operators to create a filling station on just about any tabletop surface. These machines will often include a slide monitor and the operator will move bottles below the fill nozzles - which may vary wherever from one to 4 nozzles.
As soon as under the nozzles, a footswitch, finger swap or other related type of activation lets the operator start the fill cycle. As soon as bottles are filled, they are manually moved from below the fill heads and changed by empty bottles to begin the process once more. Tabletop machines are simple to make use of and are a price effective device for short run merchandise or low production needs.
Uniframe packaging programs might be manufactured as tabletop systems or on a conveyable frame for simple mobility. These filling programs incorporate different packaging features to create a packaging system with a small footprint, saving both space and time whereas allowing for consistency throughout several packaging platforms. For instance, an overflow filler may be Wikipedia Here built onto a conveyable body for a product reminiscent of bottled water. Nonetheless, with the uniframe system, a guide wet rinser, handheld chuck capper and semi-computerized labeling machine can be added to this same frame. Slightly than have a station for each considered one of these features, the uniframe system incorporates each stage on the same machine body.
A single operator might carry out the rinse, fill, cap and label of the bottles. Or two users would possibly cut up the packaging duties, one rinsing and filling whereas the second caps and labels. The packaging equipment allows for greater consistency https://www.lenismachines.com and generally more efficient packaging than when completed by hand. Just like the tabletop filling machines, uniframe systems save house and are a great resolution for short run products or for firms with decrease production demands.
As manufacturing charges improve, most companies will start trying toward semi-computerized and computerized filling machines on portable frames. The semi-automated machines will still require an operator to both place bottles on a conveyor or slide the containers beneath the fill heads manually. Semi-automatic grain packing machines liquid fillers could use simple indexing, but generally will nonetheless require some kind of activation from the operator of the packaging machine. Semi-computerized filling machinery can be utilized with other packaging machines on a line or can act as stand alone filling machines.
Computerized filling machines might be manufactured utilizing the identical frame because the semi-automated machines, however will include a PLC with a touchscreen operator interface. This characteristic allows semi-automatic fillers to be upgraded in the future ought to manufacturing rates develop. These machines can roll as much as almost any current power conveyor system to start operating production. In fact, most automatic liquid filling machines can be a part of an inline packaging system, which can embody a conveyor system and different equipment resembling container cleaning tools, capping machines, labelers and another equipment necessary to routinely prepare a product and package deal for the consumer. This implies, as a basic rule, as production rates improve, so does the house required to carry out the packaging.
Nonetheless, there are alternatives to proceed to save area. First of all, even computerized machinery can perform as a stand alone filling station (or capping, labeling or any other operate). This may enable one portion of a packaging process to be automated to extend the overall efficiency of a packaging line whereas nonetheless saving house. The draw back, after all, is that other packaging capabilities will still be carried out manually or with tabletop machines, limiting the true efficiency of the automated filler.
A second choice to avoid wasting house and enhance automation is a monoblock packaging system. Just like a uniframe system, the monoblock will allow for multiple packaging function. Nonetheless, the monoblock system will position the different packaging parts round a starwheel to Social Network Here allow for automated packaging in a smaller footprint than one would discover with an inline system. For instance, a monoblock system may include a bowl to kind vials, drop them into position in the starwheel, then fill and cap the vial because it moves across the starwheel.
In the long run, there's a distinctive answer for each packaging mission that can allow the company to maximise efficiency based on the available house and the production necessities. Exploring and understanding the different choices will allow the packager to make the best possible selection.
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hospitaldirectory · 3 years
How to plan and design a blood bank?
How to plan and design a blood bank?
Transfusing gore is correspondent to relocation of coating cells to giver to receiver. A Blood bank is a abode where gore is collected from the giver & transfusing it to the receiver. The gore product and example currents come together when there is a necessity for a product for example analysis, which begins the united flow of blood creation dispensation and scattering. Instructions are acknowledged and cross-matched, allowing the blood product to be made ready for delivery, a procedure that must border with the blood product operator, either at a pick-up gap or other circulation point, such as through a pneumatic tube system. Blood product reappearance flow also must be accounted for, which may lead to gore yields being positioned back in storing or moved to the waste creek if intolerable upon reappearance.
For blood banks, four chief purposes area:
Getting To inspire lean, efficient processes, Blood Bank Set Up Providers should ensure that the getting area is best located contiguous to creation storing and analysis areas
Creation Storing Workstation is allotted for in-processing doings related to creation storing. Products are placed in iceboxes, freezers, and platelet incubator/rotators expeditiously for storing under proper circumstances
Analysis preferably, analysis areas are contiguous to test preparation areas and nearby to product storage areas
Delivery Gore product orders are acquiesced from critical locations in the infirmary, such as operation and the ED, to the blood bank through the LIS. Gore products are delivered to the client through a service gap, pneumatic tube station, or other technique.
When selecting the abode for a blood centre, the subsequent necessities should be deliberated:
– If the blood centre comprises a collection centre, it is important that the site is easily available to the community by public transport.
-The site ought be willingly available to conveyance vehicles to and from gathering centers and infirmaries.
-The place should be level for the comfort and economy of development.
-Passable facilities counting water and power should be obtainable to the place.
-The place must be above the local flood plain if inundating is an option in the part.
-The site must be big enough to house the proposed blood center structure, interior roads and parking for center, workforce and donor automobiles. To regulate if the site is big enough it may be necessary for the Blood Bank Set Up services to carry out “proof preparation” prior to place acquisition.
-The application and implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in blood hubs is measured a precedence instrument to minimalize the risk of presently known and evolving blood borne illnesses. -The obedience to GMP rules in the enterprise of blood center amenities is vital to safeguard that the group and engineering setting will permit the construction of blood and blood yields of reliable excellence
Usually, floor textures should be low upkeep and easy to spotless. In test center, dispensation parts, contribution and examination parts and all zones where gore is touched, unified sheet carpeting with fully fused joints such as sheet vinyl should be expended. Cemented surfaces are not optional in these seats as it is very problematic to spotless and sterilize the joins between slates. To close, blood bank is a domicile where gore is gathered from contributors, detached into apparatuses, stowed, and equipped for transfusion to receivers. A blood bankmay be a distinct free-standing service or part of a bigger test center in a hospice.
If you are looking for Blood Bank Set Up services, please contact Ozahub.
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st33d · 4 years
All These Worlds Are Yours (Except Europa)
It’s been a while since my last CRPG report and I have played quite a lot of CRPGs in the meantime. I’m going to keep it brief. It’s by no means all the games I played over the past year or so, but it is all the games that are worth playing in some fashion or another.
Yet again I didn’t really bother to get decent screenshots so you’ll have to endure some tangentially related Shutterstock photos.
Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
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It’s like Etrian Odyssey but made by horny 14 year olds. Monsters take the form of purple-black eyes that move only when you do. Colliding with them triggers a JRPG battle with your team. You must conquer around a dozen or so dungeons to defeat a mysterious evil whilst learning about your protagonist’s horny hubris.
I like how it automatically fills in the in-game map, only drawing tiles you have stepped in. Stairways also connect perfectly on most dungeons, leading to some detective work to solve them. The combat is passable. The story is PG13 with random suggestions of poop and sex without really showing any. It’s… a good game with a lot of simple mechanics that it layers up over time to make something quite complex. I really enjoyed solving the dungeons but it’s such a multilayered ball of weirdness that I hesitate recommending it. 
Dragon’s Dogma
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It’s like Skyrim but with less items, less map, and decent fights. Like, really decent fights. You can climb on the back of beasts and hack pieces off of them or shoot magic arrows that do a host of cool things. The story is pretty anime - I can’t get into why without some major spoilers. Safe to say that after the first (and honestly entertaining) chunk of the game you get an overlay of falling ash pinned to your screen and the monsters become hit point sponges. That’s around when I stopped playing because it felt like I’d reached “an” ending and the rest was about beating as many dead horses with whatever sticks I could upgrade enough to hit them with. Last time I fired it up I got in an hour long fight with an off-brand beholder that basically respawned all its limbs eight times because of its egregious hit points.
