#rumbelle one-shot
beeeinyourbonnet · 1 month
The Siren
Pairing: Rumbelle
Rating: G (T? For mild language? idk)
Summary: The town librarian is behaving strangely, and Mr. Gold definitely does not care (third round entry from the rumbelle showdown 2024).
Rent day usually meant an empty shop, everyone avoiding their landlord until Mr. Gold made the rounds himself to collect payments.
Then, fourteen months ago, Belle French had accepted the librarian position and moved into town, and suddenly, every rent day, she was in on her lunch break with a check and a smile. 
Of course, Gold didn’t care that she came. What did it matter to him if someone actually sought him out to pay him on time, in full? Sure, in doing so, she ensured that he took every maintenance complaint seriously—he’d even once gone himself to fix her garbage disposal. He didn’t care that she’d smiled at him, offered him a cup of tea, and engaged him in conversation about his antique cufflinks. If she felt the need to converse with her handymen, what did it matter to him?
He didn’t care about the librarian.
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Oh great it's THIS fuckhead. What the hell does HE want?
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#1 I havent taken shit, she WILLINGLY came with me. And probably to get away from YOUR stupid ass.
#2 do you not remember what happened the last time you drew your sword at me?
Slap bitch.
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That lil Hmmmmm.
YOU turned him into a ROSE and NOW you're thinking about giving it to belle? Like you weren't thinking about giving her something anyway. Women love flowers.
"Flowers, chocolates,promises you don't intend to keep"
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writerartistdreamer · 6 months
New fanfic alert!
Title: Musings
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Characters: Belle, Rumplestiltskin
Summary: Belle happens upon Rumplestiltskin as he spins in the Enchanted Forest and admires him for a while- Belle's inner monologue regarding Rumplestiltskin and her growing feelings towards him
Around the hallways of the Dark Castle, the only sounds that could be heard were the creaking of Rumplestiltskin's wheel as he spun his thoughts away, fingers nimbly moving to catch the gold and let it gracefully fall to the floor, and the sound of Belle's heels as she walked around and dusted off whatever cabinet she could find, trying to make herself busy. It was a peaceful day in the estate, no desperate souls calling for deals and no trespassers trying to interrupt their day.
As Belle finished dusting in yet another chamber, she headed towards the Great Hall in order to catch a small break from the chores she had assigned herself for the day (since Rumplestiltskin had barely given her anything to do for the past few weeks). Perhaps she could even have a small conversation with the sorcerer, if he was ever so inclined. The girl rounded the corner and arrived at the large doors of the Great Hall, then carefully let herself in and closed the door behind her. Just as she was about to purposefully strut to the long mahogany table, where some of her usual conversations with her sorcerer took place, her eyes landed on Rumplestiltskin, sat on his stool in front of his wheel. His focus was solely on the straw he was spinning turning into gold and pooling at his feet and he hadn't seemed to notice her walking into the room. She took a couple of steps forward, yet remained on her side of the room, content with simply watching him, if only for a little while.
As Belle watched Rumplestiltskin so lost in the motions of his spinning wheel, her focus was on his fingers nimbly moving around, on his gaze so determinedly focused on the process, his teeth occasionally catching his lip. She had to admit she was strangely fascinated by the man, by everything he was and by everything he was not. He was not, as other people would say, a cruel monster who skinned children for their pelt for the fun of it, rather he rescued children and would almost never let them pay the price for a deal they would be striking. He was not heartless, as most of the stories had established him to be, rather he was often a grump, or a little awkward when he was at a loss for words (which, strangely enough, only seemed to happen when she was around), yet that could be justified by the stress and pressure the deals brought on him. Still, his grumpiness seemed to mostly be a part of the complex façade he was putting on in front of others, a way for him to let nobody see who he truly was- yet she was grateful for the occasional moments in which he did let her in and he acted like the man instead of the mask of the Dark One.
And she had to admit it- she found Rumplestiltskin to be handsome. The way his skin turned gold and shone in the sunlight, his amber eyes with such soul behind them, one could get lost for days in his gaze, his deft fingers, his soft curls and his silks and leathers were all incredibly fascinating to her. The thought of capturing his essence on a canvas struck her as a good idea, but then she thought that no painting could ever do her darling sorcerer justice.
Her heart skipped a beat and her breath caught in her throat as she kept on admiring him from a distance. Belle did not understand this sudden flurry of emotions bursting within, taking root in her heart. Her hands came to rest against her heart if only for a moment, at a loss for words. Yes, Rumplestiltskin was her friend, a very dear friend at that, yet she didn't think she had ever felt this way towards anyone else she had ever considered amicable. She was thankful that he still hadn't noticed her presence in the room, for she might have just burst out in flames if he turned around to acknowledge her in that moment.