You’re joined by some enthusiastic AI companions called pawns who have no story and just kinda throw themselves at enemies whilst repeating the same phrases over and over. I’m not really sure if they’re a blessing or curse. The game overall is pretty jank with terrible traversal (don’t explore, the quests will send you to every corner of the map anyway - twice). Despite all my complaints it’s a lot of fun - at least until the 1st ending. It’s cheap and I recommend it.
Sky Rogue
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It’s like a lot of aircraft dogfight games but a bit random. I’ve played this a bit on single player and it’s alright. However I have played many, many, missions in the 2 player mode with a coworker. It’s just very satisfying doing the whole Top Gun team thing taking on a bunch of enemy planes whilst working on upgrades.
Disco Elysium
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It’s like Planescape Torment but without the tedious combat or problematic writer behind it. There’s a video of one of the devs explaining how the dialogue is laid out like Twitter in tabloid format for easy reading. This is revolutionary. I want every computer text game to use this format from now on.
I cannot stress how important it is to enter Disco Elysium unprepared. To have no grasp on just how far you will be allowed to explore, who you will meet, who you will travel with, or what you are expected to do. It is a game about amnesia and becoming someone new - if that is at all possible.
I have two pieces of advice however:
Don’t start with Psyche or Physique stats below 2, they’re both your health and the game will surprise you with damage to either in the most unexpected places.
Do every quest. Explore every nook and cranny. Not knowing is the very essence of the game. You’ll have lost that feeling after the ending.
I don’t need to tell you how good the game is. Just look at most reviews.
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It’s like Descent (that 1st person spacecraft game on the PSX) but in space and it’s a roguelike. Everspace has you mine, salvage, fight, trade, and quest - but you do it all from the comfort of a spaceship that has responsive controls and interesting weaponry. I had a lot of fun skulking round wrecks to salvage parts whilst avoiding patrols of hostiles until I had enough kit to take them on.
It has a substandard storyline but great meta-progression, asking you to grind cash from each run to unlock parts for a better ship on the next. I put in a great deal of hours into this game and I’m looking forward to what the studio does with the sequel.
Horizon Zero Dawn
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It’s like Shadow of Mordor but good. My only major complaint was how constant use of the bow had the camera staying uncomfortably close to Aloy’s arse and burying itself in grass during frenetic combat. When the camera wasn’t trying to kill me the combat was astoundingly good. You fight lumbering robo-dinosaurs with special weak spots and various attacks. The quests are also good with a surprising amount of cutscenes and dialogue for a lot of completely optional content.
I was also amazed at how they managed to pull off an almost believable backstory for a world full of robot dinosaurs. Despite some frustrating combat encounters I had a good time exploring its large and very pretty world.
Pathfinder Kingmaker
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It’s like Baldurs Gate but not as good. Only on my 3rd attempt at playing the game with the newly patched in turn based mechanics did it start to make sense. It uses Pathfinder’s rules which are deep and tactical - as tactical rules go they’re pretty good. However when those rules fly by at real time speed you don’t learn how opportunity attacks work (they’re more complex than modern D&D) or how to utilise charge and positioning.
The story is pretty forgettable and the encounter design is relentlessly dull. A lot of areas are just simply fight after fight after fight. In turn based mode the fights are pretty good but too many of them are identical. The ones that weren’t I found inscrutable and impossible to pass. If you like min-max fighting and little else then have at it - but I warn you that the UI is lagging behind most popular CRPGs. You can’t even check the world map whilst in a town.
Metal Gear Solid V
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It’s like an RPG. Despite not having a main character with stats, in this open world game of hide and seek you kidnap soldiers who in turn become your stats. Through them you gain access to new abilities. Through them you are drip-fed the resources you steal, only becoming able to spend all that you’ve stolen by having enough accountants to do your taxes. It is a brilliant work of roleplaying economics and a thoroughly enjoyable open world game. One where I can completely ruin a mission yet chuckle at my attempts to save what’s left of my dignity.
It also fails to stick the landing. At around the 20th mission the game starts committing to its plot and the rot sets in. Bit by bit it becomes worse to play. There was trouble at Konami when the game was made and it feels like the end of the game was hit the hardest. This was the part that was tested the least and had the worst ideas thrown into it. Metal Gear Solid V is still worth it for the 1st half of the game.
Final Fantasy 8
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It’s like the other Final Fantasy games but poorly paced and balanced. The junction system is incredibly interesting in that it tries to sidestep the whole issue of items by gluing your characters to guardian angels. It’s built in card game Triple Triad is simple and engaging. The story is kinda interesting with some time travel shenanigans going on...
But it’s pacing is dreadful with endlessly copypasted rooms. The magic draw system is miserable (and yes I know you can get GFs to convert items to magic but then it’s more tedious busy work to upscale all the magic into something work attaching). The world map is shockingly empty. And the characters are just yawn, yawn, yawn.
Pick it up on sale.
Torchlight 2
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It’s like Diablo 2 but not quite as good. Still worth playing though. I got it on the Switch and found that playing it with a gamepad was a pleasant experience.
It has a few balance problems with the Engineer class being ridiculously overpowered compared to any of the others (and way more fun). And there’s some annoying bugs that prompted a few reloads. Still pretty entertaining however.
Pokemon Shield
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It’s like every other Pokemon game (surprise surprise) but easier. As much as I like how they’ve removed a lot of busywork from this entry, it makes it feel like the only challenge in the previous titles was the busywork. When really it was the busywork that held you back from just kerb-stomping everything in your path.
It’s not until the final DLC that you’re given some pokemon that are needlessly tedious to catch and some group battles using randomly selected pokemon that test your knowledge of the game’s systems. The only real challenge in the game is in the online multiplayer against humans where your pokemon level is normalised and encyclopedic knowledge of the title’s history is required.
My internet is terrible so the online gameplay is dead to me. It’s a very fun game, but also a very disappointing one.
Burnout Paradise
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It’s like a sandbox game for cars. Except that you’re not really driving a car, it’s more like you’re driving a bobsleigh with a rocket attached to it. Unlike most driving games you aren’t given terrain that slows you down. Even if you hit a wall you’ll skate off it so long as you collide sideways. The game just wants you to drive like an arsehole and go faster and faster - to the tune of Epic by Faith No More (literally).
I mean yeah, it’s not an RPG by any stretch but it’s one of the best sandbox games I’ve played. Even when you’re not doing a “mission” you can just drive around the city finding back alleys and ramps to fly off of. It’s just a massive playground with very little negative feedback.
Cyberpunk 2077
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It’s like a bunch of different games you’ve played before but not quite as good. The story is the best bit. I really liked the characters I got to hang out with. I guess I would have enjoyed the gun fights if I hadn’t been playing Doom 1 before I played it. And I would have enjoyed the stealth if I hadn’t already played Metal Gear Solid V with its superior A.I. It has cool Obra Dinn style brain movies to explore for detective work but I enjoyed the spectacle of them more than the execution (though I did enjoy them more than Obra Dinn which I found tedious to navigate or understand).
I saw one review say it was the most backwards view of the future. Not imagining what could be but endlessly paying homage to cyberpunk stories of the past.
I see other reviews say play it when it’s fixed. When the myriad of bugs (and I experienced enough to impact gameplay) are solved.
I say play the sequel. It’s worth experiencing but there’s too much going on that’s playing catch up to other titles.
Shiren The Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
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It’s like Rogue. I first played Shiren 2 on the Nintendo DS and was amazed by its deep systems and story meta progression - various tales progressing in the game only after each death and subsequent replay.
This entry is technically Shiren 5. Holy shit the content in this thing. There are 15 optional dungeons with different rules. Over a hundred block pushing puzzles using various mechanics of the game that you can just walk up and play in the 2nd village you enter. A minesweeper minigame. Loads of tutorial levels. All of these give you rewards which you can take on your main adventure which is a wholly different set of dungeons. I’ve unlocked several companions to adventure with and the game is hinting there are even more later on. It is obscene the amount of value there is packed into this title. And it’s fun. A little unfair at times, but as with all roguelikes the later depths require knowledge and a lot of caution. Strong recommendation for roguelikers.
Dicey Dungeons
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It’s like Dream Quest but with dice. I played the prototype of this at the 7DRL after party. Terry was quite bashful about his creation and didn’t want to submit it. I honestly didn’t see why he shouldn’t as many of us had made far worse in the past.
I put off playing this until it finally landed on the Switch as complete as any roguelike can hope to be. It’s quite different to Dream Quest in that it requires a bit of math to do well in. If you’re not prepared to do basic sums then it’s hard to make progress. Also unlike Dream Quest it’s very balanced. There’s definitely some cheesy tactics you can pull off to get cheap victories but not without some thought and planning.
In a sea of deck building roguelikes, Dicey Dungeons is quite simply refreshing. There’s a lot of good ideas in here you won’t see elsewhere - give it a go.
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zombieheroine · 7 years
For minors and other vulnerable fandom folk
As an adult and kind of a fandom elder in the current meaning of the word I feel compelled to make this post. This is regarding some of the anecdotes and arguments that are brought up constantly in the “problematic shipping discourse”, for example on subjects like Steven Universe and other cartoon fandoms, and what I’ve seen most in the last year in Overwatch on ships like shimadacest, mcreyes and dva76 and so forth. Not only by self-identified antis, but in general by the “we have morals” crowd, sjw-leaning minors, and others who participate in the fandom discourse. These anecdotes being “but your incest/abuse/problematic content is enabling predators in fandom spaces!”
“I was groomed/I know someone who was groomed with ship content! You’re repeating my/their trauma and supporting abuse!”
I’m here to talk to you about these kinds of situations and predators in online fandom spaces.
Yes, there are adults who are preying on minors online. Yes, there are people looking to harm others. There are people who have lost touch with reality and nurse fantasies of toxic relationship in many senses of the word. There are people who will fake interests and lie to people in order to prey on them. But this is true to every space in existence, not just fandom. When you are online, you are in public space full of strangers.
Anyone can see your public posts and read up on stuff you have said. Anyone can pretend to be anything. This is why you think twice about whether you want to post selfies, your name or any location info about you, and this is why you should be a little bit suspicious about any strangers you talk to. Be weary! 
And the truth is that no amount of censoring and policing fanart, fanfic or what people are “allowed” to ship will remove the predators. There will always be people who seek to do harm to others, and they will find tools to do so, anything can become a tool for them, and those tools are not the problem, the predators are.
SO! Let’s take a fast safety course! 
You see, this is not a post about any of those ships or content or what is right and wrong. This is about your safety and what to do if your safety is threatened.
I grew up not only online, but with the Internet, and when I was a little girl part of my education was online safety. A lot of those rules like “don’t give out your real name or picture of yourself” are pretty obsolete by now, but some still stand, such as your right to feel safe, to cut off people who make you feel anxious or threatened and your right to refuse to say or do anything you don’t want to do. Basics of consent, you see.
But what you need to understand the most is how to get yourself help when you need it. No amount of callout-posts and anti-blogs is going to help anyone, no amount of pulling receipts on artists is going to help anyone, even if the whole fandom decided to suddenly make a turn and become pure and wholesome wouldn’t help anyone. Random people, strangers, in fandom won’t be the ones you should first seek help from.
If something is happening to you, like if an adult keeps harassing you and sending you inappropriate messages, material or something like that, you need to tell an adult in your real life. Tell your mom, your dad, your godmother, your adult sibling, your babysitter, a trusted teacher, your school nurse. Find an adult you know you can trust and tell them the truth. They are the ones who should, can and will help you. You go up to them and say “there’s an adult online who won’t leave me alone and keeps saying/sending sexual things to me” or  just “there’s someone online who scares me and keeps contacting me.” 
Maybe you say “But I don’t want my parents to see my tumblr! I’ll get in trouble!” to which I say that that is a very common thing for a child or a teenager to feel, and the predators know this. They rely on this. Don’t keep secrets and protect people who harm you. Trust me, getting in trouble with your parents is a small thing to worry about when someone is harassing you. Parents might make a fuss or even get angry, but that means they care about you. If you have even passably decent parents, they care if you are being hurt and they want to do something about it.
And if things are not that dire but still you feel uncomfortable...
A lot of things can make one feel uncomfortable regardless of age. Maybe someone creeps you out and they can’t “take a hint” and leave you alone, maybe you saw/read something that evoked a strong reaction. There’s a lot of stuff online that will make you react strongly, and that’s okay, and you have a lot of tools at your disposal in these situation. 
You can always just leave. A great thing about online spaces is that physically you are safe, you are in your own room with your computer or on your own phone somewhere. You can always leave a chat, block someone, lock an account, close a window. You can always step away, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s taking control of your own online experience.
It’s also useful to learn to set boundaries, which means say things out loud and to the person who needs to hear them. You can say “hey, this is making me really uncomfortable, could you change a subject?”, “I don’t want to talk about this anymore”, or “this conversation is over”. Unfollow people. Block people. Post things privately or don’t make a post at all but open a chat window with a friend.
If something you came across online scares you or upsets you, you should process those emotions. Inspect your own feelings and what makes you feel like this. Ask yourself “why am I upset about this?” “what makes me scared?”  Bringing a subject up with an adult might be a good idea too. Just talking about it with someone who has more experience and can offer you reassurance, safety and calm rational angle can help you process.
[TL;DR] There’s a lot of things online you can’t control. You will be exposed to a lot of things and meet bad people. That’s the thing in this world and life in general; you will disagree and be offended, you will meet people you don’t like, people who creep you out and insult you, people who seek to harm you. But you can also control your own behavior, you can set boundaries for yourself, you can help yourself and you can ask for help when you need it. 
And the absolutely most important thing you should take away from this is: Seek help from adults IRL. They are the ones who have the ability and the responsibility to protect and care for you, not strangers online.  
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pokemaniacal · 7 years
Yungoos and Gumshoos
…it’s an angry mongoose detective…
…that… also kind of looks like Donald Trump?
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Yungoos and Gumshoos, as their names and weasel-like forms indicate, are mongeese (this being, of course, the obviously correct plural form of the word “mongoose,” which I will extol and defend beyond all reason).  Although they look very like weasels, mongeese, as I only recently learned, are actually not part of the mustelid family (weasels, otters and badgers) at all, but part of an entirely separate branch of the order Carnivora.  They are related to cats, hyenas and civets, while mustelids are much closer to dogs, bears and seals.  This is probably the reason for Zangoose’s odd species designation “the Cat Ferret Pokémon” – mongeese are to cats what ferrets are to dogs.  Zangoose was inspired by the most well-known characteristic of mongeese, namely their aptitude for killing venomous snakes, which Zangoose expresses through her bitter ancestral blood-feud with Seviper.  Yungoos and Gumshoos are designed after a very different and much more specific trait of one particular population of mongeese: namely, the saga of their introduction to Hawai’i.
Yungoos and Gumshoos are explicitly not native to Alola – they were introduced specifically to curb the Rattata population, an effort which failed miserably after the Rattata adapted to a nocturnal lifestyle and urban environments.  We’ve had a few Pokémon in the past that don’t seem to actually be native to the regions in which we first met them (Eevee is probably Kalosian; Togepi if anything seems native to Sinnoh) but that’s usually not spelled out clearly.  Yungoos, likewise, must come originally from some region we’ve never been to yet.  There’s a whole story to this, which is that the real-world Hawai’i really does have a substantial population of Asian mongeese.  They were imported on purpose in 1883 to hunt the introduced rats that were plaguing the sugarcane crop, after the success of a similar program in Jamaica (the rats in question include both the Norwegian rat, Rattus norvegicus, that arrived in Hawai’i in the late 18th century as a stowaway on European ships, and the somewhat more chill Polynesian rat, Rattus exulans, that had been deliberately introduced by the first Hawaiians over a thousand years earlier as a source of food).  These mongeese were an utter failure at controlling the rat population, since rats are mostly nocturnal while mongeese are mostly diurnal, but did succeed in devastating many of Hawai’i’s vulnerable native bird and reptile species.  This is what gives us the day-night duality between Yungoos and the Alolan Rattata, Yungoos only being able to evolve during the day and Rattata only at night, while Ilima’s totem Pokémon is a Raticate on Moon version but a Gumshoos on Sun version.  It’s also the basis of the adaptations of the Alolan Rattata and Raticate described by the Pokédex.