Belle's hand reached for her necklace as she instantly started fidgeting with the pendant, a little motion that always managed to soothe her when she was nervous, or, in this case, when she had no clue what to do with herself or her emotions. Rumplestiltskin was indeed her friend, a friend she deeply cared about, for whom she would do anything in order to make him happy. Still, when the maid watched him, she was not sure her emotions were of a nature that she had ever related to a friend before. Perhaps it was time to delve into the library and try to understand what it was that was going on inside her mind or within her heart, what it might be that led to her breath catching in her throat whenever she so much as caught a glimpse of the sorcerer around the castle.
After what felt like an eternity of standing in the Great Hall, Belle made for the exit, ready to walk away and occupy her time with anything else, yet the spinning wheel came to a stop. As she made to exit the chamber, Rumplestiltskin stopped spinning altogether and turned to gaze upon her, finally noticing she was in the same room as him. "And you say I appear out of nowhere, dearie? When did you come in here?", Rumplestiltskin addressed her with his usual teasing smirk, his tone softer than the one he would generally be using around others.
Belle turned around to meet his gaze and walked closer to him, hoping her blazing cheeks would go unnoticed. "Not too long, I had just come in a minute ago, yet someone seemed too lost to even offer a greeting", Belle teased him right back as she was now standing right next to him.
"Right, well...I believe a cup of tea is in order, now isn't it?", Rumplestiltskin spoke as he stood up from his stool and waved his hand, making a tea tray appear on the mahogany table behind them. He offered her his arm with a small smile and she gracefully took it, ignoring the feeling of the butterflies racing in the pit of her stomach as they headed towards their respective seats to spend their next few hours in each other's company.
"I suppose it is"
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twisting-echo · 4 months
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Just a collage of some crossover crackships that I've had in my head for a while now. 😳👉👈
Rumpelstiltskin (Shrek 4) x Belle (BATB/RBTI): This ship came to me about two years ago because I thought it was funny that they could be Once Upon a Time's Rumbelle but on crack. Plus, Rumpy needs someone to love and for someone to love him back. 🥺
Merida DunBroch (Brave 2012) x Gutsy Smurf (Smurfs 2011): I've always had this funny idea of what if the archery tournament went differently, and Merida is instructed to shoot an arrow into the sky, and whoever Lord's son (or crest) the arrow landed closest to would be her future husband. But Merida, taking fate into her own hands, found a loophole and shot the arrow far away from the designated area and into the woods. So the arrow landed closest to Gutsy, and despite Merida's reluctance, she's now engaged to marry him. I based my story idea on the European fairy tale "The Frog Prince" and the Russian fairytale "The Frog Princess." (I might write a fanfic about it one day.)
Rapunzel (Tangled) x Big Jack Horner (PIBTLW): I first based their relationship on the fact that Jack collects magical artifacts and objects from various fairytales, fables, and myths. So maybe he tried to collect Rapunzel's magic hair but got a frying pan to the face and fell in love with her instead. He may be an irredeemable monster who's “dead inside,” but something about Rapunzel makes him soft and fluttery. Plus, the woman can bake a mean pie~
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kelyon · 4 months
Tell us something about the old fandom days?
Have you ever heard the legend of the Chipped Dagger fandom?
Back in the day, when season 2 was airing, both Rumpelstiltskin's dagger and the chipped cup were having a rough time. They were being stolen, broken, threatened--it's a hard life for inanimate objects.
Apparently, during a livestream (probably the ancient and storied Rumbelle Movie Club) the topic was brought up of how Rumple could go about protecting his most important possessions. The answer the hivemind eventually came up with was to turn them human. The dagger and the cup would have agency to protect themselves (and each other). They could run and hide from attackers. At the very least, Chip could fall moderate distances without shattering.
Somehow, the names we decided on were Chip and Dax. They were kind of a mirror of Rumbelle. Chip was an ultra-femme ray of sunshine and Dax was a living weapon. I think somebody had the idea that Dax had all the dagger etchings tattooed on his back. Chip was blonde and had a chipped tooth.
I want to put into context that the original airing of season 2 had a lot of "mini-hiatuses." Because of award shows and sports, there would be two or three week breaks between episodes. They fixed that in later seasons by having the half-season arcs and a several-month break between fall and spring. I bring this up because we were all suffering from hiatus brain. Belle would get shot at the end of one episode and we'd have a collective panic attack for two weeks before the next episode where it's revealed that her memories are gone and the chipped cup means NOTHING to her and SHE BROKE IT!!