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It’s an interesting idea, building a Pokémon around a story like this, but I’m concerned that it clashes in unfortunate ways with some of the basic assumptions of how the Pokémon world works.  Yungoos and Gumshoos clearly did just as poor a job of wiping out the Alolan Rattata as their real-world counterparts – and, we are told, even for the same reason.  They are nonetheless thriving, and one of the most common Pokémon species throughout the Alolan islands.  Like Hawai’i’s mongeese, they clearly found alternative prey, and presumably quite a lot, since we’re told their appetites are ravenous, though we hear nothing of what that prey might be – native Alolan species like Oricorio and Rowlet?  And it’s not clear what, if anything, Alola plans to do about this.  In the real world (particularly in places with large numbers of unique species, like Hawai’i or my own home in New Zealand), invasive predators tend to get little mercy.  They’re a danger to vulnerable endangered species that exist nowhere else in the world, many of which are also symbols of regional culture and identity.  We don’t see any of that side of the story in Sun and Moon.  And to some extent that’s fine and to be expected – I mean, it’s Pokémon.  What could they do, tell us to catch Yungoos and bring them to Professor Kukui to be euthanized because they’re a danger to rare native Pokémon?  Yungoos and Gumshoos are as sapient as any other Pokémon and didn’t migrate to Alola by choice; applying real-world policies on invasive species to them just wouldn’t mesh with a lot of the Pokémon world’s basic rules about Pokémon in society.  The problem is that, when you draw attention to this Pokémon being inspired by an invasive species, but get rid of everything negative about that inspiration, the moral of the story seems to be “introducing random exotic predators to fragile ecosystems as pest control works just fine, with absolutely no negative consequences.”  That would easily be in the top 5 most dangerously wrong claims Pokémon has ever made, and bear in mind, this is a franchise which would have us believe that all wild animals really just want to be friends with you.  I find it deeply troubling, but am not sure how best to resolve it.
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Oh, and also, for some reason, Gumshoos has a detective aesthetic?  His hunting behaviour is described as “staking out” his prey’s daily routines, and his fur sort of makes him look like he’s wearing a trench coat like Looker’s.  I’m not quite sure where this comes from or why it’s in the design.  Clearly it needed something else on top of the introduced mongoose story to make it more interesting and Pokémon-ish, and I suppose the detective motif serves as well as anything, but I’m at a loss as to why they went with that in particular.  It’s not a reference to any real mongoose hunting strategies, as far as I can tell, nor to any particularly well-known fictional or mythological mongeese.  The theme manifests as a sensible enough aspect of Gumshoos’ behaviour, so it doesn’t become too obnoxious, just… really, really puzzling.  So that’s Gumshoos’ flavour – interesting but problematic on one level and a little bit puzzling on another, so a mixed bag all around (and just to clarify – no, Donald Trump was not actually an influence on the design).  Time to see if his skills match the same standard.
As a cookie-cutter early-game Normal Pokémon, Gumshoos isn’t really allowed to be very good.  He certainly tries, though – puts up quite a valiant effort, actually, and does so in a fairly interesting way.  Gumshoos’ particular schtick derives from his unique ability: Stakeout.  As well as describing his preferred hunting strategy, this ability allows him to hit for double damage with all of his attacks against any enemy switching in.  This makes it very difficult to deal with Gumshoos in a normal way, by switching in a counter Pokémon.  Between his powerful physical attacks, Stakeout bonus, and passable physical movepool, not all that many Pokémon can feel particularly secure switching in against him.  Even Pokémon with really top-of-the-line physical defence capabilities like Hippowdon and Ferrothorn can be stung pretty badly by a poorly-timed switch against Gumshoos.  Well, that sounds great, so what’s the problem?  The flip side, unfortunately, is that between his lacklustre defences, atrocious speed, lack of any priority attacks, and few resistances, quite a lot of Pokémon with even average offensive and defensive capabilities can afford to just go toe-to-toe with a Stakeout Gumshoos, provided they aren’t weak to Dark or Ground attacks.  Even that assumes you can actually get Gumshoos safely into play in the first place, and again, you’ll be hindered there by his average-at-best defences.
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Gumshoos’ other two ability choices are similar in concept, in that they both give him ways of increasing his attack power.  Of these, Adaptability – his hidden ability – is probably the best of all three numerically, increasing the normal bonus for attacks of your own element from +50% to +100%.  With Adaptability, Gumshoos actually winds up having what I think are the most powerful Normal-type physical attacks in the entire game, just barely edging out Slaking, Huge Power Diggersby, and full-strength Regigigas.  Let that sink in for a moment.  One of these rubbishy cookie-cutter early-game Normal Pokémon can fire off a Return or (gods forbid) Giga Impact more powerful than bloody Slaking’s, and doesn’t even have to live with Slaking’s Truant (dis)ability.  Of course, now that I’ve hyped up Gumshoos’ power, I should point out the main problem with Adaptability: it makes Gumshoos extremely similar to Huge Power Diggersby, except clearly worse.  He’s slower, has weaker defences and fewer resistances, doesn’t get a same-type bonus on Earthquake, has a much narrower movepool, and only gets the Adaptability bonus on Normal attacks, while Huge Power works with everything physical.  Gumshoos almost seems like a reaction to some feeling on Game Freak’s part that Diggersby – his immediate predecessor in the rubbishy early-game Normal-type slot – was overtuned, and that they needed to make sure the next one was significantly weaker.  It’s not all bad, because Crunch and Earthquake very neatly cover almost everything that resists Gumshoos’ Normal attacks (this is probably Gumshoos’ biggest advantage over Diggersby: a strong Dark attack that keeps him from being bullied by Ghost-types).  High-defence Steel-types that aren’t weak to Earthquake, like Skarmory and Forretress, can just about ignore you, but not much else can.  Gumshoos’ third ability choice, Strong Jaw, boosts his biting attacks by 50%.  This might be interesting if, say, Gumshoos gets access to Fire/Thunder/Ice Fang from move tutors in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, but at the moment the only important attacks Strong Jaw applies to are Crunch and Hyper Fang.  The bonus to Crunch is admittedly nice for dealing with Ghost-types, and Hyper Fang with a Strong Jaw boost does technically have a higher power than a baseline Return, but neither of these things is worth giving up the power of Adaptability or Stakeout.
I’ve been assuming something along the lines of [Return/Crunch/Earthquake/???] thus far because, barring some variation in your choice of Normal attack (Hyper Fang for a hypothetical Strong Jaw moveset, Façade if you’re worried about burns, Frustration if you’re roleplaying as a villain, and Thrash if you’re roleplaying as an idiot), there’s not much reason to do anything else with Gumshoos.  There’s some variation in what that last attack can be.  Gumshoos gets U-Turn, which is generally a strong move, but considering how hard it is to get Gumshoos safely into play in the first place, and how much damage he can do once he’s there, I’m not convinced that pulling him out again is a great idea.  Pursuit is an option to catch Pokémon that try to flee, but meshes badly with Stakeout, since you want to be hitting the Pokémon that switches in, rather than the one leaving.  Revenge gives you a Fighting attack, and always going second isn’t a huge deal for Gumshoos, who’s slower than most Pokémon anyway, but the fact that you need to take damage in order for the move to be any good is not appealing (on the other hand, Revenge is a good response to the kind of play that Stakeout invites).  You could always just stick in Façade or even Giga Impact as a secondary Normal attack, I suppose.  Finally, and I hesitate even to bring this up… Gumshoos does get Last Resort, and with Adaptability this would be one of the most powerful attacks in the game.  Last Resort only works if you’ve already used all your other attacks, which isn’t feasible for a Pokémon of Gumshoos’ constitution.  You could, however, put together a Gumshoos with just Last Resort and Protect (Last Resort always fails if it’s your only move), use your other Pokémon to take out any Ghost-, Rock- or Steel-types in your way, then go to town.  This is not a recommendation; in fact I would characterise it more as a warning, but I’m not going to tell you how to live your life in the precious few days that doubtless remain before you run yourself off a cliff with a crate of nitroglycerine.