We were looking for any way to make things better.
I don't recall any plots involving Chip and Dax. They didn't go off to fight crime or anything. But there was fanart, and some fics, which I may or may not have contributed to. It was always kind of hazy how romantic the pairing was. Chip was always portrayed as childlike, even though she's a teacup that's at least 28+ years old, and Dax is an ancient symbol of all the dark magic in the world. Usually he was her protector.
Like I said, they were kind of a mirror of their owners. I read somewhere that the animal sidekicks in fairy tales represent the hero's subconscious. (The animals in Snow White are suspicious of the old crone as soon as they see her. The castle objects in Beauty and the Beast are looking for love even when the Beast himself has fallen into despair.) Chipped Dagger came at a very uncertain time for Rumbelle. We were going through amnesia and Lacey and "well, I'll just have to kill him." It was nice to have something that was happier, more wholesome, less complicated. Just a ray of sunshine and her protective stormcloud.
That was what we really wanted at the time.
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2024 Chipped Cup Awards - Masterlist
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Here, once again, are the winners of the 2024 Chipped Cup Awards
Family: Tea and Roses by @thatravenclawbitch
Comfort: Struck By a Golden Arrow by @avatoh
Fix-it: Ritual by @peacehopeandrats
Reunion: A Dream is a Wish by @rowofstars
Kink/BDSM: On The House by @kelyon
Romance: Brandy, Apples, and Spice by @rufeepeach
Comedy: Accidents by @peacehopeandrats
Threesome: Fulfilling a Fantasy by @thescholarlystrumpet
First Time: Queen Takes Knight by @emospritelet
PWP: In the Dark and Wicked Hours by @rowofstars
Death: Strong for Belle by @desperatemurph
Hurts So Good: To Have and To Hold by @thatravenclawbitch
Misunderstanding: Unexpected But Not Unwelcome by @tickletorso
Date (overall) Lost and Found by @peacehopeandrats
Courtship: The Sweetest Dream by @threepwoodmarley
First Meeting: Portrait of the Heart by @chippedcupwrites
One Shot: Pages of Reverie by @chippedcupwrites
Series: Lover’s Leap by @eirian-houpe
Novel Length: Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things by @peacehopeandrats
Short Fic: Babysitting by @timelordthirteen
Holiday Centric: Brandy, Apples, and Spice by @rufeepeach
Remix: Our Masks by @lotus0kid
Crossover: A Blade for Belfrey by @eirian-houpe
Dark Castle: Marble by @peacehopeandrats
Storybrooke: Leaving Storybrooke by @peacehopeandrats
"Missing Years": The Tent of Infinite Adventure by @peacehopeandrats
Wish!Verse: Deception by @eirian-houpe
Golden Lace: The Storybrooke Whisky Appreciation Society by @threepwoodmarley
Woven Beauty: Undefined Desires by @worryinglyinnocent
Background Swanfire: To Have and to Hold by @thatravenclawbitch
Afterlife: Granted by @peacehopeandrats
Drama: Love Me Before the Last Petal Falls by @deliriumsdelight7
Supernatural/Sci-fi/Horror: The Cunning by @mareyshelley
Comedy: Lacey and the Tramp by @chippedcupwrites
AU-Original: Wretched Beginnings by @poorobscureplainandlittle
AU- OUAT: Tales of Gold by @JurisLadyAnna
AU-Other Media: The Black Swan by @deliriumsdelight7
Creature: The Finfolk’s Bride by @chippedcupwrites
Unexpected Twist: Contract by @kelyon
Bobby Squared: A Blade for Belfrey by @eirian-houpe
Trope: Love Me Before the Last Petal Falls by @deliriumsdelight7
English Language: To Nurse by @charon53
RSS: If You Will Be My Queen by @eirian-houpe
Fluffapalooza (Fic): The Tea Shop by @peacehopeandrats
Fluffapalooza (Art): Kiss Me Again, It’s Working by @milaeryn
Monthly Rumbelling: The Landlord and the Princess by @Rumplerose (AO3)
Belle: The Not So Dark One by @charlotteashmore13
Dark One!Belle: Rags to Riches by @alphashley14
Lacey: Sore Hearted Souls by @nerdrumple
Spinner!Rumple: Witch and Spinner by @Strummer_Pinks
Dark One!Rumple: Gilded by @eirian-houpe
Wish!Rumple: Once There Was a Wish by @peacehopeandrats
Mr. Gold: The Caretaker by @thestraggletag
Detective Weaver: Forgery by @peacehopeandrats
Baelfire/Neal: A House Built With Love by @of-princes-and-savages
Gideon: Finding You by @clarahue
OC Rumbelle Child: The Zoo by @peacehopeandrats
Villain: Cora in On the House by @kelyon
BFF/Wingman: Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things by @peacehopeandrats
Fan Art: Kiss Me Again, It’s Working by @milaeryn