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I’m seriously unconvinced by any possibility of using Gumshoos as anything other than a sledgehammer, because the stats just aren’t there, it’s a waste of his abilities, and his support movepool is decidedly on the “meh” side, but for the sake of completeness we should run through the options.  Gumshoos learns Yawn, which is interesting with Stakeout because it will generally prompt opponents to switch to keep their Pokémon from falling asleep.  Taunt exists, but Gumshoos is too slow to use it effectively and in most cases would be better served by just spamming Return.  Super Fang halves the target’s remaining health rather than dealing damage normally, and since damage is Gumshoos’ main strength, I wouldn’t generally advise trying it, but I suppose it does offer a nasty surprise for those few Pokémon who are capable of holding themselves aloof from his usual attacks, and it’s not like Gumshoos’ movesets are going to be full to bursting.  That’s… about it, honestly.
In summary, Gumshoos strikes me as more than a little one-trick-pony-ish.  You can batter your opponents with some incredibly powerful Adaptability- or Stakeout-boosted attacks, but you have almost no versatility; you’re slow, not particularly strong on defence, and have a very predictable choice of attacks.  I feel like Gumshoos is one of those Pokémon that’s on the verge of being good (and for evidence of that… well, look at Diggersby), because his strengths are huge; it’s just that his weaknesses are fairly all-encompassing too.  The design is interesting, in spite of (even because of?) the detective persona’s sheer weirdness.  The attitude that it forces the designers to take towards invasive species seriously bothers me though.  In any world that was even slightly more realistic or gritty than Pokémon, you would try to exterminate Yungoos and Gumshoos with traps and poison, as the Hawaiian government does.  You can probably make this complaint about a lot of Pokémon, and the games have never really made any effort to construct a Pokémon ecology that would stand up to real scrutiny, but Yungoos draws attention to it in a way that other Pokémon normally don’t, and leaves us with a distinctly worrying, probably unintentional message about invasive wildlife.
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the-grumpy-panda · 7 years
Junkfoodio Rambleosa!
This is almost all I have left of this most recent junk food splurging madness. This write up might be slightly longer than usual as a result, but not as long as it could have been. I might be able to squeeze yet another ramble out of what's left. You're welcome. Or I may simply decide enough is enough and forego any more food musings. You're twice as welcome. Some of these may not be all that new/exclusive/limited/whatever by the time this hits the wonders of the internet press, but they are new to me as of this writing. If they've been out awhile, this is simply the first time I stumbled across them while out and about. So let's just get to it. -Thomas' S'mores Mini bagels! A slight chocolate smell, as if they were lightly dusted with cocoa (they're not) but no real s'more flavor. There's a light chocolate flavor in the aftertaste, but it's not enough to make these memorable or worth seeking out. -How will the Thomas' S'mores English Muffin fare, then? To begin, it's a sickly cocoa color, so at first glance at least it appears that it may be chock full of flavor. It smells like a doughy s'more, so that's a good start. The flavor is definitely closer to a s'more than the mini bagels, but it doesn't quite get it right. Again, it's too... doughy. If that makes sense. Maybe s'more just isn't a flavor that translates to bread products. These were still enjoyable overall, though, and were good all warm and toasty with a dab of butter. Definitely the one to try. -Triscuit Ginger & Lemongrass! Is there a greater food complexity than Triscuits? It seems we all wake up one day after reaching a certain age, and we just instinctively, and suddenly, like Triscuits. If this rule doesn't apply to you, then a-ha! You are an android, and you have failed my fail proof method of sussing you out. This particular Triscuit could prove problematic. I'm of a mind to think it will either be heinous, or not so bad. So far, Triscuits have been pretty consistent in making their off color ventures relatively successful, so the odds are in their favor. Everything about this particular version turns out to be... faint. There are very faint notes of ginger and lemon upon opening the bag, but you must take a deep breath in. There is a very faint ginger and lemon taste when chewing, but it recedes rather quickly. These work okay enough, and I enjoyed them as is, but this is one Triscuit that truly begs to be topped with something, where the faint ginger and lemon aspects would play a small part to a whole. These may also work well crumbled into a soup of sorts. -Triscuit Fig & Honey! These gave me an audible "Oh!" moment when I first saw them on the store shelf. I never knew I needed this until it was presented to me. Unfortunately, I was slightly let down by the experience once I opened the bag. There is a light fig aroma to be detected, but it could also be perceived as an earthy tone. It's not that it's bad, it's just not the sweet kick I was expecting to take in. The first few bites are also the same, a light fig/earthy presence that doesn't impress or dissuade. Then the honey note kicks in, and it has a burnt or old aspect to it that doesn't play well on the tongue. I suppose Triscuit was due for a misfire, but I wouldn't have guessed this would be the one. Overall, it's still an okay snack, and it too may best be served with an accompanying topping, but I'm less inclined to explore that option than I was with the Ginger & Lemongrass ones. -Utz Grilled Hot Dog potato chips! Oddly enough, upon first whiff these remind me ever so slightly of the Crab Chip that Utz (and others) produce. Which is peculiar for a hot dog flavored chip. If you're not familiar with the crab chip, it's a chip made with Old Bay seasoning. If you're unfamiliar with Old Bay, then you are not from, or have never visited, the East Coast. It's a staple seasoning blend, and over the last few years it has grown quite noticeably, and one can find "crab seasoning" on all sorts of food items. It was fun at first to see someone put it on a chip, and it's not bad on a chicken wing, but purists will maintain it's strictly for seafood, with crabs (obviously) being the absolute number one use. Followed very closely by shrimp, then followed by every other type of seafood. But I digress... heavily. Taste wise, the first thing I notice is salt. These are quite salty. The second thing I noticed was a heavy smoke flavor, which isn't the most pleasant thing to get from a chip, but I must admit it does make me think of something being grilled. The last flavor that is at play here is mustard. Underneath the salt and the smoke is a clear and distinct mustard element. I like the mustard part actually, and am sad it comes after the too much salt and smoke parts. I can't say it distinctly reminds me of a hot dog, but a grilled something or other element is there. -Utz Cheeseburger potato chips! Will these best the not quite right hot dog chips? Let's see. First whiff gives me a very faint ketchup odor, but one that is overpowered by a pickle aroma. Taste wise, I would have to say the same. They taste like a dollop of ketchup that was mixed with some pickle juice, and at the tail end there is also a salty cheese element that comes out. I don't get any smokiness like the hot dog one, so the cheeseburger or grill element is missing. As they stand, it's a weird ketchup/pickle/cheese chip. It's not gross, but they're rather forgettable, and after eating a few I noticed that again, these are quite salty. It left out in a bowl with no labeling, I imagine most would think they're either a pickle chip, or some kind of cheese and onion flavor. -Little Debbie PB Rounds! A fudge dipped peanut butter sandwich cookie. Well, isn't that cute? They've scored the top in the method of a traditional peanut butter cookie. It also tastes like a peanut butter cookie dipped in chocolate, so there's nothing else to add about it. It was good, and if you like peanut butter cookies dipped in chocolate, give this one a spin. My one complaint is that the cookie parts were a little too thick. This needed to be an ever so slightly thinner treat. Well, now that I think about it, I have another complaint. The peanut butter is a little too sugary and fake. It won't stop me from finishing the box over some time, but I do wish it was slightly less artificial as well. But it's a snack cake from Little Debbie. It's going to be fake, and at worst a bad Little Debbie treat is still alright enough to eat, so why am I complaining? -Keebler Lemon Cream Pie Fudge Stripe cookies! Almost nothing to say about these. They are exactly what they promise to be. A lemon cookie with some icing. They're good, and if you like such things, they're worth a taste.   -Hostess Summer Berry Donettes! Smell like blueberries, taste like raspberries and have the color of some kind of sangria Kool-Aid. They are however, quite tasty with a very nice moistness level. They don't seem as thick as other donettes I've had. They seem a little flatter and a litter rounder. Or I'm just crazy. I like these a lot. -Pop-Tarts Frosted Chocolate Sugar Cookie. No exclamation point. Pop-Tarts deserve no exclaims, certainly no acclaim. Dry. Dusty. Tasteless. Sad. Drywallesque.  I imagine these are merely left over World War I rations Kellogg's repackaged and then painted pictures on. Oh, yeah. For whatever weird reason these have villains from the DC comics realm plastered on them. The one I begrudgingly took a solitary bite from had someone named Cheetah on it. I don't know who that is, but she looked like a sexy Thundercat and was in a bikini. That's the only exciting thing about this travesty of a treat. But aren't Pop-Tarts meant to be for kids? Why are you pasting nearly naked, top heavy cat ladies on a kids food item? They're eating a Pop-Tart, for crying out loud! Their young little lives have already been messed up enough! Don't warp their brains, too. Shame at you Kellogg's. -Jolly Rancher Green Apple Pop-Tarts. They did it. Those crafty bastards actually did it. Foil wrapped HATE that you can buy for roughly three bucks a box. With the added stank of a green apple candy flavor, the worst candy flavor. I tried one, and if I saw these in a bunker I was to live in after a nuclear fallout, I'd go back outside and take my chances instead. To be honest, if I even see these on a store shelf again, it might cause me to spontaneously diarrhea all over the store and anyone therein while simultaneously setting fires in the hopes it erases these foul and vile things from the planet. If the judge and jury at my impending trial has tasted one of these, there is no way I'll be convicted. Eat this damn thing at your own peril. -Jolly Rancher Cherry Pop-Tarts. To be fair (immediately previous comments excepted) there are a couple of the fruit Pop-Tarts that are just barely passable as an edible entity that I can get through without too much fuss. This isn't one of them. Of the three here, it's the one that didn't make me want to decide to live solely on plain oatmeal, but there's a tartness to it that I didn't find appealing. I haven't had a Jolly Rancher candy since I was kid, and have no recall of their flavor, so maybe this tartness is in fact a component to the candy they were able to get into the tart. If so, good for them. For me, this tastes like a lemon/cherry Pop-Tart which leans too heavily on the lemon. Maybe that sounds good to others, and were it a real pastry I'd probably like it, but in Pop-Tart form,  I'll pass.   -Strawberry Nut M&M's! A tasty little devil, with flavor profiles in perfect proportion. Unlike some of the specific seasonal fare M&M tries, this one seems like someone actually worked at getting the balance right. If you like peanut M&m's and you like strawberry flavoring, this is a good match. The only complaint is I felt more than a handful was too much with this one. This is a snack best done in small doses, so a bag may last you a little while. -Krispy Kreme Glazed Birthday Cake Mini Crullers! Well, I can't say these don't taste like a birthday cake. The problem is they taste very much like a stale sheet cake one would get at the not so great grocery store you never really go to, but it's on the way to work and you have to bring something for the office party and you just don't have time for anything else. -Twizzlers Key Lime Pie twists! They do taste like a key lime pie, surprisingly enough. However, the gummy/chewy aspect of these make them a bit gross somehow. It's just not right. Softer than a normal Twizzler, it's like having a glob of melting putty in your mouth. I give them credit for getting the flavor right, but a solid pass for the experience as a whole. -Twizzlers Orange Cream twists! These taste like orange medicine. Do not like. Don't want. Moving on. Nope. No moving on. That's a wrap! I've said all I can say and my brain is on full sugar crash mode and barely functioning. Seems I forgot the obligatory sexist comment about some female celebrity, though. Hmm. Um. Tonks (Natalia Tena) from the Harry Potter movies can Hufflepuff my Slytherin anytime. Good enough? Way too much? Eh. I'm going to bed.
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supplementsprice · 5 years
Neural Fusion for Brain? Shocking new up-to-date info released,
A long day at so much effort, dreadful traffic, lots of errands at home and the endless conferences. Our brain works 24×7. But with the frantic life and also rising age have the lack of concentration, unfortunate memory and also low IQ heights takes place that may effortlessly ruin your organized and happy lifespan. That is why I am here to talk around the Neural Fusion  that upsurges your concentration and also assistance your brain to complete better. In today’s busy life it is significant for your brain to the occupation properly and also Neural Fusion  is an ideal formula. This is the actual powerful product that originates with the natural focus factors and too makes the brain function vigorously. It works to encourage your reasoning systems boost the attentiveness and focus by 200% as healthy as it protects the subtle brain cells and also membranes. Neural Fusion  is the new creation that has become almost impossible to find owing to its superior cognitive thinking possessions. It is known as the strong no tropic which is careful the smart product. No tropic by the description encourage mental meanings such as the cognition, intelligence, consideration, memory, motivation and attentiveness by the altering brains source of the neurochemicals. My knowledge of using Neural Fusion  was just wonderful, unforgettable and fantastic after by means of this memory increasing produce it increases up my memory and become rid of my from the short term reminiscence loss and brain fatigue and also obliviousness and before using this Neural Fusion  brain sharpening addition I was suffering from nervousness, short term memory loss, amnesia, brain fog and also a lot of the other glitches. When I reached to my major age of 50 to 60 years then as the normal my memory became very weak. I fair forgot the things names and occasionally of the address of my house. This was actual embarrassing situation for me. Then I had obvious to consult with the doctor to become the formula of this problematic. My doctor counseled me to use the almonds in that initial morning for the improving of the brain. I used this fake but all in that vein and there was just not some remarkable result got from it. Then I likewise used the locally and likewise ordinary manufactured reminiscence increaser products which are obtainable in the market but after expending them I also got lots of the side properties and also harmful possessions on my health. So I left with them all. By ensuring the truthfulness of your Neural Fusion  membranes, you can style meaningful improvements to reasoning functioning and Neural Fusion  communication. It consumes now become the tendency that all of the big extras and also companies provide the appropriate directions and also orders to their users. That is why people distinguish that how to use this addition.
What is Actually Neural Fusion ?
There are lots of the nearby and ordinary factory-made brain sharpening crops available in the market but they fix not provide any suitable principle and also directions to their operators to use them so that people usage those supplements rendering to their own will and that is get numerous of the side effects and damaging results from them. But Neural Fusion  is quite change after those cheap additions. It specially references to the directions and too instruction about the supplement on the backbone side of the bottle and likewise on the official website of the complement. If you follow the guidelines and instructions prearranged by the creator then you get lots of the moral results. In these rules and the producer tells you that in what way to get these additions. Producer also advice’s you to not ever boost the dosage of the addition without doctor’s medicine otherwise your will surely get damaging results from this reminiscence increaser product. You have noticed recently that your reminiscence starting to fade. Whether it is somewhat like leaving the kiln on or the forgetting where you put your solutions this is sign of your mental decline. Other symptoms cover lack of focus and attentiveness and that is having the difficult time with material processing. This is the sign of receiving older, but it is no lengthier needs to be your authenticity. Start using Neural Fusion  the proven all natural foodstuffs that will restore your concentration to functioning at its chief level. Most people twitch to notice memory loss, decline brain control or cognitive presentation as early. A strong memory hinge on on the health and energy of your brain. The brain’s unbelievable ability to reshape itself grasps true when it originates to learning and memory. You canister harness the natural power of Neural Fusion  to increase your reasoning abilities, enhance your aptitude to learn new information, and recover your memory.