Graphic Art: And Love is When Someone Who Even KNows Your Scars Stays To Kiss You by @chippedcupwrites
AU In Art: Belle Isn’t Fascinated by the Idea of Marrying Gaston by @notonlymice
Fluff Art: Belle French and the Dork One by @chippedcupwrites
Angsty Art: In My Memory It Doesn’t End by @ace-cf-cups
Comic/Graphic Novel: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes by @angelqueen13art
Use of Color: Kiss Me Again, It’s Working by @milaeryn
Video: Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me by @chippedcupwrites
Best Artist: @chippedcupwrites
Best Author: @kelyon
Best New Author: @ace-cf-cups
Best Rumbelle Fic: The Language of Flowers by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Anyelle Fic: Let’s Spend the Night Together by @ifishouldvanish
Best Anyem Fic: Tyger Tyger by @shakespeareanhoneybadgers
Rumbelle Lifetime Achievement: @jackabelle73
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chippedcupwrites · 9 months
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It's CCA time!! A time of year that I'm always excited for, because it comes with the excuse of reading and re-reading copious amounts of fanfic in the name of nomination research.
Here's a neat little masterlist of my fics and my videos, if you are in need of a thing or two to pad out your nomination form. 💙💜💙
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"The Finfolk's Bride" a series (currently) consisting of two fics; "Tomorrow" & "Ad Astra". In which Rumplestiltskin is a mischievous Fin and Belle is his ever-adoring human companion. (2/?) ∣ (3.4k) [possible noms]: Best Creature, Best Date, Best AU (Original)
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"Portrait of the Heart" a 'Skin Deep' prologue Rumplestiltskin's heart beats with a singular purpose – to reunite with his lost son. But his heart only has so many beats left before it fully gives into the Darkness. An enchanted locket known as The Heart's Caretaker may be his only chance to save what little light still burns within him. He just needs it to reveal to him the one person in the realm destined to banish his shadows and bring love back into his world. (5/5) ∣ (12.7k) [possible noms]: Best First Meeting, Best Rumbelle Secret Santa, Best Belle, Best Dark One Rumple
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"Lacey and the Tramp" a golden lace one-shot Gold and Lacey acquire a new furry companion...much to Gold's chagrin. Ft. Gold's mental agony of being haunted by Belle every time he looks at Lacey. (1/1) ∣ (1.5k) [possible noms]: Best Golden Lace, Best Comedy, Best Lacey
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"Pages of Reverie" a dark castle one-shot From a tome within the dark castle library, Belle unleashes a strange sleeping curse that forces her to confront her heart's deepest desire. Ft. Belle having a make out session with a dozen different fairy tale versions of Rumplestiltskin. (1/1) ∣ (2k) [possible noms]: Best One-Shot, Best Dark Castle
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"Belle French & The Dork One" - Rumple & Belle Three minutes of pure Rumbelle goofiness (with corresponding goofy editing). (2:55) [possible noms]: Best Video, Best Fluff Art
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"Mary on a Cross" - Gold & Lacey “Your beauty never ever scared me” (1:18) [possible noms]: Best Video
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"Autumn" - Rumple & Belle “You’re the sweetness in a warm cup of tea. When the world around us quiets, and it’s just you and me.” (2:46) [possible noms]: Best Video, Best Fluff Art
(+ here are links to my scant few gif sets and image edits)
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ace-cf-cups · 8 months
For Your Consideration
2023 year was my first year in the fandom (well, technically 2022 was my first year in the fandom and the year I made my Belle rp blog, but in terms of actually contributing something to the fandom 2023 was my first year).
I started it off with great ambitions regarding writing and gifing and editing. I ended up posting only a handful of gifsets, three ficlets, two of which I wrote for Rumbelle Showdown (shoutout to @jackabelle73 for hosting this wonderful event last year, by the way), and 0 fanvids/edits. I'm not particularly proud of it, and I really, really wanna make much more content this year. We'll see how it goes 😅
Anyway, I still decided to give participating in @the-chipped-cup-awards a try. It looked fun last year, when I was only a bystander.
So, without further rambling, I offer to your consideration what little I wrote and made in the year 2023.
Premonition - a ficlet written for the 1st Round of Rumbelle Showdown 2023, for the prompts ""; EF!Rumbelle hurt/comfort
Belle and Rumple are slowly growing closer as they spend evenings in each other's company in the Dark Castle.
Then, when one day Rumplestiltskin is called away for a deal in the middle of their conversation and doesn't return for an hour, Belle begins to worry.
Possible nominations: Best Comfort, Best One-Shot, Best Short Fic, Best Dark Castle, Best Drama, Best Trope (sickfic), Best English Language, Best Belle, Best Dark One Rumple
His ray of light - a ficlet written for the 2nd Round of Rumbelle Showdown 2023, for the prompts ""; human AU, major character injury, possible MCD
Alan Gold is in a happy, healthy relationship for the first time in what might be his whole life.
But when one day a figure from his past unexpectedly shows up at his beloved's doorstep, it might mean the end not only of his happiness, but life itself.
Possible nominations: Best Death, Best Hurts So Good, Best One Shot, Best Short Fic, Best Storybrooke, Best Drama, Best AU - Original, Best English Language, Best Mr Gold
Sacred promise - originally written as a starter for my rp partner, I also decided to post it as a ficlet; season 6 fix-it without all the breakup bullsh*t
Belle's and Rumple's baby boy has kicked for the first time.
Rumple has major feelings about it.
Possible nominations: Best Family, Best Fix-it, Best One Shot, Best Short Fic, Best Storybrooke, Best AU – Based on Once Upon A Time, Best Trope (kiss to the baby bump), Best English Language, Best Mr Gold
this "happy ending at the end of realms" set
Possible nominations: Best Fan Art, Best Graphic Art, Best Fluff Art, Best Use of Color
this "in my memory, it doesn't end..." set
Possible nominations: Best Fan Art, Best Graphic Set, Best Angsty Art, Best Fluffy Art
this silly little Woven Beauty set
Possible nominations: Best Fan Art, Best Graphic Set, Best AU in Art
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ladyinwriting18 · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @thegreatwicked !
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Currently 32! There will be more! Also some of the fics I've written are old. I'm talking 2013 old lol
2. What's your total A03 word count? .........237,027 Fuck that's a lot of words LOL
3. What fandoms do you write for? A LOT LOL Mainly Star Wars and other characters played by Adam Driver. But I've also written for Marvel, House of The Dragon, Game of Thrones and Once Upon A Time.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A Place To Escape (NSFW Multi-Chapter Kylo x OC/Completed)
I Want Another (NSFW One Shot/ Aemond "One-Eye" TargaryenxYou
Missing The Taste Of You (NSFW One Shot/ Kylo x Reader)
The Gift (NSFW One Shot/ Sandor Clegane x Reader)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love talking to my readers and honestly every comment that gets left on one of my stories touches my heart!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uh.....I don't think I have any. Most of my fics are smutty one shots that end happy ;) lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I would say A Place To Escape because I worked the hardest writing that fic and Kylo and Evangeline go through A LOT before their happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really. I once had someone comment that I must be jealous of Rey cause I write KyloxReader fics but I'm also a Reylo sooooo. But I'm sure there are people out there that talk shit about me and my writing lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? YES. All of the smut all of the time.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Nope. Well.....once I wrote that Heath Ledger's Joker falls through a wormhole into the real world of NYC were me and my two best friends find him and taken him home......Don't ask....and no you can't find that fic anywhere LOL
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! Not for awhile now but they're deff fun to do!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Jesus idk...there's so many.... Prob Sandor x Sansa cause I've loved them the longest.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Most likely Darkness Into Light. It's never been released but it's a multi-chapter Kylo x reader fic where reader is also an apprentice of Snoke's and Rey tempting Kylo back to the light causes all these problems. I've had the story planned out and semi-written for years now. I love my ideas for it but I don't think I'll ever have the time or energy to finish it/put it out there to the world.
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like I'm mostly known for my smut writing abilities because I not only write smutty fics but also write smutty audios. Most of my followers call me "smut goblin" lol But I have been told that I'm good at writing about powerful emotions connected with SA. And that I'm good at the characterization of various characters.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm too hard on myself and I think I suck. I also think I'm awful at writing descriptors. Like describing what clothing looks like or a place or things like that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've done it a little bit in A Place To Escape. I wanted Evangeline to have a native language that she used once or twice that Kylo wouldn't understand. But I ended up just using Italian words because.....reasons lol
19. First fandom you wrote for? Oh god....I'm not even sure now because I've been writing for so long. But when it comes to my Ao3 it would be Once Upon A Time (Rumbelle for life!)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Gonna have to say A Place To Escape because I put my heart and soul into that fic. And it's also the first ever multi-chapter thing I EVER finished.