Ingredients of this Neural Fusion  Supplement
Neural Fusion  is a product counting phosphatidylcholine that has lots of dissimilar advantages for your common sense. This product compound promises to upsurge your memory improve intellectual skills, which is hearten the health of your brain and smooth to boost concentration. Its machineries have various rewards for the brain that augments your intellectual skills, absorption level increases in the reminiscence and improves the wellbeing of the brain. Neural Fusion  also needs certain materials for the building of neurotransmitters and the rule of cognitive processes. If the dietetic intake of these materials is insufficient, concentration and reminiscence difficulties may be the consequence. It can be used to assistance balance out such inadequacies and to bring about a performance improvement.
How It Will Work Nicely For One’s Mind?
Treating your form well can enhance your aptitude to process and recall information. Neural Fusion  increases oxygen to your intelligence and reduces the danger for disorders that principal to memory loss, such as diabetes and circulatory disease. It may also improve the effects of helpful brain substances and protect brain cells. Educations show that people who do not income care of their brain are fewer healthy and more individual to Alzheimer’s and other thoughtful health issues as they age. Your figure works based off of pardon your brain tells it. If you take care of your intellect your body will unsurprisingly follow. A higher level of education is related with better mental working in old age. Experts think that progressive education may help save memory strong by getting a being into the habit of being spiritually active. It will give you that much desirable energy boost that doesn’t go absent. Feel energized, fixated and confident. Also supports intellectual performance cumulative your memory recall and openhanded you crystal clear emphasis like you’ve never experienced beforehand. Instantly increase your energy heights.
What this Mind Booster Product Does?
People who trust that they are not in switch of their memory function are fewer likely to work at upholding or improving their memory services and therefore are additional likely to experience reasoning decline. If you trust you can improve and you translate that confidence into practice, you take a better chance of possession your mind sharp. Research expressions that spaced rehearsal progresses recall not only in healthy people but too in those with certain actually based cognitive problems, such as persons associated with manifold sclerosis. These Neural Fusion  supplements defend your brain by freeing anti-oxidants, natural chemicals that disruption down harmful mixtures called oxidants that your body crops naturally. The ingredients in Neural Fusion  have been proven to upsurge memory recall in men and women of impartial about all ages. It is similarly an herbal medicine for recollection recharge or shape ampleness. It have substances that keep your brain cells from damage. It’s one of a caring formula was caused to ensure your brain gets all of the fixings and vitamins it needs in the careful dosage it needs it to recover all areas of cognitive development, including focus, energy, small and long term memory, problematic solving capabilities and much more. Though, the brain needs additional than just energy.
Merits of Neural Fusion
Fortunately, there’s a share that you can do to measure down this process. A controlling memory can help you prosper in school, in your job, and in life. It assistances you learn faster, and debauched learners are always in request. And they make additional money. This Neural Fusion  is focused on older persons who already presented signs of slight cognitive damage. But we now know Alzheimer’s is the result of years of accrued brain damage which means the previous you enact brain-healthy habits, the better. Neural Fusion  plays an important person in helping you combine your memories, so you container recall them down the road. Variety getting enough sleep a precedence. Most adults essential seven to eight hours of snooze a day. It gradually and progressively increases your mental competence. Brain sharpening is not likely in one day. It needs everyday dose of supplement and inside few days you feel the change. It is actual important that our rational approach towards it should be passable and precise, which includes
Thinking about an idea at each angle.
Get into the depth of idea.
Serious thinking about an idea.
Alertness while work.
Boost your sleep mood.
Increased brain memory.
Gives you high performance in brain perception.
Made up with all natural elements.
You must analyze the idea, have too contradictory supposition, and think on together. When you do so you originate to know about it in full and you study it properly. Intelligent people consume such thinking approach. Study is an action which requires additional brain work because you detect things and pick up them which is entirely a brain work. While learning you have use brain on both idea in order to learn it effective and gain knowledge over it.
How Neural Fusion  Does Exactly Works?
The more lively your brain is, the better your memory is probable to be, and the more dissimilar ways you use your mind, the informal you’ll find remembering. Neural Fusion  will sharpen your awareness and boost capacity. Your brain needs essential greasy acids to work well. Essential fatty acids are called “indispensable” because your form cannot make them. These fatty acids necessity be eaten in the additions. Improvements to your knowledge abilities, memory, cerebral clarity, and mood. It assists in upholding higher energy levels, container help support a fit heart and may promote complete brain function. These supplements not only upsurge brain power, but countless of them fight the negative effects of pressure and anxiety for good measure. Neural Fusion  will almost rapidly increase your alertness close and can help boost your focus and attentiveness. That mid-morning additions might be totally essential if you’re feeling sleepy. Start to take 1 pill every morning and improvement your energy scheme and improve mental level. We continuously aim to provide our workers with working games, so first we’ll try to grow your purchase salaried on your system. If we can’t get it salaried, we’ll get your money back. No qualms. We are so certain that you motivation be successful by our tested system. Buy online by its official website. This is careful to be expert strength brain creation that it is a supplement of Neural Fusion . It includes extremely concentrated answer that is also concentrated by mega-doses of the influential brain products and their co-factors. It is advertised to be an extremely real brain supplement for the long-term provision of your brain structures and indorse the healthy brain scheme.
When to Expect Results from this supplement?
There are no described side effects with this Neural Fusion  brain supplement. But it is motionless important to take it with carefulness if you are taking medicines. You know those of instants when you have bouts of the amnesia poor memory and the attentiveness, difficulty in finding the right arguments or even the times that when you impartial space out. This can be positively frustrating, especially that we allied brain degeneration with the old time of life even if you are still at the chief of your youth. That is why powering your mind with the correct brain power to get it emotional up again of definitely significant. One supplement that you strength want to consider is Neural Fusion  Brain Booster.
Doctors Point of View About this brain boosting supplement
The supplement is really very convincing especially through the how they presented their truths. It is good that they quoted clinical studies to back up their rights. With so many addition that line the market offering the identical action, it helps that there is one such as Brain booster that takings the time to give you the clients with pertinent details concerning its advantages and the actions. Neural Fusion  is a good supplement to indorsing cognitive health because the previous that you take the time to safeguard this is the less likely determination you be exposed to wasting condition related to the intellect. That’s why common of doctors recommended this product Neural Fusion  to their patients.
My Observation about Neural Fusion
If you are famine to ensure that you keep a good reminiscence and a good brain scheme, you can promote brain fitness by trying out this supplement. I reason this can be definitely be a good adding to your health regimen deliver that most of us paradoxically tend to forget in maintaining your brain fitness. I personally knowledgeable with this product Neural Fusion  and believe me this supplement fair amazingly work in my body. I suggest all and sundry for this supplement. It is a normal memory booster that is established by the Nutrition Company that were dedicate yourself to on the brain pleasing to the eye supplements. It claims to improvement your memory by up to 44% as it covers to the jitters provides you the emphasis and the attentiveness oxygen to the brain and the cerebral flow in it. These benefits will let you to the over comes the cerebral fatigue restore the memory damage and to revitalize your attention. If you are one of those persons who have been experiencing older moments more frequently than usual, these potential brain welfares of it is certainly attractive.
Risk Free Trial Version
Company of Neural Fusion  gives you a risk free trial offer. For the leading time users, that they mollify with its amazing results.
Is It Fear From Danger?
The nutrients originate in the components of Neural Fusion  rejuvenates the cells of the brain. It reconstructs the old brain circuits recharge connections and smooth stimulate the manufacture of new ones. It is also redoes the brains relay switches. It is fundamentally recharges your brain cells interesting them to produce the ordinary chemical sources that allows the brain to work recovering easer, clarity and the efficiency. Phosphatidylserine is even recognized to boost up thousands of novel cells at any age. With that you determination be able to acquire and procedure information. Neural Fusion  is a natural brain cumulative supplement that is usually healthy to use. But for those who are captivating the medications or is suffering after the chronic condition it is counseled that you consult with your doctor first. There is a coincidental that certain rudiments may result in adverse reactions.
Is Neural Fusion  Having Any Risk?
This addition is for brain boosting. Neural Fusion  is completely safe invention in use. It did not comprise any harsh chemical, plasters, binders or artificial rudiments that make harm to human well-being. It is the best supplement for brain. That is precisely what this supplement pursues to help you with to save your mind and brain attentive and in tip of top conditions. It pursues to the provider of you with the save of your mind and brain alert and in tip of top circumstances. It seeks to provide you with the next brain health benefits.
Where to Buy Neural Fusion ?
You can purchase this supplement only from its official website. For placing your order visit its official website…
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tvdas · 6 years
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Calling Prophet Muhammad a Pedophile Does Not Fall Within Freedom of Speech: European Court
[Mark Steyn wrote this column entitled “Rationalizing Our Surrender” on Nov. 5.] Many readers have asked me to comment on the recent decision by the European Court of Human Rights, summarized in the headline:  
                Calling Prophet Muhammad a Pedophile Does Not                 Fall Within Freedom of Speech: European Cour
And yet, oddly, calling Muhammad a prophet now seems to be binding on non-Muslim headline writers. I don’t really have anything to say about this case that I haven’t said a decade and a half back and at great length in my book America Alone - to whit, absent any reversal of the demographic trends, some of the oldest nations in Christendom would soon begin making their accommodations with an ever more assertive Islam.
But, alas, nobody who matters listened to me, and thus “soon” has now arrived - which is why the most powerful European institutions (courts, media, police, bureaucracy) are increasingly eager to shovel core Western liberties into the landfill.
With regard to this particular case, I wrote about it at the time - seven long years ago:
Consider the case of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, a Viennese housewife who has lived in several Muslim countries. She was hauled into an Austrian court for calling Mohammed a pedophile on the grounds that he consummated his marriage when his bride, Aisha, was nine years old. Mrs. Sabbaditsch-Wolff was found guilty and fined 480 euros. The judge’s reasoning was fascinating: ‘Paedophilia is factually incorrect, since paedophilia is a sexual preference which solely or mainly is directed towards children. Nevertheless, it does not apply to Mohammad. He was still married to Aisha when she was 18.’
Ah, gotcha. So, under Austrian law, you’re not a pedophile if you deflower the kid in fourth grade but keep her around till high school. There’s a useful tip if you’re planning a hiking holiday in the Alps this fall. Or is this another of those dispensations that is not of universal application?
We now know the answer to that question. For the record, I have met Mrs Sabaditsch-Wolff just once - at the European Parliament a few years back. She is a most forceful and engaging personality. You get no sense of that from the Court’s decision, of course, where the appellant has degenerated to a mere set of initials – “E S”. One of the revolting aspects of Continental “justice” is the way the police and media preference for the non-identification of “victims” has expanded to a general denial of the specific humanity of those who come before the courts. I had cause the other day to recall the ancient legal principle that the public has the right to every man’s evidence. But, increasingly, not in Europe. So Mrs Sabaditsch-Wolff is now “E S”.
The ruling itself is a sobering read. You’ll recall a few years back that President Obama assured us that “the future will not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”. De facto, that appears to be true, but de jure it’s a problematic concept in that, in English law and elsewhere, it’s not technically possible to “slander” a bloke who's been six foot under for 1,400 years. You can’t libel the dead. So instead the Euro-jurists have been forced to take refuge in the slippery concept (very familiar to those of us who’ve been ensnared in Canada’s “human rights” machinery” of “balance”:
In today's Chamber judgment 1 in the case of E.S. v. Austria (application no. 38450/12) the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been:
no violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The case concerned the applicant's conviction for disparaging religious doctrines; she had made statements suggesting that Muhammad had had paedophilic tendencies.
The Court found in particular that the domestic courts comprehensively assessed the wider context of the applicant’s statements and carefully balanced her right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected...
Whoa, hold it right there. There was “no violation” of freedom of expression because the courts “carefully balanced” freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected - and came down on the side of protecting feelings rather than freedom of expression.
The late Jennifer Lynch, QC, then head of the Canadian “Human Rights” Commission, used to talk about “balancing” free speech with other rights - and, then as now, “balancing” is code for nullifying: If your right to free speech has to be balanced with people’s “feelings”, then as a practical matter there is no free speech.
There is also no truth: It is not the defendant who “had made statements suggesting that Muhammad had had paedophilic tendencies” but the Hadith, which after the Koran are the most sacred foundational texts of Islam and in whose literal truth Muslims are enjoined to believe:
[60] What about he, who consummated marriage with a girl of nine
5158- Urwa narrated: The Messenger of Allah ‘Allah's blessing and peace be upon him’ married A’isha when she was six years old, and consummated his marriage with her when she was nine. She remained with him nine years (till he died).
So it’s not that it’s illegal to “suggest” that the Big Mo “had paedophilic tendencies”, it’s just illegal to suggest there’s anything wrong with that. . . . This dispensation is not of universal application. . . . If you spent (like the girls I met two years ago) a decade of your life being passed around dozens, hundreds of “Asian” men in Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale, Oxford, Bristol, Sheffield, Newcastle and on and on, that’s rather bad luck on your part but it’s not really a “suggestion” of anything prosecutable, is it? Especially if you’re suggesting that there might be any connection between the relaxed attitude to child sexual abuse that one observes in, ahem, certain communities throughout Europe and scriptural authorities that might provide a justification thereof. As the European Court noted:
The national courts found that Mrs S. had subjectively labelled Muhammad with paedophilia as his general sexual preference, and that she failed to neutrally inform her audience of the historical background, which consequently did not allow for a serious debate on that issue.
That is a disturbing basis on which to license speech. The full decision goes even further, and is a revealing glimpse of the state’s willingness to shrivel “free speech” to the point where the term is rendered meaningless:
The Regional Court further stated that anyone who wished to exercise their rights under Article 10 of the Convention was subject to duties and responsibilities, such as refraining from making statements which hurt others without reason and therefore did not contribute to a debate of public interest. A balancing exercise between the rights under Article 9 on the one hand and those under Article 10 on the other needed to be carried out. The court considered that the applicant's statements were not statements of fact, but derogatory value judgments which exceeded the permissible limits. It held that the applicant had not intended to approach the topic in an objective manner, but had directly aimed to degrade Muhammad. The court stated that child marriages were not the same as paedophilia, and were not only a phenomenon of Islam, but also used to be widespread among the European ruling dynasties.
Great. So maybe in Rotherham they should just start marrying the six-year-olds and all will be well. It should hardly be necessary to state that freedom of speech except for “statements which hurt others” and do “not contribute to a debate” or “approach the topic in an objective manner” is not freedom of speech at all, but merely-narrowly construed state-regulated speech. And in Europe the courts are perfectly cool with that:
The interference with the applicant’s freedoms under Article 10 of the Convention had therefore been justified. As to the applicant’s argument that those who participated in the seminar knew of her critical approach and could not be offended, the Court of Appeal found that the public seminar had been offered for free to young voters by the Austrian Freedom Party Education Institute, and at least one participant had been offended, as her complaints had led to the applicant being charged.
That was an anonymous undercover “journalist” - because the media regard “E S” as a greater threat than the Islamization of Austria.
I see that Irish voters have just voted to repeal their ancient and unused (Christian) blasphemy laws following a similar repeal a decade ago in England and Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland retain them, so the advice on either side of the Irish Sea is, if minded to Christian heresy, take a short drive south. But where do you motor if minded to Islamic apostasy? From the Court’s conclusion:
The Court found in conclusion that in the instant case the domestic courts carefully balanced the applicant's right to freedom of expression with the rights of others to have their religious feelings protected, and to have religious peace preserved in Austrian society
The Court held further that even in a lively discussion it was not compatible with Article 10 of the Convention to pack incriminating statements into the wrapping of an otherwise acceptable expression of opinion and claim that this rendered passable those statements exceeding the permissible limits of freedom of expression.
The right “to have religious peace preserved in Austrian society”: Good luck with that. There will be much more of this: In the interests of “religious peace”, the prohibitions of Islam are being extended to infidels, and the linguistic contortions of courts and media and police and bureaucrats confirm that Europe has moved on to the next tragic stage of its civilizational suicide: rationalizing its surrender.
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