No pressure tags! @simpremerat @weareallstoriesintheend @just-some-random-blogger @late-to-the-party-81 I feel like I'm forgetting people.....I'm so sorry my brain is legit trash at remembering people's usernames!
But if I tagged you, then I've read your stuff and I adore it! -Lady In Writing
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peacehopeandrats · 8 months
Chipped Cup - For Your Consideration
This post is going to be a whirlwind of mixed up stuff. Some of it I was asked to put forward, some of it I was reminded to include, some of it is just stuff that I have always enjoyed. If you would like to nominate, please do. I've tried to get this post to match the form in order to make things super easy.
As always, I thank you for your consideration.
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The Tent Of Infinite Adventure
Leaving Storybrooke
The Zoo
Fix It
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The Angel and the Devil
One Lover, Many Dreams
Best First Time
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Hurts So Good
The Oldest Door
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Best Date (Overall)
Lost and Found
Best Courtship
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Best One Shot
The Angel and the Devil
Warming The Chill
Symmetrical Simulations
Best Novel Length
Mountains, Streams, And Magical Things
Best Short Fic
Warming The Chill
The Message
Wounds and Scars
Best Holiday Centric
Snow Bunnies
Lost and Found
Best Dark Castle
Snow Bunnies
The Oldest Door
Best Storybrooke
Snow Bunnies
Symmetrical Simulations
War In Pieces
Leaving Storybrooke
The Meeting
Best Missing Years
Leaving Storybrooke
The Tent Of Infinite Adventure
Best Wishverse
Once There Was A Wish
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Best Golden Lace
The Angel and the Devil
One Lover, Many Dreams
War In Pieces
Best Woven Beauty
Best Afterlife Fic
Best Drama
Best AU-Original
Best Trope
Wounds and Scars
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Best Belle
The Oldest Door
Best Lacey
One Lover, Many Dreams
Best Dark One Rumple
The Oldest Door
Best Wish!Rumple
Once There Was A Wish
Best Mr. Gold
Best Detective Weaver
Best Gideon
The Message
The Tent Of Infinite Adventure
The Zoo
The Meeting
Best OC Rumbelle Child
The Zoo
Best (Worst) Villain
Best BFF/Wingman
Wounds and Scars
Mountains, Streams, And Magical Things
Automatically Nominated, as of today's Chipped Cup post:
Christmas Secrets - Rumbelle Secret Santa
The Tea Shop - Fluffapalooza
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deliriumsdelight7 · 6 months
For the writers truth or dare: 🍓 🍄 🌿
any or all of the above please! 🥰
Thank you for the asks!
1.) Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
I think doesn’t come down to preference so much as ability. I find writing longfic infinitely easier than oneshots. Writing a oneshot requires either the ability to keep your story brief, or the patience to write out a whole story with no feedback from your peers. I lack both of those qualities.
42.) What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Last fic I read (which I still need to leave a comment on) is Ties of Blood by @thestraggletag. Honestly if you like Rumbelle, there isn’t a fic of theirs that I WOULDN’T recommend. And the angst involved in being cursed to believe that the person you’re in love with is a close relative? Chef’s kiss, 10/10, no notes. Strag manages to write the same characters time and again while always introducing something new and fresh to the mix.
45.) Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
I want my readers to feel every emotion imaginable. I want them to laugh and cry. I want them on the edge of their seat. I want to make them horny, to scare them, to make them smile so hard their face hurts. And then, I want the ending to leave them satisfied. Y’know - when I actually manage to write an ending.
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beeeinyourbonnet · 4 months
Pairing: Rumbelle
Rating: T
Summary: After years of loneliness, Doctor Gold finally meets someone he likes. (one-shot, AU)
The first of September saw this semester’s new med students arriving for orientation at Storybrooke General, and subsequently saw Dr. Gold in the break room, where he was certainly not hiding. He was eating his sandwich from Granny’s, and if he happened to have stashed more than one food item in the communal fridge so that he could come eat throughout the day, it was a coincidence.
There was a table of three nurses across the room, and when the group of new students came in for their lunch break—had he been hiding, which he was not, this would have been poor timing—they all congregated around them, sharing jokes and bits of wisdom. There were seven students this semester, five men and two women, and all but one crowded around the table next to the nurses, which only sat five. The last pulled a lunchbox out of the fridge, looked around, and came to sit next to him across the room.
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morosoro · 2 years
Alright Rumbellers the results of my #BuildARumbelleOneshot Polls are all in!
So to anyone else aside from myself who would like to write a one-shot, here are the parameters:
First up the genre will be…
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Fluff! Ooh you Smutty fucks sure put up a fight and were winning for quite a while though! Respect!
Second up- the word limit is-
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Non-existent! Write however much or however little you feel.
Thirdly, the AU will be:
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No Curse Storybrooke! Shame, I was really rooting for some EF fun, but I can work with that.
Up next, our trope is:
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Didn’t know they were flirting/dating! Oh how wonderful! I can’t wait to write some hopeless, oblivious characters. This will be fun!
Finally the one thing you must include is-
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The chipped cup! Of course…it is the symbol of Rumbelle after all. Why did I even suggest other things? How silly of me!
So Fluffy, clueless, Storybrooke idiots with a chipped cup? Sounds like we’ll have ourselves a tale as old as time here… but I’m excited to see what twists and touches people will pull to make their stories unique!
To anyone else who wants to write, feel free to incorporate any of the other poll options if you want to add more guidelines for yourself!
Write at your own paces, I won’t put a time restraint on you, this is all for fun after all!
Just try to remember to tag your finished product with #BuildARumbelleOneshot so it can be found and read with ease. And if you want to be certain I’ll see it, tag me (@trash-000) as well and I’ll gladly read, reblog and give my thoughts!
Thank you for partaking in my polls! I’ll try to get my own One-Shot on the move asap!
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abovethemists · 1 year
You once mentioned you wanted to write a fic where Belle's husband Gaston died and she claimed to be pregnant etc etc and I would've read the hell out of it
I still want to finish that! I have about 2000 words written. I would probably make it a long one shot. Like 8-10K words? But gee golly it takes an act of God to get me writing these days. Thanks for the encouragement though! I started that fic in like 2015 or something so it feels like old school, classic Rumbelle. I need to get back to that.
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kelyon · 10 months
TMI Tuesday!
Hello, Tumblr!
Didn't do much writing over the Thanksgiving holiday. Everything went well. I had three turkey dinners over the course of a week and NONE of them had awkward political conversations! And they all had real mashed potatoes, instead of some low-cal cauliflower abomination. Not to be biased, but I will say that my favorite Thanksgiving dinner was the one I spent with my own family, where things went the way I consider normal.
For those keeping score at home, I am now up to 5 chapters of Courtship (Lacey and Gold will go on their second date in chapter 6) and 2500 words of Solstice. Still planning to sit on Courtship until January, just to keep away from deadline pressure. The good news on Solstice is that I'm finally coming to the meat of this one-shot, the core idea that made the whole thing something I wanted to do. Hopefully, it will all get easier from here.
Not that any of those fics matter right now, because RUMBELLE SECRET SANTA IS HAPPENING!!! I probably say this every year, but I am HYPED to give my gift. I know exactly what I'm going to do with this prompt. It's going to be kinky and fluffy and as queer as a m/f relationship can be written. It's gonna be so much fun!
So stop on by if you have any questions or want to tell me anything. I hope you are all having a great day. I cannot wait to talk!
My inbox is here
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Full List of 2023 Chipped Cup Award Winners
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And so we reach the end of the first annual Chipped Cup Awards for 2023. Thank you to all of the creators in the Rumbelle fandom, not just those who were nominees and winners of this year’s awards.  Without you, Rumbelle would not exist, and every single one of you, creators, nominees and of course our winners deserve recognition, and many congratulations. 
Newbie Spotlight
Shout out to the following Rumbellers who are among our new creators this year
@serenalyon @chick-with-wifi @somethingcleverbutinswedish @boopsterliv @kaylahastoomanyships @tickletorso @personinthepalace @poorobscureplainandlittle
Fic/Art Shoutouts
The following are some of the works recommended by members of our Rumbelle community.
Neverland, by @emospritelet
Always One More Time, by @bad-faery
Need A Lift, by Bar_Purple
Alone In My Tower, by Crysania
For a Good Cause, by @rowofstars
On the Shores of Loch Katrine, by @phoenixtalon​
Forbidden Loves and Stormy Nights (multiple authors)
The Rose, by Kayla L https://youtu.be/3jxBT2ctWUo
The Sounding Sea, by @mareyshelley
There But By the Grace of God, by Shepherd23
Sinners and Spinners, by marchionessofblackadder
Stolen, by @thestraggletag
In the Blood, by Megara Bee
Me and Mine, by wandering_gypsy_feet
Finally, under the cut, please find the full list of this year’s Chipped Cup Award winners.
Fluff: Family - To Drive the Dark Away by  @bibliosauruswrecks​
Fluff: Comfort - The Dark One Doesn’t Get Sick, by @shadowedoracle​
Fluff: Reunion - The Other Fork in the Path, by @jackabelle73
Smut: Kink/BDSM - So You Want to Build a Sex Room, by @peacehopeandrats
Smut: Romance - Come Together, by thatravenclawbitch
Smut: Best First Time - Red Lights by,  @rufeepeach
Smut: PWP - Rack ‘Em Up, by @eirian-houpe
Angst: Death -  In the Shadow of Others, by @peacehopeandrats
Angst: Hurts So Good -  Beyond the Door, by @jackabelle73
Angst: Misunderstanding - Our Way to Fall, by @nerdrumple
Romance: Best Date (Overall) - The Worst Date, by @jackabelle73
Romance: Best Courtship - One Thing Forever True, by @deliriumsdelight7
Romance: Best First Meeting - Click, by @jackabelle73
General: Best One-Shot - The Gold Fleece, by @eirian-houpe​
General: Best Series - Precious Moments, by @jackabelle73​
General: Best Novel Length - Witness Protection, by @eirian-houpe​
General: Best Short Fic - Rain, Ruin, Roses, by @kelyon
General: Best Holiday-Centric - Comfort and Joy, by @emospritelet
General: Best Remix -Those We Left Behind, by @peacehopeandrats
General: Best Crossover - The City that Never Sleeps, by @peacehopeandrats
General: Best Dark Castle - An Unconventional Gift, by @shadowedoracle
General: Best Storybrooke - Beauty and the Beast, by @peacehopeandrats​
General: Best “Missing Years”- An Unexplored Realm, by @jackabelle73
Special: Best Golden Lace - Hot Cocoa and Stolen Kisses, by @kelyon
Special: Best Woven Lace - One Word, Many Meanings, by @peacehopeandrats
Special: Best Woven Beauty - Prima, by @eirian-houpe
Special: Best Afterlife Fic - Morning, by @peacehopeandrats
Special: Best Drama - The Monster in the Storm, by @peacehopeandrats
Special: Best Supernatural/Sci-fi/Horror - Live Wire, by @kelyon
Special: Best Comedy -  The Rare Book Crisis, by @tickletorso
Special: Best AU - Original - Rain, Ruin, Roses, by @kelyon
Special: Best AU - Based On Other Media - A Full Imagination, by @peacehopeandrats
Special: Best Creature - In the Moonlight Deep, by @jackabelle73
Special: Best Unexpected Twist - Inheritance, by @eirian-houpe​
Special:Best Trope - Love and Happiness, by @jackabelle73
Events: Best Secret Santa - The Best of the Season, by @lotus0kid
Character: Best Belle - Love and Happiness, by @jackabelle73​
Character: Best Dark One!Belle - Dark Mistress, by @kelyon
Character - Best Lacey - Hot Cocoa and Stolen Kisses, by @kelyon
Character: Best Spinner!Rumple - Dark Mistress, by @kelyon​
Character: Best Dark One Rumple - Inheritance, by @eirian-houpe
Character: Best Mr. Gold - Received, by @peacehopeandrats​
Character: Best Detective Weaver - Doppelgänger, by @celticheartedfangirl
Character: Best Baelfire/Neal - Welcome to Storybrooke, by @peacehopeandrats
Character: Best Gideon - The Visitor, by @jackabelle73
Character: Best (Worst) Villain - One Thing Forever True, by @deliriumsdelight7
Art: Best Graphic Art - If Alternate Universes Exist, by @jackabelle73
Art: Best AU in Art - Rumbelle EF AU, by @serenalyon
Art: Best Fluff Art - Rumbelle x Cockblock Brigade, by @serenalyon
Art: Best Angsty Art - You Can Hate Me If That Helps, by @serenalyon​
Art: Best Video- Dance Me to the End of Love, by @jackabelle73​
Superlative: Best New Artist - @serenalyon
Superlative: Best Author - @eirian-houpe
Superlative: Best New Author - @serenalyon
Superlative Best Rumbelle Fic - In All Things, by @rowofstars
Superlative: Best Anyelle Fic - Manifesto, by @emospritelet
Rumbelle Lifetime Achievement Award is @deliriumsdelight7
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